#hulk hogan cw
dilf-in-peril · 9 months
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that's fucking sick
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tlsafterdark · 4 months
(tbh Soldier gives me the same energy of a wrestler saying the most suggestive and erotic shit completely with a straight face)
Wrestlers Saying Questionable Things
Wrestlers Saying Questionable Things Part 2!! (REUPLOADED)
Pro Wrestling Promo Innuendos Sus Moments
Minors DNI
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matrivers · 8 months
The day that “The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny” fails to make me smile is the day i die
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
Hi Katy <3
Could I get some arrowroot in a❣️ bottle?
I just want Mrs and Mr Smith cuddling after a hard mission
Hell yea ofc!!! Thank you for requesting! Hope u like it 🩷
Pairing: Spy! Hobie Brown x Spy! Fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Spy AU, Mr and Mrs Smith AU, John Smith! Hobie, Jane Smith! R, CW blood, CW violence mention, CW injury, FLUFF
A sequel to this
Katy's one year celebration 🎉
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The helicopter rumbles, its whirring blades echo in your bleeding ear. You're covered in drying blood, mouth sickeningly dry, and incredibly hungry from the whole ordeal. Hobie sits across from you, uncharacteristically silent, a mirror image of you with crimson still dripping from his neck down to the collar of his shirt. His eyes are empty, staring outside at the passing lush islands.
You cough, mindlessly picking at the blood underneath your fingernails, and pulling at the rubber band on your wrist to release it in a harsh slap on your skin. Hobie sees your habit return, and then almost immediately, there's a sudden pressure against your ear, almost making you jump if not for his hand gently grasping your shoulder.
“You're still bleedin’” He yells, forgetting about the helicopter headset he has on.
“Please scream in my ear more so I continue to bleed!” You're annoyed from how shitty the mission went to how much chaos you and Hobie left in that bunker. Sure, it was considered successful to the company's standard, but you had to do drastic measures for it to be considered just that. You can still smell the smoke stuck in your nostrils, and the screams embedding in your mind.
Hobie takes his headsets off, the immediate sound of the blades pierces his ear drums. “Sorry,” he gestures for the seat next to you, to which you give him a quick nod. With a groan, he now sits next to you, dabbing the cloth in his hand along the shell of your ear. You don't mind how close he is, you've been partners with him for almost a year now. Technically ‘married’ for ten months, sixteen days, and twelve hours. But who's keeping count?
You stay silent even when he hands you a bottle of water. Hobie continues to clean the blood off your ear while you drink and watch how his hands are so gentle with you. Even after he watched you set flames to the occupied secret bunker. “Why?”
“Why what?” He replies, voice softer than before.
You sniff, glancing towards his mismatched yet gorgeous eyes. It reminds you of a stained glass window in a church, it's the closest you get to see heaven at this point. “Nothing.”
He doesn't pick and prod, perhaps he also knows how you feel. You thank him silently for understanding. “There, I think the bleedin' stopped a while ago, the blood was just covering your ears.”
True enough, you can hear much better now. Nothing's muffled but there's still a throbbing pain left. “Thanks.”
After finishing, he still doesn't leave your side. “No problem.”
“You okay?” Your voice is quieter than the voices in your head. You scooch closer to him, knee to knee, hand inching closer to his own hand atop his thigh. “I saw you get thrown.”
“Nothing to worry ‘bout. Y’know me, I can handle it.”
“That man was built like a fucking wrestler, Hobie.” You utter his real name quieter than the rest of your words, lest you want the company to know that you've broken the rules. Again.
“Yeah, d’you think he knows Hulk Hogan?”
You chuckle, “fuck off.” Laying your head on his shoulder, mindful of your injury. He smiles, reaching for your wrist, grasping at the raw skin where you always let the rubber band go in a smack. “He kinda looked like Hulk Hogan.”
“What if he was his kid or somethin’?” Hobie rubs along the angry lines left by the rubber band, smoothing you.
You snuggle closer, injury be damned, intimacy issues thrown out of the copter window— you need him and his touch. “Then we're fucked, Hogan's going to come after us.”
Hobie snickers, snaking his arm behind you to wrap you tightly in his embrace. He swears he heard you let out a relieved sigh, so he squeezes you once, twice, until you've fully relaxed. “Why? Is it because we killed him?”
“No, because we stole his lunch,” Hobie laughs, making you laugh against his shoulder where you've parked your head in the crook of his neck. “Yes, because we killed him.”
He hums against the crown of your head, kissing you softly and subtly that you almost didn't notice it. “You saved my arse back there. Our synergy was off the bloody charts. Let's see the other Smiths do that.” He boasts, mentioning the other pair of Smiths who practically threw you and Hobie into the mission that was supposed to be theirs.
“It was you, Hobie, of course I'd fucking kick his ass.” You pout as he smooths your worry lines in between your eyes. “Besides, they would've done better because they're so perfect and so in love.” You say the last words with bitterness.
Hobie tamps down a laugh, continuing to hum against your head. The vibrations from his throat calm you down like you needing white noise to fall asleep. You think you can never fall asleep alone now because of him. He has become your personal white noise machine. “So in love it's sickenin’” He says while he rubs your arm, and moves your head to pepper kisses on your temple.
“They're so sick, I hate them.” You take all his kisses, sighing with each peck.
“They're not perfect though.” He pauses, lips still on your skin, voice muffled by it.
“They are.” You lean away, leaving his lips still puckered up from his numerous barrage of kisses. “They're a level higher than us, and Jane's fucking wardrobe is amazing. God, I hate her so much.”
Hobie nods, listening to you ramble on about John's excessive love of ‘imagine dragons.’ “Like, ‘thunder’ doesn't even fit the mood of our dinner party when he played it on his phone. It was Italian for god's sake, we had prosciutto. The fancy kind!”
“Mm-hmm, he's annoyin’” while you talk, he carefully puts your head on his lap and you're none the wiser. It's not like he's not listening, he'd listen to you yap about bird migration in the north only because you're the one who's talking. But he knows you need to rest for the rest of the flight or you'd be knackered by the time the helicopter lands. Even covered in blood and complaining, he still finds you endearing.
You suddenly stop ranting, twisting around to fully face him. Hobie puts his hands up in surrender, you narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
“Pettin' your head?”
You huff, turning towards his stomach, accepting his fondness while you embrace his middle. “Continue.”
“Alright,” Hobie beams down at you as your eyes start to close the second he rubs your aching back. You're curled around him like a cat, the seats are too small to fit your entire form so you're all shrimped out while you slowly fall asleep.
“I'm going to fucking kill them for throwing us here.” He thought you were asleep already, your sudden, angry yet sleepy voice almost made him guffaw in his seat.
“Especially Jane?”
“Especially Jane.”
“I'll handle John then.” His fingers make patterns on your back.
“You'd help me?” You ask, meeting his eyes.
“Of course, it's for you, love.”
You wanted to kiss him right there and then. “Good, because I don't want to do it myself.”
Hobie laughs softly, eyes just as soft while he looks at you. “Sleep first, revenge later.”
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
not kin with any wrestler, but most wrestlers especially those who perform on TV are often personas or characters being played, with scripted or planned scenes, storylines, and plots. even if a wrestler goes by their real name, more likely than not theyve got a gimmick or fake personality that they're presenting through and its not 100% themselves, its definitely more akin to YTer's sonas than kinning an existing person as they are
1337n00b said: Mark Calloway is not actually an undead goth that can summon lightning bolts, anon. They are playing characters
God I wish they were real tho!!
seethingballofhatred said: I dont know shit about wwe wrestling but I still know that they are all characters doing a performance fight for entertainment. None of it is real
fr33p0 said: afaik WWE is scripted with fictional characters that have fictional interpersonal relationships, the wrestler characters =/= the actual people playing them, theyre just actors
[the above replies from this post: https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/post/627534757785485312/ ]
Yeah, I heard about the keyfabe thing? So like it's like a soap opera except with table smashing and more sweat involved! Also funny costumes! Also it's kinda funny that, I guess? Legally they are fictional characters! Because of that whole 'Hulk Hogan' thing, I mean!
Though sometimes I'm not entirely sure which wrestler is genuinely wrestling professionally without a fictional persona! That is, under a stage name that was made to protect their identity because some fans can be inappropriate!
So to answer the curious cats: WWEkin are akin [ha!] to youtuber's fictional persona's! But there might be some wrestlers who aren't using fictional identities? It's complicated!
Thank you to everyone who responded! I’m very happy we can work this out together!
Mod Party Cat!
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look i'm sorry i made a JOKE why am i actually kinsidering /bulk bogan/ it was a JOKE kin gods i didn't mean for me to be the joke
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yellowbadgergirl · 5 years
Never forget: Jon Favreau started the MCU and believed in Robert when nobody did.
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angeltiddies · 3 years
I can't believe the CW made John Cena so sad with their homophobic finale, he keeps tweeting emo Heller tweets on Destiel anniversary. John Cena, if you wanna talk, Tumblr anon is always here for you. Maybe the WWE is gonna remake SPN with John Cena as Cas, Dwayne Johnson as Dean, Hulk Hogan as Sam and Randy Orton as Benny. The remake we deserve
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self-winding · 2 years
CW:  castration, cannibalism
Ten years or so ago, I remember stumbling across this website for men who had a fetish/fantasy about castrating themselves and then cooking and eating their own balls.  I doubt I could find this again if I wanted to, assuming it even still exists.
The part I remember most vividly was this little disclaimer at the beginning about how many of the men who had this fetish were very Normal and Masculine and Heterosexual, as though being non-straight or feminine were somehow more taboo than wanting to eat your own balls.
I think there were also recipes?  Idk the more I think about this the more it feels like a “Hulk Hogan Meat Shoes” kind of memory but I swear that this existed.  It just randomly popped into my head again today for the first time in years.
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nerdcorp · 6 years
Brian Michael Bendis Finds New Ways to Fuck Up Superman's Mythos and More Comic News
Brian Michael Bendis Finds New Ways to Fuck Up Superman’s Mythos and More Comic News
View On WordPress
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sineala · 4 years
Civil War: Script Book
I finally read something and have a proper review for all of you! In case you're curious about the contents of the Civil War script book, I have some thoughts on it here as well as some excerpts of the bits that are probably most exciting and/or useful to 616 Steve/Tony fandom.
On the face of it, Civil War: Script Book is exactly what it sounds like -- a book collecting the final drafts of the scripts of the main Civil War comic book series. Issues one to seven. Yep. All of them. "But Sine," you might ask, "why would I want that when I have already read Civil War?" Well, there are a few reasons. One is that you might just be the kind of person who finds it interested to read comic scripts and compare them to the published material, to see what kind of directions and detail the artist is given, and so on. The other reason is that it is interesting from a fannish perspective -- there is a lot of behind-the-scenes commentary, as well as Mark Millar's original pitch for the series and his first draft for Civil War #1.
The book is laid out in a way that is about as visually exciting as you could hope for a collection of scripts to be. The script itself is on the verso pages. Occasional significant lines are highlighted in yellow, with red arrows drawn to the recto pages where they've reproduced the art that goes with those lines. The recto pages also contain commentary from Mark Millar (the author of Civil War) and Tom Brevoort (the editor at Marvel who, relevantly, was responsible for overseeing the entire Civil War event).
And there's a lot in the commentary that fandom might enjoy knowing about. Disclaimer: the commentary is not new; it was all culled from various promotional interviews, but this is the first time it has been collected in one place in this form. And, okay, to be fair, some of the commentary is Millar rhapsodizing about how much he enjoys splash pages with large numbers of superheroes on them, and also how much he likes fight scenes, but there's more than that. For example, we learn -- although you might already have heard this -- that in the very beginning stages of planning, they thought Steve would be pro-Registration, but ultimately decided against it because they didn't think Steve would be in favor of arresting his friends.
(And as another authorial-intent tidbit that may be of interest to a few of you, Brevoort says that Millar -- who is also the author of the original two Ultimates miniseries, as I'm sure you know -- says that, in his mind, if Civil War had happened in the Ultimate universe, Ults Steve would absolutely have been pro-Registration.)
(One more note on authorial intent: Millar says Steve would not have brought the shield down in the final fight.)
It's also interesting seeing both Brevoort's and Millar's opinion on issues that have since become controversial in fandom meta -- the smaller question of what the SHRA actually does, and the big big question, of course, of which side anyone is on. Which side the event is on. Whether it was intentionally slanted in any way.
There has been talk in fannish meta that it's hard to evaluate CW as an event because we aren't given a clear definition in canon of what restrictions the SHRA would actually impose on superhumans -- for example, everyone with powers is forced to register, but are they actually forced to work for SHIELD? Well, in case you were wondering, both Brevoort and Millar seem pretty clear that this is not the case. This is what Brevoort has to say:
The SHRA isn't an organization, it's a federal law. It requires anybody possessing superhuman abilities to register themselves and those abilities with duly appointed agents of the government. Additionally, if an individual intends to use those super-normal abilities as an independent peace officer, they must qualify on a training evaluation, be licensed and submit to some level of oversight in terms of their activities.
I hope that's helpful to someone in fandom, the next time you want to know what the SHRA does. So the answer looks like, yeah, SHIELD has to know about you even if you're the guy whose power is that you can barf up anything you can imagine (I am still not sure why this is the deus-ex-machina ending that Secret Empire went for but that's the subject of another post), but you don't have to join the Initiative unless you actually want to be a superhero.
And then there's the question of the balance of the event. While fandom as a whole generally seemed to perceive Tony as having been on the wrong side, Brevoort says he thinks that they came off as pretty equal in the main series, but that a lot of the tie-ins may have been slanted in favor of anti-Reg because he wanted to let the writers of the tie-ins "tell the truth as they saw it," and that furthermore a lot of the anti-Reg-favoring issues came out early in the event and helped solidify the opinion. He does say that if he were to do it again he would have rearranged the order of some of the tie-ins and asked some of the writers "to perhaps rein in their depictions of Tony a little bit."
So there. That's the word from Marvel, on both of those topics. On to the rest of this book!
The original pitch by Millar, plotting out the whole event, is also an interesting read, in terms of what changed and what stayed the same. They were originally throwing around a lot of ideas with the Hulk, which as far as I can tell mostly got recycled into Planet Hulk/World War Hulk slightly later on. The inciting event (the Stamford incident in the final version, obviously) hadn't been completely settled on, and they knew they'd have to kill someone (so as to make the event have an impact), but they weren't sure who; later on, they obviously decided on Goliath. What's more, it's clear from reading the rest of the commentary that Millar and Brevoort consider Goliath's death the turning point of the narrative, where the stakes are really raised. I find that interesting; in the parts of fandom I hang out with, the big turning points that come up in conversation tend to be pretty much (a) the EMP and (b) the final fight.
The other thing that's really weird is that... Steve doesn't die. What happens in the original pitch is that there's an evil senator with technology to depower all the superheroes, and Steve basically takes one for the team and stops the final fight by destroying the technology and in the process, losing the serum. There is then some discussion about who should be Cap after that -- whether it should be Bucky or Clint, for example. But skinny Steve basically heads off into the sunset at the end as Registration takes hold, and they plan to keep him deserumed for a year or two until the movie comes out, for that sweet sweet MCU synergy.
Is there anything in the pitch I would have loved to have seen? Hell, yeah. Check this out:
The whole situation is getting nuts and there's a clear war now going on between the super heroes, both equally convinced that they're doing the right thing. It all builds up to a big climax at the end of the fourth issue as Tony wakes up in bed to find Cap sitting on his chest and warning him to call off the dogs. He has to release these super-people from prison or Cap will have to take action. This is a last moment of sanity before all hell breaks loose in issue five and, since Tony believes with all his heart that they need licenses, he tells Cap to go [fuck] himself. Thus, the war is on and both sides are playing for keeps.
Would I pay CASH MONEYS for an emotionally-fraught conversation between Steve and Tony that takes place in Tony's bed with Steve sitting on Tony's chest? Boy howdy! I sure would!
So, you know, I'm sad that that didn't make it into the final draft. The rest of the pitch is pretty meh other than that.
The final bit of content exclusive to this book -- other than the pitch -- is the original draft of the script for Civil War #1 and, well, it would have been... slightly different. First off, there's no Stamford incident. There is an inciting event in which the New Warriors are in a fight for the purposes of reality TV and it gets out of control -- so that part is the same -- but it takes place in Bellport, Long Island, and the sole victim is Happy Hogan, who gets shot in the head and dies.
Naturally, you can see how this would bring Tony on board to the pro-Registration side. Also ardently pro-Registration in this draft is Simon Williams (yes, Wonder Man), who is running for political office and is leveraging this to boost his popularity. Being as Wonder Man isn't particularly popular, I have to say I'm glad that they took that out.
The big-impact scene of Steve's confrontation on the helicarrier -- you know, the one where he jumps out the window and rides a fighter jet down? -- is still there, but in this draft, Fury is still running SHIELD, though Hill is present. The commentary indicates that the role was switched to Hill for the final version because they felt that Fury would be too pro-superhero and specifically too pro-Cap to fill the position. I understand why they did this, but I think the first-draft showdown has a lot more impact coming from people who have been comrades as long as Nick and Steve have in 616:
CAPT AMERICA: I AM NOT RATTING OUT MY FRIENDS! FURY: Fingers on your triggers, boys. Any sudden moves and I want the captain tasered. CAPT AMERICA: Damn you to hell for this, Nick. FURY: Damn you for for making me do it.
See? So much more emotional!
The issue wraps up essentially the same way as the published version, with Tony in a Cabinet meeting with the president, explicitly endorsing Registration -- so, yeah, the main themes are mostly there, but a lot of the details are different.
Overall, I have to say that if you're interested in the details of the Civil War event, and you like behind-the-scenes information and extras, this book is worth a purchase, but not necessarily to the point where you should go hunting it down. I think I got mine for $5, which seems reasonable, and I have definitely gotten $5 worth of Civil War informational value out of it.
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strikkodrene · 4 years
YOL SCREAM COMPILATION (and 64′s shitty hulk hogan impression)
CW: Loud
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lboogie1906 · 4 years
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Todd Anthony Bridges (born May 27, 1965) in San Francisco is an actor. He portrayed Willis Jackson on the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, and had a recurring role as Monk on the sitcom Everybody Hates Chris. Bridges worked as a commentator on the television series TruTV Presents: World's Dumbest... from 2008 to 2013. He appeared on The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, and the landmark miniseries Roots, and was a regular on the Barney Miller spinoff Fish. But it was playing Willis Jackson, on the long-running sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, that made him a household name. He appeared in the 2002 special Celebrity Boxing with friend Vanilla Ice, which he defeated. In 2006, Bridges appeared as a contestant on a celebrity episode of Fear Factor, but was eliminated after the first stunt. Also in 2006, he appeared as a contestant on the Fox reality show Skating with Celebrities but was eliminated on the second episode of the show because he was using roller skates instead of ice skates. In January 2007, he appeared as a member of the "mob" on the US version of the game show 1 vs. 100. He and his wife Dori Bridges appeared in the November 14, 2007 episode of the MyNetworkTV show Decision Housetitled "Burned Bridges". He also had a recurring role on the UPN/The CW sitcom Everybody Hates Chris. In March 2008, he appeared on TruTV Presents: World's Dumbest...; he continues to appear as a frequent commentator. That same year in October, he debuted as one of the contestants on Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling, on the CMT Network. He was a member of Team Beefcake. On the show, Bridges' wrestling persona was the character "Mr. Not So Perfect." In one episode, he put the smackdown on Tonya Harding with a lead pipe. The judges praised him for his athleticism and his cunning at defeating Harding. After reaching the finals along with Butterbean and Dustin Diamond, he was defeated by Dennis Rodman. In 2015, Bridges was the host of a live game show, Lovers or Losers: The Game Show, at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtxvAGnUWBRa1U65FzQ7w4nOplh4LUlJtFX6E0/?igshid=mti2tx9yk6j9
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heartlandians · 7 years
‘Tacoma FD’: Kirby Bliss-Blanton, Marcus Henderson, Eugene Cordero & Gabriel Hogan Join TruTV Comedy Pilot
Kirby Bliss-Blanton (Project X), Marcus Henderson (Get Out), Eugene Cordero (Kong: Skull Island) and Gabriel Hogan (Condor) are set as series regulars opposite Super Troopers’ Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme in TruTV’s comedy pilot Tacoma FD. Production begins this month in Los Angeles.
Co-created by and starring Heffernan and Lemme, Tacoma FD is in the style of humor of Super Troopers but applied to a new world and new characters. It is set in a firehouse in the wettest city in America. Light on blazes that need extinguishing, they are basically firefighters who are always ready to fight fires — but in this wet city, they also have to fight their own boredom.
Bliss-Blanton will play Lucy O’Malley, a rookie firefighter and the first female ever assigned to her father’s station. In addition to battling fires, she’s also constantly battling gender roles and is intent on proving she belongs in this world.
Henderson will portray Granville “Granny” Smith, an accomplished paramedic and firefighter in the station house. He served as a medic in Afghanistan and has seen it all.
Cordero will play Andy Parrish, a good firefighter who’s dealing with some personal issues – namely the fact that he is going prematurely bald.
Hogan is Ike Crystal, a hulking and handsome firefighter – but not exactly the smartest guy in the room. He also moonlights as an exotic dancer.
Heffernan and Lemme executive produce alongside David Miner and Greg Walter from 3 Arts Entertainment and Kyle Clark from Silverscreen Pictures.
Bliss-Blanton played lead roles in Warner Bros’ Project X and in Eli Roth and Jason Blum’s The Green Inferno, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival. She recently wrapped shooting the female lead in Wish Man, a true story about the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the couple who started it all. She’s repped by Generate and Abrams Artists Agency.
Henderson most recently was seen as Walter in Jordan Peele’s Oscar-nominated Get Out and on television in FX’s Snowfall. He’s repped by Greene & Associates Talent Agency.
Kong: Skull Island actor Cordero recently recurred on Netflix’s Grace and Frankieand the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. He’s repped by Global Artists Agency and Principato Young Entertainment.
Hogan recurs on Audience Networks’ Condor and CBC’s Heartland. He’s repped by the Characters Talent Agency and Haven Entertainment.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Can you tag wrestlers factkin please?
No sorry, because I don’t post factkin here because that’s not real or legitimate!
According to WWE lore, they’re all actors? And they have plots and stories with people like The Undertaker against The Overtaker or whomever? I don’t understand it!  So literally legally WWE wrestlers aren’t real people unless stated to be nonfictional portrayals! I assume so! If I’m wrong, I’d like to hear how so I know whether I should post them or not!
*and that lawsuit with Terry Bollea saying H*lk H*ogan is a character he plays?! Wha?!
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