the-lady-selkie · 7 days
The eighteen year old cocked her head to the side as she watched the mouse "well aren't you just a amazing little thing"
She then casted her gaze to Xavier "now Uncle Avi, what are you doing that you need to grow a heart, some thing not considered ethical most likely"
"Not that I am judging you, I find what you have managed here to be astounding"
A young woman made her way down one of the many hallways in her home, a specific room in mind. Once she got there she flung the door open.
"UNCLE AVI" she sang out, looking for the man in question "Uncle Harry said you wanted to show me something in the lab today"
The instant he hears the door being flung open and that sing-song voice, the bat jumps from surprise, his ears flickering for a little after. But after he hears her reasoning, his eyes light up, a smile coming onto his face. He seems to be smiling a lot more these days.
"Oh, yes! Come in, Harriet!"
He then puts his mouse back in the cage, closing its door as he turns back to her. He then runs over to a water-filled enclosure where he has a body regenerating some of its limbs thanks to some magic and medicine and locks that up. "Just close the door behind you, dear; I have multiple risky experiments going on, and I do not wish to risk any of them escaping."
The bat then sighs and turns towards her, still smiling. "But yes, I wanted to show you what I've been working on, so you can understand what it is that I do."
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the-lady-selkie · 9 days
Harriet blinked as the mouse scuttled to hide under the shelving unti "uhhh did you need that?" she asked the bat. The teen then quickly cast a spell that formed a magical hand which grabbed the mouse and brought it out from underneath the shelves.
"So what are we doing with this little fellow?" she questioned as the magic hand deposited the house into her own.
A young woman made her way down one of the many hallways in her home, a specific room in mind. Once she got there she flung the door open.
"UNCLE AVI" she sang out, looking for the man in question "Uncle Harry said you wanted to show me something in the lab today"
The instant he hears the door being flung open and that sing-song voice, the bat jumps from surprise, his ears flickering for a little after. But after he hears her reasoning, his eyes light up, a smile coming onto his face. He seems to be smiling a lot more these days.
"Oh, yes! Come in, Harriet!"
He then puts his mouse back in the cage, closing its door as he turns back to her. He then runs over to a water-filled enclosure where he has a body regenerating some of its limbs thanks to some magic and medicine and locks that up. "Just close the door behind you, dear; I have multiple risky experiments going on, and I do not wish to risk any of them escaping."
The bat then sighs and turns towards her, still smiling. "But yes, I wanted to show you what I've been working on, so you can understand what it is that I do."
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the-lady-selkie · 9 days
Notice the shift on mood Marilla down the last of her drink and said "eh enough about mother and other such depressing things, I promised you getting shit-faced and I intend to deliver on that"
"Barkeep, if you see either of our cups empty, then I need to prompt remedy that." she threw a pouch of coins towards the person, severing drinks.
Marilla wrapped an arm around Shen shoulder and brought her in close to a night of drinking and questionable decision-making. "
Shen's cheeks lightly flushed. the rodent looking to meet the other's gaze as they leaned forward. " Ah, uh. well, " she rubbed the back of her head.
" Yea, there aren't many artificers in the world.. believe there are only 3 in stikar, and like.. 2 in bososite. " she has no clue how many in the other two kingdoms.
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Her tail is wagging around behind her. " So, what about you. " Shen is trying to think of a nickname. but she isn't really good at it.. so don't mind her trying to think of one.
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the-lady-selkie · 9 days
"Hmm how about you order for us" the knight said "yeah I will just have what you are"
She stretched put on of her arms behind her back "I am proud of you, you know. You really put your all into that training session and it showed"
"We will make a knight of your yet"
Kitt's tail wagged from side to side, the black cat holding their hand.. his face a bright pink as he guides her along towards the restaurant h had to quickly think of!
He's end up taking her to one of his local favorites, a humble place that not many people go to, which makes it perfect for two people to go and just relax.
Kitt himself always appreciated that he could come to this place with others if he wanted to, but also came on his own to just. chill out, not having to live up to expectations..
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A nice mom and pop's restaurant.
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the-lady-selkie · 9 days
"Well that's makes you even more impressive"
"As for me are you asking about why I had a shitty day or what I like to do in my free time aside from drinking with beautiful women" Marilla purred "As for the former I have just come back from a recent pirate hunt that went a little bit south"
Marilla scratched the back of her neck as she tried to shake the memories from her result voyage from her head, taking another swig of her drink she continued "And the latter, well I like to knit, my mother taught me as a child and I find myself doing it when I miss her" which had been a lot these days.
Shen's cheeks lightly flushed. the rodent looking to meet the other's gaze as they leaned forward. " Ah, uh. well, " she rubbed the back of her head.
" Yea, there aren't many artificers in the world.. believe there are only 3 in stikar, and like.. 2 in bososite. " she has no clue how many in the other two kingdoms.
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Her tail is wagging around behind her. " So, what about you. " Shen is trying to think of a nickname. but she isn't really good at it.. so don't mind her trying to think of one.
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the-lady-selkie · 10 days
"Oh it no one too important" the bird spoke, "but his name is Lord Kaelan Ravenshadow"
"Let just say you would be doing this town a great service by getting rid of him"
Shen raised a brow.. the fact he was able to get that info about her.. with a huff. the rodent grabbed a cig and light sit up. taking a drag, only to puff out a cloud.
" Name "
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the-lady-selkie · 10 days
Azazel walking over to the counter that shen was working next to, give it a light dusting woth his hands before sitting on it. The bird had crosses on leg over the other as he sat.
"Oh its nothing to big" he spoke waving his had in the air " I just need use of a certain devices that you have made but if rumours are correct you are the only person that can use it"
He laced his fingers together and placed his hand on his crossed leg. "In short, I require you to kill a man for me"
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Shen looked at the other. jumping herself up onto the counter, placing her hands onto her lap. " Right. well, what ya lookin' for? I can do armor, accessories, or tools. "
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Not aware of what exactly this bird man came to look for. but she is as far as the public is aware. just a simple smith.
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the-lady-selkie · 10 days
Marilla smiled at Shen geeking out about her work, she loved to hear about people's passions. It gave a similar amount of insight on a person as listening to them ranting about what they hated did.
"Well aren't you just an impressive little tinkerer, Tinker Belle" she purred leaning forward to Shen "I find those who are able to imbued magic into physical items just fascinating"
Shen glanced on over towards Marilla, the rodent raising a brow at the nickname.
" Hmph.. Well, I was helping some dwarves, apparently some mines they were goin' through got taken over by some elementals.. turns out, they were raw arcana elementals. that could take the form of other creatures. "
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" All that is to say. me and one of my friends almost got eaten alive by an elemental Mindflayer... "
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the-lady-selkie · 10 days
Harriet raised an eyebrow at the hand but chose not to mention it, she really had seen strange things working with her uncle.
"Well, I do like a bit of defying death, annoying death gods really does make for an amusing time," the Sorcereress chirped "though I am more used to the traditional methods"
"But the way you are going about it is far to interesting not to take part in, so what can I do to help"
Possibility of what she could do with this information flooded Harriets mind.
A young woman made her way down one of the many hallways in her home, a specific room in mind. Once she got there she flung the door open.
"UNCLE AVI" she sang out, looking for the man in question "Uncle Harry said you wanted to show me something in the lab today"
The instant he hears the door being flung open and that sing-song voice, the bat jumps from surprise, his ears flickering for a little after. But after he hears her reasoning, his eyes light up, a smile coming onto his face. He seems to be smiling a lot more these days.
"Oh, yes! Come in, Harriet!"
He then puts his mouse back in the cage, closing its door as he turns back to her. He then runs over to a water-filled enclosure where he has a body regenerating some of its limbs thanks to some magic and medicine and locks that up. "Just close the door behind you, dear; I have multiple risky experiments going on, and I do not wish to risk any of them escaping."
The bat then sighs and turns towards her, still smiling. "But yes, I wanted to show you what I've been working on, so you can understand what it is that I do."
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the-lady-selkie · 11 days
Marilla let out a low whistle after Shen finished her speaking "I don't think one drink will cover it, let me get you another"
"So aside from fucking around with elemental mind flayers, what do you like to.do.in your free time"
Shen glanced on over towards Marilla, the rodent raising a brow at the nickname.
" Hmph.. Well, I was helping some dwarves, apparently some mines they were goin' through got taken over by some elementals.. turns out, they were raw arcana elementals. that could take the form of other creatures. "
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" All that is to say. me and one of my friends almost got eaten alive by an elemental Mindflayer... "
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the-lady-selkie · 11 days
Faesira looked around the restaurant, surprised by the quaintness off it and even more surprised by the fact she had never been here before
"So Mr Goldscratch, what's good to eat here" she asked smiling softly at him "I trust you completely to ensure that I leave here to night satisfied"
Kitt's tail wagged from side to side, the black cat holding their hand.. his face a bright pink as he guides her along towards the restaurant h had to quickly think of!
He's end up taking her to one of his local favorites, a humble place that not many people go to, which makes it perfect for two people to go and just relax.
Kitt himself always appreciated that he could come to this place with others if he wanted to, but also came on his own to just. chill out, not having to live up to expectations..
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A nice mom and pop's restaurant.
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the-lady-selkie · 11 days
Marilla place on her elbow on the counter and placed her chin on it looking at the rat with an arched eyebrow "Oh do tell me about it Tinker Belle" she spoke before taking a snip of her own drink.
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Shen smiled. " I know the peeerrfect place! " Shen smiled. before reading her new fish friend towards a Pub named ' The Bearded Lady '
Upon entering.. they'd find it's a pub run by a dwarf. The rodent having a big smile on her face.
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the-lady-selkie · 11 days
Harriet closed the door with her foot and bounced her way over to stand beside Xavier, "Oh, it cant be any worse than the stuff Uncle Harry had me help him with when i was younger"
She peer into the water filler encloure "huh, this is intersted, so what id it that you are working on" she asked cheerfully eager to learn more about that Xavier's work.
A young woman made her way down one of the many hallways in her home, a specific room in mind. Once she got there she flung the door open.
"UNCLE AVI" she sang out, looking for the man in question "Uncle Harry said you wanted to show me something in the lab today"
The instant he hears the door being flung open and that sing-song voice, the bat jumps from surprise, his ears flickering for a little after. But after he hears her reasoning, his eyes light up, a smile coming onto his face. He seems to be smiling a lot more these days.
"Oh, yes! Come in, Harriet!"
He then puts his mouse back in the cage, closing its door as he turns back to her. He then runs over to a water-filled enclosure where he has a body regenerating some of its limbs thanks to some magic and medicine and locks that up. "Just close the door behind you, dear; I have multiple risky experiments going on, and I do not wish to risk any of them escaping."
The bat then sighs and turns towards her, still smiling. "But yes, I wanted to show you what I've been working on, so you can understand what it is that I do."
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the-lady-selkie · 17 days
Faesira’s eyes lit up with amusement as she took Kitt's hand in her own
"Lead the way, young knight," she spoke, wondering as to just what restaurant the cat might have picked, she had eaten in nearly all of them in the area" I can't wait to see where you have chosen, no doubt it will be as delightful as my dinner companion"
Kitt lets out a yelp! laying flat on his back.. before grumbling..
" No fair.. in a battle of raw strength you were bound to win. " he pouted. his cheeks of course are on fire with her leaning in so close.
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He kinda just lays there, defeated. that lack of motivation coming back since he failed to get that dinner with her.... damn..
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the-lady-selkie · 17 days
"Oh what a quaint little pub" Marilla chirped looking round "I love it"
She walked over to the bar and said to the dwarf, "Four of your finest drinks, please" As she waited for the drinks to be poured, she turned her head back to Shen, gesturing for her to come over.
Shen smiled. " I know the peeerrfect place! " Shen smiled. before reading her new fish friend towards a Pub named ' The Bearded Lady '
Upon entering.. they'd find it's a pub run by a dwarf. The rodent having a big smile on her face.
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the-lady-selkie · 20 days
" If you keep undressing me with your eyes.. "
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" I'm gonna catch a cold..~ "
Sebastian at Marilla - @murdxrxfcrxws
A playful smile tugged at the corner of Marilla’s lips as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a soft whisper. "Well, I wouldn't want that, would I? Guess I'll have to get you a blanket"
She twirled a piece of Sebastian loose hair with her fingers, "or perhaps we can find other ways to keep you warm"
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the-lady-selkie · 23 days
Marilla's own eyes sparked as she hooked arms with her new bestest bud, it wasn’t often that she found someone the clearly understood the importance of getting shit-faced.
"Then let us go to the best place in the world"
Shen lets out a huff.. this entire trip had been nothing but annoyances. every single fucking troupe they passed by is on edge, and whenever they get Shen's Tags in their hand. they freak out and salute to her due to her rank..
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" I just wanna get home and sleeeeeeeep. " - Shen for Marilla - @murdxrxfcrxws
"Oh I know that feeling" Marilla purred as she rolled her shoulders "my day had been a shit show"
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"So that's why I am going to the pub and getting completely and utterly shit-faced" she looked Shen up and down "I also don't mind the company, if you would like to join"
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