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foibles-fables · 2 years ago
idk foibs but for me its really a tilda/aloy enemies to lovers WHEN?
there's this one angle on Aloy/Tilda that I find really compelling that's like. If we had seen a darker/more desperate side start to emerge in Aloy during HFW (something I would've been REALLY into)--really leaning further into her desire/perceived duty to actually BE Elisabet, with both an inflated self-image and mighty inferiority complex, throwing herself into every situation to prove that she is exactly what she was created to be and nothing more, nothing less--THIS iteration of Aloy learning about Tilda and Elisabet's relationship, and then approaching Tilda in the same way with misguided but determined agency to try and embody Lis more fully.
BOTH of them using and manipulating each other to get closer to their perception of Elisabet. Just an absolute mess of mutual toxicity. I'd have impolitely slurped it up like Sunday spaghetti.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years ago
SR Jamil Viper Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 2
"With a little ingenuity"
(Part 1) Part 2
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[City of Flowers]
―Topsy Turvy Festival, free-roam time
Jamil: Fascinating, there's still a lot to see here at the festival venue. I'm glad to have this free time to myself.
Jamil: I still have some time before the big show… Now, what should I do first?
???: Sh-Shoot… It feels like I'm about to drop everything.
Jamil: Hm? Oh that’s…
Jamil: Deuce… What are you doing, trying to balance all those little boxes in your arms?
Deuce: Ah, Viper-senpai! …Ack, oops, that was close! Oh, these? I bought a ton of gifts for everyone back in my dorm.
Jamil: Well, I see that, but… Why are you carrying them all by hand? You said you prepared a bag for them, right?
Deuce: Uhhh… Yeah, I did bring one but, I got it caught on a corner of one of the buildings and it ripped...
Jamil: Sigh… As a fellow representative of the same school, seeing you look so ungainly like that is pretty embarrassing. Here, I'll let you borrow this.
Deuce: This… is a scarf, though. What do I need it for?
Jamil: Just put a few of your gifts in the middle of the scarf.
Deuce: O-Okay. Here's a box of cookies and caramels, and a jam jar. Oh, and the pencil I received from Ashengrotto-senpai!
Deuce: And then I also have this shirt I bought for myself… But it looks like it won't fit. I'll hold on to this for now.
Jamil: If this is all you have, it should all fit. Then, you take the four corners of the scarf and twist and tie them like this…
Deuce: Oh, the tied-up ends of the scarf around the boxes became like a handle… Oh wow, it's like a bag!!
Jamil: If you carry it like this, you'll have your hands free, and you shouldn't have to worry about dropping anything.
Deuce: Thank you very much… This is a huge life-saver! Please let me buy you some juice as thanks.
Jamil: Don't worry about it. I don't need you to treat me for something like this.
Deuce: No, no, it'd be my pleasure… Uh, huh? The zipper on my wallet's stuck… Hrrrrnghh!
Jamil: If you try to pull it by force, you'll break it. I don't want to watch all your coins go everywhere when that happens. Give it to me.
Jamil: Guess I could use the cotton swabs and the paper soap here. I'll rub them together and transfer the grease from the soap onto the cotton swab.
Jamil: Then, I just have to rub the cotton swab against the part of the zipper that's catching…
Deuce: Woah, it opened… Thank you very much!
Deuce: I can't believe you could use that paper soap and cotton swabs like this. And I definitely didn't think that a scarf could be used for a bag.
Deuce: It's just like you said at the Mystery Shop about just needing a little bit of ingenuity.
???: Heeey, Jamil! Deuce!
Jamil: Hm? That voice…
Grim: Look, I got 5 scoops of ice cream! Ain't it cool!?
Grim: Ah! Oh no, it's falling…! Fnyaaaaaaaa!!
[ice cream goes flying]
Deuce: Aaah! The ice cream is coming this way!!
Deuce: Huh? My clothes aren't dirty?
Deuce: Did you protect us from the ice cream with magic, Viper-senpai? Wh-Whew.
Deuce: Hey, Grim, that was really close!
Grim: My… My ice cream~ I didn't even get to have a single bite… Nyaaaa~~!
Grim: Then… I just gotta go an eat [Yuu]'s, then!
Deuce: Man, he's not listening at all… Huh? Ack!
Deuce: A drop of chocolate ice cream got on the shirt I was holding, and now there's a brown stain… What should I do?
Jamil: Let me see… Hm, something as small as this, I should be able to do something about it.
Deuce: Really!?
Jamil: Yeah. This time, I'll use a scarf, the paper soap, the cotton swabs… Pretty much everything I brought.
Jamil: I'll place the scarf under the shirt, and lather up the stained part of the shirt with a wet paper soap.
Jamil: Then, I'll gently dab it with the cotton swab…
Deuce: ! Woah, the stain is disappearing!!
Jamil: By dabbing the cotton swab into the stain, I'm able to transfer it to the scarf. That should be enough of a temporary fix.
Deuce: Wow. You just used normal everyday objects to fix problem after problem…
Deuce: You just keep saving my hide, Viper-senpai. I'll treat you to not just one bottle of juice, but a whole case!
Jamil: I'm not going to be able to drink that much juice at once, you know…
Jamil: Don't worry about it, really. In fact, I'd rather you just stay out of trouble when you're around me.
Jamil: Also, compared to usual… This sort of thing's pretty trivial.
Jamil: This event is really nice and calming. I'm looking forward to whatever comes next, too.
Deuce: As long as you're here, Viper-senpai, no matter what happens, I bet we'll all be able to enjoy both the festival and the masquerade
Jamil: Sure, but it'd be best if nothing troublesome actually happens.
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(Part 1) Part 2
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lazyliars · 2 years ago
hrrrrnghh... cilantro
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moldsporr · 1 year ago
Hrrrrnghh my joints
Need me a cane.... maybe I'll go into the woods on a good day and get a walking stick until I can get a cane
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just-shapes-and-sweaters · 5 years ago
I know ane is a cockroach and a bird, but what if she's also a moth. The sun appears and she just flys into them because "hrrrrnghh forbidden lämp" -rain🅱
h- tHat'S cAnOn nOw 👌uwu
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whales-are-gay · 5 years ago
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hrrrrnghh, colonel, im trying to do some architecture but im dummy thicc and keep taking fall damage and no one on my server has found bamboo for scaffolding yet and the clap of my pickaxe keeps alerting the creepers
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super-metroid · 6 years ago
hrrrrnghh callie i’m trying to sneak around with ninja squid but i’m dummy thicc and the clap of my tentacles keeps alerting the enemy team
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willowc · 5 years ago
Hrrrrnghh mushy things.
Autistic peeps, reblog and add what texture you hate the most
Mine is canvas
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years ago
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Now this is an interesting thing for Artemis to say. Was this not his idea maybe, but Minako’s? As they’re formulating plans, I could easily see her being like, “This is a great idea and as a pop idol I’m used to being isolated and alone anyway, so why not?”
That adds an intriguing layer to her string of decisions to reveal herself NOW, too. It’s not just a lonely girl bucking against what she was told she must do, it’s a seasoned strategist comfortable with sacrifice subconsciously reaching out for a connection she had already decided she didn’t need.
Oh man, I’m getting more and more excited about that possibility the more I think about it. HMMM HMMM HMMMM
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