voxvulgi · 11 years
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the-axe-girl · 11 years
O P E N || Johanna + Finnick
Bees and birds buzzed around them in the jungle, flying around their heads and landing on their shoulders. “Fucking insects,” She muttered, swatting them with her hands. Finnick walked ahead of her, she didn’t have to speak to know what was on his mind. Annie. He was constantly thinking about her, and everytime he mentioned her, jealously hit Johanna like a tonne of bricks. She longed for love like that, love from Finnick. All she wanted in life. She heard a crunch of a branch and noticed a tribute, a career, running towards them, and aiming a spear at the opposing victor. “Finnick!” She shouted, pushing him out the way and throwing her axe at the career, killing him in an instant. 
She didn’t care about the tribute, just the pain radiating through her stomach as she pulled out the blood stained dagger.
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ixsaidxreal · 11 years
I know it's a busy time with people settling in for college or work again after the holidays. So the new verses will officially start this friday. I'm sure that's enough time for everyone to get settled in, right?
Also, I'll be setting up chatzy's by wednesday for the different group verses. Love you all. Be sure to have your inbox on so I can fanmail you the link. 
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notaneffigy · 11 years
Contest Winners!
Thank you, everyone who participated in my contest! 
Here are the winners, I'll be contacting them by ask tomorrow, too.
First Prize:
Second Prize:
Third Prize:
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burntbreadpeeta · 11 years
Shadow Hunter AU
Two more people have been added on the list but I couldn't make a post last night due to post limit!
So if you could all welcome
And don't forget if you want to be involved in this don't be afraid to tell me!
I already have a few ideas for some character interactions if need be!
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ofembers-blog · 11 years
4 Runner-ups:
howdairfinnick galethesoldier hawtnip gonnabreakbad An edited theme (if they so desire idk if you like the theme you have, keep it, idc) 25 icons of their fc/whoever they want a fanmix of something they want I need to know: What theme you want edited/anything specific you want; who you want icons of and what the fanmix needs to be about 
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voxvulgi · 11 years
List of people who owe me (part 3)
I felt like I should make this ;v; Please note that I’m not hurrying you guys. I just want to make sure you remember our threads. In case you want to drop any of them, please message me. I hate ditching threads.
howdairfinnick (This) (EMILY WHERE ARE YOU? TAT *cries*)
thetrivialexistence (This)
runedlightwood (This and this) (Why did you and Emily decide to take a hiatus without telling me? T_T)
bruntbreadpeeta (This, this, this, this, this, this, and this) (And this, Ben, is why I feel awkward whenever you ask if someone wants to roleplay.)
theoneandonlyjacelightwood (This)
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the-axe-girl · 11 years
Tagged by archerablazed (Who’s amazing btw, go follow them)
i. always post the rules.  ii. answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
  iii. tag xi people and link them to the post.  iv. actually tell them you tagged them.
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
I love being able to escape into another character and feel as if im them. I've also met some really amazing people (you know who you are)
Favourite Disney Movie
Robin Hood. You know that one with the foxes? That just makes me so happy. It's either that or Ratatouille
3 facts about yourself.
I wear glasses, people prefer my hair rather than me, I have recently kicked an eating disorder.
Did anything ever want to make you stop roleplay?
Anon hate. I get it at least twice a week and it really affects me.
Your first word(s)?
Cat or Light, not sure.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Stuff like My Chemical Romance and All Time Low. But I also love musicals like Wicked and Les Mis, its a real mixture. Bit of everything really.
What’s your room like?
Messy and secluded, books have started to creep onto the floor
Do you like hats? If yes, what kind?
Beanies, I always wear one.
Do you have any pets?
Two dogs, Millie and Clifford.
Any thoughts about your future?
I want to be a solicitor or something in publishing or graphic design. I want to live in London at some point, that's definitely something I'd like to do.
My Questions
 What got you into RP?
Some of your favourite rpers?
Favourite Holiday?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Tea or Coffee?
Favourite book/author?
Have you ever been to a Disney park?
Favourite thing about yourself?
Do you have a favourite song/band/singer?
Thoughts on musicals?
Star Trek or Star Wars?
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district8sknifegirl · 11 years
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Olesya was in the Capitol again, for a task more arduous than delivering and altering clothes for clients. She was doing a photo shoot for some Capitol magazine, she had forgotten the name of.  She was supposed to be showing off her latest dresses, but that turned into a photo-shoot of her in her dresses and a few from her stylist. She had put her foot down after the second horrendous outfit. She didn’t like being in front  of a camera in the first place. “Oh that one is lovely. A little simple, but it does have an elegance to it.” The photographer, Gaius told her as she stepped out from behind a screen. She smiled, her Capitol smile. “That was the general idea for these, Gaius. They’re simple yes, but they have a sense of class and elegance.  Ladies should be classy and sophisticated, in my humble opinion.” ‘And not at all like Capitol women.’  She thought silently.  This was the tenth dress she had put on for him, and she was just ready to go home. Home to District 8, and her family.
"Indeed they should, Olesya darling."  Olesya rolled her eyes as soon as he looked away. This was insane, a topic on which she was well versed. She sighed heavily, yet silently. Waiting for this absurdity to end.
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ixsaidxreal · 11 years
howdairfinnick replied to your post: “Now I have an spn muse… I should go on one of my Deans, Sams or...”:
whispers spn au
lol yeah but idk, i think i should really pay some attention to some of my other muses too from time to time hehe
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unseenmockingjay · 11 years
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burntbreadpeeta · 11 years
Katniss and Peeta are Parabatai, you know the whole best friends and great allies etc
Katniss and Gale like each other but are nervous about acting upon it due to strict rules
Peeta has a secret crush (that never gets acted upon) on one of the other guy shadow hunters but they like vagina so peeta is all sad
Their are clones of some of the hunters, created by warlocks
Their is a warlock
A vampire
and a werewolf
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voxvulgi · 11 years
@howdairfinnick said: She’s so gorgeous. I have like a million gifs of her. If you want I can make you some gif icons?
I got a few GIFs. If you can do that plus edit her hair colour, I'll love you forever *-*
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I'm so sorry if I'm too tired to write replies tonight. I've read yours, though. I'll send in mine tomorrow morning. Good night! Merry Christmas again, everyone. ♥
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the-axe-girl · 11 years
He's Not Coming Back, Is He? || katnisshateswinter
Johanna played anxiously with the bracelet in her hand, the one Finnick had given her just the day before. She cherished it with all her heart, even though she had got it just the day before. She always got nervous when Finnick went on missions without her, at least when they’re together she knows that he’s safe.
The lock on the door clicked and she immediately ran to greet them, only to find Katniss alone “Where’s Finnick?” She asked sternly, a sudden feeling of worry and dread washing over her “Katniss, what happened?”
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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"So I got called crazy today.. Oh do they not know what crazy is.."
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