#hrs wren
cmbdragon98 · 1 year
The person who wrote the wolfwren fic where Sabine gets rightfully angry there's literally only One Bed on the entire Eye of Scion ship, that belongs to Morgan Elsbeth, and she steps too close forward without thinking and they wrote in painstaking detail of how Shin's hand moved around the hilt of her lightsaber, how her middle finger curled, blunt nail tracing against every groove.
You. You are making me lose my mind, I have not and will not stop thinking about your wording of that paragraph, who told you you were allowed to just do that?? Do you want me in a white padded room? Because that's how you land me in a white padded room. I hate you. Kissing you platonically on the mouth.
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bedazzlecunt · 1 year
tie me up, blindfold and gag me, put headphones with some hypnofiles in my ears, fill me up with a vibrating dildo on low, and just let me absorb that for a while. i wonder how long it'd take me to forget how to do basic math? what about my name?
hard cnc/misogyny/detrans/etc. blogs DNFI
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
There used to be a lot of posts going around about how Niki should've kicked the shit out Revivebur for everything he did and while I disagree I do think she should've specifically for having gay sex in her birthday haunted house
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alltimefail-sims · 8 months
Oh dang the new kits dropped today. 🙃
I haven't even updated yet tbh but once I get them I'll at least do a CAS overview of the Goth kit and give my full thoughts. I also want to make some kind of Windenburg build now that we have the Castle Estate kit... it'll be a nice challenge 👍
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astrumocs · 1 year
what if i steal this cool as hell power from this anime i just started watching to develop one of my adopts....
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yuquinzel · 1 year
PLS ARE YOU A NATIVE HINDI SPEAKER???? (i can't sleep and i have school in 2 hours fml BUT I SAW YOU SPEAK HINDI)
assuming you are too?? kinda had a hunch :')
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pukafsh · 6 months
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made these guys a couple months ago and finally had the chance to make their refs…. hi
also BONUS!!! some chicken sketches a bit after i made them :-) !!
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containatrocity · 1 year
Woke up late, lost my phone Tried to call it, dial tone What's the worst that could happen? Anything you'd imagine! There goes Murphy's law Tell me, where did I go wrong? Keeping calm and carry on Lifeline's blurry in my palm Down to my last straw Picking out my every flaw Wish I had a crystal ball But I guess that's just Murphy's law.
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wtslpod · 1 day
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We recorded our 2x06 discussion earlier and even after a 2 hr convo (don't worry, it will be pared down for the pod) it feels like we hardly dipped below the surface. We loved chatting about this episode and hope you'll enjoy listening later this weekend!
If you'd like to catch up on past episode discussions, you can do so here or whoever you normally listen to podcasts.
About the pod: Where the Shadows Lie is a Rings of Power fan podcast with Kat and Wren. Join us as we dive into Season 2, dissect all of our favorite character arcs, speculate about future episodes, and celebrate the amazing cast and crew. This is a positive, analytical space for fellow Rings of Power fans—all are welcome!
twitter│instagram│buzzsprout│[email protected]
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gil-estel · 1 month
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back at work after half a pint of ice cream and a 2 hr nap. wren (quality control) approves.
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vienitas · 3 months
memorias de un momento que cambió su vida para siempre.
tw: armas y muerte.
sus pisadas fueron duras y resonantes. los tacones provocaron eco contra las paredes vacías. sus orbes, oscuras y gélidas, sostienen el mismísimo invierno tras cada pestañeo. su semblante ya no es suave ni apacible, mucho menos está condecorado con la clásica sonrisa que solía dedicar en un pasado. 
se detuvo frente a la primera puerta y tomó una bocanada de aire. 
aún vive en sus memorias el recuerdo de su corazón latiendo desbocado en su pecho. corrió hasta que sus pulmones dolieron al chocar con su caja torácica. un ruido estruendoso la detuvo y miró hacia atrás:  — mierda, mierda, mierda — murmuró, escondiéndose tras una de las puertas metálicas.  su diestra se movió hasta el localizador en su muñeca, lo buscó entre los puntos cercanos que se alejan y desaparecen. no estaba.  — la puta mierda, archer, ¿donde vienes? — se quejó, mientras sus dientes jalaron del guante para quitarlo y poder manipular mejor la pequeña pantalla táctil.  ¡ahí está! gritó en sus entrañas. quizás estaba escondido, era extraño verlo quieto. 
archer nunca fue de los que dejaban actuar al resto sin más. 
el sonido de la puerta le arrebató los últimos sentimientos. primero escuchó una especie de bocina y se encendió una luz roja en la zona izquierda superior, luego, se abrió y se encontró de frente con un rostro enfermizamente familiar. 
— venus. 
no la miró. no le interesaba escuchar la clásica pregunta con predecible desenlace. 
es difícil cuando tu corazón se destruye en mil pedazos, ¿sabes? de pronto, y subitamente, todo lo que tenía sentido deja de hacerlo. todo por lo que vivías deja de existir. es difícil haberlo tenido todo y experimentar la nada. 
— vine a ver a wren.
continuó sin verla. sabía que no cargaba culpas, que fue un error de cálculos. que el haber encontrado el cuerpo masculino al borde del último suspiro fue netamente circunstancial; pero ¿podrían culparla? en cada esquina veía lo mismo: miradas de lástima, pasó de ser la hija de un alto mando a la prácticamente viuda en acción. siempre eclipsada, destruida y pisoteada por un hombre. 
— voy por él. 
y despareció. nuevamente la dejó allí, sola, con la afonía ambiental y el ruido constante de sus pensamientos. su rostro seguía pétreo, sus ojos ya estaban resecos de tanto llorar.  — ¿ves eso que está allí, uh? innie — archer la miró con la clásica sonrisa juguetona, su índice apuntaba a un punto en el cristal que no supo identificar hasta que se detuvo a su lado.  — ¿un edificio? — elevó una de sus cejas en su dirección, sin embargo, no fue hasta que la corrió para dejarla frente a sí que sonrió. era una iglesia. — ¿lo ves ahora?  — lo veo ahora. — tú, yo y gala. ¿qué dices?  — estás loco — negó con su cabeza y quiso deshacerse de su agarre, pero no pudo. nunca podía alejarse de quien fue su hogar todo este tiempo.  — estaría loco si no te lo pidiera. 
durante todo este tiempo, estuvo moviendo argolla con pequeño diamante en la punta. no se dio cuenta hasta que wren apareció en escena y posó su mirada en su mano. la escondió en el bolsillo de su chaqueta.
— quiero verlo. 
— no tomes una mala decisión ahora. ve a casa, estás sensi…
— ¡quiero verlo! 
su voz resonó no sólo en sus cuerdas vocales, también chocó con las paredes y logró llamar la atención de más de un agente especial que caminaban por los pasillos. 
— no me hagas pedirlo dos veces.
una película acuosa comenzó a agruparse en sus orbes, por primera vez en tres semanas podían ver un ápice de emoción en un rostro que se solidificó cuando declararon la hora de defunción: 15 de septiembre de 2019, 23:45 hrs. 
no se supo si fue negligencia o también sed de venganza, pero su capricho fue escuchado, una vez más, y se limitó a asentir. 
la tailandesa siguió el andar firme de su compañero de escuadrón y, ahora, superior. era amigo de archer y dio un discurso que pudo haber quebrado a cualquiera menos a ella, cuya humanidad se vio tan trastocada que no está segura si alguna vez podrá recuperarla. 
entonces, te odiaré. te pintaré como el villano que nunca fuiste. voy a culparte por cosas que nunca hiciste, porque odiarte es la única forma en que deje de doler. 
se detuvo frente a la puerta de concreto, él tras de ella. 
— te cubriré, ¿lo sabes? 
— lo sé. 
y entró. 
lo siguiente que se escuchó fue una bienvenida en un acento estadounidense que se encargaría de odiar toda su vida. ¿tenía familia? ¿una hija? ¿un mujer esperándolo en casa? ¿una madre? archer tenía todo eso. 
archer tenía amigos, participaba en fundaciones. tenía una familia que lo amaba, una abuela que se aferraba aún a los últimos recuerdos de su nieto en medio de un episodio de demencia. tenía una madre que declaraba su orgullo y un padre que no podía reponerse de la pérdida. la tenía a ella. archer tenía una hija y una persona que lo amaba con cada latido de su corazón. 
— ¿algo que decir?
— debí darle más fuerte.
él se dedico a tatuar en su canal auditivo un acento neoyorquino que no volvió a olvidar. ella dejó el recuerdo de una bala que atravesó su cráneo. 
no. no se sintió mejor. 
archer no volvió ese día ni el siguiente. 
la visita en sueños, la abraza en sus recuerdos y han pasado cuatro aniversarios y aún duele como la primera vez.
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God I'm so nervous about approaching my boss about meeting to discuss disability stuff. He's definitely going to want to do things more casually and wonder why I didn't just go to him and have a spoken agreement about it. (Technically the rule is if an employee even mentions accommodations the supervisor needs to start the process with HR to get them official accommodations regardless of what the supervisor thinks, however my boss isn't exactly known for going by the book). I've also heard other employees talk about their coworkers ADA needs out loud and complain about them (oh it's so much to do why didn't they just ask us for it) yea I know what happens if you just ask. You get pushed to the side and have to keep bugging them about it, and they'll only do it if they find money in the budget (rare). And then if a higher up needs it they'll take it from you.
But Wren? Why are you making such a fuss about it? You've been able to work fine so far without accommodations, can't you just keep going?
The answer is I'm running out of stamina and discomfort resilience. I have been coming in later and later and I haven't been able to stay as focused or work as hard and it's becoming more obvious to my coworkers. I've had people stop by my desk and ask if I'm doing ok. There are a lot of people here that do care for us youngins and have fought for us in the past. But we are unfortunately on the lowest rung and don't have the same security full timers have. I'm worried I'm going to get fired and won't be able to get good recommendations. I gotta protect myself.
I want to use my wheelchair in the office and my counselor wants me to as well. But she doesn't understand that even though I do need it I've been apprehensive about it. Like if I need it so bad why do I care what people think? Because those people will be references, connections to other jobs. Because word spreads. Because it's fucking scary. Having people constantly bombard you with ableist rhetoric is tiring and scary! Like yeah I can have pre-prepared things to say to shut them up but that doesn't make it any less hard! I'd rather have an outside official authority train the people in my office rather than me having to educate everyone one by one through uncomfortable conversations.
Agh this turned into a rant even though I was trying to be succinct. My partner (coworker I work with the most and is around the same age) said he would be nearby when I have the conversation, so at least there's that. And he's seen me in my wheelchair multiple times before. No one else at my job knows I'm a part time user, and I have heard my fair share of ableist comments about wheelchairs (shoot me if I'm ever in one of those for example).
Maybe I should just get accommodations and see if that helps enough for me to not need my chair.
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Kotone "Katie" Hoshino x Ellis Lockwood ( @wren-writes-random-things ) vs Matejka x Nikki Darling ( @outpost-31 & @rhaaclaws )
who makes up your ship?:
Kotone "Katie" Hoshino/Ellis Lockwood
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
okay so they did start as a completely healthy relationship. but then that whole apocalypse thing happened and ellis died and katie couldn't get over it so she spent like. 200 years murdering people and stealing magic and generally obsessing over bringing her gf back to life. and then she had to basically sell her soul in the end but it worked! but then she decided the best course of action would be to uh. wipe her gf's memories of the sun going out ??? and try and convince her that she had just injured herself and was off work for a while. and then ellis kept figuring out that something was wrong and katie kept wiping her memories until ellis confronted her and managed to get away and ended up working with the rebellion that katie USED to help before she realised that they couldn't help her bring ellis back to life and then sold her soul to the guy who the rebellion was fighting against. and now katie has to fight the rebellion or he'll kill her gf. but also her gf is part of the rebellion. it's not even clear whether ellis broke up with her or not. she/it electrician butch x murderous former hr manager femme supremacy. also small note that the picrew isn't perfect cause i havent entirely decided their designs yet but oh well
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
who makes up your ship?:
Matejka (he/him) [by @outpost-31] and Darling Nikki (she/they) [by @rhaaclaws]
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Darling Nikki and Matejka met in 1524, after Nikki's mother's death, and got into a duel- proposed by Matejka- at the price of Nikki's soul. She ended up winning the fight, and was turned into a vampire. They stayed together afterwards due to both being immortal, and have known each other closely since then. The reason why we think they deserve to win is their extreme codependence: Matejka is extremely attached to Nikki, because she looks like his dead wife Esmé, whom he's still in love with. Nikki takes advantage of him and roleplays as Esmé during sex. This unhealthy attachment to Nikki began consuming his life, so they got into a fight and split up for nearly 100 years. This caused the both of them to become incredibly suicidal, as they'd known each other for 4 centuries at this point, and they barely knew how to live without each other. Even missing each other so dearly, their relationship has the tendency to be very unhealthy. Once, Nikki insulted Matejka's dead wife as a joke, and he almost dragged them out to the sun in an attempt to kill them. Another time, she tried to eat Matejka (due to being a cannibal), but thought his black blood was disgusting. They know each other like no one else does, but still have layer of distrust. Nikki doesn't even know Esmé's name. Altogether, their bond is an incredibly complex one due to the nature of their immortality, but their unhealthy overreliance on each other has nearly ruined both their lives.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
Ship name: Red Flags And Long Nights Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4GJDQdhpDITspMvp9c99m9?si=29599a8e944946a3
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analiavs · 1 year
I’m about to start my first post college job so I’ll unfortunately no longer be a full time degenerate
So another quick poll to help the idea mill. But idk how I’ll adapt to a 40 hr work week so no eta
Idk how to respond to comments with this blog so I’ll sign them off with Summa CUM Laude (not an invitation to impersonate me. Plz dont)
Idk why I’m in a Briar renaissance I’m usually a consummate Remysexsual
If you want more info on the concepts hit read more
Briar x Aphrodisiacs pt 2
He can stop anytime he wants too, and he doesn’t want too.
Keeps playing the game with Astral, but u know what they say about playing with fire.
Remy’s exposure therapy
More of the same, maybe the demonstration maybe time jump to a personal session
The photoshoot
Actually pretty much halfway done just shamelessly ooc
Niki pov, he’s an unwitting vouyer
Malewife quinn
Wraithy gets their lick back for their necklace, but Quinn enjoys it more than he should
L Briar
Somehow Leighton gets the better of Briar or manages to buy an hour of his time
Maybe leighton pov for once 👀👀👀
Kylar x Briar
I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me; I have plans that i will not share right now because the haters will sabotage me; But i got some stuff in the works
(That is a meme, but I am serious about the idea)
Alex gets his get back. There’ll be revenge, some butt, and a dash of humiliation
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marsbars-com · 1 year
Decided to draw all of the versions of my oc Wren
The order goes -Og Wren, ToH, Apocalypse, Dabloon, Sky cotl, MLP, annnd WoF
I wasted 47 hrs of my life on this.... Ignore how the individual pictures are blurry iont feel like fixing it
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rodechi · 2 months
Living Anxiety
It is 4am and I am unable to sleep, and so I find myself writing the rough draft of this in the hopes that writing it down will tire me out. To all of you who have noticed me withdrawing more and more lately, I am pulling back the curtain a bit to share a bit of what I have been wrestling with privately.
To give some insight into my home life: it is a house, but not my home. I have lived here in this small podunk town in Tennessee all my life. Opportunities were always few and far between unless you work a dead-end job for pennies on the dollar (TN has no state minimum wage, so a lot of jobs will start you at the federal $7.25/hr -- or less if you work a job that gets tips!) or really enjoy dealing in antique furniture. It's also a terrible place to live as someone queer. My nephew got run off the road just last year because an older man saw him with makeup on, veering toward him and forcing him off the road, calling him slurs in the process. Hell, I STILL have neighbors who are die-hard Trump supporters. Which brings me to my mother. Mercifully, she's very anti-Trump, but in many ways still very conservative. She worked as a nurse nearly 40 years and is set in beliefs from that long ago as well. To her, gender is immutable -- although I have been on HRT for over 2 years now, she doesn't make even the barest effort to acknowledge it. To her, I will always be Daniel, not Wren. Always her little boy. Always "him". I'm not even respected enough to have my own bank account; she has access to view my statements at any time and will frequently question me about purchases I make, money I send to friends and partners, anything. "I want to make sure it's you spending your money, not anyone else." No trust, no boundaries. Hell, she told me once "My boundaries mean that I can ignore yours." In addition, she's developed a victim complex, always blaming me for perceived slights against her that she has imagined. She uses that as fuel to make "jokes" about how she wants to tie me up so I'd miss a flight away or how she'll get me arrested for something just so I wouldn't be able to leave.
With all of that in mind, you can surely see why I would be eager to move away. However, there are a few extenuating factors that make it difficult for me, especially lately. Notably, my lack of income, lack of living history (since I've lived here my whole life), and just sheer logistics.
First off, at the moment, I have no income. I had a job, from April 2018 until January 2022. I worked as a veterinary assistant at a local clinic, since I wanted a job that served a purpose and I love animals. I initially wanted to go to college for it (after failing at another college under a different major), but quickly learned that while I was okay with doing it as a job, I didn't want it to be my career. I was overworked, underpaid, taken advantage of, and regularly given tasks outside my job description and above my paygrade. I was part-time, despite being scheduled for 30 hour workweeks (and frequently having to stay an average of 4 to 6 hours late over the week). As such, no benefits! Woooo! I was also given the job of about 3 to 4 other people, including being the person expected to teach the newer hires, perform tech support, and more roles beyond that. It was a soul-crushing line of work that chewed me up and spit me out. I even had to write up one of my bosses (and got her forced into retirement) because she would punch and kick some dogs, and one of the doctors that replaced her… I still relive a moment where I had to assist him with a euthanasia on a puppy that he botched and did improperly (and illegally!) So while I only worked there just shy of 4 years, it left me with the worst burnout, depression, anxiety, and compassion fatigue I have ever experienced in my life. When I found myself getting impatient and mad at the animals regularly, I knew that was my sign to quit while I could. I should have gotten another job since then, but I was content to live off my savings while I recovered my mental health.
In addition to these issues, I also have been living with a phobia of driving a car. Not just a fear, mind you. An honest-to-God "diagnosed by a psychiatrist" phobia. Not just me being worried I'll get into an accident or anything… Even thinking about being behind the steering wheel of a car is enough to send me into panic attacks. Mom forced me to take Driver's Education in high school, and I forced myself to drive in the hope that I could condition myself to get past it. Instead I had a hellish semester, with the teacher literally telling me "The only reason I'm not failing you is that you didn't crash the car." and criticizing me because "You will do something right 10 times and then screw it up so bad the next it's like you've never done it." It's definitely given me a complex on top of the existing phobia. And so, living in this town where a car is basically mandatory, my options for getting out are very limited.
And so, when one of my partners invited me to move to the West Coast to be with them, I was eager to get out. So we have been spending the past few weeks looking at apartments online, trying to find a place that would take us, even with me being dead weight as I am now with no job, no living history, and mediocre credit. It's been incredibly stressful, and we are still searching. But god if it ain't soulcrushing. Most places require us to have a cosigner, and most places in the area require them to have the frankly-absurd requirement of the cosigner making 4 times the rent. My parents refuse, not wanting to be responsible for "someone you don't know." At this point our options are getting slimmer and slimmer, with the deadline baring down on us.
And so here I am, in a house where I am regularly emotionally abused, in a state that hates me for being pansexual and transgender, trying to move to a state where no apartment will take me because I'm expected to have an income from a job that I can't get until I'm over there. It hurts and it stresses me the fuck out.
I could write so much more, but I'm exhausted and upset. I'm going to nap.
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