#how many times can we bite that lip in four minutes?
patrickztump · 1 month
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patrick stump appreciation post ✧ 19/∞ [✘] ↳ ybc commentary edition: the phoenix
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backwzzds · 10 months
ೃ⁀➷ spoil you, plug!eren
eren hated when you spent your own money, but you don’t listen.
thinking about the way plug!eren would take you on his drops with him. you were so quiet and in your own world, he never minded the fact that you had your freshly white painted toes resting against the dash of his mercedes AMG coupe. the entire car was blacked out with expensive ceramic tints, protecting you both from your usual…late night activities.
your glasses rested on the cute bridge of your nose as your left leg was sat in eren’s lap while your right rested against the dashboard. eren was lucky that he fucked with most of his customers heavy…you two had been waiting for the dude to meet y’all for nearly thirty minutes now, and had it been someone else, eren would have sped away long time ago.
eren comfortingly rubbed your baby soft feet in the grasp of his tattooed hand, one with beautiful realism art of your own eye. with a turn of his head, he could see you practically nose deep in the bright screen of your phone illuminating through the car. “you growing bored mama?” his voice is concerned. “ian think we was gonna be waiting this long on dude…my bad baby.”
you hadn’t said much since you’d gotten in the car, just wanting to hurry and add all of your things to your shopping cart on the skims website. “nah, ‘m just…trying…to do somethin’ real quick,” you bite your lip as you tap away on your phone. you were trying to add as many things to your cart before it was gone. “before this shit sell out.”
eren being the nosy boy he is leans against your shoulder to see what you were doing. but the moment he’d seen you type in numbers that belonged to what he knew as your own debit card, he kissed his teeth in annoyance. “man how many times i gotta tell you to stop using your card to go shopping bae?” you roll your eyes at his words. “i’m serious, you got all three of my cards on ya phone for a reason. fuck is you typing in your info for?”
don’t get him wrong, eren loved the fact that you were independent and knew how to handle money almost perfectly now that you were in your twenties. but being together with you for so long, he continued to step up with his provider capabilities by always taking care of you. whether it was paying your bills, rent—everything in between.
but of course it was a struggle when ms. i can do it all by myself meets mr. i know you can but let me do it for you
“because i’m spending like 600 dollars,” you point out to his previous question with an obvious scoff. “i’m not asking you for that.” eren mirrors your actions and rolls his eyes again.
eren looks at you as if you’re insane and suffered memory loss for the past four years you’ve been together. “babe…i make that shit in one night. actually—fuck a night—i make that shit in two hours!”
it wasn’t like he was lying either, with the way that eren was one of the only trusted plugs in town, it was very easy that he’d bring at least a band a night on a consistent basis. selling for almost six years was finally paying off.
you two hardly ever fought, but if you did, it was always about money. eren knew how long you’ve had to do things on your own physically and financially. you couldn’t go to your mom for help, you didn’t have a dad to beg, so it was all on you since you’d been 16. but now that he had eren, he’d just wish you’d let him take the burden of money of your shoulders and take care of you the way you take care of him.
after a few minutes, your boyfriend holds his hand out. you give him crazy eyes, but eventually follow orders by putting your phone in his hand. “don’t know how many times i gotta tell yo stubborn ass, forreal,” he grunted. “‘s never a problem spoiling my baby. you don’t ever ask me for nothing. let me feel useful and get you stuff, mama.”
with a sigh, you nod your head, like you always did. there was no way eren was gonna take no for an answer when it came to spoiling his wife.
in response, eren uses his free hand to delete your information and instead place the correct numbers—the information to his amex black card. all the money he has, he sits and does nothing with it, so why not buy you all the things you’ve never had before?
when you hear the chime of your phone confirming your order, eren hands you the phone back and goes to look out his dark window.
with your acrylics, you grab eren by the neck and slowly turn him back to face you. “thanks papa,” you gave him genuine eyes.
eren leans forward and pecks your lips. with a serious face, he pecks you one more time before wrapping his tatted fingers around your neck erotically. with a look in your eyes he tells you, “always tell me what you want, no matter how much, mama. you know daddy gonna get that shit for you one way or another, regardless.”
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
priorities || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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you being late brings up a lot more problems.
"shit," you swore to yourself. you couldn't be late again, alexia had really been on your ass. there were talks of benching you until you could show the team that you wanted to be there. it wasn't your fault that your parents left you to fend for yourself. their reasoning was that if you wanted to act like an adult, then they'd treat you like one. it didn't matter that you weren't old enough to drive yourself anywhere like to practice.
you were a sweating mess by the time that you had gotten to the stadium. the last four blocks from the bus stop to work had been sprinted. you hated having to make that trek normally, but it was even worse whenever the weather was as hot as it was. all you could do was get ready and hope that jona didn't want to talk to you privately.
"nena, where have you been?" all of the team was staring at you as you made your way onto the field. you searched for alexia's eyes and immediately wished that you hadn't. she was looking at you with a look of pure disappointment, like you had completely disregarded her last lecture to you.
"(y/n), come with me," alexia told you. her tone was stern, nearly as much as her expression. you were practically shaking in your boots as you followed her away from everybody else. if she would have just pulled you to the sidelines, it wouldn't have been so bad, but alexia walked you fully away from the field over to the tunnels.
"alexia, before you start, i'm sorry," you apologized. alexia didn't even acknowledge what you said, which you knew meant that she was angry with you. you shrunk back before she even started yelling at you, glancing over towards where the other players were barely visible on the field.
"that does not mean anything to me when you continue to arrive at practice late. how many times do we have to talk about this? before when you played it was for fun, but this is your job. you aren't just here to practice and play in games, there are more responsibilities that come with being a member of the senior team. i am done with babying you, so until you can prove that you're willing to do what is needed like arriving on time, you are on your own." alexia didn't once raise her voice. she walked away from you and back to the field. you stood there with your lip trembling as tears began to fall down your cheeks.
you just barely managed to compose yourself before you joined the team on the field. jona made you run laps while they did their scrimmage games. during lunch, you sat by yourself. alexia was usually your lunch partner, but you assumed that she wanted nothing to do with you.
"hola, nena," irene greeted you. none of the girls liked seeing you sit and eat alone, but irene was the only one alexia wouldn't get onto for sitting with you during your punishment. if anything, alexia trusted her to lecture you as well.
"hola irene," you mumbled. you didn't look up from your plate of food, which you had been pushing around for the past 20 minutes. there were only ten or so minutes left before you had to move on to watch film and go to the gym, but you couldn't bring yourself to take a single bite.
"you should eat. you ran a lot in practice and we're going to the gym later. it would make me and some of the other girls feel a lot better if you would try to take a few bites," irene said. you glanced up at her, which was a mistake. almost immediately, tears returned to your eyes. you practically sprinted out of there to avoid letting them see you cry.
none of the girls came after you. alexia did a good job of keeping everybody away from you while you all watched film. you had your little notepad to take notes, mostly on your opponents since you already didn't get much playing time. a few of the younger girls kept staring at you, and several times you found yourself meeting vicky or jana's gaze.
the gym wasn't much better. you kept your head down and only used machines so that you didn't need a spotter. you kept to areas where nobody else was, and any time that you thought someone was approaching you, you'd leave. once you finished your required reps in the gym, you went out to the field, knowing that you had to run laps after everything.
there wasn't anybody watching you on the field when you first got out there, but slowly, more and more of the girls filed out to the seats to watch you. you didn't pay any attention to any of them. you wanted them to leave so that you could get home, but they didn't budge. and so, you kept running and running. at least an hour had to have passed, possibly more before your body started to forcibly slow down.
"nena!" mapi called out as she watched you drop down to your knees. you had been mid-run, and while it didn't look like a blowout, mapi was paranoid. she took off in a sprint towards you, as did most of the backline that you had been playing with. "are you okay? where does it hurt?"
"mapi, back up, give her some space," alexia said. at that, mapi shot up and lunged at her captain. it took everybody except for lucy getting between them to keep them away from each other. alexia was pulled away from you completely while lucy dropped down to check on you.
"hey kiddo, just breathe for me, okay? can you breathe with me?" lucy asked. she motioned for you to inhale and exhale with her slowly. everybody had been so caught up with the thought of you being injured that they hadn't really checked on you until lucy. she got you sitting up, which was when you clung to her in a hug.
"i was so scared. i just stopped breathing," you told her. there was no holding back your tears. you sobbed openly into lucy's shirt. the medics were waved off, but they left a bottle of water and some options for a snack with the girls on the pitch. "i don't know what happened."
"you overexerted yourself. it's been a busy day for you, and patri mentioned that you looked a little tired when you got here. did you sleep okay last night?" lucy asked you.
"i slept fine," you promised her. lucy ran through a little checklist of questions before marta interrupted her.
"how did you get here nena?" marta asked. at that, you glanced down at your hands and mumbled out the truth. you hoped that none of them would hear you and drop it, but that wasn't the case.
"speak up." this time, it was irene's stern voice that forced it out of you. there was a gentleness to it that alexia's lacked, which was why you repeated yourself for them in the first place.
"i took the bus, then walked," you answered. you weren't proud of admitting it, knowing how dumb that was. irene and marta's faces dropped at your words. they knew how far your home was from the first bus station, and then the other four blocks was not exactly light travel.
"if you ever need a ride anywhere, you tell one of us, got it?" marta leaned in and cradled your face in her hands. "i don't care if it is for something stupid, you call someone."
"yes ma'am," you said quietly. there was still a bit of wheezing when you breathed, but you had pretty much stopped crying. "i'm not in trouble am i?"
"not for this nena, not for this," irene said. she left you to go talk to jona and alexia. patri and pina offered to take you back with them, promising that the three of you could have a fun sleepover with vicky and jana if you were up to it. you were in the locker room changing when alexia came up to you again.
"(y/n), there are some things that i would like to say to you," alexia said. she seemed nervous, which threw you for a loop. you were so used to alexia being confident and sure of herself.
"go ahead," you muttered quietly.
"i am sorry for being so harsh on you earlier. that isn't fair to you, and i will work to be better in the future. irene informed me of how you've been getting to practice, and i figured that your house is not too far from my apartment complex. if you are okay with it, i would like to pick you up for practice. we may need to come in a bit early some days, but i have full confidence that one day you will have captain duties." alexia cracked a small smile at you, one that helped relax you a little. "you don't have to, but it would mean a lot to me if you accepted my apology."
"i do," you said quietly. a part of you was just doing it because she was your captain and you didn't want alexia to be mad at you. still, you appreciated that alexia sought you out to apologize for being so strict with you earlier.
"nena, are you ready?" pina asked as she poked her head into the locker room. her eyes fell to alexia, and pina stepped fully into the locker room ready to square up with her captain. "is she bothering you, nena?"
"it's fine, pina. ale was just apologizing. let's go, i want to take a nap before vicky's parents drop her off," you said. pina helped you carry your bag out to patri's car. both women kept a close eye on you, seeing you as their responsibility to look after. you were like their child, not that any of you would say it to one another.
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ricolaviecher · 2 months
Who's the dad
This is a Evan Buckley (9-1-1) fanfiction I have finally decided to post. It is the first or second fanfiction I have written in my whole life so this is probably bad. English is not my first language so there could be a few mistakes.
I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it. If anyone has feedback, I am open for it.<3
Summary: A few months after a one-night stand leaves (Y/N) pregnant, she unexpectedly meets the baby's father at a BBQ at her dad's fire station.
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The blonde guy was hot, (Y/N) had to admit. His baby blue shirt lets his eyes glow in the most perfect way.
“So why are you here today?”, (Y/N) asked. They both had a silent deal: no name’s, no prying for information.
“Hard day at work”, the man answered. “You?”
“Hard week.” (Y/N) knew she was already drunk, but she ordered another tequila. In the afternoon, she brought her kids to their grandparents, Bobby and Athena. The reason she told them: I need the evening for drinking until I don’t even know my name anymore.
She knew drinking wasn’t going to solve her problem, but it would numb her for at least one night. It would make her forget the pain.
The man nodded, but she didn’t even know what she had said before.
They drank a few drinks together until both of them saw black spots dancing in front of their eyes.
(Y/N) knew it was wrong what she wanted to do know. She wanted to kiss this man. She wanted to forget why she was here tonight. She knew exactly how wrong it would be. How disappointed everyone would look at her. But screw it. She wanted him and she wanted him now.
She leant forward and pressed a kiss on his lips. It felt so right, but so wrong. It didn’t matter. The blonde deepened the kiss. The next thing (Y/N) knew was that they were in the man’s apartment. In his bed.
(Y/N) did her best to hide the baby bump – but it didn’t help much. Maybe she could tell everyone she has just eaten too much when they were in Europe. She hasn’t seen anyone of her family in the last 5 months. They didn’t know she was pregnant and they are not supposed to. Half a year ago she packed her stuff and drove away with the kids.
After her husband died and she slept with this stranger, she had to leave. She wasn’t able to stay anymore. She was ashamed of herself. How was she able to sleep with someone just some hours after Henry died? They weren’t always happy but she loved him. He had been her world. Until he was gone.
“Mommy? How much longer we have to drive?” James asked from the back of the car. He was the most impatient of her kids.
“Only around half an hour then you can finally see grandpa and grandma again.”
(Y/N) heard a sigh from her son and chuckled.
“Is there going to be cake? Is grandpa going to make pasta for us?” Cameron. She and James are twins and couldn’t be more similar. Both impatient and always hungry until they ate two bites and complain about being too full to eat any more.
“I don’t know. I have never been to a party at the station.” Nobody knew they were going to come. It was going to be a surprise.
Suddenly, Emily began to cry in her seat. The two-year old always slept in the car, but when she woke up, she always had a shock and started to cry when she noticed they were driving.
“Liv, can you please give Emily her pacifier?” The 14-year-old didn’t seem to hear her mom, as she had her headphones in her ears and scrolled through TikTok’s.
“Liv! Give your sister her damn pacifier!” Finally.
After two weeks in Europe, (Y/N) was already super annoyed. She tried to keep it cool, but it wasn’t easy to be with four kids and pregnant when she didn’t have her husband around.
Just a few minutes later, (Y/N) parked in front of the firehouse. She had been here before. Not inside it but she had dropped off her father a few times when his car was at the car repair.
“Ok! We are here! All out of the car!” (Y/N) picked up her youngest and followed the rest of the kids inside the firehouse.
She didn’t see many people downstairs, but around 50 people were upstairs.
“(Y/N)? Hey! You’re back! Where were you in the last few months? We tried to call you but you didn’t answer. We were so worried!” Bobby literally ran to her and hugged her as tightly as possible with Emily between them. “She grew up so much”, he said, reaching out to stroke Emily’s back.
“Yes. She absolutely did.” (Y/N) could see the worried and exhausted expression on her father’s face and immediately felt sorry for not even writing him and Athena a message that she and the kids were ok.
“May I introduce you to the team?”, Bobby asked after hugging the twins and Liv, who finally put away her headphones.
The 118’s Captain led his family to a bunch of people in uniforms.
“These guys are Eddie, Chimney, Hen and Buck.” (Y/N)’s breath caught in her throat. Fuck. The super-hot guy stood in front of her. With his uniform he looked even better that in his baby blue shirt he wore the last time. Why the fuck did she still remember what this guy had worn when they met in the bar?!
“Meet (Y/N), Liv, James, Cameron and Emily.”
“Hey! Nice to meet y’all”, (Y/N) said overly friendly, trying to hide the surprise, as well as Buck did.
“Grandpa? You have cake?”, Cameron asked Bobby.
“Of course. A party without cake isn’t a party. Come on, I’ll show you all.” Bobby led the kids away from (Y/N) and the team, over to the kitchen island on which many plates of cake were standing.
“’So… you are Cap’s daughter?”, a brown-haired man asked, who (Y/N) remembered as Eddie.
“Yepp, that’s me.” (Y/N) looked at Buck who looked just as surprised, as she felt.
“So, you are Buck?”, she asked him just as a try to build a conversation. She tugged gently on her shirt, as she didn’t want Buck to notice her baby bump.
“Uhm… yes. I am. Evan Buckley. So… these are your kids? You look quite young”, Buck asked and (Y/N) furrowed her brow until she realized, they haven’t talked about ages when they spent the night together. She was quite young for already having 4 kids. She had Liv when she was 16, but she barely told people, as she always got these judging looks.
“Yes, they are.” (Y/N) stared at the ground, unable to hold eye contact with the man she had a breathtaking night.
“Father’s not in the picture?”, Eddie asked and (Y/N) could see that Buck was relieved, that his friend asked the question, so he didn’t seem too suspicious.
“Um, no. He died 5 months ago. Car accident.” Instead of staring at the ground, (Y/N) now looked at the ceiling, trying to stop the tears, which always threatened to flow freely, whenever she talked about her late husband.
When she finally managed to make eye contact with Evan, she could see pain written over his face. Her husband died 5 months ago, around the same time, she slept with him. Had he been some kind of replacement? He knew they agreed to one night – no personal information, but it still hurt to know she didn’t actually feel the tiniest bit. She only had tried to compensate everything.
Around 3 hours later, in which the 118 got a small call once but came back after only one and a half hour, they all sat at the big table, because it was dinner time. Most of the time, (Y/N) stood on the sidelines, as she didn’t really feel comfortable around all these people she barely knew, and Buck. Nobody seemed to have noticed the baby bump which was covered under her shirt.
And now, (Y/N) even felt nauseous and had cramps in her lower belly. Her other pregnancies had gone quite well, except the last few months with the twins, but this pregnancy was terrible. She already had to go to hospital 4 times in the last 5 months, as she couldn’t keep anything down and had been severely dehydrated.
After only 2 bites, (Y/N) had to lay down the fork because she felt like she would throw up right away if she ate only one more bite. She had already thrown up breakfast and everything she drank today. She was lucky no one noticed she hasn’t eaten a piece of cake before.  
“Are you ok?”, the brown-haired man from before asked. Eddie? (Y/N) has always been terrible with names and couldn’t remember any. It took her 2 weeks to even remember Henry’s name after she met him, something he also made fun of, even years later.
“Uh yes. Just not feeling too great today”, she answered, trying to suppress the feeling to be sick. Her throat felt tight and her stomach felt like it was twisting and turning. The cramps were still present. She knew she wasn’t having a miscarriage as she once had one, and it felt different. The symptoms were pretty much the same, but she had another feeling. She had felt like something was missing, but this here wasn’t any better.
“You sure? You don’t look too good and you haven’t eaten much. Don’t you like the food?”, her father intervened now.
“The food’s great. Really. I haven’t been feeling my best today, that’s it.”
“Do you want one of the medics to take a look at you?” Bobby really seemed worried, but his daughter waved him off.
“Dad. Don’t make more out of it than it is.” Her dad made an acknowledging sound and (Y/N) thanked him silently with a small nod.
(Y/N) fidgeted with her hands, a nervous habit, she always did when she felt uncomfortable. Today, this many people were too much. She has never liked being around many people for a long time. She felt like everyone was staring at her and making fun off her or thinking of her as a disappointment when she did something wrong. Her kids were different, except of Liv. Liv came after her mom in these things, while the others luckily came after their dad and were the most social persons in this world.
Everyone looked at (Y/N), as she suddenly stood up, because a wave of nausea waved over her. As fast as possible she went to the restrooms, but only made it to the sink, where she threw up the bit of water she had managed to drink before. She rinsed her mouth and looked in the mirror. She looked like shit. Her skin was pale and her lips dry.
The door opened, and a woman stepped inside. She was around as tall as (Y/N) was and wore a wine-red shirt, that showed she worked at the 911 dispatch center. Had she been at the dinner table before? Or has (Y/N) just not seen her?
“Oh hey. Sorry. Just needed a break from out there. Who are you? I have never seen you here before. I am Maddie by the way. Chimney’s fiancé, Buck’s sister.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Buck’s sister?
“(Y/N). Bobby’s daughter. Nice to meet you.”
“Are you okay? You don’t look too well.” Again, this question. No, she wasn’t ok. But she didn’t say anything, so everyone should stop asking her. If she wanted someone to know she wasn’t well, she would tell.
“It’s okay. Just not feeling my best today.” Maddie nodded.
“Ok.” She didn’t pry further to get information, what (Y/N) was very thankful for.
“Soo. You are Bobby’s daughter? Athena has never mentioned, that Bobby has a daughter. She usually talks about everything.” Maddie furrowed her brow.
(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
“He doesn’t like talking about his private life too much.”
(Y/N) went back to the table, after she was sure she wouldn’t have to throw up again. But when she arrived at the dinner table again, she felt she was dizzy. Congratulations. First, she was sick and now she was dizzy because she didn’t drink or eat enough today.
She caught Bobby’s concerned gaze as he was looking at her, before everything went black.
“Heyyy! Here we go. You with us again?” She felt something painful on her chest and after a few moments she realized it was someone performing sternal rub to bring her back around. (Y/N) grumbled something.
When she tried to sit up again, there was a firm hand on her shoulder that kept her laid down.
“Damn, let me sit up if I want to. I am fine.” But (Y/N) noticed on her own how hoarse she sounded from being sick.
The hand suddenly disappeared from her shoulder, but when (Y/N) sat up, the hand was back at her back to steady her and kept her from falling over. Finally, she managed to open her eyes and caught look on the brown-haired man – Eddie. Evan sat directly next to her.
“We are just going to check a few things, ok?” All (Y/N) did, was giving an acknowledging sound from her.
The next thing she felt was a pulse-oximeter being slipped on her index finger and a blood pressure cuff on the other arm. She winced when Eddie inflated it and it squeezed tightly around her arm, which made her eyes well up with tears.
She had never liked the BP reading. When she was a kid, she cried freely as it made her arm feel like needles were jabbing it.
“Sorry.” Eddie was quick to deflate the cuff again after noticing the tears in (Y/N)’s eyes but she just shook her head to show everything’s ok. “BP’s 108/70. We are going to give you something to raise it again.”
“No! Wait!” (Y/N) frantically said. “I… I…” She made a sign for Eddie to come near to her so she could whisper into his ear without anyone hearing it. “I am pregnant but no one can know yet. I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Okayyy… I think we should go somewhere more private.” (Y/N) nodded agreeing.
Despite the other’s confused looks, they made their way to the locker room. Once they were there, Eddie began talking again.
“Has this happened before?”
“Yes, I already was in hospital because of it but it is just this morning sickness. I can’t keep anything down and it makes me dehydrated.” When (Y/N) looked to her right, she could see Buck looking at them but he couldn’t hear anything, right? He wasn’t as near and it was quite loud upstairs.
“Mhm. I want to hook you up on an IV if that’s ok with you? I don’t want you to be as dehydrated as you are now and I figure you don’t want a trip to the ER?”
“Yes, if that is possible, please.”
Only a few seconds later, (Y/N) could see her dad storming into the locker room.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He looked kind of mad but also worried.
“Ehm… It is complica…”
“She is dehydrated because she didn’t drink or eat enough. She just wants to be alone for a moment and I can give her an IV,” Eddie intervened. (Y/N) shot him a thankful gaze and a tiny smile. She liked Eddie. He was really kind. She couldn’t think of any of her friends, who would do that for her.
“Mhm. Ok. I am going to call Athena. She said she would be here earlier. I’ll come back later.”
Bobby disappeared as fast as he came into the room.
“Thanks. For not telling him.” Eddie smiled at her.
“It’s not on me. And I think there are going to be better circumstances for that talk. How far are you?”
“5 months.”
“Ah. May I ask…”, he hesitated for a moment. “Is it your late husband’s baby?”
“No.” You didn’t know for sure why you told him, but he kind of let you feel calm and safe. “We didn’t… you know… the time before he died. We argued a lot. Had a one-night stand just a few hours after he died.”
“You know the father? Were you able to call and tell him?” Eddie looked honestly interested while he put an IV bag out of the medkit.
(Y/N) shook her head before nodding.
“I haven’t seen him… until today.” Eddie looked shocked and raised his eyebrows.
“Today? Is he here? At the station?”
(Y/N) nodded guiltily and looked at the ground when she heard Eddie chuckle.
“Damn, tell me more. Who is it?”
“Buck?” The firefighter looked even more shocked than before and you nodded again.
“I didn’t know his name we agreed to ‘no personal information’. Why would I know he worked at my dad’s workplace? God… when he will find out he is going to be so pissed.” Eddie shook his head.
“Nah, I don’t think so. He will understand. And hey. You don’t have to defend yourself.” She smiled at his kindness.
She watched as Eddie swabbed the alcohol pad over the back of her hand.
“I would recommend to close your eyes if you are not good with needles”, he suggested. But (Y/N) couldn’t. She needed to see what Eddie was doing, even though she wasn’t good with needles. When the firefighter pushed the needle in the back of her hand, she let out a small squeal.
“Told you to keep your eyes closed but you refused to listen.” She heard Eddie chuckle. “Do you have any other symptoms I should be worried about?”
“I have cramps”, she admitted.
“Lower belly?” (Y/N) nodded. Why couldn’t she just have been home. She would lie on the couch and relax, but instead she was here, being poked and prodded by a firefighter.
“Can I take a look?” She nodded again. Eddie pulled her shirt over her abdomen and pressed his palm on different spots. (Y/N) looked upstairs, and froze. Fuck. She forgot that Evan was still standing upstairs, looking at the locker room. Looking at her.
Her eyes widened. Why had she agreed to this? Why didn’t she insist on being ok and went home? Why was she so stupid? She wanted to slap herself for not thinking.
Eddie seemed to notice her sudden panic, the pulse-oximeter, which was still clipped to her finger, chirped in high pitched noises.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. Deep breaths. What’s up?”
“B… Buck.” The firefighter looked where she was pointing at and sucked in a deep breath.
“Ok. That’s ok. We’ll fix that, after we are finished here, ok? It’ll be ok. Don’t worry. Try to breathe with me, the baby won’t like you breathing like that.” Demonstrative, Eddie took some deep breaths. “Do you know the gender yet?”
(Y/N) could tell that Eddie was only trying to distract her but she played along.
“A… girl. It’s a girl. Again.” She laughed. Her breathing became slower, steadier.
“That’s great. You already told your kids?”
“How did they react? Are they happy?” Eddie grinned at her.
“Y… yes. They are. James was a bit d- disappointed at first. H- he hoped he would finally get a brother t- to play soccer with.” (Y/N) smiled. “But the g- girls were all over t-the moon.”
The brown-haired man, put an oxygen mask over her face, which she tried to pull off, but his hand was immediately back, to hold the mask in place.
“Let it on, please”, he said with a look at the pulse-oximeter which was still chirping. “It’ll make it easier to breathe for you.
(Y/N) nodded, even though she hated the feeling of the mask, which made her feel the opposite of ‘easier to breathe’.
“Can I have a listen to the baby’s heartbeat?” After he had seen (Y/N) nodded again, he took the stethoscope and pressed the diaphragm to her belly.
“Looks good so far. The heartbeat is a bit fast for my liking but it’s nothing too concerning, just take some deep breaths, ok?”
“Copy, Firefighter Diaz.” (Y/N) took some deep breaths.
Just a few seconds later, someone stormed into the locker room. Buck.
“You… you are pregnant?” Buck hoped that (Y/N) would tell him it wasn’t his. That it was her husband’s.
“Yes.” She was surprised that her voice didn’t sound as high and panicking as she thought it would. She was scared. Scared of Buck’s reaction, which became even more clear, as the pulse-oximeter started to chirp frantically again.
Eddie took a look and was surprised how high the shown numbers were.
“Deep breaths”, he commanded her. But she couldn’t.
“Who’s the dad? Is it mine? Or is there a tiny chance, that it is your husband’s?” Even though (Y/N) thought something like that would come out of Buck’s mouth, she felt disappointment deep in her. She hoped he would not sound as panicked as he was now.
“Your’s.” (Y/N) fell silent, holding her breath in anticipation of what Evan would say now.
“Oh… wow. I have to admit that is a shock. Why… why didn’t you tell me? I could have been there with you.”
“I didn’t have your number, your address, your workplace. Not even your name! I didn’t even know if you lived in LA or somewhere else! What should I have done?”
Eddie put the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, that she just put off again, but she immediately put it back to the floor. She didn’t want to breathe in the oxygen. It made her feel lightheaded and nauseous and gave her a headache.
“(Y/N)! Damn, breathe properly now the baby’s not comfortable anymore. Buck, I think you should go now and let her breathe a bit without the stress, this conversation puts on her.”
“No, he won’t go now! Not until this conversation is finished!” (Y/N) glared at Eddie. She wasn’t sure if that were the pregnancy hormones speaking out of her which have made her a bit temperamental these last few months.
“What do you want to do now? Buck? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want to be a part in the baby’s life? Do you want to be part in MY life? I need to know it.” She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Definitely the hormones which made her act strange at the moment.
“I don’t know exactly what I want to do now. But I don’t have a girlfriend. And I want to be part of the baby’s life. I want to be their father…”
“Her. It’s a girlie. Again.” (Y/N) could see Evan smiling a bit.
“Ok. I want to be HER father and spend time with her. And I think I would like to try to go on a date… with you. If you think you are ready. I liked you the last time we met, even though that could be because I had been really drunk that night.” Buck laughed and blushed a bit.
“I think… I think we can give it a try. I don’t know if I am ready for everything. But I do know I am ready for something. And maybe that could be with you.”
“Ok… uhm… great. And now you should really try to breathe properly with that mask. I know it’s not great, but even I can recognize how high your vitals are.”
She did as she was told. (Y/N) knew she liked Buck. He was cute. She wouldn’t have imagined to see a man like him blushing when talking about a baby and dating.
“I’m nauseous.” Eddie and Buck both looked a bit worried.
“Deep breaths. I think it’s just the IV and oxygen. I put some meds in the IV that should help with the belly cramps, that could make you feel nauseous.”
(Y/N) only nodded. She suddenly felt exhausted. The adrenaline of the day started to wear of.
“I think I’m gonna drive the kids home and we are going to relax a bit while watching some tv. Thank you for everything.”
“Wait. Stop. I won’t let you drive home alone. You don’t feel good and I wouldn’t like to know you don’t have anyone with you except you kids.” She nodded again. Evan was right. It would be stupid to not have anyone around her.
“I can come with you. Just if that’s ok with you.”
“Yes. That would be great. Thanks.”
“No problem. Shall we take your car?”
“Mhm.” She was thankful. She could really imagine Buck as a boyfriend. He is great.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Evan laughed. He, (Y/N) and Liv were sat on the couch, watching a firefighter show, (Y/N) and Liv had been addicted to in the last few weeks.
“It doesn’t matter! This show is great!” Liv and Evan discussed about the mistakes in the show since around 10 minutes and it made (Y/N) smile. It was like a real family. Even though it hurt her a bit that it wasn’t Henry, sitting here. But let’s be honest: Henry would have never watched a show like that.
“That doesn’t change the fact, that you don’t use the saw like that. It’s just not safe!”
“Then just do not pay attention to the details.” Now, it was Liv laughing. (Y/N) hasn’t seen her daughter that happy in the last few months. She tried to cover up her emotions but it didn’t work completely. Her eyes started to burn and she felt a pressure building up. No, she wasn’t going to cry. Not in front of Evan. Her daughter. No.
“I’ll go to toilet for a moment.” She hoped nobody would notice she was about to cry, but her voice gave it away. She sounded hoarse and her voice broke at some point.
She locked the bathroom door and sank down to the cold floor, where she curled up, leaning her back on the even colder wall. Her hand was rubbing circles over her swollen belly. Damn it.
(Y/N) knew she missed Henry. She knew her kids have missed him every second since his death. But she was scared. Scared that moving on with Evan would make her forget her late husband. She heard a gentle knock on the wooden bathroom door.
“May I come in?” Buck.
“Ok.” Her voice sounded hoarse. She attempted to brush the tears away but it really didn’t work. Her eyes were still read, as well as her cheeks.
She got up to unlock the door, for Buck to come in. After he stepped inside the room, he closed the door again. He sat down next to her, and (Y/N) leaned her head on his shoulder.
“What’s up?”, he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Nothing.” Evan shot her a look, that said more than a thousand words.
“This honestly doesn’t look like nothing.”
“I don’t want to forget Henry. And I am scared. I have never had a relationship before him. And I still have cramps. And I still don’t feel too good in general. And I am scared of giving birth alone. And I am scared of everything else in my life.” Buck looked at her with a concerned expression and immediately pulled her into a hug as (Y/N) began to cry again.
“Ok. So, we first go to hospital, because these cramps make me worried, and then we can figure everything else out, ok?” He pressed a sloppy kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead, and she nodded.
“Mhm. But you need to help me get up, the baby is in the way.”
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leilanihours · 4 months
can you write something based of so high school about Caitlin?
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pairing: caitlin clark x reader
word count: 1290
warnings: drinking, suggestive content
summary: caitlin’s drunken actions have you feeling like a lovesick teenager.
⭑ from lani: hi anon! hope you like this! it’s my first time writing for caitlin sooo enjoy!
masterlist !
FRESH OFF IOWA’S final four win, the girls are all drunk off of cheap liquor and post-game adrenaline. after beating uconn in the march madness semi-finals, the group of young hawkeyes decided to celebrate by going out to one of their local bars.
when they practically begged you to join them, you insisted against it. but there’s one girl that you would follow through a storm, so there’s no questioning how quickly you agreed to come along the second caitlin joined in on the begging.
the whole night had been a rollercoaster of emotions, thus far consisting of a childish game of “marry, kiss, kill” (a result of gabbie having one too many drinks).
“hey guys, what was that one game people used to play as teenagers?” gabbie wondered out loud.
“you’re gonna have to be a little more specific, babe,” jada responds, giggling at her friend’s state.
“the one where you, like…pretend to marry someone?”
“gabbie…what?” kate chimes in.
you and caitlin had been listening in on the team’s conversations from the table next to theirs, but not being entirely present. if you were completely honest, you had no idea what was happening. the drink in your hand and caitlin’s sculpted hand on your upper thigh definitely didn’t help.
“oh! ‘marry, kiss, kill!’” she recalls finally.
“oh my gosh, i haven’t played that since i was like, what, fifteen?” jada comments.
“can we play it?” gabbie exclaims, “pleaseeeee.” she was quite a character whenever she was drunk (because how can someone so tiny hold in so much alcohol?).
after some laughable convincing, you and caitlin ended up sitting at their table ready to play along.
“okay, kylie,” gabbie starts, “marry, kiss, kill jada, kate, and hannah.”
“hmm..” kylie hums, “marry kate, kiss jada, and kill hannah. sorry, hannah. if fuck was an option i would definitely pick that for you, don’t worry,” she finishes with a wink towards her.
“wait you have a point. let’s replace kill with fuck. we can do that, right?” gabbie rambles.
“whatever you want, girl,” jada laughs, sipping on her drink.
“okay, okay,” gabbie scans the group in front of her, choosing her next victim, “caitlin! marry, kiss, fuck…taylor, me, and y/n.”
are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
your eyes can’t help but shoot to caitlin’s as soon as you hear your name. for a split second you hold contact, but she breaks it as she looks up in thought.
everyone had always sensed a tension between you two, especially after seeing you engage in a nearly 2-minute long hug after the game. but no one knew that behind closed doors, you two were locked in.
you subconsciously bite your lip waiting for caitlin’s response. it’s just a game but you can’t help but picture you two in each scenario, the last one leaving a subtle blush on your warm cheeks.
it’s just a game, but really
“um…” she starts. and it’s like she has the same brain as you because you can’t believe it when she’s smirking saying, “can i pick all three for one person?”
i’m betting on all three, for us two
which brings you to now, only a couple hours later, where your freshly manicured fingers are laced with caitlin’s long ones under the table. you’ve been deep in thought, practically psycho-analyzing cait’s prior response.
and in the brink of a crinkling eye, i’m sinking, our fingers entwined
she had to be talking about me, right? you think.
you had been together for nearly a year, but you still feel slightly unsure in your relationship. before you can spiral into a cycle of overthinking, you feel a set of lips inch close to your ear.
“are you okay?” you hear. turning your head slightly, you are faced with your girlfriend’s familiar smile, a small glint of concern in her eyes.
“mhm,” you nod, “all good. are you good?” you can tell she’s getting tired; after the insane game and the so-called “after party,” you notice a more relaxed slump in her posture and a couple eye rubs every now and then.
“definitely,” she says, her eyes scanning your face.
she scoots even closer to you (if that’s even possible) and without regard for her teammates just across the table she puts her face in your neck. you’re now practically 100% sober, but the feeling of her lips ghosting your skin could get you drunk in an instant.
“you ready to go home?” she whispers, “wanna spend some alone time with my girl.”
if you weren’t blushing before, you had to be bright red now. how could you say no to her? that word wasn’t even in your vocabulary when you’re with her.
cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
“‘course, babe,” you reply, bringing up one of your hands to rub her arm.
after you both bid goodbye to the rest of the group for the night, you pile into caitlin’s car. you insist on driving as your girlfriend was in no shape to be in control of a moving vehicle.
you dig your hand in caitlin’s jacket pocket in search of your apartment keys. she’s almost putting her entire body weight on you, heavily influenced by the sleep dragging her under.
you successfully unlock the front door and pull her inside taking off her shoes and jacket, throwing them somewhere random. you then urge her into your shared bedroom, sitting her down on your bed as you retrieve a set of sweatpants for her.
neither of you have said a word since you left the bar, as caitlin fell asleep on the ride home and you were still processing her answer to gabbie’s question.
pulling off caitlin’s jeans, you notice a suggestive smirk on her face as she observes your position. for what seems like the hundredth time tonight, you blush feverishly at the hands of your girlfriend.
standing up to change yourself into some pjs, a hand pulls you back. suddenly you’re stuck in between caitlin’s long legs as she sits at the edge of your bed with both her hands on either side of your waist.
“hi,” she smiles sleepily.
“hi,” you reply.
“can i tell you something?” she asks. you hum. “i really like you. like a lot.” you giggle at her confession.
“yeah? how much?” you decide to play into her theatrics.
“so much. was thinking of you when we were playing that game earlier.”
“were you really?” thank god.
“‘course i was. i think you might be it for me. i mean, you got me feeling like we’re in high school the way you look at me. taking such good care of me all the time.”
‘cause i feel so high school, every time i look at you, but look at you
you smile sincerely at her answer, mentally laughing at yourself for ever doubting her love for you in the first place. you haven't had many relationships with girls, so you’ve never felt for someone the way you do for caitlin.
no one’s ever had me, not like you
you place a quick kiss to caitlin’s lips in response, then tell her to get into bed with promises of cuddles. you change into your pjs and crawl next to her under the blanket, feeling her curl into your warmth immediately.
with her head on your chest and your arms engulfing her toned frame, you feel yourself surrender to your exhaustion. but before you can fully fall asleep, you hear caitlin make one more comment that would never have you questioning your relationship again.
“i’m betting on all three for us, you know,” she mumbles into your shirt (her shirt), “two down, one to go. just you wait.”
you already know, babe.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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Can we have a drabble with gaz pinning on K9 handler reader and her giant dog just being like 👁👄👁 everytime
—Him, Her, and the Dog
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [The woes of pining after a woman whose deadly K9 looks like it hates his guts.] ❞
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“He doesn’t bite,” you ease out with a smile to the thin-lipped Sergeant from One-Four-One.
“Well, you say that now, Sweetheart,” the man eases out, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “But he’s watchin’ me like I’m a damn piece of meat.”
“It’s just his face, Sergeant Garrick,” your chuckle wafts over the tarmac, tilting your head as the leash lays lax in your hand. Connected to it, the seek and muscled body of Teddy, your MWD, stays still. His black and tan hide shines in the light, hiding deadly muscle underneath. “He’s really not that bad.” 
“Then why isn’t he bloody blinking?” 
The Belgian Malinois is sitting, tail loose behind him and his tongue lolling—but the man was right, his deep chestnut eyes were utterly unblinking on the tall form of Kyle Garrick. It wasn’t surprising to you—Teddy had that quirk; he watched people. You couldn’t count how many times you’d woken up at night to find him in his kennel staring you down for no other reason than he wanted to.
You smile at the Sergeant as he frowns.
“Would you just come over here?” Garrick raises a brow slowly, arms crossing over his chest. “You said you had to talk to me, remember.”
“Didn’t know we’d have an audience.” The grumble meets your ears.
“Teddy goes where I go,” you remind him, rolling your eyes and taking the incentive to step forward—the animal immediately stuck at your hip and turning his attention up to you as he mirrors your pace. 
Gaz sighs, pushing down his slight nerves as you both get closer. 
There was no question as to whether he had a little crush on you, a prominent K9 handler; everyone could see the way he watched your form, and eyes don’t lie. He’d tried to ask you out before—a few times—but there had always been your…shadow. 
Teddy, short for Teddy Bear. 
The dog. 
The black and tan missile that could rip throats and was always watching Kyle like he’d personally murdered his bloodline. It was safe to say any propositions of dating had dried on his tongue when the canine locked his unblinking gaze with his. 
“There,” you ease out, stopping a few feet away. “That better?”
Gaz chuckles quietly, not looking down at Teddy as the dog’s backside once more hits the ground. “Do you want my honest answer, Ma’am?” 
“Will it hurt my feelings?”
“Well, not yours—his,” the Brit quirks a smirk, “maybe.” 
You snort and set one of your arms on your hip, the other going to pet Teddy in between his ears. The beast pants and licks at his muzzle, eyes darting up to you before slowly moving back to the Sergeant. 
“I think you should pet him, Gaz,” your voice brings him back to the conversation, his eyelids blinking at you. 
“Ah,” he laughs, shaking his head, “Negative. I’m fond of my hands.”
“And I’m fond of company when I bring Teddy on walks.” Your sly flirting makes Kyle’s jaw slacken for a moment, eyes slightly widening. “Pet him, and I’ll show you my favorite trail.” 
It’s a minute before the man is able to slot his jaw back in place, clearing his throat firmly before his face heats under the skin. 
“...That was smooth, Ma’am.” You smirk. 
“I was waiting for you to ask, but I guess you needed me to throw you a bone.” Gaz chuckles lowly at the joke, glancing down at Teddy as he itches at his cheek. 
“Alright, yeah, yeah, I know.” He bends down to rest on the balls of his feet. “Didn’t think you’d noticed that if I’m bein’ honest.” 
“I’m not blind, Garrick.” Teddy stares him down and you click your tongue, Kyle holding out a hand for him to smell. “Nor stupid.”
A wet nose moves out and sniffs, the puffs felt over his skin. Brown eyes glance at you.
“That obvious?” 
You smile teasingly. “Incredibly, Sergeant.”
“Shit.” Your laugh meets his ears and his embarrassment overshadows how Teddy shoves his narrow head under Kyle’s hand, panting happily with a wagging tail.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hi inês, hope you are well, could a request a blurb where the reader struggles with her mental health and the driver of you choice helps her through that, if you want you can include their children, thank you kisses
Note: I hope you're well, too!
Cw: mental health struggles related to parenting, immunity concerns regarding premature babies
"We're okay, baby boy, we're okay", you cooed as you bounced Fraser, walking along the nursery to hopefully soothe him to sleep. It had been like that for the past two weeks and it was getting to you. Matilda caught some bug in school and the minute it entered your home, Fraser was the second victim and he was struggling with it too, barely being able to sleep for long before he coughed and needed his nose unblocked.
Because he was a premature baby, you had to be even more careful with these things, and even though you knew they happened and it was all part of life, you weren't sure you could go another day without telling this to someone. Lando had been incredible at making sure you were all taken care of, and Matilda was dropped off and picked up from school so you could stay home for your maternity leave.
"Love, are you on the nursery?", Lando called as he climbed up the stairs, following the small noise from your footsteps and Fraser's whimpers, "there you are, hey gorgeous", he smiled, kissing your cheek before rubbing Fraser's cheek as he laid on your chest, "look at you so comfy, little man, mummy's chest us the best spot for a nap, isn't it? Mummy is the best", he nipped a few kissed on the top of his head until he heard your sniffles.
"Love, lovie, hey", he cooed back at you, cupping your face in his hands, "what's the matter? Hey - breathe with me", he encouraged, taking a few long, deep breaths with you, "it's okay, everything is okay", he checked over.
"He's so little, Lando, and he needs to be kept safe and sound, but it's not like we can get Tilly out of school just for that, and he's bound to have to build an immune system, might as well be now that my boobs gave the good antibodies stuff but still", you babbled.
Lando took Fraser away from your arms with your consent, setting him on his cot for a little bit when the little boy was settled, "now tell me all of that without being so worried, okay?", he encouraged again.
"I can't stop worrying about him, thinking he has a deficient immune system to begin with and I can't seem to keep him healthy and happy enough - it all goes through my head so many times a day and I can't think about anything else. It's the same thing, all the time", you admitted.
"How long have you been feeling like this? You could've told me, darling", he soothed softly, "you're doing such a good job with him, I'm in awe of you every day, Y/N. Sure, he's been a bit cough-y and his nose his stuffy, but you're doing your best - we're doing our best! He's got a sister who adores him so much and plays with him - she's even helping with his immune system", Lando tried to bring a smile to your face, achieving it, "He's got me, who will physically shove you into bed no matter how many times you say that you'll get him from now on, and he's got a wonderful, superwoman like mummy who needs some rest and reassurance, and that's okay", he kissed your lips softly, "we're in this together, darling", he confided.
"I feel alone and like I'm a failure, but then he's such a happy little one, look at that!", you pointed to the smiling boy, happily biting in his stuffed koala toy as he looked at both of you, "it's such a rush of things and I'm already thinking of what I need to do in case he does come down with something else - fever, tummy bug, stuffy nose - anything really", you rubbed your forehead, letting your husband pull you to his embrace.
"How about we have a cosy night in just the four of us? Movie night with Tilly, and I can e the one keeping an eye on that little dude and you can just relax - I don't like seeing you this worried, beautiful", he brushed some hairs behind your ear, "sounds nice".
After dinner, Matilda sat with you on the sofa and as per Lando's request, she kept showering you with "extra love", meaning she was more attentive than usual, "you also always make me my favourite breakfast everytime I ask for it", she said as she kissed your cheek again.
"Thank you, Tilly", you smiled, "I'm not done yet, mummy! I love you because you always take care of me, because you let me stay up late to watch daddy's races when they're at night or wake up really early to see him race when it's very far away, how you always let me know you love me, daddy and Fraser", she continued as you felt happy tears brimming your eyes from all the love she was showering you with.
"Little man is down, was absolutely milk drunk and went out like a light", Lando said as he walked inside the living room with Fraser on his arms, showing you his pout and chubby cheeks before he put him in the small basket you had in the living room, still able to keep an eye on him.
"Did you tell her to tell me all the things she loved about me?", you whispered on Lando's ear once Tilly was focusing on the movie cuddled up to your side, "I have no idea what you're talking about", Lando shrugged his shoulders even though the smile was on his lips.
"Sure, you have no idea what I'm talking about", you kissed his jaw, "thank you for this".
"We're in this together, no one gets left behind and no one feels like a failure in this house, ever!", he whispered back, his hand happily playing with your fingers while Matilda giggled sweetly as she watched the squirrel trying to get the acorn.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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bendycxmet · 2 months
You can run with this idea however you’d like I just needed to get this thought out there and share it… Yknow how Vash’s earring connects to his pen and he can hear through it. What if he hears more than he bargained for with the reader.
thank you so much for this omg i had so many thoughts for the rest of the day when i read this. anyway, enjoy!
tw: nsfw 18+ MDNI, masturbation, accidental voyeurism
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Do You Copy?
Vash sits quietly at the inn desk, the dingy metal lamp on the corner the only thing providing him warm light as his nimble, quick fingers quickly clean his gun. He sits with his leg crossed over on his other knee, his eyes flitting between you and the silver piece in his hands. You’ve been pacing around the room, gesticulating and voicing your dismay to the plan he had just told you. About five minutes ago. 
Vash finally swipes his gun clean with a piece of cloth, popping the barrel out to load his gun with bullets he may or may not even use in the first place. You stop your verbal train of thought, tapping your foot until he looks back up at you. “May I say something?” he inquiries gently. You huff, tilting your head, waiting for whatever response that you will undoubtedly disagree with. 
“I will be in and out before you can even say my full name.” That forces a laugh out of you. Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. Say that five times.
“Ok, I see that you have made your decision, but because that decision is incredibly dumb, I am choosing to ignore it.” you cross your arms, turning your nose up at him and hoping that will change his mind. Not a chance, of course. Vash will always place your safety above his own. 
He slowly approaches you, uncrossing your arms and holding your hands in each of his own, warm and cold to the touch. “I promise you I will be back in time to share those donuts with you in the morning. I’ll even bring the paper so we can read those silly comics you like.” Your heart warms. He really remembers all the little details about you. “I will be safe, just for you.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek to protest the oncoming smile. “Fine. You better keep this promise Vash the Stampede. Pinky promise me?” Your smile slips through at his teasing groan. 
His pinky intertwines with yours. “I promise. But you know I hate when you call me by my full name!” 
You sit cross-legged on the dusty bed, worrying your lip between your teeth. It’s bloody at this point. The clock in the corner of the room reads close to 1am. He’s been gone for four hours. Too long in your book. 
You begin to feel the anxiety eat away at your nerves, fraying the ends. Throwing yourself back on the bed, you growl into your hands. You need a distraction. A sudden thought strikes you. A rather…unpure one. 
It’s been a while since the last time you were able to touch yourself. Traveling with Vash, the man who has your heart constantly in his hands, although oblivious to that fact, prevents you from relieving any sexual tension you feel. Especially when everything he does gets you hot beneath the collar. His figure not quite so hidden beneath his coat, his thighs that jut out when you two are running from imminent danger, the natural smell of him when you two cozy up on cold desert nights, the quickness in how he handled his gun earlier…
With enough fantasies now running through your mind, you shuck off the clothes that are now beginning to warm you up too quickly, sneaking a hand downward. You imagine how those gloved hands would touch you, guide you, slowing you down when you would hasten your movements as you near your climax, Vash’s face near your ear whispering sweet nothings. You begin to move your hand, rubbing yourself slowly, wanting to enjoy your alone time.
That’s right angel, just like that. Always so perfect for me. You keen as your imagination takes the fantasy in full swing now. As your fingers increase the pressure right up against your most sensitive spots, you swear the warmth of your hand turns into a metallic cold, your slick making the glide much easier as your pace picks up. You remember it is late, and that the other patrons in the hotel must be fast asleep. Searching for something to bite into to muffle your noises, you spot the pen Vash lent you. You clamp your teeth around the metal shaft, your fingers picking their pace back up as you have a fleeting thought that the pen trapped between your lips is instead one of Vash’s prosthetic fingers, prodding your mouth open so he can hear you.
The hallways are shrouded in darkness, two guards standing off to the side of a solo door down at the hall. Vash peers from around the corner, mapping his route. He feels bad for leaving you alone for so long on such a beautiful night. The outlaw he thwarted earlier in the week had more help than he imagined. Plus a network of tunnels connected to his hideout. 
He takes a silent, deep inhale, steel-toed boot shifting slightly, ready to round the corner until a breathy sound makes its way into his ear. 
“Vash-!” he stills, not quite believing what he’s hearing. No one else is behind him. He made sure to knock them out until morning. No, this voice was familiar. One he held close to his heart, away from the world, if only slightly muffled. Panting moans filter into his ear, interrupted by whimpers. His blood roars in his ears. Are you hurt? Did someone close to the outlaw find you?
“Yes, please right there my angel~”
All his worries are extinguished once he hears the nickname you give him. His blood now rushes down south, wetness pooling in his boxers. He fidgets, peaking back around the corner to ensure the guards weren’t alerted to the predicament he was now in. He really couldn’t go on like this, not when he’s finally hearing how you sound when you’re in the throes of pleasure. 
He spots a doorway behind him with no light coming through the bottom. He steps up to the wood, ear to the door to ensure no one is truly inside, anxious to step inside to pleasure himself along with you as your moans begin to hitch. He slips in, back to the door now, lock in place as his hand twitches at his belt. He should be a gentleman, take off his earring, and respect your privacy. He feels dirty, perverted. You two are just friends. He has told this lie to himself several times a day, not believing someone as smart and loving as you to fall in love with the catastrophe that is his entire being. As if hearing his inner monologue from miles away, your praises spew into his ear.
“Oh, Vash, you’re too good for me. So handsome, so pretty, all for me-”
He teeths off his right glove, shooting his warm hand into his pants. God, he hopes you can forgive him once he has to confess this moment to you, but he cannot deny himself any longer. Not when you’re talking to him as if he’s there with you, delivering you the pleasure you deserve for being so good for him. He bites his lip to stifle his withering whimpers.
“Hah- god keep going I’m almost there please please please,” you hiccup. Have you had these fantasies running through your mind when you two cuddle in the cold nights? During your long walks under the scorching desert suns? He didn’t take you to have such a filthy mind, especially one that constantly had him as a recurring actor in your fantasies. He grips himself harder at the thought, teeth digging harshly into his bottom lip.
Your hitched whimpers turn suddenly into sharper cries, then a satisfied moan of his name. That sound is the death of him. He turns sharply to bite at his coat collar, hoping it can quiet him as his release hits him, cum shooting inside his boxers, a sticky mess he now has to deal with for the rest of his mission. His eyes open up, hazy and glossed over as he slides down the door, catching his breath.
You had calmed your breathing and thundering heart rate just a few moments prior, now frozen in your place on the bed. Did you hear…whimpering…coming from the pen in your mouth? You spit the writing tool out of your mouth, now wet with your saliva. You recall the conversation you had with Vash earlier that day.
“Have you always had one pen on you? Why does this one look so elegant too? It’s the nicest pen I’ve ever seen.” He hums, chuckling as your fingers smooth over the metal, wishing you could touch his arm like that- he’s getting sidetracked.
“Lost tech, actually. Wanna see a neat trick? Press the button on the side.” Once you press your finger against the button, he greets you from across the room, only for the pen in your hand to echo him. “My earring is connected to it. For easy communication when we aren’t near each other. Consider it a gift!”
Your hand flies to your mouth. So he definitely just heard everything. You shut your eyes in embarrassment, but the pleasure that now simmers in your veins begs for you to take action–to say to hell with it. If he seemingly rubbed one out to you pleasuring yourself, he has to like you in some way. You take a deep inhale, pressing the button again. 
“You done there? You better hurry on back. I’m sure you could tell how…desperate I am to have you back now.” A loud yelp rings back, distant shouting ensuing right after.
“Um- I. Well got to go! See you soon!” comes Vash’s rushed reply before shots ring out.
You smirk to yourself. What a conversation this will be when he’s back. 
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A/N: >:) :D >:) me when i get silly in the middle of smut. spot the lil marvel reference? anyway that hoop earring is *versatile* it will now be used for several things in future missions. thanks for reading!
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writingforstraykids · 11 months
No more secrets
Pairing: Minho x Chan x fem!reader / Minchan x fem!reader
Word Count: 2426
Summary: Minho longs for nothing more than to show everyone how much he loves you and Chan. Due to past events and worries about their careers, only Chan's and your relationship is public. After getting back from a trip, he can't cope with being Chan's and your dirty little secret anymore.
Tags/Warnings: angst, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort
A/N: Have fun reading 😊~Moon🌙
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Minho tiredly rubs his neck and pulls his suitcase after him, ignoring the cameras flashing around them. They just landed, coming back from a few days on tour abroad. He scans the members close to him, but none of them is Chan. Where the hell did his boyfriend vanish? He had been right in front of him only a few minutes ago. Minho bites back an annoyed groan and decides to look for you instead, knowing you'd pick them up as always. He smiles as he sees you running towards him, and his heart skips a beat at how happy you look to see…Chan. You fall into Chan's arms, who hugs you tightly and spins you around laughing. He stops walking, almost causing Seungmin to trip over him, and watches the pair of you with a sad smile. 
Chan and he had been a couple for four and a half years, and Minho wouldn't want to miss a second. About two years ago, you became Chan's new assistant, and only half a year later, you were part of their relationship. Both Chan and Minho had fallen for you, and luckily, you also fell in love with them. Chan and you got caught kissing on camera once, and you all decided to make it public that you were a couple. Minho had still been too worried to open up about Chan and him, so avoiding the rumors seemed like a good idea. Nevertheless, watching the two of you in public always hurt a little, knowing he couldn't be part of it. Not there. He felt like your little secret, and when he felt really down, he hated that he and Chan had been a thing for so long but weren't official compared to Chan and you. Or himself and you. 
He had managed to pretend not to care for the past six months, but it was getting harder every time.
Minho almost feels jealous seeing you two kiss, knowing the feeling of Chan's full lips and your soft ones all too well. He knows how Chan's back feels beneath your hand that's buried in his shirt. He knows how your hair feels between Chan's fingers that linger on the back of your neck. He can almost hear Chan's raspy voice whispering, 'I love you.' and see your sweet smile as you respond. He gives himself a mental push and drags himself forward toward the pair of you. 
You let go of Chan and smile at him sweetly, your eyes beaming with love. "Hey." 
"Hey," Minho gives back with a gentle smile. 
"I have so many pictures of Soonie, Doongie, and Dori to show you," you tell him excitedly. 
"Yeah?" he asks softly, and you take Chan's hand, walking between them as you make your way to your car. 
"Yes! Also, I made you some cookies," you tell them, very happy about your boyfriends finally being reunited with you. 
"That's nice, darling," Minho comments and keeps his eyes forward stubbornly.
Chan glances over at him worriedly. "You're okay, kitten?" 
"Of course, Chan," Minho says, still not looking at them. "Where's your car?" 
"Uh, not far from here," you answer and look at him observantly for a moment. You could tell something was wrong; you just didn't know what. You exchange a glance with Chan as Minho gets into the back of your car and slams the door closed a little too loudly. "You two had a fight?" 
"No, everything was fine," Chan tells you, frowning softly before getting in at the back as well. 
"What are you doing?" Minho asks, irritated as you start the car, and Chan buckles up next to him instead of in the passenger seat. 
"I don't know. Sitting next to my very beautiful and clearly upset boyfriend?" he asks, and Minho stares at him for a moment before quickly looking away. "I thought we were okay." 
"We are okay, love," Minho simply says, keeping his eyes on the road as you drive them home. 
"Did I do something that hurt you?" you ask gently, glancing back at him through the mirror. 
"No, darling," he shakes his head and chews on his lower lip as Chan hesitantly takes his hand. Minho intertwines their fingers, desperate for some physical touch of the ones he loves. 
"What's wrong, Min?" Chan asks softly. "Is there something we can do to make it better?" 
"I'm tired, that's all," he smiles bravely and closes his eyes as Chan plants a soft kiss on his temple. 
"Maybe some cuddles will help?" you suggest, and Minho flashes you a soft smile through the mirror. 
As soon as the front door to your shared home closes, you fall into Minho's arms, hugging him close and pulling him into a kiss. He can't help but smile at the feeling and hugs you back. "I really missed you, baby boy," you tell him. 
"I missed you too," he smiles softly and meets Chan's eyes as the older one cups his cheek. Only a moment later, Chan's full lips connect with his, a pleased little hum leaving his throat. Minho kisses back fiercely before suddenly pulling back and lowering his gaze to the floor. There he was, back to being a secret.
You gently put your fingers beneath his chin and make him look at you. Your breath hitches at the tears shimmering in his wide brown eyes. "Min, what's wrong?"
"I hate this," he answers helplessly.
"What?" Chan asks worriedly. 
"This," he says and vaguely waves at the three of you.
You can see the hurt filling Chan's eyes, and gently take their hands, hoping to avoid any misunderstandings. "Let's sit down?" They both follow you reluctantly and sit down on the sofa, Minho between the two of you. 
"You hate our relationship?" Chan asks timidly, and Minho's head spins around, eyes widening in shock. 
"What? No, Channie love, I'd never," he clarifies, and you both can see relief flooding your hyung's face. "I…I hate that I can't show how much you mean to me publicly. I'm just a bystander as soon as we leave the house, and that feels awful," he rambles on, and a big tear falls down his cheek. "I've been nothing but your dirty little secret for four or less years now." 
"Min, I'm so sorry, I had no idea," Chan speaks up softly and soothingly rubs his thigh. 
"Sometimes it just hurts watching the two of you all out in the open," he clarifies and sniffles softly.
You nod gently and take his hand, smiling at the way they fit together perfectly. "I didn't know you were struggling so much with that. I thought you weren't ready for being out in the open." 
"Well, not…not with Chan," he whispers. "We both know we could get in trouble for it or receive serious hate." 
Chan smiles at him sadly and takes his hand. "I'm ready when you are. We've been in this business long enough, I don't care anymore." 
Minho's eyes flicker at him timidly, trying to figure out if he is serious. 
You squeeze his hand gently. "If you want to, we can make our part of this relationship public first. I hate not being able to hold and kiss you like I do at home just as much." 
"How open are you planning to be? Because if it seems like I'm trying to take away Channie's girlfriend, I don't think I want that," he says, anxiously chewing his lower lip. 
"We'd tell the truth. They can do that to me if they want to think badly of someone. After all, I was the one stealing your boyfriend," you smirk at them, and they fondly roll their eyes at you. 
"We'll figure this out, okay?" Chan says gently, and Minho nods. “One step at a time.”
"Okay," he says quietly and giggles as Chan pulls him in tight, and you immediately cuddle up to his side.
"Thank you for telling us," you say, gently fondling his hair. 
"Thank you for understanding," he smiles softly and leans into your touch. 
You smile to yourself, once more reminded of how fitting Chan's pet name was for him. Being the youngest in your relationship, Minho was like your kitten that sometimes needed to be taken care of. 
Minho notices the subtle changes rather quickly. You two are out for a walk as Chan is still stuck at the studio, and you soon wrap your arm around his waist. You smile at him as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and lean into him. Later, during lunch, you feed him some bites of your food, just like you do so often at home, and Minho can't help the comforting warmth filling his whole body. You seem just as excited, and he beams at the sparkles in your eyes. Looking at you like this, he once more understands why Chan fell for you so quickly. He had been the first one to approach him about his developing feelings for you, which might only feed his insecurities sometimes. But honestly, who could blame him? You're the best thing that has ever happened to them. Minho tilts his head softly at you and momentarily searches your eyes. "I love you, darling," he says gently, and the way your face softens makes all his worries disappear. 
"I love you too, handsome," you wink at him and pull a sweet giggle from him. 
"We could pick up Channie on our way back. He's been working long enough already again," Minho suggests chuckling, and you nod agreeing. 
"Let's grab some lunch for him. He probably hasn't eaten either yet," you roll your eyes, amused. 
"Probably not," he hums agreeing, and looks down in surprise as you take his hand. “Darling?” he asks stunned.
“What?” you ask innocently and smile up at him. “One step at a time, right?” His smile widens as he intertwines your fingers, and you gently squeeze his hand. 
You soon reach the studio, and after knocking uselessly, Minho opens the door. You giggle, seeing Chan in front of his laptop with his headphones on. “Typical,” you snort softly and smirk at the concentrated look on your boyfriend’s face. Minho lets go of your hand and steps behind Chan, leaning down and wrapping his arms around him. Chan’s whole body relaxes into him, and he immediately leans his head against Minho’s. You smile at them fondly, making Chan relax within seconds was something only Minho could do.
“Hey there,” Minho smiles and turns to kiss his cheek, but Chan is faster and presses his lips against his. He chuckles into the kiss and gently ruffles his hair as he straightens up again. “We brought you some food.”
You hold up the bag, and Chan’s face lights up, making grabby hands toward you. You smirk and put it on his desk before kissing him softly. “You’ll be home soon?”
“I don’t know, I still have to-,” he starts and quickly closes his mouth at your fondly annoyed expression. 
“Babe,” you say, and he groans softly, making Minho laugh. “I can’t keep on sending Min to get you.”
“Fine,” he rolls his eyes, only partly joking.
“He’ll never change, I’ve been trying for almost five years now,” Minho shrugs his shoulders and shoves his hands into his pockets, ignoring the offended look Chan gives him.
“I thought you loved me the way I am,” he pouts. 
“I do. That doesn’t mean some of the things you do won’t concern me from time to time,” he giggles. “Oh, stop looking so sad, Channie love,” he groans.
“Sorry for caring about your health,” you snort, and Chan pokes your side.
“Also, she talks way too much. I need your support,” Minho jokes, and you look at him playfully offended. 
“Excuse me? You can’t stop keep on pointing out all the shit your three babies do all day,” you give back, and he winks at you. 
“Stop bickering, you two, I’ll be home soon,” Chan snorts, knowing damn well you two were just joking to get him home early.
A few months later
Chan and Minho had been a couple for five years today, and you decided to gift them a lovely dinner. They both had insisted on taking you with them, but you told them they deserved to celebrate their five years together. They are having a fanmeeting right now, and you’re backstage to assist them if needed. You giggle to yourself as they have fun performing and doing the challenges of their fans. At some point, all of them are asked to deliver a message to someone among the members, and once it’s Chan’s turn, he gets up and exchanges a short look with you, as if he was asking for your permission. You tilt your head at him before realizing what he was on about and nodding quickly.
“Minho, come here please,” Chan says, and Minho frowns softly but does as he says, stepping next to him. “I have told you a thousand times already, but I should do it more often in public. You mean so much to me, and I love sharing this amazing journey with you. I wouldn’t want to trade one day you’ve been by my side for anything else.”
Minho searches his eyes and swallows softly as Chan takes his hands, soothingly fondling his knuckles. What the hell was he doing?
“I’m proud of you, and I’m even prouder of what we have,” he continues, and Minho subconsciously takes a step back. “Happy five years, Min.”
Minho’s eyes widen, and the crowd grows silent as everyone seems confused by Chan’s words. “Channie,” he whispers, and it echoes through the room, making him flinch softly.
Chan smiles, seeming calm and convinced. “I love you, Minho.” Minho blinks at him rapidly and freezes in shock as Chan connects their lips to a kiss. His eyes close as Chan sinks his hand into his hair just like during their first kiss. He blends out everything, too shocked to sort his thoughts. Pulling back, he stares at Chan, who smiles at him softly. He slowly turns and meets your teary eyes and beaming smile as you watch them and finds himself falling for you all over again. He stretches his hand out for you, and after a moment, you step onto the stage and join your boyfriends, blinded by the bright lights. Your hand meets his, and his best friends start cheering in the back. He blinks back tears and exhales softly. No more secrets.
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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You can call me, Sir.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Summery: She’s reserved, emotionally cut off, and spiraling down a dark path; one she can’t get out of on her own. Aaron Hotchner may be her only help, but at what cost? When he shows up to her hotel room, contact in hand, she realizes it may be more than what she bargained for.
Warning: 18+ Only MDNI SMUT. Language, BDSM, Dom Aaron, emotionally detached reader, typical CM violence, childhood trauma, abusive father figure, age gap (reader 25 Aaron 40) doesn’t line up with a specific time line, use of Y/n because story is set in 3rd person for the first half then switches POV, last name for reader is Smith,
Specific chapter warnings : Failed CPS case, implied abuse with belt, clothes shopping (I tried my best to be as body neutral as possible), sugar daddy Arron, sales lady is rude towards reader, Things are getting spicy, first rules, use of pet names, reader is described as having hair long enough to sweep over one shoulder, trying on clothes, Let me know if I need to add anything!
A/N: The amount of love that has been shown for this story so far has absolutely filled my heart! I’m sorry this chapter took a minute to come out, I got married last week sooooo 😍 that slowed the process down a little. Haha 💜
9 years ago
The worst part was the way her nose stung, like a million tiny needles stabbing her all at once. But she had to breath through it, because only selfish, weak, incompetent people cried. So she forced her thoughts solely on the older woman who sat across from her, her grey hair loose around her shoulders, and the bright pink blazer she wore with matching skirt. ‘I think name is Deloris?’
Not what you would have thought when you heard the term ‘CPS worker’. She smiles at the young teen as if she was Y/n’s best friend and there isn’t a care in the world as her fountain pen taps against her yellow notepad. “You’re mother must have been a lovely woman.”
A muscle in Y/n’s jaw twitches, but she manages to return Deloris’ smile briefly. “She was.”
“So is that really the reason you have been skipping school?” Her green eyes were full of mock sympathy, and Y/n can only assume how many of these ‘troubled teen cases’ she has had to work.
“Yes ma’am.” It was the 8th anniversary of Y/n’s mother’s death. Today. She can hear her father in the other room, moving about the kitchen, pretending to not be listening through the thin walls. Y/n squeezes the pillow in her lap tighter to her churning stomach, already anticipating how the rest of the night will go.
“I’m sorry, dear. I know losing a loved one can be hard, but that doesn’t mean we can go about making things hard for the ones we still have.” Deloris tilts her head, her lips in a slightly pout as she regards Y/n, who only bites her cheek to keep quiet. She drops her chin to her chest, fanning shame with a small nod, placating the woman. “Good. I’m going to go talk with your father now, I hope you understand the severity of the situation you’ve almost caused. I expect to hear you are in school tomorrow.”
Deloris doesn’t take long in the kitchen with Y/n’s father, her pitchy laughter grating on Y/n’s ears. Her father escorts the worker to the door, his hair is combed, beard neat and he’s dressed still in his work clothes. A fitted grey collard shirt and jeans. His usual Forman outfit. At one point in Y/n’s life she can remember thinking her dad had been very handsome, but that had all been before the drinking.
“Have a good evening Miss. Deloris.” Her fathers southern accent is always laid on heavy whenever he is trying to impress someone, or to get his way. And for most of his life it worked well. Y/n wonders sometimes if that is how he had charmed her mother.
As the pine door shut, Y/n closed her eyes, taking a steadying breath before the storm. When she opens her eyes again, she’s staring at the brown tweed couch across from her, out of the corner of her eye she can see her father’s still form in the archway of the living room.
The sound of leather hissing through his denim belt loops makes her stomach drop, her breath quicken in her already tight chest. “Gone an got me in trouble huh?” He folds the worn leather over in his hands, snapping it together watching as she jumps in her seat. Her gaze remains focused on the spot Miss. Deloris had occupied, the old springs and cushioning holding her shape. “You ain’t learned trouble girl.”
Present Day
It’s almost unbearable how cold it is outside, the dark clouds over head threatened to snow on the busy sidewalk as you shove your hands as far into your jacket as they will go. Aaron is pressed against your side, his arm wrapped around your back, directing you through the crowd and to the front of a large store.
Chic’s End
Your nose scrunches slightly at the different mannequins in the brightly lit windows who’s clothing is on the higher end of fashion. Pieces you’d never find in your own wardrobe. Aaron guides you towards the door but you stop abruptly shaking your head. “Hotch, aren’t there places a little less… fancy?” Your tone gives away your discomfort as you scan the nearly empty store.
Aaron sighs, stepping around you so he can look you in the eye. “Rule number one: call me Aaron when it’s just the two of us, Hotch is too formal. Now I’m sure there are, but you deserve to be a little spoiled…” He pauses, his phone vibrating in his pocket making him frown. “Now go inside, let me check this and I’ll be right in.” As he fishes for his phone he pulls open the door for you, letting you walk in with a small head rush.
‘Our first rule?’
You take the moment you have some to look around the store front, a few customers are mingling about the rows of clothing, associates putting away inventory or helping their guests. A brunette is standing at the register, her hair sprayed and pinned into a tight bun atop her head. She glances at you, her nose turned up at your simple outfit, without a word of welcome she goes back to her work.
The door is opening a moment later, a small bell going off as Aaron steps in, the icy breeze trying to follow. “Sorry, David was checking in.” His voice reaches the woman at the counter, grabbing her attention. She watches as he shrugs out of his winter jacket, her gaze fixing on the flash of jewelry on his wrist with a smile.
“Is he okay?” You ask, handing Aaron your own jacket as he hangs them on a coatrack.
“Oh yes, he’s-.”
“Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?” You turn, the same woman from before now standing in front of you. She’s wearing a form fitting black dress, the apparent dress code for the establishment, a silver name tag pinned to her collar reading ‘Denise.’ Gone is her dismissive attitudes from before, her blue eyes staring intently at Aaron with a sly smile.
You feel something in your chest squirm, making you take a step in front of Aaron as you pull your best smile into place. “Oh thank you, but we are just-.”
A warm hands is suddenly on your shoulder, pulling you into Aaron’s side. “We’re looking for some work attire; blouses, pants, skirts and such. Along with more casual wear.” He squeezes your shoulder as you slide him a disgruntled look.
Denise regards you with a tight lipped smile, nodding her head slightly. “Of course. Right this way.” She turns on her heel, an extra sway in her her step that makes you roll your eyes as you pull out of Aaron’s grip following her. He follows behind a few paces, regarding you with masked amusement.
She takes you to the back of the store, pointing out the sections of racks you’ll need and where on the walls you can find work appropriate pants and skirts. Denise turns to Aaron once again, stepping to close for comfort as she stares openly at his suit. “You know, we have the latest in Brioni’s suit jackets that I think would complement you rather well, Mr…” She brushes her hand against his arm and your eyes widen.
“No thank you. I’ll let you know if we need any further assistance.” Aaron comes to stand beside you, his expression hard to read as he places a hand on your lower back. Denise’s eyes narrow slightly, her smile faltering before she pulls her emotions back.
“Please do.” She saunters of, throwing one last look over her shoulder.
You laugh unbelievably, “Jesus… she was a bit forward.” You turn toward the rack beside you, picking up the first shirt your eyes land on. It’s a simple white blouse with navy blue pinstripes, the neckline is a little low for your taste but otherwise it’s very pretty. You pick up the tag and instantly drop it, your mouth falling open.
“What?” Aaron asks, sliding the clothes along the pole, looking through the selection.
“This! These clothes are way to over priced.” You turn the tag towards him, and he squints at the small numbers. ‘75.56’. He frowns slightly and you think he’s about to agree with you, call this whole ridiculous thing off until he shrugs.
“That’s not so bad.” He grins at the incredulous look you level him, showing perfect teeth. “Darling you’ll come to realize the value that comes with certain things. Soon enough you’ll see the value in yourself as well.” He chucks you under the chin softly and you think that’s it.
You’re going to explode.
Everything it too much.
“Hotch, I can’t just let you waste that kind of money on me. You don’t know what you will need it for later, bills, or -.”
Aaron steps into your space again, bending down until he’s eye level with you and you clam up. His eyes are dark, burning with an intensity that has your shoulders slumping slightly. When he speaks his voice is quiet but direct, leaving no room for misunderstanding. “What did I say our first rule was?”
You stammer, your grip tightening on the fabric still in your hands. “You said… to call you Aaron.”
“Correct. So that’s one. Now, when I say I am doing something for you, buying you something, getting you something; do not doubt me. If I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. Do I make myself clear?”
All you can do is nod, your throat dry and tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. “Good girl. Now if you really find calling me Aaron to difficult, you can always call me sir.” You suddenly look like a fire had been lit underneath you, your face flushing a new shade of red he’d yet to see before. You turn away from him, trying to hide your emotions and aggressively shuffle through the clothes before you.
Aaron straightens with a satisfied smile.
An hour in and there is a mount pile of clothing in the cart in front of you. Everything you’ve selected draped over one side and everything Aaron selected on the other. You had found a discount rack, the red tags a twisted mess by now, but the 15% off sign did little to quell the guilt eating you.
“Okay… this is more clothes than I think Garcia even owns. I think we should-.” You’re talking absently, glancing up only to find Aaron is walking in the opposite direction of the checkout. “Oh for the love of all things holy.” You quickly follow, pulling the cart behind you as the hangers rattle together. He stops in front of a display of eloquent evening gowns and you follow his stare to the forefront of the display. A deep emerald green satin dress takes your breath away, with a sweetheart neckline and a slit that goes half way up the mannequins thigh. You peak around the back in awe, it plunges well down to the lower back, a sheer material with beautiful rhinestones occupying the negative space.
Aaron watches as you pick up the bottom of the dress, rubbing the buttery material between your fingers. “I would love to see you in it.”
You shake your head, though your focus remains on the dress. “There’s no reason to, when would I ever wear this? Besides we’ve been here for nearly an hour, if we don’t leave soon I’m sure Denise is going to jump your bones.”
Aaron chuckles at that with a shrug. “You might not be wrong, she’s been lurking around the corner ever since I took my jacket off and she caught sight of my watch.” You glance down at his wrist as he shows you a golden Rolex. You hum in understanding, putting the two together. A handsome, stylish man, with a nice suit and a watch that coasts a couple of grand. She sees dollar signs. “Go ask her for a fitting room.”
Glancing around you notice she’s no more than ten feet away, pretending to be busy with an already neatly arranged display of sweaters. You walk over, hands clasped behind your back. “Excuse me?”
She doesn’t bother to look up, her head tilted as if in contemplation as she stares at the stack in front of her. “Yes?”
Your jaw clenches slightly, but you smile regardless. “I’d like to try that green dress on, where are your dressing rooms?” That finally catches her attention, she looks around you to the dress your talking about and then to the cart beside Aaron, the red tags turned her way. With a bemused smile she finally looks you in the eye.
“Sorry, that dress isn’t on sale, dear. Maybe come back some other time.” Her high voice carries farther than she thinks, reaching Aaron who’s eyebrows raised in surprise before furrowing as anger bubbles in his chest.
Before you can say anything he is by your side, startling you both. “She didn’t ask you if it was on sale. She asked if you had a fitting room.” Denise pales, his voice is harsh and edged making her shift on her feet as she begins to stammer
“Well I… it was just-.”
“Just what? It’s a simple question, this is a clothing store so you must have fitting rooms. She would like one opened.” Denise can no longer keep eye contact, her gaze flickering from his face and away again. “Now.” The command in his voice makes her move, her mouth agape and she’s pointing indirectly over her shoulder. She turns, quickly walking away and you’re left to stunned to react. Aaron’s hand finds your back again, pushing you forward, his other hand on the end of the cart.
The dressing area is three beiges booths with deep red curtains for doors. A large mirror takes up one wall that is lit up like Time Square during Christmas, and there are mirrors in the booths as well. “You said the green dress?” You nod, giving her your size and she’s running off again, her head down and face red. Aaron takes a seat in one of the mahogany chairs, folding his arms across his chest. He’s watching Denise leave with that same look he gives every unsub as they are being hauled off to their final destination.
“Um… thank you, for… for that.” You speak up, breaking the silence waiting on Denise to return.
He doesn’t look at you as he speaks, his black shoe tapping the polished floor. “You don’t typically show when you’re upset or irritated, I had to step in. I also couldn’t stand by and let you be berated like that.”
This time it’s you who crosses their arms, glowering at him. “I wasn’t showing I was upset, so what she was being rude? It didn’t affect me.”
His lips pull into a sarcastic smile, head shaking. “Sweetheart, I’ve been working with you for three years, nearly four. When you get upset over something, even if it is trivial, you dig your nails into your palms. Most likely because you would rather focus on that then what’s stewing in your mind and your chest.” You blink at him, awareness washing over you as you shake out your hands, crescent indents marking your flesh.
Before you can snip at him Denise is back, placing the dress in one of the rooms and leaving without a word. Aaron raises an eyebrow and you huff, turning and walking into the booth before snatching the curtain closed. You take a moment to breath, your annoyance merging on anger as you begin to undress.
You have to force yourself to remember this is all apart of the contract, this is all small steps to whatever greater end goal he has. You can’t fully trust he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart, no one is like that. Working a career where you catch murderers and kidnappers and rapists has shown you such. The thought lingers at the back of your mind that maybe he’s pushing you to break and go to therapy where they will force your leave. It wouldn’t happen, you’ve come to far to let anyone treat you that way.
You step out of your pants, bending down to pick them up when you notice movement in the mirror. You look up, making eye contact with Aaron from where he sits and you go still. The only thing that moves is your heart as it suddenly jumps into double time.
Aaron’s eyes slowly rake over your body, the hunger in his eyes evident even from where you stand and you can feel your body respond. Heat rushes through your veins, leaving you lightheaded. He shifts in his seat, your eyes dropping to where he tugs at his pants legs, a noticeable bulge in his lap that makes your guts clench. From anxiety? Want? Curiosity? You aren’t sure. You quickly look away, his smile turning wolfish as you straighten and spin around, giving him a full peak at the matching black bra and panties your wearing before yanking the curtain fully closed.
All you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears, your fingers suddenly tingling and your lungs working for air. Shakily, checking the curtain again and again you strip out of your bra, and pull the dress over your head. The satin is soft and cool, the green leaving your skin glowing in the light. It hugs your body in ways you wouldn’t of imagined and you… like it. It screams seduction, fun, and someone you’re not but someone you once might have wanted to be…
The only issue is you can’t zip it yourself. You struggle for a few minutes, contouring your body this way or that, but you can’t get the zipper more than half way up your back.
Reluctantly you pull the curtain aside just enough to peak your head out, your eyes instantly finding Aaron’s. He raises an eyebrow, his hands clasped together in his lap and you are more than aware of why. “I need her help.” Your voice is floaty and you clear your throat. “I can’t zip it up.”
“I’ll help you.” He stands, crossing the small distance in three long strides, quicker than you can reject his help.
“Wait- no, I’m-.” But he is pulling the curtain away from the other side and you curse the interior designer with a flourish of silent profanities. In the small space he seems larger than life, all broad chest and long limbs. He steps closer and you back up, an all to familiar dance you two have rehearsed before.
He holds his hand out, a gesture of reassurance but he is still looking at you like a starved man. “Spin around, pretty girl.” Your legs feel suddenly numb, like you’d never used them before in your life as you continue to stare. “It’s okay.” He whispers, taking another half step forward.
“It’s fine, it fits well enough without it zipped I’m sure it’ll fit great when it is.” You fight to keep your body lose and face expressionless, trying to mask the feelings bubbling in your guts. Aaron doesn’t say anything, only continues to stare you down, gaze never wavering. “Really.”
“Turn around.” You don’t want to listen, but the timber of his voice makes your body ache in a way that catches you more by surprise than anything else has these past 24 hours. Cautiously you lay your hand in his, letting his pull you in before spinning you around so you’re facing the mirror. He sweeps your hair over your shoulder, his fingers grazing across the naked skin pulling gooseflesh to the surface.
You stand as still as possible, hardly breathing as he gently slides the zipper up. His palms spread across your ribs, warm through the thin fabric. “What do you think?”
“It’s a beautiful dress.” You whisper quietly, trying not to back down from his stare.
“You make it beautiful.”
“You’re only saying that.” He pulls you closer, your back hitting his chest, your body molding to his. A gasp disappears on your lips, his hips pressing into you lower back his erection prominent making you shiver.
“I can promise you I’m not.” His hand slips to your stomach, splaying across your abdomen, and a small noise hitches in your throat. He tilts his head down, pressing a tinder kiss to the crown of your head and all you can focus on is where he’s touching you and where he isn’t, but where you want him to. Your panties are suddenly slick feeling as you shift against him, his erection digging further into your ass.
“Aaron…” You try to warn, and he watches the way your eyes flutter, the shields you’ve so desperately and carefully constructed cracking under the weight of his stare. Some logical part of your brain, buried beneath the mush of your thoughts, is screaming and begging to run away. But how long had it been since you’d felt that fire in the pit of your stomach, curling your toes and making your thighs pinch together?
You’re about to open your mouth, say something, anything at all, when he is suddenly pulling away. “Come out here so I can get a better look at you.” Aaron steps behind the curtain leaving you to your spiraling thoughts and an ache you’d never imagine. Your face is flushed, eyes wide and pupils blown out over the color of your irises. It’s hard to keep the air in your lungs from rushing out in soft pants.
All you can think is that if this is how you react to a few simple words and actions, you’re screwed.
The next half hour is spent paying for your clothing, a bill Aaron wouldn’t allow you to see, then moving the bags from the car to your hotel room. You stare at them now, laid out on your bed with furrowed eyebrows and your thumbnail caught between your teeth. How would you get these in your bag and on the plane with as little notice as possible?
“Maybe we can go get you another duffle bag tomorrow.” Aaron answers as if he could read your thoughts, and if you didn’t know better you would say he did.
“It’s okay.. Thank you for the clothing.” You manage, giving him a tight smile as you glance to where he is standing at the foot of the bed.
The entire car ride was filled with tension, his presence alone setting you on edge, all while he remained calm driving down the busy streets and helping you to your room.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He smiles at you, possibly more so from your compliance, his eyes like coffee. “Would you like to join me for lunch?”
You bite your nail harder, looking back to the bags. “I’d like to just order my food to my room, I need to get this organized and finish my reports.” You expect him to argue but he only nods, coming around the bed and kissing the top of your head before he walks towards the door.
“I’ll check on you in a little while.” With that he leaves, and as the automatic lock slides into place you crumple. You sit heavily on the bed, running a hand through your hair like it might comb your thoughts back into place.
What are you doing?
What is he doing?
You groan in frustration, the feeling of not having control over what happens next beating on your bones and muscles. You haven’t relaxed since this began and you have a feeling you won’t for a long time to come.
If you would like to be tagged in the next parts please comment below and I will gladly add you! Thank you all for your support!
@kneelforloki @hmett20 @axionn @ncis0mrs0gibbs
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admiringlove · 1 year
part one.
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[19:12] . . .
suna thinks he's lost his mind. or maybe, you've taken all his senses with you when you left that night. maybe he's slowly going crazy—sort of like the main character of that one show you love to watch. the schizophrenic lady slowly losing her senses but not understanding what's going on.
perhaps calling himself crazy would be an overstatement. but you had him confused and dazed, nonetheless.
he thinks he's done something wrong. but he doesn't know what it is. why else would you leave in the middle of the fucking night after the things you two had done together? he's sitting in the living room, one hand in his hair and phone in the other. he's texting osamu, telling him about your amorous endeavors from that night. it had been roughly two weeks since then. and if he was correct(and not borderline insane), you hated his guts.
he wasn't sure why, though. had he not performed well? when the two of you had done "it", did he not please you? what was the issue here? you didn't sound like you hated it, in fact, you sounded quite the opposite throughout.
his phone rings. it's osamu.
"you did what with [y/n]?!" suna has to move the phone away from his ears for that one. his eyebrows knot as he puts the call on speaker, not understanding why osamu of all people is having such an outburst. it's usually atsumu who's the annoying one with no sense of rationality.
"we um," rintarō's face flushes red. he even hides his face with his palms, even though his grey-haired best friend can't see him, "we had sex."
"oh my fuckin' god," the younger miya twin throws more profanities on the phone, but rintarō chooses to tune them out. but then osamu continues, "do ya even know what ya've done? are ya stupid? do ya have no common-fucking-sense? sunarin, for fuck's sake, how can ya be less emotionally intelligent than a fuckin' celery?"
"stop swearing at me, you jackass!" the middle-blocker picks up his phone, almost yelling into it. he then narrows his eyes, lips pursed as he asks, "what exactly did i do wrong?"
"ya do fuckin' realize," suna assumes what osamu's doing is taking a bite out of an apple between his sentences, "ya had a girlfriend a month ago. a pretty fuckin' serious one, at that."
"oh," suna's train of thought stops. oh, shit. fuck, fuck, fuck. what the hell had he done? oh my god.
"yeah, 'oh'. what the bloody hell were ya thinking?" osamu swears again. but this time, rintarō thinks he might've deserved it. all of it. you ignoring him, osamu swearing at him, that nagging feeling at the back of his throat. and that pang in his chest when you left with your things at four o'clock in the fucking morning.
"ya do realize, [y/n] prolly feels more like shit than you do. they haven't spoken to me or 'tsumu after that night. i thought they dropped off the face of the earth until akaashi-san said they were havin' some kinda crisis so they were busy. turns out [y/n] hasn't been showin' up for lectures either," osamu drones on for a few minutes. then it strikes suna. he hadn't even bothered to give you an explanation about why he broke up with his girlfriend.
or actually, she broke up with him. because of you. his mind wavers at the memories of that night where she called him to the local diner to tell him off. she even told everyone it was a mutual break-up and that it didn't work out. he was just glad she fell out of love with him before he accidentally broke her heart. she had every right to do what she did. he was a total, complete twat who didn't know what he was doing. he had hurt so many people, because in actuality, he was just as emotionally stupid as atsumu.
to be honest, even atsumu isn't this stupid. suna has to give that guy some credit.
"what do you even feel about [y/n], sunarin? do ya like them? or didja use them 'cause you were bored 'n wanted ta get yer dick wet?" the accusation makes the middle-blocker wince.
"jesus christ, give me some credit, dude. of course i like them. you know, i never told any of you this, but michi broke up with me because of [y/n]."
"wait, hold on, what? what the fuck?"
"yeah, um," suna hates admitting that he's wrong. gosh, he has to, though. he's done enough. he doesn't want to hurt you any longer, "apparently, i was in love with [y/n] all along and didn't know it."
"oh my god," osamu literally gives up. rintarō can hear his friend facepalm through the phone, "yer such a screwed up person, man. didja even bother telling them this?"
"about that-"
"ya didn't tell 'em. wow. what else could i expect from someone with the emotional range of a fuckin' goldfish? just cut the damn call, already. i got shit to do. and go tell [y/n] all of this or i'll break yer legs the next time i see ya." beep, beep, beep.
he actually ended the call himself. huh, suna thinks to himself. but then he tosses his phone into the pocket of his sweats, pulls on a hoodie, and leaves his apartment.
he's not coming back without making it up to you. no fucking way. all the while that he's driving to your place, he curses at himself for being such a complete and utter dunce. and when he finally stands outside your door, his hands are sweaty and shaking. he's never even been this nervous for a match.
he knocks thrice. dum, dum, dum. then twice, dum, dum. then once, dum.
this was how you guys had communicated in high school. when something went terribly wrong and you needed each other's company. three, two, one. slowly. this was how he'd knocked on the door of the broom closet after school when you were inside having a panic attack. it was how you'd knocked on his bedroom door after they'd lost the match to karasuno in second year.
"go away, rin," you croaked from the inside, "i don't wanna see you."
"'course you don't. i'm an asshole," he says, "but i know where the spare key is and i'll trespass on you if you don't open this door right now."
the door opens a mere second later. you stand there in an oversized tee and shorts, hair a complete mess and eyes glassy. your under-eyes had swollen up too. this was all... because of him?
"the fuck do you want now? more sex?" you ask crudely. he almost scoffs, but he's clearly in the wrong here. you were his best friend. you had the right to abuse him like this because he'd used you. hell, you should be saying more than things like this.
"i'm sorry," he tries to hold your hand, but you move away from him. he feels his heart crack and his throat close up, but he continues, "do you know why michi and i broke up?"
"oh god, " you scoff, "if this is why you're here. please leave."
"listen to me," he holds your shoulders. you visibly look agitated and angry. you have every right to, of course. but you have to hear this. he has to say this. he goes on, "michi left me. i didn't leave her but she left me. don't you want to know why?"
"let me guess, she got fed up with your piece-of-shit attitude?" you walk away, to the kitchen as you turn on the coffee-maker. he chases after you, grabbing you by your shoulders again. you almost push him off.
"because i love you, goddamnit!" he shakes you lightly, "do you understand? she wasn't you. she understood that from the very beginning! that's she why left me."
"oh," you blink slowly, drinking it in, "oh."
"'oh'? that's all you have to say?"
"oh please, rintarō," you roll your eyes, "i've been in love with you since freshman year of high-school and you didn't fucking notice. you are genuinely the most stupid person i have ever met. you know, atsumu knew from the very beginning. he's an idiot, sure, but he's actually really smart when he wants to. osamu knows too- why are you looking at me like i'm a terrorist or something?"
oh. what the heck?
"you were in love with me for five years and didn't even bother saying anything? even the fucking twins know? you do realize, this whole thing could've been avoided if you had just told me you liked me before i said okay to that date with michi a few months ago."
"hey, you don't get to come here and tell me i've done something wrong when you realized you were in love with me because michi, of all people, told you. you didn't have the balls to do that part on your own? instead, you come and sleep with me-"
"i thought that made it very clear that i liked you, come on-"
"absolutely not."
"not even a little bit?"
"oh come on," he nudges as you pour yourself coffee, "maybe a little?"
you smile. he mentally lets out a huge sigh.
"fuck you, yeah, maybe a little," you mutter. he wants to punch the air and kick it and jump around as if he's five-years-old again. because what the hell? he bickered with you and that's all it took to make you smile. holy shit, he thinks.
"go on a date with me," he slides his arms around your waist in the kitchen. you chuckle, holding back a laugh, "no."
"come on, please?" he whines into your ear, placing a chaste kiss on your shoulder, "just five minutes of your time next weekend. i promise it'll be worth it."
"five minutes?" you look back, an eyebrow raised, "you sure? i'll put a timer on my phone and everything."
"shut up," he tells you. then, you grin, "make me."
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notes: then they kiss, kiss, fell in love.
© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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Red Is The Color Of His Secret: Chapter four (Noah Sebastian fanfiction)
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Authors note: just aaaaalll the feels came flooding over me as I wrote this chapter. all of them. 😩 u've been warned. also, if u want to get taglisted in new chapters, let me know!
Chapter four
I focus my eyes on Nicholas again as I answer him, my heartbeat quickening as I have decided that I want to unravel the mystery that is Noah Sebastian Davis. 
‘That is… both interesting and strange,’ I say. I must admit, this party has been one hell of a ride so far and only forty minutes have passed. Jesus. 
‘I think I need another drink… you need some too?’ I then ask Nicholas, nodding at his almost empty cup, but he politely shakes his head at me.
‘I’m good, thank you. I usually don’t drink too much,’ he says with a small smile, and I nod as I mirror the same kind smile. I like him. 
We wave each other goodbye after, and I make my way towards the table full of even more drinks, clearly being added by Nick and Jolly. I stare at it whilst slightly biting my lip, both deciding which drink I want to get next and thinking about everything Nicholas has just told me about Noah. 
When I then finally have decided what I want to drink, I now pour a slightly stronger drink into my cup, sipping it in thought as I then sit down on an empty, dark blue leather couch opposite of the table.
I can feel some pair of eyes on me, and as I follow the feeling, I catch Noah looking at me, his stare intense and full of emotions I can’t quite unravel for myself, it being way too many. But it definitely makes me feel some time of way, making me quickly look away from him as I get flustered for the millionth damn time this night.
Then, I take my phone out of my purse with a sigh, scrolling as I take another few sips of my drink. Honestly, parties suck when you don’t know many people, no matter how wasted you get. 
Just when I get stuck on a thread on Twitter about the strangest tweets people have deleted, a tall shadow hovers over me, making me look up from my phone. Noah stands in front of me and greets me with a small smile and wave, then sits next to me on the couch. It’s not quite broad, at least not for two people, causing him to sit so close to me that our arms almost touch, and I’m able to breathe in his nice cologne. My heart makes a little jump at us sitting so close right now, causing me to nervously swallow. His knees have to bend pretty high as it’s just too low for his tall figure, which makes me let out a small, quiet giggle before I greet him back with the same small wave.
It makes a small smirk form on his lips, his eyes slowly roaming over my body before meeting my eyes again. ‘Having fun?’
I sigh, needing to fight the urge to roll my eyes at his sarcastic question. ‘So much,’ I respond just as sarcastically, as I hold up my phone.
His smirk only grows just a little more, his eyes slowly flickering over to my phone. ‘Really? Looks to me like you’re bored shitless,’ he says bluntly in response, his eyes now going back to my face.
I can’t help but slightly smirk at his response, letting out a drunk giggle again after. ‘I am very much, yeah.’
The smirk on Noah’s lips slowly grows into his famous cocky smile. ‘Yeah? Can’t even manage to have a little fun at a party?’ he responds, shooting me a teasing grin, making it unable now to hold back an eye roll.
‘Maybe I could if the people here actually would be fun,’ I tease him back, scrunching my nose up with disgust when my eyes rest on Skylar for a moment.
Noah lets out a small chuckle, following my gaze to Skylar. He then sighs and rolls his eyes as well. ‘Ugh, don’t get me started on her. Biggest bimbo I’ve ever seen,’ he groans, his arms now crossed in front of his chest.
My eyebrows slightly raise at that comment, but also because I feel a lot of amusement going through me when he calls Skylar that, and I try to fight back a grin. ‘Oh really now?’
He nods in response, his signature cocky smirk returning on his lips. ‘Yeah, her and a bunch of other girls here only care about looks, popularity, and parties. She’s a goddamn airhead and a half. Can’t even hold a proper conversation.’
I can’t help but let out a loud laugh at that, shaking my head in even bigger amusement. ‘Oh, I believe you in that,’ I mumble back, narrowing my eyes at Skylar hanging all over some guy. Of course. 
He lets out a half-scoff, his own brown eyes flickering over to Skylar once more. ‘She’s the definition and embodiment of a damn airhead. I don’t even get why so many guys seem to be so whipped for her.’
I shrug at that, deciding to fire a comment at him, just to get him back a little. ‘Don’t get it either. I mean, you have to get it just a little right?’ I say, as I think back of the picture of them together.
Noah stiffens a little upon hearing that, hesitating for a moment before letting out a dry chuckle, his confident smirk returning to his lips again. ‘What are you getting at there, nerd girl?’
I shrug again, a small smile on my lips as I then take a sip of my drink. ‘Nothing.’
He lets out another dry chuckle at that, his grin turning oh so cocky once again. ‘Bullshit. You’re definitely implying something there, princess.’
‘Princess, huh?’ I reply with a sly smile, the nickname stirring a pang of something by hearing his new nickname for me, making my heart skip a slight beat. 
His grin only grows more at the way I react to the pet name, letting another low chuckle again, scooting a little closer to me, his muscular leg now barely inches apart from yours. And not only my face, but my whole damn body is set on fire as I feel the slight touch, my heart beating even faster. 
‘I only call smartass and pretty girls princess,’ he teases, winking at me. My face must be a goddamn tomato because of that, Jesus Christ-why do I find him so damn hot all of a sudden?
I clear my throat, squeezing my thick thighs together for a moment, trying to collect myself together. ‘Sure,’ I mumble back, taking a few sips of my drink again.
‘Don’t believe me, princess?’ Noah replies, his leg slowly creeping closer to mine again, his knee now almost pressed against my thigh. 
I just mock his words underneath my breath as I try my hardest to keep my cool now that I feel us touch even more, my breathing a bit quicker and my hand slightly trembling. And of course, that encourages him to scoot even closer to me, practically glued against my side at this point, his knee now fully against my thigh, the warmth of his body now seeping through my own as he leans in to whisper in my ear. 
‘What was that?’ he murmurs, causing a whole flood of fire and… maybe something else to appear in me. His voice is low, deep and clear as it is so close to my hearing, his breath softly stroking the skin of my neck, making a shiver go down my spine. 
‘Nothing, chump boy,’ I then fire and tease back, hiding my little smile behind my cup. He lets out a small chuckle again, his hand slowly moving over towards my thigh, his large and calloused hand gently pressing down against the soft flesh. 
‘Oh, you’re a feisty one,’ he says and I hear his stupid smirk in his voice.
And fuck-just… fuck. His touch has way more effect on it then it should have, and I slightly wiggle underneath his hand to try to subtly get it off me, it being way too intense for me. 
‘I… I just called you by your usual nickname. Nothing new,’ I mumble back in response, my gaze now going to the people in the room, trying to distract myself from his touch and the way he is so close to me, just like his lips still against my ear.
Noah slowly moves his hand upwards on my thigh, gently grasping the supple flesh underneath the fabric of my dress as his hot breath fans against my ear again.
‘I’m not even doing anything, princess,’ he says about my response to his indeed still light touch, leaning in even closer to me, his body now fully and completely pressed against mine. 
I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, his embrace and the hold he has on me driving me absolutely insane, lighting a fire inside of me that has never met its lighting match before, something I have never experienced before as well.
‘I… completely forgot that I would leave the party, actually,’ I then blurt out, causing his brows to rise. ‘Yeah. Because it’s… boring. And I have better things to do in… my room,’ I then continue, stumbling over my words, my cheeks heating up because I know my excuse is just… lame.
Noah lets out a small and almost amused chuckle again, his free hand now resting on the couch’s backrest, just behind my head. ‘Better things to do in your room, huh?’
My eyes now shoot back to him, slightly widening, scared that I might gave him the wrong idea with that. ‘Which you’re still not invited to, by the way.’
He lets out an amused laugh once again, his hand still firmly grasping my soft and warm thigh. ‘Aww… Why not, princess?’ he says, his stupid cocky smirk on his lips again, his voice having an almost fake and whiny tone to it. ‘Afraid I’ll do something… naughty to you?’
A pang shoots through my stomach, it heating up and fluttering like some crazy butterfly cage is getting opened and they escape out of it, all at once. My eyes widen even more at his words, and I feel myself getting more and more flustered by the second. 
‘N-no, I just… like my privacy,’ I then stammer, my heart hammering into my chest. 
His stupid smirk only grows bigger by seeing how I react to his words, his hand slowly creeping higher and higher up my thigh, his body then practically pinning me against the couch as he leans even closer. He lets out a low and deep chuckle, his breath gently fanning against my ear once again. ‘You sure? You’re getting pretty damn red right now.’
My breath hitches in my throat even more, and I try to swallow the big lump there away, my chest rising up and down as my eyes flicker over his face, still looking so damn attractive with the dim lights now being switched to red again falling over it. 
‘That’s just because of… the alcohol,’ I then squirm as it must be half of the truth though, trying not to let out a whimper because of his hand getting dangerously high on my thigh. 
His eyes grow a little darker as his fingers then slowly draw small circles on my sensitive place, slowly and gently squeezing at the plush and juicy flesh once again. His mouth is still close to my ear, speaking to it again with his smooth and low voice.
‘You sure, though? Looks like you’re flustered as hell right now.’
Panic now rushes through me as well, as I realize he has me exactly where he wants. Even though I like his touch more than I should admit, his fingers still circling on my thigh, making electricity shoot through every inch of my body, I shouldn’t trust his moves, let alone lean into it. Especially when Jolly’s text from earlier today runs through my mind again-what if everything Noah is doing right now is some kind of game to him and his friends? To see who gets ‘nerd girl’ first, a classic story I’ve heard way too many times?
‘I-I should go,’ I then stammer, pushing him off me asI quickly stand up again and stroke my dress neat, making me feel a little light headed because of the alcohol still swimming through my veins, causing me to stumble for a moment, but I catch myself right on time so I can get the hell away from here.
And even though I hear him call back for me behind me, I keep on walking, almost tripping over my own damn sneakers as I try to make my way out of the room, just wanting to get out of here. 
As I keep on walking, and walking, and walking, panic shoots through me even more-I can’t seem to get my way back to my own direction of campus, making me feel lost as I probably walk around in circles at some point. My drunken state doesn’t fucking help with this. 
Tears begin to sting in my eyes, and with a deeply frustrated sigh I just burst through the first door I can find, sending the sky a quick, heartfelt thank you as the random dorm is not locked, so I go inside and shut the door behind me, resting my head against it as my chest is heavily moving up and down.
Great, here I am, in some random ass dorm room of someone, having a damn panic attack. I slowly walk towards a bed I spot and sit down on it, the room still being dark and only being lit up slightly by the street lanterns outside. I burrow my face into my hands as I then let out some quiet sobs, and someway somehow I can’t ignore the scent that his room has, it being oddly familiar for some reason.
After I cried for a little, I guess out of frustration, humiliation and just the alcohol making me feel all my emotions way stronger, I remove my hands off my face, silently cursing at myself as I see mascara stripes on them. Great, that means that my face must be messed up with it, and no way I can leave this room now. At least not until I find something to get it the fuck off my face.
Then, I hear footsteps sounding through the hallway, coming dangerously close, making me panic all over again, biting my lip in distress. Well shit. How the hell do I have to explain to the person that is probably headed to this room why I am here in their room, crying because of a stupid boy, his stupid friends, that stupid slutty Skylar girl and just my stupid self right now? 
The door handle is being turned, and I hear the door now cracking open, making me glad that my back is turned to the door so I can wipe my last tear quickly away with the palm of my hand. 
‘Sorry,’ I sniff, trying to laugh off the situation. Maybe it is funny, but it’s probably just because of alcohol. ‘I’m sorry that I’m just sitting here in your room… It was open, and I just… had to calm down,’ I then further explain to the person. 
‘It’s… It’s alright,’ the person behind me says, still standing beside the door, and my heart seems to stop beating for a moment-it’s the familiar soft voice of Noah talking back to me, making my eyes widen for a moment. Of course. Of course the first room I can find unlocked to calm down… is Noah’s damn room. 
I now slowly turn around, seeing him leaning against the door frame, an amused yet also worried look on his face as his arms are crossed over his chest as usual. He takes me in for a moment, sitting on his bed, his eyes roaming over my mascara covered face. I sigh, and slowly get up to my still slightly unsteady feet.
‘Well, this is not at all embarrassing,’ I then mumble, stroking my dress neat. ‘I’ll… leave you in your room. Sorry.’
Noah lets out a low chuckle with still the same emotions in his eyes, still studying my form with a slight curious look as well. He then slowly pushes himself off the doorframe when I’m about to leave, walking over to me and carefully grabbing my wrist with his fingers. 
‘Hey… wait a moment,’ he softly says, and my eyes look from his grip around my waist back to his eyes again, blinking a little as slight embarrassment is still on my face, but also curiosity now.
He lets out a soft sigh as he sees my gaze flick back to him, his hand still gently and delicately wrapped around my wrist. ‘You’re not leaving just yet,’ he then tells me, his eyes roaming over my mascara smudged face. ‘Sit back down, princess.’
A slight nervous pang fills my stomach as he says that, my heart fluttering again as I hear him giving me that damn nickname again. I then just nod, his fingers slowly releasing my wrist as I slowly sit down back on his bed, causing him to sit down next to me. His eyes take me in again, seeming to hesitate for a moment before he his fingers then gently grab my chin, slowly tilting my head to make me face him completely. My heartbeat hammers just as madly as it did before at the party when we were so close on the couch together.
‘What… What is it?’ I then slowly ask Noah. He gently runs his thumb over the underside of my chin, stroking the soft skin there, starting to wipe the mascara away there. 
‘Why were you crying?’
My nostrils flare up as he asks me that, embarrassment again boiling up all over inside of me like some kind of stupid tea flute. My eyes flicker down as I then softly reply to him. ‘Just… this whole party I guess. It was intense.’
Noah gently tilts my chin up again, so I have no choice but to look at him. ‘What do you mean… intense?’ he asks, his voice having a strangely gentle undertone now, and I don’t understand why he cares so much about my wellbeing now.
I shrug at his question. ‘The attention, I guess… people staring at me… people suddenly noticing me, but not in the way I want.’ I then pause, swallowing as I look at him for a moment. ‘You.’
He lets out a soft sigh and gentle hum, as he hears and sees the way I explain my feelings. ‘Me? What about me?’ he then wants to know, his fingers still gently holding my chin in place.
My goddamn cheeks flush up again, and I swear, at this point I just wish that function of my body didn’t work, and of course his slightly widening grin shows how amused he is by that, as he always is. 
‘Just… You… We-’ I stammer out, not being able to get out a proper sentence for a moment. I then take a deep breath, trying again, as my hands nervously fiddle with the fabric of my dress. ‘You were just… really close to me. And touchy. And stuff.’
He lets out a soft, amused chuckle. ‘And… did you not like the way I was being close… and touchy?’ he asks, his voice having a more teasing tone now.
My eyes now shoot away from him once again, not being able to physically look at him as I answer. ‘I… don’t know…’
Noah tilts his head a little to the side as he looks at me, his smirk widening. ‘You don’t know…? What do you mean, you don’t know?’
I groan in response, now covering my face with both my hands. ‘Because… I don’t know!’ I sigh in frustration. ‘I… never really felt this way before. The way I felt when you touched me, I mean. It’s confusing. It’s new.’
Gently, he places his fingers over my wrist again, pulling my hands away from my face. ‘You’ve never felt this way…?’ he repeats me, his eyes tracing over my face again.
I madly blush at him, as our eyes now lock again, his dark brown eyes glinting in a pretty way in the dark of his room, the street lights reflecting against them. I then slowly shake my head in embarrassment. ‘No. I mean… I know what it means, I guess. But nobody really… made me react that way. Inside.’
A soft sigh escapes from Noah yet again, his fingers still wrapped around my wrists. ‘Nobody… made you react this way?’ he repeats me once again, as he slowly leans in a bit closer to me.
I shake my head at his question, my heart drumming madly at his close movement. His eyes still trace over every part of my face, his eyes lingering on the way I then slightly swallow. 
‘You sure no one else has ever made you this worked up like that before?’ he gently mumbles, his fingers slowly releasing my wrists. 
‘Mhm,’ I squirm in response, my voice coming out all high pitched and cracked because I become a nervous mess by the way his face is so close to me now, almost being able to feel the way he breathes through his nose.
Yes, it’s embarrassing to admit-compared to Noah, I have little to no experience with… intimacy. I have kissed before, not all too wild or exciting or anything, but more than that? Nope.
Once again he grabs the underside of my chin again, forcing me to look up at him again, his eyes gentle yet curious. ‘You’ve kissed before, at least?’ he asks me, his voice almost a whisper now.
‘I-I have,’ I softly respond, now being able to hear my  crazed heartbeat in my own ears at this point. ‘Just not… not…’
Noah watches intently how my cheeks slowly flush again, noticing the way I hesitate on my next words, his eyebrows gently arching as he looks at me silently for a moment, waiting for me to continue. His hands then grab at my thighs now, gently as well, his warm palms touching my skin. ‘Not what, princess?’
I slightly whimper at his touch, a shaky breath escaping from my lips after. ‘I’ve never had sex before,’ I then blurt out, wanting to end myself right here, right now, just jumping out of his window or something, to run away from him-the embarrassment is killing me. 
Noah looks at me for a moment with a look I can’t quite explain, it being too many emotions at once it seems, and that kills me even more. 
‘Never?’ he then repeats after a silence, his voice being a mere whisper now.
‘Never,’ I reply, squeezing my eyes shut as I groan once again. ‘I know, it’s stupid! Like, it’s not that I never wanted to-I mean, I have touched myself many times before-wait-no, forget that, I just-’ I begin blurting out, stuttering over my words, just making it worse for myself, and I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet right now. 
I feel Noah’s grip on my thighs gently getting tighter, and he lets out a quiet chuckle to himself, and I carefully open my eyes again to look at him again. 
‘Forget what now?’ he then asks, his voice having a slightly teasing tone to it now, as his thumbs softly rub the skin of my thighs now.
‘That I just told you I do touch myself. Wait-fuck,’ I then curse, running my hands through my blonde locks in frustration. 
He can’t help but let out a laugh at that, a smirk still on his lips now that he sees I’m getting flustered more and more by my own words. 
‘Why are you flustered about telling me that?’ he then asks, teasingly stroking my thighs again. And his tone, his touch, and the way he looks at me just drives me insane, making it harder for me to focus and stay calm, a new weird kind of sensation stirring through my body all at once.
‘Because… it’s embarrassing to tell you?’ I respond, and it comes out more like a question. His eyes roam over my face for a moment again, before letting another soft laugh escape from his lips again. 
‘Why is it embarrassing to tell me in particular?’ he asks again, his tone being much lower now, and I get both annoyed and flustered by all his questions. My chest slightly rises up and down, feeling heat spreading through my whole body now because of all the damn nerves attacking me. 
‘Because… well… you’re you… and I’m… me. You’re way out of my league, and I am just ‘nerd girl’, your homework tutor, just some girl that must not be interesting or something to you, compared to all the other girls you can get.. that are way better looking than me,’ I respond, my voice becoming softer with each sentence, heart slowly aching at my honest, painful truth. 
Noah’s eyebrows gently furrow into a slight frown as a hint of pain flashes in his eyes. ‘You think I’m… out of your league?’
I let out a confusing, painful laugh, as if the answer to that question isn’t obvious, causing him to frown further somehow. ‘Uhm, yeah,’ I respond, my voice sounding duh-like.
 ‘Like… look at you,’ I then add, waving my hand up and down at him and his body, his gorgeous looks. ‘And then look at me,’ I say, pointing at myself, a sad smile on my face as I then push my glasses back on the bridge of my nose again.
Noah’s eyes slowly roam up and down my whole body again, looking over every part of me before looking in my eyes again. ‘And what do you think I’m seeing?’ he asks me in a soft tone.
‘A boring, too big looking, average girl?’ I answer him, more questioningly, as if the answer is again obvious. The frown in his forehead only gets deeper as I say that. 
‘You think you look… boring? Too big and average?’ he repeats, his voice still being a soft whisper, his frow now being mixed with disbelief. I look at him the same way now, surprised as well, my heart making a slight jump at his words, not really seeing them coming. 
He gently tightens his grip on my thighs once more, almost forcing me again to keep looking at me, his eyes still inspecting my face. ‘You… really think that you look… average?’
I shrug at his question, as if the answer is obvious-logic, normal, a fact. ‘I mean… Well, yeah. Nobody looks at me for a reason, right?’ I answer him, trying to smile it away, but inside I’m quite hurting. ‘Besides… how could they, I guess. I’m like, what? Twice the size of more than half of the girls walking around here?’ I mumblingly add.
Noah can’t seem to help but wince slightly as I talk again, hearing how I explain my answer to him. His eyes are tracing over me for a moment before he speaks.
 ‘Is that… really what you think?’
‘It’s not what I think… it’s what I know,’ I quietly answer him, it being an unchangeable fact in my mind at this point throughout the years.
His dark brown eyes keep gently stare back in my eyes for a few long moments before he speaks back. ‘May I ask you something?’
I slowly nod at him, feeling my heart slowly beginning to sink and ache more and more, because this topic is quite painful for me. His warm hands slowly rub up and down my skin, before he asks me his question.
‘Have you… ever looked in the mirror and thought that you’re pretty?’
I laugh at his question, it somehow being my first response, but when I see his face looking serious with his question, I quickly stop, swallowing. 
‘I don’t know… I mean… maybe? Does finding myself looking acceptable for the day count?’
He continues to softly and gently rub my thighs up and down, as if he is trying to comfort me through this conversation. ‘So you’ve never thought to yourself… that you’re pretty?’
I shrug, nervously fumbling with the edge of my dress once again, my eyes looking down at it again, the question being a little too confronting. I feel Noah gently but firmly grab my chin with the fingers of his other hand, forcing me to look up at him once again. 
‘Demi, I want an answer, please,’ he softly says, and the way he uses my actual name makes it clear that he takes our conversation seriously. I sigh deeply, getting frustrated by his questions, but most of all because I know I find them hard to answer, because the honest truth can come out-the truth I always try to bury and push away, like it’s fine, like it’s nothing and unimportant. 
‘Maybe not really for a really, really long time, no.’
His thumb now softly runs along my chin now, his other hand continuing to grip my thigh. ‘Why not?’
‘Because… I just, I don’t know. I feel insecure because I don’t see a lot of girls here, or just in general, like me-’ I pause to look up and down at my body, ‘getting a lot… positive attention. Compliments, love, like the way skinnier girls do. Or just… girls who find their education important here. Actually wanting to go somewhere with their life then partying and hooking up every night, because if you don’t you get called a prude or what not. Only when you show skin and are reckless, you seem to get attention from someone-from boys,’ I softly explain, his intense gaze still on me as he listens.
‘It makes me feel like I don’t fit in because of something so stupid, illogical, like that. Like, I am more than the body underneath this stupid dress,’ I then add with a loud, frustrated sigh, tugging at the fabric. ‘It’s stupid that I, as a plus sized girl, only gets to feel important as a boy finally does look my way when I decide to show more skin for example. Like I wasn’t interesting before that, or didn’t matter.’
As he then just looks at me when I am done talking with a even deeper frown, I feel my cheeks heat up for the millionth fucking time this evening, making me quickly stand up from his bed.
‘Yeah, I know, it all sounds stupid,’ I sadly laugh as I wipe a few tears away that seemed to have escaped, nervously starting to pace around his room after.
Noah stands up as well, staying a few feet away from me, his eyes following me silently, almost as if he’s afraid to approach me right now. 
‘It’s not stupid,’ he then quietly mutters.
His words slowly make me stand still, looking a little taken back at him, my heart making a little warm jump.
‘It’s… not?’
He takes a small step closer to me, his eyes staying locked with mine. He frowns a little at my words, gently shaking his head. ‘It’s not,’ he assures me again. 
Then, he slowly reaches his arms out towards me, inviting me into his embrace. ‘Come here,’ he instructs me softly. 
I look him up and down, a bit unsure, as if I have to ask him with my eyes for a moment that he is sure that he wants to hug me. He silently nods at me, looking at me like he is hurting for me that I have to feel this way, also with a pleading look to close the distance between me and him. 
‘Please,’ Noah adds in a soft tone.
My heart slowly melts at that, it then swelling up with warmth as I slowly let him wrap his muscular, tattooed arms around me, doing the same with my own arms around his body. First, I still feel a little unsure, but then slowly relax when his embrace feels safe, genuine and… comforting. 
Noah then suddenly also nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, pressing his soft lips against the skin for a moment before speaking up again, making my heart nearly explode and pound madly at that. 
‘You’re not stupid for feeling that way, sweetheart,’ he mumbles against my skin. I silently nod at his words, feeling way too overwhelmed to be able to get a single word out. He tightens his grip around me even more after that, slowly pulling away from my neck, lifting his head a bit to look down at me again.
‘I want you to know that I think you’re gorgeous, Demi,’ he tells me softly, his now  warm and gentle eyes not looking away from mine. 
My eyes soften and glint with both flattery and sadness at that, almost with disbelief as he tells me that. 
‘Really?’ I stammer, and I swear to God, if he is messing with me right now…
Noah already quickly reassures me by slowly lifting up one of his hands and resting it on my cheek, gently stroking my skin with his thumb. ‘I’m serious,’ he mutters quietly. I slowly lean into the touch of his warm hand, it being soft and welcoming.
He gently cups my cheek, his brown eyes continuing staring  into my soft ones. ‘I mean it. You’re gorgeous,’ he reassures me once more, his voice being a low, soft, almost gentle murmur. 
I can’t help but feel myself tear up again, his words touching me, especially since they sound more honest and truthful than anyone ever has when telling me something like that. It almost seems unreal to me-standing in the arms of Noah himself, the most popular guy on campus, in his room, as he tells me that I am gorgeous. 
I can see at the way he looks at me now that he can tell how much his words touch me, as if he knows that I do not hear this very often, and it almost looks like his own heart seems to ache at it as well, just like mine does. 
‘You are gorgeous, you are with no kidding the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen,’ he mutters softly, continuing to caress my skin slowly, and I can’t help but let out a soft laugh at that now, shaking my head in disbelief.
‘I’m sorry, I just… find that so hard to believe. Like, you can get anyone, yet you are here with me in your room… while a party from Jolly is outside your door,’ I mumble, not even believing the whole scenario myself. 
‘I’ve seen some of the most pretty girls around here and in the world myself, and they don’t even come close to how beautiful you are to me. And frankly, I’d rather spend my evening in here with you, than out there with some of those stupid girls,’ he answers me, gently nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck again, pressing his lips against my skin once more, leaving me almost breathless as I slowly flutter my eyes shut, letting out a needy sigh before I can even stop myself. 
Noah lets out a low, almost inaudible groan when he hears my little sound, then softly begins to pepper kisses along the skin of my neck as if he already knows how much I enjoy the feeling, his body slowly coming to press against mine even more. The intensity nearly makes me choke for a second, the sensation shooting right to my core, causing another needy whine to leave my lips. God, what is even happening?
His hands slowly find their way lower, moving from my waist to slowly grip my hips instead, holding my body close to his even more. His lips trail down to my collar bone, beginning to slowly yet roughly kiss the skin, making me gasp. 
‘N-Noah,’ I stammer through his kisses, my legs starting to shake underneath his touch. ‘What… What are you doing?’
I feel him smirk against my skin, and he kisses his way back up to my neck, beginning to carefully suck on my skin now. ‘You just sound and look so good right now princess,’ he groans into my neck, causing a full on moan to leave my lips now, holding onto his muscular body even tighter, scared that I will fall through my goddamn shaky knees if I don’t do so. Is this really happening? Am I really letting this happen? Is Noah really feeling the mutual attraction to me too?
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Pumpkin's Father And Your Lover
Pairing :- Sirius Black x reader
Word count:- 2.7k
Summary:- Sirius and you find a kitten, apparently she is a matchmaker
Warnings:- swearing, some sexual tension, i think that's all?? Tell me if you find more
A/N:- Hello everyone! Yes, I have started writing again after one and half years and you can guess i am really rusty so be kind please. Also, I am opening my requests, if you want to, drop in some, characters can be either marauders, except peter, billy Russo, tasm!Peter Parker or aleksander morozova. Thank you! Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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The Great Hall echoed the chatters of students from all the houses. Some hushed whispers and some loud laughs, some bright smiling faces and some silent tear stained faces.
Your body shook with giggles induced by a certain sarcastic prefect from Gryffindor, you were met with a nudge on the knee from the victim of the remark who was pretending to give you a glare.
You just grinned at him and got one in the reply.
You still didn't believe how the cliché meeting with the raven haired boy had turned into this, this beautiful friendship.
When in your fifth year you met this gorgeous owner of the gorgeous eyes, you never would have guessed where it'd take you.
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"Mr.Black that's enough!"
"But it wasn't me, professor! I swear it wasn't me this time!"
You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Your benchmate, or to be precise, Remus Lupin, the embodiment of a disciplined, sweet, honest guy had been flying paper planes from the last ten minutes of the transfiguration class, making them land beside the professor's desk.
Oh and if that wasn't enough, they were charmed as when they landed, the paper shredded into fragments while in the voice of the victim, Sirius Black, a very bad redemption of ' D'yer Mak'er ' would sound out in the class.
Somehow, one day Remus Lupin sat next to you, a trade of your giggles and his witty remarks was made and now both of you were benchmates.
"Well then who was it?" Mcgonagall asked.
"I don't know, professor! Obviously someone who hates you! And you know that can't be me, I love you with my whole heart!" You snorted behind your hand at his imitation of puppy dog eyes. He was definitely good at it.
"One more time Mr.Black, and you would be serving a week's detention."
"But professor —"
"Everyone back to work!" And with that, the students went back to work while you were still giggling with the sandy haired boy next to you.
"I can't believe you are so cruel to him, he is your friend!" You asked in fake shock and a grin on your face.
"Well that's what he gets for stealing my chocolates." The boy snorted.
"I knew it!"You both were startled by the sudden voice from behind you.
Sirius was standing behind you both glaring at you two.
"Mr.Black, why are you shouting in the class?" Professor asked furiously.
"Professor, it was Remus who was doing it all! I just heard him saying that!"
Remus and you both turned back towards the professor, with guilty looks on your face and accepting the accusations.
Mcgonagall looked disappointed but just shook her head.
"Mr.Lupin, I would expect better from you, but that would be wrong since you are part of this baboon group."
"Professor!" Four different voices shouted at the same time.
"Professor, we are 'The Marauders'." Peter said, puffing out his chest, followed by the other three.
Mcgonagall just shook her head and said,
"Alright, Mr.Lupin, shift back to your place with Ms.Evans and Mr.Black you take Mr.Lupin's previous place."
"But—but why?" Sirius shouted, his eyes wide.
"Well because I said so." Mcgonagall set him with a look that said no more arguments.
He sighed then said,
"But no detention for these two." You stared at him wide eyed.
"Considering their previous records, no."
You smirked looked back at him with a look that said,
'suck it'
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That was your first interaction with him and many more after that which lead you two here right now, near the lake sitting under a tree. Well you were sitting and he was lying next to you.
"Do you think the merpeople in the lake would be offended if we gave them fish food? Or if we give them our food."
"What I think is that Sirius, why are you thinking that, of all the things you can think of you thought to think about that thing."
"You hurt my brain."
"Surprised you have one."
He glared at you while you just grinned at him.
He closed his eyes and you were suddenly hit by the realisation how beautiful the boy next to you was.
It would be so easy to fall in love with him. Sirius was, if not the most, one of the most beautiful guys you have met.He was charming, he was beautiful and most of all, he was caring, in his own way. You were jealous of the girls who could touch him in a way that you could never, girls who had the opportunity to look in those eyes and get lost in the cosmos held behind them, girls who could hear his raspy voice, the breathy whispers that escaped him the haze of pleasure.
You closed your eyes and tried to shake off the image in your head. Your palms were suddenly getting sweaty and you felt suffocated.
A small mewl sounded near you. Shaking you out of the daze he put you in, and hadn't even done anything yet. Sirius sat up and looked around, like you, to find the source of voice.
Looking around, your eyes found a pair of big brown eyes staring at you and mewling. Standing up, cautiously you made your way towards the feline and bent to scoop her in your arms. The little kitten was calm, nuzzled her head in your arms making you coo at her.
Sirius, surprised by the sudden change in your demeanour, stood up and made his way towards you, kneeling beside looking at the small animal in your arms.
The ginger white fur poked out of you embrace and a soft expression masked your features as you gently caressed the fur.
He was jealous. He was jealous of the feline and how it had taken her so little time to take you away from him. But at the same time he was thankful. He was thankful because sitting there, kneeling beside you he could see the sunlight reflecting from your hair, the soft tug upwards of your lips, the pretty smile he longed to watch at every waking moment, the soft gentle eyes he would love to get lost in and never to find a way out of. It was maddening how much he adored you. He adored you more than he could feel, you made his heart feel full, and yet always light like it was filled with nothing but love for you. You made him feel drunk on the oldest wine, always in that daze, but he had never tasted one.
It would be so easy right now. So easy to learn forward and brush his lips to your cheek, so easy to tangle his fingers in your hair, so easy just to close his eyes and get lost in the dream in which you were his.
He snapped out his daze when you called his name.
"Siri, look, she's so cute, isn't she?" A soft smile plastered on your face, you looked at him and he wished that you would always look at him like that. He raised his hand to brush it against the fur of the kitten, who raised her head from your arms and nuzzled it around his fingers.
Choked on emotions a raspy hum sounded out of him.
The kitten now had her whole attention on him. Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, she jumped out of your arms, towards him.
Acting on instinct, Sirius caught her mid air and brought her to his chest while both of you stared at her, wide eyed and with wild expression, she just mewled and snuggled close to him.
"Merlin, she nearly gave me a heart attack." Sirius breathed out.
Now that you were out of shock of the stunt the little creature pulled, you watched as Sirius pulled her closer to his chest and how he ran his fingers to her fur.
"Aw, look at that. The bad boy, player Sirius Black turning soft for a small kitten." You cooed, pinching his cheek.
A warmth spread over Sirius at your gesture but quickly recovered and countered back,
"I am not getting soft."
"You are."
"Ha! Gotcha ya."
He scowled but you saw a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Very mature darling, very mature."
"Learnt from you, darling boy."
Sirius was sure if you called him that one more time he was going to combust. He swallowed the lump of emotions and took a shaky breath, calming himself down.
Merlin, what have you done to him.
"Oh, is that so?" He raised a brow at you, a smirk adorning his face now. There he was. The cocky Sirius Black you knew. And you also knew nothing good came out when his voice changed to that tone.
He slowly set down the kitten from his arms to the ground beside him, who quietly obeyed and sat there without much fuss and meowed at him.
"You want to take it back, love?"
Fuck. Why is that so hot?
"What do you mean, Siri?"
Oh he is dead. But so are you.
And then, hell broke loose. His fingers worked around your ribs, making you giggle uncontrollably. He kept working his fingers around you and then one moment he was sitting beside you, the other, you were splayed over the grass and his body hovering over yours with his hands now splayed along your sides.
As your giggles died, you opened your eyes only to be met with silver ones, staring back at you. Your breath hitched and maybe his did too. The intensity by which his eyes bore into your, taking in all your features at once. His eyes stopped at one point and you knew what was going through his mind.
If you just leaned enough…
You both broke out of trance when a mewl from beside you erupted making you both look at the feline who probably didn't like the lack of attention. It made you both giggle but something changed in the air, and you both knew it.
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"I can't believe you are taking her as a pet."
"Well believe it, because I am." You countered back.
A tsk sound from your left and you looked at the bespectacled boy next to you and frowned.
"What?" You asked, irritation evident in your voice.
"You are hurting our dear Sirius." James said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. You raised your brow in question
"You are breaking his heart." Remus joined in.
"You should know better." Peter contributed.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You asked Remus, only acceptable one to give the answer.
"A cat for a dog, really?"
That made all the occupants of the group laugh out loud. Your voices echoing over the great hall, making everyone dining in, give you an odd look.
"Shut it, Lupin." The victim grumbled from your other side.
"Aw, don't be mad Siri, Pumpkin loves you." You cooed, pinching his cheek.
You could feel the heat rise on his cheek but chose to not comment on it.
"Pumpkin? Really? That's the best you could come up with?"
"Well, then you should have suggested me names, when I asked you."
Before the argument could get more heated, Lily butted in and asked a real question.
"How did you get the permission to keep her?"
You shrugged your shoulders and looked at Sirius's side.
"He asked for permission, ask him."
Sirius looked a bit hesitant and then said,
"I…have my ways."
Unbeknownst to you the other three marauders shooted smirks towards him which he countered by a subtle gesture.
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"You went through all that, just for a cat."
"Not for a cat, wormtail, for the love of his life." James replied back in a sing-song voice earning a smack on his head by the raven haired boy.
In the secrecy of the dorm now, Sirius told the marauders about how he got the permission to keep the cat.
"You went to Minnie, begged on knees to her, then to Dumbledore and did the same for that cat. Wow, Padfoot you must really love that cat." Remus teased the boy earning a kick on his shin.
Sirius grumbled something under his breath, making all the marauders give him a questioning look. When he noticed, a blush crept up his neck and he repeated his words, much more coherently.
"Not a cat, 's Pumpkin."
A loud laughter echoed from the boys dormitory.
Whilst downstairs, Pumpkin was getting restless and was trying to scratch every object in sight.
"Oh my, what are you doing?" You exclaimed taking her away from the table which had a scratch mark on one of its legs.
You were getting irritated by her behaviour and were about to ask Lily what to do when the feline ran out your arms towards the boys dormitory stairs.
Wide eyed you quickly ran, following her.
In the seventh year boys dormitory, a panicked Peter was looking at James being pinned down by a furious Sirius, sitting next to an amused Remus. All that brawl being started by a simple comment such as
"You are worse than me with Lily." By the pinned down boy.
That was the scene you walked in on. Pumpkin supposedly wanted to see Sirius and somehow knew where to go, leading you to walk in that scene.
"What the hell?" Your surprised words apparently broke them out of trance, making them look at you.
You scooped Pumpkin in your arms, who was still restless, and looked at all of them, James and Sirius now returning to sit on the floor.
"Why was James being pinned down by you, Sirius? Am I missing something?" You asked, looking wide eyed at them.
It was James who spoke, panic evident in his eyes,
"What — no—what are you saying— no, shit, I was just teasing him about his feeling for you—"
Everyone fell silent after that except your kitten. Everyone stared wide-eyed at James, while some had amusement in their eyes (Remus, Peter) some had horror (Sirius, You).
Oh. Oh.
You knew that feelings were mutual. You just wanted confirmation. You knew he would never say anything, you knew because of his past, he was scared, he had told you, had broken in your arms. So you will have to, no matter how much it scares you.
Moving towards where he was sitting, you kneeled in front of him, Pumpkin slipping out your arms towards his lap.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the other leave the room.
He was not looking at you, but his fingers had absent mindedly started running through the kitten's fur.
It was now or never.
Gathering all you courage, you asked,
"Is it—was it true—what James said?" He was still not looking at you, but you could see his shoulder tensing and for a moment you were scared. You were scared that maybe you were wrong. But then he nodded his head. It was barely a movement but it was.
Relief flooded through you and you took a shaky breath. Oh how many times had you dreamed about this moment. Your happiness was unexplainable at that moment. It was much more thrilling to know that he felt the same rather than an instinct.
You lifted your hand, touching his cheek, making him look at you.
"Then, Mr.Black, would you do me an honour of sharing custody of Pumpkin with me? Would you do me an honour of being Pumpkin's father?"
You saw the flicker of emotion in his eyes and the way they lit up at your words. Setting Pumpkin at side, he took your face in his hands and kissed you. And it was nowhere near your imagination, it felt well beyond and you couldn't be more happy.
You both didn't stop until a mewl sounded from beside you, making you both huff out a laugh when the small feline crawled between you two.
You looked up at Sirius who just smile and said,
"I would love to be Pumpkin's father and your lover."
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kmgkmg · 1 year
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word count: 0.7k...
pairing: hansol x gn!reader
synopsis: you and your boyfriend hansol are riding the train home, how will the commute go?
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, bf!hansol, established relationship, domestic
warnings: slightly suggestive
rating: pg-13
a/n: no editing done :O just in my feels for vernon! title is from the song kiss on the train by araya!!
“No, I can’t kiss you innocently, babe.” Hansol whines as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“And why’s that?” You laugh, amused at your boyfriend’s unexpected clinginess. 
You were both seated on the train, waiting for the doors to close again. Several days ago, Hansol stumbled across a video detailing a film festival taking place in your city and excitedly bought tickets for the two of you. You didn’t take much convincing to go, you loved movies as much as him seeing the films together was just the icing on top. But, the video failed to mention that the festival was an 80 minute train ride from your place and that there were about six different events taking place today. So, nearly four hours after the festival finished, you and Hansol were still crammed on the train. You asked him for a quick peck on the lips, needing to recharge after the long day but he firmly shook his head no. 
“I mean, unless you want me to makeout with you on the train…” He trails off, not moving his body an inch from yours. His fingers were softly entwined with yours. 
“Hansol Vernon Chwe!” You jokingly scold, “A simple kiss is all I asked for. The rest…well we can do that when we’re back home.” You finish, squeezing his hand that was interlocking with yours. 
Hansol shifts from his position next to you and stares into your eyes, “You mean it? I thought you would be angry with how crowded the commute back is.”
“Why would I be angry with you? I mean sure it’s hot and musty right now, but you couldn’t have predicted that. Plus, the movie festival had so many up and coming BIPOC directors. It was nice to see such a wide range of films! I mean the way that they’re breaking genres is inspirational, right? Especially that last one, Fireworks from Space? That one totally reminded me of Sorry to Bother You with LaKeith Stanfield.” 
Hansol listens intently to your ramble, happy that you enjoyed the festival as much as he did. He loves your shared passion for movies. He loves the way your eyes lit up — without fail — whenever you were excited about something. Sure, he’s dated his fair share of people, but never someone as big of a cinephile as him. 
“Fireworks from Space was super underrated! Y/N, I can’t believe we were two of the only ten people that went to that showing. And I definitely see what you mean by it resembling Sorry to Bother You. I think it also has similar aspects to Wes Anderson’s cinematography with the attention to detail, specifically symmetry.”  Hansol went on an equally long tangent, relieved that you weren’t upset with him. 
“Yes! I think I read in the interview with Director Jeon that he was heavily influenced by Anderson’s movie The French Dispatch when storyboarding for Fireworks from Space.” You elaborate, having your stomach loudly rumble at the end of your sentence. 
Before you could play it off, Hansol was scavenging through his bag trying to find anything to curb your hunger. 
“Hansol, I’m fine, really!” You tap his leg, trying to get him to stop his rummaging. 
“No, here at least eat this to tide you over. Then we can pick up some takeout at that Korean place a block from our place on the way home, yeah?” Hansol was holding a granola bar in front of you. He already opened the plastic packaging and was waiting for you to take a bite. 
“Wait, so a quick peck is too much to ask for but you’ll feed me?” You frowned. 
Without batting an eye, Hansol leaned in, rubbing your leg with his free hand and kissed you deeply. Each time he kissed you, you felt as if single handedly knocked the wind out of you and gave you air simultaneously. Nearly half a year of dating him and he still left you a mess. 
“There. Now eat, Y/N.” He instructed, holding the granola bar up to your face once again. 
“O-okay, but I can feed myself.” You replied, taking the snack from his grip. 
He returned to his original position of resting his head on your shoulder, satisfied with himself.
You watched several films, but the scene that just played out was undoubtedly the most memorable of the night.
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wayfayrr · 9 months
May I please have a soft hot coco with red velvet as a takeaway?
order up dear - I hope you'll find it to your tastes <3
soft sweet wars outside of hyrule, one of my favourites to write of everyone? 👁️ this was so fun to write peep - he's just so fun to play with in different ways and this in particular? there are so many different ways to build up to it, this is only one of the ways I planned it out of about four different ideas for confessions I had for him >:) if you're curious at all I will so ramble about them on demand
[Event masterlist]
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“You look good in that link, I’m almost jealous of how good you look in modern clothes, I knew getting some better fitting ones was a good idea.”
“Really honeybee? I don’t think I would go that far, even though I agree with the second bit.”
Oh, he knows how stupidly attractive he is, I can hear it in his voice and see it in his actions. The way he spins me to face him and leans in close - just lean in a little closer, please.
“Won’t you say it for me again honey?”
“You’re stunning…”
“And to think I’m all yours.”
Following up that last line with a chuckle and a featherlight kiss on my lips, pulling back as a sly look crossed his face like he’s not yet had enough. Letting me take in a short shocked breath till he closed the gap again, silky soft lips meeting mine for the second time, his hand coming up to gently start playing with the hair on the back of my neck like he already knows how to make everything feel right. Tilting his head every now and then I can’t help but melt into it, like he’s simply asking me to be his. The lightheadedness when he pulled away was only natural.
“Sorry I - I should’ve asked first. I know I’m moving fast.” Isn’t that an understatement. Even though he hasn’t been here long, it’s only been a few days since we both ended up here, earth is working miracles on his confidence. He doesn’t seem as paranoid as he did back in Hyrule; which led perfectly to him biting a bullet and asking me to date him the minute he realised we were in my world. 
“Don’t be, you know I would’ve said yes anyway.”
“If you feel that bad, you could make up with another kiss?”
That snapped him out of it, bringing back his laugh as he let go of me although not before one last kiss, to my cheek this time. 
“In a bit, I wouldn’t want to keep us here too long would I? You did mention that if we leave this ‘mall’ too late then it’ll take longer to get to your home after all.”
“Yeah! Yeah, I did say that, wish we wouldn’t have to worry about traffic though.”
Driving back doesn’t take all that long, especially since we beat the rush. It was only a matter of minutes till we were home, sorting out his bags while he offered to make us both a drink. Thankfully he picked up how to use appliances much faster than I would’ve assumed so I don’t even have to worry. 
Within what felt like the blink of an eye we were both sitting down in the living room, laying on each other and just existing, without having to worry about things that used to be commonplace. Back to normal for me, but for wars, for link? Has he ever lived in peace like this, ever?
“Yeah link?”
“If I asked you if I could stay here, after everything is dealt with, would you let me?”
That answers that question then, that and the tears running down his face.
“You wouldn’t even have to ask if you wanted to stay. I’d be more than happy for you to stay with me, love.”
His sobs were heart-wrenching, has no one ever cared to make him feel safe before? It’s like he’s never been shown even basic kindness before with how he’s reacting, with the things I’ve heard from time about his past though… Should I be surprised? I always hoped they were rumours, as much as I knew they can’t have been. 
“You’ll always have a home with me link, okay love? You never need to question that.”
Setting aside my mug and his I coax him into my arms, drawing him into a hug so that he can cry, so that he can know he’s safe and wanted. Rubbing his back while his head buries itself into my neck, my shirt becoming sodden as he tries and fails to put the broken parts of himself back together. The longer we stay like this the slower his tears form. 
“It’s okay, to want to scream and say that you’re still afraid. You've seen more than a hundred lies, each one simply trying to hurt you worse, but you can let yourself be safe here. I swear on my life.”
“I know, I know, I know and I’m scared.”
“And it’s alright to be scared link, just know you aren’t alone.”
It almost hurts with how tightly he’s holding onto me, nodding desperately into my shoulder as he takes shaking breaths. 
If you told me it was an eternity until he started to get less tense, I would believe you, but eventually, his grip does loosen somewhat. 
“Can we just stay like this for now?”
“As long as you need dear.”
Which seemed to be the final thing stopping him from falling asleep on me, his breaths evening as he just drifts off, not that it takes all that long for me to follow his example.
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soufcakmistress · 1 year
new love on the near northside
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A/N: haters that ruin the fun will get blessed out and blocked! find someone else to play with, tysm :) this is for all the sydcarmy truthers like me who’ve been in a spiral for two years
Pairing: Sydney Adamu x Carmen Berzatto
“All right chefs, we need to fire four prime ribs, two lobster risottos, and four cream puffs!”
“Yes, Chef!”
“Marcus, 86 the mascarpone for the cherry tart on 20!”
“Heard, chef!”
“Okay I need to see hands!”
The waitstaff gingerly grab the plated dishes from the final station, while Carmy is gently yet firmly reminding them not to smudge the plates as they’re being taken to their respective tables. Dinner service is in an awesome groove right now and Syd is feeling confident tonight. She’s still riding on a high from the last food critic that visited from the Chicago Tribune, who raved over her braised short rib and orzo pasta. There are also other reasons for Syd’s good mood.
“Open your legs, Syd..”
Syd shudders, takes three deep breaths and continues to fire off orders from the expo. The Bear has been packed almost every single night for three weeks. They don’t have much of a waitlist yet, but word of mouth moves quickly in Chicago and the front of house are noticing some repeat customers already.
Carmy joined Syd at the expo, and she can still pick up the scent of his cologne even in the midst of garlic, heavy cream and raw seafood. If she even peeks at him, she’ll lose her train of thought, and that’s the last thing the team needs right now. After having to let go of Josh after his unfortunate episode, her sous Tina has been pulling double time, covering both stations like a champ. She makes a mental note to give her an unbelievable gift and some love this weekend. “How are we doing, Chef? We cool?”
His eyes are so crystal clear and she recollects how he stares through her when they….oh fuck. “Yes, Chef. Runners are getting everything out in a timely manner, and we are turning these tables around. You?”
“Carmy, Carmy, yes—oh!”
Carmy licks and bites his lips and smirks. “Yes Chef. You’re the captain of this ship.” He squeezes her shoulder and goes back to his station as their boucher, Daniela checks in with Carmy about the fat trimmings for their beef.
Fak, Richie and Sweeps were holding down the front since Nat is on maternity leave. Carmy keeps a wallet size photo of his brand new nephew at his station, looking occasionally with a smile. Forty five more minutes before dinner service is over and Syd can finally go puke out back. “Chefs, we’re almost in the clear! Let’s keep up the momentum and sense of urgency!”
“Yes, Chef!”
Every dish is gorgeous. So many painstaking hours reworking the menu. Chaos menu, thoughtful chaos menu, back to chaos menu again. Reviewing and poring over Carmy’s intricate drawings, all the late night sessions, so much money spent on ingredients—it was enough to make Syd’s head spin. Hence why, almost a month since The Bear opened she’s still subsisting on a diet of Tums and Pepto.
She’s eternally grateful for her partners. Nat and Cicero have saved all their asses more times than they can count. Cicero is a hard ass but he adores Carmy and Sugar and has grown to love Syd as well. And of course, the best chef she’s ever had the privilege of working beside is her executive chef, business partner, best friend and now lover.
“Look at you. You’re so wet baby. Fuck—”
They’ve managed to keep their love affair under wraps for this long. It’s a struggle not to be able to touch each other when they’re working. Tina and Marcus are too perceptive; they would be found out immediately. Still, Sydney feels like a giddy school girl whenever Carmy corners her in the office as they open the restaurant every morning—both of his hands by her sides keeping her close. He’s so incredibly sexy without even trying and she still gets shy sometimes. He has to pull her chin from her shoulder and make her look at him.
“Don’t run away from me. You know I won’t let you..” And those ocean blue eyes of his again….and his lips are feather light on top of hers. Her knees are ready to buckle and Carmy sensed as much, so he pulls her close to the hardness of his chest and stomach to keep her standing.
She loves how his stubble feels on her chin and cheeks, especially when he drags his mouth down her jaw and lightly sucks on her neck. “Carm, Carm, Carm, oh my god, don’t! If they see me with a hickey when I didn’t have one yesterday, how do I explain that?” Her face is hurting, she’s cheesing so hard.
One hand slides up her chef whites, slipping under her camisole and his agile fingers pinch her nipple while his tongue circles her earlobe. Syd’s learned that Carmy is insatiable. For someone to not be as experienced as he claims—his hands, lips, tongue…always seem to go exactly where she needs them to. “I can’t help it, Chef. You’re just so damn beautiful.”
Syd’s hands roam all over his thick biceps and eventually land in the bushy mess atop his head. Their tongues lave and suck on each other’s and their moans can’t be held back any longer. Carmy pulls her leg up to his hip while he grips her braids, until he hears Marcus and Sweeps come through the back door. They separate quickly and get themselves together. Lusty gazes linger between them and they’re both aching between their legs. Carmy is as red as a beet, and Syd’s lips are swollen from his kisses and nipping. “Right, thank you chef.” Syd walks out first awkwardly with wobbly legs that make Carmy chuckle.
Dinner service is over—the kitchen has been scrubbed down, trash taken out, perishables have been stocked away in the lowboys and walk-in, and the back of house staff has skated out. It’s just Carmen and Sydney, in their brand new restaurant. “I’m beat. You got all your stuff right?”
Syd has an overnight bag with everything she needs for a weekend with her babe. “Yes, I do! Are you..ready to go?” Carmy grabs the weekend bag along with her hand and they walk in tandem to his car.
Carmy has been seeing a therapist in addition to the Al-anon meetings and Sydney can tell a difference already. He’s slower to rant and rave and owns up to his mistakes. More eager to hear people out. She’s proud of him—he’s suffered through a lot to make it to this point. They eventually arrive to his apartment and a shower is the first order of business. Syd loves the water pressure at Carmy’s place and taking showers together has been great for their newfound intimacy. They undress each other, Syd pulls her braids up in a high bun, and they just hold each other under the steaming water. This is their time. Away from The Bear. Away from Chicago. Away from the many demands and decisions they’re forced to confront every single day.
Carmy washes her with her pink loofah that’s been made a permanent staple in his bathroom. This is all new to Syd; her heart blooms in her chest at these big feelings she’s experiencing. He’s gentle and doesn’t leave an inch of skin untouched. Syd washes his hair with his expensive shampoo and Carmy’s eyes close in ecstasy. They needed this tenderness. They deserved it.
All cleaned up and fresh, they mosey back to the kitchen for a late night meal. Habits are hard to break. “Spaghetti?” Carmy suggests.
“Yes oh my goodness. Butttt use bucatini instead. And all the cheese.” He smiles in agreement and pecks her on the lips and gets out all the ingredients they need. Julia Child is on in the background on a public access channel, as they converse about the restaurant and Carmy’s nephew and Sydney’s dad and Carmy’s dysfunctional family, the deep loss Syd still feels at the absence of her mom for most of her life. More tenderness.
Pasta is rolled out. Meat sauce is sautéed, seasoned and almost ready. The Shiraz is poured. Carmy can’t stop staring at her in his shirt and boxers. She’s so cute. The pasta boils and he watches her watching the program, fully enthralled. Everything is finally done; he plates everything in his unique Carmy way and Syd audibly orgasms at how the savory flavors meld together especially with the wine.
He grates more pecorino over the pasta and the lull in conversation is comfortable and warm. Not awkward and full of anxiety like with Donna….leaving him constantly overthinking and being afraid to speak. Sydney seemingly knows what he’s going to say before he does and that brings him comfort. They’re in crystal clear alignment on every way and he now knows a semblance of peace.
“Fuck. This is good.” Sydney is damn near scraping the plate, while Carmy is smiling the biggest she’d ever seen from him. They both love when the other eats their food. That sense of pride is undeniable.
“I’m glad you enjoyed, Chef. Anything for you.” He winks at her and she gets bashful and mumbled out that she’s going to take care of the dishes since he cooked. To his surprise, he’s a little more tipsy than he realized from the Shiraz. Carmy drains his glass and pours himself another, while checking Syd’s frame out. His boxers are screaming for relief and a little moan eeks out of him before he can stop it. Thankfully Syd isn’t aware of his moment of weakness.
Carmy swallows and wipes his lips and moseys behind his girlfriend. Kissing and nipping. “I’m almost done here, Carm..” Syd whines a bit at his ministrations and drops the plate into the soapy water.
“Yeah. Not fast enough for me..” Carmy turns her around and leaps with his tongue and mouth first. Her hands are dripping wet but she doesn’t waste a second grabbing his head of wild curls and taking what he has to give. Carmy grabs her legs to wrap them around his waist and Syd can periodically feel him thrust up into her mound, wailing for stimulation that only he can provide.
Their shared affection overpowers the television, and Carmy feels his way down the hallway with his baby in his arms. His love, that saved him in so many ways. He pulls his shirt off, she takes hers off. She takes his boxers off that she had on and she lays on his bed, naked as the day she was born. “Fuck me, Carmen.”
She held in her amusement because his entire neck and face was blood red with the pupils of his eyes blown out. Syd knows that he’s doing everything he can to stay contained, but he knows her better by now—she does what she wants. So she spreads her legs for him and twirls her clit in tandem with a brown nipple. Carmy’s about to explode.
He drops to his knees and explores her love below like it’s never been done before. “Sydney, why do you taste so good? Why do you do this to me..” She relishes in the fact that he’s potentially bruising her with the vice grip he has on her thighs, but yet she’s so afraid that she’s gonna squirt in his face if he keeps gently sucking her clit in and out of his lips like that. His manicured fingers enter her canal one after the other and prompt her to let go. “CARMYYYYYYY!”
His whole chest is drenched, and his eyes are shut tight, his deft fingers rubbing tight circles around her clit with a precision that only an executive chef named Carmen Anthony Berzatto could deliver. Sydney pushed his head away and she’s left trembling with watery eyes. “I-I—i didn’t know I could do that!”
Carmy just smirks and wipes his mouth and drops his pants. Syd still can’t get over him. He has even more tattoos that can’t be readily seen on a day to day basis, he is so cut and muscled and has a cock that should be cast in 24 karat gold. Don’t sleep on the short kings.
“Turn around.” His voice leaves no room for pushback, and she can barely raise up on her knees before he’s manhandling her. He’s learned that he loves doggy with Syd. With her ass high in the air, she is getting impatient as well and reaches behind her to line him up with her slit. Carmy catches his lip in his teeth as he pushes forward and they both groan out a “fuck” that only they could wholly grasp.
On the first stroke, he’s all the way in and Syd fees his sack grazing over her entrance. They’re both in a trance. Carmy has visions of Syd cooking, smiling, cumming, revolving in his mind as well as the score of the last White Sox home game so he doesn’t bust his load quick. Syd can’t get the thought of how intense and sweet he gazes at her. How he commands their team, how his talent speaks for itself, how fucking sexy his jawline is, how big his heart is. How lucky is she? To fall in love with her idol, mentor, boss….and to have him love her back.
The bed is beginning to bounce off the wall. Their volume increases as Syd can’t hold herself up anymore and they fall into collapsed doggy with their fingers interlocked. “I’m so glad you found me. I love you Syd, I love you, I fucking—fucking love you baby!” That set Sydney off for the most expansive and overwhelming orgasm of the night, taking her beau with her over the edge. Carmy’s sweaty forehead lays on Sydney’s right temple—both of them with tears in their eyes.
Carmy kissed every finger tip until their mouths met again, both letting their waterlogged eyes flow free. “I know. I love you too Carmy. We’re never alone.”
“We’re never alone.”
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