#how to shell cashew nuts
vanillaxoshi · 6 months
Nut's pov . ( The start of the new trio )
TAPOPS (Tracker and Protector of Power Spheras) is a group that is led and created by , dedicated to find and protect the that are scattered around the galaxy . 
And being a member of the station .
The name is Nut and I'm a engineer in the station who have duty to maintaining the station , spaceships and also assisting the power spheras to able stay in the station .  
As a non-fighter member I mostly backup to the members who go to the field that involve fighting combat and do researching on the planets !
Although, it will be a bit lonely on the station because it was rare that someone who can handle my passion on inventing new weapons and upgrade to their gears . 
......Well , I admit that sometime I went a bit over broad on that sometime. 
( For the record ,Nut have cause a few trouble for over doing on the tec that cause backfired ..... but also have the case that Nut's crazy idea worked and approve by the commander . )
There's one thing that Nut enjoy during the lab .
" Hey ! Have you heard that Captain Kaizo's  brother that just send to a solo mission ? "
" Your kidding ! "
" I'm not ! Captain Kaizo send him to a planet call earth ! "
Gossips that the cadets bring when they come to the lab .
" Say what is that kid's name again ? Pang ? "
" It's Fang . "
But sometimes-
" Oh- Fang . Let just say I personally don't like this kid , he probably have that mission because of he's captain's brother. I bet he didn't even have the chance if he wasn't . "
It wasn't a pleasant topic .
" Shhh! Quite down ! I don't want to get kill by the captain ! "
" Oh , it's fine Captain went to a mission ! So he wouldn't hear us ! "
" Besides , Captain didn't really show any affection towards him as if they are not siblings ! "
" But that's not a reason that you could just look down him ! "
" You- "
* Slam ! *
" Alright ! The upgrade have complete ! Now do I have to explain the new system that have installed ? "
Nut cut them off with the loud slam on the working table that he have place the finish product .
(For the galaxy shake can't they just quit it ? )
(It was obvious the one who keep bad mouthing Fang is jealous because they didn't get the chance to have a solo mission !  )
Nut is lowkey dislike that cadet , because he know Fang by heart . 
He have help Fang to fix and maintain the perforation power mask before so Nut know Fang pretty well . He's a kid who have keep training hard to get his brother attention and achieve impressive skills . And captain Kaizo isn't someone that will use his title to let Fang to have that mission .  
" Oh ! Thanks Nut ! I would like to hear - Um- how long is going to take ? No offense . "
" Well about a 30 minute ? And non taken , I understand . "
" Na ! I'll pass, just give back my tec now ! " 
The cadet take the things and leave the lab , leaving Nut and the cadet who's still in there .
" I don't like them . "
" Same . Well then , I have installed the power up system . Now I'll teach you how to active and shut it , because it can't use in a long period time ."
" Alright , I'm all ears .....and I'll try to memories it  . "
" Ha Ha !  Nut a problem ! So all you need to remember that- "
After that day , Captain Kaizo who have return the mission hand him the perforation power mask and order him to keep the mask in shape before he come back to the lab to reclaim it . 
Nut is surprise and worry about Fang once he receive the mask , the mask is the only assist tool and weapon that  Fang have used . Captain giving him the mask which mean that Kaizo let Fang wonder around the planet without any high tec that could protect himself .
Nut want to question the Captain but words stops at the throat as he receive a look from the captain .  
He hear the cadet that have listened Nut explanation receive a promotion because they perform some excellent achievement on the field with their new tec . 
Glad to know that . 
"......How ? "
Nut look at Captain's  almost destroy spaceship in the workshop  . 
Today the engineers get a order to repair the ship . According to the file ,Captain Kaizo when to earth to capture the criminal that have escape from the hospital . 
If Nut didn't recall wrong his name is probably called  " Ejo jo "  but that does not explain the big hole and the gunfire marks on the ship and the training ground's floor have destroy and scattered some unknown stone(And food ?) shards, probably relate to the opponent's power . Not mention the ship's barrier system also all destroyed .
Welp ! This will be a long day.
But to the bright side maybe he can put some new things in the ship or even made it better !  While Nut is brainstorming ideas what to do , a familiar voice come form behind .
" Nut . "
It's Kaizo .
" Oh- Yes Captain ? " 
" Repair this mask and keep it until I give further commands ."
Kaizo give Nut the broken mask to Nut .
Nut felt his panic start to arise .
Before Kaizo go to the earth he have reclaim the mask , Nut assume that Kaizo will give it back to Fang snice he probably will go to visit him who also at earth . 
But......why is the mask got broken in such state ? What happened to the owner of the mask ? 
Nut is hesitating on asking the Captain. 
" Fang is fine , he just decide stay on earth now . "
" Oh-"
" Do your job and inform me once the ship have finish repair . "
" Yes , Captain ! "
Nut watch Kaizo leaving the workshop  .
" Oh- Nut before you start- "
Kaizo stop his track and turn his face to Nut .
" If you want to install something that is not original on that ship , write a report to me first . After my approval then you can do whatever you want . "
" Yes , Captain ! "
Kaizo have leave the room .
Nut feel a bit sulk on he can't fully start his upgrade on the ship but he glad to heard Fang is doing good on the earth .
After all it's not pleasant to see the person who been using his tec before , leave the station without him knowing what happened to them .
......it even worse if that tec become someone's relict .
" Have you hear ? Fang got promote to be Lance Corporal. "
" Oh I heard that ! He even got team up with Sai and Shielda now ! "
" Here ! The reparation are done ! "
" Thanks Nut !  "
" We'll buy you a meal later !"
Nut watch both new cadets leaves and lay on his chair as he let out a huge sigh .
Nut rubs his temples to ease the tiredness and pain, he haven't sleep probably for days . He have been remaking and amend the gear that will be suitable for them . It's not like he don't enjoy the fun during the process but he think he really should reconsider doing extra job that cost his beaty sleep .
" Dang , I should reschedule my time before I really pass out one day  ."
" I agreed . "
" Hm ? Oh !-"
"Hi Fang,  didn't see you there . "
" Hi Nut . "
" Congrats on your promotion ! " 
" Thanks . "
" Do you need anything ? New upgrade ?-"
" Nah, I'll come back other day . It's not something urgent . "
" And plus you look like you really need to sleep . "
" ....... Thanks Fang ."
" ...... Hey , can I ask you something ? "
" Yes ? "
" How's life on earth ? "
" Oh ? "
" Well.......It's pretty fun. The food are delicious , the locals are nice although sometime they are harsh . The place I stay are peaceful and multi culture so I have learn over 3 language- "
" And I have made a bunch of friend- I mean literary there's 10 of them but 7 of them have identical looks , I have spend a long time to figure it out which is who . "
" Sounds cool ! "
" Yeah ! After all they get Abang's- I mean Captain Kaizo's approval !  "
" Captain Kaizo's ?!?! "
" Yeah ! After all we got beat up by him ( mentally and physically) ! "
" What ? You guys alright ???? "
" Yeah ! We win ! "
" That's even cooler ! "
" Of course ! Although....."
" ? "
" We damage the ship really bad ."
"...... !!!"
" So it was you guys- "
" In my defense , we thought he's going to kill us ! " 
Days later Nut receive a order by Captain Kaizo , to do a check up and upgrade a new ship . Only found of later it was a gift to Fang. 
......Nut really don't get Captain sometime .
" ...... The new recruits sure are something aren't they ?  "
Nut look at Sai and Shielda' s damaged shields .
" I know that you guys got order to be part of the exam but I'm not expecting this . "
" Yeah , long story Nut . How long it's going to take ? "
" Give me 2 days . "
" Hm..... Oh ! Hey Sai ? I heard the new recruits are from earth right ? "
" Yep ! It appears that all of them are Fang's friends . They have some skills but it seems like they have a hard time to control their power . "
" Api is a case , he just went berserk after I tease him and his friend . "
"......Really ? "
" Alright ! I admit I went a bit over broad ! "
Nut take a look on the exam footage to justify what kind of damage have made on the shields. For real , no jokes on the identical looks . How even Fang manage to tell apart ? But the faces look familiar, maybe he saw once in the library before ?   
Ok this is unexpected , he come to the lab and make a mess . The blue print look cool tho didn't expect woke him up  , he look tired .
" Hm?- a blue leopard ????? "
(Ok this is cute . )
Nut chuckle at the reaction he have , he all look confused and sleepy . 
" Hello, my name is Nut the engineer. " 
" Mutt ????? A dog ?? Hybrid ??? "
" pff-"
Ok this person still didn't fully awake yet so don't laugh-
" Hm ? oh-"
Nut introduce himself again and learn that the person Infront him is call Cahaya , he look awkward during the conversation but slowly build up confidents when he share the idea that he's working on the blue print . 
Nut gives some idea that Cahaya want to tried and Cahaya is interest how Nut fixes the power watches because his watch still didn't active yet . 
Of course Nut agreed to help him , he seems like a person who can understand his passion and get along .
Maybe he made a friend ?
 " ...... "
" ...... "
" ......Care to explain ? "
" It was an accident-"
Fang look at the lab's celling that Nut and Cahaya stuck on , the chemical station that have fill with white sticky foam .
" I can get if one of your experiment went off but how do you guys end up there ????" 
" Ha ha long story......"
30 minutes ago :
" Hmm~ the temperature is fine and the substant have become sticky . " Cahaya is experimenting on the substants that he have made with the unknow ingredients that Daun grow in his green house and follow the formular on the book .  " Accord to the reaction , it's successfully enter to the 5th step , all it's left is wait for it to cool down and avoid any-" " Cahaya check this out !- " Nut barge in the lab with a new invention that he made . Which make Cahaya startle and slips the beaker fell on the ground- 
" And when the substance touch the floor it explode , created a pile of foam instant and Nut who was holding the ..... "gravity bomb" got trigger and sent you guys to the celling . "
" ...... "
" ......We need help . "
" .......*sigh*- Jari bayang ! "
In somewhere on the station.
" Hey do you heard that explosion ?? "
" Oh, that's probably from the lab . "
" Nut mess up the lab again ? "
" I think is Cahaya this time . "
" Cahaya ? The new recruit from the earth ? "
" Yeah , he might not on the field yet but he have help to improve the station and cause some...... Um- trouble ?"
" ...... Nut 2.0 ? "
" ......Not really ????? "
" Fang always go check on them every single time when there's- "
" Explosion ? "
" Yeah ....... "
( I don't have idea what name can use on this trio group . ) 
NUT!! NUT!!! Aww thats cute that nut and fang already knew each other
And now Nut and Cahaya are besties too! Their all besties!! Them sharing info and being sweet awwww
That does beg the question
What would be their trio name🤔
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redd956 · 6 months
Worldbuilding Food: More than meets the eye
So, you want to world build food but maybe you don't know where to start, have hit a roadblock, or are just looking for some interesting places to addon to. I've got your back.
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Vegetables, Fruits, Grain, Nuts, & Fungi
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One of the first things I think of when it comes to food is fruits and vegetables, and the line between them is surprisingly small.
Like tomatoes are vegetables? Pumpkins are fruits but other gourds are not? When does a herb become a vegetable? Although important to classify, don't let it be your main focus.
Start with
How the produce grows
What it looks like throughout different stages of its life
What parts are edible
How most people consume the produce
How the product is harvested
Is it seasonal
What about the produce that makes its growable environment habitable
How it spreads/reproduces
There's many different unique ways fruits and vegetables grow in just our real world, but that doesn't mean you can stop there.
Cranberries grow on vines that actually float on the surface of soggy ground and water in wetlands. Cashews actually grow on the bottom of cashew apple, which is it's own edible product. There's lots of different ways plants can grow, and what they even need to do so.
Some produce even have their own defense mechanisms (which often which becomes a form of flavor to us). Don't think these defense mechanisms stop at protection from predators. Strawberries are an aggressive plant, fighting, killing, and taking over any nearby plant neighbors. Some plants have thistles and thorns, and others are the hard shell or peel we end up effortlessly cutting through.
Try to think of some environmental things in the world your working with that the produce would have adapted to.
I think my favor example of this IRL is sunflowers. They change directions to face the sun, and when they can't find the sun they face each other. Eventually their seeds weigh them down, and which they'll always face east.
Don't forget fungi is edible too, and has it's very own unique properties.
(Don't forget yeast -> bread, you can make up whatever food you want)
Meats & Agricultural Animals
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I myself am not a meat-eater, but I understand the importance of animal products to a society. If you world doesn't have it, don't fret. This sector won't just be about meat products, but it will contain a lot of it.
Food and what animals are considered for consumption changes from culture to culture. The same can be said for treatment leading up to their role in society as the food on people's plates. Often times a culture cannot imagining eating an animal they see as part of the family, such as dogs or cats IRL, but other times it's seen part of a religious practice such as cows.
There's a lot of cultural stuff that goes into our agricultural animals, both for work, dairy, textiles, and food.
Here's some ideas to start with
What parts of them are edible and used for food
Do they produce any dairy or egg products
How old do they have to be before becoming a produce animal
Are the animals used for other resources too i.e. bones, fur, skins, skulls, blood, etc.
How much food does one animal make
Typically how are they are killed, if they are
What conditions are these animals kept in and are they viewed humane
What environments allow these animals to thrive alongside the people of your world
What does the animal eat
Now... Let's into some culture and religion
Religion and culture has a major impact on what we eat. Take for instance Kosher, Halal, and more. Historical shortages in food even to this day affect what foods we eat. Culture also affects our tastes. The corn line of the United States is drowning in corn, and yet corn is seen as a sweet treat over seas in many nations.
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How the harvesting goes changes a lot about a society, big and small. Think about how terrible a year would go in medieval times if harvest came up incredibly poor, or how wealthy our modern day world would look to those people due to mass production.
Here's some things to think about
What time of year are the biggest and most important harvest(s)
How common are agricultural workers
What would the average person see if they watched people work
What technology/tools are used
What happens if the harvest goes wrong
Do farmers/harvesters get special rights for their role in society
In older societies harvesting and how that went completely shaped how the next year would look. In some cultures the harvesters have been revered, while in other if crossed to far would be expected to tear the country to pieces. Think about the role harvesting plays in your society. What would happen if they striked? Or if a disaster swept the land?
The environment itself will change a lot about what harvesting look likes. Why does this environment work? What are the environmental risk to both the crop and workers?
Are we farming in the water, in the middle of the arctic, underground, high up in the trees?
Exotic Food & Immigration
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While establish what the everyday food in the area is, don't forget to pay mine to the opposites. Immigration and trade play a major role in what foods end up on our plate. As cultures combine and mingle so do their food.
Take one look at the United States, infamous for it's large potions, fatty foods, and immigrant culture cuisine. A lot of foods in the United States are the results of cultures meeting to improve and add onto one another's foods, that includes American styles of pizza, tacos, and more.
Even major cities around the world have styles of foods unique to them.
Let's think
What locally seen foods count as exotic
What foods are nearly impossible to get
Is there access to foreign brands/produce
How expensive is most exotic foods
What styles of cooking are being brought in by foreigners
How do people get exotic foods
What foods would the locals not be able to eat due to not being used to it
Try to think about what makes this food exotic in the local area. Maybe it cannot grow in the local environment. Maybe the quality of the food is simply better overseas. Maybe the animal or plant is far too aggressively invasive for locals.
Trade & Transport
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Food is both a very important export and import, especially in time of devastation.
Don't forget about exports too, what is your society giving out to the world, and getting back. Not all trade has to be capital based. Perhaps your world simply trades on good or service for another.
Here's some things to think about
What's being exported and imported
Are whole animals imported/exported
How is the trade being done i.e. trains, boats, aircraft, teleportation, etc.
Are there any obstacles to trade
What places are all involved in trading
How is the trade brought to where it needs to be inland
In what ways do these trades improve the lives of locals
Transportation is also super important to where food ends up, and more so in what volumes. How do people get all these produce or animals relocated? What kinds of storage are we seeing to keep things fresh (if health standards are even up to code in your worldbuilding)?
What poses a threat to things in storage? i.e. mold, foxes, animal thieves, disease, etc.
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With supply and demand, comes outages, taxes, and restrictions. Unfortunately not everything in the food world goes right. There's natural disasters to come and destroy crops, hostile settlements to block trade, and especially that person who is really bad at cooking but they love doing it so you don't have the heart to say no....
Anyway let's talk restrictions and where they can come from
Wartime can cause a lot of original farmers and workers to become soldiers. It also can lead to the large scale destruction of precious farm land, crops, animals, and overall places to cook.
Perhaps there's a particularly poisonous food, and way too many suspiciously poisoned people. That's when law comes in. There's many reasons for food and drink to become outlawed. Religious reasons, danger, regulations, inebriation, etc.
Knock knock! It's the United States here to embargo your random country. Outside factions can always become an obstacle, leading to loss of traveling cargo or straight up missing farmers too. Nothing comes in, and sometimes nothing comes out.
Perhaps a common plant or favored animal is running low on populous. Now locals are more so focused on reanimating a dwindling population, more so on eating it.
Whether it be hoards of invasive bugs, prion disease caused by cannibalistic animal feed, or sudden inexplicable field of dead corn sickness happens. Maybe something has swept over the land, and no one ever bothered to try to plant said crop again.
Natural Disasters
Natural disasters can not only cause the elimination of entire villages, but accidentally bring in lots of invasive creatures too. Catfish is off the menu for as long as carp is intown.
Straight Up Difficulty
Sometimes a fruit appears once a year, or a tasty creature is a dangerous one to take on in order to eat. It can be difficult getting the right ingredient sometimes. Other times it's new to the market. So much can happen when food is involved.
Preparation & Flavor
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Finally all the food in the world is available, but what are we going to do with it.
Make it even better!
I personally find preparation to be the best part of worldbuilding. Now I get to imagine my fictional little people stewing their pots, and kindling their fires. Reflect off of real world recipes, and maybe even write down exact fantasy recipes of your own.
Don't forget about herbs and spices (I see you British people).
You have five basic taste receptors in your mouth: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory. They make great descriptors and fun places to explore when looking into what your foods taste like. Smell can play an important role too.
Does it smell awful and taste great, smell sweet and taste bitter, perhaps it doesn't have anything at all going on.
Happy worldbuilding!
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wolfpants · 2 years
lots of sentences... saturday
I'm creeping my way back to Tumblr after a few much needed weeks off and hey, it's paid off a bit, because I've done some writing I actually kind of like? This is from my upcoming Drarry longfic Terrible People, which I'm hoping to begin posting in the New Year! Thanks for tagging me @oknowkiss (lovely words here!) and @sorrybutblog (lovely words here!)
Pansy’s hand flies across the table. She gets to Draco’s phone before he does.
“Don’t even think about it,” she says. 
Her fingers hover over the screen, nails the same colour as the wine they’re drinking. They glitter under the restaurant’s soft lights like talons.
“That’s pretty fucking rich.” Draco represses the very strong urge to snatch it back like a toddler whose iPad has been taken away. “When you’ve been looking at yours since we sat down.”
“I have a child at home,” Pansy says, just as Ernie starts loudly reciting the dessert choices, offering his commentary on each element.
“—cashew nut crumble, how delightful—”
“And a Neville.” Draco holds out his hand, palm-up. “Give it back, please.”
“No!” Pansy says.
“—ooh, miso caramel. That’s unusual. What d’you reckon, Fletch, shall we get something to share—”
Low and in warning, “Pansy…”
“Draco,” she replies loftily, nose in the air. “Whatever could be so important, anyway? I wonder,” she murmurs, unlocking his phone with a simple tap tap of her fingers, because of course she knows his rudimentary password, 0506.
He silently curses the fateful day their mothers chose to shove them in the same elocution lessons as children, paving the way for their decades-long friendship and Draco’s eternal suffering.
“Work,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Work? On your birthday?” She tuts as she drags down the notifications with her thumb. “On the night where your beloved friends take you out for a fancy meal—”
“—and a dessert wine? Too indulgent? No, I think we should get dessert wine, a bottle for the table perhaps—”
Draco shifts in his chair, a fussy, powder-pink velvet thing with a low wingback in the shape of an open shell. “It might be important.”
“As important as…” Pansy laughs and turns his phone around to show him the screen. “A WhatsApp message from Paul Grindr?”
Draco’s face grows hot. 
This is why he should have kept his phone in his pocket.
He grabs it from her and does just that, then busies himself by straightening out the wrinkles in the tablecloth, a distraction from the itching impulse to read the damn message and block the number.
Another disastrous date. More proof he just isn’t built for the modern world of dating and relationships.
“You never told us about Paul!” Ernie crows from the other side of the table, tossing the small paper menu aside. “Who’s Paul?”
“Literally no one,” Draco says, glaring at his friends. “Now order some fucking dessert, Ernie, no one wants to hear you read the whole fucking menu.”
No pressure tagging @tackytigerfic @skeptiquewrites @academicdisasterfic @wheezykat @lqtraintracks @wrapped-up and anyone who wants to play!
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barrenclan · 2 years
i feel like it’s only right to start this one by saying this issue gave me silly warm feelings inside, something i hardly expected from the same comic where the protagonist dug up a skeleton. exactly what i had needed on a warm day
i can’t help but be proud of slugpelt. that one time cleaning with pinepaw and (nightberry?) must have really opened her eyes, and to the point where she realized she should be honest about their father? agh. her starting slow but getting more into the story? you can really see how important cashew was to her before he ditched her.
on that topic, i’m throwing cashew into the paper shredder. or a nut cracker, that might be more fitting. he saw slugpelt as a thing to have fun with!!! he toyed with her feelings bc he thought it was fun!!!!! he never cared about her!!! it came to the point where she thought she could trust him more than the brother she was raised with and i think she had a good relationship with!!! jesus christ!!!! awful kitty!!!!! awful bad kitty!!!!!! i hope he falls into a ditch and becomes one of the skeletons!!
the pinepaw coming out scene, ugggh. how he feels somewhat obligated due to the secret sharing family moment, and his immediate regret and guilt and shame for being ‘different’, and being pulled out of that when his mother comforts him with her muzzle. slugpelt, who hardly interacts with him, comforts him with her muzzle. that scene felt so special because of it, they’re all coming out of their shells and it’s so special. and slugpelt saying how she’s never heard of it before, but that doesn’t matter to her and she doesn’t think he’s weird??? that hit close to home personally which probably aided in my warm fuzzies, but i digress. his family is soo supportive and it makes me so happy, everyone in their own way with asphodelpaw being like “haha yeah the way u look at cormorantpaw makes it obvious hahahaha” and daffodilpaw being all “omg us moment”. i enjoy they all don’t act the same, it really cements how different they all are but how like this they’re still able to come together
it ending with it seems like a crack was sealed? my hEART. i want nothing but the best for this family oh my god. i love these warrior kitties i need them all to grow big and strong and for slugpelt to attend a therapist. actually all of them need a therapist probably
thanks for another good issue!!!! patfw means so much to me this issue is gonna sit in my head for the day
Heheh, this is a comic of both horrors and funtimes! We gotta have a good balance.
YEP that was exactly the moment, from Issue 15! When she realized that she was falling into her mother's patterns due to the neglect she suffered from her partner, and made an effort to turn way from it.
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Cashew's a bad little man. I appreciate your righteous anger towards him, it's exactly what he deserves.
I'm so glad you liked the coming out scene, I played around with that one a lot to make sure it felt right! It was also important to me that all of his family members would react in different ways, but in the end they're supportive of him. It makes me really happy that you're enjoying the story. :)
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ghostlypawn · 2 years
honestly any transphobic ‘science is science’ debate surrounding men/women being defined by any biological features goes straight out the window when you think about how we rarely group things based on their scientific definition but rather how we value them societally. if we talk about fruits, scientifically, they are ovaries of a flowering plant that develop after fertilisation. this makes nuts like chestnuts and hazelnuts fruits (their shell having developed from the ovary wall). but socially we would never call hazelnuts a fruit because they dont occupy the same culinary spaces in society. they dont look the same, they dont eat the same, they dont cook the same, so why would we call them the same thing just because they’re fertilised ovaries. they may be biologically the same but that doesnt mean they are socially the same. we decide to group them based on the value they have for society. similarly, we classify brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts, pine nuts as ‘nuts’ even though they are all botanically seeds and not nuts. what im trying to get at is that for a lot of things we dont care about what ‘parts’ it has or how it functions on a biological basis but rather what it bring to society and how they hold value in certain circles. so why do some people want to start defining things by ‘strict’ biological definitions when historically we have usually used social definitions as its more benefical for us as a society.
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nde12 · 9 days
Explore the Automatic Cashew Cutting Machine for Efficient Processing
Cashew processing is a meticulous and labor-intensive task that requires precision to ensure the final product meets the highest standards of quality. Over the years, advancements in technology have revolutionized the cashew processing industry with machines that offer faster, more efficient, and more accurate cutting, grading, and sorting of cashews. One such machine is the Long Pieces Grader, designed to help grade cashew pieces into long, whole pieces for better market value.
1. The Role of Cashew Cutting Machines in the Cashew Industry
Cashew cutting machines are essential in breaking the hard shells of raw cashew nuts without damaging the kernels inside. Traditionally, this process was done manually, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, with the advent of automatic cashew cutting machines, the process has become more efficient and less prone to human error.
The automatic cashew cutting machine is designed to enhance productivity by ensuring consistent cutting of cashew nuts. These machines offer a significant improvement over manual cutting by increasing output and maintaining the integrity of the cashew kernels.
The automatic cashew nut cutting machine is particularly useful for large-scale cashew processors who need to handle bulk quantities of raw cashews. These machines come equipped with advanced technologies that allow for precision cutting, reducing waste, and ensuring a high-quality final product.
2. The Significance of the Long Pieces Grader in Cashew Processing
The Long Pieces Grader plays a crucial role in the post-cutting phase of cashew processing. Once the cashew nuts have been cut into pieces, they need to be sorted and graded based on size, shape, and quality. This is where the Long Pieces Grader becomes essential.
Grading cashew pieces is important because it helps separate whole, long pieces from broken or smaller fragments. This is particularly important for businesses that want to sell their cashews at a premium price, as whole cashew kernels and long pieces command a higher value in the market compared to broken pieces.
The Long Pieces Grader is designed to ensure that only the best quality long pieces are separated for packaging and sale. This machine helps in maintaining the product’s consistency and quality, which is vital for customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
3. How the Kani Machine Complements the Long Pieces Grader
The kani machine is another crucial tool in the cashew processing industry. Designed for cutting and grading smaller-sized cashews, the kani machine is particularly useful for sorting broken or fragmented cashews that are too small for the Long Pieces Grader.
While the Long Pieces Grader focuses on sorting and grading larger, whole pieces, the kani machine takes care of the smaller fragments, ensuring that every part of the cashew kernel is used efficiently. This minimizes waste and maximizes the value of the processed cashews.
By integrating the kani machine and Long Pieces Grader into your processing line, you can ensure a complete, efficient grading process that handles cashews of all sizes and grades them accordingly.
4. Automatic Cashew Cutting Machine: Revolutionizing Cashew Processing
The automatic cashew cutting machine is one of the most significant advancements in the cashew processing industry. Unlike manual methods, this machine offers a faster, safer, and more efficient way to cut raw cashew nuts. The automated process ensures consistent cutting, minimizing damage to the kernels and maximizing yield.
Cashew nuts come with a hard shell that needs to be carefully cut to access the kernel inside. The automatic cashew cutting machine uses a series of blades to precisely cut the cashew nut shells, leaving the kernels intact. This level of precision is essential for maintaining the quality and market value of the cashews.
One of the main advantages of the automatic cashew cutting machine is its ability to handle large volumes of raw cashews. It reduces the need for manual labor, speeds up the processing time, and increases overall productivity.
5. Cashew Cutter: An Essential Tool in Cashew Processing
The cashew cutter is another important machine used in the cashew processing industry. Its primary function is to crack open the hard shells of cashew nuts to retrieve the kernels. The cashew cutter is particularly useful for small and medium-sized processing operations.
The design of the cashew cutter allows for precise cutting, ensuring that the kernels inside are not damaged during the process. Many cashew cutters come with adjustable settings, allowing users to control the depth and pressure of the cut, depending on the size and shape of the cashews being processed.
Cashew cutters are available in both manual and automatic versions. While manual cutters are still widely used in small-scale operations, the automatic cashew cutter is becoming increasingly popular due to its higher efficiency and ease of use.
6. The Importance of Automatic Cashew Nut Cutting Machines
The automatic cashew nut cutting machine is a step up from traditional cashew cutters. It offers enhanced functionality, allowing for faster and more precise cutting of raw cashews. This machine is particularly beneficial for large-scale processing facilities that need to process large quantities of cashew nuts efficiently.
The automatic cashew nut cutting machine is designed to handle cashews of varying sizes, ensuring that the cutting process is smooth and efficient. This machine reduces the risk of kernel damage, which is a common problem with manual cutting methods.
With the automatic cashew nut cutting machine, processors can achieve higher output with fewer errors, making it a valuable addition to any cashew processing operation.
7. Cashew Cutting Machine Manufacturers: Providing High-Quality Solutions
The success of cashew processing operations largely depends on the quality of the equipment used. Cashew cutting machine manufacturers play a crucial role in the industry by providing high-quality machines that meet the specific needs of cashew processors.
When choosing a cashew cutting machine manufacturer, it's important to look for companies that offer reliable, durable, and efficient machines. Manufacturers should also provide excellent customer support, including installation, maintenance, and repair services.
Some of the top cashew cutting machine manufacturers offer customized solutions to meet the unique needs of different processing facilities. These manufacturers understand the complexities of cashew processing and design their machines to handle the challenges of cutting and grading cashews efficiently.
8. The Benefits of Fully Automatic Cashew Processing Machines
A fully automatic cashew processing machine is designed to automate every step of the cashew processing process, from cutting to grading. These machines are ideal for large-scale processing facilities that need to maximize efficiency and output.
One of the main benefits of fully automatic cashew processing machines is their ability to handle large volumes of raw cashews without compromising quality. These machines are equipped with advanced features that allow for precise cutting, grading, and sorting of cashew nuts.
Fully automatic cashew processing machines reduce the need for manual labor, which not only increases productivity but also reduces labor costs. In addition, these machines are designed to minimize waste, ensuring that every part of the cashew is used effectively.
9. Conclusion: Elevating Cashew Processing with Cutting-Edge Technology
In conclusion, cashew processing has come a long way from the manual methods of the past. Today, machines like the Long Pieces Grader, kani machine, automatic cashew cutting machine, and automatic cashew nut cutting machine have revolutionized the industry, offering faster, more efficient, and more accurate processing solutions.
By investing in high-quality machines from reputable cashew cutting machine manufacturers, cashew processors can enhance their operations, increase productivity, and ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality.
Whether you're a small-scale processor or a large-scale operation, incorporating these machines into your processing line will help you stay competitive in the growing cashew industry. With the right equipment, you can streamline your operations, reduce waste, and produce high-quality cashews that meet the demands of the market.
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parivartancm · 9 days
Most Reliable Cashew Nut Processing Plant & Machine Supplier
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Grading, cooking, shelling, drying, peeling, kernel grading, packing—this is the working flow of a cashew processing line. Shelling cashew nuts and roasted cashew kernels is done on the same line, including the cashew nut shelling, peeling, and processing line. Fully automated cashew nut cracking and kernel peeling equipment significantly reduce labor requirements. 
Parivartan Cashew Machinery is a manufacturer and exporter that offers valuable cashew processing technology. In this blog, we will learn how Automatic cashew processing machine work and reduce the manual duties.
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giagrotechmachinery · 26 days
The Impact of Cashew Nut Processing Machines on the Cashew Industry
The cashew nut industry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements that are transforming how cashews are processed. Among the most significant innovations are cashew nut processing machines, which have revolutionized the industry by automating and optimizing various stages of production. These machines are essential for any processor aiming to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and ensure high product quality.
Why Cashew Nut Processing Machines Are Essential
Cashew processing involves multiple complex steps, each requiring precision to maintain the quality of the nuts. Traditionally, this process has been labor-intensive and prone to inconsistencies, leading to variable product quality and lower yields. The introduction of automated cashew nut processing machines addresses these challenges by offering a streamlined, efficient solution that enhances both the speed and accuracy of processing.
Key processes that these machines handle include:
Shelling: Efficiently removing the tough outer shell without damaging the delicate kernel inside.
Peeling: Ensuring that the thin, inedible skin is carefully peeled away to reveal the high-quality cashew kernel.
Sizing and Sorting: Accurately categorizing nuts by size and quality to ensure uniformity in the final product.
Grading: Sorting the processed cashews into different quality grades, essential for meeting the standards of various markets.
By automating these processes, the cashew nut processing machine significantly improves the consistency, quality, and efficiency of cashew production.
Benefits of Automating Cashew Processing
The shift towards automation in cashew processing brings with it a host of benefits that traditional methods simply cannot match. Here are some key advantages of using a cashew nut processing machine:
Increased Throughput: Automation dramatically speeds up the processing stages, allowing for higher production volumes and making it possible to meet increasing market demands.
Enhanced Product Quality: Consistency is key in the food industry, and these machines ensure that every cashew nut is processed to the same high standard, leading to a superior final product.
Labor Efficiency: By reducing the reliance on manual labor, these machines cut down on operational costs and minimize human error, which can lead to product waste.
Improved Yield: With precise processing, the amount of usable product increases, reducing waste and maximizing profitability.
These advantages make the cashew nut processing machine an invaluable asset for processors looking to enhance their production capabilities and maintain competitive advantage in the market.
The Future of Cashew Processing with GiAgrotech
As the demand for high-quality cashews continues to grow, so does the need for advanced processing solutions. GiAgrotech stands at the forefront of this industry transformation, offering state-of-the-art cashew nut processing machines designed to meet the needs of modern processors.
GiAgrotech’s machines are built with the latest technology, ensuring durability, efficiency, and precision. They are designed to handle large volumes of nuts with ease, delivering consistent results with minimal downtime. Moreover, GiAgrotech provides comprehensive after-sales support, including installation, training, and maintenance, ensuring that your processing operation remains smooth and efficient.
Staying Competitive in a Growing Market
In a competitive global market, having the right equipment is essential to staying ahead. Investing in a cashew nut processing machine from GiAgrotech is a smart move for any cashew processor looking to enhance product quality, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. With GiAgrotech’s cutting-edge technology, you can be confident that your operation is equipped to meet the challenges of today’s market and the opportunities of tomorrow.
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biggestsupplierr · 28 days
Finding Wholesale Dry Fruits Near You & Affordable Pista 1 kg Price
Are you searching for "wholesale dry fruits near me" and the best "pista 1 kg price wholesale"? You’re in the right place! Buying dry fruits in bulk offers great value for money, especially if you enjoy healthy snacks or run a business that needs quality dry fruits regularly. From almonds to cashews, and especially pistachios (pista), getting wholesale prices can be a game-changer for your budget.
Why Choose Wholesale Dry Fruits?
Purchasing dry fruits wholesale is a smart option for anyone looking to save. Whether you're buying for personal consumption or for a business, wholesale deals can significantly lower the cost per kilogram. Not only do you get more bang for your buck, but the quality of wholesale products is often superior since wholesalers deal directly with suppliers. Bulk buying also means you’ll always have nutritious snacks like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts on hand, perfect for a quick energy boost.
Understanding Pista 1 kg Price Wholesale
When searching for "pista 1 kg price wholesale," it’s essential to compare prices across different suppliers to get the best deal. Pistachios are a popular nut for their distinct flavor and health benefits, making them a staple in households and businesses alike. Wholesale prices for pistachios typically depend on factors such as:
Quality: Premium pistachios will naturally cost more but offer a superior taste and nutritional profile.
Grade: Pistachios come in various grades. Whole, shelled, or unshelled pistachios all have different price points.
Supplier: Some suppliers, like Biggest Supplier, offer competitive prices for bulk orders, making it easier for you to get a great deal.
The average wholesale price for a kilogram of pistachios can range from $10 to $20 depending on the factors mentioned above, but with Biggest Supplier, you can often find deals that bring the cost down even further without sacrificing quality.
How to Find Wholesale Dry Fruits Near You
One of the most efficient ways to find wholesale dry fruits nearby is to search online for local suppliers. Many suppliers offer online ordering, and you can conveniently check their stock, compare prices, and even get reviews. Another option is to visit your local wholesale market where you can physically inspect the product before purchase.
Biggest Supplier offers a wide range of dry fruits, including high-quality pistachios, at the most competitive prices. Their extensive inventory ensures that you get the best value for your money.
Buying wholesale dry fruits, especially pistachios, is an excellent way to save while ensuring a steady supply of nutritious snacks. With Biggest Supplier, you can be sure you’re getting the best pista 1 kg price wholesale and high-quality products for personal or business use.
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calicocrisis · 2 months
The cookie clicker cashew cookies definition
Definitely my favorite
"Let me tell you about cashews. Cashews are not nuts, but seeds that grow out of curious red or yellow fruits - which can be eaten on their own or made into drinks. The shell around the nut itself contains a nasty substance that stains and irritates the hands of whoever handles it for too long. But that's okay, since now that you've read this you'll make sure it doesn't get in the cookies! Oh, you've already eaten how many? Okay then." HAHAHA HA
makes me wanna eat a cashew even though I'm going to foam out the mouth and die unless I get my epipen
(I can't spell-)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Grab Some Nuts Day
National  Grab Some Nuts Day on August 3 is the ultimate nutty day. Nuts,  legumes, seeds drupes, either way – they’re all considered nuts and are  all in some way a part of our daily diet. Nuts are rich in nutrients and  minerals, and if eaten in the correct quantities, are great for  improving our health.  This day promotes the consumption of all nuts,  the health benefits, and their tastiness. You won’t be surprised to hear  that it’s a very nutty occasion.  
History of National Grab Some Nuts Day
Although  the origin of National Grab Some Nuts Day is unknown, we do know that  when this day first started being observed there was some confusion to  its purpose. Some were celebrating the nuts we eat, whereas others  thought it was all about the metal nuts that go with bolts. Whilst these  metal nuts obviously serve their purpose, we’d rather be celebrating  food, which is pretty much our stance on most matters.
There is also ample discussion on what is defined as  a nut and what is a legume.  A legume  is generally recognized as a pod containing multiple seeds that begins  to open on its own when the season for harvesting approaches. For the purposes of National Grab Some Nuts Day, we suggest celebrating the day by grabbing a handful and savoring the taste!
Whatever  it may be, either botanical or non botanical nuts, nuts have an  impressive amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron and so  on. They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but even nuts are also capable of this! Consider consuming nuts on a daily basis for snacking to absorb those important nutrients.  
Other  nutty days do occur throughout the year. These include National Almond  Day and National Pecan Day. There’s also a day for cashews, walnuts,  peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, and chestnuts. This day is a day for celebrating all these days bundled up in one and grabbing handfuls of as many different kinds as you like. Raw or roasted. Salted, seasoned or plain.
National Grab Some Nuts Day timeline
10,0000 BC Tree Food
Walnuts are the first nuts to be consumed.
1890 Pea-not brushing
Peanut butter is developed by a doctor in St Louis who prescribed it to patients with bad teeth.
1919 Nut Rep
Texas adopts the pecan tree as its state tree.
April 2019 Original Health
“Nuts: A Global History,” is released on Amazon.
How To Celebrate National Grab Some Nuts Day
Grab some nuts
Add nuts to your food
Share on social media
Make  sure to grab a handful of your favorite nuts to snack on. If done  sensibly, this is a great way to stay healthy. It’s worth reading up on  the health benefits of including nuts in your daily diet.
Try  adding some nuts to a meal. Nuts add texture to baked goods and savory  dishes. Options include adding nuts to your salads, stir fry, or the  crust of  a pie. Check out some nutty recipes on YouTube.
Post  about it online and share a photo or two of eating a handful of nuts.   Use the hashtag #NationalGrabSomeNutsDay on Instagram, Facebook, and  Twitter.
5 Amazing Facts About Nuts
Nut Shell
You’re not nuts!
Nut- Roast
Lotta snackin’
A nut is a fruit composed of an inedible shell and an edible seed.
Walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, and pecans are technically not nuts, they’re seeds.
Roasting nuts can strip significant fat, so it’s better to eat nuts raw.
Nuts have been eaten for 1000 years in the US.
Almonds are enriched with antioxidants and vitamin E.
Why We Love National Grab Some Nuts Day
They’re good for you
They help us
They taste fab!
Nuts  are a great way to stay healthy and fit and  are healthiest when eaten  raw. People who eat nuts regularly generally have lower levels of heart  attacks, coronary heart disease, strokes and cancer.
Nuts  are high in calories but they are a great way to lose weight. They  contain fibre which helps to improve gut health and decrease calorie  absorption, thus making you feel full. They also have anti-inflammatory  properties which can help with ageing.
Nuts  have a unique taste – they’re nutty! From almonds, pistachios, cashews,  peanuts, walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts and more, we love their unique  flavour and crunch when added to meals that we just die for.
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Are Nuts Good for diabetes? Here's What You Need to Know?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website , available here. Everyone know about the nuts. Nuts are fruits, consisting of a hard nutshell protecting a kernel which is usually edible. In general usage and a culinary sense, a wide variety of dry seeds are called nuts, but in a botanical context "nut" implies that the shell does not open to release the seed.
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Are nuts good for diabetes?
There is a definite link between nuts and diabetes. Nuts play a crucial role in diabetes reversal. Do you know the reason? how develop diabetes? It is the Insulin Resistance. Insulin resistance is mainly caused due to acid and inflammation present in our body and nuts help in reducing acid and inflammation in our body. These nuts are helpfull in diabetes reversal
Now lets take short summary of its benefits
Nuts are nutrient-dense food rich in fats and protein.
2. They contain high-quality vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, phytosterols, and phenolic compounds.
3. They also contain vitamins like tocopherols, folic acid, niacin, B6, and minerals like calcium and magnesium.
4. They are very good for blood circulation.
Having nuts in a controlled proportion can help with diabetes and insulin sensitivity.
Importance of soak nuts:
Nuts have phytic acid that blocks minerals from being absorbed. Soaking nuts gets rid of this stuff, letting you get all the good minerals. Nuts also have high amounts of enzyme inhibitors making them hard to digest. Soaking nuts can neutralize the enzymes allowing their proper digestion. Brown peel of almond contains tannin which can inhibit nutrient absorption. And one thing to remember, nut should be eat in the evening time because it is the time when you consume an unhealthy snack.
How much nuts should eat? 4-5 soaked almonds and 2 soaked walnuts 8 cashew nuts once in a week 8-10 pistachios once in 10 days 10-15 soaked peanuts twice a week
In conclusion, soaked almonds and walnuts into your diet can be highly beneficial for managing and potentially reversing diabetes. Their nutrient density, combined with the practice of soaking, maximizes their health benefits and aids in better mineral absorption and digestion.
To know more about nuts, please visit our Article. You will get detailed informartion there.
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Also please connect with me on my Website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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prajyot11 · 4 months
Discover the Vibrant Cashew Festival in Goa
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Nestled along the pristine coastline of India, Goa is renowned for its sandy beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural heritage. However, beyond the sun-soaked shores and festive beats lies a unique celebration that captures the essence of Goan tradition and agriculture—the cashew festival goa. This annual event, held in the heart of Goa, showcases the multifaceted significance of the cashew nut, from its agricultural roots to its role in local cuisine and economy.
A Historical and Cultural Gem
The cashew tree, introduced to India by Portuguese colonists in the 16th century, has become an integral part of Goa's landscape and culture. The Cashew Festival, often held in late March or early April, coincides with the harvesting season. This timing allows visitors to experience the cashew's journey from tree to table, offering an immersive glimpse into local agricultural practices.
Harvesting Traditions
The festival begins with a ceremonial harvesting of the first batch of cashew nuts, an event that draws both locals and tourists. This ceremony is a vibrant display of Goan heritage, with traditional music, dance, and attire setting a festive tone. Participants can witness or even partake in the harvesting process, learning about the meticulous care involved in picking, drying, and processing the nuts.
The Art of Feni
One of the most anticipated highlights of the Cashew Festival is the production of Feni, a potent liquor distilled from the cashew apple. Feni has a long history in Goa, deeply embedded in its cultural and social fabric. During the festival, local distillers open their doors to the public, providing demonstrations of the distillation process. Visitors can sample freshly made Feni, savoring its distinctive flavor while gaining an appreciation for the craftsmanship involved in its production.
Culinary Delights
Cashews are not only celebrated for their contribution to Feni but also for their versatility in Goan cuisine. The festival features a wide array of cashew-based dishes, from savory curries to sweet desserts. Food stalls line the festival grounds, offering delicacies like Kaju Curry, Cashew Halwa, and even innovative creations like cashew-crusted fish. Cooking demonstrations by local chefs highlight the diverse culinary uses of cashews, inspiring food enthusiasts to experiment with these nuts in their own kitchens.
Handicrafts and Souvenirs
In addition to food and drink, the Cashew Festival also showcases local handicrafts and artisanal products. Stalls brimming with cashew-related merchandise—from roasted nuts and flavored cashews to cashew shell crafts—provide perfect souvenirs. Artisans demonstrate how cashew by-products, such as the shells, are transformed into eco-friendly products, emphasizing sustainability and creativity.
Engaging Activities
The Cashew Festival is more than just a celebration; it’s an engaging experience for all ages. Workshops on cashew farming, cooking classes, and Feni tasting sessions offer educational opportunities, while live music, folk dances, and cultural performances keep the atmosphere lively. For children, interactive games and activities ensure they stay entertained and learn about Goan traditions.
A Community Affair
At its core, the Cashew Festival is a community-centric event, reflecting the collaborative spirit of Goa. It brings together farmers, distillers, chefs, artisans, and tourists in a shared celebration of the cashew nut. The festival not only boosts the local economy but also fosters a sense of pride and unity among Goans, preserving and promoting their cultural heritage.
In conclusion, the Cashew Festival in Goa is a must-visit event for anyone looking to explore the rich agricultural and cultural tapestry of this vibrant state. Whether you're a foodie, a history buff, or simply in search of a unique cultural experience, this festival offers something for everyone, making it a highlight of Goa's annual calendar.
For More Info:
where to buy cashew in goa
wholesale price of cashew nuts in goa
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dancingthrougheurope · 5 months
Belgian Chocolate Making Workshop
In Belgium I was able to take a 2-and-a-half-hour Belgian Chocolate Making Workshop! This class teaching you about Chocolate and how you can make your very own. In the workshop you worked in groups of 2 and 3 for each chocolate station. Each Station included chocolates that were being warmed/melted, chocolate in the silver bowl, each table had a marker to write your names on a paper towel, paper towels, a tool to measure the temperature, tool to get rid of the extra chocolate on the mold, spoons, icing bags, parchment paper, etc.
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My partner during the workshop was Kaelyn. She was so fun to work with! The very first step that we had to do was add the cold chocolate chips that were in the silver bowl to the warm ones. Then we had to make sure that it was at the temperature of 33 degrees. This part took a little bit of time and you had to continue to stir until the temperature went down. Then the next step was to pour chocolate into the molds. Once you completed that you would use a tool to scrape off the extra. Then for about 10 seconds you tap the mold to get rid of any air bubbles. Then the scary part is you have to flip the mold to drip out the parts of the chocolate because for this first part you only want the shell of chocolate. Once you have completed that and get rid of the excess you are done with the first step, and you go and put the mold into a freezer.
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Second step once the chocolate mold is ready you get to pick what you want inside of your chocolates. There were many things to pick from including nuts, rasins, cashews, almonds, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce, etc. You could add some of those whole or you could crush up some things and add them. While we were doing this the teacher was making a gnash to add after what you choose what else you wanted in the chocolates. last but not least you repeat the process of adding more chocolate to make it a whole chocolate. Then go put then in the freezer. Then when you take them out of the mold twist the mold and then tap the end to get the chocolate out!
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Here is my final result! Also, the teacher made us hot chocolate and it was delicious!
Summary of the steps:
#1- Add cold chocolate chips to the warm and mix to 33 degrees
#2- Add chocolate to the molds wipe off extra and tap for 10 seconds
#3- Flip it over to get the rest of the chocolate out to only have a chocolate shell left
#4-Put in freezer
#5-Pick out what things you want to add into your chocolate
#6- Add another layer of chocolate to connect the pieces
#7- Put in freezer
#8- Take out of mold and enjoy!
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nde12 · 9 days
Fully Automatic Cashew Processing Machines: The Future of Kaju Cutting Technology
The cashew industry is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements that enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality. One of the pivotal innovations in this field is the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine, which significantly streamlines the processing of cashew nuts. This article delves into the features and benefits of this machine, its role within the broader category of Automatic Cashew Processing Machines, and how it can transform the processing landscape.
Understanding the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine
The Automatic Pieces Cutt ing Machine is specifically designed for cutting cashew nuts into uniform pieces, making it an essential component in the cashew processing industry. This machine ensures that cashew pieces are of consistent size, which is crucial for various applications, including packaging, cooking, and food production.
Key Features of the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine
Precision Cutting: The machine utilizes advanced cutting technology to ensure that each piece of cashew nut is cut to the desired size. This uniformity is vital for maintaining product quality and consistency.
High Capacity: Designed for high-volume production, the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine can handle large quantities of cashew nuts in a short period, significantly increasing productivity.
User-Friendly Interface: The machine is equipped with an intuitive control panel, allowing operators to easily set the desired cut size and monitor the cutting process.
Durability and Low Maintenance: Built with high-quality materials, this machine is designed for longevity and requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective investment for processing facilities.
Safety Features: The machine is equipped with various safety mechanisms to ensure the safety of operators while maintaining efficient production processes.
The Role of Automatic Cashew Processing Machines
The Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine fits seamlessly into the broader category of Automatic Cashew Processing Machines. Here’s how it integrates with other equipment in the cashew processing line:
Automatic Kaju Processing Machine: This machine typically handles multiple stages of processing, including peeling and cutting. The integration of the pieces cutting machine allows for a streamlined workflow where the cashews are peeled and cut in one continuous process.
Cashew Nut Peeling Machine: Prior to cutting, cashew nuts must be peeled to remove the shell. The peeling machine prepares the nuts for the cutting process, ensuring that only high-quality, peeled nuts enter the cutting machine.
Fully Automatic Cashew Processing Machine: This comprehensive system combines peeling, cutting, sorting, and packing into one unit. The inclusion of the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine allows for seamless operation, improving efficiency and reducing the need for manual intervention.
Cost Efficiency and Quality Control
Investing in an Automatic Kaju Processing Machine and pieces cutting technology has a significant impact on both cost efficiency and quality control.
Cost Considerations
Reduced Labor Costs: Automation significantly reduces the need for manual labor in the processing plant. The Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine can operate with minimal human supervision, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively.
Minimized Waste: By ensuring precise cutting, this machine helps minimize waste generated during processing. This translates to cost savings and improved profitability.
Increased Output: With the ability to handle high volumes of cashew nuts, the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine can significantly boost production capacity, allowing businesses to meet growing market demand without compromising quality.
Quality Assurance
Quality is paramount in food processing, and the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine plays a critical role in maintaining high standards. Here’s how:
Consistency: The uniformity in the size of cashew pieces ensures consistent quality in the final product, which is essential for building a reputable brand in the market.
Enhanced Product Quality: By using advanced cutting technology, the machine minimizes damage to the cashew nuts during processing, preserving their natural flavor and texture.
Compliance with Standards: Maintaining high-quality standards is crucial for meeting regulatory requirements in the food industry. The precision of the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine ensures that businesses can comply with industry regulations regarding product quality.
Integration with Other Cashew Processing Equipment
The Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine is just one component of a comprehensive cashew processing system. Other essential equipment includes:
Cashew Nut Processing Machine: This encompasses all processing stages, from peeling to cutting and packaging. The integration of the pieces cutting machine into this system enhances overall efficiency.
Kaju Peeling Machine: This machine is critical for removing the shell from the cashew nuts. By combining the peeling and cutting processes, businesses can achieve a more efficient workflow.
Cashew Nut Peeling Machine: A specialized machine for peeling cashew nuts, ensuring that only the highest quality nuts are processed further.
Supplier Considerations for Automatic Cashew Processing Equipment
When searching for an automatic cashew peeling machine supplier in India, several factors must be taken into account:
Reputation: Select suppliers with a solid reputation in the industry known for their reliable and high-quality products.
Technology: Ensure that the supplier offers the latest technology in cashew processing equipment, including the Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine.
After-Sales Support: Reliable after-sales support is essential for maintaining equipment and troubleshooting any issues that arise.
Pricing: Compare the cashew nut peeling machine price and other equipment prices among different suppliers to find the best value for your investment.
The Benefits of Fully Automatic Cashew Processing Machines
The shift toward Fully Automatic Cashew Processing Machines represents a significant trend in the industry, with numerous advantages for businesses:
Higher Efficiency: Fully automatic systems significantly reduce the time and labor involved in processing, enabling businesses to process larger volumes of cashew nuts more quickly.
Improved Accuracy: Automation reduces human error in processing, leading to higher accuracy in sorting, peeling, and cutting.
Enhanced Flexibility: Modern automatic processing machines can be adjusted to accommodate different types of cashew nuts and various product specifications.
Scalability: As demand for cashew products increases, fully automatic systems can be scaled up easily, allowing businesses to grow without substantial investment in additional labor.
The Automatic Pieces Cutting Machine represents a significant advancement in the cashew processing industry, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and quality. By integrating this machine with other Automatic Cashew Processing Machines, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve product quality.
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krishnavstore · 7 months
Cashew Nuts Farming in India
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Exploring Cashew Nut Farming in India: A Simple Guide
Imagine vast fields under the Indian sun, where farmers nurture trees bearing cashew nuts, a popular snack enjoyed worldwide. Let's delve into the world of cashew nut farming in India, where hard work and nature come together to produce these delicious treats.
Where It All Began:
Hundreds of years ago, Portuguese explorers brought cashew trees to India. Since then, these trees have thrived in states like Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, and Goa, becoming an essential part of Indian agriculture.
How Cashew Nuts Grow:
Cashew nut farming starts in the rainy season, usually from June to July. Farmers plant cashew seeds or grafts in well-drained soil. Cashew trees need warmth and moisture to grow well.
These trees bear cashew apples, each with a single nut attached to its base. The cashew fruit grows slowly, and it takes months for it to ripen.
Harvesting and Processing:
Harvesting cashew nuts needs careful handling. When cashew apples ripen and fall to the ground, skilled workers collect them. Then they separate the nuts from the fruit.
Removing the outer shell of the cashew nut is a bit tricky because it contains substances that can cause skin irritation. After that, the nuts go through roasting, shelling, and drying processes to keep them fresh.
Challenges and Solutions:
Cashew nut farming faces challenges like changing market prices, pests, diseases, and not having enough workers. Also, climate change affects cashew trees, making it harder to grow them.
Farmers are finding new ways to deal with these challenges. They use modern techniques like drip irrigation and organic farming. They also learn how to manage pests without using harmful chemicals.
India's Impact on the World:
India is a big player in the global cashew nut market. The country has vast cashew orchards and farms that produce nuts for people worldwide. Cashew nuts are used in many dishes and snacks, loved by people everywhere for their creamy taste.
In Conclusion:
Cashew nut farming in India is a story of hard work, tradition, and innovation. It's about farmers who dedicate their lives to growing these delicious nuts. As we enjoy cashew nuts, let's remember the farmers whose efforts make it possible.
In the fields of India, where the sun shines bright and cashew trees sway in the breeze, the journey of cashew nut farming continues. It's a story of resilience and the beauty of nature, shared with the world through every crunchy bite.
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