#hp topic
kitsubmemori · 10 months
ダンブルドアはゲイ!子供相手にもシナを作るぞい☝️みたいな描き方、私もネタとして結構するけど、 自分の小説の解釈をマジレスすると、厳密にはダンブルドアはゲイ(性的嗜好が男性)ではないと思う。 ただただ女を対等な人間だと思ってないだけの、ホモソーシャルに歪んだ人だと解釈してる。 というかまず、女に限らず「対等な人間」のハードルがバカみたいに高い。 魔法使いとしてルーツがある程度しっかりあって、頭の出来が良く、知見があり、強くて、顔が綺麗、みたいな… なんなら顔が綺麗の延長に「人種が白人」もありそう… (加点要素全部エグそう) かつこの人のフィルターには絶対「男」もある! だから性的嗜好と言うよりは、それでやっと「人間」と思ってるだけだと思う。 その上でさらに上記のハードルが続く…て感じ。 つまり「消去法で残る、恋愛するに足る要素を持った人間が必ず男」だっただけでは…?? それゲイって呼んで大丈夫か??? 前提として、アルバスはそのくらい周りを見下してる人だと思う。 作中でアルバスは反差別主義を強調されるけど、根本的に考え方がノブリスオブリージュで止まってる、メチャクチャ前時代的な反差別主義だと思う。今で言う「女の人はみんな誰かの嫁や娘なんだから守ろう」って言っちゃう人に近い、行動は合ってるけど思想が伴ってない人。
多様性受容の必要性についても、「社会構造的に持続可能性を追求したらそうだから。」ってだけであって、自分が結婚するかと言われたら絶対しない!! 「差別」について言及してるのも、ハウスエルフ・マグルボーン・巨人・ゴブリン・人狼……… ってそれ魔法世界を構成する要素だからやないか〜い!!てなる。 あくまで階級の上位存在として、"これらの存在も認めるべき" でしかないから、2023年で提唱されるような、人権思想に基づいた反差別・多様性受容の思想からはむしろ1番遠い所にいると思う。 (もちろん、自分のそういうところが全部間違ってる、というのを理解した上での思想であるところが、この人の苦しさと美しさだと思うし、主張自体は全て正しいと思ってる) 作中の彼の言動、人による態度の変え方、思想の演説から見える階級的価値観と、度を超えて傲慢な人柄…………… 1800年代のゴチゴチ家父長制の世界観で、そこそこの旧家の嫡男に生まれて、18歳で家族が半分以上死に、「はい、家長よろしくね」 って経験…… 諸々踏まえて、あの狂ったタイミングでたまたまゲラートと出会って恋を知ったからといって、「性的指向が男」ってまとめていいものか?!性的指向の自認って結構高度な自認だと思うが?!ってなる。 ごちゃごちゃ言ったけど、つまり… 「性的指向が男」の前に、この人は「人」の引き出しが少なすぎる!!てこと。 性指向の自認以前に、もっと致命的に歪んだ自己認識が多すぎるので、「ダンブルドアは実はゲイ!」みたいなのは…半分嘘だよなぁ…と思って聞いてる。
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 month
One thing that never fails to shock me is how many Marauder stans I’ve seen hating on Draco for saying this line to Hermione in GoF:
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
Yet somehow they can’t apply that same logic to what happened in SWM:
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter.
I’ve seen Marauder stans who bash Draco and call him horrible for “making a SA joke,” but then go ahead and defend what the Marauders did (which was ACTUAL SA, not just a gross joke) in SWM as if that’s not much worse. The irony is ridiculous.
That’s always confused me because… they can clearly see the harm in a character making a SA joke, but they gloss over or even justify their favourites characters actually doing what said character joked about??? Make it make sense.
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courfee · 2 months
James who is a successful author and Regulus who is an expert in some very niche field and James' newest book happens to make references to said niche field. Only James got it wrong and Regulus absolutely drags him on social media for it, founds some kind of James Potter hate club and insists the entire book is bad because what kind of author doesn't even do proper research
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puppypawprintce · 8 months
anyone else out there think severus is just a chronic pain haver. i know the dark mark pain is real, but i feel like he might be miserable in more ways than just mentally in other ways
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elen-benfelen · 7 months
welsh remus guide pt.3
Third Lesson
Right then, lads. It’s alphabet time.
Often, when looking at Welsh place names, it can seem confusing and overwhelming for anyone who is unfamiliar with Welsh. Sometimes, the confusion comes from not realising that the names are in Welsh. 
Visually, we use the Latin alphabet and so it’s easy to make the assumption that the Welsh alphabet is exactly the same as the English. 
It is not, my dudes. 
To begin with, the following letters do not exist:
K, Q, V, X, Z
Secondly, these are the vowels:
A, E, I, O, U, W, Y 
(Occasionally H is also a vowel but I couldn’t tell you when or why??? I usually go off of vibes) 
Next, are the double letters. They count to us as single letters and each make a unique sound:
NG as in thiNG
PH as in PHil
FF as in Fun
RH as in RHiannon
TH as in THat
Now comes the uh, more complicated sounds. 
For those familiar with German words such as Nacht or the name Brecht, the Welsh CH is that same sound.
CH as in naCHt
DD is like a harder TH sound. It is NOT a D sound. 
LL sounds like hissing. I genuinely don’t know how else to explain this. It straight up does not exist in majority of languages but there are some out there with the same sound (sometimes shown with a different letter). 
To hear it and learn more here’s a better explanation.
This is a really fun video on the different accents but someone mentions the town Llanelli so it’s also a good example of the LL sound. 
And so in full we have:
A. B. C. CH. D. DD. E. F. FF. 
G. NG. H. I. J. L. LL. M. N. O. 
P. PH. R. RH. S. T. TH. U. W. Y. 
There’s no K because the C is always a hard C sound.
There’s no V because a single F is always a hard V sound. 
J is a modern addition to help us with new modern words we’ve loaned from English. Such as Joke becoming Jôc. 
G is always a hard guttural G sound. 
Despite misconceptions, Welsh is actually vowel heavy and we tend to stretch vowels. If a letter has a little roof on it, like “ô” or “ŵ” then it’s an extended/longer sound. 
This means, when speaking English, our vowels are more likely to be elongated. 
Similar to the “r” in Spanish, the Welsh “r” is rolled and therefore many will still roll their Rs when speaking English. 
For a reason I have yet to discover, despite H being perfectly clear and pronounced when speaking in Welsh, when we speak English, a lot of areas have a habit of dropping the H sound. 
“Here” becomes “Ere” or “Yere” 
I am guilty of this. Why do I do this? I genuinely can’t tell you. 
For the reasons above, the following words sound stupidly similar to each other:
As with any language, understanding the basic sounds helps you understand the core of the accent. 
In terms of character dynamics, I would take note that the “CH” and “LL” sounds along with our supposed “lack of vowels” is usually what the language is mocked for. Usually by English folk but other folks, including non-Welsh speaking Welsh folks are perfectly guilty of this mocking. 
Fun fact: I didn’t realise W and Y weren’t vowels in the English language when I was a small child. So I really didn’t get why they thought there wasn’t any vowels in our place names. 
Another thing to note is that the Welsh language and accents are very up and down. It’s not usually flat or monotone. A lot of people also describe them as melodic. Sing-songy even.
Colourful alphabet video with BSL
Shorter alphabet video 
Note: I am not the collective consciousness of every Welsh person. My experience is not universal - especially when it comes to North Walian things. This is just meant to serve as a general guide. Hope this helps and good luck with your writing!
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marcsnuffy · 5 months
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Using Lorenzo and Charles' interviews as reference, I'd love to see any assumptions of what Kaiser and Ness would answer here
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abybweisse · 1 month
At the same time I got that GFantasy issue, I also got this lovely black and shiny silver manga adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness.
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You guys have seen how I’ve portrayed him you cannot expect me to be like “yeah he’s got completely normal kinks” LIKE COME ON!!! But also I said a nonchalant piss kink, not a like,, let me piss in you kind of piss kink
I love how it’s been all blood and gore and rosekiller would probably fuck each other as corpses but you guys draw the line at piss BAHAHAHHA
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elif-ants · 1 year
once again saying that if you want to read a book about magic and wizards and them being sorted into cliques, you can try red magic by jen mcconnell. LIKE THE ONLY PEOPLE I'VE MET WHO'VE READ IT IS THE FRIEND WHO INTRODUCED ME TO IT AND THE FRIEND I INTRODUCED IT TO. till now i've only read the first book but it is really good and it even ties in different mythologies so if you're in the riordanverse you would probably like this too. FORGET HARRY POTTER ALREADY ITS NOT SOME MASTERPIECE.
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kitsubmemori · 4 months
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childotkw · 3 months
I just found out that i pronouns ciro wrong all this time,i thought its chi-ro like chi in itachi
Honestly my dear, you can pronounce it however you prefer!
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please drop some hp fic recs;; esp ones focused on my favorite victim harry... they dont even have to be good the situation is dire
after a MILLION years. here we go babe. theres a bit of everything in here sorry. virgo season: september '81, Split, For the Raptures and Roses of Vice, In Between Days, contrapasso, Either must die at the hand of the other, Familial Relations (and in a similar tone, His), eldritcher's hp series which quite... diverge from canon but the vibe is so uncanny and eerie it has left me dizzy and gagged, concordance, and take a look at cannibalinc's works too
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Unpopular hp opinion: snape is a good character and a terrible person. These opinions can and should coexist!
He serves to further the plot and serve as a mini antagonist that’s more relatable at school in the early years. I sincerely don’t understand the pro and anti snape tags because he may have had reasons to do things but it doesn’t excuse him (*jake Peralta voice* cool motive still murder bro). Similarly removing him from the story removes conflict necessary to drive the plot
My feelings about Snape are unpopular on both the pro and anti side. 😅
Snape was a terrible adult and there’s no excuse for his abhorrent treatment of already traumatized children, especially Neville
He was also an abused and neglected child living in poverty, literally no wonder he had anger and self-worth issues
Snape did at least trivialize his friends’ bullying of muggleborns and thought it was fun (e.g., Mulciber and Mary Macdonald)
BUT Lily also let him get away with that behavior and stuck by him knowing the crowd he was getting into, if I was a fellow muggleborn I’d resent that a lot
James took things way too far and incited the hostility between them, SWM was inexcusable. he went beyond the actual reasons Snape deserved to be criticized so much that those got glossed over
BUT Snape was actively trying to expose Remus as a werewolf, which he later did! that would not only get him kicked out but also registered to the ministry, yeah of course that’s agitating the friends who are breaking the law to protect him?? He went into the willow on a full moon while suspecting Remus was a werewolf. SIR
Also yes, I too would bully a racist classmate, sue me
Snape didn’t actually want to be a teacher and Dumbledore used his grief and regrets to keep him under his thumb until he was useful, he never had a life that was his own and maybe he could’ve become a better person if he had a chance to not get reminded of the worst moments/mistakes of his life daily yknow
He was willing to let Voldemort kill Lily’s husband and baby, the latter he went ahead and tormented knowing he was orphaned bc of his snitching for looking like his dead father also murdered bc of his snitching
That’s so cruel and petty, also disrespectful to Lily’s memory
He could have taken another path and exploring that in fanon can be fascinating! That can be done without excusing his fuck ups!! It is compelling to see such a hardened and closed off character find softness and empathy so yeah I get it!
One side ignores the circumstances that created such a bitter, resentful and lonely person and the other side acts like he’s a poor little defenseless baby who wasn’t giving it his best in return and acting a fool. like. can we find a middle ground please
I’ve been holding this in if you couldn’t tell lol bc I used to be so strict w my stance too. I find arguments from the both sides valid but the discussions get so polarized
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goatpaste · 2 years
do you think as much as diego scorns the world for basically murdering his mother, he has moments where he has to quickly tuck away thoughts about it being his fault...
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raineedayss · 2 months
guess who just started playing phighting (i do not know how to spell ok) and is now IMMEDIATELY imagining an oc/character for it (a support character who basically gives buffs by giving their team bloxy colas and attacks by throwing bloxy cola bombs at people)
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
Lmao I bet that jegulus fic ask was in relation to jegulus fans being condescending 😂 I'm sorry but many other ships have better quality fics too and it still doesn't give jegulus fans any reason to be condescending, their ship is still empty air 😂 I don't know why they look down on amazing writers of many other ships.
yeah 😭 well i think theyre just caught up in their own echo chambers of people encouraging their own delusions. i genuinely wonder how they explain it to people who are casual fans of hp or just normal hp fans in general. theyre so disconnected irdk how that would work or if they would just keep it a secret LOL
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