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jade-wyton · 8 months ago
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Nobody in this family has even a LITTLE bit of taste. They're all weird idiots. Hugh Mann, who named himself Hugh Mann and wears a long sleeve crop top. Gayle, who looked at Hugh and was like "I'm gonna marry that." And Huju, who DEMANDS the bowl cut and dreams of being a lawyer.
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lipstickontheglass1985 · 1 year ago
kurwa jak ząb mądrości mi się zacznie wyżynać teraz to pierdolca dostanę
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m3ry-7 · 2 months ago
Wiecie co? Nie nie mogę cały czas być dla innych jeżeli inni dla mnie nie są xDD
Serio skup się na ANIE
Kochasz ja prawda? Nie chcesz być ulana czy wyglądać jak w ciąży z trojaczkami xD
Wiec teraz w huju miej innych nie interesuj się tym co oni jedli czy za mało czy za dużo ważne jest to co TY jesz
Skup się na sobie
Ty jesteś najważniejsza
Ty jedz jak najmniej
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thebeautifulbook · 4 months ago
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[Title Page]
COMPENDIUM OF DEMONOLOGY AND MAGIC (c.1775) 32 watercolors [Most NSFW]
‘A selection of pages from an eighteenth-century demonology book comprised of more than thirty exquisite watercolours showing various demon figures, as well as magic and cabbalistic signs. The full Latin title of Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros, roughly translates to "A rare summary of the entire Magical Art by the most famous Masters of this Art". With a title page adorned with skeletons and the warning of Noli me tangere (Do not touch me), one quickly gets a sense of the dark oddities lurking inside its pages. The bulk of the illustrations depict a varied bestiary of grotesque demonic creatures up to all sorts of appropriately demonic activities, such as chewing down on severed legs, spitting fire and snakes from genitalia, and parading around decapitated heads on sticks. In additon there seem also to be pictures relating to necromancy, the act of communicating with the dead in order to gain information about, and possibly control, the future. Written in German and Latin the book has been dated to around 1775, although it seems the unknown author tried to pass it off as an older relic, mentioning the year 1057 in the title page.’ source [Public Domain Review]
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Additional sources:
source [Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine]
source [All That’s Interesting]
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xphaiea · 11 months ago
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Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros, 1775
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nattarthetimedragon · 1 year ago
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the Toa Raki are a team of Toa made of surviving members of teams that the rest of the Toa had been killed by Dark Hunters. now the team guard Matoran that live on the Northern Continent from Dark Hunters and other threats. Toa Huju Raki (ice) (he/him) (leader), Toa Anuru Raki (earth) (he/him) (deputy leader), Toa Nowatu Raki (stone) (he/him), Toa Makani Raki (air) (ze/hir), Toa Nalu Raki (water) (they/them), Toa Tarenu Raki (fire) (she/her) (scout)
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shuckedcamera · 5 days ago
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Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros – "A rare summary of the entire Magical Art by the most famous Masters of this Art" c. 1775
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turangalila · 1 year ago
Pierre de Cambrai & Gérard de Saint-Quentin (?) Offices for Elizabeth of Hungary [Cambrai MS 38 (olim 40) Le Labo. Médiathèque d'agglomération. Cambrai]
– Sub Conrado Dei viro. Responsorium II – Nocturnus II.
R/ Sub Conrado dei viro quem timebat metu miro vovens castimoniam / acquisiti male cibi cum ancillis parca sibi horret alimoniam V/ Exsecrans illicitum solum quaerit licitum propter continentiam
– Ante dies exitus ejus collo. Responsorium V – Nocturnus II.
R/ Ante dies exitus ejus collo caelitus avis modulatur / a qua voce modula dulce cum avicula melos decantatur V/ Jam vicino transitu prophetali spiritu Elisabeth dona
– Cui nec apex neque iota. Responsorium VI – Nocturnus II.
R/ Cui nec apex neque iota mandatorum deperit / ut amica pulchra tota mortis horam comperit cui mox Christus aperit V/ Ecce inquit instat hora in qua vigor deperit meliorem sine mora migrans vitam reperit
– Tantae signa gloriae. Responsorium IX– Nocturnus II.
R/ Tantae signa gloriae venerentur hodie recreata cuncta / cujus vita recitat quod octonos suscitat mortuos defuncta V/ Post laborem operum ad quietem superum transit mater pauperum Marthae vice functa //
De convalle paupertatis ad aeternae quietem gloriae transit mater pietatis Elisabeth gemma Ungariae cujus membris unctionis liquor manat sub roris speciae quo diversae lesionis dolor omnis sanatur variae o mira vis virtutis hujus sanctae regalis vidue quae salutem caecis mutis surdis claudis confert assiduae defuncta.
_ Ossuaires – Office for Elizabeth of Hungary by Pierre de Cambrai - Villard de Honnecourt métier, memoires and travels of a 13th-century cathedral builder. Vol.1 Graindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer (2012, Glossa – GCD P32107)
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thoughts-of-caly · 17 days ago
Caly, one time you put "What in the hic haec hoc hujus hujus hujus huic huic huic, Elon?" in the tags of a post and I need you to know that that phrase has lived rent-free in my head ever since
YESSSSS i say what the hic haec hoc (etc.) an above average amount. this has shocked people on NUMEROUS occasions but it always rubs off on them. an easy way to brainwash people into using your words!! and to get a lot of weird looks from your latin class!!
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kvetchlandia · 2 years ago
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Uncredited Photographer     Hugo Ball Performing His Sound Poem “Karawane” at the Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich     1916
jolifanto bambla o falli bambla großiga m'pfa habla horem egiga goramen higo bloiko russula huju hollaka hollala anlogo bung blago bung blago bung bosso fataka ü üü ü schampa wulla wussa olobo hej tatta gorem eschige zunbada wulubu ssubudu uluwu ssubudu –umf kusa gauma ba–umf
-- Hugo Ball, “Karawane” 1916
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emii-xszvy · 22 days ago
HAII!! :33
Wrocilam tu po roku rowno!! >_< strasznie przytylam az 10kg🥲 mam to wytykane juz wiec w huju zaczynamy od nowa to. Jak chce ktos to moze mnie zmltywowac z gory dziekii<33
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Weight rok temu; 42,3kg
Waga teraz: 48,9kg...
Dream weight: 38-39 kg
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jade-wyton · 2 years ago
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Breaking news: Huju is a crybaby.
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une-sanz-pluis · 6 months ago
Shakespeare was true to his chronicle sources in portraying Henry Percy as one determined to live in the real world, to avoid self-deluding interpretations. The Eulogium continuator gives us a Percy who delivered a lecture on realpolitik to the followers of the late King Richard who showed up on the eve of Shrewsbury still wearing his livery: ‘He caused it to be proclaimed that he was one of those who had striven greatly for the expulsion of Richard and the introduction of Henry, believing himself to have done well. And because now he knew that Henry was a worse ruler than Richard, he therefore intended to correct his error.” Yet even Percy is elsewhere returned to prophecy’s shifty dominion. The Annales Henrici draw upon a well-established anecdotal frame when they have him, learning before the battle of Shrewsbury that a nearby village was called Berwick, blanching and heaving a great sigh, and saying to a servant, I know indeed that my plow has reached its last furrow; for I have heard through prophecy [‘per fatidicum’] .. . that I should undoubtedly die in Berwick. But I was deceived, alas, by confusion about the name [‘sed decepit me, proh dolor! nominis hujus aequivocum’].” The implication is that Percy had resolved to avoid Berwick upon Tweed! Here, though, another Berwick manifests itself, to his undoing and the greater prestige of prophecy. This story’s status as an obvious invention matters less than the habit of mind it reveals; a habit in which actions are, willy-nilly, subjected to prophecy’s dominion.
Paul Strohm, England’s Empty Throne: Usurpation and the Language of Legitimation, 1399-1422 (Yale University Press, 1998)
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igor-filip · 4 months ago
niby jest lepiej bo sie nie samookaleczam nie glodze sie nie miałem od 7 miesięcy żadnej próby ale po huju lepiej nie jest po prostu ja straciłem siebie co nie? ja po prostu zgubiłem sie w samym sobie nie wiem gdzie jestem ani co sie dzieje nadal mam takie same myśli ale już nic nie robię bo nie mam siły na nic glodzilem sie żeby czuć ból i zdechnąć z głodu ale to nie miało sensu bo nic sie nie zmieniało sammoklalevzaldm sie dosłownie z tego samego powodu ale to tez nic nie dawało wiec przestałem mieć na to siły bo jeśli coś nie przynosi efektów nie ma sensu nadal chlam bo dzięki temu czuje ze żyje chciaz przez chwilke to jedyne co przynosi efekty które mnie zadowalają któregoś dnia umrę przez to bo nie ma praktycznie dnia kiedy jestem czysty a wątroba mi sie kurwi jak dziwka ale jeśli to jedyne co pozwala mi jako tako funkcjonować jakkolwiek to tak musi być
gdybym mógł chciałbym uchronić każdego przed takim życiem chciałbym pomoc każdemu i sprawić ze poczuł by się kochany i akceptowany ale nie da się robię wszystko co mogę dla bliskich mi osób tak jak umiem staram się być przy nich żeby nie czuli się sami ale cóż ja tez jestem jedynie człowiekiem który żyje pierwszy raz dopiero się uczę staram się jak tylko mogę naprawdę zależy mi na was wszyskich chciałbym pomoc chciałbym was kochac i być blisko zawsze żyć tylko dla was i się dla was poswiecac bo jeśli nie jestem w stanie uratować siebie chce uratować innych sprawić jakkolwiek ze ich życie będzie troszke bardziej kolorowe i lepsze
tak mi jest kurwa przykro kiedy widzę wszystkie osoby które maja ciężko w życiu oddał bym wszystko dla innych kurwa chciałbym zmienić świat na lepszy tak bardzo bym chciał ale nie umiem
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gailyinthedark · 7 months ago
Quibus cum Corineus respondisset: licentiam hujus rei nequaquam debere haberi: irruit unus ex illis, Imbertus nomine, et arcu curvato sagittam in eum direxit. Vitavit eam Corineus, concurritque ocyus in Imbertum, et arcu, quem tenebat, caput ei in frusta contrivit.
When Corineus responded that he didn't need the king's permission, one of their number, called Imbert, bent his bow and shot an arrow at Corineus. Corineus dodged it, rushed at Imbert, and used the same bow, which he was still holding, to beat Imbert's head into pieces.
"Quo fugitis timidi! Quo fugitis segnes! Revertimini, o revertimini, et congressum cum Corineo facite: proh pudor, tot millia me solum fugitis? At tamen habete solatium fugae, quod ego vos insequar, qui toties soleo Tyrrhenos gigantes in fugam propellere: et ternos atque quaternos ad tartara detrudere."
"Where are you running to, cowards? Where are you running to, sluggards? Turn back, O turn back and fight with Corineus. O shame, so many thousands fleeing from just me? Fine then, you may have the comfort of flight, for I shall chase you down, I who have a habit of putting Tyrrhenian giants to flight, and throwing them into Hell three and four at a time."
Corineus can I be your friend
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yukirayu · 2 years ago
Lyrics: “Denshō no Uta -Verum-”
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While the opening theme of the VN got an English translation, the same couldn’t be said for its good ending theme, “Verum”. 
As such, I tried to see what the lyrics could possibly mean by getting both the Latin and the Japanese lyrics from the soundtrack booklet and crossreferencing the translations of the lyrics in both languages. 
So know that this is just an edited MTL of the lyrics. Take the (attempt at a) translation with a grain of salt. Still, I hope you enjoy knowing how you can possibly read the lyrics and what the song intended to convey, since Lamento has one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard in a visual novel. 
“Denshō no Uta -Verum-” “伝承の詩 -Verum-” (Note: The word verum is Latin for “truth”.)
Performed by: Kanako Itou
Let me tell you something important now: the truth is hidden Dicam rem gravem, nunc: veritas est celata 螺旋 ��け昇り 届け・言葉・想い
It continues to exist, unravaged by the flow of time sed tempus eam possit perdere et violare が、時の流れに決して揺るがず、在り続けるのだ
He stood in the midst of disaster, death, defamation, and damnation In calamitate, morte, fama, in maledictio, erat ibi hic 災害、死、噂、呪いの渦中に、彼は佇んでいた
In ruthlessness, conflict and darkness, he stood as an evil omen In misericorde, bello, tenebris, ut ipsus malus stabat hic 非情、争い、闇、その中で禍々しさの象徴として彼は立っていた
In blasphemy and impiety, there he stood as a form that inspired fear In blasphemia, impietate, in terribli forma est hic 冒涜、邪悪の中、恐ろしい姿で、彼はそこにいた
The screams resounded from the void, “Is that form real? Is it not an illusion? Is it real or not?” In clamore, vanitate: Estne vera forma, non vera? Non vera? 叫び、空虚の中:真実の姿なのか? 真実ではないのか? 真実では・・・ない?
Open your eyes, open your eyes and behold! Oculos tuos aperite occulusos, ecce! ごらん! 閉じた瞼あけて
He brought a red flower to an ashen world Rubem florem in canam terram tulit 灰色の世界に、彼は赤い花をもたらした
Hope, that is our only hope Spes, ea spes, sola 希望・・・それは唯一の希望
I’ll share with you the memories and truth of a distant past Memoriam antiquam et veritatem te donam 遠い記憶 そして真理を君に贈ろう
The truth is hidden from sight, but it remains there for eternity Veritas invisibilis est, sed manet, manet in perpetua 真実は見えない しかし失われず 永遠に留まるのだ
Days of peace, laughter and tranquility, of life, fertility and joy Diem pacis, risum, placidem... Vitam, fructum, felicem… 平和な日々、笑い、穏やかさ… 人生、 実り、幸福・・・
Of benevolence and order, of unity, virtue and light Bonitatem, ordinem... Consensum, asquum, lucem… 充足、秩序・・・心の一致、正しきこと 光・・・
Everyone desired them all, and his wounds pained and ached Omnis eos petunt, ergo hujus dolebat vulnus 誰もが、それらを求め 彼の傷は痛んでいた
Quietly, yet certainly Quiete, sed certe 静かに、しかし確実に・・・ 
Does he seek love? Or does he not seek love? Vultne amorem, vel non vult? Vel non vult? O! 彼は愛を求めていたか? あるいは求めていなかったか? ・・・求めていなかった?
My heart and thoughts reach beyond the boundaries of time Trans finem temporis, cor mei, vola 届け 僕の想い 悠久を越えて
He breathes life into the earth In terram hic donat spiritum 彼は大地に息吹を贈る
This is something that I, and only I know Solus ego, solus ego id scio 僕だけが僕だけがそれを知っている
He stood in the midst of damnation In maledictio, erat ibi hic 呪いの渦中に、彼は佇んでいた
He stood as an evil omen Ut ipsus malus stabat hic 禍々しさの象徴として彼は立っていた
He stood as a form that inspired fear In terribli forma est hic 恐ろしい姿で、彼はそこにいた
Is that form real or an illusion? Estne vera, non vera? 真実なのか?真実ではないのか?
Does he seek love or not? Vultne amorem, vel non vult? 彼は愛を求めていたか? あるいは求めていなかったか?
Does anyone know the answer? Quisne id scit? 誰が知っているというのか?
Open your eyes, open your eyes and behold! Oculos tuos aperite occulusos, ecce! ごらん! 閉じた瞼あけて
He brought a red flower to an ashen world Rubem florem in canam terram tulit 灰色の世界に、彼は赤い花をもたらした
Hope, that is our hope Spes, ea spes 希望・・・それは希望
My heart and thoughts reach beyond the boundaries of time Trans finem temporis, cor mei, vola 届け 僕の想い 悠久を越えて
He breathes life into the earth In terram hic donat spiritum 彼は大地に息吹を贈る
This is something that I, and only I know Solus ego, solus ego id scio 僕だけが僕だけがそれを知っている
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