spotcashforgold · 7 months
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meimi-haneoka · 26 days
Clear Card Trivia 5 ~ Real life models of buildings featured in Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
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Hello and welcome back to my column dedicated to Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc!
After a rather "heavy" 4th one, for this 5th episode of the series I've chosen a topic that doesn't require to dig down into complex matters, but actually just admire the real life models of some of the buildings featured in Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card!
All of the buildings mentioned here have already been featured in a thread or tweet in my Twitter account, but I thought it was time to collect all the info relative to them in a single post, easy to browse through when needed! Maybe for some of you it'll be an interesting discovery!
Two of these models are old acquaintances, since they already existed in the old manga/anime but they came back, particularly one of them became pretty much a big deal in this arc, so they will be dutifully featured here.
Without further ado, let's explore these buildings under the cut! (I will also add useful info in case you want to visit them one day - many CCS fans already do this regularly!)
Tomoeda Middle School - The Gate Hotel by HULIC (ex Rissei Elementary School)
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We start this review with one of the most iconic buildings in Clear Card Arc: ever since chapter 2 of the manga (because it didn't appear in chapter 1 yet) and episode 1 of the anime, this new building helped us getting accustomed with Sakura's new life as a middle schooler! Obviously I'm talking about the Tomoeda Middle School! It is a very nice building surrounded by cherry blossom trees, but the best part of it is that it's an existing building in real life!!
Let me introduce you to the ex Rissei Elementary School of Kyoto, which has been renovated in 2020 and turned into the current The Gate Hotel by HULIC. At the time of planning of Clear Card, the building was still known as the ex-Rissei Elementary School, although the building hadn't been used as a school since March 1993 (it had been turned into a multi-purpose space for the local community's gatherings and cultural activities). But don't be fooled: CLAMP didn't choose this building only because it's a pretty school - it is a very, very important historical building for the city of Kyoto (where CLAMP currently live!). This building is considered "the birthplace of cinema in Japan", since in 1897 an early film projector brought from Paris was installed in this school and an experimental showing of Lumière cinema was performed. Furthermore, this school also had the first swimming pool ever installed in an elementary school in Japan.
There's a very nice video explaining in details the history of this important building, subbed in English:
After a 10-years period where the building was used for cultural activities and festivals (particularly cinema oriented), in 2020 the renovation works ended and the place turned into a commercial building hosting a hotel (the current The Gate Hotel by Hulic), but also a library, events hall, restaurants, etc. enclosed in a complex called "Rissei Garden Hulic Kyoto". CLAMP also took interest in the renovation works, mentioning them in their social media at the time.
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The thing that immediately stands out is that, in their renovation works, they kept the original architecture intact and so the building still looks exactly like Sakura-chan's school! You can see them here beside eachother and it's really the same.
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If you are in Kyoto and want to do some "fan pilgrimage", as Japanese fans call it, you can reach this building at this address:
Rissei Garden Hulic Kyoto 310-2, Bizenjimacho, Kawaramachi Higashiiru, Takoyakushi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8023 JAPAN Official website with detailed info on how to reach there.
Clow/Eriol/Akiho's mansion - The Former Moji Mitsui Club
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In Cardcaptor Sakura there's another iconic and mysterious building that had been pretty important in Sakura Card Arc already, but in Clear Card Arc becomes basically a matter of "life and death" for the new tenants who live in it: of course I'm talking about the mansion that first belonged to Clow Reed, then to Eriol Hiiragizawa, then to Akiho Shinomoto (along with Yuna D. Kaito) and ultimately is bought and managed again by Eriol! 😆
Kaito, the stoic and unfazed magician Kaito we all know, had been uncharacteristically nervous about obtaining Eriol's ex-house, since he was afraid that the previous owner had left some trick that would prevent them from obtaining it. This info was not revealed in the manga, but actually in a "behind the curtains" scene of the 1st Drama CD that came with volume 7 of the manga. Why was it so important for Kaito to get Eriol's ex-house? It's easy to deduce, once you remember that Eriol himself told Syaoran that his ex-house is a very good place to store and protect magical artifacts. And who carried a ridiculously powerful magical artifact inside herself, unaware of it? Akiho, of course. Eriol's house was probably the best chance Kaito had to protect Akiho from all the attempts of the Association+the Squids to take her away, back into their control (as we have seen in chapter 33).
This house was so important that the anime staff (along with scriptwriter Ohkawa-sensei) had to come up with a convoluted explanation as to why the house was back on its feet again when Akiho invited Sakura and Tomoyo in episode 8, since it had been completely destroyed to build an amusement park at the beginning of The Sealed Card movie!! (which, mind you, it's still canon!! They just suggested that Kaito brought that house back with his magic and the majority of the characters didn't realize the discrepancy).
Well, did you know that such an important mansion is an actually existing building? Let me introduce you to the former Moji Mitsui Club in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka prefecture!
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As you can see by comparing it with the pictures above, the anime version had to change some elements of the front here and there, but the manga counterpart is basically a tracing of the real existing building!! Just like the ex-Rissei Elementary School, this building isn't just aesthetically interesting, with its exposed timbers evocative of German design of its time. It was built in 1921 as an accommodation facility of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Japan's first general trading company, but it's famous for having hosted none other than Albert Einstein and his wife, during their tour of Japan, in 1922!! In 1990 it was designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan.
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It is very interesting to note how the anime staff was pretty careful in keeping the same European vibe of the interiors of the existing building, with its big curtains, mantelpiece in each room, exposed wooden beams on the ceiling, dark brown half-wall wooden panelings.
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In the manga we can mainly see, of this house, the living room where Kaito and Akiho always chat and have tea (which is the same of the anime), and only limitedly we can see another room (some kind of studio) and Akiho's bedroom. We even get a tiny glance at Kaito's bedroom in chapter 80, but it's basically just the bed.
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This one above is the "Einstein Memorial Room" and it replicates faithfully the suite where Einstein and his wife stayed at while visiting Fukuoka.
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The teal colored wallpaper with all those flowers makes me think that the design of Akiho's room in the anime might have been inspired precisely by this room! ✨
If you find yourself in the vicinity of Fukuoka, you can't miss the opportunity to visit this building at this address:
Former Moji Mitsui Club 7-1 Minatomachi, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City JAPAN *Admission fee required for the 2nd floor - Einstein's Memorial Room More info on this page.
Masaki's Summer House - Rokkaen
And now we get to what I consider one of the most beautiful buildings featured in Clear Card Arc: one of Masaki's houses shown in episode 20 of the anime and chapter 20 of the manga!
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This was seemingly Nadeshiko's favorite summer house and precisely for this reason, Masaki has planned to leave it as an inheritance to our Sakura-chan in the future! Truth to be told, he wanted to give it to her immediately, but Fujitaka understandably refused (for the time being) the inheritance of the house on his daughter's behalf. I don't even think Sakura knows of this, it's a matter the two men must have discussed in private. Regardless, dear CCS fans, this is a sneak peek into the future of our Sakura-chan and Syaoran-kun, as this might be the future nest of our two lovebirds. 🥰 And could a building of such importance and beauty be just a fictional house?? Of course not!!
Meet the Rokkaen, a gorgeous light blue European-style building in Kuwana, Mie prefecture!
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The official Visit Mie website reports: "Completed in 1913, Rokkaen is an old European building with a four-story tower combined with a Japanese-style structure. It boasts a garden in the front complete with a pond. It was built by Josiah Conder, a British architect who also designed the Rokumeikan". Even this building, just like the former Moji Mitsui Club, was designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan in 1997.
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As you can see, this is what the manga shows of this building, and at first glance it might seem like a different mansion because the tower doesn't appear, but worry not: it is still the very same building, only showing the left side of it! The tower on the right side is hidden by the trees (and the Japanese side of the building is missing).
I've checked a bit the interiors from the anime and manga, and while in the anime I didn't recognize particularly any room (the style is still similar though, particularly the half-wall panelings), in the manga there's one scene where it is incontrovertibly featured the sun room on the second floor: it's when Sakura wanders inside and eventually finds Nadeshiko's room!
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From the accuracy of the drawing, we can assume Mokona sensei worked closely with different pictures of the real life building! 😉
At this link you can even take a virtual tour of Rokkaen! But if you really want to visit it in person, then take note of the address below:
Rokkaen 663-5 Kuwana City, Kuwana 511-0005 Mie Prefecture JAPAN *Admission fees required to visit the building More info on how to reach the place on this page, using an online translator.
Tomoeda Aquarium - Kaiyukan Aquarium
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As for Clear Card, this building only appears in the anime, but it is another one that got a second chance after having appeared in the old anime first: the Tomoeda Aquarium! I still remember how the choice to feature this building again for a very important episode was met with lots of criticism from the SyaoSaku fandom at the time of announcement of episode 9, only to end up making everyone fall in love with the portrayal of Sakura and Syaoran's first date ever. ✨ The magical and intimate atmosphere of an aquarium, with its soft lights and pretty colored fishes, got an unrivaled charm! Well, it seems the design of this magical place (where Kaito and Akiho will have a date of their own later on - only mentioned and manga-only, for now) was inspired by a real existing aquarium, the Kaiyukan Aquarium in Osaka!!
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And of course, for CCS, they couldn't choose an average aquarium: Kaiyukan was, when it first opened in 1990, the largest public aquarium in the entire world. Nowadays that record has been surpassed by other aquariums, but it's still one of the largest. Goes without saying, but the design was the same even in the old anime.
Not everything we saw of this aquarium in CCS comes from Kaiyukan, though. It seems like the iconic cylindrical tank (yes, the one that broke twice in the anime) might have been inspired by AquaDom, which was a very popular aquarium situated in the lobby of the Radisson Collection Hotel in Berlin, Germany. This aquarium held the World Record title for the biggest cylindrical aquarium in the world. Why do I talk in past tense? ...Well, this might seem like a joke, you might have heard about it or not, but sometimes fiction turns into reality and on December 16th, 2022 the big tank suddenly ruptured, destroying itself and propelling 1 million litres of water and 1.500 tropical fishes into nearby facilities and streets, with devastating damage. Only two people got hurt from the glass debris since this happened early in the morning (before 6 am), but if this happened even just an hour later, the human damage would've been so much worse, on top of everything else. Unfortunately, all the fishes died. ☹️ When the news came out, I saw a lot of Japanese fans relating the incident to what happened in CCS. 😅
Well, I can't leave information to visit AquaDom anymore, since it seems they don't have any intention to re-build the cylindrical aquarium, but I can certainly do so for the pretty Kaiyukan aquarium in Osaka, so if you visit nearby, definitely check it out! 😉
Kaiyukan Aquarium 1-1-10 Kaigandori, Minato-ku, Osaka City 552-0022 JAPAN *Tickets required Additional access info here.
Old Library of Trinity College & The Eiffel Tower
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Alright, alright, I'll admit it: these two come straight from my obsession for YunaAki, hence why I've lumped them together. 😆 When I started getting more and more involved in the story of these two, I (over)analyzed all their panels together, in hope to understand them better and grasp some foreshadowings on the story. And chapter 39 of the manga is particularly dear to me because it showed some fragments of their travels together around the world. I got so interested in that scene in particular, that I started to look if I could recognize the places depicted. And while I had a hard time recognizing some of them, there are two places that are actually existing buildings in real life!
One is the old library of the Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland! When I saw that huge library in the corner of the manga page, I had to look for it. It looked so majestic and beautiful that it had to have a real life inspiration. And it took me to just type "biggest libraries in the world" on Google, to find it! As you can see from the panel circled in purple above, Mokona sensei reproduced (simplifying the design) the one that's called "The Long Room", the biggest and most important room of this impressive library, hosting around 200.000 old books in its 65 mt of length. There are also marble busts lining the room, which have been just vaguely sketched by Mokona sensei, but they do appear along with the seats in the middle of the aisle, indicated by my magenta arrow. The old library is just one building of the Library of the Trinity College, but it is also famous for housing The Book of Kells, which is "an illuminated manuscript and Celtic Gospel book in Latin, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatory texts and tables", as reported by Wikipedia. When Akiho was introduced, they didn't mention she had lived in Ireland, and even though this technically could be just a randomly referenced library and nothing else, it's nice to imagine Akiho and Kaito lived there too. But they DID mention that those two lived in France for a period, hence why the next feature was easier to spot:
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Despite the design is sliiiightly different (it's not a perfect tracing of the original, particularly where it seems to be corresponding to the second level deck), I think it's apparent this was meant to suggest the Eiffel Tower and the period they lived in France. The "atmosphere" of the scene also kinda fits it (Kaito always manages to get the best houses - like what do you mean they got an apartment with a view on La Tour Eiffel while they were living in France?? 😆). I don't think the Eiffel Tower needs any introduction, as it's one of the most famous and iconic towers in the world (even the Tokyo Tower is inspired to it!).
So let's just leave some basic info here in case you're traveling the world and want to visit the two locations above:
The old library of Trinity College Old Library, College Green, South-East Inner City, Dublin 2, D02 VR66 IRELAND *Admission fee and pre-booking info here. (Note that currently most of the books have been removed from the Long Room as part of a redevelopment project and will be moved back when works are done)
The Eiffel Tower Av. Gustave Eiffel, 75007 Paris, FRANCE *Admission fee required Additional access info here.
Special Feature / The Pictures in Sakura's Bedroom - Hong Kong
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And I've chosen to end this post with an extra: not all of them are buildings but it's something I've already featured in another post loooooooong time ago on this same blog, and I believe it deserves to be featured and collected here again, along with all the other buildings of this arc, for easier reference!!
Have you ever wondered what are the pictures pinned to the wall of Sakura's bedroom in the Clear Card anime? When episode 1 aired on January 7th 2018, some chinese fans were lightning-fast to spot the landscapes depicted in those mysterious photos - they might have looked like some random photos at first glance, but in this anime nothing is left to chance!!
They actually were a very conscious, deliberate choice of the anime staff: they're all referencing landscapes from Hong Kong!!! The chinese fans recognized all the places immediately (and from blurry shots of episode 1, at that!) but later on director Morio Asaka confirmed in the interview of the Starter Book that they were in fact postcards that Syaoran sent to Sakura from Hong Kong during the time they've spent apart between 6th grade and 1st year of middle school.
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When I first saw the post from the chinese fans, I remember my heart exploded with tenderness for SyaoSaku, but even more so when director Asaka confirmed it: it was a testament to the efforts made by our two lovebirds to keep their bond alive, waiting for the moment when they would finally be together again. And seeing that Sakura filled her personal space with Syaoran's home gave me a good idea of how much she had been missing him, and used those postcards to "wrap herself in his presence" whenever she needed to. I always appreciated so much this little "present" from the anime staff, always so careful in depicting feelings even through these little details. So let's review what each of those postcards depict (sorry for having to do it like this, but I ran out of pics allowed)
First column The Peak Tower Temple Street Ngong Ping 360 cable car Second column Victoria Harbour ferry Victoria Peak night view
For these ones, as they're just hidden cameos, I prefer leaving a convenient link for each of those places/attractions so you can delve far and wide into the interesting info provided by the official websites (all in English), and maybe even plan your next visit to Hong Kong!
And I believe that's everything, for what I could spot, but if you find other buildings in the Clear Card anime or manga that are clearly referencing real life buildings, let me know and I'll add them here to this post with credits!! ✨✨✨
Remember you can always check the other posts of this series through the hashtag #clear card trivia !
Are you already planning your next trip for a Clear Card pilgrimage?? 😆
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tabilist · 1 month
【マツコの知らない世界】銀座線インドカレーの世界 紹介されたおすすめリスト
【#マツコの知らない世界】銀座線インドカレーの世界 紹介されたおすすめリスト 2024/8/27放送 東京都渋谷区宇田川町32-7 HULIC&New UDAGAWA 4F #マツコの知らない世界 #マツコ #マツコ・デラックス 詳しく見る↓
マツコの知らない世界 2024/8/27放送 銀座線インドカレーの世界 紹介されたおすすめ リスト 南インド:ダムビリヤニが楽しめる 渋谷駅「アーンドラ・ダイニング 渋谷(Andhra Dining)」 食べログでcheck! 南インドのアーンドラ・プラデシュ州の料理を日本で本格的に味わえる貴重なレストラン 数十種類のスパイスを駆使した複雑で奥深い味わいは、インド料理好きはもちろん、本格的なスパイス料理を求める人々を魅了している。 シェフは、インドで長年料理を学んだ経験と、厳選されたスパイスを組み合わせることで、現地さながらの風味を再現 曜日限定の「ハイデラバード ダム…
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teragames · 2 months
"Fruits Basket: The Final" tendrá una obra de teatro
Mediante un video promocional se anuncia la obra de teatro "Fruits Basket: The Final" (@fruba_stage) que se estrenará para octubre de 2024.
Al igual que con la reciente adaptación al anime del querido manga Fruits Basket de Natsuki Takaya, la versión teatral también planea llegar hasta el final con un nuevo espectáculo subtitulado “The Final“, que se presentará en el Hulic Hall de Tokio del 18 al 27 de octubre de 2024. También se dieron a conocer un avance y una imagen promocional. 公式HP先行入金締切は本日9日(火)23:59まで⚠ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄#舞台フルバ…
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caribe-reefs · 4 months
Live performance at Monom, Hulic Hall / Rissei Hiroba, Kyoto
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gameforestdach · 11 months
Zusammenfassung: Square Enix bringt die Welt von Final Fantasy wieder ins Theater! Diesmal handelt es sich um eine Bühnenadaption des Mobile-Games Warriors of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, die Anfang 2024 starten soll. Tauchen wir in die Details ein. Square Enix kündigt ein neues Theaterstück basierend auf Warriors of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius an. Das Stück soll vom 23. Februar bis zum 3. März 2024 laufen. Mitglieder bekannter Idol-Gruppen wie M!LK und NMB48 sind als Hauptcharaktere besetzt. Einführung Japan hat eine lange Tradition, Videospiele in unterschiedliche Unterhaltungsformen zu adaptieren. Square Enix ist in diesem Trend keine Ausnahme. Erst diese Woche gab das Unternehmen eine neue Bühnenadaption seines Mobile-Games Warriors of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius bekannt. Die Ankündigung hat nicht nur Final-Fantasy-Fans, sondern auch Theaterliebhaber aufhorchen lassen. Doch worum geht es hier? Finden wir es heraus! Stellungnahmen wichtiger Akteure Die Ankündigung Am 19. Oktober 2023 gab Square Enix offiziell die Produktion des Theaterstücks bekannt, das 2024 Premiere haben soll. Diese Ankündigung fügt sich nahtlos in das immer breiter werdende Portfolio des Unternehmens ein. Square Enix ist offenbar bestrebt, mehr als nur den digitalen Raum zu erkunden, und dieses Theaterstück beweist genau das. [Quelle] Starbesetzte Darsteller Die Besetzung ist ein großes Diskussionsthema und enthält beliebte Persönlichkeiten aus der japanischen Idol-Kultur. Mont, einer der Zwillingsprinzen der Geschichte, wird von Jinto Yoshida aus der Boygroup M!LK dargestellt. Sein Bruder Sterne wird von Jun Muto, einem Mitglied der Boygroup Genin wa Jibun ni Aru, verkörpert. Machérie, die Prinzessin eines benachbarten Königreichs, wird von Chihiro Kawakami aus der Idolgruppe NMB48 gespielt. [Quelle] Spekulationen und Startdetails Was zu erwarten ist Warriors of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius ist ein taktisches Rollenspiel, das 2020 weltweit veröffentlicht wurde. Das Spiel ist auf dem Kontinent Ardra angesiedelt, wo fünf rivalisierende Nationen um die Macht kämpfen und magische Kristalle verwenden. Man erwartet, dass das Theaterstück diesen Erzählstrang in den Mittelpunkt stellt und das Publikum in sein bezauberndes Universum entführt. Spielplan und Ticketverkauf Das Theaterstück ist vom 23. Februar bis zum 3. März 2024 im Hulic Hall in Tokio angesetzt. Das ist deine Chance, die Welt von Final Fantasy wie noch nie zuvor zu erleben. [Quelle] Bisherige Adaptionen Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Final Fantasy Brave Exvius eine Live-Action-Adaption erhalten hat. Bereits 2020 gab es ein Musical. Wenn die Geschichte ein Indikator ist, erwartet die Fans etwas ganz Besonderes. [Quelle] Abschluss Es ist eine aufregende Zeit, ein Final-Fantasy-Fan zu sein! Mit einer Bühnenadaption in Arbeit scheint Square Enix darauf aus zu sein, das Universum von Final Fantasy auf so viele Plattformen wie möglich zu bringen. Vergesst nicht, euch den Februar 2024 im Kalender zu markieren! Hast du Gedanken zu diesem bevorstehenden Theaterstück? Teile deine Begeisterung gerne in den Kommentaren unten!
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kiraratranslations · 1 year
The miraculous day of Sumire's birth✨ Yonemura Kirara (23.06.16)
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My TikTok has over 100k likes!!
No way!
Thank you very much for watching it so much!😭💕
For whatever reason I haven't posted a full body photo、so I've uploaded one today!
@Hulic Hall Tokyo~Premium Live!!!~」
Thank you very much!!!
It was super fun!!!!
The audience was close to the stage、
So、I bet you must have all enjoyed being so close to us!!!!
Also、today is、Suu's birthday!!
Happy birthday!!!!
Thank you for being born!!!
Every single day、she's so cute!
Everything about her is miraculous!
Seeing such an amazing person every day、
Makes me imagine having Sumire as a daughter、having Sumire as a sister at home、living my life beside Sumire、having Sumire as a girlfriend!
It's so much fun!!
Enjoy 18 okay!!!🫶🏻
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(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Tomorrow is、our Kagoshima release event!!!!
I hope you're coming to see us〜。
We'll be waiting for yoーu🙋‍♀️
See ya
I'm Yonemura Kirara!
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sumiretranslations · 1 year
Too Happy!! Tashiro Sumire (23.06.16)
I'm Tashiro Sumire 💜
Today was
Hulic Hall Tokyo〜Premium Live!!!〜』〜🌟
Thank you very much!!
Since I turned 18 years old today、
You all sang happy birthday to me
Really thank you very much 😭💜
You made me so happy 😭
Really really thank you very much
For celebrating with me😭💞
I'm so happy!!
The members also celebrated me and gave me presents
It's really been such a happy day ₍ᐢ> ̫<ᐢ₎❤︎
I'll treasure the presents I got from everyone!!♡
I'll do my best at 18 too🔥
I'm looking forward to my birthday event on June 19th too🎂
I had rehearsals for it today💪🏻
I'll definitely be nervous for the actual show!
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Cake!! It made me so super duper happy🥹💖
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Tomorrow is finally our release event in Kagoshima!!
I'm super excited for Kagoshima💖
Our first release event in a while
I can't wait!!
Let's enjoy it together〜🫶🏻
For all of your likes・comments
Thank you very much❤︎
Well then!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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superkirarabbit · 2 years
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Ryogoku stay せっかくだから旅行支援も活用しようと、以前、ザ・ゲートホテル東京の印象が非常に良かったので系列の両国の方へ。ベタなちゃんこ鍋に始まり、隅田川をお散歩したり、テラスで夜景を鑑賞したり。平日の気分転換はいいものだ🤗 やはりモーニングは美味しかった❤︎ #墨田区 #横網 #december #holiday #tokyo #takeawalk #japan #gate #bridge #river #両国 #ザゲートホテル両国 #lounge #terrace #スカイツリー #下町 #modern #stay #restaurant #delicious #relax #holiday #night #morning #brilliant #hotel #happy #mood #light #quiet #ちゃんこ鍋 (ザ・ゲートホテル両国 by HULIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHJLkAPzWb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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konradnews · 2 years
Renewal of ATAMI Kaifengro, a resort in Atami born from a guesthouse created by Kengo Kuma; limited to 4 rooms with ocean view
Renewal of ATAMI Kaifengro, a resort in Atami born from a guesthouse created by Kengo Kuma; limited to 4 rooms with ocean view
Hulic Fufu will reopen ATAMI Kaimine-Ro (8-33 Kasuga-cho, Atami, Shizuoka) on December 28. ATAMI Kaifengro is a four-room hotel featuring Kengo Kuma’s “Water/Glass” artwork, in which a glass box seems to float in water. 27 years after its completion in 1995, the hotel has been undergoing renovation since summer. The two luxury suites, “Seiha” and “Fuka”, have a new interior design that expresses…
View On WordPress
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gonagaiworld · 2 years
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L'adattamento teatrale del manga Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku svela i membri del cast e la data della première Lo spettacolo andrà in scena presso la Hulic Hall di Tokyo dal 16 al 26 febbraio. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/ladattamento-teatrale-del-manga-hells-paradise-jigokuraku-svela-i-membri-del-cast-e-la-data-della-premiere/?feed_id=322066&_unique_id=638457847e140 #HellsParadiseJigokuraku #StagePlay #Teatro #YujiKaku #地獄楽 #高橋健介
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tabilist · 1 month
【マツコの知らない世界】銀座線インドカレーの世界 南インド:ダムビリヤニが楽しめる『アーンドラ・ダイニング』2024/8/27放送 東京都渋谷区宇田川町32-7 HULIC&New UDAGAWA 4F #マツコの知らない世界 #マツコ #マツコ・デラックス 詳しく見る↓
渋谷駅「アーンドラ・ダイニング 渋谷(Andhra Dining)」 食べログでcheck! 南インドのアーンドラ・プラデシュ州の料理を日本で本格的に味わえる貴重なレストラン 数十種類のスパイスを駆使した複雑で奥深い味わいは、インド料理好きはもちろん、本格的なスパイス料理を求める人々を魅了している。 シェフは、インドで長年料理を学んだ経験と、厳選されたスパイスを組み合わせることで、現地さながらの風味を再現 曜日限定の「ハイデラバード ダム ビリヤニ」は本場の味を日本で味わえる貴重な一品 スパイスの香りが食欲をそそり、口にした瞬間、インドの街並みを彷彿とさせるような、複雑で奥深い味わいが広がる ハイデラバードダムビリヤニ(チキン) 1990円 住所 東京都渋谷区宇田川町32-7 HULIC&New UDAGAWA…
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teragames · 10 months
Revelan un avance para la obra de teatro de "Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku"
Revela un nuevo video promocional de la obra de teatro de "Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku" (@jigokuraku_st).
El sitio web de la obra de teatro basada en el manga Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku anunció su segundo show, titulado Butai Jigokuraku – Owari no Sho – (Stage Play Jigokuraku – The Last Chapter –), entre el 15 y 18 de febrero de 2024 en el Theater 1010 en Tokio, mientras que luego se muda al Cool Japan Park TT Hall del 23 al 25 de febrero. El primer show basado en el manga se presentó en el Hulic…
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goriaucom · 2 years
Indonesia Juara Umum Kejuaraan Dunia Para-Bulu Tangkis di Jepang
TOKYO - Tim Nasional (Timnas) Para Bulutangkis Indonesia berhasil menjadi juara umum pada ajang Hulic Daihatsu BWF Para Badminton World Championship 2022. Capaian ini didapat setelah tim Merah-Putih merebut enam medali emas, dua perak, dan tiga perunggu. http://dlvr.it/ScKSXl
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balajigoldbuyers · 2 years
Gold Buyers in Hulical
Gold Buyers in Hulical
Hulical’s No 1 Gold Buyers is none other than the Balaji Gold Buying Company. Call us 98947 83380 to release and sell your gold! Old Gold Buyers in Hulical We are proud to be ideal as Old Gold Buyers in Hulical. Cash for Gold available at the nearest gold buying company: Balaji Gold doing doorstep services in Hulical. Best gold prices in Hulical. We ensure you get the highest price for today’s…
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sumiretranslations · 1 year
Yay Tashiro Sumire (23.06.15)
I'm Tashiro Sumire💜
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The other day、when BEYOOOOONDS-san
Appeared on OCHA no Ma-sama to Iiutori no they gave us donuts and I took a selfie with one 🍩‪‪
They were colourful and super cute
And super duper delicious🥹💖
Thank you very much !!
I have a weird way of holding donuts...!!
Today it really chucked it down with rain huhー☔️
The humidity beat me again today、、、
I hope the rainy season ends soon〜🥺🔆
Also tomorrow is
『IDOL CONTENT EXPO @Hulic Hall Tokyo〜Premium Live!!!〜』
Where we will be performing🎤💞
OCHA NORMA are from 20:20〜^.ˬ.^🌙
I'll work really hard
So that you all enjoy it🥹💪🏻
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
For all of your likes・comments
Thank you very much ❤︎
Well then!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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