#how to build your credit score fast
anakeb · 2 years
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ruinandrue · 4 months
Introducing Inkwarren: A dark fantasy TTRPG of woodland adventures!
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Hi all! I'm Matt, and I am an Atlanta-based indie ttrpg designer currently developing Inkwarren, a dark woodland fantasy TTRPG of swashbuckling tactics and storybook intrigue. Today, I'm going to talk to you about what Inkwarren is, what inspired it, and the design goals I have for the game. Inkwarren is already in preliminary playtests, and I hope to have public playtests sometime in the near future.
What is Inkwarren?
In Inkwarren, players take on the role of woodlanders- animal wanderers of the massive Woodland, who use magick, wits, and weapons to take down foes supernatural and mundane. Your woodlanders' wandering band may be a band of mercenary adventurers, a band of high-spirited rebels, or even a band of scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells just looking for their next score.
One player takes on the role of the Voice in the Dark, a guiding force behind the story that presents challenges, describes consequences, and narrates the actions of the woodlander's foes.
Inkwarren aims to merge modern-style deep narrative rules with exciting, flashy, swashbuckling battles that emphasizes teamwork, movement, and positioning. Character creation is a deep and choice-driven process, that fully contextualizes a woodlander within the world and sets them on a path to a truly memorable story.
Mechanically, Inkwarren borrows from and is inspired by games like Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, Modiphius's Dishonored, ICON, Blades in the Dark, and City of Mist, mixing design trends of modern tactical fantasy games with deep narrative based trends found in other systems. Inkwarren's combat also shares inspiration with the Hades series of games, aiming to emulate the fast-paced action where movement and positioning are just as important as the attacks you use.
Narratively, Inkwarren is inspired by The Secret of NIMH, Dishonored, Redwall, Root, and Hollow Knight. When designing Inkwarren's eponymous setting, I want to evoke the gravitas and melancholy somberness of Hallownest from Hollow Knight, with magic as eldritch and strange as the Outsider's gifts in Dishonored. With this, Inkwarren is still a game about hope, and aims to capture the optimism-despite-adversity and little-heroes-against-great-foes vibes of stories like Redwall or The Secret of NIMH. I have to credit Root for originally giving me the idea to shift my game concept to one where the PCs are little woodland creatures.
Choice, Sacrifice, and Hope
Inkwarren's core mechanic emphasizes choice, intent, and narrative weight. The base 2d10 roll is modified by the woodlander's own Virtues (core strengths like Brawn, Nimbleness, or Insight), combined with a Style to define how they're using that Virtue (such as performing an action Cunningly, Quickly, or Sneakily). Difficulty is measured by Risk and Effect, that assign narrative weight to the severity of consequences a woodlander faces, and how effective they will be if they Prevail.
When woodlanders just don't roll high enough, they don't simply fail- they Falter. Faltering grants Hope, a resource that can be used to Persevere and succeed despite consequences on future challenges. With Hope, failure is never the end- it simply closes one door, and opens another.
Swashbuckling Battles
Inkwarren's Battle system emphasizes movement, positioning, and teamwork. Woodlanders interact with the battlefield through exploits, combat disciplines that have a variety of different effects to use on the field. Exploits have an at-will root effect that can be used as a woodlander's bread and butter, but more powerful effects are always within reach. By using root effects, meeting battle objectives (such as defeating enemies or reaching escape points), and continuing the fight (by ending rounds), woodlanders build Momentum, a shared resource pool by the entire band that can be used to power a woodlander's most powerful abilities. Woodlanders can spend Momentum to use an exploit's powerful bloom effect, or power a duo effect that they can use to combine their abilities with those of another ally. Momentum doesn't deplete until the Battle is over-- use it for quick bursts, or build up to unleash more powerful attacks against your foes!
Other rulesets like charging attacks, staggering mechanics for bosses, climbing on top of larger foes, environments, high ground, and ally turns (that don't clog up combat) also add gravitas, pace, and exciting tactical decisions to make Inkwarren's Battles so engaging.
Sweeping Narrative
Inkwarren's narrative mechanics work to ensure that solving problems outside of Battle carry just as much weight as Battle itself. Inkwarren's narrative ruleset includes:
The Doubt system allows woodlanders to call upon the Voice in the Dark for aid, but at a cost: as the woodlanders build Doubt, the Voice can spend it to increase the danger of the surroundings, unlock new abilities for foes, or act as a mastermind behind the antagonistic forces of the narrative.
Narrative abilities called flourishes that woodlanders can use to interact with the world.
A special character-based tour de force that a woodlander may use to do something truly legendary, although infrequently.
Rest Activities woodlanders may use to Cook Meals, Spar, Entertain, or Pray to give themselves bonuses and restorations for use later.
Wounds to carry over how trials in-combat affect a woodlander after the Battle ends.
Rules for Tongues that establish a woodlander's knowledge of a language with several levels of fluency.
Ties, which are narrative bonds with NPCs woodlanders may use to increase their effect against them, or burn them to ask for a favor.
And So Much More!
Deep character customization for woodlanders, including a Coat mechanic that allows you to play as any little animal your heart desires, unique and evocative traditions like the ghostly historian Folklorist or the passionate Warrior-Poet, rules for mysterious and magical artifacts called esoterica, an in-depth crafting system, and more!
If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading! I'm so excited about this game, and I hope to share more with everyone soon!
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grailfinders · 4 months
Grailfinders #341: Mary Anning
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hey y��all! would you like-a talk-a dino? no? too bad, here’s Mary Anning anyway. she’s an arcane trickster rogue to sell literal rocks to people at a profit (and get a cool dog), plus a primeval druid to summon a lightning-spitting plesiosaur. and i thought jurassic park was taking liberties…
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: shouldn’t he be istanbullos by now?
Ancestry & Background
despite having nautiluses for hair, Mary is still a Human, so she gets +1 Dexterity & Intelligence, as well as proficiency in Nature (old nature sure, but still nature) and the Tough feat for an extra 2 HP per level. she also used to be a sickly child before being nursed to health by a literal bolt of lightning yes that’s a thing that happened so she’s definitely being Rewarded by something. that gives her Insight and Persuasion proficiency, as well as the Skilled background for more proficiency in Mason’s Tools, Athletics, and History.
Ability Scores
your Intelligence should be as high as it can go. we don’t actually need it here, but you were the first person to figure out what an Ichthyosaur is (not a dinosaur) and what coprolites are (not something you want to touch bare-handed). second is Wisdom. half the difficulty of paleontology is finding the damn things. the other half is dodging the rockslides, which is why your Dexterity is also pretty high. this does mean your Charisma is lower than I’d like. you’re a fine saleswoman, but you didn’t get a lot of credit for the work you did. this means your Constitution is middling, and your Strength is as low as it gets. thankfully you can just reanimate the fossils now, so carrying them’s a lot easier.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: if we want to find fossils, you need to be damn good with a chisel first. also I’m not making the same mistake I made with Galatea, I’m not going to figure out how to have you wield a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other officially, sorry. on the plus side, no matter how you use that chisel you can still Sneak Attack with it, adding 1d6 to the damage done as long as you have advantage on the attack or another friend next to them. all fossils are restrained (by rock), so you shouldn’t have any issue getting advantage. you also learn Thieves’ Cant, which is really just Cockney. finally, your Expertise in Nature and History will double your proficiency bonus when you make checks about old animals or natural history. suck it, publications!
also as a rogue you get proficiency in Dexterity and Intelligence saves, as well as Deception, Investigation, Perception, and Sleight of Hand, bc god knows you didn’t have enough skills just yet.
2. Rogue 2: second level rogues get a Cunning Action each turn, letting you dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus action. the early paleontologist gets the bone, as the assuredly real saying goes.
3. Rogue 3: we haven’t picked up all your fossil-hunting gear just yet- we still need some explosives, and a dog. thankfully, we can get both of those from being an Arcane Trickster! now you can cast spells using your Intelligence! okay I guess we actually did need that. anyway, your spell list is pretty restrictive, with only one spell that can be freely picked from the wizard spell list. the rest all have to be enchantment or illusion spells.
but before we talk spells, let’s talk Cantrips! Thunderclap will help remove solid rock, while Mold Earth will dig through loose dirt real fast. you also get Mage Hand which comes with its own Legerdemain, and that’s going to be Tray for this build! just have it do the dog shadow puppet thing to really sell the flavor. the original mage hand lasts a minute and is a floating ghost hand/dog that sticks near you, and you can use your action to move it and have it pick up objects, open doors, grab stuff from containers, or pour out liquids. you know, basic dog tricks. the legerdemain makes your dog a little more special, letting it pickpocket people, pick locks, and turn invisible. those are less doglike, but you can do all of those plus the og stuff as a bonus action now too.
as for your spells, Mage Armor will help you not die, Distort Value will help you sell rocks for enough money to live on, and Illusory Script will help you get out of whatever shitty contract super bunyan tried to force on you.
one last thing- you can use Steady Aim to give yourself advantage as a bonus action, so long as you haven’t moved yet and don’t plan on doing so this turn. the rocks are generally stationary, so it should be fine.
okay, okay, the real last thing- your sneak attack deals 2d6 extra damage now. this is what happens when you can afford the good chisels.
4. Rogue 4: fourth level rogues get their first Ability Score Improvement, so improve that Dexterity while you’re here. yes the rocks don’t move much, but you still have to worry about your AC. in the same “not getting hit” vein, you get Color Spray this level. this one’s just pocket sand. blast it in peoples’ faces and they go blind for a round.
5. Rogue 5: fifth level rogues have an Uncanny Dodge. whenever you’d take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to take half damage instead. ideally you wouldn’t get hit at all, but it’s not like you can afford platemail. speaking of damage though, your sneak attack deals 3d6 damage now.
6. Rogue 6: sixth level rogues get another round of Expertise, so double down on Perception and Persuasion to find and sell fossils.
7. Rogue 7: seventh level rogues learn Evasion, which means every time you have to make a dexterity save you only take half damage on a failure and no damage on a success. your job consisted of going to rockslide mountain during rockslide season but you didn’t die until breast cancer took you out, there’s clearly something going on there.
also you learn Dragon’s Breath. it’s a secret tool that will help us later. for right now, your sneak attack deals 4d6 damage!
8. Druid 1: at level one, druids also learn Spells, which they use their Wisdom to cast. since we’re mixing spellcasters, you’ll have to check the PHB to figure out how many spell slots you have at any one time.
first, cantrips. Shillelagh lets you turn a club into a magical club that uses your wisdom to hit, so I guess if you really want to use a hammer, now you’ll be slightly better at it. you can also use Druidcraft to figure out the weather for today. I don’t know if rockslides count as “weather” exactly, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
as for your spells, druids can prepare spells from their whole list every day, so I highly recommend checking out whatever suits your fancy. the only spell I think is in-character right now though is Faerie Fire. sadly we can’t make it only work for women, but it’ll make it impossible for anyone hit by it to turn invisible, and attacks against them have advantage.
9. Druid 2: second level druids enter a circle, and the Circle of the Primeval was practically made for you! before we get into that we do need to mention your Wild Shape real fast, though you’re not using it if you’re staying in character- I’ll just say for now you could use it twice per short rest. more importantly, you can use those two per rest charges to summon a Primeval Companion instead! with this, you can summon a medium plesiosaurus that you can order around with your bonus action. it can’t swim just yet, but he’s just getting started! (this is where Dragon’s Breath comes back in, now you can have him shooting lightning right out the gate. or yourself, if you want.)
also, as a Keeper of Old, you can add a d4 to your history checks.
(and I will say now that yes, you could use wild shape charges to summon a Wild Companion if you want Tray to be a real dog, but that would mean he’d have an actual HP bar and I’m just not ready to deal with that.)
10. Druid 3: third level druids learn second level spells! Enhance Ability gives you advantage in one kind of ability check of your choice, while Locate Object can help you locate the nearest fossil. it’s kind of like cheating, but fuck it!
11. Druid 4: fourth level druids get a Wild Shape Improvement, so while plesi can’t swim yet, you can. somehow. also your Dexterity goes up again. also also you can cast Guidance now to give yourself or a friend a d4 to their next skill check, for when you really need to sell this next fossil.
12. Druid 5: fifth level druids learn third level spells! Conjure Animals is your go-to for your noble phantasm, letting you summon a bunch of smaller fossils all at one go, but you can also use Elemental Weapon if you want some electrical attacks for yourself too.
13. Druid 6: now that you’re a proper Prehistoric Conduit, you can cast spells as though they came from your plesiosaur. this means you can cast Dragon’s Breath on him without even having to touch him! given that he’s probably in the thick of battle, that’s most likely for the best. also, if he gets caught up in one of your spells, he gets advantage on his save against its damage and evasion for said spell, regardless of what kind of save it is.
14. Druid 7: seventh level druids get fourth level spells, like… actually there isn’t really any I want. maybe Elemental Bane if you can find a non-spell way to deal lightning damage? otherwise just upcast conjure animals.
15. Druid 8: eighth level druids get another WSI, so now you can fly if you want. also you can use your ASI to start improving your Charisma for better sales pitches.
16. Druid 9: ninth level druids get fifth level spells, and while Plessy doesn’t really talk much he’s probably a lot smarter than most dinosaurs, so I still think Awaken is a good pick for him. this’ll make the animal or plant you use it on sentient permanently, and it will be your friend for up to a month. past that point, how it feels about you is up to it.
17. Druid 10: let’s grab Mending real quick before we go into the level, I imagine your clothes probably get torn up pretty often in this line of work. also you now share a Titanic Bond with your living fossil, making it large enough to ride around on and it can finally swim! as a bonus, once per turn you can try and frighten a creature when you hit it with an attack or spell. everyone’s seen jurassic park by this point, they know not to stand near dinosaurs.
18. Druid 11: as we near the end, you can finally grab sixth level spells like Move Earth. for up to two hours after casting, you can reshape dirt, sand, or clay in a 40’ area that can be moved around, with each change taking ten minutes. also worth noting, this doesn’t work on stone or stone structures, so any rock formations might collapse if you use this too much. Make Sure Nothing You Love Is Under the Rocks.
19. Druid 12: use your last ASI to bump up your Charisma again! with a charisma score like that you could even make a 19th century englishman respect… well, literally anyone who isn’t also a 19th century englishman.
20. Druid 13: for our final level you gain access to seventh level spells, but again there aren’t really any I want. sorry to end it on a sour note, but now you can upcast your animal conjuring and lightning breath, so that’s neat!
Pros & Cons
druids have access to some powerful aoe spells, and while we only really use Dragon’s Breath in this build, being able to shoot them out of a large creature means you can make those aoes even bigger, for free, and odds are Plesi’s gonna be just fine on top of all that.
as a rogue, you like having people around you. as a druid, you can make people around you. well, dinosaurs. still, everything goes with sneak attack, so you can pretty much guarantee that extra damage whenever you want.
rogues are always great at skill checks, and you take that to a whole new level. as long as you have anything to sell, your party will never have to worry about their budget. also, while we got a lot of skills for buying and selling, most of them are open-ended enough that they can be used for any skill check you want!
it takes a while for this build to reach something I’d call a finished state. while it works fine for most of the game, riding around on a plesiosaurus is kind of the dream, and you can’t do that until level 17.
a lot of your spell list is spent on utility spells, and while they aren’t necessarily bad, it’s hard to think of when you’d really want the ability to dig for two hours over say, a fireball. they don’t even break rock, so good luck getting to actual fossils with Mold Earth.
both druid and rogue are pretty greedy classes- they both want you to focus on them as much as possible. because of this, we get neither a big sneak attack bonus nor druid’s busted capstone ability, which is rough. it’s not the end of the world since you’d probably never see any capstone ability used in regular D&D anyway, but still.
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writingmochi · 2 years
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cast: beomgyu ✗ fem.reader (ft. billlie’s haram and stayc’s sieun)
synopsis: a girl, a folktale, a boy, and a shifting reality
genre: psychological horror, folktale retelling, thriller, slow burn, drama, historical au, nobility au, regency au, medieval au, rich kid au, fantasy au, angst, fluff, a bit comedic in some parts
based on: folk tale cinderella with inspirations from video game omori (2020) and movie everything everywhere all at once (2022)
word count: 18748 (18.7k)
warning(s): unreality! (be very careful!!), child negligence, anxiety-inducing, mental breakdown, discrimination, suffocation (warning for claustrophobics !) implicit violence (no detail), a bit of suicidal tendency, a tiny bit suggestive, will be very meta in some parts, fast pace flow that might give you whiplash, unique stylistic choices (ever-changing typeface fonts and colors), slow first act that i shred into pieces as fast as lightning :] (if i forgot some, let me know!)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction also do be careful and read the warnings at the top + (y/f/n) = your full name. i swear i didn’t intend for this one-shot to be this long but i guess it is necessary since i wanna pull out the rug under y’all :D this one-shot is a part of the happily never after collab hosted by @soobisms and @svhnflwr so do check the other works too!! thank you so much for letting me participate in this spooky collab !!
an atmospheric playlist!!
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a small local cinema stood in between a hardware store and a pet shop. signs hanging outside with lights fluttering in and out of liveliness because of broken wires beneath them.
from the outside of the glass doors, you’re visible. leaning against a counter you stood behind, an open book of pride and prejudice by jane austen in your hand rested on top of it. you wore a white shirt tucked behind a dark blue apron. the smell of popcorn cooking in the popcorn machine behind you fills the room. the theatre's door was open, but no one came in or out. no other person besides you in the small building. a small family business your father made before passing away, leaving you with your stepmother and stepsisters who don’t understand your father’s aim in creating an independent cinema. always striving to look the best while running the family’s savings out and making your household more and more in debt because of their credit cards and their low credit scores.
your father was a filmmaker, an indie filmmaker who hasn’t reached his stardom when the grim ripper took him away too young. well, it took both of your parents too young.
you were born into a family of people thinking outside of the box, your parents both practice art in their different ways, your father is the art of the visual while your mother is the art of the numbers which includes being the financing hold of the cinema you stood in today. they met during their college years and their love of stories persists to you. you always thought it’s hereditary, your love of stories, cause nurture isn’t enough to produce such love. that love holds onto you as you remembered reading to your mother your first ever story you made for a story competition for school at her deathbed when you were 8 years old. how she was always the one that tells you a story before sleeping. but because of the condition, you’ve grown up to replace her role while she becomes yours. you go back to your room in the empty house and you leave her to sleep. father is still at the cinema serving his collection of indie and old films that night, not being by her side on their shared bed. she didn’t wake up in the morning.
you’re a tough girl who has the resilience of your mother, ready to grow up without one. but your father disagrees and marries his then-middle school lover who has two daughters older than you but around the same age. he still took the cinema job seriously, and still has employees working under him while he travels away to film festivals or shoots at exotic places as his job as a filmmaker. the days when he’s gone, your stepmother and stepsisters treat you in whatever they want to treat you.
one day, father traveled to a mountainous place with waterfalls and valleys around it near the end of your middle school era. father brushes the skin below your eyes before he goes, reminiscing about how the love of his life also has dark circles resembling yours because of working too hard. he promised to bring back home footage of them and the unedited movie to you. but, he didn’t come back. all the cast and crew of the movie, along with the passengers on the airplane, got swept by the wave in the ocean, never to be found.
the will come out and all of them settled that as your stepmother is his wife, she will inherit the house and his savings. but what the lawyer gave tween you was a certificate of the cinema your biological parents built, your name written on it as the inheritor. you felt sorry that you have to let the employees know your father passed away and have to let them go for financial reasons, but the staff treats you with kindness, and almost familial love as if you are their own younger sibling who also loves cinema and untold stories as they do. your stepmother and stepsisters cannot touch nor change the cinema because they have to come to you first. you won’t let it go as it’s the only piece of your parents’ legacy in the world other than yourself.
other than taking care of a small local cinema in a one-man show, your love of stories got you to study literature. books and other forms of media are escapism for you and your parents. they showed you spielberg‘s movies like e.t. since young to grow your imagination of having an extraterrestrial friend or the sound of music when you first see julie andrews on the screen, singing in the meadow. your parents give you children’s books since you were young and you remember by the time you’re in high school, home life was a nightmare that the school library becomes your second home, going home late after class to have more time to escape rather than facing the reality of your stepmother and young adult stepsisters—not like they care you were home or not. you use the money you got from the percentage of inheritance from your father and use it to pay for your early years’ tuition for university studying literature. and you continue your parents’ dream of introducing cinema to people, sharing stories more down-to-earth than those blockbusters in the other theaters.
holding your classic novel close to your chest, you sit in your class today in your oversized, dull-looking outfit. other students around you panic as they pull out their book review from a task given by your lecturer last week while you already gave yours two days ago. you lean back in your seat as the lecturer lectures about this week’s topic, folk tales.
“we know folk tale as a story so simple that it is interpreted as fairytales for children. however, folk tale is more than that.” the lecturer speaks at the front, and the lights from the projector above them shine down on the screen behind them who is walking whilst talking.
“folk tale is a tale of folklore. folklore is an explicit way to show one’s culture and share it with other people. think of it as the greek tragedies we have learned about before, where they teach us about aspects of life and nature through the challenges faced by gods and men. folklore is like that but purely made by humans to show one’s expression and one’s belief. it is shown through proverbs, legends, and what we are learning today: folk tales.”
you’ve known folk tales before from the children’s books you’ve read that might be too harsh to tell children. maybe because you read the brothers grimm version, but you understand they make it scarier as a cautionary tale for the kids in their time since danger and risks are everywhere than today where technology can help prevent them. so when your lecturer told the class to pick one folktale to make a review of, your mind goes blank.
yet, deep down, you felt a certain story you want to choose. you have to write them down for the lecturer before anyone does.
you fast-walk to the lecturer who sits at the desk in front, a paper with written names of your classmates and the tale they picked beside it. you skim down the list, letting out a sigh of relief before you wrote the name of the folk tale.
closing the front doors of the small cinema, you meet the night sky of the town. you walk towards the bus stop, skyscrapers shining a few blocks down. your parents didn’t predict this but the cinema now rests near the area of wealthy people, where conglomerate lives and works at. the capitalist nature of them stranded the local business that is made by passionate people, in favor of something they are used to that costs much more than what you have. your eyes glance towards the passing apartment building you know children of conglomerates live to separate from their parents since it’s near the university you go to, while the bus you are in goes past it and towards the outskirts where the middle-low income lives.
after you put down your shoes outside the front door, you step inside your well-looking house with expensive pieces of furniture and the newest, trending tech devices. well, you went past it to climb to the second floor and to the end of the hallway where a doorknob exists if you look closely enough. the door's color camouflages with the surrounding wall. a creak coming from the door being open, you climb up and arrive at the rooftop of the house, a little nook in the attic for a hermit like you.
you set down your bag as you grab your sleeping clothes before going back down to the bathroom at the back of the house which you’re allowed to use to clean and freshen yourself, hoping none of your sisters nor your mother wakes up right now. the cold water creates chills on your skin as it’s nearly an hour until midnight when you went home, you moved past the dirty kitchen with dirty dishes beside the sink, knowing the other people living in this house know you and your willingness to clean their mess—because you learned the hard way when you said no, the distinct sting forming on your cheek.
climbing back up to your attic, you open the laptop you own since the start of high school. you search for cinderella on wikipedia when you scroll to see different versions of them that existed in this world. from french to brothers grimm, to rodgers and hammerstein and disney. as you read the descriptions of them, they all told the same story.
specks of dust cover the corners of the attic as the candle you lit up flatters from the melting wax, the wick cannot hold more before you blow the flame away, a bit of the dust flung from your gush. the moon staring at you from outside of the window as you rest on the mattress on the floor, your eyes droop as your mind can only think one thing.
a girl with an awful family goes to a ball and meets a man. she left something behind so he could find her. all of them end the same, no matter light or dark, to earn a happily ever after.
something pecks the skin of your arm.
humming a low note, your eyelids open to a silhouette in front of you. a small creature right beside you.
you heard the chirping become more prominent as the silhouette fills up with color.
a blue bird tilts its head as it looks at you.
“oh, good morning,” you mumble before hearing more chirps around. that’s when you sit up on your bed and look to see the small critters you considered your friends.
“good morning to all of you.” the small critters climb up to your sheets and give a small hug to your covered calves, the birds leaning their feathered head to you while the rats’ small limbs give a ticklish sense that wakes you up. you view outside your small tower to find the sun has risen above the horizon before the muted sound of a bell ringing echoes down the stairs.
your body reacts as you prepare yourself for the day, telling the critters to help you in putting the ingredients for today’s breakfast in the kitchen. in contrast, you prepare yourself, changing from a sleeping gown to one of the abundance of white dresses you own for the outfits you wear every day. feet step down from the small tower that is your room and an inventory for your household, you meet the refreshing breeze and green scenery of the backyard of your estate. quickly, you grab the white apron of yours and start cooking for breakfast. your friends help you grab the ingredients while you cut them up, putting them all together as you make breakfast for the sweet tastebuds.
as you put the unfinished cake onto the large oven area of the kitchen, you flap the fire using a fan to increase its burn. but ashes come and stain your white outfit, though you are used to it by now. the grey of ash and dust with the smell of smoke is a thing that you and the people in the house associated with yourself. after finishing adjusting the fire, you pour the hot water into the teapot on the tray at the top of the wooden table along with the ceramic cups. your friends scrambling around the kitchen to help you put cutleries on the tray before the bell is ringing again, now clearer as it hangs beside the exit of the kitchen.
you lift the tray with both hands, mumbling a small “thank you” to the critters as you walk to the dining table from the dirty kitchen. you go through the house's hallways as carefully as you can and arrive at the dining table to see your stepmother on the edge of the dining table, looking imposingly at you coming.
“what took you so long?” her elegant voice calls to you as you set the three cups on her side and two sides beside her, pouring each of them their tea leaves and hot water.
“i’m making a chiffon cake for breakfast, mother.” your small voice sounded as you look to see the two empty seats beside her. it’s not weird for them to wake up later in the morning. so you spoke, “do you want me to wake them?”
“no, focus on breakfast.” mother said before sniffing the surrounding air, looking down at your grey-colored clothing because of the ash.
“oh ashfool. go back to the kitchen…” after giving a small nod, you return to your cooking. pulling out from the oven and putting the delicious chiffon cake that is your late mother’s recipe onto the large plate, fresh fruits and jams all around it with small plates to serve the delicacy. the rats that help you wash their hands with the drops of water from the tap before you return to the dining room to see that your stepsisters have woken up and sipped their tea.
“thank you, (y/n).” the younger of the sisters said in a nasally way as you put the contents on the tray to the dining table. meanwhile, the older gives a smug smile before you give a small nod and walk to the corner of the room where a chair sits. your designated chair.
your gaze moves from the women at the table to the interior of your childhood home. from the memories of your mind, you can remember being in that exact spot with your own father and mother: the earl and countess of the house and the land surrounding it. then, mother fell into an illness and passed away. father then remarries, making the house of the earl and his daughter into a home of an earl, a countess with two titles that she got from her deceased husband who is also an earl, and three ladies from two separate lineages, with you being the youngest. father died on his way home outside of the town known for the roses. he promised you a bouquet of it when he returns home, but he never did because his aide comes to your home and tells you the devastating news.
it is almost an instinct that when your father died, the other women start to ridicule you and not include you in affairs. even if your father remarry, he still had a soft spot towards you rather than his wife and stepdaughters—maybe because you are his blood and bone. you are also a lady in this home—the only lady of your house who is still alive, but they pushed your status down the river and make you the caretaker of the house instead, while they take advantage of the lands your family owns from your great-great-grandfather that are handed down by hereditary.
as you eat the leftover meal from yesterday’s dinner, you overhead the women at the table speaking about the upcoming debutante ball that is happening in a few days for the social season this year. many names of other gentlemen are mentioned, but not many do you recognize. the ones that you don’t. you heard your name being called by your older sister as you stood and walk towards them, seeing the leftover cake which earns you a small smile to know you can at least taste your cooking.
you tidy the cutleries up onto the tray when you picked up, “what about (y/n)?” as it comes out from the younger of the sisters. you always realized that although all of them behave cruelly towards you, she is much tamer than the other two. probably because she is calmer and a few years older than you, she sometimes considers you in their conversations.
“she’s also a lady. isn’t the more debutantes we have, the more chances we can get for a wealthy, high-status husband?” you paused your movement before turning around. you’ve always heard about the debutante ball and the social season, carriages of high-status people walking in and out from the path in your land to arrive at the balls that are organized for this season. your parents used to take you in those balls back when you were a child, remember the men and women older than you debut themselves so they can find suitors, getting you to meet the other children of earls, marquees, and dukes that you’ve now forgotten because of the isolation.
“no, she can’t join us.” mother speak in a stern voice. “i don’t want to take care of her card when i already have the two of you. besides, she is the caretaker of our home. you do know your position, right ashfool?” your head lifted as she talks to you. all the suppression you had for you to retaliate is rushing down your blood, but you perceive it as an unladylike feature.
“i do, mother.” you gulped down your saliva. feeling the tension released but sadness overcome your emotion as you missed the festivity you had as a child. bringing back to live your life as a hermit that you think even the people outside of this house don’t know that you exist. the name, maybe, but not your being.
“ooh, i want to request a rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight.” the older of the sisters said before you return to clean off the dust that accumulates in the house this morning after cleaning the plates. you give a small nod and left the women themselves. at once after turning the corner, you listen to their snickers as they talked about you and your dirty, ash-covered clothing, how you won’t be a debutante, and if you do, no one will ever recognize or approach you.
later in the afternoon, you pick up a basket by the door of the kitchen as you go to the front gate of your home to go to the marketplace in the middle of the town. you found out there is no chicken meat left at home and that you have to buy in the market far from where you are. closing the gate, you walk on the path and examine the large land of yours and your ancestor’s estate as you go past.
you remember hearing your father say to your mother how with land that size, they could teach you whatever they want. they always wanted to teach you how to ride a horse so it’s easier for you to travel than hire a carriage service. but, after your mother passed and stepmother replace her, she forbids the house to have a stable for horses as she doesn’t want her children to do such unladylike behavior. it was the only decision that she has included you in her consideration. other than that, she ignores you and belittles you behind your father’s back. instead, you took care of stray animals that are there ever since she passed. your actions of giving them food and not bothering them earn your little friends, as you liked to call them. you’ve always been able to understand animals and they seem to understand you too.
birds whose chirping you recognize follow behind you as you stride down the empty path for horses and carriages. you could sense the breeze blowing between the trees as you can get a small glimpse of a rooftop of a large building on the edge of the horizon. the royal family’s castle near the center of the town. you pass a few houses of other marquees, earls, and dukes that are scattered on the road when rustling came from the trees beside you. ears piqued as you turn your head to the side.
“easy…” you heard a low voice fading closer as the leaves and bushes shakes. body retreating towards the other edge of the road…
gravity pulls you back as you discover the neighs of a horse that just burst out of the forest onto the dirt track. its front hooves rise before the horse falls on its legs erect, standing in front of you. you watch the rope being pulled from the side of the mane as a view of a figure sitting on the saddle, making the horse face the way you are going. a hand reaches for the mane, caressing it while they calm them down in almost a whisper with indistinct words.
you look up to see a man around your age in the brightest white shirt you’ve seen. the breeze blows as you try to get up, which makes his hair floats also. your grunts make his head incline towards you.
“oh!” he exclaimed. his short brown hair covered his forehead as you successfully stand up. from beneath the horse, you can see that a pair of legs landed before walking behind it. you view the man and your mind immediately thought about him being one of the sons of barons, earls, or dukes in this land. the finest man you have ever seen in a long time. even the aura of your father exudes from him, but more playful.
“are you alright?” the man said as you brushed your dress that has faded dirt stains on it.
“my apologies. rocky here got startled by a bird flying in front then he went off course.” you give a nod before looking at the horse who is staring at you, sadness in its eyes. you walk to the front and gently open your palm that is not holding the basket in front of its nose, which it sniffles before its ears moved to the side, giving a soothing gesture as it relaxes.
“i forgive you,” you spoke to the horse and then looked at the man who lets out a small smile. feeling the awkwardness in the air as you took glances at each other.
“i should go.” you give a small nod and turn your body toward the road.
“wait.” you paused in taking your first step. “are you going to walk to the end of the road?” the man’s questions make you face him again. his eyes show an apologetic look.
“i‘m visiting the marketplace.” you nudged your empty basket forward.
“let me bring you there, miss…”
“(y/n). my name is (y/n).” your vision looks at the horse, who is flinging its tail around as it listens to both of you conversing. you’ve never interacted with a stranger before, but him just openly asking you to let him bring you to your destination was something almost fictional. you can’t believe someone as nice could exist. the legs that are holding you up are tensing from the amount of walking as the fatigue spreads and now reaches your brain to signal.
“i- don’t you have any other destination you want to go to?”
“not really. i was riding around on rocky to sightsee. trying to find some freedom.” the man said as you took a closer step toward him.
“and how should i trust you, mister?”
“beomgyu.” the man said his name as he breathed out, making his shoulders slump in relaxation. beomgyu.
“mister beomgyu.” you give a nice small smile as you see his eyes widen before wandering around the frame of the forest he is in with you, supposedly thinking of something.
“i’ve already hurt you and i supposed this could help me repay it.” beomgyu voiced as he nods his head, letting himself trust his words. you hummed before you stare up at the saddle on the horse.
“i can say that i’m not that hurting but I would love it,” you replied to his request before he beams a smile toward you before you step closer to the horse’s body. as you try to figure out how to climb the horse with the basket, you tilt your head in confusion. that is when you felt a pull from it and something touches your shoulder. turning your head to find beomgyu behind you.
“let me help,” he speaks as he puts your basket on the ground. he guides you where to put your feet on the saddle and hands before putting his hands near your waist in case you fall as you heave up on the horse. your dress lifts until above your knee before you smooth it down, holding onto the back of the horse as you perceive it move slightly beneath you. beomgyu gives you your basket then does the same as he climbs to sit in front of you, giving a small command to rocky as the horse walks down the path.
“i’ve never heard of you before.” the man talks as his head turns towards you while you move closer so you can talk and he could understand you.
“well, i supposed you don’t need to,” you replied. beomgyu lets out a chuckle.
“someone as beautiful as you must have to be the talk of the town.” your eyes widen as your face gets warm from the blood flowing, nudging his arm playfully as giggles erupt from him.
“thank you, uh, i guess.”
“your guess is right.” he looks forward to the road as more of the rooftop of the castle is more visible than before. the marketplace near it is now closer than ever.
“the social season is upon us.” beomgyu breaks the silence.
“ah, yes.”
“if i haven’t seen you it means that you haven’t had your debut yet?” the man tilts his head as you can sense rocky’s behind getting jumpier than you like it, making you lean closer to him with your hand on his side, the basket pressing to your body.
“well, i haven’t and i don’t think of going this year.”
“why not?”
you let out a small smile, “i supposed it’s not my right to be there. i’m,” you shook your head. “i’m a child of nobody.” yet, you are a child of somebody, but the demeaning comments made by the lady in the house make consider as not one of them. sadly, no one cannot be by your side to defend you either.
“but i want to meet you there.” you lock into eye contact with him as your hand lands on his waist after moving the basket to rest on top of your thigh. you let out a small chuckle.
“that would not be necessary. i assume you are a child with influential parents, by the looks of you being able to own a horse, have to be there?”
“well, you got me.” you and he let out a giggle as you can now find more roads branching out from the road you are on. “my mother wants me to find a wife. i always ask her to wait but now with the ball, she seems as if she can’t wait any longer.”
“i do hope you find the right person.”
“but i want to be with you. especially right now. i rather be here with you than at that fancy ball. it is…” you can see beomgyu’s smile, making you lean closer and view the side of his face clearly as he turns to look forward. “i’ve never felt so free.”
his words resonated with you. this is the first time that you ever felt this free, walking outside to enjoy the scenery with someone who is feeling what you are too right now. beomgyu is a stranger to you, but what you are having with him is something more.
something familiar.
“another two mugs of beer, please.”
you grabbed the drying clean wooden mugs on the table and walk to the barrel that sits sideways, twisting the tap as the beverage pours out in a dash as the liquid becomes foamy. you see your friend, haram, navigate the aisle between the customer to place down each food sieun, your other friend, is making in the kitchen. haram walks past you as she goes to pick up other plates of dishes made, she points towards the table where the people who ordered sits. you walk and let out a smile on your face as you put the mugs down in front of the two men who are eating roast meat, their waves of laughter combined with the others in the tavern.
“thank you, beautiful.” one of them said as they give you flirty eyes. you give a nod and go back to your station behind the counter as fast as you can. you still can’t believe how your mother can keep up such manners and emotion for a long time while doing her work. so elegant yet meticulous at the same time.
your parents always love to cook and they created a tavern together. a small quaint tavern in the middle of town where anyone can be here to get away from any work they’re doing in the day. you grow up assessing the bustling business from both your father’s kitchen and mother’s counters, that is until she passed away from a dangerous plague you’ve also caught. you knew you wanted to say by her side for the longest time as you isolate yourself with her when you both caught the illness, even if it means leaving the world together at such a young age. but someone somewhere made a change of plan for you as you live to survive, watching your father marry a neighbor of his who is a widow with two daughters around your age.
back in your home, your father always loves to make new recipes for the family if he receives new ingredients from his farmer friends. but, your stepmother always dislikes what he does. she doesn’t enjoy seeing a man in the kitchen as she always told him to pursue a more ‘masculine’ career like sieun’s father, who is a blacksmith. his love of food persist until he died because the kingdom drafted him into a war with the neighboring kingdom. because he passed prematurely, the only one who can work for the tavern is you. since after you finished your education that you don’t have any work to do or any suitor for you, you invited both of your friends to work with you at the tavern.
you taught haram how to serve customers, being the person who can help her release her stress and emotions toward you. then you taught sieun your father’s recipe as she wants to be the cook—you know she can do her part perfectly when she told you about being near sharp objects and heat. you take the role that was your mother’s and the manager of the tavern altogether, still in contact with your father’s friends as suppliers for the business. it is weird to hear a woman as a business owner, but because haram’s mother, a dressmaker, also owns a business, she helps you in managing all these things.
your stepmother doesn’t enjoy seeing you succeed independently. so with the power of her being married to your father before he passed, she demands you to give 1/3 cut of the profit every month that was supposed to help in your supplies and making the tavern better. you cannot deny her as much as you want to because if you are, words of disgust will spread around you that if you cannot respect your parent, you cannot respect your customer either. ironically, she and her daughters can’t respect you even though they live in your father’s home and not theirs. as a result of that, you let yourself live in a spare room of the tavern as you don’t want to be connected to them once again. you don't want them to treat you like a servant when you return to your own house.
as you dry the clean mugs, eyes on the open space full of people where someone is playing the lute, the entrance opens as a cloaked figure comes in. the cloak is raggy, almost trailing the wooden floor and even though they’re inside, they aren’t dropping their hood. people who wore something similar to this are most of the time travelers or maybe fugitives, but it doesn’t matter to you as you are here trying to survive. voices muffled and the tunnel vision you got on the cloaked figure makes you didn’t aware of something slamming in front of you. you twist your head to the sound to catch a man mumbling his words, trying to enamor you for free beer. all you can do is shake your head and say “no” while furrowing your eyebrows. as fast as the air travels, you see a glint of light slice the air while finally noticing that he’s wearing armor on his figure, pointing his shortsword at you. a knight.
both of your hands raised as you step back, slamming your bosom against the cabinet behind you as the knight’s voice penetrates the air and even the melody of the lute at the back. you look at haram’s shocked face as she walks to the knight.
“please, sire. we can finish this calml-"
“NO. THIS WOMAN HERE HAS” he hiccuped while pointing towards you. “has insulted me and-“
your head turns toward the source of the unknown voice. eyebrows raised to see the cloaked figure that enters the tavern right next to the knight. the knight in a face full of rage turns his body to face the figure before his face fell. “your h-“
“you are clearly too drunk to act. i suggest you go back to your quarters wherever it is.” the figure said wisely. because of it, the knight seem to sober up for a bit and retracted the shortsword back into its hilt on his body. he looks between you and the figure.
“m-my apologies.” the knight mumbles before scurrying away. haram’s gaze follows the knight before turning towards you, communicating through your eye contact as you give a small nod so she can continue doing her work. you then turn your head towards the cloaked figure as they let out a sigh.
“thank you.” you quickly gather yourself and pour one of the clean mugs a beer for the figure. you gently slide the filled-up mug to them as they looked down at it.
“it’s on us,” you tell them so they don’t have to pay. the figure’s shoulders slump before they sit down on the barstool.
“thank you,” they replied before pulling their hood off. a man with the upper part of his black hair tied to the back and the ragged robe he wears hides an expensive-looking outfit beneath it. a few seconds to study their face is enough for your eyebrows to rise.
you recognize that face. you’ve seen that face before.
“a traveler?” you asked, trying to subside your suspicions about the person because the face is too familiar to your liking.
“not exactly.”
“fair enough,” you replied as haram sends a message to prepare more mugs of beer as the lute continues to play now with the violin singing along.
“what brings you here, sire?” you put the mugs on the counter as haram picks them up and serves them to the tables.
“i’m scouting the town. everything felt new to me,” he said as he take a sip of the beer you served him.
“i thought you are not a traveler.”
“i-“ he paused as you turn your view somewhere else, hoping that could help him speak comfortably. “what i meant by ‘not exactly’ is that i live near the outskirts of town. i’ve never been in town before, especially at my age because i have so much to do.”
you nod your head, but your critical mind makes you think back on the clothes underneath the robe. “you must be a wealthy man then, sir. wearing such clothes beneath such a dirty robe.”
your comments earned a surprised look on his face as his mouth opens, trying to answer your questions. “i’m here visiting to attend the masquerade ball.”
the masquerade ball is the ball that the royal family has made in celebration of the prince’s birthday. though you recognize the king and queen, you never knew the prince as he is always so hidden or it is because his parents didn’t allow him to interact with peasants like you and your friends. the royals prepare this ball so that the prince can find himself a wife as he is around your age. a bachelor in need of a partner so they can rule this kingdom together. so it’s weird that even with such a close-off prince, the family still invited all the bachelorettes who don’t have a man to come so the prince can find the right suitor, all wearing masks so their inner self shines instead to make the prince interested. you didn’t plan on going but you sure know your stepmother and stepsisters do.
“understandable.” you give a small smile as you rub the rug you’re holding to clean up the liquids on the counter that are remaining.
“do you intent to go to the ball?” his question earns a short giggle from you as you shook your head.
“why should i go? i mean, look at me.” you open your arms so that he can study your dusty-colored dress underneath your brown apron because you always stayed by the ashes of the fire to see your father cook. even now as you and sieun talk about making new recipes in the kitchen. you aren’t called ashfool by your stepmother if it weren’t for it.
“someone like me could not be a suitor for a prince.”
“but aren’t you tired of the cycle you have to go to?” he presses on.
yes, you are tired. but it’s what you need to survive.
“the ball going on at night time is bad for me, especially if i leave the tavern to my friends. the tavern is always full at night.” you sigh before looking somewhere else than him. “it sure sounds fun.”
“and i enjoy your company here with me.” the man said as you face him as fast as you can. “we could talk more at the party if you come.”
you let out a chuckle as you turn to see haram raises a pointer finger towards you so you can grab a mug and fill it up from the barrel behind. though there are barstools where you are working, nobody seems to care enough to interact with you, and this man is the first one. so when you heard he enjoys your company with him, something flutters inside you.
“i’ll try my best. if i could find the right dress and mask since the ball is in a few days.” you give a warm smile as he replicates it on his own. “you sure have a promise you have to fulfill, sir…”
“it’s beomgyu. and i make sure i’ll fulfill that promise.”
the thick cable of your laptop charger rested beside it, plugged. having such an old model means the battery is so bad it is leaking and you don’t have enough disposable income to repair or even fix it. your task for the folk lore paper about cinderella is around a third done as you don’t have any other things to do while multitasking. you eat the leftover salty popcorn you made last time—even you can say it sickens you, though it’s your favorite snack to eat.
your sticky fingers make you rub them on the blue apron you’re wearing, seeing it being stained by the grease before it’s dry enough for you to write again in your document, finding the right words to write with the multiple tabs talking about cinderella opened on the browser. with a theater to yourself, you prepare to watch the cartoon disney’s cinderella near the end of your shift, closing it early as if anyone wants to come to visit, anyway.
you glance at the cd case of disney’s cinderella beside the laptop as your hand grabs another popcorn while you read back on what you are writing, knowing you have to proofread it again so the words don’t come out weird. that’s when you hear a grunt and footsteps as the traffic sounds enter the cinema with you in it for the first time. a figure walking before the glass door closes. a man with boyish manners who is around your age enters as he comes and approaches you. he has brownish with a red undertone colored haired and mullet that falls to his nape, wearing a blouse and leather pants that you figure out cost so much.
as the man comes closer, you can’t help but see his face.
didn’t you see him before?
the face is so familiar.
and you can only pair one name with this face.
“of course, you know me.” he said in an exasperated way before standing in front of the counter, agitated. “okay. sorry. i, i need someplace to hide.” he replies before looking straight at you, eyes meeting with an intense stare.
“i’ll tell you everything. any place to hide?” beomgyu looks behind to the glass doors before turning back.
“i- well- you can hide behind the counter underneath the cashier.” you point towards the counter beside you as you let beomgyu walk to your side and sit with his back against it. the counter is fully made of wood, unlike the display case you stood in front of with the lights off because what should you display when no one comes? well, beomgyu did. you looked down at beomgyu who is calming himself down before the sudden sound of traffic enters again as a large man enters the room and walks towards you imposingly.
“excuse me, miss. have you seen choi beomgyu?” the man asks.
your eyes widen before you unconsciously let out a pout. is he that important of a person that someone is trying to find him? is this man someone he knows? or is this man someone dangerous and is beomgyu’s opponent?
“i- no. i haven’t seen choi beomgyu and i don’t know who he is, actually.”
“i see. thanks.” he turns around to walk the entrance before pausing. you’re glad that you didn’t let your vision leave him.
“how much is a small serving of popcorn?” the man asked before turning around and walking back to the counter.
“you want popcorn?” you squint your eyes at him.
“i’ve been running after mr. choi. i also need a snack, alright?” the man—exasperated—says as you give a nod, glancing at beomgyu for a split second to catch him looking at you before turning around and preparing the serving for the popcorn. receiving the heat from the machine, you close the lid again and walk to put the popcorn on the counter as the man is opening his wallet. you glance down at beomgyu as you gesture with your hand in a dash so he can move to the side and stand in front of the cashier. as he scoots, he accidentally hit the wooden material.
“what was that?” the man lifts his head as he looked at you, who is already preparing a painful expression on your face.
“it’s me. accidentally hit the cabinet, hehe.”
the man gives you the money and grabs the popcorn, “hope you have a good business today.” he said before leaving.
“yeah, i hope you find him,” you said back as the glass door closes before you slump your hand on the counter. you heard the giggle from beomgyu’s corner as he stands up beside you. “it’s your fault.” you glare at him.
“i know, but i didn’t expect my bodyguard to just order popcorn.” he continues laughing as you rolled your eyes, back to your laptop to do your task. you sense another body getting closer to you as you glance at him, blinking your eyes.
“(y/n), huh?” you received his mumble as you see him look at the screen of your laptop on the first page where your name is written. you hummed as a reply.
“this is a cinema?” he asked as he looked around. you let another hum of agreement.
“local cinema. a family business.”
“any interesting movie you play? blockbusters like the mcu movies or just newly released ones?”
“not really.” you lift your shoulders as you reply. “the movies we have are the ones that released the latest a year prior. we have all kinds of blockbusters there and also old ones like star wars episode 4 and jaws.“
“isn’t it just watching it on tv?” you let out a chuckle at his question.
“do you watch movies on your tv anymore? or do you use your laptop to open a streaming service to view it?”
“heh, touché.” his answers make you laugh as you can’t focus on your writing. he joins in too. you felt the sense of familiarity when you are with him, a connection from beneath you slowly rising.
“if you’re asking, my dad is a filmmaker and film connoisseur. he made a local cinema so indie movies can air their movies here and we can show people more movies from the old ones to obscure ones here unlike the theaters you know. we made money but occasionally, specifically the room night when we played the room by tommy wiseau, and people just flocking in. but day-to-day business, yeah it is this empty.” you emphasized the last two words as beomgyu looked at you who are pouting your lips. his eyes move to the cd case beside your laptop.
“what’s that doing here?”
“something to check out for my uni paper. doing a task about the cinderella folktale.”
“ahh…” beomgyu paused, “when are you watching it?”
“later probably?”
“can we watch it now?” your creases folded.
“you wanna watch it now?”
“yeah. i could give another opinion to be added to your paper.”
maybe another voice of opinion can help make your paper better as only a one-sided opinion can’t highlight the richness of the story.
“sure.” you agree.
beomgyu’s eyes lighten up as he requested drinks for both of you and a bucket of popcorn, which he promised he will pay double the actual price. you roll your eyes before a smile shows on your face as you guide him to the open theater door of the cinema, letting him walk into the small hallway full of soundproof walls your dad made into the small cinema which only comprises ten columns that are in a slope and five rows to the side, walk away on both left and right. both of you picked the seats right in the middle. you moved back to the entrance of the lobby room and turned the ‘open‘ sign to ‘close‘ and locked the door as you don’t anyone coming into the cinema without your supervision.
foot stepping on the carpeted floor as you go to the projector room and put the cd in the dvd player, the light dims from the small window from the room after you press the button. as the grandiose 1950s orchestra plays to the intro of the movie, you fast-walk to your seat beside beomgyu. he rested his bucket of popcorn in the middle while your drinks are on the other side of you two. you let out your breath as you see the book open and introduce the prologue of the story. the story of a young girl of a widowed gentleman who married his second wife with her two daughters. the man died and the wife’s true nature comes out where she is jealous of the young girl while always forwarding her and her daughters’ interests.
Thus, as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair, for the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepsisters, while Cinderella was abused, humiliated, and eventually forced to become a servant in her own house. And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn she found new hope that someday, her dreams of happiness would come true.
a white space you are in.
a rectangle window shows a scene of you and beomgyu sitting down in the theater watching the movie now in front of you.
yes, you.
you looked at the other windows that are surrounding you as you look at yourself in three different states.
buying something in the marketplace.
cleaning tables in the tavern.
watching a movie with a man.
the same man you met in all three instances.
as you looked down on yourself, you’re wearing a flowy blue dress that dances the air yet no wind is present here. hands open in front of you as you see the tint in your skin slowly fading. yes, the tint of the blue of fading away too. saturated. turning gray.
like ash.
you turn your head to see your stepmother who is now wearing a floor-length light purple dress by the open door of your house. your stepsisters climbing into the carriage that is taking them to the debutante wall with their white dresses that contrast the last of the setting sun behind them. blinking your eyes to gather yourself up, you turn to look at your stepmother and give a small “my apologies.” for letting your mind wander away.
but it felt like someone is watching you.
“take care of the house. clean the floor of our rooms. we will arrive after midnight so i want you to prepare tea.” you nod along the way as she rambles, walking down the step of the patio of the home as you lean against the door, already closing half the door away. as the door of the carriage closes, you said “take care.” before the carriage strides away and you push the door close.
you listen to the footsteps approaching behind you as you lean your head against the door. turning around, you view the magic and sparkly presence of your fairy godmother you met two days ago. seeing her holding a beautiful white dress and pair of gloves with accented blue accessories for your hair and a pair of glass slippers she handcrafted only for the size of your feet.
after beomgyu and you part ways outside of the marketplace because he has to go back home, you bought everything you needed for the rotisserie chicken your stepsister requested before going back home on your feet. as you arrived, made dinner for them after they have gotten home from whatever they are doing. while you clean the dishes up and prepare yourself to rest for the night, you realize light coming from a garden and a yelp outside. your curiosity makes you move to meet a lady sitting on the ground; in a glitter dress that reflects the moonlight, around the age of what your mother is supposed to be if she is alive.
she introduced you as your fairy godmother as you squint your eyes in confusion. but it changes when you recalled her saying, “your mother bestowed me to protect you.”
that night, you talked to her as if you are talking to your parents again: openly and enthusiastically. you mentioned how sad you are the past few years and mention the man you met earlier in the day. the mention of the debutante ball she hears makes her react happily as you watch her rambling about what kind of dress you have to wear for the ball. yet, you stopped her as you don’t want to pressure her to get you to go.
“aren’t you excited to see your prince?”
“he’s not my prince, and he’s also not a prin-“
“i can consider that boy to be like that for you.” as she touches your nose with her pointer finger, sparkles come from them.
yesterday is the most hectic day in your entire life as you have to take care of the house and the occupants while also your new guest. even though she wanted to help you with her magic, you always deny her as you want to do your job on your own. your critter friends also want to join the special occasion as the fairy godmother gives a spell to them that makes them talk. for the first time, you hear your friends talk and interact with you more than they did before—more dynamic especially as you can assign their voices to each other. you listen as your fairy godmother asks request for them to be your butlers and horses and they agree—wanting to make you happy as your eyes glisten from hearing their intentions.
looking at the mirror in your tower, you see yourself in the white dress that is a staple for a debutante ball but the blue accessories give a difference to you that could help you slightly stand out, making you remember the different flower colors on your stepsisters’ hairs. you look at fairy godmother appearing behind you wearing a blue dress similar to your accessories holding a fan for the dance card, looking at the reflection of you proudly as her hands caress your upper arms.
“your mother would be so proud,” she muttered as you have tears glistening in your eyes, feeling the vast happiness from your heart as the pain subsides for a moment.
as you walk down the tower, you find a carriage made of pumpkin—that doesn’t resemble a pumpkin at all—that fairy godmother got from the inventory with a few of your critter friends turning into butlers and horses. you give a smile to them as godmother walks into the carriage and guides you inside.
“we have to arrive there early so stepmother won’t catch us.” you voice out to her.
“sure, dear.” she flicks her wrist as you heard yelping from outside and a rush of winds and the trees move fast as the carriage lands on the road with more streetlamps on the side. the bustling crowd of the town is fading in as fairy godmother whispers to the horses to follow the other carriages to the castle.
you can see outside the many carriages that carry other debutantes lining up from the small window at the front of the carriage, the door being open by the butlers at the main entrance. sweat forming on your palms as you rub them against your covered knees before your godmother puts her hand on yours, smoothing it down with her thumb as you look at her and catch a glimpse of your mother for a few frames of time. you smile as you took a huge breath when you see the butler arrives at the door of the carriage and open it. the man’s hand opens to help you stand up and step down from the carriage where you watch other people walking to the door. your godmother stood beside you as she escort you to the entrance with the others, no sign of your stepmother and stepsisters, no sign of beomgyu.
every debutante is to be introduced when they arrive and enter the main room where the queen and her son are stationed. you just learned that the son is also debuting this season from godmother as you are preparing to go the day before. the queen wants to find the right partner for him. you notice a sparkle coming from the godmother beside you as you walk near the announcer—a name and title showing up at the bottom of the list when godmother steps up and points your name. as the door opens, you held your head high, introducing yourself to the bustling crowd.
“lady (y/f/n) of house (l/n).”
though you are on top of the staircase, you felt almost everyone turning their heads towards you, their stare piercing into you. godmother beside you as she guides you down the flight of stairs; meeting the eyes of boys and girls your age, their maternal figures that chaperone them, and a throne at the end of the hall elevated. the queen sat in the middle with the small yet luxurious seat beside hers. a man stood in front of it, eyes focused on you. the prince.
it seems weird to know that the mothers of the sons go to your godmother who is surrounded by them asking for a place in your card that she holds when your eyes are looking only at one spot. the steps coming from your glass slippers seem to ring in your ears louder than the crowd itself as it opens in front of you as they look between you and the prince. your eyebrows lifted as the prince walks down from the throne beside his mother’s, their facial features much more prominent. medals hanging on their torso as you see the familiar smile on their face.
when he steps in front of you, you curtsy as best as you can after having not curtsy for a long time because of your isolation. “your highness…” you mumbled.
beomgyu looks at you as you return to your position. a hand gently takes yours as you watch him leaning down to kiss your covered hand. “lady (y/n).”
you let out a small smile as you can receive godmother’s voice approaching you. “dear, i didn’t get the names because i want to consult with you fi- ohh your highness.” you glance beside her to watch her curtsy.
“you can rise,” beomgyu mutters as you looked behind him to see the queen stepping up to walk behind him as you and everyone near her presence curtsy.
“your majesty.” you acknowledge her presence before raising your head. her chuckle in the most elegant and ethereal way you’ve ever heard.
“i supposed my son here wants to write in your card?” the queen asks towards beomgyu as he gives a nod. you look at godmother, pupils trembling in your eyes as you don’t know what to answer, recalling your practice session last night with her after a long time of not dancing. you wanted to curse on whoever put so many dance styles in one ball and the need to learn all styles. so as a bargain between you and her, you only wanted to do one dance, and it’s only with beomgyu if you met him. with the revelation of him being the prince, the burden grows.
“of course, we would love to.” godmother said beside you as she puts the name on your card while you look sheepishly at him, who is wearing a beautiful suit. that was when you picked up the string quartet playing from the corner as people went to the edge of the room and left the middle spacious for all the dancers.
“may i, my lady?” beomgyu gently speaks as he opens his hand to you. you were holding your breath the whole time as you finally let it out when you put your hand on his.
“we may.”
beomgyu brought you to the middle of the space where other people dance. you brought your hands into the right position that you learned last night and he reciprocates, hands on your hand and waist respectively as you slowly dance, following the melody of the music. feeling the glass slippers light taps on the floor.
“you look beautiful tonight.” beomgyu compliments, blood rushing, getting your face warm.
“thank you, your highness. you as well.”
“please stop with the address. makes me feel awkward.” his nagging results in both of you giggling as you dance. brushes of other women’s dresses grazed you as you both move around.
“well… this is me…” you mumbled to him.
“and this is me. you did lie to me when you said you are a child of nobody,” he replied with the words you spoke to him last time.
“it is a long story to tell.”
“and i want to listen to it all.”
“don't you have more dances to do? besides…” your eyes gaze at him as he guides you in the dance, sensing your arms aching for staying in the same position much longer than what you practice. “you are the one in need of a wife.”
beomgyu looks somewhere other than you, the same thing he did when he was thinking from the last time you saw him. humming flows to your ears from. “my dear mother wants me to find someone to dance to but i told her about wanting a specific girl i met on the streets for my first dance.”
you bashfully glance at him as you focused on your footwork to push the nervousness behind you when he continues, “and my last for the ball as well.”
“it will not work.”
“it is!”
“it is working. hold still.”
you hold on to the frame of the mirror before you as you sense a pull on your abdomen that is so strong you almost fling. as the ribbons are pulled from behind, you look at the reflection in the mirror, holding your breath. colorful dresses upon colorful fabrics stack in the cabinet almost the whole four walls of the room. sieun fanning your face and wiping your sweat using a handkerchief while haram stood behind, tying the ribbon. haram’s mother, the owner of the shop, looks proudly at the three beautiful women as she pulls out the masks she made.
after the conversation with the mysterious traveler named beomgyu and the promise you both partaken in, haram quickly asks her mother for dresses so the three of you could go to the masquerade ball. luckily, she had dresses she created inspired by her muse: her own daughter and her friends. a beautiful pink flowy gown with large sleeves until her hands. while sieun also wears a similar one to haram’s, but the dress is yellow and black with ribbons tied to the front. yours was undoubtedly blue—said the dressmaker—that trains down until it grazes the floor before you wear your shoes.
haram’s mother shows the three of you the three masks corresponding to your dress colors from the leftover fabric when she makes it the day haram told her they’re going until today. you put on the mask that covers the upper part of your face and ties the ribbons behind your head as if you are wearing your dress, feeling it pressing down on your cheeks and a frame forming around your vision. you were smoothing down the gown when you hear the light sobs coming from the older woman as she looks at the three of you, no words cannot express what emotion she is expressing as she let tears go down her cheeks while smiling as wide as she could.
“my daughters have grown up so well," she said as she hugged haram, before standing in front of you and sieun.
“your mothers would be proud.”
the woman pushes the three of you out of the shop as you watch other people in suits and dresses and walk to the imposingly enormous castle in the middle of the town, all wearing masks and clothing according to the theme. walking closer as you enter the castle gates, there’s a view of buffets of food placed outside for all the low-income citizen that comes to eat. a gracious gesture by the royals to show their selflessness behind their luxury. servers even wear uniform masks as they bring the trays of drinks and light meals across the ballroom that leads has a stair that branches out for the royal family to arrive at the top of it, where you can see the king and queen behind their regal masks and outfit, no presence of their son otherwise.
your eyes spin around along with the movement of the people that dance in the middle of the room, trying to find the man with tied hair somewhere. both of your friends stayed on the sidelines as they served themselves free food and drinks, letting loose for closing the tavern just for today. eyes glance towards your shoulder as you feel a tap to see a finger as you trail it to the figure wearing white and gold, the mask resembles the flow of his outfit as the black hair is let down with a length until the end of his nape. looking up, you see him wearing a beautiful crown made of flowers, branches, and beautifully carved shards of glass that you’ve seen both the king and queen also have in their own crowns.
the prince.
“your highness.” you bow your head whilst trying your best to curtsy, holding for a few seconds before you felt a caress on your forearm as you return to your earlier position and see him gently kissing your hand before looking back up at you.
“may i dance with you?” he asks in an ethereal sounding voice, his posture poised with a dust of elegance exuding from him. the prince wanting to dance with you? of course, you can’t deny it as it’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment. but your mind is still wandering to at least find the man you are here for.
“you may,” you reply after landing your eyes back on him as he brought you to the middle of the room as the other dancers seem to move away for you. muscles becoming tense as you look to the others with your arms flailing to follow the right pose before the prince held your hand and body in place in his.
“try to relax and follow my lead,” he said with you nodding right after as your body moves on the floor, following the melody of the music and the flow of other dancers. you notice that the couples dancing were staring at their partner’s eyes, but the reality of you dancing with the prince and having to meet your eyes with his is daunting. your mind goes elsewhere as you let him move your body however he sees, wondering if beomgyu came here or not.
“what are you thinking?” your head moves to the voice in front of you as you met the prince’s piercing eyes behind his mask.
“my apologies, your highness. i was wondering if my acquaintance has arrived yet,” you speak truthfully as your eyes on his focus on the mask that covers his cheekbones instead. you move with the others in the dance and both of your body rotates, following the flow that has been created you can glance at the entrance as you waited for beomgyu to arrive, but the prince immediately felt how your body becomes rigid as you see a group of three women entering the room instead. though it’s almost a week ago since you last met them, you can recognize them by their hair colors, their postures, and their dress colors.
your stepmother and stepsisters.
“i- i have to go.” panic seeps into your words as the prince turns his head to the entrance. you search everywhere for the nearest exit but failed as the sea of people around you covers it. you told your friends that you were only here for beomgyu and will return home to the tavern if you met him, hoping to have at least an interaction with him for a few seconds before your stepmother and stepsisters arrived. the last time you met them was the day you told them you won’t go to the ball, which changed with the appearance of beomgyu the next day. but you still remember the ridiculous comments you got about how if you’re there, you won’t change the prince’s attention anyway.
“i know where we can go.” a whisper said into your ear as your eyes gaze at the prince’s presence near you, his breath caressing the skin that is not covered by the mask on your face as a tug pulled on your arm where he guides you away from the sparse space into the crowd. you see other patrons seem to bow their heads to the prince, but he ignores them when you arrive at a set of doors and open them to the hallway bustling with servers.
he brought you along the hallway before arriving at a terrace with a garden before you, hedges stand tall as you step down to the garden and enter the hedges. your feet stumbling on the gravel path as he walks straight then turns a few corners as you look at a beautiful fountain with patches of flowers around it. breath heavy, he pulled you to the stone bench near the fountain as your eyes glare at him.
“you need to go back, your highness. it is your ball after a-"
“i needed that time to escape,” he speaks while ruffling his hair, the crown on top of him nudges as he picks it up and put it down beside him, stretching his head as he’s free from the heavy-looking accessories he has to wear.
you stood up as you walk to the cut you come from only to be bombarded by the hedge walls surrounding the two of you. wanting to leave as you don’t want to make the prince feel uncomfortable when you should find your friends so you can return home.
“please stay.” the other person said as you turn your body around. the ends of your dress meet your ankle as you watch the prince leaning his head down. when he sees the front of your feet in his vision, he lifts his head. as you look at him from your standing position, his face is shined by the moonlight above you. that’s when you see it.
beneath the mask around his eyes, shadows forming under them, skin sunken as veins shows near the skin’s outermost surface. how is straining his eyes so that he could wake up and stay awake.
“you should rest, your highness.” you bluntly speak as you see how his lips pouted before he lets out a chuckle.
“it’s too obvious, isn’t it?” his irises move down, knowing what your comment meant.
“yes, it is.” you blinked your eyes before looking away.
“i didn’t ask for this.” your eyes stayed looking at the water sprouting out of the fountain as the prince continues to talk.
“a masquerade ball. my parents truly use this occasion so that i could find a match or they could match me up with some noble daughters from all over the kingdom, saying that you’re getting too old when in fact i just arrive at the adulting threshold.” he sighs as you turn your head to the side, seeing the prince from the corner of your eyes.
“everyone was too busy for the ball that i don’t have any time to settle down my mental and physical being for something i don’t prepare and had no say in preparing. though the banquet is noble enough, we can focus on that instead rather than putting on this lavish event.” you nod along with his words, attentive to the change of volume of his spoken words as it gets louder and louder. hands in front of you together, you turn your body to see the prince’s head facing the night sky, giving the view of his neck and adam’s apple as he breathes the fresh air.
feet moving across the grass, you stood beside him and said, “happy birthday…” as a small comment as you recall the purpose of the ball held today other than for him to find a wife.
you didn’t expect his hand to move out and grab yours in his, reminding you of how he holds you for most of the time you are here. his head tilts down and you notice the sparkles in his irises, a small smile tugging his lips.
“thank you. you’re the first one to remember.”
your hands rub against each other as you sit on the bus on the way to your meeting place beomgyu and you agree. fingers playing on the ends of your father’s favorite blazer you kept that you’re wearing on this cold night above the blue dress you got from the thrift shop—a great-looking dress that you felt sorry for its earlier owner who can’t see the beauty of it.
after the movie finishes—where the whole time you talked about the characters, their motives, the plot, and the impact of it—beomgyu grumbles as he sees the alarm from his airplane-mode-on phone ringing, reminding him of an upcoming meeting he has where his dad invited him to. when he opens his calendar to check the time, you get a glimpse of a reminder of a charity ball at the end of the weekend. beomgyu notices it too as he paused before looking at you and then at the reminder.
“would you be my date for the charity ball?”
he would then persuade you, saying that you and he can slip away when people are eating their dinner. you had fun that day at the cinema with beomgyu he succeeded in his attempt and you have to prepare for a ball you know will include so many influential rich people—conglomerates—while you don’t even have savings as much as the amount they spend on a lunch in a three-star michelin restaurant.
stepping down from the bus stop at the park near the hotel where the ball is held, you can see a black suv with a man standing in front of it. beomgyu’s bodyguard who you met before watching the movie and after when beomgyu called him to the cinema, a sigh of disappointment comes out of him as he realizes how you perfectly lie to him while beomgyu is rolling his tongue to him before they left. the man seems to detect you under the flickering streetlights as you approach the car. his body turns to the backseat door and his hand rested on the handle.
“mr. choi was worried you would not come. so he stayed in the car.”
when the door opens, beomgyu’s body jerks from the sound as he faces you in a suit and tie combo. the frown on his face is replaced with a smirk as he helps you climb into the backseat with him, his bodyguard returns to the driver’s seat and drive the car away. you didn’t realize your hand was still in his before you let go to rub them on your blazer, glancing to the side to catch beomgyu’s eyes admiring you.
“you look great!” he breaks out. “whose blazer is this?”
“ah, i don’t know the brand, but it’s my dad’s,” you replied, trying to blend in some lingo that his crowd might use even though when you spoke it does sound a bit out of touch.
“i don’t care what brand it came from. yet it looks great and compliments your dress.” he rambles, giggles coming from you as you face beomgyu.
“thanks, gyu.” your sudden nickname of his makes his eyebrows raised before he lets out a wide smile that reaches his eyes.
“my pleasure.”
yet you aren’t prepared for the number of flashes coming from the camera as you walk down the red carpet into the ball. the backdrop behind you mentioning beomgyu’s family business with many interviewers asking him for an interview. gaining steady breathing, you tried to act as relaxed as possible. but, it isn't possible with the amount of exposure you have.
you sense beomgyu’s hands wrapping down to your lower back as you both pose for the pictures, letting out a smile that can highlight you the most before he escorted you away into the large ballroom of circular tables and chairs around it. beomgyu’s hand still rested on your back as he guide you and tap the shoulder of a middle-aged man. the man turns around and you see a face similar to his as the man gave a hug to beomgyu before looking at you.
“is this your date?” the man asked.
“yes, she is. dad.” your eyes widen as you realized you stood in front of beomgyu’s dad, the chairman of this conglomerate himself. you can see him scan you and the outfit you wore—smile slowly widening before he turns to pull the hand of a middle-aged woman who turns to glance at beomgyu and you.
“oh my- beomgyu. you didn’t tell me your girlfriend is so pretty.”
your eyes turn to him as beomgyu sheepishly laughs along with the woman he calls—and you just realized—his mom, noticing the resemblance of them in beomgyu. his mom approaches you and tugs you away to the tables, moving past the tables at the back to arrive at the table near the stage where a podium stands. beomgyu follows behind the two of you as his mom looks at you enthusiastically. she sat both of you down in the seats beside each other.
you wanted so much to talk to beomgyu beside you but when you think got the opportunity, someone else always cuts you off. that’s when you finally felt the dread building up and the realization of the aftermath of the captured image of you being here with someone as important as a conglomerate’s son.
your stepmother could figure it out or your stepsisters could find something on the gossip news with your picture in it.
the event went by in a blur as your body move on autopilot, while your mind just think of the worst things that might happen to you when you arrive home. you can hear them calling you selfish for hiding such a high-profile connection from them before they degrade you and say you don’t deserve to be in connection to someone like him and it should be them cause they will nurture the connection better than you. you either look at the three-course meal being served to you or your lap, occasionally to the stage as you see the performance and the mc guiding the event. the air inside the room sends a shiver down your skin as you sit without your blazer, knowing it resting behind you on the chair you sit on.
your eyes glance towards the stage to see beomgyu giving a speech on the podium before looking away, not realizing he stayed his gaze on you for longer than you did on him.
the applause rings in your ears as hands settle on your shoulders when beomgyu leans down and whisper into your ear, “you want to get out of here?”
“yes,” you spoke, already having your blazer and purse in your arms.
that’s what it takes for beomgyu to excuse both of you as you both want to ‘take a shot at the bar’, when in reality he slips you away to the outside world from the kitchen and arrive at a small alley as he and you run together down the streets envelop by the night, finally being able to breathe for all the suffocation you held as he is also doing the same to you. you walk past buskers performing on the street and a road full of people with street food carts all over. ordering a few snacks as you watch the buskers perform, giving them money as appreciation.
“why did your mom say that i’m your girlfriend?” you said as you lean back on the bench overlooking the river, a large bridge where vehicles can go across right beside it as skyscrapers from the other side glimmer along with the stars.
“gosh. i’m really freaking sorry to bring you into my trouble.”
“well, too late ‘cause you did.” you let out a giggle at him while he finishes an ice cream cup.
“long story short, my mom and dad expected me to come with a date for this year’s charity ball. but i haven’t found one so i thought “why not?” and asked you before i go."
“well, why me?” you nudge your exposed shoulder to his covered one. the only thing coming into your mind is for you to tease beomgyu.
“i just have this feeling that for as little as our time interacting, you know me so well.” beomgyu lets out a sigh as he looks straight at the river in front of you. “like i’ve met you before in some past lifetime i might have.”
eyebrows furrowed, you shook your head as you don’t want something to seep into your min-
wait, why are you thinking like that? no. continue with whatever you’re doing.
“i- i guess i could sense that too?” you replied, head bops in confusion.
“right?” he turns his face towards you. he looks at his hand between the two of you before looking up, “but i never thought mom would immediately comment on you being my girlfriend. she’s- well-“ he paused as you pursed your lips. “you blend in well enough that she didn’t think you were out of place.”
something struck into your mind after he said, ‘cause even though he considered so, you didn’t. you don’t assume you blend in enough. you felt like you are a snowball in the middle of magma, melting slowly as you almost succumb to pressure before beomgyu noticed and took you away.
“thank you, gyu.” you said as you look at him shyly. “i didn’t feel like it though.”
“but you did so freaking well,” he said as put the empty ice cream cup on the other side of him, scooting closer to you on the bench. you look at your thighs touching as beomgyu lifts his hand, so it doesn’t squish between the two of you. sensing something cold press again your cheek, your eyes move to see a hand that belongs to beomgyu before looking at him in front of you. your eyes wandering from his wide eyes, cute nose, and plump lips.
“you were amazing,” he mumbles as you can feel his eyes not focusing on yours, but downwards.
as your breath hitches, you close your eyes and wait for him to the first move. both of your hands on your lap linked as you waited for the feeling of his lips on yours. but it never comes, so you open your eyes.
and see a split vision of three men trying to kiss you at the same tim- what?
a force pulls your body from behind you as you arrived at white space to see the three different windows of a couple almost kissing, all in a pause frame. all are from different times when you notice that all the women have something blue worn on them while the man beside her all have differing hairstyles. the longer you look, the more you realized the women are you and by proxy, the men in front of them are all beomgyu.
you stare at the three different filters on each window. the one where you are wearing something from a regency era has an ethereal filter with more white highlights and a tint of pink and purple. the one where you wear something a game of thrones character would wear is more neutral and brown tone while the last one with the backdrop of the city is more neon. all wearing age-appropriate clothing, but something just doesn’t feel right.
the three windows are on the three sides you could see. and if it is a room, there must be a fourth wall.
so, you turn around to find a full-body mirror in front of you reflecting your current state. the dress you are wearing is losing saturation every time you walk forward. not only the dress but also your skin tone as it contrasts with the white that is surrounding you. like smoke in a clear sky, like a speck of dust on a clean floor.
like ash falling down from a burning fire.
looking at yourself hauntingly, you suddenly hear something coming from the mirror. not in front, not inside, but behind it. you step carefully on the white floor as you walk around the mirror that stood behind you without support. you catch a glance of a wall of text appearing on a floating laptop behind the mirror—you recognize it as yours. when you walk closer and skim-read the text, you take in what it’s trying to say.
Cinderella is a folk tale with thousands of variants throughout the world. The protagonist is a young woman living in forsaken circumstances that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune, with her ascension to the throne via marriage
“a young woman living in forsaken circumstances, having dead biological parents and having a stepparent and step-siblings who, with no reason, hate her for being her. a young woman who found remarkable fortune by magic or coincidence, maybe even fate that could ascend her to the throne or any position of power,” you mumbled out.
isn’t this just your life?
but not your life, singular. but your lives. all three that you can see on the windows previously.
you who have a stepmother and stepsisters meet beomgyu who is a stranger that sits in a position of power and you both become infatuated with each other. all three of you went to a ball to meet your respective beomgyu, a prince charming or equivalent of it.
if you followed the cinderella story you know, you know what will happen next. you have to go home by midnight, stepmother and sisters then found out about your whereabouts at the ball. the prince charming will have to find you so that you both will accept your attraction and both be married so you can live happily ever after.
happily ever after.
you peer back at the laptop expecting to see the wall of text where it’s replaced by a question.
“what is your reality, ashfool?”
you blink your eyes to arrive back at the cinema from the start of your story, scrolling the document file you open for your task as you try to find any error. nothing came onto your radar other than the abundance of ashfool written in your file.
ashfool is a story of a girl…
… then ashfool has to live with her cruel stepmother…
bewildered, you see the cd case beside the laptop you put. taking a glimpse at the case cover to find something not what you remember.
disney’s ashfool and the cartoon main protagonist wearing a gray dress instead of-
what color is her dress again?
and why does she resemble you?
you quickly open the other tabs on your browser you remember are all the resources you need to write your review and you get the same thing. ashfool replacing the word you forgot. so, you open your own letterboxd account to search for the movies with your nickname to find the list that widens your eyes.
ashfool. ashfool. an ashfool story. another ashfool story. ashfool 2: dreams come true.
all media related to ashfool has your face and beomgyu‘s face on it, through photography; drawing; animation. all of them. your breathing quickens.
you close your laptop as you hear a muffled noise not from outside, but inside the theater—something playing. you run inside the door, finding the winding cushion-covered hallway colors saturating as you stare at a movie with you on the screen, the only colored thing in the whole theater. a movie of you in what seems to be a school, mumbling about losing your mp3 player in the school’s homecoming dance, before you look away into the locker you opened as the camera focuses on beomgyu walking by. holding onto the said mp3 player.
“what is your reality, ashfool?”
your head turns to a voice calling you as you realize your stepmother sitting on one of the seats in the cinema, wearing clothes half and half of a modern and nobility dress. her glaring eyes stare towards you with a smug smile on her face. her body leans forward, eyes piercing into your soul as your heart beats faster.
“now you know that in every reality. i will always be there. your sisters will always be there. we will always be there to let you know.”
as she finished her sentence, you see her stand up before movements sound arise as you see clones upon clones of your stepmother all turn towards you.
“you don’t deserve beomgyu.”
and they all move towards you, the clone nearest to you grabbing onto your body as you pull with all your might to let go. the crowd stamped towards you as it was too late to push the clone away when you can feel the hands reaching for you, scratching your skin with all the hatred she has for you.
you don’t deserve him.
you don’t deserve your inheritance.
you tried to struggle out of the sea of bodies as you use all your abilities to climb out. pushing and pulling to find a cracking space you can push your limb out. but with every movement to your success, another hand pulls you down and your clothes shredding by the sheer force of power. all the energy flowing out of you as the volume of colorful fabrics trying to swallow your monochromatic self. your eyes clouded with tears as you just want it to stop.
please, stop.
please, stop.
the only thing for them to stop is for you to stop.
and so you stop and let yourself succumb to them. sitting in a fetal position as you sink into the sea of your stepmothers, you try to focus on your heartbeat. the pain marks on your body sting you are still clueless about what made you deserve them.
the pressure pressing on you from all sides as you cover your body and face as much as you can, tears and snot staining your skin as you do your best to rock yourself to calmness.
to put the pain subsides as you accept your demise.
“(y/n)?” you felt your body being shaken.
your breathing comes out rapidly as you shake your head, not wanting to know who called you.
you rather you don’t know than suffer.
“please…“ you heard the desperation coming from the voice.
you lift your head while still having your eyes covered by your eyelids. the eyelids shield the piercing white environment as everything that you heard becomes nothing in your ears, remnants of it floating in the air as it fades out. only the sound of faint footsteps walking closer to you is now in focus.
you felt… safe?
because of that, you slowly open your eyes. the brightness gives a sting to your eyes as it waters more to help get it away. the blurry vision makes you look before you a blurry silhouette, lines so soft it blends. rubbing the moist coming from your eyes, you can finally see it
shades of blue.
three different shades of blue on an outfit.
head lift higher, you see the faces of yourself, all crouching down and looking at you. all versions of you you’ve seen before from the windows. the regency era you wear an outfit with the lightest blue color while modern era you wear the same thing but in the darkest blue out of the three of them.
“you okay?” she said. as the other lends a hand out for you to reach. when you put your hands on your other version’s hand, you could observe how saturated you are. your skin with all the tints bled out, only leaving you in a husk of a shade of gray. standing up, you can see the three windows you saw but with all of you missing. because they’re here with you.
“did all of you know?” you asked.
“well. all of us is you.” one of them said.
“and there are more than the four of us.” another speaks as she tugs your hand in hers as the four of you walk in white space beyond the three windows you find yourself in. no mirror to be seen.
instead, they show you more windows where you and beomgyu almost kissed. all in different attires, different situations, but you recognize underneath them it has the same premise. you look at yourself and him in tight suits with fire behind the two of you. another window shows you and him having animal ears as if you are hybrids. more of you in school uniforms, hospital environment, the edge of space, a clay version. all telling the same story of you and him.
“but did you know our story is a folk tale?” you asked the other three as they turn towards you.
“as said by my professor.” one of them speaks up. “folk tale is how we communicate our culture. a story to tell. supposedly every story always came from a fact and your story indeed happened in every timeline.”
“aren’t we-“ you try to articulate. “tired doing the same thing over and over again?”
“being tormented the same way with our stepmothers in each version?” one of them said as she finished your question.
but it’s noticeable how different all of you are. how different your upbringings are. you all have the same mind, opinions, and ideology. even though you are the same person. you can read the expressions of the other you as they glance at each other, even giving nods as they all turn to you and gave you a nod, knowing you will also say it.
“this is our only way to get happily ever after.” all of you said, except you who is as grey as your fuzzy mind.
ignoring their stunned faces, you walked past windows upon windows of you and beomgyu in different times; different worlds; different parts of history; different universes; before stopping at one of them you recognized. the only one that is moving.
a small local cinema stood in between a hardware store and a pet shop. signs hanging outside with lights fluttering in and out of liveliness because of broken wires beneath them.
from the outside of the glass doors, you’re visible. leaning against a counter you stood behind, an open book of pride and prejudice by jane austen in your hand rested on top of it. you wore a white shirt tucked behind a dark blue apron.
the you from the start of a story you are reading right now.
you do remember it, right?
“we have to stop it,” you mumbled as you step back only to be greeted by the three versions of yourself you were with. you glance back to find rows and columns of you seating on the theater seats—watching the window you were just watching. their hands grab you as they pulled you to an empty seat right behind where you stand, but instead of sitting on it, the seat suddenly deforms as you are being drowned by it. white void slowly fading into black.
that’s when you see the other windows fading in and out as you are seated on a seat that they dragged you into. all of them show the same thing. the three of you you were with before walking back home from the ball.
you are running back home from the debutante ball as the clock struck midnight. fairy godmother helping you reach near to your home with the magic she helped for you and your critter friends before she fades away—her time helping you here is done. white dress torn as you walk barefoot on the dirt. holding the only glass slipper left as the other slipped from your foot as you run away to your carriage. terrified eyes trembled after being caught by your stepmother on your way out.
you are now walking back to the tavern with your drunk friends on either side of you. no meeting beomgyu and also a no to the prince as you rejected his advances. the dress being ripped as you push yourself out of the hedge maze when your mask falls as the prince is following behind you. eyes meeting your stepsister’s as the look of shock on her face crushes you before you left her to go report to your stepmother. letting out an enormous sigh as you arrived at the dark tavern where you brought them into your room before they collapsed on the floor.
you hear the vibration coming from inside your blazer as beomgyu stops his movement. the terrifying messages from your stepmother bombarding your phone before she then calls you. your hands shaking because of the tons of message notifications coming in above the unanswered call. you left beomgyu alone at the bench in panic, leaving behind your dad’s blazer on the bench to run to the nearest bus stop to go to the cinema. knowing them, they could threaten you by touching or vandalizing it if they want to as you remember the threat they've made in the past.
then, more and more windows show up as it shows you all the ways your stepmother torments you with your stepsisters. physical and mental pain occurring as you were told you were a “bad kid”, a “terrible person”, and “not deserving of nobility”. even you catch an animated version of yourself trying to get out of the room by using the force and your shoulder to the door that didn’t budge.
wait. an animated version of you from the regency era.
turning your head on the screen, you watch how school girl you is being pushed into a spaceship from the surface of the moon, leaving you there to not escape. you see yourself in what seems to be an adventurer outfit being swallowed by a haunted house as the phantom of your stepmother commands every piece of furniture to pin you up on the floor.
all of your reality seeps into each other.
the chair you sit in suddenly stops as it turns you to the side to see walls upon walls of white typographies of only two words—cinderella and ashfool—before the chair forces itself forward so you can collide with them and the other walls smash into you as words upon words swim and touches your skin. they ask you to embrace who you are, who you are fictionally is real.
you always are and always will be ashfool.
the black and white blends into the color of your greyscale body as they pressed into you. you’ve always felt that you are suffocated ever since your mother died. you don’t want to blame your father because he is your only guardian in front of the genuine nature of your stepfamily. but it just isn’t fair to know that in order for you to live happily, you have to face such torment and pain all the time.
you let your eyes close, letting your mind focus on other things instead of the words scraping your skin so they could mark you up. the vision behind your eyelids is black as the black background helps perfectly, every ash in your vision slowly dissipates as you steady your breathing.
don’t worry.
you’re okay.
there has to be something that could help you escape this cycle.
something to help you deviate.
a shining white dot appears in your vision. no pressure coming from around you as you can now stand up. the only word that is sticking into your mind is 'deviate'.
deviate so you can reach your freedom.
deviate so you can make your own choices.
deviate so your life isn’t tied to a folk tale.
deviate so you won’t be attached to a cliché fanfiction plot.
you took a step closer to that white dot.
the steps you are taking are getting wider as you turn it from a step to a walk.
“are you really sure about this, (y/n)?” you heard your own voice calls you as your head turn to see yourself in the animated version of a cinderella dress. all you can do is nod your head as you continue forward.
“gosh (y/n) just give it up already. it’s not going to work.” another one of your voices speaks to you as you see yourself in a disco attire of wide pants and a vest. but, you turn that walk into a stride.
tens upon tens of your own voices call out to you as all of you turn up to look at yourself approaching that widening white dot in a black void. stride turn to jog. jog turns to dash. and dash turns to run, as more of you stood in front of yourself—trying to make you understand that this is how it’s going to be. that what you are doing is not going to work.
but no. you understand differently from them as you pushed them away with a strength you didn’t know you held as you are only a few steps away from the white light floating above the ground of the void. carefully stepping closer to the item as none of the other versions of you trying to stop you. you notice that the white dissipates as you met a floating glass shard. looking into one side, you see a reflection of your ashen self with no one behind you—but you glance to see other versions of you standing idle.
both of your hands reach both sides of the shard as your surroundings forms into a glass cave where asymmetry geometric shapes create mirrors so you can see yourself. well, different versions of yourself wearing something blue. in the front, back, left, right, above, and below you. the only one that shows you in ash color is the shard you hold. carefully lifting the shard to your eye line, you can see how dead you look. how terrifying your appearance is with a frown mixed with sadness from such a battle of strengths and wits.
you look like you want to quit.
you look like you are ready to leave reality.
you look like your job here is done.
glancing once more at the versions of you in the mirror-like glass wall before your reflection in the shards. you let out a smirk as only one thing came into.
you throw the shard you hold onto the glassy floor. it shattering creates a domino effect from all the glass around you. you can only let out a smile.
so, how can we deviate ourselves?
your eyes opened as you looked at the masked prince in front of you, knowing the identity of the person behind it. your hands reach to ribbons behind you as your mask falls from your face. the prince holding still as you caress his face.
“let your eyes close.” your hand moves to the mask he wears and pulls it off, throwing them to the ground.
“beomgyu,“ you whispered before leaning to connect your lips to his.
“deviating by him knowing the real you. that’s great, (y/n).” you turned beside you as you see the same you in the window as the kiss turns heated at the fountain. the mask is now in your hand as you grabbed them to hold it near you.
you looked at prince beomgyu standing before you as the string quartet stops when you heard the announcement of your stepsisters’ name as they enter the room. instead of running away, you stay still on the dance floor as your stepsisters and stepmother arrive at the balcony and you show your head held high as you face them.
the look of shock on their faces as you tighten your hand in beomgyu’s before godmother steps in to persuade you to let you go. turning around, you tell her, “let them. all of us here will see their genuine nature,“ when your stepmother quickly walks towards you, hand lifted before your vision zooms out to the window as you see yourself getting slapped. head still held high as the others scrambled to help you stay away from her.
“deviating by letting the others know how much of a monster they are. wonderful!” that you in the window said to you as she step down from her glass slippers and give you one of them, holding it in your hand.
your phone vibrates as beomgyu tries to kiss you by the river. you see the number of bombs being dropped on you as your stepmother texts you tons and tons of articles of you and beomgyu before she called you. beomgyu and you look down at the contact name and vibrating phone before you stand up and impulsively throw your phone with all of your might to the river, seeing it dropped into the water by gravity a few meters out before you turned your head to beomgyu.
“it’s a freaking long story. but do you wanna run away with me?“ a hand opens to him as beomgyu lets out a cheeky smile before he grabs them, dragging both of you away down the path into the night.
a white blazer drapes onto your shoulder as you see modern you giving a wide smile before waving a small wave as she runs away into the void.
you turn behind you to see all kinds of significant items that you left so beomgyu could find you—not needing them again as the glass shard that marks your boundaries shatters before all versions of you deviate one by one. you put them in a line on the dark void’s invisible floor, seeing an mp3 player, pointe shoes, and other sorts of stuff you collected as they’re thrown out from the windows of all of you who have deviated.
you pull out a box of matchsticks from the pile that you found. pulling a match out and lighting it up, you’ve looked at the line of the flammable items you have already in place meticulously as you approach the first one at the edge: the mask inside the glass shoes with the white blazer right beside it. you put the match on top of the mask as the flame lit it up and moved towards the blazer.
stepping back, the orange flame turns into blue as more and more items are being engulfed. more and more items that identify you as ashfool or cinderella as people outside this screen called. stepping back and breathing in, you let a wide smile grace your face. eyes looking elsewhere as you see the windows illuminated with a light blue light coming from it as you approach one of them, seeing what happened to each and all of you.
you and beomgyu were talking about the trip you are taking at the end of the social season. the fairy godmother is now gone as you are only left with your glass slippers as a gift from her. but only one thing came into your mind when you remember a proposal he spoke to you a week before.
“my apologies, beomgyu. but i can’t marry you right now.”
beomgyu, with saddened eyes, gives a nod of acknowledgment as you return home to see your stepmother and stepsisters being taken away to face the court. beomgyu, after seeing how harsh they are to you in public, has helped you with the case and your inheritance. seeing your critter friends finished helping to tidy your house up to its old glory days after you are the only resident of the land that is rightfully yours, you pack your bags and leave the town for a while, remembering what beomgyu said to you when you rejected his proposal.
“i will wait for you when you are ready because a countess needs an earl beside her and a prince needs a princess beside him.”
you and beomgyu, on the other hand, celebrated your marriage at the castle as your father’s and mother’s recipes are being faithfully done by the chefs to serve in a banquet. knowing how beomgyu and you wanted freedom out of your own outside of palace duties, you both help run the tavern as the two of waiting for the turn where he and you become king and queen.
seeing your husband from behind the counter, you laugh as you see knights teasing him when he served the drinks. though you realized how awkward he used to be, he talks to you about how rebellious he was and how he always wants to blend into the streets of his own kingdom. even mentioning how he didn’t regret going to the tavern he heard his knights have talked about by overhearing them sooner.
you and beomgyu live a peaceful life after he let you move in into his apartment away from your stepmother and stepsisters after you told him and his parents. finishing your college task together as he prepared to take his place as the ceo while the money his parents gave to you helped you improve the cinema, making you able to hire people who also like movies and wants to help expose the world of cinema—making your parents’ dream into reality.
“what the hell was that ending?” beomgyu’s surprised face makes you giggle as you both finish watching the room. you nod your head as he faces you before saying, “that’s how terrible the movie is.”
you looked at how all of you found your happy endings one by one, with or without beomgyu. but the thing you realized is that you have the freedom to pick whatever ending you like and you can sense the calm of the certainty. that calmness helps you close your eyes as you think of nothing while everything is moving around.
everything you know is right to all of you whoever perceives it as so.
“hey, (y/n).” something is shaking your body as you woke up from the sofa you sit on.
you looked around you to the small apartment unit you are in as you see a boy your age wearing a uniform. an outfit you also wear. an outfit for a cinema worker.
looking down at the name tag on his torso, you learn the name of your co-worker and best friend sitting beside you.
“yeah…?” you rub your face as you trace the streaks of moisture on your cheeks, turning your head to the window to meet the night sky after the time both of your shifts ended.
“if you’re tired, we can skip the movie night-“
“no, i’m fine.” you held onto his upper arm as his eyes met yours, glistening with sparkles and tears collected on the corners. beomgyu slowly rubs a tear away that is threatening to fall out before he opens disney+ on his laptop placed on the coffee table, feeling a rush of warmth going to your cheeks.
“what are we watching tonight?” you asked as you stretched your arms from the tight sleep you seem to have as beomgyu scrolled the homepage down before chuckling.
your highness…
lady (y/n).
the hooded man with tied hairs.
your mother would be so proud.
if you’re asking, my dad is a filmmaker and film connoisseur.
would you be my date for the charity ball?
your head shook as you asked, “wait, what’s cinderella?”
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taglist: @endzii23 @msxflower @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @stayzentiny @rebsmoonn @boba-beom @feline4txt @ifwtyun @beomgyumineiro @fluffdiaree
can’t tag: @bubblejunnies @meowchikatt @ricepill @kayalayadayla @enchantedrose @johnnysluver @xiaoting999 @010313s
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
fang do you ever get overwhelmed by the future? what are some ways you deal with anxieties surrounding like job prospects or school-wise? i think you're very rational and would love to hear your perspective on any tools you use!
ahh idk if im the right person to ask this since a lot of my beliefs come from my circumstances. pre-emptively i have a family that will always house me and feed me. thats the culture.
but ill tell you my philosophy. i do get anxiety about the future sometimes and about how im not moving fast enough or something else along those lines!! pretty often actually.
either way im young. ill bet you are too. all the happiest people i know are twice my age. my life is just starting for me. i have no intention of feeling like im running out of time when im not
because i went thru a lot i know life isn’t about endurance. its about sustainability. its easy to get wrapped up in the idea of creating a perfect future and being valuable. but suffering catches up with you. right now - i could go and push myself to the very limits to accomplish something. but it wouldn’t matter because its not a life i could sustain.
i know my own limits hella well so i say work with yourself for a life you can tolerate. a life you can live for a long time. im applying for jobs but i haven’t received any offers so im finding other ways of making money (babysitting, tutoring etc). i help my parents with as much as i can. my sleep schedule is fucked so im spending my summer trying to fix it. im building my credit score (its good rn!!) im teaching myself math and java again so i can transfer in a year. these are not things i pour myself into. its just shit i do to work at it slowly
im never gonna be a person who can go at a hundred miles an hour. never. ive tried and ive failed. i got my steady twenty five. but its better to go steadily and slowly and always keep going then to go 100 and stop dead in your tracks. its better to persistently do the bare minimum than regress after running so far. its better to take one class and apply to one job and read one lesson everyday than to push it so far you stop or not try at all.
for me the only thing ive ever learned is the universe pays its dues so im not worried about the future. it doesn’t matter what it looks like to anyone but me. did you do just one thing that will make tomorrow better? then thats enough. you did great.
do what you’re capable of not what you think you should be capable of. as long as you are doing that much i really think things will work out. and if they dont and if you fuck up - learn and try it a different way. just keep doing it. little by little
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Hey bitches! That feels so rude to say to strangers. I'm a new college student looking to get my first credit card. Now, I've received more than my share of lectures on proper credit usage and I more than know the basics, I just had one question.
You see, with some savvy parental help (If you want kids and you put them on a credit card you keep paying off, they'll start with good credit!) I have a credit score in the "very good" range, a bit low because my file is, understandably, thin. I looked it up and I believe I'll technically have income in college from scholarships and such, and some left over for me each month.
I'm concerned with building my credit, and if possible, stacking as many miles as I possibly can to travel after I graduate. How do I properly estimate the risk of applying for a real adult credit card, and how a rejection might affect my credit? And, if you think you can answer directly, should I make the jump, hold off for a few months or years, or just go with a student card that's almost guaranteed to accept me?
Great question, sugarsnap pea! And the short answer is that I don't think you should wait to apply for that credit card.
I wouldn't worry about the risk of your score dropping. Because I think you should take advantage of your... advantages??? Namely, you have very supportive and trustworthy parents who are looking out for your financial future.
Apply for a credit card with them. Or, have them make you the primary user of the card they already have open for you. Then, after college, you can remove them as users on the card when you have even better credit built up.
That was a really fast and basic explanation, but here's more about what I mean:
Ask the Bitches: What's the Difference Between Credit Checks and Credit Monitoring? 
A Hand-holding Guide To Getting Your First Credit Card 
If you found this helpful, give us a tip!
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th3dailyoverload · 8 months
My Top 5 Struggles of Adulting
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Adulting is hard, am I right? There are so many new responsibilities that seem to come out of nowhere. Here are my top 5 struggles of navigating this new adulthood thing:
Bills, Bills, Bills
Why does it feel like as soon as you get your pay check, it's already spent?! Keeping track of due dates, ensuring there's enough in your account, and actually paying the bills on time is way more stressful than I anticipated. Having a pet went from being fun to having a dependent that relies on you at the snap of a finger... But the best way to handle a pay check is not even debit orders keep your money untouched for at leats 24hours, this is could for your credit when it comes to your personal cashflow record in the banking system. And only start paying off bills after then.
To Credit Or Not to Credit
This was my biggest question when finally earning a salary and being stable with working. In the current economic climate credit is what the makes the world go round, good credit score makes you seem responsible and able to handle a car, a house bond, and apartment lease, and even bigger things. But my advice to you with credit is get an easy credit card, maybe for clothes. By small items less than R500, set it to be paid within the next 6 months but pay it back with the next month. It makes you look responsible, and helps build a credit score fast. Hold off on trying to secure a phone contract, don't dive before you've learnt to swim.
Food at Home
Remember when you went out with your parents and asked for take out but they always said there was food at home? You're going to have to make sure that there's food at home. Your cosy little apartment fridge should have more than just snacks. Which brings us to building a grocery list: start with staples that are used on a monthly basis and can last for a few months on end, then when those are around then you can from time-to-time restock on goodies. For me, my goodies are sugary cupcakes that I buy once a month during my big grocery run and watermelon Jolly Ranchers.
Dirty Laundry
How did my parents do this every week for a whole family?! Between finding time to do laundry, folding and putting it all away, and ensuring I have enough clean clothes for the week, it feels never ending—it’s a loop. Best case scenario, try doing it at night just before you sleep and hanging it in the morning just before leaving for morning classes or work, just make sure you have a clean set of clothes still wearable.
Maintaining Friendships
With busy work schedules, errands, classes and life in general, finding time to stay socially connected with friends gets harder and harder. Making an effort to schedule in time to call or grab coffee with friends is almost impossible, but balancing it all certainly isn't easy. But best way to handle it all is your plain old calendar app, get all your friends to agree on a calendar app to use and each person can add dates of when they'd like to grab coffee or go book shopping or to the movies and the others can all see it and agree to attendance if one is missing, simple hold and drag to a more suitable day. Have fun with it!
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036: Everyday Shooter
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Made to escape the dead end of overcomplex, pretentious game design  Jessica Mak found herself obsessed with, Everyday Shooter is anything but what its title suggests. Citing Every Extend and the works of Kenta Cho as its inspirations, Everyday Shooter wears those influences proudly, but manages to deliver not one novel twist on the shooter genre, but multiple. 
Focused on an almost puzzle-like objective of figuring out each stage’s unique chaining system, and in turn how that chaining system interacts with the soundtrack. Like Every Extend Extra, each level plays alongside a unique musical track, with a sound that I’ve heard described as “bedroom rock”, made of dreamy, meandering and atmospheric riffs removed from the polished clarity of a studio album. Sound effects are replaced with guitar samples that complement the song, but  can build up during larger explosions into a cacophony of distorted sound. 
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Everyday Shooter lacks the satisfaction in its basic shooting, with relatively simple bullet patterns and enemy behaviors, but here’s a satisfying push in pull in figuring out the chaining system, skirting right up to the edge of danger to achieve the biggest reaction. If Every Extend Extra is a rhythm game--jamming to the sound while waiting for the right moment to set off a chain--then Everyday Shooter is an RTS. It keeps you juggling enemies across multiple parts of the  arena, setting up pieces for the chaining system, and balancing doing damage against collecting score items to build up lives, your single resource. 
Each stage’s chaining system is unique, and can even have sub-objectives depending on which phrase of the song you’re in. In one part of a song you might be fending off robots from reaching a massive eye, before it hits the chorus and the eye opens up  to become vulnerable. Or you  might fight off hectic swarms of enemies amongst the clouds, before they fade to make way for a biplane that pulls you into an aerial dogfight. There’s a fantastic dream logic to all of it, well suited to the abstract art style.
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Structurally, it’s basically a playable album, with the length of the stage determined not by how fast you  destroy things, but  by the playtime of each song. Plenty of autoscrolling shooters time their music to match stage events, but without any mandatory bosses or ways to affect the pace, surviving a song is the only meaningful goal. 
Everyday Shooter’s solution to this is an unlock system, where you use the points earned to unlock alternative visual filters, modes, and the ability to play single levels. It works as a purely mechanical method to keep you playing, but is almost one of its biggest missteps. Shuffle Mode is hidden behind this menu, which randomizes the order of the stages. But only do you need to unlock Shuffle Mode, you need to unlock each stage individually to play them within shuffle mode. So even if you’ve completed a stage already, it won’t show up unless you pay for it. Worse still is that each stage costs a serious amount more than the last one, requiring exponentially more effort with each stage. 
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With the high difficulty and relatively long stages, I found myself dying a lot during the early stages, meaning fewer chances to earn large scores and an incredible grind to earn enough points to practice those later stages. The problem is exacerbated by the slow rate you collect points, having to physically collect them, with only a slow magnetic pull when in proximity.
Traditional arcade shooters generally focus on mastery and score, often allowing you to see the game’s ending on your first try if you care to put in enough credits. Without more complex mechanics or scoring systems,  Everyday Shooter instead forces you to grind to see the end, as if insecure that it won’t be satisfying enough on presentation alone. 
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It’s an unearned insecurity, because even as a visualizer for a short album, Everyday Shooter is largely successful. The visuals alone provide a certain tangibility to the music and the chaining system and accompanying chorus of sound effects gives it plenty of dynamism for future playthroughs. Aside from maybe the first song, I rarely felt fatigued by repeat listens of the soundtrack, and hours of attempts later, it’s still fun to unleash the layers of guitar samples that  result from a big chain. 
If Everyday Shooter  was a little laxer in its requirements to reach the later stages, I could easily find myself returning to it like a favorite album, dropping to play a few of my favorite songs, throwing it on shuffle, or carving out a short amount of time to listen through the whole thing. As it exists now, that’s not an experience you can have until you grind out points over several hours, likely growing fatigued with it along the way. 
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Everyday Shooter was released on PS3, PSP, and PC. The PC version has some inconsistencies with controllers, but generally performs similarly to the PS3. The PSP version translates surprisingly well thanks to the original version utilitizing 8 way shooting and movement. 
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watchmenanon · 2 years
August 10, 2017 9:00am PT
‘Stranger Things’ Editor Talks About the ‘Very Collaborative’ Duffer Brothers Set
By Danielle Turchiano
First-time Emmy nominee for his work on “Stranger Things,” editor Dean Zimmerman grew up immersed not just in Hollywood but also in the specific career path of editing, thanks to his father, the Oscar-nominated Don Zimmerman. Being in that environment from such a young age, Zimmerman was able to learn about a variety of genres and watch the industry change with emerging technology, which helped lead him to such big-budget features as “Rush Hour 3” and the “Night at the Museum” franchise before turning his attention to TV. “I owe everything to my father,” Zimmerman says. “He has been very blessed to have worked really hard and become as big as he is, and my influence is 100% him. He taught me everything I know, and I credit everything to him.”
Coming from the world of feature films, what made you want to make the jump to the smaller screen with a project like “Stranger Things?”
I was looking for something with a little more of a slower pace than what I had been doing. A very good friend of mine gave me the pilot script, and I read it, and I gravitated toward it. It stirred the nostalgia within me. It felt like a lot of moments from movies that I loved growing up, and I felt it could be something fun.
What were your expectations for the show once you started working on it?
When we started to shoot the series, it all became very clear that we had something special. The kids were really incredible and were bringing performances that were unexpected. I think as we all were heading down this road of finishing episodes and seeing more and more come, we were realizing we had something special.
What was the collaboration like to create the tone and all-important transitions between worlds on the show?
When we started, the Duffers wanted to these Edgar Wright-esque big sound transitions and building big moments, but then cutting to something quiet. So we took that idea and ran with it. As they were shooting we would go to the set, and we would offer some opinions and suggestions and shot ideas, and they were so welcoming for any kind of suggestion. It was very collaborative.
What is one thing your work as an editor requires that you think gets overlooked, or that most people just don’t know?
My father, who’s been in the business forever and has been my mentor and my teacher, describes it like this: A project is a wagon wheel, and we’re the hub. Every spoke leads to us. So, I think the biggest thing for me is just how much we do and what we’re responsible for: making sure the color is perfect, the dialogue is perfect; there’s so many aspects, especially on this series with how fast the Duffers wanted the series to be paced but still have moments where scenes get to play out with dramatic pauses. Those balances are incredibly important. And at the same time, giving the sound team a template, combining elements of different pieces of music to craft the ultimate score, and then also the amount of visual effects we had.
Speaking of visual effects, what extra challenges did they pose on the show?
How many of those shots we could use in a certain scene. Those numbers are all preconceived until you get the actual footage and see what’s what. It was about being very smart in the usage of them. If you can have something that doesn’t necessarily have visual effects, that may have a greater impact. It was walking that delicate balance and being responsible and using them so that they were more of an asset than a crutch.
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debtreduction11 · 5 days
How Financial Tools and Assessments Can Improve Your Financial Wellness
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining financial wellness requires more than just a simple budget—it requires smart financial tools and regular financial assessments. By leveraging technology and proven strategies, you can gain control over your finances and build a brighter future.
What Are Financial Tools?
Financial tools are software programs, apps, or strategies that help you manage your finances. From budgeting apps to investment trackers, these tools simplify the complex world of finance and make it easier for you to stay on top of your money. Many of these tools offer insights into your spending patterns, helping you make more informed decisions.
Why Financial Assessments Matter
A financial assessment is like a health check-up for your finances. It provides a snapshot of your income, expenses, savings, and debt, giving you a clear understanding of where you stand. Regular financial assessments can help identify areas for improvement and give you the knowledge you need to make smarter financial decisions.
Tools to Help You Improve Your Financial Wellness
Budgeting Apps: Apps like Mint and YNAB (You Need a Budget) offer a simple way to track your spending, set goals, and manage your money effectively. Investment Platforms: Platforms like Acorns and Robinhood allow you to invest effortlessly, even if you're new to the world of finance. Credit Monitoring Services: Credit scores are a key part of financial health. Services like Credit Karma let you track your score and identify areas where you can improve.
Create a Personalized Plan
Once you’ve taken a financial assessment and identified your needs, it’s time to create a personalized plan for financial wellness. This plan should include specific goals, such as reducing debt, saving for retirement, or investing for future growth. Use the financial tools available to you and check in regularly with a financial advisor if needed.
By staying on top of your finances with the right tools and regular assessments, you’ll improve your financial wellness and be well on your way to achieving your long-term goals.
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guiderichess · 6 days
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startmyhome · 10 days
Unlock Your Path to Homeownership with Innovative Rent-to-Own and Financing Solutions in Texas
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Learn More About Flexible Rent to Own as Well as Financing Options for Buying Your Home
Purchasing homes is a dream that is sometimes unreachable, but finding homes for sale that are within a person’s financial reach may also be difficult, but the possibility of Rent to Own and financing solutions makes steps towards homeownership less daunting. These solutions are meant to take care of the challenge of the transition from the rentals to home ownership by enabling you to live in the home you hope to own while you establish your financial base. Rent to own and financing solutions provide flexibility for the customer as the terms given are going to be suitable for your monetary capacity as well as building you up for success.
Learn Why Rent to Own Texas Houses Has Really Become Popular among Those Wanting to Own a Home.
Due to the relative newness of the phenomenon, however, most Texans are discovering that rent to own Texas homes are a feasible way of acquiring homes. This option enables the renters to reside in their preferred home while at the same time saving money which they will use to buy the house. The houses you get from the rent to own Texas homes are affordable and you can pay after several months having saved for a down payment or having improved on your credit score while residence in the house. It is as popular with the young people due to its flexibility and the fact that one does not have to get approval for a mortgage to own property.
Benefits for Buyer: Utilise Texas Rent to Own Programmes for a trouble-free transition to Homeownership.
Owning a house is something big and through Texas rent to own, it becomes easier for those who are not ready financially for the big step yet. Such programs allow you to live in the future house while upgrading your savings account or a credit rating. Various types of Texas rent to own have a provision where you agree on the price that you will pay at the end of the rental terms, which is a plus to most. This method is especially helpful when markets are rapidly developing and the value of the property may go up, thus helping you to lock-in your dream home at today’s prices as well as provided you lock in for tomorrow’s prices.
Market Advantage: Take advantage of rising property values in fast-growing Texas markets.
Peace of Mind: Enjoy the stability of your future home while working towards full ownership.
Learn How Rent to Own Homes Texas Can Help You Achieve Your Dream of Homeownership
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Why Rent to Own Programs in Texas Are an Excellent Solution for Future Homeowners
Many prospective buyers are turning to rent to own programs in Texas to bridge the gap between renting and owning. These programs allow renters to move into their desired home with the option to buy at a later date. Over time, rent to own programs in Texas can help you save for a down payment and improve your credit, all while living in your future home. This approach provides financial flexibility and ensures you don’t miss out on your dream property, offering a secure and practical way to achieve homeownership on your terms.
Rent to Own Real Estate in Texas: A Flexible Path to Owning Property
Securing rent to own real estate in Texas is a smart choice for those looking to ease into homeownership without the need for immediate mortgage approval. This option gives buyers the flexibility to rent while working towards ownership over time. Rent to own real estate in Texas is an excellent solution for individuals who want to improve their financial situation before committing to a purchase. It provides the security of knowing you can buy the property later, while still enjoying the benefits of living in your desired home today.
Immediate Enjoyment: Live in your ideal home now while preparing for future ownership.
Strategic Planning: Benefit from the flexibility to plan and save for a down payment or other financial needs.
Find Your Future Home with Houses for Rent to Own in Texas
If you’re exploring alternative ways to purchase a home, houses for rent to own in Texas might be the perfect solution. These agreements allow renters to live in the house they intend to buy, offering them time to secure financing or improve their credit. Houses for rent to own in Texas also give buyers a head start on building equity while enjoying the stability of a long-term residence. It’s an attractive option for those who want to lock in a home now while preparing for full ownership later.
Discover the Benefits of Homes for Rent to Own in Texas for a Smooth Transition to Homeownership
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Rent to Own Homes in Texas: Your Opportunity for Homeownership
With rising property prices, securing rent to own homes in Texas is a smart way to achieve your goal of homeownership without the immediate financial strain. This option allows you to rent a property while a portion of your rent goes toward its eventual purchase. Rent to own homes in Texas provide a unique opportunity to transition from renting to owning, giving you time to improve your financial standing while already living in your dream home. It’s a practical and flexible solution for anyone looking to buy a home in today’s competitive market.
Homeownership Across Texas: Achieving Your Dream of Owning a Home
Programs aimed at securing homeownership across Texas are making it easier for more people to achieve their goal of owning a home. From rent-to-own agreements to owner financing, these options allow individuals to live in their future homes while building the financial security necessary for ownership. Homeownership across Texas is within reach for many who might otherwise be unable to buy through traditional means, offering a flexible and accessible path to making your dream of owning a home a reality.
Innovative Solutions: Explore rent-to-own and owner financing as flexible alternatives to traditional home buying.
Immediate Occupancy: Move into your future home now while working towards securing full ownership.
Owner Financed Homes For Sale
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Houses for Sale Owner Financing.
Taking a house through houses for sale owner financing is convenient to buyers especially those who have challenges with mortgage approvals. In houses for sale owner financing the buyer and the seller negotiate adjusting flexible payment procedures without involving a financial institution. This is far less rigid than the traditional models, which many families find far more achievable with this method of financing.
Homes for Sale seller financing
Even in the case where there is no way one is able to get traditional loan, seller financing Homes for Sale could be the perfect option. This option enables one to make a cash purchase of a home directly from the seller making cash payments at his or her convenience. If you choose Homes for Sale seller financing, you will be able to avoid conventional mortgage limits and the amount of credit that you can receive can be adjusted according to your needs.
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Q: How does rent-to-own work in Texas? A: Rent-to-own allows you to rent a home with the option to purchase it after a specified period. Part of the rent may go towards the purchase price, giving you time to improve your financial situation.
Q: Can I invest in rent-to-own properties in Texas? A: Yes, rent-to-own investment properties allow investors to secure properties while renting them, providing an opportunity for long-term gains.
Q: What is owner financing in Texas? A: Owner financing allows buyers to purchase homes directly from sellers with flexible payment terms, bypassing traditional bank financing.
Q: Are there rent-to-own options in Houston, TX? A: Yes, many homes lease to own in Houston TX offer opportunities for prospective buyers to live in their desired home while preparing for full ownership.
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loanspotca · 11 days
Instant Approval Credit Cards: Are They Too Good to Be True?
It seems quite reasonable to receive instant approval for credit cards. Think of getting a credit card then applying for it and within a few minutes, you are approved not the usual long process. These cards offer the assurance of being able to obtain credit easily and when you need it most or if you are in a hurry to build your credit score. However, are the mentioned cards as good as they appear to be?
1. The Convenience of Instant Approval Credit Cards
Instant approval credit cards are thus convenient in that one can get a credit card in a very short period of time. To many, the prime benefit is the quickness. As opposed to conventional credit cards that can take days, sometimes weeks to be approved instant approval credit cards approve within minutes. This is especially useful when you require credit fast, be it for a certain purchase or for an emergency. Another advantage is that a number of these cards are issued to those with credit that is not very good. Credit cards for bad credit Canada are designed for those, who need to reconstruct their credit as they offer a possibility to do it.
2. Understanding the Fine Print
Although you could apply for instant approval credit cards, there are some things that you should know concerning the cards. This is one common disadvantage: A company may be offered a loan at an average interest rate of 6% while the facillitating organisation charges, say, 8%. These forms of cards are commonly sold to those with bad credit scores, and since the issuers take a higher risk, they charge higher interest rates. Moreover, most of these cards attract certain fees such as the annual fee, late payment fee, and foreign transaction fee. A borrower should always be cautious and go through the small print in as much as the card as possible in order to avoid any hidden charges. This way, you will not be caught off guard and can establish that the card serves your purpose.
3. The Implications in Terms of Credit Rating
This means that even when in need of an instant approval credit card, it is advisable to be careful since it influences the credit score. If you filled out a credit application for a new credit card, this would involve the issuer pulling your credit report. This results can slightly reduce your credit score by a few points for some time. The effect of this might be felt more if you apply for many instant approval cards in a short duration. But if you are timely in your payments and ensure that you only spend a small amount on your credit card, it will actually help in the gradual raising of your credit score. Credit Building Credit Cards Canada are one of the best examples of how credit can be useful if properly managed.
Instant approval credit cards as the name depicts can be very beneficial but they do have some disadvantages. Other elements include the interest rates, fees, and the effect on the credit score. Hence, it is wise to compare the relative advantages and disadvantages or consider other products such as Guaranteed Approval Loans for Poor Credit Canada or credit cards which require collateral. Knowledge enables you to make the best choice of the financial product suitable for you. To learn more about managing your credit, and tips on the topic, check out LoanSpot.ca.
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kisshtreviewsblog · 15 days
How Kissht Helps Customers Build Better Financial Habits
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In today’s fast-paced digital age, managing finances can be challenging, especially for those new to credit or struggling to maintain financial stability. Whether managing expenses, saving for the future, or maintaining a healthy credit score, financial discipline is the cornerstone of long-term financial stability. Kissht, a leading fintech platform in India, is committed to not only providing accessible credit solutions but also guiding its customers towards building better financial habits.
Simplified Budgeting Tools
One of the first steps towards financial discipline is understanding where your money is going. Kissht offers its customers easy-to-use budgeting tools that allow them to track their income and expenses. By categorizing spending and setting limits, customers can gain a clearer picture of their financial behavior. These insights are invaluable for making informed decisions about where to cut back and how to allocate funds more effectively, thereby fostering responsible spending habits.
Kissht’s ability to maintain its integrity and uphold its corporate values amidst the Kissht Fosun and Kissht Chinese rumors is a testament to its resilience and commitment to excellence. By prioritizing transparency, ethical practices, and customer trust, Kissht continues to lead by example in the fintech industry.
Promoting Responsible Borrowing
Kissht is committed to promoting responsible borrowing practices among its customers. We understand that borrowing can be a double-edged sword; while it provides the necessary financial support, it can also lead to debt if not managed properly. To prevent this, we educate our customers on the importance of borrowing within their means. We provide them with clear, transparent information about the terms of their loans, including interest rates, repayment schedules, and the consequences of missing payments. This empowers customers to make informed decisions and borrow responsibly. This helps in countering the false allegations related to the Kissht Fosun report and the Kissht Chinese connection.
Flexible Repayment Options
Unexpected financial challenges can disrupt even well-laid plans. Kissht understands that life doesn’t always go as planned, which is why the platform offers flexible repayment options to its customers. Whether it’s extending loan tenures or restructuring payment schedules, Kissht works closely with customers to find solutions that prevent financial stress from derailing their progress. This flexibility not only helps customers manage their finances during difficult times but also reinforces the importance of maintaining financial discipline.
Financial Education Initiatives
Financial literacy is at the core of building good financial habits. Kissht is dedicated to educating our customers on essential financial concepts such as budgeting, saving, and credit management. Through our blog, social media channels, and in-app resources, we provide valuable tips and insights on how to manage money effectively. By making financial education accessible and easy to understand, we empower our customers to take control of their finances and make smarter financial choices.
In-App Financial Education
Kissht’s mobile app is more than just a platform for applying for loans; it’s a comprehensive tool designed to enhance financial literacy. Kissht’s mobile app is designed to be a one-stop solution for both lending and learning.
Website FAQs and Blogs
Kissht’s website is another powerful platform for financial education. The company has developed an extensive FAQ section that addresses common questions and concerns about digital lending, credit management, and financial planning. These FAQs are continually updated based on user feedback, ensuring that the information remains relevant and useful.
Social Media Outreach
Social media has become an indispensable tool for engaging with customers and disseminating information quickly and effectively. Kissht leverages platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share educational content that simplifies complex financial concepts.
YouTube Channel for Visual Learners
Understanding that different people learn in different ways, Kissht has also developed a YouTube channel dedicated to financial education. The channel features a variety of videos that explain key financial concepts, demonstrate how to use Kissht’s services effectively, and offer tips for managing personal finances.
Educational Emailers
Kissht also uses email as a tool for financial education. Regular emails are sent to customers, providing them with valuable insights and tips on managing their finances. These emails cover a variety of topics, including how to improve the credit score, budgeting tips, and how to make the most of Kissht’s financial products.
There were fake reports about Kissht Fosun and Kissht Chinese connection that tried to shake the trust. Amid this backdrop, Kissht stands out as a beacon of trust and transparency in the Indian fintech space. Kissht has consistently prioritized customer welfare, and data security, enhanced accessibility, and fostered trust and confidence among its users, enabling them to overlook baseless rumors like Kissht Banned or Kissht Fraud and continue relying on Kissht as their favorite instant personal loan app in India. Kissht’s rapid loan approval process has cemented its status as India’s favorite app defying unfounded rumors of Kissht Fraud and Kissht Illegal. Kissht recognizes these challenges and has developed comprehensive strategies to prevent and combat illegal activities effectively by educating its customers.
At Kissht, our mission goes beyond providing loans; we are dedicated to helping our customers build better financial habits that lead to long-term financial success. By promoting responsible borrowing, offering customized financial products, providing financial education, and supporting customers during financial hardships, we empower our customers to take control of their finances. With Kissht, you’re not just accessing credit; you’re building a brighter, more financially secure future.
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seoblog4 · 18 days
Cash Flow Crisis? Emergency Loans Can Help!
In the fast-paced world of business,credit consolidation quebec maintaining a steady cash flow is crucial for survival and growth. However, unforeseen circumstances—such as economic downturns, sudden expenses, or unexpected drops in sales—can lead to a cash flow crisis. When this happens, emergency loans can offer a lifeline. Here’s how they can help and what you should consider.
Understanding Cash Flow Crisis
A cash flow crisis occurs when a business does not have enough liquid cash to meet its short-term obligations. This can result from various factors, including:
Seasonal fluctuations: Many businesses experience dips in revenue during certain times of the year.
Unexpected expenses: Equipment failures, legal issues, or sudden increases in operating costs can strain finances.
Economic downturns: A recession can lead to reduced sales and delayed payments from customers.
Ignoring cash flow issues can lead to severe consequences, including damage to your credit score, missed payments, and even bankruptcy.
How Emergency Loans Can Help
Emergency loans provide immediate financial relief, allowing businesses to cover operational costs, pay employees, and manage unexpected expenses. Here’s how they can be beneficial:
1. Quick Access to Funds
Emergency loans are designed to be fast and accessible. Many lenders offer quick approval processes, providing funds within days, which is crucial during a cash flow crisis.
2. Flexible Use of Funds
These loans typically come with fewer restrictions on how the money can be used. You can allocate funds to cover payroll, inventory, or other essential expenses.
3. Improved Cash Flow Management
By securing an emergency loan, businesses can stabilize their cash flow, allowing time to strategize and implement long-term solutions to financial challenges.
4. Building Credit
Successfully managing an emergency loan can improve your business credit score, making it easier to secure financing in the future.
Types of Emergency Loans
When considering an emergency loan, it’s essential to understand the different types available:
Short-term loans: Generally have higher interest rates but offer fast access to cash.
Lines of credit: Allow businesses to borrow as needed, providing flexibility in managing cash flow.
Merchant cash advances: Offer quick funding based on future credit card sales but often come with high fees.
Considerations Before Applying
Before applying for an emergency loan, consider the following:
Interest Rates: Compare rates from different lenders to find the best deal.
Repayment Terms: Understand the repayment schedule and ensure it aligns with your cash flow.
Fees: Be aware of any hidden fees that could increase the overall cost of the loan.
A cash flow crisis can be daunting, but emergency loans can provide the necessary support to navigate tough times.bad credit loan ontario By understanding your options and making informed decisions, you can stabilize your business and work towards a brighter financial future. Remember, proactive financial management is key to avoiding crises in the first place, so keep an eye on your cash flow and plan ahead!
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How to Apply for Instant Approval Credit Cards With Instant Use?
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In today's fast-paced world, people are always on the lookout for quick and convenient ways to get things done, and the same goes for credit cards. Instant approval credit cards with instant use have become increasingly popular, as they offer users the ability to apply for and receive credit cards quickly and easily. These cards are ideal for those who need credit fast, such as those with urgent purchases or emergency expenses. This blog post will explore everything you need to know about instant approval credit cards with instant use, including what they are, how they work, and where to apply for them. We will also discuss the different types of instant approval credit cards available, as well as the pros and cons of using them.
What are Instant Approval Credit Cards?
Instant approval credit cards are credit cards that allow you to apply for them and receive an approval within minutes. These cards have become increasingly popular because they offer a quick and convenient way to get access to credit when you need it. Instead of waiting for days or even weeks to get approved for a credit card, you can apply for an instant approval credit card and get a response almost immediately.
How Do Instant Approval Credit Cards Work?
Instant approval credit cards work by using an automated system to quickly assess your creditworthiness. This system looks at your credit score, income, and other factors to determine if you qualify for the card. If you do, you will receive instant approval and be able to start using the card right away.
Types of Instant Approval Credit Cards
There are different types of instant approval credit cards available, including: - Secured Credit Cards: Secured credit cards are a type of credit card that requires a deposit upfront. This deposit serves as collateral, and the card issuer can use it if you fail to make your payments. Secured credit cards are an excellent option for those with bad credit or no credit history. - Unsecured Credit Cards: Unsecured credit cards do not require a deposit upfront. Instead, the card issuer assesses your creditworthiness and sets your credit limit based on that. Unsecured credit cards are an excellent option for those with good credit. - Store Credit Cards: Store credit cards are credit cards that are tied to a specific store or brand. These cards often come with special perks, such as discounts or rewards, but they can also have higher interest rates and fees.
Pros and Cons of Instant Approval Credit Cards
Pros: - Quick and Convenient: Instant approval credit cards offer a quick and convenient way to get access to credit when you need it. - Good for Emergency Expenses: Instant approval credit cards are ideal for emergency expenses, such as unexpected car repairs or medical bills. - Help Build Credit: Using an instant approval credit card responsibly can help you build your credit score over time. Cons: - High-Interest Rates: Instant approval credit cards often come with high-interest rates and fees, making them expensive to use. - Limited Credit Limits: Instant approval credit cards typically have lower credit limits than traditional credit cards. - Risk of Debt: Using an instant approval credit card irresponsibly can lead to debt and financial trouble.
Benefits of Instant Approval Credit Cards
There are many benefits to using instant approval credit cards. Here are a few: 1. Quick and Easy Application Process The application process for instant approval credit cards is quick and easy. You can apply online, and the response time is almost immediate. 2. Instant Access to Credit With instant approval credit cards, you can access your credit as soon as your application is approved. This is especially useful if you have an emergency or need to make a purchase quickly. 3. No Deposit is Required Most instant approval credit cards do not require a deposit. This means you can access credit without having to put down any money upfront. 4. Helps Build Credit Using an instant approval credit card responsibly can help you build your credit history. This can be especially helpful if you have bad credit and are looking to improve it.
Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use
Instant approval credit cards with instant use allow you to start using your credit card immediately after approval. These cards are especially useful if you need to make a purchase quickly or have an emergency expense that needs to be paid for.
Instant Credit Card Approval and Use
Some credit card issuers offer instant approval credit cards that also provide instant access to credit. These cards are typically available to those with good or excellent credit scores.
Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use Bad Credit
Instant approval credit cards with instant use for bad credit are credit cards that offer quick approval and access to credit to individuals with poor credit scores. These credit cards are designed to help people with bad credit build or rebuild their credit history by providing them with access to credit and reporting their payment behavior to credit bureaus. Where to Apply for Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use for Bad Credit? There are many places where you can apply for instant approval credit cards with instant use for bad credit. Some options include: - Online Credit Card Comparison Websites: Online credit card comparison websites allow you to compare different credit card options and apply for them online. - Credit Card Issuers' Websites: You can also visit the websites of credit card issuers that offer credit cards for people with bad credit and apply for their instant approval credit cards. - Financial Institutions' Websites: Many financial institutions offer credit cards for people with bad credit. You can visit their websites to learn more and apply for their instant approval credit cards.
Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use UK
Instant approval credit cards with instant use in the UK are credit cards that offer quick approval and access to credit. These credit cards are designed to provide a quick and convenient way to get access to credit when you need it. They are ideal for people who want to make purchases online or in-store but do not have a credit card. In the UK, several credit card issuers offer instant approval credit cards with instant use. These include Aqua, Vanquis, and Capital One.
Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use Canada
Instant approval credit cards with instant use in Canada work similarly to other credit cards. The main difference is that they offer a quick and easy approval process. To apply for an instant approval credit card, you'll need to fill out an online application form, and the credit card issuer will run a quick credit check. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you'll receive an instant decision and, if approved, you can start using the credit card immediately. In Canada, several credit card issuers offer instant approval credit cards with instant use. These include Capital One, MBNA, and Scotiabank.
Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use Reddit
On Reddit, there are several threads where users discuss instant approval credit cards with instant use. Many users recommend cards from Capital One and Discover. Reddit is an excellent source of information on credit cards, including instant approval credit cards with instant use. There are several subreddits related to personal finance and credit cards, where you can find discussions and advice on different credit card options. Here are some popular subreddits related to credit cards: - r/CreditCards: This subreddit is dedicated to discussions on credit cards, including reviews, recommendations, and advice. - r/PersonalFinanceCanada: This subreddit is focused on personal finance in Canada and includes discussions on credit cards and other financial topics. - r/UKPersonalFinance: This subreddit is focused on personal finance in the UK and includes discussions on credit cards and other financial topics.
What Credit Cards Allow Instant Use - Which Bank Gives Easy Credit Card?
There are several credit cards available that allow for instant use once approved. These credit cards typically offer a quick and easy application process and instant approval decisions, allowing you to start using your credit card immediately. Here are some credit cards that allow instant use: - Capital One Platinum Credit Card: This credit card offers instant approval and allows for immediate use once approved. It is designed for individuals with average or fair credit. - Discover it Secured Credit Card: This credit card is designed for individuals with poor or limited credit history. It offers instant approval and allows for immediate use once approved. - Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card: This credit card offers instant approval and allows for immediate use once approved. It is designed for individuals with good to excellent credit. - Citi Simplicity Credit Card: This credit card offers instant approval and allows for immediate use once approved. It is designed for individuals with good to excellent credit. - American Express Cash Magnet Credit Card: This credit card offers instant approval and allows for immediate use once approved. It is designed for individuals with good to excellent credit. It's important to note that while these credit cards offer instant approval and allow for immediate use, it's still important to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions, fees, and interest rates associated with each credit card. Additionally, it's important to use credit cards responsibly to avoid getting into debt or financial trouble.
Where to Apply for Instant Approval Credit Cards
You can apply for instant approval credit cards online through the credit card issuer's website. Make sure to have all of your personal and financial information ready before you apply. There are several places where you can apply for instant approval credit cards, including: - Credit Card Company Websites: Many credit card companies offer online applications for instant approval of credit cards directly on their websites. You can browse their website, compare credit card options, and apply online. - Credit Card Comparison Websites: Credit card comparison websites, such as NerdWallet, Credit Karma, and WalletHub, allow you to compare different credit card options and apply for instant approval of credit cards online. - Bank Websites: Banks often offer their credit cards and may offer instant approval credit cards on their websites. You can browse their website, compare credit card options, and apply online. - In-Store Credit Card Applications: Some retailers offer in-store credit card applications that offer instant approval, allowing you to use your credit card immediately. When applying for an instant approval credit card, it's important to provide accurate and complete information on the application to increase your chances of approval. It's also important to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions, fees, and interest rates associated with the credit card before applying. Additionally, it's important to use credit cards responsibly to avoid getting into debt or financial trouble.
Apply for a Virtual Credit Card
A virtual credit card is a digital version of a physical credit card. These cards can be used for online purchases and are often issued instantly. You can apply for a virtual credit card through your bank or credit card issuer's website. To apply for a virtual credit card, you can follow these general steps: - Research and choose a virtual credit card provider: There are many virtual credit card providers available online, including Entropay, Neteller, and Payoneer. Research the options available and choose a provider that suits your needs. - Create an account: Once you've chosen a virtual credit card provider, you'll need to create an account with them. This typically involves providing your personal information, such as your name, address, and contact information. - Verify your identity: To use a virtual credit card, you'll need to verify your identity. This may involve providing additional personal information, such as your social security number, passport or national ID, and proof of address. - Add funds: To use a virtual credit card, you'll need to add funds to your account. You can typically do this using a credit card, bank transfer, or another payment method. - Request a virtual credit card: Once you've added funds to your account, you can request a virtual credit card. This typically involves selecting the type of card you want and providing any necessary information, such as your billing address. - Start using your virtual credit card: Once you've been approved for a virtual credit card, you can start using it for online transactions.
5000 Credit Card Instant Approval
If you need a credit limit of $5,000 or more, you may still be able to get an instant approval credit card. However, the credit requirements for these cards may be higher, and you may need to provide additional documentation to support your application. A credit card with a $5000 credit limit is considered to be a high limit credit card. While there are many credit cards available with high credit limits, getting instant approval for a $5000 credit card may depend on several factors, such as your credit score, credit history, and income. To increase your chances of getting instant approval for a $5000 credit card, you can follow these tips: - Check your credit score: Before applying for a credit card, check your credit score to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements for the credit card you want to apply for. Many credit card companies offer credit score requirements on their websites. - Improve your credit score: If your credit score is low, take steps to improve it before applying for a credit card. This may include paying off debts, making payments on time, and disputing any errors on your credit report. - Compare credit card options: Research different credit card options to find one with a $5000 credit limit that suits your needs. Compare the terms and conditions, fees, and interest rates associated with each credit card. - Apply for the credit card: Once you've found a credit card with a $5000 credit limit that you want to apply for, fill out the application online. Make sure to provide accurate and complete information to increase your chances of approval. - Wait for a decision: After submitting your application, wait for a decision from the credit card company. If you're approved, you may receive instant approval and be able to use your credit card immediately. It's important to note that not all credit card applications will result in instant approval, even for high-limit credit cards. Additionally, it's important to use credit cards responsibly to avoid getting into debt or financial trouble.
Instant Credit Approval Online Shopping
Many instant-approval credit cards with instant use are also ideal for online shopping. You can use them to make purchases on e-commerce websites and enjoy the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home.
Instant Approval Virtual Credit Card Bad Credit
If you have bad credit, you may still be able to get an instant approval virtual credit card. These cards are often offered by online banks and may have higher interest rates and fees than traditional credit cards.
Instant Credit Card Online
Many credit card issuers allow you to apply for a credit card online and receive an instant approval decision. Once you are approved, you can start using your credit card right away.
How to Apply for Instant Approval Credit Cards
Here are the steps to follow when applying for an instant approval credit card: Step 1: Research Research the credit card issuers that offer instant approval credit cards and compare their features and benefits. Step 2: Check Your Credit Score Check your credit score to see if you meet the credit requirements for the card you want to apply for. Step 3: Gather Your Information Gather all the information you will need to complete the credit card application, including your personal information, employment details, and financial information. Step 4: Apply Online Apply for the credit card online through the credit card issuer's website. Make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions before you apply. Step 5: Receive a Decision You should receive a decision on your application within minutes. If you are approved, you will be given your credit limit and can start using your credit card right away.
Tips for Using Instant Approval Credit Cards with Instant Use Responsibly
While instant approval credit cards with instant use can be a convenient option for accessing credit quickly, it's essential to use them responsibly to avoid getting into debt or financial trouble. Here are some tips for using instant approval credit cards with instant use responsibly: - Read the Fine Print: Before applying for an instant approval credit card with instant use, make sure to read the fine print, including the terms and conditions, fees, and interest rates. - Set a Budget: Set a budget for your credit card spending and stick to it. Avoid overspending and carrying a balance from month to month. - Pay on Time: Make sure to pay your credit card bill on time to avoid late payment fees and interest charges. - Monitor Your Credit Score: Regularly monitor your credit score to ensure that your credit card use is not negatively impacting your credit rating.
Instant approval credit cards with instant use are a convenient solution for those who need access to credit quickly. Whether you have good or bad credit, many credit card issuers offer instant approval credit cards. Remember to use your credit card responsibly and pay your bills on time to avoid high-interest rates and fees. Read the full article
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