#how to worship goddess lakshmi
jeevanjali · 8 months
Shukrawar Upay: शुक्रवार के दिन दान करें, घर में धन की वर्षा होगी Shukrawar upay: सनातन धर्म में शुक्रवार के दिन देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा करने की परंपरा है। जो भक्त इस दिन धन की देवी की पूजा करते हैं उन्हें सांसारिक सुख-सुविधाओं का आशीर्वाद मिलता है
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demilypyro · 7 months
The way Final Fantasy 14 explores the themes and lore of its deities and other bosses through the song lyrics in their boss music is very underrated tbh. It's one of the best aspects of the game to me, yet I don't see it praised as much as other things.
And there's such variety, too. Menphina's theme is an upbeat song that explores how the world's cat people find safety and comfort in worshipping the moon. Sophia's theme is a sad parable that shows how the goddess' idea of balance is harsh and inhumane. Lakshmi spends her song trying to seduce you into accepting her ideology of blissful sloth. Shiva mourns her own plight. Suzaku sings of lost love. Athena sings about how she is the shit and she's gonna kill you.
It's all just really great.
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theladybrownstarot · 10 months
Pick a card reading~
♡ Hi everyone ! I'm brown back with an another reading about your spirit guide's messages for you all. ♡ So choose a pile(s) you feel more drawn to and take what resonates. ♡ Do support Me by a like/Comment/reblog/follow to get more !
Let's begin with it ~
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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🔎📜Pile 1.
✒️the time has come to manifest your vision into reality ~
♡ Hi pile 1 ! your spirit guides are saying that start planning things and if you have planned anything or took decision regarding anything then implement it now and be confident firstly in you by knowing who you are and what you want ? then to your implementation . Bring out some new ideas and creativity in your daily life and work .
♡ Your guides are trying to connect with you and other thing is that they want you to look after them or consult someone so they can transfer you the important message through any reader or when you are calm in a space completely . Some of you are going to really be psychic or your guides want you to develope your psychic potential and start a blog or something similar and to start connecting with spirituality more .
♡ Your personality is changing or you are making or observing some changes in yourself so let it be pile 1 because little transformation is therefor something good .
♡ Do what you believe in most and see yourself glowing up by your passion . Leave up everything for this thing pile 1 just go for it The time has come to shine . You are having a yes as your answer for any question .
🔎📜Pile 2 .
✒️You are your greatest treasure my child ~
♡ Hi pile 2 ! your spirit guides are saying that start valuing yourself and loving yourself more because i think you don't do self love or if you are doing then you are lacking , pile 2 you really don't know that how attractive and beautiful you are ! Start to not criticise yourself , surrounding and little things in life instead start everything once again and let yourself glow ~
♡ Start taking care of your diet which will do good for your physical and mental well being . Start becoming patient and go slow or choose your speed for your life that is appropriate so you don't go harsh on yourself . Go to yoga classes or start mediating and leave that mobile device at home baby ~ Get some plants , have some sunlight and be around nature so you can strong your heart chakra .
♡ Start becoming passionate for yourself pile 2 really start making plans for your self development dearie . Do what you love and sway your body on its rhythm watching yourself go high for that you need to work on yourself .
♡ The divine has recognised your hard-work and is now going to reward in its own way . You are attracting abundance , prosperity and love . The goddess of love is giving her love to you so starting worshipping her . From my side its mata lakshmi the consort of creator of world shri hari .
🔎📜Pile 3 .
✒️Go and leave rest on us ~
♡ Hi pile 3 ! Your spirit guides are saying that if you have travel related things in your work or work related to travel then go because it will provide you with many benefits . Do not wait for opportunities instead start doing work so they come to you so don't be lazy.
♡ Do not be confused between two things pile 3 don't be because you have the answers already just weight the things according to your situation and needs . Start focusing on what's important with practical decision not emotional or in relation to people that they will get hurt .
♡ Someone is coming or has entered in your life pile 3 really . This person maybe is your soulmate or i see that you are doing a lot of self care and start to do some charity for collecting good karma ! if this person is your soulmate then this person is very loving and supporting who will give you their full attention.
♡ Do not be afraid because that path made for you is very beautiful at the end just follow it and leave everything up-to universe by surrendering . You are having lot of weird things appearing which maybe a sign or message from universe in your dreams or reality do don't ignore.
The end of the pac ~
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killallxys · 29 days
This one is for Desi women
Let's talk about radicalfemisnism in India. Now that we know how bad it is here. Economically, socially, politically we are fucked. Let's analyse something unique to us - caste and religion. I might get a lot of backlash here but I don't give a flying fuck Religion - Most women here follow hindiusm. They must also be following some festivals associated with it. I belonging to an atheist household never got exposed to these practices. 1. Indian goddesses are worshipped. But all it seems like worshipping caricatures or fetish of brahman men. They are powerful but of course at the whims of Gods. 2. Sati burned herslef for her husband thus leading to practice of sati - burning widowed women on pyre of husband. Don't you feel like an object owned by your husband? 3. Sarawsati is deemed as goddess of education but still women back then were barred from education. It was Savitri bai phule who educated women despite resistance from men.
4. Lakshmi as goddess of wealth but women were barred from having property. It wasn't until 2005 that Hindu women could own property. 5. Supreme court ordered Sabarimala temple to grant entry to women. They deemed women who menstruate as impure. Still women go to temple's to worship. Why? 6. Women aren't allowed in kitchen when menstruating or they will get cursed. Disgust for women's bodies. 7. You may have heard of stories related to Ramayana and Mahabharat. But all they portray is that women are property. Women in these stories are just properties and men involved here just fight each other for harming their property aka women. 8. The chemistry between Indian gods and goddesses is quite interesting. Although mythology, women still get raped. Brahma is a pedophile. He raped his own daughter. Vishnu disguised as the husband of a woman and raped her. Shiva was a rapist. 9. Ghungat is same as Hijab. Cover yourself. Male gaze 10. Marriage vows are misogynistic. For example kanyadaan. Your daughter is property and you hand over her to some random guy. And more
As a rad fem, I seriously condemn religions and their practice by women. Especially desi women. It's like hating yourself. The Hindu gods have great contempt for you. Rape didn't pop out of a vacuum. Now I understand why it is rampant here. Caste - 1. Devdasi was recently banned. Lower caste girls were sent to service the deity in temple. The Brahmans used to rape lower-caste women. Nice ploy under the giuse of religion. 2. Upper-caste men rape lower-caste women to show dominance. But what they are really trying to show is that UC men damaged LC men's property. 3. Upper-caste women are a special nut case. By being casteist they are still perpetuating misogyny. They think the UC men will see them as humans but they are nothing but property in their eyes. Last note : Being a radical feminist you have to address the uncomfortable to advance womens liberation. I don't care if some fraction of religion is pro woman. Religions as in here Hindu religion will never be pro woman. So take that crap with yourself. I'm not here to debate or listen to your whinings. If you're a man trying to mansplain me. FUCK OFF.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Girl how do you manage to remain feminine/ sensual while still being immersed (and hopefully progressing) in spirituality?? I found it so hard to balance both as I noticed asceticism comes naturally when practising spirituality. There is nothing wrong with it, though, but I feel like it's more a thing men are comfortable with compared to women.
i had struggled with this ever since i began my spiritual journey at the age of 18. granted that at that age i hadnt understood or embodied sensuality or femininity, i felt like being spiritual meant letting go of all desire and going into monk mode and it stressed me out when i couldnt live up to that ascetic image
and let me tell u something, the male spiritual path is the ascetic one that refrains from indulgence and lives like a stoic monk. men live in a world where they're treated like kings, so it makes sense for their spiritual path to be one where they refrain from it and restrict their own enjoyment of things (there are a lot of things you're forbidden to do etc)
however,,, women??? we no longer live in an era of matriarchal cultures and global goddess worship,, this is a man's world that we inhabit. our spiritual path is more so about relaxing into our own energy and forging our path in this world by doing things our way, away from the limitations imposed on us by Yang energy. women already live restricted lives, the female spiritual path is one of immersion and expansion because the universe is Yin (energy of creation and expansion)
its REALLYYY hard to find spiritual wisdom and teachings that are specifically catered to the female path because mainstream understandings of spirituality is male centric like everything else in the world :///
but no you dont have to sever ties with your femininity and sensuality in order to be spiritual,,, women are understood as being innately sexual (men sexualise us for just existing),, since men are tempted by everything they see (be it power, money, glory or women),, they have to detach from all of it to find the peace or whatever
women live highly restricted lives because men/patriarchal society see us as being inherently sexual and therefore a target for abuse. we CANNOT sever ties with our sensuality the way men can with theirs because its not inherent to them because Yang energy is NOT the energy of creation, they just exist, thats all,, they dont have an inwardly expansive quality, thats why they go around conquering things and establishing dominance in other ways (rising up the corporate ladder to seeking control over mother nature etc) they have to externalise this because internally they are empty.
yk those posts about men having no thoughts or only now realising something u and the girlies knew at 12yrs of age???? yeah, that. they are EMPTY in the head.
women have interior lives and a big focus of female centric spirituality is living in harmony with it. i think rn there is a feminine energy renaissance albeit in silly ways ("im just a girl" etc entering the pop lexicon and that being okay??)
this means reclaiming all the things society shames you for being/having. embodying the full spectrum of being a woman and living whole heartedly. if we look at goddesses, there are fierce aggressive Goddesses like Kali, Matangi, Dhumavati etc and more gentle ones like Tripura Sundari, Lakshmi, Bhuvaneshwari etc so being a woman is not just sunshine and rainbows. embodying feminine energy isnt just wearing pink and being a soft girl,,, a woman contains multitudes and society makes us think we have to be one thing or another, when the truth is, we can be ALL.
its the same madonna-whore complex in spiritual form
"u cant be spiritual if ur a woman who feels lust/desire" WRONGGG
how i manage to be feminine/sensual AND spiritual is by focusing only on Yin centric spirituality and understanding that for a woman, sensuality and spirituality are interconnected deeply and profoundly. the world tries to rob us of it bc they want us to be sexual creatures on THEIR terms. but the true power remains in understanding that power is inherent and we can channel it our way without regard for pleasing anybody or giving anyone pleasure.
shakti energy is no joke, once u tap into it, you feel so aligned and connected to everything.
i cant be a man or do what men do 🤮🤢(derogatory) and this Yang rat race and culture is just setting us up for failure. we have to find ways to live our truth in this world without opting for the traditional path. because when we try to be like men, we are disconnected from our true essence and fail every time.
this is a much larger discussion and i dont think i have said everything i wanted to say but these are just some thoughts as of rn
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thegreatdeprussian · 1 year
what's philippines' relationship with faith?
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Yup, I have hwspirilovebot for seatalia but that's alright! I can answer asks here too
And this news right here sums up Filipino faith:
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Okay but jokes aside, Piri is definitely religious and superstitious. Spiritual? Hmmm. He will get there one day. Besides, how Piri's relationship with faith is viewed depends on his age. Here's an oversimplified timeline of what religions dominated the PH archipelago through the centuries:
Ancient: Animism
800s: Buddhism and Hinduism
1300s: Islam
1500s: Christianity
Modern: Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism from Chinese and Indian immigrants, Judaism from Jewish refugees, more Christian denominations, etc.
Some headcanon that Piri is a representation of a precolonial chiefdom, for example, if he was Sugbu (modern day Cebu), he would be practicing a combination of Animism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, before being baptised as a Roman Catholic in the 1500s. If he was Maynila, then it would be the aforementioned 3 with Islam (but he still ate pork in that era, lmao). Some also headcanon that Piri was born in 1521 when Magellan gifted Rajah Humabon with the Santo Niño upon the latter's baptism, and in that case, his relationship with faith will also be different (@sweaty-clouds can expound on this better than I do 🤧)
I view that Piri was born due to the intramarriages and intramigration within the archipelago that came to be known as the Philippines. I have no specific date yet, but it's sometime in the 1300s or earlier.
There are tons of belief systems in the country, different set of Deities and Anitos for every ethnolinguistic group and indigenous group. Some are remembered, many are forgotten. Not all are worshipped as the dominant religions are monotheistic.
The Philippines is a Roman Catholic-dominant (but under the constitution, the church and the state are separate, and you are free to practice your religion), and my Piri practiced it under Spanish colonization until today. Discrimination against indigenous people and Muslims are rampant, and Christian denominations fight each other on who worships God better and who goes to Heaven (spoilers: none of you)
Now, faith.
Faith in Tagalog has many words but the one I hear the most in churches is "sampalataya" which came from the Sanskrit word, sampratyaya (सम्प्रत्यय). We often use Diyos but when reading folklores, you will regularly come across the word Bathala which also came from Sanskrit: Batthara (भट्टार). Our fairies, Diwata, came from Sanskrit as well: Devata (देवता). Despite the dominance of Catholic faith, the Hindu-Buddhist roots are still present. Other precolonial anitist beliefs such as dancing the Obando Fertility Rites are also still practiced. We politely say excuse me (tabi-tabi po) when hiking in forests in the belief that it is the realm of spiritual entities or that the environment itself has spirits.
My version of Piri grew up practicing many belief systems, depending on which personification was his assigned guardian, but if you want to survive, you have to assimilate to the dominant culture. He was definitely a sacristan, until he became a revolutionary. He still prays, attends the mass, volunteers in the church, and participates in holy days and feasts for almost every saint today.
He doesn't sweep the floor at night as it sweeps away luck, and maybe it's just a coincidence that the Goddess Lakshmi will walk out of your house if you sweep your place after sunset. He wears an agimat or anting-anting (amulet) and despite having a medical degree, he still carries a lana (a concoction of oil and herbs to ward off evil entities). He can exorcise demons and drive away tiktik (that baby-eating monster targetting pregnant women) too. Perhaps he has an altar in his house that has both the crucifix and a Buddha statue. Oh, and he still gives babies that red and black beaded bracelet and the red pouch for protection. Pwera Usog or Pwera Buyag! (Fuera Curse, to repel a hex)
Piri's not agnostic, but he sure rolls his eyes during homilies when the priests shuns people who believes in precolonial or pagan beliefs, and he definitely cringes at fuccboys who have John 3:16 in their bio.
What else did I miss? Piri's Catholic guilt? The way my dad did the sign of the cross in front of a giant Buddha statue when we went to Thailand? or one of my friends visiting my other friend's condo and saying "Yup. This is bad Fung Shui", but there's a rosary on his doorknob so it balances out
There are tons of mythological creatures too, and the babaylan who was demonized and now referred to as a mangkukulam, but my brain is just not braining at the moment and I feel like I answered more about religion rather than faith but I still hope this still answers your question, anon.
TLDR: Folk Christianity, but this needs more thoughts from Filipinos of other religions
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
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Navratri is a celebration of Shakti. A celebration of Prakriti.
We pray to her and ask her to bestow health and wellness on us, which i feel she does in several ways.
Each navratri my views have changed a little, every year. As a kid, ofc it used to be very literal like there are nine goddesses and we worship them. Then came the phase when i learned that we have four navratri in a year and it corresponds to a change in seasons.
Yesterday i was listening to a podcast and i heard some really interesting symbolism.
Shailputri- as the name suggests, she is the daughter of mountains or rather the king of mountains. Her name binds her to her father. Her identity is from her father, much like our identity remains tethered to our parents during childhood.
Brahmacharini- this form tells a story of ma Parvati during her tap to attain lord Shiva. We all tire away in our work, each day and every day to reach out goals.
Chandraghanta- here she is in her complete Durga form. She's weilding several weapons. It signifies and tells us how she's now an accomplished woman, a woman who has worked extremely hard and continues to do so but now she's has gained a footing in the world. She has started carving out an identity for herself.
Kushmanda- she is quiet similar to chandraghanta in her appearance, the only difference is she that she's now holding a pot in her hand. A pot of honey. Honey symbolises womb. She's has entered her motherly nurturing state and is ready to create a life.
Skandamata- mother of skanda. She no longer a holds weapons and is solely focused on her kid. Like every other ma, her entire life is currently devoted to her kid. He's the centre of her universe.
Katyayani- she takes form of Durga. She shows everybody how a woman's life doesn't end with motherhood. She is leaving behind all the ties, she isn't anyone's daughter, or wife or mother. She's her.
Kalaratri- or Kali. She is quite a sight to look at. Specifically taking such a form to scare away demons. Anyone who points fingers at her, anyone who dares call her weak- she demolishes such allegations.
Mahagauri- after going through every phase of her life. The process initiated at katyayani is now complete. She is free from boundations and gauri is now mahagauri. The one who has realised.
Siddhidatri- she looks like ma lakshmi. She's a giver. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and advancement in material and spiritual world is really the end goal. She's calm and smiling, she has accomplished enough in her life and she's now sharing it with everyone around her.
- Dr. Vineet
I think it's absolutely beautiful. || Masterlist
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blessed1neha · 1 year
How beautiful was Shrimati Radharani?
Srimati Radharani is the supreme transcendental woman (na rādhikā samā nārī - ‘’There is no woman like Radharani’’- Padma Purana 5.77.52). All women of this world, whether earthly or heavenly, who may proudly consider themselves beautiful by material standards, partake of their minuscule beauty from Srimati Radharani.
Actually, Lord Krishna, famously known as Madana-Mohana, is more beautiful than the goddess of fortune- Sri Lakshmi Devi. However, Radharani is so beautiful that She enchants even Krishna, who attracts the goddess of fortune. Thus, Sri Radha is also known as Madana-Mohana Mohini.
In the words of Srila Prabhupada
The beauty of the goddess of fortune is secondary in the presence of the Lord. In the words of Vaiṣṇava poets, it is said that the Lord’s beauty is so enchanting that it defeats hundreds of thousands of Cupids. He is therefore called Madana-Mohana. It is also described that the Lord sometimes becomes mad after the beauty of Rādhārāṇī. Poets describe that under those circumstances, although Lord Kṛṣṇa is Madana-Mohana, He becomes Madana-dāha, or enchanted by the beauty of Rādhārāṇī.
Actually, the Lord’s beauty is superexcellent, surpassing even the beauty of Lakṣmī in Vaikuṇṭha. The devotees of the Lord in the Vaikuṇṭha planets want to see the Lord as the most beautiful, but the devotees in Gokula or Kṛṣṇaloka want to see Rādhārāṇī as more beautiful than Kṛṣṇa.
-Purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.42
In his book Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi, Rūpa Gosvāmī explains the characteristics of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī. He points out that the body of Rādhārāṇī is in itself an actual evolution of transcendental pleasure. That body is decorated with flowers and fragrant aromas and is complete with transcendental love for Kṛṣṇa. That is the personification of His pleasure potency. That transcendental body takes a bath three times: first in the water of mercy, second in the water of youthful beauty, and third in the water of youthful lustre. After taking a bath three times in that way, Her body is covered with shining garments and decorated with Kṛṣṇa's personal beauty, which is compared to cosmetics.
Thus Her beauty constitutes the highest artistry. Her body is also decorated with the ornaments of spiritual ecstasy—trembling tears, petrification, perspiration, choking, cessation of all bodily functions due to transcendental pleasure, stumbling, high blood pressure and madness.
-Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Chapter 31)
In the words of the great devotee, Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami
ratim- gaurī-līle api tapati saundarya-kiraṇaiḥ śacī-lakṣmī-satyāḥ paribhavati saubhāgya-balanaiḥ
vaśī-kārais" candrāvalī-mukha-navīna-vraja-satīḥ kṣipaty ārād yā tam- hari-dayita-rādhām- bhaja manaḥ
O mind, please worship Lord Hari’s beloved Radha. With the splendour of Her beauty, She outshines even Rati, Gauri, and Lila. With the power of Her good fortune, She completely defeats Saci, Laksmi, and Satyabhama, and with Her ability to control Krsna, She completely eclipses Candravali and the other pious young girls of Vraja.- Manah Shiksha [10], Stavavali, Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami.
Vaishnava Acharyas describe that Srimati Radharani’s personal beauty is like the reddish powder known as kumkuma, Her affection for Her associates is like a sandalwood pulp, and the sweetness of Her smile is like camphor. All these, combined together, are smeared over Her body. The beauty of Srimati Radharani’s eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses. Her bodily lustre seems to place even gold into a painful situation. Thus the wonderful, unprecedented beauty of Srimati Radharani eternally manifests in Vrindavana.
Let me conclude my answer with the following description from the book ‘’Nectar of Devotion’’
The beauty of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī is described as follows: "Her eyes defeat the attractive features of the eyes of the cakorī bird. When one sees the face of Rādhārāṇī, he immediately hates the beauty of the moon. Her bodily complexion defeats the beauty of gold. Thus, let us all look upon the transcendental beauty of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.
-Nectar of Devotion (Chapter 44)
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myths-n-legends · 2 years
Deepavail (Diwail)
Hehe, hello I almost forgot to post today again, anyway its Diwail/Deepavail, so happy diwali to all the people how celebrate the festival!! Also only one week till Halloween!! Look who once said that she'll never write anything about Indian mythology (°=°;;) Anyways enjoy the story.
Deepavali (Btw its actully Deepavali but many people call and know it as Diwail), also known as the Festival of Lights is a Hindu religious festival and one of the most important festivals within Hinduism.
It generally lasts five days (or six in some regions of India), and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November). It is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, it symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance". 
The festival is widely associated with Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity and Ganesha, god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles, with many other regional traditions connecting the holiday to Sita  and Rama, Vishnu, Krishna, Durga, Shiva,  Kali, Hanuman, Kubera, Yama, Yami, Dhanvantari, or Vishvakarman.
Furthermore, it is a celebration of the day Rama returned to his kingdom in  Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating the demon Ravana in Lanka and serving 14 years of exile.
In the lead-up to Deepavali, celebrants prepare by cleaning, renovating, and decorating their homes and workplaces with diyas (oil lamps) and rangolis (colorful artistic circle patterns).
During Diwali, people wear their finest clothes, illuminate the interior and exterior of their homes with diyas and rangoli, perform worship ceremonies of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth, light fireworks, and partake in family feasts, where mithai (sweets) and gifts are shared.
Originally a Hindu festival, Diwali has transcended religious lines and is also celebrated by Jains and Sikhs. It is a major cultural event for the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain diaspora.
The five-day long festival originated in the Indian subcontinent and is mentioned in early Sanskrit texts. Diwali is usually celebrated twenty days after the Vijayadashami (Dussehra,  Dasara,  Dashain,  Dashahara.(There are all the same btw)) festival, with Dhanteras, or the regional equivalent, marking the first day of the festival when celebrants prepare by cleaning their homes and making decorations on the floor, such as rangolis.
Some regions of Indiastart Diwali festivities the day before Dhanteras with Govatsa Dwadashi. The second day is Naraka Chaturdashi. The third day is the day of Lakshmi Puja and the darkest night of the traditional month. In some parts of India, the day after Lakshmi Puja is marked with the Govardhan Puja  and Balipratipada (Padwa).
Some Hinducommunities mark the last day as Bhai Doojor the regional equivalent, which is dedicated to the bond between sister and brother, while other Hindu and Sikh craftsmen communities mark this day as Vishwakarma Puja and observe it by performing maintenance in their work spaces and offering prayers.
Some other faiths in India also celebrate their respective festivals alongside Diwali. The Jains observe their own Diwali which marks the final liberation of Mahavira,  the Sikhscelebrate Bandi Chhor Divas to mark the release of Guru Hargobind from a Mughalprison, while Newar Buddhists, unlike other Buddhists, celebrate Diwali by worshipping Lakshmi, while the Hindus of Eastern Indiaand Bangladesh generally celebrate Diwali by worshipping the goddess Kali. 
The main day of the festival of Diwali (the day of Lakshmi Puja) is an official holiday in Fiji, Guyana, India,  Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
A/n: stolen knowledge from Wikipedia coz your girl lost track of time. Im sorry about that and also for no pictures and also became I'm late at posting again. If there are any spelling errors I have no Idea about it but I apology for that too.
See you on the next post and happy Diwail!! Bye and take care.
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
Who is Kuber the God of wealth?
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Wealth is revered in Hindu culture as a crucial component for the maintenance and preservation of life on Earth. Hindu Gods live in splendor and enjoy all of life’s pleasures. Money, according to Hinduism, is designed to reflect the greater good and progress of humanity, rather than evil acts. All Hindus venerate Goddess Laxmi as the goddess of wealth, fortune, and money. Kuber is known as the God of Wealth in Hinduism. Money, as we all know, is the cornerstone of a decent and joyful living in our world. Growing wealth is the result of good karma from the past. As a result, some people are affluent while others are poverty. Financial difficulties will injure you and prevent you from achieving your most important life objectives.
How to make Kuber happy? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
The Hindu God linked with money, riches, and material goods is Kubera. Kuber does not generate riches, but he is thought to be the one who carefully distributes and protects wealth among the intended worshippers. Goddess Lakshmi is connected with wealth generation, while Kuber is frequently represented as a secondary god. He likes traveling aboard Pushpak, the flying chariot given to him by Lord Brahma. Aside from it, some manuscripts show Lord Kuber holding a mace, a pomegranate, or a treasure sack. He is commonly associated with the mongoose, and in certain accounts, he is also associated with the elephant. Hindus worship Lord Kuber, also known as Kubera, Kuvera, Kuberan, and Dhanpati, as the richest deity.
He is revered as the deity of wealth in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Kubera is the King of the Yakshas and an ardent lover of Shiva in Hindu mythology. After countless years of penance, Shiva granted Kubera darshan with Goddess Parvati.
Kubera had never seen Goddess Parvati before and was stunned by her magnificence and beauty, which was adorned with gems. Goddess Parvati misinterpreted Kubera’s gazing for bad intent and cursed him by causing one of his eyes to rupture.
Kubera was now left with one eye, and he stated that he had looked because he had never seen such magnificent gold jewelry before.
Goddess Parvati recognized her error, and the one eye Kubera had lost grew but remained smaller than the other.
Shiva also made Kubera an Ashta Dikpala, guarding the northern direction.
He has designated the deity of prosperity and material goods by Goddess Parvati.
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Another mythology claims that Kubera is Brahma's grandson.
According to this mythology, Kuber is a direct descendant of Lord Brahma said to be his grandson in some books. He is the son of Vishrava and Illavida. With Kauberi, they have four children (also known as Yakshi, Bhadra, and Charvi). People used to mock the world’s wealth custodian because of his overweight look. Kuber, disturbed, went to tremendous lengths to appease Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva approached Him, delighted, and bestowed upon Him the blessing of being the guardian of all wealth, at which point all mankind began to adore Kuber. In Sanskrit, ‘Kuber’ means distorted or deformed. As a result of the name’s connotation, Lord Kuber is depicted as chubby and tiny. He has the color of lotus leaves and a variety of irregularities in his body structure. He only has three legs, eight fangs, and a single yellow eye. Lord Kuber, the wealthiest deity, is adorned with heavy jewelry and carries a jar or bag filled with gold coins.
He is also said to be Vaishravana, Ravana’s brother. But Ravana vanquished him and exiled his Pushpak Viman to the Kailash. It was here that he performed penance and received lord Shiva’s benediction.
Kubera is frequently shown holding a vessel encrusted with Navratnas. He is also shown as sprinkling gold.
There are several tales related to Kubera, the most well-known of which is associated with Lord Balaji or Venkateswara. Lord Balaji is reported to have borrowed money from Kubera to marry Goddess Lakshmi on Earth. However, the condition was that Lord Balaji not leave the world until he had repaid the sum. It is said that Lord Balaji is still paying interest on the debt to Kubera. And worshippers generously give to aid Lord Balaji.
On Thursdays, Kubera is worshipped alongside Goddess Lakshmi in various parts of India. During Diwali, an important puja is performed in honor of Kubera.
Lord Kuber is also regarded as the “Treasurer of the Gods.” He is the personification of wealth, success, and glory. Lord Kuber not only shares the universe’s wealth but also safeguards and secures it. As a result, Lord Kuber is also known as the riches guardian.
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theadvitya · 2 years
What Are The Benefits Of Worshipping Kuber Idol
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Worshipping Kuber can be a powerful and rewarding experience. Worshipping Kuber is a Hindu tradition practised for centuries and is still widely practised today. Kuber is typically worshipped in the form of statues called Kuber idols. Adorning Kuber brass Murti provides many benefits to its practitioners. For starters, devoting time to worshipping Kuber helps bring focus and clarity to life.
Keeping the spiritual practice of worshipping Kuber brass statues grants practitioners’ mental clarity, allowing them to make better decisions when coping with challenges. The practice cultivates a sense of inner peace and connectedness with the divine. It can be an enriching experience for the individual to truly focus on and truly understand the power of the divine.
Moreover, worshipping Kuber also provides materialistic benefits. Kuber is often known as the god of wealth and prosperity, so worshipping Kuber Statues is believed to bring wealth and abundance into the worshipper’s life. Additionally, worshipping Kuber is believed to bring good health and longer life. All in all, it is believed that by dedicating time to worship Kuber and adorning their idols, practitioners will be blessed with
How to Worship Lord Kuber Properly?
Kuber yantra is the most revered talisman to be venerated to honour Lord Kuber. However, a specific ritual must be observed.
Obtain a kuber brass Murti and position it on a new scarlet fabric resting atop a raised wooden shelf.
The installation of the yantra should occur on either Tuesday or Friday.
Ignite a joss stick in front of the Kuber and donate some Pond lily petals as a gesture of admiration.
Always remember to keep the Kuber statue near the Lakshmi Hindu god statues in the temple. Invoking both Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber in unison is highly recommended.
It's imperative to keep a metal pot with holy water and a mango leaf close to the Kuber Murti in the worship space.
A specific ceremony known as Sri Lakshmi Kubera puja can conduct on Amavasya.
Chant the Lord Kubera prayer, Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kuberaya Namah, 108 times throughout the ceremony.
Worshipping Lord Kuber is an integral part of Hinduism and is believed to bring abundance and prosperity to the worshiper.
Kuber is the God of wealth and has many temples dedicated to his worship. To properly worship Lord Kuber, one must begin by worshipping Kuber God idols for Pooja room. This represents Lord Kuber and is usually made of brass or copper. It is essential to clean the murti with milk and water before beginning the worship ritual. After cleansing the murti, it is essential to set up a proper altar.
On the altar should be placed flowers, incense and a symbolic representation of wealth, such as coins. Offerings of food, clothing and jewellery are also appropriate. During the worship ceremony, devotees should chant Lord Kuber’s Mantra, “Om Shreem Kuberaya Namah”.After completing the worship ritual; the worshiper should express gratitude to Lord Kuber. This can be done through prayer or Gift Articles of fruits and sweets. It is also important to remember that the worship of Lord Kuber is not just an act of faith but also gratitude.
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theladybrownstarot · 11 months
Choose a pile(s)~
What's it about ?
° Let's discover the guidance and messages given by our supreme mother warrior durga !
° Support me by a reblog /like/follow to grow more to come with relevant and suited readings by tarot .
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Om ma durga namah~
PILE 1 .
• I know how confusing is it to make important decision OR when we have to get clarity over things but remember the Answer lies all inside you .
• let go of all those people who hurted you child really leave it. Why not to share your pain out with animals OR to yourself haha all is temporary and that's the blessings . Those who hurted you will get everything back to themselves. Your culprit/problem/pain anything will be found just keep up the hope .
• study 📖 now students if you didn't,don't skip to last idiot OR you see the results then . You know overcome the emotional and mental pain by using positive thoughts . Don't overthink just surrender to me and I Will get it done by a magic snap ✨️ ^^.
• worship or chant mata sita's name like this - Jai ma sita ! She is says when you Serve those with love and to yourself you Serve divine .
• leave junk food and focus to eat healthy one . Exercise if you don't otherwise you gonna be sick. Most of you are sick .
• oh child don't panic be positive because I know it is hard to two or several things at a time. You know let it go because I'm gonna provide you something else that Will suit your new version of yourself to give you what you deserve .
• don't run don't run at all instead face and be independent for your things . Don't get scared for something that's not gonna happen to you when there's exist a possible to change it .
For least don't rob anybody OR don't get yourself into the unsual pieces of advice of others . Be aware of those people whom you feel Will come but they will ditch and go away.
• Find a new job/hobby/project/activity or anything that can you get you out from the mess. Children in group projects don't let yourself get suppressed instead get some new ideas and ways also express the fear and tackle !
• okay, this is wonderful because I got mata Lakshmi coming here telling me that if you had financial/romantic/relationship then it's all gonna end . She has seen your hardwork and she is impressed because we attract who we are . Love is coming soon but maybe one of you is delaying it because you are fearing and avoiding .
• people clean your house home room any thing because goddess is coming and she hates mess so pls get your messy room cleaned and till then start loving things people and yourself little little because that's how we grow !
° wait wait why in each pile I'm getting sick energy and if it's true please take care of yourself.
The end 🙏🏼~
So we come to the end people and do comment Jai Mata di to bless yourself and manifest your wishes . I'm gonna bless you and your wishes ✨️
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telugunew · 2 years
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pujashoppe16 · 3 days
How to Perform a Lakshmi Puja for Wealth and Prosperity
Lakshmi Puja, performed to honor Goddess Lakshmi, is a key ritual during Diwali, celebrated to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance into your home. Here’s a detailed guide on how to perform the puja effectively.
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1. Clean and Prepare Your Home
Before starting, thoroughly clean your home, as cleanliness is associated with welcoming Goddess Lakshmi. Make sure your puja area is clean and decorated with fresh flowers, rangoli, and lamps (diyas).
2. Set Up the Puja Altar
Place an idol or picture of Goddess Lakshmi at the center of the puja altar. You can also place idols of Lord Ganesha (for removing obstacles) and Saraswati (for wisdom), as they are worshiped together during Diwali.
Essential Puja Items:
An idol or picture of Lakshmi
Lamps (diyas)
Flowers (especially lotus)
Incense sticks
Kumkum, turmeric, and rice
Fruits, sweets, and prasad
Coins or money (symbolizing wealth)
A kalash (copper or brass pot filled with water and topped with mango leaves)
3. Offer Flowers and Fruits
Start by offering fresh flowers (preferably lotus) and fruits to Goddess Lakshmi. Place them on the altar as symbols of devotion. You can also place grains like rice and sweets as offerings.
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4. Light Diyas and Incense
Light several oil lamps (diyas) and incense sticks. Place the diyas around the puja space and at the entrance of your home, symbolizing the welcoming of wealth and positivity.
5. Perform Lakshmi Puja Mantra Chanting
Chant Lakshmi mantras or recite the Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanamavali (108 names of Lakshmi). You can also chant the following mantra for wealth and prosperity:
“Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiyai Namah” Repeat the mantra while meditating on Goddess Lakshmi, seeking her blessings for abundance and good fortune.
6. Offer Prasad and Coins
Place coins or currency notes in front of the goddess as a symbolic gesture of prosperity. You can also place these coins in a kalash. Offer prasad like sweets, fruits, and kheer to complete the ritual.
7. Perform Aarti
Conclude the puja by performing the aarti (ritual of worship with a lighted lamp) to Goddess Lakshmi. Sing the Lakshmi Aarti, circling the lit lamp in front of the idol as a sign of devotion and reverence.
8. Distribute Prasad
After the puja, distribute the prasad among family members and neighbors. Sharing wealth and blessings is an important aspect of this ritual, as it fosters goodwill and harmony.
9. Financial Donations
It is considered auspicious to donate money, food, or clothes to the less fortunate after performing Lakshmi Puja. Acts of charity help circulate wealth and invite further blessings from the goddess.
10. Keep the Lamps Lit Overnight
Keep the diyas burning throughout the night, symbolizing the presence of Goddess Lakshmi in your home and her blessings of wealth and prosperity.
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By performing Lakshmi Puja with faith and devotion, you open your home to the blessings of wealth, success, and happiness. Ensure that the ritual is done with a pure heart, and you will likely experience positive financial growth and abundant blessings.
May Goddess Lakshmi bless you with endless prosperity this Diwali.
Shop for all your puja essentials, from beautifully crafted Lakshmi idols to premium quality puja items, at PujaShoppe. Make your Lakshmi Puja perfect with our wide range of authentic products delivered right to your doorstep.
Visit PujaShoppe today and prepare for a blessed and prosperous puja.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
That Solar explanation in the krittika post is so me coded 😭🫠. The more I learn, the more I’m starting to realize my strongest planetary influences are fucking opps lmao!
Have you noticed any difficulty with finding balance/satisfaction if one has planetary influences that traditionally don’t harmonize? For me it’s Sun and Venus; I have balance from extremes of either, but I am split between that harsh solar girlboss and a lovey-dovey romantic venusian and then a yapping ketuvian in the middle 🗿. I’m extremely ambitious as you describe for solars but this split makes it so hard to get things accomplished, although my saturn aspect to my amk sun helps a bit with stability, I have no idea how to remedy this imbalance 😭.
It’s so difficult to have a literal split, I can shut off my emotions or I’m all in on them, this id with people too. Romantic relationships for me usually end up with me having to cut off a loser but I do have feelings for an Uttara Ashada moon man that is the sweetest but we are so distant with each other 😭 I don’t know how to easily express my feelings and don’t really know how to handle that closeness but I crave and need it like water. I have very few relationships I actually feel happy about and nourished from.
I want to find the middle path so badly but Sun and Venus are just both extremes even with a Revati sun. Do you know of any mantras or practices that can help with bridging that kind of like,,,,existential gap? It not only makes relationships difficult to cope with but I also am constantly dissatisfied, and so fucking bored and angry but I just try not to touch that, nothing useful there for me. There is ALWAYS something missing inside and I am terrified of missing something that can relieve it (swati ketu,,,🗿) which makes it hard to also satisfy my solar ambition. (The irony of my ardra saturn aspecting my amk and having a “split personality”.)
But yeah basically life is pain, which is ironic because my first 20 years of life have been in my krittika venus dasha and I’m getting ready for my revati era in june. Maybe life will be less misery with s different nakshatra over my dasha? Because I genuinely cannot take this anymore 😍 I will snap if I live another year like this 😍😍💃💃💃😉😉😜
I think everyone struggles with balancing all of their energies. We're all kind of pulled in different directions from time to time. If we wait for it to all fall into place, we'll spend our lives waiting. We just have to roll with the punches tbh but I understand how heavy it must be to swing between extremes like that 😪
Tbh I'd say any nourishing maternal Goddess will be of aid here. Kali, Matangi etc are more aggressive/fierce Goddesses. Whereas Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshwari, Lakshmi etc are all gentler more soft vibes?? I think they help with everything from feeling internally soft, receptive and at ease to being magnetic externally and attracting prosperity because how we're on the inside is what we reflect externally.
I'd suggest against worshipping more fierce aggressive Goddesses in general but especially if youre energetically feeling imbalanced, the Goddesses don't play around, if they have harsh principles, you will feel its impact and it's best to not invite that in when you're not in the best state to receive it.
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astrovastukosh · 9 days
Aaj Ka Rashifal 13 September 2024: Today, these zodiac signs are going to be showered with money!
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Friday is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. On this day, Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped with rituals. Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi frees one from all obstacles in life and brings happiness, prosperity, and well-being in life.
Aaj Ka Rashifal 13 September 2024: Know how your day will be according to the horoscope today?
Aries- Today the professional life of Aries people will be good. You will get support from colleagues in the office. Interest in new work will increase. You will get immense success in some work. You will be appreciated in society. Something special is going to happen in family life. Today you can plan a vacation. You can also invest in property. You will get good returns. Today you may feel love for a special person.
Taurus- Today some of your work will go on intermittently. You may have to help a close friend financially. Stay away from negativity. Today you will get great success in educational work. Your opinion will be respected in the family. There will be chances of travel. Do not hesitate to share your romantic feelings with your partner.
Gemini- Today all your work will be successful without any hindrance. Financial condition will be good. You can plan a trip with family. Some people may get ancestral property. Today you will get new opportunities for career growth. Today will be a perfect day to join a gym. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in married life. Family life will be happy.
Cancer- Today your financial condition will be good. You will get the love and support of a special person. Give priority to your work. Try to complete all your tasks before the deadline. Students should focus on their careers. Today there will be new positive changes in your family life. There will be chances of traveling with loved ones. You can buy new property. You can plan something special with your partner in your love life.
Leo- Today Leo people will get many golden opportunities for progress in professional life. There will be happiness and peace in family life. Your health will be better than before. You will get new investment opportunities. There will be profit in business. You will get good returns from old investments. There will be chances of an increase in wealth. Romantic life will be great.
Virgo- Today Virgo people will get many opportunities to earn money. You will achieve new achievements in educational work. Today is going to be a special day for starting new work. Help someone today. You will achieve immense success in your career. Focus on your fitness. You can plan a long drive with your partner. This will bring happiness in love life.
Libra- Libra people will be very energetic and fit today. Financial condition will improve. You will get good returns from old investments. There will be excellent chances for buying a new property. You can also plan a vacation with family. Today you will take part in something important. Do not hesitate to take the initiative to solve the problems of love life.
Scorpio- Always be ready to help the needy. Today will be a perfect day to take a break from your daily routine and explore something new in life. Spend time with family. Today you will get money from unexpected sources of income. The inflow of money will increase. The financial side will be strong. You will get love and support from loved ones.
Sagittarius - Today Sagittarius people will get the full support of the family. The financial situation will improve. Do not take responsibility for many tasks simultaneously in the office. Complete the assigned tasks with full hard work and dedication. Today there will be happiness and peace in your family life. Some people can buy new property. Spend time with your partner. Try to make your relationships better and stronger.
Capricorn - Today Capricorn people will get good news. The financial situation will be strong. There will be happiness and peace at home. You can get money from ancestral property. Interest in social work will increase. Pay attention to your diet. Eat more green vegetables and fruits. Today be more sensitive towards the feelings of your partner and take care of them.
Aquarius- Today is going to be a special day for Aquarius people. Financial condition will improve. You will get monetary benefits from new sources of income. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in family life. There are signs of delay in work. Do not be careless in office work. Try to complete all your tasks within the deadline. Today your romantic life is going to be great.
Pisces- Make wise decisions in financial matters today. Manage money wisely. Today you may get an invitation for a function. A family member at home will achieve a big achievement in their career. Decisions taken related to money will prove beneficial. You will meet someone interesting during a social event. Love life will be full of love and romance.
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