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Tumblr Survivor: Hosts - The Ryukyu Islands. Hosted by Trevor.
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Ep.#12: “No Reason To Lie To Anyone, It’s Final 4″ - Connah
me rn
voted for allison twice, voted for scott twice and voted for jessy once and i'm sitting here in the final 4 with them dfgdhgdd
i'm honestly over fighting with allison. she obviously doesn't care what the jury thinks about her game when we're literally the people who have the final say on who wins. instead of arguing with us and telling us our opinions are invalid, maybe listen and change your game to fit in a way that would earn you the votes. god i really don't like her i'm sorry
here's what i've had to suffer through the past half an hour [1:52:49 PM] connah. i guess.: what information did you give to mj? [2:06:51 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I literally fed him information and tried to save him premerge and he told me nothing [2:07:08 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And then I was trying to get him to vote Jessy because I didn't know she had immunity. [2:08:00 PM] connah. i guess.: oh well i wasnt there for that first bit [2:08:17 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Like, it's hard being told that I had to talk to people [2:08:22 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): When I did [2:08:25 PM] connah. i guess.: but tbh mj and i knew jessy had immunity because she told us about it and she told is she told you as well [2:08:31 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And was ignored or fed lies. [2:08:43 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): It was before I knew she had it. [2:08:48 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And he didn't respond to it [2:08:53 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): So I was like? [2:09:02 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Why give you the new information? [2:09:16 PM] connah. i guess.: i was informed that jessy told you 10 minutes after results [2:09:26 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): She did not for like an hour. [2:09:37 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because I spent that hour trying to formulate a way to make a move [2:09:50 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): But trying to work around not knowing who had immunity. [2:10:03 PM] connah. i guess.: yeah and didnt you tell mj the next day to vote jessy? sweaty no reason to lie anymore its final 4 [2:10:16 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I did. [2:10:18 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): The next day. [2:10:21 PM] connah. i guess.: we also knew the entire day you guys were splitting votes [2:10:25 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because I literally tried to work with him and he didn't care. [2:10:33 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I know Jessy has been feeding you information [2:10:35 PM] connah. i guess.: so why are you complaining about us lying when you do it too? [2:10:37 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And that's why you like her. [2:10:48 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And that's why she is playing a good game. [2:10:55 PM] connah. i guess.: because jessy is open to making a move and helping us advance [2:10:59 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And me not needing to do that means I'm a bad player [2:11:04 PM] connah. i guess.: connor voice: a pagonging isnt cute [2:11:12 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Why would I want to help you advance when you aren't beneficial to my game. [2:11:18 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): It's literally not a pagonging. [2:11:24 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Looks at Andrew and Connor [2:12:01 PM] connah. i guess.: ummm it still is when theres been a consistent majority since final 9 [2:12:51 PM] connah. i guess.: the only reason connor left is because jessy's not afraid to make a move to benefit her game and gain jury votes, if you're not willing to work with different people, we arent gonna know what game youre playing thats just how it works [2:12:56 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): That we literally had to fight our way from minority to get [2:13:01 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I literally tried [2:13:06 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): You keep saying I'm not willing [2:13:07 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I tried [2:13:09 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I got no response [2:13:17 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I stopped caring because you didn't want to work with me [2:13:26 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Period. The end. [2:13:28 PM] connah. i guess.: yall were in minority for one round please and at least i was open to communicating about the game at that point [2:13:30 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): You can say what you want [2:13:37 PM] connah. i guess.: allison [2:13:38 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): But you continued to lie to me [2:13:41 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): But I tried [2:13:49 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And you saying I didn't just because I didn't want to. [2:13:55 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): When I did [2:13:57 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And I tried [2:14:00 PM] connah. i guess.: you have not once come to me and said i want to work with you and make a move [2:14:01 PM] connah. i guess.: not once [2:14:08 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): More than anything in this game I wanted to work with you [2:14:13 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because you voted with MJ every round [2:14:17 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Why would you flip on him. [2:14:22 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): You were an obvious F2 [2:14:27 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And he was the person I wanted gone [2:14:28 PM] connah. i guess.: that makes me think youre not ever interested so why would i bother when jessy actually is willing to vote with me [2:14:37 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Whateevr. [2:14:44 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I've said the same thing 4 times [2:15:00 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Apparently me trying to work with other people suddenly means I'm not trying to work with people [2:15:06 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Believe what you want about the game [2:15:18 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): But I wanted to work with you. Because I genuinely enjoyed talking to you. [2:15:18 PM] connah. i guess.: i voted with mj every round because yall literally wouldnt even consider the possibility of even making a f2 deal with me? why would i vote mj out if hes voting with me? [2:15:37 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And I'm not one to do strategy with someone until I talk to them as a person. [2:16:04 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I literally would have if you would have talked to me about the game. But we had one conversation and MJ didn't talk to me. [2:16:26 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And it was obvious you didn't want to work with me until you absolutely needed me or you would go home. [2:16:36 PM] connah. i guess.: Apparently me trying to work with other people suddenly means I'm not trying to work with peoplethat's not what im saying. literally. please. listen. im saying you have worked with the same people the entire game, you have not been willing to change it up and actually make multiple plans. when mj, jessy and I saved you and sent Lydia home, you didn't even talk to me that round, like not even a hey whats up? [2:16:52 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Like, there's no need to flip on my alliance to save someone in the minority when they haven't worked with me. [2:16:58 PM] connah. i guess.: And I'm not one to do strategy with someone until I talk to them as a person.we're at the final 4 sweaty, we have been communicating now for 20+ days we don't need to get to know each other anymore [2:17:00 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): and they haven't tried. [2:17:26 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Just like you didn't talk to Jessy until you needed her to keep you in the game. [2:18:30 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because everyone told me you were with Lydia. I didn't know you were a part of that plan. [2:18:53 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I was just trying to survive, and if I spilled to you, you were going to spill to Lydia. [2:19:18 PM] connah. i guess.: how would you know what i talk to jessy about? despite being on opposite sides jessy and i have always been able to talk about game even when we're not voting together [2:19:25 PM] connah. i guess.: something you lack. [2:19:47 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because you haven't trusted me [2:20:06 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because everything I said to you ended up back to MJ and I didn't want him to know. [2:20:16 PM] connah. i guess.: if you came to me. and said. lets vote out jessy at f7. i would trust you because thats all i have at that point [2:20:23 PM] connah. i guess.: you just assume i wouldnt trust you [2:20:28 PM] connah. i guess.: im in the minority [2:20:31 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): When you're an obvious F2 and I distrust the other half, why would I trust you. [2:20:43 PM] connah. i guess.: im not in any position to throw away and opportunity when someone is handing it to me [2:20:45 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): How am I supposed to know this isn't all going back to Jessy? [2:21:08 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I literally would tell you so much if I could guarantee it wouldn't get back to people [2:21:10 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): But I can't. [2:21:20 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Because you've been closer to other people that aren't me. [2:21:39 PM] connah. i guess.: why would i tell jessy? i literally said we talk about game but lie the entire time and we can have a good laugh about it but youre getting offended about our perception of the game [2:22:02 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): And you're getting offended about mine by thinking you would tell Jessy. [2:22:04 PM] connah. i guess.: let me tell you, you're not gaining any brownie points for my jury vote at this point [2:22:18 PM] connah. i guess.: im not offended i asked you why youd think id tell her [2:22:20 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I'm honestly just trying to defend myself. [2:22:23 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I'm not winning this game [2:22:25 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): It doesn't matter. [2:22:26 PM] connah. i guess.: obviously shes the biggest threat to win [2:22:37 PM] connah. i guess.: why would i openly work with her at this stage [2:22:54 PM] connah. i guess.: i literally said ill vote for you over scott [2:23:12 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): you're about the only one. [2:23:33 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): The jury doesn't like me. The jury wouldn't talk to me. The jury is all people I've voted out. [2:24:49 PM] connah. i guess.: I can tell you the jury doesn't like scott at this point because of the way he comes across to people, it seems condescending hence why I wanted to lay everything out right before tribal because he was lying to me and wouldn't admit it when there were facts right there
i can't even win this immunity i'm over
ugh i'm actually leaving tonight? scott, allison and jessy aren't even on right now to even give me a fucking chance to stay. i've been in the minority this entire fucking merge and i've really just lost the energy to fight. i've been making a case for myself to jessy as to why i should stay over allison and it's a pretty solid argument but at this point it seems like she's really not gonna at least give me a chance in a tiebreaker
allison: MJ you never talk to me MJ:
[11:24:37 PM] Jessy: i just wanna tell u that i think i'm voting u out and i'm sorry :/ [11:25:52 PM] connah. i guess.: hmmmm [11:27:51 PM] connah. i guess.: I really don't think that's your best move jessyh I really dont [11:28:21 PM] connah. i guess.: taking someone to final 3 who openly said they wanted you out at final 4 imo is very risky and if you don't win that last immunity challenge you will probably get 3rd place [11:28:51 PM] connah. i guess.: I'm just saying whether you believe me or not, your odds of getting to final 2 are far greater with me at the final 3 than Allison who said she doesn't even want you at final 3 [11:30:52 PM] Jessy: I believe you but I can't beat you [11:31:14 PM] connah. i guess.: jessy you can beat me [11:31:17 PM] connah. i guess.: like [11:31:31 PM] connah. i guess.: mj is not gonna vote for me at the end he's not the type of person to do that [11:31:40 PM] connah. i guess.: people like sam and matt might also vote for you too [11:31:50 PM] connah. i guess.: like if I'm there with you its not as set in stone as you think [11:32:19 PM] connah. i guess.: also you probably shouldn't worry about if you can beat me or not at a f2 at this point if you're gonna be running the risk of not even getting to that point [11:32:23 PM] connah. i guess.: just my opinion This is so awk? BKLJASJKLFKLSMFMKLSA like okay.. i'm literally cassandra rn he's jared KLSJKSJL connah: You won't have power next week sweetie me: Okay... you won't be here next week
Whew!!! The Justice Avengers really did avenge Andrew in the end. This final 3 is so beautiful, and I know I'm not winning this game cause the jury told me that multiple times. So to be against one of these two iconic females??? Ugh its amazing!! Connah definitely did try to hurt my game by telling Jessy what I told him on call, but luckily I did tell her beforehand. Tbh I think Jessy's gonna win final immunity cause Allison and I suck at challenges, so I'm really hoping Jessy sticks to her word and votes Allison out. Honestly I know I won't be winning. I definitely will try in the end, but I accept defeat at this point. I know this is Jessy vs Allison in Final Immunity, cause I strongly believe both would bring me over the other. So I'm contemplating on just throwing the final immunity cause Jessy and Allison both have final 2's with me. And if I win, I lose one more jury vote and this jury really hates me. So I plan on throwing whatever it is. This season really has been fun for me. I'm happy I had the opportunity to play this game, and the fact that I was able to accomplish all the goals I set for myself? I'm really proud of that. List of Goals 1. Not be first boot 2. Not be pre-merge 3. Make the jury 4. Beat AG placement 5. Make FTC (still working on that, but really no biggie if I don't) Now onto Final immunity!! Will i actually throw it, or will i try to win? Who the fuck knows
This final round is so... tough!! I know if Jessy wins, she's taking me. I know if Allison wins, she's taking. But who do I take if I win??? I really don't know. Allison told me she plans on throwing it to me if we were in FTC together, because she really thinks I deserve it. And I really do think if I take her, I can win this season. HOWEVER I've been alongside Jessy for a long time in this game and I know she's been working nonstop not just to get herself here, but for me. Like I think back to when she told me about the tatzelworm thing, and I told her "don't worry about us, you're safe. Focus on getting yourself further" and she really did save us all in this game. Like I know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. So if I win final immunity, taking that away from her would be awful. I know what that feels like cause I was the deserving winner in Ancient Greece, and Gerda lied to me, voted me out, and took my crown. And I don't think I can do that to Jessy.... I really don't think I can. Thats why I'm hoping that I don't win this challenge, but I have a feeling I will cause Allison didn't even try it yet, and after I talked to Jessy, she talked to me about possibly taking her and that she wouldn't be upset if not. I'm just hoping Jessy/Allison win cause if they don't, then I have to actually make a game-changing move and honestly... this is gonna be interesting.
Update: it doesn't matter what I previously just said 5 minutes ago cause Jessy just told me she did it in 24 minutes and is gonna win immunity, so YAS QUEEN!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Hopefully she takes me... Cause I'd rather get grilled by this jury as opposed to being the final jury member and getting the "I told you so" from Sam.
[9:29:25 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): Hey! [9:30:12 PM | Edited 9:30:42 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): If you don't take me to the end, that's fine. I'd like to go, but we haven't talked in a while because I've been really busy! Can you just let me know so I'm not surprised? lol. Congratulations on Final Immunity, BTW, you absolutely deserve the win of this game. [9:30:52 PM] Jessy: Yeah I've thought about it all week and I really think that if I take Scott I have a better chance of winning [9:31:04 PM] Jessy: I'm sorry bkjlsadflksadklm you did really good and you/Scott don't deserve the treatment you got [9:31:22 PM] Allison (PI Motonui Host): I understand that completely. The jury hates him more than they hate me and tbh, that's an impressive feat! You've got my vote <3
0 notes
Ep.#11- “But At This Point ...........idk abt All That!” - MJ
I could have pretended to Allison liike i didnt know what happened in the vote isntead of just telling her i flipped but allison could've just talked to mj+connah and i'd be blown up KLJSJKLS
scott: give me a kiss and i'll vote with you me as cody:

Whew, did I really need this break. Basically I knew Connor left and I just had to act like he wasn't going. But with this next immunity, we needed to make sure MJ/Connah didn't get it cause we need more than anything. It's best for my game they are split up at Final 5 so I can really think about what to do in Final 4. Luckily Allison won, so no need to worry about that. However, the thought of MJ/Connah having an idol scares me because if MJ (the target) plays an idol, then one of Jessy and myself will get voted out. And like, I'm not ready to go home yet. I still have a lot of game left. So we concocted a plan for me to give Connah the Obsidian idol and make him think he needs to play it so if he does, he just self-votes and if MJ plays an idol on himself then we vote out Connah on a revote. Very complex but I'm hoping it works. I'm gonna talk to him about it last minute so he has time to scramble and make an impulsive decision out of paranoia. Well, here goes nothing.
Ughhhhhhh I hope they just vote connor out Likeeeeeeee If I leave tonight and Jessy doesn't get to the end like LDJDKDHDKDFNDHFNF if Scott/Allison are F2 I'm KMS I told Jessy it's best for her to keep but at this point if I do get to F3 w her I'm gonna cut her throat Whereas if F3 were me her and connor I would've actually probably taken her to the end if I won final immunity But at this point ...........idk abt all that!
0 notes
Ep.#10: “Know That The Queen is Doing THAT” - Scott
I was sick of writing the episode summaries by this point.
anyway i am fucking gaggedt like how is that mj? and i? are the last two of our alliance? like it literally makes no fucking sense for it to go down this way hdsgfsdfsdsa like it's so fucking iconic... sam then matt then josh? like fucking gag worthy
Well, this week is turning into shit real fast. So I say at the last tribal "oh, you know there's no twist the rest of the season, it should be easy" And then trevor is like "surprise bitch, bet you thought you've seen the last of me". Like are you kidding me??? and this twist is fucking BLIND WEEK (thanks connor) So I have no idea what is really about to go down. Jessy won immunity, which would be a good thing for me. However, now it makes me more of a target cause Connor wants to flip and vote me out with MJ/Connah and like... I work night shifts this week and cant socialize to save myself at all cause everyones asleep/busy until 5pm!!! Like I can't with this. I'm gonna hate going to the jury with Sam/Matt/Josh who all despise me in this game. But you know, I think I need to like vote Connor out and hope Jessy works her magic with MJ/Connah so other Connor can go. Cause at this point, it really is "anyone but me" As for my final plans, final 3 is gonna be Allison/Jessy if Connor goes this round. And I think Connor going is best for me cause I think Jessy would take me and I know Allison would take me. And honestly, I think I can only win against Allison in this game. However, I really wouldn't mind going to the end and losing with Jessy cause... know that the Queen is doing THAT
So, I voted out Josh last round, and within minutes MJ is pretty much yelling at me about how 'this wasn't my move' and I have 'no defining points in the game to show the jury.' Which I kind of agree with, but that does depend on who you're asking and when. I know I won't win against MJ. He's too liked by Matt and Sam. But one point MJ did make to me which has gotten me to rethink this end game and how it's going to be playing out. MJ said, and i loosely quote: "you will not get the one of our votes if you turn on the other, and you certainly won't get Matt and Sams, so you're one vote away from losing the game right there." True. But here's the thing. I am the only person left in this game that can still beat my previous placement, and the only way to do that is to win. I'm going to do what ever it takes. Blind week, the sweet red headed step child of mine who i love, is helping my end game out a lot. Allison/Jessy/Scott are intending to split their votes so that the vote will be 2-2-2, with Connor and MJ being the other two. (Duh.) What they don't know is, if the vote ties, it immediately goes to rocks. This vote is "going to tie". Scott is going to go home tonight "because of rocks." When they ask how he went, Trevor can slide on in to messages and explain how a tie vote works with blind week. (Trevor, please.) I can then play up with Jessy and Allison how stupid we were to do that, and how Scott MUST have been rocked out, its the only thing that makes sense. Im hoping to vote Mj off at 5, but im still not totally sure if thats best. All I know is both Connor an MJ have to go. I know they're going to take each other to finals, there is no reason for them not to. For me to make finals with f3 being Connors and MJ, I would HAVE to win immunity and I would HAVE to get Allison, Scott, Jessy, and Josh's votes, and frankly, i dont think they would vote for me sitting next to either of them, and it would take one of them to fall and vote the other way for me to lose in a f2 again. Fingers crossed that this, what ever this fucking is, works.
i really can't fucking believe that worked i'm actually screaming dsfhdsghdfgd i love this song
All I have to say is I deserve an Academy Award for all the lies I've told in this game... Meryl Streep who? This week I have to act like I had no idea Connor was going home to every single person in this game except for Jessy. Allison asks me if I flipped and I'm like "no, wtf happened I'm so mad" when in reality, I think Connor going strengthens my chances of getting further in this game. Allison is now closest to me, but I am worried about her thought process in this game. She wants to vote Jessy out at f5 and risk making a fire against MJ/Connah. I'm sorry, I legit can't.... I can't go to fire. I'm such a flop at challenges and I will NOT get 4th place again. I'm so close to getting my highest placement in this series and I can't risk flopping now. Ideally, for this next round Jessy needs to win immunity so I can go far. With Jessy gone, I know I'm the biggest target on the other side so I need her here if I want to have a fighting chance. If she wins, it guarantees Allison sticking with us and one of MJ/Connah going if they don't have an idol. WHich I'm hoping they dont. However, me winning immunity would be cool too just so I can guarantee myself safety. This round Connor tried to get me out, and I can't risk that happening cause I've been such a huge target all of merge. It amazes me how I'm still here honestly.
At the beginning of the round Scott had been telling me Connor/Allison were in a separate group chat talking about how it's good to get rid of me in f6/f5 So I was thinking of going to MJ and Connah and making a deal with them to vote Connor out Instead of myself going to them, MJ came up to me and shared to me logs of a group chat MJ/Connah/Connor had where Connor had been talking to them He told them to switch the vote from Josh to myself in the f7 tribal and also lied to them about voting that way and then in this round, had I lost immunity I would've been Allison and Connor's target but I won, so Connor came up to MJ and Connah and was like "If it ties, it goes to rock because of Arabia rules. They're splitting, so if it's 2-2-2, we're all safe." Apparently MJ+Connah were just like "Uh sis can't u just vote with us?" So he told them he'd vote for Scott and it'd be 3-2-1 with him going Connor failed to share ANY of this with myself or my alliance I told Scott about voting Connor and he said he was on board Since it was Blind Week, he could just vote for him to go and people won't know he voted that way he can act fake to Allison now and influence her vote in final 5 so MJ or Connah go this round BLKMASDFKLSDKLAMSD
0 notes
Ep. #9: “Tonight My Game Came Crumbling Down”- Connah
After the instant tribal, the rocks worked in Jessy’s favor to give her alliance the numbers. Connor ended up winning Immunity and was the clear swing vote between the two alliances. He was trying to decide whether to vote Jessy with MJ, Connah and Josh or vote out Josh with Jessy’s alliance of Allison and Scott. Jessy was pretending to have a hidden immunity idol that she would use on herself which may have helped lead Connor to vote for Josh and Josh was sent home 4-3.
it annoys the fuck out of me that people like connor and allison are most likely getting to final 3 after doing completely nothing in this game. i’ve worked my ass off since the first swap of this game to build solid relationships and alliances with people and i think after tonight my game came crumbling down. i guess i’m relieved that myself, mj and josh are all still here by a miracle but right now we’re a group of 3 against a group of 4. i think the go from here is to continue socializing with people in order to advance each round, but there might be something in the works with connor. i don’t wanna put all my eggs into the connor basket but he’s all i really have at this point. i think my best bet at the end would be to have myself, connor and josh in the final 3 in order to get myself the win it’s mostly when i’d want to take mj out. do i wait until 4? or do i try and make the move earlier? because i feel he’d beat me in the end and after calling with scott today, it’s apparent that people think i’m mj’s goat which isn’t even the case as i’ve probably put more effort into the past few votes than mj has and have taken the time to actually consider all my options. idk i think mj needs to go at final 6, 5 or 4
[28/06/2017, 4:39:12 PM] Josh: me and connor are going to america [28/06/2017, 4:42:27 PM] connah. i guess.: me connor [28/06/2017, 4:42:30 PM] connah. i guess.: or other connor [28/06/2017, 4:42:37 PM] connah. i guess.: oh wait hes already in america fjdjdjjdd
Connor played my conscience like a fiddle and used it against me. I take back feeling sorry for lying to him twice.
So yeah…. A lot of shit went down last night, and a lot of shit is going to continue to go down. So to recap, Matt Summers was decided on the person to go for like the past 2 hours. Then at the last 30 minutes Jessy gets uncomfortable with the fact that Connah/Josh may not flip so she purposes that we all just switch our vote to Sam. Connor doesn’t want to, but Jessy makes a chat with Allison and I and is like “this needs to happen” and honestly, I had no idea if Sam was trying to save me on the other side just because she kinda left me out to dry while I was still trying to look out for her. Like I told her I was down to vote for whoever she told me to if she wanted to make a move, and kinda gave me the cold shoulder. I don’t get why she was so upset with me for getting out people who voted out her other closest ally, but thats just me. So at that tribal, Jessy reveals her vote steal and takes MJ’s vote which gives us the majority. Turns out Connah/Josh lied to us, but the fact that I was about to have a fighting chance had me super excited. We find out Sam leaves, she directs her plea at me and I just didn’t think I could save her. Did I lead the charge to get her out? No… But if I wanted to stay, I had to take the risk of making this move. I know she’s upset with me cause she removed me from every social media, and I don’t blame her. I hope we will be able to put this behind us and move forward, however I’m not getting my hopes up. Afterward, Trevor revels we’re having an “instant tribal” (SURPRISE)
So after the surprise announcement, we have to decide quickly on what to do. Our side just decides to vote Connah, they vote me (shocker) and it ties. I’m like shitting myself cause I need to make sure everyone’s going to rocks for me. Luckily they all did and Matt Summers got rocked out. This was what needed to happen to give us majority. Now it’s just MJ/Connah/Josh in the minority, and we have full control of this game if it all works out. The reason why I saw full control is there’s less then 24 hours for the next tribal, and if they didn’t play an idol at that rock tribal, chances are they still don’t have one to play at this upcoming tribal. Which is good, except Jessy isn’t sure where Connor is at and that he may want to flip to get her out. I plan on calming that situation down by calling Connor and really explaining the importance of us sticking together. I also want to pitch a F2/F3 deal with him to ensure he’s good. Now that we’re like getting towards the endgame, I finally see myself having a plan moving forward with all of this. I feel like its best at this point to have MJ/Connah/Josh be 5th/6th/7th cause if any of them get to f2 they will win this game and I can’t risk that. I haven’t exactly thought of plans after that. One idea was Jessy 4th, Connor 3rd, and Allison/I in the final 2. Another possibility is getting Connor 4th, Jessy 3rd, and Allison/I still in Final 2. I just think that the jury won’t see the game I played if I’m not with Allison in the end, and they won’t respect the game I played. Which I don’t blame them cause I’ve played a very selfish game as opposed to my previous times playing.
So currently, I am being promised final 4 by two different groups of three. Both of these groups have called me, asking for my vote. I have no idea which of the two groups I am going to go with. Please kill me.
if connor’s actually gonna vote with us i’m gonna have renewed hope in this game. if not then i’ll guess i’ll just die.jpeg
Dear Mj, Josh, and Connor. I am sorry that I lied to all three of you. The thing is, it really was better for me in the long run. Josh and I have had trouble lining up our votes from the beginning and, as you both know, made this game rather difficult for me to push and pull my way through this game. I told you both I wanted to work with you and was with you for this vote. And I am. That’s why you didn’t get, or shouldn’t have been, voted out. If you did, some how, I’m sure you have already literally torn me apart in ponderosa because there is no way I will make finals if either of the two of you (MJ/Connor) got voted out. My game plan is to take Jessy out at six. She should be playing her idol this round, but she didn’t need to, so the idol will be flushed. We, or mostly everyone, can vote Jessy. There is no reason for Connor or MJ to try and pull a move on me because there is no way they can do anything if I’m not in this game at 5. With Josh out now and jessy out at 6, it puts me in the power position at 5. Scott and Allison will both want my vote, MJ and Connor will both want my vote. They both know that, and neither of those two groups will try and take me out because of that. The only other option is me going out and five and them going to fire at four. This really is the best possible move for me to make. It’s best for me in the long run, and really, if it works out, I think I have this game. Sugar, we’re going down swinging.
0 notes
Ep. #8: “I’m Not Here To Have Small Talk With Anybody” - MJ
After Andrew was voted out, Sam, MJ, Matt, Connah, and Josh solidified their majority alliance. Once Jessy won immunity they decided they were going to vote out Allison. Jessy knew she didnt have the numbers and was trying to decide whether to use her Tatzelwurm as a vote steal or wait around and use it to exile herself. She took the opportunity to use it as a vote steal to get her side the numbers. They were planning on voting out Matt even though he had an idol because they felt like the move was unexpected. Last minute they decided to change the vote to Sam but didnt tell Connor because they thought he might leak it. The Sam's alliance was going to vote for Connor but switched back to Allison at Tribal. Jessy stole MJs vote and the vote tied 4-4-0 between Sam and Allison. Sam was taken out 4-3 on the revote. After that the players were told there is an instant tribal and they have 5 minutes before voting someone else though. With the sides now with 4 numbers on each side they ended up tying the vote between Connah and Scott. With no one budging the other 6 players went to rocks and Matthew Summers was eliminated. And thats what you missed on Glee!
Old school will be old school. Not responding to messages to three+ days? Not cute. Stoping the half assed conversations a few hours before tribal? Not cute. Sticking with an alliance of six when it's a final two? Not cute. Josh is GOING to be 5th if he doesnt do something. They can pretend they arent working together all they want, but as far as I know, Andrew being voted out is the second merge vote, not first. I was the first merge vote. And MOST of this tribe did not vote me back into this game. Ironicly, almsot entirely the same six that just voted against one of my allies. Interesting. Pagoning isnt always based on tribal lines. Kiss my ass MJ. Unless you want to vote talk to me. Then i'll kiss yours. The good news about a 9 person vote and being in a minority 4 person alliance is that you only need one person to flip. The bad news is, the four person alliance is one of the people who just flipped. End my life, please and thank you.
when mj votes my ass out he better be ready for my wrath

omg original jinsei getting pagonged i'm over
anyways can we talk about how me? this flop? was the person to flip the vote around last minute and gather enough information and people to save mj? wig levitating into the milky way. a good round for me
i cant handle this im shutting down
at the very least i can tie my Riau placement at 9th. okay real talk day by day i'm close to just laying down and just rot. i'm still playing the game but it's soooo mentally and emotionally exhausting
i think it's because i'm playing with such a high caliber of players (did i use the word right) is that i'm literally exhausted all the time. I mean, look at who're left in this merged tribe....most of them here have made FTC. I am playing the exact same game I played on Sumbawa on 703 where I was on the middle of every round but the difference is that I'm much more visible here. The trick worked once again and people have been supplying me with information without asking for it. I know how both "sides" are voting and both of them are coming to me asking for my vote. I'm in the middle and I'm not in immediate danger but I'm not happy about it. It's a shitty position to be in.
Also, can we talk about how I'm 4/4 on making it to merge/jury?? How iconic am I for doing that, especially after retiring 2 years ago. There's a lot of 3 and 4 time players that flop, so to say I was able to do decently well all 4 times is something I'm proud of so if I go home this round (which i kinda see happening RIP) I can have my head up high about it
how to stop talking strategy with someone who’s annoying you 101: [2017-06-27, 4:55:00 PM] connor: what are you thinking??? [2017-06-27, 4:57:47 PM] Sam: to be completely honest, you haven’t come to me with the truth about a single vote so far and I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling you what I’m thinking right now because I don’t want to have my personal plans leaked. If you want to come to me with something I’m all ears and I’m not gonna leak it but I don’t wanna sit here and feed you a bunch of bs for no reason
why cant this alliance just do what i say BSNSKSMKSKSMSMANNSKSKSKSKSK "I say we go for.. Josh" me: who said dat? These ppl arent telling me something BSJKSKSKSKSLSK also I can't fucking believe we're letting Matt slide by with an idol BKLMSDAFKLMSDLAMK And.. Connah is an undercover threat He's under the radar and has good relationships with everyone btw i couldn't help but cackle when connor and allison said josh and tried to convince me to do so. BKLMSDKLAFMSM i think there's some.. bad naicha blood b/c connor/allison/drew were all aligned Maybe.. Everything isn't as it seems. every1 is being so shady KLMBKLMASD can't even trust my goats they're not even goats if they don't agree w/ me KSJLSKLJ I think connah would be the one most willing to work with us if we got rid of others. He's willing to give me information. This sounded so funny god KLBMLKSDALKFMSDA He's willing to give me information. BKLMASFLKSKLDM #EveryoneHatesJosh KLBMSDKLAFSDKLAMKM god when josh didn't vote w/ us it was SOOO funny @ allison's reaction she was legit popping off
Whew!!! Can't wait for another last minute tribal council!! THis cast is so shady, like no one wants to talk about anything and its just... so uneasy. No one's come to me with a vote idea and I'm already in a lot of shit so I'm in no position to be like "oh well lets take this person out" or "this person should go" cause that was me last round and I can't make all the decisions for everyone here. Like if people wanna play this game, they need to make bold decisions and stand by them. As a member of the jury, I'm looking for big moves and half of this cast's moves are following the people making them. Which is... so disappointing. Like at least if i leave this round (which I'm pretty sure I am), at least I can say i TRIED to make moves (ex. abducting Allison, getting Connor eliminated, trying to vote MJ out) so I can say I'm pretty proud for the way I played. I'm proud of being someone who TRIED to make moves as opposed to following the people who are making moves and making no effort to get them out. Anyways, I'm waiting for an opportunity to come my way and for someone to give me something to work with in this game. Jessy told me MJ has something up his sleeve, and I'm sure its "split the vote between Matt and Scott to get rid of Matt's idol" but who knows
connah: i envy your position me: shut the fuck up
me: i won't talk to anyone i dont feel like it today On 28/06/2017, at 8:37 AM, Sam wrote: > good morning! On 28/06/2017, at 6:57 AM, Jessy wrote: > hi!! On 28/06/2017, at 4:32 AM, connor wrote: > when you wake up do you want to call On 28/06/2017, at 1:27 AM, Scott wrote: > Hey
jessy has been very persistent about 'being closer now' and 'being tighter' and blah blah blah but like...... ok. i dont know about that sweety?
[10:04:57 PM] Jessy: Do you guys think Josh/Connah/MJ could be making us vote for Matt and they vote for one of us, so it's 4-3-2 and Matt is forced to play an idol on himself and the person they want goes [10:05:35 PM] connor: maybe but I don't think so
So of course at the last minute, shit gets real. Connor talked to both Connah and Josh about voting out Matt and they were both on board with it surprisingly. However, Connah wanted reassurance so I messaged him as was like "okay, so lets talk about this" We were on call for a bit and he seemed really willing to do it, I think he's just too afraid of the risks in this game. Which really would disappoint me if he didn't take the risk, cause like theres so many opportunities in this game to make moves and get to the end. By not taking the risk, you're just playing it safe. Jessy also revealed to me she has a vote steal she can use, so doing this can definitely help us all get to the next round of the game. Which it would be nice to not use it so that Jessy can advance herself more in the game with the escape tribal, however I'm pretty positive Connah may not flip so Jessy should just use it and we tie things up 4-4. I may be leaving tonight so for all I know this is my last confessional. Hoping for the best, and hoping that I'm not being lied to by Connah
Okay so when Connor asked the alliance group chat who we should vote I said Connah b/c it's least expected. ☺ Connor said he thinks Connah would work with us. Allison said she agreed and that "he'd be willing to give her information." ☺ They both then dropped Josh's name which was really suspicious. It was also really dumb to me, so I said we should just wait to decide until the internationals (Connah and Josh) are online to talk. ☺ I tried to talk to MJ about the vote and if he was flipping to me. He said he had a trick up his sleeve and he'd tell me about it before Tribal Council. ☺ I asked him if he was waiting for Connah to be online and he said yes. ☺ He also implied it could've been an item from the map. He posted "H" and I said, "is that what letter you guessed in and found something for?" He sent the wink emoji. ☺ I bonded with Scott a lot and told him about my Tatzelwurm for input. He immediately said he doesn't want me to use it just for him and if it benefits me I should keep it. ☺ Scott called Connor. He then told me Josh and Connah talked to Connor about voting for Matt. ☺ Scott then said he wanted to split between Matt and Sam so none of them are idoled. He also hashed out things with MJ. ☺ Connor then messaged the alliance chat saying Connah and Josh would be willing to vote with us if the target is Matt specifically. ☺ Before all this happened, Scott and I came up with a scenario where if all hope was lost, I'd give him the Obsidian Idol and he'd have an intense call with Sam and give her an idol because Connah/MJ/Josh were splitting with our alliance against herself and Matt. It was just a hypothetical and it died off once this plan started. ☺ Connor told us that Connah wanted assurrance from our alliance to vote for Matt and we obliged. Scott talked to him and Connah was really "nervous" and has to consider it. ☺ After the call between Scott and Connah, Scott told me Connah really wants to separate himself from MJ because a lot of people see him as a follower but he also has concerns because it's "too early to make a move." ☺ I then talked to Connah and he said he was really nervous and panicking. I asked him what I could do and he asked me to convince him. I then brought up good points about the plan if it worked. I stopped talking to him because Scott told me Connah needed an hour to think about it. He went on Away as his Skype status. ☺ Also, Connah told me MJ didn't know about the plan at all which is concerning because I thought they were really close. ☺ I talked to MJ and I asked him about the "trick in his sleeve" and he said "I'm suddenly wearing a tank top." So I guess that's done. ☺ Allison just came online and said Connah confirmed to her the plan. Scott is still waiting for confirmation. MJ is also back.
0 notes
Ep. #7: “C’mon Rat, Follow the Cheese” - Jessy
The tribes merged and all of the pre-mergers were added to the merge tribe as the Karma Island twist was revealed. The players started campaigning to get back in and Cat, Austin, and Drew chose to drop out and become voters. After a whole day of scrambling and a messy voting situation, Connor was voted back into the game. The tribe was given their first immunity challenge and Matt was able to solve it and win immunity quite quickly. After no one talked the day before the vote, the players started scrambling last minute with one side trying to decide whether to vote off Sam or MJ while the opposing side was trying to decide between Allison or Connor. In the end, MJ and Sam's alliance threw their votes on Andrew to thwart any posisble idol play. Sam also used her vote negator to cancel Allison's vote for MJ. Andrew was sent home in a 5-4 vote.
HAHAHAHAHA so it's 9:58 and I should go to tribal and I was on call with Connah and then Lydia and MJ called and added Connah and MJ told me I might be getting votes so I might be getting voted out idk adios fuck this shit!
Can't wait to be seventh boot
[12:51:33 PM] mj ultra . _/: bih wtf. [12:51:39 PM] connah. i guess.: I didn't do anything. [12:51:40 PM] mj ultra . _/: oh you really wanna fight me tonight huh yes bitch i do. yes we are in a partnership but i'm not your bitch. i'm not gonna sit here and do everything you want but it's fine because people will hopefully see you as a bigger threat so if they gonna try take one of us out... can't say i'm too sorry about it. his ass wants to sit here and vote lydia back when we literally just voted her out? i see where he's coming from because we might be able to use lydia tbh but he's literally shutting down any ideas i had so i'm kinda angry rn.
mj's gameplay has really rubbed off on me... my ass just blindsided lydia and now i'm really down for voting her back in? i had my fun pre-merge but now it's time to really get this shit going At first I thought Connor would have the highest chance of returning but after hearing a few things I think REGAN has the best shot??? When and how did that happen?
Hmmmmm I'm feeling really weird in this tribe. It's as if I don't belong.....That's the vibe I'm getting. Whatever. I'm sticking to my strategy of not talking to people. Hey it worked TWICE and got me to the end twice. It works. People come to me with information at once. I hope I can pull it off again.
so like I mighta just made a chat with myself Scott jessy Allison josh and Connor to save Connor bc David was a bust. Highkey still don't trust Scott and sam Matt mj and connah are trying for Lydia and I'm like no fuck off? When the phone battery goes down my chaotic gameplay goes up. Like idc whomstve is gonna be pissed i am GETTING Connor in this game. Drew and cat should have sacrificed themselves for him too so here's to fucking hoping. If Lydia comes in I'm dead straight up gay up!
push me to the edge i wish i was dead why is scott a snake scott u little snake push me to the edge i wish i was dead lydia im the wrong connor please stop making my life harder push me to the edge mask off, task off back off, mask off i dont really care that im crying but i really care that youre lying edge dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun mask off, task off
i have lost all my motivation. i am a shell of a man i used to be
i am fucked. if i somehow get out of this mess i got myself into it would be a miracle.
Okay it's time for my second confessional because it's getting really hard dealing with these people and I need to vent. Like I really cannot.
After the Lydia vote off succeeded I tried to do major damage control with Matt and Scott. They both seemed to understand but I know they don't trust me anymore. Iit's not like they even realistically did. Maybe Matt did, but his reaction really shows his game. Scott seems to think he can snake his way around the two alliances but I'll bring up that later in this confessional. Anyways, it's announced that Karma Island is in play and immediately I'm worried. I fell into a position where I had to lead on Connor, David and Regan all at once because I legitimately had no idea who I wanted to return. I received information from Scott that MJ was on call with Sam and Lydia. They were
[4:26:26 AM] Jessy: i have some tea ladies! [4:27:05 AM] Jessy: So Scott is playing both sides. [4:27:09 AM] Jessy: and MJ/Connah/Josh are too. [4:27:21 AM] Jessy: MJ wants me to stay so he can use me for next tribal to get Sam out.. [4:27:26 AM] Jessy: But sis he has another thing coming. [4:29:43 AM] Jessy: sam acts like a 4 year old [4:29:47 AM] Jessy: "jessy probs just wants all of us on jury bc we're the ppl who knew her pregame so we'd give her our jury votes" [4:29:52 AM] Jessy: she said this [4:29:57 AM] Jessy: like no i want u on prejury [4:29:58 AM] Jessy: zzksjksksks [4:42:41 AM] Jessy: mj and connah rlly think they're so smart huh [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: like ur not. [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: BKLMASDFMKLDSMKLA [4:42:46 AM] Jessy: i literally know what ur doing [4:43:03 AM] Jessy: this is ur mo mj... [4:43:05 AM] Jessy: ur forcing myself into a situation where i have to go w/ him b/c my numbers are cut. [4:44:25 AM] Jessy: Like I know he's pitting me against Samatthew by telling me this information [4:44:29 AM] Jessy: But like.. [4:44:37 AM] Jessy: Damn they're literally Spencer and Tasha [4:52:02 AM] Jessy: I'm reading their games to filth. [8:18:39 AM] Jessy: me again [8:21:05 AM] Jessy: God why'd i tell connor i heard his name [8:21:06 AM] Jessy: LSJLSSKKSKS [9:52:09 AM] Jessy: SCOTT IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR [9:59:32 AM] Jessy: time to get reads [9:59:35 AM] Jessy: and intel! [9:59:41 AM] Jessy: im legit gonna interrogate him idc [10:01:03 AM] Jessy: Nancy Drew who???? [10:01:16 AM] Jessy: im GETTING the dirt. [10:01:24 AM] Jessy: spill the beans! [10:01:50 AM] Jessy: seeing Scott is typing... answering my questions is so funny [10:01:57 AM] Jessy: Like ur nervous huh sis [10:03:32 AM] Jessy: does scott really think ill eat the bullshit hes putting out for me on a platter rn? [10:03:37 AM] Jessy: Like bitch what the fuck LAKSKSKKSKS [10:08:25 AM] Jessy: OK SCOTT IS LYING OUT OF HIS ASS [10:08:29 AM] Jessy: IM SICK OF IT [10:08:35 AM] Jessy: HOW DOES MJ KNOW U WERE HIGH THEN [10:08:44 AM] Jessy: LIKE UGH !!! [10:09:53 AM] Jessy: ok sam could've told mj! [10:09:57 AM] Jessy: interesting! [10:14:37 AM] Jessy: mj and scott together ? conspiracy theory ? [10:18:18 AM] Jessy: Oh yeah, I also found out last night that josh did vote for Lydia, but Connah switched his vote from Lydia to Connor and Trevor wouldn't allow him to change it back [10:18:26 AM] Jessy: i thought sam was being distant huh scott [10:20:12 AM] Jessy: There's holes in this scheme. [10:22:32 AM] Jessy: "Same" [10:22:34 AM] Jessy: keh [10:22:51 AM] Jessy: guess i'm done here. [10:23:51 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I'm samatthew [10:24:27 AM] Jessy: theyre literally spencer and tasha [10:24:32 AM] Jessy: mj is a cheap version of jeremy [10:26:00 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Who are you [10:26:45 AM] Jessy: i wanna say kelley but i don't wanna be cocky like matt
This is a recap on what happened before the Karma Vote. One reason is so that I can look back on it and the other is for Connor to read in the future. This is 100% what happened. Lydia made her pitch to me around noon yesterday and she had made valid points and I wouldn't mind her being back but my vote is locked to Connor at that point though I was still willing to listen to her so I can get info out of her. I messaged Connah a little later and he said he was going to vote Lydia back in so I had an inkling that something's up but shrugged it off because there's no way Lydia's coming back it's just not in the numbers. I went to bed and woke up at 6am with a bunch of messages and one of them was Lydia asking to call. I told her I only woke up randomly and was planning on sleeping a little bit more. I didn't know the vote was due at 8 and I woke up 30 minutes before the deadline. Jessy messaged me asking if MJ had come up to me and asked if Lydia's being voted back in and I said no because MJ and I haven't talked yet. A little while, Andrew messaged me asking who to vote and I said Connor and then I got added to the Saving Connor chat with Scott, Jessy, Allison and Connor. What surprised me the most is why Scott is there. I didn't understand. Next, MJ messaged me asking for my vote so that we can tie between Lydia and Connor. Now the thing is, I told them I would vote whatever they want to but my vote is locked to Connor unless they absolutely needed it because they're the two people I trusted the most in this game. And they really did need it. I went on call with Connor and told him that everyone's pulling my leg getting me to vote with them and then got on call with Connah making his case to me with Lydia and Lydia's on my pms making her case again and Scott and I were trying to figure out how we're going to go and mind you this is literally 5 minutes before the deadline and at that point everyone thought we could change votes. I was freaking out everyone was talking to me at the same time I felt very pressured that I just asked Scott to make a decision for me and he won't decide for me and Connah just started to tell me VOTE LYDIA VOTE LYDIA and without hesitation I changed. Now obviously that didn't fall through because Connor came back and he found out I changed my vote. Now he doesn't want to speak to me and probably burned my bridge with him and idk about the status of our friendship right now. I spilled so much critical information on Connor and if we went our separate ways and uses those against me then I'm fucked. I mentioned to Connor how I wanted to target Jessy because of how good she is and if that gets back to her than she's going to turn on me. My hope is that MJ, Sam, Scott, Connah and Matt form a 6 person alliance to get past this round. This game is taking a toll on me emotionally and I've been struggling to play since the first few days. I wasn't like this before. It isn't worth it. It's not worth it to lose a friendship over this. It's easy to say that you need to cut ties and turn the heart off but doing it for real is different. Connor, my explanation is probably something you did not want to hear and it's probably going to re-open wounds once this game is over because looking back on it now, the decision was stupid. It didn't have to be that way but I gave in because of pressure.
Honestly.... I just feel so defeated. I don't see myself really doing as great as I would have wanted to in this game, which is such a pessimistic way to think but its true. Like if I were to be going home tomorrow I wouldn't even care that I didn't make the jury. A lot just went down these past few days that made me realize why I retired in the first place. So to really go back, Lydia was blindsided. Not surprised that it happened cause I knew something fishy was going on, but surprised that out of everyone I was the most left out of the loop. Like no one bothered to tell me that the vote was getting split between Allison and Andrew. Like when Lydia left Jessy and Andrew had me on call and explained everything to me and why they did what they did. And like I'm really not mad at them for doing so. I think it was amazing on their part that they pulled it off. They told me how MJ and Connah were really wanting to get Lydia out, which caught me by surprise cause I thought they were really close. Afterwards, Sam gets me on call and is worried about what could happen in the future and who we have with us. And to my surprise, Matt Summers actually talked strategy with me for the first time. The story I got from them was that Jessy approached them and got them involved with voting Lydia. To make matters worse, we have to vote someone back into this game thanks to Karma Island. And I feel like this is gonna make things so much worse cause I'm starting to realize I only have myself in this game. Idk like in Maluku flipping was easy cause I had Maria and Mattica who I trusted more than anyone. I don't really trust anyone in this game, so it makes everything 10x worse. Connor talked to me and told me he doesn't hold that against me, and idk part of me really thinks if he IS going to come back, I need to vote him so I can prove to him that I can be someone he can actually work with later on. Especially with MJ/Connah/Sam/Matt being a sinking ship, I just feel like I need to find other resources when I need to. Plus the only person I trust in that group is Sam, and after hearing that MJ has wanted me out of this game for awhile now I don't see why I need to stick my neck out for them. That whole voting process was such a mess because I really didn't know what to do with all of that. Like I voted for Connor cause I was sure he was getting in, then Josh comes to me and says he didn't know what to do. Which like RIP cause I thought he already voted, and to make matter worse he told lydia and lydia went off on me in the pms. And like, the fact that this all went down when I was out with friends just made me realize that I'm too invested in this game and that I left for a reason. Idk the only reason why Connor is back is because Connah changed his vote and wasnt allowed to switch back. I'm just annoyed cause I'm really fucked in this game to the point of no return. And like Sam and them are trying to make sure I'm gonna vote with them but with Lydia out and the only person on that side i actually consider an ally being Sam, it just makes sense for me to go through with what I've been wanting to do for awhile and flip with Jessy and Andrew.

"fifth vote... lydia"
what the fuck is going on why is no one talking to me. fucking hell man, and then im gonna wake up again and have a shit ton of messages waiting for me when i check my phone. everything's happening at the very last minute in this game omg.
you know how it'd be fun if i just go ghost the whole morning tomorrow lkfjskjdfhskjfs *deletes Skype*
OKA Y BUT S ERIOUSLY im sick and tired of waking up in the morning where a plan has already been made and i have no say in it. fuck it a guy needs his sleep its yalls fault for not making a plan during our off day ! btw if i get voted out tomorrow im gonna be salty af trevor why did you have to have the first merge boot not a jury member i dont want to miss out on JURY! !!!!!
everyone is getting on my god damn nerves TODAY !
On 25/06/2017, at 8:30 PM, connor wrote: > hi background music plays:
Okay so I just laid out all the info I got today. I talked to Scott this morning I said does he know for sure Sam has a vote negator or is it a hunch? He said it was a hunch and he doesn't really know, so I got sus. He was high last night so maybe he let it slip MJ told me that Scott was high last night so I wanted to find a way to vertify what he said about Scott/Sam/Matt/MJ/Connah being all on a group call [6/24/2017 10:09:30 AM] Jessy: did you tell anyone you were high LMAOOOOO i'd be so non functional if i was high and game talking [6/24/2017 10:09:40 AM] Scott: I mean I told sam It's possible that Scott is either lying about him telling Sam specifically, or Sam just told MJ that Scott was high and he happened to tell me this He said this when I asked him about the Sam call: [6/24/2017 9:51:38 AM] Jessy: did anything important come out of the sam call [6/24/2017 9:51:58 AM] Scott: Honestly it just made me realize that she doesn't trust me [6/24/2017 9:52:17 AM] Jessy: fuck! [6/24/2017 9:52:25 AM] Scott: She asked me what my relationship was with you [6/24/2017 9:53:05 AM] Scott: And if I actually trusted you cause you're known to be deceiving for "organizing the whole Lydia vote and misting MJ/Connah" [6/24/2017 9:53:48 AM] Jessy: :$ would be me if i actually did! [6/24/2017 9:54:07 AM] Jessy: r they voting me [6/24/2017 9:54:25 AM] Scott: I mean we never got around to actually talking about it [6/24/2017 9:54:32 AM] Jessy: oh okay [6/24/2017 9:54:39 AM] Jessy: who do you think she would go for [6/24/2017 9:55:32 AM] Scott: But I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were wanting to do cause sam really just kept mentioning how I felt about you [6/24/2017 9:57:03 AM] Jessy: that's offputtig [6/24/2017 9:57:08 AM] Jessy: *offputting [6/24/2017 9:58:02 AM] Scott: Yeah, but it's just really clear that damage was done last night so I'm not even sure what's gonna be happening from here on out It made me think that I'm unsure if Scott is just lying about the call or if MJ is just trying to come up with a scenario for me to think is happening so I won't pull any moves. Then, I talked to MJ about the vote and he said that he was going to be on a road trip today so he's probably asleep by now. I talked to Connah about the game while MJ was online and while we were talking about the whole thing of us being on different sides, MJ pmed me. He said he pmed me because Connah sent him a funny quote about a joke I made. Then, I asked him if Connah sent him any game logs. The game logs were about us being on different sides in the Lydia/Connor returnee vote and then he kept on acting like he didn't know who was going to go because no one was talking to him. I asked him if Sam would be a vote he would want, and he said it depends if we have the numbers. He said I have to convince Allison+Andrew+Connor myself because he doesn't want to get himself involved in something controversial this tribal council after last round. I asked MJ about this, and he said Connah specifically said: "idk if I wanna stick with jessy or go with sam" "like I'm just confused" This made me paranoid, because I didn't know if Connah meant "stick with jessy" as a vote or "go with sam" as a vote. It's possible that MJ made it look like he meant regarding alliances and not a vote off, but it still made me paranoid. MJ then told me Connah went on call with Sam. MJ said he asked Connah what was going on and they were just talking about who they wanted to go. MJ said they both leaned towards Connor leaving. MJ then said Connah thought he should go with Sam (as in alliances). MJ said he would try to convince him to "string me along" next round and use me to vote Sam off. MJ then said if Sam convinced Connah to vote for me, he would try to convince him to go after Sam this round. MJ said he would prefer Connor to go now and Sam next round, but he's willing to consider it by starting it off with a conversation with Connah tomorrow. Our conversation ended, and I thought that I should try to message Sam in some way and let her know that I'm "flexible". I then said that people probably think we aren't together in the game and we could play that to our advantage. She said she was down if I was, but proceeding this she kept on saying she didn't know what she wanted to do and that "she has no power to throw out a name." This really annoyed me so I asked her who does and she said she doesn't know. Our conversation ended, but during it Connah messaged me asking me if I'm talking to anyone because it's really quiet. I was feeling a vibe that Sam told Connah she was talking to me, so I told him I was trying to resolve my issues with Sam. It got awkward so our conversation kinda died off. During all this, Andrew, Allison and Connor didn't have a lot to say about anything. Connor said he was at work all day and came back at 10 PM EDT and said sorry he was at work. I said it was okay then asked him if he talked to Josh recently. He never replied and then I asked him again an hour later and still received no reply. Now, Scott says he's back and is messaging my alliance chat with himself and Andrew. I haven't talked to Matt at all this vote. I said hey to Allison in pms but she never replied because I'm pretty sure she's been offline. I haven't talked to Josh either, but I have an opportunity to tonight because it's 2 PM for him in Phillippines.
Decisions, decisions.... I hate my position in this game as the "middle man" Anyways, Jessy/Andrew I think are expecting me to flip and vote Sam with them this round, but tbh I don't think I can flip on Sam and vote her out. Like if she goes, I don't want to be apart of that just because she trusts me a lot with her game. However, if they can manage to get her out this round I'm all theirs. Sam/MJ and co. said they want to do Allison, and because I don't trust Allison i think it might be safest for me to just vote her out and only flip if they're wanting to vote out Jessy/Andrew. Also spoke on call with Connor and hes trying to convince me to flip. The only way I see myself voting with them is if they vote MJ. But I just don't think that is realistic since Jessy is set on voting Sam. Which I personally cannot do since she is the only one I trust on that other side. Idk its all very up in the air, hopefully it isnt me that goes
9wegwpirangwfj tribals in an hour and a half and I really don't know what I'm gonna do. Apparently Josh would be okay with voting out MJ but I'm not sure if he really would. Part of me is thinking I should just vote Allison and if it ties, then I flip cause I don't wanna be rocked out pre-jury, especially since the only person I trust on Sam and Co side is Sam. I just know this is gonna be one huge clusterfuck
So.... much.... stress.... Josh and I agreed on just voting with the separate blocks, but I forgot that Sam has a vote negator so now I have to decide if I'm actually gonna go through with that plan or just flip and vote MJ. hregehgoihiqrehie I HATE THIS GAME
This game? Is crazy. I want to die. Somehow, through almost FIVE HOURS of acumalitive calls, I have managed to flip Josh and Scott so that we have majority. MJ SHOULD be going home. I literally did that. Like, i LITERALLY did THAT. Good god. Fingers crossed. It just makes sense? With MJ being a winner already and very good at flipping votes and winning challenges, we have the time to take him out so lets do it. Sam would be easier to vote out and I know Jessy wanted to, but with Matt having another idol and being immune, the two of them are too close for comfort. Actually, this entire game is too close for comfort. end my life.
why am i in the middle. i mean i guess i should count my blessings because i'm not getting voted out but this is such a hard position to be in
0 notes
Ep. #5: “TRICK ASS RAISIN” - Andrew
For this round, the game was One World and the players will allowed to talk to the members of the other tribe. The tribes competed in Crack the Code with the tribe with the lowest combined amount of guesses winning Immunity. Naicha lost for the second time in a row. There was a lot of confusion throughout the day about who had what advantage with the members of Jinsei trying to influence the vote as well. Matt decided to use his vote reveal on Drew seeing that Drew cast his vote against Matt instead of Allision like he said he would. Matt went to Sam asking her to use the Haumaru idol for him stating that the votes were coming his way. In a deal to still play the Haumaru on herself, Sam gave Matt the Sapphire Idol to use. Sam and Matt tied the vote by voting for Allison and Josh to cancel out all 6 votes cast at tribal. Only Drew and Connor were now eligible to be voted for and Drew was sent home in a 3-1 vote.
All I wanna say is fuck matt summers for inventing the jeopardy swap.... Luckily we won, but Sam is a big meat shield and it would be nice to have her around that way I'm not seen as a threat and the target is all on her. Thats why I'm contemplating abducting her which is a big move, but risky cause then i have to explain why I did it and how i found the amulet and i dont have the answers to that. I guess I'll see how this tribal goes. I'm really happy to reconnect with Jessy cause I think the two of us could do some mad damage in this game. I'm trying to get info now so hopefully that works. As for MJ, hes cool but I dont think he really tries if that makes any sense. Oh well, hopefully I can last longer since I'm right back to having no alliances again
*Playstation Trophy Sound* Got Past 13th Place
Can't wait to be fifth boot
i see you palawan twist i see you
miss sam getting the haumaru idol makes things complicated because i want to flip next tribal to work with mj but in order to do that i need lydia to come along. in the event we end up losing sam's gonna be asking what's happening because she needs to know how to use the idol. i'm no dummy and knows that she would want mj to go before anyone on this tribe so i can't tell her that we're voting scott/andrew out because i know she's close to scott, and if i tell her we're voting mj/jessy then flip to work with them, i've lied to sam and she won't trust me. god this idol really just came at the worst time possible. the best case scenario would be to win this round because i really can't deal with this idol getting played against me
So fuck all of this? Honestly the Solomon one world twist giving me all this tea is life but the tea burnt my tongue and I'm pissed the fuck off. Because I'm literally gonna be advantaged out again! So let's just run through all these supposed advantages: Sam - Sapphire Idol but like could be a Phoenix Idol? Idk Sam's a shady fuck and threw me under the bus to Scott to make him not trust me. "Just know they have a chat without you" IT WAS 9 MINUTES YOU TRICK ASS RAISIN (also has a regal idol? idfk but girl can go) Matt - Regular idol? Idk? Idk how him and Sam would both have a regular idol. Also a vote negator I guess. Wtf? Scott - Amulet Of Abduction that he didn't tell me about. Which ngl? Hurt? Like I thought he was my number 1 and yeah I was skeptical I was his ACTUAL number 1 but. He knew about the map since day 3. And now almost every space is gone and I just hate myself so thank you Scott! Like love him but highkey pissed at him rn because all of these people having the map for so long and everyone having all of these advantages has psyched me out :') Jessy - Obsidian Idol which is the only thing I'm not fully mad about. Except I guess everyone knows about it. But this could be good if we need to break a tie. But could also not work because we're in One World and people could transfer idols and shit to MJ/Lydia/Connah. So now I'm in this fun f3 with Scott and Jessy. Love Jessy. Am now skeptical of Scott. They both know Allison and I are hosting Hoenn on the side but like, I changed my name to Kyoto host hehe. Except everyone has probs noticed oops idc. All I know is that MJ, Lydia, Connah, and Sam are probs together. And I'm really pissed at Sam like? She had no reason to not wanna be with us. I just thought that the older players would be mature enough to not rely on past relationships but instead they're all Obligation Flocking™ and I'm like okay whatever that's fun. Can't blame them for taking the easy way out when at the beginning of this game I was so ready to unapologetically vote out Allison or Drew - 2 very close friends of mine. But hey maybe I'll give them some benefit of the doubt and they'll start backstabbing one another. If they do, I wanna be here for it.
Okay so, a lot of shit went down so I need to dive right into it. Not gonna lie I was really happy to see Sam make it out of there alive and that they voted out David, cause I was scared as to what would happen. And I was surprised to see David come for Sams life at the end of that. Her target is growing bigger and bigger with each passing moment, which is a huge concern to me. Now in the moment I thought I did the right thing by doing this, but I revealed to Sam that I have the Amulet of Abduction and told her I would use it on her if she was ever in danger. We decided not to use it this round, but to wait until the next cause she found the Harimau Idol, so she has to automatically play that this round. Jessy also approached me and revealed the map to me. I wasn't surprised she did this, but I was surprised that she wants to lead an army against Sam and her other allies. Which I'm happy I'm not the only one that realizes her threat status, however I don't think I'm in a position to really go after her. Like I feel like I could be like how Matt Summers was in Adversaries if I flip. Cause they have all of these advantages, and I don't want any of them to screw me over. Most importantly, I dont want to be the first person to be Sapphire Idoled out twice so I need to do my best to maneuver around all these advantages. So Jessy and I made an alliance with Andrew to potentially lead the resistance against these big threats and we agreed that one of them needs to go during premerge. I think I'm in a good position because I don't have like a big duo. In Maluku, my duos were Mattica and Maria and they made flipping to the favorites 10x easier. This time around I don't really have any strong significant allies, but I would rather be at the end with people like Jessy and Andrew over people like Sam and Lydia. I kinda just feel like I'm Sam and Lydia's secret lapdog just because they include me in somethings, but not everything. Like I don't appreciate how close they are with Connah/MJ/Matt Summers when all three of them don't ever converse with me unless I go an initiate the conversation. And if I'm going to align with people, I need to know that I can trust them. For now I'm gonna act like I'm with Sam/Lydia, but I dont see it lasting too long. If we lose they'll want to vote out either Jessy or Andrew and I don't want to see them go.
[18/06/2017, 11:12:22 AM] Josh: should i start calling you wonnor [18/06/2017, 11:12:26 AM] connor: no. [18/06/2017, 11:12:30 AM] Josh: just a 1 letter difference to winner tho :~) [18/06/2017, 11:12:43 AM] connor: uh [18/06/2017, 11:12:44 AM] connor: no [18/06/2017, 11:12:46 AM] connor: its two
For the past 7 days or so this game has been making me anxious and i'm not sure why! i dont like checking chats or even Skype. Yesterday I took a nap, woke up and saw a PM from Lydia and I'm like "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH right im playing TS". I dont know why i feel like this!!!!! This dosent happen at all. I've played too many games to know that. I suspect it's the one year gap between Gens and this one. The stress is 3 much 5 me. Anyways I needed to rant but here's game stuff now lol. Idk what to expect this coming round. I dont feel comfortable on Naicha. I have Connor, I know but I have a feeling is hiding something. I want to work with Sam because in the long term I want to work with Lydia and slide under the radar. I HOPE it's the Sri Lanka twist so everyone gets a fresh start but I might be taking for granted the position I have in Naicha. I do not like having control and not being in the loop. If we factor in everyone. It's an Old School feel on a New School game and I can't keep up with modern Tumblr Survivor. I'm gonna get eaten alive in this game. Wont be surprise if i go out premerge again lol
I love suffering
Honestly I'm just so happy we won because.... I can still hide in the background for a bit. I know if my tribe were to go to tribal, I would have to pick a side to work with. Do I go with Jessy/Andrew, or do I go with Lydia/Connah/MJ. And honestly if we lost I probably would have stuck with Jessy/Andrew because I really don't... trust MJ. Like he makes no effort to like talk to me, which I could reach out to him but idk its kinda awkward so I might do that tomorrow. But like I don't see why people expect me to work with people who I have no relationship with. As for Connah, I actually am starting to like him. He's been approaching me for once and we actually hold decent conversations which really caught me by surprise. Like I thought he was faking everything but turns out he's being legit. Which is good for the Sam/Lydia side of things, but I'm also starting to get the feeling that they are wary of me. I don't blame them because if they are suspicious they have every right to be. If it wasn't for Jessy dropping the T about them I probably would have been their goat. I'm thankful Jessy clued me in on what's really been going on just because now I have the chance to really impact this game. I just hope all of these advantages don't become the death of me. At least the Haumaru idol gets played this tribal so thank god.
i'm playing with a bunch of dummies
The plan right now is to have a 3-2-1 vote. 3 votes on Matt, 2 votes on whoever Sam and Matt vote, 1 vote Sam. This is to be safe in case Sam plays a Sapphire Idol, or Sam plays an idol on herself. People are concerned about Sam having a regular idol/haumaru idol so it's just a safety net in case those happen. I am not confident going into this tribal council at all. This is an important one and this sets the tone for merge. I'm prepared to get voted out as well.
This has been crazy, and i'm barely getting this in before tribal, so here's a summary: So Sam tells me her advtandage is a ruby idol but tells others that it is a saphire idol. The challenge was indiviudal so people thought it was the Palawan joint double tribal of doom twist. Josh, myself, Connor, and MJ made and alliance since we are starting to be seen as duos (Me/Josh and MJ/Connor). We lose the challenge and its a regular tribal. I called with Josh to figure out our approach to tribal, with three of us (ending up being myself, Drew, and Allison) voting Sam, Sam and Matt voting another (for Allison), and Josh voting alone for Matt. TBH it's scary but im glad its not my name being the second name, because there is more than likely a buy-back so even if an ally gets voted out, theres a high change they can and will come back. 3-2-1 ensures that if a saphire idol is played, which is probably what Sam has and lied to me about having a ruby idol, Matt goes home. If no idol gets played, Sam goes home. If a regular idol gets played on Matt and Sam plays the saphire idol, we revote. The only way shit hits the fan and allison goes home is Sam or Matt play an idol on Sam. To make sure the plan works tho, I had to take a page from Nick Wentworth and record some calls. I went on 8 calls today alone, and I recorded all of them. Will they be useful? We'll see. To make sure the 3-2-1 works, we had to make sure Sam and Matt vote one way. To do that, I worked a conversation on iMessage with Matt so that he thinks he came up with the idea of voting out Allison (or any one). I let him lead the conversation, saying that I was "ready to make a move" (true) and i was "over naicha" (no?) so that an alliance was made of me, Sam, Matt, and Drew as safety. I made fake receipts with Drew so they think the alliance is legit. So, in summary: I am literally in an alliance with everyone on this tribe.
When Sam tells u on call she wants to use the Sapphire Idol to save Matt Summers.... tbh I don't see that being a good move moving forward cause there's so many people she has to explain her reasoning's behind that too. I'm actually kinda hoping Matt goes cause then it breaks up the big Sam/Lydia/Matt/MJ/Connah alliance that everyone is so worried about and it can ease me in this game knowing that I'm not too much on the bottom. Honestly Sam should just worry about saving herself and whatever happens to Matt happens to him. He got himself in that mess and it isn't Sam's responsibility to save him. Moving forward, I'm starting to think it's best that I just stick with Jinsei. While my tribe is filled with threatening people, Niacha seems to be pretty strong moving forward and with Jessy already on the outs I don't see how flipping to them would benefit me long term. But I do need to figure out how to work the A Dora Bowls (Me/Jessy/Andrew) in this game because honestly they're people I want to go to the end with.
mj and i this entire round
allison is so funny KLSJSLKSJKL me: MJ king of thinking this is a monarchy allison in my pms: Omg u dislike him too? BKLMSDFMKLSKLMSD i told her ass the Tea. We WORKING TOGETHER to get out these Jinsei hoes + Matt/MJ. jinsei minus a dora bowls at least People who won't vote me out: - MJ (possibly) - Andrew - Allison - Scott (possibly) - Josh - Connor - Drew (possibly) People who will vote me out: - Connah - Sam - Lydia - Matt (possibly)
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Ep. #4- “I Might Freak Out Now TBH” - Josh
The tribes were told their next challenge was Jeopardy and were asked to pick to players from their tribe to compete for them. Jinsei selected Sam & David and Naicha selected MJ & Jessy. At the challenge, they were told its the Jeopardy Swap and those selected players were now swapped and competing for the opposite tribe. After a close battle at the beginning, MJ and Jessy pulled off a huge lead to win for their new Jinsei tribe. Leading up to tribal, the original Naicha were too scared to vote for Sam knowing she had recently obtained a power so they decided they would vote for David. Sam contemplated playing the Sapphire Idol to save David but chose to keep it instead and David was sent home.
Its F13 and the challenge is jeopardy. I'm having Gens flashbacks and if we lose and I went I'm gonna LOSE IT
Can't wait to be fourth boot
i missed tribal to get some dick but it was worth it :) bye austin
getting dick and winning immunity in the same day... god looking down on me for sure
I haven't heard a name yet and tribal's in 12 hours. I might freak out now tbh
Okay so Matt told me about all his advanatages, I told him I have a ruby idol which I kinda forget I don't at this point cause I keep lying yikes. Apparently they're all voting for David. I'm assuming the captain vote will go on Allison. So Matt doesn't wanna use his stuff on David so I have two options 1)let David leave 2) everyone votes David, David and I vote Connor maybe and then I play the sapphire idol which makes David and Connor immune and then the captain vote decides who goes home which is risky cause idk where that vote is going forsure but I'm assuming Allison I could easily get fucked here so idk what to do sorry for this mess
All I heard is that everyone's voting David. Idk why but i'm gonna do it unless someone tells me otherwise
[2017-06-16 8:56:02 PM] Jessy: CAN YOU BELIEVE HIM? [2017-06-16 8:56:16 PM] Jessy: LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH YOU [2017-06-16 8:56:41 PM] Jessy: i feel like im in adversaries again [2017-06-16 8:57:02 PM] Jessy: sam lydia connah matt mj david [2017-06-16 8:57:27 PM] Jessy: like Huh [2017-06-16 8:57:40 PM] Jessy: U dumbasses r gna give sam the win AGAIN? [2017-06-16 8:57:49 PM] Jessy: i cant. [2017-06-16 8:58:34 PM] Jessy: he just gave me a headache [2017-06-16 8:59:42 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: What did he do [2017-06-16 9:05:41 PM] Jessy: HE TOLD SAM AND LYDIA ABOUT THE TRAP IDOL [2017-06-16 9:05:44 PM] Jessy: SO ITS BASICALLY USELESS [2017-06-16 9:05:46 PM] Jessy: LIKE I CANT EVEN USE IT? [2017-06-16 9:05:52 PM] Jessy: AND HE DIDNT EVEN HAVE THE FUCKING DECENCY TO TELL ME [2017-06-16 9:05:53 PM] Jessy: LJBLKSDJFLSDKFSD [2017-06-16 9:06:08 PM] Jessy: LIKE WE COULDVE USED THAT AGAINST HIM!!!!!!!!!! [2017-06-16 9:06:10 PM] Jessy: I GUESS WE KNOW WHERE YOU STAND [2017-06-16 9:06:19 PM] Jessy: THANK GOD I DIDNT TRUST HIM WITH THE TATTLETATE

0 notes
Ep. #3- “HELL NO”- Sam
The tribes were presented with an immunity challenge offering up an advantage at the cost of losing your tribe immunity. A few people pondered taking it trying to think of excuses they could use for doing it. After 20 hours of no one taking it the rules changed that during the last hour you could get it anonymously. This sparked everyone's interest and almost every player intended on messaging right at 10pm to claim the advantage. Once the Three Muskequeers alliance found out that Austin was looking to snatch it up, and them wanting to vote him out anyway, Sam decided she would tell her alliance she would claim the advantage publicly so no one else could get it. Sam received the Sapphire Idol. Austin was voted out unanimously.
One of these fuckups is gonna take the advantage and we're gonna go back to tribal and my idiot ass is gonna have to pick a damn side already and make at least two enemies. This is not what I want. This is not what I planned. And I just gotta say-y-y. I do not understand!
So Regan just left and I'm relieved cause I knew right from the beginning that I would have a huge target with her being here. Sucks cause it would have been nice to play a season with her but oh well. Anyways, the immunity is "Temptation" and as of now Lydia, Sam, and I are contemplating on throwing the challenge. Not gonna lie I'm extremely tempted to take it advantage for myself personally and here's why 1. I can take the advantage and our tribe can easily vote out Austin, making him the third boot for the third time in a row cause no one has a good feeling about him (ngl that'd be really funny to see happen sorry Austin) 2. I can lie and tell people the advantage was the Amulet of Abduction (obviously keeping the real advantage to myself) and tell people I'm gonna use that after this tribal just to relieve the target off of my back. Right now Lydia and Sam are saying Jessy/Matt are on the bottom so by saving one of them I can obtain allies for down the road 3. I can make the message look like I'm saying hello and getting ready for work and say "i thought i was talking in the tribe chat" and really apologize for what I did so I'll tell everyone in the tribe that I got the amulet and I'm just gonna use it next round just so that way its off my chest cause I "didn't want it in the first place" The only thing is it might look suspicious to everyone. But if I really play the message up like an error and apologize for it I might be able to get away with it. MIGHT.... this would be a really risky move to make early on in the game. However, you need to take risks in order to do well. It truly just all depends on the timing of it all, and when an opportunity to make a big move presents itself one should normally take it. This is just a late night idea though so I need to do some investigating on the "Matt/Jessy" tea before really putting my plan into effect
Okay I know I just submitted a video but also like. With this challenge we can literally coordinate for one of us in the 5 person alliance to get the advantage so that no one from the other tribe gets it and Austin or Connor doesn't get it. I don't see anyone (including myself) stepping up to the hypothetical plate but hey, ya never know. It would also just make sense because if we go to the tribal, we as an alliance with someone holding the advantage safely could just get together to vote out Austin or Connor anyway. I might talk to Scott and/or David about it tomorrow if the stand off is still happening at that time.
Can't wait to be third boot
it took 11 days for my internet to come back where it should've only took 3 days
I'm actually mad at Regan for how little I could trust her after she made up that lie about me getting votes because she said something near the end that was probably a lie, but if it wasn't, would have badass ramifications to the game. Like it's brilliant. So when I pressed her about her "vote stealer" she changed her story completely and said it was an obsidian idol, originally from India. It's something you give to someone else and convince them to play on themselves, and if they do, they lose their vote at the tribal they play it on, or get a self-vote, or something. I don't know the exact specifics. And chances are Regan was just looking for a new lie when I seemed to be leaning on her vote stealer a little too heavily and she realized it wouldn't work, and India was fresh in her mind and also her season so she said the first thing she thought of. I know this. But what if she actually did get one? What if as a reward for choosing to become captain, you get a power or advantage that was given in the season you hosted? What if, in our choices of who becomes captain, we're actually shaping the game in terms of the powers that are in play? I don't know that it's actually the case because like a lot of seasons didn't have specialty items, I don't think Solomon did, I don't think Sri Lanka did, I know Malaysia didn't (although Machu might've but whatever). But like seriously, how insanely spectacular would that be? IDK I don't think there are enough powers from these seasons to pull that off so for now it's just future ideas. But if it somehow is happening, YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!
NNNNNN I wanna take the advantage anonymously so bad. The thing is, we would probably just vote out Austin. But the one round I said I really wouldn't wanna vote him is the 3rd boot round. So then it would have to be Connor because he's the other one not in the alliance. But I don't wanna vote Connor. And like the other thing is, my alliance could very well just decide that one of us take it and then vote out Austin. Idk. If we lose anyway I would wanna take him out. I'm just hoping no one does from my tribe without it being someone in the alliance and them telling us. Because then that would cause paranoia. I hate this so so so so much I just want the other tribe to lose please and thank you.
[9:26:20 PM] Jessy: I bet I'm the only one being entertaining on this tribe rn.. [9:26:20 PM] Jessy: BKLMSDAKFMLSA [9:26:32 PM] Jessy: mj in his conf chat: Ugh have you watched this movie Trevor? It's 10/10 stars. [9:26:47 PM] Jessy: allison: TREVOR WHY'D YOU SEND AN EMOJI HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS OUR PMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9:27:10 PM] Jessy: drew: Omg lol Matt just gave me an advantage and I can't wait to find an idol [9:27:24 PM] Jessy: matt: silence [9:27:40 PM] Jessy: connor: OMG I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9:27:56 PM] Jessy: josh: Hey I'm not gonna have internet for a few more days just to let you know haha [9:28:13 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Make a confessional I was not planning on doing that but Austin really just set me off and I want him fucking gone! You don't get to use personality flaw and aspergers in the same sentence especially without knowing a persons history. Like fucking night one he's like "i live in florida like trump" 1) doesn't trump live in the fucking white house?? 2) don't fucking mention trump around gays 3) then don't say "i don't like talking about politics cause people judge me" LIKE IF YOU DONT BRING IT UP IM NOT GONNA ASK! anyways he told scoot he was gonna go for it at 10 so I was like HELL NO so I put a gay smile to make sure he couldn't get it. oops! then austin was like "oh that must suck for people who wanted it" sucks to be you austin. I really hope he goes and I didn't just get myself voted out...
RIP cause I said I would make a video but didn't feel like doing so Anyways, after waking up and going to work, I realized it would be dumb for me to pull my late night idea. I don't think I have strong relationships to really get away with pulling this off. Plus after I spoke with Sam and Lydia, they don't think the Amulet is the item being given out. So I really don't think it would work and I would have really put a huge target on my back. Plus for all I know we may swap next round so you never really know what could happen. However, it was brought to my attention through Austin that he wanted to go for the advantage once it was revealed he could get it anonymously. I do not approve of this because he's the one that I want voted out more than anyone else, so I immediately brought it to Sam and Lydia. We basically decided it would be best to snatch it now, and vote him out while we have the opportunity to do so. Sam snatched that quicker than anyone else, and she ended up getting the Sapphire Idol (lord i better not be the victim of it again). Austin also made a controversial comment to Sam by saying he doesn't like his step-siblings being autistic, so at this point I am ready for him to go. It really is difficult getting a message from him every morning because I know the conversations I have with him are not genuine and like I want to actually have friends out of this (and win), but it would be nice to have friends. All I know is we definitely won't be friends after this game
[12:19:09 AM] Jessy: I can't believe Sam McCanada is here to vote me off for a third time [12:19:10 AM] Jessy: LKBJASKLDFJSDAKLFASDLM [12:19:13 AM] Jessy: LIKE [12:20:03 AM] Jessy: i need to have [12:20:04 AM] Jessy: a SERIOUS convo w mj. [12:20:10 AM] Jessy: listen idc if ure fuck buddies with connah. [12:20:12 AM] Jessy: HE'S WITH THEM! [12:20:20 AM] Jessy: and idc if ur BUTT buddies with lydia. [12:20:22 AM] Jessy: SHES WITH THEM! [7:48:51 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Fuck buddies sgajdjdkdkfc [5:26:40 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Congratulations! You have found the Tatzelwurm. The longer you hold on to it the stronger it becomes. You will be updated along the way as it's power grows. [5:27:06 PM] Jessy: Omg? [5:28:26 PM] Jessy: HAHA SAM FUCK THAT! [5:28:32 PM] Jessy: I HAVE A TATZELWURM! [5:28:37 PM] Jessy: UR IDOL CANT COMPARE! [5:33:31 PM] Jessy: Whew I did that [5:38:39 PM] Jessy: I'm not telling matt fuck him [5:38:39 PM] Jessy: LSJSLKJJK [5:38:44 PM] Jessy: he's gna work w/ lydia [5:39:06 PM] Jessy: if this was one world? [5:39:11 PM] Jessy: me: DAVID AND SCOTT BLINDSIDE HA!
Austin is CRACKT! He really does think he is running this tribe and boy he aint. Sam, Andrew, Scott and I have a 4 person alliance and we will be so set for a swap and for a few more rounds after that especially since Sam has the Saaphire idol! I really hope this group sticks together because I love it so much
It's official, Austin is going home and I am so ecstatic!! Everyone is on board and he should be going 6-1 if everything goes as planned. Hopefully it does. Right now I'm on a call with the Ice Scream chat (prev. Pure Four) and we are so relieved that he is going home soon. Praise the lord
0 notes
Ep. #2: “One Woman Hall of Fun House Mirrors” - Drew
The tribes were given the music video immunity challenge. Jinsei planned out a story to go with their song and what each person will do whereas Naicha didnt seem to care much. Jinsei obviously won. After the results, a plan was made by Jessy and Drew to blindside MJ while MJ was trying to convince Jessy to blindside Drew. Meanwhile, Regan being uber paranoid and started freaking out in the tribe chat and telling people she is going to vote for them and making up fake advantages. This lead everyone to change their votes to take out Regan as she was too much of a liability. Jessy still voted for MJ even though she knew Regan was going.
update: im here but rip to my perfect game cause catherine randomized her vote
Cat: I don’t use sugar she’s cursed I’m using Christy I won with her also cat: gets voted out first I’m disappointed to see cat go first. I was really excited to play a game with her for the first time ever and I just wish there was something I could have done to help her.
Can’t wait to be second boot
[2:30:43 PM] Austin Trevino: Ok!! I’m trying to scroll back right now and catch myself up but Skype isn’t showing like half of the messages for some reason. Did we decide on an idea? [2:31:13 PM] Sam: we’re doing something LGBT+ related since it’s pride month omg the trumpie is shaking
[2017-06-12 4:08:53 AM] Jessy: this is actually crazy [2017-06-12 4:08:58 AM] Jessy: IS NO ONE GONNA DO ANYTHING?????????????????????????? [2017-06-12 4:08:59 AM] Jessy: BKLMASDFKLMASFKLMDFKLSDAFMS [2017-06-12 4:08:59 AM] Jessy: LIKE [2017-06-12 4:09:01 AM] Jessy: KLJSKLJSSKLMSKLMSKMLSKM [2017-06-12 4:09:19 AM] Jessy: THERES LEGIT GONNA BE NO VIDEO [2017-06-12 4:09:19 AM] Jessy: SLKJSLKJSKLJS [2017-06-12 4:09:22 AM] Jessy: BC THESE PPL ARE SO LAZY [2017-06-12 4:09:26 AM] Jessy: OR THEYRE JUST THROWING [2017-06-12 4:09:27 AM] Jessy: BKLMSADFLKDS [2017-06-12 4:10:51 AM] Jessy: LEGIT ITS LIKE [2017-06-12 4:10:53 AM] Jessy: SICKENING FOR ME [2017-06-12 4:10:54 AM] Jessy: TO DO NOTHING [2017-06-12 4:10:56 AM] Jessy: KLBMASKLDMDFSAMKL [2017-06-12 4:10:59 AM] Jessy: I WANNA YELL AT EVERYONE AND JUST GET TO WORK [2017-06-12 4:11:01 AM] Jessy: ME: U DO THIS! [2017-06-12 4:11:04 AM] Jessy: ME: GET THIS PROP! [2017-06-12 4:13:47 AM] Jessy: ugh it makes me mad [2017-06-12 4:13:48 AM] Jessy: KLBMASDFKDSMA [2017-06-12 7:59:26 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For me, this season is about Redemption. I just learned that Connah is looking to break his pre-merge curse he’s adapted to over the past few seasons played, so instantly I need to jump on that connection and form some sort of understanding between us in order to prevent him from going after me. I feel like this creates a whole lot of trust, and when the time comes where I’ll need it most I’ll be damn sure to use my allies to my advantage in securing votes. The thing with Connah is that he’s viewed as our tribe’s local Inactive. The time zone thing really does hurt his game because of my tribe consisting of sleepy old schoolers. Me, the insomniac that I am, can use this to my advantage by being Connah’s go-to for info and reliance. The problem for me though is looking back to Bhutan, where the last time I trusted someone in a different country voted me out @F5… *eyes Max*
It’s Day 4. 4 days since the game started and I’m not in game-mode yet. It’s probably because it’s been a long time since I played a main but even then, in Generations I wasn’t in game-mode at all. I may be too comfortable or I’m not on guard but I haven’t had that “spark” yet. I have no alliances yet, I’ve talked game to no one. Is this new schools Tumblr Survivor? Things are just…slow? Now I’m not sure if everyone is just feeling things out or I’m already in the minority but I just feels so detached from the game. Catherine has been voted out FIRST and that should give me motivation to do better but I didn’t feel anything. I think what made me feel so detached in games is that in the past year, I’ve played two orgs on Facebook. I didn’t mesh well with people there at all and basically became emotionless and indifferent. That in turn led me into FTC and Final 4 respectively. I’m trying to do the same thing and I thought this is Tumblr where my ORG life started I should have connections or know everyone, should be hard but it actually isn’t. People usually label me as a non-threat until late into the game but I have to be careful because I have friends on my tribe and the other tribe but if I can somehow manage to convince everyone I’m not a threat and will be helpful to them I could pull this off for the third time and make it to FTC. That’s my game plan. As for my relationships in this tribe, I’m friends with Connor for about a year. It’s almost common knowledge since we hosted 4 games together but in the event that people don’t we’re both trying to be distant to one another in the tribe chat. The next person I’m closest to (minus Connor ofc) is probably Jessy but we haven’t talked game yet. I’m still kinda feeling things out. I don’t know how to end this confessional PS I have 4 outdated video confessionals because I can’t upload them BECAUSE NO INTERNET !!! FUTURE JOSH REMEMBER THIS MOMENT AFTER THE GAME IS OVER AND HOW YOU FELT THIS CLOSE TO SUING THE INTERNET COMPANY
Catherine deserves all the good things in the world by the way. She’s an angel. Please let the Phoenix Idol be the Arabia twist.
Okay but in all seriousness, can I tell you how scary it was to see my name come up last night… like Catherine made no effort to communicate with anyone so she can’t say “no ones talking to me” when she doesn’t do the same. Communication is a two way street, you get what you put into any conversation. Idk I just find her to be very hypocritical and don’t really feel bad that she was the first boot. I really want to push for a David/Andrew/Myself alliance, but for the moment I am worried that David and Sam are close and he would spill the beans. I feel like Sam is pretty well rounded in this tribe and that kinda worries me, but I can’t do anything about it so early you know?? But I think I have something solid with Andrew, I feel like Austin trusts me, and I have the Amulet of Abduction in my possession. If things go south, I think I have the tools needed to reverse the car and drive north. Now thinking about it, maybe Catherine voting me out was a good thing because the other tribe could possibly think I’m in the minority and save me for the next round. Who knows honestly, but one could hope. I really have no idea what could happen and I think my paranoia at that tribal during the live call has people questioning me. However, I did contribute a lot to this challenge and I think that puts me in good graces. I suggested the LGBT theme in celebration of Pride Month, which got us going somewhere with our video. I really hope we win mainly because I think our challenge idea is so cute, and if the judges don’t see that then they got something wrong with them. Heres to hoping we win this challenge so I have one peaceful night of sleep
omg austin writing #lovetrumpshate on his sign… me: *blurs it out in the video* i hate that i have to be on a tribe with a trumpie… i just hate it so much… it sucks that i actually get along with him? godt
me when we win this music video challenge
so yeah if we don’t win this challenge it’s plain homophobia
So basically the last vote was super easy except our tribe literally doesnt talk….Sam and I had to get the ball rolling which is weird for me because I never take part in that but I guess im like the leader of the tribe or something (Not really) Im really good with Sam like I think we are going to be a solid 2 going into a swap. Im good with Andrew and Lydia and Austin as well. Sam and I want to get an alliance chat of those people + Scott going so that we can have majority and no one feels left out and we can vote out Connor if needed. The music video we will hopefully and and then I wont have to worry about getting 15th!
[13/06/2017, 10:21:03 AM] Josh: I can talk when I get to my desk! I’m driving atm [13/06/2017, 10:23:14 AM] Regan: Okay thanks lmk [13/06/2017, 10:37:35 AM] Regan: you drive slow
A plan to blindside Drew has been made but I’m not sure if it wise. On one side, Drew is a huge threat and he’s on everyone’s good side, but if we’re swapping tomorrow it’s not ideal to have a broken tribe. Only me, Jessy, MJ and Regan know about this and it’s enough to send Drew home but that would leave Connor and Allison out of the loop. I’m more concerned about burning the bridge I have with Connor that’s why I’m gonna try and pull off a unanimous vote. Or at least a 5-2 vote. I need Connor’s trust and more importantly it’s only the first tribal we’re going and I’m already hiding things from Connor. I’m at a dilemma. My vote seems to be the deciding factor if we keep Regan or not. We still have a lot of time to think about the vote and I think it’s better to have a full on discussion together with MJ and Jessy and see what we’re gonna do. For right now I’m gonna feel out Connor and see what he thinks of possibly blindsiding Drew.
So we won the challenge and we did that, the judges just knew not to be homophobic. But honesty the other tribes vid was not that good so we had this shit down. I think Regan is going and thank god because apparently she was trying to kidnap me and im like please get out before you ruin me thanks. I love Matt Summers so much also because we had a little tea session and it was juicy. he told me about the Regan stuff and I told him about why we voted out Cat seaux I hope if theres a swap we are good
Oh okay the game’s starting now huh. I’m sorry in advance, dear readers, this is gonna be lengthy as fuck, I really should’ve done a Meet the People confessional the first week but I got lazy so here we are! So first and foremost, I’d like to personally thank Steffen for messaging me after immunity results like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MUSIC VIDEO because we know, babe. We know. Dramatic little fuck, ilysm. ANYWAY my ass is making some interesting mistakes! We’re gonna break this lil confessional section into three segments because it’s how I’m processing my thoughts: All Stars, Congo, and Pacific Islands. 1. When I first walked into this tribe, my first thought was “OH look, three All Stars kids! Well that can’t happen!” and then they turn out to be…….the only…….people…………I talk to???????? dkjlshlkfjhgKJHFLKJSHD kill me now honestly. So now this is the crew I’m accidentally rolling with for at least this first vote. MJ gave me a call on like night two like “I wanna work with you until the end, I think we could go really really far together and it’s not something people would see coming” and I’m like WHEW this probably means I’m not first boot huh. Like okay if by some miracle or twist of fate, I’m actually capable of making FTC here, I’m not going with no damn MJ, but realistically who says no to an F2? Jessy is a fucking angel, and the only person who will semi-reliably reach out and just say hey, which I’m not sure I’ve ever done with her. Actually, because this is reminding me, I’m gonna go do that right now! … kk now that that’s done. She’s a sweetheart, I don’t ever want to do anything against her or without her. Like I will if I have to, don’t you worry about that, but it would hurt. And then Matt Summers who I’ve talked to like twice since the season started because he’s always busy but like they were real conversations, it wasn’t even anything game-related, we like poured our hearts out to each other. And now he’s been kidnapped so he’s not on the table anyway. But like honestly truthfully, these All Star kids are the good eggs of the beach, I could actually see working with them for a while (cut to Connor and Josh and Allison’s confessionals saying the same thing because they’ve gotten the same calls and the same messages and I’m actually just that easy to manipulate). 2. Okay, Congo. Congo is a side season I won a million years ago. Hosted by Connor, Josh, and Cat. So when they all popped up here, two of them on my tribe, best believe I was SCREAMING. And it was cute until I realized the main season history that Cat and Josh had and how that wouldn’t last. And sure enough, Miss Cat was the first to die and that wasn’t completely unexpected but damn why these bitches have to take my secret pair beware??? We literally saw Moana together in theaters, I’d have thrown away my entire game for her. But this boot is probably a better case scenario because now fewer people are looking at Josh and Connor, they lost their footing on the other tribe and are just in general softer more passive people, at least outwardly. Everyone knows they’re connected, Josh hosted Connor in Palawan and they did Arabia together, but I don’t know that I’m exactly linked with them, which is great right now because if we can manage to work together on a lower radar for a while, it could end up being very very helpful in getting things together moving forward in new tribe configurations. 3. Oh Pacific Islands…….a mess. This is Regan and Allison. Allison is an interesting case because on the one hand I love her, she’s one of my favorite hosts, I’ve been hosted by her in three Pacific Islands games before, she’s a lot of fun. But she knows how I play these days. She and Andrew actually did a cast assessment for PI Johto, which was Heroes vs Villains, and some of the things they said were spot-on but not things I want out. Allison talks about how she wishes I’d been cast on the villains tribe because I’m like secretly cutthroat as fuck, willing to stab literally anyone in the back, may not be seen as a villain but has very villainous characteristics. And Andrew is like Drew is super hard to read, you can have an image in your head of Drew’s game and who he’s aligned with and you could be completely wrong and then suddenly you’re the one working with him and making moves, but it’s never shady. And like true but fuck. So like Allison knowing this much about my game, having hosted me through to the finale episode three times, seen me win one and get player of the season once, is a bit of a scary concept because I’m LIVING for the fact that I’m mostly an unknown entity to these people, like MJ and Matt might know bits of my record and stories from Kait or being in VLs or whatever but so few of them have seen me play and I’m ready to not be nearly as known. And then Regan is just being……..whew. Imagine messaging everyone 20 seconds after the challenge ended, like actually everyone, schedule calls with them, literally tell someone on call that you’re leaving to go talk to someone else instead, frantically messaging the tribe chat like “I know I’m the easy choice” “I just want to beat my best placement” like babe we all do, this is a returning season and only two of these flops have won, we’re all hungry to at least better ourselves. She’s been rubbing people the wrong way, especially Connor and MJ. I don’t think anyone except Allison would lift a finger to save her. BUT HERE’S THE THING, THEY MIGHT NOT HAVE TO. Regan. Got. A. Vote. Stealer. From the idol map. Which is apparently a thing! So in this tribe of seven, literally all she needs to stay is me and Allison and her vote stealer. I mean granted, she doesn’t have me and I don’t think she knows that yet, but it’s a nice concept, very cute. Like I’m not going to stick my neck out for her on literally the first vote when if we don’t swap and Matt comes back, everything could quickly fall apart for me. Plus another layer. I have the map now. And Regan is the only one who knows that it’s even a POSSIBILITY that I might. She didn’t EXACTLY tell me so even she might not realize it. She was trying to be vague like “It’s on the blog, it’s super obvious but not something you’d ever think to search for, like what specifically would you be looking for” so I tried board, then grid, then map and BAM. So I make my very first search and find a vote negator!! Oh do I already have big dreams for this little baby This place could be a fucking gold mine for me moving forward, if no one knows that I have it and I never have to expose that I do until it’s time. I was never a captain, I never got a clue, who would look at poor little Drew for any sort of power? Regan, that’s who, who knows if she’d even guess that I did figure it out after all, I never told her I did, but she knows what she told me. Which is why she absolutely has to leave now because she’s the only one who could know. Now I have a way to test the loyalty of whoever becomes captain next, and at least for the moment, of accumulating wealth without anyone knowing. Part of me wants to go for broke and ask Regan what places she’s already searched but I’m not pushing my luck and forcing her to realize that I made it to the map. That’s on her to figure out. I don’t know where I’m going from here, Trevor said it would be beneficial to be on Skype after tribal tonight, which probably means a swap. Which sucks a little because I have a pretty good connection with everyone here right now, I fit into all three of the groups listed above, I think I might actually end up in alliance chats with all three by the time tribal rolls around. But I’ll find new friends if I have to. I’m a lot more confident in my ability since the last time I did a main season, and I’m finally in a season where I can potentially be looked over and befriended as a number and might not have to fight quite as hard to dodge the immediate threat edit. I’m nowhere near the passive player I used to be. Who knows if I’ll win this season, but I was not proud of my performance in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, so it’s time to have a main season experience I can look back on and say I did that. This vote negator and I are gonna go find some friends and get down to business!
[2017-06-12 5:52:25 PM] Jessy: ughhh [2017-06-12 5:52:28 PM] Jessy: i hate this [2017-06-12 5:52:38 PM] Jessy: keeping regan is better on THIS tribe [2017-06-12 5:52:49 PM] Jessy: but im just giving away three free allies to sam and lydia [2017-06-12 8:06:55 PM] Jessy: I love Regan but like I can totally picture being in trouble with her, Matt and Allison if we were to make this move. Making enemies out of Drew, Josh, Connor and MJ is literally so fucking scary but I don’t want to regret this later on thinking that I should have made the move so that this season wouldn’t end with a winner like Sam, Lydia or MJ. But I also don’t want to be one of those players who only make “big moves” just for the flashiness of it. [2017-06-12 9:47:46 PM] Jessy: okay U know what? [2017-06-12 9:48:00 PM] Jessy: I completely understand the logic Matt implied [2017-06-12 9:48:13 PM] Jessy: but here’s the thing. OPPORTUNITY! [2017-06-12 9:48:35 PM] Jessy: By voting out Regan I’m accepting a position at the bottom of an alliance that not only has numbers on my tribe but the other tribe as well [2017-06-12 9:48:53 PM] Jessy: So yes it does make enemies of the other tribe, but the opportunity I have rn is to take out the person that connects them [2017-06-12 9:48:58 PM] Jessy: the head of the snake. [2017-06-12 9:49:21 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: wheres your confessional
Anyways scratch all this bc Regan is targeting me apparently so she’s DONE.
last night lydia and i agreed that we should make a 4 with connor and scott and try to take out austin cause david suggest a 4 between me, austin, him and andrew right before the cat vote but now david is including me, andrew, scoot and lydia in an alliance YIKES G2G!!!!!!
Scratch that it looks like we’re voting Regan again
So the first tribal council was pretty successful aside from the fact that Connor was left out of the loop. But honestly I’m over that. I’ve been talking to him a little more lately and same with Lydia so trying to keep those social connections up! I would give a more extensive recap but essentially the challenge went fine except for a marker fiasco where a new purple marker fresh out the box exploded all over my table…..anyway! Scott and I have been getting closer and he’s really cool tbh. He told me today that I’m his #1 and that he wants to go through everything in this game with me “at his side” and I’m like alrighty! Hope he’s not saying that to anyone else lmao. In terms of other people, David and I have been good and Sam and I have on and off convos - sometimes involving strategy and other times not. Lydia and Connor I’ll talk to here and there but not about strategy. And then there’s the fun Forced Austin Convos™… Okay I ain’t gonna be mean like the conversations I have with him are genuine but also never go anywhere? Like I guess we have each other’s backs which is fine. I’m just waiting for him to really REALLY strike something with me but he doesn’t which I guess is fine because I don’t trust him and therefore wanna vote him out. The big development of the day though was David and I got an alliance going. I basically just cracked open a cold one with the boy and said let’s talk an alliance and before I knew it he was getting Sam I was getting Scott and Sam was getting Lydia. This is also good for me getting close to Lydia btw! Keeping that in mind. Also David wanted Lydia and I wanted Scott but my messages fucked up so we ended up getting both of them? Which is fine… I think. We were going for a 4 person alliance but I’ll work with 5 the best I can. I just needed Scott to be involved. That was a top priority. So now the other tribe’s tribal is tonight and from all the completely expected game related shit Matt has talked on Regan - she’s going home. BUT. This is a main season. Ya never know what wackadoodle-Dan shit is gonna happen.
[1:15:02 AM] Jessy: THIS TRIBE IS SO CRACKEDT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [1:17:00 AM] Jessy: MJ IS SENDING MIXED SIGNALS! [1:17:02 AM] Jessy: LIKE SIS! [7:45:09 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: What’s happening [7:45:13 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Make a confessional
things are… confusing yet also very straight forward. the vote was pretty clean cut on being regan, then things.. well, they happened. regan told drew that she heard her name from mj (mj i think???) and then she was like BUT i heard your name from mj. so drew messaged me like ‘what is the happen’ and i was like, well, i have never heard your name so thats probably not happening. regan told drew that she has a vote stealer and is going to try and take mj’s vote and vote for mj, but frankly the vote steal probably isnt real. i have a good thing going with allison, i like her a lot and i really hope to work with her deep into this game. im hoping to pull together an alliance of myself, josh, mj, drew, and allison and then a counter one? with everyone else. that would leave me in the middle which is where i play games best. im just hoping regan goes. i know she would be an easy shield down the road, but theres just no clear target going into this vote, and especially with her having a vote steal, taking her out with it and seeing if it’s something that exists will be very beneficial in the long run.
So I really am happy that we ended up winning the immunity challenge. Beforehand I was so scared cause we lost the first immunity and I didn’t want to go back to tribal after receiving a vote at the last one. Plus I don’t know who they would have kidnapped which really scared me. Lydia and I also discussed who we should end up kidnapping outside of the tribe. She was really worried about her relationship with Matt Summers and their previous game history, so she felt it was best to kidnap him. I personally didn’t give a fuck so I just went with it. Even though if we kidnapped Regan, it would have easily changed their tribe dynamic since Matt confirmed that she was an easy vote. I kinda wish he would have like actually given info on the dynamics so I could know who to abduct if we end up never swapping. Also, I’m low key surprised that Regan told the other tribe I had a final 2 with her mainly cause I don’t and know that she’s bad for my game being here. She also told them she wouldn’t take me to the end, which really has me thinking I’m a huge threat on their side. Personally, I think there are more fish to fry on my tribe over myself, so I hope I don’t go home anytime soon. Lydia also told me she talked to Connah and he seems to have a fire lit under him because he’s more motivated now. Which I’m happy about cause he did a phenomenal job on our video. If the tribes do stay the same and we lose again, I would personally like to see Austin go over Connah. Lydia and I compared notes on how Austin’s conversations come across as very fake and in genuine, and like hes only talking to us through a game perspective. I just find Austin to be fishy. Today, Sam told me that Lydia and I would be approached by Andrew and David about an alliance. And she even told us that she has a separate alliance with just Andrew and David. I’m actually happy she told me this mainly because now I have info against her for down the road. Andrew approached me moments later about it and I acted like I had just heard this. So I got added to an alliance with Andrew/David/Sam/Myself called the Pure Four. I’m happy that this alliance was made cause it was the alliance that I wanted, but right now I just feel very suspicious if that makes sense. I think the smartest thing for my game is to lay low until the moment is right. Who knows if that will happen though mainly cause if I use the Amulet of Abduction premerge, it makes me a pretty big target going into the merge. It sucks cause I want to tell Andrew so I can further our trust but I can’t tell him without exposing the Three Muskequeers (Sam/Lydia/Myself) and why Lydia was chosen to be captain was to help our alliance. So right now I just need to lay low and hope that Regan didn’t completely ruin my reputation on the other tribe
I swear to god, Regan is like a one woman hall of funhouse mirrors and all we’re trying to do is walk a straight line.
0 notes
Ep. #1: “Back Into the Groove of Things” - Scott
The cast was announced and both tribes started calls in their tribe chats. Some early alliances started based on past relationships. The first twist was that the tribes had to elect a Tribe Captain. Regan took charge on Naicha demanding she be captain. On Jinsei, they strategized about it for hours with Lydia using Sam and Scott to help make her Tribe Captain. The first challenge was Winterbells and MJ lead Naicha to a hefty win. After losing, The Alliance of Sam, Scott, and Lydia (The Three Muskequeers) tried to decide whether to vote out Austin or Catherine. They decided to go with Cat due to her poor challenge performance and her connections on the other tribe. Connah figured it was him who was going home and ultimately self voted.
Tbh I’m really bored so I’m gonna make a pre-game confessional before the game starts. I really am excited to be back and playing my official last season of Tumblr Survivor (and ORG) ever. I want more than anything for this season to end on a good note, so I plan on giving it my all and hoping for the best. I think the timing for me to come back is especially perfect, mainly because in the past my personal life was mixing in with the ORGs and it got to the point where I had a big mental breakdown in front of the family dinner table. That’s why I took a break; I just had so much going on personally that I had to stop using ORGs as an escape from my problems and actually face them. It’s been about a year and a half since I was involved with ORGS and I’m really happy with the person that I am today and to say that I resolved most of my personal dilemmas that I had. There’s been so many seasons that I was considered for since Ancient Greece, but honestly the timing in my personal life didn’t work out and I would drop out in order to take care of myself (Easter Island, Sri Lanka, Generations [not 100% sure about this one], India, and Solomon Islands). This time the only conflict I may have is that I work night shift some nights, but lately I’ve been scheduled on day shifts so hopefully it stays like that so it doesn’t interfere with challenges and the game itself. But honestly I think I can work around it game wise plus many people talk during the day and late at night so it can benefit me. This season is actually really scary for me going into it mainly because I don’t know who to really expect. It’s an all-host season, so obviously it’s going to be all retuning players but I really haven’t been involved with this community in a long time. I could see a lot of familiar faces, or I could see a lot of newbies from the seasons I didn’t follow. I think I’m honestly going to be such a huge target coming back into the game. I say this mainly because lately I’ve noticed there’s a trend where guys who disappear for a long time and come back will end up winning (Jake B, Simon, Tommy, Stoner, and Mitchell to name a few). So to be coming back after two years could put me in danger and others may see me as a threat, which is why I need to be extremely cautious. Plus I personally have a huge reputation that I refuse to destroy. Every time I’ve played I’ve never been pre-merge/pre-jury, and I don’t want to know what that feels like. Plus I haven’t played Tumblr Survivor in 2 years, and I know a lot has changed when it comes to the game format. Hopefully I can adapt to it quickly and be conscious the entire time. I’ve only spoken to like maybe 6 people from the community after Malaysia ended. I don’t really have anyone to possibly pregame an alliance with. The only reason why I applied is because Regan convinced me to and I spoke to Trevor about it to make sure it was legit. I know she applied, but if she’s cast I don’t think it would be in my best interest to keep her around (I’m sorry Regan I love you). I just feel like everyone would know how close we are and it would put a huge target on my back, or make it bigger along with everything else. I haven’t spoken to her about possibly being on this season, and I plan on keeping it that way. But other than her, I don’t know anyone who could possibly be on this season which could be a good thing or a bad thing for me. Good thing is that I’m a single person and if there’s a big group/pre-game then I can be a part of a group to go against the pre-game. However, if people are like “let’s go with the pre-game group over the individuals” than I could be screwed early on in the game and possibly be the first boot. Honestly my biggest fear is just being pre-merge and doing worse than ever in my Tumblr survivor career. Idk, maybe things can all work out for the best for me, I’m remaining optimistic about all of this and I really can’t wait to get back into the groove of things.
i literally wrote the saltiest jury speech ever towards lydia when we were in riau together and now she is on my tribe fjdkafjdskalfjkldjafdfs. we got along well enough in riau and in hindsight i definitely was way too salty towards her but hopefully no bad blood carries over from riau into this game.
Can't wait to be first boot
[2017-06-07 8:34:48 PM] Jessy: first impression? josh icon [2017-06-07 8:34:56 PM] Jessy: i feel like he's the only person getting invested in my convo. [2017-06-07 8:34:57 PM] Jessy: SKLJSLSJK [2017-06-07 8:35:17 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Am I gonna have to copy all this into a confessional or will you write one later :p [2017-06-07 8:35:23 PM] Jessy: i'll write one later [2017-06-07 8:36:04 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Thank you !
HI Trevor. It's your fave mom, Sam McCanada. Look at my son doing his momma proud
i am god awful at winterbells. i am god awful at every single flash game. this will be fun. the first night is always weird because i keep having tons of tiny conversations and they're all just small talk. everyone knows that these conversations are just small talk at the beginning of the game and yet we have these conversations anyway, fully well knowing that they mean almost nothing at this point. i feel like ive been out of the tumblr survivor community for so long that i am so disconnected from everyone here, and that immediately makes me feel like im in trouble. they all know each other so well, and while i know almost everyone here on a very basic level, i'm not particularly close with anyone here. ive played with a few people here before. in riau i essentially yelled at lydia in my jury speech and then proceeded to not vote for her in FTC. the one and only time i played with andrew, i voted him out. i'd like to think that feelings from previous games dont carry over, but i know that they do for some people. i don't know. i dont feel safe.
why is connor so impulsive? i love the kid but 5 minutes into the game i'm already in an alliance with him and drew when drew and i haven't even talked yet sjhfsdkjfa. More detailed confessional later~
[2017-06-07 9:11:49 PM] Jessy: NO ONE IS talking to me. [2017-06-07 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: Can't wait to be on the bottom [2017-06-07 9:43:24 PM] Jessy: i like josh.. [2017-06-07 9:43:30 PM] Jessy: regan rlly tried me.. [2017-06-07 9:43:35 PM] Jessy: mj is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:38 PM] Jessy: matt is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:52 PM] Jessy: connor seems like a person who's gna be in a good position... [2017-06-07 9:44:08 PM] Jessy: allison and i idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: drew idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: KLSSJKL [2017-06-07 9:44:20 PM] Jessy: *him. [2017-06-07 9:44:31 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Lol [2017-06-08 1:26:44 PM] Jessy: i just wanna make an alliance that can watch shit on rabbit and have a fun time. [2017-06-08 2:35:32 PM] Jessy: regan wants a girls alliance [2017-06-08 2:35:34 PM] Jessy: BKLMSLKMFSDKLM [2017-06-08 2:38:45 PM] Jessy: its a concept yeah. [2017-06-08 2:57:07 PM] Jessy: im just tryna be utr. [2017-06-08 2:57:14 PM] Jessy: wide the waves. [2017-06-08 2:57:23 PM] Jessy: find my crew and watch tv shows on rabbit. [2017-06-08 2:57:48 PM] Jessy: mi opciones es no grande :/
Hey I'm back who wants to see me get 12th again??????? Or worse. BUT YEAH. I'M FUCKING BACK IN A MAIN SEASON YA'LL. Third times the charm I guess, but honestly I'm so scared. Pumped, but scared. This is - like I said - third time playing, and my first 2 times I got 12th. So fuck me in the ass amirite? Like, if I get 12th or worse I'll probably casually go into a major depressive episode for a little bit. So I have a LOT riding on these first impressions. First impressions are everything, and I don't really know these people very well? So it is VITAL to me if I even want to have a game in this mess to have a good social game right off the bat. And everyone seems cool at the moment? I'm just nervous about preexisting relationships and all that jazz and mumbo jumbo. I mean, I am the newest person on the tribe I think in terms of how long I've been here? In fact, I think only person younger to the community in this game than me is Connor Wubbenndjfm on the other tribe. Preexisting relationships are just scary. Like, I was on the call tonight with a few of the people. And they were all nice! But I kinda felt like a high schooler volunteering at an old person's home. ASDFGHJK I'm SORRY OKAY it's just that literally everyone was sharing war stories of like 2 plus years ago and I've been here for a year and a half so. Not a lot I could have contributed! But like I said, everyone seems cool. For not at least. And that's what I like. Keep the discourse at a minimum for the time being please! But yeah I guess if I had to give a quick opinion on everyone just from tonight: Scott: Super cool! Very easy to talk to. Bonded over our love for Isaac McDicksucc. I'm hoping he's not just doing some "be this social to everyone thing" and actually found a better-than-average connection with me because if so, I would like to work with him. David Robb: Person I actually know! Hosted me in TAR and shit and I've voted him out of a side. But I'm hoping we can work together? At least for now. I know I'm gonna sound hypocritical, but I feel like this is the only preexisting relationship I might need. I probably know the least amount of people here so gimme a break okay? Bitches... Sam McCanada: Cool girl! Remembered watching her host Transylvania. Know she's done super good and has slayed in CYS which is super threatening because I've heard that's a hard as ORG. If she tries to be the controlling type then it'd be best to be with her as opposed to against her - at least for premerge. Connah: He seems chill. He was on the call but didn't talk much and we kinda talked RRN. I know he's close to Lydia and MJ so I gotta watch out for that. If we go to tribal first I would go for him or Lydia only if someone voiced wanting to break up potential alliances first. Other than that I wanna keep my head down. Lydia: Same alliance type deal word vomit thing I just said above. But she seemed nice even though I only talked to her for a little. I'll try talking to her more tomorrow to feel things out. Austin: GOOD. BYE. I do NOT want to play with Austin Trevino. No sir. Goodbye Spongebob goodbye goodbye. Like he's a damn mess to play with and to watch play. He quit a side premerge the second things weren't going his way. And I know he's gonna try kissing my ass and kiss up to everyone and think he has this AMAZING social game. Like... no... sweety... no. But ya know what? Seemingly easy first boot cannon fodder. If need be. Catherine: Yay! Honestly love Cat. She won my first ever ORG (a side) a year and a half ago and I got 6/24 there so I spent a lot of time with her there. But then she kinda died? But now she's back! Out of herself, Austin, and Lydia - she didn't have an excuse for not being around. Idk how social she'll be but I wanna at least have her for myself. Okay whew. Other than all this nonsensical shit I just typed above, there's the other tribe which I can go more in depth about a little later once I sleep and process everything. Drew? Love him but farewell. Regan? Other tribe's Austin. Matt fucking Summers? I gtg suddenly. MJ? Could kill me but I wanna kill him first. Allison? My mom and one of my best friends but tbh this isn't Pacific Islands and I'll vote her out if I have to. Etc. Etc. There was Conner Wubben who's cool but I don't really know. 2 others I can't remember right now asdfghj oops. Oh we also have a challenge and I suck at desktop Winterbells so there's that too. If we coulda used the mobile app well :~) that woulda been fun. But Trevor apparently hates fun and friendship. Oh yeah and fuck this twist. It's 2:30 am and I'm tired and I'll talk more in a video confessional tomorrow so gnight and wish my flop ass luck because I'll need a little if I wanna get past that 12th placement hehe. *Takes a shot or 4*
I'm back for my 3rd go, and I feel as though I have a lot to prove not only to myself but to the community as well. It's been well over a year since I last played Tumblr Survivor, and I do think I've grown a lot as a game player. Coming into this season, I felt flattered by the shape and size this cast has been brought about. I'm standing here with castaways from All-Stars, multiple winners, and well-known players all in the same season. To me, this is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because I'm the unknown of this season. The wildcard if that. I'm here coming off a mess that I played in Bhutan, and a lackluster performance in R&R. Not many people know my gameplay or how I evolved into what has become my playstyle. A lot of these players are "Old School" (characterized by the grouping from Generations), and I'm not well known inside the community. The curse for me this season comes with the realization of outside bonds formed from the casts' older seasons. These people know each other. They know how they play, and in order for me to win with the likes of Summers and MJ playing then I'm going to need to play to the absolute best of my ability. I need to play a game that is true to myself that can only represent why I, Austin Trevino, am the best possible outcome for a winner this season. Something I know I'm weak on is my social gameplay. For me, this season, I need to overhaul my playstyle to focus my strategic game SOLEY on my social gameplay. Play smart, not hard. I need to realize that I'm in this for 39 days, and not just round by round. My physical gameplay is lackluster at that, so I need to be able to make up for it by spreading awareness to my tribemates as to why I am an ideal candidate in benefiting their game. In doing so, I've already worked to the best of my ability to find 1 thing I can use as a reminder that I'm not some "nobody" they've never met before. So far I've reached out to the entire tribe and connected with each of them on the following: Andrew - We played Comoros together. I've also been talking to him about some Solomon reps for Cutthroat, but he is someone I genuinely like. I need to go deeper in getting to know HIM as a person, but I do believe he is someone I would like to work with in the future. Him and I are both pre-merge flops, so I do think we can see eye-to-eye in allowing ourselves that window of opportunity to take over. Scott - Scott is nice, supportive, and relatable. He is someone that is coming back into these ORGs for the first time in a long while, and I do think I can relate to him in the fact that this is something we haven't done in a while. He's going back to school to major in psychology because he wants to become a school psychologist. I've taken AP Psych in high school (LOL), so I do see myself working a friendship over with him through various small talks which could transform into something larger. Lydia - Lydia doesn't remember this all too well, but we played Storybook: Neverland together. She knows how willing I was to give my game for her and be loyal, so I do think she is someone that would gladly look to keep me. I reminded her of all this when I brought up voting out Jordan Pines on Jordan Pines Day. She's smart, and no one can deny that. Her placements are BY FAR the best average placements in this entire cast. It's threatening to see her on this season, but it's comforting to know that I can bring up a fond moment from a past game in order to share my expression of loyalty towards a person. David - David and the entire cast of BBHell2 hated my gameplay. That was 2 years ago, however. David knows and called me out on my horrific social gameplay in jury, so I need to prove to David that my social gameplay isn't an issue anymore. To start, I brought up some things about David's job as a cashier and found a way to relate to his job with mine (I'm a cashier as well). I think it really shows a lot when, after 2 years, you can remember something about someone even when they criticized your social gameplay. (See, I do listen to people >.>). I like David. Connah - Literally he was my host for R&R, so I immediately had something to open up with. I didn't last long in R&R, so the window of opportunity is wide open when it comes to establishing something. Cat - OK LITERALLY I LOVE HER, JOSH, AND CONNOR (who are all in this game and I need to immediately make a mental note that they're a trio in my books), BECAUSE THEY ALL HOSTED ME IN PERU AND THAT SEASON SUCKED BUT THEY WERE LIT. Cat hasn't been around all that much for me to talk to (or maybe I'm being ignored?), but I do hope to connect with her again by bringing up Peru and some friends we do have in common. Sam - Sam I've probably spoken to the most. She's "fresh" off of an Okinawa victory, and I do see myself trusting her. I voted for her as tribe captain and I would definitely like to see her place some level of trust in me. I just find it easier to talk to her over most others. I like Sam. This season I need to prove to myself that I can outlast the 3rd tribal council. Both seasons I've played have seen me voted out then. I can't OVERPLAY. Building relationships is what matters most here. As for the twist(s) of the season, I do think it's bittersweet. Trevor has turned this into a hunger games for Hosts. We created our own Weapons of Murder. I don't see this turning into a Redemption Island season with a cast of 16, so I do think this season is going to be idol heavy in terms of the various idols. Most of these hosts have held their unique idol twists, so when idol searching does come about, I need to be on the lookout for anything and everything imaginable.
im in a super weird position here because im super close with connor and josh on the other tribe. the thing that makes it an awkward position is that EVERYONE knows how close we are. we started our own survivor platform together and we're currently on the hosting chart for another main season. connor, josh, and i literally hosted austin in a season together. i definitely know that i'm a target because of this. the votes for tribe captain are due in 15 minutes and no one has talked to me about it. im just going to vote for some random person and hope that its with the majority, however i (ONCE AGAIN) dont feel safe.
i'm trying to stay on the down low but i don't know if that's helping me or hurting me. on the one hand, it helps because it keeps me out of the spotlight a bit. but on the other, it might hurt because i might not be bonding with people as much as i could be. fjdksaljfdsaklj i dont know what's happening
i love jake gyllenhaal
So, things are going kind of well, I think. First off, Josh and I are together, which is great, but Cat is alone on blue. Frankly, out of the three of us, Cat being alone was worse case scenario. I knew if I was alone that I would have been able to finagle my way into things and build relationships because the game I play is very social. Cat says that talking to people is a chore. So.... rip cat? I know Drew and Josh very well going into this game, MJ fairly well as he hosted me in RnR and Palawan, and Regan was technically in RnR with me and we played a storybook season together. Im also fairly good friends with Matt, so I definitly think there is room for me to pull some strings and get some control over this mess before it turns around too quick and gets me. Regan being tribe leader is good for me I think. She's very easily influenced, or she has been in the past, and I think she will be good for my game as long as she doesn't pull a Regan and do something crazy. And lets be real, we all know she will. Drew, Josh, and I do have an alliance, although there has been little to no talk in that chat. Rip. Also, Drew probably knows that if it were a f2 and it came down to the three of us, Josh and I would choose each other, so I need to do some work there to make him feel more comfortable in that three than he is now. I love Allison. Day 1 there was a tribe call and it ended up just being the two of us, and we watched a performance of Hamilton we did for show choir, and she is SO fun. I like her A LOT. Jessy? I like because she likes my dog. That's really all I have to say about her right now, yikes.
Me, looking at the wiki for the first time since premiere night: who the FUCK is Jessy???????
Well I’m really bored right now waiting for a call to happen so I better start one of these. I’m really happy to be back here and I like the tribe. Sam and I spoke on the first minute of the game and reconnected due to previous relationship. I like her and definitely want to work far. I don’t think it’s in my best interest to go all the way with her but I think it’s a smart idea to keep her around for the current moment. She wanted to make an alliance between Lydia and us and I was okay because I find Lydia to be quite comical. We spoke on who could possibly be the tribe captain and Lydia agreed she would. I think working with Sam and Lydia short term is ideal mainly because they both have gone far in multiple seasons and know how to do it, so sticking with them can benefit me significantly. I consider them to be my #1 alliance for now just because I usually respect the first alliance I ever make. I also have a good relationship with Andrew. The two of us talked and agreed we would work together. I want him to do well in this game just because he’s never made merge (and I think hes really cute rip) and I think he would be someone to benefit me as an easy #1 ally. I’m not sure what long term plans are but all I know is I want him around and I will riot to whomever to ensure he stays. David I like as well. We both spoke and agreed we don’t want the other to be the first boot. Sam and Lydia seem to really like him so we know he can be the easy #4 to our alliance. The only people I’m not really aligned with so far are Austin, Catherine, and Connor, and ideally I want one of the three to be the first boot when we lose because MJ is too good at winterbells for us to possibly win. Austin kinda annoys me so far just because he reaches out to me every single day. And like I know hes been doing the same to others just by communicating with them and I find that to be messy. Like its one thing to talk to people once in a while, but to do so every day like that is a bit sketchy. And like he hasn’t even talked game with me, it’s all just personal talk. Which is nice, but I don’t want to be the first to talk game with everyone because it makes me a threat. Catherine I only spoke to once because I messaged her. We talked about her flopping in Galapagos. I know she has a relationship with Josh so she could be an easy boot, but at the same time that connection could help long term. As for Connor, I personally think he shouldn’t be here. He’s going through a lot personally losing someone close to him and I think he should take time off to grieve and stuff. But I can’t make that decision for him. Other than that, he hasn’t reached out to me so idk how to feel about him. A plus to aligning with Sam and Lydia so early on is that Lydia gave me the idol map for being the captain. I felt obligated to share it with them because I couldn’t lie and be like “Oh Lydia gave me this” early on. So now we’re all hunting for the idol. During this idol hunt I found the Amulet of Abduction. I plan on keeping this for the swap, that way if im in the minority I can get an alliance member over to my side and either screw their game over or regain majority on my tribe. But the Amulet stays to myself for now. And because we lost immunity, I gotta discuss the vote. So far I am loyal to Lydia and Sam, and I can get Andrew to do whatever Lydia, Sam, and I want to do. And they like David so I’m sure I can convince them to vote out one of the three ppl I haven’t spoken to. But yeah, I’ll update this later tonight cause I can’t flop playing for my first time in two years. It’s game on bitches, and I’m ready to play.
literally no one talks in this game and im so annoyed cause we lost the challenge and these people are acting like nothing even happened... oh well, hopefully i dont become the first boot cause my paranoia is getting me. like its really odd that no one is talking. in Ancient Greece no one really spoke to me, and i found out i was in the minority after that season ended. The only reason why i got far was because we ended up not losing challenges until swap and we just lost our first challenge so i hope it isnt me. i can't varner my ass out of this game cause its been 2 years and i just wanna play but no one wants to play which sucks!!!
So I'm gay and this tribe is a bunch of mutes. Basically I was on a call with Scott that ended up being 2 and a half hours? And now we're supposedly closest allies. Which is fun! Scott is really cool and I really AM hoping I'm his closest ally and he's not just pulling generic social game bullshit. But we also talked about the vote and he said Austin's name first. Not me! So I really want Austin to go home because he's a shady fuck. Like... Okay so he keeps talking about all of this shit that comes off as so fake. He says we have to break our curses and I'm like what's this "we" you heterosexual potato. Like he ain't good at these games and if he stays over me? I riot the streets. So yeah I talked to Sam a bit too and she - like Scott - told me I'm the person she's talking to the most. Which! Might be a lie. But ya know what I'll run with it. I'm also making a point to talk to Cat on the side because I love Cat and if she's not being super social then I wanna make a point to talk to her. My talks with David and Lydia are kinda spotty, and then I don't talk to Connor much. But he is going through some personal things right now and I hope he's okay so I'll obviously let him deal with that. Personal things prioritize these games for sure. TL;DR - I want to kick Austin's ass back to str8 lakes where it belongs. Just as long as I'm not the person bringing up his name first :~)
[2017-06-08 6:37:55 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: What is happening [2017-06-08 6:38:04 PM] Jessy: LITERALLY NOTHING WHICH IS WHY I'M SHOOK!! [2017-06-08 6:38:21 PM] Jessy: matt and i had a convo and he told me about regan giving him the advantage [2017-06-08 6:38:25 PM] Jessy: and i lied and acted like she didnt give it to me either [2017-06-08 6:38:32 PM] Jessy: and now im scared regan told him i got it too [2017-06-08 6:38:37 PM] Jessy: [6:02:22 PM] Jessy: hi [6:02:25 PM] Jessy: matt told me that [6:02:35 PM] Jessy: you gave him an advantage LKJBLKMASDLFKM and he shared the clue with me [6:02:41 PM] Jessy: i dont think he told anyone else tho so its not a big deal but [6:02:51 PM] Jessy: i want him to propose a f3 to u tonight w us [6:31:05 PM] Regan: Omg [6:31:10 PM] Regan: He said he guessed r [6:31:12 PM] Regan: And got it wrong [6:31:31 PM] Jessy: same [6:31:32 PM] Jessy: KLJSJKLS [6:31:45 PM] Jessy: can we pls f3 tbh [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: he doesnt know that i got the clues too right [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: SKLJSJKL [2017-06-08 6:38:59 PM] Jessy: i saw her go away and online within a min [2017-06-08 6:39:01 PM] Jessy: SO LIKE IM SHOOK SIS REPLY! [2017-06-08 6:39:15 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I love receipts [2017-06-08 6:39:39 PM] Jessy: if nothing is actually happening this is proof of my paranoia [2017-06-08 6:39:40 PM] Jessy: LSKJKLSJ
they're gonna vote me out first and it's so extremely obvious. how are these people considered all stars of the game when they make it so ridiculously obvious who they're voting for???
[2017-06-10 1:55:26 AM] Jessy: btw mj will be first boot on this tribe [2017-06-10 1:55:27 AM] Jessy: know tht [2017-06-10 1:55:52 AM] Jessy: im not letting mj connor josh catherine go far. [2017-06-10 1:56:23 AM] Jessy: oh nd lydia [2017-06-10 2:34:50 AM] Jessy: r u gna make an edgic [2017-06-10 2:35:56 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I am, yes [2017-06-10 2:38:14 AM] Jessy: when im ottn>
Ok, so I think I proved my social game to be effective. This tribe is VERY quiet. No one is talking, and if they are it's very forced. Lydia kind of baited me into giving a name, but with that came no repercussions. Honestly, me name dropping Cat has spiraled into a FAST frenzy of game talk. It seems like Lydia spread it quick, so I do know now that she's taking full advantage of the trust our tribe has in her. David pointed out that he heard a Connah name drop, but I haven't heard that? I don't know if Lydia gave him that name or if someone else did, but I do enjoy knowing that there are 2 people my tribe sees as disposable over me. It's kind of nice not having to work my ass off to keep my name out of others' mouths. The social game isn't all that bad.
Fuck MJ and winterbells
So update after the first late night fiasco Lydia, Sam, and I agreed on Catherine as a target. I was okay with this just because she really hasn't approached me (or anyone) and hasn't made an effort to really want to play this game. We only spoke once (I reached out to her) and all we spoke about was how she flopped at Galapagos. Oh well, hopefully she actually goes tonight. As for how this game is going, I think I am in a good position. I think one thing I need to watch out for is how close David and Sam are. I need to keep Andrew close to me, and I think he is going to be a huge help to me. So far he's been trusting in informing me on whats going on. I am worried since Sam and Lydia contemplated sending him home first. Now as awful as this may sound, I think its best for my game to keep Austin close to me too. Even though I see him doing lots of damage since hes kinda on the outs, keeping him close to me and making him think he controls me is ideal for me. Just as long as he doesn't catch on to this all should be good... right? I'm definitely not as worried about the vote, however I think I need to try and get a sub-group going with people that aren't Sam and Lydia so that way if they become a sinking ship I have other lifeboats getting me out of heavy waters. I want to solidify something with David and Andrew, but part of me worries he will tell Sam and she'll think I'm trying to go against (plz say this in her Canadian accent) her. I think I can do well this season, just gotta hope someone's dumb twist doesn't screw me over
I'm stress eating Dairy Queen and I guess the vote is Cat idk why it wasn't Austin but whatever I just don't want it to be me thank you and goodnight
Catherine and Connor never spoke to me about the vote and the vibe at camp is really sketchy so if i leave tonght rip me... but i had a good time and it was fun. Hopefully this isn't my last confessional
[2017-06-10 6:17:56 PM] Jessy: dw im gna send the most iconic conf ever! [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: oh fuck i need to write it [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: KLBVKLMSADFMKLDS [2017-06-10 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: if i submit it and someone already left can it still be counted for ep 1 [2017-06-10 9:16:34 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Submit it quick :|
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Edgic and Player of the Season
Now for Player of the Season...
I had a hard time choosing Player of the Season. I ultimately didn’t think Jessy would find her way to the end and I would be giving her this award. But now I have to give it to someone else and I have decided to give it to Connah. You came in here with not having much success your first three seasons and I really didn’t know what to expect from you. Although very UTR in the pre-merge game, I could tell you were really playing hard to keep your torch lit in this game. You didn’t have the flashiest of moves but you kept me entertained and i found myself rooting for the Aussie Underdog quite often. Congrats Connah!
My winner pick coming in to the season was Scott.... so.... thanks for letting me down :P
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Jessy, Scott, congratulations on making it this far. Tonight you want to see your name on the parchment. Ill read the votes…
First Vote: Jessy
Second Vote: Scott
Because you deserve at least one vote no matter how bitter the jury is <3
Third Vote: Jessy
Fourth Vote: Jessy
I’m voting for Jessy tonight! Honestly, I love both of the people in this final 2. But it’s always a policy of mine to vote the person I think played the overall best game. It’s tough choosing between 2 friends, but in the end I have to reward you, Jessy. You played a killer game and you absolutely deserve this win. From one subtle hoe to another, congrats <3 <3 <3
Fifth Vote and the Winner of Tumblr Survivor Hosts: Jessy
Sixth Vote:
Seventh Vote:
Congratulations, Jessy! You are the Sole Survivor!
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Andrew’s Jury Questions
Hello final 2! Honestly I love the both of you and don’t really have anything bad to say about you guys? I met both of you here and think y’all are both pretty awesome people that I know I’ll continue to be friends with outside of the game. Anyway I know some of these jurors are bitter so I’ll try giving y’all a break from getting yelled at. You guys were my alliance, and I’m more than proud of the both of you. I simply wanna vote for who I believe played the better game and that’s that on that.
So my “task” for you guys is to rank each jury member by how loyal you were to them and why. I like detail™. First person on the list will be most loyal to, last will be least loyal too. Also include Connor Wubbenenebdhskl. Good luck you guys! The jury is watching hehe <3
Hi Andrew! I’m glad that Scott and I could do justice for the A Dora Bowls.
I honestly think the person I was most loyal to was yourself Andrew. I would always tell you what I was thinking and I valued your input. You helped me make decisions that I was unsure with and I really appreciated that. Even though I knew you were really close with Allison, I still valued you and was very loyal to us being Subtle Hoes. One of my favorite moments of the game is faking a conversation with you so people would be less suspicious of us working closely together.
Even though I was aware of Allison wanting to vote me out at the endgame stage of the game, I was loyal to her because I knew that Scott could influence her to make decisions that were good for our game. We shared common interests in wanting to vote out players of the other side and I believed that she would follow through until there was a point where it didn’t make enough sense to keep me around for much longer.
This next one is tricky because of how the cards ended up being played – even though I wasn’t working closely with MJ as the game drew to a close, I believe that I was more loyal to him than Connor because I was aware of Connor’s duplicity and knew that he had to go if I wanted a better chance of making Final Tribal Council. MJ and I would share information to each other if it was mutually beneficial and I bonded with him more than a lot of the other players.
Since Connah was close to MJ, I had some type of loyalty to him connected through a game of Telephone for a majority of the game. I never bonded with him until the later portion of the game because we had incentive to actually speak together and I’m glad we did because our conversations were actually fine. I got information from him through MJ so it was really beneficial.
I was then most loyal to Connor because even though I knew about his duplicity, he would work with me for the time being (Final 7) and we had some type of agreement to vote out at least one more person before going after each other, even if it was unspoken I think he knew that I had to go in Final 6/5 so it was pretty much mutual for each other. Before we had a disagreement on who to vote between Matt and Sam we got along really well.
I think I was more loyal to Matt than Josh and Sam because we had a really good alliance going in the pre-merge. I wanted to replicate it in the merge but we obviously had different interests which was unfortunate because I saw a lot of potential in us working together later on in the game. Despite that not happening, I think I tried to keep him on my side until our alliance was unsalvageable.
Even though I hadn’t talked a lot of game to Josh, I was thinking of working with him if he had decided to work with Connor over MJ but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Despite that, we still had good conversations and if we ever saw something that mutually beneficial I think I would’ve talked to him about it and see where it could end up. There was some loyalty but not a lot of it, but in the pre-merge portion anything was up for grabs at that point and if I thought he would put myself over him Connah and MJ I’d be open to working with him.
I was least loyal to Sam out of all the players in this game because we had completely different interests in how the game was going to be run. The one time I talked game with her I lied to her about who I was going to vote for which is a really good example of how disloyal I was to her. During the Endurance Immunity Challenge, I was debating talking actual game to her but I decided not to because it was too big of a risk since she could talk to Connah and MJ about it. Even though we had little loyalty, I still had fun talking to her about random nostalgic stuff!
Thank you Andrew for your words and question! The Subtle Hoes did that.
1. Andrew: we literally hit it off night one, night 2 we talked about how you needed to make merge and not get twelfth. It drove me insane how so many people wanted you out for no reason and how others told me you weren't necessary in their game. But you were #1 in my eyes and once you and I hit it off with Jessy I knew the three of us would be the most beautiful thing to ever grace this season. I really wanted us to be Final 3, with you and me being final 2. Jessy told me how you were her main f2 as well, so I'm not gonna be surprised if your #1 on her list as well
2. Sam: we established trust right in the beginning of the game and I was in love with the Theee Muskequeers pre-merge. Like our calls and just general game talk was bopping. That first merge vote was so tough on me cause I knew how much Sam trusted me and I still trusted her despite everything. I just saw the flip as a temporary move, but no one else seemed to think of it as such and when I was alienated I realized where we would have stood had we both been in the game.
3. Allison: Honestly, getting to know Allison this season has been a beauty. Like when I first saw her in this game, I didn't know what to expect. But she became such an iconic queen and such a ray of sunshine through such dark sided times.
4. Connor: one quality I loved about Connor was that he was just so forgiving and chill about everything. I think had Connor been here, he would win. That's more than what literally anyone else could have done in this game so mad respect goes to him there.
5. Connah: Connah's social game was on point, and I definitely did want to keep that option with him open to make a move once Andrew left, but then the game changed and I felt like if I did make a move to flip again, they'd report to Jessy or make a plan to get me out with info. As much as I would have wanted it to work, it just didn't.
6. Josh: I thought we could have worked something out, but we were just on opposite sides with everything. Kinda wished we were on the same page.
7. Matt: everyone assumed matt and I were in some hardcore alliance with Sam, when reality of it was matt summers and I never really talked.
8. MJ: I feel like this is self explanatory since I've stated multiple times in other answers why I couldn't trust him.
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MJ’s Jury Questions
To start off, I would like to say thank you to Jessy for making to FTC so I actually have somebody that I want to vote for. God bless you.
At any rate, I do have some thoughts and questions for Jessy. You obviously played a very visible and strong game, there’s no denying that. But personally, I have trouble finding much to admire in your approach to the game this season. That’s mostly because I know you’re a high caliber player that capable of a LOT more than what was seen this season. It’s disappointing to see you take the path of least resistance and working with the people that you did work with post-merge. Basically, and hear me out please, I don’t think you should ever complain about Adversaries again. This post-merge was practically the exact same with only one change in the end-game. Imagine yourself as Sam, Scott as Laure, Allison as Trace, Connor as myself (wow… a self-drag!), and me/Connah as Jake/Kaitlyn. That’s pretty much the best comparison I can find and why I honestly struggle to find your game as admirable. Whether you admit it or not, you worked with people that were easy to manipulate, relatively passive, and generally bad at the game, and you capitalized on that. I would’ve been far more impressed by you this season if you would’ve actually attempted to work with Sam and Lydia at some point, or at least convinced them that they weren’t on your radar, rather than simply target them literally from day one (1). Anyways, I have two questions for you: 1 — You contributed to having this game set up as very “us vs. them” while you were basically the only one on your side that was smart enough/well-connected enough to communicate with both sides and discuss the game regardless of how you’d actually end up voting. I personally find the contribution to setting up the game as “us vs. them” to be very… bland, basic, and elementary. I believe it lacks complexities and often results in people not enjoying the outcome of the season (see: Adversaries). I want you to either convince me that having the game set up as “us vs. them” is actually rather complex and dynamic, OR agree with my analysis here and simply clarify that you understood that that would result in getting you to the end/getting you the win. 2 — Right before F5 tribal council, you said you felt like Scott and Allison played just as good as you, but their games weren’t as visible. I commented that that’s a nice tactic to get people to actually feel comfortable w/ working w/ you/leaving you in regardless of potential jurors literally saying you were going to win. You denied and said that that wasn’t a tactic and you genuinely felt that way. My question for you is: if you genuinely feel like Scott and Allison played even remotely close to as well you, then I’ll give my jury vote to Scott. If that’s not the case, then argue to me how you played far better than Scott/Allison, and admit that what you said was, at least to some degree, a tactic to make them feel more comfortable w/ leaving you in the game. 3 — What are three (3) of my favorite movies, and if you had to choose between Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Gosling, who would you choose? Base that decision on whatever you want.
For Scott: At the tribal council I blew up, I said I felt like you’re very disingenuous and merely pretend to care about people and the things they have to say. Others have called you fake and said that you have a condescending personality. At any rate, after my blow up, I apologized to you because I felt like that was an attack on your character. I left it at that. Anything else that I said about you that was negative, as far as I recall, was based on the game and my perception of you as a player. In your rites of passage, you said something along the lines of “however, I appreciate that you were less annoying in this game than in Maluku” which really struck me, because that's certainly something that you would’ve never directly said to me while I was in the game, i.e. in a confrontational setting. I apologized to you for my remarks that were more personal, and then you turn around and make comments about me that aren’t necessarily game related. Obviously, I’m not voting for you unless Jessy bombs my questions, but I would like for you to comment on all of this and show me the kind of person you really are. If you decide not to respond simply because I’m not giving you my vote, then that only reaffirms to me my perception of you as a person, which is in fact disingenuous, fake, and condescending.
Hi MJ! Thanks for your thoughts and questions. I’ve taken them all in and came up with this response.
Firstly, I agree that an “us vs. them” game is very bland. I believed that if I went along with this concept of a game I’d have a very high chance of getting to Final Tribal Council. I was able to have allies that would have to keep me in since the other side of the game had a lot of threats that could downplay their chances of getting to Final Tribal Council. It allowed me to vote Connor out and still be able to stay the following Tribal Council as Allison still had to vote you or Connah out. It ensured myself a viable route to Final Tribal Council. I deeply understand where you’re coming from in this because I’ve watched Big Brother seasons where the “us vs. them” game would be very boring and I’d lose interest. Even though this is true, I didn’t come here to be entertaining, I came to do what I haven’t done before in Tumblr Survivor, and that’s win. This tactic proved to be the most successful.
Secondly, I do believe I played far better than Allison and Scott. Throughout this season, I tried to make good relationships with players even if they weren’t on my side of the game. I think Allison and Scott had difficulties in doing this, which was a huge cutback in their games. I analyzed every route I could take and made sure I was making the best decision I could make. My social game was on point with all of the players in the Final 7 and it gave me an edge on my allies. I did this by making sure I had open communication with everyone so nobody was secluded by myself. I admit what I said at Final 5 Tribal Council was a tactic as I do not think they played as great as me, and since they were under fire for keeping me in the game, I wanted to let them know that they still had a great chance at winning the game.
Finally, about your favorite movies! I actually didn’t have to ctrl+F in our conversation to answer this. Your favorite film is The Place Beyond the Pines, your favorite movie that you could watch over and over again is Back to the Future and your favorite sad movie is Brokeback Mountain. I’d also choose Jake Gyllenhaal over Ryan Gosling because I googled them both and Jake Gyllenhaal is hotter, even though his last name is hard to type.
I’d like to clarify something – I didn’t work with Lydia or Sam because I couldn’t click with Lydia and I was getting information from Scott that Lydia was throwing myself and Andrew out as possible vote-offs if we lost an Immunity Challenge. I didn’t work with Sam because Connah told her that I threw her name out. I also knew that you and Connah set up precautions with her so if I tried to talk to her about your or Connah’s game, there was a high chance it could get back to you or Connah. I decided to not take this chance because it was too risky and I was playing for a solid route to Final Tribal Council.
Thanks for your thoughts and questions MJ!
I mean, tbh the whole “however, I appreciate that you were less annoying in this game than in Maluku” was meant to be a joke since there were so many times in Maluku when you drove my crazy with your antics and this time around I saw a different side of you as a player. Like this time you didn't openly outburst and reveal who was in the minority of your alliance once one of your close allies (Jessie) was voted out on the other tribe. If you didn't get my message with that, then I apologize that it came across as personal and that it offended you.
To be completely honest, if this was 3 years ago I would have cared about what you thought of me? Now, if you wanna sit here and say I'm a disingenuous, fake, and condescending, I couldn't care less about what you think. Im not gonna sit here and say "no, I'm not that person" cause at the end of the day it's your opinion. I know a lot of what I have done in this game portrays me as that, and the fact that I straight up lied to multiple people on group calls doesn't help me with that either. I'm not gonna argue that with you and say I was truthful cause I've lied to almost everyone in this game more than once. However, I don't really think you have any right to say things about me as a person when you literally took no effort to cultivate a personal relationship with me.
For literally any game, I can't just willingly trust people before entering alliances. I have to actually take the time to get to know people and build a relationship before I can establish trust with anyone. This being an all returnee season, and me knowing people beforehand doesn't excuse that. I tried reaching out to you multiple times to try and establish trust because Sam/Lydia wanted to work with you, and every time I did you would shut me out when it came to anything and half-ass all conversations. You never seemed like you wanted to talk to me, so with that plus hearing you were openly targeting me, I didn't feel the need to really try with you anymore.
So if you think I'm an overall condescending and fake person, that's good for you. If everyone else here thinks that too, then good for them. I'm basically just telling you I really don't care about your opinion or anyone else's opinion of me as a person.
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Matts Jury Statement
Hi guys! I’m gonna make this short and brief because I’m a busy bee and all. Scott, I pegged you as a threat because you were playing such a good game. And then, all of a sudden, you weren’t. I’m really not a bitter person at all, I don’t hate you for your move or whatever, but I think it was incredibly short sighted to alienate so many people who had your back and force yourself to go to the end with one of the biggest threats I’ve ever seen. For that reason, I cannot vote for you, but I really did enjoy getting back in touch with you! Jessy, we’ve had such a JOURNEY, not just through this season but through all the games we’ve played together. Being your ally early this game and in All Stars was iconic, and being your enemy was honestly even MORE iconic. I have nothing but respect for you. You legitimately controlled everything from the very beginning with an iron grip, and despite the amazing players in this game and craziness and the blindsides, you literally never faltered and always remained in complete control. I have not seen someone play as much of a dominant game since watching Candace play Machu Picchu. What did you do? THAT. I love you so so much and you deserve this win so much girl.
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