#how to not be a sack of potato aka me
jcollinswrites · 6 hours
How the fudge are you writting so fast??? I sit down to write and end up with nothing or reworking plot instead of writing 😭Have any tips you want to share? Perhaps the ingredients to the dark ritual you perform to get the motivation and remain focused 👀👀👀
So, first of all, you'll need half a newborn, shaken, not stirred…
lol jk (don't shake babies)
Believe it or not I'm the same as you, so here are some stuff that helped me tremendously, especially with my squirrel ADHD brain:
NUMBER ONE that I needed 20 years to learn, is that… forget editing, man. You can't edit if there is nothing to edit, so first you have to sit ya ass down and just fuckin' do it. It doesn't matter if it's shit at first. It's called work in progress for a reason. Who cares if it's shit? You can edit it LATER when the whole thing is already done. What you're reading in my game is literally my first draft. Lots of scenes might change later. In fact, I'm already changing scenes in the background, I'm just not always telling you. It doesn't matter. If anyone gives you shit for it, tell them to kindly fuck right off.
Have a plan for the book (written down. Not just in your head). Don't even start writing until you have a plan for the entire book. It doesn't have to be detailed. Mine is just bulletpoints, but you should know which chapter will contain what, including plot points, character development, relationship progress etc, otherwise you'll get lost, especially in a big IF. And then as you get closer to the next chapter, you can work out more details in the plan to help the actual writing.
If you don't feel like writing a scene, then don't write it. Leave a placeholder word there (I use 'mandarin' because that word likely won't come up anywhere else in the text), and instantly move on to another scene that you have inspiration for. Later, you can just search for 'mandarin' and add the scene when you feel like it. If you accidentally come across any MANDARINs in my game, that's the reason lol.
If you are writing an IF, it helps to start simple. Write the story until a choice comes up, then write the title of the choices, and continue ONLY with the route you feel the most inspired for atm (use mandarin for the rest). Don't let your momentum die by getting bogged down in choices. That's why I have so many greyed out choices when I start a new origin or chapter. I just write write write until the end of the chapter, THEN I go back to whatever choice is the simplest to add, and put the variations in the already-existing text if needed. Repeat until all the choices are written and coded in. This way, the text might feel more organic too, because you already have a pre-written skeleton that you can just add variations in.
Keep notes. It helps to have them on paper, next to you, so f.ex. when you make 9 different deities to choose from, you don't have to go back to the beginning of the chapter every single time to look up which deities those were and what they mean, you can simply turn your head to the side lol.
Take regular breaks. Exercise, stretch. Keep a daily schedule. Eat and drink enough. Try to keep a good health. Your brain won't work if it's starved.
Know yourself and your habits, and be honest with yourself. I know of myself that once I start working on the big plot points, I won't have any motivation to come back to the beginning again. That's why I'm writing all the origin stories first, because I know that if I start going into chapter 2, I definitely won't feel like coming back to start yet another route from the very beginning. So if you don't feel like doing something, then just… don't do it. Or do it simpler. Do it smarter. Trick that asshole brain into cooperating.
Last but not least, guys, 90% of my motivation COMES FROM YOU! Your engagement, your messages, your feedback, every little interaction is what keeps me going! So write me! I will answer! (if you aren't a dick). Literally, about anything. Even if it's just "hey I really liked this small detail here", that will already make my day, seriously. I LOVE talking about my work, and I'm pretty sure every author is like that, so keep engaging with writers, because that's 90% of the reason when a novel gets finished! I'm writing for YOU! Your enjoyment, your fun, because I love telling stories, but those stories don't mean anything if no one is reading them.
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Sleep. || Simon "Ghost" Riley fluff
Rating: G Words: 1K~ CW: none Tags: ghostxreader, fluff!!!, gn!reader (you/your pronouns), light angst/plot twist at the end. Summary: Neither of you can sleep. Comforting and Cuddling ensues. a/n: I saw this in a vision. That's it. That's the tweet.
A knock on your door stirred you awake. Not that you were actually sleeping. Sitting up in bed, you inquired a loud “Hm?!” in response to the knock.
You didn’t need to ask who it was. Only one man in this whole godforsaken base would dare make his way to your room at 1:48 AM on a Thursday and disturb your (not) sleeping.
As such, there was no need to haphazardly throw on a face covering of some kind while making your way to the door hastily. So you simply remained sat amidst the pile of blankets of your hard wooden bed.
The door popped open with a light woosh and he stepped inside the room without a word. In the few seconds that he was illuminated from behind by the hall light, you saw nothing but a hulking silhouette carrying a rolled-up sleeping bag under one arm, and a ratty pillow under the other.
The door closed, letting it all return to darkness again. He blended with the nothingness of the room quite well. The only reason you knew where he was, was due to his footsteps, his workboots making rhythmic thuds on the vinyl flooring of your room.
You heard the rustling of the sleeping bag as he rolled it out on the floor, so close to your bed that he could probably slide his way under it if he felt like it (and if he fit). Then, he tossed his pillow down onto the sleeping bag with a light thud.
His clothes rustled in the darkness as he laid down on the bag and then he let out a soft huff muffled by the mask you knew he was undoubtedly wearing.
He wasn’t even lying inside the bag. You certainly didn’t hear him unzip it… He didn’t try to fit his enormous height inside the standard-issue bag, which would likely fit him like a potato sack to a kid trying to win a sack race… aka hanging loosely around his chest as he clings on for dear life.
You allowed yourself to lay down too, snuggling onto the warm blankets again as you fixed them atop you.
For a while, there was just silence, unsettling, deep silence that you could feel in your bones… And the pair of deep breaths in the air.
“You alright?” You asked, almost checking up on him.
“Couldn’t sleep?”
Another long period of silence.
You knew better than to question Simon on his decisions. Not that coming to sleep on the floor beside your bed like a dog at its owner's feet isn't quite the head-scratcher.
“Does my company help with the lack of sleep?” You found yourself asking.
You considered your curiosity sated, or at least, sated enough to allow you to go back to (fruitlessly) attempt to fall aslee-
“I just like hearin’ you breathe.”
The blankets rustled as you abruptly rolled over, your head hanging your head over the edge of the bed to peer at him forgetting that, in the darkness, you can’t see shit, let alone see him on the floor.
“Need to know I’m alive?” You tease sarcastically.
“Need to know you 'aven’t been kidnapped in the night more like.” His tone is dry and sincere.
You just let out a single dry chuckle. "Alright.”
You make no motion to return to your previous spot. You just keep looking at the empty darkness of the floor where Simon is lying.
“Y’wanna come up here?”
“You askin’ me to share a bed?”
“It’s stupid.”
“You’re scared you’ll end up cuddlin’ me?”
“Not bloody scared. Just don’t wanna risk it.”
“We can sleep back to back.”
“I’ve seen how you sleep. You’re always on your stomach. The only way to sleep back to back with you is if I’m on top of you and suffocating you into the mattress.”
“You act as if that wouldn't be fun.” You quip.
No response.
You take a deep breath and finally roll over, turning to face the wall your bed is pressed up against.
There are no sounds besides breathing again. Long minutes go by with neither of you talking… and neither of you sleeping.
After having had enough, you huff.
“Get up here.”
He doesn't move immediately... But after a solid 10 seconds, there’s a rustling, and then comes the sound of laces being undone and his boots being slipped off and set aside.
Soon, you feel the warm blankets being lifted, momentarily exposing your back to the cold air outside of the comfy cocoon you've secured yourself. The mattress depresses behind you as he shifts his legs next to yours, and then he drapes the blankets around his own back.
It’s a bit of a tight fit. The standard-issue British Army beds are already on the narrow end for one Simon Riley lying on his back, so two people lying on their sides (one of them being Simon)… is cutting it very close.
But you don’t mind. In fact, he shuffles closer, his chest coming to press against your back, as he wordlessly spoons you from behind.
A smile graces your lips as you feel the strong and unrelenting muscles that compose all of Simon's body press against your softer build.
His robust, scarred arm slides over the dip at your waist and wraps around you tight, constricting you to him, as his big, calloused hand rests across both of your forearms near your face.
It should feel awkward... but surprisingly, it doesn't.
In return, one of your feet nudges against Simon's and so he slips his leg in between your own from behind, rolling you ever slightly over onto your tummy, so he can keep you 'lodged' between him and the mattress.
A soft, content sigh escapes your lips as you feel the pressure of his body pressing on yours, his weight reminding you that he's there, holding you.
It's... nice.
You never thought there'd ever come a day where you'd experience the mixing scents of his aftershave and his laundry detergent due to the balaclava he never lifts... Or the sound of his rhythmic breathing just behind your ear as he nuzzles into your hair... Or his heartbeat slowing and relaxing against your back.
You find that he fell asleep almost instantly upon holding you, finally lulled into the comfortable, safe sleep he so desperately lacked.
It's a shame that soon you'll have to kill him...
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Anti's in the fandom pretending that Lucien is unappealing in canon 🤔 :
Lucien’s scarred, handsome face
The brutally scarred face beneath was still handsome—
Lucien’s cruel beauty.
Perhaps you’ll get a handsome Fae lord as your mate"
set up the handsome one as High Lord of Autumn
Handsome, powerful, a bit rakish—but well-mannered and elegant.
Amren calls him handsome, Cassian calls him handsome, the King of Hybern calls him handsome, Feyre calls him handsome and remarks on his "cruel beauty", his power, his elegance. It doesn't sound like his scar or eye are hurting his appearance. In fact, it might just make him that much hotter, giving him a dangerous edge to his look 🤤🥵
Without further word, he slung me over his shoulder as if I were a sack of potatoes.
Despite my wriggling and shouts of protest, despite my demands that he get my horse, he held firm, and when I looked up, I found that he was running—fast. Faster than anything should be able to move
I lifted my head from his sculpted chest
digging into the hard muscles of his shoulders
the broad panes of his chest, his stomach.
I studied the broad, tan hand
he braced my waist in his broad hands and easily hefted me off the horse,
scrubbing a broad hand over his face.
and caught one with his bare hands.
There's a reason Feyre aka SJM can't stop talking about his hands and shows of strength, Elain's going to be the one benefitting from alllllll that. Catching slippery wet things in his bare ones with ease? He knows how to use them. Hard muscles? Broad chest? Lifting females like it's nothing? Running faster than anything should?
Maybe you could argue against one or two characters opinion of someones physical appeal but when multiple characters, male and female alike can't keep quiet about it, you can take that "Lucien is HOT" check to the bank and cash it.
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jacenbren · 2 years
My Saiki K headcanons because I can’t think of any other ways to satisfy my hyperfixation rn:
Nendou is fully aware that Saiki has psychic powers but it never crossed his mind that that was weird
Kaidou fucking LOVES magic: the gathering and has one of those books full of cards
He also loves digimon. Aren is a devout pokemon enjoyer. yes they are constantly at each others throats trying to insist that their favorite is better
It took much convincing, but the rest of the gang managed to convince Saiki to join their weekly D&D sessions. Saiki whines and complains every time they drag him there. he then proceeds to have the time of his life every session without fail
Aiura was one of those girls who had a shit ton of Barbie dolls as a kid and sometimes she and Toritsuka get together to play with them (aka act out horrific and violent soap opera scenarios that every child who owned Barbie dolls concocted)
Mera and Nendou bond over their mutual love of food and watch food network cooking contests with the enthusiasm of white suburban dads watching the Superbowl
Nendou regularly picks Saiki up like a sack of potatoes to hug him. Saiki will never admit in a million years that he absolutely loves it
Teruhashi saw that Saiki barely acknowledges her existence and had a realization of “oh wow he isn’t obsessed with me simply because of my looks and treats me like a person rather than some unattainable object of desire I want to spend more time with him because he doesn’t superficially adore me” but she misinterpreted it as a crush and is EXTREMELY confused
Akechi & Saiki = adhd/autistic besties
Nendou & Saiki = also adhd/autistic besties but in like a queerplatonic way????
Saiki won’t admit it but he likes hanging out with Akechi because the guy does all the talking for him and all he has to do is listen
Saiki secretly really likes Hairo because his internal monologue is pretty much the same as how he presents himself to others (Saiki finds Hairo’s sincerity oddly comforting)
Saiki also finds it oddly comforting that he can’t read Nendou’s mind because when spending time alone with him Saiki isn’t constantly bombarded by an internal monologue
Aiura and Saiki casually bully Toritsuka on the regular
“Just get a boyfriend arent you bi” “damn Toritsuka nobody wants you fr”
Kaidou can’t whistle. Aren constantly teases him about it. Kaidou will then attempt to climb his body like a tree and strangle him.
Aiura is a stoner
Saiki is very much affected by weed
Saiki + Aiura’s “special” coffee brownies she made one day and put in the fridge not remembering that Saiki is an utter bastard when it comes to stealing other peoples snacks = utter chaos
Saiko secretly really wants friends but due to his upbringing he doesn’t know how to act around people in lower tax brackets
Saiki sometimes sits next to him at lunch out of pity
Nendou learned how to make coffee jelly after finding out that Saiki loves it
Every year for Saiki’s birthday the gang throws him a surprise party (Saiki is never surprised because of his powers but he’s always so touched by the gesture that he can’t help but play along)
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missvelvetsstuff · 5 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
NOTES: I'm in the middle of reading Unwanted by @scoonsalicious and am really pissed at that Bucky which made writing fluff a challenge so I hope this came out alright.
LMK if y'all want smut
Chapter 13
Warnings: little angst but mostly fluff
Bucky kissed Rainbow on the cheek as he dropped her off in her room to get ready for their date. Before Bucky even took two steps away from her door, Steve hurried up and started knocking. Rainbow opened the door smiling, thinking Bucky had forgotten something but her face fell when she saw Steve looking at her expectantly.
She sighed "What do you want, Steve?"
Steve smiled at her "I was wondering if you had plans tonight? Maybe we could go for dinner?"
Rainbow shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose "I don't think so Steve. I have plans tonight but even if I didn't, I still wouldn't spend any time with you even if the world was on fire and you owned all the water. Go find yourself a new girl to control and cheat on." She slammed the door in his face.
Steve heard something behind him and glared at Bucky who was leaning up against the wall chuckling at him. "I waited to see if she needed any help dealing with you but it seems like she can handle herself just fine.
And damn pal, the attitude she gave you was hot as fuck."
He slapped Steve on the shoulder "Well, man, I've got a date to get ready for with my sweet Rainbow and I do not want to be late. Catch you later, punk."
Steve just stood in the hallway, seething, until an idea to interfere with their date started forming and he walked away to develop it.
Wanda went to Rainbows room to help her get ready for her date. Rainbow was already anxious.
"I don't know what to wear, I don't have much."
Wanda looked at her "It's just a date, not like you two don't already finish each others sentences all the time. Bucky is crazy about you, he'd love you in a potato sack so stop worrying about it."
Wanda hummed looking through Rainbows closet before grabbing a hanger. "How about this?" She waved a baby blue sun dress "and.......this?" Putting her black leather biker jacket over it. "And some sandals? Light make up and relaxed hair?"
Rainbow laughed and nodded "Yes!" Before sitting down so Wanda could work on her hair.
Rainbow hummed without even realizing and her aura glowed so Wanda giggled "You must not be too nervous because your lights are so light and soft"
Rainbow felt her face heat up and her lights went pink "Why would I be nervous? Bucky and I are already know each other so well. I feel like all the other stuff, you know Strucker, Nat all that bad was there to make sure I appreciate right now. I mean do you think there's something I should be nervous about? Did you see something in Bucky's head? Tell me Wanda please!" She felt her heart racing.
Wanda rubbed her back "No there's nothing,  I didn't read anything it was just your lights were so pretty."
Rainbow sighed and tried to soothe herself. "I'm more worried about Steve trying to cause trouble. He knocked on my door after the meeting and asked me to go out with him. I don't think he's going to back down."
Wanda consoled her "We aren't going to let Steve mess things up for you. I'll keep an eye on him to make sure."
Wanda finished her work and stood back. "Stand up and take a look."
Rainbow stood and looked at herself in the mirror, gasped, then twirled to make sure it was really her. "Wanda, what did you do? You made me beautiful."
Wanda scoffed playfully "No love, you are beautiful. I just helped highlight what you already have."
Rainbow felt her emotions welling up and her eyes felt teary. She fanned her face with her hands "Oh no Wanda, you're gonna make me cry and ruin my face. I just, I don't, I'm, no I can't do this it's too much."
Wanda handed her some tissues "No, stop it. You're just nervous but it's going to be perfect. Trust me."
Rainbow hugged her friend and sat on her couch to wait for Bucky.
Bucky looked himself over in his mirror, black jeans, button up and leather jacket. Simple and very him. He left his room to pick up the flowers he had ordered at reception and back upstairs to pick up his Rainbow.
He passed his own door to see Steve leaned up against it.
Bucky shook his head "No time for your BS Rogers, find a new hobby."
Steve scoffed "I don't think so. You're nuts if you think I'm just going to stand back and watch you take my girl. I'm not that skinny weakling you used to protect."
Bucky nodded "I agree, that weakling wouldn't have treated Rainbow the way you have."
Steve snapped "Not Rainbow, her fucking name is Y/N and I will get her back." he shoved Bucky into the wall.
Bucky stared at the man he used to consider his brother before setting the flowers aside and cracked his neck calmly. He moved so quickly after that, that Steve couldn't follow his movements and found himself against the wall with Bucky's vibranium hand around his neck. Again.
Bucky held him a moment, breathing heavily before looking Steve in the eyes "This is the LAST time I'm gonna say this. You fucked up and RAINBOW isn't yours, doesn't want to be yours and I'm honestly baffled trying to understand why she won't let me kill you. She's with me now and I'm not gonna fuck up like you did. Now I'm taking her on a date and you are gonna stay here, in the building, and leave us the fuck alone. Got it?"
Steve tried to speak and nod but he couldn't. Bucky chuckled and let up on Steve's neck "Sorry, I guess I'm a little overzealous. Are we clear?"
Steve nodded wordlessly while looking past Bucky's shoulder, seeing Y/N beckoning him and followed her into his own room.
Bucky saw Wanda down the hall, red magic reaching from her hands to follow Steve into his room. She smiled at Bucky and nodded her head towards Rainbows room.
Bucky smiled back, dusted himself off, picked up his flowers and hurried to Rainbows door, knocking quickly. When she opened her door his jaw dropped, making her giggle.
"Hi Jamie." She took the flowers he held out for her.
"Damn doll, you get prettier every time I see you."
She smiled and felt her face heat up, hoping he wouldn't notice. "You look very handsome too. Let me put these flowers in some water and we can go."
Bucky took her hand after she took care of the flowers and led her to the entrance of the building.
When he opened the door for her, Rainbow gasped to see a horse drawn carriage waiting for them.
She looked over at Bucky who shrugged "It's incredible what you can do when you have Tony Stark backing you up." He held his hand up to help her step into the carriage.
They rode all the way around the lake and came back around to the end of the property stopping at a spot with soft outdoor lights and a blanket spread out topped by an assortment of pillows. Soft jazz music seemed to come out of nowhere.
The driver stopped the horse and Bucky helped Rainbow out of the carriage which went far enough away to give them privacy but close enough to be there when they were ready to go home.
Rainbow looked at the setting in awe "It's so pretty Jamie, I love this!"
Bucky stared at her with a smile on his face "Absolutely beautiful"
Rainbow looked at him, realized he was looking at her then felt the butterflies explode and leave a tingle in her core.
Bucky smirked and kissed her cheek before offering a hand to help her sit and get comfortable on the blanket. She giggled playing with them until she was comfortable.
Bucky poured wine and put out a dish of fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers for them to snack on. They talked and laughed, quietly watched the sun set in each others arms, then talked more until Bucky leaned over and kissed her. He was soft and slow to start, gently nibbling her lower lip until she opened up for him and their tongues danced together. He pulled her closer and ran his hands all over her body until they both needed to come up for air.
Bucky caressed her cheek with his flesh hand and smiled when she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He gently grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into another kiss. She kissed him back with all the love and passion she felt. She felt his vibranium hand tighten around her waist until she could feel his erection pushing into her center and moaned into his mouth.
He smiled into the kiss and moved his hand down to grab her ass and grind into her.
He pulled back to check on her, looking into her beautiful eyes "Are you ok doll you let me know if I'm going too fast, yeah?"
Rainbow nodded "I will but you aren't. I want you Jamie. I need you."
She reached down to barely run her hand over his straining cock. Even through his clothes she made him feel like nothing he remembered.
He grunted, his voice husky "If you keep that up I'm gonna make a mess in my pants like a teenager."
He pulled away a little "Maybe we should cool off? Maybe a walk along the lake shore?"
Rainbow pouted and shook her head before rubbing him a little harder, nibbling on his earlobe and whispering in his ear "Maybe, we should get back to my room so I can show you what I meant when I said I need you."
Bucky kissed her one more time before grabbing his phone and texting the coachman to pick them up.
He looked at Rainbow and winked as he pulled her up to stand "Then let's get out of here, doll."
Chapter 14
Smut? Or no smut?
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even if you don't know the series you can still vote!
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Submission 181
a3! banri settsu's spring outfit IS NOT AS BAD AS SOME OF YALL MAKE IT OUT TO BE IT LOOKS GOOD
Pre-preliminaries will be used to determine what qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure! (exposure like when you’re exposed to the fact that the KISS Scooby Doo crossover does actually exist, scarring you for life)
for reference this is what i'm talking about: https://yaycupcake.com/a3/images/6/6b/Banri_Fullbody.png THIS IS MY MAN MY BOYFRIEND I INSULT HIM ALL THE TIME BUT I WILL NOT LET ANYONE SLIGHT THIS DRIP. "oh my god he's wearing leopard print with plaid" AND HE MAKES IT WORK. yes if someone just told me with no context or reference pics whatsoever that this guy pairs leopard print with plaid, i too would be like what the fuck lol that's terrible. BUT NOW THAT I’VE ACTUALLY SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES I’M A CHANGED WOMAN. and this is how he works it: neither pattern is too much. the leopard print is lightly sprinkled on the top of his vest (idk why he wears it it doesn’t seem to serve any practical purpose but it looks good so who cares), and the plaid is literally just on the sleeves. there isn’t a lot of contrast between the black and the purple squares so it’s easy on the eyes. and under the plaid and the vest he’s wearing a normal black tee with a little graphic on it, and again it’s not too much it’s just a little thing. his top half definitely catches the eye but it’s not terribly busy. i love it! and he loves the colour purple (his summer, autumn, and winter default outfits all have him wearing purple in some form and he looks great in them!) LET HIM WEAR PURPLE LET HIM BE HAPPY.
and he balances it out with how simple his lower half is in comparison to the top half! just a normal pair of dark blue jeans and grey sneakers. because he KNOWS that his top half has quite a fair bit of stuff going on, so for balance he keeps the bottom half simple HE KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING HE IS CANONICALLY CALLED A FASHIONISTA FOR A REASON, AND IN AN INTRA-FANDOM FASHION TOURNAMENT I HELD HE LITERALLY RANKS 6 OUT OF 24 CHARACTERS (AKA IN THE TOP QUARTER, ALBEIT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOP QUARTER BUT STILL) WITH AN AVERAGE OF 81.7 VOTES, and his best outfit (not this outfit) ranked no. 4 OVERALL with 238 votes to its name (you can check the stats in this post https://www.tumblr.com/a3outfitstournament/722364282034110464/part-2-pairings?source=share) so there is substance to his canonical status as a stylish fashionista!! do not doubt or disparage the plaid + leopard print combo!! besides his canon fursona (long story short all 24 main characters were assigned a fursona as part of an april’s fools prank thing) is a leopard so let him express his furry self through his wise and based fashion choices!!
also he’s literally an anime guy. and not just that, a CANONICALLY STATED HANDSOME ANIME GUY. as in, multiple people in-universe have commented that he is good looking and stylish. sure all anime boys can look pretty but he is acknowledged IN-UNIVERSE to be attractive so even if he wore a potato sack he’d still be my specialest guy <3
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
bloody, but unbowed by redrobin1989
“I’m sure you all have a cause that means something to you, something you want to help change." Aizawa said, addressing the class. "For the next few days, I want you to think about what it is you believe in and do a short presentation for the class on Friday."
It's Advocacy Week for Yuuei's hero students and it gives Midoriya Izuku a lot to think about about what kind of hero he wants Deku to be.
DC (Batfamily)
The Fishbowl by LordLuxury
Dick’s goal for Thanksgiving (code named Operation F.I.S.H.): A family outing to the aquarium.
It feels achievable - everyone has been getting along better lately, Jason is spiraling closer, Cass is coming home. But there is a lot of unspoken hurt in every direction, and Dick’s own position in the family is shakier than ever since Bruce returned.
If Dick wants to realize his dream of family bonding, there will have to be many painful conversations between all parties. Dick’s own secrets will need to surface, the ones he has long kept submerged, the ones he will fight to sink forever.
(Or: Where Bruce is just a bit darker, even less emotionally available, and treats everyone a little worse, and how they all fix their family anyway.)
family helps family by RedHoodie19
Tim never learned how to swim.
Being slung over Red Hood’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes as the crime lord walked toward the Gotham docks seemed like a good time to learn, though.
Whumptober 2021 prompt #11 - drowning.
Stranger Things
The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting. by badpancake
It’s the first time in a while that he doesn’t know what comes next. He’s dove into the water hundreds of times. Screamed as his flesh was torn apart, heard Master of Puppets in the distance and held back tears. Felt Max’s cold, small hand in his as she laid in the hospital bed. There are things that always happen, no matter how hard he tries: El doesn’t arrive in time. Eddie dies. Max is put in a coma.
Steve fails. They lose.
“Steve, how many loops have you been through?”
His head is nodding, and his eyes are watery, and Eddie has approached him like a spooked animal.
“I lost count.”
AKA: The one where Steve Harrington is stuck in a time loop, and Eddie Munson is really fucking hard to save, or: fuck Volume 2, these bitches are in love.
it's his party (and i'll fall if i want to) by formosus_iniquis
“Who invited us to this party anyway?”
"Well I invited you," the ‘you should know this already dingus’ hangs in the air, not needing to even be said, "and Steve invited me."
"Steve?" She nods, but even death couldn't stop him now,
"Harrington? Steve Harrington? King Steve? Steve "the Hair" Harrington? Steve "Big House, No Parents" Harrington? Steve "Sex God" Harrington?"
"I am certain you made at least those last two up. Yes, Steve "Lady Killer" Harrington invited me to his party."
"Are we about to be Carrie'd?"
hometown blues by pukner
The quarantine over a Post-Vecna Hawkins has been provisionally lifted, allowing family to come home and visit those who didn't leave even after the world got cracked open.
Which is how Gareth Emerson keeps running into Steve Fucking Harrington and hearing a dead man on the radio. Dorothea Harrington comes home only to find her house filled with strangers and aforementioned dead man. And Vickie Summers is getting swept off her feet by Robin Buckley.
Meanwhile, Steve and Eddie continue to be the Most Insufferable Couple In Hawkins.
the secret i have learned by Crykea
It takes some new additions to the party for the gang to realize that something has been off with Steve for quite a while now. They help him together and, in doing so, strengthen themselves as a family. Steve lets himself be cared for, remembers important people from his past, and finally allows himself to move on in some of the ways he never thought he could.
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workingforthewidow · 1 year
“The only bad you've ever done was to see the good in me”
It’s birthday weekend for the Boys! So we are doing a chapter today, a chapter tomorrow, and the big birthday chapter Monday aka their birthday! So welcome to Part 4 of Sun to Me!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Half proof read there will be mistakes
This story is NSFW and not for minors- if you are under 18 go ask your legal guardian if you can watch the movie.
Warnings: kidnapping, forced marriage, dub-con, attempted non-con, abuse, Stockholm syndrome, age gap (15 years- K&C are 19 Sinclairs are 33 soon to be 34 yes we will have a birthday party for them). Don’t like it don’t read it!
THIS CHAPTER HAS VERY DARK SCENES! This chapter contains abuse and twisted emotions. This is a work of fiction.
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“Let me go! Fuck! Let me go!” Katie screamed as she was forced back into the first room she had woken in after her kidnapping. She landed hard on the concrete floor and looked up continuing to scream until a sharp sting spread across her face. Her hand flew to cup her cheek as she realized he had hit her. “Fuck you.” She gritted through her teeth, even her jaw was sore from the strength of his slap. He grabbed her by the throat lifting her off the floor like she was a sack of potatoes. Her hands gripped at his scratching at him to try and get him to release her. He slammed her against the wall and his grip tightened on her neck.
Her head started to hurt from lack of blood flow and oxygen. Being slammed against the wall probably didn’t help either.
“You can’t… keep us… here… for..ever.” She gasps out as black spots started to fill her vision.
Vincent leaned close to her and pressed the wax lips of his mask to her ear, “I can and I will.” He rasped out before tightening his grip once more until she was limp in his hold. He let her limp body fall to the mattress in a crumbled pile. He was blinded by rage. He took the metal collar from the ground and attached it to her neck. He then ripped her dress down the middle with his bare hands and complete tore it off her body. Then he left her there. She had a lesson to learn. His angel was not leaving him. She was his now. He owned her. He went to his studio and gather his sketch pads and pencils. He sat down in a chair near her and started to draw, draw her in all the ways he could dream of.
Caroline swore Bo’s eyes were red with anger and steam was coming from his ears.
“You stupid fucking bitch. You know better than that. Thought you were smart girl!” His voice was so dark like the devil himself. He threw her to the floor and ripped his belt from his pants. Before she could even react he had the belt around her neck. “On your knees slut. Time you really learned your fucking place here.” He pulled the belt and she was forced to her knees in front of him. He wrapped the long end of the belt in his fist and his other hand went to her hair wrapping it in a fist yanking her back. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Oh no baby. You don’t get to cry yet. You did this to yourself. Now show me you can be a good little girl again and show me how sorry I know you are.” He forced her hand to the button of his jeans.
Her hands shock as undid the button and pulled the zipper down. She seemed to be going to slow for his likely because he yanked her hair again and growled. Quickly she slid his jeans and boxers down his legs let his hard cock spring free into her face. She looked to him again with more tears hoping some shred of humanity was still in this mans soul, if he had a soul.
‘You’re doing this to survive Caroline. Mama will forgive you. The high powers will forgive you. This is a test from the devil.’
“You have 2 seconds before I snap your fucking neck.” With the threat looming over her she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue licking up and down his length. She wanted to vomit, the foreign taste bitter on her tongue. Bo moaned and threw his head back. He soon grew tired of this thought wanting to feel himself in her hot mouth. He forced himself inside her, causing her to gag when he hit the back of her throat. How she managed to not throw up was a miracle.
“Fucking take it slut. This is your punishment for being bad. Make Daddy feel good.” He felt her try to relax her throat to accommodate his size but she still struggled and chocked. Finally having enough he dropped the belt and took her head in both hands. He held her head still as he fucked her face without mercy. She was sobbing, struggling to breathe, and saliva was dripping down her chin. Fuck she was a sight for sore eyes.
“Good girl. Take Daddy’s cock in that pretty little mouth.” He praised her quickly, gotta remind her what good she gets when she behaves. Bo moaned and felt his release coming on. “You better fucking swallow slut.” He groaned out as hot ropes of his cum hit the back of her throat. The bitter taste made her want to gag again. He slid out of her mouth and watched as she swallowed his seed. What a waste, should have been in her pussy.
Just as he was about to praise her again she looked to him with fierce eyes.
“I hate you, Fuck you asshole.” She sneered and to top it off spit towards his face. Because of her position on the floor it hit his stomach but he where it was meant to hit.
“You’re in for it now babygirl.” He grabbed the belt again and pulled her to the bed. “Hands and knees now.” He ordered and she debated on defying him but there was something about his face that told her to listen. Or he might actually kill her this time. She crawled up the bed on her hands and knees and cried as he pushed her head to the mattress making her ass go higher. “You are lucky bitch. Normally I’ll make you count and say thank you Daddy. But today I’ll let it slide.” He flipped her dress up and was reminded he had hidden all her panties from her. Oh he was a smart man, he praised himself. His hands kneaded the skin of her ass and she could feel his nails digging in leaving marks.
Without warning his hand came down on her right ass cheek. The pain was unlike anything she ever felt. He continued blow after blow alternating between her left and right cheek. She lost count at 24. The pain blinding her to the point her vision blurred and started to fade. She mentally counted 24 before she went numb and her body limp giving over to the pain.
Bo looked over her, that should teach her to disobey. He really didn’t want to have to punish her so harshly this early on but how else was she to learn. He moved her body so she laid properly on her stomach on the bed. He let her take a cold shower later to soothe her skin. She’d be bruised and blistered for a week. Sure as hell couldn’t sit down maybe couldn’t even walk right. He kissed his hair softly and took a set of handcuffs out of the nightstand drawer locking her to the bed frame. He’d come back at lunch to check on her.
Pain. All Katie could feel was pain. Pain in her back, pain in her neck, and she had the worst migraine ever. No hangover could compare to this hell. Her eyes opened slowly and she realized she was back in the underground studio, the metal collar back on her neck. She looked around for Vincent but couldn’t see him or even hear him. She was about to shout for him when she noticed a tray on the floor with a bottle of water, bottle of pain killers, and another letter. Her name spelled correctly in his script like handwriting, Her father wrote like and so did she, it must be an artist thing.
~My angel, drink the water and take the medicine. I will come back for you in a few hours.~
Hours? How was she suppose to know when that was? There were no clock or windows here to tell the time. She did do as instructed and chugged the water bottle throwing back 4 of the pain killers. Probably more than what was prescribed but in her condition she wanted to take the whole bottle. She couldn’t do that to Caroline. It wasn’t fair to leave her here. Katie threw the pill bottle across the room so she couldn’t reach it. She laid back down and took note that he had torn her dress off. She saw it laying in a torn crumpled mess near her. She couldn’t control the tears that poured down her face. She became a sobbing screaming mess. No true words came out just screams of pure agony. This must be what hell feels like. Oh how she hoped hell was worse and thats where these brothers spent the rest of forever. Burning and rotting in the deepest pits of sulfur. She continued to scream until she wore herself out and the medicine took over. The combination pulling her into a dreamless sleep.
Vincent could hear her screams from where he was in the museum. He was standing directly over her making repairs to one of Mama’s older pieces. The small vent in the floor allowed her voice to echo up to him. He wanted to return to her. Tell his angel she was okay and he wasn’t mad at her anymore. She could apologize and they could go back to their bedroom and lay together, as they did before. He had hoped he would be able to let her sleep without the restraints but that would not happen for a while.
“Give ‘em an inch they take a damn mile.” Bo’s voice rang through the empty museum. “I could hear her screaming all the way in the shop. Didn’t think you had it in ya, Vinny.” He crossed his arms and smirked looking to his twin.
Vincent only shrugged in response, still thinking of his angel, all alone underground. She hated him more now than she did before. But she would learn, she would come to listen and love him.
“They’ll come around. Things are gonna be okay now. Have to watch those hands though, make sure they aren’t scheming on us. Mama’s dreams are coming true. Town will be done soon and we’ll have families. She’d be proud of us. ‘Bout dinner time. Gonna wake her up make her cook for me. I’ll have her make something for you and I’ll bring it down. Can’t let them near each other for a whiles. If you keep her upstairs at night, make sure she cant sneak out. ” Bo instructed and clapped over the shoulder before walking away.
Caroline didn’t want to open her eyes even though a quiet voice was telling her to wake up. A warm hand was making feather like touches on her ass. Even with the softness it burned.
“Dinner time, baby. Gotta get up and cook for your family. Then you can take a shower and I’ll take care of you. Were a good girl taking your spanks. I know you’ll be able to learn.” Bo’s voice was soft as he pulled her up and sat her on his lap. She shrieked in pain and tears escaped her eyes. “I know baby. I know it hurts but ya gotta learn your place.” He kissed her tears from her cheeks and moved her to stand in front of him.
He was surprised when she immediately fell to her knees and placed her hands on his jean clad thighs looking up at him through her tear filled lashes. He put his hand on her cheek and brushed away more tears.
“I’m sorry I disobeyed you, Bo. You’re the head of the family and I need to follow your rules. You decide what is best for me and our family.” The words tasted rotten on her tongue like spoiled milk but she said them knowing he would like that.
“Good girl. You’re forgiven baby. Come on now, dinner ain’t gonna cook itself.” He stood and pulled her up to stand next to him. He bent down and to press a kiss to her forehead but she turned her head up capturing his lips on hers. He pulled away and ran a hand through her hair another mutter of ‘good girl’ under his breath.
They walked together to the kitchen and Caroline was surprised she could walk at all. Every step was painful and tears sat in the corners of her eyes waiting to fall. Once in the kitchen Bo sat at the table and watched her.
“Whatever you make, make sure its easy to transport. I gotta take it downstairs to Vincent and your sister.” At the mention of Katie, Caroline took a sharp inhale. Of course they would be separated right now. She nodded and looked through the kitchen to see what Lester had brought her. She would have to make the grocery list tomorrow. There wasn’t a lot. Mostly things that could be thrown together quickly. But he did bring tomatoes she could make a quick tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese.
“Umm, there’s not a lot since Lester hasn’t be able to shop off a list from me. I think I can make tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese. If thats okay? Or I can find something else, maybe.” Her voice trailed off and Bo took her hand.
“You make whatever you want baby. This is the one place in the house you can call the shots.” He kissed her hand and let his lips linger a bit too long.
“Okay.” Her voice was soft afraid a wrong move would upset him again. He watched as she moved around the kitchen, figuring out where all the pots and pans were kept. Her hands went to the knife block but froze when she realized they were gone. He was one step ahead of her. Taking the sharps so she couldn’t cut him. “Bo?”
“Yes baby?”
“Can’t prep the food without a knife. I mean I can try but…” Her voice tapered off when he stood going to a high cabinet she hadn’t even noticed before. There was a lock on it and he had the key. Opening it he took down a knife but held it close to his thigh. He took a step towards her and used his free hand to whirl her so her back hit his chest. Without warning the knife was against her throat, “You try anything stupid with this and you’re in for it baby. You thought that last punishment was harsh, it will be nothing compared to the beating you get if you try anything with this knife. Understand?”
Her whole body trembled, “Yes, sir. I understand. I’ll be good.” He took the knife from her throat and gently placed it in her hand. He kissed the top of her head and went back to sitting at the table watching her.
It wasn’t long before she was done and had food plated in front of him. He looked at and narrowed his eyes.
“You need to eat. I’ve told you that.”
She signed and made herself a plate much smaller than his but he accepted that. She sat it down at the seat next to him but he pulled it next his and moved her onto his lap. She hissed at the pain.
“It‘ll get better baby.” He cooed to her trying to calm her. “Eat. Then a cold shower will be good for you.” He took a bite of his food and nearly moaned. “Damn baby. How the hell do you make everything taste so good?”
The rest of the email was eaten in silence. Once he was done he let her up. “Now, I’m going to take food to Vincent and Katie. You will stay here and do your housework.” His words were simple and could have been borderline sweet then he stood. Once he was full height his hand went back and smacked her across the face. “Anything, fucking anything, is out of place when I get back…”
“I’ll get punished I know. I’ll be good.” His slapped her again.
“Don’t fucking interrupt me bitch. Get to work.” He made sure to get the knife and clean it before putting it away. He took the leftover food and made his way downstairs to drop it off with Vincent and go over plans for the next day.
When he came back 30 minutes later to the kitchen it was spotless. Even the knobs on the oven were shiny. How she did it that fast he will never know. Caroline was leaning against the counter holding a tissue to her nose. He could see bits of red on it.
“Baby, what happened?” His face looked full of concern.
“I don’t know. I was cleaning the floor and noticed it had started bleeding. Maybe the bleach was too strong.” That was a lie. She felt her nose start to bleed moments after he hit her, but she’d never admit that. She moved her tissue from her nose and let him check.
He looked her over, “Looks like it stopped. Good job cleaning baby. Looks almost as pretty as you in here. Let’s go up and shower.”
She nodded and followed him up the stairs to the bathroom. He let her in ahead of him and then closed the door. He turned on the water and turned to her.
“Shower together, save water.” He took his clothes off and pulled off her dress and bra. Her eyes widen, realizing she was completely naked in front of her kidnapper. She tried to cover herself but he held her arms. “Don’t hide from your husband baby. You’re beautiful.” He stepped into the shower and took her with him.
She tried to keep her eyes focused on the wall over his shoulder.
‘Mama will forgive this Caroline. You’ll still go to better place in the end.’ This became a chanted mantra in her head.
He took her hips and spun them around so she was under the water. When the water hit her ass she screamed and beat her fist on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest letting the cool water flow down her back.
“Hurts, hurts. Please stop.” She whimpered into his chest. Bo shook his head and moved them under the water even more letting her hair get wet. Water fell from her hair and down her face. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe through the pain.
“Gotta clean you baby.” She heard the sound of a bottle opening and felt his hands rub soap up and down her back and arms. “Won’t worry about your hair tonight. You can shower again in the morning and wash it and dry it. Taken tomorrow off to spend the day at home with you.” He continued to rub her back and noticed she tenses the lower down her back he got.
“Okay, that’ll be nice.” She whispered out through the pain she was still feeling. She was thankful he wasn’t make this shower sexual. She was still scared and uncomfortable but it was like he actually cared for her. Soon he had cleaned himself and cut off the water. Getting out he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before wrapping one around his waist.
She followed him back to the bedroom and waited for his instructions. He went to his dresser and took out of his shirts and his boxers. He threw the shirt at her.
“Let’s go to bed, baby.” He laid down and watched as she carefully pulled his shirt on. He was right, it did hit her mid-thigh. She crawled up the bed and carefully laid down on her side with her head on his chest. She hated that her hair was wet but he had promised her a shower again in the morning.
Bo’s hand went to her hair and brushed through the wet tangles.
“We’ll have a nice day tomorrow baby. Spend all day together. You can show me what a good girl you can be for me. But I can’t trust you right now. Give me your hand, baby.” He kissed her forehead and she gave him her hand without a fight. He took the handcuffs and locked her wrist to his “Once you can be trusted again we won’t have to do this.” Caroline nodded and got back on him, gently rubbing her face against his chest.
Her mind was swirling, thoughts racing. They had to get out of here. This place was a living hell. No matter what they had to do, her and Katie we’re getting out of here.
It was dark when Katie woke up again. The candles around her had gone out, leaving the room cold. Without her clothes Katie was freezing.
Where was Vincent? She couldn’t tell if he was in the room with her not. She could barely see her hand in front of her face.
“Vincent? Are you here?” When she didn’t hear any footsteps she started to panic. Had he left her here to die? Was this the end for her? Panic and fear fully setting in she started screaming his name and begging for him.
Finally the door opened and he stepped into the room, the candles from the studio providing little light. He knelt in front of her and took her face in hand. Using his thumps to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. She pressed her cheek into his palm and basked at the feeling of his warm hand on her cold skin.
She reach up and covered his hand with her own. “I’m sorry Vincent. I’m sorry i was stupid. Please, please can we go back to bed? It’s so cold here. Please, I’ll be good. I’ll be good for you. I promise.” She stated repeating over and over until he put his finger to her lips. He wiped her tears again and stood up walking to the door. “No! Please don’t leave me again. Please please take me with you.” Sobs wrecked through her body at the thought of being alone again. He still left the room but quickly returned with food.
Caroline had made it. She could tell because it was one of their favorite meals. Their dad would make it for them when their mom was busy with her society meetings.
The food was a little cold but she ate anyway, basically inhaled it. She didn’t know how long she had been in the studio. She had woke up a few times but only for a few moments before sleep took over. When her food was gone she sat the plate on the mattress next to her and looked up to Vincent. She wondered when he ate. Obviously never in front of her but would he take his mask off for his brothers? It seemed a touchy subject and she was in no way in a position to ask touchy questions.
A shiver ran down her spine, the cold air biting her skin again. She tried to move closer to Vincent to try and get warmth from his body heat but the chain around her pulled her back. He was just out of reach. She whimpered and held out her arms to him.
“Please? I’m sorry. Please just make it warmer. Make me warmer. I’m freezing. I learned my lesson. I’ll stay, I’ll be good.” She pulled her arms back and rubbed her hands up and down them. She looked to him to see if his body language had changed at all. It was then she noticed the strip of cloth in his hand. He moved closer to her and went behind her. She bit her tongue to keep from saying anything. ‘Just go along with it. Just play along. You knew this would happen at some point. Just think of Caroline. Survive for Caroline,’ she started to mentally prepare for what she thought was about to happened.
The fabric was placed over her eyes and tied around the back of her head. She sat and waited his hands to touch her body. But the feeling never came. She was beginning to worry he had slipped out of the room again but suddenly she felt his hands on her face. Tilting her head up he brushed the remaining tears from her cheeks. Then she felt his lips on hers. She could feel something on his face and it wasn’t his mask. She tried to touch him but he bit her lip in warning. She put her hands on his shoulders and he seemed to approve of that. Damn why did the psycho have to be a good kisser?
After another moment he pulled away. His hands falling from her face. She stay still as one of his wax figures waiting for his cue to do anything. The blindfold was removed as well as the collar on her neck. She looked to him still waiting but she started shivering. He opened his arms for her and she dove in to him. Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as the tears returned along with another string of apologizes.
He picked her up and she wrapped her legs on his waists. She thought they would go to the bedroom upstairs but he stopped in his studio. He sat them both in his work chair letting her turn so her back touched his chest. He took a piece of paper and handed it to her. Her name written in his script on the fold page.
~My angel. I hate nothing more than not being able to calm you screams. But you must learn angel. You must be good. The plans won’t work if you’d listen. How can we expect our children to listen if their mother can’t.~ Katie gasps at the children part. ~Tomorrow we will spend the day together here in the studio. I can show you how to make sculptures. Or you can draw. Whatever you want tell me and I will get it for you, my sweet little angel.~
Katie found it funny how he called her his ‘angel’ when in her mind he was a demon.
“Or I could tattoo you.” She laughed softly making his hear soar. “I’m kidding. Unless you want me to do it. All my supplies are in the car.” She felt his chest move in what felt like as laugh. He took his pen and wrote the short reply on the bottom of the original note.
~Maybe next time. Bed?~
Katie nodded and stood waiting for him. He stood and picked her up again.
“I have legs I can walk.” But he shook his head. “Fine.” She groaned and rested her head on his shoulder. She glanced up and noticed what looked like scars peaking out from the edge of his mask. Was he burned somehow? Or maybe in an accident. She would save that talk for another time.
They made it to the upstairs and he gave her a few minutes into he bathroom to freshen up. She almost threw up when she saw herself in the mirror, dark bruises in the shapes of hands circled her throat from where he had chocked her. A faint hand could be seen on her face from the slap.
Vincent of course stood guard at the door to make sure she didn’t run off to find Caroline. When she was done they went back to the bedroom. She went for her suitcase to see if any of her pajamas were still inside but he took her hand showing her to the dresser. Opening the top drawer it was full of her things now. Undergarments and pajamas arrange in a neat order. She took out an oversized shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. Slowly she took off her bra and slipped the clothes on. Thankfully he let her do it with her back to him. When she turned she saw that he too had changed in the short time, now wear a tank top and boxers.
He took her hand and guided her to the bed letting her crawl in first. Once they were both on the mattress he got the cuffs. Wordlessly she held up her arm letting him lock them together. He brushed hair out of her face and pressed his wax lips to her cheek.
“Vincent?” To hell with all of her talk about waiting to ask about his face. He was holding her against her will at least he could be honest with her about something. He gave her his attention looking at her with his one blue eye. Her hand carefully touched his wax cheek. He tried to turn away from her but her voice made him freeze.
“If you want me to trust you, to listen to you, I need to know you. I don’t think its fair to not be able to fully know my husband.” Oh that word burned as it left her lips but she knew he would like it. “I understand if it takes time but I… I won’t judge you. Doubt I can be more scared of you than I already am.” The last sentence came a whisper and Vincent’s heart shattered. She shouldn’t be scared of him. He loved her. He was going to take care of her.
A million scenarios ran through his head once his heart started beating again. How could she not judge him. He was hideous. But she was right, it wasn’t fair to her when he got to see all of her. His took her hand off his cheek and slowly removed the mask from his face. His long hair feel to cover him almost like it had a mind of its own to protect him.
Katie’s hands shook as she moved his hair from his face and saw him truly for the first time. She could tell him and Bo were identical. But he only had one side of his face. The other side was completely scared over. Like someone had sliced the other side of his face off. She went to touch him but froze only continuing when he nodded. The only people to ever see his face were his family. But she was his family now he reasoned with himself. Her fingers traced lines on his face. Both the good and ugly side.
“What…? Never mind.” She whispered and continued to touch him. But he knew her question before the first word fell from her lips. He took a notepad from the bedside table, he must have them stashed everywhere around the house, and wrote.
~Bo and I were conjoined at birth. Our father was a doctor and separated us.~ He drew a quick crude sketch of them as infants. ~Mama made me mask so I could go to school~
He waited for her to say something. To call him a monster and that he was unloveable. But that never came. Instead she pressed her lips to his softly. Her hands going to his hair to pull him closer. Their joined hands crossing allowing him to hold her cheek. They kissed for what felt like ages before she broke it off for air.
“Thank you for trusting me.” She kissed him quickly one more time before laying down pulling him down with her. Like the night before she curled into his chest and let her hand fall on his heart. But this time she was awake when she did it. So it was her choice. A choice he was happy she made.
Bo did as promised and let her take a shower to wash her hair properly. He complained the whole time about how much time she was taking but never stopped her. Today would be a fresh start for them. Spend the whole day together just the two of them. He’d tell her about Mama and all the plans for the town. They’d cuddle on the couch and watch whatever signal the tv could pick up. He’d tell her how much he loved her and how perfect she was to him. He was still trapped in the paradise in his mind, not even hearing the hairdryer. It wasn’t until the door opened and she took his hand that he he snapped out of his daydream. Only to fall into another one seeing her all done up. Her hair was curled like he told her he liked it but the sides had been twisted back in small braids. She had on the outfit he picked for her, a yellow skirt and white top and had dolled up her face. Long eyelashes and pink shimmering lips.
“Beautiful, baby. A sight for sore eyes.” He brushed his hand down her cheek and titled her head up to kiss her.
Pulling away she laughed and wiped her thumb across his bottom lip, “Got my lip gloss on ya now.” Her fingers lingered on the corner of his mouth and she waited for his reaction. He smiled at her and softly bit her thumb in a playful way.
“Babygirl what have I told ya, your playing with fire when you do things like that.” His eyes shined with lust. “Gonna be hard to keep my hands off you today.” He put is hands on her hip and lifted her into his arms carrying her down to the kitchen.
He pulled a book down from one of the high cabinets, “Found Mama’s book. You can start practicing. Maybe can actually make the food taste good.” He handed her the book and pulled out a chair at the table. “Sit down, baby and start making a list a Les. I’ll make ya breakfast today.” He put a pen and paper next to her.
Oh, he was trying to butter her up. Play sweet today to hook her in deep. She just nodded and carefully sat down wincing at the pain. This mornings shower had been better than the night before. But she was still bruised. And now her face sported a purple mark where he had slapped her.
She flipped through the book and marked the pages she liked. Noting down what food she would need for each one. Hopefully Katie could come back soon and help her. They always did everything together.
“How often does Lester go for supplies? I don’t want to put too little and we run out of food. Or too much and it spoils.” She looked to him as he sat a plate of toast with jam and eggs next to her along with a glass of what she assumed was orange juice.
“Every two weeks or so. Maybe someday I can let you go with him.” He sat down next to her and took the cookbook from her flipping through the pages she had mark. He stopped at one and tapped the page she had marked, it was recipe for pot roast, “That’s mine and Vinny’s favorite. One of the only things that tasted really good. Mama made it for our birthday every year.”
Hearing birthday made Carolines eye light up. She and Katie loved birthdays. “When’s your birthday? So I can make it for you. Katie and I love celebrating birthdays.”
She didn’t notice his jaw clench when she said Katie’s name. “September 18th, 1970.”
“Oh that’s soon. It’s August… wait, 1970?” Caroline did the math in her head, that couldn’t be right. 1970? It was 2004 that would be make him… 33 about to be 34.
“I’ll admit I don’t know everything in the world, baby but I think I know my birthday.”
“I just wasn’t… didn’t think…” How could she word it without making him mad. She bit her lip thinking.
Bo put his hand on her thigh and pulled her chair closer, “Spit it out babygirl.”
“I just didn’t think you were that much older than me.” She looked up at him and saw his face twist in confusion and she assumed it mirrored her own look.
He shook his head, “How old are you?”
“We turned 19 in March.” A smirk grew on Bo’s face. She really was a sweet young little thing. He figured she was younger then him but he thought maybe by 7 or 8 years, not 15.
He took her face in hand and kissed her forehead, “Really are my sweet babygirl ain’t ya?” Oh course this news made him excited. Caroline just nodded and tried to smile at him, continuing to eat the food he made her. She made notes in the cookbook, including putting their birthday next to the recipe he had pointed out with the note ‘Bo and Vincent’s favorite’.
They ate in silence for a few minutes. Until footsteps were heard above them, and Bo shifted. It was like watching a dog go from happy and jumping at the sight of its owner to growling and baring its teeth at the cat behind them.
He stood up and cleared the table putting the dishes in the sink. He left the recipe book and her note on the table, pulling her up into his arms. He pressed her face in his chest and whispered harshly in her ear, “You say so much as one word to her and I’ll have you over my knee. You just stand here and be quiet. Understand baby?”
She shuddered in his hold and nodded, “Yes, sir.” His hands wrapped her resting on her lower back. She moved her hands to wrap around his neck. She heard their footsteps enter the kitchen and the sound of cabinets and the fridge being opened and closed. The entire time Bo whispered sweet nothings in her ear, a blend of “good girl” “sweet baby listening so well” “proud of you”. Something about being told he was proud of her made her preen. She thrived off praise. Finally she heard a lock open followed the a door opening and closing before the locked clicked back into place. Bo finally released her and let her step back.
“Come on baby. Imma show you around the house.” He took her hand and led her around the bottom floor which didn’t have many rooms. The kitchen, living room (which was large), and the master bedroom but that door was closed. “No going into Mama and Dad’s room” he informed her. They made their way up the stairs to more doors. She knew his or well their room and the bathroom. He pointed out one of the doors as Lester’s, telling her that the next time he was home she needed to ask if he wanted his room clean.
“Does he not stay here all the time?”
Bo shook his head, “Nah, little brother likes to play independent. Has a little trailer on the edge of town. But sometimes he comes home.”
Caroline just nodded in response as Bo moved on. He pointed out Vincent’s room, she assumed it was now Katie’s room too. There was one more door at the end of the hall with a name plaque that read “Dr. Victor Sinclair.”
“I don’t care if every other room in this house if full of venomous snakes and spiders- if you open this door I will not hesitate to snap your neck.” His tone was serious and she knew better than to ask him about this room.
She just nodded and he took her back downstairs. There weren’t many pictures on the walls but the few she saw showed Vincent in a mask. Had he worn it always?
“Bo?” She asked as he sat them down on the couch after flicking the tv on and wiggling the rabbit ears until it played a station. She didn’t know what show was on because it was currently displaying a toothpaste commercial.
“Yeah baby?” He pulled her close to him and had her rest her head on his shoulder.
She swallowed hoping she wouldn’t get in trouble for the question. “Um, Vincent, has he, has he always had the mask? I just saw the pictures and he looks so young in them.”
Bo just nodded and she could tell he was chewing on his cheek like he wasn’t sure what to tell her. Should probably be honest with her, if she was to trust him.
“Stay here I’ll be right back.” He stood up and she heard him digging in a drawer in the kitchen. He returned moments later with a photo in his hand. He sat back down and turned the photo to her. It was him and Vincent as new borns. “Dad was able to separate us but Vinny was messed up. Doesn’t have the other eye all that shit. I was luckily I guess. Can’t see the scar under my hair unless it’s cut short.”
Her hand went to the back of his head without thinking and he grabbed it taking her fingers to his scar. His breathing hitched in his throat. Never had he been so honest.
“Mama made a mold of my face to make him the mask. He hated them at first but Mama made him wear them. Didn’t want the world to see his face. Use to piss me off. He’d be all upset and bed her not to put it on him but she would anyway.”
“So he can talk?”
“A little. It’s not easy. The cut runs from here to here on him.” He took his finger and traced a line done her face for forehead to chin going over a portion of her lips. “So part of his mouth scarred over. Plus with the mask on it gets muffled. It’s just easier for him to write things down or gesture.”
Caroline hummed and nodded, an idea popping in her head. “Oh I can take you some sign language now. We can start easy with the ABCs.” Bo smiled and twisted her so she straddled his lap. “Okay baby. Teach me.” He held his hands to her and she smiled at him, what seemed like a true smile. The rest of the morning was spent with her showing him the letters and moving his fingers to help him understand. She’d giggle when he messed up and she’d careful move his fingers the right way. Maybe today would be okay.
Katie woke up and noticed Vincent wasn’t in their room. She sat up and saw a stack of her clothes on the edge of the bed. The outfit he had chosen for her. She picked up the pile and saw it was jean shorts and a plain olive green shirt. Nothing special, she figured since he planned on showing her how to work with wax he didn’t want to dirty any of her dresses. She also noticed her hands weren’t cuffed to the bed. She got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed brushing her hair. She braided it in a simple French braid. But hers was no where near as perfect as Vincent made for her before. Once done she sat and waited for him to return. After a few minutes he returned with a tray in hand. She saw toast and eggs, a cup of coffee, and what she figured was orange juice.
He sat the tray on the small desk in the corner sat in the one of the two chairs, she wondered if one had been Bo’s chair at one point. He looked to her and motioned for her to come to him. She followed his command and sat in the chair next to him. He took a plate and the orange juice and sat them in front of her before taking a plate and the the coffee cup for himself. He took a breath and removed his mask again letting his hair fall in front of his face. She didn’t make a move to move it this time, letting him go at his own pace.
“Thank you. I wondered where you went. I was starting to miss you.” She tacked the last sentence on to hopefully keep to his good side. He looked to her and offered a half smile from the unscarred part of his face. They ate in silence and when done he stood but put his hand on her to keep her down.
“Stay.” The word came out rough as usual. She nodded and stayed still folding her hands on her lap. He put his mask back on and went back to the kitchen putting the dishes in the sink. He returned to her and was happy to see she had followed orders. She was still sitting in the chair he left her, her eyes wandering over the art on the walls.
“I like that one.” She pointed to one of the frames above the desk. It was oil pastel of pink and white water lilies. “I love floral art especially water lilies. If you can’t tell.” She ran her hand over her arm that in fact had a pink water lily on her inner arm above her wrist. “This was one of the first ones I did completely by myself when I was 17. Dad got me my first machine for my 15th birthday. Caroline got a new curling iron set. If that can tell you how different we are in some aspects. Him and his best friend were tattoo artists and they taught me on the side. Wasn’t exactly legal since I was underage but we didn’t tell anyone. And no one questioned when I turned 18 and just stated working in his shop.”
Vincent listened to her story and was reminded of him and his mother. Her teaching him how to work with wax and making his own figures. His first figure was featured in the museum. A small dog. Looking at it now he would cringe. It was really awful but 9 year old Vincent had been so proud. And Mama had been so proud she talked about it like it reviled the statue of David.
He didn’t notice Katie had started crying until he heard her sniffle. He looked at her and he saw quiet tears falling as she traced the tattoo. “Dad was so proud when I showed him this. Said it was the best he had ever seen. Fuck. Sorry, I’m crying. I just miss him. Him and Mama died a few months ago. They were on a train trip across Alaska and the train crashed. Only half the travelers were survivors.” As she told the story she cried more. She realized it was the first time she had cried over this without Caroline there with her. Her face fell to her hands as the tears turned to sobs. She kept apologizing trying to choke down the sobs but he just shushed her. He picked her up and sat down with her on the bed. He rubbed her back and took his mask off so he could kiss her hair. They stayed that way for a few minutes before her sobs died down and she was able to breath again.
“Thank you Vincent.” Her voice was a little horse from crying but he still loved the way his name left her lips. He kissed her forehead one more time and set her feet on the floor. He stood up, putting his mask back on, and took her hand. In his other hand he had a note for her. She took it in her free hand and read it.
~We have to pass Bo and Caroline to get to the studio. Do not talk to her. Don’t even look to her. Stay quiet.~
She looked up him and nodded obediently. He held her hand as they traveled down the stairs. He stopped in the kitchen and she got a quick glance of Caroline in Bo’s arms, keeping her face against him so she couldn’t see Katie. This was obviously part of their punishment. Vincent took a few things from the cabinets and fridge handing them to her, some water bottles and premade deli sandwiches.
He took her down to the studio and had her sit the food on a desk to the side. He showed her to a closet that was filled with art supplies. Pencils, paints, oils, charcoal, papers of all kinds, anything an artist could need. Once she had looked around it a bit he took her to another area where his molds for figures were held. He picked up a few looking at the bottoms. Finally he found the one he was looking for and handed it to her.
He brought her to his work bench and started the fire that would melt the wax. He showed her all the steps to prep everything and once the wax was ready he let her place her hands over as he poured it into the mold.
~Something this size will take about 5 hours to harden enough to take it out of the mold. We can draw if you would like, my angel.~
She nodded and slid off his lap allowing him to stand. She followed him back to the first closet he had showed her and let her pick what she wanted. She took one of the sketching books and pencils. He took the same and went back to the work bench.
“Can I sit on the floor? I work better on the floor. I don’t know why.” She asked not sitting down with him.
He titled his head to the side but nodded and stood again going into the closet like room with the mattress. Oh how she hoped she was never locked there again. He came back with one of the larger blankets and spread it on the floor. Katie sat down and crossed her legs after thanking him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him sit on the floor with her and she looked to him and smiled. The next 2 hours were spent in completely silence, but a comfortable silence. Occasionally she would glance up and notice him watching her. Whenever this happened blood would rush to her cheeks and she’d smile. This she could get use to doing. Having someone to do art with again was nice. Caroline tried but it wasn’t her thing. Like doing fancy hair styles wasn’t Katie’s.
Eventually they heard the door at the top of the stairs open. Vincent stood and went to the door of the studio where Bo was standing with Caroline behind him. She was able to lock eyes with her sister and tried to smile but seeing the purple on her sisters face made her stomach tighten. Caroline must be feeling the same way as her seeing Katie’s bruises. She had honestly forgotten about them until she saw Caroline.
Without a word Bo handed a book to Vincent before turning away and taking Caroline back upstairs. Vincent returned to her and gave her the book. There was a note from Caroline on it.
-This is their Mama’s cookbook. I marked the pages I liked and wrote down what food we need for it. I made notes in the book too. I love you twin.-
Katie put her sketch pad to the side. Her hand was started to cramp from the holding the pencils anyway. She flipped through the book. Everything Caroline had marked would be what she would like too. Food was a common love of theirs. She got to a recipe for pot roast and noticed a note -Bo and Vincent’s Favorite. Make it on their birthday, 9/18/70- was written in Caroline’s curly handwriting. 1970? No she must have written it down wrong, it should probably be 1980.
“Vincent?” She asks softly moving closer to him with the book in her hands. He out his sketch book face down and looked to her. “Is this right? Is that really your birthday?” She pointed to the note Caroline had left. He looked at it and nodded. “Even the year?” She asks starting to mentally do the math. Again he nodded. So if she born in 1985 and he was born in 1970, that would make him 15 years older than her. He would be turning 34 soon and she was 19. “Oh, okay.” She said softly before going back to flipping pages.
While she was reading he slid one of his notes to her.
~When is your birthday?~
“It’s already passed. March 5, 1985. We turned 19 this year. But September is our half birthday, six months after our birthday. Mama and Daddy always thought was fun to celebrate that too. Since there’s two of us we got two celebrations to make sure we felt all the love. We’d even get half a cake. That’s on September 5. Oh yours and Bo’s is March 18! We have opposite birthday months thats fun. Caroline and I love birthdays. We like say they are our second favorite holiday after Halloween.”
Watching her eyes light up made Vincent’s heart beat faster. His sweet angel, excited to celebrate him. But she was so young. If he had realized how young she was he may not have gone along with Bo’s plans. Maybe even would have let the girls leave town unharmed. He knew what it was like to be stuck in this town forever. Catherine had never even truly experienced the world and he had damned her to his hell. He clipped his angel’s wings. But they were in too deep now. He cared too much or her to let her leave him now. And he liked to think she was coming around to caring for him too.
He watched her go back to reading through the cookbook making notes and writing down what she wanted. She would look up at him at times and smile at him. After letting his mind wander and his eyes linger on her he went back to his sketch.
When she was done with the cookbook she sat it aside and returned to her own sketch. She didn’t know how many hours had gone by but she was able to finish her piece. She signed the bottom and smiled. She looked up and caught Vincent staring at her again.
“I finished mine.” She told him turning the book to him showing him her art. He took it from her and examined it closely. It was a landscape of Ambrose she had done from memory, each of the brothers were featured some where. She had Bo at his shop working on his truck, Lester leaning against his truck with a cigarette, and himself in front of the museum. She even had Jonesy sitting in front of the pet shop. He took his notepad and quickly wrote
~You did this from memory? You only saw the town f or a few hours.~
She made his favorite sound in the world, she laughed. “I have a good memory and the town isn't that big. Could maybe soon, you show me it again? It’d be nice to be outside again.” Her voice trailed off wishfully.
He had been keeping her inside too much. An angel like her needs to be outside in the fresh air. He looked to her and nodded. He’d have work with Bo to find time to do that.
She smiled again and looked down to try and get a peak at his art. Out of instinct he pulled it close to chest but when she leaned away from with a slight frown he turned it to her. She looked it over and gasps. He had drawn her in an angelic light. She had never seen herself look so beautiful. He let her take the drawing from him and she traced the lines gently. Tears started to form in her eyes.
“This is beautiful. Is… is this really how you see me? I’m not this pretty.” She shook her head and handed the art back to him. He sat it down and took his note pad and wrote for what felt like forever. Once finished he gave it to her.
~My Catherine, my angel, you are the most beautiful being in all of the earths creation. No one could hold a light to your beauty. Not only do you have outer beauty but your soul itself is a work of art. You are so kind and loving. So pure. I am grateful to be able to call you mine. My sweet beautiful angel.~
For a brief second Katie forgot their past and how they got here. She forgot how he had taken her and was holding her against her will. She forgot how his brother was doing the same to her twin. For a moment it was like she and Vincent were a normal couple who drew for each other and wrote love letters. Never had anyone, not even her sister, said anything like this about her. The way he described her was like she was an angel. For a second she was able to see a future with him but then it all came flooding back. Everything that happened. But how could someone who could say the perfect things really be so bad? Maybe she did need to start listening to him.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
The 3 sibs are fucking menaces. Like General Ardmore was fucking down to let Quaritch and the recoms take responsibility because 'Jesus fuck get them out of here'
I imagine that due to them adopting Spider as their brother at a young age they ended up spending a lot of time with the humans that remained at Hell's Gate (might have even taken to living in the old Avatar area) and likely picked up on a lot.
Like they know tech better than any Na'vi, and it's mildly terrifying for humans when they realize that these 3 siblings know shit.
I also imagine that they might have become a bit disconnected with the Omaticaya, not anything super big, but their insistence that Spider is their brother probably hindered them getting adopted by a Omaticaya couple.
But the recoms probably are so confused when they learn that Norm fucking Spellman is the one who technically raised these feral gremlin children. Sure they are smart as shit but God damn these kids are jumping out of a moving helicopter into the fucking trees.
Don't get me started on Quaritch's and the recoms reactions to the story of when the little brother tried (and nearly succeeded) in mounting/claiming an adolescent Thanator.
AKA the giant deadly space cat who's na'vi name literally translates to dry mouth fear of death.
(Also the heart attack Quaritch gets when he sees them tossing Spider between them like a sack of potatoes. I do not doubt for a second these kids haven't developed a 'system' when it comes to traveling with Spider.)
I love how not even cut-throat Ardmore, she doesn't care what possible information she could get from them, she want them off of the premises asap.
so that leaves a group of morally complicated, adult-teenage-newborns, with 3 young adults that will make it their life goal to be the biggest thorn in the sides, but also to flip the recoms on their heads.
sometimes the questions aren't even asked to try and tie the recoms brains in knots, sometimes they genuinely want to know. other times they ask question that are meant to make the recoms question everything. they love the chaos, but also watching the recoms change, watching them become na'vi.
on top of it all they're wicked smart, they're always helping out, both technologically and in the field, they clearly know a shit ton about jake and his little possy, they were raised by spellman after all, but they're loyal, they don't say anything. but that's strangely fine with all the recoms (aka, they stopped caring about their mission and only do whats necessary to please ardmore, but shhh, they haven't realized that yet, if they do, they may implode).
and the amount of worry quaritch develops for these kids is unreal, and like, this guy's military, so every night he checks on them like 10 times a night, at first cause he didn't trust them, but it slowly turned into him just worrying about them. he normally takes nightly rounds so he's always going through the effort of climbing into whatever tree they've nested themselves in and just watching for a moment. those are his kids, in some way, he knows it.
so when they really start doing stupid shit, he feels his heart age 50 years. he worries everytime they fool around on the ikran, everytime they fuck with the wildlife, everytime they climb to high for his taste. he's just a big old bag of anxiety.
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christelgothamite · 2 months
An epilogue to all lore
"Why are we doing a dinner party, if the last one was a disaster?" Mary asked as soon as christel stirred the pot of curry.
"Because I have an announcement" Christel softly explained with a smile "and.. I have a feeling we are in for a new beginning. A better one. So I wanted to celebrate it with our family"
Bruce entered the room watching mary and christel cook. "Christel are you sure, you should be cooking?" The man asked making Mary raise an eyebrow. Christel just chuckled before nodding and saying "I am fine, no morning sickness or anything"
Now Mary was even more confused, morning sickness? Mary rashly decided to use her power to check weather christel was doing alright only to find.. Mary gasped, pointing at christel "your--!"
"Hush now, close your mouth before mosquitoes fly in" Christel giggled a soft blush on her face, christel was happy about the news so Mary didn't say anything further. Until the three went into a quiet silence. Bruce surprisingly helping christel with the cooking.
"Aren't.. You scared?" Mary asked breaking their silence. Christel raised an eyebrow. Mary sighed continuing her sentence "aren't you scared? Alek and Aris aren't exactly mortals now are they? How do you cop with the idea of... Them not being in control with their powers? You know what I mean. It's risky" Mary explained with a frown. Bruce just listened.
Christel was still smiling "truth be told.. I am still restless at the idea of them not being able to control the powers given to them, them by mistakenly teleporting into another dimension not being able to return to me, or them losing a battle in case they have a siren and oddi of their own" Christel spoke softly as she heard a ' I take offense to that ' and ' I think they will do just fine ' inside her brain.
"But.." Christel took a deep breath "that's life, and I can just watch as they grow. I can't live in fear. All I can do is be besides them and help them learn, heck I too need to learn how to control my own powers. So no, I don't think this is risky at all" Christel side glanced Mary. Mary looked troubled so christel couldn't help but ask. "Is there something else that you want confirmation on?"
"We are immortals.. Damian and ida are not" Mary said, that was enough for christel to know.
"Well then.. Time will tell us. Let's not think about it huh?" Christel said voice lowering. Mary stared at the curry before nodding.
"I will go check on the kiddos" Mary left the room. Leaving the father-in-law and daughter-in-law behind.
"You are doing good" Bruce suddenly said catching christel off guard "not like me at all" He cut a few vegetables as he continued "I am not the family member some people might need. But I hope I can be a good grandfather to all of them"
Christel's smile fell a little but her face was still sincere and happy. "I think you already are Batman"
"Mistress Wayne" Alfred asked. Christel sighed as she spoke "alfred, please don't call me that. It's weird." Alfred just gave a huffy laugh.
"Very well, mistress Judith. The guests are already here" Alfred explained. Christel nodded with a grin.
"Let's get this party started then"
When I first came to gotham I wanted to get away from my family. The Elora mafia empire. I wanted to be a blank slate coloured new.
But I failed.
In doing so, I got myself in all sorts of situations.. Both pleasant and unpleasant.
Christel entered the room and immediately was waved at by Dick Grayson who was carrying Alek like a sack of potato's
I met a women I would call my first mother, mentor and guardian. My landlord claudia. She sticked and supported me until her last breath. She is the whole reason I stepped foot into and survived gotham. I will forever be grateful to her. I know, she will forever live in both mine and Richard's memories.
Christel snorted as she saw Garfield Lynns aka firefly talking or more like ranting to Ethan Bennett aka clayface.
I met two goofballs of a rogues, one who decided to be a pain to me and become my arch nemesis and the other deciding to become my cat and keep me safe. Those two made my internship days at Wayne industries colourful.
Back when my problems was how to hide a clay monster as my cat, how to stop a villian from ruining my Saturdays and all the paperwork that Tim Drake assigned me, my now brother-in-law.
Christel waved as Tim, who unsurprisingly already had a cup of coffee in his hand with a cheesecake? Okay that was surprising.
Speaking of my old days, there was also metis. one of my first friends in gotham, who i lost connection with years ago.. But I don't look back at that with sadness. They were good memories after all..
Christel felt a small pinch of pain in her chest as she remembered her other friend.
.. And how can I forget something I do look back at with sadness but fondness.. Hecate Grelitia, my former roomate and someone once family now a distant memory, with them they brought more family members that I do want the best for. Daxter, someone who I wasn't fond of at the beginning but became the only person I would call panda, kam someone who proved me wrong and improved themselves for the better, Carol and ben. Both still living peaceful in my heart. One of them, still remaining my mother.
And of course there are also their kids....
Christel felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see a tall familiar face, hades. Her father.
"Is everything alright christel? You looked a little saddened" Hades asked softly. Christel shook her head answering "oh no no. Just remembering old days.."
Hades nodded with a awfully fatherly smile, going back to talking with hera and Bruce, the couple nobody expected to work so well together.
And then we have Hades. A person who caused my first ever apocalypse. My godly father. The reason I have the tittle of co-ruler of the underworld. To think how things change. The man I once hated alot is genuinely like a father to me... Well the apocalypse he made me cause was nothing compared to the other one I caused..
Erasure timeline something i did to rid the world of the Elora empire, I considered it my greatest failure and mistake. Thankfully everyone in this room forgave me and decided to move past everything...
Christel felt her chest warm up as she saw harold and Lilian talk to Alfred. She was happy, they took her invitation to come to the dinner party. Her relationship with Harold was rocky still... But they were moving past it and becoming siblings again. Christel couldn't be more happy about that.
Christel felt her heart combust as soon as she saw Mary give Aristella a piggy back ride only to come across Harold. Harold chuckling and picking up both the girls into a mega piggyback ride.
At first I didn't even know.. I didn't know how I could become a parent, I was already so lost with Anas... I cursed Persephone for giving me a blessing I shouldn't have. But me and Damian can't curse her anymore....
Christel almost cried as she saw how giddy both Mary and Aristella looked.
Thank you Persephone, for giving us two lovely daughters.
A small tear left her eyes as she saw Dick carry Aleksander over to delenn and Jason. Who both looked a little tired but christel was happy they could make it. Jason immediately took Aleksander, putting the boy on his right shoulder.
I am not fond of how Aleksander came to be but if I had to go through the same thing to get him again.. I would do it again and again. I won't change how I got him at all. That's my son. My baby. Talon and everything.
Christel looked at the scene with glee as Jason and delenn entertained Aleksander and also talked with Dick.
How can I not talk about mama and papa huh? Jason isn't my papa, but I do respect him as one. He married the women that if anyone asked who was my mother. I would say her name. Delenn Parker, the women who once saved me from erasing myself and helped me when i lost my first mother. My mama who is also my role model. I would have been dead without her and I can't be more thankful to her then I already am.
Music started as everyone decided to dance, Bruce and hera were the first once at the dance floor, followed by Jason and delenn and then everyone else. Christel stared around. Barnaby, Al, Evan, Amelia, hannah, cassian, ace and nathen couldn't make it. But christel did send them some food packages.
I hope Barnaby doesn't blast it thinking it is a trap. I literally wrote my name on top of the box and sent him texts saying I was sending food.. The way, he entered my life was weird from the first day. I found him sleeping on my roof but I am happy I befriended him. He truly is an amazing companion. With him he brought Al, Who I still find the most smart and crafty individual.
Evan.. His parenting situation still makes me worried about him but he is a intelligent kid, who is also stubborn. All I can do is look after him from after.. I hope he likes the bento I sent him..
Amelia will always be someone who helped me understand myself better, hannah the friend who had my back, cassian the friend whose morals were in the gutter but whose heart was in the right place, ace a kid who I also have a need to look after and nathen... Honestly I don't really know where nathen is.. I should probably track that man down.
"Are you planning on just standing there beloved or are we going to dance?" Damian asked, christel turned to look at him only to find Anastacius sitting on his shoulder. Christel chuckled
"Who am I dancing with? My husband or my son?" Christel asked in a joking manner. Anastacius giggled as the boy replied "two in one offer! Take it now"
"Oh my, lucky me!" Christel chuckled, letting her husband and son pulled her into the dance floor. Christel wasn't aware she had heaviness inside her, anxieties. She only realized it when she had it all lighten away as she danced with them.
My dear boy Anastacius, I fear the day you know that I killed your mother. I hope you understand it was for a good reason and I hope you know that I truly love you either as your aunt or as your mother and so does he..
Christel glanced at Damian, who was carefully dancing with her while also having Anas on his shoulders.
I can't say anything except, I love you.
"What do you have on your mind beloved?" Damian asked. Christel looked away, this wasn't the time for her to feel like a teenage girl. She wasn't one anymore.
"At the moment? You and our family. That's what on my mind. The only thing I need to protect" Christel explained softly. "Everyone else can fuck off" She joked. Damian frowned looking up at Anas who covered his ears. "Whoops~" Christel giggled.
"Bad mama" Anastacius lectured. Christel nodded softly before saying "yes mama is bad, but you aren't so don't use that word"
Damian sighed giving a stupidly cute smile "mama isn't that bad but still dont use that word"
Christel couldn't help it and pulled Damian into a small kiss. Ignoring Anas's "ewww I am too closee"
After a few more minutes of dancing and a surprise dance and kiss from flatline, everyone sat on the dinner table waiting for what christel wanted to announce. The whole point of the dinner party.
Christel took a deep breath, looking at Damian, then flatline and the kids and then at the whole table.
Here it is christel.. A new beginning..
"I am pregnant"
...and a new member.
Everyone at the table cheered, some leaving their chairs to congratulate the trouple. Christel stared at everyone, some tears falling down.
Everything would be just fine.
[ ignore the grammar/spelling mistakes if any ]
[ @gotham-its-seven-in-the-morning , @scarecrowspawn , @evandalist-in-gotham , @your-average-gothamite , @gothamsrevolutionaryheretic , @gotham-bitch , @newlyarkhampsych ]
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mochashot · 2 years
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Rinnie x male reader
- headcanons
Warnings: None but fluff
A/n: I will be taking requests just allow me to make another post with rules when requesting. Enjoy^^
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Can I just start off on how he will drag you to Casinos and Clubs almost every week. Making you have to deal with his shenanigans(if that's the word for it).
I feel like he would be awkward a bit once you guys start dating.
Probably first person he had actually gotten into a proper relationship realizing that its reality.
He would definitely take you to parks, cafe's, and beaches for a few dates. After that he would probably drag you to places (Aka Casinos and Clubs) once you guys are deeper into the relationship.
He forces asked you to come to all of his performances and literally after every live(you can't prove me wrong)
Rinnie:*Grabs his S/O up to stage*
HiMERU, Kohaku, and Niki: *face palms and sighs*
You: " Rinnie what the fuck are you doi- *suddenly into a bone crush side hug by Rinnie*"
Rinnie: " Kyahahaha, everyone this is my boyfriend ADMIRE HIM."
*Does the Lion king thing*
Anyways.. At first, fans were surprised by this but they supported you guys. Of course there's gonna be THOSE fans. But let's ignore that.
He takes you backstage and rest himself in your lap in the dress room as you help him dry off.
At home he's definitely the most affectionate person over anyone you can think of.
He gives you his shirts/hoodies and holds you while hiding his head in your neck while inhaling your scent.
If you're taller than him and wear his clothing expect some teasing and try his best to kabedon you while smirking.
If you're shorter still expect teasing yk damn well you're his arm rest, definitely has held you like a sack potato. You always smack his head to make him put you down. Better give him a kiss for that after.
If you got chub(yes I like using this word) he loves to hold you no matter where you go he follows. He loves cuddling you and running his hands on your body giving you loving words saying how much he adores your body and and saying your rolls and other parts make you stunning in his eyes and it won't change.(Has asked you to crush him please do.)
When you guys are out on a date he definitely gives you piggyback rides not just for fun but to hear you laugh and cling onto him gives him butterflies. He adores you so much.
Don't ever leave this man:[ this man is head overheals for his boyfriend.
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A/n: And that's a wrap! Hope you guys enjoy this headcanons. Give me 3 days or so to make my request stuff:]
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chidoroki · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers S3EP1
aka: city wide brawling
So the OP song is the same as last season but the visuals changed? I'm not too bothered by it but I would've loved another great song. The boys already looking so good too. Very excited to see more of Smiley and Angry and hopefully I can learn their names properly now.
Aww, Emma looked so pretty in that one shot.
Oh, that one captain of Toman whom I dunno the name of.. does he switch sides? That scene of him getting up from the chair with that pissed off look on his face ain't giving me good vibes.
I'm like 95% certain that Inui eventually cooperates with us while Koko doesn't and that moment with the both of them with the former disappearing from the latter's side sorta reinforces that idea in my mind.
Oh, yup, that Toman captain (Yasuhiro. I was good and looked him up) joins Tenjiku, with Sanzu right behind him too I think. I guess I should've seen that coming, which means Toman loses its fifth division captain and vice captain.
This fight looks insane already. My boy Chifuyu putting in work, Inui looking so unbothered while kicking ass and Kakucho nailing Takemichi with a heavy hit oh my god.. and that moment of Izana running up on Mikey with crazy eyes is definitely creepy.
I try my best to avoid spoilers, honestly, but Mikey and Izana have some sorta history, don't they? like, family related or whatever. And I'm so not looking forward to what may happen with Emma, if it happens this season.
Anyways, lemme actually start this episode.. and we're starting right where we left off, thank god.
“Takemichty, your mind can't even begin to fathom me.” Bro, my mind can't comprehend you either and I hate it. How can Kisaki just jump around to different gangs and reach an authority status so easily, like the hell is so special about you dude?
Hanma riding in on a bike sporting purple leopard patterns.. what an icon.
YO! Mochizuki! Can you not drag my precious boy like that?? And toss him through the air like a sack of potatoes?? I hope Chifuyu kicks his ass during the upcoming battle.
Tenjiku is already brawling with Toman's second division somewhere else? That's Mitsuya's division, yea? Oh dear.
Ain't no way the twins come rushing in by running over all the Tenjiku members with their bikes!! Seeing Smiley all happy like that is hilarious!
Angry doesn't play around, holy shit, his punches are deadly!
Okay okay, so Angry is Souta and Smiley is Nahoya, but if even their intros call 'em by their nicknames I just might do the same, although that'll just lead me to forget their real ones quicker.
Ah damn, so the twins had beef with Mocchi way before their Toman days huh? Alright, either one of them can get revenge on that dude. That's fine.
The twins are insane but I love them already. Well, I know they've been around since the first season, but finally seeing them more is great.
“What if Kisaki can also travel through time?” I'm not completely certain about him but I do know Takemichi isn't the only one capable of doing so at least.
Oohhh Takemichi is through playing games. That's such an angry and determined face!
I know it won't ever happen, but the fact that killing Kisaki has never been brought up as a viable option to stop this chaos is incredible.
Yuuupp, I knew Mitsuya was involved in that brawl happening far away, but at least he's landing a couple nice hits on Mocchi.
Okay what the fuck Ran?? Knocking Mitsuya down with a damn cement block. What cheap stunt.
“Sorry about the cheap shot.” OH well at least he's self aware!!!
I've seen how loved the Haitani brothers are so I'm interested to find out why, though I don't think causing harm to Toman is ca contributing factor..
Mhhhmm I know nothing about Shion aside from this little scene that was teased in trailers but he's intense.. and apparently he was the ninth gen leader of Black Dragon. That's terrifying.
I got a feeling the info the twins forced outta those two Tenjiku dudes was just bait, because if Kakucho is there then that's certainly not good.
I mean, it's nice he sent the swarm of Tenjiku guys away, but I doubt Kakucho is gonna struggle fighting a 1v4 either.
“First Division’s Captain means you’re the toughest of all of you, right?” “Uh, actually, that’s not really true. He fights with his kindness, not his fists.” Glad Chifuyu said what everyone was thinking.
Crazy to think all these fights are happening everywhere between Toman and Tenjiku while Manjiro and Inaza are just chilling by the sea..
So.. they didn't already know each other? Odd. Perhaps they don't remember one another?
That punch of Takemichi's really knocked down Kakucho so hard he's having a serious flashback.. or Takemichi is anyways.
Wait a damn minute, they knew each other in second grade?? Hello???
“You were my hero.” Another one huh?
“Beware of a traitor.” Well thanks to the OP I got a hunch on who two might be. Maybe.
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ginbrucobooks · 4 months
Strange sports and stranger players
As it turned out, rugby was way more entertaining than I gave it credit for. Sure, I didn't understand much about what was going on, but with Niamh next to me screaming in joy every chance she got, I figured things were going pretty well for Tommen.
"Go. Wait. Yes. No, pass it. I said pass it." Niamh basically screamed in my ear as she watched her brother struggle to pass the ball to the lad in the number 12 jersey, aka Patrick Feely.
"Why can't he just throw it forward?" I asked confused.
"For the sake of my mental health I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." She sighed exasperated. "But after this game you are getting an extensive lesson on rugby."
"Then you'll have to go out to lunch with me and Gibsie, I can't ditch him since he left his car at my house." I stated.
"I want to ask, but I get the feeling I shouldn't." she said.
"Wise choice." I replied.
A couple of moments later our attention was drawn back to the game by an unexpected cheer from the students of the other school.
"What was that about?" I asked Niamh while looking at the scoreboard and noticing it was still at 48-6 for Tommen.
"They managed to tackle him." She said shocked.
"Tackle who?" I asked.
"Johnny." She shouted.
"And? Isn't this pretty usual in rugby, tackling the opposition?" I asked, bewildered by her reaction.
"Yes, but nobody ever manages to tackle him, at least not in school games." She continued.
Accepting that apparently in this sport it was now an anomaly to tackle people, I started to look for Johnny to see how he was doing. I managed to find him relatively quickly after he got back up and started running and, to the surprise of absolutely no one, scored again.
"Did you see that? I think he was looking in my direction." Declared a dark-haired girl next to me wearing what looked like a crop top and mini skirt. And I say looked because both of those things were so tight they basically became transparent.
"When?" I asked to the girl.
"The moment before he got tackled, I couldn't see his expression, but he was definitely looking at me." She replied sure of herself. "Why? Are you jealous?"
"Sure." I rebuked sarcastically, rolling my eyes at the girl. Did these people think Johnny Kavanagh was the second coming of Christ or something?
"Maeve, stop chit-chatting and pay attention to the game." Interrupted Niamh and I silently thanked her. If I had to talk another of Kavanagh's fangirls even for a minute, I was going to lose my bleedin' mind.
The game ended unexpectedly with Tommen winning, and once the two teams were done congratulating each other, we were allowed on the field to celebrate with them.
"You know, I expected more people to be attending this." I said to Niamh.
"I mean isn't Kavanagh the star of the town?" I questioned. "Shouldn't there be paparazzi beating each other up to take some pictures?"
"Normally they would be, but this is a game closed to the public since it's not part of the schools' tournament, so paparazzi and journalists are not allowed in." she concluded.
"Wow, I feel like a celebrity." I declared.
While making my way to team to congratulate on their victory, I noticed Gibsie run and pick up like a sack of potatoes Claire Biggs, and then running away with her into the locker room.
"Should we do something?" I proposed to Niamh. "That looked like kidnapping."
"Nah, soon Hughie will realise they're both missing and go after them." She retorted. "I'm going to congratulate my brother, want to come?"
"No, don't worry. I just came here because I wanted to take a look at the lads of the other school. You go ahead, I'll stay here and ogle the boys." I lied. I wanted to go inside the locker room and bother Gibsie for his jersey. I was cold and shivering, and it had started to rain again, so yeah, I was prepared to interrupt whatever he was doing for a bit of warmth.
"Alright, but we're meeting outside in ten minutes max since we have to go get lunch with the team." She exclaimed while leaving.
"Wait, what do you mean by that? Niamh, Niamh." I screamed, but she was already too far away to hear me with all the ruckus going on around us. "Shit."
Giving up on trying to get her attention, I turned around and started heading for the locker room when someone suddenly came up from behind me and placed a jacket on my shoulders.
"Here, you looked like you needed it." Offered Johnny.
"I don't know what made you think that, but I assure you I'm fine." I replied while raising my hand to take his jacket off.
"I don't know if you've noticed but it's starting to rain and what have on barely conceals anything as it is, so unless you want to show everyone your goods you should keep that on." He insisted while grabbing my arm to stop me.
"My goods? What are you twelve?" I replied and took away my arm from his hold.
"I didn't want to hurt your delicate sensibility." He smirked. "So, what's with the outfit, it's not exactly practical for the weather, or the season in general." He said while pointing at my dress.
"Has nobody ever told that it's rude to point, Kavanagh." I crossed my arms.
"Nobody as pretty as you, sunshine." He grinned back.
"I'll be sure to tell your mother that." I deadpanned.
"Good one. Tell me do you write these down?" He continued.
"No, the only thing I have to do is look at your face and they just come to me." I retorted.
"Are you saying I'm your muse?" he sighed.
"What is it exactly that I'm interrupting?" A voice I recognised as Hughie's said. "Is this some kind of foreplay I don't know about?"
"What do you need Hugh? I'm busy." Johnny glared at him.
"I was looking for my sister since she didn't come to congratulate me, did you see her?" Hughie asked.
"Why would I have seen your sister?" Johnny rolled his eyes.
"Which is why I wasn't asking you, asshole, but the girl." He shot back.
"The last I saw her she was still sitting near the bleachers. You should try looking around there." I lied. Gibsie you better be fucking thankful.
"Did you see if Gibsie was next to her?" he asked.
"Definitely not, he was with me just a second ago." I continued lying.
"Thanks, Maeve." He said smiling.
"No worries." I smiled back at him.
Once he went again to look for Claire I was, once again, left alone with Johnny Kavanagh, who had started to look at me in a way that I couldn't quite figure out.
"What are you looking at?" I asked after a full minute of staring on his part.
"I'm trying to understand your actions, you're quite the enigma." He continued without breaking eye contact.
"And you just got that now?" I said sarcastically.
"You said Gibsie wasn't your friend, yet you covered for him." He stated bluntly.
"That's because I don't want his death to be on my conscience." I corrected. "It has nothing to do with friendship, I would have done that for anyone."
"And yet, somehow, I feel like that's not true." He remarked. "You've made it pretty clear, at least to me, that you don't care about anything else other than the people closest to you."
"And? What has that got to do with anything?" I responded annoyed.
"And I know that once you and Hughie were pretty close." He continued.
"How very stalker of you." I commented.
"So, you wouldn't have lied to him, unless you cared, at least a bit, about Gibsie too." He concluded.
"Wow, did which one is faulty, your brain or your ears?" I replied. I didn't like how exposed I felt, like everything was right out in the light for this lad to see.
"You should watch less TV." I continued. "I lied because I didn't want Biggs to cause a scene right after the game and ruin the mood for everyone, especially considering that I'm supposed to go out to lunch with you people."
"Keep telling yourself that, Sunshine. Maybe if you repeat it enough, you'll even end up believing it." He taunted.
"I can't believe I ever considered apologising to you." I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you go back to one of your fangirls, she wants your company a lot more than I do." I said gesturing to where I saw the black-haired girl from before, who was now glaring at me harshly for daring to speak with her idol.
"Shite, what is she doing here?" He mumbled under his breath. "Ignore her." He then took my hand and started walking to the exit where the rest of the team was waiting.
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veritasss5 · 1 year
Hii. I hope you are having a good day or at least a better one than me!! I spent mine cleaning and learning organic chemistry for my oral exam. I got 90% on my written exam so my professor will expect A LOT from me and I really suck at talking lol
To answer the question why is beauty important to me I have to honestly say I don't know. I think it is more biology and evolution based than anything. The only reason people like pretty people is because they tend to be healthier so their kids will end up healthier. Pretty things in general are more trust worthy and relax us, but a real answer why that happens is unknown. It is understandable to like pretty people as they tend to be healthier, but what does a cute bowl bring? Perhaps that is also related to evolution. Cute things are more expensive and take more work so people think of us in a better light? But why do I want to be pretty? To fit in? To feel better about myself? To think I'm better than others? Because I like looking at pretty things? To be liked and loved? I think people often say they want to be pretty for themselves, but in reality they want to be pretty for others. If there was no pressure on beauty, would I care? Probably not. So I guess my final answer would be, I find beauty important because of other animals (humans). I need to feel pretty to feel like I'm fully accepted into my community. I need to feel pretty to feel good about myself.
I'm buba, 🦀☀️
Thank you!!!
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Hello Buba!! Welcome to my blog♥️ I wish you good luck for your exam!! You can do it and I am sure you can ace it😌🫶🏻 give yourself some peace and have patience with yourself! Do your best!!♥️✨
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Work on your insecurity about yourself, especially your physical appearance. Value yourself more because if you don’t give yourself a high level of worthiness, who would? Think about a diamond that has to realise that they are actually worth a lot instead of thinking they are just a common stone. You wrap yourself in things that don't suit you that make you feel confused about what you are naturally attractive and how you can use your beauty. Start to learn about what you really like, especially your style of dressing. Be more bold and step out of your comfort zone. It gives me the vibe of “the main character thinks they are ugly but in reality they are extremely beautiful and everyone knows it except for her”. Stop thinking you are a potato sack and explore yourself sincerely without judging. Stop measuring your beauty to fit in someone’s standard or opinion, aka stop asking other’s opinions. Study yourself just like how you study chemistry. Don’t hide your true beauty.
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Thank you so much for trusting me and have a nice day or night!✨ don’t forget to show gratitude after the reading as rules written♥️
Reminder: if you don’t say at least “thank you”, I will remember to not give you future readings from me.
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magickhajiit · 1 year
Sokovia and Spiders - Chapter 5
The bruising has faded to a murky yellow when he wakes up the next morning. The burns are still raw but white spots don’t dance across his vision when he moves his arm anymore. Small mercies. Fortunately, he’s not due in work for a couple of days, his co-workers are surely bored of hearing about him tumbling downstairs and running into open cupboard doors.  
A full week passes before he patrols next, partially because he was waiting for his injuries to heal and partially because calls for Spiderman’s arrest hadn’t quietened yet. It’s a strange feeling being public enemy number one again, it had been a couple of years. Swinging through New York’s streets even though his spidey sense stays quiet, he’s still half expecting Ms Marvel or Ironman to be hiding around each corner he turns.  
But the night stays calm. Or at least it does until a bullet wizzes past, flying so close that Peter’s not sure if it was meant to kill him or get his undivided attention. It worked if it was meant to do the latter. Spinning around, he sees a figure clad in red and black leather jump down to the street. A resounding crunch makes Peter wince as the other man lands like a sack of potatoes. He nearly loses his lunch when the figure stands up, one blood sodden bone poking out. It’s made worse when the man pauses it shove it back in place, before finally speaking, ‘’My name is Wade Wilson aka Deadpool aka The Merc with a mouth aka This Guy’s worst nightmare.’’ 
‘’Can I help you with something Mr Wilson’’ Peter knows the name Deadpool well despite, never previously having met him. He was a gun for hire, a certifiable lunatic, and a long time thorn in the side of the X-men. If the rumours about him prove to be true, Spiderman is in serious trouble. 
‘’Weird... How does he know my name? Word must be getting around about me.’’ 
‘’You're talking out loud.’’ 
‘’I am?’’ 
‘’Errr yes.’’ 
‘’Sorry I was meant to be breaking the fourth wall. I'll have to get that looked at.’’ He looks genuinely puzzled, at least as far as Peter can tell behind the red leather mask.  ‘’Anyhow, now the Superhuman Registration Act has been passed all heroes, vigilantes and generally any guy who can glow or shoot lasers out of their nipples needs to sign up with the ol’ United States Government or people like me are going to bring them to justice. That’s right readers I’m now working for the man. Or at least I will be as soon as I bring in this renegade.’’  
Without further ado he strikes. One hand rises to grab a blade before he slashes down, right as Peter makes his own move. Dropping to one knee he rolls forward, his shoulder digging painfully into the gravel before he leaps to his feet again. The metal continues streamlining through the air in a perfect arch, cutting through the air where Peter’s head had been thirty seconds earlier. ‘’They told me you had good reflexes, which is just great. I like a challenge.’’ 
His Spidey sense is blaring like a car alarm, loud and obnoxious as he stares at the man in front of him, half aware of the warmth sluggishly running down the side of his face. Numbly he reaches up, feeling where his mask has been ripped by his ear, his fingers come away crimson.  
‘’Alright, you’re a white male, around five foot seven. Is that a bit of brunette hair I see.‘’ He’s lowered his blade as he rattles on and Peter suddenly feel like he’s a mouse being played with by a cat. It’s a distressing thought that blocks out the realisation that a stone cold killer knows more about Spiderman’s identity in two minutes than all of New York has learnt in three years. ‘’I’ll have to put all of that into the system when I bring you in.’’ Whilst no one is trying to lob his head off Peter takes a moment to look over the weapon, still poised between them but having been lowered till it skims the floor. Shining dimly in the night it looks like something out of a movie, his stomach sinks when he notices his blood coating the tip. ‘’Can I ask how old are you?’’  
That question snaps him out of his panicked haze. ‘’None of your goddamn business.’’ 
‘’Have you not been listening this entire time, Spideyboy? This is my business. In fact, it’s my entire job. I guess it doesn’t matter. I’ll find out who you are as soon as I unmask you. ’’ 
‘’Unmask me? You- You just tried to kill me.’’ 
 ‘’Technically all I really did was nick your ear. But lethal force is allowed so long as the men in black suits or the media never find out.’’ Once again Deadpool swings, moving as Peter ducks out of range. Only this time there’s no let-up, the blade swings up and down like Deadpool’s dicing onions. Peter winces as he lands on his feet and left arm, suddenly remembering the pulled muscle not yet fixed from his fight with Ironman. He’s forced to move again before he can dwell on it.  
Since Deadpool has abandoned conversation, the night is quiet, at least for New York. The whistle of swords swinging through the air is half drowned out by the hum of faraway traffic and Peter’s own ragged breathing. Each move he makes is a resulting mixture of fast reflexes and his spidey sense, with no time for strategic planning. Automatically he throws out a web, once there’s a metres width between him and his assailant, when he feels it connect to the nearby lamp post he yanks hard. 
As his feet lift off the ground, Peter can see a flash of red out of the corner of his eye. Before two small knives skim past, the first hacks into his hip, tearing into soft tissue. Whilst the other flies past, slicing through the web like a knife through butter.  
The remaining web drifts to the ground. Peter falls too, but his landing is less delicate as he tumbles out of the air. Bracing for impact, he can feel his lip burst as he hits the floor, leaving a metallic taste in his mouth. A shadow is cast over he as he struggles to get air back into his bruised lungs. Groaning he looks up, only to see a red mask and white eyes staring back. ‘Well that was extremely embarrassing. For you I mean, not me.’’ 
‘’Wait if you wanted it bring me in shouldn’t I be given a chance to surrender.’’ 
‘’Oh shit. I totally forgot that part. Ok Spiderman do you take the US Government as your lawfully wedded. Wait. Sorry wrong lines. I’m getting married this weekend you see. Spiderman I’m placing you under arrest for breaching The Superhuman Registration Act. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say... Yada, Yada, you get the gist. I’m going to need you to stand up with your arms out. Do you accept this arrest?’’ 
‘’Yeah.’’ Peter breaths out as he gingerly rises to his feet, one arm is held out whilst the other is clamped tightly on his thigh, blood leaking through his fingers.  
‘’Wow that was easy. And I’m going to allow you to do that, just because I can imagine the bounty is higher when the captive hasn’t bled out.’’ Deadpool’s tone has turned conversational, almost cheerful, like he’s discussing a bout of sunny weather. When he reaches behind him Peter flinches, expecting a knife to be jutting out of his ribs any second. Catching sight of that Deadpool raises his arms placatingly ‘’Just reaching into my fanny pack. No need to be so jumpy.’’ Only then does Peter notice he does indeed have a fanny pack, tied around his waist. Digging through it he turns his back, away from Peter.  Anticipation grips his muscles as Peter lowers his good arm, blindly feeling for the web shooters on his other wrist. Finding them, he pushes a fresh web canister into place, wincing at the clinking sound it makes.  
His arms are back in place by the time, Deadpool turns around again clutching a pair of high-tech cuffs. ‘’Wait you said there’s a bounty for me?’’ 
‘’Yep. Stark has personally offered money to whoever can bring you in. And let me tell you it’s a lot. I mean you fought off two avengers. You’re going to make me a very happy man tonight. That sounded a little weird. Especially whilst I’m holding the cuffs...’’ 
Bracing his feet apart he watches each step the mercenary takes, ‘’What are they planning on doing to me exactly?’’  
‘’Minister Fantastic himself has cooked up a prison for guys like you. It’s in the negative zone, which is by the way the shittiest place you can go. Don’t tell anyone I told you though. They’re still being very hush hush about it. I guess the writer wanted the readers to be shocked by the reveal or something.’’ 
Deadpool is nearly in place, he’s so close that Peter doesn’t even bother to pay attention to whatever non-sense he’s saying when he replies, ‘’Writer?’’ 
‘’You wouldn’t understand.’’  
‘’I guess I wouldn’t.’’ Without warning he launches himself toward the other man, leaping into the air and twisting. He bends as his feet meet the chest plate of Deadpool’s suit. With everything he has he pushes, his leg screaming as the muscles under the open wound strain. He flips himself into a graceful crouch whilst Deadpool lurches backward, sprawling out onto the road. In the background he can hear Deadpool swearing to himself. 
With no hesitation Peter starts to scale up the nearest wall to escape, déjà vu hitting him as he realises this was the second time in a week he’d run with his tail between his legs. A sigh of relief escapes when he reaches the rooftop without anymore blades or bullets flying. Flicking the button on his wrist, he cries out as the polyester hits the wound. It’s not what a doctor who wanted to keep their licence would suggest but at least he wouldn’t be trailing blood, for a murderous Gretal. 
He sets off into a sprint, once the wounds fully covered in the makeshift bandage. Leaping off the roof into the next alley, ice cold air whips past his face as he swings. He keeps it up for three blocks, swinging roof to roof. Eventually, he stops, crumpling down beside a grimy chimney. His chest heaves with each breath, blood and adrenaline coursing through his body as his heart threatens to beat out of his chest. 
There’s bitter metallic tang lingering in his mouth but the blood dripping from his ear finally stopped. Resting his head against the wall, his eyes drop closed. 
‘’Suprise.’’ Before he can move Peter’s head is smacked back into the wall, his vision fades to black before a hand roughly slaps him back to full consciousness. ‘’Did you really think I’d just let you get away like that. ‘’ Scrunching up the back of his mask, Deadpool yanks his head up. ‘’At the start this wasn’t anything personal. Just business. Now it’s personal.’’ As he talks blood saturated fingers dip below his chin, and struggle to grasp at the edge of Peter’s mask.  
Faintly Peter thinks he hears a clang in the distance. But Deadpool pulling his mask above his chin distracts him. Frantically, he manages to get one arm up, scratching at the offending hand but it’s quickly subdued, before being crushed to the floor by Deadpool’s boot, his web shooters contort before they pierce his skin. The world around him spins, the mercenary’s hold the only thing keeping him upright. Cold air rushes into his lungs as the mask is pulled above his nose. Deadpool suddenly pauses like he’s waiting to give a big reveal, ‘’Finally, the world gets to meet Spiderman.’’ 
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brain-baby · 2 years
Nobody knows about my life on here, which should be a good thing but if you are to follow along there is a lot of context to be had. Although this is meant to be a vent post - I'll try and be as clear as I can so you can follow along.
Every fibre of my brain wants to scream "Fuck People!", but the part of me that has gone through rigorous therapy says otherwise. The rational part of me knows I need to forgive and forget but how can I do that when people keep throwing fuel onto the fire. How can I cope with the level of trust-breaking experiences I have been through if I don't get proved wrong about anyone.
I have a dilemma. I lived with people for 3 years, becoming a part of the family and being romantically attached to one of them. Unfortunately because of my past, I wasn't showing them my true self - burying it down deep out of fear. Not because they gave me any reason to fear but because of my old home life. the home life I had for 18 years. I am so grateful for everything they did for me, but I resent the memories due to not liking who I was during them. I lied, I cheated, I stole...I was every bad coping mechanism I could have been at the time. And they still housed me and loved me...
I broke up with the man I was with - leaving me out of the family in an instant. I know they have a lot of thoughts about me, I don't know whether good or bad and that drives me insane. I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel as though I tore up something I could have salvaged. I blocked them all a couple of months afterwards by pressure of friends. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him or the time I spent with his family...
In the meantime I exploded, fucking anything that moved and was good looking. Having grown up being told I was unloveable and disgustingly hideous, I was suddenly found in a place where I was socially viewed as attractive and single. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings, and a couple weeks after I broke up with him my mother died.
I had a group of friends that I quickly formed at the time. Courtney, Blaire (aka Lily), Ayla, and Alli. They were my life-blood, my saving grace. At the time they helped me a lot and I was overly honest with them - telling them everything my heart screamed. I swore that this was the group that was going to stay together...that was until I started seeing someone named Shawn. Shawn was a guy who lived with his ex girlfriend (told me that a month in) and was overly possessive and giving. i told him constantly I thought it was kind of like taking advantage of him, and behind his back told my friend group I had a feeling he would be obsessive. I was correct.
Blaire was supposed to understand me, we have the same mental illnesses and we were supposed to have each others backs - that is until she started hanging out with Shawn behind my back telling him over exaggerations of what I had said. Basically shit talking me behind my back, with no regard for what i actually said.
After Shawn told me I was the worst person ever, I gave Blaire another chance with one contingency - I didn't want Shawn knowing anything about me (after we broke up he proved his obsessiveness with constant checking in with my friends on me and always showing up when I went to hangout with them), so she couldn't be friends with him if she wanted to be friends with me. She agreed, but lied of course. After I found out I dropped her like a sack of potatoes. I don't do liars and I don't have respect for people who get second chances and waste them.
Couple of weeks later I found out she started dating the brother of my ex. She is now in the exact spot I was in not only half a year ago. Apart of the household and family...the only thing is is that family is adamant about HATING LIARS. As someone who was in that household and told many lies to them - I know that they would be crushed to find out about any of them so I have to keep my distance. But a big part of me wants to warn the poor family, the same family I took advantage of, about this snake they have welcomed in with warm arms. They would never take anything I have to say, Im sure of it, but they deserve to know who they are making a bed with. She's the lead singer in their band, close with both brothers and Im sure their parents love her too.
That big part of me that wants to warn them, I know its built out of rage that someone I hate gets to be in the spot I was once in - the safety and love that come with it. She doesn't deserve it, she doesn't in my eyes. Blaire deserves to have her lies topple around her, because clearly she doesn't want to fix anything or help herself. I gave her opportunities even before Shawn and she didn't take them. She is a liar and a stone cold statue with not a single non-wicked thought. The amount of pain and hurt she caused to so many people around her - all for what?
Courtney followed after Blaire, Ayla having gone with Blaire in the beginning. Courtney was my roommate at them time and was my closest friend. What she did stung even more.
First it was a kitten. She brought him in to be friends with my cat. Things were going ok, although the kitten was far too young for how she was treating it. It got so bad I needed to text her that we needed to find a solution, and she took that and got rid of the kitten without so much as allowing me a goodbye.
Then she started staying at her boyfriends place, every night. That would be fine if she wouldn't have left me her chores to do, left me deal with the problems in the place, left me to take care of the home alone. All I wanted was some help and so I asked for some - she then moved out a day later and told me I was a burden when my mom died.
I can't tell where I went wrong. Should I have been more lenient on them? Given more chances? I know these aren't the whole situations and I doubt anyone will read this far, but if you did, do I blame myself? Do I move forward trying to be more patient and allowing? Or do I protect my heart the way I used to? Or do I allow myself to hold these boundaries?
Do I tell the family that they have a demon in their midst?
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