thismaybekleo · 3 months
Steven's cool gay aunts fr
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kayawolfhorse · 7 months
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kojitheopossum · 4 months
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Read the prologue here !!
Meet the employees of the Siren's Song aquarium!
Some background information, the world in this au is mainly the same except the existence and normality of many mythological creatures. For aquariums in particular, similarity to how a Great White display is more popular than a dogfish one, the larger and more dangerous the beast, the better the exhibit does. The aquarium bdubs works at in particular is well known for the fact they house the largest leviathan in captivity.
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gahhhb · 4 months
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This time around💙💚✨
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ryllen · 1 year
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overblot grim with Yuu who accidentally get carried on his back
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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wild hair centaur gf troubles (Gem can't be tamed and neither can her hair)
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mandareeboo · 1 day
I think a lot of people forget that Garnet's future vision isn't, like, accurate? That's the whole point of Future Vision; Garnet sees so many timelines, and she has to pick and choose which to follow, and they aren't' always accurate. Pool Hopping reinforces that concept, with Garnet being unable to pick which future Steven will follow because she's ignored his development.
She even does it in Future! She's so sure that Steven is in the "pepperoni timeline" that she doesn't even consider that he might be taking the vegetarian option.
Garnet has an approximate knowledge of many things, and she just kinda picks which future she thinks is true based on characters and how they act. Her future vision isn't a solid thing that she can just Know how things will go down. She guesses. A lot.
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thewanderingmask · 2 months
gem appreciation and hermit tours
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+ bonus itty bitty xisuma
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novantinuum · 1 month
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somewhere up above the stars the wreckage of a Universe floats past
an AU ancient lonely god Steven I have. his moniker is Astra and I am obsessed with him right now.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Am I slightly obsessed with dragon AUs? Maybe. Maybe I just really like dragons. So have another prompt.
Danny and Tucker have decided to reincarnate together in an entirely new world. Which isn't a new thing with reincarnation for beings such as them, but honestly they're a little tired of being humans or human-adjacent beings.
But they don't want to just be an animal either. They're Ancients after all, and can afford to be a bit prideful in choosing a form they'll hopefully spend at least another eighteen years in.
The forms they've chosen? Why dragons. It fits their power sets so well, and honestly it's something new for them! And well, Sam would join but it's her turn on the whole council thing since the Realms doesn't exactly have a king anymore.
But they have to make it through the whole... egg thing first. Which on one hand, dragon eggs are practically indestructible and it's free nap time! On the other, they can't exactly defend themselves besides whatever natural magical things might surround them.
Which is why it's so annoying that some assholes decide to steal them. They're literally stuck as eggs for at least a few months more, preferably a bit longer so they can be certain their new bodies are strong enough to hold their true power. Or at least the small fraction living bodies can hold.
And they aren't some gemstones! Honestly these people are also idiots and- oh, hey, someone is attacking the whole smuggling operation thing, thank fuuck... .... Oh hey, fellow undead! Yeah, hey, dude that doesn't feel full of greed and is maybe a bit angry but that's normal, yeah you! Hey get them out of this box! Yeah!
Jason on the other hand, is having a very What the Fuck sort of night right now.
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I am doing more OvergrownAU art
Does it mean I will actually tell you about it? Maybe
Does it mean I might continue working on comics I started in winter? …who knows
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thismaybekleo · 3 months
The gang's all here! I LOVE THEM SM PLS
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odistole · 1 month
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Bruce Springsteen — Human Touch (Official Video)
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alexandriaellisart · 1 year
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study date
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The last few people had logged off the server, leaving it in its burnt, damaged state.
She knew where Gem would be.
Cleo scaled up the ladder and clambered up to the rickety roof of Joel’s tower — where you could look out on the entire server.
Sure enough, Gem was perched on the railing, sitting on the edge with nothing to support her but the wind, staring in the direction of the Secret Keeper.
Cleo looked around at the short cobble walls. Grian had told her that he’d hid away here. Not a bad strategy, overall. You could shut yourself here and forget everywhere else existed.
“Hey, Cleo.”
“Am I that loud?” Cleo joked weakly.
“Who else?”
Cleo watched as the last remains of the green flesh flaked off Gem’s skin, leaving her regular human tones. “No more zombies now, then? Good job, anyway. Killing people left and right.”
“Not you, though.”
“Not me. Only way I’m going out is my way. I’d rather die on my own stupidity than someone else’s callousness.” Cleo allowed a hint of pride to enter her voice. “You were great zombies, though.”
“We weren’t zombies.” Gem turned and hopped down from the railing.
Cleo noticed that unlike the other zombies, or even Scott or Grian, Gem didn’t have a single scratch or injury, save one neat bandage that no doubt was due to Scar’s reckless arrows.
Which meant the blood splattering her face wasn’t her own. “What do you mean?”
“That’s not how zombies work. No offence, Cleo, but most zombies aren’t sentient.”
Cleo blinked. “No worries, I know they aren’t. I kill plenty of them at night.”
“So you should know how they work. They’re mindless. They lurch along, they kill without thinking, they probably bump into trees.”
Gem tilted her head. “They don’t set TNT traps, or betray their teammates, or ask for permission to kill their wife’s perceived murderer.”
Cleo’s mouth was dry. “So you’re saying…”
“I’m saying the apocalypse wasn’t zombies, Cleo. It was human.”
Horribly, incredibly human.
Cleo remembered when they were up on the tower, staring at the others down below, condemning them as monsters.
Somehow, it was better to think of them as a mindless horde and not people she’d been laughing and arguing with a session ago.
Gem was watching her. “You know I’m right. Look at Pearl. Was running from us, convinced we were infected or something but once she realised she had permission to kill, she went in. Even unleashed a warden, or two. That’s how quickly we switch.”
Ironically, Cleo realised, the roles had been swapped this session. The humans were chasing the zombie, but it hadn’t been any different.
“That’s not true,” Cleo said, “It’s not all bad. Did you know, Grian snuck down from this tower to check on his magma pet, and I was there too. And so was Etho. He didn’t kill us.”
Irritation flashed across Gem’s face. “He didn’t kill you? If he had, or, like, told us your location or something, we could’ve all just gone after Scott, and, and, the task would’ve succeeded…”
She trailed off, and looked at Cleo. “Is that the point you’re trying to make here?”
Cleo shrugged.
“Alright, I get it,” Gem grumbled, “No need to rub your holier-than-thou alliance and great morals in my face.”
“Well, no one asked you to put your task over your bandmates.”
Gem didn’t say anything to that.
“It’s not as if I’m exactly a paragon of morality either.” Cleo continued.
“I guess not.” Gem gave a short laugh. “Neither am I. You know, all the murder and stuff? I don’t feel bad! In fact, I feel great. I feel proud of myself for it.”
“…I feel you should be a little less bloodthirsty.”
Gem smiled at Cleo, an innocent, cheerful smile that would have been such if not for the circumstances. “Oh, no.”
Cleo was suddenly feeling very unsafe on the highest platform on the server. She wished Etho was here, or even Grian.
She knew Gem couldn’t take any lives, not now, not when the session was already over. But still…
Cleo raised her sword to stop the axe swing that came, but it was a feint, and her sword hit nothing.
Gem dramatically swung her axe back into her inventory.
“You really thought I would attack you?” Gem said.
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t,” Cleo retorted curtly.
“That’s true,” Gem conceded. “But the curse is just so- it’s so freeing, Cleo? Can’t you see? You could do anything.”
“Uh- no thanks. Session’s over, anyway,” Cleo pointed out.
“That’s true. But I’m still kinda cursed, you know.”
In response, Cleo warily raised her sword. But all that Gem did was deliver a mock salute before logging off with a chirpy “See you next week!”
Cleo stood silently. There had been one zombie on the platform just now. Her.
And thinking about it, she wasn’t sure if there hadn’t been two.
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rosanishelios · 4 months
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I'm actually DEVASTATED rn
To everyone who had to slowly read through hnk and its many hiatuses, I salute you. You are far stronger than I will ever be.
I waited until hnk ended before I read it (I'm sorry 😭)
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