#how will i gif firebird. so many tears
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mccallhero · 1 year ago
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favourite otp meme: captain swan
[1/7] kisses: killian’s resurrection
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bigball-thefrog · 8 months ago
Why Not Me?: Usopp X Reader
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Hello hi, I'll be posting again this week, I'm doing another request. So have this for now and enjoy!
Angst wihh comfort
Usopp has daddy issues
Reader POV
Nami and I had just received the most recent newspaper and were reading it together. There was an article about something the Red Haired pirates did, some huge fight again which didn't catch my interest too much until a wanted poster fell out.
I picked it up and smirked it was an updated wanted poster of Yasopp, Usopps father. I turned to Usopp who had just come out of the kitchen and waved him over, "Hey, Usopp! Guess who just had a bounty increase!!" I knew Usopp would be excited because whenever we'd see something about Yasopp or the Red Haired Pirates, Usopp would always brag about his dad and how amazing he is as a pirate and how he was gifted with his father's sniper genes. Usopp perked up when he heard me called out to him and quickly jogged over. He looked over my shoulder at the wanted poster but instead of hearing him chuckle like usual there was just a sigh. Nami and I looked back at Usopp confused and saw that Usopp had a look of disinterest and resentment flashing through his eyes quickly before he covered it up, "Ah, my old man again." He simply said before standing back up and going to his workshop. I gave Nami a concerned glance and she just looked confused, she simply shrugged it off but I couldn't. This is unlike Usopp to just become so disinterested in something, so I got up and made my way to his workshop.
I knocked on the door and after hearing I quiet, "come in," I opened up the door and stepped inside. He was already hard at work making new ammo for the next battle. I sat down close to him and spoke, "Hey, are you alright Usopp?" "Yup! I'm doing amazing! I'm just preparing some more firebird stars before we reach land, you never know when we're gonna be attacked by marines or new pirates. I gotta stay prepared." I nodded at his answer but still didn't feel reassured, "Are you sure? You didn't seem alright just now. You're usually so excited when you see your dad in the newspaper..." "I was just in a hurry, no time for telling stories or bragging today." "But you always tell stories and brag about your father... If there's something wrong you can tell me you know?" "I'm fine alright? I just... Don't feel like telling stories about him today..." we both went quiet after that and Usopp went back to his work, yet I couldn't help but notice tears forming under his goggles. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly, "Usopp, please tell me what's wrong..." I heard him choke up a little before he spoke, "I hate him..." I was shocked when he said that, he always talked about his father like he loved him and now he's admitting to hating him?
Usopp took off his goggles and wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes before speaking again, "That man is not my father... At least, I don't consider him my father. All he's done for me was got my mother pregnant with me and leave..." I stayed quiet and listened to him speak, the tears were forming in his eyes again but he didn't wipe them away this time, "Does he know about me? Does he even care? He's never sent a letter, he's never come back to check up on me. Does he even know what I went through?! Does he even know that my mother, his *wife* got sick and died when I was still young?! Does he know that I was orphaned at seven fucking years old with no one to take care of me?! Does he know I was alone for so many years until I met Tamanegi, Ninjin, and Piiman back at syrup village?! Or does he even care...?" The tears were pouring out of his eyes but no matter how much he wiped them the tears still kept flowing. "I learned something those past two years everyone was separated. My father has never cared once and never will care. Luffy said Shanks came back to his village a few times when he was young, so what was stopping my father from coming back to me? Was I never good enough for him? Was I already a disappointment when I was born...?"
I pulled Usopp into a tight embrace and he instantly hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. "You're not a disappointment... I'd say you're the bravest and most talented in the crew. Your sniper skills are beyond most human ability, you make your own ammo and weapons, you paint and you're the one that cuts the boys hair when they need it! You're an amazing and talented member of this crew, and your father's a jerk for leaving you like that." Usopp calmed down a little and looked up at me with a small smile, "You really think so?" He asked. "Oh I know so~ Who else risked his life to save syrup village even when the villagers didn't like or believe him? Who else shot down a marine flag at Enis lobby and then was the one to motivate Luffy to get up during his fight with Lucci? Who else raised their weapon at Admiral Kizaru despite knowing you wouldn't be able to beat him? None other than the great captain Usopp of course!" I exclaimed as I took Usopp by the shoulders. He grinned and sat up again, "Yeah, you're right! I did do a that, because I am the great captain Usopp!" he looked proud of himself and put his hands on his hips, "I am amazing aren't I?~" he said cheekily and we both chuckled. He suddenly grabbed me in a hug and sighed, "You're a great friend." He said more quietly, I smiled and hugged him back, "Of course, you're my best friend Usopp. You matter to me so, so much."
We stayed in that hug for a minute or two before he gave me one last squeeze and let me go, "Alright now if you'll excuse me, I need to make more ammo so I can continue to be the best." He said as he put his goggles back on. I smiled and got up, I looked back at him one last time before exiting his workshop and letting him work.
Something sweet for today. I edecude I am gonna start making bits on Character ai based on my shorts here in Tumblr, there isn't much to checkout now, other than one bot but I'll be making a second bit right now so I'll put my account name here and in my pinned post: BigBall_TheFrog
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year ago
Howdy hey I'm interested in trying the match-up event. I always enjoy reading the things y'all've written.
Apologies in advance if this is a mess. 1. Identity: I am nonbinary, use they/them and she/her pronouns. I'm bisexual and a bit on the demisexual side.
2. Who I like: I'm cool with either the papas or ghouls
3. What I look like: I'm 5'8" and chubby. I'm pretty strong and got some muscle so I'm built perfect for giving big hugs and cuddles (though it'll take a bit of convincing to get me cuddly). At the moment my hair is dyed bright red but it changes colors often. Both my eyes have sectoral heterochromia and are green with a bright blue chunk. I usually wear all black graphic tees, skinny jeans, boots, and fun colored socks that often show because i never find pants that are long enough in my size lol.
4. My personality: I am introverted but enjoy being around others even if it wears me out. I'm good with kids (I'm a human jungle gym at this point) and people tend to tell me their secrets and find it easy to be open/themselves around me. I'd say i'm pretty smart but I will do stupid things just because i'm curious. Folks i'm comfortable around will never hear the end of my current interests and I'm a complete goofball (I've been banned from being funny at the table because i've caused too many people to choke laughing oops). It takes a while to actually get to know me deeply because I keep things close to my chest and dont open up easily. I've got a lot of anxiety and some baggage that I keep hidden but I'm working on I swear. I can get really competitive over trivial things and can turn anything into a game. I sometimes go MIA when im distracted with whatever the hell i'm into at that time but when I reappear there's always something new to share. (I can tell you everything you never wanted to know about pipe organs!)
5. Interests: I've got the adhd so my interests bounce around a lot. I like making things and I mess around with a lot with different crafts. I do a lot of fiber arts stuff and I've also recently been whittling bears (I have a few around somewhere). I love music both listening and playing it. I play 8 instruments (violin, viola, cello, mandolin, ukulele, trumpet, trombone, and french horn) but I'm best with the violin because i've been playing it for around 17 years. I'm also teaching myself accordion and guitar. I play video games sometimes and I especially enjoy getting 100% completion. In general I love learning anything and everything and am a "jack of many trades but master of none"
6.Trivia: My favorite movie is fantasia 2000 and recently I completed my goal of performing every music piece in an orchestra (The Pines of Rome and the Firebird Suite are my favs). I collect knickknacks and random things I find and use them to decorate my spaces and I have a skeleton with a mustache in a wizard costume in the back seat of my car and its name is Todd. I also keep googly eyes in my bag just in case
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Swiss
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You and Swiss quickly became friends, he's so excited by things and so enthusiastic that you got swept up in it all. He's charming and really sweet to you, so you started to fall for him. One day you were sitting outside, Swiss taking a large drag of his vape before he looks at you and grins. "I love ya, you know that right gorgeous one?" You blush and blurt out that you feel the same way. Swiss responds by biting your shoulder just under the collar of your t-shirt. "There now it's offical" he says so excited he's practically jumping up and down "you're my mate!"
Swiss adores your eyes, he thinks they are the most awesome thing ever, and so beautiful. He tells you this a lot.
Swiss adores how much of a goofball you are, he is too, and you spend a lot of time together both laughing so hard you end up tearing up.
If your anxeity is getting bad he will cuddle and do anythig he can to help. If things get too much and you seem sad he'll hold you. He will cuddle you as long as you need. Then he'll try and take your mind off things, anything to get you to laugh a little and smile. Swiss is chaos personified but one thing is constant for him, he loves you and is devoted to you.
Swiss can keep up with your changing interestests. Infact he loves it! This Ghoul enjoys chaos and jumping around from thing to thing, that keeps him occupied. Whatever you get into he'll throw himself into it completely with you.
He is fascinated by all the things you collect. He loves how varied they are and the skeleton with a moutache is his favourite. He was very excited when you whittled him a bear. You handed it to him and he just looked at it like 'woow this is awesome'. he keeps it in his room, pride of place.
He's more than happy to help you learn guitar, he gets so excited his tail starts swishing around. He passes you his guitar and sits behind you legs either side of you showing you a cord and then letting you practice. He'll kiss your neck or softly bite your shoulder every now and then. He'll rest his chin on your shoulder and watches. He smiles at how fast you are learning, his smile is gorgeous enough to make your heart melt for him, to forget completely what you were playing and you just smile back. Often this leads to you getting so distracted the guitar gets forgotten as he presses his lips to yours.
Written by Nyx
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