#how have i manage to develop issues around how i pronounce my issues
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My mommy issues can't make their mind up on how to unhealthily channel into my boundary-positive intimacy-replacement faux-fetish sex life... like do I want to be your mommy or do I want you to be mommy? I don't know!! Let's try both and figure it out ig
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rigelmejo · 3 months ago
I don't know how to explain it well, but the solid memory I have of hanzi where hanzi components and sound Together are really strong, is just super useful. I mentioned that in the study update post.
It's useful of course, because when I learn knew hanzi as I read I tend to remember roughly the pronunciation, so when I hear that new word later I can transfer the reading-comprehension ability to listening-comprehension ability eventually. I can sound out words when reading, if it looks familiar but hard to recall, and see if the sound jogs my memory and helps me recall the word.
It's interesting in seeing how this interacts with my japanese kanji understanding. Its hard to estimate how many kanji I know, I'd put the estimate around 100-300, in terms of ACTUALLY knowing a japanese pronunciation of a given kanji if I saw it. With chinese hanzi knowledge affecting recognition though, I can guess the meaning of a large portion of kanji I see when reading, and if I know the hiragana or listening form of a word or can guess from context, then I can guess the kanji's pronunciation in the word. So artifically, I can recognize more kanji than I actually know.
My study routine in japanese has been HEAVILY listening focused, precisely because I lack recognition of MOST words when in hiragana only (with no chinese hanzi near-cognates to rely on if I can't see kanji), and because I need to know the actual Pronunciation of new words I figure out when reading... and if I see kanji and manage to guess a new word without knowing it's pronunciation, that's an issue that's been ongoing. So I hope as I learn more words through listening, that will help me 1. add a pronunciation guess to kanji words I run into when reading, causing less words to be 'picked up only in kanji written form' and 2. I'll develop better understanding of hiragana words. The listening heavy approach has been working very well - although I don't think I would recommend it (if you care about reading skill), unless you ALSO have a lot of kanji meaning recognition already. If I did not have kanji meaning recognition/a lot of decent guesses from hanzi meaning similarities, then I would instead be doing Listening-Reading where I read things and listened to them pronounced at the same time. So, something like the Satori Reader app lessons (which is my next study plan for japanese, after I get through Glossika japanese course and perhaps listen to some audio-only things like an audiobook or audio drama or show with no subtitles... I really want a solid foundation of thousands of common words I know BY listening comprehension, before I go back to tackling kanji pronunciations).
So if you do not either know a lot of kanji meanings from some SRS app study (like anki and mnemonics for kanji or something), or from chinese similar-cognates meaning wise, then I'd recommend pairing listening with reading activities to hear the kanji pronunciations frequently AS you learn the kanji word meanings. The pairing sound with word is what I used to do for my initial japanese study a few years ago (before Chinese), and worked better for me in terms of learning kanji-words than anything else I tried (Heisig did not work for me and mnemonics only helped me with meaning not pronunciation). For Chinese, I also paired sound with reading the words for the first 2000 words I studied (in an SRS app) and that helped tremendously. I think for me personally, I link sounds of words very heavily to the ability to read them... I remember better with a mental pronunciation in my head of a given word. So for japanese, kanji just did NOT stick with me learning only the meaning. They did not stick in my memory until I also learned them with audio of words containing kanji.
Right now, the hanzi knowledge helping kanji meaning-guessing is basically... I see kanji, I hear mentally the chinese hanzi pronunciation that kanji looks like, then guess the meaning of the kanji in context of a sentence. The issue, of course, is I am mentally recalling chinese pronunciation constantly. I linked hanzi visually to the pronunciation, and that attachment is strong. So I need to work on developing a strong link for japanese kanji-containing words to their japanese pronunciation, only that is going to fix the issue.
And that's how I estimate how many kanji I 'actually' know... can I look at 日本語 and actually mentally hear nihongo (japanese pronunciation instead of ri-ben-yu (chinese), I can see 犬と猫です and know it's inu to neko desu, hearing inu and neko in my head INSTEAD of quan and mao. I can see 鍵を忘れました and mentally hear kagi o wasuremashita instead of wang for 忘. I can see 始めました and hear mentally hajimemashita instead of 'shi' from 開始 (chinese - kaishi start). The words I can read in japanese and actually mentally hear the japanese pronunciations, are the kanji I actually know well.
But if I run into something like 原因 (genin - cause) in japanese, my brain just spits out yuanyin (reason - chinese), and has no idea what the japanese pronunciation is unless I look it up. These are the kinds of words (of which there's tons) that use kanji I am not familiar enough with in japanese, so I think I need a much stronger foundation of listening japanese vocabulary so I'd already know genin means cause from hearing it, then eventually see it in sentences and guess it means genin and Then link that to my memory of the word written in kanji.
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glorytoukraine2022 · 1 year ago
character ask
For Carla 2, 13 and 14
Shuriki for 12 (i am curious) and 30
2. “Snow Place Like Home” was around the first time that Carla and Victor started to intrigue me. Before that, they were just typical, power hungry villains for me. But I think it was when Ash betrayed Carla and Victor that I really started to become invested in their characters and truly consider the possibility of them being redeemed. The possibility had never occurred to me before then, but by the end of “The Magic Within”, I became genuinely intrigued by the idea of a reformed Carla.
13. Favorite relationship? That’s a tough one, especially since I don’t have a favorite fir Carla. I could go on and on for hours about how much I love Carla’s strong bond with Victor. It was because of the deep love that they both held for each other that led her and Victor to happier, healthier path and a stable future for themselves in Avalor.
Yet of course, everyone knows how much I love Carteo. Even though Carla’s main relationship in the show is with Victor, there is no denying that Carla’s relationship with Mateo also developed overtime, on screen and off. Carla mispronouncing Mateo’s name throughout the show is a metaphor for how little or much she cares about Mateo in that point in time. Whenever she would call him “Mataeto” it would show that she genuinely did not care enough about Mateo’s feelings correctly pronounce his name, despite it clearly bothering him.
That is why that brief moment between Carla and Mateo during the fight against Team Ash is so significant. Not only doesn’t Carla pronounce his name correctly, but she does so in a moment of worry and concern for him when Mateo is knocked off of Luna by Ash’s responding attack. If you look closely at Carla’s movements, facial expressions, the urgency in which she runs to him, it is clear that her feelings towards Mateo have shifted and grown in the time since her redemption. Carla cares about Mateo, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
14. Carla’s storyline is one of the most powerful storylines that I have seen in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, Elena’s is too, but reformed villains have always managed to wiggle into a place in my heart that even the heroes can’t. Carla and Victor’s story is a testament to just how powerful love is, and that biological family isn’t always a guarantee for unconditional love. It is the family that loves and stand by you that matter in life. These themes resonate deeply with my own life.
12. I don’t have a sexuality headcanon for Shuriki (sorry) since I don’t think about a character’s sexuality as often as most people tend to do. Sexuality is a very sensitive issue across fandoms, and one that I usually like to stay out of when it comes to fictional characters.
Thanks for the ask and I hope you enjoyed!
EDIT @phantom-of-the-ruckus
My profuse apologies for leaving out ask 30! I don’t know how I missed it!
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I wanted to capture some annoyed expressions of Shuriki. Her disguise for the Sunflower Festival is also hilarious!
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prodigal-explorer · 1 year ago
my speech impediment experience
as an autistic person with ehlers-danlos syndrome, as well as a premature identical twin, it was basically expected that i was going to have speech delays as a child. here is my story, and sort of my speech journey!
(my speech impediment story is not the definitive story of the speech impediment experience. do not use my story as an end-all-be-all of authority, please!)
my mom was expecting to have me and my twin sister in late march, but something happened, and we came out very early, on january 30. since we were so premature and we were identical twins (we came from one egg that split), we came out very small (around 4 pounds each), and we had medical complications from the get-go.
being twins, we spent a lot of time together. and as we started to learn that our mouths could make specific sounds that meant specific things, the first people we tried this type of communication out on was each other, naturally. this led to the two of us developing our very own nonsense language.
for a very long time, my sister and i refused to speak in any other way besides our own language. it took us longer to reach milestones such as our first words as a result of this. we had to go to speech therapy to unlearn the habits we picked up while speaking in our language, since being babies, we didn't understand how to use our mouths effectively.
for a long time, my sister and i had speech therapy. we both struggled with a lot of articulation errors, and we both tended to speak quickly, which led to some stuttering issues.
we also both learned later in life that we likely have some form of dyspraxia, which explains a lot of the issues we were having with figuring out how to move our mouths the correct ways.
we were lucky that our speech impediments didn't fully follow us into adulthood, but for a lot of our early childhood, we still struggled with a lot of vocal things that our peers had already mastered. i have a video from when we were around eight years old, and my nickname for my sister is "madi", but instead of actually pronouncing it correctly, i would call her "m-ee-adi" instead, adding an "ee" sound where there wasn't supposed to be one.
we went to speech therapy until around third or fourth grade, and from there, we had learned enough skills to where our speech impediments were no longer getting in the way of our lives.
nowadays, i still occasionally struggle with certain things vocally. i am an actor, so diction is very important for me to be understood onstage, but i struggle a lot with making my words understandable. i often have to slow down and start over, and i get a lot of "what? i didn't catch that", even when i speak slower than my usual quick pace. speaking clearly takes a lot of effort for me, even years after all that speech therapy. for some people, speech impediments don't fully go away, even if they do get significantly more manageable.
that is my speech impediment journey! i wish i could have been more detailed and scientific with it, but i don't remember very much from my childhood period, and due to a lot of other complications, stuff like causes are very murky because a lot of different things could have caused my speech impediments.
i hope this helped educate anyone who wants to learn more about speech impediments!
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 years ago
Disclaimer: a huge number of these were inspired by @shadowtriad and their works on Eramis, which have been pretty much what has been sustaining me everytime I've gotten the itch to seek out more content of her. A couple are nsf/w, but nothing is too explicit
-Naturally short. You wouldn't know it if you saw her near Arthys, because she somehow managed to pairbond with the one Eliksni smaller than her, but she's short. Don't rub it in either she's sensitive about it
-Kind of all sharp angles too- part of this is because of the whole triangle iconography going with her, another part is just how she's built. She's all wiry muscle instead of pure bulk, so while she hits hard and fast in hand-to-hand combat, she's still light enough that larger enemies can toss her around like a dorito. If Phylaks was a Titan and Kridis was a Warlock, then she'd be the Hunter of the trio
-Has the typical square Devil's jaw with a very sharply angular kind of muzzle; instead of the usual round Eliksni face, she’s got a more boxy/triangular one (yes I love symbolism yes I will put these into my hcs shut up. If anyone is curious I currently hc Arthys to have a very round form bc fuck yeah contrast). The claw strike that took out her right set of eyes and the resulting infection that set in ate away at the wound into her nasal passages, leaving a sunken mess of scarring behind. In her youth, her carapace started off a dark grey-blue in colour (more in line with House Winter or the Wolves than the Devils), but has deepened to indigo with age. Her eyes, when viewed in the right light, are more of an icy colour than pure cyan
-The horns she had on Riis pre-Whirlwind were sharp and straight, with two long thicker ones pointing straight back and two smaller ones behind her cheekbones, along with the carapace ridges on her cheekbones having a bit of a point to them. Though all Riisborn Eliksni moulted away their horns to conserve nutrients in the Long Drift, she still has some shallow nubs of carapace that indicated where they were, unlike spaceborn Eliksni that never grew them in without the environmental cues necessary to start their development
-Frequently cocks her head back and forth like a bird to make up for her inability to see on her right side. This is actually canon, but I like to imagine that its more pronounced when she's calm and not around enemies. Her hearing on that side is much sharper to accommodate her lack of sight as well, so you're not going to sneak up or behind her that easily (as some unruly hatchlings learned the hard way)
-Proud? Yes. Very. Good luck getting her to admit to her mistakes bc she is very much not fond of doing so lol
-Athrys was her heartmate, and she’s still not over her. While the company of other Eliksni can come close, and many Eliksni aren’t particularly known for being monogamous, Athrys was different in that the trauma of the Whirlwind and losing their hatchlings along with her just. Turned Eramis completely away from the concept of officially taking another mate. She has a little polycule going on with Phylaks, Kridis, and Taniks on the side, but anytime it’s started to get more serious, she’d freeze up. It’s not that anyone is trying to replace Athrys; heartmates are kind of like soulmates in Eliksni culture, with the exception that they’re not limited to romance like human culture is, so everyone knew how close they were. It’s more that if she settles into the routine of having a partner again instead of something closer to fwb roommates, she’ll start having flashbacks to losing Athrys and begin to obsessively worry about them dying. To make things worse, Phylaks and Kridis befriended her when they were teenagers on Riis, so her attachment to them is also linked to Athrys (who used to affectionately call them all a band of hooligans)
-They were working on her emotional issues before the Darkness got its claws into her, as Phylaks desperately wanted to have hatchlings with her, and well...trying to be mates with your Kell doesn’t really work well when the thought of having any babies with anyone/losing them makes her have a panic attack. Alas, once they finally established House Salvation, the Darkness had hooked itself into her mind and pretty much thoroughly disabled any parts of her mind that were interested in anything but warfare, including reproduction. Big f to Phylaks for the Darkness neutering her girl lmao (though tbf the Darkness was also hyping up her bloodlust and Europa kinda sucks for inducing breeding conditions)
-Tbh pretty much all the emotional wounds she’s ever obtained after the Whirlwind just kinda grew infected and festered. If something hurt her, assume it hasn’t healed. She’s a walking cPTSD nightmare, and that’s exactly how the Darkness got its claws into her. She’s not weak physically, but mentally/emotionally she’s a disaster that makes her extremely easily to manipulate
-Eramis is also the type to naturally swing between extremes on the emotional scale; when the Darkness got ahold of her, it ramped this up to 100. She started off swinging hard between highs and lows of emotion when she was young, calmed down quite a bit when she grew up, and then the Whirlwind came and took a hammer to all that work. Then the Darkness came, went ‘oh cool this would be sick af to set on fire’, and tossed a fucking rocket launcher of its parasitic influences into her brain. Oops.
-Even though she has major trauma regarding hatchlings/having more hatchlings of her own, her mom instincts are still going strong. Put her anywhere near a hatchling/young adult and boom she’s either taking over the childcare or advising younger parents on how to take care of their hatchlings. She loves babies, and is fiercely protective of those under her care (which again got nullified with the Dark infestation. Thanks mfer)
-She’s a natural leader when she’s not corrupted by the Dark/being enabled to do crazy shit by all her friends, and was favored by many because she was tough yet fair. A mixture of her being deeply passionate, wickedly cunning, and willing to let the underdogs prove their worth was what brought House Salvation to such great heights before she lost it. She's naturally nurturing without being too overwhelming about it, which put her into positions of power quite easily
-Btw, a note on the Darkness: I see it as a hungry, parasitic entity that alters the minds of those it finds a foothold in to spread the chaos and destruction it feeds upon. In nature, parasites alter the behavior of their hosts all the time to achieve their goal (mostly an end host for reproduction), which is what I believe it did with Eramis. While her actions certainly were her own, the Darkness dialed up her reactions to extremes she never would have considered without its influence, such as conquering the whole Sol system and summoning the Vex. Because as soon as Eramis drew the attention of the Guardians, she brought an ideal host (an unkillable death-bringing machine) right to its doorstep. Untarnished Eramis would have been more cunning in building her army and wouldn't have brought the Vex in, for example; the Darkness essentially took a charging bull and directed it into a china shop for maximum profits on its end, which is extremely similar to parasites irl that affect the brains of their intermediate hosts so that said host would be killed by their favored animal
-But anyways back to Eramis
-Athrys was the only person who could talk her down once she made up her mind- apart from herself, of course, but good luck fighting with her stubbornness and pride to get her to admit that. And even Athrys had a variable success rate, though this was in part because Athrys herself loved Eramis for being stubborn and would often much rather let her wife tear into people than get her to calm down
-Can cook a handful of generic dishes extremely well and the rest either passable or poorly. This is entirely due to the fact that she used to take cooking and teaching duty for her hatchlings on Riis while Arthys worked, so she memorized a set number of recipes everyone agreed upon and nothing more. She’s hyperaware of this, but don’t let her into the kitchen regardless she'll hover around and scold you like a middle eastern grandma if she thinks you're not cooking to her standards
-She's prone to hyperfocusing on something and pursuing that passion until she knows everything about it inside and out. When she was young, she was a very bossy hatchling that often demanded her elders to teach her anything and everything they could, which was understandably exhausting. Variks was the only one who let her get into his notes, and that was because he met her when he was barely out of his teenager stage himself and thus didn’t want to deal with being responsible 24/7
-Actually you know what fuck it, she has Eliksni ADHD bc I’m neurodivergent and I say so
-Kinda thinking about making her an orphan that's small bc she was lost when young and was Ether-starved before the Devil trackers could find her again ngl. She was too young to really remember much about being lost other than the dark, the cold, and the hunger, but it was part of why she wanted so badly to be a mother- so that none of her hatchlings (adopted or otherwise) would ever face that same fate
-Her relationship with Variks is...complicated. When she was young, he got his first scribe job with her House, so she spent a lot of her time hounding him for information and generally building up an older brother/younger sister relationship that just grew deeper after she and Arthys (who befriended him) became mates. After he betrayed her, her feelings for him turned to deep anger and loathing, while he is bitter and sorrowful for what she turned into
-Used to practice hand-to-hand combat before the Whirlwind to vent her excess energy; pre-Whirlwind it was all ritualized, post-Whirlwind it was part of why she became one of the fiercest warriors among her people
-She was a strict mother to her and Arthys’s hatchlings, but she was also the quickest to turn her eyes away if they were being mischievous/pulling pranks; that, or she’d join in and make their shenanigans even worse. She imposed and kept rules to keep them safe, but respected their desire to push back against the more arbitrary ones, because she was the same way. She’d be tougher with hatchlings she didn’t know, but not in a harsh way, just in a ‘I won’t risk your harm’ sort of way. And if her own kids didn’t play nice with the others, she’d be sure to give them a scolding
-In that same vein, she used to be pretty rebellious before the Whirlwind, always questioning authority and challenging it to be better. Now she’s just angry
-Oh and fun fact :))) Even though she had several litters and started being a mom young (not all of them were born to her, she’s very much the ‘if baby is adoptable and compatible with me they are now my baby’ sort of gal), her eldest were barely older than teenagers when the Whirlwind happened :))) She never got to see them grow up and go off on their own, something that haunts her to this very day
-Has a particular fondness for fish and organ meats. Claims that Earth’s fruits are all terrible, but oranges are a favored treat for her, especially if they’re cooked into a sticky jam-like desert that was popular on Riis (think bean bun but sweet and full of sweet preserves). Let her get anywhere near a plate of those bad boys and they’ll be gone within the hour
-Not very talented on the creative side of things, but absolutely wicked with machines. She can hotwire practically anything in the Sol system in under a minute. The tips of her hands are covered in scars from electrical burns; she and Arthys used to joke that she traded her impulse control for her ability to break apart and rewire any piece of tech she gets her claws on
-Oh, did I mention that she fucks? Because yeah she fucks. She's got hangups about conciously trying to make more hatchlings, but that doesn't mean she won't screw around for pleasure. She's very aware that her high rank and age puts her in the prime fuckability range among her people, and she uses it. Even if it's just a quick screw to work off extra energy, she won't say no to anyone who's old enough and strong enough to meet her standards, though she won't lay in anyone but Taniks when breeding season comes about. That's when her eggs have the best chance of actually adhering to a male's broodpouch, and Taniks is sterilized, so it's safe (or so he says). This works well for them both, as she is also the only person he'd allow to lay eggs in him
-Which yeah, that didn't work. She's Eido's biomom. It was her ship that Misraaks found on the battlefield; it got shot down when she was trying to use the chaos of the fight to sneak off somewhere safe to rear her hatchlings, but her attempt to flee failed, and she got thrown from the ship into a chasm in the crash. Misraaks found the only survivor, but she assumed that they had all perished just before they hatched, and their loss haunts her to this day. Blame Shadow and Jaxx for that one (though ngl I'm kinda tempted to chime in here myself and say that this crash is what got her lower legs crushed, and got her caught when she was roaming the battlefield deliriously looking for her hatchlings. Variks was 'kind' enough to offer her medical attention after he found her (mostly because he needed her alive to offer her proper judgement), but she lost them along with her babies, which uh. Made her mental status a lot worse, as you can imagine. The only upside is that her being forced to fight for her life in the Prison of Elders and being forced to get used to her new prosthetics kind of made mourning them hard, but it's just another wound in her already fucked-up life
-Is good at laying eggs in others, has a hard time carrying them if laid in her, as her smaller, more wiry frame doesn't lend itself well to being gravid. On Riis, this was something that deeply upset her, because she wanted to carry at least some of her and Arthys's biological clutches, but she only managed one when she was in the right season for it. Now she doesn't give a rat's ass about it
-The Eliksni don't do gender like we do, but even so her gender can basically be described as 'she but in the way you refer to a ship, not a woman'. The Eliksni version of femininity is something that she just kinda accidentally phases into, not something that she actually cares about much. Gender is more of a 'yeah sure whatever' than a 'this is me and you better fucking respect it' thing
-She's bi, and though it might seem like she's got a preference for women, it's really more that all the people she liked coincidentally happened to use a female presentation
-She's a very caring lover and is fond of petnames. If you have a praise kink, then beware, because she will catch on quickly and use it against you frequently. She's very passionate about those she cares about, and she doesn't do anything by halves, especially not courtship. And while she's usually in charge in bed, she's also more than content to simply lie back and enjoy the attention if it's what brings pleasure to her partner
-The name 'Eramis' roughly translates to 'raging storm' in old Eliksni. Anyone who has met her would agree that it's quite an apt description of her
-She's also fond of being squashed while sleeping or cuddling. You'd never expect it, but Eramis, Kell of Darkness is a little spoon. Or, rather, the bottom pancake of the stack. This has waned in favor of her sleeping in front of her loved ones as a guard post-Whirlwind, but despite all her pride about being short, she really does love being compressed, be it by a brood of hatchlings draping over her or her harem curling around her. A weighted blanket would probably absolutely blow her mind
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tundrainafrica · 4 years ago
Title: Lovebug (3/10)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 4 5
Notes: So I was really planning on my posting the next chapter tonight and wahhhh right on time @renrampant posted this beautiful piece of art inspired by lovebug. I hope this chapter satisfies <3. I hope the zekehan kiss which will be coming in a chapter or two does justice to the art too.
Levi was a man of his word and he always had been. The night he created his tinder profile, such a penchant had turned out to be more than just an inconvenient truth.
Something so ideally simple as to create a tinder profile, shouldn’t have taken him more than a few hours. Yet, Levi found himself searching, grappling for the right words to say, finding some way to make himself more attractive than he actually was. It turned out with his own meagre attributes, drawing the right person was an altogether daunting task.
Maybe he was overthinking that night. Overthinking had been enough though to leave him exhausted, retiring for the night even before he even noticed he had forgotten to place the phone by his bedside.
When he came into his senses again, sunlight was streaming through the room, turning even the dimmest corners a little less black and a little more gray. The phone was a warm heavy weight vibrating on his chest.
He had to leave for the office soon.
His sleeping schedule only provided him a generous hour and a half to shower and to commute. Frustration at not being able to complete his bio the night before had him sluggish. It had him unwillingly reaching towards the back of his mind as he showered, as he shaved and pulled his light sweater on.
He considered extirpating that nagging thought. All you have to do is put a bio right? Levi thought to himself as he made his way to the subway station. He memorized the way to work like the back of his hand, all the way until the train platform He took the risk of walking straight ahead, eyes completely glued to the screen in front of him.
How it had taken him so much focus to decide on a bio. How it had taken him so much energy and thought. He didn’t know.
Levi though was a man of his word and thus, he had ended up clicking save after typing only a few simple straightforward words.
'Currently software testing. If interested, please swipe right.’
“So Levi, you’re a software tester?”
Levi found himself stifling a surprise snort at that question. The sound had come out as something he managed to disguise as a clearing of his throat. Hopefully it worked.
They had just settled on one of the corner seats of a chain coffee shop, a conservative choice for a first date. That is, if he were planning on impressing her. The date felt more like an obligation than an actual passion project. And obligations always had Levi’s mind running on overdrive, even with things as simple as ice breakers.
He didn’t expect that to have been the first line of conversation. He didn’t even know how to pronounce her name yet. The woman was looking expectantly though, bending a little forward. Whether she had been feigning interest or whether she had been genuinely interested, Levi couldn’t really tell.
Technically he tested software for a living and he didn’t need to really expose himself as the head engineer of the software so he settled for a nod.
“Oh, what kind of software do you test?” The woman in front of him pressed.
Levi snuck a glance at his phone under the table. Lynn. But was it pronounced ‘lint?’ Or was it pronounced ‘line?’
He was overthinking again. But when the woman had pronounced his own name correctly, it seemed almost criminal to have to mispronounce her name. Maybe he could table that question for a while.
Or never go on a date with her again. Levi thought to himself as he looked back up at her with the most casual face he could muster. “I test biology related software,” he answered. He purposely kept it vague. He had to note she was also a love alarm user. She had mentioned that part in her bio. Bringing it up in a conversation though was another issue altogether. If he brought it up, she might ask. If the conversation continued, she might ask more.
Did he want to expose then that he was the one who had designed the actual application?
“Biology sounds very interesting,” she commented. She didn’t seem interested in Biology though.
Not as interested as Hange. That quick comparison came like an uninvited visitor and Levi found himself just slapping the phone on top of the table on impulse. The clack of the phone on the table, the metal on hardwood rattled him enough to drive those thoughts away.
Lynn jumped in surprise. “Are you okay?” she asked.
Levi felt the blood rush to his face. When he was thinking longingly about someone married, and comparing her to Lynn, his date for the day, blushing seemed like an almost welcome sensation. “I heard you use the love alarm,” Levi started. When he was already making a fool of himself, might as well go straight to the point.
“You would like to check if we’re attracted to each other huh?” She asked. “But I don’t think we’d find out by the first date…”
“I said on my profile, I wanted to test a software so that’s why I’m here now actually.” Those words forced themselves out of Levi and they came out as a disturbed flow, as guttural sounds that burned in his throat. In the end, the honest man inside him prevailed.
“Test?” Lynn had been nice enough at least to mirror him and put her phone on the table. “You wanna test the love alarm now?”
Levi nodded as he fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him. He was familiar enough with the banner in the front of the screen to know with just a quick glance. The love alarm was active.
He didn’t have to open the application or pull down the banner to know the result. He was all too familiar with how the application would work even when placed on silent mode. The banner should at least appear, with the words ‘Someone nearby is in love with you.’
If there were at least two people around them then, if somebody else rang it, Levi would have been compelled to check. Both applications were void of hearts though. Levi closed the application and pocketed his phone. “It looks like we aren’t attracted to each other.” He only realized as those words escaped from his lips, how awkward or maybe how rude of a comment it came out as.
Lynn’s eyes were wide for a second before she furrowed her brows, framing those brown eyes. “Of course, we just met. I think attraction is something that can be built over time right?” Lynn answered.
“You’re not wrong,” Levi said. Really, he didn’t even believe he could be someone who could rattle off facts about love. Hange had said it herself, he was a little inexperienced.
He wanted to be right about it though. He wanted to believe attraction could be built over time. By extension, he wanted to hold on to the possibility that attraction could also dissipate into apathy. After all, all those emotions should have been in the same ballpark.
“So what do you think?” Lynn asked. She had said some words before that but maybe Levi had reflected too deeply to have processed anything more than the face of the woman before him.
If he blinked and squinted a little afterward, he could pretend that same wavy brown hair was Hange’s. Hange’s hair though was a little shorter and a little messier and when bright light shone at it from certain angles, it came off as a little red. Hange’s eyes were a little bigger and her face was a little rounder.
Lynn was just too different from Hange to ever be Hange.
When Levi let his vision blur though, let it focus on her features slowly then all at once, he could play pretend. When looking from his peripherals, settling for blurs instead of clear pictures, he could pretend the brown hair was Hange’s, the waves that fell on her shoulders as just another layer.
He didn’t even notice it, even after they had split the bill and when she turned down his half hearted offer to take her home. That was until her last greeting came out as they parted ways along the main street that led up to the train station.
Her last greeting was a long way off from a conventional goodbye but it had done its job to get Levi’s attention.
“By the way Levi, my name isn’t Hange.” She unmatched him on tinder after that.
Levi decided to put a small note under his name.
Software Engineer. Currently testing software. If interested please swipe right.
It turned out though, there were people who never read bios. “So, what do you do for a living?” The woman in front of him asked. His case in point.
Hange likes reading. An invasive thought tore through him then and Levi wondered how that could have ever been related to the situation at hand.
When he questioned himself, he found out why he even reflected on it in the first place. Right, since Hange likes reading, she wouldn’t have overlooked my bio if she found me on tinder.
Of course, she wouldn’t have tinder. Levi took a deep breath then, reminding himself for the nth time that he was going to have to settle for people who weren’t married to billionaire business tycoons.
He was going to have to settle for people who weren’t Hange.
But he didn’t have to settle for her either. She was underwhelmed yet underwhelming at the same time and Levi was starting to miss Lynn already as the more desirable option.
He quickly shook his head. You don’t have to see any of these people again. All you have to do is turn the love alarm on and watch it ring. But he was feeling so underwhelmed, so disappointed with the turn out of the date in front of him just minutes into meeting her. He had entertained just the thought of cancelling their food there, the only thing stopping him being the wasted food and the poor waitress who would have to clean the mess. So he decided he could at least stay long enough to at least try.
“So, have you heard of the love alarm Nanaba?” Levi asked. He may have put just a little more emphasis in her name. After all, he didn’t want the Lynn-Hange incident happening again.
“Of course, who hasn’t learned about the love alarm app? Actually I have it with me right now.” Nanaba pulled out her phone and dropped it in front of him.
Ten years of hard and stressful work made Levi immune to even the slightest compliments. “You wanna do some testing?” He asked. “Don’t you want to see if we’re compatible?”
Compatible. That was a complex word and Levi started to doubt the applicability of that application in determining compatibility. It was a love alarm, not a compatibility alarm.
Nanaba grinned. “Sure but I have to tell you, I don’t think it actually works.”
Levi raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. He hoped it seemed genuine though. “Really?” When he momentarily thought back to the numerous support tickets logged just within the past two weeks thought, his expression may have turned just a little genuine. It was a mess of an application after all.
“I’ve been using it for a few months already... And it hasn’t rung, not even once. .”
Maybe nobody likes you. Levi had some ironclad rules about testing, always start with user errors, not with application errors and that had him instinctively blaming her but he had to note, most people had one to two matches, Nanaba didn’t look particularly unlikeable either. Just with the thought of statistics, it should have at least rung once if she kept it on regularly.
Levi quickly switched from his engineering hat to his much more empathetic yet still very shitty customer service persona. “Maybe you just haven’t found the one who could ring it for you?” The words tasted so sweet they almost instantly clabbered into sour milk in his mouth. He felt like he was in some sappy Korean drama.
“Well, it rang with my friend Mike once but we don’t see each other that way…”
“Oh, really? Then why did you say it’s broken?”
“Because it rang with my best friend and that doesn’t count...” Nanaba wanted to say more. It was all over her face and her tone.
Levi was in no mood though to play love counselor. But he wasn’t an asshole enough to cancel the food and ditch a seemingly sad woman either. The food came at the right time when Levi was entertaining the prospect of just leaving.
Nanaba looked very much in the mood to speak, speak about something a little more emotional, a little more serious than hobbies and Levi found himself hesitant to force the conversation elsewhere.
Levi came out of that date with no second date, no results. Nanaba on the other hand came out of that date with new found confidence to confess her feelings to her long time best friend.
By the time they had exited the shop, Levi was already swiping again, grumbling obscenities about how testing wasn’t supposed to be that hard.
“Rico Brzenska,” Levi said. There were only too many ways to mispronounce ‘Rico.’ Still, two failed dates had him careful about names already. “So what do you do for a living?” And careful about other things as well.
“I’m a student.”
Levi almost spit his tea out at that. He should have been more careful. He had read her bio, she had mentioned something about a love alarm app and that had him swiping right already. He was sure if he had seen any indication of a minor, he would have swiped left. “Really? What kind of student?” He asked, having gone subtly for his phone and pushing it further under the table.
“A graduate student taking business and commerce.”
Levi only had to take a quick glance at his settings to be sure, there were no chances of him dating a minor, as long as nobody was lying about their age on tinder. Being an honest man though, Levi had a harder time looking through white lies.
Such awareness had him studying her round face, her large blue eyes for a little longer. She could have been a minor. Or he could just be paranoid.
But when dating a minor could actually mean jail time, Levi didn’t want to take any chances. “Do you have any ID on you?”
“ID?” Rico frowned. “Why would you need an ID?”
“You said in your bio you wanted to test the love alarm right?”
Rico nodded. “Yes, I just wanna make sure before I start dating someone, we already have the initial attraction. I don’t wanna waste my time with people who aren’t attracted to me or I’m not attracted to, if you get what I mean?”
In response, Levi hummed in understanding. He did get what she meant. The last thing he wanted to do though was inadvertently ring the love alarm of someone a good many years younger than him and risk jail time. He probably wouldn’t ring it anyway.
But just in case. Levi put his phone out on the table, leaving one hand outstretched as if to wait for an ID.
No ID. No Love Alarm. He was sure that was the sign he was giving.
"Wait you don't think I'm off age do you? You think I'm lying on my profile?"
"No, I don't think you are," Levi said. Maybe his expression betrayed his words.
Rico eventually let go of an ID, a school ID from a familiar university logo Levi was sure he had seen a few times. And her face then had been one of pure irritation and maybe a hint of fury.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "There? Legal enough for you?"
Still a student, still too young to be engaging in anything with an older man, at least by Levi's standards. Still, he found himself almost obligated to just test the alarm in front of her.
Rico didn't look happy at all to be heavily scrutinized, or doubted. When she activated her application, Levi saw it as a cue to activate his own.
All you have to do is press the button. Levi told himself. He knew it wouldn't ring. He felt no attraction to her but paranoia had his brain going in all sorts of directions at once. Maybe the blood that rushed through his cheeks then was love. Maybe his hands shaking then were nervousness and excitement at meeting one's destined partner.
Also Rico wore glasses. For some reason, that had him thinking back to someone else with glasses, he wondered for a second if her eyes were much larger without those on. And he wondered if it was similar for Hange.
How such a long train of thought could have occupied him in such a short frame of time, interrupted by a quick sleight of hand, Levi didn't know.
But it had ended so abruptly, almost violently with the familiar cacophony of two love alarms ringing at once.
For a second, Levi sat frozen on the table as his mind went ahead, racing over theories and potential testing methods to deduce the root behind the outcome.
Do I have a glasses kink? That had been Levi's first thought. He looked down at his own phone to see the one heart and the bright message on top.
One person nearby is in love with you.
His second thought had been a little more objective. It's a bug. He told himself. I'll just have to do further testing.
Rico’s eyes were wide in shock. For a few seconds or so, she struggled to move and he couldn’t blame her. After all, the ringing of multiple love alarms in such a silent place like a cafe on a weekday morning was a scene that definitely had the potential to catch some people’s attention.
Levi couldn’t be too sure. He didn’t want to survey his surroundings either so he narrowed his view to just his own love alarm and back at Rico. The latter went for her phone.
From his own angle, Levi couldn’t see her interface but he was familiar with the way she had swiped it, to know she had turned it off. The two love alarms continued to ring in the silence. Even with the tension and awkwardness so thick that made it difficult to slog through, his brain was still moving.
He was blessed with at least enough deduction skills to quickly figure it out for himself.
He was in love with someone else in the room. But who? He surveyed his surroundings, keeping his view closed to only one person at a time. That gave him enough time to brush away the rest of the stares that surfaced from having made such a scene with the harsh ring of the love alarm.
Only after scanning for a second longer did his spatial awareness catch up to him. The other ringing was coming from behind. Levi turned behind him, quickly enough to catch the mop of chestnut brown hair. Fortunately, he had been slow and careful enough to pull away at the last second, missing her forehead by a hair’s breadth.
“Watch where you’re fucking going!” That had been Levi’s first instinct. After all, he was still seeing red, just imagining their heads slamming into each other in the middle of a very silent cafe.
The brunette in front of him, put one finger to her masked mouth, pointing at one of the old fashioned signs just above her seat.
In silence, there is eloquence. It read.
Hange was a very eloquent person. Levi had read enough messages from her and stalked enough of her works to know that much. Any other day, maybe any other minute, he would have been happy to listen, learn a thing or two from the master of diplomacy.
But Hange had virtually come out of nowhere. In the middle of a date.
Giving her a onceover though, noting her masked face. The only two things that made her recognizable then was her mop of brown hair tied in a ponytail and her masked mouth. Still, that had been more than enough for Levi to have seen through it.
She had settled on the seat behind him. The way she looked back at him and the way she had seemed a little too relaxed with a half finished cup of coffee just in front of her, Levi was sure she had been there for a while.
How much did she hear? Levi couldn’t ask just yet. The alarms were still ringing and as soon as Levi turned it off on his end, it stopped. Yet people continued to stare. More importantly, Rico was still staring from behind him.
“Do you two know each other?” She asked.
The answer didn’t come as quickly for Levi as he would have wanted it too. They knew each other, they’ve met at least twice. They’ve eaten out together once. But technically, did it count as ‘knew?’ Did Hange feel the same way?”
“We’re colleagues, working on the same project,” Hange answered for him.
Levi almost instantly realized he liked that answer. Colleagues. It was definitely more intimate than ‘knew each other.’ While at the same time, it held more respect in one’s skills and talent than the word ‘friends.’ And it implied in its own little way that Hange cared about the project just as much as he did.
It had been difficult to muster a straight face then. Still, he pushed forward, nodding when he struggled to stifle the motions of his mouth and the blood that rushed to his face then.
“But the… the love alarm… it…” Rico continued to speak. She shifted her eyes quickly between both Levi and Hange. “And you…” Her eyes fixed on Hange then.
Levi followed her eyes instinctively. Did Rico recognize Hange? He couldn’t confirm it for himself. Soon after that, Rico didn’t say anything in response. Instead she blinked back surprise. She started to clean out her things and place them into her bag.
“Wait, you’re leaving?” Levi wanted to pull her back. For a split second, he had reached out his hand, grasping his hand before pulling quickly back. He didn’t mind losing the chance at a second date. Just the thought of putting someone in such a tight and uncomfortable position had his stomach turning. He couldn’t for the life of him tell what she was thinking but he at least felt the tension.
Rico didn't have the most eloquent response either. “Sorry about this… I guess on my end it just feels wrong meddling in somebody else’s relationship… I don’t wanna be the one who’d stop people from getting together.”
Levi was quick to understand though. His thoughts flew back to Nanaba just a date ago and the long one sided counseling session which consisted of Nanaba’s long drawn monologues and Levi’s own grunts of understanding. The date which eventually ended with Nanaba finally figuring out for herself the best course of action.
You know, you’re right, Both of our love alarms rang. And that’s the whole point of this app right? If they both ring, it’s a sign, we should act on it.
And that was the whole point of the love alarm. How many times had he reviewed marketing material, love story commercials which ended with that same message?
Levi opened his mouth ready to speak up. By then, Rico was already out the door, any evidence of her presence just a second ago disappearing within seconds of her leaving. The chimes by the store entrance gradually slowed to a weak dance, the people who watched her leave eventually fell back to whatever they were doing beforehand, and Levi’s own protests had deadened into a light whisper.
It’s a bug. Besides, she’s married. The words had settled in his tongue like a familiar friend and he was sure if given the chance, he would have managed to say it loud and clear.
Levi looked back in his phone to see Rico had unmatched him, just a little too quickly.
“I think we should get that bug fixed soon,” Hange whispered. She sounded like she was stifling a laugh.
"For someone who's worried about the bug, you looked like you had a swell time ringing our alarms just a while ago," Levi said bitterly.
"Zeke's on a business trip and I'm bored and lonely."
“Well, don't take it out on me.” Levi took out his wallet and dropped the cash by the side of his drink, counting enough to pay for Rico’s drink too. He didn’t think too much about the receipt or the change.
The murmurs around him were more than enough to have him hurrying out of the cafe. Did they recognize Hange?
He thought it an appropriate time to satisfy his curiosity when they were both a good distance from the shop. “Do you think people recognize you as Zeke Jaeger’s partner?”
Hange put one finger to her mask. “I saw you outside the shop and when I thought of ringing your love alarm, I did what I could to prepare." Her eyes were still smiling though and Levi was sure there was a laugh behind that mask. "Besides, even though most people recognize Zeke, I don't think they'd notice me. I don’t join the interviews or events as much as he does,” Hange said.
Levi noticed though that Hange was the type to just get lost in her surroundings. Ort hat was at least what Levi had picked up on her the first few times they have gone together. She quickly relaxed after that short and quick question and answer, and in the way that she navigated through the crowds a little too clumsily yet a little too playfully, Levi found evidence backing up his mini theory.
Even if anybody did recognize her, she probably wouldn’t have noticed. And that little realization had made it much harder for Levi to stomach what just happened in the cafe. They needed to get the bug fixed fast. “Let’s go back to the office, maybe do some more testing.”
“Isn’t that why we’re here now?” Hange asked, pointing towards the general direction of their building. “I visited your office this morning because I didn't have much to doand I thought I could be helpful. You weren’t there so I asked around and one of the people from the support team told me you were out. She said probably in your favorite tea shop.”
“You met Petra?” Levi asked. “Redhead? Short?” He soon added, noting her confused expression.
Hange snapped her fingers. “Yes, that’s her name.”
“Yeah, she knows my favorite tea shop. Gets me my favorite mix of tea leaves every year for Christmas,” Levi said, more to fill the air with at least some conversation on the way back.
It took Levi a while to notice Hange had peeked at his face even as he averted his gaze, looking elsewhere.
She spoke up. “Say… Have you ever tried testing your love alarm on her?”
Petra was one of the newer employees, a little shy but particularly mature for her age. She was notably competent and had a particularly better handle of her emotions than most of the other colleagues. Her most important asset had been her level headedness even under the pressure of scrutiny. Petra was the type of person to know when she was attracted to someone and she was the type of person to admit it for the sake of a smoother testing process.
Thus, she was one of Levi's favorite volunteers when testing the love alarm.
And Levi was sure, to some degree she could have liked him. If he were to consider her words as truth, and the hearts at the bottom of the screen as some indication.
When they were testing every release on fifty employees over a one week period, putting results side by side with checklists and biometrics tests, they were as thorough as it could be. It was always the case that when it was the two of them testing with each other, Levi’s love alarm always rang, Petra’s didn’t. Every single time, Petra would tag that instance as ‘QA passed.’
It could have been a placebo effect or it could have also been just an admittance to get the testing process done just a little faster but Petra never seemed like the type, breezing through the awkward scenes that came with testing a love application like they were part of a job. If it ever bothered her, she never showed it.  
Levi’s alarm never rang in any of the tests he had ever taken anyway. When he double checked though, lining up the results side by side with checklists of what to look out for when one was in love, he found that it never had been a big deal. He had never been attracted to anyone in particular anyway.
“So, I’m the only one your love alarm rang with huh?” Hange asked.
Except maybe Hange.“Yeah, when doing QA work, I’ve had to test with the other employees and it never rang with any of them,” Levi admitted.
“How does QA work?”
“We test with employees, users… All on a volunteer basis if I may clarify.” Levi added that last part for just a touch of professionalism. “We have acceptable ranges for biometrics, checklists and we have a certain number of results which need to fit there to consider a release viable.”
“Why don’t we test using the QA procedure?”
“Because the QA process is a logistical nightmare. We plan a venue. We plan a schedule and we have to get a certain number of people to show up.”
“No, I meant… What if we try it, just the two of us. We answer the checklists, we take each other's biometrics and see if that falls in the exact range for ‘love'?” Hange suggested and her excitable tone only made it seem like she was suggesting something almost revolutionary.
Levi sighed. “I’d rather we use QA testing as a last resort.”
Hange’s face fell. “Why?”
“Because…” Levi would have liked to leave it at that. As he looked at Hange who had leaned on the wall, crossing her arms and staring back at him expectantly, he remembered, it was a professional relationship. If the partner of their very important investor demanded answers, she would get answers so he settled for something seemingly acceptable yet very pathetic in the grand scheme of things. “We’re going to have to answer standardized psychology quizzes and take some physical tests.”
“And I’m sure you’d have a few samples lying around. Let’s see what information we can get,” Hange said.
There were other reasons Levi had been hesitant to suggest such an exam in the first place. It had been difficult to grasp for the exact reasons until they arrived in the conference room Levi had reserved.
The room was a vacuum that had the special power of just drowning out voices, footsteps from just outside the hallway. The tables were empty, the white board put away towards the side of the room. It was clean, empty, void of any presence or even trace of it. It made Levi just a little more painfully aware of his heartbeat, his moist palms and his wild uncoordinated breathing.
He might just fail the physical exam. More specifically, he might just fail if he took it then, at the exact moment.
Grasping for some win, or at the least some comfort in that situation, he had half the mind to run through the ‘Am I in love?’ checklist or at least what he remembered from it. If he were a little honest, there might have been some things he would have checked.
But it didn’t mean he would fail it right?
“What do you think?” Hange pressed. She had settled for one of the chairs in the room.
Levi had answers, but he couldn’t share it just yet. Inviting her to take that meant that he was entertaining the prospect that they might just be in love with her---a cursed prospect.
“Or do you have any other ideas?” Hange asked. She cocked her head to one side in thought.
“If you give me a little more time to come up with something…” Levi said.
“Petra told me you have a week or two before they release the next fix. You’ve done most of the coding work. You just need to fix this bug right?” Hange was very talkative. It turned out Petra had been just a little talkative too with the right prodding by Hange. “Why don’t you wanna just test it now?” Hange's face darkened then to something almost threatening.
And maybe Levi was a little intimidated. He quickly turned away, unable to control whatever expression would force itself out of him then.
“Levi?” Her voice was grating. The echoing in the room didn’t do much to help alleviate it. “Come on, please? I want this investment as much as you do.”
If the partner of their very important investor demanded answers, she would get answers.
But it didn’t have to be the correct answers. “Fine,” Levi said. “You know, maybe the way we test this application… the way we test for love might actually be flawed so maybe some feedback from a researcher like you could be useful.”
Hange grinned from ear to ear, the ominous face of a while ago just a memory Levi could probably forget. “So where do we start?”
Testing for the biological numbers was quick with the right tools.
Heart rate. Hormone levels. Stress Levels. Pain Sensitivity. They had all the right test kits on hand with a document detailing the acceptable range.
All reasonable levels, albeit a little too far from the midpoint that Levi held on to the possibility that maybe they could log it all in as some coincidence. The checklists were just a little more difficult and maybe Levi was just thinking a little too far off that he had started to have a mini identity crisis.
I think about my partner a few times a day.
Partner: Referring to the person one tests the application with. Levi was aware of that much having tested the application long before. Yet for some reason, he had to loudly remind himself of that, even within the confines of his mind.
He entertained hypotheses. If Hange were his partner, that would be polyamory and that could even start the scandal of the year, or even the decade. He didn’t want to be part of that.
So he ticked ‘never’ because technically Hange wasn’t his partner anyway.
I want to be with my partner everyday.
Hange was Zeke's partner. Just the idea of getting in between a married couple had Levi's stomach turning and it had been easy to tick never right next to it.
My partner trusts me.
It was too early to tell, or so that was what Levi told himself then.
The word ‘partner’ had been a convenient term. Zeke had been a convenient presence in his mind. And that had him ticking all the 'nevers' towards the edge of the page just a little more confidently.
Technically, Hange wasn’t his partner. Technically they just met, so words like trust, amicability, happiness, charisma, compatibility and charm, didn’t have to apply to them just yet. A few minutes later, he had checked enough ‘nevers’ to have armed himself with the confidence to look her in the eye.
Hange though wasn’t reciprocating, looking deep in thought with whatever question she had been answering. She bit her lip.
Hange eventually met his gaze. Instead of being just a little more satisfied, Levi was a little disappointed, more in himself than in anyone else. For that few seconds that Hange bit her lower lip in thought, her cheekbones had seemed fuller, her hazel eyes held an almost imperceptible yet still very enthralling glimmer, and regretfully, he didn’t take the time to relish it when it was right in front of him.
“How’s the test?” Levi asked.
“It’s fine,” Hange said.
Levi slid his own answers towards her. “We just have to calculate the number of ‘always,’ the number of 'sometimes,' the number of ‘nevers’ and just match it on the document over here.” He turned his laptop towards her.
“I can do it,” Hange said, pulling the laptop towards herself. The next few minutes passed in silence. Levi stared at the ceiling, trying to keep his heartbeat in time with the clack of the keyboard. Hange typed fast and chaotically but in a way, there was rhythm and order and that had helped him get into a position where he could just drop his shoulders and fall back on the chair behind him.
“You don’t think I trust you?” Hange asked.
“It’s too early to tell right?” Levi said. That answer had been scripted and it slipped out of his mouth easily.
Hange’s let out a light sound, a cross between with a hum and a chuckle. “Well, to tell you the truth, I put here that I didn’t trust you either.”
“Well that makes both of us, I guess,” Levi said.
Hange continued to type, filling the room with some predictable rhythm, a predictable rhythm his own wild heartbeat failed to provide. Eventually, it stopped, with one loud clack on the ‘enter’ button or at least, Levi guessed it was the enter button.
Soon after, Hange leaned back on the backrest of her own chair. “Biometrics all fall in the acceptable range. Test results all fall in the unacceptable range,” she said, her tone unreadable. Too professional but Levi surmised it could be her usual ‘research’ tone. He hadn’t known her long enough to be certain.
“Maybe we should get to know each other first and try to answer again?” Hange suggested. “We just met so I can’t fully trust you yet but I think, we could get along with the right…”
Environment? Amount of time? Mutual Processing? Levi couldn’t be too sure of the answer. She had said something else after the word ‘right’ or maybe she didn’t. Still, there was a problem that needed to be solved, there was an issue that needed to be addressed that extended beyond the need to resolve the feelings between two strangers.
Or two colleagues. Levi decided he liked the word colleagues better. “So what do you suggest Hange?” Levi asked.
“I wanna do further research with this application. We can tweak whatever processes you’re using now to QA, whatever processes you’re using to determine whether people are in love. Maybe we just have to fix that a bit.”
“This application took years to develop. It’s gonna be difficult to overturn a lot of the processes.”
“Without the right funding…” Hange said. She wagged her finger and gave Levi a knowing look.
Levi narrowed his eyes accusingly at Hange. “So how’s convincing Zeke been going?”
“That’s the caveat,” Hange said. “He’s not a very techy guy. He’s an investor and scientist more than anything and sometimes, even with the right proposition, he’ll stick to some really weird reasons why he wouldn’t invest in something. I don’t blame him though since millions of dollars are usually on the line with each investment.”
" So, I’m guessing you tried to convince him?”
Hange nodded. “I did. And it looks like he won’t budge unless you fix that ‘bug.’”
“The bug which caused his love alarm to not ring around you?” And the bug which is causing our love alarms to ring. Levi added silently to himself. “Can you explain to him that we need the money to continue improving the system?”
“I’ve been with him for years, Levi. I know how he is.”
“So what do you suggest we do?”
Hange hummed. “I don’t know how programming works but...Maybe you can program the application to make it work just the way that Zeke likes it... For the time being?”
No. Just no.
Those were the words written all over Petra’s expression. Levi only had to look at the other faces around him to be very much sure, everyone agreed with Petra
For posterity’s sake, he repeated those words. “I understand that the regression test is done but unless I am able to get to the bottom of this bug, we won’t be able to release the fixes,” Levi said. He kept his words soft, yet still loud enough to echo through the conference room. He said it slowly and clearly. Just in case it was a bit harder to hear through shock and surprise.
“Sir, a lot of the fixes in this release have been promised for months,” Petra argued. The professionalism in her voice was still admirably apparent.
“Erwin’s orders. I’m just repeating them now,” Levi said.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Gunther asked. “Have you found the reason behind it? I’m guessing if you do… we might have to make some changes to the code and go through regression testing again.”
“If ever that happens, I’ll handle the testing on my end,” Levi said. “It wouldn't be too hard, it’s just a blip in the code.”
“So you’ve found the cause?” Eld asked.
“Yes.” If Levi didn’t open his mouth to speak then, he was sure no one would have for the next few minutes. There was something festering in the silence, some common sentiment that he sensed among them, among those doubtful faces tinged with irritation and confusion.
He had always told them before. Always assume a user error first. And there was an apparent user error which he was sure everyone was entertaining.
What if Hange just didn’t love Zeke? A prospect that was ambrosia to Levi’s lips but at the same time a piece of ambrosia that he was sure was laced with poison. He couldn’t chew it, he couldn’t swallow for fear of just letting go for a few seconds longer, letting a smile curl up his lips during the most inopportune times.
Levi turned to Oluo in particular who he guessed would have been the one most likely to bring it up. The latter remained begrudgingly silent. It looked like no one else wanted to bring it up either. After all, Zeke was a huge opportunity for company growth, a huge opportunity for investment.
Eld spoke up.“If there’s anything we can do, just please ask. It might be too difficult of an investigation to do for one person.”
Levi shook his head. “I think this is an investigation I’d rather do alone.” There were parts of the investigation he hadn’t admitted to the team yet. All they had gotten in the report from Erwin was that Zeke’s alarm didn’t ring with Hange there but the scandal of their alarms ringing together was something he didn’t want circulating around the building.
And more importantly, there was another plan he and Hange have been entertaining, an almost unscrupulous scheme and he didn’t want anyone else involved.
It felt like he had run a marathon and he had been doing that slow jog for at least three days already. Or maybe it felt like he was trudging through a dessert and had been trapped there for the past three days.
He couldn’t tell for sure but his throat was constantly dry, his heart was constantly beating fast and any notification from Hange was either a water break or an oasis.
Three days ago, Zeke came back from his business trip. Four days ago, Levi sent the apk file to Hange.
“It’s a test build,” Levi said as soon as she confirmed she received it. “A test build I hard coded just for Zeke’s use.”
“Just say it’s a test build. Say I’ve fixed the code.”
“I hardcoded his data and the expected result. If he opens the alarm around you, his phone will ring," Levi explained. "It’s just a quick fix for now.”
Just a quick fix. Levi told himself multiple times. He had changed the code drastically enough though that the love alarm wouldn’t work as an expected love alarm, having customized it just to fit Zeke’s desires. For just long enough to get the money and long enough to find the actual cause of the bug.
“And tell him we’re asking for feedback before we release it,” Levi had added then.
The last time he had met her was three days ago when he dropped her the file, explained its use and when she had promised to download the apk file to Zeke’s phone.
She sent intermittent updates over the four day period. He liked it. He was enjoying it. He had confidence in the application.
Levi had to ruefully note though that the conversation never strayed too much from work. As expected from colleagues, as expected from business partners working towards the same goal.
Maybe a few times he had asked some vague questions just to get a hint of her daily life.
How’s Zeke? How are you guys?
Still, the answers always went back to updates on the application. When he was trudging to the desert or while running through some dirt track in his mind, even when the water tasted too artificially like plastic---too professional for his taste---he settled for it.
That was the only water he had after all.
Hange limited herself to ten messages a day, mentioning something about being bad at replying, apologizing for late replies. Levi had to admit though when he was working, he was guilty of a similar thing. Yet he found himself just a little irritable, a little desolate at such an outcome.
A week after he had last seen Hange, he decided to start reading the books about love again.
Love is a choice. Overused.
To love others, one must love themselves. He got that already.
Levi dropped his reader by the side of his bed and stared at the blank ceiling above him. The books on love were biased. They created for themselves an assumption, an assumption that she was his and whatever he had to deal with was some inner turmoil inside him, an inability to love. But what if he was willing to love? What if it was just a matter of circumstances just not letting him indulge in such an emotion.
He had entertained that for just a second before brushing away the nagging thought and the annoyingly sticky guilt that clung to it. Maybe there was merit in just turning off his emotions then, just discarding the overall idea of love. He deleted the books Hange had sent him from his ebook reader.
If the company got the funds, if Hange got the greenlight on her research, he would see her again, he would be forced to read those books and they would be forced to work together.
Then and there, he didn’t need to think about it just yet. He didn’t have to put himself through the pain of analyzing circumstances and emotions that left a heavy weight and an ache in his chest.
He could forget Hange until then. He could ignore her messages and maybe focus on something else like an action movie or a video game. He had streaming service subscriptions, he had game emulators on his laptop. Soon he discovered, with the right combination of focus, willpower just getting through slow starts, it was easy to immerse himself in something as mundane as a city building game.
He was halfway through building one of his farms and was already attached to the regular city goers of the small city he created for himself when his phone rang. That abrupt and grating sound had been enough of a reminder, Levi still wasn’t completely over being sad. He quickly reached for the phone on the side of his bench in an ungraceful and seemingly desperate chain of motions that had him almost ashamed of himself.
His laptop had been one of the victims, toppling over to the side of the bed but by god’s grace it had only skimmed the edges before laying flat on its side.
Levi muttered a soft curse. This message better be worth it. And the only message he decided would be worth it, would be a message from Hange which didn’t involve that stupid application.
Leviiiiiii are you free? :))))))))))
Free when? Levi was quick to reply. Now? Tomorrow? Next week? Really, he was always free, it was just a matter of asking for a leave and opening his schedule. He didn’t want to seem so pathetic as to tell her that though
Long weekend this weekend so Zeke offered to take us south to one of our country clubs.
Erwin is coming too. Levi didn't’ know whether to feel relieved or disappointed at that exposition. Before he could reply though, the messages kept coming.
Think of it as a thank you for the app ;)
And a start to a great partnership ;)
Hange had too many smileys, too many winky faces but recently, she had started to pepper her messages with just a little too much. They were colleagues, very friendly colleagues. For a second, he wondered how many smileys Hange used when messaging Zeke.
Still, Levi saw some glimmer of hope and optimism in the fact that they were creating a special bond in their own way.
And who would he be to turn down a special invite from a special colleague. I’ll see you there then :) He added his own smiley in the end, trying to forget the fact that he had wasted a good few seconds vacillating between the winking smiley face and the normal one.
Hange’s reply came quickly and maybe a little more enthusiastically. Okay! We’ll pick you up Friday night at the office :D
Levi was grateful at least he had something to look forward to.
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7soulstars · 4 years ago
Hello :) I hope it's okay to send a request (if not, then I'm sorry about it ) So maybe where Bucky lives on Clint's farm to get away from everything but then there comes this woman, Clints best friend besides Nat and he immediately wants to know her better.. after a while they get really close and develope feelings for each other but dont talk about it. So one night, she stays over and needs to share a room with Buck, things get heated and passionate between them ? :) then it's all cuddly? ❤️
Hey darling! Thank you so much for requesting! I am so sorry it took me so long! I blame it on my lazy ass and also on the many pending requests. Thank you so much for being this patient with me! I really hope you like this one!
Мой целитель
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Broken Bonky Babie, Avengers are teasing little shits, Steve leaves like in the movies and doesn’t come back (I want to kill him for that), Fluff, Shy Bonky and Y/N, Liddle angst, Both idiots doubt themselves, Y/N likes beating the fuck out of bullies a.k.a Violence, steamy stuff but not smut ( cuz I don’t write smut”
Summary: Someone managed to make Bucky accept the fact that everyone can heal. 
Мой целитель ; (pronounced: Moy tselitel') Russian for My Healer
War never ends. It just rests. One day someone will come to ask your help that is when the rest of war is over again.
That is what Bucky has always been of the belief ever since before and after endgame. Ever since Steve left, most of Bucky did too. Yes, he had Sam and the others but Steve was the only part of his original past left and he couldn’t even stop him.
He decided that the rest period for his war conflicted heart had started when Clint had offered him a place to live at his farmhouse to ‘heal and stay away from the space bullshit’. 
Not to brag but he had fit right into the little family. The kids loved Uncle Bucky and Laura appreciated the extra help she got with the house. Sam and Natasha would come by every two days and the rest every once a week. They would go visit a bar and hang out. That was Bucky’s life now. That was his routine.
Clint had sudddenly announced one fine weekly team hangout day that his long time best friend would be joining them. Bucky couldn’t care less. He had seen people come in and out of the Barton house all the time. Most sending him glares due to his past. He couldn’t blame them. Not when he knew he would do the same in different set of circumstances.
But he was proved wrong. Y/N was an angel. More so to him. Not a single glare was directed at him by her the entire time. She just smiled sweetly. Maybe he did care a little bit.
Y/N turned out to be Lila and Cooper, Clint’s first two children’s godmother. She had finally come home after 15 years of being in and out of the country for her job. Clint had mentioned that every time she came back she would first visit the kids not forgetting to bring them gifts from everywhere and how the snap had worried her. So Bucky was not surprised when he had to get three kids off of her as she entered the house. His heart swelled when she said ‘Thank You’, although everyone said that. 
He was unusually getting attached to her and that scared him.
After Steve attatchment was difficult. Trust was difficult. But Y/N made it seem like child's play. She somehow completely saw through him. Almost as if she knew everything about him and he was confused by that.
Especially at those little moments when he felt hesitant.
Bucky was a handsome man no doubt and that meant some women were confident enough to ask hit on him everytime he was out at a restaurant or a bar with the others. Y/N would join them quite often and on one such day she saved Bucky from his anxiety issues.
"Hey.....you come here quite often.....can I buy you a drink ?", a very confident girl had managed to come up to the table and asked Bucky who looked at her with eyes as blown out as big as saucers and immediately looked down stuttering as he tried to politely reject the lady. A hand carefully wrapped around his metal arm as he realized Y/N had said "I'm sorry he's taken", before sending the girl as kind smile which had lead to Bucky's hair-hidden neck to go red.
Bucky had excused himself to the washroomas the rest relentlessly teased his popularity but he had not noticed Y/N following suit.
"I'm sorry", she had apologised leaving the other puzzled again. "W-why?" "I should have asked before touching you....I know-I know you don't like being touched....I'm sorry". There was pure sincerity in her voice "NO!",his own voice startled him and her as she looked at him in confusion. "I-I mean I'm glad....You helped me out there......Also.....",there was hesitation in Bucky's heart, "Also....I don't mind if you touch me Y/N".
That day onwards something changed. Significantly so, Bucky found himself calling and hanging out with Y/N more. She filled his thoughts would be one way of saying that and the Avengers noticed. So the next time Bucky tried to sneak out of the farm when the others were there Sam noticed, “Hey Hey Hey ! Where are you sneakin to ?”. The other stood frozen like a deer in the headlights staring down at his best friend like he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t be. Nat smirked as she bit on her grilled cheese sandwich sing songing, “He’s going to meet Y/N~~”Bucky grumbled a little ‘Shut up Nat’ before taking the car out towards the bar.
“Buck !”, she had yelled waving as he smiled and pulled her into his arms for a hug and staying like that for a few minutes both eventually hesitantly letting go. Joe the bartender already having set up their regular drinks showed how often they frequented the place, even having seats that were almost always empty for just the two of them. 
After meeting Y/N, Bucky realised new things about himself. He liked sweet stuff more than savoury. He liked playing games at the arcade. He was definately much more open to technology than Steve ever was. He liked being spoiled and babied. And he was extremely serious about board games. He knew all this because Y/N made him realize that.
That day he found out another thing. He likes staring at Y/N looking at the sunset. In other words he likes Y/N. But he had promised himself to not act on it. He didn’t want to loose her. Not now, not ever.
Walking through a dark alley way was not something Bucky liked but with Y/N it was something he was starting to hate. Y/N is beautiful. Obliviously so. He could sense sleazy men staring at her but chose to stay put. But we all know that rouse wasn’t going to stay put for long considering a group of 3 men surrounding the two of them all eyeing Y/N. “Hey sweetheart why don’t you come with us ? We counld have a darn sweet night”, exclaimed the one that looked like the leader as the other two laughed behind him. “Back off”, Bucky had warned. He didn’t want to fight. He felt like he’d embarrass himself before Y/N. “Ohhh look who it is The Winter Soldier”, the other said mockingly. “What are you going to do? Kill me? You don’t have Captain America now to back you up do you ?”. Before Bucky could even reply the third guy let out a scream at which everyone turned to look at him to see him cradling what seemed like a freshly broken wrist and before he could even react the second one went flying into a pile of trash (where he belongs) and the main commentator’s head was being bashed strait onto the road by Y/N’s hand. “No, but he does does have an ex-black ops now turned into a CIA Agent to back him up”, she quipped seethingly through her teeth.
Bucky said nothing. His brain was still processing the information he was bombarded with. He walked Y/N to her car and drove back to Clint’s all while still processing.
So when Sam (who was just about to leave) asks “How was it ?” Bucky looks him in the eye and goes.
“I’m in love with Y/N.”
Tony had decided to prank Clint one fine day and told everyone that Clint was hosting a sleepover. So that meant Clint had to accomodated several idiots into his farmhouse. Within this chaos he also had a very great idea.
So when Y/N was pushed into Bucky’s room both stopped functioning.
Y/N spotted him angrily whispering into is phone as she got out of the shower. Throwing his phone into oblivion ,startled, when she called name out suddenly. “Y-You’re done ? Uhhhh you can take the bed doll, I’ll take the floor”,Bucky hates the floor but if it meant Y/N would be comfortable, he’d be ready to sleep on a block of ice. “Nope definately not ! We can share the damn bed Buck the floor uncomfortable !”, she argued. “ No Y/N you don’t understand I can’t !” “WHY! IS IT BECAUSE I MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE AFTER THAT DAY ?”, there was a grave silence between the two. He knew exactly what she was talking about. Bucky’s eyes soften and for the first time he realizes that he had never thaken the effort to know more about Y/N. He was focused on her helping him find himself. “Why would you say that ?” ,he said softly as he moved towards her and she moved backwards. “Because it is what it is isn’t it?”, she retorted. “NO IT IS NOT !”, Bucky sighed as he sat on the bed and watched the woman of importance as she paced around the room. “Why then Bucky ? You’ve been distant from me since that day....” “You won’t understand.....” “Try me” “I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY !” 
12 minutes. It had been 12 minutes since Y/N had froze and stared at Bucky. 
“Shut up. You’re lying” , she finally said.
“What ? No ! Why would I lie about that”,Bucky argued
“Because ! You are James Buchanan Barnes ! One of the most attractive men I have seen in my life period.”
“And here I’m the one firmly believing someone like me doesn’t even stand a change with someone as pretty as you.”
“See, you’re lying again”
“Doll, shut up before I will have to make you”, he warned
“Don’t make empty threats that you won’t fulfill James”, she challenged.
And with that Bucky has Y/N slammed into the bed , his mouth moving roughly along her’s as she puts her arms around his. There was something different about this Bucky. Y/N felt every single pent up frustration that the man kissing her had felt supressing his feelings had felt.
Soon enough they seperated, finally gasping for air. Bucky plopped beside Y/N as she placed her palm on his cheek rubbing a thumb over it while smiling at him blissfully. 
“Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you”
“I love you...”, she said and somehow Bucky knew he had tears running down his cheeks. He curled into her arms. Clint’s loud speakers playing Elvis as the two dozed off to sleep. But Bucky waited for her to doze off, kissing her forehead as he ran his metal arm through her hair.
“Мой целитель, I love you too”, he said. 
He wasn’t alone anymore. He was healed. His internal war had ended forever. That’s all he ever wanted. That’s all he was thankful for.
---The End---
Guess who almost cried writing this fic? That’s right! ME. Now I need myself a Bucky to hug. I really hope you liked this fic and I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH ON HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME! Please like, share, comment and reblog if you like my work to support me ! Please do not plagarise my hard work and thank you so much for reading! 
~Love, Hri
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legitimateluffy · 4 years ago
One Piece Animation Thesis: East Blue
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If you would prefer to follow via the master Google Doc, [HERE] is the link! This will be updated as we go through the arcs and is currently planned to be updated weekly!
Whew hey everyone!
So this is the beginning of a project that I have had in the back of my mind for quite some time and finally decided to start working on. A quick rundown of what this actually is, it’s a somewhat showcase of the animation found within the main One Piece anime (so, no movies/specials/filler arcs between canon arcs etc. although that may be something I will attempt to tackle one day if this does well). This will also include some insight into the anime industry and essentially give some insight on behind the scenes and why certain decisions are made as well as giving names of the hard working animators to their respective scenes. Hopefully this whole thing will continue to give a bit of insight into the One Piece anime as I believe that it is greatly under appreciated and while criticisms of it are valid, there definitely needs to be more of an understanding as to why the anime is the way it is. This will be a long journey ahead so please bear with me! Let’s get started!
The One Piece anime, including movies and specials, is animated by Toei Animation, and they are responsible for many other famous animated properties and adaptations, including Digimon, Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super, Sailor Moon, Toriko, Gegege no Kitaro among many others. They animate many different series and have a big load to take on. This is something that will be touched on later, because it greatly affects the anime in later years. But for now, I’ll be going through the arcs, starting with the East Blue saga. The East Blue saga is made up of episodes 1-53 (including some filler) and consists of quite actually not that many noteworthy animated scenes, even though it covers many arcs (Shells Town, Orange Town, Syrup Village, Baratie, Arlong Park, LogueTown). Animation throughout this portion of the anime was quite limited, using minimal movement and taking appropriate shortcuts where necessary. Scenes are also quite hard to tell exactly who animated what due to the style consistency. There are a few noteworthy scenes though, but first I would like to introduce the rough structure of how the anime is made. An important part in animation is someone who is the character designer, someone who essentially designs the characters and in this case, attempts to replicate Oda’s style for it to be easily animated. During this part of the anime, the character designer is Noboru Kizumi who would continue to be the character designer for the anime for the next 10 or so years. These are the some of the sheets he made for the main characters:
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This is something I’ll continue to showcase as we continue to go through each of the arcs, showcasing the strawhats as they pop up in the story. When the time comes, we will also compare the changes of style and why things have changed. But for now, I’ll just present the first designs.
One Piece at this stage was very cartoony and had quite a different style, especially compared to a lot of the current anime/manga at the time and it still continues to have a distinctive style to this day. Following these sheets allows for a good sense of continuity, which is very important with anime. If anyone out there attempts to draw something without looking at a reference, it’s not going to look quite as well as we want it to. So in using a reference, we can have a better grasp as to how the character looks from certain angles, heights compared to other characters, facial expressions and more.
In order to keep these characters looking somewhat similar so as to not disrupt the viewer’s experience by seeing jarring styles, someone works as a Chief Animation Director. They aim to ensure that characters remain consistent throughout the episode, and that they are on model. So, how is this achieved? Well, we’ll have a look at the process on how something is conceptualised and then put to screen. 
Initially, a script is conducted. Going through the manga, people take what is deemed necessary material and put it into script format. It is important to note that as the anime and manga continue to go on for years, the gap between the anime and manga release shortened significantly, resulting in pacing issues. Keep this in mind for later as this is something I plan to touch on. Then a storyboard is created, having very rough lines in order to convey what is to be created. Here is an example:
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A good storyboard can make or break an episode, as it dictates angles, how long scenes linger on screen, etc. Once the storyboard has been decided on, the animating can begin. Scenes are appointed to animators, where they create something called Genga. This is done on paper, similar to how it’s done in other parts of the world. Here are some examples of older Genga:
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Even though times have changed and anime has become digital, with some animators now exclusively animating digitally, the anime industry still uses Genga, using paper and pencil to create their scenes. Here are some examples of newer Genga:
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Once the Genga has been created, the Chief Animation Director will go in and correct what is necessary to ensure that the style remains consistent. Others may also help participate in this process, such as an Animation Supervisor. Here is an example of a Genga being corrected to ensure that it remains consistent in style:
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In doing something like this, some animators can animate great action and keep their lines rough to save time, and an Animation Supervisor can clean it up and make it look good. After this has been completed, the Genga is then made into what is called Animation Cels. This is not exclusive to Japan, as for decades this is a process that has been used. This is a transparent sheet that had the lines and colours painted on, and is then photographed over painted backgrounds. Yeah...A long and dubious process indeed. This is not common place anymore due to how time consuming it is, and with the rise of digital, creating colours, effects, filters and backgrounds are much faster and easier to accomplish. Here are some examples of One Piece animation cels:
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I would have much preferred to share cels directly from the anime itself and not the movies but they are quite difficult to come across and have more than likely been sold off from Toei long ago. But they will suffice, as it gives a good idea as to what they look like.
But voila! Animation has been created! All that’s left is music, sound effects and voice over and you’ve got yourself an anime. Wonderful. Easy right? Yeah, not exactly. All of this takes time and patience. And this is something that needs to be remembered. Time. A very important keyword in the animation industry and a lot more important than the word budget that likes to get thrown around. Due to One Piece being a long running weekly series, the animators have a lot less time than, say, My Hero Academia or Demon Slayer, two very prominent seasonal anime. These series do not have more money shoved into them, more budget, than One Piece that results in higher quality and consistent animation, a problem the One Piece anime definitely faces further down the road. Here’s an example:
Michelangelo is one of the most famous artists of all time, due to his remarkable attention to detail in his works present in the High Renaissance period. One of his most famous works is the Statue of David, an incredible piece of work that was worked on for 3 years. However, if you were to tell him to replicate it but say, give him a month, he’s not going to get anywhere near the same results as the piece where he spent 3 years on. It would be quite rough around the edges, and quite rushed. No matter how much money you throw his way, he still won’t be able to get anywhere close to those results. And this is the same with any artist, including animation. This is a big misconception in the anime community, and that is that as long as you throw money at people, they’re going to end up creating incredible works, regardless of the poor time management. That is just not how it works.
This does seem like quite a ramble, and it’s already quite long prior to even reaching the main aspect of this whole project, in which I showcase animators, but this is important background information that needs to be understood prior to delving in. With that very long introduction, let’s now get to showcasing animators!
Some of the animators that were present on many early One Piece episodes include: 
Kazuya Hisada, Masahiro Shimanuki, Naoki Tate, Jin Inaba, Tadayoshi Yamamuro. Please note, there are many others involved animating wise, but these are some key names, and ones that will develop and evolve as the years go on.
Kazuya Hisada is someone who will pop up later and fulfil a more important role in the series, but in the early days he created some great scenes with some snappy timing, while using lines to help convey impact. He is found throughout early One Piece, however due to the limited animation and consistent style thanks to Noboru Kizumi, he can be difficult like most during this era to spot.
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Hideaki Maniwa is more prominent in his animation, being more pronounced due to his camera movement on his characters. He uses subtle smears usually on impact to further enhance the idea that whoever is being hit, is being hit HARD. He also created the most animated piece of early One Piece in episode 23 where he creates seemingly natural movement of the background of the ship and water, making the sea feel powerful and heavy. 
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So what have we learnt so far. 
Well, there is a lot of hard work that goes into the production of an anime series, and that is no different with One Piece. Early episodes for the most part had not too many interesting scenes animation wise, and the animators essentially got the work done in order to produce and release the series week to week. It will continue to be a bit of a slow start, with arcs like Alabasta and SkyPiea being similar in the regard of not many noteworthy scenes however, we can begin to see the cracks of emerging stars and evolving styles that will later become staples within the series. 
This is it to the first of what is hopefully a long and engaging project! So far it has been quite a read and very lengthy and I apologise for that. Hopefully from here on out we should be able to successfully get through more animators and styles become more distinct and animation continues to evolve. Next up I intend to cover Alabasta.
A massive thank you to everyone who has participated and uploaded at Sakugabooru! Without it, I would not have been able to make nearly as much as I have without all the hard work in identifying and tagging animators’ work! Most of the footage used to showcase these animators has come from there! I simply just turned the videos into gifs for an easier showcase.
I would also like to issue a big thank you to Animators Corner! The staff listing really helped me in determining who worked on what episode to identify animators and their works!
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flyingupward · 3 years ago
critical role - vox machina chapter 4 - attack of the conclave
all sentences taken from episodes 39-56 of the first campaign of critical role. feel free to change pronouns, phrasing etc. to fit your needs!
“All this time, you’ve been trying to kick my teeth in and your true enemy was right over there.”
“That’s good. Moving is not my forte.”
“We’re in a hentai. Make it go away.”
“Not all short people look alike.”
“God, I wish I was not made of farts.”
“We live in a cold, cold world. No one deserves anything.”
“You chose so poorly. It is truly impressive how poorly you chose.”
“Stay away from all men. Forever.”
“I’m glad I came in handy for that field trip.”
“I hate your friends!”
“Little do they know I shop for everything at Home Goods so joke’s on them.”
“It’s just radioactive material in the basement. It’s fine.”
“Somehow the coffee has not been poured on your head. That’s the greatest magic trick I’ve seen all morning.”
“Everything else was dragons. Why wouldn’t it be dragons?”
“Sorry, I was so caught up in the fact that I’m literally going up against death incarnate.”
“You’re a magnificent handsome bastard. Don’t die.”
“Do not go far from me.”
“He’s just a sociopath, that’s all.”
“There are dragons outside and we’re playing rugby with a fucking skull!”
“A simple mind is looking for a simple solution to a complex problem.”
“I’m a firm believer that there’s always a way to victory if we’re smart about it and we’re quick about it.”
“We either stand now or we might as well be dead.”
“We try, we mostly fail, but occasionally we get it right.”
“It was such a bad deal I said no. Can you imagine how bad of a deal it must have been?”
“No offense darling, but you look like shit.”
“If we’re going to be roaming about the streets, I’d like you to not fall open like a can of baked beans if you don’t mind.”
“Let’s not get overexcited about the sudden realization that some of us can be a bit iffy.”
“Thank you for that smattering of applause.”
“I have one of those terrible ideas I get on occasion.”
“This is politics. You’re not supposed to like them.”
“You can talk my fucking ear off in a moment. Shut up for a second.”
“If the parasite hasn’t a host to feed on, the parasite dies.”
“I never forget that when I rule, I rule these people as well.”
“One day, you’re going to stop being afraid of me and I hope that day comes soon.”
“There’s no swinging by, that’s a caper.”
“It will be built back better than before. That’s what we do.”
“We have a lot of Pop Tarts, but not very many gold pieces.”
“This is where I live. What are you doing here?”
“I’m cold and I still haven’t been paid.”
“We’re not trying to score points. We are trying to do right.”
“This is fucking happy fun bunch over here. They bring death with them everywhere they go.”
“And to think I might have briefly missed you.”
“You have to find the no name guy who’s going to help you find the stuff that’s hidden that nobody knows where it is or what it is.”
“What do you want to do? Do you want to stay here while the world burns?”
“World’s always ending, baby.”
“It would be wondrous, after we complete this transaction, that we never meet again.”
“Oh my God, I just buy healing to save my life, what a waste.”
“I’m going to stand over here and fail to stay in character, okay?”
“Let’s all have a toast to the inevitability of the universe.”
“My God, I love other people’s problems.”
“Are we sober yet?”
“I think her foolish impulses are exactly what we’re looking for.”
“Better to die a fool for something than live in regret for doing nothing.”
“I think we want her to do her stupidest.”
“You’re… brooding.”
“I tend to glaze over when he’s talking.”
“Lead the way, shitkicker.”
“A lot of your friends are very weird.”
“I would just like to point out that I’m mostly sober.”
“That’s okay because remember, I’m me.”
“I’d like to stand up, please.”
“I’m scared to death which is why the math is so bad.”
“I’ve met few as unremarkable as you in my travels.”
“Well then, we’re in trouble. I have an attitude about everything.”
“Yeah, there’s like 37 things we have to do before tomorrow so… ”
“She’s not really gonna care about court so much as ripping the bones from your back.”
“I thought you were gonna tell me a dirty joke or something. When you say, ‘Come here,’ that’s usually what that means.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be daylight if we’re underground.”
“I’m really hoping that it’s the worst decision we make because then everything’s uphill.”
“I like who we are together and I think that that’s important.”
“Dying in slow motion over here.”
“Oh good, more darkness.”
“Oh my God, you’re going into a special section of your book. That’s never good.”
“I’m very aware that my greed killed me.”
“Oh, I must have missed it because I was dead. That’s right.”
“Do you have feelings and did that hurt them?”
“I’m pretty tired after dying.”
“I think I love you too. I’m just terrified to allow myself to.”
“We are a city of seasonal affective disorder.”
“So I heard a rumor that you sort of saved my life in a really creepy sort of way.”
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you my Pokemon.”
“Your secret is safe with my indifference.”
“I always fucking hear you in my mind. It’s very quiet in there these days.”
“If it becomes a problem, just raise your hand and scream.”
“Our lives are so bizarre now.”
“Why is my brain tingling? Is someone noodling around up there?”
“You know what? It’s just fire. I will be on fire.”
“Did someone lose an orb?”
“Are we really about to pretend to do CrossFit?”
“Not enough spit takes in the world for this moment in time.”
“Beyond it being an engineering issue, it might be a greed issue first.”
"She's an adult. Deep levels of arrested development, but an adult nonetheless."
“Retroactively, you’ve never been seen in your entire lives.”
“You take everything good away from all of us.”
“It’s not one problem, it’s a very large problem and a massive problem.”
“Those that give a fuck, speak up.”
“We’ve lived half our life in the shadows. You’ve made them your home.”
“I love my reckless brother as much as he hurts my heart.”
“Duck hunt’s a bitch.”
“This is so dumb. Why am I doing this?”
“Congratulations, you’re creepy as fuck.”
“Give me this you fucking hoarder. What’s the matter with you?”
“I will smite you.”
“I was born to shove things in holes.”
“Knowledge is power, for reals!”
“Are we time bandits now? Is that what’s happening?”
“I hate time travel. I hate time travel so much.”
“No worries. I didn’t need to live anyway.”
“Perhaps it’s time to be a better badass.”
“It’s been a traumatic five minutes.”
“Like any good plan, everything will go wrong.”
“Oh well, I’m fucked then.”
“Oh, tiny dancer, you are fucked.”
“He died as he lived: Deeply unimpressed.”
“Don’t you dare die happy.”
“I like that we managed to make solving problems with violence into an ABC afternoon special.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say, ‘At dawn, we plan.’”
“I genuinely don’t understand the place you come from.”
“That is the weirdest coping mechanism I’ve ever heard of.”
“Maybe we should just sleep together and see what happens.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth after you sort of lied to me.”
“Yeah keep twitching, twitchy.”
“We totally planned at dawn!”
“Everything is terrible. Our lives are terrible. They are way worse than they were six months ago.”
“You are a fucking madman, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m fucked. I understand I’m fucked. It’s fine.”
“This was all part of the plan, the hastily smushed together plan.”
“He’s a liar and a bringer of death and he’s smiling at you while he does it.”
“Bravery means nothing. Survival and victory mean everything.”
“Oh shut up, you flying suitcase.”
“You don’t need inspiration, you’re fine!”
“If I move, he’ll kill me. So I won’t.”
“Cursed Lizard! We’re going to give all your gold to the poor!”
“Don’t be so glum you old fool! This is a day of glory!”
“We will all die. It just depends on cost.”
“Oh, wow. You just said a lot of things in a very short amount of time.”
“You are the worst of us.”
“If there’s a dare involved, that’s completely different.”
“I don’t like wanting things.”
“Is it the people or is it the fact that you have finally realized how pointless it all is?”
“I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire goddam life and it’s all crashing down upon me right now.”
“The thing is you’re not wrong and you’re not crazy, but it’s not hopeless either.”
“Even surrounded by friends, I often feel so alone.”
“Thank you for being a friend even though we just met.”
“The terrible woman may have a point.”
“Woo! Good leadership!”
“The awkward woman makes a fine point.”
“It is not about idolizing ourselves, it is about a very long story which we are a very small part of.”
“I’m doing something very stupid now with my friends. We’re going to try to save the world.”
“I admire everyone in our band of misfit toys, but you most of all.”
“You are all kinds of fucked up all the time and that’s why we love you.”
“We’re all all kinds of fucked up and that’s why we all are together.”
“That’s all we can be is ish.”
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moviegroovies · 4 years ago
confession time: for someone who (semi) actively runs a movie blog, i really haven’t seen a lot of classic movies.
(i know this comes as a shock for those of y’all who have been subjected to nothing but my half-baked thoughtpieces on bad 80′s horror for the past couple of years, but bear with me.) 
to be honest, even this review doesn’t REALLY represent me making an active choice to remedy that so much as it does me pulling a long con where i endear myself to marilyn monroe by watching her movies to get myself excited to watch the miniseries blonde (2001), for abnormally pretty, young jensen ackles purposes*, but let’s not dwell on all that. the practical result is the same; i watched some like it hot (1959). now, i hope y’all are ready for a few some like it Thoughts™:
first, idk how much attention y’all have been paying to the loose bits of personal lore i occasionally scatter within my reviews, but one thing about myself that i feel i’ve been pretty open about is the fact that i’m trans. this being so, and knowing not a whole lot about the movie beyond the very basic premise “1959 extended man in a dress gag,” i can’t say i went in with the highest of expectations. imagine my surprise, then, when the gender aspect of this movie was... actually pretty good? i mean, full disclosure, it’s not exactly gender studies, but it’s passable! it’s tolerable! there were even a few moments where i felt inclined to say the words “oh, GENDER?” out loud!
perhaps most impressively, i’d say the Cis Creator Cringe Factor of some like it hot was actually impressively LOWER than a lot of modern moves with genderswapping premises tend to be. like, i know that one definite explanation for that would be the fact that trans experiences are more widespread today, so modern filmmakers don’t feel comfortable playing with ideas like this without at least giving lipservice to them, while the era that bore some like it hot didn’t face the same “pressure,” but, okay. listen. compared to another movie i watched recently--freaky (2020), in which a teenage girl swaps bodies with serial killer vince vaugn, featuring one incredibly anvilicious scene where, upon being informed by a gay boy that she’s in the men’s bathroom, the girl’s best friend retorts, “she [vince vaugn]’s got a dick in her hand, and you’re wearing chanel no. 5. i think we’re past labels.”--some like it hot, a movie older than my father, was wayyyy easier to watch**. actually, you know what? yeah. listen to me. cis content creators? movie producers? i’m talking to you. DON’T EVEN BRING GENDER (or gender “identities”... which is an incredibly gross term, anyway) UP IF YOU’RE NOT PLANNING TO DO SOMETHING WITH IT. sincerely, this particular bad taste corner of the trans community :).
some like it hot, by contrast, did it right. YES, the premise of the movie was two presumably cis men in disguise as women. i’ll put that in the open. however, there was a certain... i don’t know if “respect” is the right word, but there was an avoidance, at least, of the usual predatory tropes. in fact, the worst behavior by far from either main character comes when joe manages to take off his female disguise, donning another, male persona and using things that sugar (marilyn’s character) confided in “josephine” to create a nonthreatening, desirable “millionaire” in order to trick her into sex. okay, like i said, it’s not gender studies, but, the humor in some like it hot comes from generally the right place. joe and jerry don their female disguises in a matter that in quite literally life and death for them (and it’s more than the creators ever thought of, i’m sure, but there IS an interesting analysis to be had of them needing to pass to live), which to a degree removes the usual pitfalls of male to female crossdressing as a gag; they’re neither doing it for lecherous reasons, nor to parody the female experience. this being a comedy, there is a degree of humor found in the situation, but it’s directed at jerry and joe, the characters, more than their disguises. the general assumption is that they both pass without question, as long as they’re wearing their ladies’ clothes; jerry once comments that he’s “not even pretty,” but it’s never an issue to contend with. 
wrt the crossdressing, the worst moment for me, personally, was a scene on the train when jerry prepared to take off the disguise in order to sleep with sugar, and even this ends up comedically averted at jerry’s expense.
and speaking of jerry.
jerry is actually the most compelling part of the movie for me, especially viewing it through the lens of gender. while joe, who gets the girl and manages to spend large chunks of the latter part of the film in his second, male disguise, never thinks too much about what they’re doing beyond the survival aspect of it, jerry is the one who, erm, “gets into character.” joe’s female name is simply josephine; before they get on the train with the woman musicians, it’s assumed that jerry will be going by “geraldine.” however, when they give their introductions, the duo becomes josephine... and daphne. 
as the movie progresses, this distinction grows more pronounced; when joe has to remind a smitten jerry on the train that he’s a girl, referring to their disguises, jerry miserably repeats the affirmation: “i’m a girl. i’m a girl. i want to die. i’m a girl.” later on, however, as joe’s relationship with sugar develops, “daphne” becomes acquainted with local horndog millionaire osgood, who he at first dislikes, but comes around to after being forced on a date as part of joe’s plan to trick sugar. after seeing jerry excited by the prospect of marrying osgood, a bewildered joe has to remind jerry why it’s an impossibility, and in the same miserable tone as before, jerry/daphne muddles through a new affirmation, one that definitely didn’t ring false to my trans ears: “i’m a boy. i’m a boy. i want to die. i’m a boy.” 
hm. actually, now i’m thinking about a trans male reading of joe. he was the one at first resistant to taking the job (with the all-female band), when they only needed money, and not a place to hide from an upset mob boss, but also the one who seems to know more about the role when it comes time to get into character. while jerrydaphne gets increasingly comfortable with femininity as time passes, joe never performs it in anything but a perfunctory, necessary way, and sloughs the costume EVEN WHEN the danger of being found out has not yet passed, because pretending for such a long period of time is just untenable. something about passing for female being a safe haven and a burden for both closeted (re-closeted, in this case) trans men and out trans women?
anyway. by the end, though both osgood and sugar do find out the truth about the disguises, sugar seems to instantly forgive joe for his treacherousness (again, referring more to his actions as the shell millionaire than his escapade in drag), while osgood appears unbothered by daphne’s truth, leading to an ambiguous ending for the futures of the characters, and any realizations that might come later.
no, it’s not the “real transgender experience.” it (thankfully) never claims to be. BUT, being trans myself, there were some moments that made me feel linked to our protagonists, and relatively few, if any, that made me feel alienated. all in all, that’s a lot more than i hoped for going in, so that’s what i’m happy with.
watch some like it hot, y’all. it’s a good movie in a timeless way, and, as modern movies appealing to short-lived trends that will feel outdated next week (if not by the very time of their release) will show you, that’s more than it needed to be. 
*since my original draft of this post, i DID watch blonde, and i don’t know if that’s technically fair game for this blog (not exactly a movie) or what, but 6/10. fairly well done piece of art but just BEATINGLY tragic, so proceed with caution. jensen ackles literally is THAT PRETTY though, so the jackles cut i give a strong 11/10. i am a homosexual.   **i would like to clarify that this isn’t me telling you not to watch freaky. yes, some of the dialogue is tragically riverdaleian, but there’s also a scene where vince vaugn makes out with a teenage boy. so,
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theglguidetowebcomics · 4 years ago
Full review: Girly
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What’s Pink, insane, NSFW, hilarious, and somehow heartwarming at points? This comic is a ride and a half, and I’m genuinely surprised more people haven’t heard of this one… I’ve been wanting to talk about this one for a WHILE. 
So let’s talk about the elephant in this room… Because I think it just ate someone’s couch. 
Slightly NSFW review with spoilers below.
Girly, by Jackie Lesnick was a webcomic that ran between 2003 and 2010, (and really has some of those early webcomic hallmarks). Its monochromatic pink, vertical, with a poppy early cartoon feel. It’s also listed as a romantic comedy, which is… correct, but cuts a whole lot of what makes this comic good, short. 
This review was always going to be one of the 4 I really struggled with. And not just because I lost it the first time without a back up in a code glitch, got distracted by a pandemic, then procrastinated my way to finally making a second version in my new backup folder… No, well also yes but no. This was a comic I read when I was younger (and should NOT have read  when I was younger), and have always had a soft spot for. I’ll admit as much as this comic has its flaws or weird moments or just weirdness in general, its one of the few comics I’ve found myself rereading in its entirety more than once. And no matter how much I know it's coming, find myself sobbing, uncontrollably, at the final panel. There’s surprisingly a lot of heart in this comic, and a whole lot of honesty in just the direction the author took this weird little thing. But, first let me take of those rose tinted glasses as much as I can… (actually that might not work too well with a pink comic seriously whats with all these early 2000s lesbian comics being PINK?). And give this old comic a look and a bit of a dust. but , first...
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Getting to the point - page 3 of “Girly”
Girly is a NSFW comic. It’s not shy about it either. It hits the audience (and the main character) over the head with it literally in the first pages. It has sex positive characters, a sex positive world, some characters with… sex powers almost, and Dildos, a whole lot of dildos. Some even with smiley faces on them. It’s a pretty unavoidable part of the comic that makes up a large core of it’s humour and is baked into its wacky world. So if that’s not your thing, and it’s not really skippable in this case, you won’t like this comic.
But, if you’re alright with that part of it this might just be a hidden gem. Moving on.
Artwork is always interesting in webcomics. They’re usually one man shows, have a weird niche / strong influences, and or usually go on massive journeys as the art improves. Girly is no different here. 
Girly starts out rough. Some poses are wonky and its a bit scratchy. Technically speaking it has a few issues, which is fine. Its a free webcomic, from the 2000s that didn't copy and paste faces. (Won’t name names, you know who you are). You can’t be too harsh on a free comic, though.
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However, what the art style does, even early on is set the style and feel of the comic. Anime inspired faces, bold outlines, and blocky silhouettes that were really popular with 90’s and 2000s cartoons. It has a newspaper, manga comedy strip vertical style, too. It fits the style of story well as a poppy wacky story. It's the perfect art style it could take.
Its rough in the beginning, but moves on from its scratchy days, to loose pen brush, to finally a polished free hand poppy style. It gets more technically advanced as it goes along, but it keeps its core style throughout. It’s fun, a little unhinged, and just pares perfectly.
The one issue I have with the art is it comes off as a bit cramped. It certainly matches the energy of the story, but it also feels like it doesn't let the characters have any breathing room in the frame. It comes off as squashed, and can make some character poses hard to read. That’s the only complaint I can find though. The issue even fixes itself later in the story, but just very very close to the end. It looks great there, but the majority of the comic is a little cramped. Still that’s just a small complaint.
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Nitpicking here but some panels need a lil more room
This a humour comic foremost. It's the biggest part of what makes Girly specifically Girly.
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The humour is mostly wacky nonsense, playing off its insane characters, physics defying world, everything being dialed up to 11. It also works a lot like satire, poking at what influences it, and playing with cinematic expectations. The first page has Otra shooting someone into space on a rocket because they annoyed them, the first “adventure” the character’s go on is stealing everyone’s pants because they couldn’t find anything else to do. Then there’s the kidnapping adventures, knight trials, and slice of life shenanigans that happen. All of it as wacky as the last. I haven’t really found any other lesbian comics like it. Its not everyone’s tastes, but it is certainly unique.
If you’re into a willy wonka tunnel of over the top characters and plots, you’ll like Girly.
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Girl is a LONG comic, it ran for 7 years. The art evolved, the story writing, jokes, and themes along with it. It was originally meant to run for only 50 strips... and it ended up with 764. 
so, there’s a lot to unpack.
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Firstly, the premise of the story is somewhat simple. It focuses on Otra. The kinda straight man to the entire universe. She starts out almost depressed, out of place, and bored of the wacky inhabitants of her world. Until one of those wacky residents smacks her over the head with a giant dildo and won’t leave her alone for the next 7 years of run time. 
What follows is the sullen Otra being pulled around by the always cheery and zany nonsensical Winter as the sidekick for bizarre adventures. Otra’s depressive grounded view keeps the bizarreness funny, while Winter cuts through her negative attitude and causes a lot of the over the top plot. Leaving Otra to warm up to the world, and Winter to get less reckless as they balance eachother out. It’s a fun dynamic, and works as an emotional core of the story. No matter how weird the plot and rules of the world are, their relationship keeps the story somewhat focused and rewarding to see develop.
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An example of bold wacky character designs from even early on
The comic isn’t just about them, though. As an ensemble comic there's plenty of side characters that go through arcs and beats as well. From el chubacabre, the man that woman find so irresistible that they sleep with him as soon as they see him; detective Clapjaw the street wise detective who is very bad at his job; Officer Hipbone and police guy from the cute P D; captain fist the ever popular bad at his job superhero who gets all the credit; the news reporter obsessed with captain fist; the woman with babies; Steak;  the elephants that just… appear and eat buildings; among many many others. A lot of whom also have nicely written character arcs and depth in later chapters. Many of the character however are simple and remain simple, which isn’t a bad thing. For such a large cast, having a diverse range of strange characters with strong identities and looks even if a bit simple stops it from getting bogged down. It strikes a good balance. Plus there’s plenty enough of characters with more depth later on. 
 All the character’s are insane, and over the top in a way that really sets up the world they live in and how it works... as dysfunctional as it is. There’s something very Cartoon Network about all the characters, but with some wider influences. something about  dumb characters, with very specific goals and quirks that work on their own physics to feed into the high energy insanity of the world. Its entertaining to read, and leads to a weirdly charming feel of the comic. 
Story and plot
For the bit people actually want to know about. What is it about?
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Just a little bit of influences...
For the style itself the comic comes off as a mix between early 2000s slice of life-y anime, 2000s cartoon Network, and a dose of 2000s webcomic sarcastic action/adventure flare. It definitely has one of the most pronounced styles that I’ve seen, and even if it's very much a webcomic of it’s time it also goes a bit beyond that into something that feels personal to the author and honest. Its a batshit comic. But, it wears its influences on it’s sleeve and really plays with tropes and ideas the author found engaging at the time. It somehow comes off as refreshing in just how willing it is to go weird or niche for no other reason but because it wants to. It's what I appreciate most about the comic. It’s honest.
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The overarching story of the comic is without a doubt about Otra and winter growing together as people. But with a comic that’s run for 7 years a little bit more happens in the journey, at least you hope it would. Girly runs on chapters, 15 in total (with 15 having sub chapters due to being the story’s climax), and each one of those chapters follows a different plot or adventure with Otra’s and Winter’s developing relationship gluing them together. 
The plots themselves are wild and vary a bit in quality. But for a long comic that’s understandable and expected. They go from solving elephant problems, super villains, body swapping, fantasy parodies, and all sorts of strange things. Sometimes a few plots drag and a few character arcs feel a bit bland. It still manages to be entertaining all the way through though. The plots themselves work to get the character’s to play off each other and explore the strange world it takes place in. Exploring evil teddy bears, or an entire town devoted to cheap gags. No matter what, all the plots work in fleshing out the world and pushing character’s out of their comfort zone or forcing them to change. There are some that are less fun than others, but none of them manage to be boring or useless. Which for a long comic such as this, is quite an achievement.
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Girly is a hidden gem, Its an insane sex positive comic. A loose style and even looser physics. It’s bold and unabashedly itself. But, at its core it's about the love story of Winter, the wacky insane woman needing to slow down and open up, and Otra, a sullen woman who’s deemed herself only worthy of being on the outskirts of society. It’s two people growing together in a world that’s up to its ears in care bears, sentient dildos, earth shattering cloning, and jabs at 2000’s paste it comics. And somehow it all sticks together.
The characters resonated, at least with me, which may be the nostalgia talking. But by the end of the comic I can’t help but  think back on how long it took them to get there. The bits that made me laugh (a lot of them), the stupid parts, and the character’s arcs, as over the top they could be at times.  It may not everyone’s cup of tea. But it has a lot of heart at its core. (If you get past all the dildos). 
For all it’s flaws and weird bits. I still find myself going back to Girly. 
Maybe now, some more people will too.
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an1malcannibal · 4 years ago
hi ok when i watched ninjago as a kid i hated kai for some reason but rewatching it has made me appreciate him like he deserves. anyway do u have any kai hcs ud like to share
So sorry for the late answer! Glad u changed ur mind abt Kai.... he is SO important.... Anyhow, here are some more headcanons!
-I headcanon that like.... all elemental masters are varying shades of Not Human.... every elemental master has certain non-human traits that may or may not get passed down (claws, sharp teeth, patches of scales, weird eyes, etc), SO, because Kai (and Nya but we r talking abt Kai rn) is the child of not just one but TWO elemental masters... he’s one of the most non-human humans in all of ninjago! I hc he has sharp teeth (SHARK GANG SHARK GANG SHARK GANG-), and his eye color is red! With slitted pupils (like a cat!) and maaaaaybe claws (I’m thinking he develops like... black demon claw hands as he gets older, or he gets them after he uses his powers like.... a LOT. Love the idea that the non-human traits get more pronounced as an elemental master uses their powers more.....) so yeah. Kai and Nya are cryptids.
-Kai is completely heat proof (all fire elemental masters are completely fire/heat proof). He chills in lava pits with Cole as its the BEST hot tub.
-Kai, contrary to what one might think, feels VERY cold all the time. He constantly needs to dress in layers to try to keep warm, because his body is constantly expelling so much excess heat, that there’s really non left to warm himself up. AKA.... he naps in the sun like a cat! The ninja have a spray bottle to use when he does something bastardly (get OFF THE FRIDGE KAI-)
-Kai has. A small mullet. No I will NOT elaborate just trust me.
-he has piercings! Like 4 on each ear!
-shoving my Kai height headcanon in here. He is 5’10 (but he wears heeled Chelsea boots in his casual outfits so that can bump him up to 6 ft sometimes). I HATE short Kai like it drives me absolutely MAD with rage. I genuinely can’t imagine him as any less than 5’8 at the LOWEST.
-Kai has mental health issues, as well as adhd/autism (watch how hard I can project guys!)
-Kai paints his nails a lot (usually red or black)
-he is bisexual and a trans man! :)
-Kai weighs like. 130 lbs on a good day. (Childhood malnutrition will do that to ya folks)
-Kai’s hair is naturally super fluffy and spikey and sticks out EVERYWHERE. He styles it now so it’s more manageable, but when he was a kid he looked FERAL his hair was such a mess.
-hehe. Black winged eyeliner? Yessir.
-yknow how they switched his scar around for the redesign? What if he just.... had a scar on BOTH EYES!!!!! I say yessir.
-he fuckin. He fuckin LOOOOVES Britney Spears.... king shit.....
-he likes dogs well enough but he ADORES cats (real recognizes real)
-(yes I’m implying Kai is a cat. He is a cat.)
-Kai is still TEEEERIBLE with technology.... he has no social media’s on his phone and doesn’t even have any actual accounts. He just has 3 apps from the App Store on his phone: 1. YouTube 2. Spotify (or the ninjago equivalent) 3. And Minecraft (he likes to build elaborate structures and houses then blow them up). This unintentionally makes him even more of a cryptid to the ninjago population. Why isn’t the fire ninja on Twitter????? WHY?????
-Kai has really impressive pick pocketing skills (fellas he was like 8. He could not have completely run a shop on his own at 8. He definitely pickpocketed money on the side)
-zanes death hit him so hard because he was in love with him but didn’t realize it. Kai never had time to fall in love or have kid crushes. He never got the opportunity to know what being in love felt like so he had NO clue he was in love with Zane..... it confused him how much it hurt when Zane died. Like a physical wound.
And done! Here r just a few of mine! I have a lot more! U can check em out under the ask tag I think, or the Kai tag! Hope u like em!!! Again sorry for the late reply bro I wanted to think em out! :]
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lizziestudieshistory · 4 years ago
Books of 2021 - May*
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I had a very patchy reading month, some days I read loads in one go and finished two books in as many days. Other times I was reading the same book for ages (looking at you Persuasion!) Reflecting on this, I probably should write separate reviews for some books in future...
Villette by Charlotte Brontë - I've made no secret that I absolutely despise this book. To date it's perhaps the book I hate the most... I could quite happily burn my copy and I don't say that kind of thing lightly. If you're interested I've written a full review here because it's too long to summaries here.
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys - In a complete turn around I really liked this book, I won't say love because it wasn't perfect but I do think it's worth the praise it has. I will admit my love of this could be due to my new found utter hatred for Charlotte Brontë, but I do think it's genuinely fabulous.
I loved how Rhys gave Bertha Mason, Antoinette Cosway, a voice of her own. A flawed quite voice because she's never really given the chance to define herself, but it is a voice nonetheless! And she uses Antoinette's liminal place in the world - both of the Caribbean and not, and of Europe and not - to explore the conflicts in both race, power, and identity that torments the emancipated Caribbean of the 1830s. Antoinette gives us a wonderful insight into this world that is seemingly a dream but in reality is a nightmare full of hatred and needless violence. No one wants to move on from the horrendous history of the slave trade to build something new. Instead the cycle of hatred and abuse is maintained by everyone until no one is free of it. All of this means Antoinette is cast out with no home or real identity to call her own, she never finds out who she is or where she belongs. No one gives her the opportunity to do so. We almost see it in the unnamed Mr Rochester - they could have been happy together, if it wasn't for the hatred that inhabits everyone in this story.
I loved how Rhys used this backdrop and theme to explore whether Bertha Mason is really mad and, if so, what made her so. It was a fascinating character study of a woman who otherwise might as well be a faceless monster. The similarities between Jane Eyre and Antoinette Cosway are pronounced but Jane was allowed to form her acceptable identity as a white English woman, with all the privileges that brings, whilst Antoinette was stripped of everything, including her own name, and locked away in shame.
My one criticism for this book is that it wasn't enough. It needed to go bigger with the disorientation - by the end of part three I was expecting to come out of this story in a haze, as if I'd lost my own grip on reality... It just didn't do this, sadly. The language wasn't quite weird enough to cause that disorientation and really bring the reader into Antoinette's mind as she started to lose herself. It's a minor thing really, but I think it would have really helped develop Rhys' themes that one step further and turn a good book into an excellent one.
Sailing to Sarantium by Guy Gavriel Kay - I have a complicated history with this book, I've DNDed it twice in the last year or so but managed to finish it third time around. It is a fantastic book, full of excellent world building based on the Byzantine Empire, some wonderful characters, and stunning writing - Kay has a truly beautiful style.
However, there are some flaws: Crispin, his family, and the chapter lengths. I really disliked Crispin, our protagonist... I’ve met far too many men like Crispin in my life and I just don't like them. It's on me and I do think Crispin is a well drawn character, but we wouldn't get on and there is A LOT of time we spend just in his head and I didn't love that, especially in part one.
To be honest Crispin and I would have got in a bit better than we did if it wasn't for not one, but THREE women dying OFF PAGE to give Crispin some character development. His wife and daughters had died before the start of the novel from a plague and, of course, he's angsty about it before learning to continue living his life... This could have been done in ANY other way and I wouldn't have minded but three women dying to serve a man's character arc is something I'm tired of and have a very low tolerance for.
I also think the book needed some better organisation. 10 chapters in a 500+ page book is not enough. I think this is a large part of why I struggled to get into this book and it just needed a few more. It became a chore to read a times because I'd be reading for 70 pages just to finish a chapter! It's a minor issue and, again, very personal to me but I genuinely think chapters longer than 30 pages are too much unless it's a major sequence such as a battle.
These are very personal flaws though and I did enjoy the book as a whole! The prologue is possibly the best opening sequence I've ever read in a fantasy novel in terms of creating characters, establishing tone, and the sheer power of worldbuilding. It was astonishingly well done and I'm still in awe of what Kay achieved. If you like slow, world and character driven novels then I'd definitely recommend it, though if you're starting with Kay maybe try Tigana first.
Persuasion by Jane Austen - I've already written about Persuasion last year. This was a reread and I regret spending the time on it, my opinion hasn't changed and it's time to just admit I dislike this one.
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson - I'm going to write about this one separately as this is already ludicrously long. Needless to say I loved it, Sanderson is the King of modern fantasy, and Stormlight is my favourite in the works fantasy series. I'll link the separate review here when I've had time to write it.
*I'm not proofreading this, sorry but I don't have the time!
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lihimsidhe · 3 years ago
Full Review: https://youtu.be/nMBgmV3QMwY
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Stories Untold is a sci fi psychological horror adventure game released in 2017 by the studio No Code Lt and published by Devolver Digital.(1) Adventure games are characterized by exploring, puzzle solving, and narrative interactions with game characters. (2) The ‘adventure’ label hails from the 1st known adventure game Colossal Cave Adventure developed during the 1970’s. (3). In Stories Untold the player will do mostly 3 things: enter text into a writing prompt and hope what they entered progresses the game forward (text adventure), click around the environment to find interactive elements and utilize these elements in a specific order (point and click), and do some very light exploration.
Stories Untold’s origins lay in Ludum Dare; an event where game developers around the world challenge themselves to make a game from scratch in just a few days aka a ‘game jam’. (4)  House Abandon was the product of such a game jam. (5)  House Abandon would prove to be so well received that it is the very spark that would grow to become Stories Untold. (6).  House Abandon became just one of the four stories featured in Stories Untold.
Each story has the player assume the role of an unidentified person using various electronic equipment ranging from locations that include an abandoned house, a laboratory, and a remote radio station in a blizzard. There is a fourth chapter but to explain its location and tasks can easily wade deep into spoiler territory.  
It’s very difficult to reveal if this game attempts to execute on a specific message or not without spoilers. So treading as carefully as I can I will say that yes there is a message to be found here. A tragic takeaway that can hit hard for some players who put in the work to leave no narrative stone unturned.
Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of puzzle games, or puzzles in games. They too often devolve into ‘guess what the developer was thinking’. More on this in a bit.  Back to the regularly scheduled program:
The development studio behind Stories Untold, No Code Ltd, describes the game as the following:
“Four Stories. One Nightmare.
From the prototype 'The House Abandon' comes the critically acclaimed, and BAFTA winning, 'Stories Untold', the latest madness from No Code. Four short stories, tied together in a complex web of psychological-horror, intense visuals and genre-bending adventures.” How does this game execute on these selling points? Let’s address the last line first: genre-bending adventures. In my playthrough I walked in expecting a fairly basic adventure game with excellent presentation and left having experienced that same notion.  This is all to say that Stories Untold, as far as I can tell, is not bending any genres.
The text adventure portion of Stories Untold doesn’t make a noticeable departure from one of the earliest text entry experiences ELIZA; a program created in the 1970’s that simulates a psychologist by responding to a user’s text entries (7).  In fact after having played around with some ELIZA clones online (8) I’d say that Stories Untold actually underdelivers in this genre compared to ELIZA that was developed nearly fifty years ago. Point and click began with the game Enchanted Scepters in 1984 released on the Mac (9). In that game you do much the same as you do in Stories Untold: Moving your cursor to find an interactive point that hopefully drives the game forward. An activity unfavorably described as ‘pixel hunting’. 
While I do concede that Stories Untold executes well enough on its mechanics would I also concede it is genre bending?  Absolutely not.  Mechanically speaking it falls very strictly within its genre.
As for the intense visuals the game advertises it has? I’m strongly inclined to agree.  This game’s visuals are a love letter to the 80’s. It’s as if the game reached into the past and brought a portion of that era forward in time both temporally and visually. 
Stories Untold also executes on psychological-horror aspects as well. There were times I was genuinely frightened both via jump scares and/or the dense atmosphere the game draws the player into. This game evoked feelings of fear, mystery, and foreboding of what was behind the next event.
“It is up to the designer to provide the appropriate information to make the product understandable and usable. Most important is the provision of a good conceptual model that guides the user when things go wrong.” (10) -Don Norman
The promise of a text adventure sounds great on paper: enter some text and the game reacts to what one entered driving the player’s progress forward. Just the thought of that fills my mind with excitement at being able to utilize my conversational skills I’ve learned in life to interact with a game sounds incredible The thing is, and the reason I’m personally not a fan of puzzle games is that they almost always seem like playing a game of ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ instead of the player applying their common sense to solve a puzzle.
If for example in a text adventure game you are trying to walk around a house you simply typing ‘walk around the house’ may or may not work. Perhaps the developer perceived ‘walk into yard’ as walking around the house. For me this creates a schism where it stops being about me vs the game and instead becomes a battle of how my exact wording for doing something very simple differs in verbage in how the developer would write it. So instead of walking around the house and losing myself in the story I’m now trying to guess what the developer thinks are the right words to say.  What compounds this here is that the feedback is binary; either what I typed works or it doesn’t and I get the equivalent of an error message that doesn’t offer any guidance on exactly what the developer was thinking. This ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ issue wasn’t as pronounced in the point and click sections of the game. These were almost always tests on one’s observational skills and parsing over every little detail until the path forward reveals itself.  Some of the puzzles I was willing to endure and some… I just looked up a walkthrough to solve them so I could get back to enjoying the game’s incredible atmosphere. The crazy thing about Stories Untold is me as a player desperately trying to scrutinize every little detail to move forward shares a strong connection to the game’s narrative.  I really appreciate that despite my misgivings with this game’s puzzles.
As for the game’s narrative itself… I say I left the game mostly satisfied. Throughout the game the music, visuals, and gameplay really got my mind racing with the possibilities of the world that was spilling out before me. “Where could this story be leading?”, I excitedly pondered.  And sometimes I was even afraid the game would provide an answer.  Seeing how it was resolved was a bit underwhelming.  I won’t lie.  I went from a mind racing with possibilities to a flat, “Oh it’s that? Well that’s something I guess.”
If there was one thing I wish this game did differently it would have been to have focused entirely on the text entry mechanic presented in House Abandon. I said before I went and played with some ELIZA programs online and I loved that there was no failure state. The conversation just continued even if the code emulating a human would sometimes spout nonsense. I don’t expect anyone, let alone Stories Untold, to conjure up a fully realized artificial intelligence to amuse me for my 3 hour adventure game. But I can’t help but muse about a more realized text entry loop.
This game has 12 total achievements to earn. (11)  Since the game utilizes a level select system, there are no missable achievements.  Most achievements are earned by just progressing through the game.  The ones that aren’t awarded in this manner are obtained by light exploration and finding some collectibles. All in all very easy to 100% in one sitting.
Stories Untold has received several notable awards (12) including British Academy of Film and Television Arts Game of the Year in 2017 (13).
Steam Reviews has it sitting at ‘very positive’(1)  while Metacritic has it at a 7.0/10 user score. (14)
It has sold at least over 100,000 copies on Steam (15). If Steam sales remained roughly the same on the other platforms it was ported to (Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox) that would imply at least a few hundred thousand people have decided to enter the world this game provides. While adventure games have drastically changed since the days of Colossal Cave Adventure with games like The Walking Dead and Until Dawn, text adventures have mostly fallen out of mainstream gaming discourse. For that reason the fact that Stories Untold managed to break through in the way it did favors it being a touchstone for many adventure and text adventure games going forward.
Ask yourself the following: Do you like arbitrary puzzles?  Do you mind some psychological horror in your entertainment?  Do you ever wish you could just play through chapters in your favorite book? If you answered yes to both these questions then this game was made for you.  
What if you’re like me and you can barely stand puzzles in games because they seem to evoke a ‘guess what the developer was thinking’ type of feeling? 
I would still recommend this game.  The reality of the game is that it can be completed in just a few hours.  When you get stuck, look up a guide, solve your roadblock, and get back to enjoying this game’s stellar atmosphere.  It’s really worth experiencing. Especially if you lived through and/or are a fan of the 80’s
If you’re completely puzzle adverse but still enjoy interactive narrative?  It might be worth looking up a playthrough or livestream.
1. Dev & Publisher: Stories Untold on Steam (steampowered.com)
2. Adventure Game Def: https://www.britannica.com/topic/electronic-adventure-game
3. colossal cave adventure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_Cave_Adventure
4. ludum dare: https://ldjam.com
5. game jam: http://www.nocodestudio.com/development-updates/2016/9/5/the-house-abandon
6. dev interview: https://www.pcgamer.com/crafting-the-unique-genre-defying-horror-of-stories-untold/
7. ELIZA (origins): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00146-018-0825-9
8. ELIZA (interactable): http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/psych101/eliza.htm
9. 1st point click game: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2011/01/history-of-graphic-adventures/
10. Don Norman: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E257T6C/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_2BZA3S6D0KPFSKXFKHVM
11. Achievement List: Steam Community :: Stories Untold :: LihimSidhe
12. Various Awards: http://www.nocodestudio.com/nocodegames
13. BAFTA: https://www.bafta.org/media-centre/press-releases/british-academy-scotland-awards-2017-winners-announced
14. Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/stories-untold
15. sales: http://www.nocodestudio.com/development-updates/2017/9/21/stories-untold-news-patch-indiecade-awards
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armpit-of-orion · 5 years ago
if u want to I’d love to hear some of ur hcs of beej interacting w charles and delia cause their dynamic gives me life and they’re his PARENTS
for sure! thanks for asking!
(also guys check my tag “beetlejuice headcanons” for more of my headcanons and feel free to ask for more!)
this got long as fuck, so I’m putting in a cut. 
also p.s. “Amanita” is pronounced “am-uh-NY-tuh.”
okay so maybe Charles and Emily always wanted a big family, but they had difficulty conceiving and it was hard enough for them to have Lydia, so they sort of gave up on the idea of a big family. so Charles doesn’t mind (read: is thrilled) when Beetlejuice sort of slides into their family.
Delia’s also always wanted to have a family; a spouse and as many kids as they could support. but her life didn’t seem to be heading in that direction, and by the time she hit forty she’d figured that her hope to have a big family was gone. so like Charles, it really isn’t unwelcome when her new family starts to grow.
now, it’s true that two kids doesn’t usually count as a “big family.” however, it’s also true that it does count as a “big family” when one of those kids is Beetlejuice.
(to be clear, Beetlejuice isn’t a child; in human terms, he’s in his early thirties. so when I talk about a parent-child relationship here, I mean parent-adult!child relationship. it’s more father/mother figure than just father/mother. just thought I should make this point clear since I ship him with the Maitlands, which would be not be okay if I was portraying BJ as in his teens/early twenties or something.)
Beetlejuice starts to see Charles as a father figure before he starts to see Delia as a mother figure.
that’s because he first sees Lydia as his sister, and he tries to relate to the people around him the way Lydia does. since Lydia doesn’t really see Delia as a mother figure (she starts to later, but not right away!), BJ doesn’t see Delia as a mother figure at first either.
BUT since Lydia only sees Charles as “Dad,” that’s exactly how BJ sees him too!
(I mean Lydia has known Delia, Adam, and Barbara as people other than her parents, but Charles has only ever been “Dad” to her, and it’s hard to see your parents as being actual people, not just your parents, especially when you’re young.)
Charles panics a little at the realization that he’s somehow adopted a demon who’s at least twenty times older than he is, and that panic manifests as him trying to engage Beej in traditional father-son bonding activities.
the fishing trip doesn’t go well, as Charles wasn’t aware that Beetlejuice does Not Like water, and it hadn’t occurred to Beetlejuice that fishing might involve him being near water.
they try to play catch, except Beetlejuice misunderstood the point of the game, so when Charles tosses him a baseball, Beetlejuice opens his mouth and somehow manages to swallow the ball whole. Charles is too disturbed by whatever the fuck that was to try again.
but! they figure out that they like going on walks in the woods together! Charles likes to try to identify the plants and wildlife they see, and it’s a good way for Beetlejuice to get some fun snacks.
Charles is (mostly) used to seeing BJ eat random bugs, but on one walk he sees Beetlejuice pop a couple of wild mushrooms into his mouth, and all Charles’s logic flies out the window for a moment.
he starts yelling at Beetlejuice to spit them out, and in his shock and confusion, Beetlejuice does the opposite.
Charles is in the process of dragging Beetlejuice home and has started to dial 911 before Beetlejuice can even react.
“Whoa, Chuck, what are you doing?”
“That looked like one of the deadly Amanita mushrooms. They’re extremely toxic; we have to get you to the hospital right—”
“Uh, Chuck? I’m dead. Those angalida—”
“—indochina mushrooms aren’t gonna make me more dead.”
Beetlejuice makes fun of Charles for forgetting that he’s, y’know, dead, but he’s secretly touched that Charles cares about him enough to panic like that.
and Delia! Beetlejuice starts to see her as a mother figure before Lydia does.
(actually, Delia being all “mom” around Beetlejuice helps Lydia warm up to the idea of Delia being a mother figure to her, too!)
they both have a ton of self-esteem issues, but they work on that together!
also they do spa days! sometimes Lydia joins in, but it’s usually a mother-son bonding thing. they do foot soaks and homemade face masks. Delia always has to make extra face mask …goop? (idk what to call it) because BJ will eat it. he likes the ones with honey best!
they talk a lot about stuff! Delia’s awesome to talk about sex with because she’s so nonjudgemental and open. once Beetlejuice stops trying to shock her or make her uncomfortable they actually have pretty deep conversations, and she helps him develop a healthier attitude about sex.
Delia starts teaching him how to meditate! it’s really hard— especially when you have ADHD— but it’s also really helpful and rewarding as long as you keep at it! and Delia never gets mad about how long it takes or about how BJ struggles to sit still or keep quiet for just ten seconds. she doesn’t give up, and after a couple months of five minute sessions he’s actually able to meditate a little!
also Beetlejuice makes her a necklace! (the Maitlands had a jewelry-making phase.) it’s the ugliest thing ever and Delia adores it, and she actually manages to make it work with some of her outfits. (she’s that good.)
during the weekdays, while Lydia’s at school and Charles is at work, Beetlejuice usually spends time with the Maitlands. but if Delia’s home, BJ will follow Delia around the house (like how my family’s dog follows my mom around lol). most of the time he doesn’t even try to distract her or engage her; he just wants to be in her presence! (once Lydia gets home though, he’ll leave Delia in favor of following Lydia around.)
Delia quickly becomes someone Beetlejuice goes to for comfort or emotional support. Lydia, bless her heart, does her best, but she’s not the most emotionally mature person (she’s fifteen! that’s okay!) and she has plenty of her own problems too, and BJ recognizes this and turns to Delia as a result. Delia’s hugs are awesome and help him forget about Juno.
in conclusion Charles and Delia are Beetlejuice’s parents and they love and support each other thank you and goodnight.
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mlmiii · 4 years ago
@green-dragon-ramblings​ tagged me to add TRPG campaigns I’m DM’ing/characters I’m playing to the ask post from earlier so
Pokérole 2e Campaign (DM: Me, Playing: Sabrina Duncan):  This is one I’m wrapping up this week--I made a custom region and then ran out of steam around the fourth gym. I made the mistake of promising to do custom pixel art for all of the gym leaders the way I often do for my players’ characters. Unfortunately, I’m more of an illustrator than an artist, and I wasn’t giving myself enough of a character concept to work from on the gym leaders. Additionally, while Pokérole has stellar implementation of Pokémon Anime Combat, a party of four including my DMPC just breaks the system apart, as constant 4v4 Pokémon battles aren’t fun and all 4 players challenging the gym leaders and trainers in series has too much dead time for me to enjoy running it. As a Very Final Episode I’m letting them skip the remaining gyms and get straight to the Big Legendary Fricks Everything Up fight that the games have been doing since Hoenn, a couple cutscenes to properly contextualize the fight, and then doing the Champion fight for those still interested. The gist of the plot is that the native inhabitants of this central USA-inspired region fought and imprisoned some eldritch abominations just over a millennium ago and a Kalosian noble family is pulling a big enough British Museum of Natural History to unwittingly throw the sealing wards out of alignment, resulting in the Big Bads getting loose after the 6th gym. The party will be fighting 1 of the 4 abominations this Friday, and the other three will just be left in Sessions That Never Were because I’m too tired of how gym battles were working here to actually play out the whole thing. 
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The character I played in that campaign is Sabrina Duncan, who started out with a Houndour and wound up with a team of Houndoom, Mandibuzz, Crawdaunt, Scolipede, Toxicroak, and Dragalge. She’s very much a biker girl archetype, and pretty quickly realized that she was the Team Mom by default, largely by virtue of being the oldest and most emotionally stable. As a DMPC, I frequently left her silent so the players could interact with the world, but she’s a fairly calm character anyway so it wasn’t too far off of how she’d normally be. Since Pokérole is about the Pokémon just as much as it is the characters, a brief rundown of her team:
Brimstone the Houndoom is the team sweeper, and a bit standoffish due to her Lonely nature. While her luck suffered some in gyms, her high Initiative, accuracy, and Evasion let her get away with being a glass cannon. 
Phosphate the Mandibuzz is the team’s support tank, with obnoxiously high defences, Tailwind to buff the party’s Dexterity, and Nasty Plot to get her own Special Attack up to workable levels. 
Deuterium the Crawdaunt is the team’s Ranger-esque skillmonkey, though he can technically off-tank reasonably well, which fits his Timid nature just fine. 
Cyanide the Scolipede is the physical counterpart to Brimstone’s artillery strikes, and unlike Brimstone, he’s had amazing luck in gyms. Given his relaxed nature, I played him as something of an Emotional Support Centipede to Deuterium, which is... not how Scolipedes usually are XD 
Formaldehyde the Toxicroak didn’t get a lot of screentime, but I was planning to have him be a luchador in Tough contests. He did manage to solo a Kingdra in the water gym as a Croagunk with some stellar luck though. 
Mercury the Dragalge similarly was cut short, but she was intended to be the team’s plague rat, throwing debuffs all over the place with Toxic, Smokescreen, Water Pulse, etc. 
Star Wars Saga Edition (DM: Friend from middle school, Playing: A9G-M028 “M0″ (pronounced “Mo”)):
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M0 is an A9G Archival droid reprogrammed to be a field medic, and spent a few years as the property/coworker of a mercenary band up until a few months before the campaign, when a sudden engine failure in their airspeeder resulted in everyone being stabbed through the torso by the twisted metal of said airspeeder’s wreck. M0, being a droid, survived long enough to patch themself up, but had to watch hopelessly--while being a medical droid--as their crew/masters bled out slowly. M0 met up with the party over a run-in with Jabba’s water collection goons, and things... got out of hand. M0 just wanted to team up with these idiots to minimize casualties, and then suddenly there’s four dead gangsters, with another barely stunned unconscious. Highlights after include spending a session trying to get the gangsters a proper burial while the team planned the heist, accidentally burning Jabba’s summer home down while trying to escape the heist (I thought the room was made of sandstone! I left one loaf of bread and an egg, stacked on a pan b/c M0 doesn’t know how to cook, on the oven so the guards would get distracted with the smoke!), spending all night repairing a speeder only for the party to bring it listing back at 4hp, and getting in a theological debate with some Tusken Raiders about how a being with no mouth is supposed to partake in not-quite-Communion. Another thing of note is M0′s insistence on setting their pistol to Stun, despite that doing half damage to organics and no damage to droids--they’ve gotten a couple other party members in on the stun train, and with any luck we’ll be able to cash that good will in on some mercy returned if the party is ever captured. 
The Jawas we’ll be fighting next quest, however, will not get this mercy, as M0 considers their tendency to capture, memory wipe, and resell droids as profiting from both genocide and slavery. As it so happens, M0 has enough money to buy a low-end spaceship, and Jawa Sandships don’t have anti-air defences...
I don’t quite think the DM realized what happens when a droid with a strong moral compass is told to retrieve another droid from a Sandcrawler. 
Starfinder Campaign (DM: Me, not playing a character):  As someone who loves sci-fi and runs a lot of Pathfinder games, you’d think I’d love Starfinder, right?
Well, problem is, it’s kinda... bad. Unsalvageably bad. “Just do Pathfinder, but in space, using the Starfinder environmental and hacking rules while disregarding literally everything else there” bad. Originally I was going to do a custom campaign, but as enthusiasm bleedover from playing Rimworld started drying up when I realized that the genres didn’t match well enough to cut-and-paste gameplay rhythms, I decided instead to shift plotlines a bit and use the Dead Suns adventure path. We got through the first book (with some... notable absences here and there, since the party was both underleveled and unoptimized) before I put it on hiatus to run the Pokérole campaign, and now that I’m playing with timeskips, I plan to run the party through the interesting parts of the adventure path, with maybe some episodic sessions scattered here and there to allow for more character development, if the party gets invested enough. Once that’s done, I plan to get back to the other game I have on hiatus.
Pathfinder Play-by-Post Campaign (DM: Me, Playing: Morsel): On hiatus since December, since one of the players got busy with a more standard campaign, is a campaign I made into a play-by-post to work on without needing to deal with scheduling issues. If it weren’t for who I was playing in it, I’d’ve just let it die, but...
It’s Morsel. 
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I’ve posted about Morsel before, and you can read her backstory there, but suffice to say that I’ve been trying to get this fungus child some freaking therapy since 2013 when I made her and I’m not about to stop just because one of my players went missing. Add to that that she didn’t talk to her parents before running away this time, and her lack of need of sleep meant that she heard them crying themselves unconscious some nights, well... there’s a Lot of angst Morsel’s going through. 
As for the campaign itself, it’s a collision of Morsel’s long-term plot to resurrect her first meal/adopted sister, the party mermaid’s long-term plot to reclaim artifacts stolen from her people when the Deep Ones did enough murder/pillaging to nearly wipe her people out, and an episodic monster-of-the-week plot, since the party was hired into the king’s League of Extraordinary Ratcatchers, aka The Dudes Wot Get Thrown At The Weird Noises In The Woods
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