zerojuno · 1 month
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there-are-4-lights · 4 months
i saw you reply to a post about women's restrooms and the concept of the urinary leash. I do not see how banning trans people from the restrooms of their gender doesn't create a urinary leash for trans people. I assume you will claim in bad faith about trans women assaulting cis women in restrooms, when usually cases of "trans women" assaulting cis women in bathrooms are just men who are faking being trans, which absolutely should face a stiffer penalty than if a cis man walked into a women's restroom without fraudulently claiming to be a trans woman. Also, trans people are often victims in this bathroom "debate". Here is some good resources outside of your echo chamber.
https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/transgender-teens-restricted-bathroom-access-sexual-assault/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN13X0BJ/ https://www.newsweek.com/trans-man-attacked-using-womens-restroom-ohio-1723432 https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/no-link-between-trans-inclusive-policies-bathroom-safety-study-finds-n911106 https://www.vox.com/2016/5/18/11690234/women-bathrooms-harassment
I had seen several of those news articles already. Most of us at this point agree with third spaces (I was basically a trans activist in around 2011 when third spaces were what I thought the whole fuss about bathrooms was about - most of the trans activist stuff I was seeing was about creating a third changing room at school for anyone who wanted a private, single use space, and I saw no problems with that, so I supported the trans rights side at the time).
I am also aware that a lot of the people held up as examples are " just faking" being trans. That's actually a major point in the objection to self-id, because self-id creates a situation where there is no legal distinction between those who "fake" and those who don't. (Sometimes attempts are made to add something like penalties on fraudulent declaration, but if the definition of being trans in law or policy is just the declaration, how can it be fraudulent? And how do you prove it is?)
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coochiequeens · 3 months
I already covered one story about a surrogate mother who was pressured to abort a healthy pregancy because the reproductive purchasers were led to believe they had a higher chance of twins to the point of expecting it. Now this couple are talking like IVF and surrogacy is a way to order kids like placing an order on Amazon.
"I’m in my baby mama gardening era"— Bunnie XO
On Tuesday's episode of Dumb Blonde, Bunnie, who married Jelly back in 2016, shared that the couple began seeing a fertility specialist in 2019 but weren't mentally and financially ready until 2024. The couple plans to have kids through IVF via a surrogate.
"This journey with IVF, we sat down a couple months ago. And I was just like, I feel like I've accomplished so much in my life. And the only thing that's left is to raise a baby and garden," Bunnie said.
Bunnie continued
"I’m in my baby mama gardening era.""He was like, 'Yeah, I will always have a baby with you. If you want to have a baby, cool. If you don't, cool. Whatever you want to do. So now he's, like, really excited about it," Bunnie said.
"We think we want to have twin boys. I'm not sure; we could have one, we could have two. We don't know what we're going to do yet. We don't plan on implanting until February 2025."
See whole article
And not to body shame but it sounds like they were trying for a baby while he was overweight. Obesity in men impacts fertility
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zenithnayi · 4 months
The Nourishment of the Body and Mind: Relation between Nutrition and Well-Being’
The maintenance of a healthy lifestyle significantly depends on the involvement of a healthy diet including healthy nutritional habits that can also impact the quality of any individual’s life as stated in the research study by Vajdi & Farhangi (2020). The significant involvement of a healthy diet can help in decreasing different health issues such as obesity, health problems, diabetes mainly type 2 diabetes, and many more. Another research study by Downer et al., (2020), has identified that the presence of a proper nutritional diet can also enhance mental health while improving the immune system and physical health as well. 
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Figure 3: Health Eating Habits and Well-Being
(Source: HSPH,2023)
Nutrition and Mental Health
The research study by Muscaritoli (2021) has identified that the presence of a healthy diet mainly consists of well-balanced food items such as significant amounts of nuts, fruits, proteins, and vegetables. The omega-3 within significant levels of food items that contain healthy fat can improve mental health and well-being. The research study by Solomou et al., (2022), has also identified that having food items that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and especially antioxidants can easily increase the mental health levels of individuals.
Benefits of Nutrition
Nutrition has been identified as a significant approach that is related to the development and health of individuals. The research study by Santos (2022), has identified that the presence of quality nutrition can affect the health status of not only children but adults also while decreasing the risks of different non-communicable diseases. Another research study by Grajek et al., (2022), has identified that the associated nutrients within healthy nutritional diets help in achieving the required functions of the body effectively. The benefits also involve the development of a well-structured body that can easily regulate daily chemical activities within the human body.
Preventive Measures Associated with Nutrition
            The significant preventive measure associated with involving nutrition within daily life habits can help in preventing different diseases for maintaining a positive health status within individuals. The research study by Moradell et al., (2023), has identified the use of different types of diets such as ketogenic diet, low carbohydrate diet, and many more as preventive measures. The presence of a ketogenic diet can help in maintaining glycemic index for those individuals who are suffering from diabetes. As a preventive measure 80% of involvement should be provided by nutrition and 20% of involvement should be provided by physical activities for the maintenance of well-being as stated in the research study by Finaret & Masters (2019). The involvement of proper diet plans can help in maintaining the positive health status within individuals by 59%.
Practices associated with Nutritional Health
The significant presence of different nutritional practices related to the maintenance of positive health within well-being involves increasing the level of fibre and vegetables in the diet to burn excess calories as described in the research study by Santos (2022). There is also a requirement to decrease the daily calorie intake while staying hydrated to overcome serious health issues.  Having a proper amount of sleep is also associated with a healthy practice.
Reference List
Downer, S., Berkowitz, S. A., Harlan, T. S., Olstad, D. L., & Mozaffarian, D. (2020). Food is medicine: actions to integrate food and nutrition into healthcare. bmj, 369.  https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m2482
Finaret, A. B., & Masters, W. A. (2019). Beyond calories: the new economics of nutrition. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 11, 237-259. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-100518-094053
Grajek, M., Krupa-Kotara, K., Białek-Dratwa, A., Sobczyk, K., Grot, M., Kowalski, O., & Staśkiewicz, W. (2022). Nutrition and mental health: A review of current knowledge about the impact of diet on mental health. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 943998. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.943998
HSPH (2023). Healthy eating plate.. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/
Moradell, A., Casajús, J. A., Moreno, L. A., Vicente-Rodríguez, G., & Gómez-Cabello, A. (2023). Effects of Diet—Exercise Interaction on Human Health across a Lifespan. Nutrients, 15(11), 2520. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15112520
Muscaritoli, M. (2021). The impact of nutrients on mental health and well-being: insights from the literature. Frontiers in nutrition, 8, 97. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.656290
Santos, L. (2022). The impact of nutrition and lifestyle modification on health. European journal of internal medicine, 97, 18-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2021.09.020
Solomou, S., Logue, J., Reilly, S., & Perez-Algorta, G. (2022). A systematic review of the association of diet quality with the mental health of university students: Implications in health education practice. Health Education Research, 38(1), 28–68. https://doi.org/10.1093/her/cyac035 Vajdi, M., & Farhangi, M. A. (2020). A systematic review of the association between dietary patterns and health-related quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18(1), 337. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12955-020-01581-z
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telkomuniv · 6 months
Finding solutions to climate change's health impacts | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - HSPH News
Harvard Chan School symposium, part of Harvard Climate Action Week, offers tools, ideas from a global perspective May 10, 2023 – The wide-ranging health impacts of climate change, including food insecurity, migration, war, and the spread of infectious diseases—and practical solutions to address these problems—were the focus of a half-day symposium hosted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public…
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anarchistdoll · 1 year
36% of youth between the ages of 13-17 that identify trans or nonbinary that have been subjected to bathroom or locker room restrictions have been sexually assaulted in the US so if you think trans people in bathrooms are the issue I have a particularly nice brick to show you https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/transgender-teens-restricted-bathroom-access-sexual-assault/#:~:text=Researchers%20looked%20at%20data%20from,May%206%2C%202019%20CNN%20article.
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edsonwerle · 1 year
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A alegria desempenha um papel crucial no nosso bem-estar. Estudos, como o da Dra. Laura Kubzansky, professora e pesquisadora da HSPH (Harvard School of Public Health), têm destacado a importância da alegria para a saúde mental e física de uma pessoa. Os benefícios da alegria vão muito além de melhorar o humor, ajudar a relaxar ou aumentar a autoestima. Por exemplo, quando sorrimos, mesmo sem vontade, o movimento dos músculos, ossos e nervos da face envia um sinal para o cérebro, iniciando a liberação de endorfina. Essa substância, conhecida como o hormônio do bem-estar, é responsável por proporcionar sensações de conforto, disposição, alegria e até mesmo alívio da dor. Portanto, ser feliz é, de fato, uma questão de saúde. Essa percepção já era compartilhada pelo rei Salomão, que registrou que “o coração alegre é bom remédio”, no entanto, é importante ressaltar que a alegria não é uma cura milagrosa para todos os problemas de saúde. Profissionais da área de saúde devem ser consultados e os tratamentos por eles indicados devem ser levados a sério. O que anseio compartilhar através desta reflexão é a conscientização de que ao incorporarmos a alegria em nossas vidas, somos beneficiados com o fortalecimento do nosso sistema imunológico, o que por sua vez melhora a nossa qualidade de vida, quando, ou se estamos enfrentamos problemas de saúde; aceleração do processo de recuperação e a prevenção de doenças. Em suma, independentemente do seu estado de saúde atual, permita-se cultivar a alegria em sua mente e em seu coração. Não deixe que algumas circunstâncias, que são momentaneamente desfavoráveis, enganem você e tentem roubar de você a alegria de ser verdadeiramente feliz. Saiba que existe solução. Lembre-se do que Cristo Jesus disse: “Tenho lhes dito estas palavras para que a minha alegria esteja em vocês e a alegria de vocês seja completa” (João 15:11). Venha conhecer esta pessoa maravilhosa que é o doador de uma alegria inabalável e eterna. Permita que ele mostre a você o caminho para desfrutar de uma vida plena e abundante. Esta reflexão pode abençoar e transformar vidas, por gentileza, compartilhe. #GotasDeSabedoria
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ayushaktiayurveda · 2 years
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Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is widespread. Therefore, you risk serious health issues if you don't get enough of this essential nutrient. Regular outdoor sweat sessions are a great way to increase vitamin D levels and lower your risk of disease, in addition to diet changes. Heart disease risk reduction through vigorous exercise has long been known. However, new research from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) suggests a few new explanations for why this is the case. Most notably, it increases vitamin D production. The study found that engaging in vigorous exercise for at least three hours a week—such as running, jogging, or playing basketball or soccer—can reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 22%. They also discovered that those who exercised vigorously had higher HDL (good) cholesterol and vitamin D levels. FOR MORE INFO - https://ayushakti.com/fitness-and-exercise/category/v/vitamin-d-deficiency
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Postdoc: Harvard.MalariaGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: Harvard.MalariaGenomics > Date: 6 January 2023 at 05:41:34 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > The Neafsey Lab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) > is seeking an early stage or senior Postdoctoral Fellow to contribute > to our research program in the genomic epidemiology of malaria ( > https://ift.tt/nmlUKqk). Our lab generates and > analyzes large genomic datasets from malaria parasites and vector > mosquitoes to understand transmission patterns, demographic history, > drug/vaccine resistance, immune evasion, and host/vector/pathogen > interactions. In our wet lab, we generate new genetic assays for > parasites and vectors, such as multiplexed Illumina amplicon sequencing > panels, and we apply assays to cross sectional as well as longitudinal > sample collections, driving a need for innovative approaches to data > analysis. The successful candidate will work collaboratively with other > group members to develop innovative wetlab and bioinformatic approaches > for exploring Plasmodium malaria parasite genomic diversity. We have > experimental capacity at HSPH, where we are part of a close-knit community > of molecular parasitologists and vector biologists. Our lab also extends > to the Broad Institute, where we belong to the Broad Institute Genomic > Center for Infectious Disease and benefit from a community of expert > microbial genomicists and computational biologists. > > Ideal applicants will have a PhD in a relevant field, with strong > background in population genetics, molecular epidemiology, statistical > genetics, etc. Applicants will be expected to develop a research > program that is original but fits within the general priorities of the > group and funded grants, taking into account the relevant literature, > own experience, and advice from other scientists. Currently funded > or pending grants include: 1) projects to profile genetic diversity > of infections in clinical trials of malaria monoclonal antibodies and > vaccines to understand protective efficacy; 2) spatial genetic studies > of parasites and vectors; 3) genome-wide screens of loci mediating > parasite/vector interactions. > > Basic Qualifications: > > Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in > biology/parasitology/epidemiology or equivalent. Molecular biology > laboratory skills (nucleic acid extraction, PCR, NGS library construction) > are required. > > Additional Qualifications: > > Experience with next generation sequencing data analysis and statistical > fluency are strongly desired. Experience in at least one scripting > language and familiarity with Unix/Linux computing environments are > also desired.  Candidates should demonstrate a track record of consistent > publication, have strong organizational, written, and oral communication > skills, and should be able to work both independently and as part of > a team. > > Contact Email: > > Please contact Daniel Neafsey by email: [email protected] with > CV, letter of interest, and contact info for at least three references. > > Contact Information: > > [email protected] > > Equal Opportunity Employer: > > We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will > receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, > religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, > disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic > protected by law. > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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logicpublishers · 2 years
HSPH Takemi Programme in International Health 2023/2024
HSPH Takemi Programme in International Health 2023/2024
Each year the programme recruits a small group of mid-career researchers and professionals to spend an academic year at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. The Takemi Programme provides participants with the space, time, and flexibility to enhance their capacity for research and leadership. To do this, Fellows are linked to two key resources: the weekly Takemi Seminar Series, and…
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unlikelycrownwitch · 2 years
فوائد الشوفان للرياضيين
الشوفان مصدر كبير للكربوهيدرات كم بروتين في الشوفان والألياف والبروتينات الضرورية للرياضيين. كما أنها مصدر ممتاز لفيتامينات ب التي تساعد في ترميم العضلات.
استخدم الشوفان كغذاء أساسي في النظام الغذائي للإنسان لعدة قرون. تمت دراسة فوائد الشوفان للرياضيين على بروتين الشوفان نطاق واسع وأثبتت فعاليتها.
فوائد الشوفان للرياضيين
الشوفان مصدر كبير للكربوهيدرات والبروتينات التي يمكن أن تزود الرياضيين بالطاقة التي يحتاجونها لأداء أفضل ما لديهم.
يحتوي الشوفان على العديد من العناصر الغذائية ومضادات الأكسدة التي يمكن أن تساعد الرياضيين على التعافي بشكل أسرع من الأنشطة الشاقة. لديهم أيضًا مؤشر نسبة السكر في الدم أقل من الحبوب الأخرى ، مما يعني أنها لن تزيد من مستويات السكر في الدم وتسبب التعب.
ومع ذلك ، لا تقتصر فوائد الشوفان على الرياضيين. الشوفان مكون متعدد الاستخدامات يمكن أن يتمتع به الجميع ، بما في ذلك أولئك الذين يرغبون في إنقاص الوزن أو اتباع نظام غذائي خالٍ من الغلوتين.
تم استخدام الشوفان من قبل الرياضيين لعدة قرون ، ولكن في السنوات الأخيرة فقط أصبحوا شائعين كمكملات غذائية. في هذه المقالة ، سوف نلقي نظرة على فوائد الشوفان للرياضيين وكيف يمكن أن تساعدهم في تحقيق أهدافهم.
الشوفان مصدر ممتاز للكربوهيدرات والبروتين وكذلك الألياف. كما أنها غنية بالمعادن مثل المغنيسيوم والفوسفور ، وهي مهمة لوظيفة العضلات والتعافي. يحتوي الشوفان على بيتا جلوكان ، والذي ثبت أنه يقلل الالتهاب في الجسم.
يوفر الشوفان أيضًا مصدرًا كبيرًا لمضادات الأكسدة مثل السيلينيوم والمنغنيز التي تحمي الجسم من الجذور الحرة الضارة.
غالبًا ما يتم التغاضي عن الشوفان باعتباره عنصرًا أساسيًا في وجبة الإفطار ، ولكن له فوائد عديدة للرياضيين.
الشوفان مصدر كبير للبروتينات والكربوهيدرات والألياف وفيتامينات ب للرياضيين. أنها تساعد في الانتعاش والأداء على المدى الطويل. يوفر الشوفان أيضًا جرعة صحية من مضادات الأكسدة للحفاظ على جسمك قويًا وصحيًا.
يعتبر الشوفان أيضًا مصدرًا ممتازًا للحديد وهو ضروري للأداء البدني ، خاصة في رياضات التحمل مثل الجري أو ركوب الدراجات.
الشوفان غذاء صحي
الشوفان عبارة عن حبوب صحية ومغذية ومفيدة للرياضيين. أنها تمد الجسم بالطاقة والبروتين والعناصر الغذائية.
يحتوي الشوفان على مؤشر منخفض لنسبة السكر في الدم مما يعني أنه لا يؤدي إلى ارتفاع مستويات السكر في الدم مثل الحبوب الأخرى. هذا يجعلها اختيارًا جيدًا للرياضيين الذين يحتاجون إلى الحفاظ على مستويات الجلوكوز لديهم من أجل الأداء في أفضل حالاتهم.
الشوفان غذاء صحي متعدد الاستخدامات يستخدم في الطبخ لعدة قرون. لديهم أيضًا مجموعة متنوعة من الفوائد الصحية التي تجعلهم اختيارًا ممتازًا للرياضيين.
الشوفان مصدر للكربوهيدرات المعقدة ويزود الجسم بالطاقة. كما أنها غنية بالألياف والبروتينات ، مما يساعد على الحفاظ على مستويات السكر في الدم ومستويات الكوليسترول في الدم.
يمكن تناول الشوفان كدقيق الشوفان أو دقيق الشوفان أو الحبوب الكاملة في المخبوزات أو الحبوب الساخنة.
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eidiseis-news · 2 years
Η καθιστική ζωή επηρεάζει την ποιότητα του σπέρματος
Η καθιστική ζωή επηρεάζει την ποιότητα του σπέρματος
Η ποιότητα του σπέρματος των ανδρών μπορεί να επηρεαστεί σημαντικά από τα επίπεδα σωματικής τους δραστηριότητας.Σύμφωνα με παλιότερη μελέτη της Σχολής Δημόσιας Υγείας του Χάρβαρντ (HSPH), οι υγιείς νεαροί άνδρες που έκαναν καθιστική ζωή είχαν χαμηλότερο αριθμό σπερματοζωαρίων από εκείνους που ήταν πιο δραστήριοι σωματικά.«Γνωρίζουμε πολύ λίγα για το πώς ο τρόπος ζωής μπορεί να επηρεάσει την…
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hspn · 3 years
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Hakim Ziyech scores against Brighton.
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stro-dos · 7 years
Mixing it up with some motivation from @gymrats.nuff_said and @mickey_langston and of course @strengthwraps because “nothing replaces hard work” 💪 . . . . @armyfreshfitness @militaryfreshfitness @armyfresh @semper.fresh @navyfresh @_airforcefresh #core #hsph #fit #fitness #eatclean #goals #gymrat #gymnastics #fitlife #lifestyle #yogi #yoga #bodyweight #calisthenics #nutrition #igdaily #armyfresh #militaryfreshnetwork #igdaily #barstarz #fitbody #crossfit #beastmode #bodybuilding #instafit #semperfresh #armyfresh #militaryfreshnetwork #corepower
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myperfectheart · 5 years
Substituting healthy plant proteins for red meat lowers risk for heart disease - HSPH News
Substituting healthy plant proteins for red meat lowers risk for heart disease – HSPH News
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Study is first meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials to look at health effects of red meat in diet by swapping it for other types of foods
For immediate release: April 9, 2019
Boston, MA – Diets that replaced red meat with healthy plant proteins led to decreases in risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and…
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finelineoutro · 7 years
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Never Explain, Never Complain Harry Styles for Rolling Stone, 2017 by Theo Wenner
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