slythzitao-blog · 9 years
My apologies for being gone. I should be back regularly after next week, but between then mun is moving and Pride is happening, so I’ll be busy. 
If we have a thread going, I’ll respond when I get back <3
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
The book is purring. In his hands. Purring. Zitao is so finished with this stupid school and its stupid, purring books. This class was an elective at his previous school and they certainly hadn;t had stupid purring books that bit you. 
He’s in the middle of fuming, ranting in his head really, when a familiar voice chimes from beside him. Zitao’s head shoots up and he blinks owlishly at Yuki. He knew the other, but it takes him a moment to place his face at his family’s Lunar New Year ball. A relative. Of some sort. Who’s name is...
“Hi! I...what are you doing here? I thought you were at Mahoutokoro?” Very graceful, Zitao. Truly an honorable welcoming.
Care of Magical Creatures; YukixZitao
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
The Worst; MinseokxZitao
Transfiguration was his favorite class. As self-taught animagous, he’d gotten pretty good at turning things into other things. The other students and the professor didn’t know that of course, but that just made the praise all that much more. 
So tranfiguration was easy, and it was the only class he sort of made an effort in. Which was great.
Except for the fluff of a Hufflepuff that sat next to him. He comes in and though the kid is just sitting quietly, reading or writing or whatever it is he does before Zitao sits down. Because once he does, the other boy perks up and leans over, immediately nosing his way into Zitao’s business. 
Today is no different. Zitao elbows his way into class, throwing his books and the carrier holding his Care of Magical Creatures bowtruckles onto the desk and flopping down. He tries to make himself look as annoyed and unfriendly as possible.
Not that it would work. 
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
Care of Magical Creatures; open para
He’s behind on some of his credits and courses. Transferring does that to a guy, even though he’d had top marks at Mahoutokoro. But apparently it was a big deal he learn to handle Europe-specific plants like Mandrake and learn basic potions with their ingredients. They were different. Apparently stronger or better. They were harder to work with, with ridiculous, tedious instructions and ludicrous brewing times. His marks hadn’t needed any help tanking in that class.
Of all of them though, this one feels the most ridiculous. Behind him trails a snapping, snarling book that he’s hooked with a dog leash. It’s already bitten him twice. He can see a group of third years gathering around the grounds keeper’s cabin, the large man talking with some of them. Zitao stops at the edge of the group, the tallest person there.  The grounds keeper- professor, seems to be satisfied that everyone is there, and begins his introductions. They’re going to learn to care for the most boring creatures this region has to offer. Creatures you would have to be daft to be unable to care for. He’d heard that at one time, this class had featured hippogriffs and other creatures of real note, but now it’s been dulled down. So as not to disfigure the third years. 
Third years. Kirin help him. 
He picks up his rabid book and strokes the spine as instructed, watching it go docile and quiet in his hands. This would likely be the most dangerous creature he’d handle all damn year. 
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
Light House; ShamaalxZitao
He rockets over grass and stone, hooves churning beneath him and tail flying behind like a war banner. War path would be a good way to describe the emotional and physical torrent he’s on right now. His parents are more or less set on him continuing to attend that ridiculous English school, despite his tanked grades and lack of any sort of social connection with the other students there. 
He skids to a stop and rears, striking a plum tree with his right forehoof and knocking a chunk from the wood. Pausing a long moment, he paws and tears at the grass and ground, throwing dirt clods into the air. Thunder booms overhead and his cell phone buzzes in the leather pouch around his neck. Zitao ignores it and presses on, leaping a fallen log, and stretching into a full gallop. The ground begins to slope upwards and grow rocky, and Zitao leaps boulders as he comes upon them. He’s run this route before, but not in the middle of a down pour, and never at a gallop.  He tops the ridge and skids to a stop, nostrils flaring wide as he blows hard, heavy breathes. The rain is coming down in sheets, and he can barely see anything ahead of him. His ears swivel back and forth, trying to determine which way to go. Nothing but rain. Regathering his legs beneath him, he canters a few strides forward and then plunges down the hill, moving into a full-tilt gallop. This side of the ridge is loose gravel and mud, so he picks his way down; jumping more than he gallops.
If he can make it to the river, he can duck into the boat house until the rain is over. Thunder cracks overhead and he stumbles a bit, skidding, and quickly recovering. Just make it to the boathouse. 
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slythzitao-blog · 9 years
Made Tao an aim! username is stalliontaozi
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