occasionalsoongs · 14 days
update on this (sorry it's been almost a month holy shit): we have been officially diagnosed, going to our surgeon tomorrow to discuss the way forward.
as for the future of this blog we really want to continue it (especially since it has been so short lived) but it will likely be rather slow especially if we need more intensive treatment/surgery
feel free to keep putting in requests, and even submitting your own art if you want! but it might be a bit longer before we can deliver ours
thank you all for your patience and kind words it is very much appreciated.
sorry this is taking so long we might have cancer (again! :/) so that's kind of occupying us a bit
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occasionalsoongs · 1 month
sorry this is taking so long we might have cancer (again! :/) so that's kind of occupying us a bit
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occasionalsoongs · 2 months
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(lore voice) you got games on your phone
accidentally wrote a whole ass one shot comic for the next request so it might take a bit to cook
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occasionalsoongs · 2 months
accidentally wrote a whole ass one shot comic for the next request so it might take a bit to cook
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occasionalsoongs · 2 months
hey guys! just a request to please avoid making NSFW comments on our posts or in any requests/submissions! we'd prefer this blog to be a safe space for younger users, and frankly also it makes us uncomfortable
thank you for understanding!! and for the warm reception wow :3
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occasionalsoongs · 2 months
Welcome to a new member of the Spiner stans! Always nice to see new folks showing up.
For a request, how bout Data or Lore busting it down at the club?
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data goes to the rave at ten-forward
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occasionalsoongs · 2 months
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welcome to occasionalsoongs! where we draw data and lore and the other guys sometimes until we figure out what brent spiner looks like
feel free to drop a request or a submission at any time
or visit the mod(s)' blogs @cosmicswansong @twinhearted
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