yukiclaw · 9 years
✖ wanderers = ms/yk
( ` / the sun had barely risen and yet yuki was already out and about the castle, heading on his way to the kitchens to grab some food. he could have opted to go straight to the great hall but he wanted to see how his dear house elves friends were doing. he had with him a sketchbook and a muggle pencil in hand, ready to draw when inspiration struck him at the oddest moments ) who will i draw today? ( ` / he hummed quietly to himself, trying his utmost best to not tick the sleeping portraits off with his nonsensical mumbling )
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
The Worst; MinseokxZitao
Transfiguration was his favorite class. As self-taught animagous, he’d gotten pretty good at turning things into other things. The other students and the professor didn’t know that of course, but that just made the praise all that much more. 
So tranfiguration was easy, and it was the only class he sort of made an effort in. Which was great.
Except for the fluff of a Hufflepuff that sat next to him. He comes in and though the kid is just sitting quietly, reading or writing or whatever it is he does before Zitao sits down. Because once he does, the other boy perks up and leans over, immediately nosing his way into Zitao’s business. 
Today is no different. Zitao elbows his way into class, throwing his books and the carrier holding his Care of Magical Creatures bowtruckles onto the desk and flopping down. He tries to make himself look as annoyed and unfriendly as possible.
Not that it would work. 
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eloisly-blog-blog · 11 years
✚ a merriful christmas ›› eloise • minseok
minseokpuff replied to your post: minseokpuff asked:Eloise-ah! You ...
(/ smiles brightly and squishes gently her cheeks ) Don’t let anyone kiss you. (/ puffs his cheeks and hugs her )
( `/ tries to maintain her trademark blank face but is unable to stop herself from giggling ) too late, dear brother. ( `/ replies haughtily in a joking manner, tapping your cheek ) 
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hufflezitao-blog-blog · 11 years
old buddy ❞ // hzt & kms
minseokpuff replied to your post: minseokpuff asked:(/ rolls toward...
(/ chuckles and shakes his head ) Can’t I kiss my old buddy who gets the kisses? (/ grins cheekily and winks ) Don’t worry about Jongdae okay?
( / shrugs casually ) oi, i'm not that old. you're the gege here. ( / snorts ) i'll try not to. if something drastically bad happens to me later this week, i think i'd know who caused it. ( / winks back )
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hufxsik-blog · 11 years
( ✫ ¦ MIN && HYUNSIK ❝ LIFE ▬
{ ; as hyunsik was looking at the herbs he was tending to in the greenhouse, one specific one he had hidden among them caught his attention and the longer he looked at it, the more the sick feeling in his stomach grew, his eyes widening } No. No. No. { ; he quickly reached out and cut a handful of it, placing them inside his pocket before running outside of the greenhouse, even forgetting his things inside of it as he searched for him } 
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ravenseol-blog · 11 years
......Wow, explosive | Seolhyun & Minseok
Seolhyun had never really been all that close with Minseok before, but after one fateful day when she had wandered in to find the Healer, Taecyeon, she had found him there, looking lonely. The next time she went there, she brought sandwiches, thinking that the Hufflepuff boy might still be in there, and sure enough, she was right. Ever since then, she would try to visit him once a week or more if she could manage, and she always brought something new with her. This time, thanks to a Gryffindor boy named Lay, she had learned (or convinced herself that she had learned) how to play Explosive Snap. She clutched the borrowed pack in her hand and bounded over the threshold to the Hospital Wing. She gave the healer a cheery wave and then pranced the familiar path over to Minseok's bed. She smiled at him and sat down on the edge, careful not to sit on him.
"Hey Minseok!" She said enthusiastically as she pulled her legs up onto the bed. "I brought Explosive Snap today and.. " She peeked into her bag, bringing out some poorly wrapped sandwiches that she had attempted to make herself this time rather than relying on the house elves. "Well.." She held them out to her. They looked a little smushed but she was sure that they would taste fine all the same.
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joonmoneyclaw · 11 years
♠ baozis are better \\ kjm & kms
{ ` scans the great hall with keen interest as he sat at the ravenclaw table, trying to ignore the amount of obscene jokes his minions were making about bananas } kris, i am so going to feed you with bananas 'til you're sick of them. { ` murmurs angrily to himself before groaning at another banana joke } baozis are better than bananas, okay? { ` he snaps at his minions, mentioning baozi as his eyes landed upon a hufflepuff } 
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aih-yearbook · 11 years
( c ) I MISS MY JONGDAE. (/ cries in the corner )
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eloisly-blog-blog · 11 years
✚ deathbed ›› eloise • minseok
The female had been content with wandering about the murky school grounds when news had travelled in the form of whispered tales about a certain dear Hufflepuff being in the hospital wing for the time being. For such a selfish, uncaring person, Eloise had not expect to end up rushing straight to the aforementioned hospital wing to visit her twin brother. Perhaps it was because of the fact the male was her only dependable relative or maybe it was because they were both similar. Fear and panic attacked her nerves, her movements scrambled - so unlike her usual graceful and elegant steps. Her blank face concealed the fact she was panicking internally, for she hoped that her brother was not badly injured or had some sort of life threatening disease. Was he attacked by that despicable murderer? Or did he have a different cause for his sudden appearance at the hospital wing? But rumours said that it wasn't his first time at the infirmary. The image of the chubby male spending his wee nights alone in a hospital bed seemed rather appalling to her. "Minseok-ah?" 
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hufflezitao-blog-blog · 11 years
(/ rolls towards and pulls the tall one down by his shirt to plant a kiss on his cheeks ) I heard you get the kisses today Taozi. (/ smiles brightly )
( / flushes at your kiss, having not experienced any of your kisses since you got together with jongdae ) you sure chen-gull is not going to kill me once he finds out that you kissed me as well? ( / asks in a teasing tone )
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joonmoneyclaw · 11 years
♠ nothing i can do \\ kjm & kms
minseokpuff replied to your post: ...
(/ is taken a back by how he just poked one of his cheeks and lets out a laughter, blushes slightly ) I-I am not… (/ puffs them again and tilts his head ) I-I’m sorry… about Y-yixing.
{ ` laughs along, finding you rather endearing } aigoo, jongdae is really lucky to have you. { ` ruffles your hair, the happiness on his face dimming at the mention of 'yixing', causing him to heave out a deep sigh } there's nothing i can do. it was his choice. { ` shifts his gaze to the floor } 
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rav-gongchan · 11 years
! — ( gongchan & minseok)
(`winces at the feeling of his cheeks being pinched; refuses the help and gets up on his own) Yeah. It's fine. (`dusts off robes) I have to go
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exprof-jongjin-blog · 12 years
(/sighs gainst your lips) I will go. Anytime soon. (/chuckles, still feeling little dizzy) And professor. You are amazing. (/grins)
Can you walk? (/grins at you) Why thank you, you're pretty breathtaking yourself. (/watches you as you get dressed, politely waiting until you leave before he waves his wand to clean himself up)
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hufflezitao-blog-blog · 11 years
paying a visit ❞ // hzt & kms
( / heaves out a sigh before thanking the random hufflepuff boy he had just asked about the recent gossip that was circling about the castle. apparently his dear minshuo-gege was currently in the hospital wing, hence explaining the lack of warmth radiating about the seventh years' dormitory. he gazed at the empty before making his way out of the hufflepuff basement and trudged up the staircases, and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the dreaded hospital infirmary. the hufflepuff had many bad memories about hospitals in general, therefore he wasn't exactly excited to go into the room but a friend in need was a friend indeed. his face lit up once he spotted his friend as soon as he entered the infirmary, a smile breaking out on his face ) minshuo-gege! 
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caretaker-higa · 12 years
Tumblr media
minseokpuff replied to your post: (/plops in) Hello there.
(/raises an eyebrow but smiles brightly at you) I’m Minseok. Let’s be friends!
[ \ smiles brightly back at you ] And I'm Ryan! [ \ offers a hand to shake ] Sure, we can be the bestest of the best friends! Not sure if bestest is even a word, I doubt it but -- agh you get my point! 
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