#how im going to move 1-2 hours away. how am i going to coordinate with movers whilst having to get the train to meet them
#delete later#im so exhausted and stressed. theres such a lack of stability and its freaking me out SO much. im just constantly tense and waiting#for something terrible to happen. im starting to think that im not gonna get to go to the entomology thing ive been hoping#how i can't do things independently and i must have been forced into this abd rhen it'll get cruel towards my friends abd i cant#and my aunt is getting worse abd my parents are waiting for me to fail abd have to move bsck with them which i can't do bc#to go to for months bc ill probably need to use that time off for preparing to move. which sucks. ive been looking forward to it#i was letting myself get my hopes up and that was a mistake bc now im rly disappointed. im hoping i can go but honestly#idk if it'd be financially responsible. same with comic con. its in october so i can probably go but it might not be a financially#good idea. it just. the things i was counting on to be stable sources of joy are not stable anymore and that's making everything worse#and im tryinh to be positive but im so anxious. theres just so much. i need to think about packing and try to figure out#how im going to move 1-2 hours away. how am i going to coordinate with movers whilst having to get the train to meet them#im disabled and cabt help move things so only getting one person ro deliver worries me. movers arent insured to take ppl with them#theres just SO MUCH. And i can't view properties easily bc of work so im missing out on multiple places that ive been contacting#ppl about abd i couldnt line up enough for last week when i was off bc it was too short notice and i just. its TOO MUCH TOO MUCH#im overwhelmed. im trying to think of the food im gonna cook when im there ahd the armchair im gonna buy#im gonna eat so much fucking lamb and fish oh ny god im excited for THAT#i wany to just go for the shittiest place to at least have some stability and bc i still have yhat kernel of thought that i dont#deserve comfort but im trying to fight it bc i do. i deserve somewhere nice and its unfair on myself not to find somewhere nice#especially as ill be living alone. i cant go for places that have no natural light or are four stories up or are a mile away from the train#station bc that will wreck my mental health and i wont have ready access to socialising that can stabilise me. gotta be fair#to myself. but THATS PROVING REAL DIFFICULT#im doing good saving though so thats nice i guess. fuck me moving is expensive. moving when you've got zero kitchen supplies is#even more so. gonna be an Interesting first couple days in the new place.#it will be. very bad. they keep texting me asking about it and i have to be positive bc otherwise itll become a conversation about#field all that shit when im like this. i just cant. that requires so much fucking energy i dont have. and i wont move back#id frankly rather die. and trying to not say that and decline politely sucks. bc they get the look of#oh we're not good enough huh#and i can't field their fucking feelings. i either need a pause button or a fast forward. id take either one#so many of these tags ended up out of order whoops. but these arent meant to be read anyway#i just need to scream bc idk what else to do
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reidsconverse · 4 years
memories • spencer reid
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: none! just 4000 words of pure angst
This was an old fic reworked to be about around spencer so its taking a lottt of creative/artistic liberty with the character, so it kinda sucks im sorry! 😁
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Every moment you had with him was one to be remembered and cherished for better or worse.
It had been a few weeks since Spencer had officially ended things, he had moved all of his stuff out of your apartment and now it seemed as if he had never even existed in the same place as you, as though you two were strangers. That is had it not been for the images of memories the two of you held. So, here you were sat alone in your room, your only company the half-empty bottle of wine and photographs of the two of you which sat strewn carelessly across your floor.
You picked up a picture and stared at it realising you both looked so happy. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, a cup in his hand and his signature grin sitting across his face. Your head was leaning against his shoulder, the smile on your face reminding you of how free you had felt that night, you had never felt happier and you recognised that night as the night you realised...you were so in love.
"We should have a party," Spencer yelled despite there being no one else other than the two of you in the room.
"Right now?" You looked at him as if he was insane, not only was it completely out of character for your boyfriend but also, it was 1 am on a Wednesday and although your friends weren't those with a regular schedule you presumed most of them would decline a house party in the middle of the week.
"Yeah right now, c'mon doll I'll call Derek and some of the others and you call your friends." His hand was already on his phone texting Derek before you could protest so you followed his instructions and went ahead and invited your friends before getting up and preparing for this impromptu party.
It had only been 10 minutes when you heard Derek and some others open the door shouting for Spencer and you walked over with a grin on your face, "Hey D, Spencers being a diva and redoing his hair, he'll be right down." You said, rolling your eyes as Derek pulled you into a hug, he may have been Spencer's best friend but he thought of you as a sister and always treated you as such.
"Well I have look good for my girl," You heard Spencer say from behind you quickly placing a kiss on your cheek before doing his weird handshake with Derek, "Hey, thanks for coming'."
The three of you made your way to the kitchen to grab some drinks and greet some more guests who had congregated in that area and before you knew it, you were 4 shots in, feeling way past tipsy and in the mood to dance.
"Hey Spence," You said walking over to where he was now sat, a cup in his hand as he held a conversation with JJ and Emily about something that you didn't care too much about. You waved a quick hello to the girls so as not to be rude and then placed your head on his shoulder to let him know of your presence.
"Hey darling, you feeling good?" He turned his face and flashed you a wide grin before wrapping an arm around you to pull you close to him. He enjoyed being near you whenever he could, when he was away he would long for the days where all he did was sit and hold you close to him regardless of what the two of you were doing, so now whenever he had the chance he would hold you close.
"Feelin' great Spence.. wanna dance with you..."  You said pulling out of his hold and grabbing his hand leading him onto the 'dance floor', which was just the open space in your living room. He laughed and quickly finished his drink, discarding the cup somewhere in the room and held you as you both danced to the music playing through the speakers.
After a couple of songs, you both made your way to get another drink and get a break from the crowd, you sat at the kitchen island and passed him a drink."You know, considering you're a genius, I would've thought you'd be able to coordinate a bit better."  You said teasing him about his choice of moves which had essentially been him waving his arms in the air attempting to be in tune with the music.
He looked at you in fake shock and scoffed, "Yeah well it was still better than whatever you were trying to do." Referring to your horrendous attempt at trying to be sexy which in truth was never going to be anything but embarrassing. You stuck your tongue out in a childish manner causing him to laugh and quickly move to place his lips against yours giving you a soft kiss.
You jumped down from the counter after pulling back as a couple of your friends walked in and struck up a conversation about nothing interesting yet you made the effort to look engaged as Spencers's arm slipped over your shoulders and you placed your head against his shoulder.
"Hey guys, look here." You both turned to see your friend Harry, as always with a polaroid camera in his hand. You and Spencer gave each other a quick smile before grinning wide for the camera, both your faces full of love and happiness.
You sat there thinking about how quickly things can change, the people in the image you held so young and naive to the struggles the future would hold. Taking another sip of your wine you skimmed through some more pictures before stopping at one that held a bittersweet meaning. A picture that was taken a few days after what had been your worst fight, you both looked happy but all you could think about the events leading up to the image being taken.
It was your and Spencers 5th anniversary and he had promised he would make it to dinner. You hadn't seen each other in weeks because he was away on a case but he had promised he wouldn't miss this day, he had asked for permission from Hotch to leave for a couple of days so he would be there. "No excuses, No ifs and buts...I'll be there babe. I promise."
But there you were, alone at a table for two. The look on the waiters face held nothing but pity as he walked over for the fourth time to ask if someone would be joining you. Finally, you gave up and shook your head to let him know you would be leaving and would like the cheque. You had never felt so humiliated walking out of the restaurant head held high but tears building up in your eyes and so you cried. You felt so broken, almost as broken as all those promises Spencer had made you. The word promise and sorry had lost all meaning in the last 5 years, simply a courtesy rather than meaningful.
The minute you got home your phone began ringing, it was Spencer.
"Hey doll, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, the team wanted to go out last night and I kind of missed my -." He began to explain causing you to scoff, 'no ifs or buts' my ass.
"How could you?" Your voice cracking as you tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill for the second time that night. "I waited for 2 fucking hours Spencer, I felt like a fucking idiot."  
"What? What are you talking about?" His voice was full of confusion. "Didn't you get my text?"
"No, I fucking didn't. I didn't get a fucking text. But that's not the fucking point, You should've been here, you promised you would be here."
"Babe, I'm so -," He began but you knew what he was gonna say. The only conversations you seemed to have were stuck on a loop like a broken record.
"Save it. Don't say you're sorry when you don't mean it, stop saying sorry and show it instead."
"Look, I'll get on the first flight out. I'll see you in a few hours, I'll make it up to you I prom-." You hung up the phone before he could continue, his promise worth nothing to you anymore. Walking over to the couch, you fell asleep the minute your head rested against one of the many cushions populating the seat.
You woke up to keys jingling in the door, yet you made no effort to move from where you were. The sound of his footsteps got louder as he approached.
"Babe? I know you're up." He said, kneeling beside you making you sigh and sit up. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I fucked up."
You just stared at him, it might have been petty but you didn't want to give in to his apologies just yet, he had to understand just how much he had hurt you first.
"I couldn't care less anymore, Spencer. I just need to remember that I'll always come second to work and that's fine, it's important to you and I understand that." You got up and walked over to the kitchen to gather yourself.
"Babe you are the most important thing to me, I'm sorry-."
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Here we go again, Spencer there's only so many times you can say you're sorry before it loses all meaning. I'm sick and tired of this, I don't know if I can do this anymore. You're never here, you make promises you can never keep and I'm pretty sure you've told me you're sorry more times than you've told me you love me."
"Please don't do this. I love you." His voice was shaking, breaking down at the thought of you leaving him. He moved over to you and turned you so you were facing him. "I know this means nothing to you but I am so sorry. I've been so shitty to you and I know it."
"Spencer, I deserve better than this and I'm sick of forgiving you and acting like I'm fine with how you treat me, you might not mean it but it fucking hurts. I love you so much and I know you love me but would it kill you to put me first for once in your fucking life."
This annoyed him, the lack of sleep and being overworked leaving him less patient and more irritable, "That's not fucking fair, you knew what you were signing up for when you started dating me, I'm doing my fucking best. I go to work for US, to support US. If I could devote all of my time to you if I could, but I can't and it fucking kills me. You can't understand how much I miss you when I'm not here."
Tears welled in your eyes seeing him breakdown, unable to keep up the unbothered facade you had on, "I just...Spence, I miss you too. It hurts not being able to be near you and so when you're not there when you promise you will be, it hurts it really fucking hurts not to mention it's terrifying, how am I supposed to know you're ok if you do shit like that."
He pulled you into his arms as you sobbed into his chest, all the emotions you'd kept bottled up during the argument letting go. "I know baby, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I promise, and I mean it this time, I won't let you down again. I love you." He mumbled into your hair, slowly kissing your forehead whilst consoling you and holding you like he never wanted to let go.
The two of you went to bed that night in silence, not a word was spoken until the next day wherein Spencer switched off his phone and dedicated the whole weekend to you and only you. He kept his word once he had to leave, always fulfiling his promises, never pushing you to the side and communicating with you always. The two of you felt strong again, you were happy.
You put your glass down and walked out of your room and began pacing around the living room, pictures of you and him still up on your walls, the walls that no longer belonged to the both of you. You thought back to when he asked you to move him, how nervous he was and how excited you were.
It was movie night at Spencers house. Each week he invited everyone over to watch a film, everyone taking it in turns to select a film. This week Emily had chosen Midsommar, a film you were yet to see so you were excited. You were sat beside Spencer on the loveseat, his arm around you and your face resting against his chest, a blanket covering you both for extra comfort. You looked up and saw Derek and Penelope lay spread across the floor whilst JJ and Emily sat on the sofa. Bowls of popcorn and sweets were scattered around the room and beer bottles were piling up. It was nights like this that you wanted to treasure forever, for the first time you felt like you had a family, people to call your own, people you could trust.
"Watcha thinking about?" Spencer asked, glancing at you and realising your mind wasn't directed at the movie anymore.
"Nothing, just really lucky to have you in my life," You reached your hand up to hold his face and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you."
He pulled you in closer if that was even possible, "I love you too."
"Ugh, get a room." Derek groaned making you both chuckle.
Spencer responded by throwing some popcorn at him, "Aw is someone jealous, don't worry you'll find someone soon enough."
Derek murmured a quiet, "Fuck off" before turning his attention back to the movie, making everyone laugh.
The movie ended shortly and everyone was discussing what to watch next, you were in the mood for a comedy but Derek wanted to watch Die Hard for the millionth time. After several minutes of slight arguing, you finally decided on rewatching Moana for the 12th time.
Everyone was pretty much settled, drinks refilled, popcorn replenished and everyone back in their positions. Emily was about to press play before JJ stopped her, "Wait before you start I'm kinda cold can I borrow a sweater?" She asked Spencer.
"Yeah sure, take one from our room." He said casually like it was normal but it made your breath hitch in your throat, did he just say our room? As in, yours and his. Unofficially he wasn't wrong, it was your room as much as his, you spent pretty much every night here making having your own apartment redundant, but he hadn't yet asked you to move in with him. You couldn't help the small blush on your face and the way your lips turned upwards at his words. It made you happy knowing he thought of it as something for both of you.
"What has you so happy?" Penelope asked in a teasing tone, she'd picked up on Spencer words and knew exactly why you were smiling.
You just stuck your tongue out at her and looked up at Spencer, "Our room huh?" You asked making him smile.
"Yeah I mean, you're here every day, maybe more than I am. You should just move in at this point." He let out a little laugh after he said leaving you confused as to whether he was being serious, so you just laughed along and waited for JJ to come back so you could start the movie.
A couple of hours later almost everyone was half asleep, everyone apart from you and Spencer. You began making your way to his room followed by him carrying the blanket he had taken from his bed. The two of you went about your night routine, Spencer had insisted on keeping at least half of your things at his place hence why you never had to leave. You quickly changed into one of his shirts which fit you just right and climbed into bed where he was already sitting, reading a book.
"Spence, were you being serious...earlier when you said I should move in?" You asked him, making him put down his book and look at you.
"Would you like that? You don't have to say yes but I would love it if you moved in. The mornings when I wake up and you're still next to me, are the best mornings. Honestly, knowing I'm going to wake up next to you makes falling asleep easier. Plus Tesla and Edison love you, maybe even more than they loves me." He asked, the mention of his fish making you laugh despite the fact your eyes were welling up, what had you done to deserve the sweetest man to walk the earth.
You shifted yourself so you were straddling him and held his face in your hands, "I would love to move in with you." You answered placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you so much," He said as you moved back to laying down next him. "You make me the happiest man alive and I'm so lucky to have you."
"God, Spence you gotta stop before I start crying, I love you too." You said, as he laughed and pulled you into a comfortable sleeping position.
"Goodnight love." He mumbled, already falling asleep.
"Goodnight Spence." You responded, closing your eyes and beginning to drift off but not before saying, "By the way, the fishies definitely love me more."
You hadn't realised you were crying until a tear fell onto the frame you were holding. The image just as blurred as the memories it held. You carefully placed the image face down onto the table rather than placing it back up. Making your way to the sofa, you got your phone out and glanced at the image that had left you in this state. A picture of him and her, his hands holding hers as tight as they once held yours, the grin on both of their faces wide. He was happy, only it wasn't because of you anymore. You closed your eyes again, remembering how it all ended.
He had been distant since he had come back from this last case, he had been away for almost two months trying to catch this unsub and you had thought he'd be more excited to come back to you and finally be home. But he hadn't spent more than 10 minutes with you, the only time the two of you were in the same room for longer than that was when you fell asleep. Recently that had also stopped, he spent more nights away from home and at clubs with Derek and Emily , only coming back once he knew you weren't there. It was killing you but every time you questioned it he shrugged you off, telling you he loved you.
You wanted to scream at him if he loved you why isn't he showing it, why does he refuse to acknowledge you. You knew he was lying to you, he didn't love you anymore, you could see it in his eyes, how he never looked at you as he used to, he never held you like he used to. It was killing you and you knew you should ask him but you also knew that would lead to conversation you didn't want to have, an ending you didn't want to happen. So you kept quiet, went about your day and didn't question his actions, you had decided you would rather have the worst of him than not have him at all.
But that didn't last long. A few weeks later something happened, something you could ignore. Spencer had barely been home, only coming back to grab new clothes and leaving again often returning at 4 am or not all. The nights you spent alone, his side of the bed going cold broke your heart bit by bit. But you weren't ready for it to completely shatter, the images Penelope sent you of him holding that girl, a little too close, a little too tight, a little too much, start to fill your screen causing a lump in your throat and tears threatening to spill. You walked to the kitchen, surprised to see him there, he was sat at the counter head in his hands and a coffee in front of him.
"Spencer, what fuck is going on?" You all but shouted.
"Shh, my heads killing me." He said, burying his head in his hands attempting to block you out.
"You fucking asshole." You screamed at him, the pain and hurt evident in your broken voice as you tried your best not to cry.
This made him look up, far quicker than he should've causing his head to fill with pain and throb, but he didn't care, the memories of last night were coming back he knew he had fucked up. "I-I'm sorry, I was drunk and she was just there, nothing happened.
"You're sorry? Are you fucking kidding me?" You said, moving away from him as he got up to come closer to you. "No, don't fucking touch me. I'm done."
"What? No look I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I love you." The words were said, but the tone held so much uncertainty you couldn't tell if he was trying to convince you or himself.
"No you don't Spencer, not anymore. I know you don't and I've been lying to myself, saying that I'm ok with it when I'm not. I love you so much but I can't keep hurting myself by pretending like we're fine, We're not fine, we haven't been for a long time. Yes that fucking hurts, I thought we were forever, I thought we were going to grow old together and have kids and show them that we were soulmates. I thought we were perfect but we aren't."
"I never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much but-" He started with a sigh.
"You're not in love with me anymore..." You finished for him
"I'm so sorry. I wish things were different, I wish I could control how I felt. You were everything to me, I really did picture a future for us but things changed, I don't know why and I don't know how. You don't deserve this, I'm so sorry."
"I know Spence, I know." You moved closer to him and he held you like it was the last time... because it was. "I'm sorry too."
You pulled away from him."I'll grab some stuff and go stay at my mom's for a few days. I just need to find a new place to move my stuff to." You said, trying to brush some tears away but failing as they kept falling.
"No, it's fine. I'll go, this is just as much your home as it is mine. I'll stay with Derek for a bit, you take your time sorting stuff out ok?" He said, using his thumbs to attempt to wipe away your tears. You sighed but nodded knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer.
You sat down as he went to the room to gather some things, your mind reeling from the last half hour. How could so much change in such a short period of time, years spent together thrown away so quick.
"I'm done, I'll get going ok?" He said placing his duffel bag down beside by the door.
"So this is it huh?" You said, with a sigh. You felt him walk towards you and take a seat next to you.
"The last 10 years have been the most incredible time of my life, you put up with so much of my shit and loved me unconditionally and I can't thank you enough for giving the eager 25-year-old who wanted nothing more than to impress you a chance. I'm never going to stop loving you, you know that. I'm never gonna forget about you, my first love, the first woman to capture my heart. I'm so sorry things didn't work out like how we'd imagined them. If I could change how I feel I would, I wanted nothing more than for this to be a silly phase, for me to wake up one day and feel how I felt again. But it didn't happen and it fucking sucks."
"I get it, Spence, you have to do what makes you happy and I'm not gonna stop you. I'm just sorry it wasn't me that could give you want and need, but you're gonna make some girl out there very happy if you're even half the man you were when you were with me." You gave him a soft smile as he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.
He stood up and walked to the door. "Call me when you're ready ok? I love you." He turned and gave you a soft smile before picking up his bag and walking out the door.
You just broke down, you don't know how long you sat there sobbing your heart out but it felt like forever. Everything hurt so bad you didn't think you'd ever feel any emotion other than heartbreak for as long as you lived.
You took a deep breath as your hand hovered over the delete button on your phone, it was time to move on just as he had. As you released the breath you were holding, your finger pressed against the button, deleting all the pictures you had with him and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and the realisation sunk in.
You loved him so much, but he wasn't yours to love anymore.
He was just a memory.
tagged: @gcblers​ @187-reid​ @mgg-theprettiestboy​ @mggbler​ @snitchthewitch​
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Looking Back
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Cassie Vanderfield)
Book: Open Heart (almost 2 years after Chapter 1 of book 2)
Word Count: ~1900
Rating: PG-13 (light language, innuendo)
Summary: A night of celebration causes Cassie and Bryce to take a look back.
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I wrote Bryce fic! The pandemic writer’s block was particularly brutal for this couple, but I am pretty happy to be back with our favorite flirty, confident surgeon! This story is for two of the “Things You Said” prompts - 11. Things you said when you were drunk (as requested by @sunnyxdazed, @choicesarehard, and an anon) and 22. Things you said after it was over (as requested by @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl and @omgjasminesimone). It also works for the Choices May Challenge Day 29 prompt (Memories).
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“Nah, I’m good,” Bryce said, shaking his head as Jackie attempted to pass him a shot of tequila.
“Lahela, you can’t pass on drinks tonight! We’re celebrating!” she called out, raising her arm and drawing cheers from several others around them, including Cassie.
“You might be celebrating, but I still have to preround at 6 am tomorrow,” Bryce replied, shaking his head as Cassie grabbed the shot glass Jackie kept trying to hand him, throwing it back in rapid succession with the shot Jackie had already given her. Man, tonight was going to get sloppy.
“That’s on you for choosing a specialty with such a long residency,” said Jackie, quirking an eyebrow before downing her own shot. “It’s not our fault you surgeons are so dumb and cocky that you need those extra years of training just to be competent physicians.”
Bryce grinned at her, grabbing the empty shot glasses Cassie handed to him as she reached for a lime. He would let her have that one tonight. After all, it was her graduation night. 
The internal med graduation had been pretty much what Bryce had expected. Decent food, but watered down drinks and boring speeches by the hospital bigwigs, all culminating with the program director going over each resident’s career plans and handing them a certificate. At least Cassie’s table had been a good one with Elijah, Phoebe, and his parents, a med-peds resident named Amber who Bryce didn’t know well but who had been fun to talk to, as was her husband when he wasn’t trying to corral their two year old son, plus Cassie’s parents and Keiki, able to come thanks to Amber only needing two tickets. And thankfully the faculty member assigned to their table was an endocrinologist named Dr. Liz Aubly, not Ethan Ramsey. Bryce had forced more than enough awkward small talk with the man at the monthly diagnostics team dinner he’d gone to with Cassie last week, and he got the feeling Ramsey was not thrilled that he was now officially Cassie’s date for all such events. Over the next two years, with Bryce on his research years while Cassie remained at Edenbrook for her diagnostics fellowship, their paths were going to cross often.
But tonight wasn’t about looking forward, it was about looking back and remembering three years of patients and long hours and crappy coffee and not enough sleep. Now that the formal portion of the graduation was done with, most of the third year IM residents had ditched their families and taken over Donahue’s, celebrating having only two weeks left as residents. It was the only time they all were off at the same time, excluding the annual resident holiday party, since starting residency, and people were letting loose.
“Wait, we didn’t toast to anything with this round,” Elijah noted after he tossed his lime slice onto the growing pile in the middle of the table. After the first couple of rounds, things had turned decidedly sentimental, with the group rotating what event from their three years of residency they were commemorating. So far, they had toasted to adopting their pet turtle Sal Monella, Jackie being named one of next year’s chief residents, Cassie getting reinstated, and swapping out Landry for Aurora as a roommate. 
“You’re right!” Cassie cried out, stumbling off Bryce’s lap. “I’ll go get us another round so we can do things properly.”
Bryce grabbed her wrist, stopping her abruptly. “What?” she asked, her eyes blazing as they locked on his, clearly ready to fight him if he dared to question how much everyone was drinking.
“I’m going with you,” he said with a grin, standing up and subtly sliding his hand down her back, hoping she saw it as a loving, flirty gesture and not an attempt to steady her and keep her upright. Cassie was typically a pretty agreeable drunk, if a little handsy, but she got absolutely livid if anyone implied that her coordination and proprioception were at all impaired by her drinking. He had enough sense not to tell her there was a good chance all the drinks would be ending up on the floor if she did this by herself.
Together, they made their way over to the bar, crowded with dozens of other IM third years. Cassie leaned over the bar, trying to find a free bartender, but quickly abandoned her mission when she wasn’t immediately successful.
“You should do the next toast,” she said, spinning to face Bryce, steadying herself just slightly by leaning back against the bar.
Bryce shrugged, “Nah, tonight’s for you guys. I’m still just a lowly resident for the next four years.”
Cassie grinned, sliding a hand forward and grabbing a belt loop on Bryce’s pants, pulling him toward her. “Where’s all this modesty coming from?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I know I’m still the best surgical resident at Edenbrook. In fact, now that you are moving up in the world, I am losing some competition for best resident in all specialties.”
Cassie laughed, dragging her hand across his hip and sliding it into his back pocket, giving his ass a light squeeze, prompting Bryce to waggle his eyebrows at her.
“I see you’ve reached a very boldly flirty stage of drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes, but sliding her other hand into his other pocket at the same time, “I just found a comfortable place to rest my hands. Besides, in a couple of weeks, I’ll officially outrank you, so I gotta enjoy this-” she added, giving him another squeeze for good measure, “-while I still can.”
He chuckled at that. She wasn’t going to be supervising him at all, so it didn’t really matter, but Jackie had taken to teasing Cassie that their relationship was going to become suddenly scandalous and forbidden when Cassie became a fellow. “Are you sure you want to move in together, then? It might be hard to keep your hands to yourself around all of this-” Bryce gestured an open hand up and down in front of his body “-when you have 24/7 access.”
Cassie tilted her head to the side, a coy little smirk forming. “Yeah. You know why?”
“Why?” he asked, humoring her as he lifted a hand to tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.
“Because you helped clean up after that first party in our apartment.”
His hand froze next to her cheek. He’d completely forgotten he’d done that. He’d mainly just been looking for something to do while waiting to say goodnight to Cassie, or rather, hoping he wouldn’t have to say goodnight. Pitching in with cleaning up the trash had just seemed like the natural thing to do. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
“It’s when I knew you were a good person, not just some overconfident hot guy. It’s when I knew you were boyfriend material, not just a casual fling.”
Bryce didn’t quite know how to respond to that. His feelings for Cassie evolved gradually, slowly, naturally over the past three years, going from seeing her as that cute dark-haired medicine intern to the person he loved and trusted most in the world bit-by-bit, day-by-day. He didn’t have some moment with her that was some great epiphany where he realized he wanted more or saw her differently. He just cherished getting to know her better, seeing different sides of her, and adoring nearly everything that he discovered or she revealed. But Cassie had apparently seen depths in him from the start. He wasn’t sure if it put their early hookups in a different light or not, but all he could really do at this point was appreciate that they had come this far together, no matter how they got there. So he gave her a gentle kiss, pulling back as he saw one of the bartenders coming toward them and flagging him down, ordering another round of tequila shots, plus a glass of water for himself.
Soon, they made their way back to the table, Bryce carrying the shots while Cassie focused on not bumping into people. She waited for him to pass around the drinks and sit back down before she plunked herself back onto his lap, looping one arm behind his neck and grabbing one of the shot glasses with her other.
“What are we toasting to this time?” Jackie asked, raising her glass and looking around the table expectantly.
“I have one,” said Bryce, causing Cassie to twist her head to look at him, her eyebrows raised and her pupils blown wide, “To that first party you guys threw at the apartment. It really was the start of everything.”
Everyone clinked their glasses together over the center of the table, with some “Hear hears” and “To the parties” scattered in the mix, but Cassie didn’t throw back her shot right away. Instead, she kept her eyes locked on Bryce’s, offering him a brilliant smile before wrapping her other arm around his neck in a tender hug... and unfortunately dumping her shot of tequila down his neck and under his shirt in the process.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” she cried out once she realized what she’d done.
“It’s fine,” Bryce said with a little shrug, “but I do think that signals the end of the festivities for me.”
“Party pooper!” Elijah yelled out, but Bryce just shook his head. 
“Someone has to actually be functional enough to take care of patients tomorrow, and it’s certainly not going to be anyone else at this table. Cassie, you coming over to my place, or are you going to keep the party going with this crew?”
“Your place,” she said without a moment of hesitation. “I spent the night with you after my first party of residency, so who am I to buck tradition at the last one?” Bryce grinned at that, noticing Elijah just shaking his head out of the corner of his eye before Cassie leaned over and kissed him, sliding her hands along his shoulders before pulling back.
“Get a room,” Jackie said, rolling her eyes.
“I’m trying,” Bryce replied over Cassie’s shoulder. “Come on, babe,” he said, helping Cassie to her feet before standing up and slinging an arm around her waist, waving goodbye to their friends as he navigated her towards the door. 
“I can’t believe I’m basically done with residency,” Cassie said as Bryce pulled out his phone to order a Dryve. “It’s been three years already. How has it been three years?”
Bryce just chuckled, guiding her down the large step off onto the sidewalk as they left the bar. “Time flies when you’re working 80 hours a week for minimum wage, huh?”
“Something like that,” she replied, pivoting to face him and tugging him into a loose hug. 
“Looking back, anything you’d want to change?”
She seemed to ponder that for a moment before shaking her head, “I mean, I probably could have done without the suspension, but I think it helped me grow. I don’t know. I guess even with all the drama, I’m happy with how things turned out. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, Cassie,” he said, squeezing her tight and running his hand along her spine, “it does.”
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl   @riley--walker @bebepac @ravenpuff02 @oofchoices @octobereighth @drakewalker04 @kimmiedoo5  @mfackenthal  @thequeenofcronuts  
Open Heart:  @tallulahshh @rookie-ramsey @omgjasminesimone @ao719​
Bryce x MC:    @thequeenchoices​  @fortunatelywaywardsandwich​   @dreaming-of-movies​  @choicesarehard​  @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl​  @maria-soederberg​ @mskaneko​   @sunnyxdazed​
Event Tags: @choicesmaychallenge​ @kinda-iconic​
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heesgf · 5 years
Ship your mutuals with Treasure13 (or Silver Boys if you’d like)?💓
thank u for being so patient with me angel🤧🤧 i finally got around to answering this and just a warning omg sksks it’s ridiculously long!! but very very worth bc i love my mutuals more than anything!!!!💞💞💞 i hope u enjoy :’)))
im gonna start by shipping the cutest bby in the world with the other cutest bby in the world, @moonxlika!!!🤧💖 lika when i think of you and suk, i think about halloween omg?? like you guys dressing up and coordinating your scary costumes and then heading over to a halloween party that suk practically begged u to go to😢 tbh after an hour, u guys realize the party is kinda lame?? and ur like  ‘ಠ╭╮ಠ rlly u just did me wrong on halloween like this??’ but don’t worry!!!! because suk has got u covered~~he has lots of fun things in mind to keep the party fun and perhaps.. it mostly involves kissing uuuu hehe!!! and at one point, u steal the aux cord and start playing some real music and let’s just say.. u dance the night away uwu!!! (and maybe scare ppl when they come out of the bathroom but shhh u didn’t hear it from me!!!) 
of course i also ship hyunsuk with the world’s sweetest angel, miss sim @hyunsukmyass!!!😇💘 sim i know you’ve been studying hard for uni, so that’s exactly why suk takes every opportunity he can to whisk you away and help his baby relax!! this means bringing u beautiful flowers when u start ur studying sessions🥰 and convincing you to take evening drives with him when ur classes are over!! in the moment, all u really wanna do is nap, so ur a little bit hesitant, but once u see the beautiful orange and pink sky when the sun sets, and the way suk has his heart eyes completely set on you, u just🤧🤧 he really loves u to the moon and back :’))) and would do anything to see ur beautiful angelic smile!!!💕💓💞 pls smile lots for him MWAH
sam my bby @jehyoney!!!!! u and hyunsuk are my cowboy couple.. my crackhead icons🤠 u guys are that couple that are so close and comfortable with one another?? like everyone is in awe at ur relationship bc it’s so loving but also so funny?? u guys spend a lot of time watching cringey tik toks (perhaps recreating them….) and just!!! having the best time together uwu!! he loves u🥰 ALSO he sings old town road 25/8 and u kinda wanna kill him for it but also… he’s so CUTE u cant resist not cuddling him pls!!! sweetest bbys✨
@forhyunsuk omg miss courtney!!! originally i was gonna ship u with suk, but u already know im that relationship’s #1 fan, so i thought i’d switch things up and ship u with noa the prince!!!😽💞 i feel like noa is that super smart and kinda quiet but SUPER CHARMING guy in your class that you’ve been crushing on since forever? and tbh u think ur being slick when u stare at the back of his head during class and drool or when u bite lip when u see his sweet smile!!! but guess what!!! hehe noa has known abt ur crush on him the whole time and he was so shocked when he found out bc he feels just the same way abt you??? when u smile and laugh or even just vaguely glance in his direction, he’s just straight up😻😻!!! one time ur hand brushed against his when u were passing out papers and his heart!! almost leaped !!! right out of his chest!!! dont tell him i told u but… he’s planning on asking u out this weekend.. bby he loves u sm!!!💘
tiyi my love @speckofglitter!!!!💕💓💞💞💝💘 i was gonna ship u with suk too, but i thought i’d be fun and ship u with ur model bf noa!!! noa is just so so so in love with you :’)) and he’s so proud of everything you’ve accomplished omg!! i think he’d love to sneak you off campus and take you on spontaneous night time dates into the city uwu✨✨ u guys spend time together at night markets, taking adorably aes photos (bc let’s be real.. king and queen of aes), dancing on the street and singing loudly, and kissing in the car!!! u guys are such a sweet and lovely couple and noa is just so whipped for u :’)) and his camera roll is literally filmed to the brim with cute pics of u!!! also.. sometimes u guys decide u want to give the world what it needs and sing beautiful songs together omg!!! ≧◡≦
@mashiho m i definitely ship u with baby mashi!!!🥰 hehe when i think of u guys, i think of mashi working at ur local bakery??? and u go there occasionally bc ur mom tells u to get that bread she likes, and u see THE CUTEST ANGEL IN EXISTENCE, and suddenly…. u have an intense craving for baked goods everyday???😉 mashi notices that u come more and more often, and he just grows the fattest crush on you? he’s always slipping extra sweets into ur bag and gives u the cutest lil smile when u walk in💕💓💞 eventually he finally works up the courage to ask u out, and ofc, u say yes!!! then u spend the rest of ur days being the cutest couple ever in the world, and it’s random, but u guys dance a lot together??? he loves teaching u moves uwuwuwuwu✨
@mashilove uyen my sweet angel, i ship u with mashi too!!!💘💘💘 he knows how much hard work you’ve been doing at work, and that it’s been stressful for you, so he loves taking out on little dates after work!!!😻 he likes to hug and cuddle u and poke ur cheeks!!  u guys have dinner and then drive out into the hills, and u spend the night staring up at the stars and cuddling💫💫💫 he lets u rant about work and you have lovely conversations!!! he always comforts you when you need it and gives u sweet kisses!! he loves u so so so much!!!
maddi my bby @seunghunn​!!!!! u know that ur love for seunghun makes me the softest girl on the planet😢💖 seunghun knows it’s tournament season and that things are a little bit stressful for you rn, so he just wants to give u the sweetest n warmest cuddles 24/7??? he cares for u too much to let u overwork yourself!!! so anytime he thinks ur studying too hard, he quickly pulls you onto him (despite ur groaning) and he cuddles u between the bed sheets and gives u soft soft soft cheek and forehead kisses!!! sometimes when he’s feeling extra flirty hehe, he’ll steal a few from ur lips as well and as much as you’d like to complain that he’s being too clingy… sksksk u love it too much🤧💓💞 and he knows it too!!! sometimes when u cant sleep at night, he insists that he needs to sing u a soft lullaby, and instantly, u drift into sleep with him by ur side :’)) angel maddi, pls dream of him!!! 
vale, i ship u with ur sunshine bf seunghun too🥰🥰!!! @seunghunies it’s exam season for the both of you, so things have been a little stressful, and sometimes he can’t sleep well at night :’((( on those nights, he drives straight over to ur house, knocks on ur window at 2am with the widest smile, and convinces u to go get some icecream with him uwu!!! tbh ur feeling a little sleepy and icecream @ 2 am… doesn’t sound that appealing sksks, but he’s just too!!!! cute!!! to resist!!! so u hop into his car and kissing, and the next day, maybe ur a little more tired than u need to be but!!! u guys are so in love and it’s sOOO adorable :’ ) ))
angel christina 💞💞💞@kimseunghoney omg literally no one is surprised that i ship u with seunghun!!! u are a complete and utter sweetheart, just like ur wonderful bf, and u guys radiate!!! light!!! hehe when i think of u guys, i think of hun as that sweet and flirty boy next door that has a huge crush on u!! like he’s always doing cute things, like leaving flowers on your porch, and chocolates on ur desk in the library when u study!!! one time u confront him abt it!!! bc ur just so in love with this sweet boy :’))) he’s s OOooo annoying abt it like… ‘me? did i send it? hmmm…. let me think about it🤪’ but he so did!! and u KNOW it 😤 another time, u think you’ve finally reached ur breaking point, so while he’s teasing u, u suddenly slide your hands behind his neck and look deeply into his eyes… he’s blushing ridiculously hard and biting his lip!!! ur hovering so close to his lips.. and then u ask ‘did u send the stuff?’; when he finally gulps and nods his head, still biting his lip, u bravely move forward and kiss him. hmmm… let’s just say u guys have a new hobby….. ;) 
@doyeongs j my sweet lil angel, i ship u with the cutest ray of sunshine!!!🌞🌞 u and doyoung are always studying after school at this cute little ice cream shop!!! and u regularly share sherbet together!!! he’s always doing cute things like holding ur hands, and giving u sweet hugs, and ruffling the hair on top of ur head💘💘 when prom season rolls around, doyoung shows up to ur locker at school with three scoops of your sherbet to-go, and a big poster that says ‘here’s the scoop: prom with me?’!!! and ur screaming bc, ew omg sO CHEESY, but also!!! doyoung just asked u to prom and ur abt to melt!!!! uwu u guys are literally the cutest bbys ever to exist and ur gonna have the biggest blast at prom!!! pls have lots of fun with ur adorable bf🥰
bby ess!!!!💫💫💫 @ggoncafe hehe u know i ship u with gon, my love!!! i think he’d make the perfect date for u at ur annual arts banquet :’))) just imagining gon getting all dressed up to support his lovely gf… sksksk the SOFTNESS🤧🤧 he’s definitely gonna be bringing you the biggest bouquet of roses, and giving u so!!! many!!! sweet forehead and cheek kisses!!! he’s just so so so proud of u 💞💞💞 and he’s so excited to have an amazing night of fun with u and ur friends!!! u two are gonna be dancing and laughing and taking the cutest couple pics uwu!!! he’s just so in love with u,,, and it shows so much on his face when he looks at u and his eyes just pool up with love!!! everyone will be gawking at how cute u two are omg😻😻 angels!!! 
@bggon (taryn i was looking for ur old url and almost panicked skkskss) miss taryn ofc i ship u with gon!!!💘💘 maybe it’s bc of ur dark mobile theme, but when i think of u and gon, i think of bad boy! gon??? like on the outside he looks really tough and intimidating with his dark hair and piercings, and some ppl might be a lil bit scared of him, but then they see him with you and they just.. they drop that mentality completely??? bc LISTEN when he’s around u, his bby, he’s just so so soft??🤧🤧 everybody watches as his eyes crinkle with happiness when he sees u!!! and the way his mouth softens into a smile!! and he’s such a cuddly baby too :’((( how could he be scary when he’s so lovely with u omg… 
lastly i ship gon with aurora @constantlytiiired 💞💞💞 aurora ur so sweet and kind and caring, and i just feel like gon would never want to be away from you?? like when he’s recording in the studio, or travelling places, he always wants to call u and just hear ur voice!!! it helps him fall asleep at night🥰 and he loves to leave u sweet little love notes around ur house, so that when u wake up, u can feel how much he loves u immediately!! uwu he always wants to give u that warmest hugs and just :’)) he’s so soft for u
my baby sugarplum dara @yeetdam ✨✨✨!!!! hnnnggg i have to ship u with [red.] first because ur!!! my!! angel!! you and yedam are those people that are literally head over heels in love for one another, but for some reason, always denying it??? like ur so soft and starry eyed for him, and yet, it always seems to come out in an insult or two??? hehe oops😚💖 not that yedam ever minds tho, because he’s just so whipped for u, his little bby!!! tbh every time u try and deflect ur love for him, he couldn’t be bothered, and instead just wants to engulf u in the tightest hug and smooch ur cute lil head!!! and ofc.. u blush bc he’s so c u t e pls!!! once u guys finally straighten out ur feelings and realize that ur THAT couple; u guys are bursting with love for one another and everyone can tell omg!!! also… the best couple outfits EVER.. i know it
@yedarnit micro u are literally yedam’s perfect match, i swear it!!!🤧🤧 u guys are the most charismatic, and lovable, and musical couple to ever exist omg!!! yedam is ALWAYS at ur shows whenever ur performing, and u better believe he has the biggest bouquet of flowers, along with the biggest SMILE you’ve ever seen💖⭐️💝💓💕💞 he’s shouting and laughing and maybe even tearing up at the end??? god,, he loves u!!! and of course, ur the exact same way with him :’)) whenever he has a music show, ur sure to be in the front row with ur camera, and he can’t help but feel his heart swell with love when he sees u so starstruck (◠﹏◠✿) best bbys!!! 
soh u might run away from this but LISTEN u and yedam…. that’s some good shit @ygteasure❣️❣️❣️ i know u said prom was a little bit lame, so i guess it’s a good thing that u and yedam ditch early to go out on a spontaneous night time beach date????😻 u guys sit in the sand with ur fancy clothes and u lay ur head softly on his shoulder,, and tbh he was gonna be a drama queen and be like… ‘soh.. are u really putting ur head on my shoulder rn?? is this rlly happening?’ but he decides u look way too cute in this moment, and he doesn’t want to ruin anything, so instead he just smiles to himself, and wraps his arm over your shoulder, pulling u closer💞💞💞 u guys talk for hours and have so many heart to hearts… he’s so in love with u!!! and u may not admit it but we know u are too uwu :’)))
my sweet baby angel izzy mWAH😚✨ @glossyedam i had to ship u with someone that was just as bright and kind hearted as u, and that person is jihoon!!!! jihoon knows that ur working so hard around the clock for school, and exam season is approaching, so he always want to make sure ur feeling happy and taking care of urself🥰💝💝 u can always catch him visiting u at school with food and sweets and his hoodies!!! he wants u to be well fed and smiley and warm hehe!!! also jihoon is King of the Class Clowns, so he’s never not telling u jokes to make u laugh!! even if it means embarrassing himself in front of ur whole school sskkssk!!! ur his sweet angel and he can never give u enough cheek kisses.. u guys are everything,, and even though ur school principal sees jihoon and is sometimes😤, they get over it bc u two are so lovely!!!(*^ -^*)
@yoonbins kara… my best bitch… my ICON.. i have to ship u with mr yoonbin bc that’s the cutest shit ever!!!!💖⭐️💝💓💕💞 u two are tall bbys!!! and the energy u emit omg….the most badass visual LEGENDS, literally everyone and their mom wishes they could compete!!!! i feel like u and bin on the outside would have a very bff like relationship, with lots of laughing and inside jokes and banter! and i think ur couple-y interactions in public would be very subtle bc u guys dont wanna go overboard, but uwu, behind closed doors, ha yoonbin is cuddliest baby ever!!! and u are ready to accept all the softness🤧 u two are just so in sync?? and even though u aren’t the most lovey dovey couple, everyone knows ur dating bc ur just so attune with each other✨  ilu!!! 
keita isn’t a silver boy, nor is he in treasure 13, but i want to ship him with the lovely ari @shibrs😽💞 ari, u and keita are the fluffliest couple!!! i can see u guys going on sweet little study dates in the library, and keita just loves to hear u talk, so he likes to lean onto your shoulder and shut his eyes and listen to u talk about ur day!! other times, he’s very boisterous and giggly and his mission of the day is to get u laughing just as loudly with him and omg.. let’s just say there have been more than a few instances in which you two have been kicked out of the library!!! u pretend to be mad sometimes but he’s just .. so.. cUTE !! and when he kisses ur cheek and hugs ur side.. how can u be mad?!🤧
@multyfan1458 krystal this might be random but u and asahi would be so cute together omg???💖💖 he loves to shower u with love and affection ahh!!! i imagine him taking u out on study dates at different cafes :’)) and he just loves to converse with u abt literally anything.. like just talking to u fills him with happiness!! and he loves to do cute and heart warming things, like brushing the hair from ur face, or wiping the whipped cream by your lips😭😭 u guys would be adorable! 
my ray of sunshine niki, i ship u with haru @waharuto!!💓💕💞 when i think of you two, i immediately think of summer time dates together omg!!! i feel like the two of you would love to dress up and head down to the beach :’))) and then you’d share icecream, or swim a bit!!! maybe he’d try and piggyback u and throw u into the water but it’s all in good fun hehe >.
@koala-junkyu b i have to ship you with kyu because u two would be the loveliest couple!!!!🥰🥰 whenever ur studying hard, junkyu is sure to come bring u the warmest blanket he can find and wrap it tightly around ur body!!! bc the last thing he wants is his bby to feel cold :’((( he’s always bring u ur favourite foods and snacks, and coffee when u need it desperately!!! he loves u so so so much💞💞💞 and he makes sure u never forget it by giving u the warmest hugs and kisses!!! 
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paepsi · 6 years
EXO as dumb shit I’ve done, EXPLAINED:
See this picture here? This is me before the moving team. I was so fucking proud of myself for strapping the base of the chair to my roof (it wouldn’t fit through the trunk of me smol hatchback). I thought it was funny that it kinda looked like a kip-pah and asked my friend to take a pic for me here (see my lil peace sign next to my face? im v happy of my jew car). Little did I know that after driving to my new apartment with the whole moving team from IKEA unloading shit from the truck, I would be stuck in the fucking car. I didn't have a knife or scissors to cut the strings and I didn't want to make my dumb assery to be noticed; so instead of asking for help... I climbed out the front window and almost fell flat on my ass. When I stood up and turned around, the whole moving team was just standing there looking at me. The assholes knew I was stuck and let me suffer.
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Kris & Kai:
so these moments both happened in the same night. I went to a house warming party for my friend and I didn't know what to bring as a gift, so I just bought two big bags of Hawaiian bread. Now throughout the night, the more I drink, the more impulsive I get. 
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I started putting the bread on people's shoulders, slowly piling them up until they noticed. Everyone was pretty wasted so there was no surprise when I had a stack of 4 1/2 buns (I ate half) on my friends shoulder. Anyways- fast forward into the night, I'm craving sweets, so I walk into my friends kitchen and find a jar of cookies. At the time I thought it was a brilliant idea to just put the Hawaiian bread in there so the kitchen looked full; a fair exchange, if you will. At least that's what I thought... I found pictures from the party and it turns out I just ended up putting in a half eaten bun sjzjsj
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Fast forward into the morning of the next day, I’m hungover and I wake up wearing mismatching socks (one is mine, the other I have no idea). 
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I needed to get home because I had work later that day, so I hop into my car and start driving home. The whole time there was this annoying beeping sound that I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I had such a bad headache that I pulled over to see what the fuck was wrong. I got out of my car, checked the wheels, checked the under the hood, then hopped back inside. I was so frustrated that I banged my head on the steering wheel and just rested my eyes for a sec. When I opened them to look straight ahead at my dashboard, the brake light was glowing bright red. I cried.
One summer evening, I was hanging with my sister and her friends around a campfire. We were roasting marshmallows, drinking, having a good time etc. Eventually later into the night we started getting bored and one of my sister’s friends suggested playing hot potato with the coals from the fire. We’re all game like FUCK YEAH LETS DO THIS. Then we start tossing it around and realize that it’s way too fucking hot, so instead of tossing it’s just everyone spiking the coal to the next person. FYI, I have terrible hand eye coordination and I wasn’t wearing my glasses that night. Every single time the coal was spiked my way it would miss my hand and fly straight into my hair. The next day I woke up, looked in the mirror, skipped breakfast and headed straight to the salon. still looked cute or w/e so I ain’t mad
Ahhhh, this one is actually pretty personal and happened not too long ago! My mom finally left this dirt bag she’d been married to for the past 16 years. When I say dirt bag, I mean a manipulative, abusive piece of shit. My mom was so tired during her session with the mediator for when they were deciding who was getting what; she took 30-45 minutes to talk alone with them and he took 3 fucking hours putting on this sick sob story. The mediator was so done with him too that they just let him do whatever he wanted. That meant he had the “right” to pick and choose what belonged to him in our apartment. The fucker took EVERYTHING. He took the furniture, the bedroom sets, all the electronics, the spices- HE DOESN’T EVEN COOK. However, a week before then, I bought a huge bottle of vanilla. I needed it to make edible cookie dough, which I was doing everyday out of stress. The day before he finally moved out, I came home from work to see everything wrapped/packed up. I started to get worked up and went to the kitchen to make my cookie dough. When I opened the cabinet to get my vanilla and saw it completely empty, I lost it. I literally screamed and started tearing up all the boxes, finding more shit that belonged to me and stopped when I finally found my vanilla. I went back to the kitchen, happily made my cookie dough and kicked back on "his” couch with my dirty shoes on. Later that night, the asshole came home and screamed at me. I shut him up tho when I told him I’d suffocate him with a pillow in his sleep if he dared to touch me or any of my things ever again. He didn’t stay in the apartment that night lol
I think this one might be my favorite story. It all started when a package from my mom in the mail never showed up even though the UPS tracking said it had already arrived on my doorstep. I assumed in meant the package was stolen and got really bummed about it since it had some essential items in there. My roommates felt bad and decided to cheer me up by throwing a house party (woohoo! cue the alcohol!). It started at like 3pm and went on all the way until 4 am the next day. Somewhere within that time frame while it was still light outside, slightly tipsy, I found a ladder on the side of the house and had a strong urge to follow it up to the top; and who am I to deny every desire that comes across my pea sized brain. I was half-way up to the roof when one of my roommates spotted me (let’s call him Big Ned; there were two guys named Ned in our house so we just called them Big Ned and Little Ned; Big Ned is like 6′3″ and Little Ned is like 5′4″). Big Ned started yelling at me to get down and I told him I couldn’t because it was my destiny to reach the top. He decided that there was no use arguing with me and ended up following me to the roof (even though he’s afraid of heights; bless his BFG heart). He’s kinda hard to miss, so when he started making his way up to the roof with me, it grabbed a lot of attention. Some joined us. Meanwhile, I decided to walk around and look into my neighbors yards. I saw a mess of papers in one of the alleys between our houses and joked “lmao that’d be funny if that was my package”. We laughed for a bit then looked a little closer until we realized oh fuck that’s my package. My body moved on it’s own and just kinda scrambled across the roof trying to figure out the fastest and least painful way to get off the roof. Thank the stars for Big Ben holding me back by the collar of my shirt and preventing me from jumping down onto the neighbors fence. Little Ben ended up running over and jumping the fence to get it for me. We still don’t know how it got there.
In middle school, I had to go on this field trip to some ranch out in the countryside of Texas. I remember we were all huddled into a barn with a big stage in the back. The teachers grabbed a mic and got on stage to talk about who knows what. Idk I wasn’t paying attention, talking to my friend, in my own world. When the mics go off, everyone starts chattering. At that moment in time, I was extremely preoccupied with my shoelaces when I got a tap on my shoulder from my homeroom teacher. I think she was mad at me for not listening and told me to head up to the stage along with a few other students making their way over. Being in front of others makes me nervous, but when the teachers put a bib around my neck before I got on stage, I was too confused to think of anything else. When another teacher started handing out baby bottles filled with Gatorade to each student on stage, I had to stop them to ask what was going on. And what do ya know, I’m in a baby bottle drinking contest. Before I had time to ask any more questions, they were already counting down to start. Now listen, I’m not the type of person to back down from a challenge so ofc you know I’m gonna suck the soul out of this bich. The reason I can say this confidently is because up until I was 11 years old, I always drank out of baby bottles when I got home from school. I just really liked the feeling?? For me, nothing beat chilling on the couch, watching Teen Titans and drinking fresh cold orange juice from a baby bottle on a hot summer day. Idk but I guess it came in handy since I finished a 24oz bottle under 35 seconds. The rest of the kids weren’t even close to half way through. There’s a picture of me at the back of my school year book holding up the baby bottle like a trophy.
Remember my sisters friends from the campfire? Well I spent a good long summer hanging with her friend group and ended up getting kinda close to this one of the guys (let’s call him Jake). I have a really broad range of music taste and I guess he digged that so we talked a lot about music together. By the end of the summer, Jake threw a party at his house and invited me over. Ngl I wanted some dick so ofc I’m gonna go all out and break out my hot leather Madonna outfit. I head out with my sis and the house is packed by the time we get there. The whole time we’re pretty much just hanging out, drinking and dancing the night away. Some time passed 1 am (I think), I’m sorta outside making out with Jake on the side of his house. It’s getting really hot and heavy. When we finally broke apart for air, he told me he though he was in love with me. I’m screaming internally, panicking and I don’t know what to do. I could tell from way before that he really liked me, but I didn’t think it was to that extent. It doesn’t help exactly that I don’t feel the same way for him. Don’t get me wrong! He was really hot and sweet, but I just couldn’t see myself with him. So what did I tell him? Nothing. My dumb ass was in such a panic that all I could think of was that I needed to run. I did. I ran back into the house, out the front porch, spotted his skateboard and took off. I didn’t really know where I was or where I was going but somehow I ended up at the train station and eventually found my way back home.
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On my 21st birthday, my roommates took me out to a really nice, 5 star restaurant in the city we lived. They're buying me all the drinks I want cause heck I'm finally legal! Now, I think y'all can see a pattern of what happens when I drink. So when Big Ned got a glass of scotch and I had just finished off my last sip of wine, I wanted some too. I asked him to share, using "it's my birthday" to get my way. Ever the gentleman, Big Ben pours half his glass into my wine glass and keeps his raised for a cheers. The whole group joins in and with a shout of Mozeltov, I slam the wine glass down on the table and toss it back. It wasn't until I finished the last drop and tried to set my glass back on the table that I realized I snapped the stem in half. No one spoke, except for Little Ned, softly, "did you... did that really just happen?" Yeah. Yeah it did. Thankfully the restaurant agreed to keep the broken glass off the bill as long as I left the restaurant immediately.
On a Saturday night, I met up with a good friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in months. We bought some snacks and drinks then drove to a marina near my apartment (new place in California). The whole night we spent catching up and throwing rocks in the water. I was still a little tipsy when it was time to go home and my friend ended up driving me back. On the way back, I opened a bag and snacked on some pizza flavored goldfish. I was about a fourth of the way through the bag when I decided I didn’t like it anymore and started tossing them out the window. We pull up to a stop light and my friend is trying to make me stop by rolling up the window, but I stick my leg out before he could close it. Next he tries to compromise and said if I wasn’t going to eat the goldfish, I should just put the bag down and remove my leg from the window. My tipsy ass told him no, I was handing out free food. I turned to look at the car next to me, asked (yelled) if they wanted any goldfish and held out the bag to them. I guess the dude thought it was funny and was just like “yeah sure why not, lifes too short to not eat goldfish from a stranger at a stoplight” alksdjflskdj 
When I was about 6 years old, I lived out in the suburbs of Fulshear, Texas. The community is really tiny and everyone knew each other. One time, I was playing hide and seek with my siblings, and decided to hide under my moms bed. While I was waiting for my brother to come find me, I fell asleep. A couple hours later I wake up and it’s dark out. The house is empty. I’m calling out to see if anyone is home, checking all the rooms. I thought maybe everyone decided to tag me “it” since I passed out. After a while of not finding anyone, the phone rings and I pick up. It’s my mom sounding out of breath calling to see if anyone found me and took me back to my house. Turns out I had actually been knocked out for 6 hours. Not being able to find me during hide and seek for 2 hrs, my siblings went to get my mom who also started looking for me. After another hour and no luck, she called our neighbors across the street to see if I went over to play with their kids. Ofc they said no and said they would call some other people in the neighborhood to find out if they'd seen me. A few hours later, the whole neighborhood was out looking for me. Meanwhile I'm at home chilling on the couch watching Teletubbies and eating goldfish (the original babey).
My dad took me and my siblings to the beach almost every summer in elementary school. We would always stay at this Holiday Inn right across the street from the sands. At night, we would go “hunting” for crabs with a flashlight and a fishnet. But on some nights when my dad was too tired to go out, my siblings and I would hang in the kids room at the hotel. We were fooling around and just being kids. Then we found a big case filled with tubes of paint. I was excited to do some finger painting but before I could reach for a tube, my brother stopped me to say he had an idea. He dared us lay down our sheets of paper and paint them by jumping on the tubes. Being the youngest of four, I thought this was a brilliant idea and immediately got to work. Set my paper down and lined up the colors I wanted to use. I jumped.... Only a spec of paint made it onto the paper... The rest beautifully decorated the off-white walls of the kids room. We all just froze because oh my stars we’re gonna be in so much trouble. Turning to each other, we made a very strong pinky promise to not tell a soul what happened. The next day when we returned to the kids room, the case was gone, faded splotches of green and purple remained on the walls, and a big paper taped above reading “NO PAINTING ALLOWED”.
Fun fact: my eldest sister used to write about my adventures for her creative essay homework’s in middle school.
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huangels · 6 years
nct dream reaction to other members catching you two kissing
request: Hi! 1) your blog is fucking amazing and i love it 2) sorry for cursing 3) Could i request a nct dream reaction where the other members caught you both kissing?
a/n: 1) thank you vv much!! 2) it's all good 3) here you go i hope you enjoy it (idk why it’s so long ugh i tried really hard to shorten it into a paragraph hdjsjs)
˗ˏˋ MARK ˎˊ˗
With a loud groan, you pick up the tub of ice cream and try to screw the top off once again. And once again, failing as the tub is frozen shut. Two pairs of arms envelop the sides of your waist as you slightly hop into the air, almost dropping the ice cream. Mark's face appears in sight as he takes the tub, opening it with no problem. With a big smile, you tilt your heard far enough to catch Mark's lips. His arms enclose you against the counter, turning you around to properly kiss. Your hands leave the tub of ice cream, already forgotten, as the coldest of your fingertips tickle Mark while it runs up the sides of his face, cupping his cheeks. The two of your pull apart as you hear Haechan yell, "Get a room," while walking past the kitchen. Mark's eyes widen for a split second, the tips of his cheeks now pink under your dainty hands, before he squints his eyes and leaves the kitchen to find Haechan.
"I'm gonna slap him into the next year."
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˗ˏˋ RENJUN ˎˊ˗
You enter your boyfriend's bedroom in the Dream dorm, asking what he's writing. Alarmed by the sudden voice that broke his silence, Renjun jolts up in his bottom bunk bed and almost knocking his head on the top bunk. He scrambles random papers into a messy pile before stuffing them into a notebook, slamming it shut and holding it against his chest. Your eyebrow raises questionably as Renjun replies with a mumbled "nothing." You hop onto his bed, climbing on his lap and trying to get a peek at the secret papers. Renjun doesn't budge as he holds the notebook over his head, away from your reach. You start to whine, sending pouty looks towards Renjun, his weakness. Finally, he sighs and lowers his arms. Renjun explains, in a low voice, that it's a book full of song ideas. You perk up, encouraging him to show you some. He hesitantly flips to a page with your name as the title, surrounded by hearts. It's a love song, dedicated to you. Buddling with happiness, you pull Renjun into your arms, attacking his face with butterfly kisses, then plant a big kiss on his lips. Standing at the doorway, Jaemin awkwardly coughs into his fist.
"Uhh, I was just showing Y/N the songs we wrote..."
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˗ˏˋ JENO ˎˊ˗
Holding tightly to the wii remote, you swing your arms and legs to follow the dancer on the television screen. A bright green perfect flashes over your name as you move further up the meter to 5 stars. Jeno besides you copies the dance moves as well but not enough to catch up to your score. The Just Dance song ends, with a first-place crown symbol planted above your name. Jeno groans with frustration as this is the umpteenth time you've won today. You wiggle around, dancing happily and teasing Jeno about being a dancer but not being able to beat you in Just Dance. With a pouty glare, your boyfriend tackles you to the ground, hovering over you as he attacks back, not with words but with tickles. Trying to speak over your laughs, you surrender, saying you'd do anything for him to stop tickling your waist. "Anything?" he repeats with a smirk, then taps his lips thrice. Rolling your eyes, but not being able to contain your smile, you lean forward to connect your lips with Jeno's into a sweet kiss. Mark enters the living room area, scolding the two of you as there are "kids here."
"Y/N had something in her eye...Oh... why am I on top of her?...uhmmm."
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˗ˏˋ HAECHAN ˎˊ˗
A stretched out whine erupts from your side on the couch as Haechan sprawls out, stretching his limbs. You giggle while pushing his arms away, they're blocking your view of the movie. Unsatisfied with your reaction, your boyfriend wiggles up beside you, not paying attention to the comedy movie playing on the television screen. Giving Haechan the side eye, you tell him to watch the movie, but he quickly retorts, saying that he's bored. His chin now rests on your shoulder, staring intently at the side of your face, which causes a blush to form on the tips of your cheeks. You turn your head to ask him what he wants, but the words fall short at the proximity of Haechan's face to yours. Flicking his sight from your eyes to your lips, he moves in to connect your lips. The kiss doesn't last long as someone interrupts the both of you with a loud "eww" and another with a mumbled "gross." It's Chenle and Jisung, walking into the kitchen area for a snack. Haechan throws a cushion pillow at the two, ears reddened.
"Shut up! Can I not kiss my girlfriend in peace?"
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˗ˏˋ JAEMIN ˎˊ˗
The last bell for the day rings as you exit the classroom, making your way to your locker. The halls are busy with students, but it soon empties out as everyone quickly heads home. You open the locker, sliding in the textbooks you don't need for tonight's homework. You almost drop a large heavy textbook as someone sneaks up behind you and wrap their arms around your neck. Jaemin's head pops up, smile putting the sun out of its job. He slides next to you, leaning against the rest of the lockers. Jaemin starts to chatter about his day. You listen but focus on packing up the necessary books and notes into your backpack. You slam the locker closed, swinging your backpack over your right shoulder. Not getting the attention he wants, Jaemin swiftly turns, enclosing you in between his arms as they stay planted to both sides of your shoulders. With widened eyes, you glance up at your boyfriend, who's still smiling radiantly, though there is now a hint of playfulness in it. He shuffles forward, the space between you two dwindling, until he's directly in front of you. Your breaths mix as Jaemin's eyes shift to your lips. In no time, his lips meet yours smoothly. You pull away first to catch a breath, face still close to his. Behind Jaemin stands Haechan, Jeno, and Renjun, all giving disgusted stares as they wait for the two of you to break apart before walking home.
"May we help you?"
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˗ˏˋ CHENLE ˎˊ˗
You slide your finger across the page, explaining the history behind the compromise. Sitting next to you in the school library, Chenle writes down all of the information you just defined. Sprawled out on the whole table are many textbooks and articles about the time period of the 19th century, along with colorful pens, highlighters, stick notes, and notes. After hours of teaching your boyfriend, you decide to quiz him on key topics that will probably be on the test tomorrow. You ask a rather simple question to start with. As expected, Chenle answers correctly as you send a thumbs up. He screams with joy after finally being able to understand the concepts and memorize the facts. The librarian sends a stern glare, before resuming to her work. Chenle's eye wonder as he taps his chin, expecting something. You shoot him a questionable look, with a raised eyebrow. Your boyfriend states that for every question he gets correct he should get a reward back. Then, he puckers his lips cutely, making you giggle. You lean over the small table to plant a small kiss on his lips. A book behind you falls from its place on the shelf, causing you to whip around. You catch a glimpse of Jeno and Renjun from the slits in the shelves. Chenle grabs a paperback book near him before chucking it towards the direction of the two boys, whining loudly.
"Go away! We're busy studying..."
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˗ˏˋ JISUNG ˎˊ˗
"Don't worry Jisung, I've got you!" You say, holding onto both of his gloved hands. He wobbles unsteadily, skates staggering against the slippery ice. The whole Dream dorm decided to go ice skating today, which is not Jisung's forte, even if he's an amazing dancer with great coordination. He whines that you're going to fast, though you're going slower than the toddlers around the rink. After skating around at a slow pace, Jisung gets the hang of it, yet he doesn't want to let go of your hand. "Just in case," he says, with a gummy smile. The both you take a stop adjacent to the wall of the ice rink, the tight ice skates really taking a toll on both of your feet. Because of the coldness of the arena, Jisung's cheeks are rosy with pink, the tip of his nose also matching his cheeks. Your boyfriend is bundled up in a beanie, scarf, puffy marshmallow jacket, and gloves, looking as small as ever, even though he still towers over you. Not being able to help it, with how adorable and warm Jisung looks, you lean in and peck his cold lips. Jisung freezes for a second before spilling on the ice and falling to his butt on the hard icy ground.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N not here... Ouch my butt."
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(pls ignore all typos and errors im tiRED)
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peterarth · 4 years
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nocteverbascio · 7 years
Sam and Alex fic idea! Ruby has a soccer game and invited Alex as a thank you for talking to her about Supergirl and ends up getting invited over for dinner at the Arias household afterwards but ends up paying more attention to her mom than to the food~ 😉
this…..turned out so much longer than i expected. i mentioned im a HUGE sucker for single parent AUs right? i am sO ABOUT THIS SHIP like i dont even watch the series anymore but agent reign?? MMM DELIGHTFUL. i took some artistic liberties with this but we all need a good feeling fic right?
1+1=2 (if you want me too)ao3 link
Alex is trained to notice things. It’s part of her job as much as it’s part of her life now. What she seems to notice right now is Sam.
Sam the CFO, the single mom, the friend. There’s a lot going on for Sam and she’s out here doing it on her own. That says a lot to Alex and there’s no higher level of respect that she can have for the woman. But she can also see where Sam does so much that she misses out on some things.
“Hey, I’m so sorry about that,” Sam says as she settles back into the lawn chair next to Alex’s.
“It’s okay,” Alex responds. “Well, it’s okay for me. Ruby scored a few seconds ago off an assist.”
“That’s great!” Sam smiles proudly before cheering for Ruby.
“Ruby was actually looking for you in the crowd. So I don’t know if it’s actually okay.” There’s a small frown on Sam’s face at Alex’s rambling, which makes her feel incredibly guilty. “I’m sorry. I didn’t really know how to put that.”
“No, I should be the one that’s sorry,” Sam says with guilt in her voice. “I’m always working on something even before I started at L-Corp and I haven’t been giving Ruby as much attention as I want to. Or as much as I should really.”
Alex stares sympathetically. She unconsciously reaches for Sam’s hand. “I’m sure she understands. You have an important job after all and you’re trying to provide for your family. Once you get into the groove of things, you’ll be able to find some balance.”
Sam glances at Alex’s hand over hers, which makes Alex blush. There was definitely no reason for Alex to be touching Sam, she’s always been respectful of personal space. Just as Alex thinks to pull away, Sam turns to hand to hold Alex’s still. “Thanks for coming,” she says gratefully. “I know that Ruby invited you, but it’s really nice for me to know someone else is also here to support Ruby.”
“Of course,” Alex responds like it’s no big deal. “I’m more than happy to be here.”
After their conversation, Alex notices that Sam only picks up one phone call for the rest of the match and diverts several calls to her voicemail. While the laptop on her lap stays open, she spends more time trying to find Ruby on the field.
“If I have to be honest, now that I’m actually watching the game I have no idea how it actually works. All I know is that Ruby is the center forward.”
Alex laughs a how charmingly clueless Sam explains herself. “I can help explain if you'd like?” she offers.
Sam smiles gratefully. “I would love that because the internet’s vast knowledge cannot explain soccer to me.”
Alex spends the rest of the game explaining the rules and positions as they come up. When a foul comes up against Ruby, Sam gets up to passionately dispute it. It only makes Alex laugh.
After the game is over Alex helps Sam pack up their lawn chair and lunch bag.
Ruby comes trotting over, bouncing with excitement to see Alex still there.
“Congratulations on the game,” Alex says, earning a happy hug from Ruby that nearly knocks her over. She’s caught off guard and looks over at Sam, who is equally surprised.
“Thanks for coming!” Ruby peels herself away before turning to hug her mom. “I saw you yelling and I was really surprised at you mom.”
“Why are you surprised?” Sam kisses the top of her daughter's head.
“I didn't think you knew anything about soccer.”
Alex snickers because Sam tries to fight the offended look off her face and fails terribly.
She scoffs at Ruby and playfully pushes her. “I had an expert explain the game to me,” she pointedly looks at Alex.
Alex feels the heat rush to her cheeks. The way Sam regards her is playful as it is welcoming. She’d mainly been Kara’s and Lena’s friend so she has to admit it feels different when Sam sends playful jabs her way.
Ruby smiles brightly at Alex that it warms her as well.
“Come on,” Sam gathers her laptop bag and Ruby’s duffel. “We can go home and celebrate your win.”
Ruby bites her lip before looking over her shoulder to the rest of the girls on the team. “Actually mom, do you think I can have some of the girls over?”
Sam looks both surprised and it quickly dissolves into a soft smile. “Sure thing, Rubes.”
Ruby looks relieved at her mom's response and instantly looks over at Alex. “Could Alex come over too?”
Alex is surprised now. “I don’t mind,” and they both look to Sam, “as long as you don't mind of course.”
Sam looks hesitant and Alex is about to say it's perfectly fine and make up an excuse to leave, but then she looks at Ruby, who stares at her hopefully. “The more the merrier,” she answers with a smile.
When Alex arrives about a half hour later because she said she’d stop to get some wine for the adults, Sam opens the door looking flushed and out of breath.
“Hey!” Sam greets, trying to catch her breath.
Alex glances Sam up and down. She’s still wearing the same clothes as earlier, but her hair is slightly mussed, and there’s a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead.
“Hey?” Alex greets. “Is this a bad time?”
Sam’s eyes widen at her state. Her face is adorable and Alex can’t hold back a smile. “I’m so sorry.” She moves to let Alex into the house. “We don’t usually have company, so I sometimes let the house get a little disarray. But Ruby’s been making friends, better friends, and I just wanted to make sure everything is clean and ready for the girls.”
Alex enters the house, not entirely sure what to expect. To her surprise, the living room looks immaculate. There’s no dust, there’s no stains or dirt, everything is neatly organized. “Wow, this is such a mess,” she jokes sarcastically.
Sam lets out a light laugh in response. “I cleaned the living room first, which was a mistake because I spent way too much time and forgot about the other rooms in this house. I’m really sorry, you have to see this.”
Alex quirks her head. “It’s fine, Sam. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“That’s really sweet of you Alex, but I have a stack of dishes and a stove to clean. Not to mention, I’m not sure if I bought enough drinks for the girls or snacks. Shoot! Snacks!”
The spiral that Sam starts manifesting very physically. Alex can see the pulse throbbing at Sam’s neck (not that she’s been staring, it’s just noticeable---her pulse not her neck) and the thin lines on her forehead as she starts to stress. She walks quickly as well, not realizing that she’s been leading Alex towards kitchen, one of the places she actually doesn’t want a guest to witness.
Just as she steps in, Sam does realize that Alex has been following her. She turns so quickly on her heels in the doorway that Alex doesn’t have time to stop and bumps right into her.
Suddenly, their faces are extremely close and their bodies would be pressed against each other, if it weren’t for the wine bottle. Not that the wine bottle helped much because the back of Alex’s hands grasping the neck is pressed into Sam’s chest. Alex usually has better reflexes that that.
“I’m sorry! Maybe, you should stay in the living room? Ruby will be done with her shower soon and it’s in a much better state than this,” Sam says quickly, completely unbothered by their lack of personal space.
Alex has the decency to take a step back, so she can breathe as well. She peers around Sam’s slim shoulders and sees the mess that she’s mortified of. She gets it. There are a surprisingly number of glasses and mugs littered across the counter and island for a household of two. She spies the leaning tower of dishes that are spilling onto the counter as well. It’s more than enough she needs to observe.
“Take this,” Alex holds out the wine bottle for Sam.
Sam takes it with confusion. Alex peels off her leather jacket and hands it to Sam. “What’re you--”
Alex takes step around Sam to get through the small doorway. “I’m going to help you, duh,” she rolls up her sleeves. “You might want to be a good host and put that wine on ice for us.”
Sam stares dumbly. “What? No, you’re my guest.”
“Lucky for you, I am one of the good kind of guests,” Alex says over her shoulder as she opens up the dishwasher. It’s completely empty. “Come on, don’t just stand there. You have a bunch of adolescent girls coming over.” She smiles at Sam, raising her eyebrows playfully.
Sam laughs to herself. “You are incredible. ”
They work together. And after Sam’s initial hesitation in letting Alex help, she relaxes visibly. Alex can see the tension slide off of her shoulders as Alex rinses the dishes to load into the dishwasher before, while Sam sweeps around her. They fall into a coordinated dance almost because Alex can tell when Sam is near and moves her hips and feet around for Sam to do her thing when she starts cleaning the counters. Sam is very insistent that she cleans the stove though, not that it bothers Alex. Alex finds a way to make herself useful.
“So food?” Alex asks.
“I ordered pizza, fries, and wings. I might have over ordered but they’re growing so it’ll be fine.”
“Plates and utensils?”
“In the top cabinet next to the fridge.”
Alex moves to pull them out and sets them down on the island. She turns to the fridge. “You mentioned drinks?” She opens it up and finds a moderately empty fridge. “No drinks?”
It dawns on Sam. “Oh god, I must’ve left them in the car.”
“Hey, what’s going on?” Ruby asks as she enters the kitchen. Her hair is still slightly damp, but she’s clean and out of her soccer uniform.
Sam immediately looks to her daughter. “I might’ve left the drinks and snacks in the car, do you mind grabbing those?”
Ruby nods. “Sure thing, mom.”
“I’ll help,” Alex offers, following Ruby out the back door.
Ruby grabs the keys and leads Alex outside. “Have you been helping my mom this entire time?”
“I’m surprised she let you,” Ruby says as she pops open the trunk to the car in the driveway. “She kind of hates getting help from anyone that’s---you know, not me.”
“I kind of insisted,” Alex admits, feeling a bit sheepish. “Should I not have?”
“Part of me says no because she has like a method to her madness, but I really appreciate it.” Ruby pushes open the trunk and both of them find the bags.
Alex holds out her hands to help grab things and like her mother, Ruby doesn’t realize that Alex is actually there to help. There’s a surprised look on her face before she smiles and thanks her.
Alex and Ruby spend their time unloading the snacks and drinks talking about the game and Supergirl, while Sam works around them, making sure that everything that’s listed on her mind has been checked off. Just as she does that, Alex can’t help but smile because she sees Sam slowly relax; she gets to take a long breath just as the food arrives.
“Mom, you ordered for an army!”
“You are growing, you need all the food you can get.”
“But we’re not boys.”
“Does that mean you can’t eat?”
Ruby opens her mouth only to shut it and Sam stands there is a shit eating grin at her daughter. Alex laughs at their interaction.
Not long after the food arrives, several of Ruby’s teammates start to show up. They end up with a lot more snacks and food than they intended because some of them also contribute chips and dips leaving Sam overwhelmed.
“You and Ruby have a great relationship,” Alex says when they have a minute to hide in the kitchen. Well, Ruby ushers them out out once the girls start playing some board games and switch. Sam isn’t offended, giving her daughter some space but leaving her with a look to let her know immediately if something is wrong. Alex can’t help but notice the way Ruby nods seriously to her mom with a furtive glance over her shoulder.
Sam smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “We try.” She pulls out wine glasses from the cabinet before going to the fridge for the wine.
Alex takes a seat at the kitchen island and stares. “You’re a great mom, Sam.”
Sam raises her eyebrows and lets out a sarcastic, “Suuure.”
“You are.”
Sam opens her mouth to say something but instead she turns around to the drawer to pull out a wine opener.
“What?” Alex asks curiously. “Ruby loves you to pieces.”
Sam turns around with a small sigh. She clasps the wine opener between her hands, fiddling with it as she speaks. “If I’m being honest, sometimes I feel like she’s the one taking care of me.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” Alex tries.
Sam tilts her head, raising her eyebrows. “She’s a kid. She should just be a kid. She’s growing up too quickly. I feel like that’s my fault. I try to make sure she has everything she needs to be a kid but then some mornings I turn around to see her give me a piece of toast because I forgot to eat breakfast.”
Alex looks at Sam sympathetically. “It’s not a bad thing to take care of each other,” she reminds carefully. “It’s what family does.”
“Alex…” Sam doesn’t look like she believes her.
Alex stands up and meets her. “Have you forgotten that when Kara and I were teenagers, I lost my dad?”
“I’m sorry,” she lets out with guilt.
Alex smiles with reassurance. “It was hard for all of us. My mom had to take care of the two of us all on her own and she wasn’t the best mother all the time. Most of the time, Kara and I took care of each other and sometimes we took care of her too. There were plenty of cold meals my mom would have to eat if she got home late from the lab.”
Sam smiles down at the wine opener in her hands, clearly thinking of a similar memory. Alex ducks to meet Sam’s eyes. Sam’s eyes meet hers and Alex can’t help but be mesmerized by the shimmering hazel color.
“The point is,” Alex says lightly, plucking the wine opener from Sam’s hand, fingers brushing very briefly that she feels a spark of electricity between them. She ignores it and turns to grab the bottle of wine. “Family is about taking care of each other. And it never hurts to have a helping hand every once in awhile.” She turns the corkscrew with ease and pops it out that it surprises Sam.
Sam bites her lips thoughtfully at Alex. “I might not always be receptive to your helpfulness, just to let you know. You caught me off guard today.” She reaches for the bottle of wine and her fingers close around Alex’s unconsciously.
Alex feels her throat dry because they’re close again. And once again, their in physical contact. “I don’t mind it at all,” she lets out softer than she intends to. She manages a small smile to lighten the mood.
Sam peels the bottle of wine out of Alex’s hand and glances at her while she pours their glasses. “I hope you know that I am very thankful for everything you’ve done for me to today.” She hands Alex a glass and picks up her own. She holds it in her hand as does Alex, because their eyes meet once more and they stand still. And just stare.
Alex hasn’t realizes how much of Sam she’s noticed throughout the day, but looks beautiful when she smiles without a care in the world, even though it’s short lived.
Both of them turn their attention to Ruby standing in the doorway with a curious look on her face.
Sam clears her throat. “What’s up, kiddo?”
“We were going to start playing Mario Kart and wanted to know if either of you wanted to play?”
Sam smiles. “You know I’m terrible at that game.” There’s a small pout at Ruby’s lips at the mild rejection.
“Yeah and you shouldn’t be drinking and driving,” Alex jokes stepping backwards to go to Ruby. “Come on, I totally crush it at that game.” She throws an arm around Ruby’s shoulder comfortably and guides her back to the living room, throwing a glance over her shoulder. She tilts her head, encouraging Sam to follow at least.
“You’re going to regret saying that,” Sam adds, grabbing the bottle of wine and following them.
At the end of the night when all of the girls are gone, it’s Sam and Ruby once more. Alex stays behind offering help to clean up. Sam is bamboozled when Ruby grabs onto Alex’s arm and starts directing her the minute she offers. There’s a gentle narrowing of her eyes, but she knows Ruby wants her mom to relax. Alex doesn’t mind it at all because she wants the same thing.
Sam cleans up the kitchen while Alex and Ruby clean the living room. She boils water and makes tea for Alex. Ruby oddly enough asks to go to her room to clean up because unlike her mother, she hadn’t decided on cleaning her private space. Alex and Sam stay in the kitchen, drinking tea and chatting about work. A brief moment where Alex can see that Sam, despite a mild derision of how much she has to work, she actually enjoys it. She finds it just as fulfilling when something goes the way its intended as much as she loves Ruby.
“Thanks for today,” Alex finds herself saying as she steps out onto the porch.
Sam shakes her head. “Thank you,” she emphasizes as she steps out, closing the door behind her. “Having you here today was really nice. You are really good with kids.”
Alex tries not to preen but she’s happy to hear that. “I’m glad you say that. I hope one day I’ll be a good mom like you.”
“Well if you ever want a kid, you can always have mine,” Sam jokes glancing back at her house.
Alex’s eyes widen because she knows it’s a joke but....
Sam quickly catches on.Her gently tan cheeks turn pink and it’s barely noticeable under the porch light, but Alex notices with how closely they’re standing. “I meant--Ruby. If you ever want to take my kid away, you could. Well, not like indefinitely, but if you ever wanted to hang out.” She stumbles over her words so quickly that Alex doesn’t feel awkward anymore. She laughs to catch Sam of spiraling once more. There’s a beautiful laugh from Sam as she tries to regain her composure. She facepalms herself before looking at Alex. “I usually wait for the third date to mention kids, so clearly I’m out of practice.”
Alex lets out an incredulous laugh. “Are you saying that this was a date?”
Sam blushes. Honest to god, blushes at the mention. Alex thought she was a nervous mess more than half of the time, but Sam seems to outdo her tonight unexpectedly. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have--I mean, we spent the day together, doing all this domestic stuff, and now we’re standing on my porch like the end of a romcom.”
Alex takes a breath. She’s noticed a lot of things about Sam today. Probably more than she should be privy to, but none of which she minds. And she tries to be calm, instead of a nervous wreck for Sam’s sake. “If this was a romcom, I’d kiss you goodnight and hop on my motorcycle while you watch me ride off,” she jokes in return.
Sam bites her lip and stops breathing. Alex can tell by the way her chest stops moving. Her eyes trail down, subtly, to Alex’s lips. Her eyes dart back up to meet Alex’s. Just as she leans in, the porch light flickers and they look up before they see the curtain move.
“Ruby,” Sam breathes out in disbelief.
Alex rubs the back of her neck nervously. “I should get going,” she offers, trying to make the situation easier for Sam.
Sam swallows with a nod. “Ride back safely.”
Alex nods in agreement before turning to step off the porch. “If you ever need me to spend time with Ruby while you’re busy with work, I’d be more than happy to,” she offers over her shoulder. "You're missing out on the best years of adulthood."
Just as Alex reaches the bottom of the steps, she feels a tug at her hand and turns to find Sam standing before her. Before she can even react, Sam’s hand comes up to cup her cheek and the same between them disappears when their lips press together. Of all the things she noticed about Sam today, Alex commits to memory how soft and pliant Sam’s lips are as they kiss. Sam knows how to kiss. Out of practice? Alex doesn’t think twice of that as she kisses Sam back. Their lips easily slide against each others in concert. Alex hand comes up to cup Sam’s warm cheek.
It starts so quickly, Alex expects it to end the same, but Sam pulls back slowly, drawing Alex towards her. It doesn’t register in her mind that they’ve stopped kissing until she has to breathe in.
“Maybe when I’m not busy, you can spend time with me too,” Sam suggests, biting the corner of her lip as she smiles shyly. She glances up and down Alex before letting her go.
Alex stands in awe as her heart races inside of her. “I’d be more than happy to.” The smile on her face grows infinitely larger.
Sam walks back to her door and Alex walks over to her motorcycle, thumb brushing her lips. She mounts her bike and looks over to see Sam lingering at the door. Then she realizes what Sam’s waiting for. She smiles at Sam before pulling on her helmet.
Alex turns on her motorcycle and kicks off the stand. She gives one last look to Sam waving goodbye to her before riding off into the night.
Just like a romcom.
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survivor-kuang-si · 7 years
Episode 1: “I’m shaking in my crocs.” - Tyler
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Okay so to begin my game I've started to attach myself to everyone. I'm trying to communicate with them to the best of my ability. However, Kai searching for the idol is pretty suspect if you ask me. I'll keep him close to see what he makes out to be. Other than that, I want to try and be everyone's best friend, but then get them out when necessary. From first impressions, I feel like I can trust Devon and Brendan. Danganronpa solidarity. However, Alexa may be targeted for being the only girl on an otherwise all-guys tribe. If she does get targeted, I want to try and save her so she's in my pocket. Let's play some survivor!
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 Already straight out of the gate these people are boring me. I woke up super early cause here i am thinking all these Americans will be awake for this. But nope, pretty much no one is online. Quite frankly, i'm thinking of sueing.
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  Ahhhh I'm so glad I'm here! It's exciting
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 So Turkey just asked me to be his first ally seems like a stand up guy that I can get along with. In small tribes you can never be comfortable but pairs have run the game before.
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 So the game has just officially started! I'm starting to get a feel for everyone and I'm liking some of my options. I started having a conversation with David and straight away knew I wanted an alliance with him. He seems dumb and I like dumb because it usually means they are easier to manipulate. I would love to hire all the dumb people to be my firing squad, after all they're all just expendable sheep.
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Heyo. So, after taking a look at the roster, I don't think that I stand a chance to win, as I'm the only non-native English speaker. From my experience, I should avoid "standing out".
So to not stand out even more, I won't be getting a really high score in the first game. 
I won't look for a hidden idol either. The people aren't too talkative so far, which really isn't a bad thing. I can just blend in, hopefully. Let's see where we go from here by laying low :)
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 This reward challenge is so infuriating, i ended up getting a really good score eventhough i have 0 clue how, but hey, i'll roll with it. David just told the tribe that he can't participate in this reward challenge as his plane was delayed 5 hours. Not good enough David. I expect you to get in that control tower and sort out the planes yourself.
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I hate winterbells, I hate it with avengence. The annoying bunny, the annoying bells and the annoying music!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!
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 With two members of Tanha being mutes i'm feeling pretty safe if we were to go into tribal. Myself, David, Andreas and Amanda are the only people talking in the group chat. This leaves Valentina and Haylei on the outs and hopefully they're some low hanging fruit to pick off. David has already come to me trying to lock them in, so i'm going to stand back and let him be the boss because its way too early for me to want to stand out. You can play in the mud, i'll stand here and watch.
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 Couple Things: 
1. I hate Winterbells. 2. Stix's comment about how he was going to vote rubbed me the wrong way. It's just like, keep it to yourself. If you are just going to be out in the open about how you are going to play, I don't think I could trust you to keep secrets safe. All in all, I would rather keep him at arm's length with information. I can see him playing a very loyal game though, so that helps me if he wants to work together. 3. Brandon came to me and offered to work together. Of course I said yes. We both like Danganronpa and we both seem to have similar tastes in games. I want him to be my ride-or-die since he came to me first and all. I think right now is too early to make any moves, though. So we'll just wait and see 4. Alexa has a HUGE score. I want either me or Brandon to buddy up with her so we can find out what she did at the Garden of Eden.
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  So we're doing this first immunity challenge and all I can think is, wow, my teams killing it! Why should I kill myself when 1) we are already doing so good. ANd 2) I don't have a target on my back at all. So you bet your ass I did a minimum job and also lied to my tribe! Now I just gotta hope they don't figure out that I lied, but if they do, I feel pretty comfortable in my abilities to talk my way out of it.
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okay so I've been doing pretty good in this challenge, i think lmfao, and my tribe is like "33k" "160k" When im over here fucking getting close to 1million. Thank god this is a reward challenge but im really hoping that the other tribe suck ass as much as my tribe does lmfao. Also, im not in this community but i thought i'd try it out, but everyone says "akfadkdfkagklag" im like wtf
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 I really like my tribe! Everyone is pretty active and nice! Kai has flawless opinions on BB19, Stix and I are from the same city, Branden and I are both from tengaged which is surprising since I didn't think anyone from tengaged would be playign this season, Devon is pretty quiet but that's okay I know he's been busy with work the first few days and Rafael is pretty fun to talk to.
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  So i scored the best challenge score on my tribe! Which honestly wasn't hard, they're all very incompetent. Looking at some of the scores from other tribes, im shaking in my crocs. So i get sent to the garden of Eden with Brandan and McKenna. We have a riveting conversation on call and all decide not to take that lovely temptation. Well i mean i said i wouldn't. I want that idol! I came here to play so honey, you're gonna have to hand over that clue. I wouldn't call it lying, i mean if i told them i was going to take it they'd have a one up on me, and we cant have that. So now i have to throw the immunity challenge! Sorry Tahna, looks like i accidently slept threw the entire challenge! After all i am Australian! David has just told me that i'm his number 1 and I guess he is my number 1 as well, but that doesnt mean im telling him i have the idol clue! Also because i told him 'all about what happened in Eden' he promised to tell me what happened if he was to go in. Sorry David ;)
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 The tribe winning the reward really raises moral. That advantage will be super useful for the upcoming immunity. The tribe has decided to go and give the extra life to Brandan since he did get the highest score on the reward challenge. This might get him labeled as comp beast, and thus targeted. For immunity, the plan is to target one tribe and get them out so it ends the challenge quickly and efficiently. I came up with the plan, and have been the most active in the chat. I'm scared of this since it would make me look like a leader, and being a leader puts a target on your back. I doesn't bode well with me. Other than that, I think if we did go to tribal, I would vote out Stix since he has been a bit aloof during the time the game has started. I would like to continue working with Brandan, but have also grown fond of Kai. If Kai, Brandan, and I were in an alliance, that would be my ideal scenario. Raffy logging out!
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 I'm trying to convince McKenna or Ally to take on my ideal plan for the challenge as my own, I do not want to put my name out and be singled out if the plan fails. My plan: I'm trying to get our whole tribe to 'shoot' at the Tanha members, send them to tribal because Koalang has an advantage. I personally believe the advantage is an auto dodge if they can't get it off. If Aphi Sa coordinates shots on Tanha, Koalong might tag along and send them to tribial instead of us. Obviously, I don't feel 100% safe, I'm going to be working at the beginning of the challenge. If I get shot while I can't get on my phone, I'm out. I am trying to implement a tribe plan for the challenge without tagging my name on as I can't be there to lead the troops out of the gate.
My tribe is hard to get the correct feel of, I'm not sure if I'm talking to much to them or if they appreciate me having something to read. As far as alliance members go, I am currently trying to find who I would like to be most loyal to in this game. Zach is a strong front runner, as well as Charlotte. I like Ally and McKenna, but McKenna seems like the most likely to "Caesar me" JG is my ideal first boot if it comes to it. He doesn't talk in tribe and has not responded to my pms. Maybe they're all PMing behind me but I doubt it, our tribe chat is DEAD.
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 Took a little sneaky peek for the idol. I have to come back again! I was so close! Bloody Mitchell flashing all his idols
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 It's annoying that we didn't get anywhere in the challenge. I know some people struggled but I'm like seriously, I struggled and you got less than me, really? I think some weren't really trying and if that happens again I won't be impressed!
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 This idol clue was actually such an amazing advantage! After looking for the idol i realised that there was no way anyone could find the idol without the clue. So i know where im looking next round! I am encouraging people from my tribe to look for it so i can seem like a 'team player'. When really, they have no hope.
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 I think I've placed myself really well socially in the game. I've been talking and bonding with everyone in the tribe. Though I doubt we will go to tribal. Our strategy is solid. The only change is that we've decided to go for the other tribe as one of their members, Tyler, basically threw the challenge by typing in the sharpshooter chat before the challenge began. Now tey are down to 5 members. This should be easy.
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 We just slammed this contest like what the hell , you're not going to show up , I was just in a finale and had a funeral to go to and I was here , LOL THESE PEOPLE ARE JOKES
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well that challenge was easy and I think i have very good social bonds right now and I hope I have something flowing with Ally and EG. Zach is chill but I think hes chill with everyone, charlotte is basically inactive and idk hes just weird lmfao, ian just talks to me but we never even formed anything hah
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 OMFG what rubbish pile of poo tribe have you put me on. I am so so peed off right now. Considering I am the one with the bad timezone here...... URGH. I was gonna write a long complicated one and I am actually so beyond peed off I don't think I can. I'd better not go I am telling you that much. An 8 hour task and they lasted 16 fecking mins. Hardly anyone talks and noones putting any effort in.
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AS expected, the plan worked flawlessy. Aphi Sa even helped out to take down the other tribe. It went smoothly, but Amanda really pulled it out even if she had no one but herself. I'm impressed and kind of sad. Sad that a simple typo brought her down. If she got to the merge or if I end up with her in a tribe, I would definitely love to work with her.
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Yay we won both challenges! To recap my day a bit, I'm now in two separate duo alliances! I'm in #TeamBuffalo with Stix and Team Tengaged with Brandan, I really like both of them and Rafael so hopefully us 4 could possibly form a larger alliance together? We'll have to see.
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 Ahhhh I'm so happy we won but I definitely think Amanda should get some sort of reward for doing that because the only thing that stopped her from winning was bad spelling.
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 Just won our first immunity! My tribe is unstoppable and my plan is working great. I'm keeping a really strong social connection, while also making myself look like I'm beatable in challenges individually! You think firing at 6:06 was a mistake?....oh boy are you wrong. If I'm gonna win this thing, my plan needs to keep going Day by day. Just a little more than the day before. But I'll tell you what, next immunity challenge, if we somehow don't win. I'm ready to make a big move already.
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 Well that's fabulous 0 for 2 *strikes pose* Go team.
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 Okay, so Brandon has made an alliance with him, Kai, Alexa, and I. While I'm all for an alliance, with six people on this tribe, it really seems easy for it to fall apart. Unless, we don't go to tribal until three tribes become two, I don't see this alliance lasting too long. But at least the two people I want to work with (Kai and Brandon) are with me. Alexa, if it comes down to it, will go out of everyone. For now, however, I need to up my social game with Kai and Brandon so they will want me around more than Alexa. Devon is also someone I feel like I can trust. A side duo with me will be pretty good for me. My tribe rankings would be: 1. Brandon (since he seems to be in everyone's ears and already calling strategic shots) 2. Me (not first because I haven't started strategizing with people) 3. Kai (third most active and useful in challenges) 4. Alexa (she's in by no means a bad spot. The reward challenge should make her higher, but she also doesn't interact as much. I consider her the bottom of the alliance) 5. Devon (sort of just there. A floater) 6. Stix (Bottom of the tribe. A bit aloof when it comes to conversation. Nice guy though)
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 Aphi Sa represent! A two round Sharpshooter win has to be something to be proud of right? Full offense to Koalang, we carried you that challenge. Tanha, it was nothing personal we just wanted the advantage to be a non issue and from your reward scores, you seemed like the tribe that would have the least active at the beginning. When Tyler started typing in the challenge chat before the game started I kept thinking to myself, "Do it, come on do it, press enter!" That two round win is my strategic win, I came up with the plan to target Tanha, sorry, I came up with the idea that we do a spread offensive first round to take out the afk's at the start, I was the one who gave the list to the tribe of the names on the other tribes. I did that... with the help of my tribe. Ally is the only person in this game that knows that I was the mind behind a 15 minute challenge, I had to work so I was only going to be active for 3 or 4 rounds so I spent the time leading up to the challenge thinking of routes the challenge that could take and the fastest way to win it for my tribe whilst I could take part or set them up for success in my absence. I reiterate spread offense, logically I wouldn't be the only one who could only participate for so long and hit the people that would be in my boat. Then tactical strikes on the ones that dodge, sadly for Amanda she was the only one on her tribe who participated. My hat's off to you girl, 9 dodges in one round, I couldn't do it, alas a spelling error got you. Can happen to anyone one when the game is on the line and you know everyone is coming for you. Ally proved vital in my quest to get my plan portrayed to the tribe while making everyone feel like they were part of the discussion. In our tribal discussion she helped sway the conversation to points that would emphasis the plan I pm'd her about for the challenge. Hopefully this is indicative of a partnership I would like to have in this game. Everyone felt included, everyone felt vital. Aphi Sa is safe, as great coaches say, “We're on to the next Challenge.”
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 Hello ladies and gentlemen, lovers and fighters, high tops and sober bottoms, it is MISS Kelsey Mikaelson, coming to you live and in colour~! That's right, she's back in the business, ready to fight for the crown! And, surprise surprise, no one's talking to her! LOL, let me stop the third person. Entering this season, I was actually quite excited due to the chance to play with actual, like...new people like myself instead all those flops who win a season per month. However, against my expectations, I'm accepted less with these new people than usual XDDD I don't feel like anyone in the tribe is really...like, happy to see me or enjoying speaking with me. It's just not a nice air but what else other than jealousy can start off a season like this? ;) I really wish Tahna won the immunity challenge but that didn't happen so...I've just got to push myself to talk to these people, as much as they don't want to talk to me. Let's hope I don't go home first, that wouldn't be too good a look. If I can make it through this one, I've got a knack I can last so...let's put our hearts up for this one! Wish me luck, loves! ^__^ And THAT'S all there is to it! The body is HERRRREEE! -Kelsey Mikaelson
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 Yeah, we were the target to go at the challenge, and it was sad to see us going down so quick, but oh well. With one person attending, that's just how it goes. Not much more to add here :)
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 Okay so i'll give like a brief "initial thoughts" run through of everyone, where I stand, and how i'm feeling about the overall game. So, without further ado, let's introduce my fellow tribe mates! First we have Ally. So her and I briefly talked, and it was the minimal type of conversation. I heard from a fellow friend of mine that she is extremely loyal, trustworthy, and likeable, and that I should attempt to befriend her. My goal for the upcoming days is to grow really close with her, and try to form a solidified bond. Next, we have Charlotte. I know of her from another ORG, in which I evicted her (but it was an unanimous vote so let's hope it's not impacting on our relationship). Similar to Ally, we briefly talked on the first day, and it was more about other things opposed to just the simple "hey what's up!" talk, so that's something. I'll probably try to strengthen my relationship with her slightly. Ian's next. He's a goofy person to be honest. I think out of everyone, i've talked to him the most. He's not the most... relatable or easiest to talk to, but he's chill. I think I could see myself working with him to an extent, purely for the benefit of my game, but nonetheless, I need to keep talking to him! Following Ian, we have JG. I have not spoken one, single word to him/them/her. The reasoning is that I want to start a little bit, so we have a bond, but I need someone I can vote out first. Unfortunately, for the luck of draw and timing, they're the one I chose. Maybe things could change though? Who knows. The last individual we have is Mckenna. I really like her, and her and I talked a lot about various things and she has straight out asked me to work together. I said yes, because I do. The only issue with Mckenna is that I think she's playing a social, snake-like game, and i'm a little worried, but it's kind of too early to call. So in conclusion of the initial thoughts, I think I stand okay with everyone. I'm going to try to be more active and helpful so that i'm an attribute to keep around, because quite frankly I want to win. Now, for my strategy. Like every game i've ever played, my intent is to be a strategic goddess. However, I want to revamp that and focus on my social game. In Bahamas (shout out to Dana), my game was purely social, and I made it to final three, placing second and LOSING by one vote against Dana. Strategy was an aspect of my game, but not everything to me. This time, as it's a main season, i'm putting all my energy into this. I'm going to attempt to be manipulative, and run the merge phase and win. Obviously, I won't, i'm too cocky, but that's my hopes and dreams. I want to excel strategically and socially, and be okay competitively. One thing i'm excited for is that this game, I plan on being extremely cutthroat. Will that bite me in the ass? More than likely, but whom cares. I want to be fun, entertaining, and play hard, and if I lose because lack of respect... whatever. But keep in mind that may be subject to change as i'll probably develop secured relationships, and be really nice and loveable. I need to work on my jury management skills, so maybe i'll tell people if i'm voting them off. WOOO That's it for now! Sorry about my ramble! Talk to y'all soon!
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 Challenge = Thrown , I'm not going to lie, i didn't mean to send a message to the challenge chat, but i'll take it cause it actually ended up working in my favour! My tribe is from places all over the world and the only person who actually participated was Amanda, which i find hilarious. Annnnd the only person that Amanda wasn't angry at wasn't me🤷🏼‍♂️. Look at me go. We lost the challenge 😭. David and Fairy (Andreas) both talked to me prior to the challenge, and we shared gentle words about how we wanted Haylei absolutely eradicated from our tribe. And what do you know, we all just end up talking about this in the tribe chat, it's not like Haylei will ever log on to see it. It's nice in rounds like these where the vote is obvious, to step back and let others feel like they're in charge, gettem nice and comfortable *Pretty aggressive and Malicious Laughter*
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Job Research - Advertised Design Jobs That Interest Me
Job 1:
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How well they match:
This job would match quite well as it is a junior digital design position and would be great as a job after graduation. It also matches my interests in creating artworks and motion graphic design.
What the job involves:
Brighterbox is a company in the influencer marketing space that helps brands and agencies find, match and report on creator relationships through insights and data-driven intelligence.
Creating digital and offline marketing and event materials
Designing artwork for the brand’s website and social media
Creating static and animated presentations
Interpreting audience data into easily digestible, creative audience insights
Ensuring the overall brand identity is adhered to across a host of touch points
Skills required:
A degree in Graphic Design or similar
Proactive creative flair
Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator skills
Powerpoint and being able to put together presentations quickly and effortlessly
Understanding of current design trends and styles
Excellent English (written and oral)
Has to love branding and telling stories
Bonus Points for video and animation skills
Skills required:
A degree in Graphic Design or similar
Proactive creative flair
Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator skills
Powerpoint and being able to put together presentations quickly and effortlessly
Understanding of current design trends and styles
Excellent English (written and oral)
Has to love branding and telling stories
Bonus Points for video and animation skills
Where they work: Central London
Hours: Full-Time
Salary range: Not specified
Role with a future?
This internship is supposed to lead to a permanent position if I did a good job and got along well with everyone. I believe it might even lead to a higher position within in the company, possibly a senior digital designer after a couple of years. I don’t think I would want to do this job for a large amount of time, but it would give me the necessary work experience in order to move on to other jobs in other companies.
How would I get this job?
I would have to have a degree in a Design course (grade not specified) which I hopefully will do in a few months’ time. I will need strongly creative portfolio to showcase my design skills and an understanding of branding and design trends. I would be most likely to get this job by demonstrating my video and animation skills as they said in the job description that that would get the candidate bonus points.
Would this be a good career for me?
I think this would be a good starting point for me as the job involves the sort of skills that have already gained through work experience and throughout my course at university.
Job 2:
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How well they match:
This job fits quite well as they’re looking for a Junior Digital Designer and it matches my skill set.
What the job involves:
Createselect is a creative marketing agency that works to the goal of developing and executing exemplary integrated campaigns for their clients.
Help to create web experiences for client’s digital campaigns
Create assets including advertising, emails, social media, websites, animation and video content, as well as some print (from initial idea through to final product)
Skills required:
Extremely creative
Portfolio demonstrating understanding of layout, typography and attention to detail
Agency experience
Examples of designing the digital space
Where they work: Central London
Hours: Full Time
Salary range: Up to £25.000 per year depending on experience
Role with a future?
I believe this job would lead to higher positions as they advertise in their job description that they “help develop their staff and push them forward in their career”.
How would I get this job?
As I don’t have any agency experience yet I don’t think I might be able to get this job. I can imagine that they possibly would consider me if I had a very good degree and strong portfolio. However, I might have to gain relevant agency work experience somewhere else first.
Would this be a good career for me?
I’m sure that this would be a good career for me as the company seems to be very modern, creative and a good company to work for.
Job 3:
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How well they match:
This job matches really well as it matches my skills set and I’m a fan of the brand Urban Outfitters as well as their overall brand design.
What the job involves:
The Junior Digital Designer is responsible for assisting in the creation and execution of the visual identity for the brand Urban Outfitters through ecommerce website and digital marketing materials including collaborating with designers to carry out design and production of graphics for all facets of the UO brand.
Create visual assets of Urban Outfitters digital marketing channels (email marketing campaign, lookbooks, editorial layouts, paid media, app, etc.)
Create clean formatted InDesign files, and web ready graphics
Work with project coordinator to maintain deadlines
Communicate with designers, developers and project coordinator on weekly objectives and help facilitate execution of projects with limited timelines
Collaborate with designers to create new graphics seasonal direction
Develop graphic systems that are not just visually engaging but make sense for the brand
Skills required:
BA in Graphic or Communication Design, or one year equivalent experience
Highly proficient in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Creative Suite on a Mac Platform
Detail oriented and highly organised
Advanced understanding of digital formats across screen sizes and devices
Good understanding of web technologies and standards
Expert in creating web ready artwork
Ability to handle multiple design projects in a fast paced weekly workflow
Past experience in retail or fashion related industry is a plus
Where they work: London
Hours: not specified, but I’m assuming it is full-time
Salary range: Competitive Salary Plus Benefits
Role with a future?
I’m assuming this role has the potential to lead to higher position within the Urban Outfitters design team.
How would I get this job?
I would need a degree in a Design subject and a strong creative portfolio. In the interview process I would have to show good communication skills and my ability to multitask.
Would this be a good career for me?
This might be a good career for me as I really like this brand. I’m not sure if I would want to work for such a big brand straight away though as it seems to be extremely stressful and possibly difficult incorporate personal creativity as the brand already has a really good design and identity.
My Career Aspirations
In the first year after finishing my degree I don’t think I want to go straight into a design job as I think I am not quite ready for it yet. I want/need to further develop my portfolio, personal art style and After Effects and Illustrator skills while working other jobs part-time.
After this I would like to try to get some work experience and start applying to internships. Hopefully if this works out I might be able to apply for Junior Design jobs, such as Junior Digital Designer or Motion Graphics Designer. As my preferred area is Animation and Motion Graphic Design I will try to get a job in this field. It would be nice to work for a smaller company at first and then possibly move on to a bigger company later in my career.
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #3- “HELL NO”- Sam
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The tribes were presented with an immunity challenge offering up an advantage at the cost of losing your tribe immunity.  A few people pondered taking it trying to think of excuses they could use for doing it.  After 20 hours of no one taking it the rules changed that during the last hour you could get it anonymously.  This sparked everyone's interest and almost every player intended on messaging right at 10pm to claim the advantage.  Once the Three Muskequeers alliance found out that Austin was looking to snatch it up, and them wanting to vote him out anyway, Sam decided she would tell her alliance she would claim the advantage publicly so no one else could get it.  Sam received the Sapphire Idol.  Austin was voted out unanimously.
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One of these fuckups is gonna take the advantage and we're gonna go back to tribal and my idiot ass is gonna have to pick a damn side already and make at least two enemies. This is not what I want. This is not what I planned. And I just gotta say-y-y. I do not understand!
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So Regan just left and I'm relieved cause I knew right from the beginning that I would have a huge target with her being here. Sucks cause it would have been nice to play a season with her but oh well. Anyways, the immunity is "Temptation" and as of now Lydia, Sam, and I are contemplating on throwing the challenge. Not gonna lie I'm extremely tempted to take it advantage for myself personally and here's why 1. I can take the advantage and our tribe can easily vote out Austin, making him the third boot for the third time in a row cause no one has a good feeling about him (ngl that'd be really funny to see happen sorry Austin) 2. I can lie and tell people the advantage was the Amulet of Abduction (obviously keeping the real advantage to myself) and tell people I'm gonna use that after this tribal just to relieve the target off of my back. Right now Lydia and Sam are saying Jessy/Matt are on the bottom so by saving one of them I can obtain allies for down the road 3. I can make the message look like I'm saying hello and getting ready for work and say "i thought i was talking in the tribe chat" and really apologize for what I did so I'll tell everyone in the tribe that I got the amulet and I'm just gonna use it next round just so that way its off my chest cause I "didn't want it in the first place" The only thing is it might look suspicious to everyone. But if I really play the message up like an error and apologize for it I might be able to get away with it. MIGHT.... this would be a really risky move to make early on in the game. However, you need to take risks in order to do well. It truly just all depends on the timing of it all, and when an opportunity to make a big move presents itself one should normally take it. This is just a late night idea though so I need to do some investigating on the "Matt/Jessy" tea before really putting my plan into effect 
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Okay I know I just submitted a video but also like. With this challenge we can literally coordinate for one of us in the 5 person alliance to get the advantage so that no one from the other tribe gets it and Austin or Connor doesn't get it. I don't see anyone (including myself) stepping up to the hypothetical plate but hey, ya never know. It would also just make sense because if we go to the tribal, we as an alliance with someone holding the advantage safely could just get together to vote out Austin or Connor anyway. I might talk to Scott and/or David about it tomorrow if the stand off is still happening at that time.
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Can't wait to be third boot
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it took 11 days for my internet to come back where it should've only took 3 days
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I'm actually mad at Regan for how little I could trust her after she made up that lie about me getting votes because she said something near the end that was probably a lie, but if it wasn't, would have badass ramifications to the game. Like it's brilliant. So when I pressed her about her "vote stealer" she changed her story completely and said it was an obsidian idol, originally from India. It's something you give to someone else and convince them to play on themselves, and if they do, they lose their vote at the tribal they play it on, or get a self-vote, or something. I don't know the exact specifics. And chances are Regan was just looking for a new lie when I seemed to be leaning on her vote stealer a little too heavily and she realized it wouldn't work, and India was fresh in her mind and also her season so she said the first thing she thought of. I know this. But what if she actually did get one? What if as a reward for choosing to become captain, you get a power or advantage that was given in the season you hosted? What if, in our choices of who becomes captain, we're actually shaping the game in terms of the powers that are in play? I don't know that it's actually the case because like a lot of seasons didn't have specialty items, I don't think Solomon did, I don't think Sri Lanka did, I know Malaysia didn't (although Machu might've but whatever). But like seriously, how insanely spectacular would that be? IDK I don't think there are enough powers from these seasons to pull that off so for now it's just future ideas. But if it somehow is happening, YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!
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NNNNNN I wanna take the advantage anonymously so bad. The thing is, we would probably just vote out Austin. But the one round I said I really wouldn't wanna vote him is the 3rd boot round. So then it would have to be Connor because he's the other one not in the alliance. But I don't wanna vote Connor. And like the other thing is, my alliance could very well just decide that one of us take it and then vote out Austin. Idk. If we lose anyway I would wanna take him out. I'm just hoping no one does from my tribe without it being someone in the alliance and them telling us. Because then that would cause paranoia. I hate this so so so so much I just want the other tribe to lose please and thank you.
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[9:26:20 PM] Jessy: I bet I'm the only one being entertaining on this tribe rn.. [9:26:20 PM] Jessy: BKLMSDAKFMLSA [9:26:32 PM] Jessy: mj in his conf chat: Ugh have you watched this movie Trevor? It's 10/10 stars. [9:26:47 PM] Jessy: allison: TREVOR WHY'D YOU SEND AN EMOJI HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS OUR PMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9:27:10 PM] Jessy: drew: Omg lol Matt just gave me an advantage and I can't wait to find an idol [9:27:24 PM] Jessy: matt: silence [9:27:40 PM] Jessy: connor: OMG I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9:27:56 PM] Jessy: josh: Hey I'm not gonna have internet for a few more days just to let you know haha [9:28:13 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Make a confessional
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https://68.media.tumblr.com/c57a58f0d413bbb47589990910d5c2f5/tumblr_o7liixFGQM1snwhbeo7_250.gif I was not planning on doing that but Austin really just set me off and I want him fucking gone! https://68.media.tumblr.com/919b9070e70a645f869822d991e664af/tumblr_oh0gstX39L1snwhbeo1_250.gif You don't get to use personality flaw and aspergers in the same sentence especially without knowing a persons history. https://68.media.tumblr.com/82bf4dc25677985e228d96635b18699e/tumblr_oh0gstX39L1snwhbeo3_250.gif https://68.media.tumblr.com/8421828988b62d30cbdb3e8125a38a7a/tumblr_o75h0o1okf1snwhbeo8_250.gif Like fucking night one he's like "i live in florida like trump" 1) doesn't trump live in the fucking white house?? 2) don't fucking mention trump around gays 3) then don't say "i don't like talking about politics cause people judge me" LIKE IF YOU DONT BRING IT UP IM NOT GONNA ASK! https://68.media.tumblr.com/bbae53b6b5edeaa0b19e2c673c56a1ad/tumblr_inline_o6vzilQPBb1rjyihp_500.gif anyways he told scoot he was gonna go for it at 10 so I was like HELL NO so I put a gay smile to make sure he couldn't get it. oops! then austin was like "oh that must suck for people who wanted it" sucks to be you austin. I really hope he goes and I didn't just get myself voted out...
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RIP cause I said I would make a video but didn't feel like doing so Anyways, after waking up and going to work, I realized it would be dumb for me to pull my late night idea. I don't think I have strong relationships to really get away with pulling this off. Plus after I spoke with Sam and Lydia, they don't think the Amulet is the item being given out. So I really don't think it would work and I would have really put a huge target on my back. Plus for all I know we may swap next round so you never really know what could happen. However, it was brought to my attention through Austin that he wanted to go for the advantage once it was revealed he could get it anonymously. I do not approve of this because he's the one that I want voted out more than anyone else, so I immediately brought it to Sam and Lydia. We basically decided it would be best to snatch it now, and vote him out while we have the opportunity to do so. Sam snatched that quicker than anyone else, and she ended up getting the Sapphire Idol (lord i better not be the victim of it again). Austin also made a controversial comment to Sam by saying he doesn't like his step-siblings being autistic, so at this point I am ready for him to go. It really is difficult getting a message from him every morning because I know the conversations I have with him are not genuine and like I want to actually have friends out of this (and win), but it would be nice to have friends. All I know is we definitely won't be friends after this game
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[12:19:09 AM] Jessy: I can't believe Sam McCanada is here to vote me off for a third time [12:19:10 AM] Jessy: LKBJASKLDFJSDAKLFASDLM [12:19:13 AM] Jessy: LIKE [12:20:03 AM] Jessy: i need to have [12:20:04 AM] Jessy: a SERIOUS convo w mj. [12:20:10 AM] Jessy: listen idc if ure fuck buddies with connah. [12:20:12 AM] Jessy: HE'S WITH THEM! [12:20:20 AM] Jessy: and idc if ur BUTT buddies with lydia. [12:20:22 AM] Jessy: SHES WITH THEM! [7:48:51 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Fuck buddies sgajdjdkdkfc [5:26:40 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Congratulations!  You have found the Tatzelwurm.  The longer you hold on to it the stronger it becomes.  You will be updated along the way as it's power grows. [5:27:06 PM] Jessy: Omg? [5:28:26 PM] Jessy: HAHA SAM FUCK THAT! [5:28:32 PM] Jessy: I HAVE A TATZELWURM! [5:28:37 PM] Jessy: UR IDOL CANT COMPARE! [5:33:31 PM] Jessy: Whew I did that [5:38:39 PM] Jessy: I'm not telling matt fuck him [5:38:39 PM] Jessy: LSJSLKJJK [5:38:44 PM] Jessy: he's gna work w/ lydia [5:39:06 PM] Jessy: if this was one world? [5:39:11 PM] Jessy: me: DAVID AND SCOTT BLINDSIDE HA!
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Austin is CRACKT! He really does think he is running this tribe and boy he aint. Sam, Andrew, Scott and I have a 4 person alliance and we will be so set for a swap and for a few more rounds after that especially since Sam has the Saaphire idol! I really hope this group sticks together because I love it so much
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It's official, Austin is going home and I am so ecstatic!! Everyone is on board and he should be going 6-1 if everything goes as planned. Hopefully it does. Right now I'm on a call with the Ice Scream chat (prev. Pure Four) and we are so relieved that he is going home soon. Praise the lord
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