topmechokeme · 1 year
I've been away from tumblr for a long time, after the porn ban, but thought it was time to try it again! I really miss my lesbian domination blog I used to have on here...
But it's wonderful to see there are still some shameless little subby dyke cunts ready to be degraded and to humiliate themselves for my pleasure! Just like you...
y-yes, i, i am, a- a subby dyke c-cunt, please, i just, i just logged in to check the notifications and saw this and my head felt a bit dizzy and and my pussy was just........ i, i haven't cum in a bit and i haven't been a whore for anyone's pleasure in so long, i miss it so much, i want people to get off on how pathetic i am, how laughable, i want people see how far i can degrade myself and i want them to call it cute, i want to be praised for being absolutely ruined, i want my mind to be ruined, please, please i want to be ruined, please please please please please...................
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mielmoto · 12 days
Link for the heart meme :)
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Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart... | (accepting)
💔 Non-existent || 💗 Very low || 💗💗 A little || 💗💗💗 Hopeful || 💗💗💗💗 High || 💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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❝...oh, fine. I guess.❞
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗½ (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
Link's not tough on the eyes, no two ways about it, and I'd imagine this rating fluctuates a reasonable amount with the particular outfit/presentation he's rockin' on any given day; but, in general, she just thinks he's a Reasonably Good Looking Guy™, without feeling too strongly about him one way or another.
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗(+💗/ ++💗 potentially) (how close a friend they consider them)
The initial temptation to throttle him aside and in spite of what her caterwauling + pouting might lead one to believe: Honey knows Link is, at his core, a good man—and one with an unduly heavy mantle of expectation on his shoulders, which he bares with more grace than anyone could/should rightly ask from him. She has a weakspot for the heroic/knightly types, especially in wanting to see them find happiness for themselves, not just perpetually sacrificing for others.
(+💗/ ++💗 potentially) → While we haven't explored it as much in their dynamic, just yet, I imagine that he, Honey, and Zelda have (or develop) a unique bond. The golden trio out of time, remnants of a world stolen from them... he and she may never be quite as closely tethered to one another as they both are to Zel, but the fact remains that she cares deeply for him on a fundamental level, and will strive to do what it takes to help him succeed and be happy.
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💔/💗 (...you know ( ͡°ᴥ ͡°) )
💔 especially if he's in a relationship with/involved with Zel, which I imagine is usually the given circumstance. If not? Spark's just not there. Not at the moment, anyhow.
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💔/💗(+💗ish*)
see above. *but also maybe SLIGHTLY more on the 'very low' side given the rare aspect that he'd at least intuitively understand some of the deeper emotional baggage that she carries in this verse lmao.
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Force masc but I'll teach you why it had to be forced
Catching my princess trying on a binder and grabbing him by the back of the neck because if he's gonna be a man, he'll learn.
Tossing out his make up, nail varnish, everything that could be read as girly. He's gonna learn that if he's a man, then being feminine is shameful.
He's gonna cry, he's gonna scream, and I'll beat that out of him too. Boys don't cry. Didn't he want to be my boy?
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ikarosxflight · 11 days
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RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. Send 🍵 and my muse will reveal one of their biggest regrets involving yours.
"I like this." Link, a man of few words, finds himself in a highly complex situation he's unaware of, the whole story unknown. Like a hero, his arms wrap around Pit's waist, drawing him close to those majestic ivory wings. Pit finds himself in a paradox-undeserving warmth and security in Link's embrace, yet a sensation of a thousand daggers pricking his damaged nerves and scar tissue. He endures the pain for the sake of his touch-depraved friend, finding solace in their relationship. But his heart is not at peace, twisted with guilt and ache.
"Yeah? Me too, Philtatos... Hey Link, do you ever..."
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He paused for a moment, searching for the right words to say. Like the calm sea on a sunny day, the Caribbean blues of his eyes stared down at the grass beneath them. Pit's brows furrowed as he exhaled heavily. He swallowed the lump down his throat, licking his lips, ready to speak some truths, but before he could let a word out, the sound of soft snoring could be heard. Exhaustion had finally taken Link.
"I've made you so happy and yet so sad... Which should I be more sorry for, Philtatos?"
He confesses upon deaf ears... He knew it was a coward's way, and for that, Pit was ashamed.
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regnantlight · 2 months
"What if they kissed?" [ for puppet zelda too 😈 ]
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"What if they kissed?"
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It was a voice very much like hers; pitched in concern, like hers, all eloquent rolls and soft edges, like hers. So very, very close to her.
"Oh, Link..."
Even those hands, slender and soft and sweet, were a near perfect mimicry. They brushed back strands of his hair and ghosted over fresh wounds, just as she would do in throws of fretting—are you hurt, Link? Let me see, Link—
So very close to her, but Princess Zelda, the real Princess Zelda, never once straddled herself atop his lap.
Well. A puppet could take a few liberties here and there.
She hushed him, turned his chin to her while his weakened body slumped back, leaned down closer to the spot on his chest where the malice rotted his flesh.
"Didn't I tell you?" But she sounded so gentle, so worried, so loving, so kind, so close to her whilst being so close to him, "As brave as you are, that does not make you immortal."
Her fingernails dug into the wounds edges until it made each nerve scream and burn anew.
"Does it hurt?" Tilted brows, dipped lips, such compassionate eyes. "What if I..."
The skin tore as she pulled and clawed.
"Shhh," the hushing returned, lips against his forehead, fingers in his hair, "It's alright. It's alright..."
"Shhh...don't move..."
"I'm here..."
Until new blood escaped through fresh slits, wetting her delicate fingers, staining the white of her gown as her lips moved to his temple, his cheek, grazing the edge of his lips.
"I'm here," she said, and with those two words, the likeness of her voice was gone, replaced with scratching and heat and a thick layer of amusement that seeped into Link's muffled scream as she captured his mouth against hers, the tear of his wound spreading like a thin piece of parchment.
She tossed back her head, and laughed.
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keepmovinjunior · 2 months
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˗ˏˋ @humiliis * said : "at least i beat him, didn't i?"
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❝ Eeggghh. ❞ She's clutching her neck in genuine, deep discomfort. WHAT A HORRIBLE SMELL. And the guts! Still twitching! Megara feels ill if she stares too long, and so she looks away, almost gagging. Hinox guts are supposed to medicinal, or something, but all she can think about is how revolting it all is.
But the hero with the sword had truly been fearless; relentless. Impressive, even. Taking down such a horrible, huge monster is not unimpressive. If only it hadn't been quite so repugnant to watch.
❝ Yeah, sure. You did it. ❞ Meg pinches her nose, looking away. She can't stand it any longer. ❝ Question is how you stick around without hurling. ❞
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peculiarbeauty · 3 months
starter for : @humiliis
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" a .. princess ? " she asks. " why , monsieur ! i've yet to see any hidden princesses nearby .. but i suppose if you ever find one , i would love to meet her. " the hopeless romantic in her wishes to ask a further question. " is she your lost love ? i read many fairytales ! "
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we are the most free when we are truly humble.
We are the most free when we are genuinely humble. How is that? Here’s how. Humility restrains the ego and frees us. True humility involves letting go of our ego and surrendering to God. When we consciously choose to embrace humility, we are no longer controlled by our pride and insecurities. We no longer need to prove ourselves to others. This freedom from our ego allows us to be more…
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killjoycatlady · 1 month
me when im in the torture sphere (college): man this sucks. i hate the torture sphere (college)
me when im no longer in the torture sphere (college): actually the torture sphere (college) had a certain “je ne sais quoi”
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replica-model · 2 months
@humiliis in response to [x]
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“Y-yeah. Thanks.” Luke gingerly takes the leaf from Link, staring down at it with a worried expression. He hadn’t recognized any of the meat that guy had been throwing around in the pan. His stomach was already clenched up and his mouth felt dry.
Ugh, he was going to hate this, wasn’t he?
No, Luke shouldn’t think like that. It couldn’t possibly be worse than Natalia’s cheese extravaganzas. If Luke could eat that, he could eat anything. His eyes harden as he gazes down upon the mystery rice ball. It actually smells kind of good.
He flashes Link a more genuine smile before raising his hands and starting to dig in. The rice was tasty, but the meat… tasted odd to his sensitive palette. He ignores it and keeps on eating, not wanting to be even more overtly rude to Link than he already has been.
He glances up to watch Link while he eats.
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mielmoto · 2 months
What, pray tell, are the adoring public's intentions for our fine fairy friend? Let's see:
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The majority vote (37%) goes to girlypop bonding time: manipedis! perhaps a full spa day! going shopping! which is an excellent result, because Honey's nothing if not a social butterfly (or moth; if you will), who could never have too many pals on deck with which to hit the town or have a Girl's* Night in.
*gender neutral use of the term. all cool folx are invited to Girl's Night.
Runner up is a tie (21.1% each) between our first two options:
For those who went for "...you know ;0) 💕" ....I mean, yeah.
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excellent choice. highly relatable. and honestly? shoot your shot, oh faceless admirers. Honey's a pretty... affectionate person; someone who doesn't struggle to hit it off and indulge some casual, phsyical fun with new flames. you've probably got a good shot!... certainly better than the other 21.1%.
Not that those who went for "(try to) wife! her! down! 💍" are any less valid, of course—I'm right there with you in the same boat—but... well, all I can say is good luck. it's not impossible! there may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon! (for some more than others; you know who you are). but you've certainly got a longer journey ahead. godspeed, pilgrims.
...and for those of you:
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briantheoutlier · 3 months
I Just Really Admire Beginnings
 I’m hoping that the video comes with its own accreditation. I was born in the tail end of this era. I won’t say that it was better than today. How can it be morally superior when War 1 and 2 are from this era? But it most assuredly was a different mindset than we have today. Remember it’s digital art not an historically accurate photograph Better or worse, I leave to historians and…
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pvpaya · 3 months
book, he does so by climbing, because he isn't tall enough to reach himself.
Paya was still learning about the history of her village even after her grandmother had passed her the role of chief, so where was a good place to start? The books. It was early morning and she wasn’t expecting Dorian to show up any time soon since he would spend the first hours alongside his two daughters. Now that he had been promoted as her personal assistant. Or much less any other visitors.
She struggled to reach a book on the top shelf, the tips of her fingers barely brushing against the spine of the book as someone walked inside but she hadn’t seen who it was yet.
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“Has it gotten so late already?” Paya asked, thinking it was Dorian who just walked in.
For a moment she was planning on giving up to get the book, and turned away to see who had just walked in but then the book was being handed to her.
“Oh, Master Link! Thank you so much.” Paya commented as she took the book and her fingers lightly brushed with his own and her cheeks turned pink.
“What brings you around here?” Paya asked as she smiled shyly.
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ikarosxflight · 23 days
"I'll remind you, I saw you as a friend, but now we're done."
He says, as he unsheathes his weapon. The light in his eye is not one of that spirited mirth they'd known, so long ago... rather, a fire that cannot be tamed.
He is angry.
[ EPIC meme :> ]
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As Link's memories flooded back, Pit felt his heart pounding so intensely that it seemed like it might burst. However, when he witnessed the enraged knight drawing his sword, it caused Pit's heart to skip a beat, his breath to hitch, and his nerves to steel in preparation. He had always known that this day would come when everything from the past would catch up with them. Link, at that moment, seemed fully justified in drawing the legendary sword that seals the darkness.
"One day, you'll hear what I'm saying... One day, you might understand..."
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Perhaps to Link, the Angel was spewing out more excuses or trying to appear wise, and although Pit knew this was the last thing Link wanted to hear, he was telling the truth. However, Kid Icarus was neither a coward nor one to deny a challenge, especially from a warrior who was justified in using a language only another warrior could understand. Yet that word, the one Pit knew he didn't deserve to be called anymore. It stung so profoundly, so painfully in his guilty heart.
... Friend...
Without the divine blessing of Palutena, Pit fled from Skyworld and renounced his Captain title. He found himself facing Link, feeling the weight of being the one who had turned on his friends and all of Hyrule. The sky above was a deep midnight blue, a stark contrast against Hyrule's lush greenery, intensifying the situation's gravity. Without any divine will to rely on, Pit had no weapon, no armor, nothing but his wits and skills. He raised his fists, preparing to face Link and waiting for him to make the first move. Uncertain of how the encounter would unfold, Pit found himself reflecting on his actions and, despite not expecting it to make a difference, he mustered the words, "…I'm sorry, Link… for all of it."
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regnantlight · 2 months
The thimble glimmers when Link holds it to the light. Much fuss for one teeny tiny thing, but even more fuss in its wake because a certain princess decided not to wait. He was greeted by a swift "Ouch!" when he'd returned to her cozy candlelit spot, and though she tried to hide what happened -- only after their eyes met -- it wasn't any use.
He knew. He always knew.
Link kneels before Zelda in her seat, staring hard despite her averted gaze. Her hands are taken into his, to one the thimble he was meant to fetch her. To the other, the result of not coming quick enough. She pricked her finger.
She tries to dismiss it, but Link is only vaguely listening... he'd already taken that wrist into his hand, drawn the fingers close for him to see that pearl of crimson growing from her flesh. And then...
❝ I will be faster next time, princess. ❞
... the blood vanished between his lips, as he took the tip of her finger into his mouth.
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Jay continues to be the reason I scream.
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Life in Hateno was...different. Wonderfully different, admittedly, with traces of ocean air carried on every breeze, but it came with the very large, glaring reminder that Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, was also different.
She didn't know how to farm or tend to cattle or build homes or hunt. Truth be told, she hadn't even washed her own linens before, hadn't cooked, hadn't managed a household without the luxury of help—though, she supposed there was still help in form of Link.
He did so much for her, had already done more than she could ever repay, and yet he continued in the following year by offering his home, preparing their meals, planting vegetables in their garden, washing their clothes, on and on and on. Zelda tried to learn, and yet, at every turn, Link continued to insist on taking each task on himself.
So when his shirt became torn, Zelda all but jumped at the opportunity to be at least marginally useful. This she could do. She had handcrafted numerous shirts before. It would be perfect, a seamless repair, it would be—
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Her finger met the sharp end of the needle in her excitement. Zelda tried to trap the yelp in the back of throat like a child catching a firefly, but it slipped past her fingers. There was little use in trying to outwit Link's reflexes; his eyes and ears had always been quick, like the hand that captured her wrist and swiped her prickled finger across his tongue—
And once again, Zelda can not quite hide the little squeak that hitches a ride alongside his name, "Link...!"
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Her cheeks and the tips of her ears begin to burn but she's too frozen in place to hide them. It is as though every nerve along her arms and back and neck have been set to simmer, popping like the oil Link tosses into hot pans. Her heart is beating so terribly fast—he can't hear it, can he?—and her own tongue feels too thick and bulky to speak.
She is suddenly very, very much aware of how very, very alone they are in this little house near the sea.
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"The light is too dim," she's finally able to speak in way of a feeble excuse, though the words came out rushed and oddly pitched as she takes her hand away and begins to place the shirt, thread, and needle into a tidy pile upon the desk. "I'll finish this in the morning when there is more light—thank you, Link���I think I'll do a bit of reading before retiring for the night—sleep well."
She held a book on gardening in her hands until the wee hours of the night, and read precisely none of it.
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vigilantdesert · 27 days
@humiliis from x
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Urbosa gladly took the cake in hand - she was something of a fruit fiend herself, though she preferred them raw, and picked the corner away from the slice. Zelda had quite the fondness for fruitcake, so Link was certainly on the right track.
She savored it for a moment, brushing away the crumbs on her lower lip with the back of her thumb.
"It's very close to her favorite recipe - the one the cooks used to make for her when she was a girl. It used cloves, though; less cinnamon."
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