#ddadds headcanon
ronnie2point0 · 1 year
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just some detailed headcanons bc im a damien kinnie hehe - the painting of the dog in the sitting room was actually damien's old dog, but after lucien developed severe dog allergies he had to send the poor pup away and the painting was put up in memory - when damien was a bit younger and got into anime (specifically naruto heuhue) he used to try and make a poor bowl of ichiraku ramen whenever an episode was planning to air - despite lucien's allergies, damien sometimes likes to make up for the disadvantages by showing him the section of kittens in the animal shelter. lucien has a thing for the hairless cats. - easily forgotten among his friends, but damien dances quite a lot,,, like, a lot—more in the comfort of his own space because he's too shy, but definitely loves a good waltz or even samba - sometimes damien feels a bit of shame for picking lucien up after school in his 'boring' clothes because he's scared he's an embarrassment—most of the time, tends to need reassurance of his insecurities - he's camera shy, and worries a shite-load about if he looks okay or not—sometimes people take it as him being conceited, but in reality he just tends to feel self-conscious - in relationships, damien isn't actually all that used to having someone give back the same amount of affection as he commonly does (etc. bouquets, little gifts, physical affection) and often finds himself surprised and bashful when his partner pays attention to what he likes (+ does the little cute pout thing) - in college, damien used to have a lot of pin-up posters of all the hot goth rockers he adored in his time and still has them kept up and away somewhere his room, though mary still teases him about it to this day - for comedic purposes during halloween, damien will truly feed into 'vampire' assumptions by wearing fake glue-in fangs and act a little ominously in the process (he's actually very good at it)
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kikkigam33r · 2 years
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Headcanons! +canon (Damien) :D
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crow-cards · 2 years
I hope this reaches literally anyone I REALLY wanna do some headcanon writing so for anyone that sees this and is willing, send me some requests!!!
give a character and what u want the hc based around (ex. karl heisenberg and how he cooks or smthn), I will do pretty much anything except nsfw stuff, I will also do like reader insert stuff if that is wanted :]
fandoms and characters I am willing to do:
resident evil 8: pretty much everyone! not redfield tho idk jack abt him, there's also some characters I'd be lacking in (like moreau and the dimitrescu daughters) but am willing to try anyways :]
detroit become human: I can probably do most characters but won't be the best with some more minor ones, will do better with connor, gavin, nines, and then some of the other main characters
dream daddy: pretty much all of em babeyy, maybe less great with brian tho, v sorry 😔
THAT'S IT sorry for the rant, pls send me asks may b :]]]
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schokolade-writes · 2 years
Hi i haven't been active in like literally years but I'm back !!! Pls send reqs I'll do DDADDS, Hetalia, Gravity Falls, Black Butler and Hannibal !!!
Headcanons or drabbles!
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justadamirahul · 2 months
Debería subie mis headcanons de ddadds o mejor conservo mi heterosexualidad intacta? (no tengo)
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multi-lia · 5 years
If your still doing headcanon of dream daddy how about Hugo finding and helping a Werewolf Robert. If possible 😊🐺
I want to say sorry beforehand because I don’t think I’m the best at writing werewolf AU, but I tried my hardest. I wrote a short story for background on how Hugo found werewolf!Robert and then some headcannons on him taking care of him. I hope that’s okay.
Hugo finding and helping werewolf!Robert
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Decided to go with a Robert gif, hope you guys don’t mind.
Hugo wasn’t that close to Robert as he was the other dads in the cul-de-sac, but he knew something was up with him. He just got the nagging feeling, he needed to keep a closer eye on him.
One night, it was late, past 1 a.m. Hugo had been up grading tests and Ernest was in his bedroom hopefully asleep, but mostly likely on his phone. Hugo had happened to be looking out the window to see Robert getting into his car. This became a daily thing and Hugo knew he was out doing something. He wanted to get to the bottom of it. So, he decided to tail his car. It was an 8th wonder of the world how Hugo wasn’t caught by Robert, but he was able to actually see where Robert was going on these night drives and what he was doing
They were in a wooded area. Robert got out of his car and proceeded to walk into the woods. Hugo knew Robert would come out here at times to think or whittle, but couldn’t he just do that in the comfort of his truck. For a minute, Hugo thought of just turning his car around. That was until...
“... what the fuck was that?” Hugo had heard something he could only describe as inhuman.
It sounded like the cross of a human screaming and some sort of howling sound. Yeah, Hugo was sure he had shit himself, he didn’t know what to do. Then he heard a sound akin to a dog whimpering, but the sound was much deeper.
Hugo took a few deep breaths before he grabbed a flashlight from his glovebox and proceeded to get out of his car. This was dangerous, that ‘sound’ could’ve been anything, but he knew Robert was out there and he had to make sure he was okay. So, he set off in the direction that Robert went off in. He had been walking for at least 20 minutes, calling out Robert’s name, but there was no answer. He was about to turn around, figuring Robert had already left, when his flashlight highlighted the crimson substance on one of the trees. It was blood... It took every bit of courage in Hugo not to turn back and run. But he wasn’t only scared for his life, Robert could’ve been out in these woods. He followed the blood trail for around 100 feet until he came across a... body? It was covered in dark, dense body hair akin to fur. But it also had the similar anatomy to a man. A hairy naked bleeding man. It seemed like it was shot through its shoulder and thigh. Most likely the work of a hunter. Hugo then moved the creature onto its back to get a closer look at what it was when...
“Robert? Is that you? No, it can’t be...” his words trailed off.
A face slightly covered in dense fur was turned to him, the features were unmistakably Robert. Hugo immediately lifted the man onto his back. He was heavy, but Hugo knew he had to get him out of here if Robert had any chance of surviving.
Hugo brings the man to his car and lays him out in the backseat. He takes a jacket he had in his car and rips the sleeves off of it to wrap it around Roberts wounds. As he is getting ready to jump in the drivers seat, a hand grabs his wrist. Sharp claws dig into Hugo’s flesh causing him to yelp in pain. He snaps his head in the direction of Robert to see his dark eyes staring up at him.
“Thank you.” His voice is harsh and deep. It sort of comes out as a hushed growl. It’s obvious that Robert is in pain and Hugo knows he needs to get him help. Robert’s clawed hand releases the grip he had on Hugo’s wrist and seemingly passes out. Hugo takes his chance to climb into the drivers seat and get the hell out of there.
~Hugo was frightened and bewildered at the situation he was placed in
~Robert was hurt yes and needed proper medical attention, but...
~Robert obviously wasn’t human, Hugo knew he couldn’t take him to the hospital
~He finally got to the cul-de-sac and was going to pull up into Robert’s driveway when he remembered that he needed a key
~Robert was naked and he doubted his key was anywhere on his person
~That meant...
~Hugo rushed Robert into his house, as quietly as possible to ensure not to alert the attention of Ernest
~He placed him on his bed and turned the lights on to get a better look at him, Robert seemed to still be passed out
~It looked like both the bullets had gone completely through him, meaning that there wasn’t any bullet fragments inside his body
~This was good news, all Hugo needed to do was make sure to stop the bleeding and dress the wounds appropriately to stop any infections
~Once that was done, he placed a blanket over Robert’s body and put some pain medication and a water bottle on the nightstand next to Robert for when he woke up
~Hugo was awake the entire night, watching television didn’t help the unnerving thoughts he was getting
~What if it was a mistake bringing him here? Ernest is only down the hall from Robert. What if he hurts Ernest or him? The anxiety made him sick to his stomach and kept him up all night
~He didn’t even realize how long he had been up until Ernest’s voice brought him out of his thoughts
~“Dad, what are you doing in the living room?”
~It was 7:00, if Hugo wasn’t so damn panicked, he would’ve told his son how proud he was that he got up on time, but he couldn’t say much
~He dropped Ernest off at school and went straight back home. He knew the ladies at the office weren’t going to like his last minute call in sick, but needed to take care of Robert
~When he got back home, he immediately checked up on Robert to see that he looked like he was back to normal
~No fur covering his body, no sharp claws, even the bullet wounds had healed to the point where they were just scratches
~Hugo knew what he had saw, he knew he wasn’t imagining things, but this was absurd
~He couldn’t explain any of it, but he didn’t have time to hypothesize. He ran a bath and put Robert onto his shoulder to get him into the bath
~It was only a few minutes until Robert woke up in the warmth and comfort of a bubble bath
~Hands we’re moving down his heated body rubbing the sweat, dirt, and blood off of him
~It was Hugo, who was doing this for him, rubbing his hands across his body gently to clean him
~Usually Robert wouldn’t be down for this, but his body was too sore and hurt like hell for him to want to fight back
~Plus, Hugo’s hands were comforting and it felt good to have some human contact
~“Robert, you awake?”
~“I was worried about you, so I followed you into the woods. I know it wasn’t right, but I just wanted to know what was going on...” Hugo’s words trailed off as he looked into the eyes of Robert, he gulped, “you were hurt... shot two times. In the shoulder and thigh, but you’re okay now.”
~“Hugo, you don’t need to ask. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right.”
~“I am... you’re a superhero? Like the hulk?”
~“No, you dumbass, I’m a werewolf! For a teacher, you’re a fucking idiot you know that.”
~Hugo sat there stunned, a werewolf
~Robert was a werewolf, a handsome, husky man, but still a werewolf nonetheless!
~“I guess that does make more sense than being the furry version of the Hulk. When were you going to tell me?”
~Now it was Robert’s turn to look at Hugo, shocked
~“Why would I? I’m a fucking werewolf. I can’t just come out the closet as a creature most people don’t even believe exist.”
~Well, Robert was right, but it still didn’t settle well with Hugo. Robert was struggling... alone. He needed support
~“You’re right, but you still need someone you can lean on.”
~They shared a silent moment together. Their eyes staring deeply into each other’s. Robert’s lips parted to say something, but immediately turned his gaze elsewhere.
“Are you going to continue washing me or what?” On that note, Hugo continued to wash Robert’s body.
~Once he was all cleaned, Hugo brought him some pain medication and antibiotics to take. He also rubbed some ointment on his wounds that had healed to mere scratches.
~Hugo helped Robert out of the bath and gave him some clothes to wear.
~“Look, I appreciate you helping me out. You didn’t need to do all this, but you did. I really owe you one.”
~“It’s no problem. I’m happy I was there to find you and take care of you.”
~They shared another silent moment, before Robert laid his head on Hugo’s broad shoulder
~Hugo was a little surprised by this, but allowed Robert to lay there
~He ran his fingers through Robert’s graying hair and kissed the top of his head.
~“Robert, If you ever need help with anything, just call me.”
~Robert let out a soft chuckle, “I know you’ll be there, but I think I’ll be okay. Being what I am, I can’t let you get any closer to me. This is for me to figure out.”
~“You won’t hurt me. I know this is your problem, but—.”
~“I can and will. I mean look at your wrist. I know I did that to you and I could do a lot more. I’ve lived like this for a while, but sometimes I can’t handle my ‘urges.’ I’ll be okay.”
~Hugo takes the time to look at his bandaged wrist. He knew Robert was right.
~He helped Robert up and to the front door.
~“Are you sure—.”
~“Hugo!—” Robert’s face softened when he realized he had raised his voice, “I can walk to my house. You’ve already done enough.”
~And with that, Robert walked out the door and to his house
~Hugo stood there for a second, dazed and questioning if all this even happened
~He just had to trust Robert could take care of himself and was going to be more careful
~There was this odd tug at his heart he felt. Is it possible that he was starting to feel something for this man? Maybe, Robert was feeling the same tug at his heart...
That!Was!A!Lot! But I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I’m sorry this took so long to get out to you. This definitely tested my creativity and I’m happy you sent in a request like this. Not going to lie @wolf2009 I might make this into a series...
Requests are open✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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dream daddy autistic hcs!
- Daisy, because i acted a lot like her when i was younger, and the comment brian makes about her “not getting along with kids her age” really struck me as familiar, and her not really “understanding” the pretend play with amanda also struck a chord w me. also child prodigy.
- dadsona, because i’m projecting, and most of his dialogue actually made more sense when i thought of him as me, an autistic guy, than as some of the big NT youtubers i saw play it. the awkwardness of the coffee shop etiquette and the fears abd confusion over small talk are extremely relatable and really make dadsona seem like a real person with real fears. 10/10 autistic bisexual icon.
-damien!! damien major big special interests the victorian era, also spends a lot of time around animals at the shelter rather than humans, which i also relate to because animals don’t hold it against you when you do autistic things. absolute babe.
-hey even Amanda to an extent, the passion for photography could be a special interest and her jacket could very well be a comfort item, but that also makes me sad because the photo you find at the beginning of amanda and her mum/other dad has them wearing it and now i’m :(.
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mai-is-gai · 6 years
robert totally had a mullet in his younger, wilder days
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Appreciation post for Damien smiling and looking all excited to tell Dadsona all about his special interests
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Damien Bloodmarch from Dream Daddy
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chrisredfield73 · 3 years
Do you do any dream daddy scenarios? If so I may need some head cannons for shrio--- I mean Craig
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Fluff, Gn!Reader ♡ (if you want nsfw just lemme know 👀👀)
Craig Cahn - Dream Daddy Headcanons
He is such a soft boy, he loves cuddles, hugs, kisses
Speaking of those, he smothers you in them constantly
Likes to work out with you, if you don't like working out you guys walk around the cul de sac
He likes it when you wear his clothes, even if they're a bit big on you
PLAY WITH HIS HAIR!!! He loves it when you run your hands through it
Spoils you and his kids 24/7
You help him coach the kids too!
(Anything else needed? I can do a part 2 and nsfw headcanons ❤)
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ronnie2point0 · 10 months
... nobody told me to do this nobody not a single soul d. bloodmarch nsfw headcanons.
anyways i may or may not have studied his character a little too long if it feels a little too accurate (or not) don't shoot me please
Judging by the affectionate nature he's got (ex. bouquet making, letters to you, etc.) Damien would be the kind of man to 'go big or go home'; loves the setup of the 'rosepetals leading to the bed' trope, big on enhancing the experience down to the little things (ex. scent of candles, lighting, bedsheets and coloring, music if you care for it, even down to the body wash and fragrances on himself to keep you interested + kind of aphrodisiac-esque?)
King of Sensuality. What did you expect? He's a Victorian aficionado. He writes poetry. He indulges in raunchy NaruSasu fanfiction. He's got saucy things to say when the time is right, and it's shocking everytime. Knowingly presenting himself as incredibly put-together, gentlemanly-like and respectful, he sure as hell uses your inital perception of him to his advantage. Starts with little sweet compliments and quips about your appearance, then it'll be the gestures. The lingering finger dropping down your spine before he departs. The longing gaze before dropping it to keep you thinking about what's in his mind. The nectar-sweetness of his caress of your cheek until a kiss is given... and he'll make it last just before you need more. Small bonus: Body Worship™.
He's a switch. I don't make the rules. Depending on the partner he'll fluctuate more on topping or bottoming, but generally Damien will love both. Avid strap-on user. If he's bottoming: missionary through-and-through. Likes the intimacy of seeing your face + reactions to his own if you hit/touch a spot he loves, likes to gently claw at your back or wrap himself around your neck and feel you near. Topping? Lotus. Same case of intimacy mentioned prior. (of course in reverse)
Probably enjoys the flair of kinks/fetishes; the man avidly imagines things a little too vividly when it comes to sex + has his naughty ass books to prove he's most likely interested. May enjoy wax play, raunchy massages in moody lighting (probably would pick up the kind of oils that make your skin tinge/heat), yes it's super on the nose but a vampire kink. May or may not like doing it in his study (mainly oral) and has a guilty pleasure for being called "sir". He tries not to acknowledge that one but his pink cheeks give it away.
Sorry to crush any small dreams but the man is too nice for his own good; painfully patient and incredibly good at purred praises but can't bare the idea of insulting/degrading you in anyway shape or form. To Damien your body is a shrine he'll praise and keep in prisitine condition till 'Death Do Us Part' because it hurts the values and morals he has for himself. And maybe he's a bit scared you won't take it well if he does have the courage to try once on a blue moon. Worst he can get is being some sassy little tease (thank Mary for the influence) and prod your buttons until it's too much, which in his eyes he can see as 'forgivable sadism'.
Damien isn't much of a vocal person during the early stages of your relationship with him—dysphoria is still presently a bitch and it does take him longer than most to fully dive into preparing himself to be bare in front of you. (its cute even when you know you've accepted him already) Tends to either hum or sigh at best. Later on however... loves to mewl. Loves to whine if he's frustrated from work and does the 'Pouty-Cheek Thing'™ if you're purposely hard on him (heuheu get it) for funsies + still timelessly get's shy and bashful if you're honest about how good he sounds
Remember how I said he's big on sensuality and enjoys body worship? small secret: his erogenous zones are by his thighs, inner wrists and ears. sorry i dont I DON'T MAKE THE RULES do you see how i have too much time on my hands also good morning tumblr so sorry for this
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thespookyswan · 7 years
The BETTER good end for Joseph: Joseph does in fact realize he deserves to be happy. He and Mary talk and they decide to split, but remain friends and help one another through this. He also needs you and you, being the best dad, agree whole heartedly and the two of you kiss. The BETTER bad end for Joseph: Joseph is in a cult. He's not the leader of said cult but is pretty high up there. A branch leader for say. But little does he know he's also being used, drained, manipulated obviously. You, Damien, and Robert try to save him because Robert was a apart of the cult until he was able to slip out and thought Joseph was all bad, but Damien realizes exactly what is going on. Despite your best efforts, Joseph is killed. He dies in your arms, realizing his mistakes far too late. He asks you to take care of Mary and you can choose to either agree or stay quiet, prompting in a smile before death or a sadness.
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snorunt-enthusiast · 7 years
DDADDS conspiracy theory: cult ending SPOILER ALERT
I've just ended playing the Joseph Cult Ending with a friend and although it is an unfinished and non canon (for now) storyline we started discussing it when a thought crossed my friends mind: what if Val is Mary’s daughter? This is not a far fetched theory considering they extremely look alike and that Mary has a surprisingly friendly relationship with Robert (Val's father).  If we assume that the events that happened during the Joseph Cult ending are canon we have the theory that maybe Marry was married to Robert before moving to the dad's neighbourhood but eventually found out about the cult. It's said by Joseph during that ending that everyone that found out about the cult and the dungeon below the cul-de-sac got killed so, why are Robert and Mary still alive then? It's simple, Mary and Robert traded their silence for their lives. We think that the main plan of Joseph was to kill Mary as he usually does which every single wife of every dad that moves to the town, but Robert found out about the dungeon and Joseph plans before he could do it, so they made an agreement: Joseph promised to keep Mary alive if Mary married him and Robert promised him loyalty and silence (that's why he got the cult tatto in his hand he had to become a member). There are still some things that are left untied in this theory (like Joseph’s kids) but we are discussing them, meanwhile you can check some facts that support this, like the obvious simmilarities between Val and Mary and what she says during the cookup, “this is my fifth time to the rodeo”. Refering to pregnancy, she only has four kids with Joseph, and two of them are twins, so there’s still one pregnancy left to our minds. We two and probably the whole fandom are open to your ideas about this theory. What do you all think?
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alilsakurablossom · 3 years
[send me characters/ships]
i want to do one of those sharing my headcanons/little drabbles for characters/ ships so send some characters/ships. (my drabbles and headcanons will be sfw only and i wont do drabbles and headcanons for p3dophilic, inc3stious or t0xic ships :) ) (i opened my ask box thing on my page if you want to put the characters/ships in there :D) 
fandoms i’m in:
-bbc ghosts (any ships expect from cap x female characters, and alison x any of the ghosts)
-something rotten
-sk8 the infinity
-ouran high school host club
-saiki k 
-ddadds (dream daddy a dad dating simulator)
-yuri on ice
-my hero academia
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nelski11401 · 4 years
it's been a long time since i've actually made a text post and of course it's for a barely active fandom
anyway i'm just sitting here thinkin abt what would damien's singing voice would be like and i'm stumped af bec i Do Not know any artists that have a similar voice to him
so if anyone's kind enough to give this desperate damien stan some artists to listen to just drop some down while i continue to rot in the hole i live in like the gremlin i am
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