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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 4 months ago
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Mattheus 5:14 Julle is lig vir die wêreld. ’n Dorp wat bo-op ’n berg gebou is, kan jy nie wegsteek nie.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; — Matthew 5:14 | Afrikaans PWL (APWL) and Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse (Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaans Translation of the Bible). Courtesy of www.padwlewe.ch. and Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Proverbs 4:18; John 8:12; John 9:5; John 12:36; Philippians 2:15; Revelation 1:20; Revelation 2:5
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Thoughts About this Verse… Darkness dominates our world. Despite appearances, darkness controls so much of what is said and how it is viewed by the world. When someone lives for Christ, they will be noticed. Their allegiance to Jesus and his righteousness cannot be ignored. So what are we going to do with that light? Are others going to see and be drawn to our Father in Heaven who sent his Son as Savior? Or, are they going to reject the way of Christ because our walk is all talk and not much service? Let's let them see God's grace through our lives so they will come to know the Savior!
The Thoughts about this verse were written by Phil Ware.
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raindrop-righteous · 2 years ago
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i got it from here
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mamutanjong · 6 years ago
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Nah ambik ko..hahahaha. jangan lupa besok kul 10malam di astro warna. #bentara #hulubalang #huruhara #penghukum #sula #matilanak #arenapanggang #apwl https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBmgpyhzsA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3w1ddsg43xcn
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artofreddit · 4 years ago
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Apwl, Me, Procreate, 2021 posted by Reddit User: NlGHTGROWLER Visit artofreddit.com for more art #art
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ugurgundogan · 5 years ago
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Bu Cumartesi Günü çıkaracağım ilk TÜRKÇE Albumum TÜRK HALK müziğinin Eski Eserlerinin Yepyeni AKUSTİK Düzenlemeleri vede tabi benim MİX A MİX Düzenlemelerinden Albüm her zaman olduğu gibi mükemmel #style #Fashion #dj #Set #Jazz #Blues #Rock #Soft #Ballads #musıc #cinema #Swing #Romantıc #soundtrack #Acoustic #produced #Cover #Love #style #Deep #musıc #TURKCE #Pop #Dance #Cover #Jazz #Blues #Movie #cinema #Pop #Dance #Fashion #dj #Set #Radio #produced #spor #musıc #produced #manager #Latin # Reggae # Rhumba # Cha Cha # Tango # Waltz # Blues # Rock # AFRO HOUSE # DEEP VOCAL HOUSE # CLUB # Mix A Mix # (Djugstudıo - Djugjackson Productıon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvNUn-ApWL/?igshid=4xguznqov5qq
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Prediker 4:9 Twee is beter as een, want hulle het ’n goeie beloning vir hulle harde werk
Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. — Ecclesiastes 4:9 | Afrikaans PWL (APWL) and New King James Version (NKJV) Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse (Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaans Translation of the Bible). Courtesy of www.padwlewe.ch. and The Holy Bible; New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. Cross References: Ecclesiastes 4:8; Ecclesiastes 4:10
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keenywong · 5 years ago
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#1蓋世寶吊老母 • 10h 武漢肺炎疫情虐肆全球,但這場疫情亦成了外交戰場,捷克首都布拉格市長賀吉普(Zdeněk Hřib)今日(1 日)透過 FB 發文,感謝台灣在疫情中相助,將向捷克送出 25 部呼吸機的「禮物」;同時他質疑中國宣傳,將大批呼吸機、口罩及測試劑等物資送到當地,不是捐贈而是以納稅人的錢去買,「所以那些稱不上是禮物或人道救援物資」。 賀吉普在 Facebook 發文,指外界多次向他查詢台灣是否會幫他們抗疫,決定公開回應,他指台灣將會送 25 部呼吸機送到捷克,當中 9 部會送到跟台北締結為「姊妹市」的布拉格,他形容這些呼吸器是「禮物」。 相對之下,他指中國並沒有捐贈防疫物資,而是當局以納稅人的錢去買,「所以那些並稱不上是禮物或人道救援物資」。早前中國把大批包括呼吸機、口罩及測試劑等物資送到當地,不過日前捷克傳媒報道,捷克向中國採購的快速測試劑,錯誤率卻高達八成。 賀吉普又盛讚台灣處理疫情的手法「全球最好之一」,有效遏止疫情。3 月初,他收到台灣送來有關如何應對疫情的詳細建議文本,他立刻將資料交給衛生部,讓當局可跟遵有效用的防疫程序,不用從零起步。 與台灣有深厚淵源、曾在台灣長庚醫院實習的賀吉普,最後在文中稱台灣「患難見真情」(Friend in need is a friend indeed),並多次稱謝。 38 歲的賀吉普,被外界封為「靚仔市長」,前年 11 月上任以來,對台灣和西藏流亡政府表現友好。他曾公開指責捷克政府近年的親中政策,指國家應拒絕北京的「熊貓外交」。去年 3 月,在捷克貿易工業部國際貿易會談上,中國駐捷克大使張建敏,強迫台灣駐捷克代表離席,賀吉普事後曾批評這做法「不可接受」。其後在市長會議上,中國再度要求台灣外交官離席,但賀吉普拒絕。 捷克截至周二(31 日)全國累計逾 3,000 宗武漢肺炎確診病例,共 23 人死亡。 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dawR-APwL/?igshid=1pcb1409o4ygc
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aymanmatnews · 5 years ago
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Thai soldier killed after shooting dead at least 20 people in shopping mall.. #Thailand A Thai soldier accused of killing more than 20 people and injuring 33 others in a shooting at a crowded shopping mall has been shot dead by police, bringing an end to a 17-hour manhunt, military officials said Sunday, Thai authorities said the shooter was believed to be Army Sub. Lt. Jakrapanth Thomma, an ammunition battalion officer working for the 22nd Ammunition Battalion, The gunman's motive wasn't immediately clear, military officials said. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VXl-Apwl-/?igshid=1pk6fbbgv7lcx
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Jakobus 4:6 Ons Meester gee ons groter onverdiende guns, want Hy sê dít: “God verneder die trotses, maar aan die nederiges gee Hy onverdiende guns.” en hy sal van julle af wegvlug.
But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” — James 4:6 | Afrikaans PWL (APWL) and Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse (Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaans Translation of the Bible). Courtesy of www.padwlewe.ch. and Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Job 22:29; Psalm 138:6; Proverbs 3:34; Proverbs 29:23; Isaiah 54:7; Matthew 12:12; Matthew 23:12
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Mattheus 7:7-8 7 Hou aan om te vra en dit sal vir julle gegee word; hou aan om te soek en julle sal vind; hou aan om te klop en daar sal vir julle oopgemaak word, 8 want elkeen wat aanhou vra ontvang en hy wat aanhou soek, vind en vir hom wat aanhou klop, sal oopgemaak word.
7 Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. 8 For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 | Afrikaans PWL (APWL) and New Heart English Bible (NHEB) Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse (Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaans Translation of the Bible). Courtesy of www.padwlewe.ch. The New Heart English Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 34:4; Psalm 37:4; Isaiah 30:19; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:9; Matthew 18:19; Matthew 21:22; Luke 11:10
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