#noahsebastian fan fic
badnoahmens · 8 months
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 5
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 5.3k
A/N: part 5 of this series is finally here. I’m considering this to be the last one so I really hope you enjoy 🖤🤍
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When you awoke, the pillow beneath your head had shifted, and Noah was no longer by your side. Sleepily, you look around. The sun was not long up, light shining in low beams of gold through the window.
When you write yourself fully, there was a small clattering in the kitchen. When you turn, you see Noah, lifting spoonfuls of a milky cereal into his mouth, some of which misses and plops back into the bowl. With a grin, he looks at you.
“Good morning sunshine,” he places the bowl on the counter, wiping a drip from his chin. The innocent nickname made your heart swell. “How did you sleep?”
He stood casually shirtless, leaning backward, his hips in line with the countertop. The tattoos that decorated all of his chest and stomach looked like they could be in a gallery. There were ones where the symbolism seemed obvious, but there were so many that sparked new questions.
You rub at one eye sleepily as a yawn escapes your lips, eyes eventually averting from ogling at his tattoos.
“Like a log, actually” you say tagged with a small laugh. Noah smiles in response and turns to place his bowl in the sink, then walks towards you swiftly. He leans down and lands a small kiss on your forehead, smoothing down some of your erratic hairs splayed everywhere with a gentle rub of his thumb.
“Would it be okay if I use your shower?” he asks politely.
“Of course, towels are just around the corner,” you gesture to the cupboard, and Noah soon disappears, the sound of water falling in the bathroom soon follows.
You take this opportunity to find your phone, which had been thoughtfully plugged in by Noah. You assume that you fell asleep long before he did. When you unlock it, you see a plethora of messages from your friend. Instead of replying to them all, you decided to just call her.
It took two rings, and then she was there.
“TELL ME EVERYTHING” she demanded. You couldn’t help but laugh at her brashness.
“He took me home, looked after me, and now he’s currently in my shower” you giggle. You felt like a school girl the way you were talking about Noah. It felt like the butterflies in your stomach were doubling by the second.
“And how are you feeling?” she then asked in a more serious tone.
“Better. I don’t think any of these injuries are that serious. Just a bit of a knock around and some intense bruises. I’ll be fine” you state calmly.
She hmphs in response.
“I’ll never forgive you for not telling me about Noah. But, regardless, tell me about EVERYTHING that has happened. How many dates? Have you kissed? Have you slep-”
“So many questions!” you interject, holding your hands up defensively even though she couldn't see you. You knew exactly where she was going with that.
“A few dates. I’ve met most of the band and crew, they are all so lovely. We made out last night, but it was too painful to take it any further. And that’s it. You’re up to date.”
“Take it further?” She pressed.
“You know exactly what I mean”
“No, I don’t. Please enlighten me”
“My chest and ribs were in too much pain so I had to pull back”
“Good on you for knowing when it was too much, but how did he react? Was he mad?”
The assumption made you wince a little, feeling like you needed to defend him.
“He was apologetic, actually. He was happy to stop. Didn’t want to hurt me.” Your tone was a little more serious now.
“Okay. So now what?” She asked. And that was a great question. Now what?
Now what, in terms of labels for you two, or now what, as in what’s the plan for today?
Your mind raced back to the conversation late last night, the one of Noah taking you to one of his shows.
“He’s driving me to their show tonight, and then driving me back. I think he’s worried I’ll hurt myself by overdoing it if I’m alone” you laugh at the absurdity. It wasn’t like you had lost any limbs or broken any bones.
“He sounds sweet” your friend coos.
“He is.” The sound of the water shutting off in the bathroom makes your heartbeat pick up the pace.
“I promise I’ll keep you up to date with anything else” you say, and then the two of you quickly say your goodbyes.
When Noah walks back into the room, you look up from your phone after going through all of your messages. His towel is hitched low on his hips, beads of hot water still clinging to his body. Steam trailed up into the air almost like a metaphor for how hot he looked at this moment.
His eyes were slightly bloodshot, dark irises looking straight into your soul, hair was slick and stuck down to his forehead, and you didn’t even dare let your eyes wander to the slight lump just beneath where the towel covered his body.
“I don’t exactly have a spare set of clothes, would it be okay if I used your machine to clean these ones?” The politeness was astounding, and the gentleness of which he asked made you become a little woozy.
“Yeah, of course, it’s down this way-“ you begin to stand, ignoring the fire inside of you when you flex your abdominal muscles. Noah noticed the slight wince and swiftly held his hand in your shoulder.
The strength of his grip was so controlled, nowhere near his full potential, but firm enough to know he wasn’t playing around.
“You need to stay seated and take it easy,” just as you begin to argue, he continues. “Doctors orders.”
You stare at him, hands grasping at the sofa’s fabric. Noah lifts an eyebrow at you, as though egging you on to continue, but you huff and fall back in defeat.
Noah grins, triumphantly at that, and then turns on his heels and around the corner again, the sound of the washing machine clunking to life echoes down the hallway after a few moments.
The following hours repeat much the same as that you have just experienced. Beginning a task, Noah firmly reminding you ‘doctor's orders,’ and then proceeding to act like a full time carer.
Lunch? Ordered and delivered.
Dishwasher? Unpacked and mostly out away correctly.
Rubbish? Taken out.
The only thing Noah couldn’t do for you was use the restroom on your behalf, even if he had tried to argue with you about it.
You shift and begin to stand, Noah immediately standing in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I need to pee, Noah.” You say bluntly, struggling to find an angle that didn’t hurt to pull yourself up.
Noah, although disgruntled, offers you his hands and helps pull you to a stand. Instead of letting you go, he instead traps you in his arms.
“This isn’t helping” you state, but didn’t even dare try and get out of his embrace. He didn’t respond, instead, kept you in his arms for a moment longer. When he did release you, he couldn’t keep his eyes from you as you turned to walk away.
Your business in the bathroom didn’t take long, but when you walked back to the living room, Noah was standing, pacing slowly around the room, his phone held to his ear.
“I don’t know why this is an issue now? You were fine with it earlier?” He argued down the line. He looked like an unimpressed mother the way he stood with one hand on his hip, leaning on one leg more than the other.
He didn’t meet your gaze when you entered, so you assume it’s none of your business. Instead, you return to your seat on the lounge and focus as much as you can on the tv.
“Fine. I’ll make it work. I’ll be there” he huffed, as though in defeat, and then hung up.
“So turns out,” he fell back onto the sofa next to you, bouncing slightly as he landed, “that we need to be there earlier than expected.”
You nod in response.
He continued, “there’s some media who want to do an interview with the whole band. I guess I gotta be there for that”
“I guess you gotta be there for that” you echo playfully.
With Noah’s new schedule for the evening, it meant you had to leave much sooner than expected. Time passed quickly and soon enough you were both in the car and not far from your destination.
The car ride was pleasant, filled with easy conversations, some karaoke sing-a-longs, and even now and then some comfortable silence.
Upon arriving, there was some chaos occurring at the rear of the venue, but Noah didn't seem phased. He coolly parked the car, helped you out of the seat by offering a gentlemanly hand, and then walked towards the hustle and bustle, all the while still holding a firm grip on your hand, like he was scared you would trip and fall.
Through the doors was a labyrinth of endless hallways, ominous doors and flickering lights. Windows were few and far between, but you put that down to the ambient design of the live music venue.
Noah led you effortlessly, unravelling the puzzle of the hallways, gracefully slipping between small gatherings of people, until he came to his desired door.
Along the way, Noah explained that the interview process always felt so forced and unnatural to him. The questions were always premeditated, rehearsed, and disingenuous.
“It’s always the same thing. ‘How are you feeling about tonight’s show? When is new music coming out? Any collabs on the horizon?’. Always trying to get a scoop of drama or intel.” Noah seemed frustrated already, but it was with a steady breath, he twisted the handle and entered the room.
The lights were so bright they almost burned your retinas. Squinting as Noah led you into the room, your eyes adjusted to see a flurry of people. Cameras being set up, mics and more lighting being rigged. The rest of the band sat on a tan sofa. Folio, Ruffilo, Jolly, and then an empty space. Closest to the empty space sat an armchair of a matching colour. Sat there was a man dressed plainly, T-shirt and jeans, who was too engrossed in something on their phone to pay any attention to the room around them.
Folios leg bounced up and down rhythmically, like he was practising a kick drum pattern for the show tonight. Ruffilo and Jolly were in a quiet conversation, throwing a casual head nod to Noah as he entered the room.
Noah looked around, finding a chair off to the side with a pile of equipment and cables on it. He relocated said like to the floor, ignoring the disgruntled look of media, and offered you the seat.
“You’ll get a good view of the whole thing here” he said pointing over his shoulder and the interview set up, “but it shouldn’t take too long.”
He hesitated a moment, and let go of your hand as you sat. He offered you a sweet grin, then turned to take his place on the sofa.
You saw Jolly nudge his elbow into Noah’s side as he sat, the menagerie of people beginning to take their places and roll cameras.
Watching the professional personas take over was fascinating. The way the band effortlessly discusses their answers to the meagre at best questions made the whole process very entertaining. Whether they knew it or not, they took turns in giving their responses, and would nod and hum approvingly if each other's answers. There was a chemistry between them all, like an unspoken language, where they just got each other.
It was 10 or so minutes in, the bland pleasantries long gone, and now the harder hitting questions were being asked.
“What do these records look like compared to your previous works?”
“Any plans to leave your current label once the contract is done?”
“Will your relationships become a distraction from the production of your new music?”
The interviewer was hammering them. He was digging for the details. Looking for the next juicy scoop.
But, it was that last question that echoed in your head.
Noah leaned back in his seat, arm was now resting along the back of the sofa. He took his time, considering the words he would use, how he could dance around this question but still give a satisfactory answer.
Well, that’s what you thought. You expected him to avoid discussing his relationships, let alone you, at any cost. What even were the two of you? There had been no discussion of what you were, only that you had been spending a lot of time together. Surely he wouldn’t let the world know that.
“I'm not distracted. I'm perfectly capable of maintaining my relationship and still producing a kick-ass record. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we’re in the best place to actually live our lives currently.” Noah takes a moment, a fleeting glance in your direction, and then goes back to his answer.
“We’re lucky to have such good people surrounding us, if anything it’s going to help motivate us even more.”
It was for the most fleeting of moments, but Noah caught your gaze. His eyes flickered to yours almost like it was the reassurance you didn’t know you were looking for, that he was talking about you. You barely even noticed Jolly continuing on from Noah’s answer.
“We surround ourselves with good people, so only good things can come from that.” The rest of the band were nodding in agreement.
The man asking the interview questions, whose name you found out to be Tim, looked ecstatic. He had a hook into the personal lives of this otherwise mysterious band, and he wasn’t going to let go of it that easily.
“Noah, how do you think your audience will react to your new taken status?”
Noah rolled his eyes, removing his arm from the back of the lounge and leant forward on his knees. He held the microphone in one hand, the other waving too and fro to help emphasise his statements.
“Look, the thing I think people need to remember is that I’m a human that has a life. Shocking, I know. Yes, my music means a lot to me. Does that mean it’s the only thing in my life? No. People can think whatever they want, I can’t control that. What I can control, and what we will continue to do, is to put everything we’ve got into making music we enjoy.”
Beautifully, he had dodged the question.
Tim wasn’t happy.
“What does the rest of the band think?” He gestured his hand towards Folio.
“Doesn’t change our lives” he said with a shrug.
Tim grunted, then locked eyes with Ruffilo.
“It’s true. I think most people wouldn’t have even known if you didn’t bring it up in this interview” Rufilo stated calmly, throwing the drama back into Tim.
Clearly dissatisfied with this topic now, Tim moved into something else. The interview was quickly wrapped up mere minutes later. With the cameras now turned off, Tim, now out of the room, Folio, Jolly, Noah and Ruffilo all stood, stretching and heading for the door.
Noah glanced over his shoulder and waved you towards him, slinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you out of the room with him.
“That seemed like fun” you say to the group as they saunter towards the green room.
“One of the less painful ones recently,” Jolly responded.
“He didn’t want to let up with the relationship shit,” Ruffilo commented. You noticed the hint of annoyance on his voice, feeling a sense of guilt creep into the pit of your stomach.
“He’ll be happy with what he got,” Noah chimed in, guiding you into a new empty room of the venue.
You didn’t bring up anything else about the interview out of fear. Fear of adding unnecessary stress, of causing any more tension, and honestly you just didn’t want to be a problem.
You began to watch the flurry in front of you. It was like a well oiled machine the way they choreographed their warm ups. Taking turns for sound check, leaving for periods of time to set up gear, practising their instruments and vocals. This was second nature to them. That interview? Long gone from their worries, so you tried to do the same as best you could.
Noah was always in two places at once, looking like he was working on a thousand things, ticking them off from a mental checklist.
Checking, rechecking, and checking equipment a third time. He was meticulous. His eye for detail, from how the cables were taped down, the placement of the set lists, even observing the light show from various corners of the venue. Everything he did had a purpose, but the way he spoke wasn't demanding. Instead, his cool demeanour helped portray his vision, and the crew knew exactly how to translate that into their craft.
An hour has passed before you knew it, and the energy in the room shifted. More and more people started to filter through the rear of the venue, and soon enough what looked like the whole lineup for the evening's entertainment filled the greenroom.
You have been to plenty of shows before, seen many bands live, but this was a new experience for you. There was a strange sense of familiarity to it all as you walked onto the main floor, into a wide open space with the stage lit up, barred off only by a flimsy barricade.
It just looked so empty. The calm before the storm. The quiet echoes of voices started to grow louder as a small gathering of the crew entered into the room. You immediately felt out of place then, looking sheepishly to the floor and stepping in the opposite direction from where they were coming.
“Wait up!” A voice calls out, but you keep walking, thinking it was for someone else.
“Jeez, you walk quickly. Hang on Key Girl” you heard again, only then glancing over your shoulder. Miles half-jogged to you. “It’s good to see you again,” he said, then turned to look at the stage. “It’s pretty unreal, isn’t it”.
You admired the screens which rolled through different graphics, colours flooding onto the polished timber floors.
“I wanted to see it all from this point of view before everyone else came in,” you admit.
“So he’s got you watching from the side stage? Left or right?” Miles questioned. You didn’t exactly know what he was on about.
“I have no idea,” is your response, paired with a shaky, nervous laugh.
“He thinks his left side is his good side. If he says watch him from stage left, let me know” Miles comments with a wink.
Before you’re able to question him further on it, his name is called and he is gone, leaving you baffled.
“Doors open in 10!” Is loudly called from one end of the room, and immediately people are moving about. You see this as your sign to head back to the greenroom and prepare for the tsunami of people about to bust through those doors.
Lo and behold, the 10 minutes are up, and people are pouring into the once empty room. There is an excited chatter amongst everyone there as the place lights up from the beaming faces of the audience.
After straying from him for some time, Noah found you in a slight panic.
“Are you okay? Everything okay? Your injuries oka-“
“I’m okay. Good. Great even” you interject. Noah nods, your response not calming his jitters. It wasn’t you he was panicked about.
“What’s going on?” You ask, instinctively placing a hand to rest on his tattooed forearm. He was warm and you could feel his heartbeat pulsing quickly.
“Talk to me” you ordered, and Noah’s eyes met yours. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and lets out the air steadily.
“Remember the interview?” He asks, and it’s the first time since you were there that you thought of it. “I should have spoken to you first. I’m sorry. I didn’t think he would put it out so quickly. I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.”
“What are you on about Noah?”
He looks sheepish then, avoiding your gaze and pulling your hand into his. He led you to a beaten up sofa in the corner of the greenroom. As you sat, the small crowd in there were murmuring, throwing quick glances in your direction.
Noah goes through something on his phone, bringing up links through different social apps, before offering it to you.
You take the phone, but instead of looking at the screen, you watch the way he buries his face in his hands. His long fingers tap anxiously as he leans forward onto his elbows.
“I’m sorry. I think I fucked up” he grumbles into his hands, barely audible. “Please don’t hate me.”
“Noah, you’re acting like you killed someone” you joke, but he doesn’t respond. So you look at the screen. You see a YouTube video loaded and a very familiar scene.
From what you saw mere hours ago, it was already uploaded into the digital world.
“I’m struggling to see what the issue is here” you bump your shoulder to his, and he finally sits upright. He takes the phone from his hand and swiftly fast forwards to the near end of the video, and passes it back.
The video played, the interview ended, and a new scene of Tim appeared on the phone. Perplexed, you turn the volume up.
“You heard it here first, Noah Sebastian is off the market” he said, speaking jovially to the camera. “Accompanied by his girlfriend this afternoon, Sebastian seems to be pretty confident that nothing will change, but I want to know what his fans think.”
What happened next made your heart drop - a photo of your side profile with a small smile on your face graced the phone screen. Noah groaned and put his face back into the palms of his hands as he leant back into the sofa.
The video continued to divulge information, from your name, hometown, even your age. Hearing it all spoken by this stranger online sounded alien, you needed to go back and watch it again.
You recognise the scene in the photo, the same room the interview took place in. You can just make out the back of a camera pointing in the opposite direction of you. Someone had sneakily taken your photograph while the interview was taking place. They were on to you before you even knew what was going on.
Watching it a third time, hearing your name clearly stated once again, made the severity of the situation clear. Your secret was out. People know your face now. Your friends and family didn’t even know this much yet. But most importantly, Noah’s girlfriend?
“I didn’t see them take that photo” Noah mumbles, still hiding behind his hands. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. This fucker fucked that up. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you sorry that they got a bad angle of me?” You whisper, tugging at his arm in an attempt to release his face.
His arm drops and he looks at you quizzically.
“I don’t get it” he stares blankly, blinking as if to clear up your statement.
“I would have preferred to have better lighting” you joke, handing him back his phone. Everything inside you was panicking, screaming even to worry about this. But what was there to worry about?
People won’t like you for it, sure. But you’re not alone. Was it 100% true? You didn’t know, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was Noah and how he had got himself into a panicked state. He needed you to be calm, to help him be calm.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?”
The small gathering of people fell into a quiet, barely audible whisper. People sneakily peered in your direction, watching what unfolded between the two of you.
“Tim seems like an asshole, sure, but why would I be mad at you?”
“I just outed you to the world” Noah states matter-of-factly.
Failing to find the words, because although technically true, it wasn’t your fault, you offer him a shrug.
“And you’re not mad about it.” Noah concludes. The people in the room now being less obvious of their eavesdropping. You glance in their direction, and just like a cartoon they all scurry to appear busy. One even picked up a broom.
Your eyes are back to Noah’s looking significantly less panicked now. His state slowly became more himself.
“I’m more curious,” he admits.
“About what” he was quick with his answer.
You hesitate, but need answers.
“The girlfriend thing.”
He pauses, eyes darting between your pupils, waiting for you to look away. You don’t.
“Would you?”
“Would I what?” You press. A smile cracks on his face.
“You’re going to make me ask like we’re teenagers?”
“Damn right” you remark. His smile grows bigger.
“Would you be my girlfriend?”
“What did you mean earlier when you said ‘I should have signed off’?”
“What?” Noah stammers out. Clearly not the response he was waiting for.
“You said…,” you paused to clear your throat. “‘I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.’” You look at him expectantly. His eyes widen and a light pink graces his cheeks. He begins to chew at his bottom lip and the panic starts to return.
“I… uh…” his hand raises and he rubs at the back of his neck as he looks at the wall opposite you. “Replied to some comments. Online.” He pulls a face that screams ‘I think I said something I shouldn't have’, but also one that seems smug and almost proud of himself.
“Youuuuuu didn’t.” you gasp. Knowing his history of snide comments online, things can get unhinged real quick. “What did you say?”
Noah stands and paces the room with his arms held behind his back. It looks like he is about to defend himself when people walk back into the room. The privacy of this conversation flew out the window.
Noah was taken by surprise by the sudden uprising of people in the room, standing still and watching more people walk briskly in his direction.
“Dude. Love that you’re sticking up for her. But come on.” Ruffilo states, emphasising his points with his hands. He meant no harm, but Noah was starting to get flustered.
“What else was I supposed to do?” Running his hands through his hair now, he checked the time on his phone. Folio came to his side, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Fuck ‘em. It’s hardly the worst thing you’ve ever tweeted.” Folio seemed unfazed by this whole thing.
The comments continued to be thrown around about how they are going to handle the situation. You used the distraction to check it out for yourself. Trying your best to filter through the comments about you, you sought the Bad Omens page and saw recent replies to some comments.
Noah was defending you, putting people in their place after throwing out allegations, making memes of the photograph they used of you, and blatantly spreading rumours.
Noah, being the cool ‘I don’t use social media’ guy he is, instantly jumped into it.
There were only a handful, but the casualness of how he owned the word ‘girlfriend’ made you blush a little.
‘At least I have a girlfriend’ was one.
‘This is why we can’t have nice things’ was another.
‘Let me know when someone can finally stand your bullshit’ was the last.
Each response was calling people out, and his sassy replies were finally putting people in their place.
You scrolled through the thread reacting to his comments. And by some miracle, people were getting it. Their attitude began to change, albeit small.
Subtly as you can, you put your phone away and walk over to Noah, whine seemed to be putting up his walls as he argued with his crew.
“Look, what’s done is done!” Jolly spoke diplomatically, trying and failing to speak over the rising tide of voices.
They all looked exasperated and lost, clearly having no idea what to do. You went to Noah’s side and loosely wrapped an arm around his back, hitching a grip onto his waste. He instinctively hung an arm around your shoulders which he rubbed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose.
“You guys are really worked up over this, huh” you comment. Seeing their expressions falter to confusion confirmed your point.
“You’re strangely calm for being the epicentre of the storm,” Ruffilo laughed. It was the first time he cracked a smile since he walked in the room.
You offer a shrug in response. “Took the pressure off of me announcing it to the world.”
And for the first time, they all seemed to agree.
Noah pulls you closer to him, wrapping both his arms around your shoulders, and buried his head into your hair. You can feel light kisses being peppered into your head.
“Thank you” he murmurs loud enough for only you to hear.
“Is there always this much drama before you play a show?” You ask, and they chuckle.
You had succeeded and their guards were coming down. It didn’t take long before everyone was acting like themselves once again.
You couldn’t help but notice how Noah didn’t leave your side. Whether or not you thought it was because he still thought your injuries were worse than they really were, or that with this newfound relationship that he didn’t want to leave your side; you weren’t complaining.
Whether it be hovering his palm on the small of your back to help guide you through the hallways, offering to buy you a drink, shifting his weight and adjusting his posture any time you started to fidget by his side. It was all those small, thoughtful gestures that really made you see what kind of person he was like.
He cared for the small things, the things that would most usually go unnoticed. The straw he got for your drink, when he held the door open for you walking into any room, even the sweet glance thrown your way when he was across the room and you were mid-conversation with Jolly just to make sure your leg wasn’t bouncing with nerves again.
It just felt right.
Before you knew it, the time had come for the main act to start. Opening bands had been and gone, and the headliner was up next. The crowd sounded amped up, a thrill running through the air like electricity. The band had choreographed this, and had begun their walk down the runway. Red and white lights were beaming and twirling around the stage, the screens cycling through a cacophony of images and digital artefacts.
Just as Noah was about to walk on stage, clutching his ski mask in one hand, he looked at you with admiration. He grasped the sides of your face in his big hands and planted a kiss tenderly to your lips. You learnt into it, lingering in the fleeting moment of his warmth, almost making you feel lightheaded and swoony. When he pulled back, all too soon, he had a new sparkle in his eye.
“Watch me from stage left tonight” he ordered. Pressing a kiss on your forehead, he slipped the mask on and jogged to the stage, throwing you a wink before he fell into character for the night's entertainment.
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roycevelvet · 7 months
Dance with somebody
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x reader Warnings: none Notes: short fluff moment, nothing too spectacular
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As the band played their hearts out, you found yourself swept up in the energy of the moment, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. It was then that you first laid eyes on Noah, ofcourse you had already hurt of him from your best friend. You knew who he was, you knew how he looked like, but seeing the real deal was just something else. He effortlessly commanded the stage with solely his presence, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him in a way you couldn't quite put your finger on.
After the show, Nick finally had the chance to introduced you to Noah and the other guys. Nick and you were childhood friends, but you never got to meet the guys because life just happened and you had moved away for a while. Only to come crawling back to the place you call home. It didn’t take long for you to find yourself drawn into conversation with Noah, the words flowing effortlessly between you as you discussed every detail of your life, as you were old friends catching up. The crowd began to thin, you and Noah found yourselves lingering by the bar, still lost in conversation, oblivious to the world around you. You laughed at his jokes, marveled at his passion for music, and enjoyed the warmth of his company. And as the night drew to a close and you bid farewell to Noah, not before exchanging numbers, a sense of excitement stirred within you, a feeling that this was only the beginning of a beautiful friendship. — In the weeks that followed, you and Noah found yourselves gravitating towards each other more and more. You were genuinely appreciating each other's company, whether it was grabbing coffee or just spending lazy afternoon together. And as your friendship grew stronger, you suddenly found yourself thinking about Noah more and more, his name lingering in your thoughts longer as you’d like to admit.  It was on a cold winter evening, with the sound of the bustling city harmonizing with the gentle hum of falling snow, that Nick had invited you to join him and the rest of your friends for a night of fun, and of course you immediately  accepted the invitation. Any chance to spend more with Noah, you’d gladly take. The hours passed in a blur of music, fun and laughter, with each song bringing you and Noah closer together. Stolen glances and soft touches. As the evening came to an end, everyone started to say goodbye until it was just the two of you left in the karaoke box. Neither of you wanting the night to end, so you just kept singing and dancing. And with each passing song, the tension between you grew, threatening to consume you both. And then, as the opening tune of "Dance With Somebody" filled the air, a hush fell over the room, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air. You found yourself into Noah's arms, your bodies moving in perfect synchrony as you danced together to the groovy rhythm of the song. The both of you completely forgetting about the world around you as you only had eyes for each other. As the world fell away around you and the music filled the air, Noah pulled you closer in his arms and his lips softly touched yours. It was a crash of emotions that left you breathless and wanting more. The song came to an end and you found yourselves standing in the aftermath of the moment. Both your hearts pounding in your chests as you searched each other's eyes for any sign of hesitation. And then, without a word, Noah reached out and pulled you into his arms again, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with pent-up emotions, after all those months of just being "friends". You melted into his embrace, lost in the heat of the moment.
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Red Is The Color Of His Secret: Chapter four (Noah Sebastian fanfiction)
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Authors note: just aaaaalll the feels came flooding over me as I wrote this chapter. all of them. 😩 u've been warned. also, if u want to get taglisted in new chapters, let me know!
Chapter four
I focus my eyes on Nicholas again as I answer him, my heartbeat quickening as I have decided that I want to unravel the mystery that is Noah Sebastian Davis. 
‘That is… both interesting and strange,’ I say. I must admit, this party has been one hell of a ride so far and only forty minutes have passed. Jesus. 
‘I think I need another drink… you need some too?’ I then ask Nicholas, nodding at his almost empty cup, but he politely shakes his head at me.
‘I’m good, thank you. I usually don’t drink too much,’ he says with a small smile, and I nod as I mirror the same kind smile. I like him. 
We wave each other goodbye after, and I make my way towards the table full of even more drinks, clearly being added by Nick and Jolly. I stare at it whilst slightly biting my lip, both deciding which drink I want to get next and thinking about everything Nicholas has just told me about Noah. 
When I then finally have decided what I want to drink, I now pour a slightly stronger drink into my cup, sipping it in thought as I then sit down on an empty, dark blue leather couch opposite of the table.
I can feel some pair of eyes on me, and as I follow the feeling, I catch Noah looking at me, his stare intense and full of emotions I can’t quite unravel for myself, it being way too many. But it definitely makes me feel some time of way, making me quickly look away from him as I get flustered for the millionth damn time this night.
Then, I take my phone out of my purse with a sigh, scrolling as I take another few sips of my drink. Honestly, parties suck when you don’t know many people, no matter how wasted you get. 
Just when I get stuck on a thread on Twitter about the strangest tweets people have deleted, a tall shadow hovers over me, making me look up from my phone. Noah stands in front of me and greets me with a small smile and wave, then sits next to me on the couch. It’s not quite broad, at least not for two people, causing him to sit so close to me that our arms almost touch, and I’m able to breathe in his nice cologne. My heart makes a little jump at us sitting so close right now, causing me to nervously swallow. His knees have to bend pretty high as it’s just too low for his tall figure, which makes me let out a small, quiet giggle before I greet him back with the same small wave.
It makes a small smirk form on his lips, his eyes slowly roaming over my body before meeting my eyes again. ‘Having fun?’
I sigh, needing to fight the urge to roll my eyes at his sarcastic question. ‘So much,’ I respond just as sarcastically, as I hold up my phone.
His smirk only grows just a little more, his eyes slowly flickering over to my phone. ‘Really? Looks to me like you’re bored shitless,’ he says bluntly in response, his eyes now going back to my face.
I can’t help but slightly smirk at his response, letting out a drunk giggle again after. ‘I am very much, yeah.’
The smirk on Noah’s lips slowly grows into his famous cocky smile. ‘Yeah? Can’t even manage to have a little fun at a party?’ he responds, shooting me a teasing grin, making it unable now to hold back an eye roll.
‘Maybe I could if the people here actually would be fun,’ I tease him back, scrunching my nose up with disgust when my eyes rest on Skylar for a moment.
Noah lets out a small chuckle, following my gaze to Skylar. He then sighs and rolls his eyes as well. ‘Ugh, don’t get me started on her. Biggest bimbo I’ve ever seen,’ he groans, his arms now crossed in front of his chest.
My eyebrows slightly raise at that comment, but also because I feel a lot of amusement going through me when he calls Skylar that, and I try to fight back a grin. ‘Oh really now?’
He nods in response, his signature cocky smirk returning on his lips. ‘Yeah, her and a bunch of other girls here only care about looks, popularity, and parties. She’s a goddamn airhead and a half. Can’t even hold a proper conversation.’
I can’t help but let out a loud laugh at that, shaking my head in even bigger amusement. ‘Oh, I believe you in that,’ I mumble back, narrowing my eyes at Skylar hanging all over some guy. Of course. 
He lets out a half-scoff, his own brown eyes flickering over to Skylar once more. ‘She’s the definition and embodiment of a damn airhead. I don’t even get why so many guys seem to be so whipped for her.’
I shrug at that, deciding to fire a comment at him, just to get him back a little. ‘Don’t get it either. I mean, you have to get it just a little right?’ I say, as I think back of the picture of them together.
Noah stiffens a little upon hearing that, hesitating for a moment before letting out a dry chuckle, his confident smirk returning to his lips again. ‘What are you getting at there, nerd girl?’
I shrug again, a small smile on my lips as I then take a sip of my drink. ‘Nothing.’
He lets out another dry chuckle at that, his grin turning oh so cocky once again. ‘Bullshit. You’re definitely implying something there, princess.’
‘Princess, huh?’ I reply with a sly smile, the nickname stirring a pang of something by hearing his new nickname for me, making my heart skip a slight beat. 
His grin only grows more at the way I react to the pet name, letting another low chuckle again, scooting a little closer to me, his muscular leg now barely inches apart from yours. And not only my face, but my whole damn body is set on fire as I feel the slight touch, my heart beating even faster. 
‘I only call smartass and pretty girls princess,’ he teases, winking at me. My face must be a goddamn tomato because of that, Jesus Christ-why do I find him so damn hot all of a sudden?
I clear my throat, squeezing my thick thighs together for a moment, trying to collect myself together. ‘Sure,’ I mumble back, taking a few sips of my drink again.
‘Don’t believe me, princess?’ Noah replies, his leg slowly creeping closer to mine again, his knee now almost pressed against my thigh. 
I just mock his words underneath my breath as I try my hardest to keep my cool now that I feel us touch even more, my breathing a bit quicker and my hand slightly trembling. And of course, that encourages him to scoot even closer to me, practically glued against my side at this point, his knee now fully against my thigh, the warmth of his body now seeping through my own as he leans in to whisper in my ear. 
‘What was that?’ he murmurs, causing a whole flood of fire and… maybe something else to appear in me. His voice is low, deep and clear as it is so close to my hearing, his breath softly stroking the skin of my neck, making a shiver go down my spine. 
‘Nothing, chump boy,’ I then fire and tease back, hiding my little smile behind my cup. He lets out a small chuckle again, his hand slowly moving over towards my thigh, his large and calloused hand gently pressing down against the soft flesh. 
‘Oh, you’re a feisty one,’ he says and I hear his stupid smirk in his voice.
And fuck-just… fuck. His touch has way more effect on it then it should have, and I slightly wiggle underneath his hand to try to subtly get it off me, it being way too intense for me. 
‘I… I just called you by your usual nickname. Nothing new,’ I mumble back in response, my gaze now going to the people in the room, trying to distract myself from his touch and the way he is so close to me, just like his lips still against my ear.
Noah slowly moves his hand upwards on my thigh, gently grasping the supple flesh underneath the fabric of my dress as his hot breath fans against my ear again.
‘I’m not even doing anything, princess,’ he says about my response to his indeed still light touch, leaning in even closer to me, his body now fully and completely pressed against mine. 
I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, his embrace and the hold he has on me driving me absolutely insane, lighting a fire inside of me that has never met its lighting match before, something I have never experienced before as well.
‘I… completely forgot that I would leave the party, actually,’ I then blurt out, causing his brows to rise. ‘Yeah. Because it’s… boring. And I have better things to do in… my room,’ I then continue, stumbling over my words, my cheeks heating up because I know my excuse is just… lame.
Noah lets out a small and almost amused chuckle again, his free hand now resting on the couch’s backrest, just behind my head. ‘Better things to do in your room, huh?’
My eyes now shoot back to him, slightly widening, scared that I might gave him the wrong idea with that. ‘Which you’re still not invited to, by the way.’
He lets out an amused laugh once again, his hand still firmly grasping my soft and warm thigh. ‘Aww… Why not, princess?’ he says, his stupid cocky smirk on his lips again, his voice having an almost fake and whiny tone to it. ‘Afraid I’ll do something… naughty to you?’
A pang shoots through my stomach, it heating up and fluttering like some crazy butterfly cage is getting opened and they escape out of it, all at once. My eyes widen even more at his words, and I feel myself getting more and more flustered by the second. 
‘N-no, I just… like my privacy,’ I then stammer, my heart hammering into my chest. 
His stupid smirk only grows bigger by seeing how I react to his words, his hand slowly creeping higher and higher up my thigh, his body then practically pinning me against the couch as he leans even closer. He lets out a low and deep chuckle, his breath gently fanning against my ear once again. ‘You sure? You’re getting pretty damn red right now.’
My breath hitches in my throat even more, and I try to swallow the big lump there away, my chest rising up and down as my eyes flicker over his face, still looking so damn attractive with the dim lights now being switched to red again falling over it. 
‘That’s just because of… the alcohol,’ I then squirm as it must be half of the truth though, trying not to let out a whimper because of his hand getting dangerously high on my thigh. 
His eyes grow a little darker as his fingers then slowly draw small circles on my sensitive place, slowly and gently squeezing at the plush and juicy flesh once again. His mouth is still close to my ear, speaking to it again with his smooth and low voice.
‘You sure, though? Looks like you’re flustered as hell right now.’
Panic now rushes through me as well, as I realize he has me exactly where he wants. Even though I like his touch more than I should admit, his fingers still circling on my thigh, making electricity shoot through every inch of my body, I shouldn’t trust his moves, let alone lean into it. Especially when Jolly’s text from earlier today runs through my mind again-what if everything Noah is doing right now is some kind of game to him and his friends? To see who gets ‘nerd girl’ first, a classic story I’ve heard way too many times?
‘I-I should go,’ I then stammer, pushing him off me asI quickly stand up again and stroke my dress neat, making me feel a little light headed because of the alcohol still swimming through my veins, causing me to stumble for a moment, but I catch myself right on time so I can get the hell away from here.
And even though I hear him call back for me behind me, I keep on walking, almost tripping over my own damn sneakers as I try to make my way out of the room, just wanting to get out of here. 
As I keep on walking, and walking, and walking, panic shoots through me even more-I can’t seem to get my way back to my own direction of campus, making me feel lost as I probably walk around in circles at some point. My drunken state doesn’t fucking help with this. 
Tears begin to sting in my eyes, and with a deeply frustrated sigh I just burst through the first door I can find, sending the sky a quick, heartfelt thank you as the random dorm is not locked, so I go inside and shut the door behind me, resting my head against it as my chest is heavily moving up and down.
Great, here I am, in some random ass dorm room of someone, having a damn panic attack. I slowly walk towards a bed I spot and sit down on it, the room still being dark and only being lit up slightly by the street lanterns outside. I burrow my face into my hands as I then let out some quiet sobs, and someway somehow I can’t ignore the scent that his room has, it being oddly familiar for some reason.
After I cried for a little, I guess out of frustration, humiliation and just the alcohol making me feel all my emotions way stronger, I remove my hands off my face, silently cursing at myself as I see mascara stripes on them. Great, that means that my face must be messed up with it, and no way I can leave this room now. At least not until I find something to get it the fuck off my face.
Then, I hear footsteps sounding through the hallway, coming dangerously close, making me panic all over again, biting my lip in distress. Well shit. How the hell do I have to explain to the person that is probably headed to this room why I am here in their room, crying because of a stupid boy, his stupid friends, that stupid slutty Skylar girl and just my stupid self right now? 
The door handle is being turned, and I hear the door now cracking open, making me glad that my back is turned to the door so I can wipe my last tear quickly away with the palm of my hand. 
‘Sorry,’ I sniff, trying to laugh off the situation. Maybe it is funny, but it’s probably just because of alcohol. ‘I’m sorry that I’m just sitting here in your room… It was open, and I just… had to calm down,’ I then further explain to the person. 
‘It’s… It’s alright,’ the person behind me says, still standing beside the door, and my heart seems to stop beating for a moment-it’s the familiar soft voice of Noah talking back to me, making my eyes widen for a moment. Of course. Of course the first room I can find unlocked to calm down… is Noah’s damn room. 
I now slowly turn around, seeing him leaning against the door frame, an amused yet also worried look on his face as his arms are crossed over his chest as usual. He takes me in for a moment, sitting on his bed, his eyes roaming over my mascara covered face. I sigh, and slowly get up to my still slightly unsteady feet.
‘Well, this is not at all embarrassing,’ I then mumble, stroking my dress neat. ‘I’ll… leave you in your room. Sorry.’
Noah lets out a low chuckle with still the same emotions in his eyes, still studying my form with a slight curious look as well. He then slowly pushes himself off the doorframe when I’m about to leave, walking over to me and carefully grabbing my wrist with his fingers. 
‘Hey… wait a moment,’ he softly says, and my eyes look from his grip around my waist back to his eyes again, blinking a little as slight embarrassment is still on my face, but also curiosity now.
He lets out a soft sigh as he sees my gaze flick back to him, his hand still gently and delicately wrapped around my wrist. ‘You’re not leaving just yet,’ he then tells me, his eyes roaming over my mascara smudged face. ‘Sit back down, princess.’
A slight nervous pang fills my stomach as he says that, my heart fluttering again as I hear him giving me that damn nickname again. I then just nod, his fingers slowly releasing my wrist as I slowly sit down back on his bed, causing him to sit down next to me. His eyes take me in again, seeming to hesitate for a moment before he his fingers then gently grab my chin, slowly tilting my head to make me face him completely. My heartbeat hammers just as madly as it did before at the party when we were so close on the couch together.
‘What… What is it?’ I then slowly ask Noah. He gently runs his thumb over the underside of my chin, stroking the soft skin there, starting to wipe the mascara away there. 
‘Why were you crying?’
My nostrils flare up as he asks me that, embarrassment again boiling up all over inside of me like some kind of stupid tea flute. My eyes flicker down as I then softly reply to him. ‘Just… this whole party I guess. It was intense.’
Noah gently tilts my chin up again, so I have no choice but to look at him. ‘What do you mean… intense?’ he asks, his voice having a strangely gentle undertone now, and I don’t understand why he cares so much about my wellbeing now.
I shrug at his question. ‘The attention, I guess… people staring at me… people suddenly noticing me, but not in the way I want.’ I then pause, swallowing as I look at him for a moment. ‘You.’
He lets out a soft sigh and gentle hum, as he hears and sees the way I explain my feelings. ‘Me? What about me?’ he then wants to know, his fingers still gently holding my chin in place.
My goddamn cheeks flush up again, and I swear, at this point I just wish that function of my body didn’t work, and of course his slightly widening grin shows how amused he is by that, as he always is. 
‘Just… You… We-’ I stammer out, not being able to get out a proper sentence for a moment. I then take a deep breath, trying again, as my hands nervously fiddle with the fabric of my dress. ‘You were just… really close to me. And touchy. And stuff.’
He lets out a soft, amused chuckle. ‘And… did you not like the way I was being close… and touchy?’ he asks, his voice having a more teasing tone now.
My eyes now shoot away from him once again, not being able to physically look at him as I answer. ‘I… don’t know…’
Noah tilts his head a little to the side as he looks at me, his smirk widening. ‘You don’t know…? What do you mean, you don’t know?’
I groan in response, now covering my face with both my hands. ‘Because… I don’t know!’ I sigh in frustration. ‘I… never really felt this way before. The way I felt when you touched me, I mean. It’s confusing. It’s new.’
Gently, he places his fingers over my wrist again, pulling my hands away from my face. ‘You’ve never felt this way…?’ he repeats me, his eyes tracing over my face again.
I madly blush at him, as our eyes now lock again, his dark brown eyes glinting in a pretty way in the dark of his room, the street lights reflecting against them. I then slowly shake my head in embarrassment. ‘No. I mean… I know what it means, I guess. But nobody really… made me react that way. Inside.’
A soft sigh escapes from Noah yet again, his fingers still wrapped around my wrists. ‘Nobody… made you react this way?’ he repeats me once again, as he slowly leans in a bit closer to me.
I shake my head at his question, my heart drumming madly at his close movement. His eyes still trace over every part of my face, his eyes lingering on the way I then slightly swallow. 
‘You sure no one else has ever made you this worked up like that before?’ he gently mumbles, his fingers slowly releasing my wrists. 
‘Mhm,’ I squirm in response, my voice coming out all high pitched and cracked because I become a nervous mess by the way his face is so close to me now, almost being able to feel the way he breathes through his nose.
Yes, it’s embarrassing to admit-compared to Noah, I have little to no experience with… intimacy. I have kissed before, not all too wild or exciting or anything, but more than that? Nope.
Once again he grabs the underside of my chin again, forcing me to look up at him again, his eyes gentle yet curious. ‘You’ve kissed before, at least?’ he asks me, his voice almost a whisper now.
‘I-I have,’ I softly respond, now being able to hear my  crazed heartbeat in my own ears at this point. ‘Just not… not…’
Noah watches intently how my cheeks slowly flush again, noticing the way I hesitate on my next words, his eyebrows gently arching as he looks at me silently for a moment, waiting for me to continue. His hands then grab at my thighs now, gently as well, his warm palms touching my skin. ‘Not what, princess?’
I slightly whimper at his touch, a shaky breath escaping from my lips after. ‘I’ve never had sex before,’ I then blurt out, wanting to end myself right here, right now, just jumping out of his window or something, to run away from him-the embarrassment is killing me. 
Noah looks at me for a moment with a look I can’t quite explain, it being too many emotions at once it seems, and that kills me even more. 
‘Never?’ he then repeats after a silence, his voice being a mere whisper now.
‘Never,’ I reply, squeezing my eyes shut as I groan once again. ‘I know, it’s stupid! Like, it’s not that I never wanted to-I mean, I have touched myself many times before-wait-no, forget that, I just-’ I begin blurting out, stuttering over my words, just making it worse for myself, and I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet right now. 
I feel Noah’s grip on my thighs gently getting tighter, and he lets out a quiet chuckle to himself, and I carefully open my eyes again to look at him again. 
‘Forget what now?’ he then asks, his voice having a slightly teasing tone to it now, as his thumbs softly rub the skin of my thighs now.
‘That I just told you I do touch myself. Wait-fuck,’ I then curse, running my hands through my blonde locks in frustration. 
He can’t help but let out a laugh at that, a smirk still on his lips now that he sees I’m getting flustered more and more by my own words. 
‘Why are you flustered about telling me that?’ he then asks, teasingly stroking my thighs again. And his tone, his touch, and the way he looks at me just drives me insane, making it harder for me to focus and stay calm, a new weird kind of sensation stirring through my body all at once.
‘Because… it’s embarrassing to tell you?’ I respond, and it comes out more like a question. His eyes roam over my face for a moment again, before letting another soft laugh escape from his lips again. 
‘Why is it embarrassing to tell me in particular?’ he asks again, his tone being much lower now, and I get both annoyed and flustered by all his questions. My chest slightly rises up and down, feeling heat spreading through my whole body now because of all the damn nerves attacking me. 
‘Because… well… you’re you… and I’m… me. You’re way out of my league, and I am just ‘nerd girl’, your homework tutor, just some girl that must not be interesting or something to you, compared to all the other girls you can get.. that are way better looking than me,’ I respond, my voice becoming softer with each sentence, heart slowly aching at my honest, painful truth. 
Noah’s eyebrows gently furrow into a slight frown as a hint of pain flashes in his eyes. ‘You think I’m… out of your league?’
I let out a confusing, painful laugh, as if the answer to that question isn’t obvious, causing him to frown further somehow. ‘Uhm, yeah,’ I respond, my voice sounding duh-like.
 ‘Like… look at you,’ I then add, waving my hand up and down at him and his body, his gorgeous looks. ‘And then look at me,’ I say, pointing at myself, a sad smile on my face as I then push my glasses back on the bridge of my nose again.
Noah’s eyes slowly roam up and down my whole body again, looking over every part of me before looking in my eyes again. ‘And what do you think I’m seeing?’ he asks me in a soft tone.
‘A boring, too big looking, average girl?’ I answer him, more questioningly, as if the answer is again obvious. The frown in his forehead only gets deeper as I say that. 
‘You think you look… boring? Too big and average?’ he repeats, his voice still being a soft whisper, his frow now being mixed with disbelief. I look at him the same way now, surprised as well, my heart making a slight jump at his words, not really seeing them coming. 
He gently tightens his grip on my thighs once more, almost forcing me again to keep looking at me, his eyes still inspecting my face. ‘You… really think that you look… average?’
I shrug at his question, as if the answer is obvious-logic, normal, a fact. ‘I mean… Well, yeah. Nobody looks at me for a reason, right?’ I answer him, trying to smile it away, but inside I’m quite hurting. ‘Besides… how could they, I guess. I’m like, what? Twice the size of more than half of the girls walking around here?’ I mumblingly add.
Noah can’t seem to help but wince slightly as I talk again, hearing how I explain my answer to him. His eyes are tracing over me for a moment before he speaks.
 ‘Is that… really what you think?’
‘It’s not what I think… it’s what I know,’ I quietly answer him, it being an unchangeable fact in my mind at this point throughout the years.
His dark brown eyes keep gently stare back in my eyes for a few long moments before he speaks back. ‘May I ask you something?’
I slowly nod at him, feeling my heart slowly beginning to sink and ache more and more, because this topic is quite painful for me. His warm hands slowly rub up and down my skin, before he asks me his question.
‘Have you… ever looked in the mirror and thought that you’re pretty?’
I laugh at his question, it somehow being my first response, but when I see his face looking serious with his question, I quickly stop, swallowing. 
‘I don’t know… I mean… maybe? Does finding myself looking acceptable for the day count?’
He continues to softly and gently rub my thighs up and down, as if he is trying to comfort me through this conversation. ‘So you’ve never thought to yourself… that you’re pretty?’
I shrug, nervously fumbling with the edge of my dress once again, my eyes looking down at it again, the question being a little too confronting. I feel Noah gently but firmly grab my chin with the fingers of his other hand, forcing me to look up at him once again. 
‘Demi, I want an answer, please,’ he softly says, and the way he uses my actual name makes it clear that he takes our conversation seriously. I sigh deeply, getting frustrated by his questions, but most of all because I know I find them hard to answer, because the honest truth can come out-the truth I always try to bury and push away, like it’s fine, like it’s nothing and unimportant. 
‘Maybe not really for a really, really long time, no.’
His thumb now softly runs along my chin now, his other hand continuing to grip my thigh. ‘Why not?’
‘Because… I just, I don’t know. I feel insecure because I don’t see a lot of girls here, or just in general, like me-’ I pause to look up and down at my body, ‘getting a lot… positive attention. Compliments, love, like the way skinnier girls do. Or just… girls who find their education important here. Actually wanting to go somewhere with their life then partying and hooking up every night, because if you don’t you get called a prude or what not. Only when you show skin and are reckless, you seem to get attention from someone-from boys,’ I softly explain, his intense gaze still on me as he listens.
‘It makes me feel like I don’t fit in because of something so stupid, illogical, like that. Like, I am more than the body underneath this stupid dress,’ I then add with a loud, frustrated sigh, tugging at the fabric. ‘It’s stupid that I, as a plus sized girl, only gets to feel important as a boy finally does look my way when I decide to show more skin for example. Like I wasn’t interesting before that, or didn’t matter.’
As he then just looks at me when I am done talking with a even deeper frown, I feel my cheeks heat up for the millionth fucking time this evening, making me quickly stand up from his bed.
‘Yeah, I know, it all sounds stupid,’ I sadly laugh as I wipe a few tears away that seemed to have escaped, nervously starting to pace around his room after.
Noah stands up as well, staying a few feet away from me, his eyes following me silently, almost as if he’s afraid to approach me right now. 
‘It’s not stupid,’ he then quietly mutters.
His words slowly make me stand still, looking a little taken back at him, my heart making a little warm jump.
‘It’s… not?’
He takes a small step closer to me, his eyes staying locked with mine. He frowns a little at my words, gently shaking his head. ‘It’s not,’ he assures me again. 
Then, he slowly reaches his arms out towards me, inviting me into his embrace. ‘Come here,’ he instructs me softly. 
I look him up and down, a bit unsure, as if I have to ask him with my eyes for a moment that he is sure that he wants to hug me. He silently nods at me, looking at me like he is hurting for me that I have to feel this way, also with a pleading look to close the distance between me and him. 
‘Please,’ Noah adds in a soft tone.
My heart slowly melts at that, it then swelling up with warmth as I slowly let him wrap his muscular, tattooed arms around me, doing the same with my own arms around his body. First, I still feel a little unsure, but then slowly relax when his embrace feels safe, genuine and… comforting. 
Noah then suddenly also nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, pressing his soft lips against the skin for a moment before speaking up again, making my heart nearly explode and pound madly at that. 
‘You’re not stupid for feeling that way, sweetheart,’ he mumbles against my skin. I silently nod at his words, feeling way too overwhelmed to be able to get a single word out. He tightens his grip around me even more after that, slowly pulling away from my neck, lifting his head a bit to look down at me again.
‘I want you to know that I think you’re gorgeous, Demi,’ he tells me softly, his now  warm and gentle eyes not looking away from mine. 
My eyes soften and glint with both flattery and sadness at that, almost with disbelief as he tells me that. 
‘Really?’ I stammer, and I swear to God, if he is messing with me right now…
Noah already quickly reassures me by slowly lifting up one of his hands and resting it on my cheek, gently stroking my skin with his thumb. ‘I’m serious,’ he mutters quietly. I slowly lean into the touch of his warm hand, it being soft and welcoming.
He gently cups my cheek, his brown eyes continuing staring  into my soft ones. ‘I mean it. You’re gorgeous,’ he reassures me once more, his voice being a low, soft, almost gentle murmur. 
I can’t help but feel myself tear up again, his words touching me, especially since they sound more honest and truthful than anyone ever has when telling me something like that. It almost seems unreal to me-standing in the arms of Noah himself, the most popular guy on campus, in his room, as he tells me that I am gorgeous. 
I can see at the way he looks at me now that he can tell how much his words touch me, as if he knows that I do not hear this very often, and it almost looks like his own heart seems to ache at it as well, just like mine does. 
‘You are gorgeous, you are with no kidding the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen,’ he mutters softly, continuing to caress my skin slowly, and I can’t help but let out a soft laugh at that now, shaking my head in disbelief.
‘I’m sorry, I just… find that so hard to believe. Like, you can get anyone, yet you are here with me in your room… while a party from Jolly is outside your door,’ I mumble, not even believing the whole scenario myself. 
‘I’ve seen some of the most pretty girls around here and in the world myself, and they don’t even come close to how beautiful you are to me. And frankly, I’d rather spend my evening in here with you, than out there with some of those stupid girls,’ he answers me, gently nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck again, pressing his lips against my skin once more, leaving me almost breathless as I slowly flutter my eyes shut, letting out a needy sigh before I can even stop myself. 
Noah lets out a low, almost inaudible groan when he hears my little sound, then softly begins to pepper kisses along the skin of my neck as if he already knows how much I enjoy the feeling, his body slowly coming to press against mine even more. The intensity nearly makes me choke for a second, the sensation shooting right to my core, causing another needy whine to leave my lips. God, what is even happening?
His hands slowly find their way lower, moving from my waist to slowly grip my hips instead, holding my body close to his even more. His lips trail down to my collar bone, beginning to slowly yet roughly kiss the skin, making me gasp. 
‘N-Noah,’ I stammer through his kisses, my legs starting to shake underneath his touch. ‘What… What are you doing?’
I feel him smirk against my skin, and he kisses his way back up to my neck, beginning to carefully suck on my skin now. ‘You just sound and look so good right now princess,’ he groans into my neck, causing a full on moan to leave my lips now, holding onto his muscular body even tighter, scared that I will fall through my goddamn shaky knees if I don’t do so. Is this really happening? Am I really letting this happen? Is Noah really feeling the mutual attraction to me too?
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friday night, movie night (matt dierkes x reader one shot)
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authors note: so even though i am working on finishing writing chapters of my other stories this just flew out of my fingers in between whilst listening to music lol 🫣🫠 so i just had to post this heheh. hope u enjoy this short one shot! (:
the evening started with a comfortable silence between us. my head is leaning against matt's shoulders and we both watch one of our favorite movies, enjoying each other's company as our eyes take in the big tv screen in front of us, with the film's animated movements and words we can both dream by now.
now and then a giggle or chuckle escapes our lips at funny sentences and scenarios, the warm sounds making this moment just as special as every friday movie night we spend together. we have been doing this for two years now, ever since we became best friends. it's something that has brought us closer, discovering humor, similar interests and character traits from each other.
but there has always been tickling something underneath it all. something that has grown thick in the air between us since a couple of months. something shifted-something has changed about the way we look at each other. the way we need each other.
i feel matt's body move against me as he laughs about something funny, making my eyes look up at him as i take in his joyful brown eyes and the grin on his lips. i must have been staring for a little too long, because matt's eyes then shift from the bright screen lighting up the dark living room around us to my eyes, taking every detail of his face as his eyes get their usual laughing wrinkles around them, the once i have grown to love so much.
an amused smile now tugs at his lips as he looks at me. 'y/n, this movie is funny as fuck. why are you looking at me?'
i swallow at his words, as a low chuckle escapes my lips, feeling my pulse quickening underneath my skin as his stare grows way too intense for my heart to handle. 'i have seen it so many times already. i just rather look at you now instead.'
matt's eyebrows raise at that, his smile growing bigger now as a slight glint of playfulness comes to life in his eyes as well. 'is that so? you're saying that one of our favorite movies of all time is not that interesting anymore all of a sudden, hm?'
i shift on the couch, moving my head from his broad shoulder so i can look at him better. the smile on my lips mirrors the emotions that he holds in his glance, and i nod. 'guess so, yeah.'
the corner of his mouth tugs up even more by hearing those words, narrowing his eyes a little as he takes in my expression for a moment. 'you want me to turn the movie off?'
my heart flutters out of excitement and nerves, the tension now growing thicker in the air, more than it ever has, as we both seem to agree that we want to break the already crooked line between friendship and something more now. we definitely crave much more than just a friendly bubbly night, and at the way matt leans forward to grab the remote and turn the tv off in a quick movement, i just know that this will be our best friday movie night so far.
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roycevelvet · 7 months
Echoes of regret, melodies of longing
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x reader Warnings: none Notes: I have not proof-read this, so bare with me if there are errors or storylines that aren't 100% storylining lol Summery: In this tale of heartbreak and second chances, Noah ends his relationship with you to pursue his long lost love, Holly. But when he encounters you again, old feelings resurface, forcing him to confront the consequences of his choice.
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Noah's heart felt heavy as he stood outside venue, watching you disappear into the crowd with another man by your side. It had been months since he had broken your heart, yet the pain of his decision still lingered, gnawing at him with each passing day.
He tried to bury himself in his work, pouring his energy into his music and his relationship with Holly, the girl he thought he actually loved and belonged to. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake off the memories of you once he saw you again—the way you smiled, the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your touch. As he walked back inside the backstage area, his eyes scanned the room, searching for his girlfriend. He found her at the bar, chatting with a some of your friends. She looked beautiful, her hair shining under the dim lights, but Noah couldn't find it in himself to feel happy. Instead, a wave of jealousy washed over him as he thought of you, laughing and enjoying yourself with someone else during his show. He couldn't understand why seeing you with another man affected him so deeply, why he couldn't just move on and forget about you since he was the one that made the decision to leave you "Hey, babe" Holly greeted him with a smile as he approached her. "Are you okay? You look a little distracted. Noah forced a smile, trying to push aside his tumultuous thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine" he replied, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Just thinking about the show tonight. I want it to be perfect” His girlfriend nodded understandingly, but Noah could tell that she sensed something was off. He hated himself for lying to her, for pretending that everything was okay when it clearly wasn't. As the night wore on, Noah found himself unable to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him. He tried to focus on the music, on the cheers of the crowd, but his mind kept drifting back to you—to the way you had looked when you walked away from him, to the way you had smiled at that damn guy by your side. And amidst the whirlwind of emotions, it was show time. Noah noticed you the second he came on stage, seated in the friends and family section. You were beautifully engrossed in the performance, but with absolutely no acknowledgment towards him. Noah understood though. It was clear you were here for your best friend, Folio, not him. He sighed inwardly, realizing the weight of his actions, knowing that he had lost someone truly special. As the night concluded, Noah left with Holly, but a part of him remained with you, lingering in the shadows of what could have been while you left with the other guy.
Several months had passed since Noah had last seen you, but the memory of that night still haunted him. He had tried to push you out of his mind, but suddenly you were always there, lurking in the shadows of his thoughts. It was a warm summer evening when Noah received an invitation from Jolly, inviting him to a gig at a local bar. Despite his initial hesitation, Noah decided to go, hoping that it would provide a welcome distraction from his troubled mind. As he walked into the bar, Noah felt a sense of déjà vu wash over him. The dimly lit room was filled with the sound of laughter and music, and for a moment, he allowed himself to forget about his troubles and lose himself in the moment. But as he made his way through the crowd, Noah's heart skipped a beat when he saw you standing by the bar, chatting with Jolly and, sigh, this fucking other dude again. You looked radiant, your smile lighting up the room while the man beside you looked absolutely fucking boring, and Noah felt a surge of jealousy wash over him. He tried to ignore you, to focus on the music, but his eyes kept drifting back to you, unable to tear himself away. He watched as you laughed and joked with your friends, with his friends, feeling a pang of regret deep within his chest. "Why don't you go talk to her?" Nicholas suddenly asked, interrupting his thoughts. Noah shook his head, his jaw clenching with frustration. "I don't want to” he muttered, turning away from you and taking a sip of his drink.
Nicholas frowned, sensing the tension in the air but left it at that. Thank god.
As the night wore on, Noah found himself unable to concentrate on the music, his mind consumed by thoughts of you. He watched as you mingled with some of the guys, your laughter ringing out like a knife to his heart. The memory of the previous encounter, when you made no move whatsoever to even acknowledge him, pierced through his thoughts, deepening the ache in his chest. It was that silent rejection that hurt him the most, a stark reminder of the distance between you now.
But then you suddenly caught his eye, Noah felt a surge of emotion wash over him. He wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms and tell you how sorry he was for everything he had done, but he knew that it was too late now.
Instead, he turned away, his heart heavy with regret. He knew that he had lost you forever, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find a way to make things right.
But just as he was lost in his thoughts, you appeared beside him, your expression unreadable. Noah's heart skipped a beat, and he swallowed hard, unsure of what to say. “Hi there” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Noah was caught off guard, his throat tight with emotion. “Hey” he replied, his voice barely audible over the sound of the music. For a moment, neither of you said anything, the tension between you palpable. Noah could feel the weight of your gaze on him, and he knew that he couldn't keep up the façade any longer. "I'm sorry" he blurted out, the words tumbling from his lips before he could stop them. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through, for hurting you the way I did. I never meant for any of it to happen, and I wish more than anything that I could take it all back." You looked at him, your expression unreadable. "I know" you said softly. "But it's too late now. I've moved on, Noah, and I'm happy." "I have a boyfriend now," you continued, your voice steady. "And he treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I'm sorry, Noah, but you had your chance, and you blew it." Noah felt as though he had been punched in the gut. He knew that he had no right to be sad, that he had brought this upon himself, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness at the thought of you with someone else.
He forced himself to swallow his pride, to accept the truth of your words. "I understand" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just...I wish things could have been different, that I could have been the one to make you happy."
You looked at him, your eyes softening with sympathy. “Sometimes, things just aren't meant to be” you whispered, reaching out to touch his arm. And with that, you walked away. He knew it was too late now. You had moved on, and he had no right to intrude upon your happiness.
As he walked home alone later that, Noah couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that had settled over him. He had thought that Holly was the one for him, the one that got away and that he had a chance to make it work, but now he realized that he had only been fooling himself.
He knew he had to face the truth—that he still loved you, and that no amount of time or distance could ever change that. And as he lay in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, with Holly beside him, but thinking about you.
A year had passed since that fateful night at the bar, and both Noah and you had experienced your fair share of ups and downs. Noah's relationship with his girlfriend had ended not long after the encounter at the bar, and you had recently broken up with your boyfriend thanks to Noah, but you would never admit that. 
It was a warm summer afternoon when you found yourself standing outside the wedding venue, nerves fluttering in your stomach as you waited for Folio’s wedding to begin. You had been dreading this day ever since you received the invitation, knowing that it would mean coming face to face with Noah once again. 
Despite your best efforts to move on, all the feelings came rushing back after that last encounter. You couldn't get him out of your head, his presence lingering in your thoughts like an unwelcome guest. And now, as you stood outside the venue, the memories of your time together flooded back with a bittersweet intensity. You remembered the way he used to look at you, with such warmth and affection, and how his touch could send shivers down your spine. But alongside those memories were the painful reminders of how it all fell apart, the heartbreak and betrayal still fresh in your mind.
But no matter what happened, you knew one thing for certain: seeing Noah again would reopen old wounds once again and stir up emotions you had tried so hard to bury. And as much as you wanted to move on, a part of you couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, there was still something left? Such a fool.
As you stepped inside the venue, your heart skipped a beat when you saw him standing at the altar, his eyes fixed on Folio as he waited for his bride to walk down the aisle. He looked strikingly handsome, his hair neatly styled and his suit fitting him perfectly, he looked so damn fine. A rush of emotions surged through you at the mere sight of him, igniting an explosion in your stomach. 
As the ceremony began, you tried to focus on the words being spoken, but your mind kept drifting back to Noah. You couldn't shake off the memories of your time together, of the love you had shared and the pain you had endured.
When the ceremony finally came to an end, you found yourself standing outside the venue, tears streaming down your cheeks as you watched Folio and his new wife walk down the steps hand in hand. It was a beautiful moment, but it only served to remind you of everything that you had lost.
Just as you were about to turn and leave for the toilet, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and you turned to see Noah standing beside you, his eyes filled with concern.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, unable to speak as a lump formed in your throat. You wanted to tell him everything, to pour out your heart and soul and let him know how much he had hurt you, but you knew that it wouldn't change anything.
Instead, you forced yourself to smile, to pretend that everything was okay when deep down, you knew that it wasn't.
"Yeah, I'm fine" you replied, your voice barely audible over the sound of the crowd. "Just...just happy for Nick.”
Noah looked at you, his eyes searching yours for any sign of the pain that lay beneath the surface. For a moment, neither of you said anything, the tension between you palpable.
And then, without warning, Noah reached out and pulled you into his arms, holding you tight against his chest. You wanted to push him away, to tell him to leave you alone, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
Instead, you buried your face in his shoulder and let yourself cry, letting all of the pent-up emotions that had been building inside you for years come pouring out.
But just as you were about to speak, Noah pulled away, his expression saddened.
"I'm sorry" he said softly, his voice barely audible over the sound of the crowd. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through, for hurting you the way I did. I never meant for any of it to happen, and I wish more than anything that I could take it all back."
You knew that Noah was hurting too, that he was struggling to come to terms with everything that had happened between you two.
And as you stood there in the fading light of the afternoon, surrounded by the sound of laughter and music, you couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for the two of you after all.
After the wedding ceremony, tensions continued to simmer between you and Noah. As the reception began, you found yourselves drawn into each other's orbit despite your best efforts to keep your distance.
The atmosphere was electric with the energy of the celebration, but beneath the surface, there was an undeniable tension that hung heavy in the air. Every glance, every touch, was laden with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
As the night wore on, you found yourselves drifting further and further apart from the rest of the guests, drawn together by an invisible force that neither of you could resist.
And then, just as the music reached its crescendo, Noah found himself standing before you, his eyes burning with intensity as he reached out to touch your arm.
"We need to talk," he said, his voice low and urgent.
As you walked, you felt a sense of unease settle over you, knowing that whatever was about to happen would change everything between you. And then, without warning, Noah stopped in his tracks, turning to face you with a look of determination in his eyes.
"I need to tell you something," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something that I should have said a long time ago."
You felt a knot form in your stomach at his words, knowing that whatever he was about to say would shatter the fragile peace that had been building between you.
And then, before you could stop him, Noah began to speak, his words tumbling out in a rush as he confessed everything.
As you listened, a wave of emotion washed over you, threatening to drown you in its intensity. Beneath it all, there was a sense of sadness—a longing for the love that had been lost.
Before you could respond, Noah closed the distance between you, enveloping you in an embrace that ignited a tumultuous mix of longing and uncertainty. His lips met yours in a fervent kiss, a collision of emotions and desire.
At first, you resisted, pushing him away with all of your strength. But as his lips continued to move against yours, you felt yourself begin to give in, the heat of the moment consuming you in its intensity.
As abruptly as it had begun, the kiss ended, leaving you standing in stunned silence as Noah withdrew, regret flickering in his gaze.
"Fuck, I'm sorry" he said softly, his voice barely audible over the sound of the music. "I shouldn't have done that. I know that it was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself."
“You say you’re sorry an awful lot” you replied dryly.
And then, just as Noah were about to respond, you reached out and pulled him by his collar, closer to you, your lips crashing down on his in a desperate kiss.
As the echoes of your shared kiss lingered in the air, a tender silence enveloped you, punctuated only by the soft cadence of your breaths.
With a gentle smile, you reached up to caress Noah's cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips. "After all these years," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur, "I still can't get you out of my head."
My eyes softened at his words, a flicker of hope igniting within them. "Me neither," I confessed, my voice filled with sincerity. "I've tried, but you've always been a part of me, no matter how hard I've tried to forget, no matter the mistakes and stupid decisions I’ve made” he said.
In that moment, amidst the whispers of the night and the lingering traces of your shared history, a sense of peace washed over you. Despite the trials and tribulations you had faced, you knew that your connection was undeniable, an unbreakable bond that had withstood the test of time.
As you stood there, lost in each other's gaze, you knew that your journey was far from over. But for now, in the quiet embrace of the night, you found solace in the knowledge that you were together once more, ready to face whatever the future held, hand in hand.
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roycevelvet · 7 months
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Bad Omens
Noah Sebastian
Echoes of regret, melodies of longing (a/f)
Dance with somebody (f)
Collision of fate: pt.1 pt.2 (a/f)
Darkness at the heart of my love (a)
Tangled hearts (a)
Notes: feel free to submit requests. I have broad range of interests, lol.
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