#hsr oc lore
I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at Yanqing hcs, scrolling through tumblr intros, and I’m proud to say i don’t know how to start an account
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I did a little sketch of one of two of my children, so I’m going to introduce them ( I’m stupidly obsessed with creating ocs ) Either way, meet Ageha :) He has a whole document, linked below, but I need to ramble about him.
Ageha, if you’re a TLDR person, is a funny little guy that’s a sword but then becomes a human because well, the blacksmith that made him felt silly and then decided to infuse him with some spirit. But his creator is also in debt! With the IPC! Big surprise there, and then his creator decided to use him as payment for his debt because well, he decided to go see the holy gates.
If you’ve made it this far, congrats :D. I’ll start to talk about all the details and stuff now. Ageha is specifically a “蝴蝶双刀“,or you can say “蝴蝶之剑” if you want to be fancy. In English, it means dual butterfly knives, small knives for close combat. Concept seems familiar? No, I didn’t get inspired by soul eater, it’s the fanfic soul steel on ao3. Go check it out, it’s one of my favourites as a yanqing fan :). Although he is usually meant for close combat, he has a special design, a small little orb in the middle of the hilt. It’s meant for storing blood, and his sword form can take on different shapes and sizes based on the amount of blood stored.
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I found this picture on Pinterest, but I’d love if if anyone could tell me where this came from. Basically, this is his entire weapon concept. Like any metal, he rusts if he goes without combat for too long, he kind of just becomes slower and less reactive in general XD. So then, being sealed away is kind of a punishment to him bc he becomes laggy.
Ageha was found by Pearl, and then kind of just fell in love at first sight, but not the romantic love, its more like mesmerised. Think of him as Argenti but instead of Idrila it’s Pearl. Or anything beautiful in general. He loves beauty, but of course he’s not as expressive as Argenti. As a part of the Strategic investment Department, he’s more used as a negotiation item than actual work. So he gets passed around, attacks people, carries out stuff that can help in investment. He doesn’t really mind it, but he gets really curious and tries to understand the deals that Jade or Aventurine carries out even if he’s uneducated and can’t understand anything. The only thing he knows how to do is barter and argue.
I also love the Xianzhou, so obviously he’s been to it before. He’s mainly there in Penacony tho. In Xianzhou, he’s more of running around trying to listen to rumours and look at sword designs than actually carrying out his work. The negotiations didn’t go well on his side, but based on the other people’s reactions, it didn’t seem that bad when Jade stepped in. ( Yanqing was baffled. The officials were confused. Jing Yuan was struggling to understand his words. All he did was shout at them while swinging around his arms. He wasn’t even speaking a language. )
Surprisingly, he doesn’t have any trauma, it’s just abandonment issues. The boy doesn’t want to be abandoned like a weapon, he wants to be of use to the IPC ( as if he wasn’t brought in to pay off a debt ) and he was offered a choice to leave some years ago, he just decided to stay because Pearl was there. Not like Pearl actually treats him well, he’s just weird and attached. He’s the type to start crying if you leave him alone for too long at the side of the road.
Yea but evidently if he doesn’t have trauma someone else must have taken over his trauma. That poor unlucky soul’s my other oc, he’s called Esperanza. He used to be Lucian but then I decided to split him off from the original oc he was based off of. I’ll link his document below, but keep in mind it’s not updated. I love foxians, I like the idea of Mara-struck yanqing, boom Mara-struck foxian that’s actually drunk squirrels in disguise.
I’m aware foxians don’t usually live long enough to be affected by Mara, they die around 300(?) years, while like long life species can live up to thousands of years. But I like to think that his family has something akin to progressive ageing. Basically, from a certain age onwards, they start ageing much faster. Instead of one year, they age something like ten years, so they become much more prone to Mara. This guy went and got sad about it, then decided to end the entire bloodline so no one would have to suffer anymore whilst he was affected by Mara. He basically went, “This sucks, I can’t believe the whole’s family’s crazy, we should all die together.” But then thier family doctor came by and saw him and stopped him ( really should’ve let him die )
He stepped onto the path of nihility, became an emo self-annihilator, went to a doctor of chaos, ruined the poor guy’s whole office and wrecked it, then ran out crying. Esperanza returned to the Xianzhou, where his entire family has been running away from for years cause it makes their condition that much worse. He doesn’t really get why they’ve been running away from these silly little ships for so long and now he kinds of just wanders the streets homeless and sleeping on the streets half drunk on soulglad and confused on what’s he’s doing half the day. In case you’re curious on how he survives, he snatches food from people. He’s still healthy enough to commit minor crimes.
Anyways, that’s the end of my ramble for now. If you’re curious about my head cannons, if you want to see me write something, if you have questions about my ocs, feel free to ask away (?) If its related to Yanqing, I’ll actually come sprinting over at a speed you think impossible. I don’t know how tumblr works, so I’d appreciate it if someone summarised the important things i need to know or what i should be careful about here :Kneel: Please, I’m very lost. Is apersonthatexistsonthisplanet supposed to be my username? Sorry for any errors, I don’t know what I’m writing.
Documents: Ageha: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1izlrKAsflk0s8GEzoMvzgVXKYHrXkVX5e9tEqZKEc3M/edit
Esperanza: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ipNYMKhMi27Pork38Ecu_74OhcKbwS4CwPb1-UGytM/edit
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com-i-cal · 2 months
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honkai star rail oc but it's veritas ratio's little sister
a crack idea so don't come at me
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shalomniscient · 4 months
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"An Aeon that presides over the Path of Adoration. Known by THEIR devotees as the Pandemos, or 'one who is common to all people', they are the personification of 'love', having ascended an unfathomable amount of time ago after realizing the 'truth' of life." - Loading Screen: Amatory
◆ Name: Amatory ◆ Title: Aeon of Adoration, The Lover ◆ Path: The Adoration
Amatory is a fanmade Aeon in Honkai: Star Rail, representing the Path of Adoration. THEY are known to be among the kinder Aeons, and by virtue of the broadness of THEIR path, often has a hand in the dealings of mortals. It is rumored that THEY even walk amongst mortals at times, and was once a key figure on the Astral Express until Akivili's untimely disappearance.
◆ Appearance Amatory often appears in the form of a feminine human, with iridescent skin and long, pink hair. THEY are dressed in a loose, white robes resembling an ancient Greek chiton, the hem lined blue with doves embroidered in gold thread. THEY wear a crown of gold laurels as well as various pieces of golden jewellery, including earrings and a necklace. THEY sit upon a seashell throne, and in THEIR lap is THEIR familiar, Peristera, the drake-dove.
◆ History -> Ascension An unknowable amount of time ago, a (suspected) human on the planet of Agora ascended to Aeonhood and became the Aeon of Adoration, after realizing the 'truth' of life.
-> Swarm Disaster The range of Amatory's influence is unknown during the Swarm Disaster, though it is noted that Peristera the drake-dove fiercely and successfully defended Agora from attacks from the Swarm. It is assumed THEY watched, alongside Xipe and Aha, as Qlipoth stripped Tayzzyronth's power and sealed the other Aeon.
-> Present Amatory is noted to be active in the current time, hiding their divine form to walk amongst mortals. This information has been confirmed by the Aspects of Adoration, as the Sanctuary of Kitheryia remains empty.
◆ Followers & Factions -> Agora, Planet of Doves Agora is the birth planet of Amatory, and the foremost seat of THEIR following. The planet is known for its romantic, dreamy atmosphere, with permanently pink-hued skies thanks to a specific concentration of minerals in the atmosphere and the angle of Agora to its sun. Agora is also known for it's stunning beaches, which are also popular pilgrim destinations due to the belief that Amatory gained THEIR enlightenment whilst standing on the shore of one of Agora's beaches, part of THEIR body submerged in the sea-foam. Agora is blessed with mild weather across the planet, thanks to the direct influence of its Aeon.
Temples to Amatory are scattered across the planet, tended to by Devotees. The largest temple complex, the Amatopolis, is also the name of the planet's capital city. Amatopolis is the residence of the Aspects, and the location of other universally famous sites, such as the Museum of Peristera, The Sanctuary of Kitheryia and the Akropoils to Akivili.
-> Devotees of Adoration The Devotees of Adoration are the primary followers of Amatory, and are found in the largest numbers on Agora, although they are also well distributed across the universe. The Devotees can choose to be active participants upon the Path, tending to Amatory's shrines and temples, or they can choose to be passive participants simply by loving and being loved. To Amatory, loving is quite the same as worshiping.
-> Aspects of Adoration The Aspects of Adoration are Amatory's six chosen Emanators. They are chosen by the Aeon as role models, in a sense, to each specific branch of 'love'. Hence, the six Aspects are Agape, Eros, Philia, Storge, Philautia, and Xenia. Each Aspect has their own hall within the Amatopolis, branching off from the temple's main hall which leads to the Sanctuary of Kitheryia. The Aspects are functionally Amatory's high priests and priestesses, and offer advice on behalf of the Aeon to pilgrims and devotees who visit the temple.
-> The Dove Poets Society Contrary to its name, the Dove Poets Society does not solely consist of poets. Instead, the Society is open to all manner of creatives, including artists, writers, sculptors and many others. Joining the Society is not too dissimilar to joining the Genius Society; to do so, one must draw the gaze of Amatory THEMSELF. Creatives who use love or themes of love as their muse are blessed with a dove-feather pin, and are later cordially invited to Agora by administrative devotees. They are then given free lifelong board and housing, subsidized by the Devotees, and are allowed to pursue their art without worry.
As a result of this, many famous and popular works have been produced by the Society. They can all be found within the Museum of Peristera, making the museum a must-visit for those interested in the arts.
-> Peristera, the Drake-Dove Said to be the beloved companion of Amatory, Peristera is a legendary, almost divine beast blessed by the Aeon THEMSELF, and tasked with eternally protecting Agora. The drake-dove resides within the Sanctuary of Kytheryia, ever-slumbering until danger rouses it, or its master returns from THEIR journeys. Several proposals were made by the Intelligentsia Guild to access the Sanctuary and collect biological samples from Peristera; all these proposals were promptly rejected by the Aspects, citing the sanctity of the Sanctuary as Amatory's home, not to be entered by mortal bodies unless invited by the Aeon THEMSELF.
Although Peristera's awakenings usually herald danger, it is often followed by a frenzied scramble by Devotees eager to get their hands on some of the drake-dove's fallen feathers. Much like Qlipoth's Divine Amber, Peristera's feathers are sacred items to the Devotees and followers of Amatory. However, these feathers fade over time, and as a result are often cast in gold and made into jewellery such as bracelets, anklets, armbands, crowns or earrings to preserve them. They are said to bring love to the life of the wearer, hence their popularity.
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Developer Notes:
I'm worldbuilding out here like I'm a part of the HSR Writing Team LMAO this OC isn't even playable but I feel like I've fleshed them out the most out of all my OCs lsdfhjsdlfjsdjlf. But frankly I'm surprised and Aeon of something like love doesn't exist, given how (not to get too into philosophy) central it is to humanity or arguably consciousness in general.
Obviously, Amatory is heavily inspired by Aphrodite, as referenced by both their sacred animals being the dove, and their ascension occurring while they were submerged in sea-foam, similar to how Aphrodite is said to have been born from sea-foam, in certain mythological accounts. And the whole love thing. -> You could argue that the Paths of Harmony and Adoration could collide, and honestly, I too can see it happening. Though I would counter and say 'love' is less clear-cut lawful than Harmony; if we're sticking by the Ancient Greek themes, we look no further than the story of Troy, or the response of Demeter to Persephone's abduction. This could turn into a whole back and forth, but truthfully, I'm just here to fuck around and play with HSR's worldbuilding so I'm not going to get into too much discourse about it LMAO. These are MY delusions and I call the shots 😌😌😌
Agora as a planet and culture is heavily based on Ancient Greece. I felt inspired after running around in AC: Odyssey's discovery mode. Say what you will about the game, but as an open-world exploration enjoyer it is SUCH a treat.
Peristera is named after the eponymous nymph who was transformed into a dove by Aphrodite and made her sacred animal. Although Amatory's Peristera is also a dragon, because I'm a sucker for dragons. Appearance wise, it looks a lot like Cinderella from Burn the Witch [image below].
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Making a neka for Amatory was hard as fuck, mainly because they end up looking too human and normal and not as godly as I'd like, but I guess they can get a pass because Nanook looks pretty normal too.
Neka of Amatory, as close as to what I can envision in my brain:
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neka link: https://www.neka.cc/composer/11939
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camlyee · 1 month
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an event that changed several lives forever.
↓ lore dump below ↓
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Note: transcript for the images will be at the bottom of the post (sorry for the messy handwriting!)
Gitriea-II — the planet of isolation.
I wanted this piece to highlight the cataclysmic event that took place at Gitriea-II’s church that altered the lives of hundreds, though most didn’t know that that night would be their last. Only few survived to recall the tragedy.
TW for vague mentions of abuse, death, and religious trauma.
(so please read with caution)
I won’t go into extreme detail about every character, I’ll probably make separate posts deep diving into each character more and give them the attention they deserve. I’ll briefly mention each character in order (top to bottom) and their present faction.
- Gabriel — Genius Society as an assistant, but pursues architectural studies through the Intelligentsia Guild
- Eve (left) — Intelligentsia Guild (cousins with Gabriel and Shiloh)
- Shiloh — Astral Express member (Gabriel’s little sibling)
- Mary (red hair) — Astral Express member
- Elijah (in Mary’s arms) — Stellaron Hunter
Gabriel and Mary had been planning on wedding, as throughout their youth they were hopelessly in love with each other (it was a kind of puppy love, one slipping the other gifts or gentle hand touches). They hadn’t done anything out of line for two teenagers planning on marrying one another, until they shared a kiss. It was sweet, but it was forbidden. You were expected to reserve your chastity until you were wed, as that was how the Church functioned. Any kind of forbidden acts would lead to punishment, and Gabriel was more than aware of that. As every time he would answer a question wrong or was out of line, the Mothers would ‘redirect’ him with force. He always kept his sleeves rolled down because of it. Mary was already known to be a ‘defective’ child, as her parents went against the church and were ostracized. Mary’s bright red hair and vibrant yellow eyes matched her mother’s and father’s respectively, so there was no hiding her roots. She was a slightly rebellious teenager, though. She knew little about her parents, but remember how much they loved each other, and how she wanted to share that love with Gabriel. Gabriel was scared, though. The paranoia took over him and clawed at his throat, and he was truly afraid of the consequences of loving too much before marriage.
Gabriel would’ve never expected what would’ve happened to Mary when he told the Mothers about what they did. Searing wax poured on her gentle and soft hands, scorching the skin and forever altering both her mind and her flesh. She would never be able to love with her hands again, that’s what the mothers said. After days of her recovery, Mary had approached Gabriel, a smile on her face with hope that things between them wouldn’t be ruined. She didn’t know he was the one that told the mothers. As she asked about how he was, she was met with a cold and unforgiving gaze, a scowl curled on his lips with venom. He told her to never speak to him again, and the whiplash of cruelty brought tears to her eyes. He was never like this before, why was he being so cruel now? Was she truly never meant to love anyone?
With a broken heart, she respected his wishes and left him alone, and not long after, he left to do his missionary work. Maybe he’ll find a woman that can love him, she thought. It took a while for Mary to navigate her tasks with the state of her hands now. But, eventually she was able to do her work with minimal accidents. She worked hard, though being told plenty of times that she was ‘defective’, she wanted the approval from the mothers. She wanted to become a mother and make people proud of her. So she worked. She worked so hard.
One night, she had been cleaning around one of the prayer rooms. She often worked at night so she wouldn’t have the urge to talk to anyone, as it often resulted into an uncomfortable end. She did still experience issues with fine motor skills, especially with her fingers and wrists. The prayer rooms often had plenty of lit candles, as it was one of the primary ways the Church remained lit during the night. Mary reached over with her rag to gently dust an area near the candles and consequently knocked one over. The embers didn’t take long to travel up the cloth hanging over the alter and up the walls. There were dozens of lit candles, and they all began to fester into a large flame. She hurriedly ran out to get help, but it was too late by the time she had gotten to one of the boys in the church, Isaac. The embers quickly engulfed the church, and Mary was only able to pull one other person out, a small child, Elijah. She had no idea there were other survivors.
By the time Gabriel returned home from his missionary duties, it was far too late. The church was nothing but ashes. He couldn’t believe it. Everything he had cared about was gone, and he was sure this was his God’s plan for divine punishment. It has to be. He let out a distraught cry and fell to his knees, the bitter cold snow engulfing him in an icy hug. He sobbed and sobbed until all his senses went numb and everything went dark.
holy shit yapfest over, i hope y’all enjoy some of this writing stuff.. i didn’t even talk about Rory and Isaac, but they’re not in this piece sooo..
Elijah, Shiloh, Isaac, and Rory all belong to @sawnday and he also was a writer for a lot of this lore so.. credit :)
Transcript for the image: (left to right)
> Home to a large church orphanage that follows the Abundance (Yaoshi)
- Two Moons
- Below Freezing most of their calendar year
- Minimal daylight
- An isolated planet that suffers from a near-frozen climate due to distance from any sun/star.
- Very minimal life, but a few human civilizations call it home.
- Minimal outside influence, but ships can be seen occasionally departing this planet.
- Not much is known about the origins of the planet.
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palmtreepwr · 2 months
since my hsr ocs got so much lauuvv... heres some more :3
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her name is jelly cuz shes giving jellyfish realness. i also went overboard and made an entire kit for her dkhskdhsk (second img is her surf (hover)board weapon!!)
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alugerr · 4 months
Could we get some backstory on your hsr oc?
I didn't think about it that much, but I think the IPC could have started some kind of project on her planet, and she just decided to join them so as not to be destroyed. In addition, the conditions on her planet might not be the best, and it was, one might say, a ticket to the all universe and "freedom"
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I think she tries to work normally most of the time, but no one takes her seriously XD.
(she would be terrified of running into Boothill someday)
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babygirlhaljordan · 3 months
Pspsps u should totally do some lore dropping on some of ur hsr ocs that would be so so cool of uuuuu
ANON (that i know who it is) I LOVE UUUU/PEE :3
to answer ur ask, meet my newest oc: paulina “poe” tsukimi. referred to as poe in game—much like the landau’s are known as their first names in game, poe is the same. except instead of her first name, “paulina,” it’s her nickname: poe! :3 (there’s reason why she goes by this name instead of her Full Name but u have to be At Least level 20 to unlock that voiceline/lh)
i haven’t fully developed her yet but she’s a college student! she goes to the college that dr ratio teaches. however, she doesn’t take his classes and often slacks off. yet dr ratio is interested (read: frustrated) in her due to her father being his coworker in the past; she often came to visit the man & stopped by his room to attend his lectures. she always was one of the most inquisitive students, asking questions he didn’t have the answer of until the next time she visits
yet when she became old enough to enter college, she no longer carried the same drivel she did all those years ago.
the doctor can’t help that wonder: between middle school and high school… what changed?
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donaviolet · 4 months
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At this point he isn't even a cowboy hes straight gay up a cowman
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kakavashazz · 5 months
@ Veritas Ratio
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n0tamused · 1 month
-Shards of the Lost, Archives What comes from nothing will one day return to nothing.
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You find yourself floating in darkness vast as the eye can see with mere particles of nonexistent light falling by you at a sluggish pace, reminiscent of snow. There is nothing, only you. 
You don’t know for how long you were falling for, but at long last your feet touch the floor, black as everything else, and somewhere within your heart you can hear a distant, quiet melody. Gentle and melancholic in its nature, and weirdly soothing. You walk forward, or back, you know your feet are moving but you don’t know whether they’re leading you anywhere until an orb emerges from the darkness and forms a book, its papers shuffling as the pages fall shut on top of one another.
You approach the book and open it. The name is there, but you can’t read it, it is like a blurry part of an image. Go through the rest of the notebook? 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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lefossile · 28 days
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Only a barely perceptible warmth in her chest suggested life: when she took her hands off her chest, there was a tiny sprout growing out of it, shimmering with liquid gold in the starlight.
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i-am-a-fan · 24 days
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To remedy the unlucky, meet a honkai star rail oc!
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wompwomf · 4 months
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i finally finished Arush' design and fleshed out his character lore
ill get to his sister, Nepo, in a minute... maybe...
update: i added his tail oops
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camlyee · 2 months
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The night they met 🍡
This is the first time Charlotte (my emanator oc) met Kom, her first passenger to the Astral Express and eventually her (technically unofficial) second in command.
Kom belongs to @sawnday 🌙
Some backstory below (and design sketches)
New and clueless, she visited a foreign planet in hopes of finding another lost soul like her, looking for adventure. Seeing how lost and clueless she looked, a foxian traveler approached her and asked if she needed assistance. Charlotte, who is quite the opportunist, took the chance to ask the traveler about nearby food vendors, as hunger started to swell in her gut. Kom didn’t mind, he was actually glad to be able to meet another traveler, and had no issues showing her his favorite vendors.
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theoldoor · 22 days
fenrir lore maybe
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“those eyes, child. who did you steal from?”
left over crumbs of a thief
—- fenrir lore time :3
two thieves with weird ass eyes
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sooo fenrir lore timeee :3
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i wanted to make his eyes similar to that andalusite over there but keeping a cooler colors because, well, kiwis LOL
i was on a hiking trail and then i stopped by a kiwi stand and i was like “hold on that looked like fenrir’s eyes” and it actually works so well as his eyes cuz this is what i planned to make his eyes to be LOL
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but lore time,
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I rewrote fenrir’s lore a bit so his origin is a weebit different now,
>group of people following harmony decided to be evil and borrowed powers from the abundance to mix species together to in hope, make a superior humanoid and piss off the aeons
>kinda success but they gotta borrow powers from obsidian’s race (vampires and shi)
>they make a deal like “ok we throw all the waste babies to you to eat alr you vampies”
>fucked up chimera human babies thats get fed to the vampires like a bunch of them
>those that can function gets sold off
>getting more success and selling these fucked up chimera babies off/human trafficking cuz theyre versatile with genetics and shit
>commissioned by a big vampire family to fulfill their weird little fantasy story
>>”hey so i want you to make my family generation’s oc come alive but we this gotta follow this weird ritual too cuz its my family prophecy to piss off the harmony”
>the ritual involved a bunch of sacrificial babies and even more fucked up chimera babies and like 34 people died and have a part of them taken off to merge into this living thing
>weird ass abomination of a baby, barely functional
>”ok chat this is going well we need the last step who got the gems”
>”oh shit the gems is in another persons hand”
>so they went and stole the gem from obsidian’s family / at the same time making contract with this weird entity that has something to do with destruction path
>>”ok i give you gems but you gotta let me have a piece of that weird baby thing youre making too.”
>>”alright what do you want”
>>”give him horns and make him real sexy ok”
>>”i want to take him after the vampires died out and i dont want this ugly slug of meat in my basement”
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>with the power of destruction he became his beautiful entity that the family drooled on cuz how can someone be so angelic looking yet bear the traits of the devil? “DAAYUMMNN U FINE ASF BABYYY” “what im a literal baby” “we’ll wait for u to grow up” “w h a t t h e f u c k”
>>”hi im daughter i will be your mom but i am like 6 years older than you”
>>”ok i will expect you for love and attention”
>>”sorry i am being manipulated by my own family so i disregards my actions even though i knew its wrong but i seek comfort in it”
>>”ok your actions are normal to me”
>>’thanks son”
>>abusive family can provide a roof, they provide all the physical necessities for him to live but shunned him out until theyre bored and they wanna play (like a pet lolol)
>live with the rich family as a premium house pet now but doesnt realized it CUZ BRO HE WAS A KIDD
>before he was frail so he has to rely on understanding ppl to get attention, develop weird obsession w it. became close with other servants/slave of the said family.
>ok but grow strong and now physically capable harhar
>put through extensive training and shii so he grew even more desperate and attached to the family out of fear
> other servants jealous GET HIS ASS!!!
> oh shit the daughter is doing smth
> fenrir gets more scared and overly dependent on the daughter cuz in his eyes she was the figure he could rely on
>the daughter’s mental conditions gets worse and she wanted her moms attention too so she jus started gambling, (hurt ppl hurt ppl lol)
>>generational trauma ahh
>puts fenrir as a bet
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>fenrir was passed and used around as a premium house pet, “magazine model”
>>(this is heavily implied but not explicitly stated) “convincing” other people to join the vampire household as a cattle/slave etc, contributing in its human trafficking business (astarion?!??!)
>was first auctioned for thousands of credits but after a lot of events, which he had marred himself in hope of either getting cared for or totally discarded away, the price was reduce to less than a hundred credit on his last ‘sale’
>>tried to kill himself but cant die cuz they keep reviving him cuz he’s this chimera superior humanoid baby
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>”fuck yall ima pray to the lord (random god he found i havent decide yet I was thinking Ena) answer me pls save me chat- OOOUHHH SHITTT”
>container carrying him crashed, landed in Wasteland of the Galaxy, Talia
>nomadic clan Avidity was passing by, “Ayo who is that baddie” - Aelyn (another oc)
>picks up fenrir and realized he could read so he joining the team now
>well respected for his work rather an appearance, hell yeah jigsaw u da goat
>talia lore I LOVE THIS BUM
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elenauaurs · 4 months
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. . .
Fun fact: Despite being created by Diamond in the form of a meteor, they were abandoned in an almost completely lifeless solar system for many years (The only living beings were plants and eventually fish)
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