#how would they get together in the context of the lore?
blueinkie · 7 months
Ruh roh not me being back at my bullshit
Yes i am the ultimate rarepair shipper, how 'bout it?
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teheh, I just think they'd be cute together idk. Something about them both being traumatized but one ending up emo and the other being an airhead /j
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Anyways, its time I return to my depths to die.
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bravewolfvesperia · 5 months
/ Since I mention in my pinned post that this blog has some changes from canon, I'm going to make a rundown post that I'll be linking in my muse info on my blog. My timeline post covers some of this too and has other things canon to my muse that aren't here because they're timeline based and not direct changes based. I'll update this as needed.
Repede had another owner before Yuri got him in the game. I'm combining this with FS. Thus, Repede would have been basically an infant when he and Lambert ended up with the knights. From there he took to Yuri as he did in the FS drama CD so Yuri was primarily in charge of Repede during his stay with the knights, but he and Flynn raised Repede together as is in line with the game. This means they continued raising him together even after Yuri left.
In the JP version of the game, Yuri says he was with the knights for a short time but doesn't specify how long that time was, so I'm completely yeeting the "three months" dub aspect from this blog. I can't reasonably assume he signed up, took the exams, went into training, went from errand boy to battle status, then went on normal missions and left in the span of three months. So as usual, we're following the JP timeline. Generally anything the dub makes up or actively changes from the original context/tone gets yeeted here.
In the FS drama CD, Flynn is extremely repetitive about Yuri quitting the knights and with his nagging. At least with @mistralxsoul and anyone else who prefers it the following way in threads with my muse, we're toning it down because it just feels absolutely batshit to us how bad it is in the drama CD (it's worse than even the movie itself).
Since the timeline for Yuri and Flynn's knighthood conflicts super horrendously between the novel, FS/FS drama CD and the game, I'm mixing all of it together (primarily because I consider the novel more canon than the FS drama CD). Basically (for my muse), they signed their names and didn't take the exams immediately, but when they eventually did it was at least a couple years later, due to Yuri still having his teen appearance when he signed his name to join in the novel. This is because otherwise, if I average my muse's teen age out to be fifteen/sixteen and his age to be about eighteen/nineteen in the knights, it would mean he'd been with the knights (including training, etc) anywhere from 2-4 years if his sign up was immediately after the novel's events. If they were to sign up and join immediately after the novel timeline, it also makes even less sense because Flynn's attitude in FS and his relationship with Yuri (and remember, the FS drama CD comes before the movie's timeline and Flynn was even worse about Yuri's attitude in the CD) would seem like it literally 180'd overnight.
So basically, to avoid all this insanity, a short summarized timeline for my muse would be: they signed up but didn't join right away, Flynn moved away and was gone for a couple years or so after the events of the novel, both of them changed in personality/behavior drastically in that time, they met up at the exams, they went into training, they got sent to Niren's squad, they were more errand boys than actual knights when they were still super fresh newbies and Yuri was extremely annoyed with that, they were actual knights for a while (I'm going to say Yuri was a knight for at least six months or more, especially if I consider the trajectory of Flynn's behavior toward him in the drama CD through the end of FS), the events of FS were not one straight timeline and things happened between the days etc etc, then Yuri left.
Following the game's drama CDs, Yuri hesitated a lot more when Flynn was injured at Zaude. If not for Flynn nudging him to go after Alexei even while wounded, Yuri wouldn't have left him there.
Following the same drama CDs, it's Raven and Repede who find and look after Yuri when he wakes up after Zaude. That is to say, Repede was already with Raven and lunged when he sniffed out Yuri in his room (super doggo powers). Raven followed Repede in a panic, who ran to Yuri's room upon realizing Yuri was there, and Raven finds Yuri awake but right in the middle of passing back out (the sound is basically Raven's voice being distant with some ringing, so it's from Yuri's point of view that Raven is trying to get him to steady himself but he passes back out). Raven takes care of him from there until he's recovered properly enough to go back. In this time, Rita did investigating and eventually, with the others minus Raven, went to Zopheir after deciding they couldn't dawdle and just wait in their grief. While they're there, Yuri and Raven have headed out after them and show up together and reunite with the rest of the group. Raven has already been updated on what Yuri knows from Duke at this point (Duke saved him as usual, but the drama CD changes come in after that), so the two of them update everyone else.
In the game, there's a skit with Yuri, Flynn and Karol where Yuri mentions "playing in a river", but in the novel, they were actually getting water at the river and the other kids were playing in the river when they got attacked by a monster, fell into the river (Yuri also mentions (I thiiiink in another unrelated skit) that just falling into "a river" was enough to panic him), and Flynn grabbed onto a merman. For my muse, I'm just going with Yuri simplifying the situation to Karol while keeping the novel's event as my muse's canon.
#{ muse info + headcanons }#/ a lot of the timeline post itself is also for me and not y'all LOL but like. if you need to know#differences in interaction with me this stuff is good to know at least bc I don't strictly follow the game canon#I follow a mix of official content and obviously some of it overlaps and retcons other things#as for the dub if you've been here long enough y'all know I hold a huge ass grudge against#how much it changes Yuri's behavior/personality and his attitude toward Flynn#but the three months thing just does not feel reasonable to me on top of the dub just making it up#and it helps SO much to have that free time period for writing#even if we assume he wasn't counting the training to officially join the knights in the dub#three months is... way too short imo and then if I combine the FS drama CD with that#it makes even less sense bc the girls tried to get Yuri to stay when he did actually almost quit#on top of the whole not rly doing knightly things for a while at first#and yeahhhh it's just a fucking MESS to try to cram everything with all this content into three months#also like since I LOOOOVE the teen arc of the novel and that's My Fucking Baby Boy#I don't want to actually change anything from it so I'm just mixing everything together to keep it all#it's like... I love all the official Yuri content and so I want to keep as much of it together as possible#but since it's not always the same people working on the content or bc there's such a time gap between content#things aren't always consistent and when it comes to writing a muse I just. NEED timeline consistency#even if I have to make it myself LMAO. I try to keep as much of the game stuff together as possible#since I know most ppl interacting with me only know the game and possibly the movie#and not all the drama CDs and all the various JP exclusive content#but it's hard to keep it together perfectly when there's so much other content I'm using that has formed my muse#like... my muse exists the way he is bc of all this content you know? and only using the game#would change him a fucking lot in hindsight with the way he thinks and reacts and such#like... there's no fucking way he's not traumatized after the events of the novel in the teen arc there's NO fucking way#it was bad enough that it nearly pushed him to murder when he was a teenager#and he might have actually done it if his foster mother didn't stop him (and end up doing it herself)#so yeah I mean... I do my best to keep him within game context with most people I interact with#but the more you interact with this boy the deeper you're gonna get into muse specific lore lol
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
"the magnus protocol had a whole ARG beforehand? what?"
yes! it did!
"oh so I need to have participated in this whole big thing to actually understand the podcast?"
not at all! from the official post-mortem put out by RQ, "while the ARG was not something that was necessary to participate in to understand the magnus protocol, it was designed to contain a wealth of background story and context that would enrich any player's listening experience."
"a wealth of background context that would enrich my listening experience 👀👀👀 how can I learn about this?"
SO glad you asked. sadly, many of the materials made for the arg have been taken down since the game ended 😔 (ex., the official OIAR, magnus institute, and bonzoland websites. (edit ii: I found partial wayback machine captures! see below) though @strangehauntsuk is still up!), so we're a bit low on primary sources, but in terms of learning about what happened:
for a starting point, I would really recommend this video by @pinkelotjeart
it's super accessible, it was made in real time as the game progressed and follows the solving and revelation of clues as they happened, it hits all the major points of the mystery and moments of community insanity while eliding some of the nitty gritty puzzle grinding, 10/10 would recommend.
here's the official summary put out by RQ, and I'd recommend reading through this once you've already gotten a basic handle on the flow of the story and the basic connections between major clues and events. it's got some fun behind-the-scenes info and lays out the thought process behind the puzzles in simple terms
here's the full masterdoc of all puzzles and resolutions put together in the statement remains discord server. masterdoc my absolute BELOVED, masterdoc my bethrothed, masterdoc my soul mate. I'd recommend this as a second port of call after the above video as it either contains all details about the puzzles or links to other expanded docs that do.
here's the narrative summary doc that lays out all the plot and lore discovered in three pages of plain prose. if you just want to get to the good bits as fast as you can and get blasted directly in the face by contextless lore bombs, this is the doc for you. if you don't want to start with the video, I'd say this is another good entry point.
once you've got the lay of the land, some of the game materials that I found particularly interesting include:
the in-universe east germany expat usenet forum, with all content translated into english. most of it is irrelevant space filler with occasional extremely sus lore, but I still found it fun to read through. love to soak in some fictional forum drama.
chdb.xlsx, the spreadsheet of the names of all the children the protocol 'verse magnus institute was studying/experimenting on. EDIT: here is a version of the sheet without any annotations and with all of the names in their original order, kudos to @theboombutton for catching that the commonly shared copy had the order swapped around.
klaus.xls, a (very corrupted) spreadsheet with what looks like the classifications of a bunch of old OIAR cases.
EDIT: have a few more saved materials from the game that I forgot to include.
an in-universe audio ad to apply to the OIAR that ran before archives episodes and kicked off the whole game.
an in-universe video ad to apply to the OIAR, this one is an official upload that's still up from the game itself. you can subscribe to the OIAR's official youtube channel today, if you so chose.
the robo-voicemail greeting from the OIAR's phone line.
here is a wayback machine capture of the OIAR's official website.
here is a wayback machine capture of the bonzoland website.
(pretty sure both of the above captures just archived the home pages, though I haven't tried clicking all of the links. I'd say they're still worth looking at, the home pages give a good window into the vibes.)
once you start poking around in these documents, you'll find a bunch of links to others with further information, the materials I've included here just contain what I feel to be the most relevant details to getting a broad feel for the whole game. once again, huge shout out to the statement remains server, I was barely in there as the ARG was in progress and only ducked my head in every so often to find links like these. true mvps of the fandom.
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
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My friend convinced me of the potential of this very specific trio (especially in a roadtrip context) so I'm spreading the propaganda
Again, oddly specific trio but listen. Look at this graph @liauditore made. This is all you need to know (TLDR these guys make for fun duos between one another, but putting all three of them together would neutralize any cons that would arise otherwise)
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We call them sappies because idk it sounds cute and funny. Very vaguely based on the idea of tree sap (not just from how that can be related to "treebark" but also the idea of sap being a thing that helps a tree survive and making for good glue and medicine in some cases. Idk they're sappy. You get it)
The croc meme is based on this. I think Martyn would be too stupid to grasp the concept of gender so I replaced his speech bubble with watcher lore
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Phil briefly talks about QSMP, the admin situation, Quackity, the new team, and the harassment both Quackity and the admins have been receiving.
Please listen to the clip and read the transcript in its entirety. Keep in mind that things can easily be taken out of context (even this clip, though I did try to include everything he said).
If you'd like to see the full unedited conversation, Phil started talking about last week's interactions with YD and Bad ~1h 57m into today's VOD, which led into this conversation about QSMP.
[ Complete Transcript ↓ ]
Phil: Yeah, she's great. Another- another reason why QSMP is just like... fuckin' incredible. That was like, not even ever going to happen without QSMP. Like, obviously it's had its problems, it's go– it's had its problems. Those problems are being rectified. All the people that were wrong'uns have been fired [Laughs] And Quackity's put a new team together. So like, I'm so happy that I'm like– that Q is doing everything he can right now to make it like, right.
But I am still just sad that Chayanne and Tallulah are just asleep, that is just making me real sad. So I've been like, logging on whenever I can to just like, hang out and stuff and just, you know, be around. But I am- I am just sad boy now. [Laughs] I've like– throwing all those penguins into the- the Spawn area was like, my limit. And the like, laughing with YD and Bad kind of cheered me up a bit.
But yeah, I'm sure most of you can agree. It's like, once- once you've been making content on a server a certain way, it's- it's been like, 6 - 8 months of like, the same like type of content I've been making on that server. It's been very lore-heavy, it's been very Egg hanging out with the Eggs and just chilling. Like, not even like doing anything crazy. We would just hang out. But yeah, I'm sure everyone's in the same boat. Like, we all just like, miss that, you know?
So... just gotta wait around. Just gotta wait. Wait for things to get better. Trust in Big Q.
But yeah, moments- moments like the other day, Chat, where me, Bad, and YD were just hanging out just like kind of... you know, it just kind of like... What's the word I'm looking for? Like, drills home how important the QSMP is and can be for connecting people. Not just now, but in the future. And like, that- I feel like that is something that's definitely worth protecting, or something that's worth like, seeing happen in the future with other people. Not even thinking about like, if I'm gonna be interacting with anyone like, thinking about like other people interacting with other people in the future. It's fucking- It's so cool.
Like, imagine seeing like, brand new streamers that you might've not have heard of interacting with people that you know right now. Not necessarily me or people that I know, but like– like, the connections that we've all made.
Dude, Me and Kristin went to fuckin' Switzer-France to hang out with these people! [Laughs] Cellbit and Lore traveled from fucking Brazil to Switzer-France to hang out! The- these connections are like, mental. Just never would have happened without the server, and that's definitely something worth protecting. And like, ensuring it is done the correct way in the future.
That means a lot to us Chat, it does– [Briefly responds to Chat] It means a lot to us and like, obviously the admins being well-taken care of is like, at the fore-front.
And Quackity speaks very highly of this new team. He's like- he's chatted to us like, in calls and stuff. He's been keeping us up to date on everything that's been going on behind the scenes, everything that he can tell us anyways. And like, he is very happy with this new team. He pretty much said that they are like, very passionate about the project, and we can like, trust that he trusts them to do a very good job. So...
Yeah, I'm excited but like, we just have to kind of like, wait. Like, there's a lot being changed around, there's a lot of plans. But the good thing to know is that the people that caused harm have been removed. And now the people that are like, in charge are like, very passionate about the project and just want to see everyone happy and succeed and be taken care of. But these things take time. So we just have to hang about, we have to wait.
[Responding to someone asking about what happened with QSMP and the Admin situation] I'm not going to go into too much detail, you can find out exactly what has gone on, and it's not as simple as black and white. It's- there's a lot of gray areas in there, and it's like very complicated, so you can go look it up yourself, but ultimately, all you need to know is that the initial admin team, the like, head people at the top that Quackity put in charge like ages ago when the server first started were making decisions that were like, not good for the health and also the well-being of the actors, and like, admins and like, the staff. So like, some staff were fine, other staff had a shit fucking time, and it was unfair and terrible and went unnoticed for a while, and then it all came out and Quackity's been like, fixing it since.
Most recently, he stepped down from the team because of like, how serious shit was getting. Like, people online have been fucking awful. And it's very dangerous at the minute for like the ex- like, members of the team, and also him. It's like- it's terrible.
So it's very heated, very– it's– again— and it's not as simple as just like "This- this is– this is right, this is wrong." It's like- it's very- there's a lot of muddled areas, and it's not as easy as just saying "This is exactly what happened." I'm summarizing. I'm literally just summarizing. But all you need to know right now, the latest update is that the team that are in charge are very passionate about the projects and are like, much, much better and will take care of the new people and the admins and all the actors and stuff a lot better than the last fucking team because the initial problem was that Quackity kind of like, took a bit more of a step back and he wasn't like, overseeing every single thing that was going on behind the scenes, but now he's had to- he's had to take a step back, he's been forced to take a step back, but he's left it in the hands of a team that he truly trusts this time. Like, he's actually fully-vetted.
So HOPEFULLY– again: there's more things that need to be done behind the scenes, and I'm not an official spokesperson, I'm just a person playing on the fucking server that my friend has made, and I'm very happy to support him, and I trust that he will do and continue to do the right thing.
But yeah. Not as simple as just [Snaps fingers] "This is this." It's like– there's so much fucking like, middle ground and shit that's gone on. And that's all I'm gonna say on it! 'Cuz otherwise it's just gonna go on and on and on, and people are gonna be like, "What do you know?" and be like "I don't know shit!" And the stuff that I do know, I probably can't talk about right now. There's like, certain things that like, can't be said, for legal reasons and stuff.
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 months
Sometimes I remember everything season 5 gave us and I lose my mind all over again. Like:
Nandor thinking he forgot Guillermo’s birthday so he makes everyone go to dinner to celebrate and then buys Guillermo something he said he wanted to surprise him.
Nandor being extremely jealous of Guillermo’s time and attention.
More Nandor dick lore: not only has Guillermo seen it and given it his stamp of approval, re-designed it, and is all Nandor can think about when he uses it...Guillermo has also now circumcised it. 💀
Nandor going to space to impress Guillermo because he's jealous of all the time he's spending with Laszlo.
Nandor and Guillermo walking home together after the Pride Parade to find their housemates in the midst of an orgy, and Nandor inviting Guillermo to join.
Guillermo being a dad again.
Guillermo saying he loves Nandor the most.
Nandor once again trying to goad Guillermo into defending his importance to Nandor and being visibly taken aback and disappointed when Guillermo doesn't bite.
Nandor being all smitten and dreamy-eyed as he describes Guillermo slaughtering a theatre full of vampires for him like it's a fond memory.
Nandor begging the Baron to show mercy to Guillermo.
Nandor clutching at one of Guillermo’s sweaters like a security blanket and looking distraught at the thought of losing him.
Nandor falling to his knees, holding Guillermo's head so gently in his lap, stroking his hair, crying when he thought he was dead, and arguing that Guillermo was more than just a familiar to him.
Nandor staring sadly out his window wishing Guillermo well, thinking he's lost him forever.
Nandor's face and the way he says Guillermo’s name when Guillermo pops out of his coffin.
The fact that when Guillermo was in danger he ran to the safest place he knew, and it was NANDOR'S COFFIN.
Nandor having a card Guillermo gave him over a decade ago memorized word for word, proving once and for all that he has ALWAYS cared more for Guillermo than is considered seemly for a vampire, even from the very beginning.
Nandor declaring he knows Guillermo better than anyone.
Nandor calling Guillermo "good boy."
The tears in Guillermo’s eyes when he confesses what he did to Nandor, and how afraid he was of hurting him.
Nandor's look of absolute heartbreak when Guillermo confesses that he asked someone else to turn him.
The implications of "you could have asked me!" in the context of the fact that Guillermo hadn't actually brought up his turning to Nandor at all between 3x10 and 5x01 (the implication being if he HAD asked again, Nandor would have done it).
Guillermo finally admitting that being a vampire had become more about being closer to his found family than about vampirism itself for him.
Nandor knowing all along how to get Guillermo to come to him but not using it until he had decided not to kill him.
Nandor forgiving Guillermo for something considered utterly unforgivable, accepting what is considered a massive humiliation, and getting over it for Guillermo’s sake.
Yerno Nandor looking at Guillermo’s baby pictures with his mother-in-law.
Nandor putting his life in Guillermo’s hands and speaking to him in Farsi.
Guillermo instinctively hypnotizing his own mother to protect Nandor.
Nandor inviting Guillermo home with him and declaring he will live with them all as an equal.
Nandor knowing immediately why Guillermo wasn't a vampire, and how to fix it (implying he HAS thought of turning him).
Nandor being so excited at Guillermo’s transformation, quite literally happier than we've ever seen him.
Nandor looking out for Guillermo after his transformation and knowing something was wrong, then revealing he has always feared Guillermo would not thrive as a vampire (essentially reframing his whole attitude toward turning Guillermo all this time).
Nandor giving Guillermo a choice and another chance, creating a whole ceremony for him because he DOES know Guillermo, all while looking sad the entire time and utterly devastated when Guillermo chooses not to remain a vampire.
Nandor breaking the only real taboo for vampires in front of half a dozen witnesses for Guillermo’s sake.
Basically just...absolute confirmation that Nandor loves Guillermo back and has always cared about him.
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bellshazes · 1 year
dreaming up a syllabus for an imaginary course on metanarratives about gameplay, which i think would go something like:
unit 1: who do you think you are i am - auto-documentary & games
Vlogs and the Hyperreal, Folding Ideas
The Slow Death of Let's Play Videos, Meraki (to ~10:00)
World Record Progression: Mike Tyson, Summoning Salt
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3, hbomberguy
Life as a Bokoblin: A Zelda Nature Documentary, Monster Maze
optional: Braindump on the History of Let's Plays, slowbeef
unit 2: what like it's hard? - intro to challenge narratives
Chapter 26: Games as Narrative Play: Two Structures for Narrative Play, Rules of Play
A different kind of challenge run: Minimalist 100% (BOTW), Wolf Link
Surviving 100 Days on Just Dirt, Mogswamp
Can You Beat DARK SOULS III with Only Firebombs, the Backlogs
Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while permanently crouching?, Ceave Gaming
The Pacifist Challenge - Beating Hollow Knight Without Collecting Soul [CHALLENGE] - Sample
optional: How to 100% Snowpeak Ruins in under 15 minutes, bewildebeest
unit 3: nelly you don't understand, i AM the narrative - form and function
The Future of Writing about Games, Jacob Geller
Can You Beat GRIME Without Weapons?, the Backlogs
Mushroom Kingdom Championships, Ceave Gaming
My Life as a Barber in Hitman 2, MinMax (Leo Vader)
MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod, PowerPak
optional: Mega Microvideos, Matthewmatosis
the theme and structure is mostly intended to introduce at least one critical or historically contextual work followed by examples of the type of narrative in question.
in unit 1, this is the idea of "How do people talk about their own experiences in the context of YouTube and playing video games?" across three rather different kinds of documentaries. unit 2 is intended to take that lens of who is telling what tale and dial in on challenge running, where i first noticed the way some videos turn the story of overcoming a challenge into its own narrative that is distinct from but related to the narrative events of the game itself. unit 3 circles back to the bigger picture with a variety of examples that, to me, are maximally metanarrative, the emergent story of the player-narrator now functionally replacing the game's embedded narrative.
bonus unit: broken narratives
Glitch & the Grotesque at the MLA, Sylvia Korman
Watching time loop movies to escape my time loop, Leo Vader
The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play, Folding Ideas
Breaking Madden, Jon Bois
The TRUTH about the Pizzaplex in FNAF: Security Breach, AstralSpiff
this one is highly underdeveloped, but i'd love to work out something more robust building on randomizer challenges that produce intentionally bizarre, semi-ironic "lore," and bois-esque endeavors to break games so hard the story itself crumbles. but that's really out of scope so i'm just including the links to things i couldn't bear to get rid of. more rambling abt the challenge runs I chose under the cut.
Challenge runs represent one of the most obvious places to start, due to being extremely plentiful and having a hook that makes a "here's how I did X thing in Y video game" format almost unavoidable. Minimalist 100% is an underrated and sweet straightforward example that I mostly include as a baseline for reporting-out style narrative; here are the facts, here's what happened, this is the thing that it is. Mogswamp's 100 Days on Just Dirt is similar in style, but the physical measuring of days is a delightful and, more importantly, external narrative device.
Now oriented, we get a taste of Ceave Gaming's narrative approach to Mario challenges with the no-crouching run, and while we still aren't at the degree of player-characters being constructed for the narrative's sake, the spirited belief in crouching sets the stage for other rhetoric in more extreme cases we'll see later.
The Backlogs' entire body of work qualifies here, but GRIME is the strongest inspiration for putting this list together. I include the DS3 firebombs run because what was initially a factual description of how his wife's use of firebombs inspired him to play differently in the original DS1 firebombs run has developed into full-blown multi-game narrative arc with the Firebomb Goddess (his wife, who also voices the character) compelling his in-game character to achieve his destined quest. Grime takes that even further,
In-Game Documentaries
I include Life as a Bokoblin mostly as a contrast to My Life as a Barber - there is a level of fictionalization and roleplay involved in the Zelda in-game documentary that highlights exactly what I want to single out when I am talking about metanarrative, the story about a story.
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meanbossart · 2 months
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I don't think "discussed" is the right word, more so mocked her for her blind faith and got into brief spats. It was precisely Shadowheart's water-off-a-duck's-back attitude towards his remarks that kind ingratiated her to him - DU drow spoke his mind, she took it in stride and remained firm in her beliefs without arguing or trying to push it on him. That, alongside the fact that they are surprisingly similar people is what brought them together as friends.
Even long after the events of the game he's still opposed to her hopping from Shar to Selune, also. Shadowheart's attachment to religion is simply something they agree to disagree about.
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Can I answer your question with one of my own?
Am I the only idiot that killed her in their first run LOL
BUT YES, he killed Lae'zel when she tried to murder suicide the camp and I went through the whole game without her. I didn't go to the creche either!
I have since had other runs and she's actually one of my favorite characters, I just haven't had the chance to draw her yet.
ACTUALLY - scratch that. I've drawn her once-
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Somewhat! But not really. He genuinely just likes jewelry, and rings are the only kind that suit his life-style (necklaces and earrings are a hazard during fighting) this is a reference to his bhaalist days when he used to be completely covered in the stuff day and night.
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Hence why he finds them comforting to have on in some way or another. They change around because he gets bored of/misplaces runs out of fingers to wear the new rings that he loots constantly.
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The great link in question
I don't know if it's been made clear enough, but DU drow's love for Astarion is borderline pathological, LOL. He's got a good humor about things and Astarion is definitely no stranger to having little quips and jokes made at his expense (a few references to him being Pointy And Long here and there, for sure), but the guy overwhelmingly adores him and thinks he's always the prettiest girl at the ball, even when he gets in his face and his nose looks huge.
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I'll be honest, Astarion strikes me as the kind of guy that has like, 3 really weird books he really enjoys and reads them again and again very slowly over the course of years. Otherwise, not really a reader, but I digress -
DU drow was probably never a big reader himself, I would say he got started on a couple of books back in the day but likely never finished any. He's fairly intelligent, but most of his downtime was spent managing the cult and parsing through relevant documentation.
I definitely don't think he'd have the attention-span for fiction (which I picture as being said books that Astarion enjoys) but he does like to snuggle up with his beau to watch him read - every once in a while he catches a particularly scandalous line or description and they bicker about it. He makes a remark, Astarion feels obligated to explain the context, it devolves into some playful kind of argument that ends with Astarion telling him to go dig a hole and die in it while playing with his hair - The usual LOL.
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Oh man I have a few more in-dept descriptions of how that went, both lore-wise and just for me as the player - but in summary, DU drow was pretty mean to everyone earlier on in the game and he did catch onto Astarion's very obvious and obnoxious seduction attempts very clearly. He doesn't like being so desperately pursued and they actually got off on the extremely wrong foot because of it, LOL.
After being unpromptedly rejected at the tiefling party he was a little more enticed by him, basically the "no" was his "go". I like to think of it like Astarion catching onto the fact that his initial strategy wasn't working and that this man in particular needed him to play hard to get - from that point on, DU drow started playing along. DU knew this was still a game, but now they were playing it on even ground so he was fine with it.
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First of all - he inexplicably got butt-ass naked for the event.
All in all he liked it a whole lot and it was his re-introduction to the concept of pain being dished out as a form of love and his deep enjoyment of it.
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Thank you so much, glad to hear you get some joy out of my work!
Dang it I had a pretty good write-up about his thoughts on Wyll from a long time ago, but I can't find it 😭
In summary, Wyll was a frustrating person for him to be around because of what he viewed to be a deeply ingrained naivete about the world. He shockingly didn't hate him (Wyll is kind of difficult to hate) but he never really saw him as an equal either, and definitely not as a friend. Du drow just desperately wanted him to express something that he would perceive as a genuine emotion; some kind of outburst or show of anger or frustration, but all he ever saw was someone trying to put on an act of performative heroism that he didn't buy at all.
At the same time, Wyll was far too young for him to be too mad. He might have held his father more accountable for making the guy into what he was than Wyll himself, really.
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Can a man be scared of being scared? Because if so, it's that.
He also doesn't like shit a normal amount. (piss is fine depending on whose it is.)
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blackkatdraws · 3 months
Black and Narry lore! [Narry is owned by @insomniphic and some of the art here were drawn by her too]
[Small Note: None of these are canonical to their stories and were made just FOR FUN.]
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As a being of purity and light, Narry was appalled when he first came across Black who appeared to be the very embodiment of darkness and wrongness [at least in Narry's point of view]. Narry sees Black as a waste of potential because of how much power Black ["the bad guy"] has at his disposal.
Black feels indifferent to Narry's existence, as he's already used to similar beings like him. He sees Narry as a waste of power since he's clearly holding it back for the sake of the people he wants to protect.
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Because of how much impurity Black's power emits, Narry is incapable of seeing Black normally.
In Narry's perspective, Black is a huge writhing mass of something that's very unpleasant to look at. This appearance is inconsistent and can shift continuously. This effect extends all the way to even photos or depictions of Black.
He physically cannot [refuses to] be in the same room as Black because he can't stand the feeling, the smell, the sight, everything about his power. It sickens him.
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There's no context for this comic. This is a What If scenario where Black and Narry are going somewhere together when a group of bad guys come and attack them.
Narry is the type to hold back his true power in order not to hurt the people that are attacking him which annoys Black into stepping in [because he has somewhere else more important to be and Narry is delaying it].
Of course, Narry ends up getting injured and Narry makes Black promise he won't kill the aggressors before passing out.
[Admittedly, this scenario breaks a few canonical lore for both characters but we'll go with it for now.]
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As a response to that idea, Insomni drew this.
Narry wakes up after the fight was long over and he sees piles of bloody bodies laying on the floor. He gets upset that Black didn't follow through their promise.
Black does not care. Instead, he laughs at Narry for finally snapping [considering it took a while for Narry to finally loose his cool at Black].
Black did keep his promise. All the aggressors are still alive, but barely.
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We talked some more about their dynamic and we both drew these.
In this scenario, Black and Narry are fighting. [Started by Narry, who had the full intent to kill him for (what he perceives as) the greater good.]
He thinks this world would become cleaner without Black around.
Narry is convinced that Black is a monster incapable of feeling or doing anything remotely positive. Even as Black saves Stanley from the attack that Narry himself sent towards Black, he's still in that mentality where he sees everything that Black does as something for negative reasons.
Narry is a good person but his (justified) blind dislike for Black leads him into taking extreme actions at times. Plenty of people dislike Black for what he is, but Narry is the only one with the power to actually do something about it.
[The last drawing is another What If scenario where Black had to take Stanley and flee because he keeps getting in the way of their fight (and Narry is too focused on his task to take other people into account). Black doesn't want Stanley dying because of a stupid scuffle.]
[Note that Narry won't actually hurt anybody EXCEPT Black, he's a good guy who wants to do what's best for other people. Black is just EVILLLLL mwehehehe]
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[Then I proposed another What If scenario where Narry won the fight causing Insomni to draw this.]
As Narry was about to strike with a powerful attack to finally end him off, he felt something familiar coming from within Black.
In the ocean of filthy dark energy Black emitted, there was light.
It was small. It flickered weakly in the air as the darkness that kept it safe was falling apart, but it didn't go out. It lit up softly without any signs of extinguishing any time soon.
Narry was in disbelief.
Stanley had done the impossible. His relationship with Black had given birth to a different side of Black's power, tucked away deep inside where only they're allowed to see.
And it was now in full display to Narry.
As a being filled with goodness and empathy, his guilt starts to eat away at him as he finally snaps out of it and sees the extent of what his impulsive actions have done.
[Insomni and I both agree that their fights would probably be settled with a draw or mutual death, so this scenario is not as probable to happen. It's interesting to think about though.]
[Again, breaking a few canonical lores but we like gay people here so it's whatever. I was the one who proposed the idea anyway. (❁´◡`❁)]
[Here are fun extra doodles!!]
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deathbxnny · 4 months
Ok so can i tell you something? Im in love with the Halovian species from Penacony. Idk why but they just look so pretty and I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM. I WANNA HOW BIBLICALLY MESSED UP THEY ARE BECAUSE THE FAMILY ARE GIVING ME CULT VIBES! I even have 3 halovian OCs that im in the middle of making rn. Im not satisfied with them rn since i wanna wait for more lore about the Halovians.
With that being said, can i request Fontaine men (Neuvillette, Wriothesley, and Lyney) with a Halovian s/o?
The halovian reader somehow got isekaied from Penacony to the Genshin Impact universe and just suddenly appeared in Fontaine. Do what you will with that small backstory ^_^
Hope you have a good day/night and take care of yourself!
- Flower anon 🌸
Hey there, Flower Anon!! I absolutely relate to the Halovian obsession, and thank you for the great request! I hope you'll like this!<33
Content: Reader is a Halovian, isekai troupe, established relationship, reader has Halovian wings abd a halo, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Neuvillette immideatly knew at first sight that you didn't belong to this world. And yet, he treated you like everyone else when you two met. He didn't push you on your past or what you really were, but made sure to protect you from prying eyes or people that may want to harm you due to your rather unique appearance.
He finds your little wings and halo absolutely adorable, even if he doesn't show it often due to not knowing how he should express himself. But he definitely lights up when you allow him to pet/touch them. Neuvillette also doesn't allow anyone to bully or hurt you the same way he did it with the Melusines. He practically makes it law, and who would dare to oppose him anyway?
He finds it comforting to know that both of you have a secret identity you have to hide from the world. One only the other truly and really knows about. It makes him feel less lonely, and he's thankful for that.
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He becomes suspicious of you at first, hiding his interest behind teasing words and narrowed eyes. But over time, he finds himself becoming rather obsessed with your look and the mystery that lies under the surface. Although it's hard to tell that he feels this way, considering his naturally secretive nature.
With that said, he is obsessed with your little wings. He's always gently pulling on them or fixing up your feathers for you. He won't let anyone look at you weird or bully your appearance either. He thinks you look divine, absolutely adorable. Anyone that disagrees is ofcourse very much wrong.
Wriothesley doesn't pry into your past, mainly because he'd know best how annoying that can be. If you never want to tell him, then so be it. And even when you do one day, he'll be there to support you and reassure you that it doesn't matter anymore down here in the fortress anymore. Life has restarted for the both of you, together.
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Lyney was absolutely fascinated by you at first sight. He couldn't help himself when he asked you too many questions, eyes never leaving your unique features that made his heart beat a little faster. If it wasn't for Lynette forcing him to have some shame, he would've never looked away from you. He definitely called you "angel" ever since your first meeting, and that never changed even after getting together. It felt wrong to him not to call you that.
He fusses over your appearance all the time, mainly over your wings and halo looking perfect. It makes him happy that he's the only one allowed to touch you this way. With that said, however, he knows that you being with him, considering who he belonged to, would end up causing you trouble. He'd protect you with his life though, that's for sure.
He understands if you aren't necessarily willing to share your past with him. He's patient. He'll wait forever for you to tell him, even if you never want to, which is fine too. You'll make enough new memories together to replace unpleasant, old ones. He promises you that.
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Alrightttt... I hope this was alright, Flower Anon, and thank you again for the great request!!<33
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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hipsdofangirl · 29 days
puppy seal love
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selkie! seokmin x reader
according to wikipedia…selkies are mainly associated with the Northern Isles of Scotland, where they are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land.
for context: i imagine selkie coats in human form to be actual jackets. in this headcanon format, the arrows are connected with the idea directly above.
major warnings: after the physical dash-lined break there is 18+ content, so MINORS please do not go past, not accurate selkie lore but i would love to know more (also my personal take on some lore), not proofread, bss mentioned,
wc: unknown
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selkie! seokmin who…
- collects rocks and pebbles for you
- collects various sizes of shells
- notices your necklace lathered with charms
- misunderstood and became sad when he saw you punch tiny holes into the shells. he immediately kissed you when he saw you put them on your necklace as charms
- gets jealous easily but cover sit with a smile. he later eases into the feeling and gets over it when comfortable; however when someone new comes around the process occurs again.
↳ his jealousy isn’t normal anger, most of the time, but a longing sadness and self-deprecation, knowing that he is technically a monster in the eyes of society
- uses his seal puppy eyes (in both forms) to get what he wants from you; if you do that to him, he will squeal and literally do anything for you
- catches many fish for you and tries to outdo others as a mini way of displaying dominance; even if you don’t eat them, he still will.
- rarely talks about his true feelings and thoughts about his technical double life yet yearns for it to be resolved
↳ it’s up to you to breach that barrier and break down those walls to get him to vocalize these thoughts; after that communication is his game and you both will never not understand how the other is feeling
- has the voice of an angel and gets compliments at work (as a singer at a local bar)
↳ you get jealous when the pretty men and women go up to him and compliment/flirt. seokmin doesn’t entirely see the process of flirting and engages in conversations
↳ specifically after you both open up to each other he is able to sense your possible jealousy and politely brags about you and ropes you into the conversation
↳ sometimes he won’t though so it purposely leads to something…
- leaves his coat lying around and is patiently out of sight, waiting for you to pick it up to either hang it up, put it in his room, or when you know he is there give it or wear it
- has a habit of clapping when he laughs in both forms
- when mad he won’t say anything but you can find him often looking at the sea or in his seal form alone in his room when he thinks you aren’t there
- when you’re sad or petty-angry will turn into a seal and attempt to lay on top of you, tickling your neck with his whiskers to hear your beautiful laugh once more
- has friends who were skeptical of him having a human mate due to controversial opinions and his somewhat-gullible personality
↳ however, when seungkwan recognized you were the one friends with his vernon and chan he warmed up to you well
↳ hoshi didn’t at first and portrayed it as shyness; it wasn’t until he accidentally saw you giving seokmin’s coat back (after you guys were together) and be weary about other of their customs, he knew you were a keeper and now he won’t stop following you and keep asking to go swim with him and play fetch
↳ seokmin loves these moments of watching some of his loved ones bond but gets pouty when you pat hoshi’s form one too many times after a perfect catch
↳ seokmin will then drag you out more to practice and show off until they both want to compete with you as the ref and pitcher
- loves to circle you when swimming in his seal form; he just loves when you embrace him as he is when you cant verbally understand him
↳ even on land will unconsciously circle you playfully and always have some form of contact with you; especially when you both parade each other around.
↳ in both forms, you can imagine his wide smile and crinkling eyes as he brushes against your body
- as a child, was scared for his sister when she had to go to the surface. he knew that females were more in danger and went with her whenever he had the chance.
↳ you never met his sister or family yet. he hasn’t seen them in a while as well. sometimes, when you go to the water alone, you spot words scrawled onto the sand and you believe they may be addressed to you.
↳ when seokmin stands at the edge, tempted to fully return, he sees the same handwriting encouraging him to keep moving forward.
- lets his eyes darken when you thrust your head at him whether you’re angry or joking
↳ he doesn’t have the heart (nor want you stop) to tell you that’s a sign of a female wanting to mate
- always nips your neck while his hands ensnare your waist. the first time, you turned your attention to him and he just smiled before skipping away
↳ after getting tired of his innuendos you decided to tease him back and bite his neck: you both ended up with a lot more marks later that night
↳ this new power you have found… whenever you want him in the mood just bite his neck or his biceps or thighs or just anywhere. his grunts turn into whiny moans when you bite that one sensitive spot
- makes love with you when you wear his coat; however, because you get so easily hot in it, you both can’t go for long in it. he wanted to fuck you while you wore it many times but know you can’t take the actual heat
- will nuzzle the crook of your neck after getting you both cleaned up—more kisses ensuing
- won’t feel the affects of mating season until he wears his coat. do what you want with that information and good luck.
after a few months of courting and officially being together, you researched more about selkies, desiring to understand him better. you want to read his mind. you do not dream to offend him, scared of his frail nature; as if with one small push, he would fall to the ground and shatter before scattering. after both of your efforts to make it work, you dread the thought of falling apart, crushing your perceptions of one another; it would only add more fuel to the fire regarding both of your species.
after scrounging around online, there are two conflicting hypotheses about them that caught your attention:
you hope they never come true.
1. ‘they may be reincarnations of souls of people who once drowned…coming back for mysterious reasons—good or evil.’
2. ‘eventually, selkies must return to the sea; they are to never come back till 7 years have passed.’
however, seokmin told you that selkies thrive off communication! he wouldn’t lie to you to save his own skin, right?
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a/n: my first actual piece of work/draft in the notes app that i finished. i was originally gonna post a short story, but i didn’t like it,,,so i made hcs instead. that’s why you can see little bits of info that don’t make too much sense haha.
puppy dog eyes?? nah make him a water type!!!!!
i have more ideas i want to headcanon out, but i love seokmin too much; also, this being in my notes, i need to get rid of, so i can make room for svt concert vids 😋.
taglist: @jcxbliss
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demaparbat-hp · 7 months
In almost all of your artwork you transform Katara into a different person. You take away her hair loopies, give her short hair (knowing how much hair is important to her culture), take away all her heritage, and now you have her join Fire Nation military because of your AU, which can be misinterpreted if your art is reposted without context. You’re really talented but as a woc, why do you like removing all of Katara’s culture in your AUs?
Hi! I had never given this much thought because I honestly didn't think it would ever be a problem, but I guess I can see where you're coming from.
Culture is something precious, and it's very, very important to me, as a creator, to get these character's cultures right. I've studied about cultural inspiration and lore in ATLA, especially their visual characteristics. They're so diverse, and I love exploring them. Especially through clothing and the characters' distinct features. Katara in particular is probably my favorite character to draw, and I always do my best to make it clear she's Water Tribe through visual representation.
That being said, I took the liberty of checking out the artworks I've posted to see things from your pov. And I guess you're right, to an extent. I can understand that, without context, it may seem as if I'm erasing Katara's culture.
Except that's not true. At all.
Even, as I already said, without context.
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These are the only artworks I could find that fit your description. But I don't know if you've noticed, anon, the things they all have in common: each one of them is an AU, in which Katara is put in a position where she needs to hide her identity (the Hunters AU, as well as Lee and Kya) or has a different background all together (in the middle, the HalfBlood AU, where he's born in the Earth Kingdom as a water half-child); but even under these circumstances, I don't forget about her culture, and neither does she.
Instead of her hair loopies, she wears a Warrior's braids and beads, a waterskin, and a blue sash embroidered with silver waves; all of this while she's part of a Fire Nation crew that's trying to end the war from within.
The other AUs are like that, too. Katara finds ways to remember her culture, who she is, even if it's in the little details. A blue and silver sash in seas of green clothing, a betrothal necklace once belonging to her mother and grandmother. Her features.
I refuse to forget about Katara's culture and how it has shaped her, even if the AU demands it so. She is who she is, no matter what.
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silversodas · 2 months
A New Wish Is Getting Interesting
First I want to give props to them putting this fairy lore reference in the show, because it took me off guard
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According to fairy folklore, fairies were believed to be fallen angels that were too good to go to Hell but not good enough to go back to heaven. I don’t think this is going anywhere besides this reference but this is the coolest fairy folklore reference I have seen yet! Side note over
Now what’s really interesting is when Poof/now named Peri has entered the chat
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If I remember correctly, Wanda’s maiden name (or maybe they hyphened their last names? Idk) is Periwinkle. His full name, Periwinkle Cosma is his parents last names together, that’s really cute!! Peri also has style, not just his outfit, but has extra detailing on his wings if you look closely, and his wand rattle is now a magic cane, it would be so cool if when he grants a wish he bangs the cane on the ground, like in Nanny McPhee. It wouldn’t really work in fairy form since fairies don’t touch the ground, but it would look cool as Hell if he has a human disguise like Cosmo and Wanda
When watching episode one and the 10,000 years through time and space trip kept coming up I had the theory that they retired because losing Timmy hurt them and the sabbatical they went on was a way to cope but I think their absence hurt Peri too. Cosmo and Wanda mention Peri in part one of lost and founders day to Hazel’s parents and I love how they referenced that Cosmo had him
“That’s what it felt like when I had him, I MEAN WHEN WANDA HAD HIM!!”
But after Hazel’s parents asked where he was Wanda looked really sad and sounded defeated “oh, we don’t know” she try’s to play it off but then spills that they forgot while they were on vacation for ten thousand years and then ran away when they realized they sounded crazy.
My heart freaking sank! So here is what happened according to the limited context I got. Cosmo and Wanda had to let go of Timmy, and can’t be Godparents anymore because it hurts. They cope by going on an extremely long vacation and it really does sound like they accidentally shut out Peri. And judging by the way Wanda said “we don’t know” and how defeated she sounded I think Peri went no contact with Cosmo and Wanda and damn that’s sad Cosmo actually seems straight up heart broken (bet Peri was a Daddy’s boy)
But! Peri being Dev’s Fairy Godfather introduces an interesting situation. Hazel is mad at Dev and Dev wants Hazel back as a friend, and Peri probably doesn’t want anything to do with his parents and his parents want him back. So they are probably going to have Peri not ready to forgive Cosmo and Wanda but does work with them to get Hazel and Dev to be friends again and their relationship slowly repairs over time. And we get more context to that 10,000 year trip.
Edit: I just remembered that Wanda’s last name was fairywinkel oops
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thecertifiedboykisser · 3 months
I'm not sure if people are still talking about this but I saw some people being confused on how mystic flour is in the cocoon and not the tree and I think the 'forks' or the beasts prisons, in the first trailer weren't all in one area.
For context, at the end of chapter two of beast yeast, white lily seals the tree back up, trapping shadow milk cookie again. I saw a few posts saying that if lily sealed it how has mystic flour been in the cocoon for so long?
I don't think the witches were stupid enough to put all the beasts in one area. If the worst-case scenario happened and the beasts got free (like is happening now) It would be easier to manage if they weren't together. They could cause a lot more damage even to a smaller area together than if they were apart.
As shown below, the tree was almost in the center of the prisons, a way to hold them together and keep them locked away.
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I think that the tree was just Shadow milk's prison, no one else's. The way he popped out of the tree at the end of chapter one makes me think he was actually in there, but I think I was only him.
A lot of people made the connection that he has attachments to the blueberry yogurt (?) Academy, the school that while Lilly and PV went to. I don't think he lived in beast yeast but in Crispia, so they didn't have a place they could store him thus, into the tree he goes.
But that tangent over, Mystic flour was most likely trapped by the witch's in her cocoon, but cloud haetae cookie said she entered it, so I'm thinking that A- She was lying to them, or B- she made it for herself and entered and the witches were like "Fuck yeah, she did it for us" and just kinda kept her from getting out by attaching it to the tree.
But, the cocoon was empty besides the giant enemy spider. Mystic flour wasn't there! I have two theories. A- That was mystic flour, or more like what she became. She talks so much about the cycle, and I don't think she's immune to it. She said she was almost there but didn't reach it. I think she turned into that spider in the cocoon. Bugs normally enter cocoon for a while to transform into something new or better.
(Side note, I'm not really taking much that mystic flour cookie said in the story but more focusing on what actually happened. Not the dialog, and I think she's at least partially unreliable as she's trying to convince DC all I'd futile.)
Or theory B- Her dough was taken to the tree, but her spirit and power were left there. If that makes sense, (her dough wasn't with her soul jam or actual soul.) She made the spider for whoever tried to open it up or (the more likely one) as a lure to DC after doing a plauge be apon ye to him.
The beasts are awoken but not free yet. They can create chaos and issues for the ancients to get them to go to beast yeast but they are still trapped in there prisons. The seal kept them from going actively but the damage was already done. They want to be free and they want there powers.
Also the seal probably sustained heavy damage even after it was fixed by white lily. Sure she fixed it but I doubt it's at full strength, allowing the chains a bit of slack in a way.
Though, this is all just theory's and me putting together parts of the lore to make this with my Sorta good media literacy skills. We will probably find out more next update!
Tldr- The prisons are in different areas of beast yeast, Shadow milk was probably trapped in the tree himself, Mystic flour cocoon was her prison and the spider may have been her or just a way to rid of DC if he didn't sucum to flour, the beasts aren't physically in the world yet but can still do things.
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A Very out-of-context set of Sentence Starters from my Discord server.
Add names to blanks Change pronouns as necessary!
"Murder in marriage is normal and healthy."
"Oh haha, yeah lobotomize them."
"Metaphorically speaking, I cannot tell you if you serve cunt or not."
"The sins better be crawling up my back because if they do at the front they're going to have two massive obstacles"
"You're a really predictable person_ _ _ and it's really funny to me, I want to crush you under my arm <3"
"Clearly you've never had a premium rock roast and I'm so sorry for you."
"I dont know I haven't sniffed you."
"Cock and ball torture for anxiety and ocd hell yeah!"
"Bimbos are the larval form of milfs."
"I will slow down im just carbonated to meet you."
"They are homoerotic and homoirritating."
"The uggs do make my soul frown, I'll give credit to that."
"I dont have good or bad habits I just enter a state somewhere between a robot and a bad stand-up comedian and that's how the stuff happens."
"She went to evil hell college where you summon devils."
"I do nothing but put beasts in a situation that's why they call me the border collie."
"The lore exists. If I'm feeling particularly zesty and tased I'll drop two sentences."
"Hi _ _ _, I'm the devil on your shoulder and even I agree that you probably shouldn't pull up hot ass in a nice restaurant."
"Vagina so powerful it does what walruses do to clams."
"Yes, we established _ _ _ has the walrus mouth vagina."
"Never assume I can't be hornier."
"That is a man held together by crust and spite."
"I can't, I was assassinated so I wouldn't snitch about the squeaky toy noises."
"_ _ _ is more likely to take you on a date killing homeless people."
"I won but it was embarrassing."
"He's just hanging loose like a tit that's escaped its harness."
"_ _ _ trying very hard not to bring up his girlfriend (the Cambrian period.)"
"Lick my boots but we stay silly."
"I keep thinking he's a weird god ascended form of Jerry Seinfeld."
"I dont think that's a good idea _ _ _ would become a stick of incense in 5 seconds flat for sneezing microaggressively."
"She has disabled the flap in my esophagus i choke on a gulp of tea instantly."
"We have from the left: Thembo, Himbo, tiny himbo, bimbo, And bitch."
"Keep your mouth open so I can shove my fist inside."
"I wanna enjoy dinner, not watch someone get snapped in half like a KitKat bar."
"My standards for a good partner are non-existent, if I raised the bar remotely, Not only would he TRIP, but he'd fall backward and break a hip."
"Good luck it's behind six layers of 4chan."
"It is fine. the conversation needed to end anyway. please continue your vegetation exultation."
"I have normal amounts of radiation for a horse."
"What does a planet have to do with a music genre?"
"Fear not, I will not be kissing misogynists any time soon."
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
"You were born at an incredibly old age."
"You seem like you would be an entry on the villains wiki."
"I don't bite strangers….that's an easy way to catch diseases, dumbass."
"...So his unhappiness is only half my fault."
"It's ok buddy, I've licked dirt too."
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