#how to get someone into bl
firstkanaphans · 3 months
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Ohm Thiphakorn taking the time to respond to homophobes while he’s on vacation. King shit 👑
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floatingonapaintedsky · 2 months
People's reaction to Maya absolutely reeks of misogyny. And a refusal to engage with the fact her behavior is absolutely a result of the ways that able-bodied people treat disabled people. Which is absolutely wild for a show centered around the fact that what drew one of the MLs to the other is that he was one of the only people that treated him like a whole person instead of someone to be pitied, infantilized and made a spectacle of because of their disability. Like it's made very clear that ableism from others is a near constant and that a lot of people interact with you not because they actually want to know you as a person but because they want to feel good about themselves for being nice to the "poor helpless disabled person" The girl that told Kohei carrying the trash must be too difficult for him because he can't hear, the guys that let him score a basket because it would've been "pitiful" to defend against him, Yoko's cousin and her weird romance fantasy etc etc.
So Maya, as a disabled person who also deals with that bs on the daily, being stand-offish and critical or suspicious of an able-bodied man? Makes sense actually. Right now her character is there as conflict between the characters, it makes sense to not like her but hop off of all that "uwu this character is perfect sunshine baby and anyone who is mean or critical of them is a heartless bitch" bullshit
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bachirasbodyguard · 2 years
blue lock as gordon ramsay moments (shoutout to one of the most legendary haters of all time🙏)
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So this week we got the mentors relaxing around their interns and blurring the lines as well as some nice juxtaposition between Jane/Ryan and Judy/Ba-Mhee(/Tae).
Next week it looks like shit's going to hit the fan quite spectacularly and re-draw the lines we saw dissolving today.
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that-bl-bitch · 5 months
Yeah he murder but he's just a little guy
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baifengxis · 3 months
I know it's on me for looking too many comments and reviews about my favorite shows but do you guys ever feel like people just don't know how to like something anymore? Especially when it comes to tv-shows. It's like everyone's so ready to tear something apart, to be disappointed, to be proven right that a show is terrible like they thought it would be. I'm not talking about constructive criticism nor am I talking about being fairly disappointed over something but not only people love being negative but if you dare say that you love a show they all dislike you have to apologize because how dare you? And if you tell them to stop with the negativity because you just WANT TO ENJOY A MFUCKING TV SHOW when everything in this world is shit, they'll tell you you're censoring their opinions. Like it's not that deep please for the love of god, just let people enjoy things, if you don't like something THAT'S FINE but you don't have to make long essays explaining why and not let other people who do like it, enjoy it.
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scarefox · 3 months
idk with all the discourse about who's allowed to sing and who not, I feel like a lot of people forgot why humans sing in the first place, where singing comes from culturally...
Especially the Thai culture and fandom reminded me of that you do not have to be a perfect singer to have fun with each other. Singing is originally a fun or emotional activity to share vibes with your group, village, tell stories. (side note: the pagan folk genre is basically also a good witness of the past in that regard)
The whole Thai actor fan meeting and concert habit seems to be a very Thai culture thing just mixed with pop culture and capitalism.
Observing the Thai folks I see at my local yearly Thai festival, they are very similar. They still party hard even if the singer is not that good. They constantly go to the stage to slip the singers some money or gifts, request them to sing certain songs.
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 10 months
"Nobody's perfect" is such a common phrase, but depending on how it is used it can be very toxic.
I grew up in a very religious Mormon community with strict standards. For as long as I remember, I was told that people sin every day and so we have to repent of our sins every day as well. That's what "nobody's perfect" meant to them. Instead of the phrase being used to console or encourage, I mostly heard it as a way of passing judgement. "So-and-so is great, but nobody's perfect. They have plenty of shortcomings they should be working on as well." Many of my family, friends, and neighbors did everything they could to hide their own "sins" while looking down on others for whatever "sins" they must be committing, because everyone apparently sins every day.
And that's what I grew up believing. I thought I had to be perfect, because the goal was to get through the day sin free, or at least that's how I saw it. If I did everything I was told to do by my parents, teachers, and church leaders then I would be considered a good person, right? Actually, when I was a little older I learned that my unconscious thoughts were apparently full of sin as well! And my human desires were also sinful. And anything I did purely for myself was considered selfish. I remember being taught multiple times that there were good, better, and best uses of my time. Reading a book for fun was good, reading a book to learn and improve myself was better, and reading scriptures was best. So now I had to feel guilty for my unconscious thoughts I couldn't control, my body doing what it was built to do, and I had to feel guilty for having any fun or putting myself first.
As an adult I realized all of what I'd believed to be true my entire upbringing was bullshit. There is absolutely no way any person could avoid "sinning" if everything about me was considered wrong the way they made it sound. And because I wasn't perfect, because "nobody's perfect", I was made to feel like I had to make myself into as near a perfect being as I could manage in order to deserve even a morsel of acceptance or praise. But even that little bit of value I'd earned for myself wasn't worth anything because I would be reminded again and again that "nobody's perfect", meaning I'm not perfect, meaning I hadn't really earned anything in the end. All this made me feel like I was worthless and I couldn't do anything to change that.
Everything changed for me when I started learning about emotional abuse. My father was a diagnosed narcissist and he was very good at being emotionally abusive, so I had to learn how to deal with that. While I was reading about narcissistic abuse, I also realized that the religion I grew up in used the same tactics. I learned at church that everything about me was sinful. Literally. The list of sins in endless. I eventually realized that if you twist anything a certain way you can make it look like a sin, which then gives you a reason to look down on anyone who is committing that "sin." So no matter how "good" I was, I would never be good enough to anyone who was looking at me through the lens of "nobody is perfect because we are all sinners."
I remember sitting in church next to my mom one day when a woman who lived down the street was speaking. She was describing how she always felt like she wasn't good enough, she belittled herself and her accomplishments, put herself down, and made a public display of how guilty she felt and how that was why she was so humble and could feel closer to Christ. I looked at my mom and whispered, "It sounds like she's been emotionally abused." From the typical Mormon perspective, what this woman was expressing showed how humble she was. But now I could recognize that from another perspective what she said showed signs that she was a victim of emotional abuse.
Alan Watts said it better than I ever could: "Christianity institutionalized guilt as a virtue." I was taught to feel guilty even for just existing in order to make me feel indebted to God at church and my narcissistic father at home. Once I recognized how toxic that way of thinking was I couldn't bring myself to even pretend I was religious anymore. Now my way of thinking is more along the lines of, "Nobody is meant to be perfect, which is what makes everyone perfect in their own way." Instead of needing to be good enough, I'm learning to recognize the inherent value in everyone, including myself.
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forcebookish · 5 months
if arkarm were really both supposed to be gay for you then why was arm made admin of a Hot Boy facebook page in the first place? shouldn't he just be gay from the start? sus writing choice tbh
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pickletrip · 9 months
August you little piece of shit.
Could you stop and think for once before doing something, especially when you already know that Day likes you romantically?! You already knew that you could not reciprocate his feelings so you decided to lie and pretend hoping it would make Day feel better?? What kind of rationalizing is this? Dude, c'mon.
Day is not just dealing with his romantic feelings here and you cannot just assume that you can fill in a role temporarily just to give him good memories and feelings. NOBODY FEELS GOOD BEING LIED TO. Take your pity and stuff it up your ass. I cannot feel any sympathy for him. If you want to make Day feel good and happy be genuine about it. It's very simple.
If you already knew that you did not like him that way, then why did you initiate that kiss?
Did Day confess directly to you so you felt the need to take some action? NO.
Did Day tell you that he had a crush on someone and you were scared of losing him? NO.
Then why would you kiss him and then reject him when he kisses back? What tomfoolery is this? Are you living in your imagination and you think your actions have no consequences? Did you suddenly think that by kissing him things would naturally fall into place? NO AUGUST. THAT'S NOT HOW LOVE WORKS.
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I really like romances that highlights a complex relationship with desire. what’s that one quote. found it, it’s the siken quote that goes “the enormity of my desire disgusts me” and “there’s only one thing I want, don’t make me say it” LOVE that. it’s so fun. denial and repression and self-loathing! some of my favorite ingredients for a romance.
#time to talk the romos#it can show up in any narrative in many ways#but the way in romance it pulls another person into the process#is SOOOOO fun for me#with romance being character-focused and with the plot tied to emotional/relationship development#(when it’s done well) you get to see it in both an individual and systemic context#how it manifests in solitude and its impact on relationship patterns#how it’s masked or displayed#whether the character is aware or unaware#whether the character is trying to break these patterns or are furiously clinging to them#fight or flight lol#anyway that’s why I just ended up rotating that one single father bl in my head for so long#I feel like writing-wise I’m kind of lukewarm on it? but themes-wise it grabbed me by the throat and shook me like a rattle#the love interest’s whole thing is how at his core he wants affection but has only gotten it through dysfunctional means#because what he’s wanted has always been dismissed or rejected or minimalized for the sake of someone else#well yknow he’s an orphan and was taken in by his maternal uncle so there’s always been resentment if he does better than the ‘actual’ son#so the pattern is#starting from his cousin and his cousin’s girlfriend#is seeing affection and going ‘I want that’ and ‘stealing’ another person’s partner#and then instantly being disinterested because if it’s so easily ‘stolen’ it’s not the affection he actually wants#and since it continues outside of that context of. well essentially revenge#it just continues into solely experiencing unfulfilling relationships#so when the love interest recognizes his own interest in the main character#he’s trying to continue his cycle of ‘surely if I sleep with this person I’ll lose interest’ except by this point *that’s* the self-delusion#he’s found a person that he connects with and with whom he wants a genuine relationship#and it’s devastating to him!!!!!!#lmao I love it
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remythologise · 9 months
2023 fujoshi wrapped
you got baited 24 times
you debated the difference between queer-coding, queerbaiting and censorship in the comments section 4 times
you revisited fanfiction for 7 hit ships from the 2000s
you got blocked 5 times for tagging paragraphs of old man yaoi ship meta on unrelated text posts
you played 585 hours of video games for a combined total of 10 minutes of gay subtext and/or sex scenes
you judged a BL manga or light novel by its cover 948 times
you told 39 friends to watch 3 gay tv shows that are 'actually really really well written and enjoyable and not just gay' and 0 of them did
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Uea’s mom gonna be real mad when Uea stops sending her money
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himecloud · 4 months
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functionalasfuck · 2 years
Okay, so last episode we left off with Ben indirectly confessing to Chopper and asking him if he still liked him, but the scene cut off there. Then this episode they are hanging out alone at Chopper’s house and flirting.
So my question is
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sadkois · 2 years
you know what! i LOVE fics/aus/whatever revolvin around TIME SHENANIGANS (biggest example is time travel) and there needs to be more of these with nishiki and so here's a few ideas i've been thinking about...
Back to the past. after the explosion, nishiki wakes up in the past. sort of a second chance i guess :) (alt. kiryu is the one sent to the past. alt2. they both get sent to the past)
Time loop. similarly, after the explosion, nishiki wakes up in the morning of the final battle, except this time he has to relive the same day over and over... and over...
Switcheroo. 2005!nishiki & 80's!nishiki switch places :)
Back to the... future? nothin to do with that movie asgdh just send any nishiki into the future. it doesn't even have to be y0 to kiwami. it could be like. idk. get a nishiki thrown to y5. one of these could be either y0 or 1996 nishiki gets sent to y7. i really want nishiki to meet ichiban lmao
Meet&Greet. well, you know. all the ideas before only had one nishiki running around. but what if the past meets the future :)
Time Out. time stops while nishiki and kiryu are throwin punches. like, it stops for everyone except them.
read more for my nonsense. spoilers for y0 & kiwami. tw for suicide.
After the EXPLOSION in kiwami, nishiki wakes up in the past. WHEN in the past you wonder? why there's a lot of possibilities... it could be anywhere between y0 and kiwami :') maybe even when they both were younger... tho my personal favourite moments are:
the moment he was pointing the gun at kiryu in y0. (he has a gun! when he exploded he had a gun too!)
the exact moment he killed dojima (yep another moment where he has a gun in his hands... )
i havent thought much of this but yea. as for the alternatives. well i wanna talk about alt2 cause its always fun when two characters are sent to the past but they DONT know the other one knows, if u get what i mean lmao
AGAIN. after the EXPLOSION, nishiki wakes up in the past, except this time he's gonna be stuck in a loop instead :) i think it would be great for it to be the morning of the final battle (alternatively 2 days before the final battle. tbh im a bit unsure of the timeline, but im takin the morning as having reina and shinji already dead, while 2 days prior has everyone alive... depends on how bad things are gonna be for everyone lmao)
this is the idea i have thought of the most but at the same time im incapable of putin it into words aaaa
but just. imagine nishiki having to relive the same day over and over. obviously he doesnt realize hes in a loop the first time, he sees it instead as a second chance to actually win lol. i think nishikis smart enough to actually manage this while having knowledge of the "future". so he wins. gets rid of jingu. gets the money. he thinks he's done it but the loop starts again :) actually, to confuse nishiki a bit, maybe he should get shot at the end of that first loop. so he thinks he just messed up that last part :) but yea. he relives everything again and again and again and what is he supposed to do to escape this hell. (oh he absolutely thinks this is just hell at some point. he died the first time and this is his personal hell....) some scenarios for some of the loops could be:
he ends up killing kiryu instead (for this one the loop doesnt immediately begin again. i want him to go really 'what have i done' for this one lmao)
he shoots/stabs himself the first moments of a loop. he, of course wakes up again like nothing happened
he just. leaves. grab his car and drive out of this place for good. it doesnt work.
i want him to talk about the loop to someone. theres many characters he could talk to... kiryu maybe being the last resort...
i want something funny cause it cant be all too awful all the time. i dont know what tho.
he ends up threatenin/killlin/etc etc quite some people
of course this all ends at some point but aaaa thinkin about it.... thinkin about it.
still thinkin about it. i think it would be fun for them to switch with their appearances too. like, 2005 nishiki with his bigass eyebags and blood gel hair is suddenly in serena with kiryu and reina.
OK DAMMIT. ignoring everything else to just say that ichiban and nishiki should be friends. ICHIBAN IS THE KINDA FRIEND NISHIKI NEEDS OK. SOMEOEN WHO ISNT AFRAID TO EMOTE. (WHO CAN EMOTE OASGDHFJG) also this could actually also be sendin ichiban to the past or soemthin idk. WAIT. IT COULD BE SOMETHIN LIEK THE XMEN FUTURE PAST MOVIE. I DONT KNOW.
i feel like 80s nishiki & 2005 nishiki would hate each other on sight and i wanna see it. 2005 nishiki cause ew thats my cringe past self and 80s nishiki would pick up those vibes immediately. and once hearing about everythng 2005 nishiki did he would start throwing punches lmao. at the end i think they should talk tho. maybe they can help each other out...
OK YEA. U KNOW THAT PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR EPISODE WITH KING JULIEN N KOWALSKI? if not. well. the thing is while they are punchin each other out time stops. of course they dont freakin notice until nishiki falls down and kiryu gets the chance to look around. yumi and haruka are frozen. he notices nishiki is the only one actually breathin and we go from there :) practically the fic to force them to TALK. (watch one of them freakin leave lmao)
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