burntbreadpeeta · 11 years
Cinema fun. Peeta + Cato
Date night was a great idea, it made things more interesting and fun again. And tonight they had decided to go see a movie, something they hadn't done in a while. He probably should have gotten the hint when in the cinema they were the only ones in the back and their were barely a few people at the front. And after an hour, well it was boring as hell.
Peeta frowned and looked at Cato, "You enjoying this?"
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amarvelousvictor-blog · 11 years
Send a ♚. Your character falls asleep on mine, I’ll reply with what mine does.
Cato was warm in a way Marvel had never been. There was a fire within the tribute - a fire that couldn't be extinguished by blood or by fame. Marvel knew somehow that even if Cato were to win, the fire that burned inside of him would never truly die out. If anything, it would grow stronger.
Somehow, this was all that Marvel could think of as he lay beside Cato by the river, the stings of the tracker jackers making his head spin. Cato's head was on his stomach, and images of burning lava and of volcanoes flashed before the tribute's eyes. 
But he did nothing but close his eyes and wait for the pain to stop.
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marvelful · 11 years
"Interesting." His eyebrows raised. "What are you doing here?"
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medeahuntervictorof2 · 11 years
Medea was walking down the streets of District 2 after the war getting supplies to fix her house. Sure people were thinking that she was a coward since she didn't choose a side during the war. She didn't have that luxury all that mattered was her sister's safety and she didn't think Coin could even live up to that prospect and definitely not snow. She stayed out because both sides targeted victors also. But that was a can of worms that was best to be opened some other day. 
She had picked up some heavy duty floor cleaner when she heard a familiar voice. She turned around with a smile, never thinking she would hear that voice again. "Cato? How are you alive? I watched you die."
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"So just telling them you were my husband meant I 'owned you'?! Newsflash, Asher, I didn't mean that. And that moment with Klaus was a fucking grey face spell that I knew you'd get pissed off over so I fucking panicked. Your damn reaction didn't help. You're not an innocent in this, Asher Salvatore. Never were so stop playing the victim card. It's beneath you." Cato drew in a sharp breath. "I fucking loved you. I loved you above all things."
"Telling them I was your husband was fine, but then threatening them if they touched me or got ideas? That wasn't. I was surprised when Elijah didn't rip your heart out when you threatened him. What pissed me off more was that was your first idea instead of explaining it!" Asher snapped again. "I had sex with Kol, I never threatened somebody over you. I never pushed people away from you or locked you up like you did to me." He let out a breath and shook his head. "I loved you at one point but it won't happen again. That final straw was trying to convince Klaus to compel me. You could have stabbed me and it wouldn't be as bad as trying to have Klaus compel me."
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dreamingofdaedalus · 11 years
He pressed his lips together with a grin. "I was thinking something different," Cato murmured, leaning in.
"Oh," Daedalus asked coyly, a glint in his eyes. "And what would that something different be?" He leaned in closer, mirroring the teen's movements. 
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burntbreadpeeta and brutalkiller-cato are my favorite hunger games ship! They are amazing. 
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burntbreadpeeta · 11 years
The gifted ones. Peeta + Cato
Abilities, the term was used for many things. But nothing like this in the normal world, no these people were kept secret. The fact they had powers that wouldn't be seen as normal in the world, so they were sent to a special academy where they learned how to harbor and use them for good.
Peeta Mellark was a new student, only recently getting his ability to conjurer fire. And he was far from being able to control it, whenever he got upset or nervous it was literally explode.
All the students were stood around in a large circle, well all the males that is. The females were off doing the same in another room. They were all in a circle, eyes closed as they were speaking an oath to the academy, once it was finished they all let go and were set about their own business for the day.
The blond decided to take a look around, since he was one of the only few new student.s
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amarvelousvictor-blog · 11 years
( ø∑ø)
Send me a “( ø∑ø)” for our muses to wake up next to each other in the early morning after a One Night Stand together.
The first thing Marvel felt was soreness. It was a tiredness in his muscles that was different than the soreness and aches that would accompany training. No, it was different.
When he finally sat up, the bruises littering his arms and chest became visible even in the dimness if the room. He sighed and stretched his arms above his head in an attempt to alleviate a small amount of the pain.
With a quick glance to his ‘sparring partner’, Marvel stood, thankful for the distance between them on the bed. With Cato still sleeping, Marvel dressed himself. He took the pen and small pad of paper on the bedside table to scrawl a quick note in sloppy writing.
2,Decent performance. I’d give it a 7. I’d practice if I were you.-1
He paused and glanced at the sleeping tributes face for one last moment before taking off, his shame an unfortunate distraction from pain.
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+ brutalkiller-cato entered the fog
"Who are you!?" Heather shouted, towards the figure in the fog with her gun pointing towards them.
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"I've tried for so fucking long. You didn't even care. Your own damn fledgling." Cato growled. "I've tried to get your approval and for you to notice but you never saw it. Never saw I was trying. So why go back to that when I can do this and you see me at last? How pathetic, huh? Yes, you are being pathetic. Only noticing me when I've done something wrong. What about all the good? You forgot that? How everything used to be?"
"You had my approval until you started killing recklessly. In case you haven't noticed that's not something I approve of. The good you did never measured up to all the bad you do. I remember when we actually cared, before you started shit with the originals that was mine to deal with. Causing problems with Klaus because he and I slept together BEFORE I met you. Going after Kol when what happened between he and I was MY problem. I remember that you wouldn't let me talk to somebody or be friends with them without threatening them and them no longer wanting to talk to me. I remember you acting like I was property and not a person," Asher snapped.
"I remember when we were trying to patch things up and you were going to fuck around with Klaus and I walked in and you wanted him to compel me to forget seeing it. I remember trying and you kept acting like I was yours and couldn't have another friend. I couldn't go out without you threatening every person I talked to and telling them I belonged to you. Newsflash Cato, I was married to you, that doesn't make me property of yours."
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Klaus, I tolerate you. -Cato
Well I am very grateful for that, Cato. Truly.
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amarvelousvictor-blog · 11 years
"Stay back! I don’t want to hurt you."
Angsty Sentence Starters
Anger was met with anger. Marvel wrapped his arms around Cato's torso tightly, wishing - if only this once - that he could be bulky and strong instead of lanky and fast. 
"Go ahead!" He managed through gritted teeth. He would stay like this as long as he needed to. Even when Cato forgot how to be himself and remembered only the broken robot he was shaped into, Marvel would stay, holding onto the ex-tribute with a determination that only came with the things he truly needed.
He needed Cato to be Cato, now more than ever. So Marvel held the struggling blond in his arms until the sun rose in the sky because if Cato was Cato and Cato was strong, then Marvel was Marvel and Marvel could let himself be weak.
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ships with ur character that you currently like?
(no actual idea yet, haha. i’ve only just started this blog up. if we’re going for dynamics that aren’t restricted to ships, though, i’m really enjoying the ones with huntress-katniss, aspenand-thedauntless, iamangelcullen and brutalkiller-cato. c: )
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Cato growled as he hit the ground and quickly blurred to Asher, grabbing his shirt. "You're not fucking ignoring me this time. I've fucking had it with you." He crushed his lips to his maker's for a moment and grabbed his arms tight. "Fuck, Asher, I hate you so much. I hate how you make me feel even after all these months. Even after you pushed me away from you when I was trying to get better. But you showed me, love, that this is the only way to get your attention. And I'll keep at it."
Asher didn't respond to the kiss, instead grabbed Cato's hand and ripped it off of him. Pushing him back he gave him a glare. "You want to be able to get attention? Don't show up and demand attention when I'm on my way out the door trying to go take care of my kids. You want my attention? Stop acting like a brute. That doesn't show you've gotten better it's shown you've gotten worse. And in case you didn't know, I pushed everybody that wasn't the twins, my dad, or my uncle away," He stated. "Morgana needs her bag and Ace needs to be brought home and taken care of. Alright?"
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