#httyd dagger x reader
jadeddangel · 7 months
How to train your Dragon Masterlist
Hiccup x reader headcannons
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Requests: Open
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Master List
Dagur x Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
[More chapters coming soon]
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Can you write a yandere Heather x Female Reader oneshot please? (From Httyd RTTE) Basically, the reader is the daughter of Viggo or Ryker (whichever you think best) but hates hunting dragons. When Heather and Daggur are brought to meet Viggo, Heather ends up talking to the reader for a while and Heather develops an unhealthy obsession over reader.
When the dragon hunters capture the Fightmare, Heather kidnaps the reader on Windshear and flies away into the night. Reader passes out and when reader wakes up, she's at a completely isolated place with just Heather and Windshear.
(If you write NSFW, can Heather send Windshear away to catch some fish or something whilst she and the reader do something. If you don't write NSFW, you can just completely ignore this part in the brackets)
Y/n’s POV I was reluctant to be next to my dad Viggo that dragon killer but he is still my dad so I had to sit down with him.He was talking to Ryker about their plans of getting rid of the dragon riders.Then the door open and one of my dad’s workers walked through the door with two others.One was a tall woman with black hair and green eyes while the other was a medium height man with red hair and blue stripes on his face.The female was very pretty while the man looked crazy.My dad got up and told Ryker and the red head “Dagger” to follow him and commanded me to stay.I nodded obediently and waited until the men left to get a better look at the woman.She had a silver shoulder gear,leather vest and a silver skirt thing that looked like dragon plates.She had gentle look on her face. “You are Viggo’s daughter right?” She said like she already knew that. “Yes Miss” I answered quietly.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to be quiet you know.” She commented.I looked at her astonished.Nobody has ever told me that I didn’t have to stay quiet. “My name is Heather” She announced.I blinked,being startled out of my thoughts. “I’m Y/n.” I said softly still not being used to speaking out loud.She gave me a sweet smile. “I know that.” She remarked.I immediately blushed in embarrassment and stared at the ground.She giggled softly and told me that I didn’t have a reason to be embarrassed.I nodded and shook the blush off.I didn’t know how to start a conversation so I said what first came to mind. “Are you a dragon hunter or something else?” I asked curiously and looked up at her.She looked startled by the question but smiled again. “I have my own dragon but I wanted to work with my brother.” She answered.I smiled too. “Oh I really want a dragon but my dad would never allow it.” I responded bitterly with a fake smile.She nodded in understanding. “I figured that would be the case but I can show you Windshear if you want to.” Heather offered.I excitedly accepted it.She smiled and lead me to the deck where a beautiful metallic dragon was. I giggles excitedly and stood a foot away from the dragon. “She’s so pretty!!” I announced softly.Heather snickered and told me that I was allowed to touch Windshear. I was so excited because I never touched a dragon before.I hesitantly walked closer and gently put my hand on the dragon’s metallic coating. I was shocked at how the smoothness of the coating was so different than what it looked like.I kept giggling excitedly and turned to look at her.Her pupils were the basically the shape of hearts.She noticed me looking at her and shook her head. “Are you alright Heather?” I asked worryingly.She sighed softly and told me that she was alright. “I just never saw anyone that wasn’t immediately intimidated by Windshear.” She confessed. I smiled softly. “Well Windshear is very pretty and the people who got intimidated by this beauty was just jealous that a dragon was prettier than them” I remarked softly still petting Windshear.She smiled and said thank you.Later that night I was getting ready for bed thinking about that interaction. I immediately passed out on my bed.
Heather’s POV
I snuck into her bedroom through the window.I know that this is wrong but I had to keep her for myself and don’t let anyone else have her.Y/n’s hair was sprawled out and she looked so peaceful in her sleep. I walked to her bedside and picked her up gently.I carried her out the window and onto Windshear’s back. “Let’s go.” I commanded.Windshear leaped up and spread her wings and flew. I already prepared a good hiding space for Y/n in the lonely mountains where it was very inhabited and nobody knew about.Not even my brother.It took till sunrise but I finally arrived with the future wife of mine.It’s not traditional but I will make it acceptable because how are people going to judge me when there is nobody else there?I dismounted Windshear and walked into the campsite that I quickly made after meeting Y/n.She stirred a bit but she stayed asleep. I smiled softly at the sight. I went into the tent and laid her down. I laid down right beside her and stared at the wonderful sight of this sweet girl next to me.She woke up finally after a while.She sat up and stared at me in confusion. I sat up too and softly assured her that she was alright and go back to sleep. “Where am I?” She asked softly with a scared expression. “Shh it’s okay you are safe now.” I cooed softly and she relaxed slightly.That was a little bit surprising but it was a good thing that she already trusts me.She looked around and asked me if this was a tent. I nodded and went outside and she followed closely behind me.Something ran from a bush into another.Y/n yelped and jumped into my arms and I caught her.Her face was so scared that it was sort of cute?I laughed softly and caressed her back.She let out a small whine and hid her face into my neck. I immediately smirked. “Windshear go gather some fish.” I softly command.Windshear flew off to obey my command and I carried Y/n back into the tent.She gave me a confused look that quickly turned into a blush full one when I sat her down and climbed onto her.
Y/n’s POV
I didn’t know what was happening is she interested in me already?Is that acceptable? I question but I knew I had a major crush on her but I barely knew her.She crashed her lips onto mine and I had to hold back a whimper.She was rough with her kisses but I wanted more even though this might be unacceptable.A woman being intimate with another woman?That was something that I never heard of.I grabbed the back of her hair and kissed her back.It was passionate.We made out for couple hours until she asked me something that made me turn a bright red mess. “Do you want to go to the next thing?” She mumbled against my lip. I immediately knew what she meant but I was too needy because of the kiss and I nodded.She smirked and took off her leather vest and the top garnet revealing her chest and muscular stomach.I took off my top clothing too.She leaned towards me and kissed me roughly.I kissed her back with the same roughness and my hands traveled everywhere on Heather’s body before resting on her chest. I blushed when I noticed what I did but I didn’t care.She broke the kiss and began marking my neck.I whimpered quietly and held on to Heather’s shoulder. I was so needy that the next out of my mouth surprised even me. “Please let me touch you more.” I begged.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to ask.” She answered with a smirk.I immediately allowed my hands to touch all over Heather’s body.She asked if we could take the rest of the clothing off. I nodded and she stood up and took off her bottom clothing.I stared at her body it was soft but also strong at the same time.She giggled at my staring and I immediately got up too.I took off my bottom clothing.Heather looked me up and down like she was admiring the way I looked vulnerable.She grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her.I almost groaned at the contact.She put a hand around my mouth. “We just got started but you don’t want it to end already right?” She questioned and I immediately panicked because I really needed it. “No don’t end it please..” I begged desperately behind her hand.She smiled and released my mouth.She sat down and pulled me onto her lap making me straddle her.I groaned quietly and wrapping my arms around Heather’s neck .She grabbed my waist and making my hips move against hers.I let out a string of silent whimpers. “You know that you can move on your own right?” She asked. I let out a long whine and rutted against her that made her groaned slightly.That encouraged me to go faster and that rewarded me with slightly louder groans.
*TIME SKIP* It was very intense but also very pleasurable.It lasted couple hours but when it ended We got our clothes back on and she held me until noon when Windshear finally came back with a lot of fish.We ate and after that me and Heather laid down and looked at the stars.
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Hiccup’s Surprise(Part 2)
Pairing: Hiccup x non gender specific reader
Word Count: 874
Summary: Hiccup takes Y/n to meet Toothless
Warnings: angry Toothless,
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“Would you like to meet him?” Hiccup’s eyes lit up as he asked the question. He had been waiting for this moment for months. The idea that he could finally share his new passion with someone made his heart swell. It took everything he had to not squeal with joy when you nodded your head. 
He pushed all the air from his lungs to help calm his nerves before giving you a smile that you hadn’t seen since you told him he was your best friend.
You were so caught up in his adorable eyes that you almost forgot to speak.
“I do... but I mean this is all crazy, Hiccup.”
It was clear you shouldn’t have used that word.
“Great,” He said, throwing his arms up. “You think I’m crazy. Of course you do. I mean, I’m asking you to meet my dragon.” He said that last bit as if it were a question.
“No, Hiccup! I don’t think you’re crazy.” Unfortunately, you didn’t sound very convincing.
His shoulders fell and his head drooped as he turned away from you, ashamed of what he had done.
You forgot how careful you had to be with Hiccup. Encourage him and he feels like the strongest man alive, but if you say one wrong word you could break him back to skin and bones.
It had been about a month since you had seen him look so sad. Ever since he started kicking ass in training he had been smiling everyday. That didn’t used to happen.
“You know what, Hiccup? You are crazy. You’re absolutely insane! No, you’re more than that! You’re a lunatic... You know why I think that?”
He shrugged.
“Because only someone as crazy as you could be brave enough to befriend a dragon. Hiccup,” you began, your voice becoming more of a whisper, “you are absolutely the bravest person I know.”
He lifted his head to look at you, his eyes glittering in the sunlight that pokes through the trees. He leaned in, giving you the tightest hug.
“Let’s do this,” he said.
You made your way to the edge of the rocks and looked down at the black beauty. He was standing by the small stream in the center, his scales glistening in the sun. That’s when you noticed his eyes. They were black and inky. His pupils were wide and rectangle shaped and surrounded by a yellow sea. You’d never seen anything like it before.
Hiccup grabbed your hand to help guide you down the rockside. He went slow and carefully, ducking behind rocks.
“Are you hiding, Hiccup?” You asked.
“What? No. I just don’t want to scare him. That’s all.”
“What happens when he gets scared?”
Hiccup sounded a little nervous. “Nothing. He won’t hurt you. He may get a little defensive...”
You tried to dismiss the feeling of dread, but it rushed back to you the second your foot hit the grass. The dragon whipped his head around to face you and suddenly his pupils became slits, skinny and sharp. He saw you, and he wasn’t happy.
“Woah, Toothless. It’s okay, bud.” Hiccup spoke tenderly.
You took a step backwards and your foot hit a log. Your ankle rolled and twisted causing you to fall to the ground. Toothless pounced at you, pushing Hiccup out of the way. He stood above you, bearing his teeth.
“Hey! Toothless!” Hiccup screamed as he softly pushed the dragons side. “They’re a friend! You’re safe, bud. I promise! They’re not going to hurt you!” The dragon stared into your eyes and huffed. “Are you listening to me?”
The way Hiccup spoke to Toothless amazed you. Instead of demanding or commanding like the other Vikings would, he reasoned with the dragon and clearly worried for his safety. He didn’t get out any weapons and he didn’t use force. He just spoke, and the dragon seemed to understand, though it wasn’t yet convinced that you weren’t dangerous.
You were so focused on Hiccup that you didn’t notice how fast you were breathing. Your chest rose so high it almost touched the dragons chin. Your ankle was aching and it pained you to movie it an inch. You wanted to scream but you couldn’t. You wanted to run but you were trapped. You wanted to warn your best friend that if his new friend didn’t back off you would stab him in the heart with you dagger.
That’s it. How could you have been so blind? Toothless wasn’t looking at you. He was growling at your dagger.
Hiccup continued to try and calm the dragon.
“Toothless, listen! They won’t hurt you!”
Toothless looked back for a second at Hiccup and you took the chance to unhook your dagger from your belt and throw it to the side with all your might. It clinked as it hit a rock and landed by the stream. Everyone turned to look at it and then at you.
You were still on the ground, completely helpless, now with your hands above your head. Tears just about streamed from your eyes as you looked up at the dragon. You didn’t know what would happen next, and you weren’t sure you wanted to.
Hey! I hope you liked this! 💕🖤 Part 3 is coming soon!
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clovermarigold · 9 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.27
Dagur x Reader
You stood looking up at Dagur, who was eerily serious. Now painfully aware of how alone you were with Heather now gone. Taking his hand off your mouth he grabbed both of your shoulders, turning you around to face the door, "Open it".
Slowly you opened the door, to be met with an assault of bouquets, laid about the room. "I didn't know if your favorites changed so I got the old ones, but I figured I would splurge a little". "Umm-", "Do you like it?" he pressed, walking the two of you inside.
"I know you and I got into a little.... couples quarrel. And your brother stole you away before we could make up, buuuut, we're here now" he said, uncomfortably chipper. "You understand I ran away, right? It's important to me that you can comprehend that" Dagur's expression lost some of its intensity, a mask over what you would assume was irritation and annoyance. "I do" his arm wrapped around you pushing the both of you in, closing the door, "It's only natural that you wouldn't wat to see me after our first argument".
"First?" Dagur continued to push you forward ignoring your relentless sarcasm. "You should have seen the look on Heather's face when I told her we were engaged" he laughed, "She was all like; You tried to kill her! Didn't she throw you in prison?!".
"It works out perfectly don't you think? You always wanted a sister, and I've always wanted a brother". You drag a hand down your face, frustrated, "Dagur, we've done this, had this conversation, countless times. I am not going to marry you". Dagur sat on the bed with a huff looking at you "And I've told you not to say that unless you mean it" Odin's beard, he was thick. How many times were you going to have to drill it into him that unless he were to make some serious changes, namely, stop trying to kill your brother, you were never going to marry him. 
Wait, no. No, you were never going to, no ifs and or buts. You have no idea why your brain kept holding out hope for him. He certainly didn't deserve it. Not after everything he did to Berk, dragons, and your friends. "Couples are supposed to have rough patches. What matters is that we make it through them".
"We are not a couple" Dagur's nostrils flare, "And if you care half as much as you say you do, you'll let me g--". "Let you go? The last time I saw you with them you were stuck against a wall unable to breathe, with no one to help you because they were too distracted by Heather".
"They wouldn't have been distracted if you hadn't destroyed her village" you retorted. "A sibling matter that they had no right to intervene in" Dagur crossed his arms. "She was going to kill you!".
"And why didn't you let her, it would have solved your issue, and you would never have to worry about marrying you again" you couldn't believe that this was his argument. You stopped Heather from killing him because you didn't want her to have to live with killing her brother and only living relative on her conscious, "I did it for her! Not you!". 
"Well, she doesn't seem so mad at me now does she?" it was said almost like a jab at you. Oh, you wanted to hit him in the face. "You are the most infuriating, deranged, delusional, man I have ever met". Dagur's smile returned full force at your insult. 
Dagur was ecstatic when he saw you caught by the dragon hunters. First his sister returns to his side and tells him she wants to be a family and rebuild their tribe. Then he finds out that not only you, but your annoying friends fell directly into their trap. It was too good to be true. Dagur had been reeling over the last time you had had spoken. Sure, you had briefly talked on the ship when Heather was trying to kill him, but you were a bit preoccupied with your panic attack.
Gods he wanted to strangle Hiccup for that. He took his heart, world, and very purpose of existence into a battle that very well could have killed her. And chose to prioritize the life of his enemy over his own sister. It didn't matter if her life wasn't immediately or directly being threatened, the fat that he chose to barter with Heather instead of rushing to your side had him steaming. 
He was honestly lucky that Heather had chosen to come to him after he had managed to calm down, or he might have done something he would regret. It wasn't her fault; it was in their Berserker nature to seek revenge and act deranged and unhinged. Besides, she didn't end up doing it, a true testament to their sibling bond. 
Seeing you outside of that cell talking with his sister- no. Your sister was euphoric. He was finally going to get his ideal family. You had left off on a rather sour note, when Hiccup took you away before you could talk it out. So, he had every intention of doing damage control as quickly as possible.
He had made sure not to hold back any punches, flooding your shared room with your favorite flowers, he knew it wouldn't fix the problem or erase the issue, but it showed that he cared. After all, this was his goal. To be able to work out this little argument in a healthy and normal way. Couples fight all the time, he thought. So, it's good that they learn to work through it now. 
He had seen his parents fight when he was younger, and before he met you, he had thought that it was stupid to fall in love if it was all fighting and touching faces, ah how young and naive he was. He had been a gentleman in your argument so far. He hadn't yelled at you when you called him crazy and swore you would never be with him. In fact, he had been considerate enough to give the both of you space and time to cool off. And it was working, Dagur had calmed down and was fully ready to find common ground with you when, Hiccup happened. But never mind that. The past is the past and he was fully ready to make up for it. 
"You understand I ran away, right? It's important to me that you can comprehend that" Did it insult him that you thought him so oblivious and blinded by obsession to know to your emotions and feelings? A little. 
"It's only natural that you wouldn't wat to see me after our first argument" he led you away from the door, he attempted to get you to sit, but it was clear that you were too worked up. Choosing to sit down and let you follow when you felt like it he let you lead the conversation. Dagur had gotten his chance to let out his frustrations with the situation, and he could imagine that you were stuck stewing over it all. Besides, knowing his temper, it was only a matter of time before he got to that point too. 
"Dagur, we've done this, had this conversation, countless times. I am not going to marry you" Dagur held back a wince as he felt a vein somewhere in his body burst. Gods, he hated it when you said that. The very topic that started the argument.  "And I've told you not to say that unless you mean it" he knew you didn't. The first time you had said it was with far more conviction, and each time you did was with less and less. 
Dagur watched as your face twisted, irritated and spiteful. Before it began to subside, no doubt our mind either self-directing or reasoning, perhaps both. "Couples are supposed to have rough patches. What matters is that we make it through them". 
"We are not a couple" Dagur felt his face twitch. You know what, he didn't have to yell at you to get his point across. He may be known for being deranged, but he's also smart. Why not put it to good use. 
 "And if you care half as much as you say you do, you'll let me g--". "Let you go? The last time I saw you with them you were stuck against a wall unable to breathe, with no one to help you because they were too distracted by Heather". He almost felt bad as he watched your eyes and widen in shock and embarrassment. Almost.
"They wouldn't have been distracted if you hadn't destroyed her village" there she was, his spitfire. He was hoping that this wouldn't be one-sided, "A sibling matter that they had no right to intervene in".
Your eyes narrowed; he loved it when you got like this. When your eyes were focused on him and only him. Was it healthy, absolutely not. But nothing about him was. 
"She was going to kill you!" gods you were cute when you were mad, if he had known it would be so much fun to go back and forth with you, he would have escalated it sooner. Besides, what was a more Berserker way of ending a lovers quarrel than venting until you were exhausted. Odin knows you needed it. Stuck on Berk and wherever your little hideout was, unable to so much as raise your voice, too concerned with others. He'd fix that. You would be the perfect Berserker queen. Unafraid of speaking your mind and never forced to hold back any anger you had.
"And why didn't you let her, it would have solved your issue, and you would never have to worry about marrying you again" a bit below the belt considering how torn up you were visibly about constantly having your morals split between him and your 'friends'. "I did it for her! Not you!".
Noble as ever, putting others before yourself. Never allowing yourself to be happy. It was the reason you continued to relent against being with him. Conditioned by your family and friends to prioritize your people, friends, strangers, and even beastly dragons over yourself. 
"Well, she doesn't seem so mad at me now does she?" that's when he saw it, your tipping point, you were livid, looking at him with years of pent-up self-loathing, grief, anger, everything. You looked ready to strike him, by the gods he would let you. He loved it when you got determined, especially when it was demanding in some way. Huh, he should probably look into that and make sure it's some sort of psychological defect instead of anything.....else.
"You are the most infuriating, deranged, delusional, man I have ever met". Dagur's smile returned full force at your insult. You snapped, you got an inch from his face and finally said everything you felt about him. "Took you long enough!" Dagur launched up from the bed wrapping you in a bear hug and spinning you around once. Both knocking the anger out of you and replacing it with bewilderment and confusion.
And leaving you to wonder what the hell just happened.
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clovermarigold · 10 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.26
Dagur x reader
Lotta jump cuts in this one, but don't blame me, that's just how the episode was.
It had been rough since the incident with Dagur. Heather left the edge, claiming she needed time to think. Snotlout nearly got killed by a pack of speed stingers. And Astrid nearly left the edge, had it not been for the A team, she likely would have. Overall, you had been going through it. It was embarrassing enough, having Dagur need to teach you how to breath in the middle of a negotiation of life or death. But having Heather no longer trust you was really the knife in the back. 
Scabbard cooed as you scratched her underside, stretching with a high yawn. "Good morning to you too, girl". 'Mornings' if they could be called that, were your one escape from the chaos that tended to ensue. Being able to laze about in your warm sheets for hours before getting up to do small chores. You had been strategic enough to wrangle yourself the late evening patrol of every other day, allowing you to stay up and sleep in as late as you wanted. 
And boy did you sleep in. Currently it was a few hours from sun set, you really should fix your sleep schedule. But alas, the night calls for you. Truly, you are creature of the night. Dragging yourself out of bed and smoothing out the wrinkle left from your sheet on your face, you stretch and leave your hut. 
Exiting after your heavenly nap only to be met with your friends on edge and visibly worried left you with a moment of confusion before your mood dropped. Ah, you understood. It had been too good. In no world would you be allowed a gift of rest, solitude, or peace. "Ok what happened?" You groaned, pinching your brow. "Astrid didn't come back from her morning patrol" Fishlegs said. "What? But it's almost sunset?", "We know, that's why we're worried. Alright gang, saddle up" Hiccup said, the group jumping into action. 
"We'll all head in different directions. I'll take the south--" Snotlout interrupted, "No. I should head south". "And why is that?" Hiccup asked. "Because Astrid likes to fly south, and she'll obviously be expecting me to rescue her" Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Like I said, I'll go south".
"Rain, wind, all of us splitting up. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a rogue sea beast to leap from the depths of the ocean and pick us off. One. By. One." Tuff said, waving his hands as if it were the so-called beast, "Tuff can you be serious for once" you asked, though it was more of a threat. "Alright gang, let's go find her" Hiccup said, making you all disband in search of your friend. 
"She is going to be so sad when you rescue her instead of me" Snotlout said, reluctantly turning his dragon north. "Oh, don't worry. I'll tell her it was all you" he said, voice laced with sarcasm. But, apparently not enough for Snotlout to clock, "You'd do that for me?", "No. No, of course I wouldn't".
You searched for hours, combing the banks of stray, small, islands that she could have washed up on. While your brother searched the open ocean. Luckly, he managed to find her just in time, her arms finally giving out, the waves pulling her underwater. "Y/N!" you heard him scream, flying towards you on Toothless, her unconscious body limp in his arms, "Is she breathing?!".
"Yes, but she's freezing" he held her tighter. "We need to get her back to the edge, and out of this storm, now" with a nod the two of you took off, Toothless shooting a recall blast into the air to signal the others. 
"Stormfly!" Astrid yelled, shooting up from bed with everyone surrounding her. "Hey, hey, it's ok" Hiccup soothed, placing a hand on her arm. "Try to relax, you had a rough night, you're exhausted" you said, checking her temperature, which was still colder than you would have liked. "No, no,no. You don't understand. They were all in cages. And they have Stormfly!".
"Whoa, whoa, wait, slow down. Cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there?" Hiccup asked. "Dragon hunters" the group gasped, stomachs dropping, "A whole fleet of them". "And they have Stormfly" Hiccup said worried. "Yeah, this big ugly one... --oh when I get my hands on him..." she clenched her fists tight enough for her knuckles to pop. "Come on! Let's mount up!" She jumped out of the covers and ran towards the pens. "Stormfly!.... Oh" she stopped when she remembered. "You can ride with me" Hiccup said, the group springing into action. 
"Urgh, there has to be some clues here somewhere. Something" Astrid huffed as you combed the beach. "How many cages were there?" Hiccup asked. "Remember all the cages on the Reaper?" he nodded, "Double it". "We got nothing. Just a bunch of trash. Looks like these Dragon Hunters are also litter bugs" Ruff says shaking her head. "Yeah, there should be some kind of penalty or fine for littering. I mean, am I wrong people? What if everyone were this careless and inconsiderate? What then? Where would we be then?" Tuff said, shaking his sister before breaking into dramatic, questionable sobs. 
"I knew coming here was a bad idea. What did we hope to find anyway?" Snotlout said annoyed, walking away from an empty chest before screaming at the feeling of something sharp stabbing his foot. "Ow! Something bit me! I'm allergic to sand crabs!" he yelled as he fell back onto his bottom, lifting his hurt foot into the air. Grabbing his foot to inspect the wound, instead of a crab there was a green arrowhead lodged in his foot. You pulled the arrowhead out, making Snotlout scream, and catching Astrids attention. "Ow, aren't you supposed to leave blades inside you when you're stabbed!?" Snotlout asked frantically. "No, leaving it in will only get it stuck there" you obviously lied to placate the boy, with a snide smile. "Now you and I both know that's not true" he said grumbling with narrowed eyes. 
"This is a Dragon Hunter arrow. Stormfly, was hit by one of these right before she was caught. I've never seen her act so out of control" rubbing your finger against it, a green oil residue was left on your finger, "It might be some sort of refined dragon root. It's the only thing I can think of that has that effect on dragons. In high doses it can overwhelm a dragon's senses completely, to the point they can't control their wings".
"That's exactly what happened to Stormfly" Astrid said. "Think of it" Fishlegs worried, "Just one quiver of these arrows could decimate an entire flock of dragons". "How are we going to find her? We have no idea where they're going". "Maybe not. But we know where they've been." he drew her attention to the hunter's sigil engraved on the arrowhead. 
"Yep, this place it still super creepy" even with the fog dispersed, the Reaper still left you on edge. "There's nothing here. Someone totally looted this boat" Tuff pouted. "This ship gives me the creeps" Ruff told her brother. "Sunken ship, Dragon Hunters, the creeps. I bet this thing is crawling with ghosts and other such spirits planning on dragging us down into the dark Viking underworld where they will torture us by tickling us for eternity!" he grabbed the horns of his helmet. Ruff gasped, "Niflheim?". Tuff looked at his sister like she was crazy, "Gesundheit".
"Niflheim! I knew coming here was a bad idea" Snotlout threw down the piece of paper he was inspecting. "Don't be dramatic guys, I'm sure if there were spirit on this ship, the most they'd be angry at us for is Snotlout's body odor" said boy turned to you sourly and stuck his tongue out. Sticking your tongue back at him the two of you started to make multiple faces at one another, prompting Hiccup to intervene, "Can you two stop acting like five-year-olds and help".
"Fine!" Snotlout yelled walking over to the post, "What did we hope to find here anyway?" Kicking the mast in frustration he let out a surprised scream as the floor beneath him, falling to the floor of the hull. "Guys get over here" your brother called. In a fit of rage, Astrid had swung her axe into the wall and hit an old shield fastened there. And in doing so, reveled the dragon eye lens hidden inside it. "Well, none of our dragons work with this new lens" Hiccup said when Toothless' light did nothing to activate the lens. "If we can't figure out what kind of dragon we need--""-- I know, I know I'm thinking".
"Hmm, yep. It's either the inside of a yak, or a Changewing in a cage" Tuff said, inspecting the strange, patterned shield. "Tuff! You're a genius!" Hiccup exclaimed, to Tuff's confusion, "Looks like we're going to Changewing Island".
Said visit to Changewing Island went about how you expected. You got the Changewing acid, though not without a number of near misses, injuries, and snotlout nearly having a bald spot burned into his head from the acid on his helmet. "Ughh" Snotlout groaned, holding back the urge to touch his head. "Would you just hold still, Snotlout" Hiccup said, trying to angle the acids glow into the dragon eye.
"Easy for you to say. You don't have Changewing acid burning though your skull!". "If we take of the helmet, we'll spill the acid. Hold still" Astrid said with no room for negotiation. "Just a little longer Snotlout, you can hold Scabbard if it helps" you offered. "Wait really?" he said touched, looking to the small dragon wrapped resting on your shoulder. Scabbard lifted her head and turned to look at him with her right eye, before giving a gag like sneeze and nuzzling back into your neck. "I don't like you" Snotlout said narrowing his eyes at her. 
"This doesn't help. We've seen this map before" Fishlegs examined the familiar landscape cast onto the wall. "It must be a hunter port. And it's the closest to the beach where Stormfly was captured. Odds are, that's where they're headed. After that who knows?" Astrid didn't like the open-endedness of Hiccups conclusion, "Than we have to hurry!". "Yes please. Let's hurry!" Snotlout yelled tossing the stinging helmet onto the floor.
"Uh, but how are we going to avoid being shot by those dragon root arrows?" Fishlegs asked. "Funny you should ask, Fishlegs. For my plan to work, someone's gonna have to get shot," Fishlegs shifted uncomfortable at Hiccups in
Following Hiccups plan, the six of you approached the expanse of Dragon hunter ships. Toothless let out a high whistle and shot just off of the head hunter ship. "I'm here for my dragon!" Astrid yelled at the man you assumed was Ryker. "Holy Thor, is that Ryker? He's like if you were to stack two Fishlegs together", "Not really helpful, Y/N!". Snotlout yelled at you. 
"A Nightfury" Ryker laughed in disbelief, "Fire!". At his command, ballistas began to launch at you. "Hookfang!" Snotlout screamed at his dragon when he was grazed, "A warning next time?". Silver Tongue despite his given his agility from his four wings, provided a larger target, and struggled to dodge, the barrage. "You are sure your plan's gonna work? That was pretty close" Astrid asked at Toothless barrel rolled underneath a particularly dense bolt. "Fishlegs, you're up".
"Ok, girl, let's give it all we got!" Fishlegs drove Meatlugs forward, nearly diving towards the ship. You winced as you saw an arrow pierce Meatlug's leg and the two began to spiral downwards. "They got Fishlegs and Meatlug!" Astrit yelled, only half feigning concern. Odin, please let this all go according to plan. 
"Get up, girl! You'll be okay!" Fishlegs soothed as hunters surrounded them and wrapped Meatlug in chains. "You monster!" Fishlegs said with disgust to Ryker, who only gave a sadistic grin. "Take em bellow and toss em in a cell". The five if you continued with the plan, dodging the hunters attack, that was until they switched methods. "Hiccup!" a catapult launched from the side of the ship, sending a boulder towards Astrid and your brother. Toothless only narrowly managed to dodge it, diving backwards. However, doing this so suddenly sent Astrid falling odd. 
"Astrid! Come on, bud, dive!" Hiccup's hand reached for Astrid's, an arm's distance away, before a hunter's chain wrapped around her torso and pulled her down. Toothless pulled up despite his rider's cries. "Stick to the plan! Fishlegs will get her out of there! Right!?" you say frantically, more pleading than asking. 
"Hey! Let me go!" Astrid struggled as she was hoisted out of the water, still gripping her axe. "Oh, feisty one, aren't you?" Ryker goaded, as two hunters grabbed each of her arms. Shoving the two off of her, Astrid charged at Ryker, only to have the axe grabbed by him and backhanded into the hunters, "I like her spirit. Throw her in a cell".
"You're gonna be sorry!" She threatened, "You're messing with the wrong Vikings!". Ryker scowled, "Well so are you". As the hunters began to drag Astrid across the deck, the doors to the hull bursted open, Stormfly sprinting to her rider, followed by Fishlegs and Meatlug. Knocking off the hunters Astrid leaped onto her back. You watched as Astrid and Fishlegs began to knock over hunters and charge at Ryker.
"Now!" Hiccup signals, and the five of you still in the sky charge as well from behind, pinning Ryker. "Fire" Ryker calls to his hunters, who launch a grapple that wraps around Stormfly and Meatug's feet, making them fall and slide across the deck. 
You pull back on Silver Tongue stopping along with your brother and the others. "It didn't work" Hiccup said astonished and caught off guard. A large wave of arrows shot off from the ship was sent towards you sending you all to struggle to maneuver around them. "Evasive actions!" Hiccup called. But it was too late. 
The twins began to spiral, Their dragons getting shot in the chest, "Not good!", Tuff, "Getting worse!", Ruff.  "Were going down!" they called before the four of them crashed into the water, the hunters casting a chain around them and lifting the onboard. "We're hit! Hookfang!"Snotlout screamed as an arrow pierced underneath his wing. Thankfully, Toothless managed to grab onto Hookfangs tail and hold the two in the air. 
"Up! Up!" you tried to steer Silver Tongue out of the archers' range, however, as Silver Tongue veered upwards and exposed his underbelly, he let out a howl as his chest was shot by an arrow. "Y/N!" Hiccup called as you plunged underneath the water. A heavy chain wrapped around your torso, trapping you against Silver Tongue. You struggled to hold your breath, trapped under water by the heavy chains, until you were hoisted out. 
"Scabbard! Home!" The small dragon growled in-between wheezes of small bouts of water, "Now". Reluctantly, Scabbard pushed off of you, jumping back into the water to avoid the attention of the hunters. Hissing at the pressure of the chains as they brought you over the edge of the ship and onto the deck, next to Astrid, Fishlegs, and the twins. "Your pathetic tricks won't work on me. I'm a dragon hunter! I know that Gronkles are immune to dragon root" Ryker chastised, mostly aimed at Astrid who was steaming, "I used your worthless escape plan to lure your friends in closer". The five of you glared at Ryker, who only huffed a laugh, "Toss em in a cell". 
"You'll pay for this" Astrid warned as a guard shoved her into the cell. Turning to you next, he wrapped a hand around your upper arm to shove you in when Ryker stopped him, "Not that one". The others looked back concerned. "If you lay so much as a finger on her I'll--" Ryker cut Astrid off, "You'll what? Besides, she's not mine to rough up" he looked down at you, "Too small for my tastes". Astrid looked at him, confused and angry before she looked past you at someone else, "Heather?".
"No way" Tuff's jaw dropped, and you pulled against Ryker's grip enough to see her, and the person... behind her-- 
"Surprise!" Dagur shot into view of the others dangerously enthusiastic, Heathers face twisting into an eerily similar grin. "Did ya miss me? Of course, you did!" he said laughing at your friends, "Oh! Do you know my sister? Wait a minute, sure you do! You guys were little pals and buddy buddies" he bent over slightly, laughing loudly. "Hey, family is family" Heather said crossing her arms with a smile. "I can't believe this" Astrid said full of denial. "I know it's not Dragon's Edge, but it'll have to do," the door of the cell slammed shut and Heather walked up to grip its metal gate, "Enjoy your new home, Astrid. You're gonna be here a while". 
"Heather, what are you doing?!" she turned to you with sour look before smiling, "Nothing, sis. Just keeping our family safe". Dagur beamed as he looked past his sister at you. "It's this great, we can all be a happy family now! That is, once Hiccup decides to come back for his friends" he laughs, "I mean really, I would never leave my family in the hands of a psychopathic dragon killer".
Ryker snarls at Dagur, who remains unfazed. "I get it, I get it" he leans closer to whisper, "Guy is pretty self-conscious". "Enough" Ryker scowls at you, "get out of my sight" he turns and walks to the captain's quarters. Dagur is quick to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you in the opposite direction. "Sister, could you leave me to speak with my future wife alone?" Dagur asked dramatically, exaggerating each familiar title. Heather nodded, turning to walk away as you and Dagur stood outside of a room you assumed was his. 
"I don't know what you said for her to turn her back on us, but I swear--" Dagur put a palm over your mouth, face flat and free of any previous ostentation and humor. "Stop talking. And go in the room". 
Sorry for the long wait! Been studying for a major test coming up, between that and my other series, I've been having some writer's block.
Thanks for reading <3
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clovermarigold · 11 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.25
Dagur x Reader
Sorry for the wait guys! As recompence I give you an extra-long chapter! Enjoy!
"So, this is your workshop?" Heather looked around your room and the pile of papers, herbs, and pestles covering your desk. "Somewhat. Sorry for the mess, I didn't exactly have time to clean up" you said, gathering things off your desk. "It's nothing, really" she held up her hands with a smile, "I've been living camp to camp for these past few years, this is nothing".  
After convincing Heather to come back to the edge you had thought everything was going great. The others fawned over Windshear and Heathers newfound intensity. Or as Astrid liked to put it, 'hardcore'. Regardless, however, Hiccup insisted that he would still have to address why she was attacking ships. 
"Heather, we should probably talk" Hiccup approached her in the dragon pen, nearing sunset, "Sure. about what?". "About the ship that you and Windshear destroyed" Heather pet her dragon with a guilty expression, "Oh... That ship". "Heather, what are you doing out there?" your brother pushed. "I'm just taking care of business. It's nothing you need to worry about--" Hiccup interrupted, "Yeah, but I do worry about it, Heather. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry".
"Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore. Everything's. changed". Hiccup walked closer, "This can't be you, it can't be". Heather crossed her arms and avoided eye contact, "Well, it is now. The last time you saw me, I-- Never mind. If, if you want me to leave--", "I didn't say that. No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. There's always another way". Heather pulled Hiccup into a hug, "You're so sweet. Thank you Hiccup. You've always been a great friend to me".
A sharp stabbing followed by large weight on your stomach stole you from your peaceful sleep. "OW what the--" blearing your eyes open you are met with large yellow eyes. "Silver Tongue, what are you doing?" you sigh, partly from relief as he steps down from your stomach. The sound of yelling from the clubhouse tells you enough. "Ugh, we can't have one normal day where nothing happens, can we?" You hop on one foot, struggling to put a boot on the other. 
"We trusted you" Snotlout says, not yelling, but irritation present on his tone. "Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur" Locking your wide eyes with Hiccup at the mention of your fianc-- Dagur, "I'll fill you in later".
"Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons" Fishlegs says sympathetically. "Thanks for understanding Fishlegs" Heather says tucking her hair behind her earning a fake gag from Tuff. "I don't really trust these guys either, Heather" Snotlout chimes in.
"You know we can hear you" Astrid says with a hand on her hip. "Jealousy in an ugly quality, Astrid. But clearly, I understand where it comes from" he says snidely, causing both you and Astrid to roll your eyes. "The point is, we have your back, Heather. You're one of us" Hiccup places a hand on her shoulder. 
"Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs" Fishlegs said, Snotlout quick to put a handout Infront of him. "And I made room for you in my hut". Both you and Astrid groaned in disgust at the thought of having to share a hut with Snotlout. "And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut" Heather gave a smile of relief.
"Even though YOU were the rogue dragon rider, and YOU sabotaged our dragons, and YOU snuck away in the dark of the night. Wait, why do we like you again" Tuff said with his hands on his hips.  Heather put a hand to her chest, face sullen, "I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut".
"Woah! That was... sincere. What am I supposed to do with that?" he began to breathe heavily, "I'm feeling a bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People!". "And if you need any help with Windshear--" Snotlout was quick to interrupt Fishlegs, "Why don't I show you around the Edge? I'm basically chief". You roll your eyes at Snotlouts poor attempt at showboating. 
"Ok!" Astrid quickly grabs both yours and Heathers arms, "Let's go have some girl time". "Thank Thor, yes" you close your eyes with a breath. 
"Ha!" the two axes were wedged in their targets at nearly the exact same spot. "I don't know it's cutting it kind of close. Y/N, you judge. Which is closer?" Inspecting the two, your answer was only inconclusive. though it made you create a mental note not to get on their bad sides when an axe was within reach. 
"Hmm, well. Two axes are better than one" Astrid held up two fingers. "True", Heather agreed, "Unless you have one of these" she held up her double-sided blade made from Windshear's scales. "You really have to show me how you made that" Heather smiled. "Sure, but I prefer close combat to throwing. So, I can stare my enemy in the eye". "Not a bad tactic" you hummed, "Buuuut" you threw three of your daggers at the tree behind her, perfectly missing her sides. "The element of Suprise. I like that" you laughed. "It's one of Hiccups favorite tactics, those two are way too alike" Astrid said retrieving her axe. 
"So, you two are a thing, right?" She asked causing you to snort and nearly double over when you were trying to pull your knife from the tree. You turned quick to see Astrid with a near invisible sheen of pink tinging her face, and if you hadn't known her for so long, no doubt would have missed. Similar to her axe, which widely missed her next target, almost hitting a night terror. "What? No, just friends" she waved her hands fast. "Pfft" she shot you a steely glare, though it did nothing to stop the wide smile that had taken control of you. 
"What? Is he not good enough for you, Astrid?" you asked in mock offence. "He's kind of cute" Heather said, stoking the flames. "I guess. If you like that unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type". You gasped, "Astrid! That is my brother you're talking about. Think of the girl code! Platonic thoughts only!" she punched your side making you clutch your ribs, both from pain and laughter. "Wow, Astrid. I thought you were better than that" Heather put her hand on her hip with fake disappointment. 
"Huh... Now, you and Snotlout, that's a match made in Valhalla" the three of you broke out into laughter. "I don't know whether to thank you or to feel sorry for you". "I can handle Snotlout" she said, "And besides, I'm not into the macho Viking type. I like a little smarts. Like Fishlegs".
"Fishlegs?" Astrids voice was humorous, "Seriously?". "What? I think he's funny and cute". "We're talking about Fishlegs, right? The guy with the Gronkle?". "And rock collection he alphabetized" you added. "Okay, all right. Enough boy talk. what else do you do for fun around here?" the three of you began to walk towards the cliffs, you and Astrid sharing a look, and the same thought. 
"Keep up!" Astrid yelled as the two of you ran past Heather, jumping off the cliff. The two of you fell through the air, basking in the freedom before grabbing onto your dragon's tails. "Wahoo!" the sound of Heather's cheers was unfortunately short as Windshears wiry and thin tail slipped through her fingers. Thankfully, however, her dragon's quick reaction speed made up for it, grabbing onto her shoe, just before she could hit the rocky floor. 
"Wanna go two out of three?" Astrid asked, still adrenaline high. "Um, no" Heather said, gracefully still in a good mood, despite nearly being flattened. "I want to show you guys something. If you can keep up" Windshear took off into a soar. "Get 'em Stormfly". "Oh no" you were quick to grip onto your saddle, just before, Silver Tongue, ever the competitive dragon, rushed to catch up, nearly throwing you off in the process. 
"What are we doing back at your campsite?" the three of you landed on the familiar small island, "Did you forget something". "Nope." Heather said, in a more serious tone, walking confidently through the site. "Oh, it must be here" you and Astrid shared a look. 
"You gonna clue us in on what we're doing here?" Astrid asked, watching as heather searched. "I'm looking for something" the slight rustling sound that came from the bush to your right tipped you off. "Looking for something like--" in a swift move you grabbed whatever was in the push and pulled it out. "Trader Johann?" Astrid asked looking down on him, with her axe pointed his chest. "Miss Astrid! Miss Y/N! So lovely to see you again. Would you mind, please, lowering your axe so my frightened soul might be granted safe passage back to my body?".
"Johann! Thank Thor" Heather was quick to help him back up. "Oh, Miss Heather! I'm overjoyed you're not dead. When the terrible Terror returned with the message I sent you, I was sick with worry. Then, when I arrived here and saw your campsite had been abandoned, I feared the worst".
"Alright! Someone needs to tell me what's going on" Astrid spun the axe in her hand once. "You see, Miss Astrid, if you need exotic spices from a foreign land, or one-of-a-kind cured leathers, or incredibly-difficult-to-obtain information detailing the exact whereabouts of a certain dastardly Berserker, " He pulled out a map with a number of red x's, one of which was circled, "Trader Johann is your man".
"Dagur" the two of you said in sync, albeit yours more worried than Astrid. "And if you need a warrior to take care of that dastardly Berserker..." with a flourish she swung her double-sided axe into the ground, "I'm your girl". You swallowed, "So he's got the info and you've got the axe. Now what?" Astrid asked. 
"Dagur is set to purchase a fleet of new ships from a group of salty undesirables in the Sea of Despair. But be wary. These new ships for his armada are outfitted with powerful anti-dragon winches and catapults! After the deal is done, I won't be able to find him again. Dagur will be back in the wind. Adrift, like a leaf in a stream. And I've used my last grapevine, so I won't be able to offer my invaluable, yet expensive information".
"Got it. Thanks, Johann. Come on, guys" Heather nodded with a smile to the man. "Wait, were not actually considering this, are we?" you asked Astrid when Heather turned away. "If we leave Heather to do this by herself, she could get seriously hurt" She was right, based on what Hiccup had told you happened last time, she had nearly gotten caught. You could barely stomach the thought of what would have happened to her, and worse, Windshear. "I don't like going behind Hiccup's back" Astrid nodded, "It's just to keep her safe".
The idea of you flying into a growing armada without your brother, led by your crazy ex-fiancé was definitely not comfortable. But you would most certainly be less comfortable with the idea of Heather and Windshear doing it alone. "Ok, but no killing. It's one thing to go after Dagur alone. Killing him without giving anyone else a say is too much" Astrid nodded.
Flying back to the edge, where your brother was still gone, the others were standoffish to the idea of going after Dagur. "We gotta go now. Dagur won't be out in the open for long" Heather reasoned. "Wait a minute, you wat us to battle Dagur and the Berserkers without Hiccup and Toothless?" Fishlegs asked. 
"Guys, I wish Hiccup and Toothless were here, trust me. But they're not. And we can't wait. Dagur's ships have dragon-proof chains and grappling hooks. And the ships he's buying are even more powerful. But with all of us attacking at once, Dagur won't know what hit him".
Fishlegs rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable "Uh any arial assault of this magnitude would be foolish without Toothless. He's the most powerful dragon in our arsenal" a number of the dragons, Silver Tongue and Hookfang namely, let out a growl of disapproval. "And I mean... Y/N, you of all people should feel the most uncomfortable with this righ--" you shook your head quickly to cut him off. "What does he mean by that?" Heather asked.
"I'm just not used to not telling my brother about things like this" you lied. The last thing you needed was for Heather to know about your engagement. Previous engagement! "Well it's not like we need Hiccup and Toothless" Snotlout interjected. His obnoxiousness for the first time being useful and taking attention away from you. 
"You heard Johann, Astrid. This is our last chance. Tell them" She looked from you back to Heather. "Well... Look Heather--" Heather's face dropped before twisting into hurt. "You too? Just forget it. All that stuff about trust and having my back, I guess that was just talk" she turned and walked away. "....Akwar--" you elbowed Snotlout un the stomach making him keel over. 
"Looks like it's just you and me Windshear" heather saddled her dragon outside the clubhouse, now packed and ready to take off. "Hey" Astrid called the rest of you and your dragons included. "If we're gonna do this, it has to be a capture mission, not a kill mission. Agreed?". "Agreed" she smiled, "We'll sink Dagur's armada, drag him back to Outcast Island. Let him rot there". "Okay, then we're with you--".
"You can thank me!" Snotlout said boisterously, "I was the one who rallied these guys". "Thats not how I remember it" you say. "As soon as she left, your lips started to do that cute little quiver thing" Fishlegs mocked. "Quiet fish face! Thats a tic!". "So, what's your plan" Astrid asks, "Hit him when he least expects it".
Dagur sighed enjoyment as he stretched in the sun. "Ah, it's a good day to strengthen my armada. Then again, it's always a good day to strengthen my armada". Savage approached his chief warily, "The gold is ready for the exchange sir. Should we move it to the deck--".
"Leave it down below" he said with finality, barely attempting to even look at the thin man. "But. sir, when they arrive with the ships, they'll be expecting our gold". "YES--" he screamed before stopping himself, putting a hand up like an annoyed father would, "And instead of our gold, we'll give them our steel".  A wicked smile grew on the old Outcast soldier. 
You looked down at Dagur's ships, "There he is". "Alright let me guess" Tuff said to Heather, "You want to attack like the rogue dragon rider that you are. A full-frontal assault!". "No" Heather said, turning to you, "Element of surprise?". 
"Dragon's incoming!" one of the Berserkers called as they spotted Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs flying towards them from the front. "Prepare the grappling hooks!" Dagur called. He looked at the four laughing, "It's hunting season".
Team diversion stayed just high enough out of reach that the Berserker's weaponry couldn't reach them, every so often taking a quick shot that would miss. This of course infuriating Dagur to no end, "What are they doing up there?" you almost found it cute, with how he sounded genuinely confused. You, Astrid, and Heather, along with your dragons had crept up the sides of the ship and snuck into the deck of the ship Dagur was currently on. One by one, you singled out and knocked out each of the Berserkers on board. 
A large rock in the ship from the ripples of one of the others missed shots was the tipping point for Dagur who grabbed one of the chains to throw himself. As Dagur threw the chain back, Astrid interrupted its path with her axe, allowing her to pull him back. You were quick to tie him by his wrists, using the full weight of your body pressed against him to hold him down long enough, and to keep him from thrashing. "What the--" he looked up to see Astrid and Heather standing smugly in front of him. "Ugh, you two" he grimaced. "Surprise, Dagur" Heather pointed his axe at his head. " Two axes are better than one". 
"And twelve ships trumps two axes." the shrieks of your dragons were quick to change his mind. "Heh, should've seen that coming" it came out almost child-like before his eyes locked on Silver Tongue which made the realization pop into his head. "Y/N" he smiles, struggling to angle his head back to see you. You got off him quick, just long enough to flip him onto his back and cover his mouth before he could say anything. Though his eyes were saying more than enough, and you were thankful that Heather was angry enough to not notice the wide puppy love excitement he had in them. "Windshear finish it".
"No!", "Heather, don't. You promised us a capture mission" Astrid pleaded, while you looked up at your friend whose narrowed eyes were scorched in rage at the man beneath you. "Sorry. I changed my mind. Dagur didn't 'capture' my village. So this ends here" she wielded her axe and swung it towards him, but paused as you were still in the way, and on top of him. 
Dagur began to break out into laughter, "If you kill me Heather, you'll never know--" you covered his mouth again. "Y/N, get out of the way!" Windshear screeched to your left. "Heather, I can't let you do that" you were panicking, Windshear, having heard the call of her rider was trigger happy. And at this point, Heather was too. "You know what he did to my village! Yours too! Why are you defending him!?", "I just can't let you do this!" sensing your distress Silver Tongue became tense, now screeching at Windshear as if to tell her to back off. The two dragons were similar to their riders. 
"I trusted you!" Heather shouted, in tandem with the howls and snaps of your dragons. This was too much. Your anxiety spiked, the yelling, the dragons, the squirming of the man beneath you... you were going to have another panic attack. Your realization of this fact however was too slow, your brain throbbing as the world began to become too fast. Dagur's movements stopped entirely as he felt your hand loosen. In an instant he threw you off, flipping you over so you were in front of him while he supported your frame from behind., the two of you still on your knees. "Dagur! Don't you touch her!" Heather yelled at him brandishing her axe. 
"Deep breathes" The world was still spinning, and you struggled to make out what was happening. Choosing to listen to the voice you focused on your breathing, though in hindsight you should have recognized Dagur's voice relatively easy. Dagur continued to hold you up and rub your sides. 
"Heather don't!" Astrid yelled as Heather went to strike the Berserker before a purple blast knocked it out of her hand. "Stop! Heather stop" It was Hiccup, landed and quickly jumped off of Toothless to rush in-between you, Dagur, and Heather. "Move Hiccup" she picked up her axe "You promised me there would be another time, and this is it!". 
"Look, you told me your father gave you this" he held up a horn, "Yeah. he did but what--", "This is my father's Chief Seal". Her face twisted in confusion as she took the horn out of Hiccups hand, lowering her axe. "Stoick's seal is carved in my horn? What are you saying?". Your breathing leveled out and your vision began to focus, Dagur still focusing all his attention on you. 
"Years ago, Stoick gave this horn to the Chief of the Berserker Tribe, Oswald the Agreeable as a gift for his newborn daughter. You were that newborn, Heather. Oswald the Agreeable is your father. And he is also Dagur's father". Heathers face dropped as she looked at him, "no". Dagur shrugged as if it were common knowledge. "Heather, Dagur is your brother. You can't kill him" she was shocked turning to you then Astrid. "I--" a rock in the boat interrupted, as the rest of Dagur's ships had learned the truth of their deception. 
"Heather, we have to go!" the other ships boxed you in, beginning to plank over. She dropped her axe wordlessly. Dagur, having learned you were cognitive, had finally broken out of his ties and stood up completely, after propping you up against the ship.
"I have to admit, you never disappoint, brother. Or maybe you're actually my uncle. Who knows in this crazy world?" he broke out into a deranged laugh. The Berserkers began to board the ship and your brother called out to Heather "Heather, we have to go!".
"Heather, I'm the only family you've got left." Toothless was quick to jump in front of her, keeping him from getting any closer. "Join me sister. Don't fight destiny. I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through your veins". Heather gave a twisted smile, eerily similar to that of Dagur, psyching him to believe she would consider his offer before leaping over him and pulling you up from the ground and helping you onto your dragon. The two of you took off, leaving Dagur to call out to you, "Come back, sis! Heather the Unhinged has a nice ring to it, no?", "Y/N, come on! You'll have a sister-in-law!".
Heather turned to look at you, confused. One look at you was enough, however as she pieced everything together. Her face twisted, and instead of saying anything she chose to speed up, flying past you. "You'll be back, and I will welcome you with open arms" Dagur finally called. And you looked back at him with a glare. Dagur watched as the two of you flew off. "We'll have to wait on that reunion, pity" a whistle from behind him caused him to turn only to be knocked to the ground by Toothless. "I should've seen that one coming, too". "Alright gang, back to the edge" Hiccup said.
Well, there went any chance of Heather teaching you how to make an axe.
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.19
Dagur x Reader
Yay! longer chapter and a faster update! I'm finally getting into a better headspace and am enjoying writing again.
Thanks for reading. Also, for anyone interested in AOT, check out my mafia Erwin Fic.
"Tuffnut! * ACHOOO! *" you scream at the blond as the poor Gronkle you were trying treat's rash was interrupted by Ruff and Tuff's prank, replacing your herbs with weeds that triggered your allergies. It's been three years since the war with the Berserkers and a lot has changed. Snotlout is working at the armory, the twins much to everyone's chagrin have pledged themselves to Loki, Fishlegs is a history teacher now, Astrid has told you she plans to join the Berk guard. The atter being something she has yet to tell Hiccup, which left slightly anxious to see how he would react. You had continued your training under Gothi and finished your studying of human medicine. Beyond that, you were learning and inventing medicine and cures for dragons, as well as documenting dragon behavior with Fishlegs. You had even managed to train Scabbard to be a sort of emotional help assistant, helping to calm both human and dragon patients (and even yourself on rough days).  
It seemed like everyone in the group had found their place in the world, all that is, except for Hiccup. You loved your brother, but at the end of the day you had new responsibilities.  You could see that he was struggling to keep the group together. In the beginning, once the war had finished, you and the others had explored every corner of the archipelago and found every known dragon to ever exist. Hiccup still believed there were more dragons out there but with no signs for years, everyone just sort of moved on, all but Hiccup that is. You were worried how the only group member that still went looking with him (Astrid) leaving would affect him.
Wiping your nose and eyes you walked home, calling it quits after the twins' stunt left you puffy eyed and pink nosed. Placing your satchel on the table you stretched out the tension built throughout the day. When the sound of the door opening caught your attention, you didn't need to look to know it was your brother. "Hey Hiccup, how was your day?".
"Yeah yeah fine" he said quiet and defeated making you stop your stretching to watch his slightly hunched over form march to his room with Toothless in tow. Silver Tongue let out an almost questioning coo laced with his regular sour attitude. "I'm not sure bud".
"Hiccup, is everything alright?" you ask knocking on his door. "Yeah, just a long day" the tone of his voice made it obvious that it was a lie, but you didn't want to push it. "Ok... Is it ok if Scabbard sleeps with you. She's a bit upset with Silver Tongue right now, I think she could use some space" the room remained quiet until the door cracked open just wide enough for a small dragon to crawl through. On cue, Scabbard scrambled through, ready to put her newfound skills to the test. "Atta girl. Come on Silver Tongue, let's go to bed" you turned only to see that he had left for your room a while ago. "You suck" you sigh.
The next day was made up of finding and sorting all the herbs the twins had replaced and hidden around Berk. "Y/N!" you heard Astrid call for you as you were half inside a barrel trying to reach the bundle of cloves Ruffnut had no doubt hidden there "Yeah?".
"We have an emergency". You pull yourself out and dust your hands on your apron. "What is it. Did the dragons eat something?".
"I need you to promise you're not going to freak out" Astrids request made you uneasy. "Ok?" Astrid took a deep breath and looked you in the eye, "Dagur escaped outcast Island". Your stomach sank as you were hit by a wave of dread. Dagur was free? As in, roaming the archipelago to do whatever he wants?
"Y/N, breathe" you hadn't noticed you were holding your breath until Astrid put her hand on your shoulder. You thought everything was over, that you wouldn't need to think about that man and his stupid face ever again. Scabbard was quick to jump into action, crawling up onto your shoulder and purring while filling your ears with the sounds of strong steady breaths for you to copy. "Are you ok?" Astrid asks hand on your back, to which you nod.
It's been three years since you last saw him, and the last thing you said to him was a panicked "hi". Seriously you couldn't have even bothered to say "Hey Dagur, you're cool and all, and I really like you. But you tried to steal my brother's dragon so I'm going to have to throw you in prison now" granted that wasn't much better, but you could have said literally anything, and it would have been infinitely better. He was probably on his way to get revenge on you and Hiccup along with the rest of Berk.
Wait a minute... NO nonononono! You. do. not. like. Dagur. Astrid pulled you out of your rambling thoughts when she dragged you along to the old academy so Hiccup could brief everyone on the plan. You could feel everyone's eyes on you when you arrived, but you were too in thought to acknowledge it.
"All we got out of Johann before he passed out was this: Dagur escaped from Outcast Island by commandeering his ship. He threw Johan overboard about here" Hiccup said gesturing to a large map.
"So, what you're saying is Dagur could be anywhere by now" Snotlout crossed his arms. "Well, technically, yes".
"Oh" Snotlout smiles "Great great great. SO that just leaves -- I don't know, let me think about this-- THE ENTIRE OCEAN TO SEARCH!" he screams "No thank you".
"Master Hiccup" Johann greets. "Johann, you're awake". "And feeling much better, thank you for asking. More importantly, I have more than a strong suspicion where our nefarious foe may be heading" he says waving his hand over the edge of the map. "Outside the archipelago?" Hiccup asks.
"No! Just inside the fog bank on our outer group of islands". "We've never been out that far".
"When Dagur commandeered my precious ship, he also came into possession of a very important map-- one that leads to a graveyard of ships hidden in that fog bank" Johann says distressed only for Snotlout to interrupt. "Wow! That's the first place I'd go" Snotlout says laced with sarcasm.
"Can I hit him?" you look to Hiccup who put his head in his hand at your anticks.
"If I may be allowed to finish?-", "Johann, last time we allowed you to finish, we ended up on Breakneck Bog. So, no-- no finishing. OW!" Snotlout stopped as your hand swung down hitting him on the back of the head.
"Enough!" Hiccup called, "What's so special about the graveyard and why would he go there?". "Well, you see--" Hiccup put his hand up to cut him off, "The short version please".
Johann's face fell as he did what even Odin would not think possible; Summarize, "It's where I store all my treasures and wars". The groups jaws dropped, and eyes widened at his words. So short, so precise, and to the point. "Wow, concise, to the point. Who knew he had it in him?" Tuffnut gasped.
"Johann, is there anything else?" Hiccup asked.  "As a matter of fact, there is one ship you must avoid at all costs. It's called... the Reaper. Riddled with booby traps from stem to stern. Barely made it out with my life the only time I dared venture aboard".
"Ok, Toothless, let's go. Unless of course, any of you can make time out of your busy schedules to capture a dangerous maniac?" It was obvious that the rest of the group was already in, and despite your concerns, you knew you couldn't let them do this alone. "Right then. Saddle up, and we'll head out".
You would be lying if you didn't say the flight over was somewhat fun. Hiccup had you do your old formations and like before Snotlout didn't listen. It was familiar, comfortable even. "So, Y/N" Snotlout began to ask, and you prepared for something stupid. "Are you sure, you're gonna be ok locking up your boyfriend again?" your eyes widened and grip on your saddle tightened. "Woah!" snotlout screamed as you flew Silver Tonge into his side, nearly knocking him off. "Alright alright! I get it, touchy subject" he scoffed.  
Astrid and Hiccup shared a concerned look before Hiccup spoke, "Y/N, if this is too much, you don't have to do this. We can handle Dagur". "No. I'm fine".
It was night by the time you reached the fog banks, the water littered with wrecked ships. "I knew it. I knew there was more" Hiccup said. "Some of these ships, I've never seen anything like them before" Astrid chimes in. "Ok, everybody fan out. If you see any trace of Dagur, send a signal".
With a deep breath you wing left, separating from the others. Silver Tongue growled lowly as you swept through the fog, "Easy boy, I know, I don't like this either", maybe you should have brought Scabbard, she would do a much better job at calming him down. At the very least you know Dagur isn't here.
Landing top of a ship you meet the others. "No sign of Dagur" you say as you slide off of your saddle. "Looks like we got here first. What's the plan?".
"We wait". "Wait a minute. For how long? This Fog really gives Meatlug the willies" Fishlegs asks. "He's right, the low visibility is putting Silver Tongue on edge" he hasn't stopped looking around since you got here. And you can only imagine it will get worse when Dagur shows up, seeing as the two didn't leave on the best terms. "They have a point" Astrid says, "We can't wait around here forever". "Well, we can't just leave Johann's treasures here either. Dagur will steal them".
"And use the profits to build a new armada" That wouldn't be good. One Berserker armada was enough for your lifetime. "Not if we steal them first" says Ruff followed by her brother. "That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I hereby disown you!".
"Actually, you know what? I sort of like it" Hiccup says. "Welcome back to the family" You could swear you feel a headache coming on from their idiocy.
"Here's the plan: we search the ships, gather up Johann's treasure, and take it back to Berk. But keep your eyes open for Dagur, he could show up at any time" The sounds of loud hissing interrupted Hiccup as giant eels launch themselves onto the Reaper. "Silver Tongue!" but it was too late. The dragons had been spooked off, taking off, all except for Toothless.
As if things could be worse, several eels began to wrap themselves around one side of the ship, causing it to tip vertically. "The eels are pulling the ship down!" Fishlegs yells as you all begin to slide down the deck. "Fishlegs, grab my foot!" Snotlout yells in a rare moment of courage after he gets a grip on the ship. And like a chain each of you grab onto the other's feet, much to Snotlouts pain.
"We're gonna live!" Tuff cheers enthusiastically. Astrid, who is at the end of the chain, however, and gripping onto your feet begins to slip. "Astrid!" you look down to see as she loses hold of you. "Most of us are gonna live!". Hiccup and Toothless dive into the water after her, blasting the eels under water and pulling her out, scaring the eels away and causing the ship to rock back onto its hull.
As you each pulled yourselves up from the ground you clutched your ears at Snotlouts shouting. "Pardon me, does anyone else think that Johann could have warned us about I don't know, THE GIANT SCREAMING EELS?!".
"Snotlout would you relax" Hiccup scolds, "The dragons will be back. In the meantime, we stick with the plan. We find Johann's treasure, quietly". Snotlout frowns and stomps away, each of you splitting up to search a ship.
Once you had found an unoccupied ship you made quick to check the captain's quarters, which yielded no treasure. The hull, however, was a different story. Creeping down the stairs a gently as possible did nothing to silence the loud creak of the boards. "Odin's beard" you said, your jaw practically on the floor. The hull was filled with chests overflowing with weird green ores.
"What are you?" you inspect the ore; it was definitely not from the archipelago. The sound of a creak sounded behind you, someone is here. Quickly you draw your sword and crouch behind one of the larger chests.  
"Check down there!" with a grumble, another voice trudged down the stairs. "Nuth'n but more of the green stuff" the oafish voice called to the other. Peaking over the chest you looked the man up and down. Until a small sigil caught your eye, Berserker. The other voice called down, "Well, start loading it up".
"Damn it" no way to sneak out of this one.  The Berserker took three steps towards the chest to your immediate left, and you used this to your opportunity. Quickly you pounced on him, covering his mouth so he couldn't scream as locked your legs around his throat. He flailed around for around a minute and a half when he stopped moving. "What's taking so long? Hurry up!", "...".
"Did you hear me? I said, Hurry U-" The Berserker was interrupted by a large brick of green ore hitting him square in the face as you rushed up the stairs. You ran as quickly as you could, trying to use his disoriented state to your advantage but unfortunately, he wasn't the only Berserker on the deck. "Damn it" you were met face to face with five Berserkers two of which had crossbows now pointed at you. Begrudgingly you dropped your sword and kicked it over. leaving your hidden dagger in your boot.
"Sir" one of the Berserkers greeted, looking behind you. Turning your head, above you next to the ships steering stood the source of all of your problems.
Sarcasm spilled from your every pore "Oh well isn't that just perfect".
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.24
Dagur x Reader
WARNING: Alrighty readers, trigger warning. I know this probably wasn't what you expected from this cringey fic, but we have some depictions of violence coming up. Don't worry, nothing is too graphic, but it is still very apparent what is happening. You have been warned.
Rage. All Dagur could feel was rage. In a matter of minutes, he had managed to lose both his Dragon eye, his treasure, and his, well... you. Fear plagued the crew as they watched their chief walk across the wooden deck wordlessly. By now Dagur would have screamed or thrown someone over the side of the ship. But it was his silence that left the ship quiet and shaking. Dagur suddenly stopped walking, his eyes never once leaving the floor. "B-boss" one of the berserkers asked taking a step too close. In a swift movement, Dagur wrapped a hand around his neck throwing him onto his back, fingers still wrapped tightly around his windpipe restricting air. 
The audience of berserker soldiers could only wince and look away doing nothing as Dagur let loose his anger on the poor man. After a few minutes Dagur stilled, panting heavily in exhaustion, fists stained red, and eyes bloodshot. This was his breaking point. Hiccup Haddock had stolen from him for the last time. Now, he would pay. He would pay for taking you from him, for not letting him make things better between the two of you after your argument, for getting in the way of your engagement, for everything. Meddling in the affairs of others would have a price, one that would be paid for in blood. 
Your bed felt heavenly upon your arrival home. Though, a nagging part in the back of your brain would point out how much softer Dagur's had been. It would do, you were too exhausted to complain. The salt from the sea water had dried in your hair, crusting it and leaving small grains. You would need to wash before you fell asleep. Maybe things would get better soon. They had to; you weren't sure how much more of this you could take. You sighed, "Why is everything ten times more difficult than it needs to be" you asked, looking up above you where Silver Tongue hung upside down. Letting out a snort and puff of steam, he covered himself in his wings, clearly fed up with you. "...Scabbard, you're my new favorite" the larger dragon's reclusiveness shed like a snake's skin as he unraveled his wings with a sharp and upset screech. You laughed, yeah. Things were going to get better.
Your supply run to Berk was a nice break from the swarms of Fireworms, Rumblehorns, and Quakens you were forced to deal with the past few weeks. Your father certainly enjoyed it, not so subtly hinting at needing their village dragon healer back home. You were tempted to stay, but the others needed you, and besides, Gothi was doing just fine taking care of the village ailments, even if she didn't specialize in creatures with four legs. 
"Okay gang, remember; were only taking absolute necessities to Dragon's Edge" Hiccup explained only to be met with laughter from Snotlout. "I guess we're leaving you behind, Fishlegs". "Come on. You're better than that, Snotlout. Oh, wait. No, you're not" Fishlegs said loading backs of rocks onto Meatlug. "Don't mind him, Fishlegs. He's just coping with the fact that his dad didn't want to say hi when we got here" you said with a smile as you tied down your last basket of herbs onto Silver Tongue's saddle. "Hey" Snotlout let out an offended whine crossing his arms. 
A loud ringing sounded from the twins as Ruff slammed a mace into Tuff's head, bouncing it off of his helmet with a thud, "Not bad. That's a two. Do it again". "Ow, yeah, three. I still think we could do better". 
"Which one of the usual suspects was out sinking boats on their dragon this morning" your father along with Gobber, Bucket, and Mulch walked towards you. "Sinking boats?", "Bucket and Mulch saw the whole thing." your dad said, "And don't try convincing me that there's anyone else in the archipelago who could pull something like this off!".
You all exchanged looks wordlessly, before Tuff came up from his concussed state to yammer, "It was me, Chief! I couldn't control myself. I had to do it. What's wrong with me? Why do I do things like this? Why doesn't anybody do anything to stop me? Cand you all see that it's a desperate cry for help" he broke into sobs. "What are you talking about? None of that happened" Ruff walked up to him. "I know that. I just always wanted to confess to something. How'd it play? I didn't overdo it, did I?" you rolled your eyes. "Yeah, I mean overall, you seemed grounded, but still it was a little hard to believe" Ruff said, earning an irritated sound from your father.
"Dad, we've been together all morning. It couldn't have been one of us" Hiccup explained ignoring the two imbeciles. "Well, if it wasn't one of you. We have a much more serious problem on our hands". 
"Rogue dragon rider?" Astrid asked. "Not good, not good at all" said Fishlegs. "No, it isn't. And we need to find out who it is" Hiccup said calling everyone to mount up. 
"Ok, gang, let's spread out" Hiccup called as you all landed on the beaten-up ship of Bucket and Mulch. 
"I've been thinking about this rogue dragon rider" Astrid said. "Dagur" you and Hiccup said in unison. "It makes sense. If Dagur has a dragon and is attacking ships, then who's to say we won't be next?".
"Hiccup, you got to see this" Fish legs called, directing your attention to a number of large and deep gashes ripped into the side of the ship. "Those are some deep gashes. Any idea what it could be?". "This dragon is extremely powerful. It has the slashing attack of a Speed Stinger yet from the depth of the strikes it appears to be as strong as a Typhoomerang" Fishlegs explained. "Well, any dragon that strong definitely shouldn't be anywhere near Dagur" Hiccup nodded in agreement circling back to the others, "You guys, you find anything else?". "This ship has been stripped of everything valuable" Astrid kicked an empty cargo bucket to prove her point. 
The twins meanwhile loudly fought over something large and silver. "Nothing over here. Right, sis?" Tuff attempted to lie horribly, realizing the groups eyes were on the two of them, "Nope, no-thing". 
"Zilch. Not a thing in front, behind, or to either side of us". "Oh, for Thor's sake, we can see it behind you two" you groaned. "Alright, but we get to keep it. Yeah, finders' keepers" the twins bargained Hiccup taking it from them. "A barb?" Fishlegs exclaimed. "That looks like one of Stormfly's" Astrid pointed out. 
"Which means the dragon could belong to the Sharp Class. You hear that,                                                                                                            Silver Tongue? We might have another sharp class friend" Silver Tongue huffed steam out of his nostrils, a low grumble emanating from his chest. "This. This is why Scabbard is your only friend, and she doesn't exactly have high standards".
"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Hiccup asked. "Ooh ooh, good game, Hiccup! You think of something, we'll try to guess what it is. And if we do, we get a prize" Tuff put his two index fingers to either side of his head as he thought hard, Ruff soon doing the same. "Hmm, let me see. I'm thinking you two are muttonheads" Snotlout shakes his head in irritation and disbelief. "Yes! I win" Tuff jumps up with a fist in the air.
"I'm thinking, if we find the dragon, we find the rider. And I have a pretty good idea of how we can find the dragon" Hiccup said holding up the silver spine. 
After using Mulch to get an identifying drawing Stormfly activated the dragon eye to search for more information. "That's it, the Razorwhip". "Okay, Fishlegs, do your thing" walking up to the dragon eye he took a moment to decipher the runes cast on the wall, "Okay, Razorwhip. Sharp class dragon. Long, spiny, barbed tail. Very aggressive. Very dangerous. This symbol indicates it can use its tail to wrap around a victim and literally squeeze the life out of them. Unless it's in a hurry, then it just slices you in half". "Fishlegs, is there anything about this dragon that won't kill us" Astrid asks.
"It's eyeballs?" Ruff asks, "nope, poisonous tears". "Poison, I love it" Tuff cheers. "Poisons fantastic. Fishlegs, is there anything that might help us locate it" Hiccup holds his hand out to quiet the twins.  
"Let's see, huh, mmm no not that, oral hygiene, feeding habits--", "whoa whoa whoa. Go back to that one. If we can figure out what this thing eats, then we might figure out where it eats" Hiccup reasoned. 
"Sea slugs! It eats sea slugs". Tuff gaged "Slugs? I hate those slimy monsters. They're just snails without homes. Giant homeless snails!". Hiccup ignored him, "We've come across a few islands that are crawling with sea slugs. Hopefully. our Razorwhip's hungry". "And hungry for sea slugs, not Vikings" you add on, making Snotlout gulp. 
"I have a good feeling about this island" Fishlegs smiles. "That's what you said about the last five island!" Snotlout yelled at him. "Lighten up, Snotlout. He's just being positive" Snotlout rolled his eyes at you. "Well, excuse me if I'm not exactly positive to be chasing after a dragon that could cut us in half!". "Or strangle us to death" Fishlegs adds earning a laugh from you and a glare from Snotlout.
"Hey, has anyone considered what we'll do if we actually find this Razorwhip?" Astrid rasied a valid point. "You can marry it" Tuff said lacing his fingers together, idolizing the deadly dragon. "What if Dagur's riding it?"she asked. "Well, then, Ruffnut can have him. I admit, it will be complicated. But I will one day come to love him as my own" "um, Tuffnut--", "Like a little babe, a child that I carry in my arms. But he's too heavy". The group became awkwardly silent at that. "...Yeah, that's never gonna happen" Snotlout breaks the quiet. "And why's that!?" Ruff counters. "Uh, duh. Because the only type Dagur has starts with Y and ends with N" Tuff thought for a moment. "...Yarn woman!" you face palmed. "No! Y/N" Snotlout guffawed at Tuffs answer. 
"Guys, look! Smoke!" Hiccup called, "A campfire". Landing, you found a campground, the fire freshly drenched. Astrid looked at the number of crates around the site, "Could be the loot from the ship". "These gashes look familiar too," you pointed to a number of large deep scrapes along a large rock. 
"Alright, gang, let's split up, and search the island for our rogue rider and his Razorwhip. He can't be far away. Fishlegs, you and Meatlug stay, signal if they come back" Hiccup ordered, the group going off into different directions. 
Circling a section of the island with tall trees you were met with nothing. "Scabbard, seek" the small green dragon dove off the left of Silver Tongue towards the tree line only to be intercepted and caught in the mouth of a silver blur, "Scabbard!".
In a heartbeat Silver Tongue dove downwards, chasing after the cloaked rider on top of the Razorwhip. If this was in fact Dagur, you were going to kill him. Unfortunately, though Silver Tongue's four wings and massive wingspan did give him large control in the air, it also slowed him down. Thankfully to your luck Hiccup zoomed past you, chasing the rogue rider into the cliffs. "Thor, please let her be ok" your breathing though erratic and near the edge of a panic attack was able to fend it off long enough to catch up to where you saw your brother aiding the rogue rider. 
"Hiccup! Is it Dagur? Is Scabbard o--", "Heather!" the group exclaimed in shock and anger. "You rolled me into a river" Snotlout yelled. "You trapped me in a cave" Astrid had her hands on her hips. "You left me dangling in a tree" Fishlegs said with a squeak. "Your dragon tried to eat mine!" you yelled cradling the drool covered Scabbard to your chest. "And I have to admit, the chicken move? That brought back some memories".
"Well, guys, I'm sure she has a really good reason for doing what she did. Right?" Hiccup asked. "Look, I've been living out here on my own for years and I've made more than a few enemies. I didn't want you guys to be involved. I needed to send you back to Berk". "You couldn't have just, I don't know, said that?!" Snotlout said offended. "Would you have listened?" she countered.
"She has a point. We're stubborn" Astrid agreed. "Heather, whatever problems you have, whatever enemies you've made, we can help. You don't have to be out here alone anymore" Hiccup reasoned gesturing to the group. "Hiccup, please, just let this go" Heather asked. "We have a base not far from here. Come back with us. Nothing permanent. We'll get you some provisions and catch up. You can see how you like it".
"Woah, Razorwhip. This is the best dream ever" said a dizzy Tuff, as Heather's dragon inspected him closely. "It's like I can reach out and tough it" a pet and a nuzzle from the dragon confirmed Tuff's query, "I can reach out and touch it! Cold, scaly. I Tuffnut Thorston, take thee, Razorwhip, whatever your last name is, insert it here, to be my-- Oh, hey Heather. What are you doing in my dream? At my wedding. I didn't put you on the list".
"You're not dreaming Tuff" Heather smiled lightly in amusement. "Oh... huh. In that case, Razorwhip attack! Run!" Tuff scrambled back over to the rest of the group. "I see nothing has changed" Hiccup shrugged, "Yeah, same story, different year. Let's head over to dragon's edge". Heather quirked a brow at your brother, "Not gonna give up, are you?". "Not likely" Heather gave in, "Okay, Dragon's edge it is".
Thank you everyone for reading! had to end it here because if not this chapter was going to go on for ages. 
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clovermarigold · 6 months
So a lot of shit has happened
Hey everyone, I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. Recently I have been stuck in finals only for a technical issue to result in me needing to retake all of my tests. On top of that I also had a last-minute surgery that has left me kind of out of it. I still plan to continue updating as well as writing one shots and requests. But expect them to come out a lot slower and spread out.
Again, I am so sorry for the inconvenience
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.23
Dagur x Reader
LESGOOOOOO!!! Three updates in a month! Looks like we have a somewhat solid update schedule guy.... wonder how long until the burnout hits. Sorry if the chapter is a little shorter than usual, just wanted to get something out before school steals all my attention.
Dagur had grown a lot in the past three years, grown in madness, grown in delusion, but also in muscle and height. Two of which were currently on display as he towered over your laid out form, holding the dagger in his right, your ankle in his left. 
"How did you know about that" he spun the blade in his hand with ease relaxed and staring down at you. "Y/N, I have gone three years without so much as your voice. So, when I look at you, I take in everything" he slid the knife back into your boot, moving so he can lay on the bed next to you. Dagur shifted to wrap his arms around you, holding your side into his chest while he rests his chin on your head. It was awkward, at least for you it was. Dagur, content to bury his nose in your hair. As stiff as you were, you couldn't help but melt into the softness of the sheets. Who would have thought the chief of the Berserkers would be so diligent with keeping his linens clean. 
"Never say that, again unless you mean it" he said the word with venom as if cursing the very memory. Maybe saying that you and Dagur would never be together wasn't the best thing to do immediately after making him upset minutes earlier. But it was something that was in your mind, an unfortunate truth. Sure, a part of you still cared for Dagur and missed when you were able to be with him, but that was before the war. "I do mean it" Dagur released one of his hands around your waist to grip your chin to look at him. "Then say it" you remembered the last time he did this; made you challenge your feelings. It was a similar situation to this, just a different ship and a different time. 
You were a fool to think you would be able to face him alone. You had honestly believed you had trained yourself to deal with Dagur, no one could; he was wild and unpredictable. Your silence was answer enough for him it would seem, as he cupped the side of your face. "What can I do to make you forgive me".
"Leave my brother and Berk alone, forget the dragons, forget your revenge" Dagur seemed to think for a moment before releasing you and sitting up and walking to the center of the room. "My love, you know I can't do that" you sat up quickly to stare at him. "You say you love me" you asked. 
"I do!" his answer is instant a glimpse of his more deranged tone seeping through. "Then forget it all! If you love me, you'll leave them alone". Dagur's eyes turn wide, his pupils narrowed and crazy. His hands are suddenly gripping your arms, squishing them to your sides, as he looks down at you, insane. "I love you. I love you, and that's why I'm doing this" his grip tightens to the cusp of pain, but not quite. Uncomfortable and firm you can't move to gain distance from the now worked up Berserker, "As long as Hiccup is alive, he'll try to take you from me".
"Because you're crazy!" your arms were released and Dagur stepped back enraged. "You- you... AAAAGGGHH" Dagur spun around away from you, carding a hand through his hair, "I'm getting some air!" he yelled slamming the door as he exits. 
The faint sound of a scream and a splash told you that Dagur no doubt threw someone overboard, which made you feel a slight amount of guilt for the poor bystander that happened to cross his path after your argument. 
Dagur was upset, no, livid, to say the least. He understood that he had a habit of making rash and less thought-out decisions when it came to you. But they were always in your best interest. And you- You just had to be so well equipped to getting under his skin. He wasn't mad at you per say. No, he could never be mad at you, but he was irritated. You knew all the perfect spots to hit to get him worked up. And usually he loved that, to him it was a testament to your bond. But right now, he really wished you would take a moment to realize he was doing this for you. 
Being called crazy wasn't an insult, not when you said it. But that glare you fixed it with, along with your vocal and visible demeaning nature was. Dagur would never say it (to anyone but you), but he loved it when you would get angry. The way your hot and narrowed eyes would be on him, and only him. It was likely stemmed from the lack of your attention he was given in his youth. But he planned to make up for it ten times over once the two of you got married. If only you could see that. If only you could see all the joy and freedom this would bring. But until then Dagur was stuck outside, away from you, throwing anyone that got in his way overboard.
The stopping of the ship brought Dagur's attention away from his irritation. His mood did a 180 at the realization that the treasure would soon be in his possession. This was just a temporary issue; you were being stubborn out of habit not out of malice. It would be gone in a couple weeks, and if not, Dagur had some ideas of how to get it out of your system. 
"This is it" Gustav said stopping at the mouth of the cave. "Why are we stopping" Dagur asked. "No reason, I was just kind of impressed that you trusted your men enough to show them exactly where the treasure is hidden. Especially when there's so much of it" the brat in question had a point. Dagur trusted himself to be able to scare his men back in line when they got unruly, but that didn't mean they couldn't try. 
"Stay here" Dagur called to his crew, gesturing with the dragon eye. "Why" the sound of Savages voice was grating to his ears. Dagur played up his pondering before letting out a loud stream that sent the outcast found berserker cowering backwards, "Oh, uh. Let's see, uh... I don't know. Maybe because... I said so!!!".
"Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here and uh... guard the prisoner" Dagur sent a maddening look back at the tall man. "Uh, the queen" he corrected. Turning sharply Dagur walked over to Gustav forcefully placing the dragon eye in his hand for Fanghook to activate. The dragon eye illuminated an orange yellow light, casting the map onto the rock in front of them. "Ah, I see. You outdid yourself, Hiccup. I love this thing". And with that the pair and the made their way into the cave. one of which, unaware to the approaching dragon rider.
You however are in a much less open area, still locked in Dagur's quarters.  The sound of soldiers marching outside the door told you that unfortunately, they were smart enough not to leave the ship unattended. "Ok, come on brain, think" A glint from the small window in the room gave you an idea, but without a getaway plan, it would take Dagur a matter of minutes to find you once he realized you were gone. However, the faint outline of a black shadow approaching the island told you that your getaway was already here. Pulling the knife out from your boot you wedged is between the pane and the wood of the ship to use as leverage to pop the glass out. 
Unfortunately using both hands to leverage the glass was not the best idea, as the glass came out farther than expected and fell to the ground shattering. The door began to rattle as berserkers came running over struggling to unlock the door. Without hesitation you threw yourself out the window landing in the shallow waters of the island. Looking up you could see the glinting yellow scales of Silver Tongue flying above, invisible to the oblivious and distracted Berserkers. Quietly to swam along the beach line till the ship was out of sight. 
Silver Tongue's beating wings kicked up large plumes of sand that stuck to your wet form. "Alright buddy, let's get out of here" Silver Tongue let out a huff and low groan, the two of you taking off back towards the edge. 
As it would turn out, Gustav had planned to stay behind in order to steal back the dragon eye as well as get the treasure. A plan that by some miricle had worked. 
"Gustav I-" Astrid was interrupted by the teenager placing a finger to her lips and shushing her, "Uh-uh, stop right there, sweets. I can't stay. My mom would kill me. She usually notices I've been gone after about three days". 
"Or she just enjoys the quiet for three days" you whisper earning an elbow from Hiccup as well as a high five from Tuff. "Alright, Fanghook, let's go. You take care babe. Don't worry, Gustav will be back soon!" the boy and his dragon then lifted off the ground back towards Berk. 
 Hiccup moved to open a small wooden chest. "What's that". "Oh, just something I found at the bottom of that cave" he held up a blue crystal eye lens. "Oh, a new lens" Fishlegs said. "Yeah, there was treasure in those caves after all. The dragon eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along. We just weren't looking in the right place". Fishlegs' eyes widened, "And if there's one of these out there, that means there has to be more".
"Huh, and to think we never would've found that without Gustav" Astrid said making you wince. "I'd rather not be in debt to him right now thank you" Hiccup gave a light laugh. "Alright, awesome. Let's just go tell Gustav" And on cue all of you screamed a stream of no's. 
This was the beginning of a new adventure. 
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.22
Dagur x Reader
Damn, two updates in the span of a week. I am on a roll :D Enjoy the chapter. 
also, 82% sure I used the word placate right... probably not
"I don't like this, Hiccup" Astrid put her hands on her hip as you and Hiccup got ready to fly on Toothless. "I don't either, but we have no choice".
"It'll be fine, Astrid. I can handle Dagur" you placed your hand on her shoulder. "We'll what if we can't get you back. I mean, do you seriously want to end up married to that freak" she asked. "That won't happen, I'll stick around long enough for him to drop his guard, then I'll get out with the Dragon Eye" Astrid didn't seem convinced. "That isn't exactly a plan-".
"Well, it's all we've got. It took me long enough to get Hiccup to agree to this, Gustav needs us. He's just a kid, Dagur won't hurt me, but who knows what he'll do to him" in all actuality you knew exactly what Dagur would do to Gustav if you didn't show, but you didn't want to think about it too much. 
"You sure we have no choice? Like, none? Zip? Zilch?" Tuff asks. Hiccup looks down from Toothless "This is all my fault anyway-", "Ninguno?", "I never even gave the kid a chance", "Ni Portugal?", "Tuff that's really not helping at all!", "Yeah". "If I wasn't so busy tinkering with this thing, I don't know, maybe I could have kept him busy". Fishlegs spoke up, "Uh, yeah, nobody can keep Gustav busy".
"At least let us back you up out there" Astrid reasoned. "Dagur was very clear. I have to come alone. We don't know what he'll do to Gustav if I don't follow his demands to the letter. We can't risk it". Astrid gave you a withering look. "Don't worry" you patted both of your boots, "I'm packing". "We'll be careful, I promise" Hiccup said before the two of you and Toothless took off along with Fanghook. 
"There" one of the Berserker guards called as you and Hiccup approached, landing on the deck of the ship. "Fanghook!" Gustav called rushing to his dragon "I was worried about you, boy". "Aww, dragon and dragon rider love. Makes me want to hurl. Blech" Toothless snarled before Hiccup soothed him to calm down. You were surrounded by dozens of Berserkers with no backup, now was not the time to act out. 
"Gustav, are you ok?" Hiccup asked, earning a nod from the boy as Dagur began to walk towards you. "That's close enough, Dagur" Hiccup warned. "Oh, wow. Where's the trust. After all we've been through together? No? Nothing? No Hiccupy barbs, quips, snappy comebacks? But I really love those. We've developed such a nice shorthand, you and I".  "Dagur, Let's just get this over with" you said, sensing your brother's growing irritation. Dagur's attention to you, "Y/N, my love, how have they been treating you? Well, I hope?" he mumbled under his breath, "For their sake". "I was just catching up with Hiccup here. You know, brother, you really should lighten up. After all, were going to be family soon" he put up his arms taunting him, "Wouldn't want any unresolved tension at the wedding now, would we?" Hiccup grit his teeth. You swiftly dismount Toothless hoping to get this over with quickly so neither Dagur nor Hiccup do something that ends with Gustav getting hurt. "Send them over" Hiccup orders. 
"You first" Dagur smiles, leaving no room for negotiation. Hiccup looks to you, to which you give a nod, and he hands you the dragon eye. Though Dagur isn't that far the walk feels longer. Each side on edge, anxious to see if the other will make a preemptive move. As soon as you're withing arms reach, Dagur pulls you into his side, temporarily resting his face in your hair before he returns to face Hiccup, content with rubbing circles into your arm. Dagur takes the Dragon Eye into his other hand examining it with an exaggeratedly astounded voice taunting Hiccup, "Oh, it- it really is one beautiful artifact. And I hear it can be very useful to those who possess it? Hmm? Is that true?".
"Gustav, let's go. It's okay" Hiccup takes a step closer. Gustav contemplates for a moment, "Yeah, about that, Hiccup. I've been treated much better by these guys than I ever was treated by you and the dragon riders". "What!?" you yell baring teeth at the little runt. "Ooh" Dagur giggles, "And the plot thickens". 
"Gustav" Hiccup says both questioningly and warning. "You could've given me a chance, you know? All you guys ever did was tell me I wasn't good enough; tell me I didn't belong. Well, I belong here" he crosses his arms looking away from Hiccup. "Oh, I'll give you a chance you little brat! Go with Hiccup before I rip your arms off" you yell, slightly madder than you should be, causing Dagur to let out a dopey smile and shiver. But after all, you just gave yourself up to the man you had been running from for moths for this kid, and he decides to change his mind NOW? 
"Gustav, you have no idea what you're getting into" Hiccup warns taking a few steps towards him before a look from Dagur's men stop him. "Oh, yes, I do, Hiccup. I know exactly what I'm doing". Dagur then, chimed in with a sing song voice, "Awkward! ~". 
"Well, I'd say your work is finished here, brother. Ordinarily, this is where I would double-cross you and fill you full of arrows. But the future missus is angry as it is, and the kid is squeamish. You should thank him, he made me promise to let you go, and in return, he's gonna take me to a treasure". "That's right, Hiccup" Gustav put his hands on his hips proudly, "We have the Dragon Eye and Fanghook's fire. And you know what that means, untold treasure awaits".
"You are going to regret this" Hiccup puts a hand on Toothless. "I don't think so, Hiccup" your brother then, takes off, thankfully not followed by a barrage of arrows.  Once Hiccup left eyesight, Gustav jumped up onto Fanghook, playing and laughing with him, as two Berserkers grab each of your arms and "escort" you to Dagur's room. "Y'know" Dagur turned to Savage with a twisted smile, "I'm actually gonna feel bad when I kill this kid".
 The room you were dumped in was roomier than the last, granted it was a different ship and had been three years since you were last held in one against your will. It made little to no difference in the end though, as you were still trapped on another boat with your delusional "fiancé".  Casing the room proved fruitless, though you didn't know what you were looking for. You didn't have any way to escape yet, and even if you did, you couldn't leave Gustav to face Dagur's wrath on his own. His chances of making it out of this weren't great, but add an escaped betrothed to the mix, and you had no doubt not great would turn to absolutely not. He would become a punching bag, eel bait, and a target dummy all at once. And you didn't even want to imagine what horrors they would put Fanghook through. 
The door opened and you didn't need to look to know who it was. If you were in a room, namely your 'personal' quarters, anyone but him would be thrown overboard. "Well, that was dramatic, don't you think?" he closed the door a wide smile gracing his features walking over to you and wrapping you in an embrace. You stayed stiff, though it was difficult as he lifted you off the ground. "I told you I would get you back" he looked up at you with his lopsided grin.
Dear Odin, you hated this man, but even more so you hated yourself for admiring his face. You couldn't help it; three years had done him good. Your ogling hadn't gone unnoticed, as Dagur's smile grew sly. "Now back to our conversation from last time, I believe you've had enough time to think. Axes as our wedding theme" he looked off into the distance, using his hands to part the air as if it were a groundbreaking revelation. "We're. Never. Getting. Married" you deadpanned, watching his joyful expression fall and turn to one of indifference and disdain. 
The room began to feel uncomfortable. It was as if Dagur forgot how to blink, staring down at you with almost soulless eyes, daring you to look away. Suddenly Dagur's new increase in height was painfully obvious and making you... question things. 
You tried your best to hide the bob in your throat as you swallowed your spit, continuing to make eye contact with the deranged berserker. Dagur broke the quiet of the room, "You shouldn't say things that aren't true Y/N". It had been a long time since Dagur had called you by your name when speaking to you. And in all honesty, you didn't like it. It made you feel uncomfortable and your skin crawl, like your body was having an allergic reaction to it. Or maybe it was to the implications of it. Dagur rarely ever got mad at you, but it did happen; that time you threatened to have your father call off your engagement when he had been teasing Hiccup too much as kids or when you had jokingly called a boy from Berk 'cute'. 
"Hiccup will come for me, Dagur" the threat was pathetic at best. Though it was true. it did little to change your current situation. Dagur continued to tower over you, giving no reaction to your mention of your brother.
"...Axes are fine" Dagur in true 'Dagur fashion' did a 180, his regular dopey wide smile coming to surface as if he hadn't just stared you down like you murdered his dog. "You know, I personally prefer swords, but whatever makes it perfect for you" he smiles sitting on the bed. 
Dagur looked at your still frame and his smile faltered slightly. A finger was placed under your chin as he looked down at you with concern "Are you still upset with me". "Are you serious" one look at the confused expression and uneven brows told you that he was in fact, serious. "You kidnapped me four times! Held my dragon in a cage! Threatened to kill my father! Tried to kill my brother!" Dagur continued to look down at you confused as if you're reasoning still did not answer his question. 
"Oh, my Thor" you huffed out, "You're really that delusional". Dagur's upper lip curled near the corner as he seemed to attempt to remain "calm", by Dagur standards at least. "My love, I understand your upset. But I promise I'll make it up to you" he put a hand up as if placating a mediocre demand. 
"How! How could you ever make this up to me" Dagur smiled. "By making the rest of your life carefree and painless" he said it as though it were obvious. "That will not make up for it Dagur! When are you going to get it through your head that this " you gestured between the both of you, "Is never going to happen". Dagur stayed quiet for a moment too long. "That's a lie" you rolled your eyes. "If it was true" he pushed you backwards, so you landed on the bed staring up at him.
To your relief he didn't make any moves to get on top of you instead reaching to your boot and pulling out the Skrill carved dagger, "Why do you still have this".
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.21
Dagur x reader
Shout out to my peep, Meowcat52. You're an absolute angel.
Thank you to everyone who commented, you're either really sweet or hella funny
also, what is your favorite chapter?
Enjoy the chapter.
Dagur pulled himself up towards the top of the cage with his right arm as he admired his left. He had made a habit of working out while in prison. It was why he had nearly doubled in body mass over the past three years. He didn't miss how your eyes had danced over his figure and how your breath hitched. Only more reason to do it, he thought to himself. He had missed you while he was in prison, seeing you again had been like a breath of fresh air. You were just as beautiful as he remembered, if not more. He would have liked to have talked to you longer, he was going to make Hiccup pay for taking you away from him. 
He wasn't entirely delusional; he knew that you chose to leave. He knew that you were upset with him. But that would be temporary, once the two of you had time to yourselves, he planned to make it up to you. 
His thoughts of you were interrupted when Savage trailed over to inform him that the Reaper had surfaced. "The Reaper is starting to surface, sir" Dagur's eye twitched. "I can see that!" Dagur dropped down from the cage. "Oh, right" Savage laughed nervously, causing Dagur to roll his eyes. He continued to think of you as his men plundered the newly resurfaced Reaper. Three years was a long time, even longer when in prison. Dagur, however, was positive that you were the reason he was able to get through it until his inevitable escape. Well, you and his thirst for revenge. "Dagur, now we have everything of value from the dragon hunting ship" Savage declared.
"No, not everything" in a swift throw he lodged his dagger in a drawing of the strange spyglass Hiccup had stolen from him. He would get that spyglass back, and he would get you back too. And the two of you would finally rule the Archipelago together.
The past few weeks had been crazy, it turned out the spy glass your brother found was the key to unlocking unknown dragons. You and the others nearly froze to death to get a tooth that unlocked it. To make things worse, you had to go beyond the archipelago to search for Dagur, resulting in almost dying via a death song. Though, you couldn't say it wasn't worth it when you finally found an island to call your own. It was perfect, you had managed to claim one of the few spots on the edge next to open grass, perfect for growing herbs and medicine. Silver your dragons loved it too. Scabbard made it a habit to jump off the cliff repeatedly like a game every day. Silver Tongue, well he was Silver Tongue, he seemed to like the quiet at least. 
Not to say that the edge was quiet. Quite the opposite actually, between Snotlout and the Twins you had your work cut out for you. And to add to the noise, a loud sounding crash came from your brother's hut. 
"Hiccup?" you called rushing in only to be greeted with- "Gustav?!". "Gustav" Astrid deadpanned. "Gustav, what are you doing here- I mean to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Hiccup stumbles as Gustav dismounts Fanghook and begins to touch everything and stand on the table. "Hiccup! Did you hear Gustav is- standing right beside you. perfect" Snotlout fakes a smile, dying on the inside. "You're looking a little different there, Guster" Tuff says as he jumps off the table. "Yeah, I'm growing a beard" he gestures to a small singular patch of hair on his chin. 
"Really? Let me see. Ha! Even Ruff has more chin on her chinny-chin-chin than that" Tuff then plucks the patch off causing Gustav to stumble back clutching his now naked face. "Ow! Hey, what's this thing?" He grabs the dragon eye from off the table holding it backwards up to his eye, causing him to partially blind himself and nearly drop it. Hiccup swiftly grabs the dragon eye from it and passes it to Fishlegs. "It's the dragon eye, and it's very old and fragile. It isn't something to just be touched" Fishlegs scolds. "Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing" Gustav said before bumping into the wall and falling over along with one of Toothless' tails. 
"Uh, Gustav, Gustav, over here" the boy walks blindly over to you and Snotlout, who grabs him by the helmet to stabilize him. "Uh, when are you leaving?" he asks. "That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. I'm moving here" you and the others let out a shudder and gasp. Gustav? On the edge? Permanently? Oh, no, that wasn't going to happen. You already had three "children" you were in charge of, you did not need a fourth. 
Tuff began to laugh, "Ha! Yeah, yeah you are. Imagine, he would never... Wait, he's serious" his face grew disgusted "I'll get the stake and firewood". "Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake" Hiccup put his hands up. "Yeah, and if anyone did it would be Snotlout" you snidely remark, earning a grunt and a side-eye from him. "Hiccup's right" Ruff adds, "Let's just throw him off the cliff". 
"Guys, I'm sure there's a simple explanation... Please tell me there's a simple explanation, Gustav" Hiccup turns to him. "Yeah, very simple. By the way, do not look right into that sun sword thingy" he rubs his eyes rapidly, "Anyway, you said when I was ready, I could join the Dragon Riders. Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join. Where's my hut?"
Silence fills the hut as Hiccup registers the grave, he's dug for himself as well as the rest of you. You walk up to him and pat him on the back "Well, you have fun with this, I'll prepare everyone's eulogy, also, keep him out of my tent, the last thing I need is another patchy faced rat trying to get in there". 
Sitting in your hut you fiddle with a number of herbs, grinding them in a pestle as Scabbard purrs in your lap. It was only a matter of time before things would get messy, either from Dagur pulling another scheme or Gustav inevitably driving everyone insane, and to be honest you didn't want to be a part of either. The difference was you had a choice in the second, so you would stay held up in your room all week if you had to. Fate, or more accurately Gustav had other plans when a loud thump caused your hut to shake and send both you and Scabbard tumbling over. "Gustav!" you yell as you look through your open door to see him and Fanghook stable themselves and take off again to keep up with Astrid. "Sorry, your tent is in a really inconvenient place" you grit your teeth and slammed your door shut, Scabbard hissing in agreement. 
"Just perfect" you sigh realizing your herbs had spilt on the floor and your pestle had rolled somewhere you couldn't see. Getting on all fours you bent down to scan the floor for the stone, when a glint shined from under your bed. "What the? Scabbard, fetch" the little green menace crawled under the bed struggling to drag out your old satchel. You had brought it thinking that you would need more than just your new one considering beyond the archipelago would offer an abundance of new plant species. Unfortunately, you had yet to see anything more than a new subspecies of potato, which to its credit did tase slightly better. 
Opening the bag, you were met with the sight of an old and slightly rusted knife with a Skrill carved on the hilt. Your finger traced the carving flipping the knife to its other side where Dagur had written both of your names. As you stared at the lost treasure, Scabbard began to stick her head into the bag only to come out and sneeze a stream of fire at the dust invading her nose breaking you out of your trance. "Oh, sorry girl. I'll make sure to do some dusting this week" well, you hadn't expected this to happen of all things. Though, in a way it technically did count as Dagur ruining your week, just not in the way you had expected. Overexerted and obnoxious as he was, Dagur was sweet to you. Giving you gifts and even going as far to give up his pride and play "girly" games that were "beneath him" when you were sick the one time he visited. It hadn't even been the time for treaty signing, he had simply pestered his father until he sent him off to Berk with two guards. 
But... that was over. He wasn't going to do that anymore. As much as he wanted to, and even though you would never admit you wanted to, it could never happen. He had gone too far, your brother, Father, friends, Berk, and part of yourself would never let that happen. Placing the knife on the table you sat back in your chair and sighed, leaning back and looking up to the roof, where in the rafters Silvertongue looked down from his nap spot down at you, no doubt judging you. "Hey, I get enough of that from Astrid" Silvertongue just let out a huff of steam from his nose, retreating into his wings to sleep like a bat. Near sunset was a bit early to go to sleep but it wouldn't hurt.
And just as you predicted not long after Dagur caused a mess Gustav followed soon after. "Of all the irresponsible, insubordinate-" 
"Don't forget idiotic, imbecilic, inane... What? I've heard a lot of words for stupid. I mean come on; people say that more than my proper name" Ruff nods in agreement. "I-I-I mean, of all those kinds of stunts you could have pulled, this was the worst" Gustav winced at Hiccups rambling anger. You hated it when he got like this, when he was so upset, he couldn't even string words together properly, much less listen to reason.
"Do you know what Dagur would do to get his hands on the Dragon Eye?"
"I just thought if I came back with the treasure, you guys would accept me" Hiccup cut him off. "First of all, there is no treasure. Second of all, we've already been there. And that entire island is honeycombed with the most unstable caverns we've ever encountered" Gustav looked down. "I'm sorry, I just-".
"You could have been killed, Gustav. Fanghook could have been killed. Look this isn't Berk, Gustav. The rules are different out here. You have to be smarter that this". Gustav crossed his arms, "I just wanted to prove myself".
"Oh, you have. You have proven that you are not responsible enough, you're not mature enough, and you're not trustworthy enough to be one of us" Hiccup counted on his fingers. "Now, it's been a long day. We all need some rest; we'll talk about this in the morning". You pursed your lips with wide eyes before popping them back and walking out of the room quickly from secondhand embarrassment. For a second you thought about talking to Hiccup but decided against it. Now wasn't a great time, he was too worked up. 
The next morning when you went to the club house everyone was crowded around Hiccup holding a letter. "What's that?".
"Dagur. He wants to make a trade. You and the Dragon eye for Gustav".... well, shi-
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clovermarigold · 9 months
Announcement for my Daggers & Daffodils readers
To all my readers I thank you for supporting my first fic. Don't worry I will NOT be discontinuing the series.
This next chapter however will be from two separate characters POV, so I want to hold a poll. Would you prefer I post two shorter chapters, one for each POV or put the two together to make the average length chapter?
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clovermarigold · 2 years
Daggers and Daffodils Chap.17
Dagur x Reader
In the time it took me to write this chapter I've gone through two separate chargers, since the one I shipped in broke withing the first half of the chapter. So that was disappointing.
But on another note, it's been a year since I posted the first few chapters! Thank you all for the support and interest in my cringy fanfic, and I apologize that in the span of a year I've only made this many chapters for Ya'll.                                   -Clover
Narrator POV
"Hiccup" Dagur greeted with a twisted smile. "I thought we could settle this like real Vikings" Hiccup said from atop Toothless. Dagur grit his teeth and quickly gripped the Skrill's ropes, "Me and my Skrill vs you and your night fury? I like those odds".  You yelled for him so stop as he pulled the reigns causing the Skrill to narrowly miss Hiccup. He swiftly dodged and flew away, making Dagur and the Skrill follow him.
A familiar roar graced your ears at Dagur's disappearance. With a smile you hauled towards the side of the ship, jumping onto Silver Tongue's back as in a fly by. "Good to see you boy" you chided, "did you miss me?". He huffed steam from his nose. A low growl eliminated from him as he caught a glimpse of Dagur, who was currently standing in a puddle of water as Hiccup goaded him. With a flash Dagur was launched into the water leaving the Skrill free to chase Hiccup.
Silver Tongue dove to catch up with Hiccup, and you were both flying side by side. "Thanks, it was getting really awkward in there". "I bet" Hiccup said, "But don't thank me yet" the two of you dodged a lightning bolt. "I'll lead the Skrill away, you get home". "I'm not leaving you alone with that thing!" you argued. "Don't worry, I'm not alone" he looked down at Toothless fondly who in turn gave a purr like agreement. Silver Tongue gave a sneeze to voice his disgust, "Allright then, seems like this one's ready to go home anyways. Stay safe" he nodded. You were just glad it was all finally over.
Some weeks later
...You don't tend to think of yourself as a superstitious person, as you don't believe in luck or curses. But this year has got you thinking. After all, how in Odins name is it possible for one singular person to be THIS unfortunate. Currently, you are hanging upside down by your feet. While training with Astrid and the others, Snotlout (not listening as always) had launched into Silver Tongue's side and sent the two of you crashing down, after he had already caused a chain reaction that launched a boulder towards Astrid. You sighed, closing your eyes as you contemplated your life choices. Your attention refocused as you felt the branch you were on bend and a familiar chuff sounded to your left. turning your head, you were met with Silver Tongue, comfortable in his usual sleeping position upside down. "You gonna help me or what?". He let out a light huff from his nostrils and opted to turn his head in a 180° away from you. Today was going to be a long day.
After the hassle of pulling both yourself and Silver Tongue out from the tree (him being a stubborn baby who was throwing a tantrum) you joined the others on the ground rushing to help the hurt Astrid. "Wh-what?" Astrid asked dazed and confused. "She has a possible slight concussion, but thankfully nothing seems broken. But she could have been seriously hurt" you said, giving Astrid a once over inspection. Despite your urging for her to sit and rest she used your side to help stand.
"You have no idea what you did?! Do you?!" Hiccup yelled at Snotlout.
"Yeah, Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever".
"You almost got Astrid killed!".
"Oh, come on she's fine, look at her". Astrid was slightly curled clutching her left side which most likely took the blunt of the fall. "Yeah, no thanks to you" Astrid threw herself off of you and lunged at Snotlout, only barely being caught by Hiccup first.
Rushing over to the three you hoisted Astrid to her side and led her towards Stormfly so she could sit.
"Thats it I'm tired of this" Hiccup said.
"I'm tired of this!... What are you tired of?" Snotlout asked.
"You always have to do things your way. How can we rely on you if you don't do what we ask?" Hiccup reasoned, you and the others silently watching the conversation that was months overdue.
"So! What are you saying Hiccup" Snotlout taunted with his arms crossed.
"I'm saying until further notice, you're suspended from the academy". A gasp erupted from the others and Snotlout stood mouth agape for a second before falling back into his stubborn childish snark. "You can't ground me! You're not my dad!" he said puffing his chest out. Hiccup leaned in, apparently wanting all of the smoke, "oh yes I can".
"Boys!  Thats enough, we need to get Astrid home now" you interrupted their standoff. "Hmmf. Watch!" Snotlout yelled indignantly, mounting Hookfang and taking off. "Ground this dragon boy" he yelled as he flew away. "Um, am I wrong in thinking that grounding means staying on the ground? Cause that looks a lot like- ugh- skying" Tuffnut said flapping his hands.
"You didn't have to do that for me Hiccup" Astrid said. "If we can't count on him in practice, how can we possibly count on him the next time we run into Dagur".
"Easy" said Tuffnut, "We throw Y/N in the opposite direction, so Dagur follows her, and we can catch him by himself, then tell Snotlout that somewhere on one of Dagur's ships is his father's approval". You shot him a glare. "What, just being honest".
"Hello Mr. Nightfury, how are we doing today?" Dagur asked the picture against the wall. "Happy? Feeling Hiccupy good? It's just a big wuv fest over on Berk, isn't it?" Dagur continued to talk to the picture as his men stared awkwardly, too scared to interrupt one of his delusions fueled rants with inanimate objects.  
"Dagur" Savage called entering the room, "I have news regarding our latest dragon root tests". "What did you call me" Dagur's eyes narrowed dangerously on the thin man, promising death if he didn't backpedal immediately.  "R-right, sorry. Your derangedness".
"Ah, rolls right of the tongue, doesn't it?" his sarcastic smile returned. "Ugh, yes. Anyways, the test worked exactly as you thought it would, the wild dragons starve for it like, well, wild dragons".
"excellent" he laughed, "What shall we do next, so many options".  Savage thought for a moment, "What if we kept an eye on Berk for the right time to plant it".  Dagur fiddled with his axe deep in thought, "So simple, yet so, deranged. I like it! When the time is right, we will put my plan into motion and both the Nightfury and Y/N will finally be mine!". Dagur quickly broke into loud maniacal laughter before a thought entered his mind. "Oh, should I get Y/N some flowers" Savage and the rest of Dagur's men stood on edge, scared and surprised by yet another 180 in Dagur's mood. "Purple brings out her eyes, I'll get her a wreath".
"SAVAGE!" He screamed making the pathetic excuse of a Berserker scamper over quickly. "Make my love a wreath". "Right away your derangedness" He watched as Dagur exited the room, dying on the inside at the fact that he had absolutely no idea how to make one.
Today was academy cleaning day, Astrid was busy polishing Stormfly's saddle while the twins planned to expand theirs into Snotlout's. You on the other hand were busy reinforcing the beam on Silver Tongues pen due to his weight straining the wood when he slept hanging. Your attention was drawn to the sound of Hiccup and the twins. "No one is knocking down anything. I will talk to Snotlout when he comes back" Hiccup stormed out of the academy towards what you would guess was the house.
Cleaning has been rather therapeutic as of late, sure your bad luck was continuing it's streak this morning, but now you could relax and finally enjoy some peace and quie- "OW". You pressed the wrapped block of ice harder on Snotlouts head before rooting through your bag of herbs. A barely awake Snotlout had arrived with none other than Alvine the treacherous, who was currently standing trial in the great hall. "Any idea when he'll wake up?" Fishlegs asked. "Considering he was semi-conscious when he showed up, any damage should be minimal, but that leaves a large window for how long he'll be asleep. As if to mock you once again, the universe chose now to be when the idiot would open his mouth. "Ah! Big! Nasty!".
"Slow down," said Astrid "What's going on?".
"The island. There was a wrecked outcast ship, and Alvin was on it". "We know that already," said Astrid.
"No! That wasn't all, the Screaming Death, it was there". The rest of you exchanged glances.
"We need to tell Hiccup" You nodded.
Once you had told Hiccup about the approaching screaming death he had gone into protective overdrive and began to have you all run closed space drills withing the academy nonstop. With the exception of Snotlout who despite his protests was still under suspension. "You can't take away my dragon. Hookfang!" The sadness and desperation in his voice as he watched his dragon get locked in his pen made your heart twist. It wasn't as if he was the only one being locked up. All the others were too (minus toothless and Meatlug) but it left you disappointed in both Snotlout and your brother.
Unknown to you, you were being watched by Dagur atop a hill. "Perfect, the dragons are locked up in the arena. Don't worry my love, we'll be back home soon enough" Dagur cooed as his spyglass singled on you exiting the pens. "By the time Hiccup and his dragon dunderheads get to them, it'll be too late" Dagur devolved into his trademark deranged laughter. "Wait!" Savage flinched at his volume. "Where is her wreath?" Savage swallowed thickly as he handed Dagur the crudely made circles of sticks and- flowers? They were likely from weeds. Cue a blowup from Dagur, "You idiot! You're supposed to trim the stems so there aren't any thorns! And what in Thor's name is this supposed to be?!" he pointed to the wilting leaves. Savage leapt to hide behind the dragon root crate as Dagur threw the wreath at him. His rage swapped for a cavalier dismissal as he turned away "I have to do everything myself. Figures".
That night you were awoken by the sound of the warning alarm. Scabbard was quick to crawl onto her spot on your shoulder but was met with hands lifting her back onto the bed. "Not tonight, Scabbard, you need to rest" after two long back-to-back trips between Outcast Island and Berk in a single day she was exhausted. She let out a small chirp of indignation before deciding that the crisp sheets and warm animal hides were too tempting to ignore. You, Hiccup, and Toothless rushed out from the house. Flying above the pens you saw the dragons attacking one another. "Dragon root" Hiccup exclaimed. Landing at the entrance you and the others gathered.
"Dagur put dragon root in the arena so the dragons would attack each other".
"Hiccup" Snotlout came running over, "Listen I need to tell you something".
"Snotlout, not now" Hiccup said.
"It's important I-" "I said not now! Fishlegs, this is all you. Toothless and I can't go in there because he'll be affected by the root. You and Meatlug have to get in there and get the root out, while the others distract their dragons".
At once the gate opened and each of you booked it towards your dragons. Silver Tongue however was nowhere in sight. You used your dragon call only to receive a loud screech from above. Silver Tongue was gripped onto the arena's chains looking at you with savage eyes. To add insult to injury he came down in a way that would leave you with nightmares for months. Instead of leaping down towards you, he opted to slowly scale down the chains while rotating his head in the complete opposite direction of his body, to make his head appear as if it were standing still, as steam puffed out from his nose, and his bloodshot eyes stared at you narrowed and unblinking.
"Silver Tongue, I'm gonna need you to snap out of it, and stop being this creepy right now!" he lounged at you bellowing a roar. As he chased you, you were barely able to avoid his fire by staying in the small pocket in the center of his fire ring. Once Meatlug and Fishlegs grabbed the root you ran as quickly as possible towards the gate. The gate suddenly began to close, and out of instinct you were just able to make it out by sliding on the ground.
"What the?" Fishlegs exclaimed, now trapped inside along with Ruff and Tuff. You, however, were met with two Berserkers trapping you against the gate. You drew your sword, grateful to see Hiccup and Toothless land behind them.
"Open that door right now or-" "Or what?" Dagur asked, a number of Berserkers surrounding you all with crossbows. Hiccup grit his teeth. "Dagur what do you want?".
"What I've always wanted, Y/N, and the Nightfury. Hand 'em over, and we leave peacefully that's your choice. Your dragon and your sister, or your friends". A smile broke out onto his face, "Isn't this exciting! What will be choose ladies and gentlemen?!" He looked to your friends who were beginning to struggle to fend off the dragons. "We can't keep this up much longer!" yelled Fishlegs.
"So, Hiccup. What's your answer". Before Hiccup could get a word in, your father answered for him. "The answer is, we run you through and open the gate ourselves", with a cry him and the other adult Vikings of Berk charged at the Berserkers. Using the distraction, you slammed the hilt of your sword into one of the Berserker's nose and swept the leg of the other.  With the two guarding the gate knocked out, when the gate opened the others were free to escape. However, when flying out with the dragon root, Fishlegs flew too close to the ground, resulting in him accidentally hitting Stoick and knocking him out cold. "Sorry chief!" He called. "Darn it Fishlegs!" you exclaimed running to your father's side. "This is what I get for being the only trained battle physician on Berk".
Dagur surveyed the battle which was no longer in his favor. Savage limped towards him, clutching his side "Our plan has failed, we must retreat". Rage pooled into his body causing him to clutch his head tightly in an effort to quiet his racing thoughts and give himself a cruel sense of comfort "I'M NOT LEAVING BERK EMPTY HANDED!". Looking around once more, some of his anger dissipated into sly joy, as he made out your figure over an incapacitated Stoick. A grin stretched across his face, "follow me" he called.
"My love" you heard the sickeningly sweet yet taunting voice of Dagur behind you. Swiftly you grabbed your sword and turned to face him. "Now now, let's not be hasty" he raised his hands in an attempt to calm you. Without a word you ran at him swinging your sword. Dagur let out a small yelp, genuinely taken aback that you were attacking him.
"This is a bit much, my love" he dodged your attacks with relative ease, before slipping behind you. He wrapped one hand around your sword, prying it from you in favor of intertwining your fingers. His other arm wrapped itself around your waist and other arm, pinning you against him in a sort of mock dance position. Having you up against him brought Dagur endless enjoyment as he forgot that the two of you were supposed to be fighting as he began to slowly sway you both.
"You kidnaped me and threatened my dragon, this is tame" distracted by the smell of your hair, Dagur was caught off guard when threw your head backwards, landing a hit directly into his nose. The arm around your left arm and waist released allowing you to pull yourself apart from him. However, when you tried to run to your fallen sword you were stopped by the firm hold of Dagur's still interlocked fingers. Looking back, you see that Dagur, though still gripping your hand is curled over gripping his face. A quiet almost squeakish laugh escapes him as he shakes his head slightly. Dagur looks up at you smiling like an idiot, his pupils are dilated and focused solely on you, and for a moment you almost thought they were shaped like hearts. As if the universe could already tell your heart rate was exploding (and not out of fear), a stream of blood fell from his nose, trailing over his lips. Despite the smell and taste of iron pooling in his nose and against his teeth Dagur ignored it. No, it didn't matter. What did matter was the absolute look of shock and flustered surprise painted on your face.
This moment, however, was interrupted by a number of Berserkers raising their swords towards Stoick and threatening you to comply. And Dagur watched as that shocked and dare, he says shy look on your face faded. Replaced with a look of rage and contempt. Despite every ounce of his being screaming at him to rip their heads off, his attention refocused. Not the time, not the place. That was ok though, soon he would be able to spend every moment staring at that awe filled face. But for now, he had to get you out of here.
"I suggest you listen to them, my love" your nose scrunched as you looked over to your dazed father with several swords pointed at him. "Fine" you said begrudgingly. Dagur's men tied up your father and took used the both of you as hostages.
"Nobody moves. We'll be leaving now. And if I see one dragon following us, rider or not, you're going to be looking for a new chief" His prideful and cocky grin hadn't left his face once as you escaped Berk without so much as a hand raised to stop him, neither did his hand around yours.
Yup, it's a fact now, you have terrible luck.
Thank you so much for reading! Take care!
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.20
Dagur x Reader
Surrounded by the Berserker soldiers and now without a weapon besides your hidden dagger, it was safe to say you weren't getting away on foot. But that wasn't what you were concerned about. No, what you were concerned about was the tall man standing on the deck above you, looking down at you wordlessly. Dagur was not the same boy from three years ago. Quite the contrary, he had grown, not just in height, but in size. He was muscular and built. His skin was littered with scars and tattoos. One of which was a list of names, and much to your fear, the name Alvin had been crossed out. Well... that answered some questions. 
His once unmarred face now bore a large scar across the right side of his face, while his left eye had a blue, bear scratch tattoo. His hair was on full display, which was a rare sight, he had cut it too. And for a moment you had completely forgotten the situation you were in, content to admire his new figure and appearance. The sharpening of his gaze however, brought you back to the present. 
All at once Dagur leapt over the railing and jumped down to your level. "Y/N!" Dagur quickly wrapped you up in his arms and spun you around once. You take it back, Dagur was much larger than before. He was a solid head taller than you now, and even as he held you, your feet were off the ground. And- dear Odin his arms were huge. 
Dagur loosened his grip on you slightly, though still not letting you down, so he could look at you properly. "Look at you! You're so much smaller than I remember! And your hair is longer!" Dagur gushed. "Dagur!" was all your mouth could make out, partially out of shock and partially due to the spine-crushing hug he threw you into. 
"You're so pretty! And you smell different!" he fawned, shoving his face into the crook of your neck.  Well, this wasn't what you expected. Originally you thought he would have been angry at you for throwing him into prison. His possessiveness and obsessive nature just really are that strong.  Pulling himself from your neck, you were greeted with a deranged love-struck grin that bordered insane. Johann was right when he said that Dagur was more deranged than ever. Dagur's grip on your waist was crushing and almost hurt with how possessive and tight it was. Dagur's smile was from ear to ear, for a moment looking as though someone had slit the sides, with how unnaturally wide it was.
"Oh~ did you miss me? I missed you?" the deranged nature of his features dissipates replaced with a soft and dazed air; infatuation evident in his voice. 
"You're supposed to be in prison!" you yell. With a quick glare the Berserkers surrounding you lower their weapons, before he turns his gaze back to you, "Didn't care for it. Food was dry and the people were boring. Besides I had plans, marrying you, killing your brother, destroying berk, just a lot on my plate".
Kill?! Dagur had only ever wanted to beat Hiccup and steal Toothless. Looks like his plans expanded while locked up. "If you lay so much as one hand on my brother, I'll cut you open" you attempt to intimidate him, staring up at his towering frame. It was a sad attempt to say the least, earning a hum from Dagur as he rested his head against yours, "You're still so cute when you get worked up".  
"Then I'm about to get adorable" you step down hard on his foot, causing him to loosen his grip enough to where you could stand in front of him rather than against his chest. Though his hands held firm on your upper arms, the space did wonders. Allowing you to partially think clearly. You were beyond upset with him, but the newfound baritone hidden beneath his voice was distracting. 
"I thought about you every day!" Dagur exclaimed with a lopsided toothy grin. He released one of your arms in order to pull the other, causing you to fall into his side so he could lead you across the deck. "Come! I have a reintroduction to make to your friends and. Hiccup" his voice turned venomous at the mention of your brother. Dagur kept you pressed against the side of his chest; arm wrapped firmly around you as you walked off the ship you were on towards one where you could see your friends inside a cage. You had half a mind to elbow Dagur and free them, but the crowd of armed Berserker soldiers kept you in check. You would have to be patient. Hiccup was nowhere to be seen, so there was no doubt in your mind that the opportunity to strike would come. 
"Y/N!" Astrid called when you entered their line of sight. "I swear if you lay so much as a scratch on her I'll-" Dagur interrupted. "You'll what blondie. As far as power goes, you have none inside that cage. So, let's all get along and wait for Hiccup to come out from this ship". This ship? you looked at the sail and formidable size. The reaper! Of course, your brother would go into the one ship Alvin had told you not too.
Placing a light peck to your hair Dagur released you from his side, having two of his men hold each of your arms, when the sound of loud steps thundered from the door to the hull of the ship. All at once Hiccup and Toothless barreled out from the inside of the ship, only to look up to see both you and your friends captured and surrounded by Dagur and his men.
"Hiccup! Did you miss me? Cuz I sure missed you~" his hands went to his ears as his tone shifted to upset and deranged, "Every day for three years I thought about you". He stepped out of the way of the cage, giving Hiccup a better view of the others; namely Astrid, locked inside the cage "Astrid!". 
"Sorry Hiccup, he got the drop on us while we were searching the-" Dagur stepped back Infront of the cage with balled fists as he yelled quiet enraged before shifting back to his "collected and calm" clearly condescending front. "Can't you see my brother and I are having a moment". 
"I'm not your brother. And we are definitely not having a moment" Hiccup said. "Oh" Dagur sounded deflated and confused "Well, I was. Look at you! All grown up! And quite the ladies man I'd wager?" he leaned in with a hand blocking his mouth from the others, as if he and Hiccup were in on some secret personal joke.
"Dagur what do you want" Hiccup asked, fed up with Dagur's insane taunting. "Duh, he wants the jewels" Snotlout said from within the cage flicking the poorly held together makeshift wig he wore. 
"Haven't gotten rid of the Greek chorus I see. Anyways, yes, I'll the jewels. His too" he gestured to Ruffnut who was then elbowed in the gut, causing her to spit out the colored gems hidden in her mouth. "Watch it pal!" she yelled back, spiting the last remaining gem in her mouth into the guard's causing him to choke. "Oops, thought that was the guy. Never can tell with those two. But of course, I'll also be taking Y/N, and whatever it is your hiding behind your back" Toothless growled at Dagur, stepping closer but unable to attack.  
"Come on, hand it over like a good boy. Brothers share you know" Hiccup begrudgingly shoved the foreign cylindrical spy glass into Dagur's hand. "You know you're not going to get very far with that? Right?". Dagur let out a long drawn out oh, as he walked to face the same direction as Hiccup and throw an arm over his shoulders. "Here we go. Must we always do the same dance Hiccup you and I? Not that you're not a fabulous dancer" it was strange to feel like a third wheel to your fiancé and your own brother. Not that you and Dagur were still engaged!
Toothless let out a loud growl as he prepared to lunge at Dagur, only to be stopped by Hiccup, "Easy bud, not yet". "That's right Mr. Nightfury, today is not the day. but it's coming! And soon! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got people to see, army to build, wedding to plan, revenge to plot. Oh, so much to do and so little time! Isn't this exciting Hiccup? You must have been so bored the last three years". 
"Yeah, he's got a point about that" Tuff chimed in, "Not enough explosions". You tugged your arms slightly from the guards grip in an attempt to throw something at the boys stupid face.
"Alas, my time here has come to an end. Farwell for now, brother" he emphasized the name, both to annoy Hiccup with the inappropriate term of endearment, and to press in the point of what he planned to do to you now that he had you back after all this time. "Until we meet again, on the field of battle" ha walked away from Hiccup, retrieving you from his men's hold, and returning you to your spot against his side. 
"Don't worry Y/N, I'll get you back soon" your brother called. "I know" Dagur rolled his eyes at that, his grip tightening possessively an almost invisible amount, as he helped you onto his ship. 
"Here he comes sir" one of the Berserkers said as Hiccup and Toothless jumped off of the reaper towards you. "Still predictable, aren't you brother" he smirked, causing you to look to Hiccup panicked. With a call from Dagur a catapult launched throwing a large boulder just short of Hiccup and Toothless. "You missed brother" Hiccup taunted. "Hiccup you should know by now, I never miss". A loud crash sounded from the Reaper followed by the yells and screams of your friends. "What's it going to be Hiccup? Catch me? Save your friends? ooo hohoh tough one. Glad I'm not in your shoe" Dagur laughed and taunted your brother. "Hiccup the others! Go help them I'll be fine!" Hiccup winced at the thought of having to choose between you and your friends, but at your insistence dove with Toothless towards the reaper as you and Dagur sailed away.
"So! How do you feel about axes as a wedding theme" Dagur asked carefree as if he hadn't just nearly killed your friends and threatened your brother. "
"We are not getting married! We will never get married!" you grit your teeth. Dagur sighed dropping his head backwards exasperated, "My love, I understand you're a bit overwhelmed and Hiccup has been filling your mind with lies these past three years, but if we want the decorations to come in time for the wedding, we need to decide on a theme now". Your eyes narrowed and you were about to deck him in the face when he suddenly turned away from you to inspect the spy glass he had taken from Hiccup. Causing your fist to collide with his shoulder, which was hard enough to make you hiss and grip your hand. "Tell you what, you think on it, and tell me when you've picked one" he said unfazed by the knock to his shoulder. What was this man made out of?! Brick?!
The sound of an unusual creak and shift in weight of the ship drew your attention to the side if the ship. where the crown of a dragon slightly peaked over the edge. It was a wonder how Silver Tongue had managed to stay this calm with Dagur so close by. But now was not the time to question it. Taking slow and quiet steps towards the edge, as you saw the black silhouette of Toothless hovering towards the ship. 
Quickly you jumped over the edge, staying silent and urging Silver Tongue to hold still until Hiccup was in range. As Dagur held the spy glass in the air yelling at Savage Hiccup plucked it from his hand in a fly by. Silver Tongue taking off to follow him. Dagur let out an enraged scream at the sight. "Hey Dagur! I think the best theme for our wedding is dreams. Because yours are the only place it'll ever happen" Hiccup laughed as the two of you darted out of the Berserkers range.
Dagur threw one of his men overboard in rage, the other next to him jumping off of free will rather than face his wrath. "See what you did!" Dagur Yelled at Savage, "You distracted me. And now my future queen and wife is gone" his hands wrapped slowly around Savages collar terrifyingly calm before he turned to yell at the sky as if the two of you were still there, "Good for you Hiccup! Good. For. You. But I got all the gold! You hear that! All the gold. All. The. Gold" He flung Savage back and forth by his collar to accentuate each word before throwing him to the ground and laughing madly. "You know you can never have nice things around that guy" his temper did a 180 as he said calmly though walking over Savage towards his quarters. Hiccup may have taken both you, and the spy glass from him this time. But he knew he would get you back. It was just a matter of time. 
Thank you all for waiting so patiently! This last chapter was delayed due to both a bad first draft and me being out of the country for a few weeks. But its Summer!!! already working on the next chapter. Thank you all for reading my cringey fanfic <3
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