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kwaderno84 · 3 months ago
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kahit nakakulong man ako
sa galaw ng katotohanan
dito sa mundo ng kasalukuyan
damdamin ko'y kumakaripas
sa ilang lipad ng minsan
ang mapadaan ka sa aking mata
may namumuong paghanga
bunga sa kakaibang mangha
pumipitas lamang sa ilang tadhana
na ika'y madama bilang sinta
kahit sa balat ng panaginip lamang
mumunting pag-ibig ang aking nahabi
sa ipinagbabawal na pagkakataon
©"Infatuation", 2023 by Mario Henrique via Artsper)
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kadunudtarkus · 2 years ago
Humulus lupulus L., Cannabaceae Metshumal, omal, tapud, tapunaadid, tapuvääned, viha, õlleviha Hops
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Humal kasvab jõgede ja ojade kaldatihnikutes, vajukates niisketes kaldametsades ja metsaservadel, tihti ka kultiveeritavana elamute läheduses tapuaedades.
Ravimina kasutati humala käbi.
Humalat kasutatakse rahustina ja valuvaigistina põie- ja neeruhaiguste puhul, ka närvi- ja südamehaiguste ravimisel rahustusvahendina (valokordiini koostises) ning unetuse korral.
Korjatakse juulis ja augustus.
Humal kasvab jõgede ja ojade kaldatihnikutes, vajukates niisketes kaldametsades ja metsaservadel, tihti ka kultiveeritavana elamute läheduses tapuaedades.
Ta on mitmeaastane taim rohkete maasiseste horisontaalsete võsunditega, millest lähtuvad lisajuured ja varred. Vars on väänduv (paremale poole), 3-6m pikk, kuni 1cm jäme, kattunudkahetipuliste haajate ronikarvadega. Lehed vastakud, pikarootsulised, ülemised ümardunud või munajad, alumised kolme- või viielõhesed, tömpide hõlmadega, saagjate servadega, pealt tumerohelised, lidus harjaskarvade tõttu väga karedad, alt heledamad, kattunud hõredate kollakate näärmekarvadega; abilehed munajad, terveservalised, enam-vähem kokku kasvanud.
Humal on kahekojaline taim; isasõied hõredalt pöörisjad, kaenlasisesed, ebasarikjad, õiekroon 3mm pikk, 5 valkjasrohelise õiekattelehega, 5 lühikese tolmukaga, kollaste tolmukapeadega, emasõied tuhedas käbitaolises ebapeas lühikeste oste otsas, kattunud näärmetega, lühiraolised.
Õitseb juulis või augustis.
Praegu humalaid ravimina peaaegu ei tarvitata, kuid varem olid ravivahendiks humala emasõisikud, "käbid" - sitobuli Lupuli - ja nendelt sõelumisel eraldatud näärmed - glandulae Lupuli ehk Lupulinum.
Käbisid lühikese raoga kogutakse veidi enne valmimist augusti keskel või lõpul, kui nad on rohekaskollased. Käbid tuleb kohe kuivatada väljas või õhurikkas ruumis õhukese kihina. Droogi moodustavad terved, mittepudenenud, rohekaskollakad käbid tugeva aromaatse lõhnaga ja teravalt mõru maitsega. Kollakaspruunid käbid on ülevalminud ega kõlba droogiks.
Humalakäbid ja lupuliin sisaldavad mõruainet, eeterlikku õli, vaiku, kollast värvainet, palderjanhapet, trimetpplamiini, koliini.
Droogi on kasutatud rahustina ja valuvaigistina põie- ja neeruhaiguste puhul, ka närvi- ja südamehaiguste ravimisel rahustusvahendina (valokordiini koostises) ning unetuse korral.
Tavaline annus: 1 teelusikatäiest humalakäbidest valmistada ühe klaasi keeva veega tee ja see õhtul sisse võtta. Humal kuulub ka nn. rahustava tee koostisesse. Välispidiselt on kasutatud droogi hautisena reumavalude puhul. Humalakäbide keedist soovitatakse ka pea pesemiseks juuste väljalangemise korral.
Peamiselt kasutatakse humalaid õlletööstuses.
Taime levi
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Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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nintendouniverse2023 · 1 month ago
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Shipuary Day 18!
As long as there will be no zombies on the Lawn, The Lawn Gala will be dong just fine for those two plant birds!
Hope you guys like it ~ 💚💛
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milkdongcomics · 7 months ago
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echan799 · 6 months ago
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"He is speaking, speaking for me! I'm a worthless humal being"
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the-lady-selkie · 1 year ago
Messenger of the virtue of Humility
Asexual, Panromatic
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Iziraiel, or Zira as her friends called her, was a heaven-born angel, meaning she never was or will be human. For the last ten years or so she has been working as a messenger for the virtue Humailty due to a change in her somewhat promotion in her heavenly duties. Her job as a messenger for Humality had her delivering messages to most of the higher-ups in heaven and those with positions of power in hell.
It was during one of the delivers to hell that Zira found herself trapped, unable to open a gate to allow herself back into heaven; now, she must find a way back to heaven while trying to keep herself alive amongst the demons and sinners of hell. Shouldn't be too hard right, as long as her past says in the past, everything should be fine.
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niftyhumals · 3 months ago
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wilko222 · 6 months ago
wait people really think that...?
humality has fallen lower than i thought...
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I've been seeing this opinion floating so let me ask you? How is Tessa any worse than any other character?
This isn't directed to anyone specific or even the fandom as a whole. But I've seen a few people claim this means that her parents were good and justified for chaining/abusing her or worse that she deserved getting killed by Cyn.
First of all, how is a kid who was so dehumanized she only identified with robots treating a cemetery like a scrapyard more awful than any of the other character? Yes it's weird and macabre, but not malicious. She had NO intentions of harming anyone until it was clear everyone was in danger.
But lastly Murder Drones is a silly horror comedy and rarely takes itself too seriously. Injecting 100% realistic morality into this show is pointless at best and straight up pretentious at worst. Let the girl be silly, she's suffered enough.
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kwaderno84 · 4 months ago
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'di mapigilan ang humaling kong gigil
kung dito naman ako kalmado
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lacacta · 5 months ago
JULIO HUMAL - A nuestro padre creador Tupac Amaru
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liberty1776 · 7 months ago
The Heart of Romans
We are blind to our own folly. We need humality. Christianity is not about how you get to heaven. Its about being really human, and helping God make his world right.
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from German forenames and towns
Aandelb Abach Abeck Adel Alautbrud Alda Alde Alden Alvermich Amenburg Ande Anichtla Anng Annheiz Anovel Ardenberg Aufeld Ause Ausen...
Bach Bachsterg Bachtadt Bachut Backeng Badt Bassald Batharn Benheim Berg Berivin Berl Bersbarth Bier Bigmar Binsen Bitia Bitz Blamöritz Bogerg Borch Borf Borkt Bothel Botherich Boxbeld Brau Breckerf Brelde Broschnal Brudorf Brudwin Brun Brunow Bräfellen Brückerg Brüstein Burer Bölleub Bürg Calch Colau Colfell Cornau Cosewidda Creim Cremitz Criber Cuxhüttin Dagenberg Daubitz Dinge Dislend Ditz Ditze Dolfren Dorf Dorg Dren Driederg Duin Döbachted Ebsendort Edtadt Ehna Ehnde Eißwetz Elen Elmun Emmen Emmerg Erghem Erhor Erow Esching Esen Esigsburg Essies Estehluch Evallern Fehl Flauttlin Flen Forna Frangen Fren Frenburg Frengen Freurg Fria Frich Friede Friedt Furg Fürg Fürteid Gade Garbsel Garzen Geim Genachutt Genberrk Gerlau Gerottlen Gisch Gismarke Gissen Glingen Gollen Grakel Grann Gremmoe Gren Gronback Gronigher Grow Großen Gräschle Grödin Grück Gublia Gudwitz Gunder Görf Gügderg Haachen Halden Hange Hann Harg Harkirsch Harna Haufben Haustädt Heiburth Heid Heig Heighaig Heim Hein Heingert Henbert Hensewigs Hern Hersmonn Hilocker Hingen Hircher Hofeloha Holz Humal Höndt Hütz Iben Iberan Ilee Ischtadt Iselda Isen Janeck Joach Joacheim Joachein Jullenhau Jöhstau Jörth Kamench Kand Kard Kergenla Kiedt Kingen Kirch Kirchwen Kirnsen Klau Klauten Klinsten Kniken Koberg Korg Kreim Krönna Kurisch Kyrevolow König Lach Lachhen Laff Land Laus Lausch Lehna Leinklow Leinst Lenabrück Leord Leue Lichber Linbeutz Ling Lingehrdt Lingeorn Linsbach Litz Lusen Luteph Lydinid Löhr Lörg Lüberdar Lück Lünn Lünsch Main Mald Malde Manems Maron Meernburg Meingweim Melsheim Mene Merstau Meske Mich Mick Miegbus Mirg Mitz Monnwerg Moorf Myllin Möck Mönigsfen Mück Müllines Münfel Münsberg Münshar Münstädt Münz Neberkus Neck Nelsfeld Nerg Nermar Neuen Neußen Nevelinge Nichsteid Nichönitz Niedst Niegsben Noistadt Norf Norstadt Nürt Obecke Obecklau Obed Oben Oberg Obetch Obiedt Ochsenz Oerdt Oliem Oschau Osen Osnachrd Ostadia Osten Ostred Othut Ottmurg Padt Pasten Penburg Pert Petadt Petten Pfaleburg Pfordal Pfulz Pher Pockun Polgarop Polping Porn Pothen Prie Prisena Quakern Queltedt Quelvio Rach Raff Ramerg Rann Reburg Remin Rhau Rheim Rhen Rieswalde Riexber Rochen Rocken Roda Rombroden Rona Roseckal Rossend Runden Rutkiroß Rötzenda Rück Saach Saatz Salzhafel Sande Sarmünd Sartorz Sautteim Schar Scheich Schen Scherbach Scherock Sches Schilteus Schimm Schkauns Schl Schlefen Schlen Schn Schne Schshung Schtadt Schweln Sendort Singa Spaunich Spegfrid Spriebern Stad Stedern Steismal Ster Sterg Sternko Svenberg Svoe Svorste Tadt Talter Tangsfen Tedt Terg Thingen Thmaisna Tingen Torf Tradt Trau Travert Truch Udwitz Ueten Uhlau Uleim Vach Vainnau Valm Vareck Vels Verburg Verg Veschtadt Viesch Voesen Vogenkirk Vohna Vorf Vöhaisen Vörsch Wacheisch Wagun Wald Waldkirn Walk Walln Wals Walten Warnburg Wassen Wegkun Weich Weim Werberg Wermarkun Weshes Wesladt Wilach Wilebek Wilheibe Wingha Winhan Witz Wolinfen Wolpen Wolping Wolz Wolzow Worne Wurgkauch Würten Xann Zeundorf Zieda Zigshen Zinausena Zwiedt
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yoursafehavensblog · 1 year ago
He wanted this before then he’s giving it to another person whom he chose while we’re still in a relationship. Putangina sakit no? Ako binibigay ko lahat without knowing na yung partner ko nagpapakasaya sa ibang babae. Humaling na humaling sa ibang babae. Kahit na nakikita at nagsasama kami sa iisang bubong, kahit na nakikita nya kung gaano ako nagpapakapagod just to earn money. Putangina na lang masasabi ko.
Totoo nga sinabi ni Juan Karlos, “nakakaputangina”
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niftyhumals · 3 months ago
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🌍 NiftyHumals: Gaming for a Cause—Save Wildlife with Every Move! 🦁🎮
Hey, fellow gamers! 👾
Are you ready for a game that’s not just about winning, but about making a real-world impact? Well, NiftyHumals is exactly that! It’s a mobile game where you battle with Humal characters inspired by endangered animals—but here’s the catch: every victory helps fund wildlife conservation projects, restore habitats, and protect the planet. 🌱💚
Through partnerships with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Rewild.org and Handprint.tech, every achievement in NiftyHumals directly supports real-world eco-friendly projects. So, while you’re unlocking rewards in-game, you’re also making a difference in wildlife protection and conservation efforts. 🌍✨
Why NiftyHumals is the Game You’ve Been Waiting For:
Make a Difference with Every Move: Every win contributes to real-world wildlife conservation. Your gaming can help save endangered species!
Expertly Crafted Gameplay: With the team behind Marvel Strike Force, Subway Surfers, and the lead game designer of EA FIFA, expect smooth gameplay, immersive experience, and top-tier graphics.
A Community for Change: Join a global movement of gamers committed to protecting the environment and creating positive impact.
If you love gaming and care about saving the planet, this is your chance to do both. It’s time to be part of a game that’s not just fun, but purpose-driven. 🌿🌍
👉 Join the movement—Start playing NiftyHumals and make a difference today!
#NiftyHumals #GamingForGood #SaveThePlanet #WildlifeConservation #MobileGaming #EcoFriendlyGaming #GamingCommunity #Conservation #PlayForACause
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princesspatchstuff · 1 year ago
France Just SHOCKED The World With BOMBSHELL Vaccine Law - And It’s TERR...
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mylittlesecrethaven · 1 year ago
Let's Talk A Bit About Tokyo 24th Ward (5)
Oh thank whatever god exists it's the last one. I've enjoyed this, but holy hell has it been a process.
Expectations And Human Limits:
This is more in the point of expectations of self, not expectations of others. We see through the anime that Koki and Shuta have very high expectations of themselves, and this sometimes makes them push themselves beyond their limits. Yes, I've talked about this in other topics, but that's because it's a big part of the anime. Shuta pushes himself so much because he feels responsible, and he has a hard time letting go of what happened. He found a way to grief, an unhealthy way, and he stuck with it for so long. Koki also found an unhealthy way to grief, and he also stuck with it for so long. I'd talk about Ran for this, but this doesn't really effect him as much as the others.
This goes along with the other government topics and tech advancements. With how the cPhones are being updated and the KANAE system being put to full use, privacy is a huge problem within the 24th Ward. There's more cameras, there's more SARG, cPhones collect bio data and location data and data on pretty much anything you do. It's said that this is important for safety, and Koki agrees with this, tying into the differing opinions and ideals post, while Shuta is less convinced and Ran outright doesn't like it. There are people that want to be more free and have less surveillance. Tokyo 24th Ward shows both sides to this argument, and the anime doesn't really choose a side until the later episodes when the privacy infringement really gets bad. For most of these topics, the anime stays relatively in the middle, like Shuta, until one side goes too far.
Humal Life Importance:
This is mainly talking about the AI employment of the KANAE system and how it works. The KANAE system basically chooses which life should be saved and which life should be sacrificed. If you take this idea apart and really think about it, it does have a good side, even if it does break common ethical laws. I'm not going to argue either side, but I wanted to point that out for the fact that Tokyo 24th Ward is remarkably good at staying as a middle ground. As stated before, it doesn't choose sides unless one gets too large. It shows both sides of an argument and allows the watcher to choose for themselves. A good example of this would be for what happened to Kunai. Was it a good idea? Was it bad? You got to see both sides of the argument as well as who it was affecting. You were acquainted with both parties and you learned what they were like. Which side did you choose, though, is the question.
Escapism With Art And Effects Of Riots:
Can you tell I just combined these two? Yeah. Anyway. Ran follows this trend where when something bad happens, he deals with it, yes, but he also tends to try and block out what happens through his art. He channels his emotions and depicts what happened through his own style to try and deal with it. This is his coping mechanism. However, it leads to downsides where he's easily swayed by people he trusts because he can't fully grasp his emotions. I know some people won't agree with me on that, but that's just what I see. Ran eventually, with the guidance of 0th, leads people to riot. However, as much as he's trying to help, he's hurting them more than anything. He's making them lose trust in something that is supposed to protect them. He makes them want to tear it down instead of fix it. He leads people to feel anxious and scared, and this can cause tension between people, including family members, and hurt them in the long run. That's not even mentioning the fact that it puts the KANAE system through so much strain and makes Asumi's nightmares worse.
Overall, Tokyo 24th Ward is a good anime because it can portray both sides of an argument while staying as a relative medium.
It also allows the watcher to choose who they side with.
The law abiding Koki who believes SARG is doing the right thing and that Asumi should be put to eternal sleep, and also believes that tighter security is a must.
The rebellious Ran who believes SARG and the KANAE system are the problem and that Asumi she be "killed," and also believes that the security is currently too strict.
Or the indecisive Shuta who wants to help everyone and keep everything in order and believes there's truly no sides and thinks that it's too selfish to choose Asumi's future.
You could be a mix of these characters. or you could follow just one.
In a later post, I'm going to post a link to a personality quiz to show who you are closer in ideals to.
Because why not.
I did not grammar check this as I did not want to reread it all.
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