#how to do 301 redirect
white-label-blog · 1 year
A 301 redirect is a status code that informs search engines and web browsers that a URL has permanently moved to a different location. It is a crucial tool in the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to manage website traffic and ensure a positive user experience. Plus, 301 redirects don't negatively impact your SEO when implemented correctly.
Now you must be wondering how to do 301 redirect. Implementing 301 redirects is a simple process. But there are some common redirect errors and what you can do to preserve your website's user experience from them. Let's see -
Remove your 3XX pages from your sitemap
Identify and eliminate redirect loops
Eliminate unnecessary steps in a redirect chain
Keep an eye on your external links
However, you must know that the process will vary depending on the types of pages featured within the redirect process. When used correctly and in moderation, they can help ensure that your website remains search engine-friendly and user-friendly during site changes or updates.
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leads-view · 8 months
Using 301 Redirects to Preserve SEO Value While Reorganizing or Deleting Webpages
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Website restructuring is a fairly common occurrence in the digital world. Rebranding initiatives, website mergers, or simply pruning outdated content can lead to significant changes in your site's structure. However, such alterations can disrupt the SEO value of your webpage if not handled wisely. One effective strategy to retain the SEO value while reorganizing or deleting your webpages is through the judicious use of 301 redirects. In this blog post, we will explore what 301 redirects are and how they can help you preserve your page's SEO value during changes.
Understanding 301 Redirects
A 301 redirect is a status code that instructs search engines that a page has permanently moved to a new location. This serves two key purposes: 1. It redirects users who navigate to the old URL to the new location, ensuring a seamless user experience. 2. It transfers the SEO value (link equity) from the original page to the new location, helping to maintain search engine ranking. The "301" part is simply the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. In most cases, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website that's accessible to search engines.
When to Use 301 Redirects
You should use a 301 redirect when: 1. You're moving your site to a new domain: This will redirect visitors who are trying to access your old site. 2. You're merging two websites or pages: A 301 redirect will ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct page. 3. You're reorganizing your site's structure: If you're modifying your site hierarchy, 301 redirects can help preserve the SEO value of your old URLs.
How to Use 301 Redirects to Preserve SEO Value
When restructuring your website, it's crucial to set up 301 redirects appropriately to ensure you preserve your SEO value. Follow the steps given below: 1. Identify Pages with High SEO Value: Start by identifying pages on your website that have high SEO value. These pages generally have strong keyword rankings, high traffic, or a significant amount of high-quality backlinks. You can identify such pages using SEO tools, like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. 2. Create New Webpages: If you're reorganizing your website, create the new pages that will replace the old ones. Make sure they offer as much, if not more, value as the old page to ensure your rankings do not drop. 3. Set Up 301 Redirects: Use your server or CMS to set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the corresponding new URLs. This usually involves altering htaccess files on an Apache server or performing equivalent actions on other servers or CMS platforms. 4. Verify the Redirects: Once you've set up the redirects, verify them by visiting the old URLs to ensure they correctly redirect to the new location. 5. Monitor Your SEO Metrics: Keep an eye on keyword rankings, organic traffic, and other SEO metrics relevant to your site for the subsequent weeks and fine-tune your strategy as needed
The process of deleting or reorganizing webpages can be a tricky one from an SEO perspective. Still, with the help of 301 redirects, you can maintain the SEO value of your old URLs. And ensure a seamless transition for your users and search engines. Use this guide to properly map your old pages to new ones. Ensuring you don't sacrifice the hard-earned visibility and equity you've built up over time.
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mukti-paul787 · 1 year
How many types of redirect methods are there in SEO?
There are several types of redirect methods that can be used to improve the user experience and enhance website rankings.
One example is the 301 redirect, which is a permanent redirect that informs search engines that the original page has moved permanently to a new location.
This is great for preserving the SEO value of the original page and transferring it to the new one.
How do I create a redirect?
You can create a redirect by adding some lines of code to your .htaccess file if you are using an Apache server.
Alternatively, if you are using a content management system like WordPress, there are plugins available that make redirect creation a breeze.
All you need to do is specify the old URL and the new URL, and the plugin will handle the rest for you.
What are the types of HTTP redirects?
The most common :
1. 301 redirects for permanent moves,
2. 302 redirects for temporary moves, and
3. 307 redirects for temporary moves that preserve the original HTTP method.
Each type has its own purpose and uses case, but they all serve the same goal of redirecting users and search engines to the correct page.
What are the 4 types of redirecting behaviors?
Four types of redirecting behaviors.
1. Server-side redirects,
2. Client-side redirects,
3. Meta refresh redirects, and
4. JavaScript redirects.
These behaviors can be used strategically to improve website navigation and provide a better user experience.
In conclusion, redirection methods in SEO are crucial for improving website rankings and enhancing user experience.
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thehenrythomas · 2 years
Search engine optimization or SEO represents an online marketing plan that helps your company website, as well as services, get more online traffic and leads by enhancing your ranking in search results on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo!
So you have listened to SEO, but you are not exactly sure what it signifies or how it can assist you to fulfill your business objectives. You are not alone,
What does SEO stand for? is one of the most general queries SEO beginners have.
Since 93% of digital experiences begin with search engines, SEO is important.
Now that you will understand what SEO stands for, are you prepared to know how to utilize it? Keep reading to get begun.
What does SEO stand for?
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is utilized as a key element in many successful digital marketing plans.
What’s SEO?
SEO is the procedure of enhancing your website so it ranks well in search engine results for specific keywords. The procedure of enhancing or optimizing your company website revolves around search engine ranking aspects, which impact the algorithms that power search engine rankings.
What causes SEO, good or bad?
You understand well what SEO stands for, but how do you utilize SEO successfully?
Before you begin utilizing SEO, you require to understand the different ranking factors that power search engine algorithms. While more than 200 ranking factors exist, you can split them into two categories: On-page and off-page.
On-page SEO
On-page SEO concentrates on your website. It’s 100% in your command. You choose your page titles, navigation bar design, and content, for instance. If you like to optimize your on-page SEO, however, you’ll require the assistance of a website developer, copywriter, and marketer.
Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO concentrates on your digital presence. It’s beyond your power. You can’t make someone convey your content or link to your website, for instance. Instead, you must make content that individuals like to share or link to, which often needs outreach to get individuals aware of your content.
Optimizing for on- and off-page ranking factors concerns an assortment of optimization techniques. Before you update your first title tag or compose your first outreach email, it’s important to know the two kinds of SEO techniques: White-hat and black hat.
White-hat SEO
White-hat SEO utilizes authorized and respected optimization techniques. These are the types of techniques that search engines like to see because they don’t try to fool search engines or manipulate loopholes in a search engine’s algo.
A few instances of white-hat SEO techniques contain:
Counting relevant and accurate alt text to an image
Building informative, yet optimized page titles
Fixing 404 errors
Black-hat SEO
Black-hat SEO utilizes tricky and unapproved optimization techniques. These techniques get penalized by search engines because they manipulate search results and harm the user experience. While once the most prominent, black-hat SEO tactics rarely work today due to constant algo updates.
A few instances of black-hat SEO techniques contain:
Buying links
Keyword stuffing
Making 301 redirect chains
For the best outcomes with SEO, optimize your off- and on-page factors with white-hat SEO.
Are you looking to get your SEO off the ground? If yes then it is best to connect with the experts of an SEO company in Panchkula.
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devinschumacher · 2 years
Cloudflare Redirects: How to Setup 301 Redirects (URL Forwarding) Using CloudFlare’s DNS & Page Rules
Setting up a 301 redirect at CloudFlare isn’t that self-explanatory…
And since nobody likes reading documentation I figured that a true hero needed to step up and make this easy on the rest of the world.
So here I am, the hero of the internet, come to make your life easier once again – with an article, video & SOP for you to save and use later.
Let’s get after it.
Table of Contents
Cloudflare Redirects: How to Setup 301 Redirects (URL Forwarding) Using CloudFlare’s DNS & Page Rules
How to setup a CloudFlare 301 redirect using “page rules”:
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1. Add Domain to CloudFlare
2. Update NameServers
3. Update CloudFlare DNS
4. Setup Page Rules for URL Forwarding
How to setup a CloudFlare 301 redirect using “page rules”:
The process of setting up redirects using Cloudflare’s DNS is pretty simple. You add your domain, point the CloudFlare DNS records (A record & CNAME record) to Cloudflare’s server, and then setup a URL forwarding rule. That’s pretty much it.
The first two steps of this walkthrough have nothing to do with the actual CloudFlare 301 setup. They are the things you need to do before any of this works. So, if you’ve already added your domain to your CF account and pointed your domain registrar’s nameservers to it – you can skip them and start at Step 3.
1. Add Domain to CloudFlare
At the dashboard (dash.cloudflare.com) of your CloudFlare account click the “Add a site” button, and enter your domain on the next screen.
Once you do that, you’ll be presented with pricing options. Just choose the free one (bottom of screen) and move on.
Cloudflare will scan for existing DNS records and bring them over.
Keep them or delete them – the choice is yours (and depends on what you’re trying to do).
Click continue, and you’ll get your account’s nameservers.
You’ll need to update your current domain’s nameservers, which you can find at the domain registrar – aka the place where you login to see your domain, and probably where you purchased it.
2. Update NameServers
I can’t make a tutorial for updating nameservers at every web hosting company, because there’s like a trillion of them.
But you’ll just need to go to your account > select your domain > choose ‘edit nameservers’ or something similar > paste in the nameservers that Cloudflare gave you in the last step.
Now, it will take anywhere from 10 minutes to 48 hours for those changes to take effect. This is called propagation.
But you don’t have to wait for that to continue. You will have to wait for it for all the things you do next to work, however.
3. Update CloudFlare DNS
This is where the actual process starts.
Go to your domain settings in CloudFlare and choose “DNS”.
If redirecting the whole domain I usually start with deleting the current DNS records that CloudFlare ported over. Don’t do that if you have records in there you need.
Yes, captain obvious I know but… Common sense isn’t always so common in these extremely tense IT settings…
Next, we’re going to add in the CloudFlare DNS records you need for your URL Forwarding to work.
Click ‘Add record’ and add the following information, and click the ‘Save’ button:
Type: A
Name: @
IPv4 Address:
Now, click the ‘Add record’ button again, add the following information, and click the ‘Save’ button:
Name: www
Target: @
4. Setup Page Rules for URL Forwarding
Navigate to the “Rules” area on the sidebar, then click “Page Rules” and click the ‘Create Page Rule` button.
Now it’s time to set your 301s!
I’m going to setup a 301 redirect to forward all traffic coming to ‘domain A’ to ‘domain B’, but you can easily just change the URL & destination to fit your needs.
Follow these steps:
Enter the URL pattern you want 301ing
Click the dropdown and choose ‘URL Forwarding’
Select your ‘Status Code’ from the drop down (probably 301)
Enter the destination
Click ‘Save and Deploy Page Rule’
I entered the root domain, and put an asterisk ( * ) at the end, which means that if anyone goes to an inner url, like “domain.com/whatever-asdfadf” it will also get redirected.
You can setup inner URL specific 301s too.
Now, I’m simply going to do the exact same thing again – but this time add the www. version.
Same steps from above:
Enter the URL pattern you want 301ing
Click the dropdown and choose ‘URL Forwarding’
Select your ‘Status Code’ from the drop down (probably 301)
Enter the destination
Click ‘Save and Deploy Page Rule’
That’s it! You’re done!
You should be able to go to your forwarded domain, and be taken to the destination.
If it doesn’t work, make sure:
You’ve given enough time for your nameservers to propagate (see step #2)
You clear the CloudFlare cache (if you transferred your domain from another Cloudflare account)
You clear your browser cache, or try in ‘incognito mode’ (press shift + command + n on most browsers (MAC) to open an incognito window)
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Get the free How to setup a Cloudflare 301 Redirect checklist, and run it anytime you need to repeat this process.
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districtx-hq · 13 days
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» OCCUPATION: streamer and pinnacle institute student » ALSO KNOWN AS: ame » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: north side, x palace luxury apartments #301
: / / READ MORE . . .
second daughter of first generation a-tier enhanced agents myth (jang shinwoo) and polaris (lee yoorim)
in the spotlight from a young age due to parents' popularity
singlehandedly caused two different nannies to quit
primary ability manifested at 9 years old
saved her parents from assumed assassination attempt via mirror portal
accepted into the pinnacle institute at 21. nepotism?
does not show same dedication to training as her older sister did
streams online under the username 'jjangame'
very charming and popular despite questionable personality ??
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
she’s able to manipulate reflections using any reflective surface – mirrors, glass, water, particularly shiny jewelry, etc. if you can see the reflection of something in it, she can manipulate it. this includes making you see something in the reflection that isn’t physically there, but also making those reflections “real.” they’re just illusions, and she can’t maintain them long-term, but they can appear quite realistic. she can even make reflection illusions of people speak, though if she hasn’t heard them talk herself, they will sound strange. she can’t make them appear out of thing air, though – they always emerge from the reflective surface. there are a surprising amount of applications for this power, including harnessing light that reflects off of a surface. for example, if she’s by water at night, and moonlight is reflecting off of it, she can manipulate that moonlight into something more tangible, like an orb of light she can carry in her hands to light up darker areas. the farther away she gets from the original reflection, the harder she has to focus to keep manipulating it. she has also redirected sunlight off of a surface outside directly into someone’s eyes and blinded them before. one of its most useful applications, especially at her time at pinnacle, is her ability to reflect other people’s abilities. to do this, though, the ability has to be visible in a reflective surface. she always carries a compact mirror with her and wears shiny jewelry for this reason. in the case of psychic abilities, or other abilities that can’t be seen, she’s not as consistent. she has to be aware the ability is being used, and the person using it has to be visible in a reflective surface. it also takes additional focus on her part depending on the ability and the user’s skill with it, so she’s working on it. when she "reflects" an ability, it does essentially "uno reverse" it back onto the person that used it. how it effects them depends entirely on how the original user's ability works.
PORTAL CREATION she can create portals, but only through mirrors. she can only control where she’ll end up after going through a mirror portal if she can remember the location of another mirror. otherwise, she can picture a general area she wants to go, and wind up coming out of a random mirror nearby. it’s made for some awkward moments. she can take up to two people with her through a portal, but she has to be touching them.
CHARISMA MANIPULATION she’s able to quite literally “turn on the charm,” but only for herself so far – not for lack of trying. there are plenty of likable and popular people she has tried to make less charming, but she’s never noticed a real difference. she gets tired the longer she uses this ability. she uses it often at public gatherings and while she’s streaming, and she can’t stream as long as many other streamers because of it. in theory she could go into a social event without using it, but she feels significantly more insecure when she doesn’t.
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digitalstudyschool · 17 days
🚫 Stop Making These 10 Common SEO Mistakes 🚫
If you’re serious about improving your website’s SEO and boosting your online visibility, then it’s time to address some of the most common SEO mistakes that can hold you back. Whether you’re a business owner or a digital marketer, avoiding these mistakes is key to climbing up the search engine rankings.
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Let’s dive into these issues and learn how to fix them! 👇
1️⃣ Unoptimized Image File Names & Alt Text
Images are a critical part of any website, but are you optimizing them for search engines? ❌ Mistake: Using generic image names like “IMG_1234” and not including alt text means search engines can’t understand your images. ✅ Fix: Use descriptive file names and alt text that includes your target keywords.
2️⃣ Low Backlink Quality
Backlinks are still a major ranking factor, but not all links are created equal. ❌ Mistake: Focusing on quantity over quality when it comes to backlinks can hurt your site’s authority. ✅ Fix: Prioritize getting backlinks from reputable and relevant websites in your industry.
3️⃣ Failing to Resolve 404 Errors
Broken links can frustrate users and send negative signals to search engines. ❌ Mistake: Ignoring 404 errors or not setting up proper redirects when removing or moving content. ✅ Fix: Regularly check for 404 errors and implement 301 redirects to ensure a smooth user experience.
4️⃣ Overusing 301 Redirect Hops
Redirects are helpful but overdoing it can slow down your site and confuse search engines. ❌ Mistake: Creating multiple redirect hops instead of direct connections. ✅ Fix: Keep it simple — use a single 301 redirect to the final destination URL.
5️⃣ Leaving Pages as NoIndex
Sometimes, pages that should be indexed remain hidden from search engines. ❌ Mistake: Forgetting to remove NoIndex tags from important pages once they are ready to go live. ✅ Fix: Regularly audit your pages to ensure the right ones are being indexed.
6️⃣ Staging Site Remains Indexable
If your staging site is still live and indexable, it can lead to duplicate content issues. ❌ Mistake: Forgetting to block search engines from crawling your staging site. ✅ Fix: Use robots.txt or password-protect your staging site to prevent it from being indexed.
7️⃣ Not Creating Dedicated Landing Pages
Dedicated landing pages are crucial for targeting specific keywords and user intent. ❌ Mistake: Directing all traffic to a generic homepage or single product page. ✅ Fix: Create custom landing pages that match your keywords and the user’s search intent.
8️⃣ No SSL Security Certificate Installed
Security is now a ranking factor, and having an SSL certificate is a must. ❌ Mistake: Running a site without SSL can lead to lower rankings and trust issues. ✅ Fix: Install an SSL certificate to secure your site and make it more trusted by users and search engines.
9️⃣ Not Creating Custom Meta Information
Your meta titles and descriptions are the first impression users get on search engines. ❌ Mistake: Using default or missing meta tags. ✅ Fix: Craft custom meta titles and descriptions for each page that include target keywords and encourage clicks.
🔟 Not Focusing on a Great User Experience
User experience (UX) is just as important as technical SEO. ❌ Mistake: Focusing too much on technical SEO while neglecting the user experience. ✅ Fix: Ensure your site is fast, easy to navigate, and provides value to users. Great UX can improve your SEO rankings!
💡 Conclusion SEO can be complex, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can set your website up for long-term success. 🚀 Optimize your content, improve your site’s performance, and focus on providing value to your users. With these fixes, you’ll see your rankings improve, and your traffic grow!
Do you need help with SEO or digital marketing? Join us at Digital Study School at Mohali to master the digital marketing course.
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themesfores · 18 days
BetterLinks Pro URL Shortener – Track & Manage Links v2.1.1 Plugin
https://themesfores.com/product/betterlinks-pro-shorten/ BetterLinks Pro – Shorten, Track, and Manage Any URL v2.1.1 Are you looking to elevate your brand’s online presence with seamless URL management? BetterLinks Pro is here to revolutionize the way you create, shorten, and manage URLs. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, BetterLinks Pro helps you cross-promote your products, analyze your marketing efforts, and streamline your link management—all within the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. Why Do You Need BetterLinks? In the digital age, managing URLs effectively is crucial for enhancing your online strategy. Here’s why BetterLinks Pro stands out: 1. Easy-to-Use WordPress Link Shortener BetterLinks Pro integrates effortlessly with WordPress, allowing you to shorten links without leaving your site. This simple yet powerful tool helps you transform long, cumbersome URLs into neat, manageable links in no time, best WordPress Plugin for URL Short. 2. Create Attractive Looking Links Instantly With BetterLinks, you can generate links that not only serve a functional purpose but also enhance your brand’s aesthetics. Say goodbye to generic, unappealing URLs and hello to custom, eye-catching links that make a strong impression. 3. Add Multiple Redirect Types (301, 302, 307) Flexibility is key in URL management. BetterLinks Pro supports various redirect types—301 for permanent, 302 for temporary, and 307 for temporary redirects. This versatility ensures your links function as intended, improving both user experience and SEO. 4. Analyze & Track Your Marketing Campaigns Understanding how your links perform is vital for optimizing your marketing strategies. BetterLinks Pro offers comprehensive analytics to track clicks, conversions, and other critical metrics, enabling you to fine-tune your campaigns for better results. 5. Enhance Your Affiliate Marketing Strategies Affiliate marketers will find BetterLinks Pro particularly useful. It simplifies the process of managing and tracking affiliate links, making it easier to monitor performance and maximize your earnings. 6. Manage Your Links Directly in Gutenberg Editor BetterLinks Pro’s integration with the Gutenberg Editor streamlines your workflow. You can manage and insert shortened links directly into your content without any hassle, enhancing your productivity. 7. Reduce Link Load Time with Optimized Queries Speed matters. BetterLinks Pro optimizes queries to ensure your shortened links load quickly, enhancing user experience and reducing bounce rates. 8. Monitor Marketing Campaigns with UTM Builder The UTM Builder feature allows you to create customized tracking parameters for your URLs. This functionality is crucial for monitoring the performance of various marketing channels and understanding what drives traffic to your site. 9. Prevent Bot Traffic and Clicks with Bot Blocker Protect your links from fraudulent activities with the built-in Bot Blocker. This feature helps prevent bots from generating fake clicks, ensuring your analytics remain accurate. 10. Create Unique, Branded, Shortened Links Stand out from the crowd with branded links that reflect your business identity. BetterLinks Pro enables you to craft unique URLs that reinforce your brand and enhance user trust. 11. Share Your Shortened Links with One Click Efficiency is key. With BetterLinks Pro, you can share your shortened links directly from the WordPress dashboard with just a click, saving you time and effort. 12. Manage Your Links with an Interactive Interface The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes link management a breeze. Organize and modify your links quickly and easily, thanks to BetterLinks Pro’s user-friendly design. 13. Generate UTM Code Automatically in a Second Need to add UTM parameters to your URLs? BetterLinks Pro’s UTM Builder automatically generates and appends the necessary codes, streamlining your tracking process. Conclusion BetterLinks Pro is a game-changer for anyone looking to streamline their URL management and marketing efforts. Its array of features—from customizable link shortening to advanced analytics and bot protection—makes it an indispensable tool for digital marketers, affiliate managers, and brand owners alike. By integrating BetterLinks Pro into your workflow, you can enhance your online presence, improve your marketing strategies, and achieve your business goals with greater efficiency. FAQs 1. What makes BetterLinks Pro different from other URL shorteners? BetterLinks Pro offers advanced features such as multiple redirect types, UTM building, and bot protection, which are not typically found in basic URL shorteners. 2. Can I use BetterLinks Pro with any WordPress theme? Yes, BetterLinks Pro is compatible with all WordPress themes, ensuring seamless integration regardless of your website’s design. 3. How does the UTM Builder work in BetterLinks Pro? The UTM Builder allows you to input tracking parameters and automatically adds them to your URLs, helping you monitor and analyze your marketing campaigns effectively. 4. Is BetterLinks Pro suitable for affiliate marketers? Absolutely. BetterLinks Pro’s features, such as link tracking and management, are tailored to enhance affiliate marketing strategies and improve performance monitoring. 5. Can I prevent fake clicks on my links with BetterLinks Pro? Yes, BetterLinks Pro includes a Bot Blocker feature to help prevent fraudulent clicks and ensure your analytics are accurate. https://themesfores.com/product/betterlinks-pro-shorten/ #WordpressPlugins
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arifbsrm · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to E-Commerce SEO: Boosting Your Online Store's Visibility
n today's competitive digital landscape, having an e-commerce store isn't enough. You need to ensure that your online presence is optimized for search engines to attract and convert customers. That's where E-commerce SEO comes into play. By improving your store’s search engine visibility, you can drive organic traffic, increase sales, and stay ahead of the competition. Here's how you can optimize your e-commerce site for SEO success:
1. Keyword Research:
Start with thorough keyword research. Identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using to search for products. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find high-volume keywords with low competition. Target long-tail keywords that reflect buyer intent, as these often lead to higher conversions.
2. Optimized Product Descriptions:
Each product page should have a unique, engaging, and keyword-rich description. Avoid duplicate content, which can harm your SEO ranking. Write clear and detailed descriptions that answer potential customer questions and highlight the product's benefits.
3. Technical SEO:
Ensure that your site’s technical foundation is solid. This includes optimizing site speed, using responsive design for mobile-friendliness, and implementing a clean URL structure. XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, and proper 301 redirects are also essential to guide search engines through your site.
4. User Experience (UX):
Search engines favor websites that provide a great user experience. Focus on easy navigation, quick load times, and intuitive design. A positive UX not only improves your SEO but also boosts conversion rates by keeping customers on your site longer.
5. Mobile Optimization:
With more shoppers using mobile devices, mobile optimization is critical. Google uses mobile-first indexing, meaning it primarily looks at the mobile version of your site for ranking. Ensure that your e-commerce store is fully responsive and delivers a seamless shopping experience across all devices.
6. Internal Linking:
Strengthen your internal linking strategy. Link related products, categories, and blog content to create a web of connections that helps both users and search engines navigate your site. This enhances site structure and distributes link equity across important pages.
7. Customer Reviews and UGC (User-Generated Content):
Encourage customer reviews and UGC. Not only do reviews build trust with potential buyers, but they also provide fresh, relevant content for search engines to index. Plus, reviews often contain natural language that matches search queries, helping to boost your rankings.
8. Backlink Strategy:
Acquiring quality backlinks is crucial for e-commerce SEO. Reach out to industry influencers, bloggers, and authoritative sites to build valuable backlinks. Guest posting, creating shareable content, and partnering with relevant websites can help you earn backlinks that improve your site's authority.
9. Schema Markup:
Implement schema markup to help search engines understand your content better. Rich snippets (e.g., product prices, ratings, and stock availability) can enhance your listing's appearance on SERPs, making your products stand out and attracting more clicks.
10. Content Marketing:
Create valuable content around your products and industry. This could be in the form of blog posts, buying guides, videos, or infographics. By providing helpful content, you not only engage your audience but also create opportunities for keyword optimization and backlinks.
Effective e-commerce SEO is a combination of on-page, technical, and off-page strategies. By focusing on the right keywords, providing a top-notch user experience, and building quality backlinks, you can significantly improve your store's visibility in search engines. Stay up-to-date with SEO trends and continually optimize your site to maintain and grow your organic traffic.
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hoawebsitehostin · 1 month
What to Do with Multiple Posts Targeting the Same Keyword
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When working on a website, it is usual to come across numerous postings that target the same keyword. This condition, referred to as keyword cannibalization, can confuse search engines like Google and hurt your SEO efforts. Instead of ranking one brilliant page, you may end up with multiple inferior ones that compete with each other. In this newsletter, we're going to take a look at what to do if you have many posts focused on the same keyword and need to ensure that your content strategy is powerful in supporting
Understanding Keyword Cannibalization
When several pages on your website combat for the same period, that is known as keyword cannibalization. Because Google and different search engines like Google and Yahoo have issues figuring out which internet site ought to rank for that keyword, this can dilute your search engine scores. You can find that multiple pages rank lower than one strongly, dividing the possible visitors.
Keyword cannibalization can be especially detrimental for companies that provide services like IT and digital marketing. By focusing on a competitive term such as "SEO agency in Dallas, TX" in several posts, you could unintentionally reduce the general SEO performance of your website.
How to Handle the Cannibalization of Keywords
Resolving keyword cannibalization calls for a calculated strategy. The following are the essential actions to properly handle several postings aimed at the same keyword:
1. Conduct a content audit.
Conduct an audit of your current material as a first step. Determine which posts and pages on your website target the same keyword. You may locate and examine these pages with the aid of programs like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Search Console. Compile a list of all the URLs vying for the same keyword and assess each one's traffic, ranks, and conversion rate.
2. Identify the content that performs the best.
Find out which content is performing the best if you have a list of competing pages. Examine elements like user engagement, organic traffic, and search rankings. It could make sense to concentrate on that page as the main content for the desired keyword if it performs noticeably better than the rest.
For example, if you are a digital marketing and IT service and one of your posts regarding "SEO agency in Dallas, TX" routinely gets more traffic and ranks higher, you ought to give that post priority.
3. Combine and consolidate information.
If you have multiple posts that are targeting the same keyword and have comparable content, you might want to combine them into one long post. You may make a better, more authoritative article with a higher chance of ranking well by combining these posts.
Select the most successful post to serve as the foundation for combining materials. Next, incorporate insightful material from earlier blogs, making sure the fresh material is comprehensive, orderly, and adds value for your viewers. To preserve link equity and prevent broken links, don't forget to set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new, consolidated page.
4. Revise and enhance the remaining text.
If an article is valuable or cannot be combined, think about optimizing it for a different keyword. Determine supplementary terms or associated subjects that these articles may focus on. You may change one of your articles, for instance, to highlight "digital marketing services in Dallas" or "local SEO strategies for Dallas businesses," if you have several regarding "SEO agency in Dallas, TX."
By reoptimizing your content using distinct keywords, you may prevent direct rivalry with your existing material and give each piece a distinct focus. It also enables you to cover a wider range of subjects, drawing in a more varied audience to your website.
5. Make use of internal connections from a strategic standpoint.
One effective technique to direct users and search engines to your most important pages is through internal linking. Use internal links pointing to your core content page from other related pages once you've determined what the keyword's main content is. This helps the linked page rank higher by informing search engines that it is the most authoritative source on the subject.
As an SEO agency in Dallas, Texas, you can increase the visibility and ranks of a primary post regarding local SEO services by strategically linking your other local SEO-related posts to it.
6. Track and modify your approach.
Once your content has been combined and optimized, keep an eye on its progress over time. Utilize resources such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor alterations in traffic, rankings, and engagement. Should you observe that a specific term isn't yielding the desired results, be prepared to modify your approach. As SEO is a continuous process, you can be confident that your efforts will continue to produce fruit by conducting routine monitoring.
Managing several posts that are aimed at the same keyword calls for consideration. You may prevent keyword cannibalization and enhance the SEO performance of your website by performing a content audit, combining and optimizing material, and utilizing strategic internal linking. Whether you work in IT and digital marketing or manage an SEO agency in Dallas, TX, efficiently managing your content will keep your website relevant and competitive and draw in the proper kind of visitors.
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leads-view · 9 months
The Role of Mobile Responsive Design in Landing Page Optimization
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When it comes to managing an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, few faux pas can be as detrimental as duplicate content. Although not penalized by Google directly, duplicate content can significantly affect your site's SEO performance. This blog post will delve into the impact of duplicate content on SEO and offer effective strategies to address and avoid it.
Duplicate Content: A Saboteur of SEO
Duplicate content refers to substantial blocks of content within or across domains that completely match other content or are appreciably similar. This can be either a result of careless copy-pasting or simply reusing content elements extensively across your site.
It may seem harmless on the surface, but duplicate content can be damaging to your SEO performance in several ways:
1. Dilutes Link Equity: When multiple pages have the same content, external sites linking to your content may link to several versions instead of concentrating on a single page. This dilutes the value of inbound links, weakening the ranking potential of your content.
2. Wastes Crawl Budget: Search engine bots have a finite resource - the crawl budget - which dictates how often and how many of your pages are crawled in a given time. If a large portion of your site hosting duplicate content, search engines could be wasting their time crawling multiple identical pages instead of discovering new or updated content.
3. Confuses Search Engines: If you have multiple versions of the same content, search engines can get confused about which version to index or rank for query results.
Addressing Duplicate Content: Best Practices
Armed with the understanding of potential problems caused by duplicate content, let's explore some methods to address and prevent such issues.
1. Use 301 Redirects
When you move a page or permanently replace it with another, make sure to implement a 301 redirect - essentially a change of address note to Google - to prevent multiple versions of the same page from existing.
2. Utilize the Canonical Tag
The canonical tag is a piece of HTML code that tells search engines which version of a page you want them to treat as the 'official' one during indexing. It can be especially useful if you have multiple URLs with similar content.
3. Carefully Craft Your Content
The best way to avoid duplicate content issues is to create original and unique content for each webpage. Avoid copying and pasting content across pages, and if you need to quote or reference external content. Make sure to do so in small volumes and include proper attributions.
4. Manage URL Parameters
URL parameters like click tracking and certain eCommerce functions can create a vast array of duplicate content within your domain. Make sure to manage these parameters correctly and consider having them excluded from search engine crawling if necessary.
5. Be Cautious with Syndicated Content
If you syndicate your content - that is, allow others to republish your posts. Ensure that they link back to your original content. And use the canonical tag to acknowledge the source page.
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bullzeyemedia · 1 month
How to Migrate Your Website Without Losing SEO
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Planning a change on website platforms? No need to panic for your SEO progress – we’ll preserve it! Pushing a site from one host to another is not a difficult task and it is possible to do a move while retaining the search rankings. Here’s a quick guide to ensure a successful migration: 1. Conduct an SEO Audit It is advisable to evaluate a site’s SEO condition before making the relocation. Track keyword positions, backlinks, and such on-page components as meta tags and headers. 2. Choose Your Migration Path Wisely Several categories of media have different SEO effects. Whichever way: from a CMS to another CMS, or from a static site to a CMS, make sure you are accustomed to the SEO consequences. 3. Keep SEO Consistent Keep your URLs and your meta descriptions of the articles. Employ the use of 301 redirects so that the search engines can be able to follow the new URLs, rather than a broken link. 4. Utilize Platform Migration Tools Most of the platforms provide features that can be used to migrate sites easily. Employ these it would help in making sure that the SEO data is transferred properly. 5. Optimize Your New Site This is a good occasion to focus on improvements in SEO. Optimise site loading, access through mobile devices and enhance the quality of your content, then you should submit the site map to the search engines.
Read more: Move Your Website Without Hurting Your SEO
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boonapps · 2 months
How to Effectively Create and Manage Shopify Redirects: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Shopify is a powerful e-commerce platform that allows businesses to set up online stores and sell products with ease. However, managing redirects on Shopify is crucial for maintaining good SEO practices and providing a seamless user experience. Redirects are used to forward users and search engines from one URL to another, and they can be essential when you make changes to your website, such as updating product pages, changing collections, or restructuring your site. Learn how to efficiently create and handle Shopify 301 redirects with our comprehensive step-by-step guide. Optimize your site for better SEO and user experience! This guide will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to effectively creating and managing Shopify redirects.
Understanding Shopify Redirects
What are Redirects?
Redirects are instructions that automatically send users and search engines from one URL to another. They are crucial for maintaining the integrity of your website’s links and ensuring users do not encounter broken links or 404 error pages. There are several types of redirects, including 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary) redirects, each serving different purposes.
Importance of Redirects in E-commerce
In the context of e-commerce, redirects are vital for several reasons:
SEO Preservation: Redirects help maintain the SEO value of your pages. When a URL changes, a redirect ensures that search engines recognize the new URL and transfer the ranking power from the old URL to the new one.
User Experience: Redirects prevent users from landing on broken pages, which can lead to a poor user experience and potential loss of sales.
Brand Consistency: Redirects help maintain a consistent brand experience, ensuring that all links, whether from marketing campaigns or external sources, lead to the intended destination.
Creating Redirects in Shopify
Step 1: Accessing the Shopify Admin Panel
To create redirects in Shopify, you need to access the Shopify Admin Panel. Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the admin dashboard.
Step 2: Navigating to the Online Store Section
Once in the admin panel, go to the "Online Store" section located in the left-hand sidebar. Click on "Navigation" to access the navigation settings for your store.
Step 3: Adding a URL Redirect
In the Navigation section, you will see a "URL Redirects" tab. Click on this tab to begin creating your redirects.
Step 3.1: Entering the Old URL
In the "Old URL" field, enter the URL that you want to redirect from. This is the URL that users and search engines are currently using and that you want to change.
Step 3.2: Entering the New URL
In the "New URL" field, enter the URL that you want to redirect to. This is the new destination URL where you want users and search engines to be directed.
Step 3.3: Saving the Redirect
After entering the old and new URLs, click the "Add Redirect" button to save your changes. Shopify will now handle the redirection, ensuring users and search engines are automatically directed to the new URL.
Managing Existing Redirects
Viewing and Editing Redirects
To view and manage existing redirects, go back to the "URL Redirects" tab in the Navigation section. Here, you will see a list of all the redirects you have created.
Editing a Redirect
To edit an existing redirect, click on the redirect you want to modify. This will open a new window where you can update the old or new URL. After making your changes, click "Save" to update the redirect.
Deleting a Redirect
If you need to remove a redirect, click on the delete icon next to the redirect you want to remove. Confirm the deletion, and Shopify will remove the redirect from your list.
Best Practices for Shopify Redirects
Using 301 Redirects for Permanent Changes
For permanent URL changes, always use 301 redirects. This tells search engines that the change is permanent and transfers the SEO value to the new URL. Avoid using 302 redirects for permanent changes, as they indicate a temporary change and do not pass SEO value.
Regularly Reviewing Redirects
Regularly review your redirects to ensure they are still necessary and functioning correctly. Remove any redirects that are no longer needed to keep your list organized and efficient.
Avoiding Redirect Chains
Redirect chains occur when one URL redirects to another, which then redirects to another. These chains can negatively impact SEO and slow down page loading times. Ensure your redirects point directly to the final destination URL to avoid chains.
Testing Redirects
Always test your redirects to ensure they are working as intended. Enter the old URL in your browser and verify that it correctly redirects to the new URL.
Tools and Apps for Managing Redirects
Shopify Redirects App
The Shopify Redirects app is a useful tool for managing redirects within your Shopify store. It simplifies the process of creating and managing redirects and provides additional features such as bulk import/export of redirects.
SEO Manager by venntov
SEO Manager is another app that can help you manage redirects along with other SEO tasks. It offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive tools to ensure your redirects are properly set up and optimized.
Effective management of Shopify redirects is essential for maintaining SEO integrity and providing a seamless user experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily create and manage redirects, ensuring that your online store remains accessible and efficient. Regularly reviewing and testing your redirects, along with using dedicated tools and apps, will help you maintain a well-organized and high-performing Shopify store. Learn how to create and manage Shopify redirects effortlessly with our step-by-step guide. No-code mobile app builder at your service for seamless navigation. By implementing these best practices, you can ensure that both users and search engines navigate your site without encountering any issues, ultimately contributing to the success of your e-commerce business.
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pixenite · 3 months
What Are Broken Links and How Can You Fix Them?
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Have you ever clicked a link on a website, only to be greeted by a frustrating error message? This annoyance, known as a broken link (also called a dead link or link rot), can happen for a number of reasons. Not only do broken links disrupt your visitors’ experience, but they can also hurt your website’s ranking in search engines.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of broken links, explaining what they are, why they occur, and how you can easily fix them. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions to empower you to keep your website healthy and user-friendly.
What Exactly is a Broken Link?
Imagine a website as a giant web of information, connected by links that take you from one page to another. A broken link is like a frayed thread in this web — it leads nowhere. When you click on a broken link, you’ll typically encounter an error message, like “404 Not Found” or “Page Not Found.” This indicates that the linked page either doesn’t exist anymore or has moved to a different location on the website.
The Trouble with Broken Links
Broken links can cause a number of problems for your website, including:
Frustrated Visitors: Imagine you’re reading an interesting article and click on a link for further details, only to hit a dead end. This can leave users feeling frustrated and may lead them to abandon your site altogether.
Poor User Experience: Broken links disrupt the flow of information on your website. Visitors expect links to work, and encountering broken ones creates a negative user experience.
SEO Woes: Search engines like Google value websites that are well-maintained and offer a good user experience. Broken links can signal that your website is outdated or not properly cared for, which can negatively impact your search ranking.
Why Do Links Break?
There are several reasons why a link might become broken:
Mistyped URLs: This is a common culprit. A simple typo in the web address can render the link useless.
Website Restructuring: If you’ve reorganized your website’s structure or changed the permalink (the permanent URL) of a page, any links pointing to the old location will break.
External Website Issues: Links to external websites (websites outside your own) can break if the linked page is removed, the website itself goes offline, or the URL changes.
Deleted Files: If you’ve deleted a file, such as a PDF document or image, that was linked from another page, the link will break.
Fixing Broken Links: A User-Friendly Guide
Now that you understand the problems broken links can cause, let’s explore how to identify and fix them:
Broken Link Checkers: Fortunately, there are several free and paid tools available online that can scan your website for broken links. These tools typically generate a report that lists all the broken links and their corresponding error messages.
Manual Checking: While broken link checkers are handy, it’s also a good idea to manually review your website, especially after making any changes to the structure or content.
Here’s how to fix broken links once you’ve identified them:
Update the Link: If the linked page still exists on your website but has simply moved to a new location, update the link to point to the correct URL.
Redirect the Link: If you’ve permanently deleted a page, you can set up a 301 redirect to send users to a relevant page on your website. This helps maintain a good user experience and avoids the dreaded 404 error message.
Remove the Link: If the linked page no longer exists and there’s no suitable replacement, simply remove the link altogether.
Keeping Your Website Link-Healthy
Here are some tips to prevent broken links in the future:
Double-Check URLs: Always carefully review URLs before publishing them on your website.
Update Links Regularly: Periodically check your website for broken links, especially after making any significant changes.
Use Internal Linking Best Practices: When linking to internal pages, consider using relative paths instead of absolute URLs. This makes it easier to update links if you ever change your website’s structure.
Conclusion :
By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you can effectively identify and fix broken links on your website. Remember, a website free of broken links not only enhances the user experience for your visitors but also signals to search engines that your website is well-maintained and deserves a good ranking.
At Pixenite, we understand the importance of a user-friendly and search-engine-optimized website. We offer a variety of services, including website maintenance and content creation, to help you keep your website healthy and thriving. If you’re struggling with broken links or any other website issues, don’t hesitate to contact us — we’re here to help!
Q. Can Broken Links Hurt My SEO?
Yes, broken links can negatively impact your website’s search engine ranking. Search engines prioritize websites that offer a good user experience, and broken links can hinder that.
Q. How Often Should I Check for Broken Links?
It’s a good idea to check for broken links regularly, especially after making any significant changes to your website
Q. How do I set up a 301 redirect?
The process for setting up a 301 redirect can vary depending on your website platform. However, many platforms offer built-in tools or plugins for managing redirects. You can also find tutorials online that explain how to set up 301 redirects manually through your website’s code.
Q. What if I’m not comfortable fixing broken links myself?
If you’re not comfortable identifying and fixing broken links yourself, there are many web development professionals who offer this service.
Article Source : https://medium.com/@pixenite/what-are-broken-links-and-how-can-you-fix-them-76ad80bc571f
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oyecommerz · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Migrating from WordPress to Shopify: Step-by-Step Process and Best Practices
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Are you considering making the switch from WordPress to Shopify? Whether you're looking for improved e-commerce capabilities, better security, or just a more user-friendly platform, migrating to Shopify can be a game-changer for your business. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the entire migration process, from planning and preparation to launch and optimization. Let's dive in!
Planning Your Migration
Evaluate Your Needs
Before you begin, it's crucial to understand why you're migrating and what specific features you need from Shopify. Do you need better inventory management? More robust SEO tools? Identify your goals to ensure a smooth transition.
Prepare Your Team
Migration is a team effort. Make sure everyone involved understands the process and their responsibilities. This includes developers, content creators, and marketing staff.
Backup Your Data
Always back up your WordPress data before starting the migration. This includes your content, media files, customer information, and order history. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Choosing the Right Shopify Plan
Compare Shopify Plans
Shopify offers several plans tailored to different business needs. Compare the features and costs of Basic Shopify, Shopify, and Advanced Shopify to determine the best fit for your business.
Free Trials and Demos
Take advantage of Shopify’s free trial to explore the platform and ensure it meets your needs. This is a risk-free way to get a feel for what Shopify offers.
Setting Up Your Shopify Store
Initial Setup
Start by setting up your new Shopify store. This includes creating your account, setting up your domain, and configuring basic settings like payment and shipping options.
Theme Selection
Choose a theme that reflects your brand. Shopify offers a wide range of free and premium themes. Customize your theme to match your brand’s identity and ensure a seamless customer experience.
Essential Apps
Enhance your store’s functionality with essential Shopify apps. Consider apps for SEO, email marketing, social media integration, and inventory management to streamline your operations.
Migrating Content and Data
Products and Categories
Export your product data from WordPress and import it into Shopify. Shopify’s import tools make this process straightforward, but ensure all product details are correctly transferred.
Pages and Posts
Migrate your static pages and blog posts to Shopify. This may require manual copying or using third-party migration tools. Double-check formatting and links to ensure everything is in order.
Customer Data
Transfer your customer data securely. This includes customer accounts, contact information, and purchase history. Shopify provides detailed guides on how to do this safely.
Order History
Keep your customer service seamless by migrating your order history. This helps maintain continuity and provides valuable data for future marketing efforts.
SEO and Redirects
Maintaining SEO Rankings
One of the biggest concerns during migration is maintaining your SEO rankings. Ensure your new Shopify store is optimized for search engines. Use Shopify’s SEO tools and apps to replicate your old site’s SEO settings.
Setting Up Redirects
Set up 301 redirects from your old WordPress URLs to your new Shopify URLs. This prevents broken links and ensures your visitors can still find your content.
Testing and Launch
Pre-Launch Testing
Before going live, thoroughly test your new Shopify store. Check for broken links, missing images, and functionality issues. Make sure the checkout process works smoothly.
Go Live
When you’re ready, officially launch your new Shopify store. Announce the launch to your customers and on your social media channels.
Post-Launch Monitoring
Monitor your store closely after launch. Watch for any issues and address them promptly. Use Shopify’s analytics tools to track performance and make data-driven decisions.
Optimizing Your New Shopify Store
SEO Best Practices
Optimize your Shopify store for search engines by following SEO best practices. Use relevant keywords, optimize product descriptions, and ensure your site loads quickly.
Marketing Strategies
Implement effective marketing strategies to attract traffic and boost sales. Use email marketing, social media campaigns, and paid advertising to reach your target audience.
Analytics and Reporting
Utilize Shopify’s analytics tools to track your store’s performance. Regularly review reports to understand customer behavior and identify areas for improvement.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Real-Life Examples
Learn from businesses that have successfully migrated from WordPress to Shopify. Real-life examples provide valuable insights and inspire confidence in your decision.
Lessons Learned
Understand common challenges and how to overcome them. Learn from others' experiences to avoid potential pitfalls in your own migration process.
WordPress to Shopify Migration can be a transformative step for your business. With careful planning, thorough testing, and ongoing optimization, you can create a powerful e-commerce store that drives growth and success. Ready to make the switch? Start your Shopify journey today!
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georgemathew8899 · 4 months
How to Fix an Over Optimized Article
Among the costliest mistakes that SEO newbies make at the beginning of their SEO journey is over-optimizing their website. This can entail stuffing keywords into title tags and meta descriptions, or merely using a bunch of keywords in the image alt text. It can also involve doing this in their Google My Business Listing.
Keep in mind website content becomes over-optimized when website owners write content with only one thing in mind: making Google happy. With that as the end goal; they dig into the keyword research, find the right ones, and try to fix as many as possible into the content.
However, keyword stuffing is bad for SEO since search engines are too smart to fall for it. Having said that, here is how to fix an over optimized article in almost no time.
Remove the Over-Optimized Content
You may decide to remove the over-optimized content if it is just not worth it to re-write it. Maybe you want to focus on a keyword that you no longer care about. Maybe the design or content is out-of-date or you just can’t bear to look at it anymore.
Regardless of the reason, sometimes you just want that content off of your website. When this is the case, then you can delete the page and set up a 301 redirect to an existing page on your website.
Re-Optimize the Bad Content
What happens when the page is focused on a keyword that you would like to get traffic for and you have the time or money to fix it? In this scenario, it would be better to re-optimize it according to Google’s Quality Guidelines. Actually, this is the best way to bring your website back from the dead.
Remember, you will first have to find the over-optimized content. Some things you should consider include keyword-rich anchor text for internal links, keyword-stuffed footer and content, non-branded URLs, and high backlink velocity.
You should perform a website audit to find you’re lowest performing content. Low-value content is simply any content that failed to drive significant traffic or attract any natural links and that could lead to a manual action for not complying with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
After that, you’ll see where you are standing; you either have over-optimized content or not. If you are in the first group, it is time to kill the SEO overkill.
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