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drarryfate ¡ 2 years ago
Cautiously, like he might catch fire, Harry reaches out and loops a lock of Draco’s hair neatly behind his ear. Then a soft smile slowly spreads across Draco’s face, as if he’s just discovered a delicious new secret. He takes Harry’s hand in his, cool but soft. “Hi, darling.” - Loverboys by corvuscrowned (Chapter 15)
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dralamys ¡ 4 years ago
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💚Parkinson & Granger❤️ . I keep seeing these fashion photos and just couldn’t help myself... This is some sort of a Pansmione I guess, or they both borrowed their boyfriend’s jacket, up to you 🙌✨ . #pansmione #pansyparkinson #hermionegranger #slytherin #gryffindor #bomerjacket #oversizedjacket #drmartens #hogwarts #illustrationartists #artistsoninstagram #silverandgold #harrypotterfanart #hpships https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwp_8SAKU1/?igshid=o8tc4ysm6fg7
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hannshines ¡ 3 years ago
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Fleetwood MAC X Flintwood KIDS
Lol I had this idea for a long time HAHAHAHA just because the two names rhyme, you know Fleetwood ... Flintwood.
I have this account very dead, but I made a space to make this ugly drawing, I really have a headcanon of this because Jamie plays various instruments and I'm sure he would force his other siblings to learn.
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cescalr ¡ 4 years ago
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Original Muggle Character(s) Additional Tags: Tumblr Prompt, Fluff and Angst, I tried anyway, even though this was the one non-fluff prompt lol, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Romantic Angst, i guess?, two dumbasses a locket and a stressed out priss, yeah - Freeform, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, bc... you know... the Locket, Horcrux Hunting, but like... they're failing at it, you know: canon, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, canon-adjacent except: Ronarry, So..., Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, but only like a smidge, Camping, Camping Trip of Doom, bc it is, Minor Original Character(s), ig, they're not like they're there... but they're not massively important ig?, Anyway that's it, Developing Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, dumb me forgot those tags anyway NOW that's it, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Past Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, don't worry this is pretty purely Ronarry but bc it's canon compliant all the canon ships, at least had to be acknowledged so Do Not Worry about them they are Not what's going on here, harron all the way babey, as per the prompt Series: Part 12 of Fic Ideas/Prompts/Tumblr Stuffs/One-shots, Part 2 of Camping Trip Of Doom: Canon-Adjacent Ronarry Flavour. Summary:
livingincolorsagain asked: "You'll find your way back to me, I know you will." “Is it that hard to believe that I love you?” "I'm not kissing you in the rain! We'll catch our death!" ---
Pick apart The pieces of your heart And let me peer inside Let me in Where only your thoughts have been Let me occupy your mind As you do mine
Your heart's a mess You won't admit to it It makes no sense But I'm desperate to connect You can't live like this - 'Hearts A Mess', by Gotye.
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ink-insomnia ¡ 5 years ago
Slytherin: There are millions of formally dressed skeletons living under the earth right now.
Hufflepuff: Living?
Slytherin: Yes. Living. Waiting. Preparing.
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drarryruinedme7 ¡ 6 years ago
I am human too, thankyouverymuch
A while ago, @april-thelightfury115 prompted me Ace Blaise, so! I wrote this little drabble and I hope you’ll like it, darling! 😍
Blairon (in the background) | Lenght: 940 words | Tags: asexuality, asexual character, blog style, self-discovery, explicit language
I am human too, thankyouverymuch
Guys, sit down with a good tea, your favourite cookies, and get ready for a goooood read.
This is my story. I know, I know, I usually write about other people’s stories on my blog, but today I thought, “Hey, what if I tell mine?” You know you love me; you know you want to read this! 
So here it is, in its glory. 
I am a hottie. Let’s be honest. I am freaking hot, with my dark perfect skin, my curly hair, my plump lips, my big brown eyes. People used to stop me in the streets to ask me if I fell from heaven or if I was free for a drink because “damn, are you gorgeous”. And I knew it.
I was fourteen years old and I knew I was, let’s say, a pleasure for the eyes. And very modest, of course! But well, what happened is this: my friends started talking about sex, a lot. Everyone was constantly saying “I wanked thinking about that girl” or “Fuck, yesterday I had to run away from Potter because his glaring at me got me so hard it ached” – sorry, Draco, I had to include this. 
And I listened to them and couldn’t understand why they felt those things. Why my friends thought about sex with other people and wanked thinking about others.
Sure, I wanked. A lot. But it was for me, you know? It was good, it felt good, I didn’t have to think about others. When I met someone, I didn’t think about them sexually. Maybe I liked them, there was a good feeling, but no boners. No erotic dreams. No daydreaming about sexual fantasies with them.
That’s when I started investigating. I bought porn magazines, with girls and boys, just in case. But my cock never filled up looking at those naked bodies. I just concentrated on their faces, their eyes, and soon enough, I abandoned them.
So, I started asking my friends: what do you feel when you like someone? And I started to be more confident! Because, well, I could check a few boxes there. “My heart races when I see them.” Check. “My knees are all wobbly when they talk to me.” Check. “I think constantly about them.” Check. Those things happened to me, but I apparently failed to be like any normal person only when they brought up kissing, touching, having sex… 
Guys, I was fifteen and I decided one thing about myself: I wasn’t able to love. That must have been the case. I was probably broken and couldn’t love. What’s the problem, right?
The problem is that it devastated me. Girls and boys kept asking me out on dates, I said yes because damn, I liked them, I thought about them, I wanted to cuddle with them! So, why not! And then they wanted more. They kissed me and... it felt like a handshake. A bit wet and shaky, but nothing more.
I was sixteen and I decided a new thing about myself: I couldn’t love, and I wasn’t human. Because humans love sex, so I must have been something else entirely. A monster, a joke, a broken toy.
I stopped dating. My friends didn’t ask much, they knew it was a hard topic for me and they didn’t push it, and I thought I was happy like that. But then, after the War, I fell in love with a certain red-haired guy who’s now the Keeper star of the Chudley Cannons. Yes, Ron, that’s you.
Well, I loved him, and I was happy. Except that I wasn’t, because of those decisions I made, remember? But Merlin, every time he spoke, I laughed; I kept thinking about him; I wanted to go out with him, to be alone with him and laugh together; I started to go to every Quidditch match only to be able to look at him.
He freed me. He asked me out once. I said, “I don’t date anymore”. He said he didn’t care and “8 p.m. Your place.” And after three dates, he kissed me— and! And!
No, I am sorry guys, it didn’t change anything. Kissing still felt like handshaking. I told him and I might have been crying, confessing everything that happened in my life up to that point. (Ops, that took a while, sorry Ron!). I told him I thought I liked him but probably was wrong and broken and— “Are you asexual?” he asked me. He just… like that, you see! Like that! He just asked. And I was like, “a-what?”
I did research. We did. And fuck, guys, turns out, I am human! I just don’t feel sexually attracted to other people. That’s a thing! That’s – a – thing! You can like someone and not want to have sex with them! I was mad with happiness, I was so fucking happy, and turns out a lot of people feel the same way! Crazy, right?
And well, we’ve been together for the last five years. Ron loves and accepts me, respects me, we are happy and satisfied. Of course, I won’t hide we had some problems along the line, but then again, who doesn’t?
Guys, I have been writing on this blog for the last three years, welcoming your stories about your discoveries of your sexuality and yet, I never told you mine. I wanted to come out to you all, and tell you that you are fine, you are worth love, you are worth living, you are worth a relationship, you are you and that’s okay.
That’s okay.
I love you all, Blaise Zabini – hottie #1
Thanks to @inevitabledrarry and @zopno for helping me grasp the asexual experience. I know it’s different for everyone and I hope the shade I portrayed can hit at least some of you out there. You’re all wonderful no matter your sexual orientation! 💖
Ultimately, thanks to my beta, @writersummer! ❤️
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pennyprose ¡ 6 years ago
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The Potters
Perfectly situated among rolling lavender fields and meadows of poppies, the secluded home of the Potter family is the very epitome of tasteful country charm. Away from the hustle and bustle of both Muggle and Wizard London, it’s easy to understand why the young couple chose this idyllic cottage as their main residence.
“I like to renovate, change things around and add my own touch," says Minister Potter, whose influence in the decor stands out immediately through the many reading nooks spread throughout the property. “Harry is a bit of a hoarder, so we’re always adding magically expanding shelves. Whatever we can’t fit in here ends up in his office at Hogwarts.”
The heart of the home is the ground-floor living room, which is “my favorite room," she says. "We always gather all together here when the older kids are on school holidays. Some of our family’s happiest memories were made in this room.”
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annbeth ¡ 9 years ago
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... and there was his mother, alight with happiness, arm in arm with his dad
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mxrcusflint ¡ 7 years ago
punch-drunk, love-drunk (pt.6)
a/n: the a/b/o fic has finally come to its conclusion! thank you sm to everyone who’s followed along ❤︎
He and Wood leave a wide, wide berth in between them as the year progresses. He’d rather not hang out in the Slytherin common room, if he’s being fair, but that’s the only place where the possibility of running into Oliver is as low as it can be, so he uses it as refuge. It’s aggravating though, when his peers finally start thinking about NEWTs.
Terence always wavers between nagging Marcus to study and snickering at his abysmal grades, which Marcus doesn’t truly give a shit about, but it does grate on him. He’s never been good academically, and with the Charms help from Oliver gone, his grades in Flitwick’s are tanking.
He’s trying. There’s too much ingrained fear of letting his father down that would deter him from at least trying but every moment he’s staring at his open books is spent doodling out quaffles and Quidditch hoops and thinking of ways to hurt that stupid, poncy Ravenclaw boy that had hung around Oliver for a good week and a half.
“Flint, you’re ruining your parchment,” Terence comments casually, daintily capping his own ink.
Marcus looks down at where he’s been scratching out angry lines through his paragraph. The ink bleeds through to the table. He sighs, grabbing another roll and copying his work over.
Bole looks at him with an unamused gaze. “Can’t believe you’re still sulking.”
Terence snorts. “’Course he is. He got dumped by Wood. You think his pride can handle that?”
“Shut up,” Marcus snarls out, teeth grinding against one another, and he’s flashing red eyes now, but he can’t be bothered to care. He hasn’t bothered for a while now, does it to get his team to shut up during practice and actually focus instead of spending twenty minutes barking thinly veiled threats. It’s so much easier, and he doesn’t have enough guilt to care anymore.
Bole stands down immediately. Higgs isn’t bothered, is the only one to remain unbothered half the time.
“Stop doing that.”
“Then stop talking about Wood,” Marcus bites back. “He’s irrelevant.”
Terence falls quiet. Marcus turns his attention back to the words in front of him, and they’re swimming now. He can’t focus on any line of text, and his anger is welling up and about to spill over. It’s not worth the frustration, or the time. He slams the books shut, making Pince glare at him with increased intensity, and leaves to the refuge of his bed in the Slytherin dorms.
Bole must tell the rest of the team about Marcus using his compulsion, because for the next week, nobody sets him off. Then again, nobody tries to talk to him. Marcus almost misses Pucey’s inane chatter, if only because he realizes that he’s bone-cripplingly lonely.
One day, Marcus just quits going to Charms class altogether.
[read more on ao3]
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carolineelizabethmalfoy ¡ 6 years ago
The best part for me about Evanna being paired with Keo on DWTS is that I get to pretend I'm watching a Luna/Blaise fanvid.
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drarry-romione ¡ 7 years ago
Romione thing
So, for their first date, Ron asks Hermione to go visit Hogwarts with him (post war)
She agrees and he tells her not to worry about what to wear
They get to Hogwarts and Ron waves his wand at himself and his fourth year dress robes appear, ugly as they are, and sized so they fit him now. He then tells Hermione to turn around and waves his wand at her, she twirls as her winter coat and muggle clothes turn into her dress from the Yule ball.
The two go into the great hall, which has been magically set up to look just as it did then.
They dance and talk and have fun and it’s wonderful. All their friends are their reenacting the dance with their new partners.
At the end of the night Hermione asks Ron why he chose this as their first date and he says “because years ago it’s what I wanted to be our first date, this is the best I could do to have that now.”
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thlestrals ¡ 7 years ago
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@potterversenet members event: favorite lightning era ship (Hinny)
And he knew that at that moment, they understood each other perfectly, and when he told her what he was going to do now, she would not say ‘be careful’ or ‘don’t do it’, but she would accept his decision because she would not have expected anything less of him
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hannshines ¡ 4 years ago
I made a whole scenario in my head with Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood, performing the song Bare from Bare a Pop Musical Opera, only instead of being during a musical, it was during a Quidditch match, and i'm crying now to imagine the two saying how much they love each other after everything they went through, and now if it ends like the musical LKHMIIYJYNYIBIJIOB I CAN'T i need a fic of this
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cescalr ¡ 4 years ago
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they look like that bc they’re actually very small
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ink-insomnia ¡ 5 years ago
Draco is blond.
Draco tells on Dumbledore's army.
Draco is the golden snitch.
Explains why Harry is drawn to him.
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capbarnes ¡ 8 years ago
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“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”
- for the @harrypotternetwork event  
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