#how’re u?!?? how have u been?!
exy101 · 1 year
rwrb (2023) takes the cake for worst adaptation ive ever seen truly what the fuck was that
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
hi!!! could i request pro hero!bakugo & pro hero!reader where bkgs doing an interview and they ask about relationships and his answer is “I thought you people already knew that im married”
i have no idea how to word things but i hope that was readable🙏🙏
keeping it in the family
wc: 1.6k
cw/tags: swearing, mentions of drinking and alcohol, established relationship, dialogue-driven
note: RAHHH I LOVE HUSBAND BAKUGO. anyways !!! i hope you like this, i did get a little carried away when writing it so hopefully it makes sense. thank you for your ask!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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“And we’re on in five, four, three, two…give ‘em hell.” The roar of excited applause jumbles together with the late-night show’s opening theme and the screams of excited fans can still be heard even as Kirishima flashes a blinding smile to the camera. 
“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Heroes on Heroes! We’re so glad you’re joining us tonight, seeing as this is the finale of season one!” The audience cheers with fiery passion and it makes the three heroes onstage chuckle nervously. This was going to be a long night, especially if the superfans were crying after every word they spoke. “I’m Red Riot,” he pauses while the cheering erupts once again, “and I’m joined by my fellow pros, Chargebolt and Dynamight.” You wince from your place at sidestage from the sheer wave of noise that slams into your eardrums when the latter is introduced. 
“Thanks for having us tonight, man,” Denki grins. He eagerly drums the armrests of his chair, to the left of Kirishima. “I’ve been looking forward to doing one of these since I saw Deku’s a few weeks back.” 
“It’s a great concept, really. I love being able to just chat with you guys and shoot the shit about hero stuff. It’s so manly.” Kirishima turns expectantly to the other hero sitting to his right, whose hot-headed nature was blatantly obvious by how he was slumped in his chair, squinting slightly at the burning spotlights and clicking cameras. You admire Kirishima’s confidence in forcing Katsuki to say something. “What about you, Bakugo? How’re you feeling tonight?” 
“I’m alright,” he shrugs indifferently. Your breath catches in your throat and you can hear the Dynamight agency’s publicist put his head in his hands. “It’s been a while, so it’s good to see you guys,” he adds with unexpected fondness and you exhale in relief. His eyes meet yours for half a second and he shoots you a wink that makes your knees wobbly. “I saw that save at the bridge collapse last week, Shitty Hair. Pretty decent work.” Kirishima blinks once, twice, and then glances at Denki. Katuski’s blank look narrows into a scowl. “The hell are you looking like that for? I got shit in my teeth or something?”
“No, no. Sorry, man,” Kirishima laughs. “I just wasn’t expecting a compliment from you so early in the show.”
“Yeah, we thought we’d have to booze you up a little more to get you to be nicer,” Denki jokes and he recoils a bit when he’s struck with a molten hot glare from the hero across from him. 
“Whatever you’re about to say, bro, don’t say it,” Kirishima warns and the crackles in Katsuki’s palms gradually dissipate. “But, I’m wondering too. What’s with the good mood?” 
“I guess I feel like playing nice tonight,” he answers cryptically, his gaze flicking over to you again with amusement. You can almost sense the fainting girls falling over each other in the front row. Kirishima’s attention subtly darts over to you and a knowing smirk grows over his face. It was the first time you and Katsuki were at the same press event, since you both thought it was too dangerous to sneak around until now. “But, talk about that bridge save. I don’t think a lot of people know that the guy was wanted by several agencies.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Denki agrees with a quick sip of his drink. He swallows and sets the glass down with a light thud. “He’d been giving us hell for weeks. It's not really the best matchup for a sand villain to be going up against an electric hero.”
“It was the sand villain and his wife, wasn’t it? That chick with the melting Quirk?”
“Yep, they were a nasty couple to deal with,” Kirishima confirms. “I had to keep track of this guy’s damn sand spikes and his wife turning the floor to goop at the same time.”
“Goop is a weird-ass way to put it,” Katsuki points out with obvious distaste. 
“Yeah, but he was a pretty goopy guy.” Chuckles ripple through the audience and you can’t help breaking a smile too at Kirishima’s joke. 
“I think for me, at least,” Denki adds, “the biggest pain was the fact that they were married, and they had, like, marriage telepathy or something.”
“Bro, I thought that was just me! Here I was, thinking that I’d incapacitated one and split them from the other, when bam! Both of them appear in front of me like a damn genie.” 
“You ever have to deal with villain couples, Bakubro?”
“Nah, not recently. We’ve been doing a lot of big raids on all the crime families downtown.” He flexes his right bicep and pulls back the sleeve of his shirt to show a gnarly purple spot growing on his skin. “Got this little beauty three days ago from a neo-Hassaikai asshole.” You're not fazed by the ugly shade of the wound because you were the one who stitched up the...less visible results of the raid.
“Jeez, man,” Denki says in disbelieving awe at his friend’s injury. “If you ever need backup, we’d love to do a team up with you.” 
“I think I’d rather die–”
“My agency would also love to team-up with you,” Kirishima interjects before Katsuki can finish his thought. The heart rate monitor of his publicist begins to rapidly beep behind you. “We can have a threeway team-up! That’d be pretty cool, don’t you guys think?” 
“What if we all just merged into one big super agency? Like a big family?”
“That sounds like the stupidest shit–” Again, Kirishima cuts off Katsuki’s brash protests and saves them from being taken off the air.
"That would be so awesome."
“Would that mean we’d have to get pro-hero partners, too? Keep hero work in the family?”
“I think Salonpas would have heart palpitations if we said we were trying to keep hero work within the family,” Katsuki points out and his friends nod in agreement. “On another fuckin’ note, that Half-and-Half idiot keeps hogging the number two spot and it pisses me off.” Though you didn’t often encounter Todoroki while you were on patrol, you knew that he was adamant about keeping work life and family life separate. It made him even more of a dedicated hero and a recent bust of a notorious crime ring bumped him into the number two spot over Dynamight for that month. You didn’t hear the end of it from Katsuki. 
“He and Deku just work really efficiently, Bakubro.”
“I can efficiently slam both their skulls into a–”
“You know what would solve that problem?” Denki butts in unceremoniously, covering up his harsh words for a third time. Katsuki grunts in response and the lightning-decorated hero gives him enthusiastic finger-guns. “Combining and making a family agency.”
“What are the chances that Sero would want to join too?”
“Probably pretty high,” Kirishima guesses. “He’s at my place every other week, anyway, so he’s basically my brother.”
“Alright, maybe this could actually work, then. I just need to find a smoking hot hero wife.”
“That’ll probably be the hardest part, buddy–”
“What about Bakugo?” You stiffen and the three guys turn their attention to a voice calling out from the audience. Speaking during the interviews was strictly prohibited until the question and answer section, but getting Katsuki’s attention was a surefire way to derail the entire episode.
“The fuck do you mean, what about Bakugo? Who the fuck said that?”
"Dude, just ignore them."
“Can’t be a family agency if Bakugo never gets into relationships,” the same nasally, irritating voice argues and your face feels like it’s been set on fire. Kirishima’s attention jumps to you for a moment and then back to his friend, whose palms are starting to spark like fireworks. “Do you just get no bitches, or something?” The audience gasps and security finally arrives to escort the disturbance out of the building. The director is ready to stop the cameras and jump to a commercial break, but Katsuki speaks before he can order the sound crew to cut the mics. To everyone’s surprise, his voice is nothing but amusement, like the insinuation didn’t bother him in the slightest. 
“You think I don’t get into relationships?”
“It’s alright, Pikachu. I really don’t give a shit about whatever that guy said,” Katsuki reassures his friend with a sly glint in his eye. His friends watch him warily, like a grenade on the verge of exploding. Once again, burning red eyes meet yours with a single question that you answer with a resolute nod. “I’m not gonna blow up, so stop looking like that. Really, I don’t care.”
“Why not?” A tense beat of silence passes, then–
“I thought you people knew that I’m married.” A shit-eating grin spreads across your husband’s face as gasps of shock burst from the audience. Kirishima and Denki both shake their heads in exasperation. They knew already, of course, but they didn’t expect him to reveal his relationship status as a result of a heckler. “Yep, going on a year and a half, now. Around five years together total coming this winter.” More collective cries of jealousy, surprise, and betrayal shake the building’s foundation. "If you don't believe me, ask these guys."
"Yeah, we were at the wedding, too. It's hard to keep it a secret when all of your friends are also high-profile heroes."
“Can you guys believe that he fell in love during the winter?” Denki’s thumb juts out toward his friend, who frowns at the mere mention of cold weather.
“I fucking hate the winter,” he grumbles. 
“We know, man,” Kirishima says sympathetically, unsuccessfully hiding a chuckle. “You’ve been saying that since high school.”
“Yeah, and shit hasn’t changed,” Katsuki bites back with lighthearted indignance. “Look, they saved my ass when it was cold; how was I not supposed to fall in love with them?” To your delight, his complexion has turned a slightly darker shade of pink. “Yeah, I love them. What about it, asshats?”
“Is this a bad time to bring up the family agency again?”
“Let’s go to commercial before I blow this fucking chair to pieces.”
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy jess’ flirty teasing. he’d be lying if he said that you didn’t make him uncharacteristically mushy.
warnings: swearing n fluff!!!, that’s all folks
author’s note: ok so i caved and started rewatching GG already — i had this idea and had to run with it! let me know what u think x
“Wow Y/N, we have got to stop bumping into each other like this!”
You looked up, rolling your eyes at the smirking boy before you as you placed down your book, “Oh yes,” you quipped sarcastically, “Such a shock to see you at your uncle’s diner that you live above and work at. Bonus points for you literally choosing to come over to my table, by the way. Usually you save our tantalising small talk for when I come to the counter for a drink.”
This only emboldened his smirk, and he glanced back to see Luke quirking his brow at his usual game — he always distracted himself from helping out by busying himself with talking to you.
In seconds he’d sat himself down in the empty chair opposite you, leaning on your closed book and staring so intently into your eyes you felt your heartbeat quicken immensely.
“What do you want, Mariano?”
“Ouch, last name?” he pouted, “And here I thought we were friends.”
Your heart was racing at how close to you he seemed to be, but his assertion of your supposed ‘friendship’ dulled this a little.
It infuriated you that he spent so much time flirting, and then every other moment acting like his having any romantic interest in you was a ridiculous suggestion.
“Friends, hm?”
In all the time he’d been loitering around, lending you books, stealing your books, making you coffee and all-round just finding any reason to be near you, Jess had never been certain his attraction to you was reciprocated either.
You’d started out shy, unsure of why the hell he seemed so struck with talking to you when he appeared so disdainful of everyone else in Stars Hollow.
And then you’d warmed to him, you’d opened up, you’d spent evenings as the only two people in Luke’s — just talking for hours on end — only to the next day seem distant again.
He’d tried to reassure himself that you did like him too, and that you were just shy, but something always stopped him from passing the boundaries of friendship beyond flirtatious remarks.
“Am I being relegated to an acquaintance?” he placed a hand over his heart and screwed up his face like he was going to cry, before relaxing it and smirking once more, “Or is your inquisitive tone your way of hinting at your undying love for me?”
“Shut up,” you shoved his arm gently, watching him feign a gasp, “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that right?”
Jess scooted his chair even closer to the table, “I totally thought that was your favourite quality of mine. My mistake!”
You didn’t reply for a moment, challenging him with eye contact and feeling your chest tighten at the way he seemed to match the intensity.
“What’re you doing tonight?”
This was new — he normally just hinted at caring what you were up to, nudged for you to give away whether you were seeing anyone, and danced around flirting just enough that he could deny it if you called him out on it.
You gestured to the book he’d made himself comfortable on, “A riveting night of draining your establishment of coffee ‘til you close, finishing this book and then probably either starting another or binging some shitty tv.”
It was only now that he looked at the book he was leaning on, clocking that it was Ham on Rye and he was the one who’d lent it to you when you’d expressed a desire to read more Bukowski.
“How’re you finding it?”
“Oh, and apparently starting the Jess and Y/N book club,” you teased, “Yeah, I’m enjoying. Thank you again for letting me borrow it.”
He smiled, “Anytime. Want me to leave you alone ‘til you’re done with it?”
You pondered his question for a moment. You didn’t want him to go anywhere, but weren’t quite sure if you should suppress your eagerness for his company.
“No, no,” you bit your lip, “Its alright. Does—,” you almost asked if Luke needed him, in the hopes that he’d say no and you could ask him if he wanted to get out of there. Almost.
“Does… what?”
“Nothing, never mind,” you shook your head, blushing crimson at how closely he watched your every move, “Its quiet in here tonight.”
He shrugged, “I was hoping you’d ask if I wanted to get out of here, because Luke definitely doesn’t need me when it’s this dead.”
You smirked, “Is this you asking me to get out of here?”
“Yes, Jess, cool. Let’s go somewhere else,” you grinned, pulling your book from beneath his elbow slowly and watching him roll his eyes at your teasing smile as you did so, “I was going to ask that. Didn’t want to seem too eager and boost your ego.”
He feigned insult again, “Ego? What ego?!”
He rose to his feet as you packed your book into your bag, gesturing that he was going to go and tell Luke he was leaving and quickly sauntering over to the counter, where you just about overheard Luke mumble, “Finally asked then?”
That made your stomach swarm with butterflies — this was really happening.
All this time, and things were finally progressing.
Jess briefly disappeared behind the counter, before re-emerging with his jacket and opening the door to the diner for you to lead the way out.
“Where’d ya wanna go?” you asked, your voice quiet as you suddenly felt anxious about being so close to him.
Your feelings for Jess had been growing steadily for so long now, bubbling under the surface, and now you finally had an inkling he actually liked you too you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
He shrugged again, looking down at his feet with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he ambled through Stars Hollow at your side.
“We can just walk,” you hummed, “Or we can go to mine. I’ve, uh, got a treehouse out back that my dad built when I was a kid. Or not if that’s a really fucking lame suggestion.”
He kicked a stone at his feet, “No, that sounds good. Totally lame. But good.”
That pleased you enough to elicit a small hum from your lips, and you found yourself walking a little closer to him as you led the way to your house, “Good. Follow me then.”
When you arrived at your house it was empty as ever — the reason you spent so much time at Luke’s was the rarity of company at your own home given your parents’ busy work lives.
You grabbed a few drinks from the fridge, some snacks from the cupboard, and then led the way out back to the treehouse, which was lit with fairy lights and adorned inside with band posters and shelves of books.
“I’ll give it to you, Y/N, it’s less lame than expected,” Jess nudged your side as you crawled in and slumped down on the mattress in the corner of the room, scoffing at him, “I feel honoured to have the Jess Mariano’s approval.”
“Should I feel privileged to be up here?” he licked his lips, eyes glancing over at the torn “NO BOYS ALLOWED” sign discarded at the edge of the tree house too, “Or does the sad state of the sign suggest I’m one of many exceptions?”
You rolled your eyes, “If you’re jealous that other boys may have been up here, you can just say that, Jess. But you should feel privileged because you’re the first. In fact, I can’t believe I didn’t even think twice about bringing you up here.”
He seemed to like that, his eyes glimmering as they darted between your lips and your eyes repeatedly while he found the words to respond.
“I’d say that means you like me, Y/N,” his voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke, and your close proximity left you shuddering as his breath fanned over your face, “Can’t say I blame you.”
His shit-eating grin made you roll your eyes for the millionth time tonight, “Here I was about to say maybe you were right. Thanks for snapping me out of it, shithead. I don’t like you nearly as much as you like yourself, huh.”
He just stared at you for a moment, eyes still twinkling and his breathing jagged.
“Funny, except I don’t think that’s true,” his head dipped to kiss you now, capturing your lips at first tentatively and then with increasing pressure as you kissed back.
He pulled back for a second, half smirking and half dazed, “Yep, I’d say you definitely like me.”
“Says the one who initiated the kiss,” you challenged, “And has been flirting with me incessantly since, like, the moment we met.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Oh is that so?”
“Are you denying it?”
“Oh no, I’ve definitely been flirting,” he licked his lips once more, desperate to kiss you again but trying to refrain for now, “It’s just funny that you’re only calling me out on it now.”
You gently shoved him and poked out your tongue, “I can kick you out of my treehouse whenever I want, you know.”
He only leaned closer again, “But you’re not gonna, are you?”
Jesus Christ you’d not been prepared for the palpitations in your chest right now. Your heart thrummed against your rib cage, drunk on the feelings that had only gotten stronger tonight.
“It’s your lucky day.”
You kissed him again, and the arm he wasn’t propped up on scooped around your waist to pull you closer and deepen the kiss, “Yeah, I guess it is.”
You stayed like this for god knows how long, joking around in between kisses and getting more and more comfortable in each other’s company, until he sat up abruptly and furrowed his brows.
“What’s wrong? Filled your kiss quota for the night and ready to leave or something?” you smiled, tongue in cheek, and he chuckled.
“Oh no, never. Just figured as much as I’d like to just kiss you, we should probably talk,” it was unlike Jess to look as nervous as he did right now.
In the time that had passed this evening, you’d grown comfortable enough to help him out a little here.
“I really like you, Jess.”
He wasn’t expecting that — you could tell from his wide eyes and open mouth, which he swiftly shut when he realised he was slack-jawed and silent.
He reached out to take your hand in his, fingers twiddling with yours, “You do? That’s, uh, good. ‘Cause I really like you too, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help the little joyous giggle that escaped your lips, and he couldn’t help the warmth that spread through him at the sound of it, “D’you want to stay over tonight? We can sleep in here?”
He kissed your nose, relaxing back into his reclined position again, “If you’re sure… I’d like that.”
“‘Mm, c’mon then,“ you cuddled in a little closer to him, suddenly overcome with tiredness from the evenings events, “…’m sleepy.”
He smiled, a broader smile than he was sure he’d ever smiled before, happy you were finally this close to him. He dipped his head to kiss your forehead, interlocking your hands as you got comfortable on his chest.
“G’night beautiful,” he whispered, and you could hear his heart thrumming in his chest. You couldn’t believe you’d found this side of Jess Mariano. And you weren’t going to get over that joy any time soon.
“Night Jess,” you hummed, already half asleep, “You better be here when I wake up.”
“Oh I will, Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.”
ahhHhHhh i hope you enjoyed this !!! please feel free to make some requests if you’d like, or just let me know what you think! i’ve been in such a writer’s block funk lately — but hopefully i’m back now!
here is my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my works!
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g1rld1ary · 7 months
you never disappointed me - part two
part one part two part three part four
➻ synopsis: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader ; percy and beckendorf's plan to set you up with luke is in motion, but you're extremely resistant to any advances (10 things I about you AU)
➻ word count: 3462
➻ warnings: swearing, ooc/kind of loser!luke, ooc silena, she/her pronouns used for reader, sexual innuendos
➻ thank u so much for all the love on part 1 I am such a happy gal!!!!! also, have my first day at uni tomorrow (so pls wish me luck) and sorry if updates slow down!
TAGLIST: @myxticmoon @wicca-void @leeknows-wife @thekittyxo-blog @number-onekidqueen @instabull
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It turned out that getting you to go out with Luke was harder than he’d originally anticipated. Eager for the whole ordeal to be over and for him to be 50 dollars richer, he’d hopped down from his spot on a fallen log and hurried to meet you by the volleyball courts when your match ended. You, unaware of Luke’s agenda, were fanning your face to combat some of the sweat that had accumulated, quickly tightening the messy ponytail you’d tied. Luke watched you in your own world, unbothered by anybody watching you, unlike the rest of your siblings. Sucking in a quick breath for confidence he approached you.
“Hey there, girly,” He smiled, “How’re you doing?” You looked up at him, inquisitive for a moment but ultimately unimpressed.
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You were barely looking at him, skulling an impressive amount of your water bottle quickly. He stared at you, not expecting to be dismissed so easily. He recovered smoothly, not prepared to give up so soon.
“You really know how to get a guy’s attention, huh?”
“My mission in life,” You shot him a cloying smile, now giving him your full attention, unable to help being slightly interested by his boldness. “But obviously I’ve struck your fancy, so you see it worked. The world makes sense again.” You‘d figured out his motives now and had no interest, so began the walk back to your cabin. He followed, much to your dismay. Couldn’t men ever take the hint?
“So I’ll pick you up Friday then?”
“Oh right, Friday, uh huh.” You kept your eyes ahead, dodging a few younger kids as Luke trailed after you, annoyingly optimistic still.
“The night I take you places you’ve never been before,” He said, and you looked at him in disbelief. The ego on this kid!
“Right, like the makeout clearing in the forest? Do you even know my name, Castellan?” Luke could tell that you were mocking him, but he still had high hopes.
“I know a lot more than you think.” He smiled then, a lopsided thing that would have been somewhat charming if you’d actually bothered to look. Instead you were already walking away, calling out a “Doubtful. Very doubtful,” over your shoulder as you picked up into a run, presumably to go tell Clarisse about the bizarre experience you just had. Luke watched you go, dumbstruck in the middle of camp.
Percy and Beckendorf watched the exchange from the porch of the Hephaestus cabin, the latter putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“We’re screwed,” He groaned and Percy winced slightly.
“I’m sure it’ll all be fine, dude. Luke has faced a lot worse than a teenage girl.”
When you sat at dinner that night, desperately avoiding the eye contact Luke seemed desperate on initiating, you almost told Silena about your bizarre day. You’d opened your mouth to start the story when you realised that she’d only be encouraged by Luke’s antics, pressuring you into going out with him for her own benefit and quickly shut it. She’d noticed your odd behaviour and searched for meaning in your face. Panicking for something to replace the conversation, you zeroed in on the necklace sitting nicely on top of her camp one.
“Where’d you get the pearls?” You asked, already dreading the answer. Silena only confirmed your fears, claiming them as your grandmother’s with a coy smile.
“So what? You’ve just been hiding them the last three years?” You were always closest with your grandmother, and you were sure she wouldn’t leave her favourite pearls for Silena over you.
“Daddy found them in a drawer just before summer.” Silena shrugged as if you weren’t sitting across from her, cheeks a blotchy red in your upset. “Besides, they look good on me.” Your hands itched to hit her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, knowing exactly how much she was pissing you off.
“Trust me, they don’t,” You spat, quietly glad when Silena stalked off in a huff, amongst the first to leave the meal. You didn’t know how much longer you could argue with her before starting to cry, which you really didn’t want to do in front of the whole camp. You thought you were safe for the rest of the meal when Drew began speaking instead.
“You could try being nice sometimes, you know, people wouldn’t know what to think.” You rolled your eyes aggressively.
“You forget, I don’t care what people think,” You replied, taking in a spoonful of food.
“Yes you do. Everyone does. You know, with a new look you could have some serious potential.” You ignored her last statement.
“No, I don’t,” You emphasised, “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be.” You knew that wouldn’t impact Drew in the slightest, but you hoped it might resonate with some of your younger siblings — encourage them to nurture their internal beauty rather than accept the vain stereotype Aphrodite children were forced into. You pushed yourself out of the bench you were sitting on, needing a break from your insufferable siblings. As you dumped your dishes where they needed to be you saw Luke beginning to follow you and turned to make dead eye contact. Knowing you’d only scream at him (or worse) you gave him a dangerous look, accompanied with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. Not enough for anyone else to know you’d even acknowledged him, but enough to tell Luke to back off. He was smarter than you thought, as he held up his hands in a show of surrender, redirecting his action to innocently collect up his own dishes.
You may not have had any interest in knowing the boy, but you did appreciate that he knew when to back off. Or so you thought.
You were proven not-so-free from Luke Castellan the very next morning. It was the Aphrodite cabin’s day to check all the storerooms, and you’d volunteered to do the one which held all the weapons and armour near the sword fighting arena. You knew none of your siblings would come near if they could help it, mostly against weapons and the violence that surrounded the area, so you’d get a whole morning alone. It was peaceful attending to the chore, and you were allowed to use some of your Aphrodite eye for beauty. Of course, stacks of swords and assorted weapons could only be made so pretty, but you enjoyed organising them into neat rows, making it look as nice as possible — not that you would admit that to Silena or you’d be in her vanity chair receiving an unwelcome makeover in seconds.
You were just admiring your own sword, which you’d taken the time to polish while you were taking care of the others, when you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t react, assuming it was just some camper coming for a weapon, until he spoke.
“Nice sword, vintage hilt?” You tensed as Luke’s voice infiltrated your peace.
“Are you following me?” You disregarded his statement, an unimpressed frown present on your lips.
“I was training in the arena and needed to polish my sword. I saw you come in a while ago and not leave, I came to say hi,” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow. You weren’t friends, why would he come for a chat?
“Hi.” You promptly turned back to your task, shoving the cloth into the intricate designs of the hilt.
“Not a big talker, huh?” He persisted.
“Depends on the topic. My sword doesn’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy.” That wasn’t strictly true — the sword was a gift from your mother, with gold twisting around a blood red ruby in the centre of the hilt. After you’d made it clear that you weren’t going to just sit around during your time at camp she gifted you the sword, her way of saying that if you were going to fight, you should at least look good doing it. You’d had several conversations with Clarisse gushing over the intricacy of it, and profusely thanked Aphrodite for the gift in your offerings. You didn’t quite care to share this with Luke, being a relative stranger.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you?” He asked, and you were somewhat taken aback by the earnest tone of his voice.
“Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?” You couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that crept into your sentence.
“Most people are.” He gestured subtly towards his scar — gnarled and twisted against his otherwise tanned skin. You put a hand on your hip, resigned to conversation now.
“Well, I’m not.”
“Ok, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked.” You were pretty sure Luke was going for smooth or charming, but you thought in this moment he was entirely lame. The wink didn’t help his case.
“Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.” You put on your best Drew impression, nasally and whiny, before handing him the cloth he needed to polish his own sword and turning to leave. There, quickly approaching the door, was Ethan. Seeing you he put on a disgusting smirk and blocked the doorway, effectively caging you into the storeroom.
“Gods, what is it, asshole day?” You asked, not caring that both boys could very clearly hear you. “Do you mind?” You gestured to his blocking the exit. He simply looked down at you, clearly doing his best to appear sexy (and failing miserably).
“Not at all.” His stupid smirk was going to kill you, and not in the good way. You scoffed, giving him a last chance to get the fuck out of your way. Then, sparing a fraction of a glance back to Luke pretending to mind his own business, you slammed the hilt of your sword into his foot, wishing it was the blade instead. You watched him crumble to the ground, holding his foot with both hands.
“You bitch!” He yelled, voice cracking pathetically in the middle. You forced your smile to stay contained.
“Oops,” You feigned innocence, one hands covering your mouth strategically. “You might need some ambrosia for that…” With that you side-stepped him, eager to leave the situation. If you’d have looked back, you would have seen the gleeful, disbelieving smile on Luke’s face, probably the biggest one he’d worn in a while. Although he didn’t get the date he’d entered for, he was beginning to think you were a little more interesting than you let on.
“Did you just cripple Ethan?” Silena shrieked as you entered your cabin to grab your things. “He’s a model, you can’t do that! Has it escaped your notice that you’re completely psychotic?” You pretended to think for a moment, then shrugged nonchalantly.
“Guess your long walks on the beach are gonna have to wait,” You sighed dramatically, leaving Silena to wallow in her pity alone. It wasn’t like it was really your fault — if Ethan had learned how to respond to words or learn the meaning of ‘move’ he wouldn’t have gotten himself into that situation in the first place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Luke were having a similarly emotional conversation after Luke had — very reluctantly — helped Ethan over to the infirmary to get his foot checked out.
“When I shell out fifty, I expect results.” Luke sighed, could this boy get any whinier?
“Yeah, I’m on it,” He said through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to hurt him.
“Watching that bitch obliterate my foot doesn’t count as a date. If you don’t get any, I don’t get any, so let’s get some,” Ethan said, running a hand through his ridiculously styled hair. Luke couldn’t believe his nerve. First of all, obliterated? He would be left with a bruise for a few days, if anything. Secondly, this whole things was Ethan’s idea, Luke had never given any indication wanting to ‘get some’, especially not with someone so clearly resisting his advances. Just as Ethan left, giving the Apollo girl treating him a douchebag smile, Luke hardened his resolve.
“I just upped my price,” He said, loving the way Ethan’s eyes widened like a cartoon character. “A hundred bucks a date, in advance.”
“Forget it,” Ethan grumbled, moving to leave again.
“Forget her sister then.” The two boys stared at each other, one significantly more amused than the other. Luke knew he had the upper hand in the dynamic, something he revelled in. Then, after the intimidation tactic clearly wasn’t having any effect, Ethan reached for his wallet, Luke admiring the crisp fifty he was handed.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are, Castellan.” Luke just watched him go, confident tilt of his head conveying his outlook on the situation.
Luke had taken his usual spot overseeing combat training, but his usual thoughts were long gone. Instead, he was entirely preoccupied with you. He didn’t know how to get you to go out with him when you could barely entertain a conversation, and he twirled his cigarette between his fingers as he pondered.
Percy and Beckendorf saw his internal conflicts, slowly moving closer to him under the guise of a very chaotic fight between the two. Finally Luke gave them attention, knowing Percy’s skills would never have him running all over the place like that. He raised an eyebrow, a sign for them to get on with whatever they were angling at.
“We know what you’re trying to do, for Beauregard,” Percy said, and Luke appeared almost startled.
“And we want to help,” Added Beckendorf helpfully, shying away when Luke’s eyes bore into his.
“And why would you do that?”
“Beckendorf here has a major crush on Silena—”
“Gods, what is it with this girl? Does she sweat nectar?” Beckendorf opened his mouth to protest when Percy spoke over him, knowing it would be more beneficial to let Luke lead.
“Look, I think we can both tell that Charlie’s love is pure, well-intentioned, better than, say, Ethan White?” Luke sighed, catching on.
“I’m in this for the cash, that’s it. Who Ethan wants to bang is of no interest to me.”
“There will be no banging!” Beckendorf cried as Percy pushed him behind. He was no use in a delicate situation like this.
“Ok, Luke, it’s just that we’re the masterminds behind this whole thing. We set it up so Beckendorf can get the girl — Ethan’s just a pawn.” Luke paid closer attention suddenly, intrigued by the chess match he’d been pulled into.
“So you two are gonna help me win her over?”
“We’ll do research, find out what she likes. We can be your guys on the inside.”
“In a strictly non-mission type of way,” Beckendorf added helpfully, nervous of the legends he’d heard about Luke’s failed quest. Luke chose to simply ignore that comment, and Percy filled the silence before he could get angry about it.
“Let’s just start here: the Apollo cabin is throwing a party on Friday night, it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“I’ll think about it,” Was all Luke said, a clear signal the conversation was over. Percy and Beckendorf returned to fighting, slightly more regulated now they had gotten what they’d wanted, and Luke brought the cigarette back up to his lips, new thoughts clouding his mind.
Meanwhile, Ethan had found Silena where she was known to hang out by the rocks near the lake. He was hovering next to her, providing snatches of shade as he performed pose after pose, claiming he had a modelling job lined up when he left for the year.
“So which do you like better?” He asked, moving his hands fractionally to the left of his chin.
“The second,” Silena giggled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “It’s more… pensive.”
“Damn,” Ethan kicked the sand softly. “I was going for thoughtful. So, you going to the Apollo party on Friday?”
“Maybe.” She produced her best coy smile, looking up at him from behind her lashes.
“Good, ‘cause you know I’ll only bother if you’re there.” Silena smiled, getting up from her spot on the rock.
“Bye.” Her voice was airy in the way she knew drove boys mad. She walked away leaving Ethan wanting more, her specialty. You scoffed, catching the end of the exchange. You and Silena made momentary eye contact, tension thick between the two of you.
As Beckendorf approached Silena, fishing for more information about you, Ethan had caught you in his sights and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“You sister is so cute,” His voice infiltrated your bubble in a way that made you want to hit him so desperately. “Doesn’t have your bite though, a feisty woman is so sexy.” You knew he was just trying to get a rise out of you, but it was so close to working.
“Come any closer and I’ll show you just how feisty I can get,” You snapped, braid almost whacking him in the face as you turned to face him. You could have sworn Ethan looked afraid for a second before he covered it with bravado.
“One day you’re gonna realise that all of this hostility is just your sexual repression. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be waiting with open arms… And legs.” You almost threw up.
“Gods, can’t you just leave me alone, asshole?” You yelled, trying to push past him to get anywhere else.
“C’mon, don’t be a prude,” He whined, and you were really close to taking him to the ground — not in the way he wanted.
“You heard the girl,” A voice called from behind you, and instantly Ethan took a step back. “She wants you to leave her alone.” Luke appeared behind you, a respectful distance away whilst still making his intentions clear. Ethan shrunk back into himself, making a lame excuse as to why he had to leave, hurriedly fleeing the beach. Reluctantly, you turned to face Luke.
“I’m not going out with you just for that,” You said plainly, daring him to try again.
“You think that low of me?” He laughed, dark eyes sparkling with mirth. You forced yourself not to notice. “I don’t have to want something from you to know that Ethan White isn’t worth your time.” It was your turn to be embarrassed at that, feeling slightly narcissistic for assuming that was the purpose of the conversation (it was, but Luke sure as hell wasn’t going to ruin his chances because you were in a mood, justified or otherwise).
“Oh.” You stared at his shoes. “Well, thanks, I guess.” You moved to leave but Luke stopped you, hand not quite touching your arm, unwilling to have it bitten off.
“So you do have a heart!” He joked, signature grin on his face. You wondered why you were seeing so much of it lately when he’d been so dour since his quest.
“Ha! You wish.”
“Don’t try to hide it, Beauregard, you’re warming up to me.”
“I’d sooner fuck Mister D,” You replied, actually taking your leave.
Luke watched you go, chewing his lip between his teeth. There was more to you than you let on, he was sure of it. He wouldn’t say it was any fondness, but he was starting to have a curiosity attaching itself to this scheme, and he knew that going out with you would satisfy it. He should have known having any personal stakes involved — sentimental or otherwise — would get dangerous.
Your own thoughts had barely budged on Luke. He was still a pain in your side and you figured you knew what kind of guy he was — not the type you had any interest in. Still, you couldn’t deny that you were appreciative he’d saved you from Ethan (and the inevitable washing up duty you’d be punished with when you beat him up), so maybe he wasn’t quite as despicable as you’d initially judged him to be. Close, though.
part three
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348kg · 3 months
better be (theo)
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ꕤ non idol!choi taeyang 최태양 (theo) x reader
18+ mdni
wc : 5.0k
tags : afab reader, fluff, crack, smut, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, implied age gap, drinking, original characters, fast paced except not really
synopsis : you thought your crush on your older brother's best friend went away in the time you'd spent apart (spoiler! it didn't)
an : inspired by hidden love (2023) happy late birthday theo!!!
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"taeyang lives in gangnam too, did you know?" your brother's words echoed in your ears. you held your phone between your cheek and your shoulder as you hauled a box into your living room and dropped it on the floor.
"ah... does he?"
"yeah, i meant to tell you about it before. why don't you reach out? it might be nice to have a familiar face in the area." you grimace at his words, embarrassing memories flooding your thoughts as you recalled the feelings you had once harbored for the man.
"i have seulgi and sooah, remember?"
"okay, yn." you can hear him eye rolling at the avoidance in your tone through the receiver. "i'll send you his contact info anyway."
you sigh, "okay. i gotta go, i have a million boxes to sort. bye, minhyuk." you hang up just as you received your brother's text. you absentmindedly entered taeyang's contact information before tossing your phone onto the counter.
following your university graduation, your dream job offer resulted in you packing everything you owned and uprooting your entire life to a new city. you felt a little less on edge about it knowing your two closest friends would be by your side, but were nonetheless still nervous about adjusting to your new life.
your newfound discovery about taeyang— aka the former love of your life, or maybe that's an extreme way of looking at it— shook you a little, it had been at least a year since you'd heard his name, much less seen him. how long had it been... 2, maybe 3 years?
you shake your head to yourself, looking around your new apartment at the current issue you had to deal with— the seemingly endless amount of boxes that scattered your floor and just about every surface you laid your eyes on. you're cut off by your phone buzzing again.
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:48pm] be ready outside your building at 8pm ON THE DOT .
[3:48pm] ????????
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:49pm] me and sooah r taking u out to celebrate u moving!! we r going to our favorite club
[3:50pm] i dont have time for this!!
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:50pm] wear something slutty!!! 💋💋
— you disliked a message
you sighed, shoulders sulking as you realized all of your belongings were still sealed away, not magically unpacked by the moving gods you had been praying to a few moments before. so you take matters into your own hands, rolling up your sleeves to begin scouring the sea of boxes for your clothes and toiletries. maybe you’d find your sanity packed away somewhere too.
you silently regretted agreeing to go out as you sat slumped in a booth at the club. you feel a dip in the cushioned seat you occupied as sooah collapsed next to you and leaned into your shoulder.
"uumph… drank t’much…” she spoke into your neck. you reached your arm up to pat her head, but missed and instead mindlessly swatted at the seat behind you.
“how’re you…” you pause, “how’re you gettin’ home?”
“dunno.” she mumbles, getting up and stumbling towards the dance floor. “gonna go find someone to go home with.” she calls behind, gesturing to the crowd of people in front of you. you had seen seulgi leave with some girl 30 minutes before, so now you were really on your own.
you pat at your surroundings to find your bag, eyes closed as you dig your hand through your stuff to find your phone. you open your eyes to scroll through your contacts, tears forming in your eyes as you realize you don’t have anyone to call. so in your drunken state, you call the only person you could think of. you hold your phone to your ear as it rings once, twice, three times.
“yn? is that you?”
“taeyang? what… you— how’d you know it’s me?” you slur, eyes closing again.
“minhyuk sent me your number, i was going to text you… nevermind, that's not my point. what's wrong? where are you? have you been drinking?”
“i…” tears were falling down your cheeks now. you sniffled, “i’m at a club, i don’t remember the name.”
“can you send me your location? i’ll come get you.” you hear shuffling on his end, you quickly pulled your phone away from your ear to fiddle with the buttons.
“did’ya get it?”
“yeah, you’re close to me. hang on for 5 minutes. i’ll be there soon.”
your tears stopped. “see youuuuu.”
in all the years you’d known him, taeyang was always a very honest person, proven to be true even now when you spot him frantically scanning the room in search of you exactly 5 minutes later. you locked eyes, and you gave him your best attempt at a smile as you messily waved your hand over your head. he made a beeline for you, a worried look on his face as he crouched in front of you. time had been kind to him, you noticed, the man in front of you had somehow become more attractive then he was before.
you grinned at him. “hi.”
he smiles, letting out a breath. “hi, yn. are you okay?”
“mhm… m’sorry for this. don’t be mad… didn’t know who else to call.” you felt tears sting your eyes again, burying your face in your hands.
“yn.” he held back a laugh as he reached to gently hold onto your arm. “it’s okay. seriously. i’m honestly relieved.”
“really?” you look up and sniff.
“really. can you get up on your own?”
“ah… um, i think i need help.” you stand up, stumbling into his arms. he holds you upright and reaches for your belongings.
“this is everything you brought?” he lifts his arm up to gesture your purse in front of you.
“mhm. lessgooo…” you attempt to take a step forward but overestimate your ability to stay balanced as you fall forward. you brace yourself for your inevitable face plant with the floor, but it doesn’t come, instead you feel yourself being pulled back into taeyang’s arms.
“be careful. hold onto me.” you stare at him. would it be weird if you smelt him? you sniff him anyway.
“you smell good.” you giggle, and you feel his chest move in and out when he laughs in response, uttering a thank you before he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you secure by his side as you begin your trek to the exit. after what felt like a painfully long walk (30 seconds) you make it outside, feeling the shift in your surroundings when your louboutin's began to smack against the hard pavement.
he pauses. “where do you live?”
“it’s… oh. i don’t know.” you sulk, your current state of mine rendering you incapable of remembering whether your apartment building was on 6th avenue or 8th avenue, or maybe it was 10th avenue?
“you— you don’t know?” he laughs fully now, and you can’t hold back a grin as you laugh with him.
“jus' moved, so… it’s new, ya'know?”
he hums, looking around. “are you comfortable with sleeping at my place tonight?”
“err… it’s okay with you? won’t your girlfriend be mad?” you ramble, watching his face morph into confusion.
he shakes his head. “of course i don’t mind. and no, i don’t have a girlfriend.”
you feel your jaw snap open. “ah... is that so?"
he chuckles awkwardly, you feel the vibration in your side. “nope, no girlfriend. do you want to hop on my back?” you pull away from him and nod, suddenly very aware of your bare skin as the wind whipped past you. taeyang glances at the goosebumps forming on your arms and immediately shrugs his jacket off to throw it over your shoulders. he crouches in front of you and you pull your arms through the sleeves before crawling onto him, knees locking around his hips to hold yourself in place.
“my place isn’t far. hold tight, okay?” you nod, a sudden wave of exhaustion coming over you as you lean your head on his shoulder. your eyes shut and sleep overtakes you.
sight is the last sense that comes to you. your wince and throw your arm over your eyes as the sun hits your eyelids. sitting up, you take in your surroundings and realize you have absolutely no idea where you are.
“what the…” a headache hit you at full force as you rubbed your eyes. you looked down and noticed you were no longer wearing your skimpy black dress from the night before, instead suiting a large black t-shirt and sweatpants.
“yn? are you awake?” a voice from behind the door has you jolting in place, squeaking out a "huh?" the door opens slowly, and absolutely nothing could have prepared you for the face behind the voice. you felt like you were punched in the gut as you watched taeyang move from his spot at the door to sit on the side of the bed, his hands stretching in front of him to offer you the water and tylenol he carried.
you stared at him, "taeyang— you— what?"
he smiles softly at you. "do you remember last night? you called me to pick you up." no, nonononono, no.
"i— oh my god? i'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing, i'm so sorry i bothered you." you frantically apologized, mind running wild as tears pricked your eyes. you move your hand to wipe your tears just as you feel a hand rest on your thigh.
"yn," he reassures, still smiling, "it's okay. honestly. i'm glad you called. i want you to feel like you can rely on me."
"i feel so bad. can i make it up to you somehow? i can buy you lunch? dinner?" your shoulders slump, and you vow to yourself in that moment that you are never touching alcohol ever again.
"it's really not necessary. honestly. call me whenever you need me. you don't know how happy i was when minhyuk told me you were moving here."
you sniff. "why?"
"it gets lonely, you know? my job basically stripped me of a social life." he laughs, low and deep. you feel your heartbeat pick up.
you nod. "i get that. i still want to pay for a meal, though."
"if you insist."
you start to shift in your spot, throwing your legs over the edge of the bed to stand. "um... where are my clothes?"
"oh, right. you left your dress on the floor of the bathroom so i hung it up. your shoes and purse are at the front door."
"thanks." you make your way to the bathroom and entrance of his home under his direction and collect your belongings.
he gestures to your current outfit. "you can bring these home with you, if you want. i want you to be comfortable."
"sweatpants and high heels... that's definitely a choice." you giggle as you pick your shoes off of the floor.
"don't walk, i'll drive you."
"you've done so much for me already. i can't ask for anymore."
"i told you i want you to rely on me, didn't i? we live close enough anyway. it's not a problem." he walks to his kitchen to grab his keys, gesturing for you to follow him as he opens and shuts the front door.
"you know your address now that you're sober, right?" he grins.
"what are you talking about?"
"you couldn't remember where you lived when i asked yesterday." your face turned beet red as you turned to him, eyes wide with mortification. you thought about how nice it would be if you would melt into the floor and never be seen again.
"this is actually unbelievable. i'm never drinking again." you bring your folded dress to your face and let out a fake scream into it. taeyang laughs, hand moving to the small of your back to guide you through the parking lot to his car. he passed you his phone to enter your address— which you did remember now— and you felt your face heat up as he gripped the back of your seat and looked behind you to get out of his parking spot, muscles flexing next to your face.
you try and make awkward small talk, asking him about work and in turn answering his questions about your new job until he pulls into the entrance of your building.
"let me walk you up. you can never be too safe." he says as you step out of the car.
"we're in broad daylight, taeyang. chances of me getting kidnapped are pretty slim." you giggle, but don't put up a fight when he gets out of the car anyway, grabbing your purse from you to free your hands. the elevator ride up is silent, and on multiple occasions you turned to look at him and found he was already staring at you. god, why was he so sweet? and attractive? your heart pounded in your chest, a feeling you became familiar with as you grew up, anytime he would offer to help you study, or bring you food and company after arguments between you and your brother. you reminisced on your past with him all the way to your door as you unlocked it and stepped inside. he stepped in behind you and hung your purse on the hook next to your door.
"woah... that's a lot of boxes. how do you own this much stuff?"
you cover your face with your hand. "i know, okay? i might be a hoarder."
"do you need any help unpacking? this is a lot for one person to take on."
you gawk at him. "taeyang, i physically can't ask for anything more of you."
he throws his hands up like a criminal. "i told you i want to! it's sunday and i don't have plans. let me help."
and so, you find yourself sitting on your living room floor with him hours later, moon rising behind him as you caught up on everything you'd missed in each other's lives during the years you spent apart. most of your boxes were unpacked now, you could only spot one or two stray boxes littered across your apartment.
"ah... it's getting late. what time do you have to get to work tomorrow?"
he looks at his watch and grimaces. "you're right. i need to be up early... i should probably leave now." he stands and you follow in suit, walking to the door. you stare at him, a little unsure how you should end the night. he sensed your hesitance, you think as he pulled you into his arms for a hug. caught off guard, it takes you a moment to reciprocate, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hung around your waist.
"this was," he starts, pulling away from your embrace to look at you, "really fun. i'm glad we got to reconnect."
you grin at him. "me too. when are you free for dinner? i promised i'd treat you."
"i'm pretty sure i'm free every night this week, depending on how late work keeps me."
"so... let's say wednesday for now? we can reschedule if you have to stay late."
he nods and smiles. "i'll see you wednesday then." you realize you're staring and quickly pull yourself away from him. he laughs, waving goodbye and you watch his figure get smaller and smaller as he walks down the hallway towards the elevator.
wednesday comes faster than expected. work's letting me out on time. see you at 7? you stared at taeyang's confirmation text, palms sweating. you had lost track of how much time you'd spent standing in front of your closet weighing outfit options, wanting to pick something you think he'd like. you knew it wasn't a date, but you couldn't ignore the fact that just about every aspect of tonight screamed 'date' except for the people attending. you're snapped out of your thoughts when your phone buzzes with an incoming call.
"can you buzz me in? i'll come to your door."
you try to sound as nonchalant as possible, "yeah, see you in a few." before hanging up and frantically picking out a random dress, throwing it on as you scrambled to put your shoes on and touch up your lipstick. you straighten your back as your door bell rings, and you unlock it to reveal a very happy looking taeyang.
"hi." you grin, "you look good."
"ah, really? i didn't go home and change, i came straight from the office."
"you look great, trust me. you always look good." you mutter the second half, digging through your purse to find your keys so you could lock the door behind you.
"thanks. you look really pretty. blue is a good color on you." your eyes widen and you manage to squeak out a quick thank you.
you let him talk about his day in the car, he complains about a colleague that wouldn't get off his ass and you tell him about your boss at your new job that seems to have it out for you. your conversation carries all the way to the restaurant, now conversing about anything and everything that popped into your mind. you recalled the funny voicemail your brother had left you the day before, digging into your purse to find your phone to show him before he stops you.
"yn." he smiles, reaching to grab your hand from across the table. "let's not talk about your brother right now."
you cock your head to the side, a confused expression taking over your features. he continues before you can get a word in. "our whole lives minhyuk has been the bridge that's kept us connected." he looks at you. "now i want it... to just be us. i don't want to use the excuse that you're his sister to see you. i want to hang out with you just because i can, you know?" you watch him retract his hand from yours to take a bite of his food and you think your heart might explode. how could he drop a speech like that on you like it's nothing?
you catch your breath and nod, inhaling. "i feel the same way, taeyang." you know your cheeks are turning red and you can only hope your makeup hid the extremity of it. "being with you has been really, really fun. i hope we can do this all the time."
he grins in response and sticks his pinky out. "we will, i promise." the sincerity in his eyes has you thinking that you'd never doubt a word he says for as long as he'd allow you to stay by his side.
you and taeyang were very alike, you think, recalling the past few months you'd spent together. you loved the natural rhythm of conversation that you always seemed to fall into when you were with him. you loved that he no longer viewed you as a little kid or as an extension of your brother.
"so," you had asked him one day with an evil grin on your face, arm linked with his as you walked down a side street in hongdae, "do you like me or minhyuk more?"
"that," he brought his hand to your face to squish your cheeks, "is a very hard question." you sulked and pouted at his response, so he leaned down to whisper low in your ear.
since then, you found him glued to your hip even more than before, not that you were complaining. your hangouts became so frequent that you weren't sure if you remembered the last time you'd gone more than 2 days without seeing his face. you realize referring to your time spent together as 'hangouts' was a downplaying it a little, considering that to onlookers you looked very much like a couple going on dates. there were a few instances where shop owners had complimented how good you looked together and you had to very awkwardly deny it, despite the fact that your hands were intertwined tight at your sides.
you had fallen so incredibly hard, and you were sure he had too, the lingering glances and constant touches had become too frequent for it to mean nothing.
"hey, your birthday is coming up." he nudges your shoulder as you sit next to him on the rooftop of his building to watch the sun set.
"how'd you remember?"
"i have a good memory." i remember because it's you, he fails to add. you hum and he continues, "are you planning on celebrating?"
you nod. "seulgi and sooah are taking me out a few days before... but i have no plans on the actual day."
"okay, so we'll do something. want a home cooked meal?" you kick his foot and giggle.
"you're a terrible cook, taeyang."
he laughs, throwing his head back. "no need to get violent about it."
the moon was up in the sky now, so he stands, reaching for your hand to lace your fingers together and make your way back to his apartment.
"oh my god." you breathe out a week later when he moves his hands from over your eyes to reveal the display in front of you. "this is too much!"
"please. cake and flowers is not too much." he makes air quotations with his hands as he rolls his eyes. "i have something else for you. hold on a minute." he darts behind you and reaches into his coat pocket to reveal a small box and you feel your breath catch in your throat when he sits down next to you at your kitchen counter.
"you didn't."
"happy birthday, yn."
you gently pried open the box, revealing a silver necklace with a diamond pendant that hung on the chain next to a smaller one.
"taeyang, i—" tears pricked your eyes.
"look closer." he cuts you off, grabbing your hand to guide your fingers to the engravings on the back of the two pendants. a small 'yn' and 'ty'. tears were openly falling down your cheeks now, and he reached to gently wipe them away with his fingertips.
"i take it you like it?"
"thank you, seriously. put it on me?" you turn around and lift your hair up to give him access to your neck. he doesn't say anything after as he places four candles on top of the cake and lights them.
when he tells you to make a wish, you pretend to think about it even though you'd been wishing for the same thing since you turned seven years old. you inhale and blow, extinguishing all the candles but one.
you grin at him. "you make a wish too."
he stares at you in awe for a second too long, snapping out of it when you gesture towards the cake. he doesn't need a second to think before he's blowing out the last candle.
"what did you wish for?" you ask him, voice quiet.
"you already know, don't you?"
you stare at him, eyes flickering to his lips. "we both wished for the same thing then, huh?"
he moves closer to you now, arm wrapping around your waist, face moving closer to yours. you can hear your heart beating out of your chest and you're sure his is too.
"i need to hear you say it, yn." his nose brushed yours and your gaze moved from his lips to his eyes. you take a deep breath.
"i want you, taeyang. please."
he doesn't need to hear anymore, ducking his head to connect your lips, and you think to yourself that waiting your whole life for him was absolutely worth it. he stands to pull you into his chest because being close to you wasn't enough.
"wanna fuck you, so, so bad, but can i just kiss you first? jus' wanna hold you." he mumbles against your lips, and you think you might collapse and die. frantically nodding, you grab his cheeks and kiss him as hard as you can, and he slides his hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing it when you moan into his mouth. his touch was soft where his kiss was rough, tongue swiping across your bottom lip to beg for entrance.
you melt into his embrace as he reaches under your thighs to hoist you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you into your bedroom. your mouth moves from his lips to his neck, kissing and sucking on any exposed skin you can find. you're both too lost in lust to form words, your apartment quiet except for soft moans and grunts and smacks. the noises that escaped his throat had you feeling more turned on than you'd ever been in your life, lips moving back to his to swallow his sounds as you pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck.
he pulls away to toss you onto your bed, throwing his shirt off before crawling on top of you. you tug your top off before he can even ask, arms reaching behind you to fiddle with your bra clasp to fully expose your top half to him. he darts down, immediately taking a tit in his mouth, smiling at the way you were already squirming. he pulled away to look at you.
"fuck, you're so fucking pretty. my pretty baby." him referring to you as 'his' had you breaking down beneath him, hips bucking up to grind against his clothed cock. he groaned and grabbed your hips for more friction. his finger dragged along the waistband of your pants. "want me to make you feel good, baby?"
you nod a little too fast, "need you to touch me."
"what's my name?"
"need you to touch me, taeyang."
you were naked within seconds, sweatpants tugged down your legs and soaking panties ripped and discarded as he pulled you into his lap. a big hand slipped between your thigh, the other resting on your hip as he began to circle your puffy clit, causing you to let out the prettiest moan he'd ever heard. you knew he was teasing you, a smug grin on his face as he watched your expression crumple.
"oh my god, please."
"we have all the time in the world, pretty. m'not going anywhere. trust me?" how could you not, with the way he was looking at you? you nod, and he so painfully slowly moves his finger to spread your slick around, now using his free hand to hold your face to look at him. he finally dips his fingers into your entrance and you moan his name at the way his fingers reached deeper than yours ever could. his fingertips curled into your walls causing your soft sighs to fill the room as he kissed down your chin, ruthlessly pumping his fingers in and out of you.
your breathing picks up and you begin to squirm under him, hips desperately jerking into his hand, and he takes that as his queue to use his spare fingers to flick and pinch at your clit. you feel the pressure building in your core, snapping like a rubber band when you reach your climax. you scream his name and your vision goes blurry as he continues to fuck you with his hand to work you through it. he grabs your chin and forces you to make eye contact as his licks his fingers, before pulling you into him to connect your lips in a kiss.
"you're so perfect." he mumbles and you sigh into him. it's not long before he's disconnecting your lazy make out to flip your position so that you're underneath him again. you tug at his sweatpants as he hovers over you, and he immediately strips his pants and boxers to reveal his red, throbbing cock. it leaked with precum and stood tall as he shifted to grab the base and align it with your hole.
"do you think i stretched you enough?"
"just... go slow."
he kisses your forehead in reassurance. "i got you, baby. tell me if you need a break."
you suck in a breath when he pushes his length inside, tears stinging your eyes at the burn even though you knew it was coming. you squeezed his bicep to signal that you were okay to continue.
"fuck, you fit me so well. so made for me." your back arched as he grunted, moving to kiss him sloppily as his hips pressed against yours, now fully inside of you. his thrusts started slow, but sped up as you began to chant his name, your legs moving to wrap around his waist as your hips snapped together. it was frantic and messy, but so, so, perfect. his cock slammed into you, pressing into your g-spot over and over as your nails dug into his back, breaking the skin.
he whispered under his breath how much he loved you over and over as you cried, panting against him in lust as your thrusts slowed, feeling yourself reach your breaking point.
"my beautiful girl, love you so much. so— m'so close." he moaned into your neck as your walls squeezed him when you came. you came hard and fast, and he followed not long after, hips stuttering as he pumped you full of his seed. he pulled his now soft cock out of your entrance as he collapses on top of you. you squeal and giggle as he presses kiss after kiss to your cheeks, before he moves to seal your lips in your softest kiss of the night. as much as you wanted it to last forever, you're the first to pull away.
"i— i love you so much. you have no idea." you couldn't tell if you felt tears or sweat on your cheeks. he grins at you, big and bright as he cups your cheeks.
"oh, baby. i love you. wanted to tell you everyday."
you fall asleep in his arms, ready to take on the changes that would come when the sun rose in the morning.
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© 348kg please do not copy my work
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chxxrybxxmb · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ Met the professionals
Synopsis: after winning the U-20 match, Ego starts planning the third phase of the project and you were requested to come back a few days earlier than the players for a quick briefing and to introduce you the new people that you would be working with.
Reader is 18.
Warnings: fem!reader, English and Japanese honorifics, swearing, reader has a little brother, suggestive comment, reader wears a dress and has makeup on, flirting, hottest dilfs alive and Micheal Kaiser.
Ego in his sugar daddy era???
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“How’re you, Ego-San? I hope that you’ve been eating well for the past two weeks since I wasn’t here to cook for you.” You grinned kindly at your boss, entering the high tech office. Placing your handbag on the table, Ego doesn’t look at you and continues to immerse himself in important data.
“What’re you my mother? I don’t need you to look after me.”
“If I don’t look after you, who’ll make Japan win the World Cup?” You sassed. Approaching the table the looked at the holographic data floating mid air. You still wonder to yourself how much money went into this and how high tech this all was.
“Anri-San told me over the phone that I should come back a few days earlier than the players, when I tell you that those boys-”
“Ah, ah.” He raises his hand over to your mouth, stopping you from saying anything and you huffed, sitting on the tables edge. “Alright, tell me-” A holographic screen slides to your direction, revealing the information before you.
“The third phase of this match is called the Neo Egoist League. Where players pick a team that matches their skills. This phase will introduce a variety of investments, including high salaries, various offers from different teams all over Europe to play in their leagues, and so many more,” you click on the icon, Germany and saw the familiar face of the one who beat Messi in a match from three years ago.
“Noel Noa…?”
“Oh, yeah. The teams the players will choose are England, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain. Each European team is an S-class team led by the most exceptional strikers…I think you already know them.” Cue for the familiar faces of famous football players to come into the screen. Chris Prince, Lavinho, Noel Noa, Marc Snuffy, and the familiar face of Julian Loki.
“After the players pick their respective teams, they will be separated into different stratums or buildings. Anri-Chan will be sending you the rest of the details. Don’t embarrass yourself when you’re up close with them.” He says, giving you a side eye as you stare at a picture of Snuffy. You immediately snapped back to your senses and swiped away the image of the Italian footballer.
“I-I won’t! What makes you say that?!” He huffs and pushes you off the table.
“Unpack your things and help the other staff with room preparations. You will be preparing for five teams with twenty plus players. Go away.” You huffed at him and fixed your clothes. “Can’t you be more gentle?! Geez!”
“What’s this?” You looked at the white box, wrapped with a black bow that Anri handed to you, she looks very excited you took notice. She beams at you as you placed it on the dining table.
“Open it! Ego-San got it for us.”
“That Vector look-a-like got us something? Are you sure he’s alright? Should I call a doctor?” You worried turned to the older woman. Cue for Ego to smack you on the back of you of your head with a file.
“Be grateful, you waste of talent. I’m pretty sure you don’t have anything decent to wear.” He hissed, pointing at your working clothes and you gasped dramatically.
“These are my working clothes, asshat! I can’t run around working in a mini skirt.”
“Oh, come on, Ego-San. (Name)-Chan just got back and you’re already picking a fight with her!” Anri scolds the two of you, pulling both her boss and colleague apart before they tear each other apart. “Just open the gift and tell me if it fits. Don’t approach me if it isn’t your style.” Ego spoke, going into the kitchen to prepare himself yet another instant ramen packet.
“If it fits?” You thought a bit confused. Did he buy you clothes? Or maybe it’s a new staff uniform, either way, you pulled on the strands of the ribbon, making it come undone. You then lifted the cover and saw some white paper covering, Anri was squealing excited next to you. Moving away some of the wrapping, you soon realized that Ego had bought you a designer dress.
You took out the dress from the box and looked at it with eyes peeled open. Ego, your harsh boss, had bought you a dress that was totally your style and in your favorite color? Is the world ending?
“Omg, Ego-San, it looks beautiful on her, definitely (name)’s style!” Anri gushed at the man who didn’t respond. As you continued to admire the dress and its intricate appearance, Ego cleared his throat.
“Do the two of you have any jewelry?”
“I only brought a few earrings with me, nothing special.”
“The ones that I’m wearing, I don’t change into anything different unless it’s a special occasion.” You and Anri answered. You wondered why Ego bought you an expensive dress and asking you about jewelry, all he ever talked about was football not fashion.
“Ego-San, what’s with the dress? I don’t think I can wear this to anywhere and this must’ve been expensive!”
“Is that really what you have to say…?” You shut up and looked at Ego and his unusual behavior. He sounded a bit disappointed as he slurped on his noodles. You grinned at the realization and brought the dress to your chest.
“Thank you, Ego-San, truly.” You could’ve sworn you saw a smile on his face. “Are you smiling, Ego-San-?”
“Being delusional has its fucking limits, kid.”
“I may be delulu but my eyes aren’t lying, c’mon admit it, boss!” You continue to tease as he continues to deny your claims. Anri smiles at this interaction. For once you weren’t spouting insults at each other or trying to kill each other.
“Shut the fuck up and take this.” Ego had enough and tossed you and Anri small bags of yet again designer, products. You then looked at Ego and then at Anri. “In all seriousness, why’re you gifting us these and where did you get the money of all of this? Last I remembered, we ran out of funds cause of the second selection.”
“After winning the match, sponsors came flooding in to support the project. Hence the brands and how we’re able to afford those teams to collaborate with us.” Anri explains. Looking at the Selim Mouzannar box in her hands with bulging eyes. You had a similar reaction as her as you look at the Azlee brand necklace on your hands.
“You didn’t really have to buy us so much…”
“I wonder how much of this costs…”
“I only bought you both heels. The dresses, jewelry and makeup were gifts from the coaches.”
“…are they looking for a sugar baby?” Anri and Ego smacked you on the back of the head.
“You look so beautiful, (name)-Chan!!”
“Have you seen yourself, Anri-San? You look like you’re going to the met gala!” The red-haired woman blushes as your compliment. She wore a red satin floor length dress with off shoulders. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw a different person. You looked even more beautiful with the makeup on with lips were colored in lipstick. Your dress hugged every curve of your body and the jewelry made you look mature and expensive.
All in all, you look like you were going to a ball. Like a Princess.
“You look like you’re going to throw up.”
“I… I’m scared I’m gonna ruin this dress, like, what if I accidentally spill food or drinks on me?!” You continued on with your nervous rant about possibly ruining the dress, she sighs and grabs you the shoulders, pushing her face closer to yours. “(Name)-Chan, nothing is going to happen to you or the dress! They gave you this dress and it’s your choice what to do with it.”
She reasons and you nodded tentatively. She smiles and picked up her handbag, so did you.
“I’m amazed Ego-San wanted to host a welcome party of the teams.”
“I was actually the JFU who arranged this occasion.” You looked at Anri as if she grew a second head and laughed uncertainly. “Ahaha… really?”
“Like… really, really?” She nods and you scoffed. “Now that he lost our little bet, he’s sucking up to us? Serves him right for doubting us.”
“Oh, you should’ve seen how Ego-San reacted when the president told him about hosting a welcome party!” Hand in arm, the two women were immersed in their conversation as they walked down the dystopian-core hallways of blue lock and exited the premises where a wagoneer jeep waited in the entrance.
“I think Ego-San is indulging himself a little bit too much.”
“That car was sent by the JFU, dumbass.” Ego sighs as he walked out from the glass doors, clad in a navy blue suit with a bolo football tie. He didn’t look all that much to different from his usual getup. The suit was reminiscent of the one he wore in the U-20 match.
You immediately noticed at the bolo tie was a little loose and went in front of him, taking a hold of the tie. Ego seemed surprised at the sudden closeness and pulled away.
“What the hell?”
“Stand still, your tie looks sloppy…” You murmured, tightening it. Ego sighs and lifts his head a little to give you space, Anri smiles in amusement at this rare moment between the two of you. Like a daughter fixing her fathers tie before he goes off to work. It was adorable in her opinion.
You pulled away and looked pleased with Ego’s appearance with a smile. “Let’s go?”
You looked at awe at the building where the welcome party was taking place. You initially thought it was going to be at blue lock but apparently JFU didn’t deem your building fancy enough and held the welcome party at a five star hotel. As you wrapped your arm around Anri’s forearm, you peered through the city of Tokyo from the glass window of the elevator. It looked like a sparkling jewelry box from up there. The doors open and Anri pulls you along with her.
Anxiety emptied your stomach as your hands grew sweaty around Anri’s plushy arm. The older woman looks at you with a gentle smile that made your worries go away. You then looked Ego who had his hands on the large doors in front of you three, he looks at the two of you and you nodded confidently.
Ego pushes the doors open and you were welcomed by a flood of overlapping chatter, elegant women dressed in designer clothing and men stood tall and erect in their identical-looking suits. The hall looked massive with a balcony on the right side of the room.
Everyone stopped with what they were doing and bore their eyes into the three of you. Now you felt like you were going to throw up if they continue to stare at you any longer.
“If it isn’t the mastermind behind this amazing project!” You heard a boisterous voice boom your ears. You looked up and saw the fat rodent that is the president of the JFU waddling his way towards your direction. The feeling of nausea was replaced with disgruntled feeling as you held on Anri’s arm a little tighter.
“Chairmen, thank you for arranging this welcome party for the teams.” Ego thanked the bloated tanuki. He was uncharacteristically polite. Your brows furrowed deeper and the corners of your mouth tilts down as he glanced at you and Anri, he gulps and looks back the bull-cut-haired man.
“I-it’s the least we can do. Because with blue lock, I know we can win the World Cup with your guidance!” He spoke and the others in the room erupted in praises and applause.
“We’ll be doing our best to do so. Thank you for financially supporting our project.” Anri replied with a light bow and so did you, “I’ll be supporting the players as best as I can since I’m the manager and all of that.”
The chairmen then usher the three of you to the rest of the JFU members for some reason. You didn’t talk all that much and looked around the banquet hall, “tell me, (name)-Chan. How the players generally act?”
“Generally act?”
“What’s their behavior towards the other players? I’m quite curious.” One of the members asked. You tried to think of an answer without revealing the fact that everyone is at each other's throats, “well, they remain respectful to each other, off and on the field,” that was a bit of a lie considering Isagi calling Baro a donkey mid-game.
“They work hard and dedicate themselves, body and soul to the sport. They accept defeats to grow better not only as a player but as a person.” You replied truthfully this time, fiddling with the fabric of the dress. They took your word for it and seemed intrigued by your answers with nods and hums.
“And how do they act towards you? Since you’re one of the many female managers after all.” They smirked with suggestion. You sucked in the corner of your bottom lip to avoid snapping at him. What was even going through their sick heads? Do they want this project to end with just one sexual speculation?
“Respect… we maintain a distance that is manager and player. We don’t have a rather close and intimate relationship with each other.” That was a bit of a lie. The players acted relatively close to you but still maintained a respectable presence with you.
Aryu runs his hands in your hair while complimenting your makeup and outfit. Chigiri would ask you to play with his hair. You were terrible at it, but he didn’t mind. Otoya would constantly flirt and ask for your number. Karasu and Yukimiya would save you from him. Baro, Kunigami, and all the other boys would try to pitch in to help you. Bachira would always hug you whenever you entered the room. Nagi trails behind you like a lost puppy, along with Reo, who would talk your ear off about the stock market and ask you to go out on a date with him once he’s out of blue lock.
And so many more, the boys acted like you were friends at school which made you feel comfortable with your stay and you really appreciated the boys and their behavior towards you.
“Is that so? Nothing-?”
“Hey, shithead. Do you think it’s a good idea to ask a girl who's 18 if she’s having intimate relations with a bunch of guys who are 18 and below? That’s fucking disgusting.” Ego spat in a whisper to the man as he pulled you by the wrist and hid you behind him. Your eyes widen as well as the JFU member, and he stammers out an apology that Ego didn’t take so kindly.
You looked up at Ego as he glared in disgust at the man. With your heart beating against your chest as if it wanted to break free, sweat pooling into the palm of your heads, you pulled on Ego’s cuffs, and he turned his attention towards you.
“Ego-San, let’s not cause a scene…” you whispered lowly, gesturing to your side. Spectators were turning their heads at the three of you, who were drawn to what you were discussing. Ego looks at you, then back at the man. There was an unreadable expression on his face before he clicked his tongue and gestured for you to follow him.
“Don’t show your putrid face to me or my staff.” He hissed before walking away from the man with eyes following your every move like owls, but one look from Ego, and they returned to their conversations.
“Ego-San… thank you for doing that. I greatly appreciate it.” You spoke, pulling on the mans wrist. He stops and looks at you before flicking your forehead. “The hell?!”
“Be more careful next time when you encounter nosey pigs like him-”
“So you do have a heart in there, Jinpachi Ego.” You heard a voice state amused from behind. You couldn’t understand what he was saying. It sounded like German. You whirled around and saw the mystery man.
It was Noel Noa. Clad in a suit and bow tie. He had a stoic and serious expression with an ever-present frown on his lips, gold eyes dull into Ego’s obsidian pair of eyes before he shifted his focus to you and then back to him. When both your eyes met, you felt your heart rate go faster than ever before.
It was the Noel Noa. In the flesh! The greatest striker in the world, standing in front of you!!
You have seen this man in your television or phone but seeing him in the flesh was whole new experience.
‘Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg-’
“What’s that supposed to mean, you stoic robot?” Ego hissed in German. You looked back and forth between the two. They seemed to know each other, you observed as they casually conversed with each other. “Seeing how you stood up for your female employee is out of character. I thought you weren’t Ego when I saw you.”
“Do you know each other, Ego-San?”
“In a way. Wear these. You’ll need it when communicating with the other coaches.” Ego fished out a small black box that had Blue Lock’s symbol on it. You took it from his grasp and opened the box. There were black wireless earbuds.
“Reo Mikage’s family had decided to sponsor Blue Lock and give us one of their products. That being translator earbuds, it’s light and won’t come off no matter how much you move around, and it’s hardly noticeable.” You wore it, and it almost felt unnoticeable. You then turned to the striker and slight bow.
“What is Ego Jinpachi like at work, Ms.Manager?” You were a little shocked, hearing him speak so clearly in Japanese with a believable accent. These earbuds are something else.
“O-oh, well. He can very harsh and would constantly criticize you for the littlest thing.”
“That’s accurate enough.”
“You damn brat.”
“I’m (name) (last name), Mr.Noa. It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I’ve heard many things about you from Ego.”
“Good or bad?”
“A bit of both.” You sighed hearing his quick response.
“Although, he often notes how you go above and beyond with your work despite being so young,” Noa mentioned—taking a sip of his champagne. You worked up hearing his statement and looked at Ego, who didn’t meet your eyes.
“Ego-San sometimes shares with me his instant noodles and such.” On occasion, when you would be busy with your work, Ego would always make you some instant noodles for a snack to go with your work. It touched your heart as he did care for you after all. (Before he berates you for doing absolutely nothing)
“How… amusing.” Noel glances at his friend, whose eyes softened by a fraction. The striker was quick to take a champagne glass from a waiter's tray and hand it to you.
“Ms. (Last name), you wouldn’t mind if you left your boss and me alone for a while? So we can talk a little about this passion project of his.”
“Of course, have fun.” You whispered before walking away from the two men, placing a hand above your beating heart, and your lips formed a shaky smile—excitement and adrenaline running through your veins. You did your darn best to keep your smile under wraps in favor of showing a calm and professional side of you to the man himself.
“I need to tell Anri-San about this—!” You spun your head from left to right to find the red-haired woman, but you saw her surrounded by sponsors, with Anri conversing seriously with them.
You decided to calm your excitement down and walked around the ballroom. You had to admit, this was something you would see in a movie. The piano was playing in the middle room; you were drawn to its alluring melody, and before you knew it, you were in front of the grand piano while admiring pianist playing.
“Are you into classical music, Miss?” A man purrs into your ear from behind. You recoiled away upon feeling a person's hot breath against your ear. “Haha! Didn’t mean to scare you there, lovely.”
The man had short, curly blond hair, sapphire blue eyes and a mole in the corner of his right lip. He had a well-built body, the suit fitting snuggly in his body. He was taller than you, your head level with his chest.
“I don’t think it’s good manners to suddenly whisper into someone’s without even introducing yourself.” You retorted lightly at the man, and he raised his hands in a playful gesture. “Sorry, miss. I thought I saw a diamond in the corner of my eyes.”
He confessed with a lazy grin. You sighed softly at his attempt at flirting, and you looked back at him. He seemed familiar like you’d seen him before.
“Maybe it’s because of my necklace.”
“I wouldn’t think that if I were you, lovely.” He winks at you, you left a bit uncomfortable with him. “Umm, I just turned 18, I’m not that to comfortable with someone older by a few years older than me…”
“Ahahaha!! Just wait until the fans see this, Chrissy!” A boisterous voice boomed from across the room. A man with tanned skin and wild blond hair, swung his arm over to Chrissy. He wore a black suit with a gold blouse, some of the buttons undid to reveal his chest tattoos.
“You were the one who told me to do it! Miss, I am truly sorry.”
“No, he’s not. He was, like ‘dude, check out that girl with in that dress, she super fine, ‘m gonna go talk to her and hold my drink.’ Basically.” The man matter of factly. Chrissy’s jaw dropped and looked at you who was trying to process this information.
“Lavinho, you’re this worst!”
Wait, Lavinho? As in that famous Brazilian dribbler? Whose representing the Spanish team Barcha?
“You’re… Lavinho?” You spoke and the man turns to you before grinning ear-to-ear. He took your hand and bowed.
“In the flesh, pretty lady! Man, am I lucky to have gorgeous woman like you to know my name. It’s an honor.” He boasts to himself before he grabbed his friend by the arm.
“By the way, this is Chris Prince! But call him Chrissy, though, it’s cute right? Chrissy, Chrissy~”
“Oh my gosh, can you stop? You’re embarrassing me in front of her!” Chris Prince, commonly known as worlds no.2, whispered harshly into Lavinho’s ear, who blew raspberries into his face.
“Oh my gosh, are you immature!” You couldn’t help but laugh at their shenanigans. You never expected them to be this carefree in person. It was fun!
“Let’s calm down now.” You cooed at them, trying to stop Chris from pulling on Lavinho’s collar. “What the lady said, Chrissy. Calm down.”
“I am calm!”
“Says who?”
As Chris was about to strangle Lavinho, you hurriedly took him by the arm and tried to anchor him down with your body weight.
“Let’s calm down! We wouldn’t want to attract too much attention now, do we?” You stammered nervously as the crowd’s eyes were on the three of you. How many times has it already been since the attention was suddenly focused on you.
“You heard the lady, Princey-”
“That includes you, Mr.Lavinho.” He looks at you with shock and Chris glanced at Lavinho with a victorious smirk.
“He’s such a wild person, isn’t he, lovely?”
“A little bit.”
“But not in a bad way.”
“I knew I could trust in you, pretty lady!” Lavinho laughed as he slamming his palms on your shoulders making you wince.
“I hope you can forgive me for that initial greeting, miss?”
“Oh, right. I never introduced myself! My name is (name) (last name) and I’m the manager of Blue lock. It’s a pleasure meeting you both, Mr.Lavinho and Mr.Prince. And it’s alright, Mr.Prince. You didn’t do anything if offense anyway. You briefly introduced yourself with a bow and a smile.
“Oh~! So you’re the woman glasses mentioned we would be working with! Nice to meet you too. Hope we can work together soon!” Lavinho grinned as did Chris.
“Are you a model by any chance? I mean, you have the potential one.” Chris asked curiously. Your posture and beauty were very much similar to models. He would know as he posed with some female models in the past.
“I actually did some modeling jobs when I was 16. Although I’m currently on a break.”
“Ha! I knew it! A beautiful girl like you would be scouted sooner or later. Hey, how about we do a shoot-?”
“She told you she was taking a break from the cameras, Chris.” Another man reminded to the English man with a sigh as he came from behind you and smiled at you apologetically. He had short blond hair and large emerald green eyes with a very well defined nose.
“I’m so sorry about him, Ms.(name). Please don’t let him bother you.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind doing a shoot with him.”
“See?! It’s almost impossible to say no to this handsome face.” Chris laughs. Pulling out a hand mirror and admires himself, smiling at the mirror and winking at himself.
“Is he… usually like that?”
“You seem to know me.”
“I happen to overhear you introducing yourself, my name is Marc Snuffy. Call me Snuffy. It’s a pleasure meeting one of Blue Lock’s beautiful managers.” Snuffy grinned kindly at you making your heart skip a beat.
“Beautiful? Now, I think that’s a stretch!”
“Not what the posts say about you.” He laughs lightly, pulling out a phone to reveal screenshots of a Tiktok comment section filled with compliments and love towards you.
“I must say, the media quite likes you after those little videos with you and Pablo Cavasoz dancing.” You glowered in embarrassment as you remembered the famous baby-face Argentina player, who was mysteriously drawn to you and dragged you to Harajuku with you to film Tiktok dance video’s in the middle of the street or inside the stores and to go shopping.
Never again were you going to be bribed with food and a promise of manicures.
“I-I’m honestly flattered that you think that way, Mr.Snuffy. Thank you. You’re Uber’s coach, right?”
"Correct and I hope my team wouldn't be too much of a trouble to deal with." He jokes lightly making you laugh.
"Have you seen my players? They would be at each other's throats if I look away for a couple of seconds! Like my Rin and Isagi for example."
"Considering the fact that your no.10 dodged a hug from 11... I'd say that their relationship is..."
"Rough? Absolutely."
"We all have those friends." You and continues to conversed at one another about your teams along with his. Snuffy is quite the gentleman you noted. Very polite and respectful.
"Yo, Snuffy. When're we gonna go back to the dorms, 'm tired." You heard someone complain. A man with messy black hair with purple tips and dark purple eyes, laid his head on the Uber's captain's shoulder with a sigh. You rubbed your eyes to wear off any drowsiness as you thought the man had gold teeth for a second.
"It's only 10 pm, Lorenzo and button up your shirt." Snuffy scolded Lorenzo who groaned but stopped midway as he saw you. "Who's this pretty lady, Snufs?"
"Her name is (name) and she's Blue Lock's manager. Be kind."
"Isn't she on the news one time? Like people thought she was Pablo's girlfriend or stuff." You sunk on the floor in embarrassment, remembering the countless news articles that you were his girlfriend. You even got a call from your father who was pissed at you for keeping your not-boyfriend a secret.
"Erm, I'm actually not his girlfriend... hehe, it was an misunderstanding."
"Huh, really?"
"Yup, the media assumed that we were dating just from a few videos of us dancing and doing some sightseeings around Harajuku."
"I see. So yer gonna be our new manager?"
"As far as I know, yea."
"Let's be friends then! Snuf, 'mma borrow her real quick." Lorenzo immediately went towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and waved goodbye at Snuffy who told the two of you to have fun.
"Names Don Lorenzo but just call me whatever you want since we're gonna be friends and all."
"Alright, Mr-"
"And no Mister and all that title shit, just call me Lorenzo or whatever- oh! Snuffy does call me Donny at times."
"So is Lorenzo alright with you?"
"Totes." Lorenzo was quite the character. He's friendly and a laidback type of guy, you felt at ease just by being with him as you started to slip from your professional mode. You were enjoying yourself with Lorenzo as the two of you conversed with other topics other than football.
"By the way, are this gold grills on your teeth?" You asked curiously. The two of you were seated a couch with a plate of crackers, cheese and caramel popcorn. He stops eating the popcorn and pulled on the corner of his mouth to give you a full view of his gold teeth.
"These babies? Nah, before all of this, i was some homeless kid on the streets of Italy, begging and robbin' people of their money until Snuffy came into my life askin' me if I wanna play football with him,"
"I was like, 'what's up with this dude? He crazy as fuck,' so then I was like 'replace my rotten teeth with golden ones' and do you know what he did afterwards?"
"He immediately dragged you to the nearest dentist and had it replaced with gold teeth?"
"Exactly! You're so smart." Lorenzo praises, throwing popcorn in the air and caught some with his mouth while also missing some, which you then picked up from the couch and ate it so it won't go to waste.
"Who knew that Mr.Snuffy is such a kind man."
"Kindest in the world. He's the type of person to not give up on others just cause." The player says fondly. You grabbed your champagne glass and felt it was unusually light, you then saw that it was empty. "I'm out of champagne. I'll go grab some more."
"Nah, I'll do it. You sit your pretty self here."
"Thanks but I can handle it, Lorenzo." You pat his shoulder before taking off with your empty glass and towards the bar for a quick refill.
You arrived at the bar and leaned against the counter. "Excuse me but can I get a refill in champagne? Non-alcoholic if there is."
"In a second."
"Can I get a martini?" Someone ask beside you. You glanced at them saw the familiar fluffy hair of brown to purple beside you.
"Are you... Alexis Ness from Bastard Munchen, by any chance?" The man beside you perks up upon hearing his name and turned to you with a nod and a kind grin.
"Yes and you're?"
"(Name) (last name). One of Blue lock's managers. It's nice to see you this evening, Mr.Ness."
"Please no need to call me Mister, just call me Ness and the pleasure is all mine.”
“Ness it is then. About that match with (club name), you did a good job out there.” You praise the player. You watched his match with (club name) a few weeks ago and was amazed at Ness’s clean assist and passes to a star player in his team.
“Really? I didn’t do all that much, it was all-”
“Why would you say that? Your assists were clean and quick. Not even the other players knew you would do it.” You interrupted Ness, and you meant every word you said. He looks at you in shock before red soon blossoms on his cheeks.
“You really think so?”
“Yea, although… I do have a tiny teeny problem…” Ness frowns upon hearing your last words. He had hoped he would gain a fan after all his hard work, but it seemed his efforts-
“That you didn’t score any goals!” Now that left him confused.
“E-excuse me?”
“You’re obviously a great player with amazing dribbling and passing skills, so why don’t you use it score your own goals? I mean, seriously, I hoped you would score that last goal before you passed to number 10.” You went on a little rant, and Ness stood there in awe with your words.
You weren’t focused with Kaiser but instead your attention was on Ness and even wanted him to score goals!
His heart started to beat even faster when you were praising his work and sets of skills. Ness looked up and got a good look at you, he had to admit, you were very beautiful in that dress.
“Kaiser is Bastard Munchen’s Ace so we dedicate all of the goals towards him.”
“But isn’t that letting your own skills go to waste? You’re hindering yourself just so that your number 10 can win. How about this?” You grabbed Ness by the arm and sat him on the stools, and you sat across him. Leaning towards his shoulder, you narrowed the distance of your lips to his ears. Ness’s heartbeat grew increasingly erratic as you drew closer. He felt your hot breath against the shell of his ear and smelled the perfume in your skin, blending with the champagne you were drinking.
“Your ace knows that you would be passing to him for every game, no?”
“And I’m also sure that the rest of your team along with Mr.Noa would be aware of this fact. What I’m trying to say is that,”
“When trying to pass to your beloved Ace, change course and score the goal for yourself. I’m sure the opposing team would also know about your play style. Therefore, they would surround your ace to prevent a successful pass from approaching him.” You explained with a mischievous smile after seeing Ness’s shocked expression. Gone was his ear-to-ear grin as it was replaced with an open mouth.
“B-but Kaiser-”
“So what about him? He can score his own goals if he’s your so-called ace. Ness, you’re an amazing player, but you lack the independence of one or, rather… the ego of one. Omg… I’m starting to sound like Ego-San.” You pulled away from Ness and seriously contemplated your words. Ness, however, was silent as he let your words sink deep into his consciousness. You looked at Ness’s blank face, and yours swelled in embarrassment.
He probably didn’t understand your rambling. Even when you thought you sounded cool saying it!! You stood hastily after the bartender finally refilled your drink and cleared your throat.
“I probably wasn’t making any sense. This is more on Ego-San’s department. Forget I said anything, Ness-”
“No… I was hoping you could explain more about this ego. Please… I want to learn more about it, Ms.(name).” Ness took hold of your wrist and slightly tightened his grip on you. His tone… it sounded like he was begging you.
You stared at the B.M player with a conflicting mindset as you looked between your drink and Ness.
“So this is why my drink has been taking a long time. I didn’t know you were busy flirting with a girl, Ness.” A man purrs condescendingly as he struts towards you both. Ness reluctantly lets go of your wrist and looks shamefully to the side. “So-”
“And who is this lovely lady keeping you company, hm?” The man in front of you grinned at Ness. He had blond hair styled into a long mullet with blue fades. He wore a dark blue suit and matched it with a tie. Something was peeking from his collar, but you couldn’t determine what it was, probably a tattoo or something.
“(Name) (last name), one of the managers of Blue Lock, and I take it that you’re Kaiser?” His smile grows as his name rolls out from your tongue, and he takes your hand, fluttering his lips over your knuckles before he firmly presses his lips on your knuckles.
“Micheal Kaiser, das Fräulein. Star player of Bastard Munchen.” The Ace says matter-of-factly with a grin, and you smile at him uncomfortably, looking at the area where he kissed.
“Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.” You repeated in your head as you tried to pull back your hand, but Kaiser gripped you as he incoherently conversed with Ness.
“I take it that you know Blue Lock’s Ace: Isagi Yoich? That plain looking guy.” Your lips turned into frowns hearing him describe your friend.
“Yes. Is there something you wanted to ask him?”
“Oh no, I was just making sure that you were his specific manager. After all, I would want him to look at your face once I humiliate him.”
“Excuse me?” You honestly expected Kaiser to be a prideful person. That was for sure. But for him to straight up admit his intentions in front of you? Now, that was a bold him.
“I think you heard me, (name). I plan to make Isagi Yoichi, the hero of Blue Lock, an obstacle for me to overcome. Make sure he’s worthy of that title.” Kaiser requested you like it was a normal thing to ask. As your glare towards him hardened, Kaiser couldn't care less. You slowly exhaled, placed your glass gently, and pushed yourself towards him.
“As you wish, I’ll make sure Isagi Yoichi will be an impossible obstacle for you to overcome.” Now it was his turn to be annoyed as he took his vacant hand and roughly grabbed your upper arm to pull you closer. His face was nearing yours with a cocky snarl.
“Is that a threat?”
“A promise, rather.”
“To think that Blue Lock would have such a feisty manager, I wonder how Jinpachi Ego leashed you.”
“Leashed me? Do you think I’m some kind of dog?!”
“Oh, I know! You’re the character who blindly placed her fate into the clown who thought of himself as the main character, but that’s going to change once I step into the field,” he removes his grip from your upper arm and clasps his hand around your jaw to pull your face even closer to his. You instinctively tried to tear away, but his strength proved greater than yours.
“I could just imagine what dear Isagi’s face will look like once I humiliate him in front of his pretty manager.”
“As if that would happen.” You rasped, trying to pry his hand away from your face. As Ness was about to intervene finally, Lorenzo came into sight, taking hold of Kaiser’s wrist with a deadly grip, his gold teeth shining against the light, and the Italian let out a whistle in amusement.
“Damn, Kaiser… never you would act like a dick if a girl don’t wanna be with ya.”
“Where did you come from, you damn zombie?”
“Wonderin’ where (name) was at, said she was goin’ to refill her drink. Didn’t know you were holding her hostage.” The two-star players glared at each other in disdain. Kaiser started to feel the blood being cut off from his hand and he rips away his grip from your face. You stepped back and massaged your jaw.
“Are you alright, (name)? I’m sorry I couldn’t-”
“It’s alright. I expected he act like this. Fucking prick.” You huffed, drinking your champagne as Ness looks ashamed.
“Honestly… I should’ve intervened when he grabbed you by the arm. I’m so sorry-”
“Ness, Ness, baby, love.” You sweet-talked and grabbed his jaw gently. (Unlike someone) “It’s alright, I get it. We all freeze sometimes, even I do. So you don’t gotta worry about it, okay?” You smiled. Expecting him to agree with you and let all of this be over with. He tentatively nodded, and you let go of his jaw before turning to the bartender. “Actually, can I get the bottle?”
Before the bartender could hand you the bottle, Lorenzo snatched it from him, took you the waist and led you away from the bar, making a mocking face at Kaiser.
“See ya in the field, naked emperor!” The Italian player laughs as he waves and pours you a drink. You turned to Ness and gave him a smile and wave, which he returned. You met Kaiser’s glare and returned it with a glare and a middle finger.
“Is he always so arrogant?”
“24/7, babe. 24/7.” Lorenzo sighs, patting your shoulder. “Hey, your lipstick… Kaiser must’ve smudged it.” He stares at the colored streak nearing your jaw. You placed your finger on it and saw the colored stain on your finger. You hissed at the sight and covered the lower half of your face.
“Damn that rat. Lorenzo, I’ll be back. Need to fix myself.”
“Sure, I’ll be on the couch!” He removed his arm, and you speed-walked through the crowd towards the hallway where the servers were going in and out. You swiftly dodged the waiters that’s were carrying snacks and drinks, you saw a waiter who seemed to be on break, seeing that she was on her phone.
“Excuse me, miss. Where’s the bathroom?” She looks up from her phone and points at the direction where to go.
“Second to the last door on the left.”
“Thanks.” And with that you immediately took off.
During the trip toward the bathroom, you recalled your rather eventful evening. A JFU member asking disgusting questions, Ego saving you, meeting Noel Noa, Chris Prince flirting with you, Lavinho laughing at Chris, Marc Snuffy appearing, Don Lorenzo whisking you away from the night, meeting Ness and getting harassed(?) by Micheal Kaiser.
And here you thought you would be the loner who escaped from the party to the safe haven that was the balcony. So much for that, at least. As you wiped the stain away, you were quick to reapply a new batch on your skin but before you exited the bathroom, you took a few photos of yourself for good measure and sent a few to your brother to let him decide which ones should you post as you were indecisive.
[You sent 15 photos]
You: which one of these do I look the prettiest?
Little demon: none
You: what if I tell Ma and pa?
Little demon: Your alrd pretty tho but for me 1 4 9 and 13 are the best ones
You: I know I’m pretty. I’ll be positing these soon after party
Little demon: don’t post. Dress is revealing. I can see your BOOBS
You: only a little :(
Little demon: what if I tell Ma and pa?
You: I hate you
Little demon reacted: 👍
You huffed seeing your younger brothers weak response and before you could text something back, you bumped into someone’s side.
“Sorry- (name)?” The man spoke, and you looked up to find the black French player in front of you wearing a suit paired with a bow tie. You lit up seeing the player and tucked away your phone to give him a big hug.
“Loki!! Oh my gosh, how’re you?”
“I’m fine. It’s good to see you again after a couple of weeks. Mr.Pablo has been bombarding me with texts asking for your socials. That man won’t give up.” He sighs as he pulls away from you, and you laugh.
“You might have you endure that for a little while longer, Loki dear.” He sighs again and you took him by the arm and dragged him down the hall.
“I heard we’ll be working together again. Good luck to us then.” Loki says, patting your hand before giving you a kind smile, which you return. The two of you reentered the ballroom and went your separate ways. Loki said he couldn’t leave his team alone as they would likely cause a scene without him there.
“I’ll see you at work, peace maker.”
“Have a fun evening, (name).” Then you went back to where Lorenzo was sitting, spending the rest of the evening with the Italian, joking, judging other people, talking about your respective counties and your experience with football.
This only took me 3 weeks to finish what a record 🙏
I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass fanfic, this was originally gonna be like 2 parts but then I decided to publish this a whole rather than separate parts.
Reblogs are much appreciated!! I love you all I hope you guys have a great day!
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xotication · 3 months
can u do gamer!kaneki and reader doing a stream where it’s just them goofing off and doing random stuff? like reader does his makeup on stream, smash or pass w anime characters, etc. ofc if you’d like !! thank u ♡
of course! sorry this took so long :(
as you know, kaneki has been streaming for a while now. his viewers love him, but they also love you! he’s starting to think he can’t have one stream where they’re not begging him to bring you in.
eventually you become a reoccurring guest, no matter what is is you two are doing.
his viewers eventually give you guys ideas of some silly things to do.
like one time you guys had to remake peoples instagram stories. you guys would just scroll thru your mutuals stories & randomly click on one.
it left you guys posting some corny couple photos, random fit checks, your attempts at some of the fancy dinners they were eating, or even random videos between them & their friends.
another time, the viewers begged & BEGGED the two of you to play smash or pass & it was the funniest thing ever.
“okok. uhm, smash or pass satoru gojo”
“what- i can’t smash gojo but you can?? he’s my glorious blue eyed king!”
“YOUR?! ken baby, he doesn’t even know who you ARE!”
“just shhh..”
“ok wtv. smash or pass eren jaeger”
“excuse me? didn’t he commit like every war crime.. ever?”
“ok & he was sexy while doing it all.”
“is that what i have to do for you..?”
“you were supposed to say no….”
this continued with a plethora of people & by the end of it, you guys were questioning each other so hard.
some of your guys’ other friends got wrapped into the content. one night you called up hide to test his loyalty.
“uhm- hey hide. is kaneki there with you? he said he’d be hanging out with you, but i haven’t heard from him in hours.”
hide literally requests to facetime you & walks you throughout his whole house to show no signs of kaneki. manz was playing NO games. & kaneki was so heartbroken.
“bro how’re you gonna expose me like that?!”
“bc if you’re cheating on your girl, i’m not gonna help you cover that shit up. be a man, moron”
“ok chill. i didn’t even cheat”
“yeah +10k aura for hide..”
“ok i’m hanging up wtf”
you ended up asking ken if you guys could do a cooking and/or baking stream. but without a recipe, he agrees & this makes for the most viral stream yet.
you have hide and ayato there to let you guys know how much time there is left, to referee the whole situation, & ofc to judge the food
you’re instructed to make pasta, FROM SCRATCH.
things start off well, but when you take a bathroom break, kaneki ends up sabotaging your dish.
he’s adding in a lil bit too much salt to your pasta sauce, & tasting it makes his whole face scrunch up.
when you come back, hide looks so guilty. like he had seen something he wasn’t supposed to see. which was of course, the underlying truth. all the while ayato was there, pokerfaced.
noticing this, you immediately assume ken is suspicious, “kaneki what’d you do.”
“what?? nothing.”
“hide is he lying.”
“i dunno”
“you were here the whole time?! ‘wdym i dunno’ you do know!”
“no i don’t?!”
you decide to let it go.
the whole process is chaotic, but fun. by the time it’s ready for judging, you & kaneki were both stressed out.
making noodles from SCRATCH without a recipe isn’t an easy task.
ken’s plate looked like mario & luigi threw it up, while yours looked like a penguin just regurgitated it to its baby.
you guys place the plates on the dinner table & you sit across from ayato & hide.
“alright chat. the foods done, looking rather.. interesting. i’m a little hesitant & scared to consume this but, we move”
“shall we?” ayato hands hide a fork & they both take a bite from ken’s dish first.
“uh- okay. i mean it’s definitely food. definitely a plate of food, i think” hide speaks first.
& ayato follows up with, “this is awful, ken”
kaneki gasps, almost as if hurt by the words, “okay then try y/n’s!”
& when they do, they’re pleasantly surprised. hide was expecting it to be salty as FUCK. but of course you peeped the chat saying how much salt ken had added. so you just added a shit ton of tomato sauce to even it all out. & it made for a yummy dish!
“this is decent! it’s not the greatest ever, but it’s also not the worst. definitely better than kaneki’s. the noodles are bit easier to chew & the sauce is almost normal”
“so did i win” you asked & ken looked so defeated in his seat..
“uhm. no you didn’t win. rightfully so, anyway.” ayato informs him & you jump for joy!
“you shouldn’t have tried to sabotage me, ken”
“how’d you even know?!”
lastly, one day you were super bored. you didn’t even plan on getting in stream with ken. you kinda just wanted to chill that day. but you chilled too hard. now you were literally doing nothing.
you put your phone down & wiped your eyes after scrolling through tiktok for what felt like hours.
“what to do, what to do” you said to yourself.
an idea clicks & you quickly jumped from your bed to make way to your closet.
you're putting on a cute dress & getting ready for, well, nothing at all. but it's all part of the plan. ken is so wrapped up in his gaming that he takes no notice of you at all. you're at your vanity pulling together the last pieces of your look.
even chat notices before your own boyfriend does, they're thinking ken has to leave soon because you guys are going somewhere but that's not at all the case.
you're stood by the bedroom door, all dolled up & pretty. "okay ken, i'm gonna go to target!" he looks back at you for a quick second & then back at his monitor.
"okay, see you later, love you!"
you walk out the room & ken is reading his chat. "target.. in that outfit?" "bro is not going to target" "bro didn't even see what his girl was wearing" "ken.. she said target, not the red carpet"
finally ken takes a second to picture what it was you were wearing again, & he gets up so fast he almost falls.
mans literally sprints out the room, out the house, & finds you sitting in your car. when you saw him, the last thing you had expected him to do was remove you from the car, & throw you over his shoulder but that's exactly what he does.
ken carries you all the way to the bedroom & throws you on the bed. stream STILL going btw.
is all he says before he's sat back in his chair, queuing into another game.
most of the girls in the chat are going crazy, rightfully so tbh.
ken looked back at you to see if you had listened, & when he saw you on the bed, still just laying there.. he wasted no time ending the stream.
he began to undress you himself. took off his own shirt, pulled it over your head, & then he took you to the bathroom to help wash your makeup off.
"going to target my fucken ass."
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wh0r3-for-klaus · 25 days
hiii seen that u were taking requests just wondering if u could write some father!figure!bf!rafe x crybaby!reader u can look up ideas on how to write them i just need something new
I had to spend a lot of time thinking of something that I was almost certain hadn't been done yet, I hope you like it!! I've never written for crybaby!reader before so I hope I did an okay job, I also didn't know if you wanted fluff or smut, so I went with fluff, I hope that's fine. My works are not to be reposted. If you want to be added to my tag list, leave a comment. Warnings: none?
father!figure!bf!rafe x crybaby!reader
x x x x x x
The Outer Banks were usually a place of sunlight and carefree adventure, but tonight, the sky was overcast, the sky was devoid of stars and was cloaking the world in an unusual darkness instead. You were curled up in your bed, the moonlight barely cutting through the thick clouds, casting eerie shadows on your walls.
The darkness had always been a source of discomfort for you, ever since you were a kid. You tried to convince yourself it was just your imagination running wild, but no matter how many times you told yourself it was irrational, the fear remained.
Tonight, it felt worse than ever. The shadows seemed to dance on the walls in a way that seemed human, and the wind howling outside made it sound like something—or someone—was scratching at your window and was trying to get inside. Every creak of the house made your heart race faster, and you found yourself trembling beneath your covers as you tried to calm yourself down.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, Rafe’s name flashing on the screen. It was a comforting reminder that you weren’t alone, even though it felt like the darkness was closing in and swallowing you whole. You hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone.
“Hey,” you whispered, trying to sound more composed than you felt.
“Hey, darlin’,” Rafe’s voice was warm and steady, a stark contrast to the anxiety twisting in your chest. “I’ve been thinkin’ about you. How’re you doin’?”
You bit your lip, a tear slipping down your cheek despite your best efforts to keep it together. “I—I’m scared. It’s really dark here, and it feels like the shadows are watching me.”
There was a pause on the other end, and you could almost picture Rafe’s concerned expression. “I’m comin’ over. Don’t worry, okay? Just hang tight.”
A wave of relief washed over you at his words. Rafe had a way of making everything seem better, and the thought of him being there with you made the fear feel a little more manageable.
Not long after, you heard the familiar sound of Rafe’s truck pulling up outside. You scrambled out of bed, stumbling slightly as you made your way to the door to let him in. The moment he stepped inside, his presence filled the room with a reassuring warmth.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Rafe said softly, pulling you into a tight hug. His arms were strong and steady, a protective shield against the darkness that had been tormenting you. “How about we get some lights on? We’ll make this place as bright as a Christmas tree if that’s what it takes.”
You managed a weak smile as he turned on the lights, the harsh brightness instantly dispelling the shadows that had seemed so menacing. Rafe moved around the room with a casual ease, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to your frantic energy.
He guided you back to the bed and sat beside you, his hand resting gently on your shoulder. “You’re safe here. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
You nodded, leaning into his side. The comfort of his presence was like a balm for your anxious mind. “Thank you, Rafe. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Rafe’s hand stroked your hair softly, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m always gonna be here for you, no matter what. Darkness or light, I’ve got you.”
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to relax for the first time since the fear had set in. With Rafe by your side, the shadows no longer seemed so frightening. You nestled closer to him, letting his steady breathing lull you into a sense of security.
As you drifted off to sleep, you felt Rafe’s gentle kiss on your forehead and heard his soft murmur, “Sweet dreams, darlin’. I’m right here.”
And for the first time in a long while, you felt safe, the darkness no longer a source of terror but simply a backdrop to the comforting presence of someone who truly cared.
x x x x x x
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shirohige-pirates · 6 months
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
Tags: @fiestynatureweeb @nalleanna @airwolf92 @art3misa635 @sleepisfortheweakpooh @ghostfacefricker6969 @harahettania @mfreedomstuff
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Chapter 22: 3 to 1
When you and Ace arrived at the All Blue it was still busy. You were there about ten minutes before closing and while no new customers were coming in, at least half the tables were still occupied. A severe-looking man with cropped green hair had been standing guard at the front doors, but he’d let you and Ace through.
“Zoro turns away customers for Sanji when the place gets busy to this point. Business is good, but getting your staff home at a decent hour is more important, at least to Lyn and Sanji.” Ace says as the two of you work your way through the restaurant to the bar.
The bartender that Ace had pointed out the last time gives you both a smile. “Ace, are you here to help close?” She asks and he nods.
“Sabo’s sister needed to talk to Sanji about something, so we volunteered to help free up some time for him, what can we do to help?”
“Ah, if you can get the tables and booths cleaned up that are empty, that’d help. Zoro can’t help until we can lock up, and we’re going to be a bit with the last few tables tonight.” She says, and looks toward you. “I’m Lyn.” She reaches out a hand, shaking yours.
“Quill,” you say. “Sabo’s mysterious sister.”
“Ever worked in a restaurant?” Lyn prompts, and you can tell from her grin she’s expecting you to say no before you even say it.
“Ah, no.”
Her grin breaks into a full smile. “It’s okay, there’s plenty of easy stuff to do. Our dishwasher could probably use an extra set of hands, how’re your shoes?”
“My shoes?” You question looking down. “I’ve got the sneakers I wore camping earlier on.”
“That’s good, better’n being in heels. I’ll introduce you, don’t worry, Duval’s bad at winking, but if you can help him stack trays he can get the dishes washed faster.” Lyn nods for you to follow her, lifting a section of the bar and having you come back.
The kitchen is brighter than the front of the house, and there’s almost eight other people back there. One of them is a tall man who would probably tower over Ace, with blond hair and a smile that seems a bit strained. Lyn introduced the two of you and had Duval show you how to stack trays so you could help him out.
It wasn’t difficult work, but it was more physical than you were used to. Grateful for your nap earlier and the fact that you weren’t fighting against your mother’s “medicine” anymore, you managed to be more of a help than hindrance; Duval only had to fix a couple of your trays.
Once the last of the customers are gone and the place is nearly closed up and cleaned, you, Ace, Lyn, and Sanji are sitting in a back booth while the last couple of employees finish up and leave.
“Luffy said something about you needing to ask about my brothers,” Sanji says, an apologetic look on his face. “He’s never been one for details, so I don’t know why you wanted to talk about them, but if there’s anything I can do to help you, it would be my pleasure.”
You smile, and then bite your lip a little. You make a few more gestures before Ace takes your hand in his and gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m… technically, betrothed to Ichiji.” You finally manage to say and watch as both Lyn and Sanji’s eyes go wide and their jaws go slack. “Aside from the obvious fact that I don’t want to marry him, I’ve also recently learned that I am, in fact, cursed.”
Lyn’s mouth closes, but Sanji’s goes almost wider, he murmurs a swear under his breath in a foreign language and you nearly snort.
“My parents don’t know yet, and I don’t know what curse I have either,” you continue. “At least not yet, but my parents are my problem, and the details of my curse aren’t something I can control. What I need to know, what I was hoping you could tell me, was that if I tell Ichiji I’m cursed, what’s he possibly going to do?”
Sanji stares blankly for a moment, and then opens and closes his mouth a couple times before closing it and furrowing his brows. He’s quiet as he takes out a cigarette and lights it, barely inhaling before billowing smoker into the ceiling.
“Ichiji won’t marry someone who’s cursed.” He says flatly, but despite his words it doesn’t look like he’s thrilled about whatever else is on his mind. “What he’ll do in reaction is hard to say. He could lose his cool the moment you tell him, or he could decide he simply doesn’t care. The real problem would be the old man.
“Judge could make the whole thing a spectacle.” Sanji continues. “I don’t think he’d get the Celestials involved, but he could ask for heavy restitution from your family.” He pauses, shock crossing his face for a second before he takes another drag. “Er, if I can ask, how’d you learn you were cursed so late in life?”
“Oh, well… um. It seems my mother has been poisoning me most of my life,” you admit quietly. “And I think my curse saved me, but I was so weak I couldn’t do anything else with it.”
“Your mother did what?” Lyn questions before putting her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry, I just, that’s horrible.”
“Haaa… yeah, and it’s okay. I mean, it’s not okay what she did, but I mean, you don’t have to apologize.” You clarify.
“Well, if that’s the case I can’t imagine you’ll be upset if Judge goes for your family then.” He says with a shrug. “I could be there when you meet with Ichiji, if you want? I might be disowned, but I’m not disavowed, he can’t lash out at me without any repercussions.”
You shake your head. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think he’s been particularly invested in any of this himself. He’s had a sense about Ace and I before I did, but even that didn’t bother him. He might be relieved, honestly.”
Sanji shakes his head. “No, relief isn’t really something he can feel. But you’re right, he might just not care.”
“The only thing that leaves then, is telling my parents.” You say, letting out a long slow breath and leaning your head on Ace’s shoulder.
“When are you meeting with Ichiji?” Sanji prompts and you look at your phone.
“Six hours? We’re supposed to meet for a brunch.” You answer.
“Ask him how far he had to travel,” Sanji says. “If he’s not in town for business and has been traveling just to meet with you, pay for that brunch yourself.” He asserts. “Even if he has been in town for business, you should still probably do that.”
“Will that help keep him calm?” You question, lifting your head off Ace’s shoulder.
Sanji nods. “Be extra polite.” He shudders. “Stoke his ego if you can manage it. He and the others are real bastards about rights versus commoners. I maintained my rights even though I didn’t want them because the Government stepped in, but with a curse… tch.”
“He’ll know that the government will bury my ties to my family.” You admit. “Yeah, I was already thinking about that. Not that it’ll make any difference if reparations are demanded.”
“You’re still royalty?” Ace questions, looking at Sanji.
Sanji shakes his head. “I sold my rights to fund this place.” He says. “But even with my rights sold my blood’s still legitimate. Ichiji and the others can’t treat me like a commoner without repercussions. Honestly, it might be the only reason the restaurant’s never been targeted.”
“But, two more months and it won’t matter.”
“Huh?” You and Ace make the same sound at the same time and Lyn and Sanji both smile.
“Germa’s only in town for another two months. With all the other islands and seas, they’ll probably never end up back on this island again.” He explains. “After that it won’t matter what my brothers think, they’ll be too far away to do anything about it.”
Ace sinks back into the booth, relaxing. “You scared me, I thought you two were going to sell the place and go elope or something.”
Lyn laughs. “We promise we’re not going to sell this place any time soon.”
“Noticing a distinct lack of promising to not elope.” You say, raising your brows a little and smiling.
Both of them flush and Sanji clears his throat. “Nami-swan and Robin-chan wouldn’t forgive us.” He insists, and Lyn nods.
“We don’t have plans to elope, but if we have to.” She lets the thought hang and you nod in understanding.
“Oh, uh, are you two busy on the fifteenth?” You question, shifting the conversation. “I figure the least I can do for all your help is invite you to enjoy delicious food with us as the 1st division celebrates my birthday. Though I suppose I could volunteer to help with closing a couple more times.”
“You’re welcome to help out here whenever you want, but it’s certainly not required. We’re both happy to have been able to help.” Lyn assures you.
“I’ll be happy to bring a large order of appetizers,” Sanji says, a bright smile on his face. “It’s been a while since I cooked for them.”
Ace puts his arms up in celebration. “I’ll let Thatch know, and he can work out the details with you.” Ace hugs you, his cheek pressed to yours. “Your first birthday here and we’re all gonna be so blessed.”
You could feel your face go hot at the exuberant display of affection, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. “You sound like Luffy.” You tease.
“Oh, we’re not going to be able to tell him about this. He’ll whine constantly for the next two weeks and then he won’t sleep the night before.” Ace sighs, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, not releasing his hug.
“A-Ace.” You stammer, you can feel the familiar sensation from before and you’re worried you’re going to set Sanji’s booth on fire.
Ace looks up and into your eyes and smiles as he lets go. “Oops.” He looks just about ready to lean in and kiss you, and you’re torn between wanting to let him, and not wanting to do so in front of others just yet.
“Look at you, positively smitten.” Lyn says, eyes on Ace. “If I remember correctly, you were in here just a few months ago -.”
“S-saying absolutely nothing interestin’!” Ace exclaims, giving you a little space without leaping fully to the other side of the seat.
“Ah, true. True.” She agrees with a grin. “I’m sure I have you mistaken with someone else who was ready to swear off all manner of love and dating. Dramatically convinced that there wasn’t any one in this whole wide world that was going to be able to-.”
“Lyn, mercy, please.” Ace begs.
You can feel the heat rolling off him as you turn your head, giving Ace a pointed stare while Lyn hums softly in amusement. To Ace’s credit he looked caught somewhere between embarrassed and adorable. He put his arms in front of his face to shield himself from the inquiring look you were giving him, and so you moved just a little bit closer.
“Don’t ignite.” You admonish, poking his side playfully and causing him to yelp.
“You’re in my restaurant,” Sanji starts, trying to cover the pink on his own face. “And I feel like I’m the one intruding.”
“Ah, ha ha, sorry about that.” You lean away from Ace. “With, with that we should probably get going. We’ve kept you both as it is.” You admit, scooting out of the booth.
Lyn hands you a card after she gets up. “The numbers for here, and both our personal cells.” She explains.
“If things go bad with Ichiji, let us know.” Sanji clarifies. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to do much, but I don’t want anyone in that family thinking they can do whatever they want.”
“Appreciated.” You tuck the card away, hoping that things go smoothly. You’re certain that Sabo would break the law without a second thought if Ichiji did anything, and you know Ace would too. There were too many people willing to step up for you, and considering the complications of nobility in relation to the laws, you were more worried for others than yourself.
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
HELLO, BACK FOR ROUND TWO BESTIE!! Can I request Serval teaching her s/o how to play the guitar?? Thanks Bestieee<333
GUITAR LESSONS - serval x reader
- serval teaching you the guitar.
- heyeyeyeyeye i love u pookie ur my bsf. thx for this req. and the req before this. muah. anywyas enjoy i oove serval
- warning none! wc 573
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Servals guitar skills were super cool, and you had always admired her for it! Always going to venues she chose to perform at, always listening to her when she chooses to play in the living room on nice evenings, and any other opportunity you got.
One day, she offered to teach you how to play. You hesitated for a second, before shaking your head with a slight smile that only got bigger when she sat you down and handed you a spare guitar she had. She first showed you basic fingering patterns, saving things like power chords for later.
“And this fingering is an A-sharp,” she went on, placing your fingers on the right strings. “Now strum the note!”
You proceeded to do so with the guitar pick she gave you when you first started, dropping it after and shaking out your palm.
“I didn’t realize how much this hurts your fingers and wrist,” you hissed, examining your fingers with furrowed brows. She laughed before looking at them herself.
“Your fingers will firm up eventually. It takes time and practice, babe.”
You knew that. Obviously you knew that. With anything, it takes time and persistence. Practice makes perfect, after all.
She decided to end the practice at that point, having already played for about 15-20 minutes, which is a good amount of time for a beginner. She gave you a quick peck on the lips as a way of saying good job before hopping in the shower and getting ready for bed. 
The next few days went the same. Your daytime was normal, and right before bed, she’d take out the guitar and help you learn things. You learned some simple chords and even a pretty easy song! She was proud, and so were you, if you were to be so honest.
“‘Val, I think I’m getting it!” You squealed happily as you strummed along to a slower tune, repeating the same 5 chords. It’s only your fourth day of practice, and she couldn’t be happier with how fast you were able to learn.
“Nice job! You’re learning faster than I expected, I think you can step up your game,” She paused the music before switching to a different set of sheet music and changing the tune on her phone to match it. Before playing it, she went over different chords and the different finger alignments that this song consisted of. “This one takes a little bit of work, but it wouldn’t be too much for you to handle, I know it.” 
And it wasn’t! About two days after being introduced to the song, you were able to play it flawlessly. She was even stunned herself. It’s only been about a week, and your fingers have firmed up, you’re able to increase your playing time, and you’ve learned an intermediate level song. 
“How’re you getting so good at this already? You’re gonna beat me one day!” She jested, giving you a light slap on your shoulder. To that, you slightly blushed, letting out a slight giggle.
“I doubt that. You’re like, the best guitar player I’ve ever met. There’s no beating you at your own game, silly.”
She laughed hearing those words before sharing a blush of her own. “I’m certainly not the best, and I don’t even find myself all that good… but, thanks for your compliments, anyways.”
You smiled, setting the guitar down and passionately kissing her lips. “Anytime, my love.”
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new Ancient!Danny idea
Basically, you know how some/most Ancients have their own kingdoms/people and stuff?
Danny, but with a found family twist.
Since his obsession is protection, dead superheroes as his citizens?
Or you could do a Ghost King twist, with dead superheroes or warriors or knights in his ‘circle of favored’.
Like, imagine when anyone as a superhero dies, they meet a kid guy with a blazing crown, glowing eyes and frost falling.
“Hi, I’m Danny. What’s your name?”
“U-uh, hi, I’m Jason, Jason Todd.”
- Jason being a squire/ intern there until one day, POOF
- Jason speaking kinda ghostly formal, like this would happen:
Bruce: How’re you doing?
Jason: Just as well as a sparrow in a turtleshell fares. (realises) GODDAMN-
- Once, the JLA asked the magic users to help summon the High King, and Jason just went, oh Danny? Yeah I know him I interned for him.
JLA: 🤔
Jason: When I was dead.
JLA: I- what- the- I-
Bruce: You never mentioned this.
Jason: Cause I didn’t want to, douchebag.
- Danny like AYO JASON’S HERE
- And a shiton of ghosts just SWARM HIM
- imagine Infinite Realms as INFINITEbtw
- so Tony Stark like where you been kid?
- (spoilers for throne of glass) Gavriel: Aelin and Aedion’ve missed you
- Percy Jackson: Hey kid! Annabeth and Hermione made those designs you wanted! Can he come see them?
- Harry mf Potter, being close friends with Death: I really don’t see why Danny would say no.
- etc etc
JLA: Wait so do we-
Danny: Yup.
JLA: So every-
Danny: Yup.
Like Jason and the mf Winx Club if you want honestly!!!!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I sent a message to a girl that was being cheated on and has been cheated on a message saying “Girl just cause he call u his girlfriend doesn’t mean shit😂😂😭 ur really looking like a fool and real delusional it’s embarrassing all he does is cheat then u excuse him you think you’ve won a prize?? You a pick me fr I hope you find some self esteem” because how’re you going to stay with someone that cheated and has cheated on you other times?? I just don’t understand this girl...like am I wrong?
I'm using your ask as a way to share a little life lesson with you. While her boyfriend is complete trash, and I agree with you that she should cut him off indefinitely (effective immediately), the way you're speaking to this girl reeks of cruelty, ignorance, arrogance, and blatant misogyny. I hope that your heart is in the right place, regardless of the glaring immaturity displayed above.
Firstly, I don't know how, especially as another woman, you're victim-blaming another woman for staying in a toxic relationship. Abusive relationships can be difficult to get out of. You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. Ultimately, it is her relationship and none of your business. Informing her of her boyfriend's infidelities and offering her support if she wants to leave the relationship are the only ethically sound (and admirable!) ways to engage with her about this situation.
Telling the truth and communicating with tact are not mutually exclusive traits. I hope you use this time to self-reflect on how you can better display empathy and boundary-setting in your life.
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aroacee-of-spades · 4 months
hi you lovely cute sunshine. how’re you? how’s your day?? come spend the weekend at mine, i miss you a lot and i don’t want to miss you, i just want to be holding your hand and picking you flowers
hi hi hi iris how are u i love u i miss u:( my day was good!! it was pretty chill!!! my next week is abt to get a little stressful tho, just bc a couple things have all been thrown into the same week and its made for a rlly chaotic week lmao, both my irl best friends r also leaving town for the week too an its just me here now. it's not bad but a little stressful haha.
id love love loveee to spend the weekend with u<3 i'm going to wake up really really early and cook u pancakes and make whipped cream and add so much sugar we'd need to drink soo much coffee afterwards.
in my mine we're picking flowers in the sun. fucking hell i wish we could actually do that:((
how are u?? how is ur day?? kissing u on the forehead and ur nose and ur cheeks and ur mouth<33
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
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player: darwin nunez words: 553 request: Can u write a Darwin Nunez fluff where the reader has cramps?
You’d been feeling off yesterday. Nothing major, just a little sluggish, sleepy and just…well, off. You’d trudged off to work like normal, but by the end of the day, you knew that it was probably not nothing. You’d tried to hide your grimaces throughout dinner and once you’d sunk into a hot, bubbly bath, you accepted that soon, very soon, you’d find yourself on your period.
So waking up, with a feel that a fist is gripping your organs tightly while someone else is applying pressure to your back, you don’t have to move to know it’s happened. You’d shuffled off to the bathroom, peeled off your clothes and stepped into the shower before taking the clothes and putting them in the wash.
Darwin had had an early training session this morning and so, you’d found the kettle still warm to the touch and evidence of his breakfast remains in the sink. The kettle is refilled and switched on while you unscrew the lid of your hot water bottle and let out a low groan as you lean against the counter.
Somehow you’d managed not to get any pre-period symptoms other than tiredness in the week leading up to today; leading you into a false sense of security that maybe this one wouldn’t be too bad but now it appears your body had simply just saved it all up for the main event.
Darwin finds you in bed, cocooned within the duvet watching your favourite comfort movie on the tv when he comes home.
“Mi pequeña oruga,” he chuckles, leading to a bigger laugh when all you can do is roll your eyes. “How’re you feeling?”
“Awful.” You grumble.
“You were tossing and turning a lot last night. I thought this might be the case.” It’s only now you notice he’s holding a small bag when he begins to lift it up to show you. “I bought things to maybe help. Mostly snacks, but I thought it was better than nothing.”
The gesture is enough to make you smile and pull yourself ever so slightly from the nest you’ve created for yourself and sit up. “How was training?” You ask and pat the bed beside you. He needs no encouragement and comes immediately to you.
“Want a cuddle?” He asks. Your instinct is to say no, but past experiences tell you that you’ll feel better once his warm hands are on you.
When you nod, he pulls out the duvet from under you and crawls beneath it, tugging it back into place before moving behind you when you turn on your side. He nuzzles against your back, lips pressing light and soft kisses over you while his hand splays over your belly and gently applies pressure as he strokes.
“Training was good. I was almost late. Almost.”
“Set off late?”
“Traffic more than anything. But at least I wasn’t the only one. Robbo was in the car behind me doing car-aoke. I tried it with him once, and vowed to drive myself next time.”
“You’re saying he’s a bad singer?”
“No. Yes. But no. It’s too small of a space for that kind of enthusiasm.” his words make you chuckle and for the first time since you woke up, you’re thinking about something other than the repetitive ebb and flow of the cramps.
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murdrdocs · 9 months
Hey pookie!
How are you doing today? How has your Friday been so far?
i’m okay! but guys … i won’t have a macbook for 3-5 weeks so … 😞 anyway how’re u
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malscare · 3 months
Hello! How’re you? I’m sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been going through a lot.
I’ve finally had time this year to start watching Columbo again and I can’t tell you how happy I am about it. I actually kinda start most of my mornings watching a bit of an episode before I go back to sleep for a bit. I deal with nightmares pretty often, but he’s so comforting, I usually get some good sleep after (it feels silly but I do what I can get to some happiness lol)
Um I guess I just wanted to share how happy I am about it. And that there’s this episode where he talks with his wife on the phone and it’s so freaking cute bc he’s smiling the whole time and then later on he talks about how much he likes her and. Well there’s this scene where he’s talking about his wife and her weight (it’s an episode about an exercise mogul) and how he’s always preferred women who were bigger and he hates to see her sad about her weight and is happy that she stops worrying about it. (I’m so sorry this is so long) it’s just that summer is always hard on me, especially when it comes to my body. I’m always trying to fight fatphobia, in me and outside of me, but it gets to you sometimes. So it’s just lovely to hear him say something like that. Okay I’ll leave you alone now soooooo sorry.
PS Missed talking to you!!
- 🤎 Columbo anon
HI COLUMBO ANON ive missed you im glad you're still around :') im so glad u have been able to watch more again & feel like talking about it, thank u so much for the update and for sharing this unmatchable win for bbw nation. everyone should be columbo
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