To Light the Abyss
63 posts
A woman whose fire burns bright and darkness runs deep. [Blog for Khaida Ahmahno, FFXIV OC]
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smokeashesandstars · 3 years ago
So uh...Hi. I exist. Kinda. It’s been a LONG couple of years.
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smokeashesandstars · 4 years ago
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[ @smokeashesandstars ]
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
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Come now, darling. I’m not just fine silks and jewels. I’m all the rest as well. Don’t you want a taste~?
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
//Hey folks. Sorry I’ve been fairly absent. Life’s been crazy, and I’ve been mostly in XIV trying to keep myself sane while I wait it out. I’m going to try getting back here soon!
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
//Sorry I’ve been quiet, folks. My mood’s been in a weird place, and I’ve been working on content and leveling an alt. I’ll be back soon, I promise!
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
“Wow, you look exhausted. Did you sleep at all last night?” / from ardbert! ♥
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“Not really, no. Tried, but my Echo likes making things hard sometimes.” She rubbed her eyes, yawning before she looked over to the spirit with a wry smile. “Now I’m you even sleep, Ardbert?”
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
Only the WoL can travel to the First and back. Lorebreaking like that is why no one want's to RP with people like you.
See, usually I’d snortgiggle to myself, delete this and go on my merry way, but recently, a friend of mine was so harassed by people nitpicking how he played his character that he felt his only recourse was to delete the character. 
Fuck you. ^^
Look, I get it on some level, okay? I really do. RP is a collaborative writing effort and it’s really hard to write collaboratively if everyone’s playing off of a varying lore set. It can be remarkably difficult to RP with someone who wants to play their character as being a voidsent, an Ascian, a sin-eater or even from another world. 
(Spoiler alert: My Annalei d’Latu is a direct transplant from GW2′s Tyria. And yes, I have that as her backstory! And yes, it’s lorebreaking! And yes, I don’t care!)
You know what you do about people that frustrate you with their refusal to adhere to the Lore™ you personally feel is unbreakable?
You don’t talk to them.
Don’t RP with them. Don’t talk to them. Don’t nitpick their fun. 
Trust me when I say I could find a thousand ways to nitpick your character creation, backstory, writing style and RP choices. I could tear it into shreds and call you a hack writer, a miserable excuse for an RPer, boring, etc. etc. 
Guess what I do? I just don’t.
If I don’t like the way someone RPs or the way someone writes, if I don’t like their writing choices or their character, I keep my mouth shut. Why? Because it’s not hurting MY fun any to let THEM have THEIRS. Literally no one is making you look at my blog, at Summer’s story or at ANYONE’S fun playtime stuff that doesn’t mesh with how YOU interpret the FFXIV lore and world. 
Quite honestly, all you’re doing is being insufferable. And I promise you that insufferable is a lot more damning in the long run than choosing to bend lore and have a little fun that isn’t hurting anyone.
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
Reblog if your muse is multiship!
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
All was quiet. Well, quiet for Mor Dhona, ever bustling with the comings and goings of adventurers and settlers. But for the first time in what seemed like years, Khaida felt at peace with the world. Oh, her wanderlust and drive to learn and help and protect was still there. But as she sat in the cafe above the House of Splendors, sipping at a cup of spicy-sweet Thanalan-style tea, she wasn’t immediately pressed with disasters, needn’t worry for the lives of those dear to her, and didn’t have her very aether threatening to eat her alive.
Quartz sat on the low wall next to the table, watching the goings on below them before her wings fluttered and the Anima spirit turned at the same time Khaida looked up and smiled, placing her teacup down on the saucer it went with.
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“Come for a bite to eat, G’raha? Or is there something going on I ought to be there for?”
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
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//Like/reply to this for a starter with Khaida in her Light the Abyss/WoL verse! [Multimuses, please note the muse you want a starter for!]
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
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//Like/reply to this for a starter with Khaida in her canon verse! [Multimuses, please note the muse you want a starter for!]
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
well, well, well, if it isn’t the feelings i’ve been trying to avoid 
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
nightmare starters part 2
for part 1 click here!
“Will you please tell me what they’re about?! How do you expect me to help if you don’t tell me?!” “You should go and see someone about those nightmares. They’re only getting worse, aren’t they?” “Can we sleep with the lights on?” “I haven’t slept peacefully in weeks.” “I can’t tell you my nightmare this time… It’s too bad, I don’t want to have to say it out loud.” “Can I sleep in your room? I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep in my own bed.” “I’m sorry for waking you… I had a really bad nightmare.” “I can’t stop thinking about that weird dream I had weeks ago. It’s like it’s haunting me.” “You look exhausted. Bad night?” “Calm down, calm down. It was just a dream. It’s over now.” “You’re overreacting. Everyone has bad dreams sometimes. No need to get all weird about it.” “Are you still thinking about that nightmare? I’m sure it didn’t mean anything, okay? We’re not in a horror movie.” “You should go to the doctor. These nightmares are making you miss sleep and you’re always exhausted. Get help.” “How about you come and sleep in my bed? I’ll watch over you while you fall asleep, I promise.” “I think I’d feel less tired if I didn’t sleep at all anymore. These nightmares are killing me.” “I thought you didn’t get them anymore.” “I guess it was a bad idea to watch a horror movie before bed…” “When will you finally tell me what they’re about?” “Wow, you look exhausted. Did you sleep at all last night?” “Oh my god, that was horrible… that was so horrible…” “How about you sleep in my bed for the coming days? It can be like a sleepover. I’m sure you’ll feel good enough and the nightmares will stay away!” “I can’t breathe! It was real, it was!” “Have you tried writing them down? They might go away if you do…” “Have you any idea how worried I am? Please tell me what’s up with you or I can’t help! You look exhausted!” “Please leave the light on.” “Have you any idea what’s causing these nightmares?” “I don’t think you understand how exhausting it is to not have had a good night’s rest in weeks.”
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
v; light the abyss [general]
Rarely found far from Khaida’s person is her Anima spirit, Quartz. Even when she couldn’t cast magic, the little spirit was determined to stay by her side. Also, did you notice the necklace in many of Khaida’s images?
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After the Tower closed, she nicked off a piece of it, intent on keeping G’raha close somehow.
Also yes, Khaida has a Thing for more than a few NPCs. However, I will not push shipping on anyone! For as much as she loves, and is poly, she often keeps the depths of her feelings quiet due to internalized racism and growing up with stigmas against such things outside of miqo’te culture. She often won’t say a word unless very drunk or otherwise pushed to it. Her ancestor Iomha’s teasing about giving her more descendants doesn’t help. There is a great deal more about her I want to share, but we’ll see how 5.4 and beyond go~
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
v; light the abyss [5.0 - current]
Does contain spoilers for 5.3
The First was painful for Khaida at the beginning. Her broken aether saturated by the Void did not like all the ambient, aggressive Light. The sight of the Tower made her heart ache for a friend, and to hear that there’d been no sight of him inside, even as the scent of the man in front of her held something familiar underneath all the strangeness, practically broke her heart. She fought, and she tried to take as much of the Lightwardens’ aether herself compared to her companions, as she thought her voidtainted aether might as well be good for something. She nearly strangled Thancred more than once for the way he treated Minfilia until he came to terms with things. She recognized a broken heart and soul in Emet-selch, and finds a dear friend in the Exarch and Feo Ul, and came to care for Minifilia, later Ryne, as a daughter.
Learning the Exarch was G’raha, intent on sacrificing himself for them, nearly broke her again, and she almost took Feo Ul up on the offer to become Titania, to take the crown and become a Lightwarden to escape the pain. She didn’t, however, and joined the others, their aether broken and Light-ridden, to face Emet-selch and get back One(1) Stupidly Noble Catboy. Though Ardbert was not Khaida’s shard from the First, the visit to Amaurot, and something about the First, left Khaida’s soul more whole, and her aether finally healthy and unbroken again.
She was happy to throw herself back into things, back into magic and helping find a way to get the Scions back to the Source. [And making sure, back home, that Urianger can’t go back to the potato sacks when he arrives.] She’s happy and hopeful for the first time in...a long time, even as Elidibus tried to tear everything down again. The results of that have left her sad...but she’s happy the Scions are home, and that G’raha Tia came home with them, her friend no longer sleeping beyond her reach.
Important Notes: Since finding out about the 14th, I have never headcanoned Khaida as that missing member’s soul. Especially with what has come from 5.3. Khaida is very much the moon and stars, not a sun. That doesn’t mean she can’t have been a constant companion and maybe chronicler of some sort? Also, I headcanon that being on the First, the shard of her soul that was there, in stasis because of all the Light, found its way to her during that fight with Emet-selch, causing her to be that much more whole than before and mending the cracks of her soul.
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
being warm and kind shows an unbelievable amount of strength - not letting anything stop you from treating others with respect and kindness is so attractive
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smokeashesandstars · 5 years ago
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