#humbles and exalts
justana0kguy · 9 months
2024 JANUARY 09 Tuesday
"The LORD puts to death and gives life; He casts down to the nether world; He raises up again.
The LORD makes poor and makes rich, He humbles, He also exalts."
~ 1 Samuel 2:6-7
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religious-extremist · 3 months
Christ has a special love for those who grew up without fathers.
Can we ever conceive of how much criticism God endured having grown up with a Virgin Mother? How many whispered doubts, how many ruinous rumors, how many family members and friends made funny jokes out of his paternity?
Matthew 13:55 showed us what kind of environment Jesus grew up in. When Jesus was in His hometown of Nazareth, he spoke to the people in parables and the crowd was amazed but they doubted on account of having known Jesus when He was a child.
“And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? And they were offended in him.”
Christ was in Nazareth after performing miracles and gaining many disciples, and people only acknowledged him as the Carpenter’s son.
Church tradition states that St. Joseph the Carpenter, had been an elderly man when he was betrothed to the Ever-Virgin Theotokos. He was 80 years old while the Panagia was 13.
How many gossipers saw the family of Joseph, an elderly man, with his sons from a previous marriage (James, Joses, Simon, and Judas) and then saw Mary with her young son and were scandalized? Assuming adultery on her part, on account of the age of the man to whom She was betrothed?
I used to think I couldn’t be Christian because Church was only for perfect families. I grew up in Protestant churches where people judged me because of my broken family. How wrong I was!
Christ our God has a special love for people who grew up in broken families. He understands people like us better than anyone else can.
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wiirocku · 3 months
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1 Peter 5:6-7 (NKJV) - Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
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The Lord Recognizes the Humble
Though the LORD is exalted, He takes note of the humble; but He knows the haughty from a distance. — Psalm 138:6 | Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Holman Christian Standard Bible ® Copyright © 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999 by Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. Cross References: Psalm 18:35; Psalm 40:4; Psalm 101:5; Psalm 113:4; Luke 1:48; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5
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Together in Christ: 'Keeping His Distance
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jaytboard · 1 month
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,”
‭‭-1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭CSB‬‬
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years
#DailyDevotion What Chair Do You Seek Out?
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#DailyDevotion What Chair Do You Seek Out? Luke 14:7-11 7Now he told a parable to those who were invited, when he noticed how they chose the places of honor, saying to them, 8“When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, 9and he who invited you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this person,’ and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. 10But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. 11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” So Jesus was watching the guests jockeying for the places of honor. Those spots were probably those closest to the guests and/or closest to any known honored guests. So Jesus takes this moment to teach them a parable. It hits them squarely in the eye considering their behavior. When invited to something don't sit in the places of honor by your own choice. If given a choice, choose a lower place. If you choose a higher place of honor and someone more important than you comes in, you'll have to give up your seat to him, go to the lowest place (because it's the only place left) and you'll be dishonored in front of everyone. If you take a lower spot and the host sees you there and thinks you are a person of greater honor than that, he will tell you to move up higher and you will be honored by all present. But this parable is not just about dinner parties and the like. It is to be our lifestyle if we put our faith in Jesus. Jesus tells us, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus, of course, is the one who humbled himself most of all, dying for all people on a cross. Here he served everyone in the most humbling of all deaths at the time. As a result, God the Father exalted Jesus to his right hand and gives him a name above every name in heaven, on earth or under the earth. We likewise should humble ourselves. Paul tells us to think of others of having greater honor than ourselves and treat them as such. We should humble ourselves to be of service to our fellow Christians and where possible, other people. We are called to strike back at people in revenge but to suffer even as Christ suffered when men insulted him. Most of all, we should humble ourselves under the almighty hand of God, as 1 Peter 5 says, “All of you, be clothed with humility before one another because God opposes the proud but is gracious to the humble. 6Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand so that He may honor you at the right time.” Humbling ourselves before one another is humbling ourselves before God because other people are God's image and likeness. But more so, humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, confessing your sin to him, confessing your need for his help in every aspect of life and giving him thanks for every good thing you have. Most of all, confessing and giving thanks the Father has given us Christ Jesus as our gift of salvation, through whom we have forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. Heavenly Father, give us true humility of heart and mind so we may humble ourselves before our fellow man and humble ourselves under you mighty hand so at the appropriate time we may be exalted by you through our faith in Jesus Christ in whose name we pray and have our hope. Amen. Read the full article
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tom4jc · 1 month
August 11, 2024 Verse Of The Day
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e-c-i-m · 1 year
Dear Blessed Child of God, Let us humble ourselves! With Love, ECIM Video: Canva Music: Lia’s Dance – Alan Gogoll Cover.
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10yrsyart · 3 months
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(alternate music only video)
i struggle recreating the beauty the Holy Spirit shows me musically, with the limitations of my art. He always surprises me though, and i'm humbled at how lovely it turns out, despite me. but even so, nothing can compare.. nothing can convey the beauty of the Lord.
the most beautiful Being in the universe, our Creator, came down to be one of us and shed His blood for us. He knew we couldn't pay our sin debt ourselves, and He loved us so much He became the payment in our place. but death couldn't defeat Him and He rose on the third day.
it's only through faith in Jesus Christ and His blood that we're set free. He promises eternal life to all who believe in Him, and He's coming very soon to take us home. He is the only one worthy of praise; the only one Just and Loving and True enough to trust your life with. He will never betray you or abandon you. He has loved you unto the ends of the earth. don't wait to accept Him, time is almost up! ✝🕊
"And this is the way to have eternal life- to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one You sent to earth. I brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do. Now, Father, bring Me into the glory We shared before the world began." (John 17:3-5)
Holy, Holy, Holy God Almighty
Holy, Holy, Holy God Almighty
Praise the Exalted Holy God
Maker of all the earth and the sky
Holy, Holy, King of Glory
Worship the Son of God Jesus Christ
Glory to the Holy Spirit will rise
You deserve all the honor
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
Praise the Exalted Holy God
Maker of all the earth and the sky
Holy, Holy, King of Glory
Worship the Son of God Jesus Christ
Glory to the Holy Spirit will rise
You deserve all the honor
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
You're the One we call the True Almighty God
“I Am the Alpha and the Omega- the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I Am the One Who is, Who was, and Who is still to come- the Almighty One.” -Revelation 1:8
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cower-before-power · 5 months
Holy, Holy, Lover Divine
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Pairing: Gale x Fem Reader
Summary: You've never felt worthy of praise, until it's Gale kneeling at your feet.
Warnings: Implied sexual content, religious imagery, Gale may get a bit blasphemous ha
Word Count: approx 1300
A/N: Just another little Gale ficlet because I love him so much and this idea has been in my head for ages. Thanks for reading!
In this moment, you feel divine.
The term has followed you around, exaltations such as “saviour”, or “goddess” leaving the lips of those you’d saved. But it had never felt right, never felt like such praise should be heaped upon a mere mortal. Right place, right time, is what you always assumed should be your words. A simple soul who simply had the means to do what needed to be done. Hardly god-like, hardly worthy of the celestial.
But here, in the privacy of your bedchamber, under the gaze of your beloved, you finally understand that you are holy.
“You are beautiful,” Gale breathes, dark eyes roving over your face, your body, “I swear, there is no more magnificent creature on this plane or any other.” You feel your skin heat beneath your new nightgown, a flimsy scrap of gossamer lace you’d chosen with him in mind. It seems to be well appreciated.
“Don’t let the gods hear such blasphemy,” you murmur, wanting to both further expose yourself to him as well as shyly hide away, “a few of them might disagree.”
Gale shrugs, and you watch the motion of his broad shoulders greedily. “Let them hear me. I no longer care what she….what any of them think of me, of who and what I devote myself to. That right was lost long ago.”
Your eyebrows raise, but you are not surprised. Magic may still be bound to a goddess, but your lover has long stopped bending a knee. Prayers are offered not out of love, but duty, necessity. He gives thanks for the Weave, for spells and knowledge. But he hungers for her treasures no more.
She has long lost his piety, and you do not complain.
“Oh?”, you say coyly, shifting so your gown slides further up your thighs. You do not miss Gale’s eyes following the movement intently, and your skin burns with want. “And what are you devoted to now, Gale of Waterdeep? Where does your worship lie?”
Gale strides towards you, slow and measured, like a cat waiting to pounce. You know what he will say, but you want to hear it all the same. You want to bathe in it, this new feeling of righteousness, of being the idol of such great love and passion. This man makes you feel as if you have wings on your back and a halo over your head.
You vow you will not squander it.
“I am in service of a new goddess now,” he says, and mirth twinkles in his lust-glazed eyes. Your lips quirk upward-your wizard of words is about display his prowess.
“This,” he gestures to the room you share, to the bed you’ve come together in more times than you can count, “this is my temple. The sacred place I give my humble sacrifices, make my loving prayers, pledge my undying service.”
He’s close enough to touch now, bare chest within reach of your gluttonous fingers. Before you can grasp what you crave, his catches your hand in his, bringing it to his lips to press small kisses to your fingertips.
“These are my offerings,” he guides your hand to touch his temple, down to his chest, and further, further, until your finger brush over his desire. You whimper eagerly. “My mind, my heart and my body, all given freely and eagerly to please the one who has saved me time and time again from my own folly.”
He drops your hand and nudges your legs apart, sinking to his knees as he slots himself between them. You think you might combust with how hot the flame of passion is burning within you. Gale never fails to set you on fire from the inside out, but it seems tonight he aims to upstage himself.
“This is my altar,” his voice grows more sinful, his eyes even darker, “the place I will kneel in reverence eternal. Day after day, night after night, I will worship here, a thrall in my Lady’s service. For as long as she will have me.”
He leans forward, lips pressing against your inner thigh. You mewl softly, threading your fingers through his silky hair. Encouraged by your ragged breaths, he roams the giving flesh freely, littering your thighs with warm, bruising kisses.
“These are my hymns, my canticles of homage. I will bestow them upon every inch of this heavenly flesh. As many and as often as my Lady allows."
A gentle, teasing kiss is placed over your smallcothes. You gasp and tug him closer, a spark of white hot pleasure shooting up your spine.
“Gale,” you beg, thinking you may just go mad from his teasing, his honeyed words. “Gale, please-“
But instead of continuing, Gale pulls back and surges upwards, capturing your mouth in a heady kiss. You delightedly take what you are given, groaning as his taste explodes on your tongue. You will never get enough of kissing him, you decide. Gale always kisses you like he’s trying to crawl inside of you. Like he's trying to merge not only your bodies, but your very souls as well.
It never fails to set you on fire.
“This is my baptism,” he pants as he breaks your kiss, fingers flexing on your thighs, barely concealed restraint pulled taught like a bowstring. “I am cleansed of my sins, my foolish ideals, my bitter and lonely existence. To feel my Lady's love and desire in every kiss, every touch, every time I am inside of her- it is to be born anew."
Gale does not stay parted from you for long; his lips soon find their way to your neck, his fingers brushing your sensitive skin reverently.
And you are drowning. You whine and whimper and mumble intelligible pleas as your lover ravishes you with lovebites and praises. You fingers tangle in his hair and you pull-the groan that rumbles from his throat nearly makes your eyes kiss the back of your skull.
“Let me worship you,” Gale moans into your skin, pushing the straps of your nightgown down your shoulders. His mouth ghosts over the tops of your breasts. Gooseflesh rises in it wake. "Let me show you my supplication."
"As if you aren't already," you giggle breathlessly, falling back on the bed as Gale crawls over you. You welcome the heat of his body as it hovers above yours, close but not nearly close enough.
"Oh, you know I can do so much more," he grins wolfishly, eager hands helping you to slip off your nightgown. When you are spread nude before him, he slides out of his own trousers, laughing as your eager hands grope at every inch of bare skin they can reach.
"Shall I love you now, my Lady?" he asks, settling between your legs. A gentle hand cups your cheek, and you melt into the tender touch. "It is all I desire."
You brush a stray lock of hair away from his beautiful brown eyes. Happiness bleeds through the air around you, encasing the two of you in a world all your own. A sanctum most sacred and blessed.
"Love me then,” you sigh dreamily, “love me, and know how much I love you in return, you darling, wonderful, worthy man.”
And oh, how you are adored! How your lover makes your body and soul sing, more radiant and joyous than a choir of angels. How he plays your desire over and over, bliss unending, until you are left boneless and spent, a puddle of happiness in his arms.
And as you lay cradled carefully against Gale, enveloped in his ardor, you feel as if you are weightless. There is no more stain upon your soul, no mortal tarnish on your skin. No fear, no insecurity, no wondering. You are eternal. You are blessed.
You are divine.
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Do you have any “don’t meet your heroes” stories from working in Hollywood?
Absolutely. Hollywood really is a place like no other. If you grow up loving cinema, certain people can take on mythic status in your imagination. Actors, filmmakers; they are larger than life. They become idols in the truest sense - an image that is actually worshipped. But Hollywood is actually full of very weird human beings who have been lucky enough to make their living in a world of make-believe. A huge percentage of the people who work in this industry are strange birds, unsuited for working anywhere else.
Some of our biggest stars wouldn't last ten minutes working a real job; some of our most exalted filmmakers collapse inward if they're in a crowded room. They can have unusual talents, or beauty, or unique perspectives and abilities that have propelled them to various levels of success, or even stardom, but they're just normal, neurotic people.
And success, fame, and money can really twist people. It can be like radiation. They can go full Gollum from it.
But most people who work in Hollywood are not stars at all. The vast majority of people who work here are not rich, not famous. Most are hardworking craftsmen and craftswomen who are fighting every day to make a living, scraping by the best they can in an industry that is brutal, impersonal, and impenetrable. But every single person in this business - whether they are superstars or not - are just ordinary people. They're insecure, anxious, and prone to all of the failings we mortals are prone to. Some of them are awesome; some of them are assholes. But most of the people here (even the superstars) quietly feel like they don't belong, or that they don't deserve it, or that their sheer ordinariness will be discovered any minute. In fact, it's the people who seem to feel the opposite - those rare people who feel that they DO belong here, and deserve the lifestyle this industry can afford, who are inevitably the least likable ones I've met.
As I've been lucky enough to keep working in this business, I've met a lot of the people who I idolized along the way. Filmmakers and actors who I admire so much, whose work has shaped the trajectory of my life without them knowing it. I've been starstruck every time, and I am still am - I stammer, I freeze, and I kick myself for what I say, or don't say, or how I said it. I'm not good at it. I have acute social anxiety, and when you throw me at someone I admire, I turn into a blubbering idiot. They say "don't meet your heroes" because you may (likely will) be disappointed by just how ordinary they truly are. Or worse, they may even turn out to be people you wouldn't want to interact with in normal circumstances - your heroes might be people you wouldn't want to invite to coffee. The persona you have admired is a product in itself, something you bought, something you have taken home and displayed proudly in your imagination... but the human being behind that persona is full of all the ordinary failings. That can be really hard to reconcile. So yeah, a long-winded way of saying that I've had the experience of meeting people I admired a great deal only to be disappointed, or worse. I've got some nightmare stories in there where the actual person violently shattered the idol I'd built in my imagination. I won't share those stories, there's little point in that, but instead I'll talk about the rare exceptions - the few heroes I've met who were every bit as awesome as I'd hoped they'd be. They may say "never meet your heroes," but they haven't met Mark Hamill. I worked with Mark on The Fall of the House of Usher, and he is one of my favorite people. Kind, generous, humble, and so, so funny. I was nervous and excited to meet Mark for the obvious reasons, because of the hero he was in my imagination - but I got to meet Mark the actor, the father, the husband, the humanitarian, and the friend. Guillermo Del Toro - one of my biggest heroes, his work has meant so much to me. And I was terrified to meet him. But he is one of the most joyful, honest, sweet-natured people I've met in the business, and his love for movies is infectious. For me, the man himself exceeded the myth.
I've been lucky to meet other exceptions to this rule, heroes of mine who exceeded my expectations - Ewan McGregor, Mick Garris, Brian Henson, Heather Langenkamp, Henry Thomas - and yeah, I've had the other experience too. But I try to focus on the exceptions. It can be unhealthy to idolize people - unhealthy for you, and unhealthy for them. But it's truly awesome when someone is even more amazing than you imagined.
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justana0kguy · 2 years
2023 MARCH 18 Saturday
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
~ Luke 18:14b
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twinterrors29 · 9 months
Jaster Mereel, holorecording: Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jaster Mereel, Mand'alor and humble student of history. I know that you are powerful, mighty Master Nu, and that your anger with my people must be equally powerful. I seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for entrance into your Jedi Archives. With your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: these two historical jetii'kade from my own Keldabe Archives, along with their provenances. Both are in working condition and will serve you well. Jocasta Nu: oh neat, free grad student!
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lua-magic · 8 months
Intresting Astrology facts (Vedic Astrology)
When planets goes in your ancendent, whether you like it or not, you will get significance of that planet.
Venus in first house- Money and comfort will come to you easily, native gets attraction from opposite sex easily, and love to care or obsessed with self care.
Jupiter in first house- knowledge and education will come to you easily, native is morally strong and love teaching and counseling.
Mercury in first house- logic and sharp memory come to you. Many buisness person has this combination, they can remember names and face easily.
Mars in ancendent - Courage and energy comes to you easily. Native has fighting spirit.
Saturn in ascendant - maturity and work comes to you at an early age, since very young age such natives start their work.
Sun in ancendent - Ego and confidence comes to native easily, native is disciplined and attached to father and family.
Moon in first house- Emotions, writing comes to you naturally. Native get emotional easily, has motherly nature.
Rahu in first house - Multiple personality, native can switch his personality easily and has out of box thinking
Ketu in first house- Spiritual and detached, has connections with super concious or spiritual realm, has habit of talking to himself/herself, and always in imaginary world as ketu is connecting you to different world
Whichever planets goes in 🐟♓ Pisces planets loose their strength because it is sign of liberation and planets are going towards liberation.
So, don't be surprised if you have planets in Pisces and people leave you easily, it is because they are finishing their Karma with you, feel happy as you are getting liberation from Karma, only if you let them go easily, that is why ketu is exalted, because it can let go
Sun in Pisces - Problems with father, and boss, you will loose your ego slowly, and become more grounded, but here sun in Pisces is actually moving towards next sign ie Aries where it gets exalted, so sun is actually going towards exaltation, but, sun here will force you finish all your egos from your relationship ie Sunnis not considered melefics here, it just looses it strength, but it will make you humble and connect you to spiritual world and makes you spiritual.
In past life you had lot of ego in your relationship that is why one reason you got sun in Pisces
Moon Pieces - Problems with mother and balancing your own emotions, Pisces is actually your past life, planets in past life has past life karmic debt, so here you have lot of past life emotions attached to you still.
You have to let go all those emotions, though moon here makes you imaginative and gives deja vu, because moon here remembers your past birth.
Mostly native come back to same family after rebirth to finish pending karmas, native would be attached to roots and ancestors, as Pisces is sign of ancestors as well.
Native would be great healer and empath.
In past life native has some unfinished buisness or died suddenly hence, native comes to same family.
Sometimes, in some cases native has unknown fear it because past life sudden death.
MARS in Pisces - Problems with brother or problems in romantic relationships, here native energy will go mostly on bed pleasure as Piesces is bed pleasure, but problem is that more native goes back of bed pleasure more troublesome relationship he/ she invites.
Native would be skill full, and is multitasking, Mars here is telling you to preserve your sexual energy, I am not telling not to have sex or not to get involved in sex after marriage, but, don't run back of sex and intimacy instead use it to grow spiritually, transmute your sexual energy in your spiritual energy.
Mercury in Pisces - Problems with friends and sleeping issues because Mercury is fast moving planet, and Pisces is sign of sleep, Mercury placed in Pisces gives you sleep problems and somewhat makes you selfish as well.
Mercury is debilitated here,
Here, you need to come out of Me mentally and focus on how you can serve others, Mercury is your logic and Pisces is sign of subconscious, hence, native faces lot of confusions in life, and takes lot of wrong descision in life.
Jupiter Pisces, little tricky, because in its own sign but your relationship with your husband and kids will be karmic, don't be surprised if you get hurt many times by your soulmate, because it is your karmic debt.
Saturn in Pisces - Problems in work life, with your job, now, Saturn here has one work that is to liberate you, Saturn will give you here foreign travel as well as hospitalisation.
More, you behave like Saturn, means don't try too hard, more Saturn bless you.
Yes, Saturn here wants you to focus on your inner spiritual wealth rather than outer material wealth more you try hard more insecure you become, so start changing your inner first ie your belief, trying too hard simply means you assume that you don't deserve good things in life and it doesn't come to you easily, let things go easily, and work on your beliefs Saturn will bless you, don't try to hoard things nor get insecure when you loose, Saturn is dry planet, you have to be emotionally dry from material world, then Saturn will liberate you, hence, Saturn is both exalted, if you behave like Saturn but also debi because it will trouble you if you don't give importance to spiritual wealth.
Ketu and Venus both are exalted.
Rahu in twelfth House Rahu being shadow planet it has both good and not so good aspect, means it is your choice which one you choose, either you can choose bed pleasure and lot of relationship or you can choose spiritual growth it is up to you .
Rahu gives here foreign travel and astral travel as well.
In past life native would be associated with some kind of witchcraft or occult or black magic hence native would experience pull towards conspiracy theories, and occult.
Native also attaract spirits easily to himself/herself, and native has lot of karmic relationship with spirits, sounds suprising, but if you work with spirits in any form you establish connections to it, hence in this life they experience spirits visiting them especially while sleeping, as Pisces is sign of sleep .
They also has unknown fear of ghosts and spirits in their mind...
If you understand astrology more in details you will understand how, houses control our outer atmosphere.
If you have lack of energy and passion it is because your fire house is imbalanced ie one, five and nine
If you have emotional issues your water house is imbalanced ie four, eighth and twelfth
If you have problems with your creativity then your air sign is imbalanced ie, 3,7,and 11.
If you have 🤑 money problems then your earth sign is imbalanced ie 2,6 and 10.
To solve money related issues start from Taurus, that is your eating, hence moon is exalted here. Eat balance diet and more boiled (Sun)and green food(Mercury), avoid packet foods (Saturn) spicy food( Rahu) and unhealthy fast foods (Mars).
Then move to virgo your daily routine, start being disciplined and early riser (Sun).
Then move to Capricorn ♑ Many people know Capricorn as house of karma and duty but do you know why Saturn holds the lordship of 10thbhouse, because it also house of patience and dignity.
So in simple words many people will try to defame you you, critisise you, blame you, put wrong allegations, think you small but you have to rise above all and keep doing your work, that is why after Capricorn ♑ comes Aquarius that is house of manifestation, because only when you stay humble when people critisise you, you move to 11th house that is of wish fulfilment.
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Jakobus 4:6 Ons Meester gee ons groter onverdiende guns, want Hy sê dít: “God verneder die trotses, maar aan die nederiges gee Hy onverdiende guns.” en hy sal van julle af wegvlug.
But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” — James 4:6 | Afrikaans PWL (APWL) and Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse (Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaans Translation of the Bible). Courtesy of www.padwlewe.ch. and Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Job 22:29; Psalm 138:6; Proverbs 3:34; Proverbs 29:23; Isaiah 54:7; Matthew 12:12; Matthew 23:12
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mariasparrow · 15 days
Head-cannon: Hyrule's Shadow Crystal/Dark World Form is a Stag/Fawn
Many people here think it wold be an opossum or goat which is totally fair. But I think symbolically, Rulie would make a good deer/stag/fawn.
(all images belong to @/linkeduniverse)
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They are seen as symbols of strength, virility, agility, and endurance in mythology, as well as stamina, grace, instincts, maturity, regeneration, and spiritual enlightenment. The stag – sometimes referred to as hart – is exalted among other deer. He is mature and experienced, having endured life’s challenges, and he has a massive crown of antlers to show for it. Doesn't that fit Hyrule to a Tee?
Lets break it down further -Stags can run up to 40 miles per hour. Plus, they can jump eight feet high and as far as 30 feet. In addition, they can survive in sub-zero temperatures. Furthermore, the stag earns first priority rights to a territory and his choice of mates after battling other bucks for dominance.
One of Hyrule's spells/power is jump, and heavens knows he's a tough survivor in a dangerous era. His battle with his shadow takes place right before he finishes his quest to wake Aurora (Sleeping Princess of AoL).
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This fits since stags can also depict spiritual enlightenment and connection to God. In Arthurian legends, the stag perennially avoided capture, symbolizing an unending spiritual quest...which given his blood curse is right on the rupee, especially since deer were held as sacred to the gods and/or used as sacrifices often.
And I'll admit...I am stuck with the idea that due to his humbleness and self-doubt, Hyrule manifests as a red-tail fawn to match Legend's pink bunny...ala Bambi and Thumper.
Legend didn't need his dignity anyway...
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(all images belong to @/linkeduniverse)
Just picture the fics that could be written on these two...especially if like Bambi, Fawn Hyrule gets stuck on ice and needs Bunny Legend's help, lol...
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(The Ultimate Guide to All Things Bambi - MickeyBlog.com)
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