#how the fuck do you tag Kristin
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lilliancdoodles · 1 year ago
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This is fucking sending me. XD
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She IS pretty cool from what I've heard and seen :D!!! She's very awesome, and I think that she's uhh swag :]]]
your parents are.. certainly interesting!!
– tubbo.
[ooc notes; tommy blogger.. I. I think you should yap in the tags more. Like NOW!!! /silly]
I MEAN I COULD 🤗🤗 do you want to meet my mum :)) do you want to meet my mum :)) do you want to meet my mum :))
It would have to be over altar unless she visits 🤔 but she isn’t a ‘give me your most sentimental possession’ type god, honest 🤗 just maybe a cup of tea or a plant :) mum likes plants.
#dsmp tommy#rp blog#I FUCKING LOVE YAPPING IN THE NOTES ‼️‼️ I yap so much down here it’s almost funny. always ooc but i love chatterboxing abt story things#going with the Parentzas being death + a haunting creature of shadows. do you know. how hilarious. it is that our Wil has no hybrid features#LIKE THATS SUCH AN UNLUCKY TICKET!!! BOY WHAT HAPPENED!!!#it’s fine Wilbur instead got the absolute dogshit mental health that comes from living with a creature that needs to remember to turn its#head and blink at the same time /j#i said Phil was LEARNING how to human not that he’s mastered it okay#logically he’s definitely been trying to be more human-y for absolute centuries prior. because people know him as angel of death/a reaper#but like. damn bro you’re STILL fucked up after all that time studying huh . no human-ify duolingo? just stuck in the uncanny valley? yiikes#i also like to imagine Kristin having piglin features (maybe from being a patron goddess piglins ask for mercy before hunts? so they don’t#die in the nether?) but that’s neither here nor there. just a way to explain techno’s pig aspects#Tom’s just outright fucked up and Odd though. boy got hit with shapeshifting and like. DREADFUL luck. literally been struck by lightning#mentions tubbo#mentions ranboo#mentions kristin#hmmmm fuck it. rest of sbi too since they’re in tags#chat’s extensions of Phil’s psyche that can pick what information to send him but that’s a separate can of worms#mentions techno#mentions wilbur#mentions phil
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dorylinae-supremacy · 1 year ago
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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miko32 · 11 months ago
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Born Into the Seven Ruler's of Devildom
I was isekai'd to a world in a book. The title was "Kristin in the Harem of the Seven Demon Lords." Like its title, a human named Kristin was brought to Devildom against her will and had to survive through the temptation of the seven demon lords, who were brothers and avatars of the seven sins.
The seventh brother, Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth.
The sixth brother, Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony.
The fifth brother, Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust.
The fourth brother, Satan, the Avatar of Wrath.
The third brother, Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy.
The second brother, Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.
The first brother, Lucifer, the fallen angel, the Avatar of Pride. My father. The one who succeeded in seducing the human Kristin and impregnating her.
I was in shambles with the ending. Lucifer had kicked Kristin out, banished to the swamp and died giving birth. The baby survived and was named Leilel by Kristin, and that baby is me.
I'm Leilel Morningstar, the child of Lucifer Morningstar.
Chapter List
1, 2, 3, 4
Tag List (Anyone can ask in the comment or send a message and say hi! I would really love to talk to you :D )
Chapter 5 --- First Day at School
The school quickly descended into chaos as all the demons talked about the new humans, their conversations soon turning to the previous humans in the program.
"Why didn't Diavolo invite Solomon?"
"Perhaps due to the incident with the human girl who was killed."
"Do you think there might be an 'accident' involving the human girl?"
"Ahaha! That would be quite dramatic!"
"Just another nephilim they have to deal with!"
Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
That's all I could think of as I walked toward my classroom. This is messed up, absolutely messed up. Why in the world would Diavolo start the exchange again? After thirteen years, at the same year I enrolled?! What kind of stupid fate is this?! Ugh. Whoever God from up there or down here must’ve hated me. Why do these things keep happening to me?!!!
"Ah!" My foot caught something, and I fell face-first.
A group of demons laughed at me.
"Ahaha! Watch where you're going," the demon kicked my side. I let out an 'uf' as I felt another demon put their boots on my back, holding me down.
"Argh!" Fuck! Fuck! Oh, how fate truly hates me.
"Iuuu... She has some sort of weird smell."
"What do you expect from a swamp demon?” I felt the demon lift his boot. I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.
I looked up from the floor, my view only to a familiar pair of white high-heeled boots.
“You low-born demons, it’s the third bell! I will not have you punk demons ruin Diavolo’s precious academy on the first day,” Mephistopheles scolded.
The demon who has his boots on me turned to Mephisto. I slowly lifted myself up, surprised at Mephistopheles defending me.
“Fuck off Mephist-”
Mephistopheles lifted his cane to the demon’s neck, silencing him. The demon gulped.
“With the new human exchange students, it is ordered that there will be no fighting between students.” Mephisto stepped forward, pushing the demon into the wall, his purple aura flowing from his hand through his cane. “So you better follow that order, or I’ll put you on the list of Diavolo’s enemies.”
Mephisto struck his neck with the end of the cane. The demon doubled over, coughing.
The demon coughed and nodded. Mephisto gave a glare and his friends pulled him away, leaving me and Mephistopheles in the hallway. I placed my hand over my side, emitting a healing power. I felt Mephistopheles staring at me.
I should say thank you. “Um, tha-”
“Don’t,” Mephisto cut me off. “I will need you in good shape to show me the warehouse, correct?”
Oh. Right. I nodded.
“Good, now quickly get to your class,” he lightly pushed my leg with his cane. I flinched and glared at him. He smiled back and walked to his class.
I sigh relief. I choose a great demon to be my support. For now.
I gave myself a few minutes to let the healing power work through my back. Then I lifted myself up and went to my first class, History of Devildom. I had memorized the classes I take in this building, and I was able to arrive in time. I sighed with relief as I took my seat. Luckily, no one seemed to care about me. And… I looked around the classroom. No demon brothers.
A woman walked in, small pointy red horns on her head, short white hair, and a scowl on her face.
"Sit DOWN!" she shouted to the whole class. Of course, she would be the teacher. The student take their seat as the teacher scold. "As it is mandatory to introduce myself, even though you punk demons don't need another History Lesson 101 all over the decades because you're all lazy punks!"
She lifted her index finger, with long red sharp nails that could reach the ceiling. She scratched it on the blackboard behind her.
I closed my ears and gritted my teeth. The teacher spelled out on the blackboard her name, "Miss Viles."
"Now, all of you will address me as Miss Viles! Or else!" she pulled out a metal ruler and snapped it. A crackling sound burst through the room like thunder, but there was no lightning. Thankfully, I'm already used to the sound in the swamp. "And! I do not tolerate-!"
I jolted in my seat. That familiar voice... A demon behind me whispered, "Oh no, it's the scumbag greed brothers."
My eyes widened. The greedy scummy brother would be-!
Running steps were heard approaching from the hallway. Miss Viles groaned and held the door. When the demon stepped into the doorframe, she slammed it.
I blinked my eyes, a demon sprawled on the floor. He had messy white hair. He was the avatar of greed, Mammon.
"HEY! I could've smashed the door, professor!" Mammon protested.
The demons behind me murmured, disappointed that Mammon didn't get slammed. That was obvious; Mammon had speed no demon in the realm could match.
Miss Viles glared. "Mammon, I will not repeat myself! Come to class on time!"
Mammon waved his hand. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got ya!"
A knock on the door, and it opened, revealing a cute tan girl with brown hair. “Um, Ma-Mammon?"
I gasped. She’s one of the human exchange students!
“Ah! You must be Carina, right?”
“Ye-yes,” Carina stepped into the classroom, offering her hand. “Nice to meet-”
“I see you’ve already rubbed off on Mammon’s behavior,” Miss Viles ignored her hand. Carina slowly put her hand away with a frown. “Just because he is your caretaker doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be late for my class!” She slapped her ruler, making a thundering noise. Carina yelped.
“I-I-I’m sorry! Please don't kill me!” Carina bowed her back in fear. Students behind me snickered and laughed.
Oh no. This is just a repeat of what happened to Kristin. Bullied, mocked, threatened to be eaten. Not to mention, her caretaker was the same demon Mam-
The said demon had his face close to mine, staring at me. I was frozen in my seat, scared to death.
"Yo! Miss Viles! Who is this demon?"
What is he doing?? What does he want?! Did he realize??!!
Miss Viles blew her mouth. “Oh, that’s just the new baby demon from the swamp.”
“Wait!” Mammon banged the table, and I stood up, stepping back from my seat. “You’re the youngest demon?!”
“Uh-uh-uh, yeah?” Oh no, he must’ve realized I’m Leilel! FUCKING SHIT! I need to escape through the window!
"Oh yeah, you're the same age as-" Mammon suddenly stopped. He frowned at me, clicked his tongue, and sat in his chair. The whole class went quiet.
What's going on? Just a moment ago, Mammon was bothering me and now the whole class went dead silents. I glance at from the corner of my eyes, the whole students closed their mouth as if being sewed.
Miss Viles sense the discomfort, clears her throat, and clapped her hands. "Well, I guess that’s enough chaos. Let’s start class."
I sat back into my chair, dreadful and nervous. The classroom table is for three people, and I’m sitting with the poor human Carina and demon Lord Mammon.
Oh, God, why do you hate me so much?
My heart beating so fast it may have fallen out of my ribcage. My hand sweats like a pig. I take a slow deep breath. Distracting myself with the professor's lecture. I look from the corner of my eyes. Mammon was leaning over his crossed arms, yawning. He seemed to be bored out of his mind and ignoring everyone around him. I sighed in relief.
Then a quill tapped on my book. “Hey, I’m Carina, what’s your name?”
I flinch. Fuck. Quite bold this human wants to introduce herself to a demon on the first day. Very unfortunate that demon is me. If I become acquainted with Carina, I will be involved in Diavolo’s and the Seven Brothers' twisted game. They would let Carina be friends with me, then make me the evil demon who's out to eat this girl while the demon brothers protect her. It’s how they tricked Kristin and gained her favor.
And it’s going to happen again. I gritted my teeth and turn back to my book. I ignore her. I can’t get involved with her. Never.
I hear Carina let out a disappointed sigh. I clenched my pen. My consciousness was heavy with guilt. I'm really sorry. But her fate here had been predestined. And there’s nothing I would and could do. I'm still trying my hardest to survive here, and it's not been easy. Not without my blops though.
I exhales through my nose. I miss them already.
Suddenly Carina leaned on me, looking at my book. "Hum... La-mi? Lami?!"
I closed my book with a loud thud. For a human, she doesn't have a decency to keep a person's private space and business. Great. This kind of human would easily go down at least in a month.
I was about to scold her. "You...!" I stop as I saw the surprised look on her face, as if she can't believe what she's seeing in front of her. Her eyes cast down and up to my face. I blink. Why is she...?
Then her mouth curved into a grin like the Cheshire cat. “Wow, Lami” Carina mumbled with a smile. She giggled. “You’re thirteen, right? That makes me older than you.”
My left eyes twitch, shiver all over my back. Is this human a creep?
“What are you two talking about?”
I almost jumped in my seat when Mammon interrupted us.
Carina giggled. “Oh, I’m just introducing myself. Lami is so shy~” she gave me a weird smile. All the hair on my neck stood up.
What is this?
“Ik!” Mammon exclaimed. “Why would you wanna be friends with a demon from the swamp? They're the lowest of the lowest demons.”
Carina gasped. “Ma-Mammon!”
I rolled my eyes and returned to my book. A tan hand blocked my book with his palm. It was Mammon looming over me with a smirk.
“Not even the lowest demon wants to live there. You must’ve loved the smell, huh? I hope you shower twice cause I ain’t smellin - BUH!"
A board eraser smacked into Mammon’s head, and he fell backward into his seat.
“Kyaaaa!!!” Carina screamed.
“Human! Quiet! Mammon! Pay attention to the class! You've been in this class for decades! I had ENOUGH!" Miss Viles turned at me with a glare. "You!" She point her really-really long nails at me. I gulp. "I knew a demon from a swamp will have no manners whatsoever. So I'm going to assign you three, to DETENTION!" she slap her ruler to our table, creating a thunder sound over the class.
Carina scream loudly into my ears, hiding under the table like a mouse. Mammon was still on the floor, maybe passed out. The whole class laugh and mock us until Viles silents them. Then she went back to her lecture with a huff.
I take deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths. My heart may as well going to heart attack. How I wish it would happen. How I wish I was dead and send to Celestial Realm.
"I hate first day at school."
The first bell rings for the next period, and I swiftly exit the class, my feet carrying me away.
“Ah, ah! Lami!”
It's Carina calling me. I keep running. Though the guilty conscience still lingers at the back of my mind, asking me if I'm going to let what happened to Kristin happen again.
I shake my head. No, I can't do that. I can't help anyone but myself. I keep running toward the RAD newspaper office.
Mephistopheles has his arms crossed, scowling at me. “Detention? On the first day?”
I frown as I open the map of Devildom. “It wasn’t my fault, it was that dumb greedy demon, Mammon!”
“Yet, you got yourself involved with that demon?” Mephistopheles clicks his tongue. I scrunch my face in anger. Demons. Why did I even bother defending myself? I take a deep breath, settling my anger down. After I relax, I focused on the map, pointing at a location.
Mephistopheles looks over the map, his frown deepening. “The park?! Are you insane? A thousand years of searching for the rebellion's illegal operation is there?!”
“It is there, just hidden.” I rummage through my satchel and pull out a small dual-sided standing mirror. “See the forest behind the park? It’s an illusion. They used this ancient spell, a double mirror, reflecting what they recorded in the mirror and making it like a big whole projector.”
I demonstrate with my mirror, reflecting the fireplace. The first side captures the fireplace like a picture with a camera. Mephistopheles watches silently. Then I turn to the second side, facing the other side of the room. The reflection now shows the door as a fireplace.
Mephistopheles gasps, standing over his couch. “I’ve, I’ve seen this spell,” he points to the mirror. “If we had walked through the line where the mirror is placed,” Mephisto steps to the fireplace, touching it. “Everything becomes real.”
I nod. “That’s why none of you can find the place.”
Of course, I know this from the novel. The chapter tells how one of the rebellion demon approach Kristin, offering her an escape from Devildom. In exchange, Kristin would give them a key to Lucifer’s real Cerberus at the basement of the House of Lamentation. Since their operation is based on recreating the demon dog Cerberus, they would need the blood of the real Cerberus. After a while, Kristin decided not to continue, not wanting to cause chaos in Devildom.
Stupid girl.
The novel said she trusted those brothers, giving them a second chance to redeem themselves. Yeah. Where are you now, huh, Kristin? Buried in the unknown dirt of Devildom, leaving me behind.
I grit my teeth and clench my hand on my lap, trying hard not to let it show on my face. So I scrunch my face and exhale.
Mephistopheles doesn’t seem to notice me, busy taking notes and talking to himself.
“Alright, alright,” He taps his notepad. “I’ll be with reinforcement to see if this is real.” He looks at me seriously. “If we find nothing, I’ll personally escort you to Barbatos's torture room at the Demon Castle.”
Hearing Mephisto threat made my heart stop for a second. Oh, fuck. Do I really want to risk my life with a novel I just read through the internet?
Fuck this. I close my eyes and nod.
“Good, if you try to escape,” I suddenly feel a weight around my wrist. Mephistopheles' mark shines, creating a shackle around it. “The mark will be your chains, is that clear?”
I gulp down my throat. Since when is he able to do this? I nod again, praying to God above to let my plan goes well.
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adrianainthesnow · 6 months ago
hello! just popping to say I decided to read making your own worst enemy on a whim last night, and after finally finishing it 24 hours later (cough its 2am cough) I really, really loved it. i do find it really funny that I was just thinking abt how short the chapters were for an 88k word fic, and then i got to The Chapter and ah. it made sense.
the fucking. "fun" fact at the end of the clementine part definitely made me want to bawl my eyes out although this sentence definitely gave me an amazing feeling of satisfaction And it made me giggle:
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also i just really fucking love the reoccurring use of blue in this fic, with how techno reads tommy's happiness as blue to tommy's transmogrification powers showing up as blue (and how he only got it back when he felt REALLY happy AND the noticeable lack of those powers when in dream's home) and then it all just ties back with how wil uses blue to find his way home (also just a GREAT reference to ghostbur's blue in canon which. sobs)
ALSO ALSO I LOVE KRISTIN IN THIS im not usually a huge fan of when kristin isnt physically present in fics (i was looking through her tag when i came across your story) but how you wrote her was so fucking funny and cool and a great subversion of the usual "dead/death goddess kristin who only gets mentioned in One sentence and is otherwise not relevant to the plot besides backstory purposes"
anywayssssssss i really REALLY loved your fic and can't wait to read the rest of it! (in your own time, of course)
So glad you like it! Yeah... yeah chapter 14... uh, got away from me?
The color theory is a lot of fun in "Making Your Own Worst Enemy." I went ham on the blue references lol.
Kristin in Making Your Own Worst Enemy is such a fun character. She's out here being chaotic and adopting freaking out supervillains. I especially love her in the Tommy chapters. She's so fun. XD
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beerecordings · 1 year ago
The Other Monster - Chapter 1/4 so far
From my Graceling AU - Based loosely on Kristin Cashore’s Graceling books, this is a magic-medieval setting where Jameson is a child who’s been raised by Anti - a Monstrously beautiful assassin and abuse survivor who's come to see the world as evil. As Jameson starts to question his brother's perspective, he discovers another Monster in need of his help: Marvin the Magnificent, who's been abducted from his home and sold to the highest bidder.
Previous fics in this world: One l Two l Three
Next Chapter
For more context, I'll add that Anti and JJ are Gracelings (beings who have a supernatural ability of some kind). Anti is capable of Persuasion, and JJ is still discovering his power. In the books, all Monsters have a kind of Persuasion, but I didn't give that power to all Monsters, only Anti.
And let me be real upfront before we get started: this fic is never explicit in any scene, and absolutely never fetishistic, but it involves Anti continuing to process severe child sexual abuse, including incest, and Marvin being trafficked, held prisoner, and sexually abused. There is no pressure to read. I will tag carefully, but be aware these themes continue throughout. That being said... it's a story about healing and loving people anyway. Because a lot of us are all processing some stuff of our own too.
Okay. Let's go. And let me know if you want to see more <3
He dreams of Chase.
“Keep up, slowpoke!”
Running through the grass with their hands clasped together, turning to heave the child into his arms when the mud reaches his little brother’s thighs, making him shriek with laughter as he swings and rocks him through the muddy valley in mid-spring, blowing blubber kisses into his fat toddler tummy.
He dreams of Jackie.
“Keep quiet, keep quiet! You have to stop laughing.”
Sneaking through the hallways of the castle one at a time, beckoning for each other when the coast is clear before darting into the kitchen to steal lemon poppyseed muffins and jam bakes and a jug of apple cider each, causing trouble and then retreating as fast as their teenage feet could carry them to their rooms in the high tower or the swaying tree house they built for themselves in the arms of the old oak tree beyond the courtyard.
He dreams of his cousin.
“You study too much, come on, come play with us.”
Slamming cards and chess pieces down against the table as they played games at rapid-fire speeds, their eyes sparkling with a shared enthusiasm for the fond competition between them, exchanging insults in a half-dozen different languages, gossiping about everyone they know and laughing for the fun of it, curled up in front of the fire with mulberry wine and Henrik’s company to keep him warm through the winter time.
He dreams of his family.
“Where are you?” he whispers to the shadows. “Why haven’t you found me yet? You said you’d keep me safe, please… I know I act like I can take care of myself, but I’m scared. I’ve never been this scared in my life. I don’t want to be sold.”
A slam against iron like the striking of swords jolts him from his sleep with a scream. He grabs his own shoulders and shoves himself back against the walls of the cage, staring in terror up at his captor, who looks back with bleak blue pelican’s eyes, thoroughly unimpressed.
“Age?” he asks, holding up a pad of parchment.
Marvin breathes hard, staring around his cell, blinking.
“Still surprised to find yourself in here? You been in here three fucking days, start adjusting. Age?”
“How old are you?” asks the man, enunciating his words slow and mocking. “How many years do your parents say you are when your grandpappy asks?”
Marvin squeezes his eyes shut, flushed with humiliation. “I – I’m twenty-six.”
He writes it down, unperturbed. Marvin wraps his arms tighter around himself, shivering in the cold. “Can I have something to eat?” he croaks out. “I’m starving.”
“Better if you’re thin,” answers the man blandly. “Maybe in a couple days. What’s your name?”
Marvin clutches his knees to his chest, staring at the filthy floor in front of him, his eyes flickering back and forth. “Fabian,” he whispers after a moment, hearing the frailness of his own voice. His whole body is giving out on him. His mind too, he expects. He closes his eyes. “I’m Fabian.”
“Good,” says the man, scrawling on his notepad. “You’ve already learned to lie about it. No one cares about your old name. No one cares about your old life. Forget it. You’ll never go back to it.”
“My family would pay a lot of money to have me back,” cries Marvin. “And my brother is a Graceling warrior! You ought to let me go before he finds me, or I swear to God that you’ll regret being born!”
“Glad to see you’ve resorted to threats instead of biting and screaming like that first day,” grumbles the man, shaking out the wound on his hand that Marvin gave him.
“You deserve it!” Marvin screams. “You and everybody’s who’s trying to steal me away! I’ll kill you like I killed the first one who grabbed me! If he didn’t have his fucking friends there – ”
“Any health concerns?” asks the man, staring down at his clipboard.
Marvin breathes hard, tears dripping down his face, holding himself in the middle of his cold cell.
“I… I’m allergic to walnut,” Marvin whispers, shrinking in on himself and closing his eyes.
“Great,” says the slave trader. “I’ll mark that down.”
He turns and walks away.
Marvin stares at the floor. The tears dripping onto it humiliate him. Everything is a humiliation. Everything is a threat. Everything wants to use him. To hurt him. To take him away.
He remembers being rebellious as a child when his parents would shave down his hair and make him wear coverings in public or hide him away during state dinners, never letting anyone but Jackie and Chase and Henrik see him, sometimes even telling guests they had only two sons to keep him a secret. He complained about being a prisoner - isolated, guarded, not allowed to grow up like a normal kid. At the time, the pain of his being hidden away from the whole rest of the world felt like something that would destroy him. It makes him want to laugh now, but all that comes out is a quiet sob. He should have been more careful. He should never have gone into town with Chase. He’s thirteen now and old enough to get anything Marvin needs from the city without him. What Marvin wouldn’t give to be back in their little summer cabin right now, making pancakes or swimming in the lake with him. With no one staring at him or touching him. With food in his belly and a friend at his side.
But the one upside to this hunger and the cold and the grief are that they keep sending him back to sleep. Back to dreams. He drifts off once more soon enough, chewing on a strand of his hair like he’s a five-year-old again, rocking himself against the stone walls on his every side.
He dreams of his parents, and his childhood.
“I don’t want to go to bed yet, Momma.”
“You don’t have to just yet, baby.”
He would like to be a child again, rocking on her lap, curled up between his parents by the fire. Jackie would be on the floor, looking up at him with his big child’s eyes, just a couple years older and protective from the start. Watching over him. With everyone close. With everyone holding him. He would like to be safe again.
“I don’t want to go just yet,” he whispers, pressed into his mother’s arms. Jackie would struggle up onto the enormous bed and squirm his way into his mother’s arms beside him, landing soggy child kisses on his face and reaching out to be held by their father, patting his chubby hands against his shoulders when he’s picked up and snuggling down against them both, the four of them sandwiched together in the warmth.
“You can stay,” his father would say, stroking his hair, blue as the galaxy, shining like its closest stars. “You can stay, my little son. No one will take you away.”
They had made him this promise time and time again. Even before he was old enough to realize it, his parents understood the curse that he was born with. No one, they said, will take you away. Even if we go. No one will take you. Jackie will protect you. Won’t you, Jackie?
And Jackie, from the time he was three years old, had nodded and promised with more intensity in his Graceling eyes than any child should ever have to muster.
“Yes, Marvy. I will protect you.”
He’s spent his whole life protecting Marvin. He’s given him everything he had. It wasn’t his fault. Marvin knows that. Their parents should never have made him promise. Their parents should never have promised him they could keep him safe. No one can. No one ever could. He should have known.
“I’m just a Monster,” he whispers, when consciousness comes to hurt him again. The walls of the prison cell stare back at him, wide-eyed and silent. “The whole rest of the world knows that this is where I belong.”
Forget that old life. You will never get back to it.
Marvin realizes that this might well be true. Up until this moment, he never knew it was possible to be this afraid.
“Please, Jackie… please hurry. Please find me soon, my brother.”
It's always so strange, watching the spiral his brother goes through before his birthday.
He doesn't think Anti knows that he notices, but it's been happening for years now. Anti starts out overenthusiastic at the start of the month, but as the days go on, he grows quiet, deflates. He's never liked the idea of Jameson growing up. He doesn't think he was supposed to notice that either.
He knocks on the door of Anti's study, waiting for a rumble of an answer before he comes inside. Or tries to. The door is locked. He hears his brother get up and come to the door, unlocking it and letting him in.
"You're locking your study now?" Jameson asks.
Anti scowls. "You never know who might come in."
The fortress where they live is all cold stone and locked doors, always has been. Jameson knows it's not normal for the serving girl to have only one hour a day when she is allowed to clean one room at a time, and even stranger for her to be blindfolded when she serves them dinner.
But he also knows why they do it.
"Come sit," says Anti, patting the chair across from his desk before he goes to sit back down. Jameson notices a new patch of dried blood on one side of the cushion. Who did his brother kill here, and for what? A business deal gone wrong, an insult he couldn't abide by? Or did someone catch a glimpse of him, and figure out his secret?
Anti tucks away some papers on his desk, and Jameson studies the lines of his brother's face. He knows how rare a privilege it is to be allowed to do so. Rarer still for Anti to look back at someone without suspicion. With warmth. Sometimes, Anti even lets Jameson touch his face. Scratch his small nails along the rough texture of his beard.
His brother was born a Monster, not that Jameson will ever understand the word. Even after all these years, he's so fond of his brother's appearance. The skin is clear and smooth, no matter how little he cares for it, and even the scars seem artful, charming, intriguing. His mismatched Graceling eyes burn with color, green and blue, each competing to be brighter than the other, and the dark beard and waves of emerald hair are so familiar to Jameson. He remembers the first time he met him, when Anti came to his room to save him. He remembers asking his brother if he was an angel.
Not an angel. More like a demon. Always a Monster. But never to him.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Jameson signs, and Anti's quick to turn his head from his work. He swore to him years ago he would never ignore his signing, and he's not sure the promise ever leaves the front of Anti's mind.
Since he's about the only one who understands him, Jameson's grateful.
"You done with lessons for the day?" Anti asks.
"And you took care of Bertrand?"
"Of course I did."
"Good." Anti finishes shutting his drawers and gives Jameson his full attention, looking at him keenly from across the desk. "I need your help with a mission."
Jameson's stomach turns over. "I don't want to watch any more dying, Anti."
He sees his brother bite back on a sigh, his eyes fluttering closed for a second, and Jameson squirms in his seat. They've talked about this so many times, he knows what Anti's going to say before he says it.
"You have to learn how to kill someday, Jameson. I'm trying to get you accustomed to death. But if you're not ready yet, we can wait. It's okay for you to be a kid a while longer."
Right, thinks Jameson flatly. That wonderful conundrum of Anti wanting him to be fully grown and tiny forever at the same time.
"That's not it, though. I just need you to wait outside while I storm a building. A girl will come out and you can take her somewhere safe. Then I'll come get you and we'll go home."
"That's it?" asks Jameson suspiciously. "I just have to wait outside a building? Won't the girl wonder why I can't talk?"
"I'll tell her you can't. Just lead her away. To that big church nearby that you like. It will be easy."
"But can't some of your... minions help? Or Anja or someone?"
Anti starts laughing. "Minions, is that the sign for that? No, James, I can't trust lackeys with this, and partners even less so. Anyway, Anja is in Loughlin. You'll have to come with."
"Somebody tried to cheat you, then, and you're punishing them."
His brother pauses for a moment, looking him over. "No," he says. "They don't know me. But the girl is innocent and the rest are not. So you'll wait outside for her. Tomorrow night, okay? So get done with everything you need to do before then."
Well, it doesn't sound so terrible. "Okay, fine. I'll do it."
"There's a good kid. Come on, darling. You ready for some dinner?"
"Yes, let's go!"
He loves when Anti takes the time to eat with him. His brother puts a hand on his shoulder as he leads him out of his study, locking it firmly behind him, just like the rest. "And maybe we should talk about your birthday coming up," adds Anti.
Jameson looks up at him, surprised. It's not a topic they bring up, usually: Jameson getting older. He doesn't understand why, but he knows his brother's never liked it, knows celebrating his birthday is always something Anti has to force. It's like a secret they keep, at times - one of many.
"What about it?" Jameson asks.
"Like what you want to do and get for presents," says Anti. "You're going to be ten, after all. That's a milestone."
"What? No, Anti, I'll be eleven."
Anti stops short and looks at him, mouth curved down.
"I'll be eleven," Jameson repeats. "I was ten last year. Do you remember?"
"Ah," says Anti, and for a long moment, he's quiet. "Of course you were. I do remember."
And then, softer still, "you'll be eleven."
"Maybe you could stay home with me all day," Jameson offers. "And we'll go for a ride with a picnic, and we can have the beef with gravy I like for dinner?"
But Anti's doing that thing now, that thing that he does around his birthday. A sad thing, Jamie thinks, or maybe a mad one. He can never quite tell. But he looks at Jameson, and then right through him, and it's like he stops seeing him completely. He wonders what his brother sees when he looks at him like that.
"Of course we can," says Anti, but Jameson doesn't think he understood him at all.
It's happening more and more, lately.
Jameson puts his arm around his brother's waist and hugs himself against his side. Anti can give him missions and lessons and duties if he wants, and that's okay. But his real job is always going to be this: taking care of Anti, like Anti takes care of him. After all, if he doesn't do it, he knows there is no one else in the world who will.
Next Chapter
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years ago
all i want to do is turn back time (at least a couple tuesdays)
by nqviiez (brickadoodledo)
He was frozen; he doesn't want to do this.
He doesn’t belong here—he’s not welcome, he’s being an asshole by opening these doors.
For certain, Wilbur Soot does not want to open these doors.
But he does.
As he pulls them open, dust flying around as the seams finally part for the first time in centuries, and despite it's physical challenge, it still proved more hellish than it ever could've been because of how crowded his thoughts had immediately become.
He directs his guilty expression down, down from the ceiling he’d looked at to keep his tears from curling around the corners of his eyes.
And, when he does look up, Wilbur’s heart fucking sinks.
Or, Wilbur Soot, your neighborhood two-hundred-year-old, has the scare of his life as he's brought back to his childhood home, where certain events partook that he's not thrilled about reliving.
  Or or, a Haunting Of Hill House/Bly Manor AU.
Words: 9493, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV), The Haunting of Hill House (TV 2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Jack Manifold, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin Rosales Watson
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & Kristin Rosales Watson, Phil Watson | Philza & Kristin Rosales Watson, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: Angst, Unhappy Ending, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, Wilbur Soot is immortal, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, TommyInnit is a ghost, ghostinnit, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Good Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Sad Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot-centric, Inspired by The Haunting of Hill House, Inspired by The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV), Reincarnated Phil Watson, Title from a Lovejoy Song, Insanity, Insane Wilbur Soot (Kind of), This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think
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antimony-medusa · 1 year ago
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Okay so this is something that is constantly causing fandom spats.
Dsmp!phil is not q!phil, q!phil comes from hardcore. That's the first big distinction.
But even specifically within the world of hardcore that we know from hardcore streams, there are differences— on hardcore streams the ender king is discussed as being a dead entity drowned in endlantis, but in qsmp he's a malevolent force who's trying to get to Phil, and importantly, q!phil has a specific history with the ender king and has said things like "anything but him" whereas hc!phil flying around in a hardcore stream does not like— meet the gods generally, all their action is supposed to have happened long enough ago that like— things are covered in vines, etc. However, this being canon does not stop people import things from dsmp into qsmp and say they're canon or canon in the way that they are in dsmp (example: wil and phil are family in both dsmp and qsmp. HOWEVER, in dsmp Wil is Phil's bio child and he raised him, and in qsmp they met on the train and wil adopted himself, saying that Phil was "dad-shaped", and whoever raised Wil is unknown. I have still seen people doing lore analysis assuming that Phil raised Wil and is the source of his unhappiness about his childhood. And for example, Tommy was on a Wil stream and was introduced to Tallulah as an "uncle", and people went "uncle = brother, brother = one of phil's kids" and added Tommy to Phil and Missa's page as a son, despite that being a thing that was only canon on origins and never canon on dsmp, just a popular headcanon).
And our canonicity of things like SMPEarth is very unknown, because for example, Phil has frequently talked about Technoblade and the Antarctic Empire, and discussed SMPEarth experiences with Fit, but this was always in kind of dubiously canonical mode and he explicitly made fun of people adding it to the wiki, so like, who fucking KNOWS there.
The thing that is making us go WHAT DO YOU MEANNNNNN today is that Kristin was Phil's confirmed in-lore wife as the goddess of Death in DSMP, and people assumed that also applied to hardcore because of his references to her there (despite it admittedly being unclear how she fit into the pantheon and the fact that when he was asked about kristin in hardcore he showed us a named axolotl), but today he was offered an opportunity to canonize goddess of death kristin, which we all assumed was canon from hardcore and imported from hardcore (and we had one clip about it) and then he explicitly declined to canonize it— because he's planning a big reveal? because it was never canon? WHO KNOWSSSSS. I have just re-read your tags and realized you weren't asking about this at all but I have already written my epic so I'm just gonna post this as a monument to how q!phil lore is unknowable and baffling.
FASCINATING q!phil lore today, I'm gonna have to rewatch this VOD. He basically doesn't believe in permanent death, just people stopping you from coming back? He's died once before? He'll come back if he dies "unless someone needs me and stops me"? He can't promise that he'll come back if he dies, but he'll try his best, so that's why he acts like it's best to never die? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, BIRD MAN.
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knight-arts · 3 years ago
Lmfao hey. This is a reupload of a ‘do you love the color of the sky post’ (the philza version) because my first art account got yoted. Very sorry about this (not really). Also is ‘long post’ still banned. Can y’all see this?
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Do you love the color of the sky, Mr Minecraft?
Hello, you’re here now.
This took a month - I am sloww. From July 23rd to August 23rd 2021
Edit after reupload: a cut up version is on Twitter lol
The rest of this will be a copy a paste (with edits) from the previous blog. All the rambles and explanation for each part and each person (as in why Tubbo is being held by his leg/ my thought process for them)
Before I start rambling, I want to mention the fact that Phil is never looking at the sky around him, but at the faces and expressions of his friends.
There are two more people in addition to the sbi and Kristin from the last one (The first version of this post). Tubbo and Ranboo, whom I just consider sbi++ tbh.
First one is none other than Miss Kristin herself. I actually used a picture from their Instagram as reference for their clothes. I actually straight up imagine this was from their wedding day(?). I hope I drew Ms Kristin okay. I’m still figuring out how to draw her tbh.
Second is Wilbur. So when I was drawing all of them, I was thinking of what expressions they all would be making. Like Kristin and Phil would be all happy and stuff. And the idea of Wilbur just fucking grappling with the idea that if Phil drops him, it’s fucking over. He’d be done for. Dead (maybe). That idea was funny to me for some reason. So I imagine he just has a look of acceptance/fear while Phil is trying to figure out if he’s okay.
Third is Tommy. He probably gets dropped. L. Because you probably don’t carry someone like that while flying. (Probably because how am I supposed to know.) Tommy is just fucking screaming his lungs out btw.
Tubbo! He actually fucking fell. I asked my friend, “Help me make a decision. Tubbo and Phil. Cute. or Chaos.” “chaos” “CHAOS IT IS” So the idea, in my head, is that Tubbo was originally given a piggy back ride. Tubbo, chaotic, just sort of climbs Phil like a jungle gym or smt and sits on his shoulders. It was great for like five seconds and then he fell. You fucking bet he’s grappling with the idea of death.
Ranboo. The one picture I had in my head the whole time I was drawing them was just. “L o n g c a t.” Cause Ranboo was drawn in such a way that I was thinking of cats being picked up.
Techno. Again, that’s not the way you hold someone while flying but yeah. Techno is probably the only other person to not feel fear in this whole thing. The first being Miss Kristin
(It seemed fitting for Ranboo and Techno to have the aurora scene)
And the last one. Idk man I just wanted to draw a god.
This is the Angel of Death, between storm and chatters.
(The feathers mean nothing, they’re just a nice transition)
(If you made it here, please, please, please, consider reblogging. Thoughts in tags or not, I will appreciate you so much)
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sebastianstansqueen · 2 years ago
Where Do We Go from Here 1
A/N: I'm going to up date this series usually Every other Thursday But I thought I'd give ya'll the first official part today , if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.
Wordcount: 1,491
Warnings:  Angst, arguing, brash commentsI think that is all actually
Masterlist // Series Masterlist // Taglist open// Spotify Playlist
Tags: @cherryblossomsky - - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @leyannrae - @avengerlex - @pineprincess - @nik2writes - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel - @elizacusi-blog - @valhalla-kristin
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You hadn’t seen Bucky since graduation, from high school, and it made you a hell of a lot more nervous than it probably should have but hey the last time you saw the man he had been a dick towards you so you’d guess that was reasonable enough. What you were invited to was a ‘family’ dinner, more like a party, mostly filled with some family and the rest just mafia family members. As much as you wanted to avoid Bucky tonight, you knew you couldn't do that, if anything that would be the worst way to handle the situation, you currently wore a long black tulle dress with a plunging neckline and two slits in the legs, and black stilettos, your hair and make up done to perfection, you walked out to the large black SUV with one of your fathers drivers in it waiting for you. 
The party was grand for being outside it had gorgeous lighting, along with large trees and dark green lush grass, you walked nervously pushing a peace of hair behind your ear, your heart beat fast and rough in your chest, you took a few deep breaths, you’re father found you and hugged you. “How have you been in the past week?” He asked you. 
“Nervous since you asked me to marry my childhood best friend, who pushed me away in high school.” You said a little bit bitterly. “I’m sorry if I sound harsh.” You apologize for your words. “I’m just nervous.”
You walked around saying hi to old friends of the family, everyone but Bucky you had talked to you were doing exactly what you didn’t want to do avoidance. So eventually you sucked it up and walked up to your soon to be fiance, Bucky had the same dyed balck hair that sat at the nape of his neck where a tattoo you’d hadn’t seen before sat on the right side of the neck. You were so close and you sucked in a breath. “Hi.” You said as you stood across from him. 
“Hey.” His deep voice rang out. 
“So, how have you been in the last ten years?” You questioned. 
Bucky looked at you, and he shook his head. “Let's not try formalities Y/n.” He said harshly. “This is a shitty situation that we are both stuck in.”
“Okay, so you're still keeping me at an arm's length, good to know.” You huffed out as you walked away from him just trying to be nice. 
You shook your head at yourself you should have known he wouldn’t have changed, but the tiers burned in your eyes, you truly did care for Bucky he didn’t seem to care for you, and you don’t think he ever would. You walked up to your father who was talking to George Barnes once again. “Hello Y/n, I am so glad to see you once again, my how you’ve grown.” The older man hugged you. Then he pulled away and noticed your eyes look glassy. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing Sir.” You pushed off. 
He looked at you with furrowed brows. “You were just talking to my son, did he do something?” 
“No Mr. Barnes, I am fine, just a little tired. I've been up since five working on a case.” You huffed. “I think I need to go back home.” You smiled weakly before heading out. 
 George looked towards his son. “I’m sorry if he did anything to upset your dear daughter Henry, I don’t fucking understand what gets into my child when it comes to her.” He apologized, then walked towards said man.
Bucky looked at himself, he wore a simple tux with the jacket, shirt, pants and tie, he kept his hair in the usual style he wore it in. He headed down to his collection of luxury cars, he got in and started the vehicle, he pulled out and went through the large garage, once out of the gate of his property is when the anxiety hit him, what the hell was he going to say to Y/n when he saw her, what was he going to do this wasn’t going to be the night that he proposes to her, but this was the night he first has seen her in ten years, he wondered if you’d died your hair, like he has for a multitude of years. 
Bucky got to the outdoor party and he walked into it to find his and your father talking together, he huffed and thought that was his only option, but he was stopped by Steve. “Thought you could use a shot.” Steve told his closest friend, holding out the drinks. 
“Thank god for you.” Bucky said taking the shot and throwing it back.
Steve smirked. “Are you nervous to see her again?” 
Bucky huffed, about to say something when your father rushed across the yard, Bucky’s eyes followed the man seeing him hug Y/n, her y/h/c hair was long but curled while her makeup was done up to notch, and her well pedicured hand patted her fathers back you hadn’t changed but at the same time you did you changed into an elegant refined woman, Bucky was tempted to walk over to her but he held himself back he knew that once she was safe and could get out of this marriage she would devorce him. 
Bucky watched as Y/n walked about and talked to old friends and ‘family’ Bucky knew she would eventually make her way towards him Steve currently kept him company while he waited for her to come up he prepared what to say to her. Then she eventually did come up to him. “Hi.” Her kind eyes looked directly into his blue ones.
He smiled softly. “Hey.” 
Then he forced himself to harden his expression, she looked up at him still with a gentle look in her eyes and a soft smile. “So, how have you been in the last ten years?” 
Bucky shook his head, he told himself he was keeping his distance, this was how he was defying his father.  “Let's not try formalities Y/n. This is a shitty situation that we are both stuck in.” It came out a lot fucking ruder than he ment. 
Y/n nodded, giving a tight lipped smile. “Okay, so you're still keeping me at an arm's length, good to know.” She huffed walking away.
Steve stood next to him with a judgemental look on his face. “I know I fucked up.” Bucky told his friend. 
“I know why you started to push her away in high school. Why do it now when you have to do this?” Steve questions looking at the campaign he held. 
They watched as Y/n hugged Bucky’s father, before she left, Bucky stood there for a moment before his father came up. “What the hell did I tell you last week?” His father hissed. 
Bucky got snarky. “Do you want me to quote you exactly?” 
George nodded. “Why not?” The older man shrugged, Winnifred came up to prevent a screaming match or a physical fight. 
Bucky’s nostrils flared. “I’m going to do the big proposal thing, and I’m going to have the big wedding and the honeymoon and I’m going to be a good husband and I’m going to do all that is needed to win her over, and get her to love me, father I listened, but I have some things I want set up for her.” 
“Talk. To. Henry.” George snipped. 
Bucky huffed, before walking towards the man whom he had a plentiful amount of respect for and that was Y/n’s father he stood waiting as a woman hit on the man probably for his money Bucky excused himself into the conversation. “James.” Henry spoke in a neutral tone. 
“Hello Mr. Y/l/n, um I want to talk about the union between me and Y/n.”  He spoke to the man. 
“What is it James?” Henry asked the younger man. 
Bucky inhaled sharply. “I want it to be like a normal marriage.” 
“I intended it to be a quote, ‘normal marriage’.” Henry told him as he slowly sipped on the drink in hand. 
“Not that type of normal, our normal.” Bucky emphasized.
Henry tensed at what he was implying. “I won’t ask that of my daughter, James, I’m not like you. I will not hurt her, rather I don’t care if it is physical or mental.” 
“I have never hurt her.” Bucky said with a clenched jaw.
“Tell a sixteen year old Y/n who was devastated when you told her that all she was useful for was to get married and to look pretty, she has a very successful career as a lawyer. I won't ask her to give it up for something she has worked for.” Henry told him. “If you want it you work up the balls and talk to my daughter.”
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bonesandthebees · 2 years ago
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I posted 3,130 times in 2022
That's 1,340 more posts than 2021!
1,601 posts created (51%)
1,529 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,903 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 1,314 posts
#the stars and their children - 445 posts
#anon - 444 posts
#spruce anon - 333 posts
#reblog. - 232 posts
#bones writes - 152 posts
#ramblings - 144 posts
#snowflake anon - 142 posts
#mcc - 115 posts
#ask game - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and we were talking with potential jurors who had been interviewing for this specific trial the day before and were on day 2 of selection
My Top Posts in 2022:
i wish so badly someone else had been online during kristin's little run around on the dsmp because imagine how funny that would've been in character like
c!foolish, logging on to check on his builds: oh hey phil!
c!mumza, stumbling around drunk while the crows pull her in different directions: oh fuck uh HI I'M TOTALLY PHIL YUP DEFINITELY ANYWAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE POOL IS
3,472 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
god i love c!foolish he was really just minding his own business when he saw the fireworks go off and then he saw c!quackity about to get stabbed and was just like "ah shit okay I knew we genetically engineered that slime army for something" like he is really just the epitome of an employee who is not getting paid enough for this shit
3,600 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
cricket crew is literally two bisexuals, two mlm, a lesbian, and a guy who eats mud
3,760 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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just your average utah family
6,732 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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my first cc notice and it was me calling wilbur soot a bitch on twitter
10,893 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dorylinae-supremacy · 5 months ago
Parentsduo upon ye!
Tags: Dark SBI, Zombie Apocalypse AU, Dark Phil, Dark Kristin, Dark Techno, Dark Wilbur, Mentioned cannibalism (not in detail), Fighting, Guns, Violence, Kristin and Phil are deeply insane, Partially Immune Twinsduo, they get forced to eat human and have some zombie instincts, ~800 words, you get the vibes as you read
Au where Phil is crazy and his kid (Wilbur) is partially infected so he has to get survivor meat for him. 
He ends up finding another survivor, Kristin, who mentions having a son too but that he’s ill and she’s on a supply run for him.
Phil feeling bad but not stopping his plan and rationalising it that if he doesn’t feed Wil then he’ll be as dead as her son so it’s equal in an awful way.
Him saying he can bring her back to his camp (easier than dragging her body) and she follows happily.
But when he says she can take whatever she wants from a backpack and readies his gun to kill her, she apologises and twists around with a gun to shoot him too.
Them both staring at each other for a bit (and him feeling pettily betrayed) and calling her a bandit. Her being just as mad and saying it’s not her fault that her son has to eat and this is the only way she can do it.
Kristin accusing him of not even having a son and Phil says “fuck it” and kinda traumadumps about how he’s half infected and needs to eat human.
Her being shocked and asking very seriously if he's lying and him scoffing and asking why he’d even bother because saying he’s a bandit would be easier. 
Him asking why she even thinks that and her explaining that her son is the same and that she was gonna kill him for food. Phil being shocked but apologising before raising the gun back up because he’s not about to let his son starve so hers can live.
Her grinning sharply and saying he’s outnumbered because he’s been trailing them the whole time, maybe calling out all sweet to techno and saying he can come out now. 
Phil twisting around and seeing Tech stumble out from the bushes ready to fucking maul him.
Kristin apologising all sweet and saying that she’ll put Wil out of his misery if she finds him so he won’t have to starve. Phil twisting to shoot her but Wil bursting out their tent and attacking her.
There’s a whole fight where Techno goes for Wil and then Phil drags him off so there's a fight between them while Kristin fights Wilbur.
They’re both getting injured with scratches but neither wanna shoot in case of actually getting their kid in the crossfire so it's just a horrible situation to be in for both of them.
But then there’s another survivor bursting in and asking what the fuck is happening. Everyone stopping while they go on a lecture about how they’re injured and how everyone should stop fighting and band together.
They’re cut off by both Techno and Wilbur banding together to maul the shit out of them because they’re far easier prey than either of their current fights.
Kristin and Phil both being injured and just watching unsure of themselves because the boys are sharing now dead survivor just fine.
Kristin says that this is all she wanted, a meal for her son and (if Phil is willing to follow along) she’s willing to let him and Wilbur walk away alive once the meal is over.
But here’s the thing, they're both more injured than they’re letting on and being alone again will only be more dangerous and they both know this.
So Phil makes an alternative offer. He will let Kristin and Wil stay at his camp if, and only if, they agree to not attack or harm either him or Techno.
Him and Kristin can team up on survivors to make up for their individual injuries and if anything happens, the other promises to take care of the child left by the other person.
Kristin thinks for a moment and maybe looks over at Techno, her shy boy now tentatively eyeing Wilbur and offering him a chunk of meat in exchange for the heart, and agrees to Phils terms.
And then obviously its a long road of enemies to friends to lovers between Kristin and Phil (starting off somewhere south of ‘divorced’ without ever being married) and fucked up cannibal / zombie bonding between twinsduo.
There are just so many opportunities here for bonding and showing off the moral bankruptcy (paired with moral righteousness) coming from Phil and Kristin. 
Their motivations are literally the same and they're both just different sides of the same coin but they refuse to see that because if they aren't the exception then that removes the flimsy excuses they've made to justify their actions!! I love them deeply.
This would be like an entire series from different povs obviously showing their bonding and I don’t have that planned yet but I really really like this AU so you’ll probably see more of my parentsduo propaganda because of that lmao.
Oh besties I’m in the kitchen again
I’m cooking
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gideongriddle · 3 years ago
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my most anticipated 2022 fiction releases, in order of current release date
tagged by @earlymodernlesbian
okay i “understand” that i am just supposed to pick “nine” for this and also that there is a picture limit here on tumblr dot com but jokes on you i am including a runners up list of considerable length after my main ones
dead silence by s.a. barnes (feb. 8): in space no one can hear you scream etc etc. the premise is very classic horror (exploring somewhere a tragedy took place and discovering there’s still!! something there!!) and it’s been blurbed by a lot of horror writers i trust. possibly gay? but i could be misremembering
last exit by max gladstone (feb. 22): max gladstone hive!!! empress of forever and this is how you lose the time war are both all-time faves so auto-buy. definitely gay.
end of the world house by adrienne celt (apr. 19): am i being sucked in by a great title and visually arresting cover?? very possible. but i’m (obviously) a time loop bitch and there’s a very good kristin arnett blurb so here we are. not gay as far as i know
siren queen by nghi vo (may 10): i have not yet read my copy of the chosen and the beautiful but i loved the empress of salt and fortune and old hollywood but with disquieting magic as a concept is catnip to me!! no idea if gay??
the final strife by saara el arifi (june 21): okay some author i really love was talking about reading an arc and loving it and i thought it was amal el-mohtar on twitter but now i can find no evidence of that so maybe i am losing my marbles. anyway this seems like it will be excellent company to the trio of meaty adult sapphic fantasies from last year, so i’m excited!! enthusiastically gay.
our wives under the sea by julia armfield (july 12): kristin arnett blurb strikes again!!! i love gothic fiction and have been anticipating this one for over a year. titularly gay!!
high times in the low parliament by kelly robson (aug. 9): this seems almost like a farcical cousin to the goblin emperor?? anyway i always want to read about fairies and politics and tor dot com has me in a chokehold. the inciting incident is gay!!
the old place by bobby finger (sept. 20): i am a who! weekly listener first and a human second so i am legally obligated to support. but genuinely i love stories about old ladies and texas settings and expect this to be both funny and tender. unclear if gay but seems distinctly possible?
the golden enclaves by naomi novik (sept. 27): thrilled and terrified to see the scholomance trilogy conclude!! cannot recommend these books enough as both genuinely nerve-wracking YA romps and deeply moving explorations of teens choosing compassion in an environment that actively discourages that behavior. side characters gay romance real, protagonist romance gay in my head
!!! releases i am thrilled about but i felt could not qualify for the main list!!!
fevered star by rebecca roanhorse (apr. 19): sequel to black sun, which i own but have not read yet! gay!
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston (may 3): have already read this and guess what?? it fucks!! about some truly insufferable girls (affectionate) and made me laugh out loud and also cry about growing up queer and religious in the south. multi-directionally gay!!
seasonal fears by seanan mcguire (may 3): sequel to middlegame, which i own but have not read yet! seanan mcguire hive never loses. i assume gay in at least some small way bc of her track record as an author?
the grief of stones by katherine addison (june 14): sequel to the witness for the dead, which i own but have not read, which is a standalone sequel to the goblin emperor, which i have read and am obsessed with. gay!
lockland by robert jackson bennet (june 21): final book in the founders trilogy which okay i do not “own” and have not “read” at all but amal el-mohtar has definitely glowingly reviewed the previous two entries in the series and i trust her with my life so i will be purchasing them all i fear. gay!
don’t fear the reaper by stephen graham jones (aug. 2): sequel to my heart is a chainsaw, which i own but have not read yet! not gay to my knowledge
the oleander sword by tasha suri (aug. 12): sequel to the jasmine throne, which i own but i am licherally going to start reading today!!! famously gay
nona the ninth by tamsyn muir (sept. 13): i am not bothering to write what this is a sequel to, you freaks!!! you know!!!! being unable to talk about this book with people keeps me up at night. the [redacted] of it all... september cannot come soon enough!!!! GAY
a restless truth by freya marske (nov. 1): sequel to a marvellous light, which i own but have not read yet! gay!
!!! general runners-up !!!
the thousand eyes by a.k. larkwood (feb. 15): sequel to the unspoken name, which i didn’t really feel needed a sequel??? but i am v happy to revisit these characters. gay!
extasia by claire legrand (feb. 22): i’m reading less and less YA these days but i loved sawkill girls and weird saint shit is always up my alley. gay!
dead collections by isaac fellman (feb. 22): eternally horny for new spins on vampires and also narratives about archives!! trans, idk if gay!
all the white spaces by ally wilkes (mar. 29): the terror-adjacent, with a trans protag!!! strong blurbs from other horror authors!! unknown if gay
sea of tranquility by emily st. mandel (apr. 5): i never got around to reading the glass hotel but i am a station eleven bitch. presumed straight?
when women were dragons by kelly barnhill (may 3): absolutely the sickest premise of all time?? unknown if gay
misrule by heather walter (may 10): sequel to malice, which i liked but did not love?? very curious if the duology sticks the landing. gay!
this time tomorrow by emma straub (may 17): listen any type of time travel or distortion is interesting to me!!! presumed straight?
yerba buena by nina lacour (may 31): have never read anything by this author but obvi know her excellent reputation! gay!
mistakes were made by meryl wilsner (oct. 11): own but have not read this author’s previous romance, something to talk about. this is being sold as “the milf book” so. gay!
ocean’s echo by everina maxwell (nov. 1): in the same universe of winter’s orbit which i loved!! gay!
even though i knew the end by c.l. polk (nov. 8): have not read any of this author’s work bc i am dumb but all her shit is extremely up my alley! noir AND vampires. gay!
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itsfeckinwimdy · 4 years ago
IFT Headcanons pt1 - Coming Out
cc!Philza x n.b!Reader (platonic)
Eventual cc!Jack Manifold x Reader
Reader pronouns: They/Them.
Summary: Headcanons about the reader in the I’m Fucking Terrified series coming out as non-binary to their family (Philza (their dad) and their grandmother.)
Word count: 486 words.
Tags: Angst/fluff, series: I’m Fucking Terrified, They/them pronouns.
Soulmate Attribute: Body art - Doodles that a person draws on themselves appears on their soulmate’s skin.
IFT Series Masterlist / Soulmate Multi-Series Masterlist / Soulmate Extra’s Masterlist / DSMP Masterlist
Published - 11/07/2021
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Coming out...
Yeah, it was scary.
Even though you knew you’d be supported in your family, especially by Phil, your dad, after seeing him talk multiple times about how if people don’t accept others for being trans or non-binary or even being part of the LGBTQ+ community then they’re shitty human beings and stuck in the past.
Over the next few months after realising you were non-binary and wanting to come out you tried to tell your dad (this was pre-Wedding, so 2017/2018 probably).
After many failed attempts, it was after a family dinner that you blurted it out.
Everyone had finished eating and your brain went ‘fuck it’ and you just announced it.
As the words tumbled from your mouth, the room became quiet. You could feel the tension in the air that grew after the words “I’m non-binary” were spoken.
You froze as everyone’s eyes as now on you. Your dad and your grandmother were both looking directly at you from where you were stood. No one spoke, it was silent apart from the dog’s panting breaths.
As the world felt like it was caving in, you forced out a laugh as tears started to swell up in your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You stuttered out, “I’ll just go.”
You started backing out of the room, preparing for the worst as you were planning on heading upstairs to your room.
Phil was the first to break the silence, “So do you still use your birth name? Or do you want to be called something else?”
And with that, the tears began.
After breaking down in tears and being comforted by your family, who luckily were accepting of you, unlike some people in the world, you ended up explaining what being non-binary meant to your grandmother, Phil already having some idea about what it meant but not entirely knowing the ins and outs of it.
If you weren’t comfortable with your birth name and decided you wanted to be called something different, they were all accepting of you.
I mean, yes they still slipped up with the whole name and pronoun thing in the early weeks, but they learnt and eventually didn’t slip up.
With your permission, Phil told Kristin (his fiancée at the time) about you being non-binary and of course, she was accepting of you and it just made you want to see her again even more.
If you wanted to go by your new name at school, Phil would schedule a meeting/call the school and tell them to change it and your gender to non-binary, and allow you accessibility to any gender-neutral bathrooms or the staff/disabled toilet if there want any. (That happened at my school as planning for gender-neutral bathrooms wasn’t thought about when it was built, smh).
A few years later when you turned 16, your family asked you if you legally wanted to change your name...
Let's just say,
You may have cried again.
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angelxxreaper · 2 years ago
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I posted 19,266 times in 2022
That's 16,588 more posts than 2021!
13,530 posts created (70%)
5,736 posts reblogged (30%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 19,245 of my posts in 2022
#a moment with the crow father [asks] - 10,761 posts
#crow chirps [anonymous] - 7,973 posts
#you and i will always be best friends [subtotechno] - 3,751 posts
#don't fear the reaper [ic replies] - 2,585 posts
#her angel [ic post] - 2,493 posts
#don’t fear the reaper [ic replies] - 1,340 posts
#you reap what you fuxxin seiso [red] - 1,079 posts
#falling feathers [heavy content] - 848 posts
#ooh shiny [ic reblog] - 801 posts
#don’t fear the reaper [ic posts] - 797 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can you tell us about when Wilbur was born? And also how you felt in that moment?
Oh my god.
Confusion. I had never been more confused in my life. I put a flower pot on the fridge and out of nowhere this thing started glowing yellow, it was the scariest thing?? It’s like 4am, dude, and this orb of light is just there and I’m like unsure what to do? I figured the sun gods have finally come for me or some shit but nah.
No. This orb gets bigger and bigger and suddenly. Poof. Baby. Leetle baby. Smol child. I don’t know what the fuck to do. He’s just here now. There’s a note on him saying to take care of him from my lady and, like, I don’t know what confused me more. A baby spawned from the flower pot????
By the way, Kristin did NOT give me the heads up on that one, She was just like “Here! Have a son!” And I was so confused. I like disappeared off the face of the planet for like a month so that I could figure out how to take care of this baby, and I FORGOT TO TELL TECHNO ABOUT THIS KID. We weren’t living together, so to him I just wasn’t answering messages for like a month I was just. Gone. I could have died for all he knew lmao.
I get a message from him one day and I’m like “OH FUCK I FORGOT TO TELL TECHNO”. And then I was thinking like how do i tell him i have baby. how explain baby from plant. im so confused. Plant baby. He’s got feathers..!!!
....Yeah I was pretty confused. But... I mean he was really cute
76 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Redza our little protective meow meow
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84 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
ranboo chose, ranboo smiled, ranboo got eliminated./ref
Chat don't get all angsty now jesus christ
104 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Piggy :)
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It’s a bit messy but it’s hurting my hand now
119 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
not cis not trans but a secret third thing (bird)
376 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years ago
To keep and to hold
by sircantus
Every minute, there’s someone nearby. Someone outside their tent, keeping watch. Someone standing by their side, never straying. Wil’s told them to give space. They give it, but only ever so much. Tommy and Wilbur always sit in somebody’s sight, arm’s reach, and frankly, it’s-- terrifying.
Wilbur is terrified.
He doesn’t know what they want.
(Or, continuation of Wouldn't it be mine, in where Wilbur just wants to keep Tommy safe, and Phil, Kristin, and Techno just want to keep Wilbur and Tommy)
Words: 4473, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of the last of us? more like crimboys
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Tommyinnit & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Protective Wilbur Soot, Possessive Behavior, fuck how do i tag again, Hurt/Comfort, Scared TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Scared Wilbur Soot, reapertrio are like pspspsp pls be our boys and crimboys like like pls DIE, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, but get you in like. an adoption way
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