#hrmmm……. that doesn’t feel right
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iced-souls · 7 months ago
I currently have cancers and the worst part is being extremely confused with the search results only to realize I’ve misspelled the word.
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bonjourxrenae · 8 months ago
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Re: YGO x Utena AU
So - I do have a little bit of this written, and I’ll link to the document, but ehhhh I figured I’d get some ideas out here
If you want see another cool YGO x Utena AU (aka, the one that inspired me to write my own!) there's this concept!
Ahhh, I dunno… I like the concept of Utena Sword Duel in the Cool Dueling Arena in the Forest, But Also The Duel Monsters Are Here, and the story having both elements and beats from their respective source materials (the Duels are foretold and eventually the protagonist will have to duel End of the World in a bid to gain the power of world revolution; becoming the Shadow Game Heir and stopping the great and terrible evil from destroying the world) but logistically I had trouble making it all Work
Yugi is obviously our protagonist - our Utena. Yamiyu is the Rose Bride(groom) - our Anthy, and Atem is firmly in the role of Dios (Yes, this is a primarily Puzzle-based AU)
The Student Council are the Millennium Item wielders, but they really don’t correspond with anyone from Utena’s student council… Closest association I could get is Pegasus to Mikage but he wouldn’t be on the council so much as he’s a professor at this AU’s Ohtori Academy
Kaiba would be president (naturally), but he doesn’t really fit Touga to a T… if anything he’s a mix of Saionji and Touga. (I will listen to Nanibito mo Kataru Koto Nashi on repeat thinking about what those lyrics mean and SOBBING) But I imagine he does the same Suicidal Duel tactic/acting like the King who met Yugi in the past to shake him, and sort of gets sucked into the mind games of End of the World and phasing into his past life as Set (to a degree) once he gets the Rod back
I also love thinking about Mokuba as Nanami (give that boy a sword and a knife hehehe) and then he essentially takes over the Student Council while Kaiba goes on an Obsessive Depression Bender after losing to Yugi AGAIN. And I need Mokuba to uncover all the fucked up shit behind The Rose Bride and the Nature of the Duels please...
I like the idea that Kaiba’s on he Student Council despite not having a Millennium Item… I think by rights he should have the Rod, and the idea of it being Stolen would be a plot point in a chapter
(speaking of the little shit who stole the Rod) Having Malik as, like, all the motivations of the Black Rose Duelists but with Miki's motifs... just feels right to me. I also imagine the duel split into two parts - one with him and the other with both him and Yami Malik (as another Rose Bride??) I was just stuck on which monster/spell cards to associate with his duel. I had it in my mind that he'd use a combo of Helpoemer and the Mystical Space Typhoon (Spira Mirabilis plays in the BG) but ehhhhhhh
Isis in a mostly Juri-based role... with the themes of Finality, Fate Set in Stone, No Such Thing As Miracles... idk, it wasn't really vibing in my brain, and I was having trouble placing her motives clearly. But I like the idea of her in the Student Council and her suddenly trying to get a handle on the situation with Malik (also I struggled figuring out which monster/spell card to associate with her hrmmm... in my document it's Spiria but EHHHH)
... I don't even know where to even put Shadi hhhhh maybe as a Shadow Player??? idk idk
and then obviously there's the Bakurae, and I can't really do them justice ??? because Ryou is on the Student Council and is the unwitting duelist in a Miki-aligned role, while Yami Bakura is another Rose Bride scheming on the sidelines, puppeteering Ryou with Dark Necrofear and Dark Sanctuary (until Ryou fights back with Change of Heart), and hastening the duels to the final duel for Revolution
TKB/Zorc is Akio/End of the World. Because of course he is. I do refer to him in my documents as The Man In Red, while Atem (Dios) is wearing mostly whites and royal purples.
AS FOR ANZU, JONOUCHI, AND HONDA... they have all been relegated to some aspect of Wakaba - but Jonouchi is especially The Wakaba (the one that attempts to punch out Kaiba and accidentally gets into a fistfight with Yugi) Honestly, if I had the time, I'd like to see all of them becoming Black Rose Duelists and having Yugi absolutely struggle with these duels because "no!!! these are my friends!!!" but Yamiyu is here like "aibou, you have to draw your sword!!!"
Anyway, that's where most of my thoughts were - and then there's the matter of the themes of 'princes' and 'witches' and trying to make those same motifs work with 'kings' and 'thieves' and I just got really tired trying to figure it out
But if you're interested in what I have written for this, you're welcome to check it out here: [Dust and Gold]
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eomma-jpeg · 1 year ago
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
How many works do you have on AO3?
Fifteen ! which is wild
What is your AO3 word count?
Oh gosh,,,,,, 229,582 words... holy frick dude what is wrong with me
What fandoms do you write for?
Trigun mostly but on AO3 i do have a single bnha fic and a fullmetal fic. I have some other fullmetal fics saved but i havent been as inspired to write for them lol
What are your top five fics by kudos?
in the meadow - 256
an account of past kisses - 185
vinyl and an alleyway niche - 97
it’s not what it looks like - 91
learning to take breaks - 86
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely try to respond to every comment. Some get past me or some i feel like my answer would just be really repetitive so i hold off,,,, but i really love seeing comments and responding so that people know that i saw their comment !!!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay so all my fics are super sweet bc i have a hard time ending things on a dour note lol
I like fix it fics !!!
But i do have a wip in the works that will be hurt/no comfort and that will quickly become my fic with the angstiest ending 
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably in the meadow. Everyone is crying and in love and its the cheesiest ending ever but i love and adore it because who doesn’t love a little cheese !!!!!!
Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet lol. Im not popular enough for the haters to come attacking. I just have my small and valuable army of supporters WHO I ADORE
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No i don’t particularly enjoy smut in general. I will on occasion write a steamy makeout but i don’t do smut
Do you write crossovers?
I would enjoy writing crossovers because im a big au fan. I got @veilder to rant to me last night about a trigun x genshin idea and it made me excited bc i like when veil info dumps (i love when anyone info dumps,,, IF YOU HAVE MILLYNAI THOUGHTS PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME) 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, and if i did it would have been an old one
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but that would be super fun
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not officially published, but i am co writing with someone right now >:3
I also do a lot of brainstorming and collaborating with people to make my stories and influence others, but those arent particularly co writing
What's your all-time favourite ship?
Vashmeryl and millynai have risen SO HIGH ON MY LIST
Honestly Millynai is my favorite, but Royai will forever remain and all time favorite ship (and tenrose WHOOPS)
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hrmmm i have a razmeryl wip i really want to finish but i don’t know when ill have the time to dedicate my brain to their Insane Dynamic
What are your writing strengths?
I think i write with a good flow. Its not so choppy (at least not anymore lol) and it keeps anyone whos reading engaged enough to keep going.
And i appeal to emotion and yall love that dont you
What are your writing weaknesses?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm i have many
Im repetitive? I use the same words and phrases over and over,,,, and im predictable in how characters act bc i often project myself into them,,, meaning i use myself as a reference and i try not to but it helps make it real in my mind
I often outline too much and scare myself out of actually writing lol
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would certainly try,,, but the only language im really semi-qualified to translate into is American Sign Language (which i would love to do, we are severely lacking in deaf characters)
First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who baby !!! my fic is still out there floating in the void that is wattpad
Favourite fic you've ever written?
in the meadow,,,, hands down. Please if you havent read it i would love if you would.... Its quite fun and has redemption and character exploration and kiss scenes and yearning and pining and denial and its a slowburn sooooooooo you can waste a lot of time with it hehe
ty @frappeflamingo for tagging me !!! i needed something fun to do
im gonna tag @veilder and @noaafishfieldguide bc im mean <3
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artificialgrievand · 2 months ago
“Goodness you’re-whoops!” The bot stumbled a bit as the creature’s nuzzling sent her off balance a bit. “You’re rather strong aren’t youuuuAHAHA AH!” She began to laugh as the creature’s massive tongue began to wrap around her hand and forearm. “Careful! I have a 8ad history of critters eating my clothes!” Serket declared, trying to speak more clearly as she made her way around the creature (or, was it making its way around her? How thrilling!).
Getting an eyeful of the Harpy was easy enough. The creature seemed so eager to meet her touch that it was simple enough to guide their actions. From what Serket could tell, it was definitely a predatory bird. The talons were far too large to assume it didn’t need to grab onto large prey. Though with the muscles in the thighs, Serket could imagine it just kicking something to death.
“…oh! Goodness you’re a 8it of a secretary 8ird aren’t you?” Serket exclaimed, excitedly running her hand through the plumage along the head. “I’ll need to see you put those legs to use sometime! Hrmmm…” she continued to pace around it, even as it matched her. She was interested in how similar it was to the Glamazon body type R’xy was so proud of and… and… hm!
“I really need to name you!” Serket hummed, letting herself pause for a moment to think. Her drones could capture some extra angles for her while she collected herself. “Doesn’t feel right to think of you as an ‘it’ honestly. You’re my first summoned entity! Er, on purpose at least! That’s exciting!”
Sensational Seasonal Sacrifice
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thebmatt · 2 years ago
Byregot, the Builder 19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies? 20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind? 21. Do they tend to get things done themselves, or do they rely on others? -- for the crew
First of all, thanks for the ask!!
19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies?
Aleister just REVELS in the Echo letting him cheat with learning things so he's basically gone bananas learning all the ways to build and create. He just loves to do it because he can. Gwen: "Hrmmm....I think an end table right here would tie the room together." Aleister: "I have a book of wood samples. Choose one and it'll be done this afternoon!"
Dahkar enjoys sparring and reading. History texts are among his favorite. Something about learning the Xaela of the Steppe don’t have physical records of their history just pushes him to want to learn more of other peoples histories. Also he collects greatswords.
Fearless has recently begun cultivating a small garden in her home in Kugane. It’s a nice way to relax for her, even if it doesn’t always yield much i the way of produce. Aleister is not allowed to help her with it.
Rheika’s passion in life is exploration, both in the physical world and the myriad cultures within it, combined with sharing parts of hers. She doesn’t often devote time to things outside of this.
20. Do they enjoy the arts? If so, what kind?
Aleister was never much one for the arts before he became an omnicrafter, but since then he’s found he can appreciate the techniques of artists in the fields of many forms of sculpture.
Fearless is unsurprisingly fond of performance arts that involve dancing, but she’s also become rather fond of stage plays.
Rheika is a fan of any kind of performance art. Music, dancing, acting, anything along those lines.
Dahkar is useless at making anything, but he’s rather fond of metalwork art. Between his fascination with swords and some education involved in smithing techniques, he’s developed an appreciation for it.
21. Do they tend to get things done themselves, or do they relay on others?
It’s a mishmash, honestly. They generally feel comfortable in their own skillsets, but they all understand the value of collaboration just by virtue of working with each other to save the star....a lot. So they’re generally down to collaborate with others if they think it’s necessary, I’d say? Like none of them could ever be accused of being lazy, and Fearless and Alesiter in particular can be stubborn in not asking for help when they think they SHOULD be able to accomplish something on their own, but on the whole? Yeah none of them are above asking for help if they think it’s needed
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holdharmonysacred · 4 years ago
I watched the second episode of the Shadows House anime and hmmmm. jumping in after binge reading the manga, I’m not a huge fan of how they’re shifting some of the scenes around.
The scene with Kate waking up and having a bad mental health episode over how her nature as a sentient soot being means that she literally dirties whatever she touches got into the anime, but they way they adapted the scene immediately after of Emilyko opening the curtains and cleaning the room makes the Kate scene lose its meaning. It’s not supposed to be just Emilyko Cleans Things, the whole point of the scene is it’s a metaphor for how Kate views Emilyko - Kate hates herself and thinks that just by existing she ruins things, but Emilyko and her constant cheer and willingness to help fix the things Kate messes up literally brightens Kate’s life and brings her joy. So in adapting the scene the way they did loses a pretty important part of Kate’s character and her relationship with Emilyko, and it comes off as a very “hrmmm, did the anime people have literacy when it comes to this scene?”.
They also cut the chapter where Emilyko and Kate mess around with the soot remover, and while this is really more of nitpick issue it is annoying since the shawl Kate ruined in this chapter is where Emilyko got the fabric for Panchan in the toy repair chapter, and keeping the continuity there is nice.
Them cutting the scene from the manga version of the previous episode where Emilyko looks up and sees Mia poking out of the window above her is a smaller, pettier issue, but it does bug me in how it makes Mia’s intro kind of wonky. Her saying “Hi, I’m Mia from the floor above!” comes off kind of odd without it. I’m also mixed on them moving up the scene where Mia returns to her room and finds that Sara trashed the place, because while that whole thing is something that should be established early on, it’s also something that’s supposed to happen as retaliation over the ghost incident a little later on in the story, and now I don’t know how they’re going to handle that arc when they get to it.
Them pushing up Emilyko starting her unthinking diary is really questionable, it’s the kind of thing where I get why they’d push it up in terms of the anime’s structure, but in regards to the actual plot it’s nonsensical. While we the audience have reason to question what’s going on in the Shadow House, Emilyko in-universe doesn’t yet, everything going on right now seems like normal servants’ work to her. It’s not until the end of the ghost arc when she remembers how some of the hallways are booby-trapped to kill to keep them from leaving that she starts to wonder what the hell is going on in the Shadow House. Having her start questioning things now when we’re still in the slice-of-life stage will make later parts of the story lose their punch.
I’m not going to judge the anime yet until we’re a little further in, and I will fully admit that some of this is nitpicks rather than serious plot critiques, but it’s also a little hrmmmmm. The anime on its own is fine, it’s just knowing the context of this stuff in the manga and how the plot is structured there makes it feel off. Them mucking up the Kate scene is definitely a crime though.
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crispyjenkins · 5 years ago
Can you do a fic where Dooku takes Obi-Wan as his Padawan (when he’s like 8 or something) and maybe Galidraan never happens?
(heck YEAH  I CAN! my love for yan dooku knows no bounds, and i have almost no reason for it. lil baby obi and big stern dooku and padawan brother qui-gon and yoda being pouty that his three-fingered machinations didn’t play out as planned. timeline has been bounced around a lil, Galidraan happens when Obi is nine instead of thirteen.
this is gen but your specificity about Galidraan makes me wonder if you wanted jango involved somehow? didn’t want to make assumptions, and i’d be down to do a continuation if that was your intention! thank you for prompting, lovely!)
 Obi-Wan meets Master Yan in the middle of the night, when he’s snuck out of the créche to find his way to Master Yoda’s rooms after another dream that makes no sense to his eight year-old brain. It isn’t the first time Obi-Wan has sought the grandmaster’s council this late, but it is the first time anyone is already sitting at Master Yoda’s table when he gets there.
  And yet, Master Yoda still invites him in and pours him tea, introducing him to his former padawan who looks down at Obi-Wan with critical, but somehow kind, eyes. Master Yan listens when Yoda asks Obi-Wan to describe his dreams, and doesn’t interrupt the way other masters have; instead, he sits across from Obi-Wan with his hands folded under his chin and his focus intent.
  When Obi-Wan finally trails off, flushed under the attention of two masters, Master Yan turns his head to Yoda. “You never mentioned we had an initiate so strong in the Unifying Force.”
  Master Yoda grumbles and sips his tea. “Ever ask, you did not, hrm. To keep you updated on the créchelings, my duty is not.”
  Obi-Wan glances between them, unused to Jedi questioning Master Yoda about— well, anything. 
  “And how old are you, Initiate Kenobi?” Master Yan asks him, voice a quiet, pleasant rumble. 
  “E-Eight standard, master.”
  “Hm.” He leans back to stroke his beard thoughtfully. “A little young to be sure...”
  “Think before you say something you might regret, you should,” Yoda wraps his robe tighter around himself in what Obi-Wan would have called petulance, had it been anyone but the grandmaster of the Order. 
  “Already have someone in mind, Master?” Master Yan chuckles, pouring both he and Obi-Wan a new cup of tea. 
  “Cloudy, Initiate Kenobi’s future is. Sense the chance for a deep, deep bond with someone else, I do.”
  “M... Masters,” Obi-Wan plucks up the courage to say, “what are we discussing?”
  “At the moment, nothing, yes, hrrm” Yoda says, while Master Yan peers down his nose at him.
  “What my old Master means is that there is a Jedi in the Temple that could, —but only could, mind you— develop an incredibly strong bond with you, were you to become their apprentice.” Stroking his beard still, Master Yan brushes mentally against Obi-Wan’s mind, Obi-Wan startling at the intrusion, especially when he’s so poor at holding his shields. 
“It seems you have much to fear, Initiate Kenobi, and that makes many masters nervous, makes your créchemates lash out. Your lack of shields tells me much about your struggles in your lessons and in your meditations. Now, and I ask you to think carefully on your answer: what is it that you fear most?
  Truthfully, Obi-Wan does not have to think very hard about it, but he still attempts to give other parts of himself the benefit of the doubt, for Master Yan’s sake. He looks inwards as the créchmasters had taught him, skimming his emotions and memories and locating where they are darkest. And they don’t surprise him, for all that they still make him want to curl up and hide, but that is not the Jedi way. 
  He opens his eyes. “That no one will want me. That I’m not good enough.”
  Master Yan raises a perfect eyebrow at Master Yoda, who grumbles more forcefully, but does not stop Master Master Yan from turning back to Obi-Wan. “Well, then I imagine we will have great success in assuaging your other fears now that that is no longer an issue.”
  “Will you do me the honor of becoming my padawan learner, Initiate Kenobi?”
  Master Yoda heaves a sigh and lets it happen.
  “Absolutely not.”
  Master Mundi stumbles over the rest of his briefing on their upcoming mission, the council chamber falling silent to stare at Master Yan. Obi-Wan ducks a little further behind his master, still feeling so small compared to the masters, and Master Yan rests a gentle hand on his back even as he glares down the current head of the order.
  “My padawan is nine standard years. I will not be taking him onto a battlefield,” Master Yan says firmly, and Obi-Wan gets the feeling he doesn’t often disagree publicly with the council.
  “Master Dooku,” Sifo-Dyas sighs. “You are the only qualified master available—”
  “I believe, Sifo, that I said no.”
  Yoda leans forward in his seat, tapping his gimer stick against the floor. “Stay here, Kenobi can. Yes, hrm. More than willing to watch him, I would be, hrrm.”
  Obi-Wan twists a fist into the back of Master Yan’s obi-belt, pressure increasing against his temples from the unrest in the council room, the chill of what he can now identify as the Unifying Force pushing at the back of his shields. Of course, the Force doesn’t deign to give him any clear images, any certain paths, but the mounting terror and pain he can sense in the near future makes his stomach roil, until he has to muffle a sound in his master’s robes.
  Master Yan’s hand immediately goes to the back of his head, carefully loosening Obi-Wan’s grip only so he can crouch down to eye-level, and it’s as if the council masters aren’t even there, for the way Master Yan can somehow narrow Obi-Wan’s focus down to just them.
  “What do you see, padawan?” he murmurs as Obi-Wan leans into the fingers at his temple, letting his master support his shields so he can reach even further into the Force and chase the will-o-the-wisps of colours and pictures.  
  “A Governor,” Obi-Wan finally mutters, scrunching up his face in concentration. “He’s... He’s speaking to someone with a black lightsaber. He wants someone’s armour.” Light flashes behind his eyelids, making his head throb, but Obi-Wan still grabs at it with his fists and holds it tight. “He says he’s willing to lose a few Jedi to get it.”
  When Obi-Wan can blink back from the Force, the council chamber has lowered the blinds, casting the room into a soft warm glow that doesn’t hurt Obi-Wan’s eyes nearly as bad as the sunlight would have. Master Yan is still crouched in front of him, but his head is turned towards Master Mundi and Master Yoda, exchanging quick words that take Obi-Wan a few moments to understand.
  “Master Windu,” Master Mundi is saying, as Master Yan tucks Obi-Wan’s padawan braid back behind his ear before standing, “please get in contact with the senator that sent the request, we will leave nothing up to chance. Padawan Kenobi,” he looks right at Obi-Wan, making him jump. “You are confident in what you’ve seen?”
  Obi-Wan glances up at Master Yan, waiting for his nod before answering, “I know what I saw, Master Mundi, what I felt. That is no guarantee of the future, my visions are not answers.”
  Several other masters nod and smile at him, and Master Yoda fully relaxes into his seat to look up at Master Yan. “Hrmmm. Done well with Padawan Kenobi you have, Master Dooku. A powerful master he will become, yes.”
 Bewildered, Obi-Wan tips his head back to look at his master, who is preening under the praise. “A balanced one,” Master Yan agrees and inclines his head to the grandmaster. “Force willing.”
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mooncaps · 4 years ago
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It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what this said. I thought I was getting the hang of the language, but this was stumping me.
I kept glancing back and forth between this image and the first ones alphabet and going: "Moogp?" Or maybe "Moorp?" Or are those squares and not diamonds? "Moort?" “Hoorp?” "Hoort?" Is the bent word branch also supposed to be an "oo" as in "good" sound? "Moogoop?" Or “Hooroot?”
And it's basically because I chose the above screencap to read instead of a different one. It has a lot of glow on it, but also maybe not all of the show’s animators were working from the same understanding of the First Ones alphabet.
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This one doesn’t have as much glow on it, and it shows the vowel sound much more clearly. It’s also easier to tell that the lower letter on the right is definitely R and not G.
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And even this one would have been sufficient, glow and all.
I would’ve just assumed it was the glow that was causing me problems and not implied that the animators don’t know the made-up language on their own show, but then I saw it three different ways in 5x13.
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This one seems to say “hoort.”
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This one got real wild and bent the lines that lead to the H and T, which I think would make it “oohooroot.”
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And then this one, which I’m reasonably confident is the correct version again.
I suppose I could headcanon that the spelling inconsistencies are caused by Adora’s feelings. Maybe the confusion in her heart, in addition to disrupting her powers, affects the failsafe too and causes the word to distort. Maybe the animators even purposefully tried to convey that. Maybe they were trying to say she was thinking more clearly in the scenes where the word was clear and feeling more confused in the scenes where it was distorted. Hrmmm...
Anyway, it says “Heart.” Which is of course the most obvious thing it could’ve said and if I’d thought about it thematically instead of trying to read it I probably could’ve guessed what it said in less time than it took for me to read it.
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samwritesforyou · 4 years ago
one hundred times yes
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fandom: free!
pairing: reigisa
description: nagisa decides to arrange a secret swimming anniversary party to his boyfriend rei, in the end surprising everyone who’s been invited. including rei.
genre: established relationship, fluff, humour
author’s note: not beta-read.... we die like men ig✌️
wordcount: 4.2k
“Good morning, Mako-chan!” said Nagisa cheerfully when he saw a video call window open and he witnessed a very sleepy Makoto rubbing his eyes and trying his best to wake up.
“H-hi?.. Why are you calling so early, Nagisa? It’s 7am..” Just woken up friend of his sounded very soft and a bit confused, trying to focus his gaze on the phone screen.
“It’s not early for college students who’s internship is gonna start soon!” He said right back proudly, without missing a beat, now tilting his phone a little bit to the side, so that Makoto could see another dear friend of his, which was currently struggling in the kitchen with his back towards both of them.
“I’m making moral support for Rei-chan to succeed in making breakfast for us, because as we all know I can’t really cook that well and all the takeouts are closed this early,” Nagisa visibly pouted in the camera, taking up almost the whole screen on the other end where Makoto just laughed sheepishly at his words and rubbed the back of his messy hair.
“How did you even get to Rei’s place at this hour?” he asked innocently, from time to time looking to the side for some reason.
“What do you mean how? We live together,” said Nagisa and blinked at the camera a few times with big doe eyes.
“Nagisa-kun, quit the talking and better help me! What’s written in the recipe?!” yelled Rei in distress, trying to flip something like a pancake on the pan but failing miserably.
“Live together?!” Makoto literally yelped in surprise and then there was some shuffling on his end of the audio and sheets behind him moved on its own, soon enough revealing sleepy Haru, right beside him.
“Well why are you surprised, Mako-chan, when you’re apparently living with Haru-chan, hmmm,” teased the blond guy, smirking into the screen.
“Nagisa!!” Rei continued his call for help.
“Oh, yeah! Mako-chan, please tell Rei here how to flip pancakes correctly?” Nagisa made a beeline towards the kitchen where his boyfriend was battling with different utensils, trying to make it work.
Makoto looked so confused at all the new info and was blushing like a tomato, so Haru took the phone from his hands, putting it close to his face so the boys saw only a bit of his eyes and mostly his forehead.
“First, make sure that the bottom of the batter is good to flip and it won’t crumble, lift it carefully with the spatula and once you can lift it all.. flip it,” said Haru in his monotone voice of giving instructions and Rei just nodded his head vigorously, feeling very enthusiastic by being taught by his senpai.
They all waited silently until he succeeds in flipping his first pancake and when he did it, Nagisa with a celebratory yell let go of the phone, so the call ended with an abrupt amalgamation of couple’s voices.
“Do you think they’re okay?” asked Makoto silently, putting the phone away and flopping back onto their bed.
“Certainly,” said Haru, following him and getting comfortable under the sheets.
“Why do you think Mako-chan got so flustered about us seeing Haru-chan behind him?” muffled Nagisa with his mouth stuffed with pancakes from his boyfriend.
“I think Makoto-senpai is the only one from all of our friend group who didn’t really know about us living together and who also didn’t realise that him and Haruka-senpai living together is very obvious as well,” said Rei, putting food to his plate as well.
“Hrmmm,” mumbled blondie again, reaching for another piece immediately after finishing the first one, “by the way, these are really tasty, Rei-chan!” he smiled at him warmly, which made the addressed one blush.
“Thank you, Nagisa-kun.”
The shorter boy then chuckled and sprung to his feet only to plant a loud peck on his cheek.
“Don’t forget about the time, Rei-chan, we have to go soon!” he exclaimed, contradicting his own words by sitting down again and getting yet another bite.
“We?..” he said, hints of confusion in his voice.
“Owf wcouwse!!” Nagisa deadpanned, furrowing his brows and gulped the food down, “I’m going to walk you there, at least!”
And in the span of next twenty minutes the couple got ready to head out. Since Nagisa wasn’t an astounding cook, but he still wanted to prepare something yummy for his other half to have to snack on throughout the day, he handed him a box of bought cookies and crisps, followed by two medium sized bottles of water.
“Here we go!” they smiled at each other.
To get to Rei’s internship they had to take a bus and then another one, but everything went smoothly.
“Don’t cause any trouble, alright?” Nagisa said, chuckling to himself.
“I’m not a child!” Rei exclaimed flustered, but still ruffled his blond hair and then hurried into the building, looking back one more time, “see you later!”
“Have fun, Rei-chan!” once Nagisa was sure that his boyfriend was out of sight he took out his own phone, tapping away a familiar number and putting it to his ear.
After a few beeps he heard a lovely voice on the other end.
“Go-chan, I’m ready when you are!”
“So if we really want to organise a secret swimming anniversary party for Rei, we need to get down to business and do some serious planning, Nagisa-kun!” Red haired girl exclaimed and rose from her chair, carried away with excitement.
Then she sat back down and smiled enthusiastically, nodding to her blonde friend.
“Okay-okay, I gotchu!” Nagisa started nodding too, catching her drift.
“We definitely need to make it big, like maybe have it in a restaurant or something, or maybe on a cruise ship, or maybe making it a whole week long trip around the world—“ little guy passionately flapped his arms around, trying to show the scale of it all but his friend quickly calmed him down, making him sit again.
“Hey, hey, Nagisa-kun, easy..” she laughed nervously and then sighed in relief when he just started wobbling from side to side on his seat like a penguin, looking at her with a big smile plastered on his face, waiting for the response.
She took a handful of noodles between her chopsticks, slurping on them.
“Look, the restaurant idea doesn’t sound that bad,” Go said with a mouthful, smiling at her friend.
“Okay, great,” Nagisa concluded the end of their serious meeting, because after that phrase they just continued eating delicious food in their favourite diner and later they crashed karaoke room, both coming out of there pretty in the mood, still singing even on the street.
The following days Nagisa has been doing preparations, calls to restaurants, he phoned people in their friend circle and asked about their availability to be able to put together the best time when to book the place.
He was also thinking about the fact how he can show Rei his love once again through yet another action, because let’s face it, everyone will have a speech or something of that sort. So Nagisa desperately wanted to be different and surprise his boyfriend by doing something that nobody that evening will do.
And then it hit him.
Powerpoint presentation.
He shot a glance with his light eyes towards the living room where Rei was sitting crouched behind the desk, staring into the only computer their household owned, typing away.
He was deeply focused on his task so he didn’t even notice Nagisa’s intense stare in his direction, when he was frowning and putting a pencil to his mouth, thinking hard about his options.
I’ll have to visit someone who has a laptop, because if I try to do it at home, Rei-chan will definitely see it and then there will be no surprise, mused to himself the blond guy, already forming a flawless plan in his own restless mind.
So on another fine evening Nagisa took his backpack and said to Rei, already standing in the hallway, “I’ll visit Go, Rei-chan! She said she needs help with that one project she’s doing for school!”
He was expecting for his boyfriend to just hum an indecipherable “hm,” in his direction, but instead he hear a rustle from the chair and a quick progression of steps towards him.
Purple haired guy was standing there without saying a word, clearly nervous, clutching his fists and looking away.
After a while he gathered up some courage and looked in Nagisa’s beautiful pinkish eyes.
“Is there something wrong, Nagisa-kun?!” he almost yelled, probably from bottling up all his worries about this topic.
That took the other person in the room by surprise as his mouth hung open in a shape of an “o”.
“What? Rei-chan, what are you talking about?..” Nagisa’s tone was careful and soft, as he came closer to him and put his hand on his boyfriend’s triceps, squeezing it a little, making their eye contact more intimate.
“I just..” he was blushing now and his lower lip was shaking, “it just feels like this whole past week you’ve been weirdly busy with something and you don’t even want to tell me about what..” as soon as he said it, Rei hugged his partner tightly, closing his eyes shut really hard, trying not to cry.
The taller guy was always emotional about any mishaps in their relationship and was heavily emotionally involved in everything. Nagisa knew that and still didn’t realise that Rei would take this whole “secret celebration” this close to heart.
“Look, I’m working on something for *you*, okay?” he said with a warm smile as he pulled back, looking into his purple amethysts and then stood on his tiptoes to connect them with a passionate kiss.
“Alright, Rei-chan?” he asked, winking at him playfully, after he already went into the doorframe, still looking at him.
“Alright!” he beamed at his lover, now already glowing and waving him goodbye.
“Good evening, Go-chan!” he said enthusiastically with a huge smile and once the door opened, his expression fell for a brief second, when the person who opened the door for him wasn’t the one who Nagisa expected.
“Rin-chan!!!” smaller guy’s exclamation was now even louder than before and he was ready to throw himself into his arms, only to collide with a closed door.
“Rin-chan!” he immediately started banging on the door, demanding to be let in.
“I didn’t invite you,” Rin mumbled under his breath and went away from the hallway, heading straight to the kitchen.
The banging and yelling outside continued.
“Rin? What are you doing, didn’t you want to go to sleep?” lower voice came from the other room and footsteps stopped in the middle of the kitchen open space, person clearly noticing the blasting at the entrance to the apartment.
“If we’re gonna have to handle that little angel at the doorstep then I’d better make myself coffee, Sosuke,” sighed Rin, brewing himself some beans by the counter, a light smile appearing on his face nevertheless.
“Oh?..” his friend arched his brow and then went towards the hallway, finally opening the door for poor Hazuki.
“So-chan!!” Nagisa wasn’t even surprised at the change of the characters on the other side anymore, jumping into strong guy’s chest.
“H-hey, Nagisa,” Sosuke got flustered a little, patting the smaller friend on the back.
Soon the blondie finally let go of Sosuke, looking around the apartment as if it was his own.
“Rin-chan, where is Go-chan?.. We were supposed to meet about.. me using her computer?” Nagisa smiles innocently, grinning wide.
“She’s in the shower, she’ll come out soon I think,” he said, finally turning around and sipping on his drink, looking clearly amused by the whole ordeal.
“Oooh, okay! Also, I didn’t know you’re living with So-chan together? At Go-chan’s place?” Nagisa sat by the dining table, making himself comfortable. He kept looking from one friend to another.
“Well..” Rin cleated his throat and looked at Sosuke for a brief moment, then turning his gaze back to Nagisa.
“Go wanted to live on her own, but couldn’t afford to achieve that, and we wanted with Sosuke to move in together in Tokyo together anyways, so we decided to help her out and for the time being we’re all roommates. It’s kinda fun, actually. She travels home on most weekends anyways,” he smiled, shrugging and going somewhere with the cup in his hand.
When he came back, he had thin laptop under his arm, setting it on the table in front of his friend.
“Here, bud. You can use mine for whatever.”
“Really?!” his light eyes were sparkling with excitement, “do you have powerpoint?” he asked shyly, biting his lower lip and smiling.
“Sure,” Rin started the computer up, opening the desired program and leaving the scene to Nagisa.
He immediately started working on his passion project while Rin and Sosuke were talking about something by the same table, creating the perfect atmosphere for the small guy to get inspired and focused.
Soon enough they all heard the water stop and doors to the bathroom creaking open, Go wrapped in the red towel coming out.
“Oh my god, Nagisa, hello! I’m sorry I completely lost track of time back there!” she laughed heartily and then sat behind the table as well.
“I see that my brother already lent you his laptop? Is that alright?” she looked at him, worried.
“Of course, Go, you two don’t go to sleep late, okay?” he then stood up and kissed her top of the head, wishing them both goodnight.
Sosuke got up right after him and they went to their separate rooms.
“Huh?” peeked Nagisa from the monitor screen, as their doors closed, “They don’t sleep in the same bed?” he asked as if it was the most unnatural thing ever.
“Why would they?” blinked at him Go in disbelief, holding her breath, “do you think they’re?..”
“Of course! Oh my god, Go-chan, you’re so silly sometimes!” Nagisa shook his head and then without another word continued editing.
He ended up sleeping over at Go’s place, making their couch his sleeping space and main fort of action.
First thing in the morning he had a whole calling session, starting with Rei and apologising to him, ending it in almost singing him a serenade.
Then he had to dial Makoto (therefore Haru as well) and ask them for help, because everyone from Matsuoka household has already vanished somewhere.
Soon enough his two childhood friends were already ringing into the doorbell.
Nagisa got up and ran to open the door, hugging both of them as they arrived.
“I didn’t even know that Go lives with her brother now,” mused Makoto aloud, looking around the place just like Nagisa did yesterday.
“Not only! With So-chan as well!” he said, grinning at the pair, pointing at the kitchen.
“Guys, if you’re hungry, feel free to cook yourself something!” small guy said, sitting back by the laptop screen.
“But I need you to help me write this and that,” he started a waterfall of requests, making Makoto just widen his eyes, while Haru started understandingly nodding along.
And a week later, everything was finally set in place. The date was set, day offs were earned, booking was made, presents created and speeches taught of.
As Rei and Nagisa arrived at the restaurant, the taller man slowly started to realise that he might’ve underdressed.
It did seem weird to him that his lover would take a pink suit to a “normal date”, as he described the event for Rei.
“Nagisa-kun..” he said carefully, as they were getting out of the car.
“Nu-uh!!!” He chirped excitedly, shaking his hair, blonde hair moving with him in motion, “No asking questions, Rei-chan!”
Rei just pursed his lips, following his boyfriend into the restaurant in his regular purple shirt and some denim skinny jeans.
When they came in, everything was already prepared. Nagisa led his partner towards the biggest table in the room, where already a dozen of their friends was waiting for the main guests.
“W-what is this?” Rei mumbled, eyes wide as he scanned every detail of the prepared corner.
There were balloons that formed a phrase “happy 5th anniversary of swimming!” and everyone who was waiting for the two of them were smiling in their direction, waving and greeting them.
“Hey, Rei, happy anniversary!” said Makoto, warmly smiling at him.
“Rei, this is so fun in here!” said Go, waving and jumping up and down in her seat.
“Wow, I..” said the man in question, turning his head slightly to Nagisa, “I didn’t expect something like this,” he laughed nervously and then Nagisa just shoved his boyfriend to the table, making Rei awkwardly greet everyone back with a smile.
Everyone was there. Makoto, Haruka, Go, Ikuya, Hiyori, Natsuya, Nitori, Sasabe, Miho, Momotaro and Nao.
Maybe only a few people were missing, but Rei was definitely overwhelmed with this whole event, just sitting down silently as the head of the enormously big table and it was buzzing with chatter.
After some time Nagisa settled on the seat next to his partner and everyone started to have some meals first, all of the present people talking to each other, happy and good energy being exchanged here and now.
Suddenly Rin and Sosuke appeared, making their way towards the party.
“Hey, hello!” said Rin loudly, announcing their entrance, waving everyone by one hand while in the other he had his laptop with something like a projector.
“Hey, Rin-chan! Why are you late?” genuinely asked Nagisa, looking at his friend questionably.
Rin scowled at the very memory of the reason why, putting his equipment on the ground.
“This whole time we were driving slowly like some.. turtles behind this slow ass blue car! We couldn’t get past it and it kept slowing us down until we finally made our way through and floored it, as a person is supposed to do on a highway,” concluded Rin and plopped himself on the seat next to them, crossing his hands on the chest.
Sosuke just shrugged and nodded, visibly agreeing with his flatmate.
Soon enough another two late comers made their way to the table, both waving enthusiastically at the group.
“Hello! Sorry we’re late,” said Kisumi and Asahi, with whom he came, took it away and started talking about it himself;
“We were just riding on a highway, then some crazy red car made it past us and with their speed they literally shook our little baby into the side, so Kisumi really had to do his best not to have a car accident!” he stated with furrowed brows, Kisumi just awkwardly laughing and rubbing the back of his neck.
Nagisa’s eyes met with Rin’s as they were listening to the story and then he just loudly hollered, making both of them sit down as well.
“Hahhaha what a terrific story, guys! Be careful next time!”
And with all the guests finally present, little blond guy finally stood up and ringed into his champagne glass with a knife, making everyone quiet down and give him their full attention.
“Hello everyone, again. I want to, kind of announce, why we gathered here today, because it was all a big surprise for Rei-chan and he didn’t know a thing until we arrived here ten minutes ago!” Nagisa smiled warmly and turned his gaze to his boyfriend, “This is a party to celebrate your 5th anniversary since you’ve joined our swimming club and learned how to swim for the first time after so many failed attempts,” he said sweetly, with the last sentence making Rei blush with embarrassment.
“So I would like everyone to give a toast every once in a while, complimenting my baby’s skills! Or whatever nice things you have to say! I’ll show a surprise that i prepared towards the end of the party,” concluded Nagisa and then received a round of applause with some laughs from their friends.
After Nagisa has sat down, Rei didn’t waste a second and captured him in a tight hug, smiling happily.
“Thank you for this, Nagisa-kun... I love you so much,” he said in their embrace, eyes closed.
“I love you too, Rei-chan,” blondie answered, a happy feeling of accomplishment and success of the party giving him an incredible serotonin boost.
The night was going smoothly and every single one of their friends have said beautiful or hilarious speeches, to lighten up the atmosphere, almost all of them making Rei’s purple eyes sting. He was just overwhelmed with emotion that night.
Towards the end main organiser stood up from his place and went over to the projector near the wall, turning it all.
The chatter was quieter now, some people needed to be at different places already, so the number of guests was smaller too.
He didn’t need to draw attention to himself, because everyone was already looking his way, but he was most interested in staring back into the amethysts of his partner, smiling warmly.
“Start already, Nagisa-kuuun,” moaned Go, hands extended on the table as she was plastered comfortably on her chair, back crouched.
That brought him back to the reality and he chuckled, finally interrupting their gazing game with Rei and started to push different buttons on the projector, to get the damn thing working.
Soon enough it lit up on the wall, showing a messy desktop with iwatobi-chan, running to the pool, all blurred, with different captions left and right.
Don’t ask.
He finally clicked on the powerpoint and started up his presentation, starting off very proudly and enthusiastically, showing off different pictures of Rei’s progress, making his boy embarrassingly cover his face and yell from time to time.
“And then we filmed this commercial and Haru-chan did an astounding job!” Nagisa said, excitedly jumping up and down and then got gently reminded by Makoto if it’s still the presentation about Rei.
“Oh, yes! Of course, next slide, please!” he demanded and clicked on the keyboard on arrow key himself, showing a photo set of pictures that could as well be sold to someone as professionally taken ones.
“This could go on a cover of the magazine,” Kisumi mused with a smile on his face, supporting his head with his palm under the chin.
“True, haha,” agreed and chuckled Asahi, gently slapping his companion on the back.
“Thank you,” only quietly said Rei, all red with color.
Then Nagisa included their races and tournaments, that made tear up even Rin and Makoto and Haru smiled very warmly, which was enough to show how much everyone cared about their collective history.
And when he got towards the last slide, showing just a collage of their pictures together, little blondie that was always so outgoing got a bit quiet, looking at the screen intensely, not willing to meet anyone’s eyes. Especially not his loved amethysts.
“And with this ending part I would just like to say that...” he was fidgeting with his hands, playing with the fingers, “generally, before I met all of you again in highschool, guys, my life has been kind of bleak, even when I didn’t show it..” smile stretched on his features, a little wobbly, “and especially after meeting Rei-chan.. he has opened my heart in a way I didn’t expect anyone to open,” he finally lifted his head and tears were flowing down his face, but a wide smile was there as well, and his dark rosey eyes were looking right into the purples, creating a wonderful explosion of colours and feelings inside of both of their chests.
“I am the happiest person by your side. You always—,” it was kind of hard to speak for him now, sobs escaping his throat every once in a while, “You always understand me and never judge me.. Rei-chan..”
Nagisa has suddenly after these words climbed on the mostly empty table meant for the projector and sat on his knees, now looking directly at his love.
Go was already crying too, Makoto was on the verge and others were kind of confused, but certainly intrigued, watching what was unfolding in front of them.
“Will you..” he fumbled with something from his pocket and took out a small violet box, opening it in front of Rei, “ Will you marry me?”
After he choked these words out he started crying even more and his boyfriend’s eyes widened with shock and then realisation, and he immediately stood up and rushed to him, scooping him up in his arms and starting kissing his cheeks and light hair.
“Nagisa-kun... one hundred times yes,” he almost couldn’t speak anymore either, his emotions getting the best of him and they just hugged and cried together.
It took everyone a few seconds to stomach everything what just happened and every single friend of theirs at once got their butts up and came to the happy couple, hugging them as well.
“What a nice date, isn’t it?” laughed weakly Nagisa, seeing everyone around him, still scooped in his boyfriend’s arms.
“Truly.. thank you,” said Rei, looking into his red eyes, what seemed to be like forever.
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secret-vore-lair · 5 years ago
I’d love to have you for dinner
After responding to a dragon’s request, Aspen finds herself getting very close to Mally. Contains nervous prey, a comforting pred, and mentions of digestion. This turned out longer than I thought, so I’ll just post this for now, and post a part two later. Enjoy!
Aspen glanced up at the foreboding cave mouth before her and pulled her jacket tighter around her shoulders. She’d worn it because of the light chill today, just enough of a breeze that her soft purple fur didn’t quite do enough to keep her comfortable on its own. She looked down at the address she’d written out earlier, to make sure she was in the right place. The paper read, “0000 That One Big Cave with the Tree Growing out of the Top of It, You Can’t Miss It.” She sighed. Yep. No denying it. She was here. She could even feel the warm air rising from the gaping cavern. Still, she had chills. She was embarrassed and nervous, and nervous about being embarrassed, and, yes, a little frightened too. But she took a deep breath in, her ears folding back, and forced herself to take those first steps forward.
Her hooves clicked on the floor of the cave as she walked down the shallow incline, noting with a hushed whimper the sheer size of the passageway. Just another reminder she was walking into the clutches of a dragon. Which of course is where she wanted to be, but still. She couldn’t help but feel this way. She was just an ordinary goat, after all, and her prey instincts were such that even the idea of something like Mally was enough speed up her heart. She’d never done this with a dragon before. . .
Aspen eventually made it to the cave’s central chamber. The heat here was intense enough that she could feel herself starting to sweat, and as she stood in the wide expanse of grey stone, her slight frame felt, to her at least, like a comically small addition to the vast room. “H-Hello?” she called out softly, then cleared her throat and repeated the greeting, a little louder this time.
She heard Mally before she saw her, and she heard her in stages. First, the scraping of thick scales on stone. Followed by a deep, echoing yawn. Then came the lazy groans and the thuds of tired dragon claws lifting a chubby dragon body from the ground. Finally, the quaking steps that heralded the arrival of—
Oh gosh, she was gorgeous. Apen’s muzzle dropped open and her cheeks flushed hot pink as Mally wound her way into the room, stumbling a little, her mane a frazzled mess of draconic bedhead.
“Hrmmm. . . Aspen? Right? Sorry, time must’ve gotten away from me. It’s one of the few things that does.” The dragon flashed her fanged grin, her teeth gleaming even more than her emerald scales. She rubbed the sleep from one glossy red eye.
Aspen squeaked softly, then forced her words to be words and said, “That’s me! Yes! Hi. Hello. Wow. Hi. I mean, nice to m-meet you!” Her tuft of a tail twitched wildly as she kept her arms clutched tight around her body.
“Pleasure’s all mine, love,” Mally purred, looking her over. “You seem a little shy. Anything I can do to help soothe those nerves? I want to help you relax.” Wisps of steam billowed out of her nostrils.
Aspen chuckled nervously and rubbed her head, scratching behind her curved horns. “I-I’ll be okay. I’ve just never done this with someone as big as you before. I guess I’m a little intimida—” Before she had even finished speaking, though, Mally had begun to change before her eyes. Where once there was a towering dragon looming over her on all fours, there now stood a bipedal winged reptile, still towering over her but only by a foot or two. “—ted.” She felt her face grow hotter still.
“In that case,” Mally said with a playful flick of her tail, “How’s this? Better? Or did you want to be intimidated? Because I can do that too.”
“N-No, this is fine! This is great, actually. Ahem. I just . . . don’t want to make this harder for you. It would be easier for you at your regular size, right?” Aspen saw that Mally now held out a claw, and she took it. The dragon began to lead her, taking her out of the huge chamber and into a cozy alcove with a bed. Several stacks of books were piled next to it.
“Easier, perhaps. But less rewarding, I think. This way you’ll fill me up completely and then some. And I have some reading I’ve been meaning to catch up on, which is far easier in this shape. So long as you don’t mind being packed in a little tight, I’m more than happy to take you in this way.” She sat down on the bed with a creak, and Aspen did the same beside her. “Now, your messages to me indicated you hadn’t done this before. But you have at least been eaten, yes?”
Aspen looked down at their still-entwined hands and nodded. It was strange. Mally was blazingly hot. In the temperature sense. And the other sense too. And yet despite the discomfort that was causing her, she found herself leaning on the dragon, actively craving proximity to her. She didn’t even want to part from Mally for the few seconds it would take to remove her coat. She ran her tongue around the inside of her dry mouth and said, “Yes, I’ve been eaten. A few times. But never, um, you know. . .”
Aspen shivered. “Mhm. If I can’t even say it, I’m probably not ready to do it, huh?”
Mally gave her hand a squeeze. “Lots of people have a hard time saying it. It’s okay. Just because you’re shy about it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. I’m here to help you explore. And also to get a free meal, of course.” She giggled. “If you think you’re ready, we can do it, and if not, don’t worry about it. I can just swallow you. Or we can just cuddle a while! And you can change your mind at any time. I’ll be paying close attention to you.”
Aspen nodded, and met Mally’s eyes, her own oddly shaped pupils distorted by her tearing up with relief. She wiped them and sat up a little straighter. “I think. . . If I had the chance to become part of someone like you and didn’t take it, I’d regret it forever. So, um. Would you please d-digest me, Mally?”
“Naturally, sweetie. Headfirst okay?”
“Y-Yes, ma’am.”
Aspen watched, hypnotized as the dragon’s maw opened ever wider before her, and shut her eyes as Mally tilted up her chin. A moment later she was contained in blissful warmth as slick, supple flesh took hold all around her head, a stifling and salivary grip that elicited a soft moan from Aspen as her body relaxed and she gave in completely.
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paintedrecs · 5 years ago
A, K, and Y for the alphabet asks :P
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m going to be brief for once and link to where I just wrote about my top 5! Much more details in this post. Short answer, with some additional ones since this question doesn’t limit me to just five:
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Owen Burnett/David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Trevor Belmont/Adrian (Alucard) Ţepeş (Castlevania)
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi/Barnaby Brooks, Jr. (Tiger & Bunny)
Takashi Shirogane/Keith Kogane (Voltron: Legendary Defender) 
Geralt/Jaskier (The Witcher)
Masahiro Setagawa/Kousuke Ohshiba (Hitorijime My Hero)
Rihito Sajou/Hikaru Kusakabe (Doukyusei)
Ritsuka Uenoyama/Mafuyu Sato (Given)
Galo Thymos/Lio Fotia (Promare)
Jack Zimmermann/Eric Bittle (Check Please)
Dean Winchester/Castiel (Supernatural)
Moomintroll/Snufkin (Moomin)
Korra/Asami (The Legend of Korra)
Howl/Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I...like a lot of stuff. If we get into FRIENDSHIPS then I’ll be here all day, oof. These are just the romantic pairings I currently like the Very Most and most love seeing/buying content for, although I’ve probably forgotten some I’ll kick myself for later. The top 5 are the only ones that’ve inspired me (so far) to write fic.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Out of all media in all time? Zuko from ATLA.
From my list above: hmmmmm that’s actually a hard one. Let’s go with in canon, because you’ve got characters like Derek and Shiro whom I absolutely adore but who were screwed over by canon. Even so, I’m still really torn, because I have a lot of things to say about a LOT of them, haha, but I thiiiiiiiink Barnaby has the most visible, concrete growth over the course of the show + movie. He starts out cold and angry and entirely focused on vengeance. By the close of the series, he’s fallen deeply in love with his partner, Kotetsu, but he’s also softened considerably in other ways: he has friends, he spends significant amounts of time (in addition to money) with orphan children, he has hope and positive plans for his future. Kotesu’s optimism and kindness had a huge impact on him, and visibly changed his life for the better.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Hrmmm. I know there’s more than this, and I feel bad for not remembering right now what they are...
There are definitely some I enjoyed but didn’t get fandom-obsessive with, but it’s still fun to see other people loving them. Good Omens and Black Butler are two I can think of off the top of my head. Oh and stuff like Haikyuu? Tried watching it, got kinda bored tbh too much sports, but I don’t mind seeing it around and it’s fun to see people having fun. BNHA too - I didn’t end up liking it all that much, but some of the ships are cute and I liked Todoroki a lot.
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angiestown · 5 years ago
hrmmm I got called into work tomorrow bc they need help with the big flood of doomsday customers buying supplies but also I’ve definitely developed a sore throat since this morning so I feel like I should probably not go into work BUT
I’m pretty sure manitoba just had their first confirmed corona case like yesterday so it’s probably not widespread in my area yet
I’ve had the ticklings of a sore throat for over a month now and it could be totally coincidence that it finally went full force now that everyone is worrying
I only leave the house 2-3 times a week for work and I wash my hands a lot at work because I handle food and most days that I work it is super slow like barely any people around at all
so it’s probably just a regular cold and nothing to worry about BUT ALSO
it would be irresponsible to go into work sick right now especially since I don’t have bills to pay
just because there’s only one confirmed case doesn’t mean there’s not lots of unconfirmed cases
I still haven’t gotten tested for diabetes even though I’ve been worrying about it for like two years now and I’ve started noticing that cuts and bruises take months to heal so I’m extra worried I have it and diabetic people are at greater risk aaaaaaa
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years ago
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Truth or Dare || Accepting
The Truth She should have known that Tabby would go for the throat so to speak right out the gate and that she should have second guessed the choice of games. Monopoly would have been much less personal, except she still can’t find three hotels. She’s going to blame Texas for that.
But a ladies’ agreement was just that and she was honour-bound by the rules to answer honestly.
“Biggest turn ons? Hrmmm... “Absolutely Numbah One. Biting. Like no even one question, an’ nevah dat...wussy, play kine. I’m talkin’ broke da skin, gonna leave bruises f’ weeks kine. ‘Specially along da side an’ back of my t’roat, or da inside of my t’igh.
“Second? I think...uhm. Dancin’. Like slow an’ gentle, or hard and close. Jus’ skin t’ skin kine touch. Gettin’ loss in each oddah, in da music, da feelin’. Dunno how f’ explain it, but it’s a t’ing, trus’ me. “Numbah T’ree? Is like...if I’m with someone li’dat...jus’ kiss me or ya know. Not mean way really but also no jus’ wai’ an’ hope I catch on, cause t’ be hones’...probably not gonna. An’ I really jus’ like...” She shrugs. She doesn’t know how to put it into words but it goes back to her thing with touch being better than words because touch doesn’t lie.
“Reverse kine? Uhm. People only interested in me so dey can get to Andy. People who are cruel t’ keikis, animals, an’ ol’ people, or da environment, especially sharks. An’ uhm. People who lie.” She doesn’t seem content with her answers though. “Dat sound dumb, yeah?” ~*~ The Dare
Last dance with Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain I feel summer creeping in and I’m tired of this town again
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otakween · 5 years ago
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07 Ghost (2007) - Volume 5
This cover art has the ultimate yaoi hands lol (I guess it doesn’t count if they’re not human tho). Anyway, 25% done with this manga! Hurray for progress :D
-Ch. 24-
-I really hate how those twin old men are drawn, the look so creepy. I hate how they don’t have pupils
-Baby!Hakuren being comforted by Hakuren was pretty adorable. Also Teito gets to meet Mikhail. I wish they would interact with each other more often (like in Yu-Gi-Oh!) 
-I almost feel like Teito’s really easy lol. Falls in love with every boy he meets. First Mikage was his “light” and now Hakuren is. I’m still gunning for Teito x Mikhail. 
-Ch. 25- 
-This whole chapter was a chase scene! High action like this is always a bit awkward to read in manga format and better suited for anime. That being said, this was well done and easy enough to follow
-Capella! I forgot how abrupt and random his introduction is lol. They just grab him mid-flight. Anyway, he’s basically Frau and Teito’s adopted son now. I don’t remember much about him except he’s cute and I like his name
-They keep alluding to the fact that hawkziles are alive but then they’re drawn like machines?? I don’t get it...
-Teito’s plan is basically “instead of killing Ayanami right away, I’m going to find proof he’s in the wrong by doing a research trip.” Lol we love a man who cites his sources. Imagine if war worked this way tho? I’m pretty sure evil doesn’t usually wait around for you to do a reference check 
-New concept introduced: they need to find a “cursed ticket” from all of the God houses to get to Seele....whatever that means. Sounds like an excuse to stretch out the story to me lol 
-Shuri joins the Black Hawks. I get the feeling that Ayanami is kinda soft. He doesn’t really beat up or yell at Shuri for being an idiot. He just smacks around Hyuuga. He seems to treat most of his younger members pretty fairly...
-Ch. 26-
-So apparently the Black Hawks are a warsfeil unit which I didn’t realize. I thought only Kuroyuri and Haruse were warsfeils?
-Daaaamn Shuri’s first day was ROUGH lol. Maybe he’ll become a badass from the trauma? They kinda imply in this chapter that he doesn’t know what death is which is pretty messed up...
-So they reveal that the king of Antwort stole Pandora’s box. Is that implying that Ver Kreuz didn’t steal it or was he just an accomplice?
-Suzu and...whatever the other twin is named are recruited to the Black Hawks. Within two chapters 4 party members are obtained (including Capella)! I guess the mangaka just wanted to get their introductions out of the way fast lol 
-Ch. 27-
-This manga has a weird relationship with chains. Teito only tears off Capella’s chains when someone points them out. Why didn’t they take off his chains the second they grabbed him!? (Same for Teito when he was in chains)
-Ch. 28-
-Alriiiight, God house number 1, the “Hausen family.” I do really like the pilgrimage/road trip vibes of this series. I remember a lot of drama going down in the God houses. 
-It seems the Black Hawks no longer need to sneak around. I’m kind of surprised they got the army on their side so easily.
-Ch. 29-
-Okay, the Hausen house butler looks IDENTICAL to Grell from Black Butler. (And these came  out around the same time...hrmmm suspicious...)
-New concepts revealed! Apparently the land of Seele is where you go to die to meet God and the Hausen house = Fest’s house. I wonder if Castor will show up then? 
-Not sure why Teito would want to go to Seele after he finds out it’s basically a suicide mission. I feel like he’s just making things up as he goes at this point 
-Ooh, it looks like we’re going to get more backstory on how the ghosts become ghosts. Also, Castor was born with a Chinese sounding first name and a German sounding last name. I guess that doesn’t mean much since this is a fantasy world tho...
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erintoknow · 5 years ago
one by one
Spiraling - A Fallen Hero: Rebirth Fan-fiction
Nights drinking with Dr. Mortum have become equal parts business and pleasure. You never know where you’ll find a new lead. [Fake]
[Read on AO3]
“Jane…?” Dr. Mortum’s voice is quiet compared to the noise of the bar. Busy night at Joes again.
“Mm?” Jane blinks, jerking her head up. “Sorry, sorry. I was a million miles away.” You need to stop thinking about Ortega. This is getting dangerous.
“Penny for your thoughts, mon amie?”
“Oh, uh…” She scans the floor, looking for something to sidetrack the conversation. “What do you make of that modded woman over there?” Jane nods her head in the direction of the game tables. A heavily scarred Latina woman with mods down the back of her head is in a heated argument with an Asian man with a crisp pressed suit. South-east Asian maybe? “Does she have any sense of self-preservation? That’s not the kind of guy I’d want to cross, personally.”
“Not the kind of person you would cross?” Mortum laughs, “What makes you say that?”
“Look at him.” Jane gestures in their direction, a quick motion. Hopefully not noticed by anyone but the doctor. “That suit? In this dive? Guy’s some kind of made-man.” She shakes her head. “Just asking for trouble.”
“You are not wrong.” Mortum nods her head in agreement. “I do believe that is one of Hollow Ground’s men.”
“Hollow Ground?” Jane frowns, drumming her fingers on the table. “Huh.”
Now that you think about it, you’ve seen him around here once or twice. Hollow Ground has a finger in just about every criminal enterprise in Los Diablos, so it’s to be expected, really.
“Do you think Hollow Ground is a real person, or is he like… some sort of shadow cabal?”
Mortum shrugs, suddenly interested in her drink. “I find it does not pay to ask that kind of question, mon amie.”
“Hrmmm…” Sooner or later, you’re going to end up crossing paths with Hollow Ground, whatever they are. In another life, you’d listen to Ortega talk about her theories, try to help her track down likely clues. Not once did either of you turn up anything material. Who or whatever they are, their grip was rock solid. Anyone that wanted to talk had a habit of catching a case of sudden death.
Ortega was convinced there was a singular person behind it. Someone that had murdered her mentor, Marshal Hood.
It was never your favorite subject. Something about the whole thing just… seemed off.
Funny to think you might stand a better chance of finding out the truth now, when you could never tell Ortega. “What are the odds you think it’ll escalate into a fight?”
Mortum doesn’t even look up. “Seventy-six precent.”
“Did you just make that up?”
“Of course, mon amie.” She winks at Jane. “Did you expect me to say something like, ‘somewhat likely’ like some kind of hack?”
“Ugh. Scientists.” Jane rolls her eyes. “Sometimes I wonder how much of your stuff is just bullshit.”
“Madam, you wound me.”
Jane doesn’t offer a retort, watching the argument slowly escalate in volume. Maybe you can get a sense of this guy’s abilities. Two-to-one he’s some kind of Enhanced. Rosie approaches the modded Latina, trying to talk her down.
To little success.
With a sigh, Jane pushes herself up from her seat. “Alright, I’m gonna go pull Rosie’s ass out of the fire.”
“I would have thought she could handle herself, but suit yourself mon amie.” Mortum eyes the scene, then flickers back to Jane with barely concealed curiosity.
“You know me.” Jane winks, a smile on her face.
Sauntering over to the table, Jane keeps her hands on hips as she surveys the scene. It’s a quantum roulette table. Numbers generated using quantum uncertainty to make an ‘uncheatable’ game. The wide variety of different boost abilities out there have forced gambling to take a few extra steps in order for casinos to stay on top.
The scarred Latina has left her seat to come around and prod Hollow Ground’s guy, who has in turn gotten out of his seat and is staring down at the shorter woman with an air of bored amusement.
Hrm. Doesn’t look like she had much money left. Good sign.
Rosie tries to reach for her friend’s shoulder, pull her back. “Mecha… please. Don’t start anything.”
“I don’t care! I’m sick of this cheater!”
Jane siddles up next to Rosie. No one else looks about to interview. The Croupier watches with a blank expression, as if expecting things to resolve themselves. The other players look to be quietly collecting their winnings. “Hey, Rosie.”
“–Jane?” Rosie glances to the side, face brightening up once catching sight of her friend. “Oh, hey Janey.”
“How’s the luck running?”
“Not bad – well, not as bad as…” Rosie makes a face, nodding towards Mecha.
“I heard. Along with the rest of the bar.” Jane eyes Mecha, who has not once stopped ranting at her supposed ‘cheater.’ “What’s the problem here anyway?”
Rosie drops her voice into a whisper, guarding her mouth with a hand. “Mecha thinks Jake here is cheating.” ‘Jake’ huh?
“Seriously?” Jane raises her voice. “She’s really going to accuse Joes of running a crooked game?”
That gets Mecha to turn, snarling. “No I’m not.” She jabs a finger at Jake’s chest. “I’m saying he is cheating!”
To your relief, Jake brushes the finger off, his expression unchanging.
“So… let me get this straight,” Jane frowns. “You’re saying–”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business!”
“You’re loud enough to make it my business.”
Rosie winces, “She’s not wrong.”
“Look.” You sigh, shoot a glance at Jake. “You really want to say someone that works for Hollow Ground has to stoop to cheating? Really?”
“I…” Mecha grinds her teeth, balling her hands into fists and then letting go. “I see your point.” Oh good, so she’s not suicidal. That’s nice. Mecha spares one last glance at Jake. “But…”
“It was a bad losing streak.” Rosie cuts in. “Legendary.”
“I… guess.” Mecha groans.
Jake shrugs, “Bad luck. It happens.”
“Whatever.” Mecha throws up her hands, stepping away from the table. “I’m out of here.” She doesn’t even stop to collect her meager winnings.
Rosie watches her leave with a sigh. “Well, that could have gone better.”
“Hey,” Jane winks. “It could have gone a lot worse too.”
Jake sits back down at the table, taking stock of his large pile of tokens. “You gonna play then?”
Would it be weirder to say yes or no? Jane glances at Rosie who shrugs, unhelpful. “Alright, well. There’s a free seat, so why not?” With a smile she takes the open seat and sits down. Guess maybe a round or two won’t hurt right?
It’s a weird sensation as Jane sits down. Like this has all happened before. Someone laughs as a new song comes on the radio. The numbers finish cycling, landing on red twelve.
That was unsettling.
The croupier looks at Jane, blank faced. “Place your bet miss.”
Jane pulls a few bills out of her purse. As she does, someone laughs in the background, a new song cycling onto the radio. Okay. That’s weird.
A moment of hesitation and then –
Jane puts the fifty dollar bill on the table. “Put in on red twelve.” You did this before, didn’t you? Or were going to? Or was always going to have done? It doesn’t quite feel real.
“Jesus.” Rosie groans behind Jane, watching over her shoulder. “You don’t put that much on a single number, Janey.”
“Beginner’s luck.” Jane can’t stop the grin as she watches the numbers cycle. It’s all for show. The actual randomization takes an instant. But what is gambling without pagenty?
Hrm. No wonder so many villains gamble.
The croupier does not sound surprised as he speaks, but he looks in Jane’s direction, curious. “Red twelve, Miss Jane wins.”
Behind her, Rosie gasps, slaps Jane on the back. “Hot damn! I can’t believe it.”
“...neither can I.” Jane watches the small fortune shoved her way, wide-eyed. “I was just… the beginner’s luck thing was bravado.”
“Hey, guess drinks on you tonight, huh Janey?”
“...sure.” Sitting across from her, Jake watches Jane intently. He’s not the only one. Might have outstayed your welcome sooner than you expected. Robotically, she splits off a handful of bills and presses them into Rosie’s hands as she gets up from the table. “Have ten of them.”
“See, this is why we’re friends.”
“Uh-huh.” Swallow hard, throat dry. What the fuck was that?
Dr. Mortum is still waiting when Jane returns. Face a little more ashen then when she left. Purse significantly fuller.
Mortum raises her glass in greeting. “Still in one piece, I see?”
Jane’s smile as she sits back down is more brittle than you’d planned. “Disappointed?”
“Of course not, mon amie!” Dr. Mortum looks genuine enough as she says it. “I was mostly… curious what you were up to.”
“More…” She takes a drink to stall for time. “Wondering why, I suppose.”
Jane shrugs. Would prefer to move on from this topic sooner rather than later. “I guess I wasn’t eager to see a friend of Rosie’s get put in an early grave.”
“Is that so?” Mortum raises eyebrows, not buying it. “That is a noble goal.”
“Probably futile, if we’re honest.”
“I was not going to say anything.”
Jane shrugs, keeps her back turned on the roulette table. Could swear you feel Jake’s eyes digging into Jane’s back. Without your telepathy, you can’t actually know that if that’s true or if you’re just being paranoid.
You’re not sure which answer you’d prefer.
“Do I really need a goal?” What Jane needs is a new drink. “It was fun, I guess. Nothing more to it.”
“Fun?” Dr. Mortum winks. “Perhaps you are in the wrong line of work, mon amie.”
“Oh don’t start with that again.” Jane scowls, “I felt like doing it, so I did.”
“Fair enough.” Mortum leans back in her chair. “I suppose that’s just life. Chaos and impulse until it all goes black.”
“But true.”
“I don’t know about that.” Jane’s smile is grim. “Nothing’s truly random.”
What was up with that table? How did you know that? Come to think of it, haven’t you felt that before? In the past. It was always easy to brush off before.
“There’s always a pattern,” Jane presses on. “Someone pulling the strings. If you know where to look.”
“And you do, mon amie?” Mortum smiles back.
It’s an open question how much the doctor knows. Enough, at least. More than you’d like, almost certainly. Concerns for the future. As long as her friendship with Jane keeps her on your side, you’ll make use of her skills. And there’s always a call for that. Each new day offers new opportunities. New strings to pull.
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seripixelbiologist-ffc · 5 years ago
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The actual first chapter of The Fabled Blue Rose
I toss and turn in my leaf green colored bed as the night slowly fades away into day but the hold of sleep refuses to take me. I can hear my wolf pack waking up from there sleep in the puppy play yard that is connected to my yard so I know it’s almost time to work. I sigh realizing that I had not slept a wink, but soon smile as the zoo needs tending too because there’s so much to do in the zoo! Though it may be exhausting at times I really love my job! I get up, get dressed in my zoo attire, grab my backpack and walk down the stairs to the kitchen and start getting ready for the day. I put my bag down on a chair at the kitchen table and look through its contents while saying them out loud “the sword of light, my steel leaf armour, a bow with some basic enchants and arrows for the bow of course. mole fingers my shovel, chickpickedi my pickaxe, a regular axe with some basic enchants on it,10 safari nets, shears for collecting plants, a crafting table, and my phone plus some food for me and the dogs”
It may seem weird that a zookeeper needs weapons and tools, but this world is still very wild and monsters can lurk around any corner. Though my home and Zoodessia are usually safe as I’ve lit up everything quite well, but the off chance that there is a monster I want to be prepared. My stomach soon growls for food so I quickly prepare some. After I eat, I prepare more even food for the day ahead and place it in my bag. I turn on the camera drone that was made by professor Cowplant the 3rd while getting ready for my weekly livestream, It flies up and points its camera at me. I look at the drone with vines painted all over it to help it blend in with the greenery then say to it “alright live stream in 10 seconds”
The drone is voice activated so it doesn’t need somebody to control it and I find that very handy when in the exhibits or out on expeditions as I usually travel without other people. I swing my bag over my shoulder saying after the light turns red meaning its recording and live streaming “hey everyone! And welcome back to Zoodesia zoo!”
I wave at the camera as a small screen slides out of the drone so I can see the comments and say “I was just about to get one of my wolves to accompany us for today and I figured why not let my fellow biologists choose! So which wolf or wolves should we take today?”
When I look at the comments I see most saying Lily or Tate, then a few for Pine and Ash i say “let’s let Tate and Lily rest for a little longer and we’ll take Pine and Ash, Alright?”
Soon after I walk outside to my backyard which has many mixed gardens growing and hear the barks of my wolfpack. Which consists of Lily, my very first wolf and companion in this world along with Tate, her brother, Iris, Tates mate. Ash and Pine plus Devon, Pine’s mate and their puppies who are grown up. I walk across the bridge that connects my yard to their play yard and call out “Lilly! Tate! Iris! Ash! Pine! Devon! Puppies!”
But none of them are up at the gate like usual I call again but still no wolves, I look at the camera and say “this is unusual, but I get to show off the newly renovated puppy play yard to you guys!”
I see some of the commenters are worried asking if they are ok, I smile and nod replying while opening the gate “they are doing really well guys I just let them rest after our last plant expedition”
The play yard has toys scattered around and is about 20 metres larger than before so the wolves have more room to run. The Wolf den got a bit of an upgrade also as its a bit larger and has a floor instead of grass, I walk further into the yard after closing the gate gasping in surprise at what I see whispering “you guys can see this too right?”
I glance over the comments and they basically say what I’m thinking-
Commenter: that’s not one of your wolves! *Gasp*
Another commenter: who is that wolf!
Random comment :it’s big!
Another comment: how did it get in there!
And many more, a lot of them are telling me to be careful also, I take a deep breath and look over again just to make sure I’m not dreaming. A pure black wolf is standing nose to nose with Lily, neither are hostile at each other, I stand very still unsure what is going on as questions keep popping up in my head like popcorn. Why is this wolf here? Who is it? Is it friendly? Lily starts to cautiously sniff the wolf then after a few seconds her tail starts to wag, I whisper remembering I’m still streaming “I have never seen this wolf before, but it looks like Lily has. You need to remember that she was once a wild wolf so she has relationships that I never knew about, that wolf most likely was once apart of Lily and Tate’s pack, he’s huge so most likely as the alpha male of their former pack”
Lily soon barks happily at the huge wolf and after that Tate comes over and inspects the wolf then the others come over with their tongues out. It’s then I notice Tate and Lily look somewhat like the wolf visitor sharing a similar build, i say out loud relaying my thoughts “guy’s I-I think that’s their father… Can you see the resemblance in the black wolves build to my wolves? The snout is very similar along with the proportions of the legs to the body”
After quickly glancing at the comments and seeing some of the watchers agree with me I say “ok I’m gonna call over Lily and Tate… Lily! Tate! Over here!”
All the wolves look at me including the black wolf that is giving me a refined almost royal feeling, then Lily and Tate run over to me. After taking turns jumping up on me and licking my face, they sit there rumps on the ground and look up at me both of their tails are wagging a mile a minute. I can tell whoever this wolf is they are happy to see him, I ask “Lily? Tate? Who is this? Your dad?”
The duo nod and then bark at the older wolf as if asking him to come over, he complies walking over cautiously. I kneel down near a dog dish and slowly taken some of the chicken out saying lowly “hi you must be hungry”
The wolf nods, I blink this is the first time I’ve interacted with a pure wild wolf in a while but I don’t ever remember them picking up on human speech this fast. It took Lily and Tate a few days to understand me properly, I slowly bring my hand out to the wolf and open my hand revealing the piece of chicken. I say “take it you’re hungry”
The wolf sniffs my hand and the chicken carefully then takes a small piece, after he gulps it down he wags his tail, gently taking the rest of the chicken from my hand. When he sits down I know the bond has been completed and say “what should your name be?”
I look at the floating drones screen and see a lot of people wanting his name to be Shadow, Onyx, or Slate, I think hrmmm well… He does have black fur and no name is jumping out at me. I look at him and say “Hmm Shadow? Onyx? Or Slate”
He looks at me again seemingly not impressed with those names then I look at his stunning green eyes and one name calls to me “Ceder? Would you like your name to be Ceder?”
The wolf simply nods and starts to devour the contents of a food dish as I stand there saying “well I guess you are hungry”
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