#hugo vega x dadsona
multi-lia · 6 years
If it's not too much trouble, could I request date night headcanons with the lovely Mr. Damien Bloodmarch?
You wouldn’t believe how much I slept on Damien’s character when DDADDS first came out, but now I’m giving him the appreciation he needs!
Gender Neutral
Date Night HC w/Damien Bloodmarch
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~ I mean have you seen Damien’s dadbook profile
~“It's night. We are at an industrial darkwave club in Berlin. The music drums to the beat of our hearts.”
~But seriously, he actually doesn’t mind a more simple date night with you
~If you don’t currently live with him, then he loves to invite you over to his house for a date night
~In this case, you could have it in variety of places within his home (I mean have you seen his house)
~Damien prefers to have dates in his library
~His library brings both of you comfort. He loves to hold you and read your favorite book to you.
~If you do it for him, he’ll lay his head in your lap and purr if play with his hair
~Just play with his hair, it feels so good for him and it makes him feel great to be complimented on his hair
~“Damien, you must tell me your secrets, how do you make it shine like this? And it’s so incredibly smooth...”
~“I’d have to kill you if I were to tell you the secrets of my hair.”
~“Death is nothing to fear, if I can go to my grave having soft, silky hair like yours.”
~“You got me there.”
~He also likes dates in his garden if the weather is a little warmer
~Sipping on some tea and listening to slow music
~You’re going to find yourself dancing with Damien, his arm draped around your lower waist with your body pressed against his.
~Surprisingly really good at the waltz and swing dancing
~If you’re not too good at it, he’ll be happy to assist you in getting better at it
~“You’re footwork is... not very desirable, but that’s why I’m here to help.”
~“Way to ruin the moment, Damien.”
~“My love, I’m only being honest. If it makes you feel better your spin turns are beautifully graceful.”
~Also, you will make flower crowns for each other which brings another opportunity to play in his hair
~He loves his hair being braided, add in some flowers, and you got yourself a formula for the cutest goth dad you’ve ever seen
~Damien also thinks you look rather dashing with a flower crown
~“You look breathtaking, My Dear y/n.”
~On the chance that you do live with Damien, you’ll both probably want to get out
~Not saying that dates in the house are offlimits now, but he’s more likely wanting to take you out
~Damien will take you out to the fanciest restaurant he can find that still serves... “meals”
~I’m not sure if y’all have ever been to a fancy ass restaurant, but I swear some of them have very tiny portions of food like... what am I supposed to do with this ?
~Don’t even bother looking at the check, he will not allow you to pay for the meal. Ever.
~You may be able to tip, but he doesn’t really want you to pay for a thing.
~For him this was something that he’s doing for you to show how special you are to him.
~If it really does bother you, he’ll allow you to go half with him, but that’s it
~After a date, Damien loves to take long strolls through the town and hopefully to the cemetery
~It makes sense if you’re a little hesitant at first to walk through a cemetery, but he’ll assure you you’ll be fine
~He’ll hold onto your hand if that makes you feel any better
~It ends up being more romantic than you might’ve thought so
~If you get cold he’ll wrap his cape cloak around you and make sure to hold onto you a little tighter to ensure that you stay warm
~Damien loves making poems for you and reading them to you during these late night strolls
~“My dearest of love, you are to me what peanut butter is to jelly.”
~I didn’t say the poems were good btw...
~But they still make you smile no matter how cheesy they can be
~That’s really all Damien cares about, is making sure you’re the happiest you could ever be with him
~Last but not least, ending the night with a deep, passionate kiss
~Possibly it could lead to more exciting adventures in the bedroom, but that’s to be told another time...
That’s all I have folks
I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I feel like I’m not the best at writing Damien, but I still hope this was satisfactory.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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trashwarden · 7 years
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I love Hugo’s romance even more than I expected and Amanda is the best daughter ever.
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cynergy-laughter · 7 years
Something has been bothering me... (spoilers)
In Dream Daddy... How do you keep your money flowing? Like, when do all of the dates take place? Like the weekends? What is your Dadsona’s job? Heck I think I forgot what Robert’s job was... Mat works at the coffee shop, Craig works to sell fitness gear the little entrepreneur, Hugo is a teacher, Joseph is a minister, Brian is a contractor, Damien is practically a member of Geek Squad, but... what is your Dad’s income earning living? Because the burritos, cakes, and fancy cheese boards aren’t paying for themselves over here?!?!?!?! Is this the start of a new headcanon?! I think it is!!!
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orange8886 · 7 years
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“wrestling” 👀
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XXXErnest, yUh YuH
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Life is Good chapter 8
So I realized that i posted chapter 9 without posting this one first. So here’s chapter 8.
The day finally came that all young children of the United States look forward to for the entire month of October: Halloween. Craig and Andrew went to work early a couple days in advance so they could leave early that day, pick the kids up from school, cook an early dinner and help them get their costumes ready for trick-or-treating. The entire neighborhood was decked out in Halloween decorations. Even Robert had some Jack-o’-lanterns on the steps leading up to his house and glowing ghosts hanging in his windows.
For Andrew, it had been years since Amanda had gone trick-or-treating, though that hadn’t stopped her from stealing candy from the people who just left their candy out on the front step. He didn’t mind. In his book, if you didn’t want to participate in the fun of Halloween, you shouldn’t leave candy out for anyone to take. He was excited to go out with Craig and his girls and experience the fun and spooky wonder of the holiday.
 Right now though, he was trying to get Hazel to stay still so he could apply some green face paint for her Frankenstein’s monster costume. Ever since the night Damien first watched them, Hazel and Briar had been in a horror book phase. They had borrowed all the Goosebumps books from the local and school libraries.
 “Hazel, if you want to be Frankenstein’s monster you have to stop squirming every time I put on the face paint,” he said.
 “You’re not even painting my face,” she cried. “My hands aren’t my face!”
 “Just be grateful we aren’t in Florida,” he said. “We’d have to apply more to account for the sweat. And you’d be wearing short sleeves instead of long ones, so we’d need even more.”
 “Florida sounds terrible,” she said. “I’m glad we live in Maine.”
 Andrew chuckled and got another dollop of green face paint to apply to her other hand. “Me too, kiddo. Me too.”
 Craig popped in, apparently finished with Briar’s costume. He was dressed as Thor (the Chris Hemsworth version, anyway), complete with the long, red cape, a blond wig, and a plastic hammer. Andrew was trying to behave, but it was difficult when he firmly believed in taking every available opportunity to admire his bro’s muscles. He had nice muscles.
 “You two ready to go?” he asked.
 “Yeah, just gotta get this stuff off my hands and I’ll be ready,” Andrew said.
 “What are you going as, dad?” Hazel asked.
 Craig gestured at his suit. “I’m Thor, the superhero,” he said.
 Hazel shook her head. “Not you, dad. The other one.”
 Andrew and Craig exchanged a glance. “I guess I’m the other one,” he said, smiling.
 Craig chuckled and rubbed his neck. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to find a different name for you,” he replied. “How do you feel about ‘Pops’ or ‘Papa’?”
 Andrew thought for a moment. “Well, Amanda has called me ‘Pops’ for years now, it seems special between us,” he mused. “I think I’d like to be called ‘Papa.’”
 Craig turned to his daughter. “Here that? From now on, I’m Dad and he’s Papa.”
 Hazel nodded. “Okay, but can Papa get dressed? I’m ready to get candy,” she whined.
 Craig laughed and picked up his daughter and carried out of the room. “Don’t sass your Papa, now,” he said.
 I can get used to this, Andrew thought. But maybe after we’re done trick-or-treating. He started getting dressed in his Hawkeye costume. Andrew decided that if his bro’s twins were going to be matching, then he could go along with whatever theme Craig decided to go as. Thankfully, there were no shortages of Marvel Cinematic Universe costumes to be found on the Internet and the one he got in the mail last week fit.
 Life is good, he thought.
 The neighborhood was packed with trick-or-treaters. Andrew had a funny feeling that it was due in part to the fact that Damien’s house looked like something from the Addams family, and so perpetually observing Halloween. As they made their way around the neighborhood, Mary was drinking wine and actually looked to be enjoying herself. She actually smiled as she asked the kids who they were and put whole Snickers bars in their Jack-o’-lantern buckets. Andrew was a bit surprised that the candy wasn’t wrapped in Bible verses, but he was still getting used to a youth pastor who wasn’t a Bible thumper, though he made a mental note to come back around after they were done. Anyone who gave out whole candy bars was worth a return trip.
 Hugo was having fun jumping out and scaring kids in a luchador outfit, complete with a mask and everything after Ernest gave them candy. Though he spared Craig’s kids. Andrew grinned at his trivia partner.
 “Having fun getting revenge?” he asked.
 Hugo laughed. “Serves some of the little rascals right,” he declared. “And my son is having a blast, too. He hasn’t blown up one trash can or lit one dumpster on fire… yet.”
 Craig laughed. “Good luck, dude, and try not to have too much fun!”
 Hugo pulled his mask back down over his face and walked back in the house to take his place for the next victi—kids, rather. Kids. Not victims. “I think I’ll manage somehow,” he called after them.
 Next up was Brian, who had a bob for apples station in the front yard and was dressed as a police officer. And wrapped candy apples for the kids who couldn’t quite manage to get one. Andrew resisted the urge to talk about past Halloween accomplishments that may or may not have actually occurred. But as soon as he saw the bob for apples station he looked at Craig. He didn’t even have to say anything.
 “Bro, I’ve got this,” he boasted. “Hold River.” He unstrapped River from his chest (there was something really domestically hot about Craig dressed as Thor with River on his chest like always). She was dressed as a, what had Amanda called the costume she sent? A… Pikachu? Yeah that was it. It was cute, whatever it was. They made sure to get a picture for Amanda. She cooed as she played with Arnold.
 He approached the metal bin and set his wig down beside him. He braced himself on the edge of the bin, took a deep breath, and plunged his head beneath the surface. A moment later he emerged with a golden apple in his mouth and the bystanders cheered. Brian held out a towel for him to dry his hair off on and shouted. “Folks we have a winner!” His prize, apparently, was a huge, two by four Hershey’s chocolate bar, which Craig looked at in amazement, and a little bit of horror. Andrew, Briar, and Hazel cheered wildly at the beautiful sight of the magnificent chocolate bar.
 Craig walked back over to his family only to be attacked by his twins hugging his legs. “You did it, daddy! You did it!” they chorused.
 “Bro,” he said as they walked away with their treasure. “how are we gonna eat all this chocolate?”
 Andrew laughed, “Oh you of little faith.”
 They walked back to the house and dropped off the chocolate bar (which was heavier than it looked) and continued with their trick or treating. Next up was Mat, who was playing spooky music on the front lawn and handing out packs of chocolate covered espresso beans. A treat for the kids, a trick for the parents all in one. Pablo and some other teens were dancing to Thriller in the yard. Pablo broke formation long enough to wave at Andrew before getting back to it.
 Robert had his candy out on his front porch. Hell yeah, extras, Andrew thought. “Kids, make sure to grab extra candy from this one.”
 Craig frowned. “Uuh, bro… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
 “Relax bro,” he replied. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
 At that very moment a huge hairy creature jumped out of the bushes near the candy. Briar and Hazel screamed. Andrew might have too, he wasn’t sure. The three of them hid behind Craig (and River). Craig grinned and pointed his hammer at the monster. “Hey dude,” he said in his best Thor voice, “not cool.”
 The beast laughed and removed his head. It was Robert. Of course it was.
 “Good job, Papa,” Hazel said.
 “What’d I do?” Andrew demanded.
“Mr. Small always scares people who try to take extra candy,” Briar said glaring pointedly at Andrew.
 “It’s true,” Robert said. “Gotta make sure the youngsters toe the line, follow the rules.”
 “You hate rules,” Andrew retorted safely from behind Craig.
 “Yeah, gotta stick it to the establishment,” Robert replied. “But I don’t want kids ending up like me.”
 “Fair enough.”
 Robert walked over to them and knelt down in front of the girls and held up a couple candy bars. “Here, sorry for scaring you. You’re good kids.” he said. He put his mask back on and got back in the bushes.
 “What do you say to Mr. Small, girls?” Craig asked.
 “Thank you!”
 He turned to his boyfriend and smirked. “He got you good, didn’t he?”
 Andrew huffed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It was all part of the act.”
 “Uh-huh. Sure, bro,” Craig said. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Brotect you!”
 “My hero.”
 Last up was Damien, who was sitting out on his front porch with a crystal ball and a deck of tarot cards. The house was, more or less, unchanged but there were ghostly decorations and a large bowl of candy. As they approached the Victorian house, the house that might have given some kids the creeps, the twins ran up fearlessly.
 “Trick-or-treat!” they cried.
 “Oh dear! Dr. Frankenstein and his monster!” Damien replied in mock fright, “Please don’t hurt this humble fortuneteller!” He held out the bowl of candy to appease the monsters in front of him.
 “Thank you!” they chorused.
 “Mr. Bloodmarch,” Briar said, “are we near the end of the story?”
 “Almost,” he replied, gazing into his crystal ball. “I see that we shall soon arrive at the long awaited conclusion of our thrilling tale of the modern Prometheus. Prepare yourselves.” The twins gasped, smiles spreading over their faces with the prospect of hearing how the story would end.
 “I guess that means that we’ll be going on a date, soon,” Andrew smiled. “Not that I mind.”
 Craig leaned in. “Who says we have to go out?” he asked. “We could always stay in. With some wine, some chocolate. Just you and me, bro. And the bed.”
 Andrew moaned quietly. “Bro, never mind, that sounds wonderful.”
 The rest of the night passed more or less uneventfully. They left the neighborhood and went trick-or-treating in the area around their neighborhood. Eventually Andrew and Craig ended up carrying the buckets that finally became too heavy for the twins. They finally ended up heading back to the house when Briar was tired and Andrew picked her up and set her on his shoulders. When they got back they deposited Briar in the twins’ bedroom and got Hazel into the shower so she could wash off the green body paint on her face and hands.
 Andrew and Craig inspected the girls’ candy and deeming it all safe, put it on the top shelf of the pantry so they wouldn’t be able to eat the whole thing at once. They went to the living room and turned the tv on. The Addams Family was playing, a perfect, not scary Halloween movie. Andrew thought about the evening he had with his family, how they were calling him Papa now, the family they formed in the past few months. It was so good. He couldn’t remember being so happy since his husband had died. He took Craig’s hand and leaned back against his chest. They stayed that way until they both drifted off to sleep.
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bronzeflower · 7 years
Endearments And Arm Wrestling
Also on ao3
Dadsona x Hugo Vega
You were awakened by the loud beeping of your boyfriend’s alarm clock. You could feel shifting next to you, and the warmth that was previously there began to disappear.
“Noooooooo.” You whine. “Come back! Babe!”
“Jessie, we talked about this. I’m not going to be late for school because you want to cuddle with me more.” Hugo says.
You groan, but your plight is slightly relieved when Hugo kisses you on the forehead.
“Go back to sleep. I’m going to go wake up Ernest.”
You smile and bury yourself in the blankets on the bed. You can hear Hugo giggle and get dressed.
“IT’S SATURDAY! LET ME GO BACK TO SLEEP!” You suddenly hear, and you groggily open your eyes to find a sheepish looking Hugo enter back into the bedroom.
“It would seem that I don’t have work today.”
“Does  that mean you can come back to bed?”
“It certainly means I have time to cuddle, yes.” Hugo removes his clothes and joins you in the bed.
“Hmmmm.” You hum. “My genuine wrestle boy has returned.”
“...Are you constantly going to use that nickname?”
“I can figure something else out if you want.” You start to name various endearments. “Honey, dear, deary, darling, babe, baby, flowercup, I mean buttercup, honeydew, Catcher of the Rye, Picasso, a gouda boyfriend, briety amazing, my cheddar cheese, my-”
It was at this point that Hugo began laughing.
“Your nicknames are ridiculous.” Hugo still had a huge smile on his face.
“How could I possibly resist making a grate cheese pun?”
Hugo stifles a laugh. You frown.
“What? I don’t get to hear your beautiful laugh? It’s a feta worse than death.”
He bursts out laughing. You laugh along.
“There it is! There’s my lovely wrestle boy’s laugh!”
“I’m more concerned that others are going to call me wrestle boy.”
“Aw, babe.” You grab a hold of one of Hugo’s hands and give it a squeeze. “I can stop calling you that if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“No, I actually really love the nickname.” Hugo’s face was tinted red. “But it feels special. Like, something that only you should call me.”
You kind of just stare in awe at Hugo for a moment. The sun has started to come up, so the windows filtered in a small bit of sunshine, just enough to see those little dust particles floating through the air. You could see Hugo staring at you, slightly red, but he was smiling slightly, and his eyes were full of love.
You did what your gut told you to do, and that was to kiss Hugo. It wasn’t long before he was kissing you back.
By the time the two of you had pulled apart, you figured out your response.
“I’ll be sure I’m the only one to call you a genuine wrestle boy then.”
Hugo smiles, and the two of you cuddle in silence for a while.
However, you had one question on your mind.
“Hey, do you think you or Craig would win in an arm wrestling contest?”
“You know, if you and Craig decided to have an arm wrestling contest, who would win?”
Hugo seems to mull over the question for what seems like forever.
He then proceeds to move away from you to get out of bed.
“Honey, dear, my cheddar cheese, where are you going?” You ask. “I only asked you who would win an arm wrestling contest.”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out, right?” Hugo was already putting on pants, and he had that sparkle in his eyes that you just couldn’t say no to.
You begrudgingly get out of bed to put some clothes on. By the time you got your shoes on, Hugo was already practically bouncing out the door.
“Hugo, one moment!” You shout after him. “You forgot your glasses!”
“Whoops.” Hugo put his glasses on and drags you out the door, but not before leaving a short note in case Ernest wakes up before the two of you get back.
The two of you get to the park in record time, and Craig was easy to find after that.
“Jessie! Bro! I hardly ever see you up at this time!”
“Uh, yeah. Hugo’s alarm went off this morning.”
“There’s that, but also, Craig, I need to know something.” Hugo says.
“Alright, shoot.”
“Which one of us would win an arm wrestling contest?” Hugo asks.
“Well, there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” Both Craig and Hugo light up with the fire of a bit of friendly competition.
The two of them go over to a picnic bench that seems like the perfect place to start an arm wrestling match.
They get into position, and they begin. It was the most intense arm wrestling match you had ever seen, not that you watch that many arm wrestling match, but there were a few people who caught sight of the competition and stood there for a few minutes as they essentially sat on the edge of their metaphorical seats.
You almost blink at the moment a winner is decided.
Hugo and Craig smile and shake hands, and Craig mentions how they should work out together at some point in time, but Hugo is grinning brighter than the sun.
“I guess that settles that.” You say right before Hugo lifts you up in a victory hug.
It was then when you hear Hugo’s stomach grumble. He blushes in embarrassment.
“Come on, champion.” You grin. “Let’s get home. I’ll make you a victory breakfast.”
Ernest had not woken up in the time you and Hugo had been gone, which means that you can make some breakfast for him as well.
You decide to make something fairly simple, so you start to cut up some bacon pieces and throw those into a pan.
“Would you like any help with that?” Hugo asks.
“Shhh. I’m making you a victory breakfast, so you should relax a bit. Read a book for a bit. You deserve it.”
Hugo looks surprised at that and grabs a book from his living room.
You continue making the breakfast by cracking a few eggs into a bowl and mixing that. You return to the bacon bits to see how much they have cooked. They were almost good, so you throw a bit of chopped tomato into the bacon. When the bacon was pretty much done, you pour your egg mixture into the pan and add some cheese as well. You could never go wrong with a bit of cheese.
Once the eggs had cooked and cheese had melted properly, you turn off the stove and put the skillet breakfast into three separate bowls. You pair a fork with each of them.
Ernest comes out of his room.
“Hey! Ernest! Do you want some breakfast?” You ask. “It has bacon in it! And I didn’t set myself on fire this time!”
“Think again.” Ernest points to your sleeve, which was currently on fire.
You freak out for a brief moment before immediately putting out the fire successfully.
“I mostly didn’t set myself on fire.” You correct yourself.
“Wait, Jessie. Did you set yourself on fire?” Hugo asks, suddenly no longer engrossed in what he was reading.
“Whether or not I set myself on fire, I made food. Eat some and bask in the glory of besting another dad in competition.”
Hugo gives you a weird look, but he digs into his food anyway. It would seem this would be something you would have to talk about later with him. And by that, you mean he would talk to you about safety and might forbid you from cooking alone until he’s sure that you can cook without setting yourself or the house ablaze.
“What competition?” Ernest asks as he grabs a bowl of food.
“Your dad beat Craig in an arm wrestling match.” You beam.
“Really?” That seemed to get Ernest interested.
“Really!” You answer.
You start talking about the match to which Ernest listens to while Hugo is a mixture of embarrassed, proud, and happy.
You miss Amanda, but you know she’s doing great in college and has all the friendship and support she could ever need. And you are comforted by that fact while you eat breakfast with your boyfriend and his son.
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ao3feed-ddadds · 7 years
Hot for Teacher
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wrGmm4
by onlythesassiest
You and Hugo have been public about your relationship ever since Amanda graduated. Sometimes the kids get him so riled up during class that he needs to blow off steam
Words: 307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: ddadds - Fandom, Dream Daddy, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Hugo Vega - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hugo Vega, Dadsona (Dream Daddy)
Relationships: MCxHugo Vega, Reader x Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Hugo Vega/Reader
Additional Tags: BDSM, Bondage, rope, Sex, Teacher/Student, in school
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wrGmm4
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multi-lia · 6 years
Can i ask for fluffy Joseph headcannons ????
Yes, you can! I really like Joseph and his creepy ass kids lol.
This will be in AU where Joseph decides to divorce his wife.
Gender neutral
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~Joseph is honestly the most goofy, adorkable one out of all the dads, so expect a lot of fluffy moments with this guy and facepalming
~Joseph and your relationship is going to be awkward at first after the divorce, but it improves once you both get more comfortable with each other.
~It’s no secret that Joseph loves to bake and he loves to share that passion with you. Baking all sorts of sweets with Joseph is always fun.
~If you happen to burn yourself taking something out the oven, Joseph will immediately help you cool the wound down and kiss you on your burn mark
~Then put a pink princess band aid on it
~Yes, he will draw a smiley face on your cheek with frosting. Yes, you will have a mini flour fight. Yes, he will feed you whatever you guys make together.
~Perferably likes to bake with the kids out of the house because things can get a little “frisky”
~Joseph is a big flirt
~Most of it just makes you want to facepalm because of how much of a dork he is
~But at times he can be really sensual
~Loves to keep in physical contact with you
~Holding your hand while eating dinner, keeping his arm around you when you guys are walking, having you sit in his lap when you watch movies together
~He just loves being with you
~I swear if you ever feel insecure, Joseph will make it his mission to make you feel better about yourself
~He’s going to tell you how much he loves your body and looks every day.
~But will also remember to compliment your personality
~You’re an all around great person and he wants to make sure you feel the same way about yourself as he feels for you
~Of course if you do want to change something about yourself, HE WILL SUPPORT YOU even if he doesn’t fully agree with you!
~You’re going to have his support in everything you do
~“Okay what if I drive my car off a cliff?”
~“I mean if that’s what you want, I’ll support you till the end.”
~“Would the end be me in the car going off the cliff?”
~“... there is Heaven.”
~Okay maybe he won’t support you in ways like that, but you get the point. You can do about everything and he’ll have you’re back on it
~kisses. Kisses.KISSES!!!
~Sweet kisses on the forehead and cheek
~Sensual kisses that leave you seeing stars
~Lazy, sloppy kisses in the morning
~All the kisses are for you and only you.
~Joseph is beyond happy if you get along with his kids and of your kid(s) also gets along with them as well.
~Often taking dates with the all the kids to the park, beach or his yacht
~Picnics are a must with Joseph, like there’s no getting out of it.
~He loves to play cards or do a puzzle with you and the kids during one of these picnics
~It makes Joseph really happy to see all of you guys happy and enjoying yourself together
~Speaking of games, he has tons of board games and will whip them out on rainy day
~The kids may not be that excited for them, but for you and Joseph it brings back some nostalgia
~It can get a bit heated too during these board game sessions
~Joseph constantly telling you how much he loves you
~“Y/N, you know how much I love you right?”
~“You tell me every day, Joseph.”
~“Do you want me to tell you again?”
~“Do you want to tell me again, Joseph?”
~“...Uhh yes??”
~“Have at it.”
~“I really love you, y/n and I want you to know that I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Just remember that okay?”
~Joseph is a cheesy romantic and will do plenty of cheesy things, not to say they aren’t appreciated
~Joseph will run a bubble bath for you, put rose petals in the water, massage your feet, crack open a bottle of wine, the whole nine yards
~If you do something similar for Joseph, he’ll lose it
~He really likes back rubs and scratches, do that for him and he’ll fall in love with you all over again.
~One day, I don’t know what day, but one of these days you’re going to come to find roses in a heart shape with all sorts of gifts in the middle of it
~You’ll ask him why he’d do something like this for you and he’ll be genuinely surprised.
~“Why wouldn’t I spoil the person I love?”
~“Yeah, but Joseph, it’s not a special day like Valentine’s Day or?”
~“It doesn’t need to be a special day to treat you. You’re special to me everyday.”
~He truly means that by the way!! and will do this at least once a month.
That’s all I have. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed it.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s work
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multi-lia · 5 years
If your still doing headcanon of dream daddy how about Hugo finding and helping a Werewolf Robert. If possible 😊🐺
I want to say sorry beforehand because I don’t think I’m the best at writing werewolf AU, but I tried my hardest. I wrote a short story for background on how Hugo found werewolf!Robert and then some headcannons on him taking care of him. I hope that’s okay.
Hugo finding and helping werewolf!Robert
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Decided to go with a Robert gif, hope you guys don’t mind.
Hugo wasn’t that close to Robert as he was the other dads in the cul-de-sac, but he knew something was up with him. He just got the nagging feeling, he needed to keep a closer eye on him.
One night, it was late, past 1 a.m. Hugo had been up grading tests and Ernest was in his bedroom hopefully asleep, but mostly likely on his phone. Hugo had happened to be looking out the window to see Robert getting into his car. This became a daily thing and Hugo knew he was out doing something. He wanted to get to the bottom of it. So, he decided to tail his car. It was an 8th wonder of the world how Hugo wasn’t caught by Robert, but he was able to actually see where Robert was going on these night drives and what he was doing
They were in a wooded area. Robert got out of his car and proceeded to walk into the woods. Hugo knew Robert would come out here at times to think or whittle, but couldn’t he just do that in the comfort of his truck. For a minute, Hugo thought of just turning his car around. That was until...
“... what the fuck was that?” Hugo had heard something he could only describe as inhuman.
It sounded like the cross of a human screaming and some sort of howling sound. Yeah, Hugo was sure he had shit himself, he didn’t know what to do. Then he heard a sound akin to a dog whimpering, but the sound was much deeper.
Hugo took a few deep breaths before he grabbed a flashlight from his glovebox and proceeded to get out of his car. This was dangerous, that ‘sound’ could’ve been anything, but he knew Robert was out there and he had to make sure he was okay. So, he set off in the direction that Robert went off in. He had been walking for at least 20 minutes, calling out Robert’s name, but there was no answer. He was about to turn around, figuring Robert had already left, when his flashlight highlighted the crimson substance on one of the trees. It was blood... It took every bit of courage in Hugo not to turn back and run. But he wasn’t only scared for his life, Robert could’ve been out in these woods. He followed the blood trail for around 100 feet until he came across a... body? It was covered in dark, dense body hair akin to fur. But it also had the similar anatomy to a man. A hairy naked bleeding man. It seemed like it was shot through its shoulder and thigh. Most likely the work of a hunter. Hugo then moved the creature onto its back to get a closer look at what it was when...
“Robert? Is that you? No, it can’t be...” his words trailed off.
A face slightly covered in dense fur was turned to him, the features were unmistakably Robert. Hugo immediately lifted the man onto his back. He was heavy, but Hugo knew he had to get him out of here if Robert had any chance of surviving.
Hugo brings the man to his car and lays him out in the backseat. He takes a jacket he had in his car and rips the sleeves off of it to wrap it around Roberts wounds. As he is getting ready to jump in the drivers seat, a hand grabs his wrist. Sharp claws dig into Hugo’s flesh causing him to yelp in pain. He snaps his head in the direction of Robert to see his dark eyes staring up at him.
“Thank you.” His voice is harsh and deep. It sort of comes out as a hushed growl. It’s obvious that Robert is in pain and Hugo knows he needs to get him help. Robert’s clawed hand releases the grip he had on Hugo’s wrist and seemingly passes out. Hugo takes his chance to climb into the drivers seat and get the hell out of there.
~Hugo was frightened and bewildered at the situation he was placed in
~Robert was hurt yes and needed proper medical attention, but...
~Robert obviously wasn’t human, Hugo knew he couldn’t take him to the hospital
~He finally got to the cul-de-sac and was going to pull up into Robert’s driveway when he remembered that he needed a key
~Robert was naked and he doubted his key was anywhere on his person
~That meant...
~Hugo rushed Robert into his house, as quietly as possible to ensure not to alert the attention of Ernest
~He placed him on his bed and turned the lights on to get a better look at him, Robert seemed to still be passed out
~It looked like both the bullets had gone completely through him, meaning that there wasn’t any bullet fragments inside his body
~This was good news, all Hugo needed to do was make sure to stop the bleeding and dress the wounds appropriately to stop any infections
~Once that was done, he placed a blanket over Robert’s body and put some pain medication and a water bottle on the nightstand next to Robert for when he woke up
~Hugo was awake the entire night, watching television didn’t help the unnerving thoughts he was getting
~What if it was a mistake bringing him here? Ernest is only down the hall from Robert. What if he hurts Ernest or him? The anxiety made him sick to his stomach and kept him up all night
~He didn’t even realize how long he had been up until Ernest’s voice brought him out of his thoughts
~“Dad, what are you doing in the living room?”
~It was 7:00, if Hugo wasn’t so damn panicked, he would’ve told his son how proud he was that he got up on time, but he couldn’t say much
~He dropped Ernest off at school and went straight back home. He knew the ladies at the office weren’t going to like his last minute call in sick, but needed to take care of Robert
~When he got back home, he immediately checked up on Robert to see that he looked like he was back to normal
~No fur covering his body, no sharp claws, even the bullet wounds had healed to the point where they were just scratches
~Hugo knew what he had saw, he knew he wasn’t imagining things, but this was absurd
~He couldn’t explain any of it, but he didn’t have time to hypothesize. He ran a bath and put Robert onto his shoulder to get him into the bath
~It was only a few minutes until Robert woke up in the warmth and comfort of a bubble bath
~Hands we’re moving down his heated body rubbing the sweat, dirt, and blood off of him
~It was Hugo, who was doing this for him, rubbing his hands across his body gently to clean him
~Usually Robert wouldn’t be down for this, but his body was too sore and hurt like hell for him to want to fight back
~Plus, Hugo’s hands were comforting and it felt good to have some human contact
~“Robert, you awake?”
~“I was worried about you, so I followed you into the woods. I know it wasn’t right, but I just wanted to know what was going on...” Hugo’s words trailed off as he looked into the eyes of Robert, he gulped, “you were hurt... shot two times. In the shoulder and thigh, but you’re okay now.”
~“Hugo, you don’t need to ask. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right.”
~“I am... you’re a superhero? Like the hulk?”
~“No, you dumbass, I’m a werewolf! For a teacher, you’re a fucking idiot you know that.”
~Hugo sat there stunned, a werewolf
~Robert was a werewolf, a handsome, husky man, but still a werewolf nonetheless!
~“I guess that does make more sense than being the furry version of the Hulk. When were you going to tell me?”
~Now it was Robert’s turn to look at Hugo, shocked
~“Why would I? I’m a fucking werewolf. I can’t just come out the closet as a creature most people don’t even believe exist.”
~Well, Robert was right, but it still didn’t settle well with Hugo. Robert was struggling... alone. He needed support
~“You’re right, but you still need someone you can lean on.”
~They shared a silent moment together. Their eyes staring deeply into each other’s. Robert’s lips parted to say something, but immediately turned his gaze elsewhere.
“Are you going to continue washing me or what?” On that note, Hugo continued to wash Robert’s body.
~Once he was all cleaned, Hugo brought him some pain medication and antibiotics to take. He also rubbed some ointment on his wounds that had healed to mere scratches.
~Hugo helped Robert out of the bath and gave him some clothes to wear.
~“Look, I appreciate you helping me out. You didn’t need to do all this, but you did. I really owe you one.”
~“It’s no problem. I’m happy I was there to find you and take care of you.”
~They shared another silent moment, before Robert laid his head on Hugo’s broad shoulder
~Hugo was a little surprised by this, but allowed Robert to lay there
~He ran his fingers through Robert’s graying hair and kissed the top of his head.
~“Robert, If you ever need help with anything, just call me.”
~Robert let out a soft chuckle, “I know you’ll be there, but I think I’ll be okay. Being what I am, I can’t let you get any closer to me. This is for me to figure out.”
~“You won’t hurt me. I know this is your problem, but—.”
~“I can and will. I mean look at your wrist. I know I did that to you and I could do a lot more. I’ve lived like this for a while, but sometimes I can’t handle my ‘urges.’ I’ll be okay.”
~Hugo takes the time to look at his bandaged wrist. He knew Robert was right.
~He helped Robert up and to the front door.
~“Are you sure—.”
~“Hugo!—” Robert’s face softened when he realized he had raised his voice, “I can walk to my house. You’ve already done enough.”
~And with that, Robert walked out the door and to his house
~Hugo stood there for a second, dazed and questioning if all this even happened
~He just had to trust Robert could take care of himself and was going to be more careful
~There was this odd tug at his heart he felt. Is it possible that he was starting to feel something for this man? Maybe, Robert was feeling the same tug at his heart...
That!Was!A!Lot! But I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I’m sorry this took so long to get out to you. This definitely tested my creativity and I’m happy you sent in a request like this. Not going to lie @wolf2009 I might make this into a series...
Requests are open✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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trashwarden · 7 years
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Hugo witnessing Dadsona and Ernest getting along for the first time. Like imagine how happy he would be.
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cynergy-laughter · 7 years
Dream Daddy Fanfic #2
Lasagna Nights (Hugo x Dadsona) [Word Count: 2437]
By: Brendon Cetinkaya ( @cynergy-laughter )
It’s three weeks since you threw the graduation party for Amanda, when you sat under the cherry tree and spent the rest of the party with Hugo. You two were so happy to be a part of each other’s lives and to just be a good match. You sigh as you realize that you are sitting at home, no pants on, word jumbles in hand, and Shark Hunter Lip Sync Battles going on in the background of your living room. It’s been three weeks man, organize yourself, you haven’t even gotten your coffee yet! You thought about Hugo some more, and decided to hit him up. You go to your computer and type away at your keyboard to Hugo’s Dadbook messenger.
“Hey babe, I know it’s kinda weird for me to be messaging you since we’re practically boyfriends, do you think you’d wanna have a family dinner, Amanda’s gonna be coming home this weekend, and it would be nice if we got together.”
You hit send and not 2 minutes later, a reply came:
Hey babe! It’s not weird at all. I’m glad that you sent me that. Ernest and I are having Lasagna Night, we can always put it off until Amanda comes home.”
“Actually, she’ll be coming home tomorrow morning, we can make it a whole family time kinda shindig.”
“That works! Although Ernest usually looks forward to Lasagna Night, so I’m gonna have to find something else to eat…”
“Hmm… try… ooh! Try pizza! Can’t go wrong with pizza.”
“That’s true, thank you so much! I shall see you and Amanda tomorrow.”
It’s all set now, two families coming together to form one single family, if only for a single day. Maybe one day, it could become a reality. But until then, you and your word jumbles had to retire for the night. You turned the TV off and after shutting off the lights, you began to text Amanda about what was going to be going down tomorrow. You couldn’t even wait to go over. As you lay your head to rest and closed your eyes, you suddenly open them, and turn to look up at the ceiling and wonder what you were gonna bring to the dinner.
The next day, you grogged yourself awake, got your bathroom and coffee routine over with and got dressed. You worked on jumbles until you heard the familiar rumble of Amanda’s car, and then proceeded to Dad hug all throughout your reunion with Amanda. But before you both left for Hugo’s you decided to gather up some ingredients at the store for dessert.
“So, Dad, we’re having dinner with Hugo and Ernest, huh?” Amanda asked as you went through the market.
“Yeah… I thought it would be a fun thing to do, you know, get to know Hugo on a side that doesn’t determine whether you pass or fail in life.” You say as you began to grab some ingredients for brownies, you experimented a lot of recipes with Joseph and finally found the perfect ratio of sweet to bring the confections to life standards rather than Type 2 standards.
“Alright, sounds like it could be fun… But just to remind you, I will headlock Ernest if he talks crap about my favorite Dadtron.” She said as she pushed the cart, leaning into the child’s basket and cart handlebar.
“Easy, Panda. He’s like 14, he’s just going into freshman year of high school after the summer.” You said, touched that she’d defend your honor.
“Well, what would you do? He’s an angry, angsty, and not afraid to say what he wants. How can I combat that?” She asked.
“Well, pop quiz, what is the best way to torture a little brother figure when he annoys you or your siblings?” You ask, smirking, especially since you are her father. Amanda put her hand on her chin, leaning more into the cart, then, a light bulb turned on.
“Ah! Hehe, I gotcha. This is gonna be an interesting day.” Amanda finger gunned you as you both continued to shop, eventually changing the subject about how Amanda was doing in college. After paying, you both drive back to the cul-de-sac and park right in Hugo’s driveway. As you get out of the car, you could hear a loud vacuum sound coming from the open windows, it was like an alarm, but for every dog that feared that dastardly machine.
“How much you wanna bet that it’s Hugo cleaning up?” You ask quietly to Amanda.
“I don’t need to bet, Hugo’s definitely cleaning up.” Amanda chuckled as you both went up to the front door and knock. The vacuum was still going on while the door opened, revealing Hugo’s smiling face, he looked like seeing you was the highlight of his day.
“Ah, babe! Come on in, sorry we thought we had a lot more time.” Hugo invited, holding the door open for them. “Ah, Amanda, I hope you’re doing well at the university.”
You both went inside and exchange hellos before you actually see Ernest vacuuming, but only for a second before he turns it off and scurries away to put away the vacuum. You guess he didn’t want anyone else to witness that him actually cleaning. You both thought it was a weird to get a glimpse of it, hell, you could have sworn that you saw Ernest with his hoodie around his waist, actually showing his hair. Well, when he came back he had his hoodie back on,  he was back to his usual, aloof self. After getting greetings out of the way, you and Hugo went into the kitchen and started making dinner. Meanwhile, Amanda was sitting with Ernest in the living room, watching Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers.
“...What is this show even about?” Ernest asked Amanda, raising an eyebrow.
“If the show’s title isn’t clue enough, then you are really missing out. Luckily, my dad hooked me up with the complete series.” Amanda smirked and showed the box set. “You have a long way to drive, junior Ice Road Ghost Trucker.” She was determined.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, you were busy making your brownie recipe and Hugo was working on layering the lasagna.
“The trick to good lasagna is a good sauce, and start the layering off with that sauce, you don’t need any cooking spray.” Hugo explained.
“Really? I thought everything in a glass pan needed cooking spray.” You assumed.
“Oh not lasagna, I maybe a bad cook, but the one thing that I’ve practiced on is Lasagna, I’ve made every mistake in the book, and I feel like I’ve gotten down to the best cheeses to use for it.” Hugo assured, as he put on the pasta sheets, then a layer of ricotta, another layer of pasta, and some more meat sauce, “And boiling lasagna noodles? Don’t even, the sauce cooks the pasta.”
“Umm, I’m pretty sure everyone knew that, babe…” You rose your brow, a bit taken back about what you heard.
“I did that in my first culinary class, and my teacher always said it was a... extreme beginner’s mistake… The lasagna was overcooked when it was done…” Hugo admitted, blushing embarrassed.
“So, is lasagna the only thing you know how to cook?” You asked, as you sprayed another glass pan down for your brownies.
“Yeah, that’s why Ernest always looks forward to Lasagna night, which is every 4 weekends, when I’m not grading or working.”
“You know, I could always help teach you to cook some more if you want. I’m sure Ernest would appreciate more home-cooked, non-Italian foods.”
“You think so?”
“I know for a fact, Amanda grew tired of us always going out, and she wanted me to cook. I knew nothing about it, so I always asked Alex to help teach me to cook. Amanda loved it! Now she can’t get enough of eating out. I think Ernest is the same.” You finished mixing, poured the brownie batter into the pan, covered it and put it in the fridge. Then you go over behind Hugo and wrap your arms around his waist. He turns his head with a blush and smiles at you.
“I would always be willing to learn something new with you…” Hugo said, kissing you on the lips. You kiss right on back, but not before there a sound of disgust from the doorway of the kitchen.
“Eww! God, that’s fuckin gross, next time I want a soda I’ll just send Amanda in there.” Ernest sweared, but then, Amanda’s arm came in like one of those canes that pull bad acts of the Shark Hunter Lip Sync Battle stage, and pulled Ernest back into the living room.
“That’s enough outta you , Kenny.” She teased, you and Hugo couldn’t see past the corner, but you both saw Amanda digging her fingers into Ernest’s sides, which made Ernest squeal, a sound Hugo never heard in a long time. They somehow made it into the living room, past the corner but you could hear everything that went on.
“GAHAHAHA! I’LL KIHIHIHILL YOU, YOU BI-AAHAHAHAHA!” Ernest hadn’t been tickled in a long time, and he didn’t finish his thought before Amanda spidered his belly and skittered her finger in his armpits, his hoodie not giving him any defense.
“Oh, first you ruin a perfect moment, then call me a name when I call you out on it? Heh, I’m so gonna enjoy being your big sister.” Amanda said, keeping her iron grip as she kept on teasing him. You taught her well, even Hugo smirked at his son getting what he deserved, a good punishment that didn’t involve violence or grounding.
“N-NO-NOOOOHOHOHOHO! NAHT MY PIHITS! DAHAHAHAD!” Ernest called out for help. He just called Hugo dad… you had to act fast, because he was sure to go after Panda after that father’s summon spell. You wrap your arms around his waist and proceed to squeeze into his sides, hips, and skitter along his waistline.
“ACK! Hehey! Lemme go! He called me Dahahad! Bahabe Stohohop that!” Hugo wiggled around, trying to pull away, but because you exercise with Craig regularly, you were able to keep your grip up.
“I will not have you stop their soon to be brother-sister bonding! Get him good, Panda!” You and Amanda were having your own battle and you both were determined to fight to win, no one shall beat you guys as the tag-team tickle-fighting champions of the cul-de-sac. You wrap your leg around his leg to try and bring him to the floor. But it wasn’t until you wiggled your fingers into his ribs that he lunges forward, and falls into your trap. Quite literally. As Hugo lay on his stomach on the kitchen floor, his slippers fall off his feet, and you sit down on his back and raise his legs up behind you, ankle locking them in your armpits.
“GAhahaha! B-Babe, gehet off, p-please, anything but that! Why did you have to catch me off guahard?!” Hugo asked, trying to move, but he could only move his head and his arms.
“Heh, remember that time when you wrestled me that one time, and you found out I was ticklish, and proceeded to tickle me until I tapped out?” You asked, but didn’t give him the chance to answer as you begin to skitter your fingers on Hugo’s trapped feet. Hugo was even louder than Ernest, in fact both Amanda and Ernest stopped everything and peaked out to see the scene, and see that Hugo laughing his head off.
“AHAHAHAHA! BAHAHABE! STOHOHOP! WE GOTTA FINISH DIHIHINNER!” Hugo tried to overpower you, but his weakness was being exploited, and a skitter along his arches and under his toes weren’t helping at all.
“This is payback, babe!” You yell triumphantly as you keep tickling all over his feet.
Ernest smirks and jumps into the fray and starts wiggling his fingers in Hugo’s armpits. You and Amanda were so surprised.
“This is for taking my vape!” Ernest stated mercilessly, as he intensified the tickling.
“Panda, any vendetta you wanna bring out onto your former teacher?” You ask, as Amanda smirked and gave you the finger guns.
“This is gonna be for my last english paper, the one that you gave me an A minus on!” She said as she went over and reached under him to get his sides and his ribs. Hugo was officially tapping out as he banged his right fist into the floor and screaming at the top of his lungs with laughter.
“STAHAHAP STAAAAHAHAHAP! STOP!” Soon, Hugo could take no more and he gotten a sudden burst of energy and he pulled his feet out of your grip, and started to get up with a noble Dad Roar. You fell of his back as Amanda and Ernest jumped but landed on their butts on the kitchen floor. Hugo leered at all three of you for a moment, before he just started snickering, which grew to chuckling, which grew to full on laughter. Soon you joined in the laugh, followed by Ernest and then Amanda. After the laugh fest, all four of you began to help finish the lasagna. After the lasagna was done cooking, you put the brownies in for 20 minutes. All four of you had a slice or two of lasagna and cut up italian bread. All the while you had dinner, everyone was having a good conversation, heck even Ernest chimed in a few times. Soon, it was night time, dinner was winding down and the brownies were cooling down. Amanda got up and winked at Ernest.
“So, Pops, we’re gonna be going to the movies tonight, Ernest, Lucien and I.” Amanda announced, “We actually wanted to do that before I gotta leave back for college Sunday. So… don’t wait up.” She puts on her jacket, and grabs her keys, and heads for the door, with Ernest jumping up and following her.
“Smell ya later.” Ernest smirks as he follows Amanda to the car and begins to pick the others up. You two look at each other and chuckle.
“Ah, kids.” You say.
“I hope it won’t be R-rated.” Hugo chuckled a bit more uneasily.
“It probably will, but I know that my daughter can take care of herself, and hold those two in line.”
Soon you two sit down after making yourselves some brownie sundaes, and stayed up watching Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers. You two eventually fall asleep in front of the TV, cuddled up together. And in the morning, you two would wake up to yourselves covered by two blankets.
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orange8886 · 7 years
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(Dadsona x Hugo Vega fic because Hugo deserves more content 💖)
So here’s the thing – I’ve always been slim. I was a slim kid, then a slim teenager, then a slim adult. Always slim. And that means that in the muscles department, well… I’m not that great. Sure, I’ve put on some muscles in my late adolescence and a bit more in my adulthood. So I’m not super slim. But still somewhat slim. The point is, I’m not muscular, ok? And I’ve never been bothered by it, to be honest. Actually, I generally like my body.
But! Here comes… I started dating Hugo Vega, Amanda’s ex-teacher. Yeah, I went there. And then the dating grew into a relationship. And I’m very happy with that development. I really like the man. Well, I wouldn’t have started the relationship if I didn’t really like him but the point is – I want this to work out. And I want him to be as happy with me as I’m happy with him.
So here’s the thing - I remembered something about Hugo’s Dadbook profile a couple of weeks ago and since then it’s been eating at me. I’m talking about the “Turn Ons” section. It literally says “muscles”.
You see my problem now, right? The man’s turn on is muscles and I don’t have impressive ones. So, here comes the surprise - I’ve started working out. Well, I started jogging because of Craig. And it’s been good for my legs because they’re more toned now. But the upper body’s a bit neglected. Okay, very neglected.
So I started working out. I just want to point out that this is not one of those “change yourself because your significant other wants you to change” things, but rather a “change a bit in hope it’ll make your significant other happy because you love them so much and you want to make them happy”.
Did I say… love…?
Shit, I’m in too deep now…
Anyway… ahem, back to working out. It’s horrible! It’s tough and exhausting and I don’t recommend it to anyone! And I can’t even tell if there’s a result. I like to think there is because I’m in so much pain but that’s just wishful thinking probably?
The workout itself is horrible but the walk home from the gym is the worst. And there’s not a single bench. Can you believe this? Not a single damn bench! I try not to push myself to my limits in the gym because then I’ll just lie down on the ground and not care. Just sleep on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk.
So, anyway, I’m now walking home from the gym, sweaty and disgusting because I’d rather shower at home than at the communal showers in the gym. It’s just the way I am, ok! And who knew a person can sweat so much? And the smell, oh, the smell! Don’t get me started! I hope I won’t meet anyone I know.
I wish I haven’t said that because of course I’ll meet someone I know! Not just anyone! It’s Hugo, he’s waving at me from across the street. And now he’s crossing the street! I’m usually so good at avoiding people and I feel so betrayed by myself now.
And here comes Hugo. He’s smiling at me. I love his smile. Damn I’m really in too deep.
“Hi!” He beams at me and goes for a kiss and I can’t not kiss him but I’m also very sweaty, smelly, and probably look like shit. But I kiss him back and it’s great as usual. He doesn’t seem grossed out. Or maybe he’s just good at hiding it. He’s probably not, though.
“Have you been to the gym? I didn’t peg you for a gym enthusiast.” He says amused.
“It’s a recent development.” I say, and for once it’s a smooth reply. I congratulate myself.
“Oh? Did Craig finally managed to convert you to his healthy but exhausting lifestyle?”
“Eh, not exactly, no.”
But I feel compelled to tell the truth. Hugo has that impact on me – I feel so safe I just have to share and share, instead of bottling it up and hiding it away. It’s relieving and at the same time I’m having a mild panic attack every time. I’m such a mess.
So, the truth…
“I… actually Craig doesn’t have much to do with it. He helped me with my workout routine and gives me tips but he’s not the reason I started.”
“Then what prompted this? I was under the impressing that you don’t really like going to the gym.” He says honestly and I make a face which he seems to notice because he looks anxious. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way! It’s just that you told me you were wondering how anyone can be as enthusiastic about working out as Craig is, so I just assumed…” he trailed weakly.
It is adorable – he is blushing and adjusting his glasses nervously. I have to bite my lip as not to smile. But I better put him out of his misery.
“It’s fine, Hugo, really. And you’re right - I’m not a gym person in the slightest. And the reason I… actually, do you remember what you wrote in your Dadbook profile?” I ask and it takes him by surprise. He looks a little lost and it’s so cute! I mean… Okay, fine, I just really like him and everything he does is adorable so you’ll have to bear with me!
“I remember, vaguely. Which part are you referring to? And what does my Dadbook profile have to do with you going to the gym?”
“The “Turn Ons” part.” I blurt out, not really answering his second question. Well, at least it’s in the open now.
Hugo looks confused for a few moments the realization hits him. He looks uneasy now. Good job, Me, you’ve distressed your boyfriend. I honestly can’t tell which one of us is more uncomfortable now.
“I don’t-“ Hugo starts. “It’s just a social media profile. It’s not like it’s my only turn on.” He says that a little louder and immediately looks around to see if anyone’s noticed. There’s no one around. “I mean, it was just a thing I picked. It was actually more of an allude to wrestling. Not that muscles are not a turn on, but I don’t necessary want my partner to be very muscular. I meant to say that I don’t choose my partners based on that one criteria so I don’t want you to think that you have to go to the gym when you obviously don’t like it just because of something I wrote on Dadbook years ago.” Hugo finishes breathlessly.
I’m floored, speechless. He looks so genuine and concerned. I’ve chosen right again.
It seems my silence hasn’t done Hugo any favours because he continues to be agitated.
“I mean, you can continue going to the gym if you want but I don’t want you to do something you don’t like just becau-“
I kiss him. I can’t help it. And I know I’m still sticky with sweat and smell horrible but I just can’t help winding my arms around his neck and kissing him like my life depends on it. He’s clearly surprised for a second but he returns the kiss enthusiastically. I feel his body relaxing. Ah, it’s bliss.
When we finally part, Hugo is beaming at me again. I feel so blessed.
“I have to say that I’m really flattered. But I do like you just the way you are.” He says and a second later I see his cheeks reddening again and he looks away.
He’s not telling me something and now I just must know. Last time he behaved like this, I found out he liked wrestling. So I wonder what will be this time. We’re still embracing so I squeeze his shoulders a little and give him an encouraging smile.
“What is it, Hugo? Whatever it is, you can tell me.” I purr. Yes, I still got it.
He blushes even more. “I… well, since you’re after my turn ons… it was really hot when you let me show you some of the wrestling moves. I mean, I enjoyed that a lot. Probably more than I should have. I hoped you wouldn’t notice exactly how much I enjoyed it.”
Oh. My. God.
“Honestly, I enjoyed it more than I probably should have as well.” I admit with a grin.
He finally focuses his eyes on mine again and the stare is so intense. I love it. His hold on my waist tightens just a little bit and I get the best idea I’ve had all week.
“So, since I obviously don’t mind you showing me all of your wrestling moves, how about you come to my house and show me a selected few, hm?”
Damn, I’m smooth. It’s clearly my day. And I haven’t seen Hugo so enthusiastic since we went to the Power Slam. Then I remember I’m still sweaty and smelly.
“After I take a shower though!”
“You know, we can help the environment and shower together.” He then laughs at his bad pick up line.
But it’s super effective so I take his hand in mine and drag him towards my house. All of a sudden I don’t feel exhausted at all. It’s a miracle. I tell you!
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orange8886 · 7 years
aah my Hugo x Dadsona fic got almost 100 kudos 💖
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bronzeflower · 7 years
Field Trips And Slice Of Life
Also on ao3
Dadsona x Hugo Vega
“Jessie, you’ve got to get up. You promised me that you would help me chaperone the field trip today.” Hugo insists.
You groan.
“Ughhhhhhhh. I don’t want to get uuuuuuup.” However, despite your protests, you eventually crawl out of bed and get dressed.
“Could you wake up Ernest?” Hugo asks. “I’m going to go get started on breakfast.”
“Of course, babe.” You rub the sleep out of your eyes and set to work waking up Ernest.
You start by knocking on the door. You hear groaning.
“I know you don’t want to get up. Believe me, I did not want to get my butt out of bed either, but school is important, and it will teach you skills that you need in the future.”
“No, it won’t!” Came the shout back.
“Yeah, well, you’re going on a field trip today, anyway, so you’ll learn things that are a little more useful than the things you learn in regular school. And, if not, at least you’ll probably have some fun!”
“No, I won’t! All they do at school field trips is give you a dumb packet to work on!”
“...Okay, so that may be the case, but that doesn’t negate the fact that you have to get up. Besides, if you get up, you get bacon. Bacon is delicious.”
“Are you really using bacon as a way to get me out of my room?” Ernest says, but he opens his door to glare at you.
“It worked, didn’t it?”
Ernest says nothing, but he does grumble as he walks past you. Your mission here is accomplished. It’s food time.
Food is enjoyed by everyone in relative silence, with the only talking being Hugo asking if Ernest remembered everything that he needed to bring.
As soon as that was settled with an of course along with a groan from Ernest, we were out the door and at the school.
Oh boy. Middle schoolers. Gotta love them. You hope that no one will steal, like, an artifact or something.
“I hope no one tries to steal a penguin this time.” You say to Hugo, who laughs.
“I don’t think there are any penguins at the museum we’re going to.”
“I hope no one tries to steal a bone.” You rephrase.
“I never know with this group of kids. I’m pretty sure they have a secret bar that none of the teachers know how to go to, and their preferred currency is the little rubber bands shaped like animals.”
“What if the currency is those little stickers that teachers hand out to kids who’ve been good. Do teachers still do that? I’m actually not sure.”
“Teachers still do that, but only for younger kids. Some of the teachers do something similar for the older kids though.”
You and Hugo eventually managed to get the kids inside the museum and give them each a packet to work on. And, if you happened to have some extra pencils on you to give to students that forgot their pencil, no one could prove anything. Especially not Hugo.
“I’m worried you’ve been spending too much time with Robert.” Hugo said as he noticed you sneaking a pencil to a kid who didn’t have one. Hugo, obviously, refused to give any pencils to those that needed them, but you think that was just a teacher trying to make his students more responsible and carry a pencil or two at all times.
“What makes you say that?” You ask in the most innocent tone you can muster, which was most definitely riddled with mischief because you couldn’t lie to save your life.
“...You came up with an elaborate story about how we were attacked by the Elephant Spectral at three am on a Wednesday to explain to Ernest why I had hickeys.” Hugo deadpanned. “He didn’t even ask why I had hickeys in the first place.”
“...Point taken. But, to be fair, I’ve also been hanging out with Mary a lot too.”
“Mary and Robert are friends, Jessie.”
“Okay, so I’ve been hanging out with two people who spin wild stories in order to scare people, and I happen to have picked up the skill. At least I don’t have trouble admitting that my stories are fake. I can only tell which stories of Robert’s are fake because of how much time I’ve spent with him.”
“The fact that- wait, hold on a moment. Elizabeth! You’re not allowed to touch that!” Hugo went back to you after he quickly dealt with Elizabeth trying to touch everything. He sighed. “It’s not like there aren’t signs that say you can’t touch this everywhere.”
“Could you tell me about some of the things in here?”
Hugo grinned and pointed to one of the dinosaur skeletons.
“That one belongs to a dinosaur called the Megalosaurus. It lived during the Jurassic Period and was one of the first dinosaurs ever discovered. And, over here is the Troodon, who has the largest brain to body ratio of any dinosaur.”
Hugo continued rambling on about dinosaurs and fossils. It always amazed you how much Hugo loved to learn and how much he loved to teach, regardless of how much he claimed that the students he taught were obnoxious. He was always that little bit more in a good mood when he successfully helped a student or a student ends up loving a book they read in class.
As much as he tells you about how annoying his students are, he also talks about how amazing his students are. How Damarious has actually been doing better in class since he’s joined the robotics club. How Catherine was excited to show Hugo the solution to a puzzle that she spent a long time trying to solve. How Sal was typically quiet but was the loudest one in group discussions.
It was all extremely sweet. He’s so proud of all his students. Even the ones who start gambling rings. Come on. You have to be a least a little bit impressed that a kid managed to set up a gambling ring that was kept a secret from the teachers for a good bit of time.
And now you’re trying to convince Lucas to not steal a fossil that was in an open area.
“Look, I get it. Those fossils are super cool, but these fossils are just for looking at, and you’re not allowed to take them. But, if you really want to own a fossil of your own, they sell them in the gift shop. So, if you could please put that particular fossil back where you found it, I can show you to the gift shop so that you can get a fossil of your very own.”
You were so very thankful that Lucas opted to put the fossil back and go to the gift shop, and you also glad that you didn’t need to bribe a child again. You weren’t proud of that moment in your life.
You helped Lucas find a fossil that he would like, and, after he paid for it, you guided him back to the group. Hugo caught sight of you bringing Lucas back to the group.
“Did you bribe a child again?” He asked, which, to be fair, was a perfectly reasonable question to ask based on the situations that the two have you have been through together.
“I didn’t actually have to bribe a child again. I am very thankful for that. I trust that you haven’t had a repeat of your Penguin Facts™ Lecture.”
“Goodness, no. That was awful, and I have no idea how I successfully created a distraction with that. I realized I knew almost nothing about penguins.”
“It’s a good thing the school didn’t get banned from the aquarium.”
“Thank god we can still have a field trip accompanying the learning of The Old Man and the Sea.”
“Speaking of literature you teach the kids, has anyone tried to Cask of Amontillado anyone again?”
“That was a one-time occurrence, and I hope every day that it doesn’t happen again. I also hope every day that Ernest actually reads the stories his teachers assign him so that something like that doesn’t happen again.”
“Robert thinks that Ernest has horrible taste in movies.” You say without thinking. Oh god, you know Hugo is going to ask about that. You can’t lie at all. You just have to rephrase it so the entire truth isn’t revealed because you refuse to admit that you snuck into a movie theater with Robert to watch a bad movie.
“What makes him say that?” Hugo asked, and you knew he was going to ask that. Okay. This is fine. All you have to do is omit certain things.
“Once we went to see a movie, and it was a pretty bad love story, so Robert yelled that love is dead at the end of it, and Ernest happened to be watching the movie, so he yelled back that the love in the movie was beautiful. They proceeded to have an argument about good cinema.” Nailed it.
“I wasn’t aware that Robert enjoyed movies.”
“He made me stay for the credits, and he individually thanked every single person who appeared in the credits for working hard to make the movie.”
The field trip was over soon, and you were glad to be back home. You plopped down on the couch as soon as you arrived.
“This is where I live now.” You declare.
“I don’t think that would be very good for your back.”
“Let the man sleep.” Ernest says, surprising you. “It’s not like his back can get any worse.”
“Wow, rude. I’ll have you know that my back is in tip top shape, and I could probably run a marathon with this back of mine.”
“Uh huh. That’s why you keep complaining about how much your back hurts all the time.”
“I’m old. I have a right to complain.”
“You can’t just say you have a right to complain when your back is clearly in ‘tip top’ shape. You’re contradicting yourself, you dope. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to listen to music in my room. Don’t bother me.” Ernest then proceeded to go to his bedroom.
“I’m so proud.” Hugo suddenly said. “He pointed out a contradiction.”
“He’s come a long way from staying still for twenty minutes while Lucien built a brick wall around him.”
“Ah, yes. That. Well, I have packets to grade. Love you.”
“Love you, too, babe.”
Hugo went off to grade the packets, and you decided to contact Amanda to see how things were doing at college.
“Hey, Amanda!” You greet. “How have you been doing? How's college treating you?”
“Hey, Dad.” Amanda responds, and you feel so happy to hear from her again, even if the last time you talked to her was literally yesterday. “I’ve been doing great, and college has been treating me with as much mercy as you would expect.”
“How much progress have you made on that collage you have to do?”
“I have about half of it done.” Amanda holds up a collage covered in various fashion accessories and clothing.
“I can’t wait to see it when it’s done! It’s progressing really nice so far!”
“Thanks. Of course, I also have to write a really long report about it, which is, to say the least, ughhhhhhh.” Amanda groans before changing the subject. “Anyway, we always talk about me during our chats, but have you been doing anything other than staying at home and watching tv, Dad?”
“Actually, I have. I chaperoned a field trip today.”
“Did someone try to steal a penguin again?”
“No, but someone did try to steal a fossil. Nothing living was stolen. At least none that I was aware of.”
“How big was the fossil? Did someone try to steal an entire dinosaur skeleton? That would be kick ass.”
“No, it was just a small shell fossil. I was able to convince them to put it back where they found it though.” You puff up with pride. You were very proud of yourself for that.
“Good job.” Amanda says, and then you hear someone calling Amanda in the background. “Sorry, Dad. Got to go. Some fun activity is calling my name.”
“Alright.” You were pretty disappointed that your conversation was cut short, but you can recognize that Amanda has a life, and she deserves to live that life. “Love you, Manda Panda.”
“Love you, too, Dad.”
After that conversation, you worked on your writing for a little while before checking on Hugo.
You hug him from behind and rest your chin on his shoulder.
“How’s your work going, babe?” You ask.
“I think Rebecca tried her best to get everything wrong. She might be trying to make a point about how grades don’t matter in the long run.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because she’s an extremely smart kid, and she definitely has the capability to have fantastic grades, but she doesn’t because she feels like she has something to prove.”
“Maybe you could convince her to join the politics club or something. It might be a good way to put that kind of drive into use.”
“I don’t know if our school has a politics club.” Hugo admits. “But, to be fair, I’m not often aware of the clubs in the schools unless the students talk about it or I’m involved in it.”
“Yeah? Well, how’s the wrestling club going?”
“It’s going great! More people are in the wrestling club than ever! Which, of course, means more students to deal with, but it also means that it’s becoming more popular.”
“That’s fantastic!” You say.
“How was your chat with Amanda?” Hugo asks.
“It was good, but it was kind of cut short. She has finished half of one of her projects. I’m so proud of her.”
“That’s good. Maybe she’s actually turning in her work.”
“I hope she is.” You say, and then you realize that you are getting hungry. “I’m going to make dinner because food is an important part of everyday life.”
“Do you need any help?”
“Maybe a little.”
You and Hugo go to the kitchen and end up making mac and cheese. Always a good fallback when you have absolutely no idea what to make.
Eventually, the two of you manage to make something without burning the house down. That was likely due to Hugo’s influence.
“Ernest! Dinner’s ready!” Hugo shouts, and Ernest soon exits from his room.
The three of you enjoy a very nice meal with Hugo both talking about the wrestling club and asking how Ernest’s day at school was. Ernest was as grumpy as ever, but at least he was a little bit more responsive to questions. You have a feeling that he’s going to put a cherry bomb in someone’s trash can to make up for it.
You find out that Ernest liked the T. Rex exhibit in the museum. You aren’t surprised that he liked it, but you are surprised that he willingly offered the information. He typically just avoids giving any specific details about his life and is usually kind of hostile. You and Hugo still love him though.
“I’m going out.” Ernest says right after he finishes his dinner.
“You’ve finished all your homework, right?” Hugo questions.
“Yes. Bye, I’m leaving now.” Ernest leaves, and Hugo yells after him.
“Make sure to call me if something happens!”
Ernest waves him off. Hugo closes the door and sighs.
“He seems to be going out a lot more recently.” Hugo admits. “But he’s also been acting better, and no one has informed me of Ernest acting up recently, so I feel like those things are connected.”
“If he’s been acting better because of it, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” You say. “Although it would be nice to know where he’s going in case something happens.”
“You’re right. I hope he does message me if something goes wrong though.”
“I’m sure he will.”
The two of you just kind of sit in silence for a bit.
“You know Ernest loves you, right?” You break the silence.
“I love him, too.”
“You should tell him that more often.” You suggest.
“You think so?”
Ernest eventually comes home to you and Hugo cuddling on the couch and watching tv.
“Hey, Ernest!” You greet. “How was your outing?”
“It was fine.” Ernest says, and he makes his way to his room.
“Hold on a minute, Ernest.” Hugo says.
“I just…” Hugo pats Ernest on the shoulder. “I wanted to let you know that I love you.”
Ernest stays silent for a few moments before speaking in a whisper.
“Love you, too, Dad”
Ernest then immediately escaped to his room.
You approach Hugo, who is positively glowing. He looks even more excited than he does when he’s talking about wrestling, which truly is saying something.
Hugo lifts you up in a bear hug and spins you around, grinning widely.
When he puts you down, he’s still shining like a million suns.
You kiss him, and he kisses you back with a large amount of passion and enthusiasm. You pull away.
“What did Ernest say to make you this happy?” You ask. After all, you didn’t exactly hear what Ernest said back to Hugo.
“He said that he loved me, Jessie.” Hugo exclaimed. “And he called me Dad!”
“That’s amazing!” You grin.
Hugo is practically vibrating with excitement. It reminds you of the time when you took him to the Power Slam.
God, you love this man.
“I love you.” You say, voicing exactly what you were thinking.
“I love you, too.” Hugo responds.
“You deserve all the love in the world, dear.” You say. “You take the time to learn about anything you can, and you’re so passionate in everything you do. From being a parent to teaching to wrestling, with everything you do, your passion shines through, and it’s so beautiful. You’re just really amazing, and I really love you, my cheddar cheese.”
Hugo laughs.
“You’re really going to use that pet name after all that?” Hugo says, but he’s smiling.
“Yes. Not all pet names are dear and babe, buttercup.”
“Those are the ones you appear to use the most often though.”
“Guilty as charged.”
Hugo smiles fondly at you, and then he kisses you softly.
What else are you going to do but kiss back?
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bronzeflower · 7 years
Come On Snake, Let’s Rattle
Also on ao3
Dadsona x Hugo Vega
Somehow, Hugo had managed to rope you into chaperoning a school dance with him. You have no idea how, but you were standing there while kids awkwardly slow danced with each other and others were making out in corners where they think that you couldn’t see them. Spoilers, you could, but you didn’t actually have the energy to stop them.
You have a small chuckle to yourself as you image Joseph going around to various couples to get between them and say “Leave room for Jesus!” Obviously, it doesn’t seem like something he would actually do, but it is very amusing to think about.
However, you didn’t exactly have much to entertain you at a school dance. The most you could do was stand in the corner with a cup of punch that may have been spiked with something. You weren’t really sure, but someone put something into the punch.
You began to wonder why Hugo got you to do this when you saw someone holding an entire bottle of vodka. Okay, you have to put a stop to this or confiscate it or something. You know someone already spiked the punch already, but at least that kid did it without anyone noticing, and that was at least somewhat admirable.
“Hey, kid. What are you planning on doing with that bottle of vodka?” You ask, giving your best dad disapproval stare. The kid doesn’t even look the slightest bit uncomfortable. He just stared right back.
“It’s not vodka. It’s water.” The kid says before having the gall to take a sip out of the bottle right in front of you.
“I don’t think I can take your word on that, so I’m going to have to confiscate it. Hand over the bottle.” You order, holding out your hand.
“Why should I hand it over if it’s just water?”
“Because the rules say that anything that is alcohol or promotes the drinking of alcohol isn’t allowed, so I ask that you please hand it over. Even if it is just water, you’re not allowed to have it in a vodka bottle.”
“Fine.” The kid hands over the bottle.
“Thank you.” You head over to the confiscated items area, which one of the teachers was guarding. “Hey, one of the kids had this, and I am pretty certain that they're not allowed to have things like this.”
“Nope.” The teacher responds and takes the bottle from you to put it with the rest of the confiscated items. “I don’t even know why we just take the items from the kids instead of kicking them out of the dance.”
“I don’t know either. Then again, I’m not the one who makes the rules.” You go back to chaperoning the dance. You were so bored. You think you finally understand why Amanda constantly complained about being bored when she was younger. Being bored was awful, and it didn’t even seem like time was going.
Bored, bored, bored, hey, look, Hugo. He was looking intensely around the dance floor, as if someone would do something horrible at any moment. To be fair, they probably could and would.
You watch as he breaks up two teens who were making out and feeling each other up on the dance floor. Yikes. They could at least have the decency to find a room or a corner to make out in like the rest of the couples.
You kind of just slowly inch over to Hugo as you look around the room. Yep. Same shit as always. You might have to escort drunk kids out of the room at some point.
“I’m so glad Quinn isn’t playing Creep by Radiohead.” You say when you get over to where Hugo is.
“I’m glad that he’s getting help.” Hugo responds.
“Me too.”
A tango song comes up, and a grin stretches across your face. You turn towards Hugo. You use a line you’ve wanted to have an excuse to say for a long time.
“Come on, snake. Let’s rattle.” You say, holding out your hand.
“I don’t think this is an appropriate time to fight.” Hugo says, looking confused. You laugh.
“It also means to dance, you know.”
“Oh, well, I have to admit that I don’t really know how to tango.”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll lead.”
Hugo smiles and takes your hand.
You have a good time dancing with Hugo, who is actually better at doing the tango than he led you to believe. When the song ends, you hear clapping from some of the students. You do a bow and leave the dance floor with Hugo.
“That was fun.” Hugo says, blushing slightly.
“We didn’t even have to stop in the middle of it to stop some meddlesome kids from spiking the punch bowl again.”
“I honestly have no idea why they even do that. First of all, you’re going to get in trouble for bringing alcohol, and, second of all, someone else has already spiked the punch.”
You laugh at this, and the two of you continue the job you were given by breaking up more couples feeling each other up and confiscating items that the students were not supposed to have.
Eventually, you are freed of the burden of watching over a bunch of drunk children due to the dance ending. You groan as you finally reach the house.
“I am so glad that’s over.” You claim. “I never want to see or deal with a drunk child ever again.”
“Me, too, but, sadly, I will have to.” Hugo sighs. “A teacher’s job is never done.”
“Especially since, everywhere you go, you see your students.”
“I’ve even seen them in the middle of the night when trying to buy ice cream.”
“You will never be free.” You warn. “Unless you move to a different area where there is the most minuscule chance that you run into one of your old students.”
“I’m cursed.” Hugo laments. “But at least I have someone to help me through it.”
“I’ll always be here to cause distractions for you to be able to escape your students.”
“Thank god.”
The two of you go to the bedroom, and you kind of collapse on the bed.
“I’m a tired slug.” You say. Hugo laughs.
“You might not want to sleep in a suit, though.” Hugo begins the process of taking off his own suit, and you sit on the sidelines watching appreciatively.
Hugo blushes when he catches you watching.
“You know, you could take some layers off as well.” Hugo suggests.
“I guess I could.” You say, removing your suit jacket and loosening your tie.
Hugo shots you a side smile as he unbuttons his shirt.
“Hey there, handsome.” You say, approaching Hugo and kissing him. Hugo hums into the kiss. When the two of you eventually part, Hugo responds.
“Hey yourself.” Hugo begins unbuttoning your shirt. Once he’s done that, he slides it off. He takes a moment to look over you before speaking again. “Come on snake, let’s rattle.”
You grin at him referencing what you said earlier.
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