#how to block google pay account when phone is lost
kashmironlinenews · 2 years
How to Block Google Pay Account if Phone is Lost in India
How to Block Google Pay Account if Phone is Lost in India
How to Block Google Pay Account if Phone is Lost in India   What if, you lost your phone and in the worst case scenario you have the money transfer apps like Google Pay, Phone Pe, Paytm logged in. In such a case, the victim may feel uneasy because if someone has access to your phone they could use it for money transactions. So what if the mobile that contains all your payment apps like Google…
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cybercrime-blogs · 1 year
Cyber ​​criminals are cheating in the name of RBI governor, beware of this viral video
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In recent times, cybercriminals have been continuously devising new ways to deceive people, especially on social media platforms. One such example is a video that has gone viral featuring Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das. In this video, Governor Das appears to provide guidance on what to do if one's mobile phone is lost or stolen.
The viral video focuses on instructing viewers on how to block wallet logins on popular platforms like Google Pay, Paytm, and PhonePe in the event of a lost or stolen device. The video claims that by dialing certain numbers, users can automatically block these applications.
However, it is important to ascertain the truth behind this viral video. The Press Information Bureau (PIB) Fact Check team has conducted an investigation to determine its authenticity. Their findings reveal that the viral video is entirely fake. Furthermore, the voice heard in the video does not belong to RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das. The PIB team has categorically labeled this video as deceptive and misleading. It appears that an unrelated video featuring the RBI governor has been manipulated by overlaying a false voice and presenting it in a misleading context.
The dissemination of such fraudulent content raises concerns regarding the spread of misinformation and its potential impact on individuals' actions and decisions. It is crucial to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of information before accepting it as truth, especially when it comes to sensitive matters like cybersecurity.
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To stay protected from scams and frauds on social media, it is advisable to follow a few general guidelines:
Be vigilant: Stay alert and cautious while consuming content on social media platforms. Exercise skepticism and question the authenticity of information before taking any action.
Verify sources: Cross-check information with reliable sources or official channels. Government agencies, law enforcement bodies, and reputable news outlets often provide accurate and up-to-date information on cybersecurity matters.
Check official statements: In cases involving public figures or government officials, refer to official statements or press releases to ensure the credibility of information. Official channels and verified social media accounts are reliable sources for accurate updates.
Report suspicious content: If you come across suspicious or misleading content, report it to the respective social media platform. This helps prevent the spread of false information and protects others from falling victim to scams.
Educate yourself: Stay informed about common cyber threats, scams, and best practices for online safety. Regularly update your knowledge on cybersecurity to better protect yourself and others in your network.
By adopting these practices and cultivating a critical mindset, individuals can contribute to a safer online environment. It is essential to be cautious and verify information to avoid falling victim to cyber scams and frauds. Remember, it is better to verify and double-check than to act on false or misleading information.
Source: https://www.the420.in/fact-check-cyber-criminals-are-cheating-in-the-name-of-rbi-governor/
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
Anything You Want
a fic for @heterophobicrichietozier !! thank you so much for requesting this fic!!
rating: explicit
words: 7.5k
tags/warnings: sugar daddy au, domtop!richie, subbottom!eddie, daddy kink, age gap, marking (hickeys), degradation and praise, porn with feelings, mentions of sonia’s abuse
notsfw below the cut!!
Eddie Kaspbrak was running short on both money and patience. He was only just over a month into his second year of nursing school, and he was already struggling to pay his rent. And sure, rent in New York City was never easy to pay, but he’d been saving, he’d had a plan. The problem was that pretty much all of his money had unexpectedly gone toward his tuition when his mother had refused to pay for a second year at school.
At eighteen, Eddie had left his small hometown in Maine and moved to New York City to start college. He had just barely convinced his mother to let him go, and to help with his tuition as long as he covered his own rent. He was required to call her four nights a week, and he had to go back on the “medicines” he’d disavowed around age fifteen (all of which he routinely flushed down the toilet), but the physical distance had been amazing—at first. Soon, though, it wasn’t enough, and his mom started demanding he call her every night, accusing him of being reckless and taking advantage of her. When he’d told her he wasn’t coming home for the summer, she’d exploded into hysterics, crying and telling him he had to come home. It was when she began rambling on about how Eddie was probably running around with dirty New York City girls and catching all sorts of horrific sexual diseases, demanding that he come home so that she could keep an eye on him and find him a nice girl when she decided he was ready for one, that Eddie had snapped. Though it had been the result of years of pent up frustration and rage, he had stayed calm as he told her that he wasn’t missing her calls because of girls, but because of guys—because he spent his weekends getting fucked by men. “Sorry Ma,” he’d said, his voice cool as steel and even as could be, “but I can’t really pick up the phone when I’ve got some guy’s cock inside of me.” It wasn’t exactly the coming out his friends Bill, Ben, and Mike had been gently running by him, but he was angry, and it had felt good; he figured she’d have had the same reaction no matter how he said it, so what the hell, right?
Still, it stung when she’d told him she wasn’t paying for his college anymore. He hadn’t really believed her at first, as she was still hounding him about his sins and how he needed to come home, but sure enough, when emails about tuition began rolling around, they all went to his school email and explained that his name was the only one on his account, that his mother had bestowed the loans onto him and given up the account. Eddie nearly vomited when he’d received that email. As soon as the room stopped spinning, he blocked his mother’s number.
He already had a job for the summer tied down, but it was just an internship level position filing in a medical office, and it was only four days a week; there was no way it would cover tuition and rent and food, among other expenses. So he was forced to take on a second job as a waiter at a new restaurant a few blocks away from his apartment, then a third job working at a mechanic shop on Fridays and Saturdays. On top of all of that work, he had to completely redo his FAFSA and reapply for loans given his new financial circumstances. His school and the government did give him a bit more, but not enough to drop any of his jobs. 
By the time classes rolled around, he had paid his tuition for the semester, but he’d had to dip into money he’d been saving for rent. Now, in early October, he was still working Fridays and Saturdays at the garage and was waiting tables Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. He had a night shift shadowing a nurse on Tuesdays, which left Thursdays and Sundays as his only free nights, nights which he largely spent doing homework. All of this work, and he had still been eating Cup Noodles for the past two weeks.
It was a Friday night, and everything had been going wrong. In the middle of his shift at the garage, he’d gotten a notification from his school’s site informing him that he’d gotten a C on his most recent test, one he’d lost sleep over studying. Then work at the garage had run over and he barely had time to eat dinner before making it to the restaurant in time. He was tired and upset and feeling badly about himself, not to mention missing a party all of his friends were going to, so all it took was one baby boomer yelling at him over a mixed up order for him to excuse himself to the back room and start bawling. Thankfully, his manager seemed to be understanding and let him cool off. “I’ll take that table until they leave,” she told him, to his immense relief and gratitude. By the time she came back to check on him he had calmed down considerably and was staring into the mirror in the break room trying fruitlessly to pat down the puffiness around his eyes, trying to will away the redness that lingered. “Hey,” his manager said, “you wanna take table four?” Eddie sighed and nodded, trying out a smile. “Atta boy.”
He took a deep, steadying breath before heading out for his new table. His eyes fell on a table of three: a woman with dark red curls that fell to her shoulders, a man with truly impeccable posture, and the hottest man Eddie had ever seen in his life. And he was unabashedly looking Eddie up and down from behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses as he approached. “Hi!” Eddie greeted them, his big, bright customer service smile finding its way onto his face like it was possessing him. “I’m Eddie, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you guys started with some drinks?”
“You got me started already,” the hot guy said. Then, meeting Eddie’s eyes, his brow furrowed. “Have you been crying?”
Luckily, Eddie didn’t have to respond to that, as the guy’s much more refined friend chimed in, “I’ll have a gin and tonic, please,” just as the redheaded woman was letting out an exasperated, “Richie, oh my god.” 
“One gin and tonic,” Eddie smiled, his cheeks burning. “Anything else?”
“Could I have a martini, please?” the woman smiled kindly up at him.
“Martini, got it.” As he jotted it down, he prepared himself to face the hot guy—Richie, apparently. When he did, he was struck by the depth of his blue eyes. He was surprised by how warm they were, and they glittered as he smiled up at Eddie. “And for you?” 
“What do you like?” 
“Oh, I’m not old enough to drink,” Eddie flushed, letting out a small laugh. With a joking smile, he added, “The Shirley Temples are great, though.”
Richie laughed, his eyes never leaving Eddie. “A Shirley Temple it is.” 
Eddie’s gaze didn’t waver either, and he put on his best innocent, big-brown-eyes look as he asked, “Virgin or dirty?” He had to fight back a smirk when he saw Richie’s eyes darken.
“Dirty.” The way he said it sent a thrill down Eddie’s spine. “Pretty please, with three cherries on top.”
“You got it,” Eddie said with a wink. Though the day was still weighing on him, he was beginning to feel better already. He might have even swayed his hips a little more than necessary as he walked away. He told himself it was because he could tell this Richie guy was into him, so he was aiming for a nice tip, but really Eddie loved the attention itself. With his schedule, he no longer had time for the hookups he spent his freshman year indulging in. So he couldn’t be blamed for preening under the attention of a hot older guy. Honestly, it was the pick me up he’d been needing for months.
The night went on, all three of them being incredibly kind to him, with Richie throwing in not at all subtle flirtations any chance he got. Eddie didn’t miss the three knotted cherry stems on Richie’s napkin when he brought their food and offered to refill their drinks.
He was almost sad to see Richie go, but he was grateful for the small smile he had on his face as he went to collect his tip and clear the table. At first he went to simply slip the cash into his pocket, but then he realized there was a note on the napkin beneath it: a name, Richie Tozier, with a phone number under it. It was then that Eddie realized he was holding five hundred dollars in his hand. He quickly stuffed it in his pocket, an embarrassed flush running from his ears down his chest as he hurried to clear the dirty dishes and bring them back to the kitchen.
The cash burned a hole in his pocket all night, all the way home. What the fuck? he thought to himself. Because seriously, who leaves a five hundred dollar tip on a meal that was barely over a hundred? Eddie locked his apartment door and placed the money on his dresser, staring at it. Five one hundred dollar bills. Who carried that around? What if they were counterfeit? Eddie pulled out the napkin and studied that as well, deciding to Google the name Richie Tozier. His jaw dropped when he did. There his face was, with his big glasses, cocky smile, and fluffy, dark curls. Apparently the guy was on SNL and had two Netflix comedy specials. He was also twenty-eight, nearly ten years older than Eddie. His net worth? Five million dollars.
Eddie sat down on his bed, his mind spinning. The place Eddie worked was nice enough, but it wasn’t exactly frequented by millionaires. Still in his work clothes, he dialed the number, figuring there was no way it would go through.
He picked up on the third ring.
It was his voice. “What the fuck?” Eddie blurted out.
He heard a bright laugh on the other end. “Is this Eddie?”
“Yeah, it is, and seriously, what the hell? Five hundred dollars?”
“You looked upset,” Richie said. He sounded like he was trying to be nonchalant about it, but his voice had softened noticeably. 
“So you gave a stranger five hundred dollars?” Eddie was honestly more confused than upset. Sure, maybe his pride was a little bruised, but to be honest he was touched. And kind of turned on. 
“Just redistributing my wealth,” Richie joked. “I’ve got more than I know what to do with, so I figured giving it to a pretty boy who was having a bad day was a pretty good way to spend it.” Eddie flushed at that—pretty boy. The way Richie said it, so casually, yet with a joking tone that made it almost teasing, had Eddie’s pants getting tight. When Eddie stayed silent, Richie continued, “There’s more for you where that came from, if you’re interested.”
“What?” Eddie said, blood rushing in his ears. Was this guy serious? Was this actually happening?
“I’d be happy to help you out if you need it. A college kid like you should be partying on a Saturday night, or taking a fucking nap, not crying at a minimum wage job.”
“Like a sugar daddy?”
Richie laughed. Eddie loved the sound of it. “Yeah, like a sugar daddy, baby.” The pet name made Eddie shudder, made him feel like he was glowing. But still, he didn’t want this guy getting ideas. 
“I’m not gonna have sex with you.” Even as he said it, his cock was hard, and the memory of the way Richie had been flirting with him made his skin hot. But he wanted to make explicitly clear that he wasn’t into selling himself.
“That’s not why I’m offering. Seriously, I just wanna help you out. And sure, maybe you’re ridiculously cute, and maybe I want to get to know you, but mostly I wanna help you out. Pay for your rent, give you time to study and party and be a college student.”
And how could Eddie turn that down? As much as he was struggling with it, with his pride and the stranger danger anxiety that his mother had ingrained in him, he seriously doubted that a hot millionaire would come around again offering to pay his rent. 
So Eddie agreed, and soon he was sending Richie his Venmo information. Two minutes later his phone screen glowed with a notification: Richie Tozier sent you $2,000. 
It had been hard to get used to at first, but cutting his work schedule down to just Monday and Wednesday nights at the restaurant and just Friday afternoons at the garage felt amazing. He finally felt rested, could finally give his schoolwork the attention it needed.
“You know, you really don’t need to work at all if you don’t want to,” Richie told him one night when they were having dinner together.
“I know,” Eddie said to his food, “but I like the independence of it. And working with cars calms me down, it makes sense to me.” He didn’t mention the real reason he kept both jobs: the big Just In Case that loomed over him. This seemed like a fairy tale situation, like an extended, intricate prank, and he was terrified that something would go wrong. He wanted to be prepared if Richie suddenly pulled out for some reason.
However, as the months passed it became pretty clear that even without sex Richie wasn’t going anywhere. And that started complicating things.
It was late in December, which meant finals and holidays, which meant lots of stress. It was the first Christmas Eddie wouldn’t be spending at home, and that made him feel sad in a way he didn’t understand; he was incredibly happy to be free of his mother, but there was something so final about it. He supposed it was still a loss, even if it was a welcome one. On top of that, his days were plagued by the anxiety that she might get a new number, might start calling him again, might show up at his door and whisk him back to Maine. So it was just negativity on top of worrying on top of sadness. Under all this stress, he found himself spending more and more time at Richie’s apartment, more and more time talking to Richie, wanting to get close to him.
So far, things had been pretty professional. They got meals together once or twice a week, often in Richie’s apartment due to fans of his popping up everywhere wanting pictures. Mostly they hung out because Eddie liked it; Richie was always reminding Eddie that he didn’t owe Richie anything, but Eddie genuinely liked his company. 
Also, he was still ridiculously hot, and he fawned over Eddie like he was the one getting paid. 
Seriously, Richie was so amazing to him, it wasn’t just the money. When someone at work pissed him off, Richie put on one of Eddie’s favorite shows and offered to hire some people to beat up whatever asshole customer had yelled at him. When Eddie complained that the construction outside his apartment was affecting his studying, Richie let him study in his apartment, and even brought him hot chocolate and rubbed his shoulders.
Now it was a Thursday, and Eddie had finished his last final. He had just gotten home from saying goodbye to Bill, Mike, and Ben for winter break when Richie called. Like always, the loneliness that was threatening to creep over him began to ebb as soon as he heard Richie’s voice. “Hey! How’d your test go? We still on for dinner to celebrate?”
Eddie appreciated the offer, but a fancy dinner wasn’t what he wanted just then. “Can we do dinner at your place tonight?” he asked, his voice worn and small.
“Of course, anything you want.”
Richie’s driver picked Eddie up, so he didn’t actually see Richie until he was knocking at his door and falling into his arms. Richie, with his roughly nine or ten inch height advantage over Eddie, easily scooped him up and brought him to the couch. “So would it be tone deaf of me to ask how the exam went?” Richie grinned, settling down with Eddie resting against him. Eddie tucked his feet under his legs as he leaned into Richie’s embrace, finding the relief he’d been needing all day once Richie’s arms were around him.
“The exam went okay,” he sighed. “But Bill, Ben, and Mike all went home today, and I won’t see them for like a month.” 
Richie shifted so he was leaning against the arm of the couch, facing Eddie. Eddie naturally moved closer, like a magnet was pulling him toward Richie, and he ended up practically in Richie’s lap. He let out a small, happy sigh as Richie stroked his hair. “I could send you on a trip somewhere, take your mind off of it.”
But it wasn’t just the location that was the problem. Sure, he wanted something to do, but mostly he wanted someone to do things with. A specific someone, if he was being honest with himself. 
Eddie looked down and ran his hand lightly over the stitching on the pocket of Richie’s button up. It was covered in a Pac-Man pattern, but Eddie knew it was more formal than his normal look. The idea that Richie had dressed up somewhat for dinner with him made him smile. And it should have calmed him down as he prepared to ask Richie his next question, but his heart was still racing as he took a deep breath and looked up into Richie’s eyes. “Will you come with me?”
Richie’s eyes widened just barely before a smile broke across his face. “You thought I’d miss out on buying you souvenirs?” 
Eddie beamed. Richie looked so beautiful when he smiled, and his hand was a comforting weight on Eddie’s hip. The thought of travelling with Richie, of sharing a hotel room with him—sharing a bed with him—made Eddie glow. “Did you have any destination in mind?” he asked.
“Anywhere you want.” 
Richie’s voice was soft and low, Eddie felt like he could melt into it. He ran his hand up Richie’s chest, cupped his cheek, and watched Richie’s eyes dart over Eddie’s face, clearly trying to get a read on the situation. Eddie had been thinking about crossing this line for a while. He’d been holding back for months, and as the months moved by, his hang ups had begun to feel less and less important. Sure, the money made things different. But, did it have to? Did it really? Richie was here. Richie was holding him without expectation. As Eddie watched Richie lick his lips, as he felt Richie’s hands on him, he couldn’t remember a single reason he’d come up with to not dive headfirst into what they both so clearly wanted, what they had both wanted since the moment their eyes met for the first time. 
So he leaned in, the tension that had been building for months coming to a head and taking his breath away. But just as their lips were about to come together, Richie murmured a soft, reserved, “Eddie.” Eddie’s heart caught at his tone, and he pulled back a bit, trying to figure out what was going wrong. “You know you don’t have to do that.”
“I want to do it,” Eddie huffed. He was pouting now, and moving to straddle Richie’s hips. “I want you, so bad. I’ve wanted you ever since I met you.” He took Richie’s hand in his and kissed his knuckles. “No one’s ever treated me as well as you do. The way you take care of me, the way you look at me... I’ve never wanted someone this bad before.”
Richie studied Eddie’s face, his eyes softening, darkening. He unfurled his fist and held Eddie’s jaw in his hand, ran his thumb over Eddie’s lower lip. “Fuck, you deserve the world, angel.” Eddie flushed at that. His heart was racing at the light, teasing way Richie pressed down on his lip. Just as he was about to wrap his lips around Richie’s thumb, Richie slid his hand into Eddie’s hair, holding it noticeably tighter than he normally would. “Tell me what you want, baby.” His voice was low and rough in a way that made Eddie wish he would just bend him over and fuck him senseless already.
But Eddie didn’t mind being coy, didn’t mind pulling the tension as tight as it would go, seeing how much he could tease before Richie snapped and took him the way Eddie wanted him to. “I want you to kiss me.” His nose was bumping against Richie’s now, and he could feel Richie’s shallow breath on his lips. Richie’s eyes were dark and didn’t move from Eddie’s face. Eddie took Richie’s hand and guided it from his waist to his hip, just barely on his ass. Biting his lip, he whispered, “I want you to fuck me, so bad.” He put on a pout and continued, “I fuck all these college guys, but none of them are you. They aren’t as tall as you, their hands aren’t as big as yours.” Eddie watched Richie’s jaw clench. “They can’t fuck me the way I know you could.”
“Fuck, baby,” Richie nearly growled. Eddie gasped when Richie grabbed his ass, hard, and tugged his head back. “Did you think about me while they fucked you?” he whispered in Eddie’s ear, his warm breath sending a shiver through Eddie.
“Every time,” Eddie said, gripping Richie’s shirt in his hands. “Wanted it to be you so bad.” 
Richie nuzzled against Eddie’s neck, still not kissing him, still making him wait while he groped his ass. “I know, baby. You needed more, huh? You need your daddy to take care of you.” 
Eddie let out a surprised little noise of pleasure. No one had ever said that to him before. He wasn’t expecting it, and he certainly wasn’t expecting how much he would like it. It made him so hard he got dizzy, completely pliant in Richie’s arms. “Yes,” he breathed, already pathetically desperate. “Yes, daddy, need you so bad, please, please.” 
Richie cursed under his breath and grabbed Eddie by the jaw, pulling him in for a bruising kiss. Eddie couldn’t help but let out a little whimpering moan when he finally, finally felt Richie’s lips against his. They were just as soft as they looked, and so full. As Eddie sank his fingers into Richie’s thick, dark curls, Richie sat up a bit and pulled Eddie closer against him, grabbing him by the hips and pressing their clothed cocks together. Eddie gasped and buried his face in Richie’s shoulder at the feeling. He mouthed at Richie’s neck, moaning at the way Richie smacked his ass. “This is mine, got it?” he said, his voice smooth and low. “None of those little college pricks are allowed to fucking touch you. Understand?”
Eddie moaned at Richie’s sudden possessiveness. All he wanted was to be Richie’s, for Richie to claim him and show him who he belonged to. “Yes, daddy. ‘M all yours, just wanna be yours.”
“Good boy.” He tugged at Eddie’s hair again, pulling his head back so that his neck was exposed. Eddie yelped as Richie licked a stripe up his throat and sunk his teeth into Eddie’s throat, sure to leave a dark bruise. Eddie squirmed in Richie’s lap as he sucked on his neck, hard and intentional. With a final kiss to the bruise, Richie said with a satisfied grin, “Now everyone’s gonna know you’re mine.” He chuckled and nipped at Eddie’s neck again when Eddie moaned. “Yeah, you like that baby? You like when daddy takes what’s his? You want everyone to know what a good little slut you are for your daddy?”
“Yes,” Eddie sighed, already starting to feel like he was floating. After finals and classes and work and months of controlling himself around Richie, this was exactly what he needed. It felt so amazing to just let go and let Richie take control, knowing Richie would take care of him. He couldn’t believe how good this was and none of their clothes had even come off yet. He fumbled with the buttons on Richie’s shirt, but Richie just chuckled and grabbed him by the wrists.
“That’s cute, baby. Daddy decides whose clothes come off and when, yeah?” Eddie whimpered and nodded. Richie slid his hands back under Eddie’s ass and stood then, lifting Eddie up. Eddie instinctively held tight to him, wrapping his legs around Richie’s waist and his arms around his neck. Richie kissed Eddie’s hair as he walked them to the bedroom. “Just let me take care of you, sweetheart.” Eddie’s heart soared as Richie sat him down on the edge of the huge bed, the duvet soft and cool under him. His legs dangled off the side. Richie’s eyes softened as he stroked Eddie’s hair. “You doing okay?” he checked.
“So good,” Eddie nodded enthusiastically, his hands fisted in Richie’s shirt.
Richie leaned down and kissed Eddie’s forehead, and by the time he straightened up again that look that made Eddie shiver was back on his face. Still cradling Eddie’s face, he asked, “Can I get a little rough with you, baby?” 
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Please,” he moaned.
A dark, mischievous grin pulled at Richie’s full, dark pink lips. “That’s a good boy,” he said with a kiss to Eddie’s jaw. “Arms up.” Eddie quickly did as he was told, eager for Richie to strip his shirt off for him. “Fuck, baby,” Richie groaned as he tossed Eddie’s shirt aside. He ran his hands up Eddie’s sides and teased his thumbs over Eddie’s hardened nipples, making him gasp and grab at the sheets. Richie’s hands looked even bigger wrapped around Eddie’s ribs. It made him press his legs together, his cock throbbing desperately in his jeans. “Aw, you don’t need to be shy, kitten,” Richie cooed, forcing one of his legs between Eddie’s and pressing his thigh against Eddie’s crotch. Eddie moaned at the contact and desperately started grinding against Richie’s leg. “Fuck, you look so pretty grinding on me like that. Think you could come like this?” Richie pressed his thigh harder against Eddie’s cock. “Think I could make you come in your pants?” Eddie cried out as Richie pinched his nipples. 
“God, yes,” Eddie moaned, rolling his hips. And he could, he could feel the pleasure building and building. But just as his moans were getting breathier, just as he was really desperately rutting against Richie’s leg, Richie pulled away and tugged Eddie up by his belt loops so quickly Eddie got dizzy and fell into Richie’s solid chest. “Wh-what,” he pouted, looking up at Richie, who was smirking at him.
“Aw, baby, we’re just getting started.” Still dazed and whimpering and achingly hard, Eddie held onto Richie as he undid Eddie’s jeans. Richie then dropped to his knees to pull them off. He helped Eddie step out of his jeans, running his hands reverently over Eddie’s legs as he did so. “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve been keeping these thighs from me for months?” Richie kissed them, making Eddie quiver and flush. “Fucking tease,” he murmured into Eddie’s skin before biting down hard on the inside of Eddie’s thigh. Eddie cried out and grabbed at the bed for support. “Look at these fuckin’ things, you basically wore panties for me.” Eddie gasped as Richie playfully tugged at Eddie’s light pink, silky briefs with his teeth. He’d mostly worn them to feel confident during his exam, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of Richie when putting them on, or if he said he hadn’t bought them with money Richie gave him. Eddie leaned back as Richie spread his legs, lifting one up to get a better angle to suck marks into Eddie’s skin. The sight of Richie’s head between Eddie’s thighs, combined with the knowledge that his thighs would be covered in bruises by the end of the night, had a wet spot forming on the front of Eddie’s briefs. Richie nuzzled his face into the soft material, just barely grazing Eddie’s cock. He looked up at Eddie, his blue eyes nearly totally eclipsed. “Did you buy these with daddy’s money, baby?” Eddie nodded, blushing. Richie smirked at him. “Is this how you spend your allowance? On slutty little panties?” Eddie moaned at that and grabbed at Richie’s hair, rolling his hips forward and meeting only air. Richie chuckled. The condescension of it went straight to Eddie’s cock, which visibly twitched in his tight little briefs. “Aw, you like being called a slut, don’t you? You like it when I call you out on being a spoiled little cocktease?” Eddie yelped when Richie bit down on the inside of his other thigh.
“Daddy, please,” he whimpered. “Need you.”
For a moment Richie just hummed and kept sucking marks into his skin. But then, finally, he dragged Eddie’s briefs down and off his legs, leaving him fully exposed. Before Eddie could process what was happening, Richie was standing and spinning Eddie around and bending him over the bed, his face pressed into the mattress as his feet once again dangled over the floor. He let out a broken little moan as he felt Richie pull his cheeks apart and run his tongue over Eddie’s hole. After Richie had set a rhythm, lulling Eddie into a pleasured haze, he suddenly felt Richie’s hand come down on his ass. He moaned at the feeling, the slight pain that left an amazing stinging sensation in its wake. “God, you make the prettiest fucking noises,” Richie groaned, once again lapping his tongue over Eddie’s hole. He circled the ring of muscle a few times before pulling back. Eddie was just about to push his hips back when he felt Richie spank him again, harder this time, then felt him spit on his hole. Eddie let out a long moan; it was degrading and possessive in the best way. Eddie tried to rut against the bed, to relieve some of the desperate need that had his cock throbbing, but he couldn’t really do it with the way his feet were hanging off the bed. He heard Richie laugh behind him as he spanked him again. “Aw, you like that, baby? You like when daddy spits on you?” 
Eddie let out a muffled, pathetic little, “Yes.”
“I know, it feels good, doesn’t it? Bet you wish you could get off right now.” Eddie’s desperate writhing was confirmation of that. “Don’t worry, kitten, daddy’s gonna fucking take you apart.” Eddie gasped as he felt Richie slide his tongue inside of him, setting a rhythm of fucking and swirling and teasing that had Eddie squirming. He rocked his hips back, letting his mind go fuzzy from the pleasure until suddenly Richie was pulling out and lifting Eddie up again. As disappointed as Eddie was to have Richie’s tongue no longer in his ass, he was more than happy to let Richie toss him around and lay him on his back, his head falling against the luxuriantly soft pillows. He felt so small in Richie’s bed, felt so vulnerable under his gaze—he loved it. Richie ran his hand all the way from Eddie’s throat down to his hip, taking his time before squeezing Eddie’s hip hard. “God, you look so fucking good like this, baby.” He made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, shrugging it off and tossing it aside.
Eddie let out an involuntary little moaned, “Fuck,” at the sight of Richie’s bare chest. He sat up and ran his hand over Richie’s soft, pale skin, admiring his freckles and the slight muscle definition. His shoulders looked somehow even broader now as Eddie traced his fingers over them. Richie only humored him for a moment before pressing Eddie back down and kissing him, deep and just the right amount of forceful. 
Richie’s hands roamed all over Eddie’s body. “God, you’re such a pretty little boy, baby. Can’t wait to see what you look like when you’re getting fucked.” Richie bit down on Eddie’s lip, sending a thrill of pleasure through his body. “I don’t want you fucking leaving this bed for the next week, gonna bring you everything you need. Gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk, and then I’m gonna do it again, and again.” Eddie moaned as he felt Richie’s finger circling his slick hole. “Gonna keep you nice and full of my cock whenever I can, gonna take such good care of you. You won’t need to worry about anything, gonna be my pretty little pillow princess. You just lie there and be a good little cocksleeve and daddy will take care of everything else.” Eddie preened at the thought of Richie fawning over him, of Richie doing everything for him so that all he had to do was lie back and take Richie’s cock. It had him squirming under Richie as he grabbed at Eddie wherever he could reach, surely leaving handprints all over Eddie’s body as he glided his tongue over Eddie’s. “Can’t wait to get my cock inside you, baby.” Richie sat back on his heels then and eyed Eddie’s hole, rubbing at it teasingly.
“Please,” Eddie moaned, trying to rock his hips onto Richie’s finger.
“Shh, baby, soon,” Richie soothed, leaning over to kiss Eddie again before reaching into his bedside table. He pulled out a bottle of lube and covered his fingers in it. Eddie moaned at the sight; he didn’t think a day had gone by where he hadn’t thought of Richie’s fingers since the first time they met. They were so long, and he could only imagine how amazing they would feel inside of him, fucking him, stretching him open. Richie chuckled when Eddie instinctively opened his legs. “I know, sweetheart, I know.” He tossed the lube aside and ran his clean hand over Eddie’s thigh, holding him still before slowly sliding a slick finger inside of him. 
Eddie gasped and threw his head back; one of Richie’s fingers felt like two of his own and reached deeper than he ever could have by himself. “Fuck,” he cried, “your fingers are so big, oh my god.” 
“Yeah?” Richie grinned, cocky and dark. As he slowly began sliding his finger in and out of Eddie, he slid his other hand up his chest until he was cradling his jaw and running the pad of his thumb teasingly over Eddie’s lips. “One finger and you’re already a mess, huh? You like the way I fill you up, baby?” Eddie moaned as Richie slid his thumb into Eddie’s mouth, effectively silencing any response Eddie could’ve made. He let out a contented hum and eagerly sucked on Richie’s finger, holding onto Richie’s forearm with both of his hands as he bobbed his head. “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Such a good little slut for daddy.” Eddie moaned again, rocking his hips as Richie began to finger him faster. Eddie cried out as Richie thrust deep inside of him, making him see stars. “Yeah, you like how deep I can get inside you, baby?” Eddie nodded. “I fucking love it too, angel. You’re so tight, so small and sweet.” He slid his thumb out of Eddie’s mouth and pressed his palm to Eddie’s throat. Eddie’s eyes widened for a moment, and he tilted his head back, giving Richie better access. Richie pressed down slightly under Eddie’s jaw on either side of his throat, moaning at the blissed out smile that graced Eddie’s face. Richie only pressed down a bit, only for a few moments at a time, just enough to get Eddie’s cock leaking all over himself. He let out breathy little moans as Richie finger fucked him, the wet sounds filling the room.
“Daddy,” Eddie moaned. He met Richie’s eyes as he begged. “Please, please, fuck me, daddy, want your cock so bad.”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s cute” Richie grinned, his voice low and condescending in a way that made Eddie’s cock throb. “I need to open you up a little more before you’re ready for my cock.” As he said it, he pressed another slick finger inside of Eddie, stretching him out. Eddie felt so full already from just two of Richie’s fingers; his cock ached at the thought of how big Richie’s cock would feel inside of him. 
Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts as Richie spit on his chest, sliding his free hand over Eddie’s nipples, getting them nice and wet as he played with them. “Daddy,” Eddie began, but he cut himself off with a scream as Richie curled his fingers inside of him, making electric pleasure shoot through him. He moaned and squirmed and grabbed at Richie’s hair, at the sheets, anything to ground himself as Richie leaned down and sucked on his nipples, still relentlessly fucking Eddie’s hole with his fingers. “Please,” Eddie gasped, “daddy, please.” 
“You sure you’re ready, baby?” Richie teased. 
“Fuck me, please,” he whined, clearly getting impatient. “I can take it!”
“Oh yeah?” Richie asked, pulling his fingers out. He had a look on his face that had Eddie’s blood pounding in excited anticipation. “Okay, baby. If you think you can take it.” He stood up off the bed then, and Eddie sat up a bit to watch. With rapt attention, his eyes followed Richie’s every movement as he dragged his jeans off his legs, then stripped off his boxers.
“God, daddy,” Eddie whimpered, drooling over the sight of Richie’s cock. It was thick and heavy and hard, and so fucking long, Eddie couldn’t believe he’d been keeping himself from a dick like that for months. It was even longer than any of his dildos or vibrators. He needed to feel it down his throat, he needed it.
Seeming to sense this, just as Eddie began to move toward him Richie lightly shoved him back down. “Stay where you are, baby.” Eddie whined but reluctantly complied. The way Richie tauntingly stroked his cock just out of Eddie’s reach had him debating whether it was worth it to be bratty if it meant getting his throat fucked. But his cock was throbbing between his legs, his hole pitifully empty, and watching Richie roll a condom on and lube up his cock made it hard to think about anything other than getting fucked. “Maybe if I’m feeling generous I’ll come on your face,” Richie mused, almost casually as he climbed back onto the bed and spread Eddie’s legs, settling naturally between them. Eddie moaned at his words and melted back into the bed. The sight of Richie above him, the way he touched him, had Eddie completely pliant. He felt warm and buzzy, almost liquid as Richie ran his hand reverently over Eddie’s thigh. As he teased the head of his cock over Eddie’s hole, he took Eddie’s hand in his and entwined their fingers. While Eddie nearly moaned just at that sight alone, at the way Richie’s hand engulfed Eddie’s own, it was also incredibly endearing, and it made something stir in his chest. Guys didn’t normally hold his hand when fucking him, and if they tried it was just weird, as he pretty much only did hookups. But with Richie… it felt different. The way Richie looked at him was different. Like he didn’t want to miss a single thing Eddie did. 
Richie’s voice was low and rich and brought Eddie back as he asked, “Ready?” Eddie bit his lip and nodded. As Richie pressed himself inside of Eddie, careful and slow, Eddie squeezed Richie’s hand. His mouth dropped open in a silent cry as he felt every inch of Richie’s cock filling him up. Once he bottomed out, Richie let out a low groan and rested his forehead against Eddie’s, pressing kisses all over Eddie’s face. 
“Holy… holy shit,” Eddie panted, letting his body adjust. He’d never felt this full before, had never had anything so deep inside of him. “Oh my god.”
Richie chuckled in his ear as he kissed Eddie’s neck. “What’s the matter, kitten?” he teased. 
Eddie couldn’t even be bothered to take the banter bait; everything felt too good, his mind was numb. “You’re so big,” he said dumbly, saying exactly what was on his mind. “No one’s ever been this deep inside me before, holy shit.” 
“I can tell,” Richie hummed. “So fucking tight for me, baby, it’s fucking amazing.” Eddie let out a small whimper as Richie sucked on his neck. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” Eddie sighed. “I just, I need just a minute.”
Richie nuzzled his nose against Eddie’s and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “As long as you need.”
As Richie kissed him, sucking gently on his lower lip, Eddie slid his free hand into Richie’s hair, admiring the way his curls felt between his fingers. Then, experimentally, he lifted his legs a bit, pulling them toward himself. They both moaned at the movement, and Eddie felt Richie squeeze his hand. “Oh my god,” Eddie moaned. He grabbed Richie’s face and kissed him desperately, pleading into his lips, “Fuck, I’m ready, please, please fuck me.” 
Richie grabbed him by the hair and held him down, lifting himself up with his other arm. “Yeah?” he said, voice breathy as he pulled his hips back. He looked amazing, dark curls wild as they hung around his face, his blue eyes dark and hungry behind his glasses, his lips slick and red from kissing Eddie. He squeezed Eddie’s hip hard and asked, “You wanna get fucked, sweetheart?”
“Please,” Eddie whined. He hooked his hands under his knees and pulled them up to his chest, spreading them nice and wide for Richie. He watched Richie’s eyes go dark and begged, “Please, need you to fuck me, daddy.”
Richie snapped his hips forward with a sharp, “Fuck,” making Eddie cry out. He pulled his hips back again, until just the tip of his cock was buried inside of Eddie. “Say that again.”
Eddie met Richie’s gaze with glassy eyes and whimpered, “Please, fuck me, daddy.”
Richie cursed again and thrust into Eddie, this time setting a more steady pace. “God, you feel so fucking good on my cock, baby.” Eddie moaned and rocked his hips, his hands falling to grip the sheets beneath him as Richie began fucking him faster, harder. “You look so good like this, so pretty when you’re moaning for my cock.” Eddie flushed; Richie’s words had precome pearling at the head of dick, dripping onto his stomach.
Richie’s thrusts were getting hard enough to rock Eddie’s body back and forth, moving him so easily as Richie fucked him. Eddie loved it, loved how effortlessly Richie could toss him around. He loved hearing Richie moan as he fucked him, loved knowing that Richie felt just as good as he did. He loved the idea of Richie using his body to get himself off. The thought had him letting out little high pitched moans with every thrust. The pleasure left his mind in a haze, and all he could concentrate on was how good Richie’s cock felt inside of him, all he could say was a desperate string of, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” broken up by wordless moans. 
“Fuck, you take it so well, baby,” Richie praised, running his hand over Eddie’s chest. “So fucking good for me. You like getting fucked like this? You like being all spread out for daddy? Just lying back and taking it while daddy makes you feel good?”
“Yes!” Eddie cried. “Yes, yes, yes, daddy, oh my god, ‘s so good, fuck.” 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Richie marveled, leaning down to kiss Eddie. The new angle shifted Richie’s hips, and suddenly Eddie was seeing stars, every nerve in his body coming alive and fizzling like a sparkler. He cried out and clutched at Richie, nearly screaming from how amazing it felt.
“Fuck,” he moaned, his voice high and desperate. “Right there, yes, oh my fucking god, don’t stop, please, please, don’t stop.”
“Aw, sweetheart, does that feel good?” Eddie nodded frantically, his moans becoming shouts as Richie’s cock brushed against his prostate over and over, the pleasure so deep and all encompassing. He couldn’t think about anything else, all he knew was that amazing feeling, all he knew was he needed more. He wanted more and more and more, he could feel it building, was vaguely aware of the fact that he was digging his nails into Richie’s back hard enough to leave scratch marks. 
“Daddy,” he slurred, “gonna c-come.”
“Fuck, baby,” Richie groaned. He spit generously into his hand and reached between them to stroke Eddie’s cock. Eddie’s back arched, pressing himself against Richie. The new contact had pleasure rushing through him, and with a few strokes of Richie’s hand on him and a nearly growled, “Come for daddy,” Eddie was coming undone. Pleasure exploded through him, wracked his body as he came all over himself, all over Richie’s hand, Richie fucking into him the whole time. Beyond the noise of his own moans and screams, he could hear Richie cursing under his breath, telling Eddie how good he was doing. 
Eddie panted as he came down, blinking his eyes open slowly. Still buzzing, he watched as Richie carefully pulled out of him and rolled the condom off before leaning further over Eddie. He spit into his hand again and began stroking his own cock, a sight that made Eddie’s spent cock twitch in interest. 
“Open your mouth, baby,” Richie moaned. Eddie happily complied, sticking his tongue out and closing his eyes. Moments later, Richie’s moans were filling the room, as was the slick sound of Richie stroking himself, and Eddie moaned, small and content as he felt Richie’s warm come painting his chest and cheeks and lips. 
He blinked open his eyes once he heard Richie let out a heavy sigh. He looked amazing, sweaty curls clinging to his face, blue eyes hooded as he took in the sight of Eddie beneath him, covered in come. Eddie made sure to meet Richie’s gaze before he swallowed the come on his tongue, then licked more off of his lips. “Fuck, you’re a fucking angel,” Richie grinned. He swiped his fingers over Eddie’s chest, spreading his come over Eddie’s nipple before bringing it to his lips. Eddie hummed happily as he sucked on Richie’s fingers. He still felt like he was floating. Richie leaned down and kissed him, deep and lingering, before saying, “Let’s get you cleaned up, baby, okay?” When Eddie nodded, Richie climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Eddie watched through the open door as Richie waited for the water to warm, then wet a washcloth under it before walking back over to the bed. Eddie preened as Richie cleaned him, pressing soft kisses all over his face as he gently ran the warm washcloth over Eddie’s cheeks and chest and stomach. “That was fucking amazing,” Richie said. Eddie hummed in agreement. He felt like he was glowing when he felt Richie smile against his skin. “You’re so beautiful, Eds. So fucking good for me.” As soon as Eddie was clean and the washcloth was tossed in the hamper, Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie and pulled him down against him, nuzzling into his neck. 
“You’re amazing,” he murmured softly into Richie’s skin. They lay like that for a few minutes, just holding each other and pressing soft kisses against each other’s skin, until Eddie let out a small, “Richie?”
Richie sat up and met his eyes, sensing the shift in his tone. “Yeah?”
“What… what is this? Like what are we, I guess?” he asked, tracing patterns over Richie’s skin with his fingertips.
Richie smiled softly down at him and stroked his cheek. “Same thing it’s always been. Whatever you want.”
Eddie huffed. “What do you want?”
Richie bit his lip, his eyes flickering between Eddie’s. “I want you. All the time. I wanna take you on vacations and buy you gifts and flowers and dinner and watch movies with you. I wanna date you, Eds,” he said with a weak huff of a laugh. “I wanna give you the fucking world.”
Eddie grinned up at him and pulled him down for a kiss. “I wanna date you, too.”
After a few moments of chaste kisses, Richie murmured into his lips, “I also wanna fuck you in every position on every single surface I can think of.” Eddie rolled his eyes and smacked his shoulder, but he was giggling, and he couldn’t say he hadn’t been thinking the same thing.
taglist: @clouded-eyes-and-salty-tears @eddieeatsass @deadlighturis @constantreaderfool @reddieloserz  @thelazyeye @montconde @itfandomprompts @tinyarmedtrex @nancythebisexualslutwheeler @cutedubutokki @losers-gotta-stick-together
373 notes · View notes
prorevenge · 4 years
A stranger scammed me out of $300 online. I tracked him down, called his dad's work phone, and got my money back.
Long post, TL;DR below. Early last year I was deep in depression, spending the Spring in my room (I work in a seasonal industry which pays just enough to live on during the off months.)
All I did was play video games all day which led to me getting into game marketplace sites and planning on starting a side hustle selling in game items and accounts in MMos. I was brand new to the "industry" and didn't have contacts to learn from, so I just went for it and posted my first listing. I got a few hits back early and found an interested "buyer" (I'll refer to him later as C) who told me he was ready to purchase.
The way these transactions are supposed to go is this: A reputable middleman (There were several known MM in the community that I joined) takes in the product and the payment, verifies both, then distributes both ways after taking a cut for their services. This circumvents the "you first" prolem where you have to trust solely in the other guy to not scam you. -Well.. They impersonated a middleman well enough to fool me. I admit that it was 100% on me, I didn't know what I was doing. I just wanted to start selling so bad and I was glad to see quick hits on my first listing.
So, the "middleman" (To this day I don't know if there was a 3rd person acting as middleman or if it was C all along) takes the buyer's money, then the product which was a high ranked account in a popular competitve game. Suddenly, the MM says there was a problem with the payment and it needs to be redone.
At this point I know game's over and I just got scammed, but I went along with it as a sad parting gift to my first "sale." I message C and asked him how this was going to go. He told me he'll just direct paypal me the $300 now and apologized, which didn't make sense to me (you already scammed me, why haven't you blocked me yet?) I gave him my paypal email.
Conversation goes like this: C- "Sent." Me- "repeats my email same email correct?" C- "F%@& I sent it to the wrong email. I'll call paypal." Me- 3 minutes later "Are you going to send me $300 or no?" C- "I only had $450 in my paypal account, they should be able to refund me over the phone." Me- 5 minutes later "Okay. Progress?" C- "On the phone with them." Me 10 minutes of silence later- ":D" Then he goes offline. I call the MM several times but he's standoffish and won't pick up saying "something something privacy.. you arent giving me a reason to pick up the call." It's clear he's not being real with me.
I don't know what to do at this point as I've never encountered a sudden loss of hard work like that. I'm not a drinker at all but that night when faced with that emptiness while trying to get out of depression, I hit the bottle hard.
The next day I woke up naked on my bathroom floor in the pitch black and sheepishly checked my PC to see if it really happened. Without any hope at all I started googling this kid's two usernames that I knew of. I scanned the internet for every site that had an account with the same username that he used, but only found more scam reports (yep, I wasn't his first victim.) So I gave up.
A week later I came back and did it all over again, but this time I thought to check his discord profile to see if he had any other profiles linked to it (steam, twitch, etc.) and the genius did. I checked his steam profile and wrote down each of his past usernames that looked unique and wouldn't pull a million results.
After hours of scanning each one, I had his name, age (teenager,) city, email, skype, knew he went to chess tournaments as a kid, liked neopets, and found a youtube channel with his class project videos on it. It still wasn't enough though. All the information got me was another two contact methods, and I didn't want to start harassing him.
He ghosted me and emailing him wasn't going to change that. If I was going to get my money back, I needed to contact his parents and I knew this all along. In a last ditch effort I googled his emails again, found his google+ profile, and saw that he had a public photo library (which was discontinued by google very shortly after all this happened.) It had 1 picture. A perfect view of his house, from the street. Street number in view. After some searching without finding much I clicked "More info" on the picture and the the geo-tagged coordinates attatched to the picture appeared.
So now I have the address which I google along with the last name, which leads to me getting the first & last names of both parents. I pop that into trusty whitepages and have everything I need to spring my plan into action. While all this was going on I was updating my friend who lives in the same area as C. He asked if I wanted him to call since he had the same area code. It lined up perfectly so I agreed.
At this point I realize it's March 30th, just two days before April fools and C could probably play this off as some elaborate joke played by his friends so I call my friend off. It was so hard to wait, but we did and we waited long enough that it couldn't be looked at as a joke at all.
Two weeks later in a discord call I give my friend the green light and he calls phone #1. The cell. After a little ringing it cuts to voicemail and we decide to try phone #2, the work phone. This time the phone rang for significantly longer but also cut to voicemail and the message before the beep confirmed we had the right dad. My friend leaves a message saying "Hello Mr. ______, this is _ ______ with (marketplace name's) collection department. We currently have multiple fradulent activity cases open with your son C, totalling x thousands of dollars (I added up all the reports against him which were posted on the site and it totalled thousands, even talked to a couple people who he targeted.) At the moment we're reviewing the most recent case which involved a $300 transaction. If you could please, get back to us between 9am-10pm to resolve these cases. Thank you" All that was paraprased but that was his message.
He was very professional and seemed legit, and even though the dad might listen to it and ignore it we didn't think that was going to happen. It's worth noting that they live in a nice area of a nice state, so there was less of a chance that this would be a financial burden and the parents would likely just want to clear this up.
Two days later, while playing video games (yeah I had a problem.) I get a contact request notification. MY BOY C!
He tells me that he's a good person and he wants to give the account back. I check it and he played 10 games and lost each one which deranked and devalued the account (at this point I pretty much knew his parents were standing over his shoulder watching everything that was said. I could've even been speaking to them directly.) So I told him the account devalued, and I either want what he stole from me (the account at a higher rank) or I want $300. He told me he'll give me the account AND $300 (Parents coming through in the clutch!)
We went through a lot of hoops, trying paypal which he couldn't get to work, a few others and finally got google pay to work after troubleshooting stupid problems which I attriubted to him stalling. It was clear that they were scared of me since I got their info (and regularly called him by his first name throughout the convo as a power move lol) but I assured them I wasn't a bad person and told them to be extra safe of what you upload, especially if you're trying to scam people because when money is involved bad things can happen (playing into his parents who were surely reading it.) I explained the public Google+ upload of their clear to see geo-tagged house which I'm sure his they weren't happy about.
After he sent the money he asked for confirmation that I received it. I confirmed saying "YOU F** DID IT! SO PROUD OF YOU, C!" and he immediately went offline. I danced up and down the hallway and it was probably embarrasingly bad but I didn't care. I don't think the smile was gone from my face for an hour. It was a month long process and with the help of my friend the money was back. I haven't seen my friend in person since then, but when I do I owe him a top notch steak. He refused when I sent him $ online.
Instead of trying to resell the account and start back up in the marketplace I abandoned it all and went another way. I'm currently training for the military and in a much better place, but still have a long way to go.
A lot was left out of this story but it was a long one. I have screenshots of our conversations and I surely won't ever forget it.
TL;DR - I tried selling a video game account to see if I could make a new side hustle and got scammed since I was dumb, inexperienced and decided to trust the internet. I got scammed and took it hard but the scammer left too much of his info public and after a little bit of elbow grease I was able to obtain his & his parent's info and left his dad a voicemail. Two days later the scammer contacted me and gave me the money and the account back, apologizing. I learned from it.
(source) story by (/u/dstrezzd)
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nosferatvpussy · 4 years
distorted lullabies [chapter IV]
Tumblr media
Word count: 4,113
Warnings: vulgar language
Pairing: Dracula x reader
AO3 link 
Author’s note:  Listen... I wrote this chapter this past week and I must say I'm not happy with it. My brain is mush due to work so that's all I could come up with. I wish I could've done better but I know if I delayed posting it I would never do it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated on this one (good or bad).
  “Oh my fucking God.”
My day had started out fine. I had woken up in a surprisingly good mood considering it was Monday and then I ruined it. 
With the exception of Count Dracula’s visit to my house, my weekend was pretty uneventful. Sunday was spent grocery shopping with Diana and reviewing cases to prepare myself for court sessions during the following week. Occupying myself with work was not only necessary but also served as a good distraction from the deal I had struck with the Count. 
Being arrogant had its advantages in my line of work but after proposing a deal to a vampire, I was starting to think how quickly that arrogance could turn into vanity and plain stupidity. A deal from which I had yet to glimpse a way out of? Could I outsmart a centuries old vampire and wiggle out of that deal? On Saturday night I was pretty sure I could. Now… Not so much.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I muttered, receiving ugly looks from people on the tube. 
My hand covered my mouth so I would stop cursing and to stop it from falling open.
Reconnaissance was part of any good lawyer’s job and that was what I had decided to do as my first course of action against Count Dracula. As soon as I had found a good spot to sit in the tube, I googled him by his title. All of the pages included the interesting moniker Vlad the Impaler followed by his actual name Vlad Dracula. That in itself was enough for a chill to run down my spine but each line I read managed to make it worse. 
He was born in the Middle Ages, more precisely in 1431, which put him somewhere over five hundred years old. So, I had made a deal with someone overly experienced in the matters of life, which wasn’t ideal but could be remedied. But then I was met with medieval drawings depicting him dining amongst a field of impaled people. One particular page had supposed accounts from Ottomans and Saxons describing the atrocities committed by him. Boiling people alive, nailing hats to people’s skulls so they wouldn’t take it off, setting beggars and thieves on fire to “cleanse” Wallachia were just some of his various lovely bedtime stories. Those tales had elicited my first string of curses, which yes evoked the name of God in a blasphemous way but at that point I didn’t care if I offended a higher power or not.
Not only was he abhorrently vile, he was smart. Smart enough to send people infected with the plague to infiltrate enemy camps, using them as biological warfare and weakening enemy numbers. Not many people would have thought of such a tactic in the Middle Ages. Apparently the sight of the impaled people put on display around the city Targoviste was so repulsive that the Ottoman Empire simply retreated. And albeit having half or sometimes a quarter of the army of his opponents, he still managed to win several battles because of his cunning. 
That was the part that made me curse several times as some sort of mantra. A ruthless and smart ruler that had been a monster long before he became a vampire, that was who I was up against. And he had five hundred years of practice under his belt. How nice for me. 
My body took control as my mind raced and I got off at Canary Wharf station, making my way to the overly modern glass plated building where I worked.
The Middle Ages were a long time ago and it was a notoriously dark and violent time. Desperate times call for desperate measures, one could say. It should serve as a logical explanation to make myself feel better but the cold sweat on the palms of my hands was an obvious sign that it wasn’t working. I resorted to my earbuds and played one of my favourite songs to try calm myself but I was barely paying any attention to it. The noise inside my head was far louder.
I willed my brain to catch up with my body once the elevator doors opened to the 17th floor. Work, now , I told myself. I could think about how to escape the Count’s grip later.  
Greeting my colleagues, I made my way to my desk at the far left of the office. We occupied half of the 17th floor while the other half was made up of a café and a small finance firm. Smelling croissants and fresh coffee, I placed my purse and briefcase on my chair and was already making a b-line for the café when Renfield peeked his head out of a meeting room and waved for me to join him. 
I threw my earbuds over my shoulders so the string could hang from around my neck and stuck my phone on my trousers' back pocket. Renfield promptly closed the door as soon as I stepped inside. He splayed his arms over the doorway, blocking it. Eyes with dilated pupils watched me from behind thick glasses. Frowning, I looked out through the blurred glass walls that outlined the meeting room we were standing on. If he was about to reprehend me for something I’d done then at least I wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of the whole office witnessing it. 
Renfield had always been composed and taken great pride in his work and looks. For the past few days that stopped being true. Not only was he acting in a disturbing manner, he also appeared unwashed. His hair was greasy and a few strands stuck to his forehead. His suit had a stain on a lapel and he didn’t have a colourful handkerchief peeking out of his front pocket as he usually did. Overworked, I guessed, but never in all the years I knew him had I seen him this way. When I joined the firm as his intern, he let me write most of his opening and closing statements so I could learn and he would rehearse them on his office as I watched and explain why certain phrases should be changed to provide the necessary punch in court. He taught me the basics and all the clever little tricks one could use to dribble a prosecution. He was in the audience when I worked my first case alone in front of a judge. He was there when I won my first case and he took me out for a beer. And he was there when I lost for the first time and he took me out for whiskey. We still went out to celebrate whenever one of us won a case.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he rasped, barely sounding like himself. “Are the Mast-- the Count’s documents in your possession?”
The Master’s, that’s what he almost said. A little too late I remembered that Renfield was Dracula’s servant and automatically took a step back to put distance between us. The Count had arrived at London a week ago, which could explain my boss’ disheveled appearance. 
“They’re at my desk.”
He nodded and licked his lips in a way that made me think of a lizard. 
“And what did you think of him? Of Count Dracula?”
The lunatic gleam in Renfield’s eyes made my decision before I could think through it very much.
“He’s polite and handsome,” I said in the most neutral tone I could manage. “I’ll get the documents and bring them to you. Excuse me.”
I closed the distance between us with more confidence than I felt. Nudging Renfield’s shoulder to the side so he would make way, I tried to grab the doorknob and then he was on me. He pinned me against a glass wall before I had a chance to push him back and his hand yanked my shirt’s collar down, exposing my neck. 
“Ah! Ah!” he exclaimed loudly. “I knew it!”
I tried to fight him off, terrified of the crazed look on his bulging eyes, but he slammed me back on the glass. It trembled under my weight. 
“ Why … you ?” Spittle landed on my face as he spoke and I cringed. “Why would he bestow such a gift on you?!”
Understanding dawned on me and for a second I stopped trying to escape. He was infuriated because Count Dracula had bitten me and not him, like some sort of drug addict that had his vice taken away. 
“Let me go,” I said, summoning a calm semblance. “Ask him about it. It’s not like I offered him a drink.”
“No, not a drink. If he wanted just a drink he would have killed you. He’ll make you his bride. But I-- I have worked so hard, so so hard. I deserve it, I do, I do,” he was whimpering now and shaking his head to the sides like a child. 
“I know, I know,” I cooed but I had tears on my eyes. 
His hands wrapped around my neck and squeezed. My eyes instantly bugged out of my head and the tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I struggled. My hands found his face, trying to slap him or scratch him, anything that would get him off of me. I hit the glass wall with the back of my heel repeatedly to try to get someone’s attention outside. Air couldn’t reach my lungs anymore and my windpipe would probably collapse if he pressed harder. The pressure on my head was enormous. I could barely see and my face felt like it would explode at any second.
Several figures burst in the room. Two of them tried to pry Renfield off of me and the other three screamed for him to let me go. The crushing force on my neck ceased all of a sudden and I went down like a sack of potatoes, falling on my side as I gasped for air. 
“Master! Master!” Renfield howled, struggling against his captors. “I was good, I was good! MASTER!”
A hacking cough seized me as I tried to will air into my lungs but failed to do so in the speed I needed. Slowly my vision returned and I saw Henry and Mallory kneeling next to me, trying to get me to sit up. Renfield’s deafening screams filled my ears. 
“What happened?!” Mallory asked as Matthew, another colleague of mine, and a security guard tried to pin Renfield to the ground as he continued shouting.
“Not h-his fault,” I croaked, covering my neck with my hand. I would have a new bruise to match my bite now. 
Mallory and Henry started talking about what they should do while I found myself trapped in Renfield’s demented eyes. He wasn’t in there, not anymore. 
“A psychotic episode,” I whispered to Mallory. It hurt to talk. “Call medics, not the police. It’s not his fault.” Mallory and Henry exchanged a look and nodded.  
More people filed into the room to gawk at the scene. Several more people gathered around me, trying to be helpful to the point where they started to resemble vultures and not good samaritans. I allowed myself to be coddled by these people while my mind ran amok. 
My chest tightened as if the sorrow I felt hurt physically as well. The man I had looked up to as an outstanding lawyer, the man I inherited the poise and the commanding voice… was gone. Reduced to the likes of a mewling baby and a deranged man.
I hardly paid attention when paramedics arrived and took Renfield away but when a paramedic wanted to check my neck, I was pulled back to reality by the bond I had to Count Dracula. 
“No,” I told him, one hand securing my shirt’s collar to my neck so it was covered. “I’m fine, really.”
“Miss, please. By what your colleagues described he nearly choked you to death.” His hands hovered on the air around me as a second silent request to let him look at the bruise.
I shook my head vehemently but tears were welling in my eyes again. 
I wanted desperately to tell someone just then. To explain about Renfield and the bite on my neck that marked me as his . But I couldn’t. My voice wouldn’t leave my throat because that too had become his . Even if I was able to tell someone, I knew it wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Bitten by a vampire? Surely I would be thrown in the psychiatric ward as Renfield would.
“I can’t,” I said weakly before pushing him out of my way and running to the restroom. 
    London’s night lights kept me company as I worked overtime on the firm. After spending the rest of my day warding off preoccupied people, I decided that I would need to add extra hours of work. At home I would succumb to my bed’s embrace and wouldn’t get any work done. 
My desk lamp was the only source of light coming from inside the office and it illuminated the papers spread haphazardly in front of me. I had attended court earlier that day only to request an adjournment to Judge Llewellyn, who scowled and immediately demanded I explain myself. Matthew, my colleague, accompanied me to speak on my behalf since my voice box wasn’t strong enough yet to project my words to a courtroom. When Matthew explained the ordeal to Llewellyn I had the satisfaction of seeing the judge’s face dismantle in embarrassment for questioning me so harshly. It didn’t matter how much satisfaction it brought me because at the end of the day my case was delayed which impacted the life of a very dedicated mother who was disputing custody of her children with her ex. Catching up on cases and preparing future statements was my way of rectifying it.
I scribbled on a post-it and stuck it to a page before putting that pile to the side. I still had three more cases to review, draw up a plea bargain and think of a way to escape Count Dracula. I was procrastinating the latter.
The elevator opened with a ding on the other side of the floor and I raised my head to see who could it be at this time of night. A silhouette stepped out, standing in the darkness for only a moment before the hall’s motion activated lights came on. At once I sunk in my chair.
“Renfield... Where are you?” Count Dracula pitched his velvet voice in a mock song as he strolled in the office. 
My heartbeat shot up in response and I shrunk further, trusting the darkness to conceal me. He swiveled his head directly at me as if my fear had drawn him. The lights from the buildings outside only illuminated half of his face.
“Y/N,” he said. My name on his lips sent a shiver through my body. “Working in the dark, are we?” When no answer came from me, he clicked his tongue. “I can’t seem to get ahold of Renfield but I suppose you’ll do. My assets were supposed to have been released today. The bank said I need-” He had been strolling my way as he talked but he stopped abruptly, whiffing the air. “You’re scared. Of me?”
He resumed his pace slowly, almost dragging his steps. Just then, I truly understood the feeling of being stalked by a predator.
“Why… are you... scared?” 
He quickened his pace suddenly and covered over half the distance between us in seconds. I jumped from my seat and backed up as I searched frantically for a way out. The back of my knees hit a desk and I had to reach my hands back to stop me from toppling over it. I let out a squeak as I tried to regain my footing but it was too late. Dracula towered over me, so close I could smell his cologne. My face was turned away from him so I wouldn’t have to meet his eyes. I had a feeling that if I did he would devour me whole. 
“Tell me why,” a whisper. His breath smelled like copper. “I will not have you of all people cowering from me.”
“Renfield was committed to a psychiatric ward this morning,” I blurted. 
“Your voice,” he said.
Another squeak escaped my mouth as he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. I expected to be met with a monstrous face but it was just him. Familiar dark eyes and lush lips. His stare fell from mine to my neck and he furrowed his eyebrows. His bite was well concealed under my shirt but the ligature mark was just beneath my jaw and in plain sight.
“He attacked me,” I provided in my frail voice. “Because you bit me.”
He pulled his lips down. Anger or disapproval, I wasn’t sure. 
“I see,” he muttered.
“Is that what will become of me?” I asked.
“I told you-- I would never make you a servant.”
“No. Will I become a monster like you? Will I be uncaring? Will I enslave people? Kill them, torture them?”
He squished my cheeks between his fingers with every word I spoke. Perhaps provoking him wasn't a smart choice but I wouldn't simply lower my head and accept my fate.
“Only if you wish," he replied.
“You won’t even try denying it?”
“If I did I would be a hypocrite. And you think you are without blame.”
“Me?! How am I to blame for anything?"
He loosened his grip on my face until he finally allowed his hand to rest on the side of my neck. 
“Yes, you. You the lawyer that defends robbers, murderers and rapists. And you know what’s interesting? I haven’t found much guilt about it in your blood. And now you accuse me of such things with disgust in your face? That, my dear, is a hypocrite.”
I swallowed his vitriol and it burned on the way down. Suddenly I didn’t like being provoked as much as I liked doing so. 
“You ruined Frank!” I blinked at using Renfield’s first name. “He went mental today! Never in his life--”
“He’s weak , always has been but you never saw it. One look. One look was what it took for him to practically kneel before me. You shouldn’t hold people like him in such high standards.”
“Doesn’t bloody matter, he’s my friend!" The threat of tears made my voice tremble and I caught hold of myself before they spilled. “I don’t suppose you understand what that means.”
The snarl on his face made me think he would kill me right there. 
“I should kill Renfield for what he did,” he murmured, stare searing into me. “But you wouldn’t like that.”
“Why does it matter what I like, Impaler?”
His brows softened as comprehension crossed his face and his lips parted in a grin.
“That is why you’re afraid, isn’t it? My darling, that was my human life, you have no need to worry.”
“And you’ve been an angel since then?”
“Oh never.”
I shifted uncomfortably. I was still supporting myself with my hands on the table behind me, slightly tipping backwards so the Count didn’t crawl on top of me. 
Did I see a monster when I looked at him? Quite honestly no, yet I knew I should. He had done horrible things and I only knew about the things history had kept record of. I had learnt over the years that people are complicated. I had never met one person that was fully good or bad. If I had to classify myself, I wouldn’t know. My entire job was one big gray area. I swiveled around the lines of good and bad, never fully committing to any of them because I was paid for it. That wasn’t to say I didn’t have my own moral compass outside of the law. Count Dracula however… I had yet to find out if he had any moral compass at all. 
“Will Renfield get better?” I questioned.
“He might. It’s difficult to predict how my power can affect some individuals, but he will remain my servant, that much I know. And he won’t attack you again, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Let him go.”
“I will not. He's quite good at being a servant.”
Renfield’s shouting replayed on my head.
“Let him go and I’ll let you feed from me whenever you want,” I said, shocking myself with my words. “But know this, I will never be yours.”
“Another deal? Tempting.” He licked his lips and my stomach coiled. “So very tempting.”
He reached to my waist, digging his fingers in my skin and I held back a gasp. 
“Take the deal,” I urged. 
Excitement grew within me. I preferred to believe that that was due to the possibility of tricking the Count into another deal but the tingling scar on my neck told a different story. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate and take full control of my body but it wasn’t responsive to rational thought. If he took the deal then it meant freedom for Renfield. That’s where my mind should be, not the rush of pleasure I had felt three nights ago when Count Dracula had bitten me. But by God, that’s what I wanted. I wanted to feel it again, feel his teeth sinking into my flesh and the dreamlike daze that followed. 
Dracula’s arm circled me and smashed my body to his in a single motion, causing the gasp I had been holding to escape my lips. His thumb caressed my jawline while his fingers teased the back of my neck. In the little light between us I saw his black eyes swimming in carmine red. My heartbeat quickened lower in me when his tongue snaked out once again to lick his lips. Suddenly his fingers found my scar and massaged it lightly, evoking a moan from me. I rose my hands to hold his shoulders as an attempt to balance myself.
I felt more than heard his laughter. 
“Look at you," he said. As he spoke I caught a flash of long and jagged teeth before it was gone. “‘I’ll never be yours .’ Liar, liar.”
I collected myself and pushed him away when I realised he was mocking me. He didn't move at fist but when I pushed him again he stepped back of his own volition, still laughing. 
“Are you taking the fucking deal or not?”
“No,” he enunciated the word slowly. “I like this game we’re playing and I don’t want it to be over just yet. As powerful as you think you are, you don’t have the power to control me with your blood. I’ve granted you enough as it is.”
“I wasn’t trying-”
“Don’t lie.”
I closed my hands in fists. 
“Fine. Can you at least say you’re sorry?”
“For what?” He raised his eyebrows.
“For Renfield,” I snapped, as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Do you want me to lie to make you feel better?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do.”
“I wish Renfield hadn’t attacked you,” he said, sticking his hands on his pockets.
“That wasn’t the apology I was looking for.”
“I know.”
Why did I even want an apology? Was I desperate to find some semblance of regret on him? Desperate to find anything remotely good in him to justify my desire for him? I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep the tears away, hating myself for letting him affect me like that. My whole body desired him while I knew I should hate him for what he did to Renfield, for what he was doing to me. It made me feel like his plaything. 
“Can you please leave? I have work to do.” 
He nodded.
“I assume you’ll take over as my lawyer to assort my affairs.”
“Not like I have an option, is it?”
“Quite. I’ll leave you to it. See you Wednesday!" 
He had already turned away, walking back to the elevator when I fully registered what he said.
“What happens on Wednesday?” I rose my voice to get his attention.
"I take you on a date," he answered over his shoulder.
I marched after him and stopped when I realised what I was doing. What could I possibly do or say to threaten a creature like him? I probably bothered him as much as soft wind did.
"I'm not going on a date with you after what happened today."
He slowly turned to face me again, a big grin on his face. A victorious grin. If he was winning, then I was on the losing side - of what, though?
“Oh but you are. Your deal clearly stated that I am to convince you that immortality is worth it. You didn’t express how I should do it. Therefore that end of the deal is mine to fulfill however I wish. ”
I groaned. Had I removed my brain at some point when I made that deal? I was used to being the winner inside courtrooms, and I had stupidly condemned myself by binding a contract between Count Dracula and I. As much as I would like to withdraw it, I didn't think he would be open to the idea. He had made it clear that he would make me a vampire whether I liked it or not. I had no choice but to abide by my own rules until I came up with a way out.
“I’d rather meet you," I said at last. "Where are we going?”
He smiled widely as he walked backwards, facing me.
“I’ll text you on Wednesday. Goodnight, darling.”
“Night, Dracula.”
Taglist: @festering-queen​ @mr-kisskiss-bangbang​ @thorin-smokin-shield​ @hoefordarkness​ @dreamer2381​ @girlonfireice
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At What Cost : Part 2
Kia ora, this took so long. I’m not even sure if it’s what I wanted but it’s what I have. I’m deeply invested in this one.
A Kageyama fanfic with thought provoking one-shots about his rise through his volleyball career with a partner. Second one-shot kind of thing. Remember to picture YOUR OC as Shurui.  
I don’t own, just a fanfic.
Name: At what cost
Part one: What do you love more
Walking along side
Volleyball was the center of his attention and she knew that.
Leaving Miyagi district was hard for them. But in the grand scheme of things it was necessary, they needed to move. And although Kageyama didn’t make a lot of money, he made enough to provide for them both and a beautiful tidy home.
It is small but a modest house they shared. Shurui had been careful in the selection. In the summer it warmed her skin the sun, it peaked through the kitchen window in the morning onto the table. And disappeared in the afternoon behind the large apartment block set three levels high, blocking the sun. However, it was winter, she poured Kageyama another tea, he responded by picking it up instantly with eyes focused on his laptop.
He pushed his chair in and gathered his gear, “we’ll be finished late afternoon, want me to pick something up?”
“No, I have everything.”
He kissed her forehead sweetly and left for the day. The National Team practiced religiously six days a week three times a day. It was a struggle, but they spent time where possible.
She smiled as the envelope fluttered away when it sent. She often sent him sweet text messages throughout the day, and he would reply when able which was usually during water breaks.
A puff of hot air escaped when he smiled, ‘I love you.’ He shivered, the morning frost was cold, he tugged the scarf higher to stop the snowflakes hitting. Another smile as he tucked the phone away and remembered a time when they’d been shy to express their feelings.
He thought back to the moment he blurted his confession.
Kageyama high from a win jumped the barrier and ran straight to her. He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her passionately, and the crowd roared. “I love you,” he screamed, a grin spread wide. So, he said it first.
And during winter, for her, time moved slowly. The days were long when she spent them alone. On many occasions they argued about her reasoning for getting a job. Kageyama would scoff each time because the thought of it offended him. He was stubborn. Every time the subject would be raised, he would revert to a child and she would smile sweetly and nod agreeing with him once more. Though a job would fill in the time she would tell herself constantly.
So, Shurui would turn her attention to books in the quiet mornings. It would not do her mind well if left to nothing, she had been accepted into one of the most prestigious law schools. She paused briefly. The thought of the letter caused a stir in her heart, as quickly as it came it left. Contempt, with the decision she made. She had to be.
This caused a sudden urge of need to be useful. She could at least use the background knowledge of accounting and business from high school even if it wasn’t paid work. A lovely thought struck her, maybe charity would be a viable option she placed the book down. Rejuvenated with possibilities she obtained the laptop and accessed the files from the cloud.
‘Revision,’ she thought and smiled widely.
She eyed the sliver card puzzled, “What is this?”
“It’s a start and not much,” he flushed, embarrassed maybe, “but what’s mine is yours. It’s a credit card, you have access to my account.”
“Oh, how thoughtful,” she paused, her moment for freedom perhaps, “Kageyama I am capable of paying my own way and if...”
Brows pressed into a frown he retorted, “Don’t do that.” Eyes stern with resolve, they stopped her. She took a small breath, again smiled, and nodded.
The restaurant was noisy and bustling with activity a rating of 5 stars on google review from most. A small but intimate set up, tables literally one metre from each other and the waiters moved through the patrons as they lifted the plates and beverages above their heads, smiling.
The big hand on the clock hit six. An hour had past and every 15 minutes she would get a refill of water. ‘No messages,’ her inbox glowed.  When the waiter approached this time she politely motioned no and collected her things.
Once outside she dialled a number only to be met with the engaged sound. A nice night for a walk, she thought. She fixed the buttons on the beige jacket to the top and made her way home only a couple blocks away. She almost pressed in the second earpiece when a shout caught her attention.
Confused at first, her eyes scanned the area until she heard the heavy pants behind her, Kageyama.
Out of breath he stood tall and placed his hands on his hip exhausted, “Sorry….” A couple more pants, “did some extra sets and lost track of the time, are you still hungry?”
Again, she smiled politely and nodded.
It surprised her when her mother came to visit. Shurui ran to the nearest store to purchase the exact tea her mother loved, blackberry. Not a favourite in the household but for her mother she would go the exact mile.
The tea set used was bought from a dainty opportunity shop, a collectable the teller said. It wasn’t the fact it was a collectable that caught attention it was the amazing tale of two lovers etched in a beautiful blue design that did it. She poured their third tea.
“Where is he?” her mother questioned.
Shurui took a short sip, “training. He is an Olympian, mother. Volleyball is the centre of his attention.”
“I know.”
The tone used didn’t sit well with Shurui, it made her flitch at the implication, but not enough to show. She placed her tea down, gathered her thoughts and smiled at her mother. Who dressed in all her glory, hair pinned high, lips red as a red delicious apple and eyes judgemental. She sipped her tea.
“Mother,” Shurui breathed, “Tobio Kageyama works hard for this family…” her mother cocked a brow, taken by her daughter’s sudden boldness. “And if that means he needs to spend most of his time at the arena…”
“Is that where he is, and you know for sure?”
The question caught Shurui off guard, but she understood the meaning. Her fingernails dug into her knees and briefly she her eyes closed thinking of a response, but none came.
“My love, I know the life of an absent partner. Your father, though I loved him dearly was just like Kageyama. It starts out with late replies and missed calls but eventually.”
“Mother, please,” Shurui motioned with her hand she’d had enough, dismissing her mother’s words. “I have been with him every step of the way. I know him.”
Noting the difference in the younger persons demeanour a change of topic of sorts was in order, “I see and after his performance at the Olympics he will be head hunted. I don’t doubt or pretend to not know that he is an amazing player but at what cost my dear?” The older woman waited for a response or even an inkling of a retort, but it didn’t come, “you are a smart, intelligent woman and what have you done with it? Except follow this boy around for the better half of almost four years.”
Usually Shurui would be able to hold her emotions not often did she feel anger or resentment or express them for that matter. However, the constant belittlement of their relation started to affect her naturally calm nature. A swell gripped hold of her chest, but the smile she gave hid her true feelings of growing anger. An emotion she hadn’t felt in a long time not since early high school.
“I am not following, mother. I am walking along side him there is a difference. I know in doing so that I have placed certain things out of sight and out of mind,” a scowl formed, attention turned to the woman sat opposite. “And I will continue wherever that may lead us because I, mother. Think about others.”
The tea was cold neither of the two drank during the seemingly innocent altercation and neither looked to back down.
“I haven’t seen this side of you for some time. Independent, determined, and stubborn. My qualities I thought you lost.” And with that she conceded, looked to her daughter, and smiled dryly. “I wasn’t always there for matters I shouldn’t bore you with, but you don’t know what your father was genuinely like. Nights alone with a baby wondering when he’d be back or if he’d come back. Constant lies. I hadn’t wanted to leave but at the time I thought it was best.”
“For, who.”
A side to the story she hadn’t heard to their divorce, her parents. All other times an excuse or fabrication. This time felt true, honest. It pained her to look at her mother. A proud woman for sure but in this moment, her whole being changed, it felt like regret.
Months after the Olympics their lives changed considerably. It almost hurt to know her mother was right about Kageyama. The young aspiring player was indeed head hunted by multiple teams. Time was mostly spent answering demanding phones calls from managers, declining offers from no-name teams or out-right snorting at offers from companies who would pay copious amounts of money to have him. But it wasn’t about the money for him, he needed the best deal to help him stay on the court the longest. And Shurui tried best to keep her head above the water. She knew this would come.
In in a rare moment, they managed a night together away from outside influence. The house dimly lit helped by romantic candlelight spread carefully through the dining area. All electronic devices turned off, especially his.
Tonight, was a special night he told her. Dawned in a magnificent black dress that spaced and separated her breast evenly. The cup line hung low to reveal a tasteful and respectable amount of cleavage and flared down beautifully from under that point and sat above the knees. She would be lying if she did not say she was embarrassed. But Kageyama bought the dress, especially.
The look of bewilderment he gave every time their eyes met was worth it. He appeared shocked by her beauty and would avert his gaze somewhere else for a second only to find their way back.
“You look, breath taking.”
She smiled sweetly and blushed. She cooked the meals in all her magnificence. Kageyama’s heart skipped watching her. A kind woman that thought of others before herself who made sure everyone else was cared for. Kami knew, he was blessed with this creature, gods he knew he was blessed.
After dessert which was a homemade sharp lemon tart pie and vanilla ice cream, they talked about everything but volleyball which surprised her because it was a known fact that her partner loved to talk about it, always. He was being polite and courteous wanting to know the ins and out of the day she had, and she deeply appreciated it. But it was late, he had meetings in the morning. Meetings about their future.
“I should get this all cleaned up.”
Before she could rise Kageyama gripped her hand, “Wait.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled a black box. Kageyama’s hand shook as he rested in on top of the table. An overwhelming nervousness, the thought of a decline had him sweating profusely. He gulped to help moisten the dryness in his mouth. With two hands he opened the box and eyed her with anxiety.
“Will you… Will you marry me?” Forgetting he had to be on a knee he quickly fell to the ground almost losing the grip on the box. He stared up and fidgeted with his tie and nervously smoothed his tuxedo.
She giggled at his abruptness and beamed a smile, “yes, Tobio. I will.”
On his knee Kageyama, ‘yes,’ himself just like he would after an epic score. The ring a simple thing with a gorgeous opal gem slipped perfectly into place. They both stood and enjoyed a deep passionate kiss. He pressed his forehead to hers and whispered, “thank kami. I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”
“You already have.”
They stayed in each other’s company not wanting the moment to end.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
okay, it’s just past two so let’s go. today has been....a lot, and unfortunately I really have to be more vague than I was about last nights events....basically between 7 and 10 I received a bunch of phone calls from “no caller ID” which is a classic tactic of the dude I was talking about last night. When I tried to answer most of them immediately cut off, but we did speak once that definitely confirmed it was him. then there were a handful of other things. I emailed my boss again with the new info, and of course documented everything meticulously with screenshots and contemporaneous descriptions of events (because, you know, I have a little experience as to how to do that). I also took down pretty much all public details from social media accounts and put everything on private for the time being. there shouldn’t be any way to link to my twitter or instagram as they don’t come up when you’d type in my name, but I put them on private anyway and proactively blocked his instagram account, which I knew from the like 80 screenshots of him messaging my clients we have. I also removed my last name from my fb and temporarily deactivated my linkedin (not that I was using for anything) as it did come up when you google my name. so that was all fun. My boss got back to me and we’re going to speak with the head of our org tomorrow and come up with a plan. I know this might through a lot of people off, but I’m honestly not very upset about it because I was pretty sure this was going to happen for the last few weeks, and I’ve seen so many clients that have had to put up with this kind of harassment for months and months (and sometimes years) of their lives, so me not answering any unknown phone calls doesn’t seem like too much of a life-altering thing. Plus, it’s not like he’s in IL, so I don’t have to worry about him trying to track down my address and show up at my apartment or anything. sigh. so that woke me up earlier than I would’ve liked, but oh well. I tuned into the church service, as they’re back to doing full services with a small live congregation and of course being live-streamed from their website. they always have good stuff, so no surprise there. for a while afterwards I just chilled and watched tv while also on my computer. I watched the last episode of “the case against adnan syed” and god was that fucking depressing knowing the current state of the case, where they were SO CLOSE to getting things turned around, only to be dashed by the opinion of a court that I can’t help but think was a lot more concerned about protecting the reputation of their government lawyers and lower courts than whose freedom was actually at stake (this is very similar to Brendan Dassey’s case as well), but I know they’re not giving up and we will definitely hear more from them soon. I hung out for a bit doing random stuff, then about an hour before Batwoman came on I wanted some meaningless background noise I didn’t have to pay very much attention to while reading fic, so I put on batman the animated series which is now on hbo max and is so damn great. And then of course we had the second episode of season 2 of Batwoman. thoughts will be expounded upon on the podcast (so go listen to that for all the opinions! @batwomanpodcast twitter), but I thought it was a good episode, I enjoyed the interactions between characters who haven’t really had interactions with each other yet, and just how well that turned out. anyway. after that I watched WW84 because it was disappearing from hbo max at midnight tonight, so I figured i might as well give it another watch. Unfortunately on this watch the errors were much more apparent than they were the first time I viewed it, which is really just incredibly disappointing when I wanted so much better for this movie- like the first WW is legit my favorite movie, like ever, so maybe my expectations were too high, but this was way further behind whatever expectations I might have had. The whole villain plot with Maxwell Lord (ugh) and Barbara was honestly just very blah and not entertaining, and watching Diana and Steve together was about 1000 times better to watch. I really disliked the ending fight scene between WW and Barbara while she’s full become “Cheetah” for a couple reasons, one of them being that I really didn’t feel like it was necessary to the plot at all, and the scene itself is all sorts of cringe worthy in the way that made you just not want to look. There’s also the fact that she’s supposed to be one of WW’s biggest villains, and she was only there as actually herself for like, a 5 minute fight sequence she lost? Ugh, I could keep going but I’m way too tired at this point. after the movie I showered and got ready for bed and now I’m here and did I mention I was tired? Going to sleep now, thx. Goodnight dears. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck. 
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its-bianca · 5 years
Studying/Planner Apps
Essential apps for studying, planning, health, etc. Who says everything has to be analog?
These are all the ones I’ve tried and downloaded (unless said otherwise). The ones with the * next to it are the ones I don’t use or have gotten rid of for personal reasons, but still highly recommend all of them.
I go through apps like a child goes through toys. I try them out, get rid of the ones I don’t like. Apps are toys.
There’s tons more, but these ones are the ones that I recommend to people with similar needs and schedules like mine. The ones I haven’t or don’t use anymore are ones I could definitely see being helpful to others or that I’d maybe use in the future if my needs change. 
Note: these are things from the App Store, but I’m pretty sure most are available on the Play Store too.
Podomoro Time Trackers
Forrest* - Haven’t tried this because you have to pay for it on the App Store, but I’ve seen everyone go bonkers over this app and how they plant trees for studying, etc. etc. 
Plantie - Best and only Podomoro app I still use. Gamified, but not TOO gamified. You just grow fruit, collect, coins, buy more fruit trees. It’s super simple, while still providing really good graphs and charts. Also, it allows you to turn off the feature where it stops your task as soon as you leave the app. Sometimes I need to use my phone for assignments, and I still want to track my time. It’s completely FREE, with GREAT charts as a visual. Other apps need a premium subscription to access the graphs and charts, which is why I love this app because even though the chart is quite simple, it does its job. Although, it doesn’t tell you when to take the longer break and it has to be adjusted manually. That’s fine for me, because I always get disturbed by something before I even get to 4 blocks, and if I waited until I had a big chunk, I’d never get anything done.
Block & Flow: Stay focused* - Podomoro but visualised with stacks of blocks for each day or week. And you can list out what tasks you have for that day and sort out sections for work, reading, school, etc. I didn’t need that feature, which is why I used Plantie instead.
Workflow Timer* - Another good option with options to make multiple tasks lists. One of the simpler and more user-friendly ones. It also looks really good!
Hours Time Tracking* - App for timeblocking, scheduling, and tracking the time while you’re working. It’s not helpful for me, because it’s practically impossible for me to strictly schedule something in my day after school, but could be useful for others. Really easy to makes tasks and separate by color. 
Stay Focused* - Simplest Podomoro timer out there. No distractions, no graphs, no gamification, just pure focus.
Wunderlist - Great reminder system, intuitive (type in “essay next mon” and it will schedule the task to be due next Monday), syncs everywhere, attach documents, etc. I used this for my assignment list, books to read list, schedule etc. for a long time, until recently where things got hectic and I wanted to make a daily to do list rather than only a master list. I use a bullet journal for school stuff now, but still keep Wunderlist for that shopping/movies/books/apps/websites to check out list. 
24me* - Personal assistant, lots and lots of features, with scheduling, to-do lists, notes, journaling, etc. Tracks weather and traffic to and from work/school. All in one.
Google Calendar - I don’t schedule on this, but use it to sync my school calendar with personal calendar. Easy scheduling and you can SHARE your calendar with a friend! All Google apps are made for collaboration basically. 
Habitify* - Habit tracker on your phone and tracks progress every day, showing when you skip and reminding you of it. Don’t quite remember why I got rid of it because checking back it seems really good. Might redownload. 
Trello* - Kanban boards, “cards” and lists, great reviews. I’ve heard people use it as a bullet journal sort of and project planner though that wasn’t it’s original purpose. I downloaded it for a club thing, but never really used it personally. 
OneNote - I use this ALL the time, even though I don’t use my Microsoft account much anymore. My notes are organized and have a hierarchy. Very customizable with headers, notebook sections, pages, subpages, etc. Easy to share with group mates and an okay collaboration space if you want to see each other’s progress on research or something during a group project. MUCH better than having tons of Google or Word docs of notes. Completely FREE for the full experience.
Notion* - One in all workspace for journaling, notes, scheduling, planning projects basically a mini-website for your life and work. Great guide for bullet journaling on Notion from studyblr Eintsein here. Another Notion bullet journaling guide on YouTube here and here. I highly recommend it, but don’t use it since I use an analog bujo, prefer OneNote for class notes, and don’t have much use for it other than that currently. You do have to pay for unlimited notes, but there’s a pretty good amount to start out, and if you really don’t want to pay, there are workarounds to it.
Milanote* - Like Notion, but more restrictions on the free version. I don’t use it anymore because I’ve realized I didn’t really have a good purpose for it and it cluttered up my phone. In a way, it’s more ~aesthetic~ than Notion, but there are less things you can do. It does have a better learning curve though.
Evernote - I don’t use it often, but I have it to take quick notes or other stuff. Evernote is like a god in the notetaking world, because it’s user friendly, quick, and syncs up really easily with everything. 
7 Minute Fitness - There’s a lot of these out there. Go find one or two. Don’t be sedentary.
30 Day Fitness Challenge - Same concept as above.
Simple Habit - FULL of free mostly 5 minute guided meditations (though there’s premium access). There’s no excuse now. Also, I used to try 10 minute meditations on Headspace which made me really sleepy. 5 minutes work best, because they’re quick, and if you want more time, just move on to the next part in the series or find another one. Lots of free series for basically any subject (school, women, mothers, grade anxiety, sleep) and SOS mode. Unfortunately, you can’t download any of them in the free version.
AloeBud* - Self-care pocket companion. Make reminders on your phone for every self-care thing you can think of. Schedule notifications multiple times a day with personalized messages. 
TaoMix2 - Mixer for relaxing nature/white noise sounds. It’s pretty restricted in the free, but it’s enough for me.
Cove* - If you’re a music person, this app let’s you make quick music and tunes matching your mood. A sort of an easy music therapy if you’re not good with instruments or composition. 
Reflecty* - Little journal buddy asking you fun/reflective questions about your day and tracking your mood. It’s short and sweet. Each entry is a “story”.
Oak* - Great for breathing and very simple guided meditations. Breathing practices for anxiety, freshening up, and calming nerves before a big performance. It just takes 15 seconds to breathe.
Grid Diary* - Journal prompts in grid fromat. Customizable daily prompts.
DayOne Journal* - Again, RAVING reviews. Everyone loves it. I haven’t used it because I prefer analog journals, but it’s a pretty good for travel journals with pictures, audio, video, etc.
UVLens - Reminds you to put sunscreen on throughout the day depending on your skin, activities that day, and type of sunscreen. 
Flo - Period tracker. Need I say more? 
Tasty - FOOOD (by Buzzfeed). New recipe ideas, includes shopping list, make your own cookbook.
KitchenStories - MORE FOOOOD. Includes Asian and international cuisine since it’s crowd-sourced.
Audiobooks - Audiobooks from the Gutenberg Project, but in app form. You can download classics for free, etc. There are some paid audiobooks, but they’re usually for better narrators/text corrections, so absolutely not necessary to get lost in an old book. Jane Austen, Charlotte Brönte, L. Frank Baum, all the good stuff.
Daylio - Tracks mood, activities, with intuitive charts. You can edit moods and activities shown per day. Free version is pretty good, and it replaces the need for making a habit tracker in my journal, because I don’t like making those.
Scannable - Very intuitive scanning app. I’ve used this for many legal/important documents and nobody had a clue it was “scanned” on a phone. It makes regular photos of documents easier to read and look like it came from a scanner. It can share as a PDF or jpg. Granted, you need good lighting for the best quality. 
Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slides - Everyone’s probably used this before, but to reiterate, this is the best collaboration app/website. Super easy to share with real-time tracking and updates.
BEAKER by THIX* - For chemistry people. Mix compounds/elements together, make new compounds, see their reactions. Don’t have much use for it since my chemistry class is moving at a glacial pace but I could see this being useful for others. 
Chemtriz - Same as above, but gamified. You take elements and put them together in the right configuration to make compounds.
PictureThis - Plant Identifier - Weird addition to list, but it’s a cool app to get back in with nature. Now I know what a boxwood plant looks like.
IFTTT* - Hard to explain, but it enables different apps that don’t usually work together to work together. So if you input something in an email, you can make it go into a Google Spreadsheet(?). Just go check it out. It’s cool. Many shortcuts, track stuff in the Health App, get emails showing cool NASA pictures. 
Canva - AMAZING graphic design app/website for those who can’t use Photoshop (ie. me). It’s better online, but there are hundreds of templates for magazines, book covers, planners, posters, flyers, and basically any graphic design needs. Many free graphics and photos ready to use. Premium version is NOT necessary to get full benefits from this program. I used it to create this calendar for my room. 
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leviathiane · 5 years
this is going to be a long-ass post i am so sorry to Everyone! i take a lot of notes.
So, as You specifically know (as well as all of my lovely Soggers) I take a LOT of notes. Obsessively. I write fucking everything bc i have very little memory and very much paranoia. This results in literal Piles of notes. Raw planning, on paper, on my phone– doodles of scenes im brainstorming, bulletpoints, entire SCRIPTS– it’s all there but scattered (I’ve got scenes planned in the margins of my goddamn anthropology notes and deciphering it was a NIGHTMARE) 
I won’t even upload all the photos of my writing notebook, because itd be like 50 pages of illegible nonesense. but heres a couple of planning phase pages. (may be hard to read, I dropped this notebook both into some tidepools, into a creek on campus, and accidentally leaked my waterbottle onto it in my backpack :/) 
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if you can’t tell already, yes they all look exactly like this. Some are even more illegible, because I wrote them with the notebook half under my actual class notes. Because i wrote most of them in class. During lectures. And pretending very badly that i was not doing exactly that. (pay attention in class please i got away with this bc i was filling up elective units) 
I’m also flat out MISSING a large portion of my notes bc some of it? isnt even in the damn notebook. its on a sheet of binder paper, or on the empty back of an assignment. I’ve now lost most of those notes, but the ones i do still have are just as (even more, actually) indecipherable chicken scratch: 
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Wow, how clean and tidy and easy to follow! i am in hell. 
and this doesnt mention the PAGES and PAGES of outlines that are on my laptop, and the pages of outlined scenes that are on the notes app of my phone. if i put them all, you would have entire chapter spoilers up to the very end of the story so i cant post a lot of them– and also theres just a goddamn lot of them. currently i have 16 pages of outlining. There are no spacing breaks. It is a solid 16 page block of text. Looking at it gives me a migraine. 
some assorted notes which i have dredged up from the deleted parts of the main draft google doc go all the way back to when i started Wror in June and they are Barely more readable than my handwriting on sheer account of: articulation is not my strength. These include: 
“Ch 8 plan: sabo gets trained specially, awakens his armament haki, beats ace in a bunch of spars and proves himself to be anything but vulnerable. The boys are like “we fucking recognize that technique ryu taught you before us!!” and goad ryu into finally starting them both on basic haki training, just to awaken it, since sabo already has. Also this is the chapter that ace finally confronts ryu for his devil fruit after ryu confirms that some devil fruit users can’t be hurt without haki and ace immediately catches onto that and tries to slam his pipe through ryus head. It doesn’t work, ryu catches the weapon with a haki covered hand, to avoid turning to flame with hit and ace just gets frustrated and accuses ryu of hiding his devil fruit, because he remembers what he saw in grey terminal and that now that he has seen haki he can distinguish it from what he saw and he’s sure no one could do what ryu did. He calls ryu a hypocrite for coddling them even after telling them to stop coddling sabo and ryu has to sit them down and explain that yes he does have powers and he has been hdiing it and explains his reasoning. However instead of understanding th eboys just get fired up and say they don’t wnt to be scared of fire, especially not when it means ryu isn’t taking them seriously in a spar. Ryu finally agrees to start them on desensitization training for fire trauma. Fire desensitization training happens on the beach, so that they have water nearby in case things get out of hand. At some point ace gives ryu a considering look and is just like “if you have a devil fruit that means you can’t swim either right?” and ryu is basically just like “lmao yeah” and then ace immediately attempts to drown him. Lots of murder attempts in ace’s department toget his older brother to be less of an idiot with little success lol(extra: ace tried to attack ryu earlier both to confirm that ryu has a devil fruit that would force him to use haki to hide it, and because he now knows that he CAN’T hurt ryu without haki and as thus can’t beat him and make him admit he’s awake without being good at haki.)” [chapter 8] 
“Small sabo lost his hat and goggles in the incident and while he doesn’t remember having them future sabo notices he looks uncomfortable and keeps touching his hair and head. Ace yells at him for it thinking he bandaging are bothering him and that he can’t touch them but little sabo just comments that something about it feels wrong. Luffy blurts our that he had a hat, like luffy does, But he doesn’t now ace begrudgingly mentions that they can’t get a new one in town. Future sabo doesn’t even hesitate and just plops his own hat onto his younger selves head. It clearly too big for him, and almost falls over his eyes but he grins up at future sabo and is like “wow!! Thank you! I’ll take care of it till I have one of my own” and creates a paradox like Luffys own hat. The footsteps younger sabo has yet to fill. This HAS to happen AFTER the talk where they explain that future and past sabo are both the same person, to give little sabo that pressure.” [chapter 9]
“(Right after this older sabo takes them down to the ocean so that they can play a little and desensitize themselves and immediately fucks himself over when he goes weak in the water bc he somehow fucking forgot his own devil fruit again and now even younger sabo is on his case about not letting him near the fucking ocean that little goddamn HYPOCRITE—) )” [for chapter 9]
“Ch 9 plan: they finally leave dawn island. Starts with the boys getting a haircut after training and luffy mentions how long it’s been since they’ve last needed a haircut, giving sabo and ace time to point out that it’s been 2 months now since ryu joined them, and that sabo was completely healed by now. The boys are now aware of the basics of haki, and while luffy hasnt awakened either yet ace and sabo both have a little bit of weak armament haki. (sabo won’t awaken observational haki until he gets his memories back) ryu tries to sneak off into the city to steal a boat but his brothers refuse to leave him behind and keep sneaking out after him, not wanting him to go alone and saying that since he’s been training them they’re clearly stronger and he needs to let them do this. Ryu eventually just lets it go because why the fuck not it’s a dream and they make him feel better. They get the boat out on open ocean and finally fucking sail out, cheering loudly, ryu struggling to make them all calm down but also not really trying. He’s happy as shit, and they’re all so excited and happy and sabo dips a hand into the waves and then smiles so fucking wide and tackles ryu so violently they both nearly tip into the water and it’s just very very good. “ [also for ch 9] 
** I flat out dont Have any outlining from before chapter 6, because i only started actually outling chapters after that. i tend to just sit down and Write up until i hit a plot point or writers block and then am forced to actually think it through and plan rather than letting it come naturally. thats also why the quality and editing is better in later chapters despite everything being written within the same time frame. 
besides entire chapter outlines, there are the scene specific phone notes like:
“(ADDED) Right after they leave dawn, when sabo is sure they’ve gotten enough of a head start, he calls Garp. He doesn’t say who he is, but that all of the boys are safe and happy with him and has them all talk into the phone to assure him that they’re fine. Garp is honestly just pissed off he doesn’t know who’s calling and when he asks sabo just laughs and says a disobedient brat before hanging up. “
“(ADDED) TO EXPAND ON CH 3: sabo gets offered the chance to go with dragon, and he hesitates on the offer to go through with his previous life with the family he’s made in the revolutionary again. He almost agrees, because the bought of losing them in this lifetime is near excruciating but reminds himself swiftly that it’s no place for his brothers and not what they’d really want, and he wants selfishly to be with them as long as he Can until he “inevitably” wakes up. The boys are visibly relieved by this, especially ace. (Sabo gets asked who he is by dragon, who wants to know more about the stranger with his son, but dragon has always been quicker to make connections no one guessed and he just smiled knowingly at sabo and tells him he’s sure the other will have no trouble finding them if he’s in need. Sabo in turn warns him to keep Kuma close, and to look for a slave girl named koala.)”
I have…. many of these. I have Many of Everything. 
finally, i have scene doodles. if i hit a bad writers block it usually helps me to sketch scenes or the character designs to regain my grip on what the hell is happening in the plot– Breach of Intention has character design sketches, pakcbond has MANY scene sketches, even some of my nsfw has some sketches. my wror skecthes arent Good of course, I am an art teacher for children and that means i am more often explaining the color wheel and brush techniques over drawing perfect human replicas– and i just dont really make a lot of fanart? ive never drawn sabo before but i sure have a bunch now. i wont include close ups because they genuinely suck but heres an example pic 
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So… yeah thats about everything. this is a VERY long post and yet i only included like maybe ¼ or 1/5 of all the notes i have dbskhjgfkjadns lmk if anyone wants more (or notes for my Other stories, which contain NO WHERE the same absurd amount of shit that wror does.)
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scifigeneration · 5 years
Hackers seek ransoms from Baltimore and communities across the US
by Richard Forno
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Many of Baltimore’s city services are crippled by a cyberattack. The Conversation from City of Baltimore and Love Silhouette/Shutterstock.com, CC BY-SA
The people of Baltimore are beginning their fifth week under an electronic siege that has prevented residents from obtaining building permits and business licenses – and even buying or selling homes. A year after hackers disrupted the city’s emergency services dispatch system, city workers throughout the city are unable to, among other things, use their government email accounts or conduct routine city business.
In this attack, a type of malicious software called ransomware has encrypted key files, rendering them unusable until the city pays the unknown attackers 13 bitcoin, or about US$76,280. But even if the city were to pay up, there is no guarantee that its files would all be recovered; many ransomware attacks end with the data lost, whether the ransom is paid or not.
Similar attacks in recent years have crippled the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, shipping giant Maersk and local, county and state governments across the U.S. and Canada.
These types of attacks are becoming more frequent and gaining more media attention. Speaking as a career cybersecurity professional, the technical aspects of incidents like this are but one part of a much bigger picture. Every user of technology must consider not only threats and vulnerabilities, but also operational processes, potential points of failure and how they use technology on a daily basis. Thinking ahead, and taking protective steps, can help reduce the effects of cybersecurity incidents on both individuals and organizations.
Understanding cyberattack tools
Software designed to attack other computers is nothing new. Nations, private companies, individual researchers and criminals continue developing these types of programs, for a wide range of purposes, including digital warfare and intelligence gathering, as well as extortion by ransomware.
Many malware efforts begin as a normal and crucial function of cybersecurity: identifying software and hardware vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker. Security researchers then work to close that vulnerability. By contrast, malware developers, criminal or otherwise, will figure out how to get through that opening undetected, to explore and potentially wreak havoc in a target’s systems.
Sometimes a single weakness is enough to give an intruder the access they want. But other times attackers will use multiple vulnerabilities in combination to infiltrate a system, take control, steal data and modify or delete information – while trying to hide any evidence of their activity from security programs and personnel. The challenge is so great that artificial intelligence and machine learning systems are now also being incorporated to help with cybersecurity activities.
There’s some question about the role the federal government may have played in this situation, because one of the hacking tools the attackers reportedly used in Baltimore was developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, which the NSA has denied. However, hacking tools stolen from the NSA in 2017 by the hacker group Shadow Brokers were used to launch similar attacks within months of those tools being posted on the internet. Certainly, those tools should never have been stolen from the NSA – and should have been better protected.
But my views are more complicated than that: As a citizen, I recognize the NSA’s mandate to research and develop advanced tools to protect the country and fulfill its national security mission. However, like many cybersecurity professionals, I remain conflicted: When the government discovers a new technology vulnerability but doesn’t tell the maker of the affected hardware or software until after it’s used to cause havoc or disclosed by a leak, everyone is at risk.
Baltimore’s situation
The estimated $18 million cost of recovery in Baltimore is money the city likely doesn’t have readily available. Recent research by some of my colleagues at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, shows that many state and local governments remain woefully underprepared and underfunded to adequately, let alone proactively, deal with cybersecurity’s many challenges.
It is concerning that the ransomware attack in Baltimore exploited a vulnerability that has been publicly known about – with an available fix – for over two years. NSA had developed an exploit (code-named EternalBlue) for this discovered security weakness but didn’t alert Microsoft about this critical security vulnerability until early 2017 – and only after the Shadow Brokers had stolen the NSA’s tool to attack it. Soon after, Microsoft issued a software security update to fix this key flaw in its Windows operating system.
Admittedly, it can be very complex to manage software updates for a large organization. But given the media coverage at the time about the unauthorized disclosure of many NSA hacking tools and the vulnerabilities they targeted, it’s unclear why Baltimore’s information technology staff didn’t ensure the city’s computers received that particular security update immediately. And while it’s not necessarily fair to blame the NSA for the Baltimore incident, it is entirely fair to say that the knowledge and techniques behind the tools of digital warfare are out in the world; we must learn to live with them and adapt accordingly.
Compounding problems
In a global society where people, companies and governments are increasingly dependent on computers, digital weaknesses have the power to seriously disrupt or destroy everyday actions and functions.
Even trying to develop workarounds when a crisis hits can be challenging. Baltimore city employees who were blocked from using the city’s email system tried to set up free Gmail accounts to at least get some work done. But they were initially blocked by Google’s automated security systems, which identified them as potentially fraudulent.
Making matters worse, when Baltimore’s online services went down, parts of the city’s municipal phone system couldn’t handle the resulting increase in calls attempting to compensate. This underscores the need to not only focus on technology products themselves but also the policies, procedures and capabilities needed to ensure individuals and/or organizations can remain at least minimally functional when under duress, whether by cyberattack, technology failures or acts of nature.
Protecting yourself, and your livelihood
The first step to fighting a ransomware attack is to regularly back up your data – which also provides protection against hardware failures, theft and other problems. To deal with ransomware, though, it’s particularly important to keep a few versions of your backups over time – don’t just rewrite the same files on a backup drive over and over.
That’s because when you get hit, you’ll want to determine when you were infected and restore files from a backup made before that time. Otherwise, you’ll just be recovering infected data, and not actually fixing your problem. Yes, you might lose some data, but not everything – and presumably only your most recent work, which you’ll probably remember and recreate easily enough.
And of course, following some of cybersecurity’s best practices – even just the basics – can help prevent, or at least minimize, the possibility of ransomware crippling you or your organization. Doing things like running current antivirus software, keeping all software updated, using strong passwords and multifactor authentication, and not blindly trusting random devices or email attachments you encounter are just some of the steps everyone should take to be a good digital citizen.
It’s also worth making plans to work around potential failures that might befall your email provider, internet service provider and power company, not to mention the software we rely on. Whether they’re attacked or simply fail, their absence can disrupt your life.
In this way, ransomware incidents serve as an important reminder that cybersecurity is not just limited to protecting digital bits and bytes in cyberspace. Rather, it should force everyone to think broadly and holistically about their relationship with technology and the processes that govern its role and use in our lives. And, it should make people consider how they might function without parts of it at both work and home, because it’s a matter of when, not if, problems will occur.
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About The Author:
Richard Forno is a Senior Lecturer of Cybersecurity & Internet Researcher at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
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harpianews · 3 years
Lost your Android phone? Here's How to Delete or Block Google Pay and Paytm Account
Lost your Android phone? Here’s How to Delete or Block Google Pay and Paytm Account
There are times when you have lost your phone, and you are worried that someone might be using your data. Even when you are using a passcode or screen lock to lock your Google Pay or Paytm account, you must take the necessary action to prevent anyone from unlocking them. There are several ways to remotely delete or block your digital payment accounts, so let’s take a look at how you can do…
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chasholidays · 7 years
'All the stories you read as kids are true' Bellarke once upon a time.
The problem is this: Bellamy Blake does not belong in this story.
Of course, he must belong in some story. There is no being which does not have a story. But he does not belong in Alie’s story, and he’s going to make everything complicated. She had such a neat narrative, every story ending in a tidy bow, every major character accounted for. It was perfect.
And now, it’s going to be difficult.
She started as so many storytellers do, the first time she tried it: once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom, ruled by a just king and a beautiful queen.
These days, of course, the narratives are more complicated. The simple stories aren’t as popular anymore. The queen can’t be notable primarily for her beauty, and the king needs ambiguity, moral complexity. Diversity is important. The story can start off slow, but there must be twists and turns. There must be suffering. Happy endings are to be earned, not given by virtue of birth and status.
Good writers evolve.
So the queen dies, and the king is plunged into grief, and when his son dies, the line of succession is broken, and one of his advisers steps up to take his place. She spars with another adviser until the arguments become too heated and disagreement turns to passion, as sometimes happens. Love blooms where things were once barren, happiness grows out of sadness.
This is not, of course, exactly how it goes every time. But the broad strokes remain the same, no matter where the characters are, whether the princess is locked in a tower of stone or grief. The story should still work.
The story is going to work.
Bellamy Blake is an unfortunate side effect of an impulsive experiment.
The experiment was with the woodcutter, whose narrative value has decreased as technology progresses. It’s not a career anymore, woodcutting, and Alie has had to struggle to make him fit in. He works as an artisan now, a craftsman, and selling his creations online, he met Aurora Blake, a woman named after one of Alie’s first stories. That had pleased her, which was why she allowed it to happen at all. The woodcutter had no romantic entanglements, a quiet man who kept to himself, and a dalliance with the outside world seemed safe, for him. A good way to find out how expanding the parameters of the story might affect it.
She didn’t know about Aurora Blake’s son, and she didn’t know that the single night would result in a second child, a daughter. When the woodcutter found out, he did all the proper things, offering to marry Aurora and paying child support when she declined his suit. Alie was aware of Octavia Blake as someone of the story and not, a strange, dangling thread.
If all Bellamy Blake did was bring his sister back to her, Alie wouldn’t mind him. That’s a public service. But he stays, and that’s a problem. He’s not supposed to live here.
He’s not supposed to get involved.
She’s there, the first time Bellamy Blake meets Clarke Griffin. She doesn’t always witness things; sometimes, she has to read them in the book later, but it’s the weekly farmer’s market, and everyone in town comes to those. She wouldn’t miss it for the world.
In her previous stories, she’d put the princess with the prince, the natural pairing, and it had been fine, but lacked some punch, so she’s trying something new. Next time, she thinks she’d like to not kill the prince–it was a little too much death, this time around–but she doesn’t think they’ll be together again. The prince and the princess is just such a cliche.
So is killing off a character of color, come to that. She’ll do better by Wells next time.
But Clarke’s storyline has been going well. She’s been exploring her sexuality, finding her preference is for women and not men, and it’s progressing exactly as planned. She’s completed her relationship with Niylah and is well on her way to updating her label to lesbian. This market is supposed to be the next step, the beginning of her happily ever after. She and Lexa will meet and commence a long, complicated flirtation,ending with love. It’s going to be good.
Instead, Clarke bumps into Bellamy Blake.
Alie saw Bellamy come in with his sister and didn’t think anything of it. But Octavia went off with some of the other teenagers, and Bellamy was left to his own devices, wandering without much focus,
Until he bumps into Clarke.
It shouldn’t be anything. It should be a minor hiccup, but Bellamy catches her arm and Clarke looks up to see him, and Alie feels the shudder as the story begins to rewrite itself.
“Sorry,” says Bellamy. “I’m kind of lost.”
Clarke’s mouth twitches. “Lost?”
“Maybe not lost, just overwhelmed. The town’s so small, I thought the farmer’s market was going to be a block or two at most, probably just a parking lot. But this is–wow.”
“Good wow?”
“I’m impressed, yeah. You’ve got some amazing stuff here. I knew O’s dad was a craftsman, but I didn’t know he came from a whole town of artists.”
“I guess it’s one of those things, yeah,” says Clarke. “We’ve always been a kind of traditional place.”
“I noticed. It was like walking back in time. I wasn’t even sure you guys would have wifi.”
“We’re old-fashioned, not stupid.” She offers her hand. “I’m Clarke Griffin.”
He shakes. “Bellamy Blake.”
“Trust me, I know. We don’t get a lot of new blood around here.”
“Wow, that was a creepy way to say that. Definitely not worrying you guys are a weird cult who want my organs now.”
“Like you weren’t already worried about that.”
“Not that specifically. I was still coming up with possibilities. You have to admit the place is creepy,” he says, giving her a look. “Just a little.”
“Creepy? Seriously?”
“Nowhere is this nice and friendly. I walked into the diner and had a job by the end of my first day, and it’s actually enough to pay for me and O’s place.”
“O is your sister? Mr. Harris’s daughter? She’s staying with you.”
“Yeah. Our mom died a few months ago and she’s not eighteen yet, so–” He shrugs one shoulder. “I couldn’t get custody without her dad’s approval and I couldn’t afford our place in the city, so I figured–fresh start, right?”
“And now it’s going too well and you’re suspicious.”
“Trust no one.”
They’ve walked past Lexa’s booth by now, and she’s engrossed in a conversation with Gaia. She and Clarke didn’t even look at each other, which is not how the story is supposed to go.
Clarke laughs, and Bellamy smiles at her, and Alie narrows her eyes, jaw tightening.
She hasn’t had a challenge in a while. Maybe it will be novel.
The best stories tell themselves. The author creates situations, but she allows her characters to react on their own as much as they can. Alie has her setting, Lucis, and her cast of archetypal characters, and her magic, but every story she tells is different. Every story is shaped by the individual characters, by their choices and interests, and every author, Alie is sure, has experienced the frustration of a character not reacting how they were supposed to, how they were expected to.
This is on a level she’s never experienced, though.
She knows things about Bellamy. He’s twenty-five, eight years older than his sister, and he’s felt as if it was his responsibility to care for her almost since she was born. There’s nothing wrong with him, exactly, but he is not hers, she does not control him, he does not belong in her story. He’s not the one the princess is supposed to want to be with.
But she does. Every time Alie turns her attention away from Clarke’s story, checking on the romance between Nathan, the miller-turned-programmer, and Monty, one of the farmers, or the progression of the political and personal conflicts between Clarke’s mother and her new husband, Clarke will have gone into the diner to flirt with Bellamy.
And Bellamy, outside of her control, keeps barging in on scenes that Alie never even thought he’d be in, and as soon as he’s there, he takes all of Clarke’s attention.
And despite her best efforts, she can’t get rid of him. Charles Pike won’t fire him, because he’s a good worker. Indra Birch won’t evict him, because he’s a good tenant. Calvin Harris likes having him and his sister around. Everyone seems to think he’s a good addition to the community, to the story, and that means Alie’s hands are tied.
She does what she can, of course. Gina Martin is a nice girl, unattached, slated for a tragic premature death. Alie gives her reasons to cross Bellamy’s path, trying to distract him. After all, just because Clarke is interested in him doesn’t mean he’s interested in Clarke, and Alie isn’t privy to his thoughts.
In the end, all she accomplishes is getting Gina and Raven Reyes in the same place, and instead of Raven falling for Kyle Wick, as she was meant to, she and Gina begin a courtship.
Things are unraveling at a truly unprecedented rate. One foreign element and suddenly nothing is going according to plan.
“I didn’t think Raven and Gina liked women,” Clarke tells Bellamy, after the two of them discover Raven and Gina on a date. “I thought I did,” she adds, under her breath.
“Who says you don’t?” Bellamy asks.
Clarke bites her lip. Alie’s been watching her more and more, being where she’ll be more than usual, and it’s been odd, witnessing her changing. None of her creations have ever evolved so independently of her. Not really.
“I thought I did, but–I like men too.”
“Me too,” says Bellamy, with a shrug. “I like men and women. Plenty of people do.”
“They do?” Clarke asks, and Alie mouths the words along with her. That’s something to think about; it hadn’t occurred to her. She’d thought everyone was just one way or the other. Binaries tend to appeal to her.
But the narrative would be better served by more choices.
“Jesus, I know bi-erasure is bad, but I can’t believe you guys didn’t even know it was a thing.” He nudges his shoulder against hers, doesn’t move away after. “Get your phone out, google bisexuality.”
They lean over Clarke’s phone together, heads bent close, and Alie finishes her drink.
At least she learned something.
She thinks about killing him, of course. It would be easiest. Another tragedy for Clarke to face and overcome, and it would sever Octavia’s ties to the outside world, letting her integrate fully into the narrative. It would be so much easier, and it would get the story back on track. An elegant solution.
Her mind is most of the way made up when she’s reading the book one night and finds that Clarke confessed to Raven–I think I’m in love with him–and the words are there, in black and white, somehow unexpected, in spite of everything.
Love. Clarke thinks she loves him.
It is possible to recover from a lost love. Alie has seen it; second chances can be a beautiful thing. But Clarke’s already lost plenty of people in her life, her father and her closest friend, and she’s overcome it. She’s bright and thriving and happy, and she’s in love with a boy who–
Well, that’s the other thing. Alie doesn’t know. For the first time, she can’t be sure how this story will go. She thinks Bellamy loves Clarke too, that they’ll be together, but she doesn’t know.
How wonderful, to not know what’s going to happen.
She can’t wait to find out.
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dvrk-link · 3 years
I've been thinking about everything that happened to me.
It is true that for a long time I have felt bad and empty in fact 10 years ago. Things did not fit, I did not feel part of anything, I made an effort and excited about things that I could never achieve and I was completely disconnected from my environment, friends, family etc.
During that period there were also difficult family situations in addition to what happened before that period and I ended up being exposed until years later. I felt completely alone and abandoned from everything. I did not want to live, I organized a perfect plan to kill myself I worked and raised the necessary money to carry it out because I did not want to die in worse conditions than I already was. But in that period someone appeared who seemed to understand what was happening, made me feel special and that he cared. He asked me please not to do anything against my life, that he loved me and was important to him. I was developing feelings for that person but I did not want to accept it quickly, I was afraid of being hurt so I kept my distance because I did not understand why that person was so good to me and at the same time I showed him love and affection without him feeling invaded or overwhelmed.
It turns out that that person started a relationship and it shocked me, because after the way he treated me he began to be with that person. It didn't make sense to me. I felt like an idiot and little thing, I felt ridiculous for even thinking of interpreting his affection in another way, so I continued to keep what I felt for him with more repression within me to continue feeling his friend. I was with him in difficult times and put my things aside so that I could support him and help him as much as possible. Time passed and he ended their relationship. A few weeks passed from that event and I was tired of saving what I felt for him, I no longer wanted to continue pretending that nothing was happening, the pain was increasing inside more and more so I decided to confess what I felt waiting for an imminent rejection and end it. However, it was totally different. He told me that he felt the same way about me. That lately in his last days of relationship he dreamed of me a lot, that I treated him well and gave him confidence and we began to be together. Now that I think about it, how could this be? He told me that he loved her, but hey, don't think about any of that at the moment. I was just happy because he wasn't expecting any of that for me, but it was clearly a fantasy. I was wrong, I tried to support him in every possible way, I neglected everything, I just went through doing everything for him and for him. It was my world. I began to try to spend the nights awake to be able to accompany him but that ambition passed the bill and I began to fall asleep.
When that happened, the cell phone stayed on and he got nervous, he began to mistrust me, he didn't believe me when I went to school, I had to send him photos of where he was and audios. Even so, many times he did not believe me, he began to insult me, he finished me and I was looking for him desperately to only receive more insults and be treated, among other things, as mentally ill and psychopathic. Then he would come back, ask for my forgiveness and I accepted without thinking, saying that I was the only one who made him feel something good, that he was special to him, that he was the person he had always dreamed of. In an attempt to make sure everything was fine, I deleted all social networks that I had, I stopped talking to all my friends and classmates from school since he was annoyed when he knew that if I took a while to answer him it was because he was talking to other people. So I just walked away from everyone. For me he was more important than any other person or thing.
Still the problems continued the same and worse. If he lost the signal on a family trip, if he couldn't respond immediately, anything was reason to break up with me and insult me. There was a moment when I couldn't take it anymore, and I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. It didn't work out and he just said that he wouldn't want to continue in a relationship with me if I had any aftermath from that incident. My mom found out what I tried and took me to the psychiatrist and psychologist. They gave me pills that only made me feel worse, he was upset because I went to the psychologist's sessions and could not answer his messages, he began to tell me that I was making up all that I asked friends to pose as my therapist and things So. He began to have full control of my accounts, even checking my Google search history. It was completely isolated. Not know what to do. That period of treatment the ill-treatment continued unabated. Then he finished me again, a week passed and I was able to talk to him. He was strange and had completely changed. Sooner rather than later I discovered that he had dated a person who was interested in him, I discovered that he wrote things on his social networks speaking badly about me but not directly, I discovered that he continued for a period of time talking with the ex of he. That he went out with his friends and had a good time, that he wanted to join more social activities and go on with his life quietly while I was totally isolated and thinking about what the hell to do to make our relationship work and everything was calm and normal, trying don't think about bad things and keep at least one good thing in mind.
After discovering those things, I contacted a friend, I needed to talk to someone about everything that was happening to me and she without telling me went to talk to him facing him. He got angry with me, he insulted me more, he told me that he would end me if he did not block my friend and I did it out of fear. A short time later he began to study, and he told me that he was going to finish me because he did not want to miss the opportunity to meet better people, then he came back with me, but he told me that it was a shitty distraction that all I knew was to distract him when I it didn't even bother him less when he knew that he studied every day. It was a horrible year, every time I was left with less self-esteem than what I had, he treated me like garbage, he invited me multiple times to live with him but when I had everything ready he told me that I was crazy and that it would only ruin her life. lifetime. Eventually he graduated as the best of his institution. And well me, I started to injure myself to somehow redirect all the pain and frustration that he was feeling. I tried multiple times to have social networks again to contact friends and I could not because each time he entered and began to talk to them pretending to be me leaving me as a totally unbalanced person answering everything without sense and insulting my friends, eventually for those reasons he had to erase the networks again out of shame.
The third year I tried to get into college and I was in a good career, but unfortunately the problems did not diminish they got worse. I couldn't have female friends because I became a lesbian, I couldn't have male friends because I was a prostitute then. I tried to pay attention to classes and I couldn't, I tried to study but I couldn't, I realized that continuing to try didn't make sense so I dropped out of university. Defraud everyone. And he told me that it was my fault, that he was a very idiot etc. Since that year I stopped being patient, I began to answer him, I tried to make myself understood more explicitly and the discussions completely overflowed. He didn't want to acknowledge or do anything about it, I just had to understand him and put the past behind him in his perspective for everything to be okay. He was totally mad at me because I was insecure and didn't trust him. He told me that that way we would not move forward and it would be my fault. I told him to help me and he was upset saying that he could not continue the relationship like this, that it was better to end. And he did, but then he came back and I was always there to receive him, I didn't stop asking him for help regarding the things that hurt me, which I needed to recover from, but he always got upset if I told him that. That I had to do my part, that I couldn't blame him for everything, that the relationship wasn't about me, that I had to understand him, that I felt bad alone, etc.
This continued the same until 4th year with the difference that I again entered college and this time I was adamant about keeping the friends I made. And that completely disappointed him, I always stressed it, even so, he continued to be the priority in my life. However, he sent messages insulting my friends and things like that and everything remained the same until at the end of the year he decided to finally end me because he couldn't handle the situation anymore. This frustrated me too much, I did not understand why if I had not even really tried, I did not understand why this person promised me so many things and told me that he loved me and it was forever to then leave me so bad and just do that nothing had happened. It took 3 months and a little more to really talk again and everything promised to be better in that fifth year, until well, everything was made clear that he had no intention of helping me with any problems that I had with respect to the past, either insecurities, lack of confidence, self-esteem, security, she just had to deal with it alone. Insults, mistreatment, contempt, all of that remained until this year. The only thing that changed in all this time was that he no longer controlled my social networks and I was able to have friends again. But obviously while still making me feel guilty about it. Until a few weeks ago that, he decided to finish me again because he did not see sense of this and that he felt very bad. He was worried about finding another woman and not hurting her, because he didn't want to do the same to her as he did to me and that he wants to be happy with her.
The only thing I can think of is, I am worth so little as to leave myself like this and with double traumas, of unsolved situations, totally destroyed in every way you think, as to make me go through situations like this for years and treat myself even worse for wanting to assert my pain and trying to find a joint solution to it so as not to have thought about taking care of me? I am so little worth that I had to be completely destroyed to the depths and then run away thinking of someone new who should I care for and value? But not me? I don't understand, I don't know what the fuck I was and why I trusted so much and put so much hope on it. I feel completely dumb and destroyed much more and more deeply than 10 years ago. I don't know what to do with my life, nothing really makes sense. I only think about killing myself but I can't because I don't want to hurt anyone, not my brother or my parents. But I would be so happy if I could die, ceasing to exist is the only thing I wish from the bottom of my heart.
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pegasus-ghost · 4 years
We had a big fight
It all started when she told me she lost her wallet and lost all ID and bank cards.
She had to block her cards. And she lost her birth certificate and ended up being stuck, not able to get her bank or cards unblocked because she don't have an ID. And she don't have the birth certificate to get her ID back.
I don't have money myself and she was feeling troubled and all. I had extra money from the gift I get from my boss due to my hard work with my projects. So I lend her my credit card for like $600 and paid off the debt.
And a month plus later, she still hadn't received her birth certificate. Her phone was about to be cut off and she was stressed out again. I still don't have money but I decide to help her with $40 to pay her phone bills.
After that, I started having suspicion. I asked her why didn't she use the money I gave to pay her phone bills? And she said she had to use the money to pay for meds.
I had a bad feeling from this. It looks like a red flag to me. I keep giving money to her and I just knew her. She told me she sent her laptop and bought me a nintendo switch. But when I ask for the tracking number, she kept giving me excuses saying she don't know the tracking number, she tracks it down with her phone instead and she has a paper receipt.
When I ask for the receipt, she said she don't know where she placed it and she has to find it. And when I ask her to get the tracking number online then, since she said she tracks using her phone number and she has an online account with the parcel company, she said she don't know how to navigate it. That's odd, she's a developer and she literally could google anything and learn stuff online. And she can't even navigate a simple online account for a parcel company? And then she said she couldn't find the tracking number in the online account, it's not there.
So if it's not there, how did she know that it's still processing and not lost? The stuff she claim to send are expensive. Why was she not worried at all?
I asked a friend on medicines and my friend said in USA, meds are free and people with jobs are covered by medicaid insurance, unless if they are jobless. So why would she need to pay for medicines?
Then I checked the process on how to get your account unblocked and how to retrieve your birth certificate by asking a friend, and she asked her american friends and one of them turned out to be a girl who works with homeland security.
So all these people have been telling me that this girl is saying bullshit stories to me, and stupid excuses. They explained it's not hard to get documents replaced and to get the account unblocked. They explained the steps and all that.
This just adds more red flags to her.
And then I confronted her, I pretended like I wanted to be helpful and I wanted to ask people around on how I can help get the documents faster for her so she won't be in deep shit.
The moment I mention homeland security, she lost her shit. She yelled and cursed at me and started accusing me that I don't fucking trust her and why did I tell homeland security 'friend' of mine her personal financial problems and all that. She started being extremely defensive, then she accused that I was cheating on her with this homeland security girl I talk to and shit. Then she accused me saying 'i thought you don't have friends and all of a sudden you have an american online friend who just happens to work with homeland security?!'
I got really upset to see how she responds. Instead of trying to explain herself and apologize that she made things look suspicious, she became extremely defensive and paranoid.
That's another red flag.
I know she is the kind of person who is extremely private, but if she got nothing to hide, why would she be so paranoid and scared? Why would this trigger her so much?
So many red flags. Even if she's innocent, her acts make it look like she's suspicious and is trying to hide something.
I am ashamed of myself for falling for so many red flags. I keep preaching to people to avoid red flags because it's common fucking sense. But apparently I fell for the same trap.
I broke down. Learned my lesson. Never give money out anymore. I just don't text or contact her right now because I still have suspicions and I don't wanna be getting into another stupid fight with her being all defensive. There's no fucking point.
Right now all I can do is to learn my lesson and move on.
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and aligning with frequencies
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TGIWednesday News
This has everything to do with teaching, learning, meetings, zoom etc.  Can you imagine in this day and age not having electronics/frequencies in cooperation? There would be even more chaos going on than there is right now!  Ugh……..so we really want to clean and clear those up so that we’re more in the flow of communications and be more Zen-like if you will.  If you are, I can assure you that everything flows better for everyone involved.  Oh and speaking of having everyone involved, I love having a ton of folks on our monthly Zoom event.  If you haven’t joined us, try one and tonight's might be the one to do for sure. The energy and frequency vibrations are palpable... no kidding... and the reviews and emails have been stellar.  I really believe all of coming together to create changes can make a huge group difference in you and your life! Sign up here or read more below.
FINAL DAY to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through end of day TODAY USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through end of day TODAY, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ ALIGNING WITH FREQUENCIES ~ I believe, think, know and feel that when electronics and our personal frequencies are congruent that all things are possible. I am ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes energetically for every aspect of my life to improve here and now.  I know, when, where, how and why to rise above the fray and come in to alignment with the congruence of my life’s mission. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. 
TONIGHT'S Live Zoom Event
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TONIGHT SEPTEMBER 30th LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
We want to help you address and un-learn any bad habits or belief patterns ie: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising, intolerance, procrastination.
And what would you like to replace it with and learn more of?  Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, compassion or what new skills or capacities would you like to learn?
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 30th "Today I will leave my problems at the feet of the holy spirit. I will acknowledge that there is a better plan that I am unaware of and it is a plan I never even considered that will be so much better than my plan, I will be impressed."
From the Fish Box
“TRIPLE HEADER SUCCESS” A recent testimonial submitted from a weekly phone session/daily prayer client. As my mentor used to always say, keep in mind your results May Vary, lol but this is a DREAM to read.   
"Healing with Jimmy Mack is a Rewarding Delight. First I asked Jimmy to heal the gum disease I had suffered with for years. Jimmy sent HEALING ENERGIES, then the week after Jimmy’s session, I went in for my dental check up my dentist announced, no more gum disease! In fact this is my best check up. Second, I asked Jimmy to heal my hair had been falling out in clumps for months. Jimmy said I inherited this pattern from my paternal Grandfather. Jimmy sent HEALING ENERGIES - IMMEDIATELY my hair stopped falling out. Third, I lamented to Jimmy how I lost my job in March due to Coronavirus. I have been applying since March for unemployment, but I had only sustained delays and obstacles. I asked Jimmy to send Healing Energies to my Claim and within days my claim miraculously was approved!  I received ALL retroactive pay due to me $13,640. I was crying for 1/2 hour thinking how much I had suffered financially since March. When I asked JIMMY MACK For HELP...MIRACLES MANIFESTED. I am grateful grateful for Jimmy. He is our angel on Earth helping us all." - Mimi M. / North Carolina
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden (Rev. Debbie will return in Oct)
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and aligning with frequencies
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TGIWednesday News
This has everything to do with teaching, learning, meetings, zoom etc.  Can you imagine in this day and age not having electronics/frequencies in cooperation? There would be even more chaos going on than there is right now!  Ugh……..so we really want to clean and clear those up so that we’re more in the flow of communications and be more Zen-like if you will.  If you are, I can assure you that everything flows better for everyone involved.  Oh and speaking of having everyone involved, I love having a ton of folks on our monthly Zoom event.  If you haven’t joined us, try one and tonight's might be the one to do for sure. The energy and frequency vibrations are palpable... no kidding... and the reviews and emails have been stellar.  I really believe all of coming together to create changes can make a huge group difference in you and your life! Sign up here or read more below.
FINAL DAY to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through end of day TODAY USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through end of day TODAY, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ ALIGNING WITH FREQUENCIES ~ I believe, think, know and feel that when electronics and our personal frequencies are congruent that all things are possible. I am ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes energetically for every aspect of my life to improve here and now.  I know, when, where, how and why to rise above the fray and come in to alignment with the congruence of my life’s mission. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. 
TONIGHT'S Live Zoom Event
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TONIGHT SEPTEMBER 30th LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
We want to help you address and un-learn any bad habits or belief patterns ie: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising, intolerance, procrastination.
And what would you like to replace it with and learn more of?  Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, compassion or what new skills or capacities would you like to learn?
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 30th "Today I will leave my problems at the feet of the holy spirit. I will acknowledge that there is a better plan that I am unaware of and it is a plan I never even considered that will be so much better than my plan, I will be impressed."
From the Fish Box
“TRIPLE HEADER SUCCESS” A recent testimonial submitted from a weekly phone session/daily prayer client. As my mentor used to always say, keep in mind your results May Vary, lol but this is a DREAM to read.   
"Healing with Jimmy Mack is a Rewarding Delight. First I asked Jimmy to heal the gum disease I had suffered with for years. Jimmy sent HEALING ENERGIES, then the week after Jimmy’s session, I went in for my dental check up my dentist announced, no more gum disease! In fact this is my best check up. Second, I asked Jimmy to heal my hair had been falling out in clumps for months. Jimmy said I inherited this pattern from my paternal Grandfather. Jimmy sent HEALING ENERGIES - IMMEDIATELY my hair stopped falling out. Third, I lamented to Jimmy how I lost my job in March due to Coronavirus. I have been applying since March for unemployment, but I had only sustained delays and obstacles. I asked Jimmy to send Healing Energies to my Claim and within days my claim miraculously was approved!  I received ALL retroactive pay due to me $13,640. I was crying for 1/2 hour thinking how much I had suffered financially since March. When I asked JIMMY MACK For HELP...MIRACLES MANIFESTED. I am grateful grateful for Jimmy. He is our angel on Earth helping us all." - Mimi M. / North Carolina
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden (Rev. Debbie will return in Oct)
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes