#how tf am i gonna survive the TV when she’s actually grown up?
oh shit. Never Grow Up is gonna hit DIFFERENT on July 7th, huh?
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
My mixed thoughts on Carol and Daryl/Caryl in s11 and the spin-off show.
 I think my thoughts are a bit unpopular or mixed.. Idk. I’m overthinking. I’m really am. LOL  It’s a long ranty post and with some spoilers and speculations! (I’m kinda a hate-watcher but I want or keep hoping for good writing. Oh I’m also more of an ensemble-show/TF fan too. So I'm like yeah u know twd/cheesey-ok-writing but I'm also taking it serious. I want good story telling/writing. Sigh, anyway.)
 So everybody have these expectations and speculations on the TWD shows and shipping Caryl of s11, Rick movies, spin-off show. I feel like Carylers are all not the same page /different opinions on it. I feel weird and awkward about it. I mean it means people are gonna agree or (majority/petty) disagree with me or not like the idea of what the future will bring. So it means that there will be some fandomwank or debbie downers around. (Idk I’m thinking of the BeIIarke fandom.) It’s like oh well...but we’re all in the same team. Well it's always just gonna be up to me deciding if I like it/trust the writers. Eh it’s just right now it’s a waiting-game on what these shows or future will be like. 
Like recently Kang mentioned Caryl as “platonic friends” (im not sure what she means..like s1-10? but she mentions them as soulmates last year) and NR talking about the Caryl spin-off show that he wanted ages ago. I think all these lil hints on what the Caryl spin-off show will be like, I don’t think they’re gonna spoil it to us and it’s also this story-plot comes after s11. So it’s like they can’t really tell us all what it’s about really. So..idk be hopeful or whatever you wanna do till the show comes. 2023. Caryl on. Fics, pls.
And there’s still s11, the series’s last season that Kang have to work on. I guess I feel I don’t know Kang well yet or trust her. So I think Kang might put a love triangle plot and tropey soapy love story going on with Caryl. Like she might want to play into it. And she might want to tease the fandom with the “will they-won’t they”.  S10c-s11f is 30 episodes that is a lot story needed going on. Eh I don’t want a love triangle plot and I hope Kang does something interesting with Caryl in s11 and make them canon! (I also want Conni3 to be like a Sasha and not  a Beth. I want Conni3 to be her own character and bond with her sister, Kelly.)  So.. it’s gonna be a lot we go through before the spin-off show.
So what I mainly want from “TWD Universe” .. And hoping for is... that I think Gimple had always planned to have these TWD shows & movies be connected like “TWD Universe”. I want the (ship canon) Caryl spin-off show connected to the Rick's story in the movies in some way and Caryl(and others) be in the movie(s) too. The spin-off show could be Caryl looking for Rick (with Lydia and Grimes kids), looking for supporters (idk like FTWD?/Morgan), OR eventually later on they helped Rick before they go be part of the movie(s). Idk just something related to Rick grimes movies. Even though like most Carol fans don't like Rick or don’t want the show to be connected at all to the other shows (and no kids). :\ IMO!
*This here I rant about Carol’s story arc and spin-off show. -Lydia.
Recently I watched s10 finale, it hit me that TWD show is ending next season, s11. Like, it’s the end of seeing Team Family and the Grimes/comic-based story. The s10 finale ep kinda also pointed on what I am feeling lately on TWD show and Caryl spin-off. I actually want to see how s11/TWD/Grimes show goes and ends first. I know Caryl are already TV leads, Maggie returns, comic things and drama are back for one more season, but me as a Caryler, I’m also fan of Carol and Daryl individually. (Well I'm more a Carol stan.) Anyway I'm trying to say that I want to see how Carol's or/and Daryl's story ends in the TWD show with TF. I want it to be good writing and story. Like seeing Carol and Lydia in s10f made me cry because it was so good, but what does it mean in s11 and so on? I'm gonna miss Caryl with TF and ASZ. I’m gonna miss some things of TWD too. Idk what the Caryl spin-off show will be like exactly. Will Lydia and others be there too or ..it's the end for them s11? It's sad to me.
 I want more Carol and Lydia to well.. be like mother and daughter or friends. I think of them as “Carol and mini-Carol.” Why should I be invested in them then if it all ends next season and Carol rides off? Idk I'm like, is it bad writing if Caryl spin-off show just be Caryl road-tripping? Idk what I'm saying. I want Carol's/Daryl's story to be good and in character, in end of s11 and spin-off show. Idk... It's like, writing-wise, is Carol always meant (or it’s in-character for her story?) to then look after Lydia and grow old with TF in ASZ..Or was Carol always meant to leave to go to New Mexico away from TF and on the spin-off show( or it’s just show business?) It's almost like there's two endgames that I want with Caryl in s11 and spin-off show. There's two endings on how Caryl's journey ends with TF AND how they will be like in s11 finale/spin-off. Like there’s Caryl and TF’s story ending and Caryl’s TWD show-arcs ending. And will it be in character and be an interesting story? Sigh idk it’s just a lot of hoping and trusting on these writers, and wondering if I still like the story. A lot of changes to get through. 
 Although, I recently read some comments about Carol and Lydia and thought about s11 and the spin-off show. If Lydia isn’t part of the spin-off show, I think I would be okay, story-wise, if Lydia is always meant to be a plot to end Carol’s (TWD show)arc on TWD show. In the finale, Lydia mentioned that they don’t have to be like a mother and daughter which Carol is probably already thinking of it and had this unlucky past with kids. Lydia said they could be friends. Then Carol told Lydia to find her own path, her own way in life. I think the writers are like wrapping or going over the whole Carol and kids arc since s4. Carol have this long traumatic past with kids. Carol wants to protect her/the kids and it’s like Carol realizes that she can’t always protect them, the kids also have to be their own and survive and it’s a rough life. It’s not all Carol’s fault in a way that if/when they die. If that make sense. So with Carol and Lydia since s9f, I feel they have this different adult-kid storyline than Carol with the other kids. I see it as a Carol and mini-Carol storyline. It’s probably all about Carol and all kids/Lydia storyline too. Later in the s10f, Lydia saved Carol, like Carol saved Lydia in s9f. They’re so like similar, mirrored. I’m really interested in them. I think I would be okay if the writers focus on them in s11, if it’s about Carol’s arc-with-kids ends. She learns to not to feel like a bad mother and letting go of this protecting-kids-thing but try her best to protect them and not blame herself. Learn to see how much she grown and love herself by being around Lydia. So yeah just overthinking on this and it would be nice if the writers go there next season because it’s seems like a in-character (TWD show) arc to end for Carol. (I don’t care about Negan and I don’t want the kids with Negan. :\ I also don’t want Daryl to be friends with Negan. maybe just tolerate him.)
Another thing .. Is idk how the Caryl spin-off show will go for Carol and Daryl. At first I'm like whatever they have fun on their road trip but thinking on it and with TWD, I'm like I don't want the spin-off be like a ‘Mcreedus on the road in their costumes show’. Like that's not what the Caryl spin-off show is right? So like I'm overthinking on it I know I am but really .. Now I’m wondering how this spin-off show really goes with Carol and Daryl and still being in-character. I feel there's gonna be some main motivation or arc in spin-off show. The core storyline and character's core storyline. Idk what it is for Caryl/Carol and Daryl. I think of other shows like this and there are reasons to it. Like all of this, it's really a whole new show and it gotta start with all these usual basics in the show. I think of other shows that might be similar to the spin-off show. Right now I'm thinking Avatar:TLA and Telltale games’ (comic) Michonne or TWD game s3: New Frontier (Clementine and Javier). Lol, yeah random. These are I think traveling stories and the main characters have a motivation or whatever. And it’s a hero’s journey/redemption, finding her lil bro(AJ), or with Michonne it was going through stages of grief in six (?) episodes. So my point is I don't want the spin-off show be pointless and OOC and just Mcreedus riding around with no plot. Ok, it’s still a story about Carol and Daryl. Idk what the show’s arc will be about. Maybe it’s them helping people, them finding peace and learn to love themselves. Maybe to find Rick. Idk. I want Carol and Daryl story be good and ended good. And related to Rick's story....I kinda don't mind if Caryl bring the Grimes kids (and Lydia) along. As long as the story is good to me. So, I just wanna point out that it’s still Carol’s and Daryl’s story going on. 
Another thing with Caryl’s relationship, I'm thinking on what makes sense to me on Caryl's relationship is that if the Caryl spin-off show will be them as already a couple. Then I think Caryl should be canon in 10c or s11 finale or earlier. I think to have a spin-off be separated from main TWD, it will go smoothly to me if they are already a couple in the spin-off show. If they don't then I feel the writers lost their chance and/or baiting shippers. I don't feel like waiting for them to be canon in spin-off show, because it's like previous TWD seasons. I find it tiring and boring and it’s the same as before. If they're confirmed as just friends then I feel that the characters' story is wasted or shorten/OOC. They deserved more in their life. It’s not good writing or story to me. And if one finds a bf or gf like... who wants to see that and I guess we assume it won't last that long because Caryl are the mains. It would be OOC to me and not interesting. Anyway, I hope Caryl are a canon couple in the spin-off show by then. Oh I also think the show would be at least 2 seasons. But you know show business u never know.
Oof high expectations. Caryl on.
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