#how tf is Russia any better
that-rad-jewish-girl · 2 months
Marvel execs: An Israeli character is too controversial. With everything going on, we just can’t show any kind of support for that country.
Also Marvel execs: Let’s make the character Russian!
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nekochan08 · 2 months
Recently went to six flags and started thinking of Hetalia theme park head cannons.
America 🇺🇸: No surprise here, a roller coaster enthusiast. Will go on any ride no matter how scary looking. Boy lives for the thrill. He’ll put his hands up and scream in excitement all the way through (WOOOOO!!! YEEEAAA!!!!, etc.) Eagerly tries convincing others to go on with him. If given the chance, he stays seated on the coaster when it ends so he can go again. Goes on sling shot rides.
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: Will go on smaller coasters. He won’t go on the bigger ones unless you REALLY push him but he has a limit on how large the coasters are that he’s willing to go on. Screams on the first drop but starts nervous laughing midway through ride. America tricked him into riding Kingda Ka once and he cursed him tf out afterwards. (Kingda Ka is the tallest roller coaster in the world & launches you from the station at like 120 mph 🤭)
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France 🇫🇷: More of a dare devil than one would assume. Usually America’s roller coaster companion. Cackling throughout the entire ride and comes out gorgeous in the roller coaster photo. Once he’s ridden a coaster he doesn’t go on again. On to the next one. Brings extra hair ties for the rides in case they get blown off. Also fond of slower rides like those spinning swing rides. Will get sick on rides that spin very fast (teacup ride).
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Russia 🇷🇺: He’ll go on anything you ask him to go on. Dude’s just happy to be there. Is on the hunt for cotton candy the entire time he’s there. Fond of any performers/actors at the park and probably tries to talk to them while they’re in character lol. Has gone on one of those sling shot rides once.
China 🇨🇳: Don’t leave this man alone in the gift shop, he will buy everything. Likes playing games where you can win cute stuffed animals. DOES NOT like water rides unless he’s at water park, of course. Might get on a couple of large roller coasters but that’s enough for him. Anymore than that and he’ll wake up sore all over the next morning.
Italy 🇮🇹: Afraid of large roller coasters but will go on the smaller ones and free fall rides as long as it’s not too big of drop. Loves water rides, especially on a hot day. The bigger the splash, the better. On the lookout for interesting food windows to try what they got. Falls in love with funnel cake.
Germany 🇩🇪: Plans out the entire visit complete with a schedule only for it to get thrown out the window as everyone scatters to do their own thing. Likes the spinning swings ride for the views. Most likely will be watching everyone’s stuff while they’re on rides (it’s the only time he gets a break from everyone).
Japan 🇯🇵: Enjoys roller coasters a lot. Puts his hands up and smiles on the first drop then holds on for dear life. Somehow always ends up looking directly at the camera that takes your photo on the roller coaster. Also enjoys those large free fall rides. The one who takes the most photos of everyone, posed and candid.
Canada 🇨🇦: Another roller coaster enthusiast. Is silent through the entire ride but smiling all the way through. Clearly enjoying it but has a DEATH GRIP on the handlebars. Got high in the parking lot before entering the park, told no one, and it sets in mid coaster ride.
Prussia 🐤: will tell everyone that he went on all the roller coasters but is in fact TERRIFIED of extreme rides. He’ll never let anyone know though lol. However, put this man on a tea cup ride and he’ll make sure he spins it fast enough that you spill out the top. Germany, Italy, France, and Spain have fallen victim to this.
I have more HC about this for a part 2.
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chnt-confessions · 3 months
i think i'm the only person in the entire fandom that has any genuine empathy for elijah, and i'm stuck thinking there's something deeply wrong with me for that. i feel like quite a lot of people split black on him (and joshua) and then split white on jedidiah, and sydney. the ONLY two options are to dehumanize or objectify him. no hate to jedidiah-likers, but jedidiah is not a victim. he doesn't act entirely the way he does because of trauma, he acts that way because he implicitly looks down on sydney. what kind of man jeopardizes the entire world for a man that he let gravely sick in the first place, only to gaslight and neglect him?? all this because of mommy and daddy issues that, like, 70% of the population has?? i had to headcanon extra issues and trauma for him to just to keep myself sane. i don't mean to invalidate his trauma, but he has lived such a privileged life and can easily go to therapy and yet. i'm sorry but it's bojack-horseman levels of "how tf do you expect me to feel bad for you? lmao." like, i need him to get better because people will likely die if he gets any worse, but other than i couldn't care less about this guy. i'm way more sympathetic to sydney because he's trying his best but he seems to have an empathy deficiency of some kind (it's not his fault but it is painfully obvious sometimes and i wish i could fix him but i have to fix myself first because i also deal with this); i also relate to the "feeling unlovable" aspect of things.
we have only seen elijah at his worst. the elephant man is elijah "mental breakdown, 2 years and counting psychotic episode" core; did everyone just assume he was born like that? and if he was, that would also make me sad tbh. he had a similar upbringing to jedidiah and yet he does not show it at all and i'm wondering what tf was different. he also generally sucks at being a villain sometimes (i.e. telling sydney his weakness, letting sydney go back to jedidiah, reacting way better than most people would when sydney told him that he couldn't get the journals). when jedidiah says "sydney, you're always fine." vs when elijah says it; jedidiah said it to gaslight sydney and because he feels bitter about the fact he's working so hard to keep sydney alive and can't use it to manipulate him (i'm joking but i'm also not joking), while elijah was just being a little acolyte and also he's symbolically the earth, so when he says the earth will catch him when he falls, he is fr. idk what snapped in him with the murder-suicide thing but considering that he is the earth, and unfortunately due to sydney's weird little mind and jedidiah's horribleness, the earth is, like, post-apocalyptic now so it probably has something to do with that (idk why he switched from stabbing to burning alive; probably cuz of the theatrics/j). anyway, he does suck and he needs to go back to russia and never come back for everyone's good, but i really do think he would be better than jedidiah could ever be (yes, even with therapy; i'm literally speaking facts/hj) if "everyday [wasn't] a living fucking nightmare." and i'm constantly like "._." whenever i remember that jedidiah is the reason "everyday is a living fucking nightmare." also i really wanna see someone do elijah/the elephant man analysis/interpretation that doesn't reek of disgust and hatred (or lust; do whatever you want, but i'm judging you rn), just for variety tbh. here is his official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/389N5sUULTXFC63I3CSn7c?si=756dacaa18cd491c some of the songs in here are, like, "???" and i want to see someone's else's take on them (even elijah haters tbh) sorry for the essay, that's all i wanted to say :)
also im so happy that i can say this anonymously, thank you chnt-confessions for doing god's work, i love you platonically <3
(ABOUT THE LAST PART) no need to apologize and I'm really glad to make you happy!!
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odinsblog · 1 year
Something I need to get off my chest, for old followers and new:
I do not give a single solitary fuck about communism
If communism blew up and died tomorrow, I would not give one shit about it 🥱
If “communism” is your end all be all about what’s right and what’s wrong in the world, then do us both a favor and block me right now. No hard feelings, okay?
And for anyone wondering: no, I don’t give a shit about capitalism, and definitely not neoliberalism either
Look, sooner or later you have GOT to understand something: some people (neoliberals) get all bent out shape if you aren’t constantly falling over yourself to kiss the ass of whoever the current Democratic president is. That ain’t me. When Biden or Clinton or whoever is wrong, I will hold their feet to the fire and at least try to them accountable (see: Biden Title 42)
And when capitalism fucks up (lol, that’s any day of the week that ends in the letter Y), then I will call that shit out too
Sooner or later, ALL of that shit fucks up. All of it. All of it
None of it is beyond critique
If you think your special little rhubarb (communism, capitalism, religion, libertarianism, etc etc etc) is magically the only one that is perfect and good and right all the time, then you’re just like a little baby who still believes that Santa lives on the North Pole. Please grow tf up
But I am very specifically calling out communism today because several long time mutuals lose their shit whenever I don’t kiss Putin’s ass, or when I don’t blame NATO for Putin invading a sovereign nation that wasn’t attacking Russia, wasn’t in NATO, and wasn’t even applying for membership into NATO when Putin decided to attack them
Is America wrong for all the dirt its done all around the planet? Fuck. yes. Does America bad = Russia good? FUCK NO
Look, everyone has their own personal coda; their guiding principles; their “religion,” their rhubarb. For some, it’s a blind, sycophantic inability to understand or acknowledge that simply being marginally better than Trump doesn’t automatically make centrist Democrats above being held accountable (it’s our job as citizens to always demand better from whoever our elected representatives are—they work for us goddammit)
For other sycophants, it’s a rabid inability to call out capitalism and/or Christianity
And for others still, it’s communism
I guess my problem is, EYE don’t measure how “good” something is by how “communist” it is—I measure it by how much good it does without burying poor people, without harming Black & Brown people, without hurting women (trans or otherwise), without vilifying foreigners, and without burning LGBTQ people (the way Russia and America do)
If you can’t understand that, then your particular brand of blind fanaticism (your rhubarb) is communism, and you are no different from the VBNMW, Blue MAGA sycophants who go completely ape shit whenever you say something even slightly unflattering about politicians who happen to wear the letter “D” behind their name—see where that got us??
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You’re no different. You just have a slightly different rhubarb
Communism is NOT my fucking measuring stick. I don’t have communism on the brain, and I sure as fuck don’t have capitalism on the brain either
I love Black people, Brown people , poor people, immigrants, asylum seekers, women, the LGBTQ community, democracy, equality, justice and freedom
And dassit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m on the side of the little guy and the underdog
So anyway, fuck communism, fuck capitalism, fuck “Christianity” and fuck all the other little bullshit unimportant distinctions you far too rigidly use to decide if someone is “good” instead of just looking to see if they’re actually doing good or not
Some of you good little “communists” couldn’t even be bothered to speak up about Brittney Griner because you didn’t want to look bad or say anything bad about Vladimir Putin’s raggedy ass. Lol. You guys suck!
And no, this isn’t me taking a right wing turn like Cenk and TYT (or like Jimmy Dore, or Glenn Greenwald, or any number of the other “previously” progressive media types who are re-aligning themselves with conservatives)
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In 2016 I had to break ties with people and bloggers who turned out to be dogged Blue MAGA sycophants, and today I’m fed up with people who can’t go more than two minutes without signaling how “communist” they are 🙄
Sorry, but that shit don’t get my dick hard
(And for added clarity: Republicans and Libertarians, go fuck yourselves with a rusty chainsaw)
If this post makes you mad, then here ya go
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</end rant>
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orangekingfisher · 1 year
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
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^ funny
"In his long tenure, he was often accused of being an authoritarian leader and a strongman. Berlusconi still remains a controversial figure who divides public opinion and political analysts. Supporters emphasize his leadership skills and charismatic power, his fiscal policy based on tax reduction, and his ability to maintain strong and close foreign relations with both the United States and Russia. In general, critics address his performance as a politician and the ethics of his government practices in relation to his business holdings. Issues with the former include accusations of having mismanaged the state budget and of increasing the Italian government debt. The second criticism concerns his vigorous pursuit of his personal interests while in office, including benefiting from his own companies' growth due to policies promoted by his governments, having vast conflicts of interest due to ownership of a media empire, with which he has restricted freedom of information, and being blackmailed as leader because of his turbulent private life."
PROS: leader, charismatic, low taxes (wonder how he did that), good foreign relations
CONS: authoritarian, unethical, mismanaged budget and high debt, unethical. and also unethical. and unethical again.
ofc he's a firstborn :/ he just has that vibe
"occasionally performed as a cruise ship crooner." tf why is that a word too similar to coomer i don't approve.
"Crooner is a term used to describe primarily male singers who performed using a smooth style made possible by better microphones which picked up quieter sounds and a wider range of frequencies, allowing the singer to access a more dynamic range and perform in a more intimate manner."
ok so frank sinatra 👌 he was your prime minister and didn't sing any songs for you? sad.
"One of his best men was Bettino Craxi, a former prime minister and leader of the Italian Socialist Party." Huh. Okay. Sure. Cool. Yeah. Normal.
had to pay 48 million a year for his divorce. skill issue tbh 💀💀💀💀🔥🔥🔥🔥
"In April 2017, Berlusconi appeared in a video promoting a vegetarian Easter campaign. He was shown cuddling lambs he had adopted to save from slaughtering for the traditional Easter Sunday feast; he did not confirm or deny whether he himself is a vegetarian."
Ultimate unsolved mystery does he choke on meat or no 🤔🤔🤔🤔
wait slaughtering lambs for easter is a thing? i would not know. but muslims do that in eid and i look forward to it every year. eid is actually in two weeks. i wrote a few more sentences about this and realised im going on a tangent oops
and now you know why we want him dead <3
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jaythelay · 26 days
Genuinely disturbing to see people discuss China in any positive light when it comes to their dictatorship.
Deadass saw someone say "They don't care what you do, so long as you do not criticise the government!!"
Buddy please.
It's a video game. Made by people. Not the government.
Just because some developers in China made a good game, does not make up for China's concentration camps and god fucking damn bro look them the fuck up ONE TIME before pretending to know anything other than "Being kind fixes everything!" It's god damn China. They dissapear people all the time and generally are racist as shit.
Tf is wrong with mother fuckers. Enjoy the art and praise the devs. Don't mislead people about China's government. Blatant astroturfing and it's real fuckin disturbing how easy it is to convince people to give up their morals, standards, and self respect, because someone jangled keys in front of them.
Christ alive. Don't go to China either, that's the scariest part to see. Genuinely only Russia would be worse to go to.
Speaking of, Russia haa games come out, why don't we start pretending that they're good in actuality, they just want more land! Duh! Quit being so dramatic...
Literal toddlers have better moral convictions to not do the blatantly wrong thing for a piece of average candy.
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beastblade69 · 5 months
I remember once I mentioned sarah kane to my mother who is a toxic positivity typo person (and ussr defo had a huge impact on her values, but she's in denial). and of course among all I've also mentioned that she's ended her life and my mother straight up went like "she wouldn't have killed herself if she came to Ukraine" like girl what??? wdym?? england is fr more progressive than ukraine therefore people in ukraine are more likely to be depressed because of how conservative many ukrainians are and the government too, tho the situation is slowly improving rn. like I don't mean that brits can't be depressed because fr no matter how good quality of life in a certain country is, people are still living in society therefore are exposed to violence and abuse. you get me. BUT what I didn't get is my mother's logic. like if she came to ukraine she'd be the same depressed. I was literally diagnosed w depression several years ago (my doctor was an ass who told my mother that my depression was not severe at all, it's like a lite version of depression so my mother has never taken it seriously) and due to her being too sceptical towards my diagnosis because "you can't possibly have any issues, you have a home and food at home therefore you can't struggle fr and you made it all up for attention" and my father being like "tjose pills are narcotics, you're gonna end up w an addiction" I was forced to act as if I got better and guess what?? yeah, I got worse because of their inability to understand the nature of mental disorders. ussr was fucking lame, we're like 30 years outta that crap but still facing the consequences. many of them, not only in a mental health topic. and that's exactly why I hate american commies. like y'all haven't lived though the consequences of that crap and tryna be cool or smth by being an ass towards ppl from post ussr countries who actually still live in this crap and tryna gaslight us that all those hatecrimes and genocides which russia has committed never happened. let me tell you SHUT TF UP. you have no idea what ur talking about and I'd like to see how y'all would actually b living w parents who are literally prejudiced towards basic human rights because ussr has brainwashed them. not too liberal, huh?? watch out for who you're idolising and which political ideology ur praising
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gayshipsandanxiety · 2 years
volume 2 thoughts
ok so. byler never had to become canon in season 4. yes it would have been nice and probably would have been the better choice if they do ever end up going canon but it’s not queerbait just because they didn’t go canon in season 4.
but the way they handled will’s storyline in volume 2 makes me fucking sick. even if byler never went canon and will was another robin, is that seriously how they’re going to treat their queer characters? will giving mike pep talks about el and taking a backseat whenever mike and el are onscreen? if they make that whole-ass “you can tell me anything” scene and then don’t have will ever come out i’m quitting the show.
they’ve built up byler sooooo much over the past years, not only in the show but also in interviews and on social media. the fact that we’re still dealing with this in 2022 is fucking sickening and i’ve honestly lost all confidence that byler will become canon because of the fucking finale. “will and mike have a moment of mutual understanding and acceptance” WHERE??? WHERRRRRE IS THAT MOMENT? when will says “el will love you” and then cries? when el and mike kiss and will stares sadly at them from the kitchen??
and then they make that ONE SINGULAR robin/vickie scene at the end like “ohhhh look at us we support gay people! there are lesbians, look at them! one of them doesn’t even impact the plot but they’re there!”
fuck you fuck you fuck you
mike’s entire storyline this season culminating in him saying “ily” to el makes me want to throw up and also why did they lowkey make his love confession scene parallel his “you said yes” scene? like there was literally no reason to do that.
and eddie??? why did they kill eddie off Like That? it was so predictable and they literally showed it in the fucking trailer? they’re obviously trying to pull some “oh look he didn’t run away! he actually WAS a hero! but so sad he didn’t get to graduate!! this was supposed to be his year :(((” but that’s literally what all the eddie fans were saying this past month so why did they give him this cookie-cutter ass death? if they were gonna kill him off they could have had him sacrifice himself to save an actual person, instead of just dying alone covered in bats. and why were dustin and wayne the only ones to react to eddie’s death? steve nancy robin mike and erica all knew eddie really well. even max and lucas were on good terms with him. i get that they couldn’t show a funeral or anything because hawkins fuckin hates eddie, but they could have had a dustin-and-wayne scene for the entire group.
fuck stancy. it doesn’t matter if you think they’re cute or not all this “will they won’t they” is dumb as shit and it’s not fair to jonathan, nancy, or steve. either get them together or have them stay just friends but what they are now is fucking annoying.
russia gang was cute i liked the jopper scenes. but it feels like they took up so much unnecessary screentime?
oh and another byler thing why tf did they do that with the painting?? it didn’t have to be will and mike making out or anything but the fact that will’s gesture of love to mike ended up propping up milkvan is just cruel.
max and lucas were neat is was fun to finally see jason get his ass handed to him but wtf is up with max? it’s kinda repetitive to make her almost die twice like that. again, just kill her and get it over with or keep her alive. i truly don’t have the energy to “wait and see” if she’ll live.
all in all i LOVED volume 1. it was fun, it was scary, it was everything i wanted in a tv show and made me excited for volume 2. but volume 2 was a HUGE letdown. there were some good moments like the gang stealing the camper, the will/el hug, and hopper reuiniting with el, but other than that i kinda hated it. it felt heavy on useless running around and fighting but lacked any real character depth, and the way they handled will’s storyline was fucking cruel. i kept sitting there thinking “okay they’ve just laid the groundwork for an amazing scene, i just have to be patient enough and wait for the show to get good.” and then it never did.
i commented in the tags of somebody else’s post a few days ago that whenever we get queer representation, it’s either a stereotyped queer in a show for cishets or a well-written queer in a show for queer people. stranger things had the chance to do both, to write a story about 2 gay childhood best friends falling in love. and they fucking didn’t. i was naive for expecting good representation, and i guess from now on i’ll only watch shows if i know how the queer characters end up because i’m telling you right now i CANNOT deal with another 2 years of will’s sexuality being “left up to interpretation” and then getting a season where he kinda just hangs out and cries and never confirms anything. i fucking hate it here.
fuck netflix, fuck the duffers, fuck every single one of the cast members who teased byler in season 4, and fuck all of the social-media managers posting about byler. i fucking hate all of you.
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like-dudnik-in-1989 · 3 years
Fast thoughts about the OG
i wanted to make a big and deep preview but adult life went like NO WAY ASSHOLE
TF, I think Russia has the edge over China, in fact, without Ou Yushan’s floor now, is Russia’s to lose, which, is duable lol. Joking I think they will do fine, just your usual falls off beam, the salt of life. Either way, both teams have secured the medal. BG and the Rodionenkos should send a couple of bouquets to Becky Downie and Enrico Casella. 
About the AA, aside the americans, for me the major REALISTIC contenders for bronze are listunova, mai, tang jixing and ellie black (why none remembers ellie black??), and you will say WHAT, and I will get it, but
Ideally Melka, MDJDS and Rebeca would be over these four anyday- in fact, I could see them giving a run for her money to Sunisa, imo she’s not much better than any of them, and I really like Suni - but they will find a way to fuck up their chances and fall on something utterly stupid (been there already). So I’m waiting for a Biles, Lee, Listunova/Murakami podium, which, I would honestly sign right now.
About 2pc AA sitautions - I feel Urazova is going to qualify?? Which I would LOVE both Listunova and her to do so, but Melka deserves to be in that final after these years. From CHN, my guts say to me Tang Jixing and Zhang Jin will, still not feeling it about Lu Yufei. The rest of the teams are a little bit of a given, don’t think judges will like Chiles as much as they do with Suni. Let’s hope that at least judges love her more than they do with her mom (lol sorry, but i had too, incredible that someone could beat Skinner’s dad to be the worst parent of that team)
VT - if she doesn’t medal in the AA I would LOVE Rebeca to medal in here. Her Cheng looks to be spectacular. Also, breaking news that the whole town of Deva is hosting a candle vigil for Chuso. She at least got the standing ovation in Rio. 
Let’s hope Simone goes cray and competes the double pike in EF and sticks it. But probably will go for safety first, booo, boring. Come on, Simone, just through it, do it for Yulia Lozhecko. 
UB - I would love Fan to win because Suni/Nina constructions makes me anxious a little bit, but it’s def going to be any of these two. Probably Nina because her overall execution is worse but the routine cleverer and reckless. 2017 Ilyankova should have dominated this final, sad puberty transformed her Ezhova in the worst possible tribute to Evgenia Shelgunova.
BB - I wouldn’t accept any other combination that is not Ou Yushan, Guan Chenchen and Larisa Iordache. If any other gymnasts medals, I will call this final a robbery. I’m kittysha now. 
Let’s hope Gera at least makes the final. Curious to see if Sanne makes the cut after 5 years. 
FX - This should be Mai’s time for a medal. But I hope Popa somehow medals too. And Flavia. And Vika. And Ferrari. Sad to think that with so many gymnast this year with great tumbling and actual expressive work, one medal will mostly go to  certain gymnast from a certain dominating country that qualified through the world cups. At least Bogi did the worm. But well, i’m used to it. 
Also looking forward to watch: Ava Stewart, Eythora, how much fight the Japanese will put in the TF to medal, Diana Varinska, how Lu Yufei and Jordan Chiles will do under international judging, the Gadirovas, Yeo (make the VT EF pleaseee, and tbh, actually medal, there’s nothing cooler that a father-daughter Olympic medalists, it would be like Valeri and Nastia but without all that emotional toxicity), Filipa Martins on UB - as an Iberian sister I’m rooting her to make EF-, how Holbura handles the pressure, and, ESPECIALLY, how the 2004-2005 Russians - mainly Vlada and Vika - compete under the real spotlight (the first one who falls off beam should be punished spending a week carrying Khorkina’s LV).
Writing this I noticed this will be a hot mess and honestly I got hyped LOL
see you in six hours - xoxo, Nellie Kim
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years
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donghyuck as your boyfriend
oh my mcfucking god im sorry but lmAO you better have some patience in you
because i'm a sucker for college aus, we're going to base this headcanon on that cause i said so
it's your second year in college studying history cause it's the best subject in the world (yes i am biased what about it) and you were at the library taking those aesthetic af notes on 17-18th century russia. your highlighters were everywhere, your looseleaf papers were scattered, but you just wanted to get the whole peter the great (co-tsar of russia from 1682, and became THE tsar of russia by 1696) stuff done so you could go home and snack on chips and watch the good place
'holy shit you're doing a lot wow'
who tf??
you looked up, only to see lee donghyuck aka haechan the loud and mischevious and pretty guy of the campus, surprised at your condensed notes and arguably intense method of studying
'uhH, yeah. i guess i am?'
and donghyuck, being the nosy ass sunshine he is, decides to sit with you and just watch you do your shit in pure astonishment cause lmao tf are notes
'so you're the student professor x talks about,,, no wonder why. y/n right?'
'yes, and you're lee donghyuck?'
'glad to know my work and effort is recognised by the school body' and you have no idea how to respond to that so you just keep writing cause,,,, that's what you were going to do anyway
thing is, donghyuck knows you. he's seen you a lot in creative writing, always with the best supplies and neatly taking down notes. he's not even like that himself, but he finds it so attractive esp coming from you. he doesnt think it's a kink, and he prays to whatever gods out there that it isn't a kink— but studious you does shit to his heart
i don't think i mentioned this, but you're study partners with jeno and renjun who also takes european history and anthropology which hyuck is unaware of, but you also didn't know that you're study group lives with donghyuck and lives a fucking chaotic life.
kneeways, donghyuck was just watching you take notes, and after about 15 minutes when you realised he wasn't moving, you stopped writing and looked up at him again.
'is there anything i could help you with? you've been watching me take notes for —'
'do you want to go on a date with me?'
'ok why you cutting me of— wait what now?'
what??? just??? happened???
haechan, my dear, you two JUST MET
'we literally just met 30 minutes ago' you said, looking at him with the most confused expression
'well yeah, but if we date, we can get to know each other better'
well, you still said no
'well then, i guess i'm going to keep coming back to this library until you say yes' and lee forking donghyuck leaves like that.
you didn't believe him. what idiot would go back to you just for a yes on a date
yeah the idiot's haechan
you were once having a study session with renjun and jeno, and haechan just so happens to see the three of you having an intense discussion on who was a better leader of russia: peter the great or catherine the great
injunnie immediately notices his friend and said, 'who tf allowed you in a library??'
then this is where you interrupted: 'oh? ya'll know each other?'
haechan is confused.
you're confused.
evergone is confused.
jeno then explains how he and renjun, along with jaemin and chenle amd jisung are dorm mates with haechan; whereas you explained to haechan that the 2 boys were your study buddies, amd you told the boys how haechan was the 'library creep that keeps asking me out'
'SO YOURE THE LIBRARY CREEP?' - huang renjun, 2k19
'WAIT SO Y/N IS THE HOT ACADEMIC?? really hyuck???' lee jeno, 2k19
'god you call me the library creep? that hurts my bronchioles' haechan says
idk it felt right to say that
kneeways, now that ya'll apparently have common friends, ya'll hang out more aside from studyinh like: having lunch, playing bowling, karaoke, dinner, amd etc. it was nice overall.
maybe like 6-7 months later, haechan still visits you in the library and sits close to you while you were concentrated on whatever tf you were doing. he doesnt really ask you out much as before, but his feelings did grow for you.
there was one time where you all watched the live action of aladdin and you started singing along to the songs— and haechan found that adorable.
and there was another time where you got into a heated historical debate with renjun and even if haechan understood nothing, he was just amazed at you (even if you were very close to biting renjun's head off)
jaemin realises how whipped donghyuck is getting for you, and he's also amused at this point
NOW, exams were coming up and that means,,, YOURE MAKING STUDY PACKS YEYYYYY
so here you are, at the library, writing a lot hoping whatever is on paper would go in your brain
and you did it for hours
and hours.
and just like any other day, hyuck visits you— but it was so visible you're tired.
'you alright?' he asks and you sorta just,,, threw your highlighter at him
'fuck this hyuck i'm going to flunk the exams, why do i even bother making such extensive notes....' and you just went on for a solid 7 minutes but
he still listens to you. he still looks at you with admiration like
the fuck?
and you just noticed how even at your rambling state, he still listens to you and you start crying like get a fucking grip hoe
hyuck is confused and he starts panicking cause he doesnt know what to do and he sorta goes over to you and hugs you in a very awkward way (i hope ya'll get what i mean)
AND YOU'RE DONE you're sobbing hoW can you not have noticed someone cares for you this much
it sorta hits you all at once; he stays with you everyday after lessons so you can complete your notes, he's always there even during study sessions with renjun and jeno, he's there when you need someone to hang out with on the weekends— he's always there for you
'i don't really know how to help people calm down with their feelings cause I can barely control mine but, I think you should go home and rest a bit, the stress probably got into you and—'
'so let me help you pac— yes what?'
'yes, i'll go out with you'
*cue your face snuggling in his chest*
haechan? sorry he died 0.3 seconds ago
he smiles,,, a LoT AND he just holds you tighter, rubbing your back
'well, at least i won't have to go to this boring ass library anymore'
a/n: UWUUUUUUUU!!! okay lmao i've been making study packs recently for mocks (and yes it's for history) and ig that inspired me for this. if ya'll one day see me post a whole post on 17-18th century russia as well as authoritarian states (china and germany) please ignore me cause that's probably just me reviewing. anD if you're interested, i'll gladly share my note-taking styles and stuff so yeS i am THAT person. hope all of you have a great day ❤️
217 notes · View notes
imaginetrahs · 5 years
ST3 really messed me up last night but there are some things that I feel should have been touched on so here I go:
Billy and Max’s relationship should have had a development scene. Obviously after max told billy to leave her and her friends alone they kind of had a sort of bonding period and we should’ve got that development instead of the Billy and Karen scenes 🙄
Billy and Karen shouldn’t have happened at all in any way AT ALL and I’m so glad that he told her to leave him alone but I still feel as if those scenes weren’t need because they really didn’t do anything for the plot of the show. I’m also glad that Karen came to her senses and thought about her family and not just her hormones because she must have forgot that Billy is a TEENAGER who is around the age of her oldest two children 😕 sis was ready to catch a case over some teenage dick smh
I don’t care what anyone says Mike and Elevens relationship is cute af 🤷🏽‍♀️ along with Max and Lucas. Yes Mike and El kissed a lot but they’re young and really like each other and in the honeymoon phase ALONG with Max and Lucas. So they’ll fight and argue over stupid shit but in the end their friendship is more important (if that makes sense) idrk where I’m going with this one but they’re cute and leave them alone
MAX AND EL ARE THE FRIENDSHIP I DIDNT KNOW I NEEDED. I really loved that Max helped El find who SHE was and who everyone wanted her to be. El’s not just Mikes girlfriend, shes not just Hoppers adopted/daughter, she’s not the groups secret weapon, she’s not the girl with powers, and she’s definitely not the girl who was abused as a child. Eleven is just a teenage girl trying to find herself in a world with monsters and shit and for Max to come around and help her find herself was really what El and all of us needed
Will Byers and Dustin Henderson just needed their friends and they weren’t there for them. After all the shIT WILL HAS BEEN THROUGH HE DESERVED JUST ONE FUCKING GAME OF D&D, he deserved it. When Dustin needed his friends to believe that his girlfriend was real they didn’t until they needed her to save the world smh. THEY DESERVED BETTER.
Will Byers had a breakdown and I was here for it. Not in a bad way. I think he needed to let off that steam because of everything from his friends being more worried about their girlfriends to the MF being back to Mikes comment about him not liking girls. Which I don’t think Mike should’ve thrown that back in face ESPECIALLY if he was the only person that knew. Lucas to the time to TRY and apologize but MIKE DIDNT?
Joyce and Hopper are a dynamic duo. Joyce deserves happiness and to not have every love interest killed off. This move will be good for her and the kids even though I feel like they’re going to come back at some point.
Hopper was so accepting of death, which I guess you kind of have to be when it’s right ther but ugh it was still so sad. He and Joyce will never get to have that date on Friday at 7 at Enzo’s 😪.
Steve Harrington and Robin. A beautiful pairing although they had me fools when I thought there was a possible love relationship going to happen
I don’t care what anyone says about this either because I believe they Billy truely deserved better. This season really showed us a different side of him and for him to get redemption at the END of the season is fucked up😪. Because like I said earlier he and Max obviously had to bond over the 2 year time period and I’m pretty sure during that time there was some sort of affection between them and I don’t think El should’ve been the only one to bring that out of him. HOWEVER we did see a broken piece of him during the sauna scene towards Max, but I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️ (I’m not excusing anything he’s done cause it was all shitty af)
Eleven, 011, Jane Hopper. All she wanted was a family and a home and when she finally got it, it was ripped away from her. And then she lost her powers 😪 there was a point in time where I really didn’t think she was going to make to the end because she was just so tired and she kept pushing herself to keep everyone safe.
ERICA SINCLAIR a true icon 👏🏽 she had so many iconic lines: “isn’t it time you died” “you can’t spell America without Erica” “Commence Opperation Child Endangerment” “nerds” plus her whole speech about communism. A true icon
Maxine Mayfield, Max, Mad Max. I’ll never get over how hurt she was about Billy which goes to show that had gotten closer and we should’ve been able to see it because although they ‘hated’ each other they were still siblings and loved each other without admitting it
Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. Really we should call Nancy: Nancy Byers because come on, it’s gonna happen 🤗. I didn’t really like the whole working for the newspaper scenes, I don’t think they did anything for the season but I guess if you look at it from a being involved type view it all works out. Many and her moms heart-to-heart was really nice because none of the other parents, except Joyce and Hopper, are around to comfort their children and be around them to ask about their days.
Can we talk about the last episode. Jeez oh man, I cried like a baby. Like a really long ugly cry from Billy’s redemption scene all the way to the Byers and El leaving. What really fucked me up was when El started reading the letter and Hopper did the voice over. It was so sad because he never got to have that talk with her and I know he really wanted to. That letter is really the last heart felt thing she has left from Hopper and it makes it worse when we don’t know who is actually in Russia
But let’s talks about that. WHO TF IS IN RUSSIA???? I’ve seen some people say Billy and others say Hopper but really it can be either one here’s why. When Joyce turned the keys Hopper was on the other side of the magnetic force field and could have got transported to the Russian lab like how El got zapped to the upside down at the end of season 1. It could be Billy because he was used by the MF and I don’t think it’s done with him just like that because if that was the case Will wouldn’t be connected to it 🙂. So maybe after billy ‘died’ the Russians came back and took him and he woke up in Russia. AND where did they get the demogorgon from which leads to believe that a little sliver of the gate is still open somehow because how are they keeping it alive out of its habitat aside from feeding it people. It’s just a theory.
I think that’s about it. All in all the season was pretty great and I- I’m just still broken over these deaths.
when I see MF I read it a mother fucker instead of Mind Flayer and that says something 😗
55 notes · View notes
odinsblog · 3 years
Please listen to me: You can and should be critical of American imperialism. And you should also simultaneously acknowledge Russia’s imperialism. This is a “both things can be true” situation. Hating America’s imperialism doesn’t make Russia’s imperialism any better. You guys dO get that, right?? Just because the governments of China, North Korea and Russia are America’s geopolitical adversaries, you understand that doesn’t make them “right” whenever there is a war about to break out. You get that, right? “America bad” doesn’t automatically make everyone else good.
One thing I read a lot on the left is how you don’t get to be a U.S. President without committing some war crimes and human rights abuses along the way. Well, I’m asking certain people on the left to carry out that line of thought, just a little bit further. Extrapolate: no country gets to be a world power without doing the same—certainty no Western country. And no Eastern country either. This is not me knocking communism or socialism, but if you think that China and Russia haven’t committed atrocities, then I beg you to research the what’s happening in the Uyghur community in China, or the LGBTQ community in Russia. Is America good? Hell no! Does that fact mean that Russia must be “good,” because they’re our enemies? Again, hell. fucking. no! C’mon fam. This shit isn’t that simple. Nobody’s hands are clean here.
Acknowledging that Putin and Russia are threats isn’t “propaganda” just because it might momentarily make the Biden administration look good. I don’t care about that. I care about the people on the ground who are literally staring down the Russian army. You are not being “woke” or “enlightened” by pretending that Ukraine isn’t in danger, and that even if it was, we should ignore what’s happening there because Ukrainians must surely want to rejoin Russia.
I’m making this post because I’ve already been hit with this fucked up “logic” from some now blocked followers, and yeah, it’s overly simplistic, it’s weak af, and it’s super disappointing coming from some “leftists.”
I literally had someone boastfully comment on a post that nobody cares about Ukraine—this was from a blogger who calls themselves woke. JFC! Reset the mf alarm and try waking up again.
I don’t give a shit about NATO, I don’t give a shit about Joe Biden & the Democrats, and I don’t give a shit about what Putin doesn’t want in Ukraine—Ukraine isn’t in NATO right now, is it?? Try forgetting about NATO and American echo chamber sources for two fucking minutes. If you call yourself a leftist, then at the very fucking least you shouldn’t want war. You shouldn’t be so casually fucking indifferent to people about to try to defend themselves. You shouldn’t want to see a sovereign state get invaded by a much larger aggressor. That’s at the very fucking least.
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Where is your fucking heart? Where is your fucking solidarity? Where is your compassion?? Innocent people are about to start being killed—unnecessarily—and some of y’all are more worried if shit might make Biden look good?? Foreals?? GTFOH.
You can’t say the Trump supporters who tried to undo a national election were wrong, and also say Putin is in the right for rolling tanks into Ukraine to overthrow their government. Hate militarism? This is militarism. Hate imperialism? That’s exactly what tf this is. On steroids. Wrong is fucking wrong.
Ukraine did this, Ukraine did that, but then you’re going to turn around and pretend that Russia has a perfect human rights record? In some misguided attempt to show everyone your “communism” is “pure”? Please kiss my entire Black ass. Some of y’all ain’t shit.
If this whole Russian invasion thing has you somehow defending Vladimir fucking Putin, then you are really fucking lost, not left.
I stand with Ukraine. 🇺🇦
4K notes · View notes
escmemes4days · 5 years
I commented all the ESC 2019 songs at 2am and this was the result;
United Kingdom Yes, it’s kinda cheesy, but it’s like a nice cheddar kind of cheese.
The Netherlands It’s kinda good I guess but overrated? Not a winner hun, sry, but def a qualifier.
Switzerland This is about as dirty as a bottle of handsanitizer at a hospital. Song is kinda boring? Don’t know why I don’t like it.
Sweden We just full on snapped this year, huh? Yes John, any fucking day. Love ya!
Spain PLEASE FUCKING WIN. If they don’t at least end up in the top 5 I’m yeeting myself into the abyss.
Slovenia I think this is the most forgettable song this year. Lame beat?
Serbia Another voice that deserved a better song. Why.
San Marino This is a shit-bop. It’s so bad you can’t help but love it.
Russia Sergey did you sell your soul? ‘You are the only one’ was at least a pretty good song. What?? Is?? This?? It’s so boring, like?
Romania This is a dark ass bop. And those highs bitch? yES
Portugal I can appreciate the musicality behind this piece. I wouldn’t consider it a song I ‘enjoy’ in that sense, but it’s interesting to listen to with a critical ear and hear all the layers. The performance was flawless and interesting, and lifted this unique piece.
Poland sO i Am CoNfUsiOn?? The video. Why. Why does it have a rock vibe? I don’t. Understand! No, I’m good thank.
Norway Nope. Overrated. Bye. Sry.
North Macedonia Cute message, less cute song I guess. Meh.
Montenegro Is this an ad for a christian camp?
Moldova Spraycan cheese. Ugh.
Malta Why the fuck aren’t people talking about this? It slaps a fuckton and the drop is??? Great???
Lithuania The cheese level on this will kill me. Ugh. And his vocals... Well there’s room for improvement!
Latvia Nice and underrated af
Italy If Spain doesn’t win, can this please? CLAP CLAP BITCH YES WE LOVE AND STAN?
Israel It’s a bit boring but also kind of beautiful? What? Me like?
Ireland Uhm, this is so nice, tf?
Iceland Why?? Is this so popular this year? I don’t get it.
Hungary The king is back with another bop. And we love (even though it’s not as good as the last one, we still LOVE)
Germany They took all my fucking cheese and I don’t appreciate it.
Georgia Cool voice, but don’t care for the song. Meh.
France It’s kinda good you know?
Finland I would need 8 shots in 2007 to like this.
Estonia Dude loves Avicii. We get it. You took one of his songs and added the word ‘storm’ and weather references. (But Avicii does slay so... it’s kind of a bop)
Denmark Why do I fucking love this? I don’t know, but the point is I DO!
Czech Republic It’s cheesy and kind of weird but I ENJOY so... yes pls.
Cyprus Yes, it’s just Fuego being replayed, but fUeGo WaS a GoOd SoNg So WhAt’S yOuR pOiNt???
Croatia This voice deserved a song that didn’t sound like moldy cheese.
Belgium Remember the ‘forgettable’ comment I made about Slovenia? Copy paste it here instead.
Belarus Nah he aint. Me neither sry. I mean... Not the worst but??? Nah.
Austria Nice voice but boring and forgettable.
Australia Someone liked Estonia last year and was like “how do we make it worse, and also can we add, like, an EDM/techno kind of beat?”
Albania Ooof. Yes. Love. Just ditch the dress from the performance, okay? We love.
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mycove01 · 5 years
Sape Links Network Alternative
When it comes to SEO, you can boost your website’s rank position in two ways: improve your website so that it is valuable and appealing to users (so-called onsite SEO) or increase its authority with links from external sources (off-site SEO). Ideally, you should combine both methods. It is not hard to figure out how to enhance your website – just post relevant and useful content, make the website visually pleasing and convenient to visitors and you should be good. The question is how to make other websites link to your digital platform. In fact, there are many ways to do so and Sape Links Network is one of them. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?Maybe you should look for a Sape Links Network alternative? Let’s take a closer look at the service and other options you may want to give a shot.
📑 Sape Links Network Alternative Table of Contents:
What is Sape Links Network? Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative For 2019? Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free? What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives? What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
What is Sape Links Network
Sape Links Network is a marketplace for SEO experts and webmasters where you can sell or buy backlinks. The service is a useful source of high-quality (at least, this is what is promised) links that cover all the bases (in our case, niches). As of today, the network is comprised of about 700 000 websites, all eager to post your link in a footer, sidebar, or the top of their home pages.
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Sounds great on paper, doesn’t it? There is a catch, though. Most of the websites on Sape Links Network are from non-English countries. This comes as no surprise given the fact that the service was originally launched in Russia. They do have websites in English but their number is far from the advertised ‘700 000’. Plus, you will have to pay extra if you desire to fetch a link exclusively from English-speaking platforms.
One more thing, the service allows for up to 10 outbound links from each website. In our opinion, 10 is a little bit too much. Such a heavy outbound linking may result in a red flag raised by the search engines. If Google decides that a website is spammy, a reference obtained from it will lose all its value.
Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative for 2019?
The said above may push you to look for a Sape Links Network alternative. We have no doubt that you will find a plethora of link building services but are they worth it? If you seek safety, tangible results, and the ability to manage your link building tactics as you please, there is only one worthy service – RealSiteLinks.com.
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Why is it better? RealSiteLinks meticulously checks all websites before adding them to their database. It is done to sift out PBNs, low authority, and spammy websites. The service accepts only real websites from real website owners that are indexed in Google and have low OBL (outbound links). Unlike Sape Links Network, RealSiteLinks permits only three links on every website meaning your source won’t get spammy.
Opting for RealSiteLinks, you can select which sites to use for external linking, how many, and for how long. The service provides metrics and categories so that you can effortlessly choose a relevant niche and website quality that meets your requirements. Contrary to Sape Links Network, you are able to acquire every link individually instead of purchasing a package of at least 25 references of the same quality. Thus, you can make use of diverse sources and even drip feed your backlinks so that the whole process of link building looks natural in Google’s eyes.
Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free?
Strictly saying, there are a few alternatives that are conditionally free. For example, you can create a profile of your business on one of web directories and link a chosen anchor to your website. As you may have already guessed, this method is very time consuming since you need to sign up, verify your email, and create content for your profile. However, the biggest drawback of this method is that it doesn’t really work in 2019. Such directories have lost their value and some of them are deemed as ‘junky’. With a link from such a questionable source, you will achieve the opposite result – instead of boosting your ranking in Google, you are likely to get a penalty.
Guest posting is another popular way to obtain a backlink but it is not deprived of shortcomings. You will have to manually contact blog owners and ask if they will accept a post from you on a free basis. If you reach out to a hundred bloggers you will likely to only find a few that agree to feature your link. Needless to say, this strategy is not effective time-wise. Moreover, you will have to hire someone or spend even more time on writing content for a blog.
Another strategy you can use to get a free reference is broken link building. You will have to rake through the Internet hunting down websites with broken links. Then you will need to contact a website owner, point out that there is a broken link, and suggest replacing it with a working link to your website. Does this method work? Yes, it does but is it fast and easy? Not at all.
The bottom line is that there are free Sape Links Network alternatives but they are practically useless if you are short on patience or want to achieve substantial results in little to no time.
What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives?
Sape Links Network’s packages start from $77 per month for 25 homepage links from DA/PA and TF/CF 10+ sites. This doesn’t sound particularly expensive but you can get backlinks even cheaper than that. RealSiteLinks, for instance, doesn’t impose any plans with a fixed number of links meaning you can buy as many as you want within your budget. The prices start from $3 per link so 25 links will cost $75. This is about the same as Sape Links Network charges for the Silver package. But what if you want to purchase only 10, or 30, or, let’s say, 70 links? With RealSiteLinks, the number of links you rent may vary as you please while the competitor obliges you to buy 25, 50, 100 or 200 links. Thus, RealSiteLinks is a much more flexible and cost-conscious Sape Links Network alternative.
What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
If you seek a way to acquire high-quality external links from websites you can trust, RealSiteLinks is a commendable service. Not only does it transcend Sape Links Network in terms of safety, quality of websites provided, and ease of use, but also it allows adjusting the number of external sources you utilize. It is also a cheaper alternative to Sape Links Network, which is highly beneficial for SEO experts on a shoestring budget.
The post Sape Links Network Alternative appeared first on Alternative HQ | Finding The Best Alternatives To 👍.
source https://alternativehq.com/sape-links-network/ source https://astelspirals.tumblr.com/post/183946715240
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becauselemon · 5 years
Sape Links Network Alternative
When it comes to SEO, you can boost your website’s rank position in two ways: improve your website so that it is valuable and appealing to users (so-called onsite SEO) or increase its authority with links from external sources (off-site SEO). Ideally, you should combine both methods. It is not hard to figure out how to enhance your website – just post relevant and useful content, make the website visually pleasing and convenient to visitors and you should be good. The question is how to make other websites link to your digital platform. In fact, there are many ways to do so and Sape Links Network is one of them. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?Maybe you should look for a Sape Links Network alternative? Let’s take a closer look at the service and other options you may want to give a shot.
📑 Sape Links Network Alternative Table of Contents:
What is Sape Links Network? Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative For 2019? Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free? What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives? What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
What is Sape Links Network
Sape Links Network is a marketplace for SEO experts and webmasters where you can sell or buy backlinks. The service is a useful source of high-quality (at least, this is what is promised) links that cover all the bases (in our case, niches). As of today, the network is comprised of about 700 000 websites, all eager to post your link in a footer, sidebar, or the top of their home pages.
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Sounds great on paper, doesn’t it? There is a catch, though. Most of the websites on Sape Links Network are from non-English countries. This comes as no surprise given the fact that the service was originally launched in Russia. They do have websites in English but their number is far from the advertised ‘700 000’. Plus, you will have to pay extra if you desire to fetch a link exclusively from English-speaking platforms.
One more thing, the service allows for up to 10 outbound links from each website. In our opinion, 10 is a little bit too much. Such a heavy outbound linking may result in a red flag raised by the search engines. If Google decides that a website is spammy, a reference obtained from it will lose all its value.
Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative for 2019?
The said above may push you to look for a Sape Links Network alternative. We have no doubt that you will find a plethora of link building services but are they worth it? If you seek safety, tangible results, and the ability to manage your link building tactics as you please, there is only one worthy service – RealSiteLinks.com.
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Why is it better? RealSiteLinks meticulously checks all websites before adding them to their database. It is done to sift out PBNs, low authority, and spammy websites. The service accepts only real websites from real website owners that are indexed in Google and have low OBL (outbound links). Unlike Sape Links Network, RealSiteLinks permits only three links on every website meaning your source won’t get spammy.
Opting for RealSiteLinks, you can select which sites to use for external linking, how many, and for how long. The service provides metrics and categories so that you can effortlessly choose a relevant niche and website quality that meets your requirements. Contrary to Sape Links Network, you are able to acquire every link individually instead of purchasing a package of at least 25 references of the same quality. Thus, you can make use of diverse sources and even drip feed your backlinks so that the whole process of link building looks natural in Google’s eyes.
Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free?
Strictly saying, there are a few alternatives that are conditionally free. For example, you can create a profile of your business on one of web directories and link a chosen anchor to your website. As you may have already guessed, this method is very time consuming since you need to sign up, verify your email, and create content for your profile. However, the biggest drawback of this method is that it doesn’t really work in 2019. Such directories have lost their value and some of them are deemed as ‘junky’. With a link from such a questionable source, you will achieve the opposite result – instead of boosting your ranking in Google, you are likely to get a penalty.
Guest posting is another popular way to obtain a backlink but it is not deprived of shortcomings. You will have to manually contact blog owners and ask if they will accept a post from you on a free basis. If you reach out to a hundred bloggers you will likely to only find a few that agree to feature your link. Needless to say, this strategy is not effective time-wise. Moreover, you will have to hire someone or spend even more time on writing content for a blog.
Another strategy you can use to get a free reference is broken link building. You will have to rake through the Internet hunting down websites with broken links. Then you will need to contact a website owner, point out that there is a broken link, and suggest replacing it with a working link to your website. Does this method work? Yes, it does but is it fast and easy? Not at all.
The bottom line is that there are free Sape Links Network alternatives but they are practically useless if you are short on patience or want to achieve substantial results in little to no time.
What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives?
Sape Links Network’s packages start from $77 per month for 25 homepage links from DA/PA and TF/CF 10+ sites. This doesn’t sound particularly expensive but you can get backlinks even cheaper than that. RealSiteLinks, for instance, doesn’t impose any plans with a fixed number of links meaning you can buy as many as you want within your budget. The prices start from $3 per link so 25 links will cost $75. This is about the same as Sape Links Network charges for the Silver package. But what if you want to purchase only 10, or 30, or, let’s say, 70 links? With RealSiteLinks, the number of links you rent may vary as you please while the competitor obliges you to buy 25, 50, 100 or 200 links. Thus, RealSiteLinks is a much more flexible and cost-conscious Sape Links Network alternative.
What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
If you seek a way to acquire high-quality external links from websites you can trust, RealSiteLinks is a commendable service. Not only does it transcend Sape Links Network in terms of safety, quality of websites provided, and ease of use, but also it allows adjusting the number of external sources you utilize. It is also a cheaper alternative to Sape Links Network, which is highly beneficial for SEO experts on a shoestring budget.
The post Sape Links Network Alternative appeared first on Alternative HQ | Finding The Best Alternatives To 👍.
source https://alternativehq.com/sape-links-network/ source https://astelspirals.tumblr.com/post/183946715240
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astelspirals · 5 years
Sape Links Network Alternative
When it comes to SEO, you can boost your website’s rank position in two ways: improve your website so that it is valuable and appealing to users (so-called onsite SEO) or increase its authority with links from external sources (off-site SEO). Ideally, you should combine both methods. It is not hard to figure out how to enhance your website – just post relevant and useful content, make the website visually pleasing and convenient to visitors and you should be good. The question is how to make other websites link to your digital platform. In fact, there are many ways to do so and Sape Links Network is one of them. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? Maybe you should look for a Sape Links Network alternative? Let’s take a closer look at the service and other options you may want to give a shot.
📑 Sape Links Network Alternative Table of Contents:
What is Sape Links Network? Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative For 2019? Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free? What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives? What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
What is Sape Links Network
Sape Links Network is a marketplace for SEO experts and webmasters where you can sell or buy backlinks. The service is a useful source of high-quality (at least, this is what is promised) links that cover all the bases (in our case, niches). As of today, the network is comprised of about 700 000 websites, all eager to post your link in a footer, sidebar, or the top of their home pages.
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Sounds great on paper, doesn’t it? There is a catch, though. Most of the websites on Sape Links Network are from non-English countries. This comes as no surprise given the fact that the service was originally launched in Russia. They do have websites in English but their number is far from the advertised ‘700 000’. Plus, you will have to pay extra if you desire to fetch a link exclusively from English-speaking platforms.
One more thing, the service allows for up to 10 outbound links from each website. In our opinion, 10 is a little bit too much. Such a heavy outbound linking may result in a red flag raised by the search engines. If Google decides that a website is spammy, a reference obtained from it will lose all its value.
Is There a Sape Links Network Alternative for 2019?
The said above may push you to look for a Sape Links Network alternative. We have no doubt that you will find a plethora of link building services but are they worth it? If you seek safety, tangible results, and the ability to manage your link building tactics as you please, there is only one worthy service – RealSiteLinks.com.
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Why is it better? RealSiteLinks meticulously checks all websites before adding them to their database. It is done to sift out PBNs, low authority, and spammy websites. The service accepts only real websites from real website owners that are indexed in Google and have low OBL (outbound links). Unlike Sape Links Network, RealSiteLinks permits only three links on every website meaning your source won’t get spammy.
Opting for RealSiteLinks, you can select which sites to use for external linking, how many, and for how long. The service provides metrics and categories so that you can effortlessly choose a relevant niche and website quality that meets your requirements. Contrary to Sape Links Network, you are able to acquire every link individually instead of purchasing a package of at least 25 references of the same quality. Thus, you can make use of diverse sources and even drip feed your backlinks so that the whole process of link building looks natural in Google’s eyes.
Are there any Sape Links Network Alternatives That are Free?
Strictly saying, there are a few alternatives that are conditionally free. For example, you can create a profile of your business on one of web directories and link a chosen anchor to your website. As you may have already guessed, this method is very time consuming since you need to sign up, verify your email, and create content for your profile. However, the biggest drawback of this method is that it doesn’t really work in 2019. Such directories have lost their value and some of them are deemed as ‘junky’. With a link from such a questionable source, you will achieve the opposite result – instead of boosting your ranking in Google, you are likely to get a penalty.
Guest posting is another popular way to obtain a backlink but it is not deprived of shortcomings. You will have to manually contact blog owners and ask if they will accept a post from you on a free basis. If you reach out to a hundred bloggers you will likely to only find a few that agree to feature your link. Needless to say, this strategy is not effective time-wise. Moreover, you will have to hire someone or spend even more time on writing content for a blog.
Another strategy you can use to get a free reference is broken link building. You will have to rake through the Internet hunting down websites with broken links. Then you will need to contact a website owner, point out that there is a broken link, and suggest replacing it with a working link to your website. Does this method work? Yes, it does but is it fast and easy? Not at all.
The bottom line is that there are free Sape Links Network alternatives but they are practically useless if you are short on patience or want to achieve substantial results in little to no time.
What about cheaper Sape Links Network Alternatives?
Sape Links Network’s packages start from $77 per month for 25 homepage links from DA/PA and TF/CF 10+ sites. This doesn’t sound particularly expensive but you can get backlinks even cheaper than that. RealSiteLinks, for instance, doesn’t impose any plans with a fixed number of links meaning you can buy as many as you want within your budget. The prices start from $3 per link so 25 links will cost $75. This is about the same as Sape Links Network charges for the Silver package. But what if you want to purchase only 10, or 30, or, let’s say, 70 links? With RealSiteLinks, the number of links you rent may vary as you please while the competitor obliges you to buy 25, 50, 100 or 200 links. Thus, RealSiteLinks is a much more flexible and cost-conscious Sape Links Network alternative.
What is The Best Sape Links Network Alternative?
If you seek a way to acquire high-quality external links from websites you can trust, RealSiteLinks is a commendable service. Not only does it transcend Sape Links Network in terms of safety, quality of websites provided, and ease of use, but also it allows adjusting the number of external sources you utilize. It is also a cheaper alternative to Sape Links Network, which is highly beneficial for SEO experts on a shoestring budget.
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source https://alternativehq.com/sape-links-network/
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