#how many people have warped views of love? abuse power imbalance manipulation?
stormyrainyday · 1 month
kinda obsessed with the idea of the tsaritsa being some kinda shapeshifter/siren combo bc we havent seen what she looks like anywhere, and just know once childe saw the way she looked at him he swore to do anything for her
love has many meanings and im curious if she takes different forms to inspire different forms of love in her followers, perhaps based on what appeals most to them, with the ultimate end goal to inspire complete fealty and devotion (and at the end of the day, are those, too, not symbols of love?)
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Your Choice - Your Reality 5D Self Value
It matters not what anyone wants or now realizes of you or what and where they highest path is - and may or may not include you -
Every Choice paves your REALITY / Choice = Reality
Anyone that abuses you for years; including withholding of information, truth, paperwork belonging to you, (being a criminal offence) creating and being a part of involved in occult crimes, gang stalking, spying and having others spy on you, group stalking activity, defamation of character, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse, abuse of power and information and time, energy - all is a bucket load of offenses and proof of how, what level of character and self value one would have to continue such abuse;
Taking advantage of anyone, over and over is abuse;
Taking action to inhibit or restrict anyone over and over is abuse of power and energy - period
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Group abuse, group mental manipulation, deceit on every level and include, pit others against you in bullying techniques whether it is sending fake clients to question and take information or gain wisdom and then sell it to the dark cult leader for sacrifice and selling of the soul - to put not only 1 under heavy spell work, daily manipulation but whole groups and communities through the false and fake businesses masking as spiritual and even pastorship to apparently guide the innocent in such degrading corrupt ways; how many corrupt groups use energy, information, and systems to take, and take advantage of innocent people, light workers, and children ~
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How is any of this ok? And the systems making it more and more liable for such to occur - in which one has to be purely aligned with the Heavens; Alliance with Light, never to give up to ever make an ounce of headway to such sick corruption -
The mind is only a tool - and can never take you beyond 3D unless it is harmonized with pure loving intent - warped negative dark intent will only be of that vibration and timeline therefore attracting equal beings - energy is energy -
Your mind was meant to allow for imagining with spirit to manifest and create - we are shifting from 3D thinking to 5D and will be pivotal so that psychosis is not experienced that ascension path work and daily self care so that light can be safely and intuitively harmonized -
Which again - we have been offering for years -
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The past is the past and doors will never re-open - regardless of what you think they may know now, or be awake to - is false and will betrothed nothing but the ego arrogance of their schemes and plans to take - for now they know how empty life is without the spirit, truth, purity -
Past is the Past - is a reason - healed from it for a reason, bless the season gone and have all level up on their own - they don't need you - they can go within and do their own work - you don't; need a love that is false, fake, used by the 1000's bought or sold to devils and false spell casters that only choose to harm and take;  ©
I will speak on what I am shown, see and experience and how much of our systems require alignment and purity of change from the corrupt imbalance of control and fear and oligarchy to what was always meant to be a divinely liberated ride; none own , enslave or control anyone - none - discern any group, or sect or person claiming to offer you power, and riches as fancy wording to sell part your morals, values and spirit to dumb, numb down who you are as divinely alert and guided -
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who are you - are you led to do or cause harm by enfringing on free will, interference and why false spiritualist will have their gifts taken until such laws of Right Use of Free will and non interference are understood -
One is not in alignment with their highest self if they are doing interference work without permissions from all involved - period!
Release anyone that claims to think they claim you, or own you any part of you and make it clear there is no part in your consciousness they can play with - regardless of the sick games of energy, remote viewing, spell work, false spiritualists that spirit be taking their gifts for not listening and honour universal laws - -  ©
None that did not honour universal laws last week - claimed to be changed now - have them in question; for it literally takes years of proof and pure intentional practice - especially those steeped in sick and toxic patterns of control and self harm, self denial, and constant energetic attacks - after daily being told and blocked and protection work from true spiritualists, your own guides and God of good will - it Is not rocket science to 'treat others as you wish to be treated' -
It takes commitment and devotion to self healing, self care to release eons of toxic patterns, lineage curses and will not change over night - so think thrice before allowing the past damage back into your circle - you have healed from the pain and damage - why allow them back in -
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Any Heavenly group - light programs will never ever call harm or taking or manipulating to any person or level of life - and be discerning of any group or masonry that says or dictates for it is warping of what is sacred to take power, energy and control and choice -
Reclaim your power, choice, voice - all is within the understanding of truth, universal laws and those not within this alignment - the dark will come forth and bathed as all life will -for the justice, realignment and return to sacred safe healthy living -
Have all do their healing - you are not the answer to their karma and healing of their issues - All have to prove to themselves of their worthiness - - period - damaging, harmful, deconstruction of the inner self, through deceit, manipulation, dark magic and spell work are sick patterns of abuse take years of healing - and take years to heal from - one cannot change over night and be worthy of your space, place, heart and energy over night - alignment is everything and one that places spells on you, demands your ownership, and BS control energy is not alignment of divine partner -
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Some get stuck in galactic, lineage, and dogmatic control - this is an imprint and energy each must choose to break - a curse on the lineage all must face and break - but you don't have to be their punching bag of spiritual control and abuse-
If they do not show respect and honour of their own life, body, by giving, and extending to such levels of degrading family and loved ones; to do magic and controlling sick programs of mental and emotional spiritual abuse on a mother of their own children - they are doing it to their own children
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5D truth - all mothers innately hold divine light and codes for their children - how many times is this being said before until it will be understood? - is the selfish and greedy ego unhealed wounds worth harming the children - what level of care and conscience is there if this is the case with anyone doing spell work -
Most that do spell work never ever ask for the permission of who they are casting - thus then a red flag - they are not aligned with evolutionary programs of light nor their higher self and therefore they are working with low vibrational entities and energies of manipulation -
Universal energy is there for creating - not to interfere with anyone and those that do will find their own creation of blocks, and energy returning in doing and going against universal laws - All have spirit guides and the soul - all will be asked and supported and taught to align to higher vibrational laws and grids - those that choose not to out of their own ego, greed, arrogance - will have equal response from spirit -  ©
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There is no further games being played with such - all energy is a gift - all energy is GOD - and how has it all been misused and abused? For greed, ego, and unhealed wounds -
All must expand to more than we were last year, beyond any timeline- all will be faced with their own human action and intention -
All are inspired to go and heal, go and educate yourself on consciousness and the teachings of oneness and enlightenment and self actualization or even quantum entanglement - these are universal energetic truths and how evolution of a species is
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How is it important enough - enough damage and enough sick toxic energy games - there will never be another re-opening of the past - the past is done, gone, over - it is over and never will anyone, friend or past person be offered nor allowed into my space - go and heal - heed spirit - I am not to be trifled with
The legions, the spirit realm - Arch Angel Michael and Mother Universe has spoken - again again - I AM THAT I AM
I will stand and face all that has been unjust - I read all that is Source - Deceit and manipulations will no longer take from me - all will be stopped and returned
I know who I am and what I bring to the table - I have been entrained for eons and had to move through what many simply could not nor would not - - I know who I am - and my consciousness and my gifts are of my own inner work and will not be tampered with, switched, taken or ridiculously switched destinies so that selfish arrogant witches or warlocks contend and think the universe works in this way -
How may any selfish act, approaching someone when they haVe shown you, told you hundreds of times before - "leave me be" please oh selfish selfish people; how and when will you simply go within and heal - before any further damage is done - and will return to you - until your children are harmed by your own magic being vengeful and returned for your hearts to open and see what your wounds have created - what beliefs, actions or your own health and life is being dangled before you - what a selfish and careless game and how only healing would have offered all to all the wildest dreams of magic and joy -
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To all in my past - stop - there will never be another opening of any level of anything
I have built what and who I am on my own - there has been 0 in my life helping me and or supporting me - quite the opposite - there have been vibrational bullies, blocks, hurdles, games and schemes by those thinking they own me, place money on my name and my light, my gifts and then. stake in their groups to bring meh downfall into fruition -
None have any clue, nor any idea who I am - however I do - none from my past will ever have a place in my life - all have played a part in the damage done and that is your karma to clear and come to terms with with Source - leave me be and I will place restrictions, veils, and protections and legal protection orders to ensure of it -
We have the right to a peaceful planet - in which none are harmed or taken advantage of - when simple healing is and has always been the answer
We have the right to safe neighbourhoods where our children are not sol to the underground for their light, soul, and innocence
All have the right to sacredly express their uniqueness - period and evolve freely
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For anyone; the spell caster, the payor, the intender, the group or government body to test and study anyone of great gifts; any level of being wanting to continue taking advantage of anyone without honouring 'the Right Use of Will & Non-Interference' will face blocks, scrambled and inaccurate messages for spirit and God is within it all and all have been given enough time, lessons of Oneness and how our new earth will play out - respect all life and each lane - or be in the receivership of your own karma - Spirit has spoken
Those that abuse energy and wisdoms, and spells of interference and harm - will immediately face their own karma - Spirit has spoken -
Light workers and healers are here for your own future when you awaken to the knowing all is one and you at some point choose to honour life and be love -
I and many others walk with legions of light beings, and all we have asked for is to be left alone to be of equal expression and light - I am that I am and I will not waiver nor stand down, nor succumb to lesser stories of lesser gods or leaders of control, fear and abhorrent groups and governments that prey on the light, innocent and people that have entrusted you to do what is right and live by what is right -
these are not laws of high mastery degrees or study - all life is sacred and treat others as you wish to be treated ~ All are now open to the laws of higher universal order - discern where and how you operate - years, eons have been provided to all - all life deserves loving respect!
Spirit has spoken
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All have the right to live freely and ion liberation of who they are and how they wish to express - period - stay in your own lane and leave all others go that wish to deny you of such freedoms to stay in their stories of limitation and lack -
We are not friends and we are not ever over the past 13 years - there has been nothing but trying to amicably make my own life in my own way -
There has been enough betrayal, enough doppelgänger activities, taking and stealing from me, withholding of my mail and monies in my name meant for me; all signatures and work pretending to be me for selfish gain - all is enough and the legions are now on every infraction impaled against me on all realms and ways;
There is nothing more to say - there will be no discussions; see my lawyer if you wish to make things right - you will not be allowed in my space the depths of your disrespect of my life, energy, and rights, and destiny is and will not longer be allowed; spirit has spoken
all have been told and shown; leave me be
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
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I am that I am - my work is my work intended for the liberation and heavenly light programs and work for the up-liftment of humanity
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myfandomrambles · 6 years
Pearl isn’t just some whiny girl who couldn’t get over her crush
Pearl is a deeply broken traumatized girl and most of that comes from Rose diamond. Her obsession, inability to move on, possessiveness and warped views of love make sense and aren’t petty or self-aggrandizing their responses to trauma. 
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I don’t think this excuses her manipulation of garnet or derision of amethyst
their is racism in the crew & fandom’s treatment of pearl vs garnet and other characters coded to be non-white 
I’m going to use rose diamond only to avoid flipping terms
Their relationship was never equivalent to anything a normal human has. It was a relationship built on severely unequal power dynamics. Pearl was made and conditioned from day one her purpose was to serve and make Roe Diamond happy. Pearl says as much to Sapphire. In a pearly psychological sense, you can see her devotion is one of fealty to a lord and not love to a friend. There is also the sci-fi element where it seems diamonds have a level of ability to have mental influence and control on the other gems. Rose never really severed all of this control she had, she chose to no longer be a diamond, but she still used that power with the Crystal Gems. Garnet says so, and you can see it in Pearls actions. She uses this power to the point of ordering pearl to never talk about what happened and to influence Garnet’s actions.
Pea;r's interactions with Rose Diamond are far from a fun equal dynamic. When they first go to earth It's based on a deeply robotic response to Rose Diamond's wishes. She says "can you imagine?" and Pearl says of course, and dreams up the scenario. It isn't a fun game with friends. 
When Pearl first confesses she wants to be with rose Diamon, after saying it she defaults to that Rose Diamond would have to get rid of her. She is aware of the power imbalance and feels so deeply expendable she thinks it's what is right.  This isn't cute or romantic not ditching someone for having ideas it's a display of decent behaviour.
In relation to Pearl’s ideas of her and Rose Diamond being special, and distaste for Greg i think those are well founded feelings. Pearl does have a longer and more complex relationship with Rose then the other Crystal Gems and most definitely than Greg. She did know secrets no one else did. Based on the Pealr/Dimond 101 dynamic it makes sesnse she would believe she was the most  important confidant. As well as it was just Rose diamond and pearl for many years pre-gem war. 
We also see clues to how this relationship functioned is in lyrics to a lot of songs.  
"I was fine with the men Who would come into her life now and again I was fine, cause I knew That they didn't really matter until you"
Here we see Pearl wasn't possessive of Rose Diamond to her face to some extent she let the person she was in love with date around but had the idea She would always be first. Rose Diamond deciding Greg was on the same level as Pearl would hurt. A thousand years long "relationship" being usurped by some dodgy human would suck, and then Rose Diamond dies to do some human thing. Pearl's bitterness is understandable. n this song pearl also says;
"Who am I now in this world without her? Petty and dull, with the nerve to doubt her"
She has no strong identity beyond being Rose Diamond’s pearl, she doesn't know who she is. We also see in life Pearl never felt she couldn't doubt Rose Diamond, and to do so is a transgression and makes her petty and dumb for doing it. The whole "dot it for her" song displays the dynamics here as Knight/King and not friends or lovers. 
"Everything you have Everything you are You've got to give"
"When you live for someone You're prepared to die"
Pearl truly believed her life was worth less than Rose Diamonds'. On top of that Pearl had to put being shattered on the line in order to keep Rose Diamond's secret under wraps as even a poofing would show everyone the truth.   Rose Diamond never discouraged or really released Pearl from the original dynamic just let it shift with circumstance. She was fine with leading Pearl on and letting Pearl base her worth and life around Rose Diamond with no push back. That's cruel and abusive behaviour.
Pearl is someone fighting inherent programming and years of reinforcement. She never was able to build a real identity to be a real person when Rose Diamond was around, and can't seem to rebuild after the loss. She was identified by being Rose Diamond's Pearl so long she never got to be anyone else, and I don't think she knows how.
Years of abuse by the Diamonds and the horror of war broke Pearl to an extreme extent. Who she makes sense in this context, possessive of the memory of Rose Diamond, erratic emotions, being stuck in the past, angry at the person who took the person she lived for away, believing there was a special bond all of it makes sense. She is so far from a friendzone dude it pains me when people say that. The relationship was never love or friendship in any recognizable sense. Pearl was just as much committed to serving Rose Diamond as a "peal" and as a "knight" as she was any kind of healthy love.
Does pearl do shitty things? yes of course. Is it becuase she’s an enititled “can’t get over her” white girl? no.
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