#hulk tf
hulktf · 1 year
Could you help me hulk out into a huge dumb hulk beast?
You were always a straight-A nerd. That's why it came as a shock when Professor Cain posted grades for the biochemistry midterm and your grade came at a barely passing C-. Surely, university couldn't simply be this hard, could it?
When you emailed him, he asked you to come to his lab after hours - at your earliest convenience - to rectify such issues with extra credit. So right after your debate club meeting that evening, you rushed over to CDA 018, the famed underground lab room.
As soon as you entered, you had no time to process or react as some kind of gas filled your vision, eventually knocking you out. When you woke, you were still in the lab, but with your hands bound behind your back and around a chair, and duct tape over your mouth.
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Did someone break into the professor's lab? Were you a hostage?
"MMM - MMM!" You tried to make some kind of noise to get someone's attention. Thankfully, you heard some rustling from down one of the endless, tall aisles of beakers and equipment. However you were perplexed to see the 32 year old Professor Cain emerge, unbothered and nonchalant towards your current state.
"I knew you'd come," Professor Cain said to you. Looking at the fear and confusion you were able to project through your eyes, he laughed. "You're telling me that a prodigy like you can't figure out what's happening? Didn't you come for extra credit?"
You slowly nodded.
"I've been watching you in class. The shy, yet confident overachiever that wants to be sure he's on top. The thing is..." the professor started, turning his attention to some concoction on the table. "...You're also such a loser. Don't get me wrong, I love academia. But you... Well, let's just say I would like a more balanced class. We already have some great, high-achieving students - without your know-it-all attitude."
You could barely think, but tried to wiggle out of the chair and your restraints. Alas, you were too weak to break out of anything, and completely unequipped to escape.
"If you'd like to gain some extra credit - enough to lift your final grade up two letter grades - you'll be assisting me right now. Here," the professor continued. He turned back to you. "You'll be assisting me - as my first subject of a personal project 10 years in the making. A formula, finalized by one of your fellow students."
Your eyes widened and you shook your head violently. How is this even possible? How could he do this to you?
Professor Cain hoisted you up by the arm, freeing you from the chair, before leading you to the lab's only human-sized experimental chamber. You tried to make noise, any noise, to protest it, but you couldn't free yourself from the scientist's surprisingly strong grip. Due to your slow reaction time, you couldn't get up in time before the scientist slammed the door behind you.
You scrambled upwards nonetheless, looking around and studying the chamber's cramped inside. In a desperate attempt, you tried to tackle the chamber's door open, but the impact only sent you stumbling back, not the door. You tried to scream again, but with the duct tape sealing your mouth, the only person to hear was the uncaring Cain, who smiled as he watched you struggle to escape.
"Don't resist this, I think you might enjoy it," he said as he punched in commands into the chamber's computer.
Overhead, a mechanical voice sounded through the small, tinny speakers of the chamber. "Initiating masculine enhancement process. Infusing gamma formula now."
No way, you thought. No way you could enjoy this, right? Who needs masculine enhancement? You were fine being who you were. The image of the dumb, muscle-obsessed jocks you despised around campus came to mind, and you couldn't understand why he would want to turn you into that. You didn't want to change.
However you were helpless as a greenish smoky gas filled the chamber. You tried to resist breathing, but you couldn't help it. It irritated the back of your throat and you suppressed the urge to cough. The gas made you lightheaded... But also... euphoric?
A buzz started playing - you couldn't tell if it was from the equipment or the speakers. A strange warmth washed over you. The anxiety creeping up your throat slowly dissipated with each breath as words emerged from the buzzing. It was faint at first, but with each repetition his senses became more intense as it got harder to think.
Something was unraveling deep in your psyche and soul. As the image of the campus jocks lingered in your mind, the hypnotic words reached into your brain to root itself in the deepest recesses of your self. That's when you felt a sudden headrush, as if someone suddenly overloaded your brain with adrenaline and dopamine. Your eyes widened as you gasped (as much as you could) through your nose.
You didn't know it yet, but your irises had taken on a bright green hue, inhuman yet peak human. The toxic formula had seeped into your bloodstream, leaking a toxic attitude into your brain. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you groaned (or moaned?) through your covered lips. Your body relaxed then tensed as changes began to permeate your whole being.
"It's starting!" The professor exclaimed through the glass. "No longer will you be your scrawny, puny, know-it-all self. Think about how strong, how powerful you'll be..."
Strength and power was all you were feeling. It was electrifying, enlightening. You could feel a surge throughout all your nerves and muscles. Almost out of reflex, on a whim, you tried once more to break out of your thick wrist restraints and - boom! - your fists broke free from them as if they were only tissue paper, finally freeing your arms. You ripped off the tape off your mouth, but instead of screaming for help you stayed put, a grin coming on your face.
With your arms able to rest at your side, you stood up taller and straighter than you ever did before, as if years hunched over your computer were replaced with years of perfect form in the gym. You probably now had the strength to punch your way out of the chamber if you really wanted to. You were feeling good, and you couldn't remember why you wanted to leave.
That was only the beginning. A soreness and burning spread throughout all your muscles, as if you just had days of intense workouts. Your closed your eyes as you felt another headrush. You gripped your head as you felt every muscle in your body grow, your skin tightening around them. In your position the sleeves of your white shirt felt tighter than ever, and with a twitch of your muscles, a subconscious flex, a loud rip sounded inside the chamber as your arms burst through your sleeves.
You slowly pulled your hands away from your face to see the destruction to your best debate shirt. But debate is for pussies, you thought to yourself. You didn't think you'd ever admit it to yourself, but the thought made you grin, almost chuckle. Feeling your chest strain against your shirt and your thickening neck constricted by your tie, you grabbed the edges of the dress shirt and tore it apart from the middle, revealing that your scrawny body now had hard muscles taking on a toxic green hue. A huge and wide chest, six-pack abs, and lats and traps for days. This felt right.
It wasn't long before you realized you were growing in height too. Looking down at your tight pants, you realized they were now several inches off the floor on top of barely holding onto your calves and thighs. Then you looked up, and realized that throughout this transformation you slowly been hunching over, the 7-foot-tall chamber eventually becoming too short for your stature. As you adjusted your stance to flex your upper body muscles, another loud rip was heard as your belt and chinos could no longer contain you. You looked down to see your feet destroy your shoes, no longer the right fit.
Whatever was left of them was poorly hiding your growing bulge. You grabbed your dick through them like a dumb horny frat bro, something so obscene you never would've dared doing, but the action ended up shedding the last of your remaining clothes. Your hardening cock had grown to a 10 inch emerald snake, growing too large to be contained by these small flimsy pieces of fabric.
Already overloaded by pleasure and power, the testosterone making machine in your balls was permanently changing your body and mind. Hair started coming in around them, your pits, and on your legs. Your typical clean-shaven baby face was feeling prickling pain as a beard started coming in. It came in dark green, just like the hair atop your head had become. You felt so fucking strong, but you also needed relief.
After once again flexing and admiring your own musculature, the idea of sex entered your mind. You were the sexiest beast in miles, a real Hulk blessed with a gift of gods.
You briefly ran your hands over your abs, feeling your pleasure trail and leading yourself to pumping your cock. Each stroke only emitted even more mind-numbing pleasure as the image of hot guys and girls servicing and worshipping your cock and body filled your mind. You slowly slid to the floor, laying nude with your head peering over your pecs to watch yourself jack off. Fuck yeah.
It wasn't long until you shot out a shitton of cum, hitting the top of the chamber and the wall. You nearly roared as you came, never feeling such an intense orgasm in your life. The last pieces of your old, sad, puny self were ejected, supplanted by this new Hulk self, knowledge of years on the football field and the gym with bros replacing old memories of nerdy pursuits and late nights studying.
You could feel your heart beat through your chest. Fuck, that really just happened. The haze that settled on your head still lingered, but at this point you didn't even mind. Fuck school, you thought. You chuckled dumbly at the thought, mindlessly thinking of everything you'd rather be doing than school while cum was still dripping down your cock and abs.
You only remembered where you were when the professor outside knocked on the door.
"Thanks for participating in my experiment," he said with glee. "Clean yourself up. There are napkins on the side cabinets. There's also some shorts, XXL to fit you."
You did as you were told, simply. Your body felt strange, but powerful, and you loved it. The chamber unsealed and out you emerged.
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A smirk crept across your face. As you looked down at your rippling muscles bulging under green skin, you realized that your deepest desires were satisfied. No need for the monotony and stress of academia when you could be a Hulk - a god.
Now you spend your time trying to get even bigger in the gym, endlessly bodybuilding and being a real bro when you're not too busy laying pipe on whoever comes your way.
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¨WOW! We are Greene too¨
Because I did Cody holding Thor's hammer I had to also do the Greene sister with the Big Green
I did a bonus sketch with Anna and Bruce too
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¨Fuck Ross¨
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stable-men · 21 days
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Brent had slipped into his cycling spandex to nip out for a ride...
Much to his surprise his suit turned to latex and massaged his muscles causing them to grow
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ohfugecannada · 2 months
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So did anyone else hear about that new Marvel Zombies book?
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untitledgrowth · 3 days
I think its unfortunate that the original avengers have run their course in the MCU before we ever got a proper Hulk reboot in any shape or form (like a cartoon... live-action... anything really)
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imnothulk · 11 months
I am in the market for a new father figure are you available to fill this position Dr banner sir 🥺
Is it normal for someone to ask this on the internet? Do people just do this?
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sparklesandmarvel · 1 year
If yall don't get these damn HULK characters out of SAM WILSON'S MOVIE!!!!!
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tibotbeepboop · 7 months
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Tf is this game???
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stormte · 2 years
you know what trope I absolutely despise in shows nowadays? The hero’s about to finish the villain off, saving the town/city and avenging the innocents lost to the tyranny of our despicable foe. And then the dumbass love interest comes along and is like “wait! If you kill them, you’ll be as bad as the villain!”
Like, no bitch, if you kill the villain you’re doing the citizens a favour by ridding them of evil. Just kill the villain and get it over with. “Oh, but what about their family?” What about the innocent people who died? They had families too??? What?? Crazy, isn’t it?
Just stop with that trope plz. It’s so shitty, it’s the worst way to make a hero reconsider their choices. If you need to kill to save the world or whatever, just do it. And if anyone’s love interest comes along to stop the hero, I will run them over.
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hulktf · 1 year
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The new football coach was shaking things up. Young, strong, and ambitious, Coach Anderson was determined to stack the team with the best players and grow its numbers. At just 27, Coach Anderson was the youngest college football coach in the country, and he was sure to be a domineering force in the years to come.
That's why it was surprising when Coach reached out to Kevin. With his 5'7" stature, scrawny build, and nerdy demeanor, Kevin was far from the ideal candidate. He was the kind of guy to game on his computer, not the field. He liked writing code, not running on the gridiron. The guy wasn't bad looking by any means, but he was definitely more of a nervous dork than an athlete.
After Coach was able to have a 'talk' with him in his office, Kevin emerged a whole foot taller than before, muscle bulging through his skin, with the anger and aggression of a Hulk. He'd hulked out in their first conversation, and Kevin was now the team's next star player.
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uuuuuuunnmmm Hulk and Miko friendship?? *scratches their shin*
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stable-men · 9 months
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There's a craze going around turning celebrities into muscle beasts... Now you can try it too, pick up a bottle of MUSCLE MILK with your grocery shop today!
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jan-hen · 1 year
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Transformation - Shapeshifter Gun Show
Here's a transformation line art commission made for SwapperSonic1991.
Two shapeshifters decide to give their captive audience a bit of a show by transforming into buff ladies. Mystique from X-Men turns into She-Hulk, while Melona from Queen's Blade transforms into Risty.
Art by me, dialogue by SwapperSonic1991.
Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon! www.patreon.com/retrosqueeze
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saintbarou · 1 year
id piss me off so bad if i couldn’t notice toji standing behind me
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catstuxedo · 1 year
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Hulk-Girl 6-41 and 42
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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