#how do you give him the metalhead skin and just. just
avery-lostheart · 6 months
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i hate to say it but .. ykno..
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munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Do Me a Favor?
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Find part two here!
Eddie x fem!shy!bestie!reader
Summary: you buy some weed from your best friend Eddie and after shotgunning from him, you both find yourselves wanting more
word count: 6k
cw: MDNI 18+, smut, oral (f receiving)
The cold air nipped at your skin as you knocked on the trailer door. You tightened your cardigan around you as waited for someone to answer, wondering what the hell you had been doing there. You didn’t smoke weed. You didn’t buy it either, but maybe you just wanted to see the cute metalhead who was supposedly the best dealer in town, even though he was one of your closest friends and let you come over whenever you wanted.
You had been friends with Eddie Munson since that one time he helped you pick the books that you had dropped when someone had bumped into you in the hallway in the tenth grade. He had grabbed your copy of Lord of the Rings and the two of you yapped about it all the way to the cafeteria where he let you sit with his group.
After letting you sit with him every day, he eventually asked you to join Hellfire Club and you happily agreed. Not long after, the two of you found yourselves hanging out outside of the club, occasionally getting dinner or watching a movie at your house.
Over time, you started to develop romantic feelings because how could you not have? Eddie was just so sweet and caring and he looked out for you like no one else did. And maybe it was silly to crush on your best friend, but you couldn’t help it. Aside from his charming personality, he also happened to be very easy on the eyes.
The door opened, pulling you out of your thoughts and there Eddie was on the other side, looking like something out of your dreams in his cropped band t-shirt and sweatpants that he had rolled down a few times, giving you a great view of the patch of hair that was right under his belly button.
“Y/n?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He hadn’t been expecting you, but couldn’t help but feel intrigued to know why you were there.
“Hi, Eddie,” you nodded at him, not quite able to look him in the eye. You had hyped yourself up on the way there, but now that he was actually standing in front of you, you were feeling shy.
“What are you doing here?” He scratched the back of his head, causing his shirt to ride up even more and your mind suddenly went blank. “Thought you had to work.”
“I just got off and I um-I was wondering if I could buy some weed from you.” Eddie laughed at that. He always saw you as an innocent little thing who did everything she was supposed to. A goody-two-shoes that never broke the rules.
“Well,” he let out a chuckle. “I never thought I’d see the day.” Though, he kind of liked the idea of selling weed to you. Not only was it a funny thought, imagining you actually smoking the stuff, but it seemed like you were on edge every time he saw you and he thought you could use something to calm you down.
“We’re not in high school anymore. I’ve changed.” There was a little truth to your statement, but not much. The only thing that had changed about you since high school was that maybe you had a little more confidence and that you had finally gotten your braces off. Other than that, you were pretty much the same.
“So you have,” he nodded. “Well, why don’t you come inside and I’ll show you what I’ve got?” He held the door open for you as you stepped inside, letting it slam behind you. You looked around the place, loving how cozy it felt, especially since you were no longer in the cold weather. You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as you stepped further inside, trying to bring some more warmth to your body. You should have known that it was going to be a bad idea riding your bike across town without a jacket, but the damage was already done.
“The stuff’s in my room if you want to follow me.” Eddie couldn’t help but notice how quiet you were, but he had to admit that he thought it was cute. He knew that that was just who you were, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was making you feel nervous. He didn’t want you to feel pressured into taking the weed if you really didn’t want it. He didn’t know why he cared so much, it was just a normal sale.
Except it wasn’t. You were his best friend and had no experience with drugs whatsoever. He wanted to know why you had a sudden interest, but didn’t feel like it was his business to ask, no matter how close the two of you were.
Eddie had always thought you were pretty, but also thought that you were out of his league. He was the town freak and you were the shy girl who always had her nose in a book. He didn’t think that the two of you were exactly a great match. He didn’t want anyone starting rumors about you too, so he let you slip through his fingers. He decided that he was already risking enough by being friends with you.
But now there you were, standing in the doorway of his room, somehow having gotten prettier since he had seen you a few days ago. You were avoiding his eye contact, staring at the desk that was behind him. You were eyeing the stack of books that were sitting on top of it, wondering what they were, noticing that they were different than the ones that had been there before.
You slowly stepped further into the room, making a beeline for the stack, noticing that they were all new books. You slowly looked at all the covers, most of them being ones you had never heard of, but you were interested in every single one as soon as you read the back. Your face lit up at the book that was on the very bottom. It was your current favorite fantasy novel that you had read more times than you had cared to admit, but you had lost your copy and hadn’t been able to get a new one. You opened the book and let out a gasp at the little signature on the first page, wondering if he had bought it like that or if there was a signing that you didn’t know about.
Eddie watched you, still finding the way that you mumbled to words that were printed on the books to yourself adorable. For a second, he had completely forgotten why you were there. For a second, he had been convinced that you were there to hang out with him like usual.
“I can’t believe you have a signed copy of this.” You turned to face him, showing him the signature. He just let out a chuckle at that, finding you even more adorable. He didn’t think he had ever seen you so animated in the years that he had known you. “How did I not know this?”
“Oh, yeah, I got it a couple weeks ago,” he shrugged. “I honestly forgot that I had it.” The thing had been sitting on his desk since after the signing and he really had forgotten about it, his obsession with it being completely abandoned for another. “You can…keep it if you want.” Your eyes lit up at his suggestion but you quickly slumped your shoulders.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t take it from you.” You set the book back on the desk, knowing that you would have felt bad taking something like that from him. Even though it looked like it hadn’t been touched in a while, you could tell that it meant something to him.
“No,” he shook his head, moving towards you. He took the book and shoved it into your hands, his touching yours as he did so. “Take it, l/n. Please. It’s just been collecting dust here and a thing like that deserves to go to a good home.”
“Are you sure?” His eyes bored into yours to show you how serious he was and you couldn’t help but stare into them. They were hypnotizing, so brown and pretty. You had always been a sucker for brown eyes, especially Eddie’s. You knew that you’d do anything he asked just by looking into them, and you were sure that if he knew that fact, he would have gotten you into trouble.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” His hands were still on yours and you were so aware of his touch, loving how soft but rough his skin was. You could feel the cold metal that was his rings against your fingers that was mixed with the warmness of his hands. You just wanted to take them into your own, interlacing your fingers with his.
Eddie took the book from your hands and removed one of the straps of your tote bag from your shoulder and let the book fall inside before putting the strap right back. A smirk kicked up at the corner of his lips and you stared at them, thinking about how kissable they looked. They were so pink and plump and you just wanted to know what they felt like slotted between yours.
“Just so you don’t think about leaving it here,” he winked then turned on his heel to head to his bedside table. He pulled out a tin lunchbox from the bottom shelf and set it on the bed before opening it. He rifled through it, pulling out multiple plastic bags, trying to remember if he even had anything for a beginner. Most of the stuff he had was for people with a much higher tolerance and he didn’t want to start you on something you couldn’t handle.
Eddie found just what he was looking for at the bottom of the lunchbox and held it up to the light just to make sure, then nodded. He then closed the lunchbox and put it back where he found it and sat down on the edge of his bed, patting the spot next to him. You hesitantly sat down next to him, so close to the other end that if you sat any farther away from him, you’d fall to the floor.
Your heart was racing in your chest. You weren’t even going to smoke the stuff, you just wanted to be able to say that you bought some. Once you got home, you had every intention of throwing it into a drawer, never to be touched again. You just were afraid of what it would do to you so you definitely weren’t going to smoke it alone. That was just too scary. Maybe if you had more confidence, you could have asked him to smoke it with you.
“How much?” You asked, reaching for the money you had in your pocket and Eddie just shook his head.
“No need, l/n,” he rested his hand on top of yours to stop you. “First one’s always free,” he winked and your cheeks flushed.
“Could you do me a favor?” You asked, not even thinking about the words that were coming out of your mouth. Eddie titled his head to the side, wondering what you could have possibly wanted him to do for you.
“Anything,” he nodded quickly, ready to do whatever you asked, no matter how weird or ridiculous. “You know that.”
“Would you…want to smoke with me?” That was the last thing he was expecting to ask. He didn’t think that you ever want to get high with him.
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about the whole thing. He hoped you couldn’t hear how hard his heart was beating his chest as he suddenly felt nervous about the whole thing. “You really want to?” He just wanted to be sure before he started anything.
“Please.” The words came out more desperate than you had intended, but you didn’t even care. You were just happy that he said the words you had been afraid to. Now you didn’t have to worry. He'd be right there to help you if something went wrong and you were sure that he wouldn’t judge if you did something that wasn’t right.
“Alright, well, I’m just gonna roll this up, okay?” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at his desk as he held up the baggie with his other hand. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders as Eddie gave you a reassuring smile, standing from his bed.
You just nodded in response and he pulled his chair out, sitting at his desk, getting to work. You stayed on the bed, not wanting to get into his space, just letting him do whatever he needed to. You sat patiently, trying not to think too much about what you were doing or you were going to back out. You only got one chance to smoke with your crush and you were going to take it.
Once Eddie had the joint all rolled up, he turned in his chair to face you then made his way back to the bed, sitting down on it hesitantly. Your comfort was his top priority and he was fully prepared to stop everything if you didn’t want to continue.He turned to face you, giving you his full attention. He had never smoked with a first-timer, but he still knew exactly what to do. He wanted to give you options, letting you have full control of the situation.
“So, we can either take turns or we can shotgun, which is where I inhale the smoke and blow it into your mouth. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.” He was being so sweet and gentle and it was getting really difficult for you to not fall for him even harder. You weighed your options and decided that shotgunning was probably the best idea. That way, there was less of a chance that you’d choke and maybe you just wanted to be close to Eddie.
“Can we…shotgun?” You words came out unsure and Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, wanting to make sure that was actually what you wanted. You nodded enthusiastically, scooting closer to him again. “That’s what I want to do.”
“Then let’s do it.” Eddie turned to grab his lighter from his bedside table and smiled to himself since he had secretly wanted you to pick shotgun. He wanted to be able to touch you, to feel your lips on his, the whole idea making him a little hard. Once he had the lighter, he put the joint between his fingers before holding the lighter out to you. “Wanna do the honors, cutie?”
“Sure,” you nodded and took the lighter from him. You sparked the lighter up and cupped your hand around the joint like you had seen in movies and let it catch the flame before pulling away. You kept hold of the lighter as Eddie beckoned you forward with his free hand.
“C’mere,” he said and you obeyed, moving so you were sitting crisscrossed in front of him. He mimicked your actions and you both got so close that your legs were touching. “Make sure the smoke is in your mouth before inhaling, okay? Don’t want you choking.” You just nodded and Eddie took a drag and held the smoke in his mouth as you leaned forward even more. Your lips parted and Eddie reached up to your face slowly, giving you a look as if asking for permission.
“Do what you need to do,” you told him and his fingers took hold of your chin. His thumb reached up to your bottom lip and he pulled it down as if asking you to open your mouth wider. After it was wide enough, his hand moved to your cheek, pulling your face to his. He gingerly opened up, pressing his lips to your before pushing the smoke into your mouth. You did as he instructed and waited until all of the smoke was in your mouth before you took a deep breath.
Eddie leaned away so you could exhale, gauging your reaction to make sure that you were okay. Just from your first hit, you had been doing a lot better than other first-timers he had seen. Sure, you had only done well because he had told you what to do, but he still thought that you were a natural.
“I don’t feel anything.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you still felt very sober and Eddie just laughed in response.
“You’re not going to feel anything right away, hon.” His hand moved to your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Do you want another hit?”
“Yes,” you nodded and Eddie took another puff and held the joint away from the both of you as he grabbed hold of your waist, pressing his open mouth to yours once again. He blew the smoke into your mouth and you inhaled before you were supposed to, pulling away to cough into your arm. You had been so focused on the way Eddie’s lips felt against yours that you had completely forgotten what you were supposed to do.
“You okay?” He asked, his hand moving to your back, giving it a sympathetic rub. You just held your thumb up as an indication as you continued to cough. “C’mon, let’s go get some water.”
He stubbed the joint out onto his desk then took you by the hand, pulling you from the bed. You continued to cough all the way to the kitchen and couldn’t believe that you had ruined the good time you were having because you had gotten distracted.
Eddie quickly grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets and filled it up with water from the tap before handing it to you. You quickly gulped down as much of the beverage as you could and let out a sigh of relief as you set the empty glass down on the counter.
“You okay? You good?” He asked, the words rushing out of his mouth. He stood in front of you, his hands resting on your back, rubbing up and down in a comforting manner. You leaned into him, your forehead pressing against his chin.
Eddie didn’t know why he felt the need to comfort you and why it had become second nature to him when he was never good at or liked it, he didn’t know. Anytime he was around first-timers who inhaled improperly, someone else always stepped in to help while he watched from the sidelines. But now, there he was, fully prepared to give you whatever you needed.
“I’m good,” you assured him, your arms wrapping around his waist. “Can you just…hold me for a second?”
“I can hold you for all the seconds, honey.” You weren’t sure where the little nickname came from, but you were eating it up, wanting him to say it anytime he referred to you.
You pulled back to look at him and your eyes immediately shifted to his lips. You watched him wet them with his tongue, the wet sheen making them look even more inviting. It was like he was doing it on purpose, trying to torture you by dangling it in your face, knowing that you wouldn’t do anything about it.
Before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to his in a lingering peck before quickly pulling away. An embarrassed flush made its way upon your face and you covered your lips with the pads of your fingertips.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
You turned to leave and Eddie didn’t let you get far. He grabbed hold of your wrist and turned you around to face him. He took no time to cradle your face in your hands and capture your top lip between his two. Your hands found his waist and you pulled him to you so he was flush with your body. The kiss was slow and sweet, as if the two of you had all the time in the world. It was everything you had ever hoped, everything you could have ever imagined.
“Don’t ever apologize for that,” he insisted against your lips. “You have absolutely no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” That made you stop in your tracks. You quickly pulled away to look at him, your eyes widening.
“How long?” You were desperate to know exactly how long he had felt that way about you so you could see how much your crushes had overlapped each other.
“Since high school. Almost kissed you that night when I drove you home from Hellfire and I’ve been kicking myself ever since because I didn’t.”
You had remembered that night so vividly. You had ridden your bike, but Eddie had insisted on giving you a ride home. The two of you had talked the entire time about everything and nothing, occasionally giggling at little jokes that you had shared with each other. Even after Eddie had pulled into your driveway, you still sat there, neither of you wanting you to leave. You had noticed him leaning towards you, but you didn’t want to make any assumptions, so you just said your goodbyes and you just felt embarrassed for thinking that he was going to kiss you when it had been clear that he hadn’t.
All that time, you could have sworn that he was going to kiss you and you had been right. You actually hadn’t been delusional for once. For once, the guy that you had feelings for actually reciprocated them and you couldn’t have been more elated.
“Well, now you can make up for lost time.” Your hands rested against his back.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Eddie pulled you back in for another kiss, this one more rough and messy, the two of you so desperate for the other, taking exactly what you wanted from each other.
Eddie’s hands moved to your cardigan and he undid the first button so slowly, giving you a chance to back out if you wanted to. Once he got the okay to continue, he undid the rest and pushed it off of your shoulders. You removed it from your arms and let it fall to the floor.
You let your hands trail up his back and you pulled onto the bottom of his shirt before pulling it over his head. Once it was removed, he threw it to the side, grabbing hold of your waist again. His hands slipped to the strip of skin between the top of your jeans and the bottom of your tank top that had ridden up as he backed you up to the counter, your back hitting it.
He helped you get up on top of it and you spread your legs, Eddie stepping between them. His mouth was quickly on yours again as he licked into it, his tongue roaming around it as if he was trying to taste every single bit of it.
You let out a moan as his tongue swirled around yours and your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him as close to you as possible. His hands traveled up your shirt and moved to your bra, his fingers resting on the clasp as if asking to take it off.
“Take it off,” you commanded. “Please.” The word came out like a whine and Eddie was happy to oblige, quickly unhooking the clasping before removing the straps from your arms and sliding the whole thing down and pulling it from your tank top. He tossed it behind him then looked at you, searching your face for any sign of hesitance.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” He licked his lips, his chest rising and falling from being out of breath from your lips being attached. He would have never forgiven himself if he had done something you weren’t comfortable with. He just wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Eds.” Your hand moved up to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I want you to be my first.”
“Your first?” His eyes widened. He honestly had no idea that you were a virgin. “Y/n, are you sure you want it to be me?” Eddie wanted to be sure that it was actually what you wanted. That you were doing it with someone you cared about and he wasn’t sure he deserved to be your first.
“Very sure,” you nodded. “You’re the only one I trust to do it.” He felt his cheeks blush at your words, knowing that they meant that you had thought about having sex with him and his dick was getting harder by the second.
“Y/n, you have no idea how honored I am that you want it to be me, but I just want to be sure that you really want this.” Eddie thought it was the greatest honor of all that he was the one that you wanted to lose your virginity to and considered himself the luckiest man alive because of it.
“I’m sure,” you nodded. “I’ve thought about this a lot.”
“Oh, have you?” He teased and pressed another kiss to your lips. “Wanna move this to the bedroom?”
“I’d want nothing more.” Eddie’s lips slotted between yours once again and his hands moved out from under your shirt and wrapped around your waist, pulling you from the counter. Your ankles locked at his back and he carried you to his room, your lips still in the middle of a messy kiss.
He entered his room and slammed the door behind him with his foot, hurrying the two of you to his bed. He collapsed onto it and you fell on top of him. He then sat up and looked at you with a serious look in his eyes.
“I just want to let you know a few things before we get started,” he said, his hands resting on your thighs.
“Okay,” you nodded, ready to listen to whatever he needed to say.
“First, if I go too far or you don’t like something or even if you don’t want to continue, don’t be afraid to let me know. This is all about you, okay?” You just nodded in response and Eddie licked his lips before he continued.
“And on the opposite end, don’t be afraid to let me know what you do like. If you like something, feel free to make noise, and you don’t have to be embarrassed about being too loud. There’s no such thing.”
“Got it,” you nodded, looking him in the eyes so he knew that you completely understood what he was saying. You were desperate to get on with it already, but felt like you owed it to him to listen to what he was saying since it seemed pretty important.
“Do you want to start or should I?”
“You do it.” You wanted him to take the lead since he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Okay,” he replied, leaning towards you, his face only inches from yours. “Just gonna kiss you for now, okay?”
“Mhm,” you nodded and his lips attached to yours again. You felt a little more confident and you were the one to stick your tongue into his mouth, mimicking what he had done earlier, slowly laying him down onto the bed, removing your shirt as you did so. You then leaned down and pulled him into a kiss, your bare chest against his. Eddie brought his hands up and grabbed hold of your tits, the pads of his thumbs massaging your nipples, just enough to make them hard and you made a noise that he knew that he was going to grow very fond of.
Eddie pulled away from you, his mouth immediately moving to your tit. He moved his tongue back and forth, licking across your nipple and you moaned. The whole thing was so foreign to you but you liked the feeling.
Just as you were getting used to it, he took your nipple between his teeth and gave it a pull, causing your hands to move to his hair, giving it a yank. Eddie took that as an invitation to continue and moved to the other nipple, giving it the same attention. You gave it his hair another yank and let out one more moan, trying your best to not be self conscious about how loud you were.
“That’s it, honey,” he said, licking another stripe along your nipple. “Let it out.” Eddie pressed his lips to the spot between your breasts then flipped you over so that your back was against the mattress. He pressed open mouthed kisses all the way down to your stomach and stopped when he got to the top of your jeans.
“These look great on you,” he complimented. “But I’d think they’d look better on the floor. Can I remove them?”
“Yes, please.” He took no time to unbutton them and pulled down the zipper before pulling them down your legs and tossing them to the side. He pressed a kiss to the spot above your underwear then looked up at you for permission to remove them.
“Take them off, Eds. Please. I need you.” Your words came out so whiny and Eddie felt himself getting even more hard.
“Yes ma’am,” he responded before taking your underwear off. He was about to throw them on the floor, but you stopped him, putting your hands over his.
“You should keep them,” you told him. “To remember this night.”
“Isn't that objectification?” He liked the idea of keeping your underwear, but also kind of felt like he was treating you like an object by doing that.
“Not if I say it isn’t. Put them in your pocket.” Without a second thought, Eddie put the underwear into his back pocket before resting his hand on your knees, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. He then spread your legs open to get a peek at your pussy which was sopping wet.
“Wow,” he said, noticing that there was already a stain from where everything had leaked out onto his bedding. “This might be the wettest pussy I’ve ever seen. Mind if I get a taste?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all.” Eddie climbed off of the bed as he pulled you to the end of it. He then got onto his knees before throwing your legs over his shoulders. He looked up at you one more time for any signs of hesitance and when he saw how eager you looked, he slowly pushed his head between your thighs, burying his face into your cunt.
You let out a gasp as his nose brushed it and gripped the blanket as he licked a stripe from your slit to your clit. He swirled his tongue around the area and you couldn’t keep your sounds to yourself anymore.
“Oh, Eddie,” you moaned, your fingers gripping more of the blanket as he worked his magic with his tongue. He grazed the sensitive spot with his teeth and you whimpered which let him know that he could continue. He applied a little more pressure with his teeth, loving the sounds that the action elicited from you.
“So good, Eds. Need more.” You were desperate for whatever he was going to give you, not caring at all what it was, just as long it felt as good as him giving you head.
“Oh, this is just the appetizer, hon.” He dove into your cunt once more, shoving his tongue inside of it, causing you to moan the loudest you ever had.
“Fuck, Eddie, more.” He swirled his tongue around and around and you made the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard in his life, knowing that they’d still ring in his head after the night was over.
After a couple more moans, he removed his face from your pussy and practically threw himself on top of you, pressing his lips to yours in a filthy kiss, his tongue swirling around your mouth.
“See how good you taste, honey?” He asked. “Wanna taste you all the time.”
“And I’ll let you,” you responded. “Whenever you want.”
“I love the sound of that.” He slotted his lips between yours in a dizzying kiss before pulling away. He then reached for his bedside table and pulled the drawer open before taking out a condom, not even bothering to close the drawer back.
“I don’t think I’m ready,” you told him, your voice barely above a whisper. You knew he wouldn’t ever judge you, but still couldn’t help but feel like he was going to be mad at you. He let the condom fall to the floor then moved himself back on top of you, his hands taking yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Are you mad?” You looked up at him, and his face softened instantly. He would have never been mad at you for that. Maybe he was a little disappointed, but he thought he would have been wrong to blame your for something like that.
“Baby, no, of course I’m not mad at you.” He shook his head, giving your hands a squeeze. He couldn’t have been mad at you if he tried.
“Promise?” You needed constant reassurance or your brain would convince you that he was lying.
“I promise, honey,” he nodded. “How about we put on some pajamas and watch a movie? Anything you want.”
“I’d like that,” you nodded. You really had thought you were ready, but the whole thing still scared you. You really enjoyed everything leading up to it, but still found the penetration part to be too much for you at the moment.
Eddie rolled off of you and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants out of his dresser before tossing them to you. You threw them on while he headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed and still felt anxious about him being mad at you. What you had was so good and you were convinced that you had ruined it.
“I’m not mad at you,” he called from the bathroom. He knew you too well sometimes, always somehow knowing exactly what you were thinking. He knew how prone you were to overthinking and was always there to reassure you that your thoughts were in fact not true.
Eddie emerged from the bathroom and threw on a shirt before throwing himself onto the mattress and rolling back on top of you. He pressed another bruising kiss to your lips, his hands reaching for yours again. He then pulled away, a grin breaking out on his face as he looked down at you.
“I’m not mad at you,” he repeated, burying his face into your neck, snuggling into it.
“I know,” you replied, just like always, but he was never convinced, even though you really did know that he wasn’t mad at you.
“I’m not mad at you,” he said one more time, pressing a kiss to your neck before rolling off you.
He reached for the remote to his tv and turned it on before pulling you to his chest. You both watched the screen mindlessly while your arms wrapped around him. One of his arms draped across your waist while the other hand stroked your hair, something he always did to bring you comfort.
You looked up at him as he watched the tv and couldn’t help but feel lucky to have a best friend like him. Someone who was always there for you no matter what. Someone who would never judge you for anything, no matter what he really thought about it. Someone who you were completely and one hundred percent head over heels for. And maybe, just maybe, one of these days you’d get the guts to tell him how you really felt.
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lovebugism · 9 months
"we’re arguing when the ball drops on new year’s eve, and decide to kiss and shit i don’t think i hate you anymore"
with eddie and grumpy!r pls
ty for requesting! :D — your new years kiss ends up being the loudmouth, metalhead, wild-haired boy you can't stand (enemies to lovers, grumpy!reader, 1.5k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Another year passes in a blink, and suddenly everyone around you is chanting “new year, new me” like it’s not just some overdone mantra destined to be forgotten by mid-February. 
It’s not surprising that you and Eddie are the only two not participating in the holiday theatrics. It’s also not surprising that the two of you are spending the entirety Steve’s New Years party bickering like a married couple on the couch.
You both got dragged here — you by Robin, and him by Dustin — and the two of you are acting like total grumps about it accordingly. And even though you can’t stand being in the same room as each other, you’ve been shoulder-to-shoulder in the living room all night.
You’re sitting pretty in a black dress beside him, scowling like a storm cloud while Eddie scoops a handful of pretzels in his mouth. Seemingly noticing your side-eyed glare, he starts to chew more audibly because he knows how much you hate it. The slow and rhythmic smack smack smack makes the chatter around you sound more distant as your skin begins to crawl.
Eddie smiles when you tense — wider when you glare at him.
“Sometimes I wonder why I hate you, and then you do stuff like that, and I think to myself, “oh yeah, that’s why.”
He grins with all his teeth, pretzels crumbs and all. “The feeling’s mutual, princess.”
“Don’t call me that,” you grumble with a roll of your eyes.
You shake your crossed leg to the music playing softly overhead and try to focus on the television in front of you. The staticky film of Times Square isn’t quite as distracting as the boy beside you — and not just because he’s purposefully trying to annoy you. 
He has no right to be this pretty, with his wild hair and black button-up and smudged eyeliner. It’s hardly fair.
“Don’t act like one, and I won’t,” he retorts, muffled through the food in his cheek.
“Don’t talk with your mouthful. It’s disgusting.”
He doesn’t say anything, just gives you the widest smile he’s ever looked at you with. The bits of chewed-up pretzel in his teeth make you grimace.
“You’re a child,” you deadpan.
Eddie laughs — a pretty little sound in a scoffed-out breath. 
He sits the half-empty bowl on the coffee table, then pushes his sleeves to his elbows. His arms are pale, lanky, and tattooed. Some of the ink is faded and messy, obviously not done by professionals. You think those intrigue you the most. You’d ask about the stories behind them if you even cared.
Eddie rests his elbows on his knees and looks at you over his shoulder. His smile is pink and made of honey — his eyes dark and made of fire. 
“You can act like you hate me all you want, but everyone here knows you’re obsessed with me,” he teases with a scrunched nose, motioning to the room with his pointer finger. 
No one’s paying either of you any mind. They’re too focused on their own conversations to care about the ones you and Eddie have had a thousand times over. You try to act as disinterested as they do. You think you’re playing the part pretty well, honestly, but Eddie’s looking at you with a twinkle in his eye like he can see right through it.
“That’s very presumptuous of you, Munson.”
“Just calling it like I see it,” he huffs and leans back again, spreading his arms across the back of the couch. 
The sudden proximity isn’t lost in you. Neither is the smell of nicotine and sandalwood radiating off of him. It stirs a velvety feeling in the pit of your stomach that you try hopelessly to shove down.
“You must be completely and utterly blind, then.”
“Uh-uh,” he hums with a shake of his wild head. “Twenty-twenty vision, baby.” He leans in close to croon the words in your ear, and your heart lurches into your throat. You shove him off with a half-hearted hand anyway. 
“Get off me!” you groan, face scrunched in a childlike annoyance. “And don’t call me baby.”
Eddie settles back beside you with a subtle pout between his brows. “If I can’t call you princess and I can’t call you baby, then what am I supposed to call you?”
“Nothing!” you shout, like being called baby hadn’t stirred something foreignly pleasant behind your ribcage. “Don’t call me anything! Don’t call me at all—”
“Guys! Come here! The ball’s about to drop!” Dustin shouts over the chatter to get everyone’s attention, a bit too loudly. He stands in front of the television along with the rest of the small crowd, ogling at the bad reception of the Times Square Ball and a flashing countdown.
“Sounds like me in middle school,” Eddie jokes, making Steve snort out a laugh when he walks in from the kitchen. You shoot the wild-haired boy a squinted look of disgust and he chuckles. “Oh, c’mon! That was funny, and you know it.”
“Ten!” the crowd begins to chorus.
“You’re an idiot,” you grumble.
“And you’re the one who’s obsessed with the idiot, so… Who’s the real weirdo?”
“Still you.”
“Ooh,” Eddie lilts, plush lips softly pouted. “So you are obsessed with me?”
You scoff a bitter laugh. “You love putting words in my mouth, don’t you?”
“Like I said,” the boy hums with a smug smile. “Just calling it like I see it, honey.”
The dumb name shouldn’t make you melt like it does. You turn into a puddle before you can come up with another comeback. You forget how to form words and get lost in how soft his lips look, pink and delicate like a flower. God, he’s so pretty, you hate him.
“Six!” your friends continue to chant, the only sound in the expansive living room. “Five!”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed about, honestly,” the boy assures with an absentminded shrug, tilting his flushed cheek to his shoulder and flashing you an unkissed grin.
“You’re not the first girl to fall head over heels for me, and you won’t be the last.”
The corner of your lip curls into a quiet smirk. You squint at him, eyes twinkling with mischief and a sudden longing for him to eat his words. “Is that so?” you croon lowly.
He leans in like he’s about to tell you a secret. The nicotine-whiskey concoction on his breath brushes your cheek. Screw the alcohol in your abandoned cup — you’d sooner get drunk on him. 
“I’ll make sure to let you down easy, alright? I promise,” Eddie hums with a feigned seriousness.
He nods, bushy brows pinching softly together and petaled mouth gently pouting. “Yeah. I’m not in the heartbreaking business, you know? I don’t wanna hurt your feelings, princess, but you should there’s no way in hell that I’m ever gonna—”
“One!” the house chants together, louder this time as they shout, “Happy New Year!”
You blink, and suddenly everyone’s grabbing onto somebody. 
Robin and Vickie share a quiet peck you don’t miss in the corner of the room. Mike and El smack a more obvious kiss in the very center of it. A newly grown-up Dustin tries his chances with Nancy, glancing at her with a silent smile she shakes her head at — “Not a chance, kiddo,” she says with a soft pink grin. Even Max leans over to brush a kiss to Lucas’ cheek, right before scowling at him, “This doesn’t mean we’re back together, Sinclair.” 
So you feel it’s only right, that in a room of kissed mouths, you get kissed, too.
Eddie is the perfect victim. Mostly because he hasn’t stopped yapping since he sat down beside you, some hours ago now. You reach for him, splaying your hand across his warm jaw (that grows somehow hotter beneath your touch), and pressing a kiss to his blabbering mouth. 
You swallow all the half-hearted insults he spews at you because he thinks you really hate him. In Eddie’s mind, if being mean is how he gets closer to you, then when you go low, he’ll go all the way to hell. 
You don’t kiss him like you hate him, though. You kiss him like you can taste stars in his mouth. Like the rest of your whole life is sitting on his tongue.
Your mouth locks with his for a moment, kissing the breath from his lungs, only to pull away a second later.
Eddie’s totally frozen when you’re gone. The loudmouth boy — who you decided to hate if you couldn’t love — is left so suddenly speechless. He blinks at you with heavy, velvet eyes and grieves a thing he didn’t even know he could have.
A grin pulls at your freshly kissed mouth. It feels good to have the upper hand again.
“You’re never gonna what?” you tease, tilting your head like you’re innocent.
His mouth parts for an answer. Nothing comes out.
Your smile widens. “That’s what I thought. Honey.”
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rottenaero · 3 months
Steve stares at the orange shorts Eddie was wearing.
It’s summer, and the kids had decided to have a Harrington house pool party, which of course meant wearing swim attire.
And Eddie had dressed for that, don’t get him wrong, but the pants were throwing him off.
One, because he doesn’t think he’s ever seen him wear orange before, or any warm color that wasn’t red, really. Didn’t think it’d ever touched his skin except for Steve’s yellow sweatshirt.
And two, because they were weirdly reminiscent of the color people wore in movies where they were behind bars, screaming for their one call.
And Steve didn’t have a filter, didn’t really care to have one, and since they were already sitting down all he need to do was nudge his foot against the guys side to catch his attention.
So he did.
The metalhead flicks down his sunglasses- Or, actually those may be Steve’s. Whatever, he flicks down the sunglasses with a brow raised.
“ Yeah, babe?”
Babe, because whatever they had was far more than friendship, or two older men acting like divorced parents to a group of children.
He lifts his hand, gestures to the pants. “ What’s with the prison shorts?” He asks.
Eddie blinks, glances down and smirks. “ Just broke out from there before this. Thought I told you.”
He tilts his head to the side. “ Oh really?”
“ Mhm-hm. A lot of pretty guys in there, hard to resist, but I held out. Knew I had something better.”
“ Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, and Eddie leans back into his chair shrugging. Then, because he’s a good boyfriend and knows he likes being all dramatic, and wants to see how long the bit will last, he questions him further, “ What were you in for?”
He sets the glasses over his forehead so they were out of the way, tugging on a strand of hair in-front of his face in thought. Finally, he grins.
“ Murdered people for rit-ualistic sacrifices.” The way he says ‘ritualistic’ is over exaggerated, but what about Eddie isn’t?
Steve gives him an unimpressed look. “ You’re not funny.”
“ No?”
“ No.”
Eddie shrugs, sets a leg over Steve’s lap. “ Worth a shot.”
Quick as a flash, the man’s arms clutch to his chest, and he’s rolling out of the chair making what seems to be dying noises.
Only, the chairs were set up by the edge, so without realizing it, after a roll or two he falls into the water.
There’s splashing, the desperate attempt to break through the surface before he finally grasps onto the edge and takes a big breath.
Steve can’t help the snort, and Eddie claps his hands together and points at him with an ‘ I told you so’ look. “ Ahah! So I am funny.” Steve rolls his eyes as the main hoists himself onto pavement, and crawls towards him.
“ Laugh for me, Stevie! Come on, again! Really let me revel in the fact that I proved King Steve wrong.” He’s got a wicked grin, and the jock can barely contain his own.
Finally, he’s weighed down, and he nudges the other man’s ankle with his foot. “ You’re a little funny. Mostly, you just look funny.”
Eddie whoops and cheers, shakes his imaginary pom-poms in the air. “ I’ll take it!” He leans down, smacks a kiss on his lips that’s really more teeth than lip, before lounging back down with his legs twisted between his.
Steve shakes his head, leans across the tangle of limbs to grab his sunglasses and slides them back on his nose.
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novacorpsrecruit · 1 year
Care to Dance?
Inspired by @imfinereallyy’s post
Robin, Steve and Eddie planned this night for weeks. They drove up to Indianapolis to spend the evening at the gay bar. A place where they could be themselves and not worry.
Steve took a shot of vodka before turning around at the bar, facing the dance floor. He could see Robin speed talking to a girl about Nancy’s height, the girl gently playing with the edge of Robin’s jacket.
Eddie … well, he looked hot as ever. He was playing billiards in the corner of the bar with another guy, showing him how to angle the cue just right for the perfect hit. Steve could feel jealousy in the pit of his stomach, but he knew he wasn’t Eddie’s type.
Steve’s been harmlessly flirting with Eddie, putting himself out there on the ledge, only for Eddie to talk about some other guy he met in Indy. Steve wondered if this was the guy. If Eddie had planned this night so he could see his guy. It wasn’t wrong if he did. Steve just wished he knew so he could prepare himself for the heartbreak.
He knew Eddie wasn’t his, so it really shouldn’t be a problem, right?
“Hey, baby,” a deep voice said hotly against the shell for his ear. “How come a pretty thing like you is all alone tonight?”
“I’m not alone,” Steve said, turning to face the man — to face the dark, brown eyes, the devilish grin. “Not anymore. You want a drink?”
“I’d much rather see you on the dance floor,” the man said, lifting his chin. His grin still plastered across His face. “Or are you more interested in staring at that metalhead?”
“No, I’d like to. Dance, I mean,” Steve said, feeling his cheeks heat up. He didn’t realize he was that obvious for Eddie. The man put his hand on the small of Steve’s back as he lead him out to the dance floor. It started out innocent at first, arms raised, slowly wrapping around each other’s body as they danced to Depeche Mode. Eventually, Steve had his back pressed up against the man’s front. The man pressed a hot kiss against Steve’s skin. Suddenly, Steve realized he didn’t know the man’s name.
“I’m Steve,” he said, a little loud to be heard over the music.
“Dan — Hey!”
Steve felt Dan’s body yanked away from him. Steve turned to see Eddie standing in between him and Dan, now on the ground. He felt someone grab his arm, he yanked it — before realizing it was Robin holding onto him.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Dan spat.
“You,” Eddie snarled back, venom on his tongue. “You’re dancing on my friend.”
“Eddie —“
“Steve, I got it,” Eddie said over his shoulder, before turning his attention to Dan. “What gives you the right to dance on him like that?”
“I did,” Steve snapped, pulling himself out of Robin’s grip and stepping in front of Eddie. “He asked me to dance and I said yes. What gives, Eddie? What are you doing?”
“Protecting you,” Eddie wrinkled his brow, like it was obvious. “We know he isn’t your type, Steve.”
“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Steve snapped.
“You know exactly what I mean,” Eddie said.
“I don’t know what you have going on,” Dan interrupted, leaning against Steve. His lips were hot near his ear. “But Pretty Boy, you dump the metalhead, you know where to find me.”
“That’s it —“ Eddie nearly lunged forward to chase after Dan, stopped by Robin and Steve.
“Eddie, what the fuck is up with you?” Steve snapped. “We came out to have a good time and you’re ruining it.”
“I’m ruining it?” Eddie scoffed. “He was the one dancing against you! Does that not bother you?”
“No?” Steve wrinkled his nose. “I liked him.”
“Steve,” Robin said, stepping between the two, trying to calm the tension. “You can’t be leading him on like that.”
“Like what?” Steve asked, feeling his gut twist. He knew he was obvious with his crush on Eddie, but he would get over him. He could. If he just found the right person.
“Steve, you’re straight,” Robin said. “He’s probably thinking he was gonna take you home.”
“I’m … straight?” Steve repeated. “What planet are you from?”
“What?!” Eddie and Robin snapped at the same time. Steve looked between the two of them, his expression dropping.
“You guys thought I was straight?” Steve gaped. “I’m grinding on some guy and you think I’m straight?! We’re at a gay club, and you thought I was straight?”
“You’ve always just talked about girls,” Robin said. “We just —“ she looked at Eddie for help, but he provided none. He stood there, shocked, processing.
“Because the guy I want, doesn’t like me that way,” Steve groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “I’m going for fresh air.”
He pushed past Robin and Eddie to the front of the bar and onto the street. He turned down the alleyway, leaning against the building. He took a deep breath, letting it out.
Steve looked up at Eddie, offering a cigarette from the box.
“I’m sorry about ruining things with Dan,” Eddie said. “You wanna talk?”
“I just — thought you both knew,” Steve said, taking a cigarette. Eddie flicked his lighter, lighting Steve’s cigarette. “I thought I was obvious. And you even said that ‘Us, queers find each other.’”
“I did say that,” Eddie nodded. “I just thought you were safe, and not …”
“Bisexual,” Steve said, officially coming out. “I’m bisexual.”
“Proud of you,” Eddie said. “Now tell me about this guy you like. And why you don’t think he likes you.”
“He’s super cool. Bad ass,” Steve said, taking a drag of his cigarette. “I know I’m not his type.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’ve been flirting with him for weeks,” Steve said, putting his heart out on the line. If this failed, maybe Dan won’t mind letting him cry on his shoulder. “And he’s ignored all my advances.”
“Maybe he didn’t realize you were flirting with him,” Eddie said. “You know, maybe he thought you were straight?”
Steve’s eyes snapped to Eddie, attempting to read him. Eddie took a drag off his own cigarette.
“Maybe you could try again?” Eddie offered. Steve felt his heart beat rapidly against his chest.
“Eddie —“
“Yes,” Eddie breathed. “Whatever you want. Yes.”
“You,” Steve said. “I want you.”
Eddie crashed his lips against Steve’s in a hot, messy kiss. A little teethy, as they couldn’t help but smile and laugh. They broke away breathless.
“Come on, big boy,” Eddie said, pulling at Steve’s arm. “Let’s go dance.”
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dearanakin · 1 year
Biker Boy - !biker Eddie Munson
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As requested by my girlie anonymous friend, who gave such a great idea, here it is!! I used the details as an excuse to make this short story spicy 🥹
Summary: You and Eddie are friends with benefits. Whenever he has the chance, he always gives you a ride and everytime you hear the engine and him revving, your body goes crazy. You have a kink he doesn't know, so maybe it's time to finally get the word out.
Warnings: oral sex, fingering, cursing, fluffiness. +18 DNI
Word count: 2k.
His engine was revving in the distance as you heard the roar of his motorcycle approaching your neighborhood. As you're just finishing getting ready, the sound of his vehicle makes your heart do a flip, it's always automatic. The anticipation of watching him riding his machine always made its way in. You run to the front door as soon as he pulls over on your sidewalk.
You watch as he leans his bike to one side and dismounts gracefully, your stomach sinking from the view. Clad in his black leather jacket, Eddie was wearing ripped jeans - as always -, white sneakers and leather gloves. Oh, the leather gloves. They certainly did things to you.
You and your friend became closer over the past months, then you had the greatest idea of becoming friends with benefits. Something your friends didn't quite understand because you both decided you'd be exclusive to each other. Robin would always say it kinda gives away the term, because you wouldn't date other people.
The metalhead had his face hidden under the helmet, only showing the end of his hair and his big brown chocolate eyes. Everything just sends shivers down your spine. As soon as he got rid of the helmet, his hair flung revealing a mop of tousled curls. His dark green motorcycle had fat tires, decorated with a silly amount of stickers of every kind; bands, movies, games. 
He had a gin, although he wasn't the biggest fan of a party. He promised he would only go because it was Steve's, and because his friend got into college. 
"Hey sweet thing," he greeted you with a small kiss on your forehead. You gave him some space to get inside your house, leaving the helmet on the coffee table and taking his jacket off.
"It'll be a couple of minutes, just finishing my makeup". He only then noticed how pretty you were looking. You were wearing a tight black dress, brown boots and your hair was perfectly sat on a ponytail.
"You look too stunning to wear makeup," Eddie responded and you chuckled.
"Always such a gentleman". You took that opportunity to finally give him a proper kiss as he sat on the armrest of your couch. But then your eyes caught a glimpse of his hands still wearing the gloves.
Approaching him, you wrap your arms around his neck as he uses his right hand to tug on your waist while the other one goes to your face. The way the fabric sticks to your skin makes you immediately stiff your entire body and you've barely reached his lips, leaving only a few inches close to them.
When Eddie hears your light but recognizable moan, he looks at you lifting his eyebrows. You're almost making a fool of yourself but fuck that, you liked his hands in gloves. He didn't know that, because you never actually bothered telling him you had an actual kink. It's not like he never asked, he was always pretty curious to know your deepest secrets about your sex life.
"That was quick," he joked and you tried not to laugh at his taunting.
"Shut the fuck up". As you retorted him, you gave him a wet but already forwarded kiss, sliding your tongue inside his mouth. He tasted like cherry from the candy ball he usually eats after smoking. The tobacco smoke was lingering on his entire body, as well as his cheap perfume you love.
Eddie slid his hand down your body and gripped your hips before loosening his touch, threatening to remove his gloves. You desperately held his hands and shook your head. He tried to comprehend just what the hell you wanted.
"Keep the gloves," you begged. The man was barely existing and yet you were feeling like you were turning into jelly just at the thought of the leather touching your skin.
He smirked and raised his eyebrows, teasing you. "These? Huh". The way he reacted to it gave him an idea you haven't thought of yet, and still he was already light-years ahead of you. Eddie firmly grasped your waist and swung you, making you sit at the exact spot he was sitting.
He assaulted you with his feral tongue, liking yours and pulling your lower lip between his teeth. Boy, did he become another man after that. Using his left hand, Eddie started sliding it down your body, making sure to hold the curve under your breast, pressing his fingertips on your waist, reaching the hem of your dress.
The kiss became sloppy as soon as he slowly lifted it to your hip. Thank God you always chose a good lingerie. This time it was a thin, soft, lace pantie he was about to pull to the side. Before he did his main show, the curly haired metalhead squeezed your thigh and ripped a small mewl from your mouth against his.
His tone became husky and his cherry breath hit against your skin. "It's a shame I can't feel how wet you are right now. But I'm guessing you're soaking already". You whined by the feeling of his middle finger opening your folds, rubbing your wet skin with tenderness first. Eddie was always gentle, sometimes he rushed things, but you were headed to a party, so this one had to be fast.
Without warning, he made his way with his middle finger into you and you tightened your walls against his gloved digit. "Oh, fuck, Eddie". You cried out, your lips were parted. You were too busy to actually kiss him, but he was also focused on something else as well.
"Jesus, baby. You're so dirty," he breathed out against your ear. Eddie stuck his index finger to your cunt, along with the other, and the leather surely made it feel different from anything else.
His pace was calm, but the minute he felt you were used to the dressed fingers, he started to speed up, curling both, so they would hit your perfect spot. You're having a hard time breathing in and out, his thumb was rubbing against your swollen clit with so much desire.
Quickly, you unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, facing his fat cock throbbing against his boxer. From your position, you could choose between just jerking him off or eating him whole.
You decided you would suck the life out of him. You started giving him wet kisses around his arousal, his tip, and his balls. It made him hiss, throwing his head back.
"Fuck, sweetie," he pleaded, working his fingers in a sweet, but fast motion. Eddie felt the back of your throat hit the tip and he almost stuttered, it was always hard for him to hold back his moans. He never actually lasted more than five minutes because you had the most fuckable mouth.
Bobbing your head up and down, you could still whine with his cock in your mouth, giving him a full lick as well. Your living room was quiet and the only sounds that could be heard was from his finger pumping and your moaning, along with the sucking.
Eddie was focusing on rubbing your clit ever so slowly, while his fingers worked harder and faster inside you. He used his plump lips to keep them on the top of your head, while pulling a handful of your hair with his free hand.
You didn't have boundaries at this point. You were both so close and so intimate, you would even fuck on a balcony, if you had one. Alone in a room, you were free to use your hands and your mouth deliberately. Just like now.
Almost gagging on his length, you made sure to grip on his cock, hollowing your cheeks making enough pressure for him to gasp so loud, he almost fainted. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum," he cried.
You never left the smirk on your face because you knew how good you were with your mouth, and he was always reassuring you. Eddie, on the other hand, was trying to not break down from your blowjob, keeping his fingers curled hitting your spot. It didn't take longer for your walls to start clenching around him.
He gripped your clit with his thumb, rubbing it faster, sloppy movements as he started to feel his own pleasure hitting the roof. You felt his cock twitch inside your mouth and you kept your pace, bobbing your head, until he released his juices down your throat.
Eddie loved seeing how you always swallowed him until the very last drop of it. He squinted his eyes closed, relishing every ounce of your saliva on his throbbing skin. "Fuck, you're so good," the metalhead whispered.
Not so much behind, you felt him pinching your clit while using only his middle finger inside you, watching as you bucked your hips, rocking them against his digits. "Ah, Munson". Using his last name as a resource to help you reach your own climax always worked and he knew that, he never complained.
As you throw your head back against the back of the couch, Eddie assaults your neck, nibbling on the skin, feeling your walls throb and clench around his gloved finger. "Yeah, cum for me baby girl". He always alternates his pet names towards you, so you would never know what would come next.
Your entire body squirmed around his fingers, your clit became too sensitive to the touch and your cunt closed tightly on his finger. You felt too weak on your knees and you were thankful for sitting on the couch, even though Eddie was still holding your neck.
You felt empty as soon as he removed his fingers from you and your stomach flipped. God, you felt so needy sometimes.
He zipped his pants back and pulled the belt. "You made such a mess on my glove, sweet thing".
"Good thing you have another one for us to use at the party". You respond as you fix your dress and walk to your bedroom.
You missed his reaction to your statement and he put on his glove back. It had your taste and your smell, he might as well use it as his accessory.
Ready and outside your house after a quick pornography, you stood at the side of his sleek vehicle, ensuring your safety before hopping on his bike. Next to his machine, he handed you the helmet, reaching out gently guiding you through the process.
Eddie always made sure to strap on it, so it wouldn't fall off your head during the ride, not too tight and not too loose either. "Thank you, handsome".
You swung your leg, hopping on the back of his bike, watching as the sky was casting a lavender hue over the quiet street of your neighborhood. You heard his revving and your heart jumps in, you loved it when he did that.
Just when he screeched the tires on the floor, you held your arms around his waist, placing both hands on his stomach. He loved driving too fast and he knew you hated it. Most of the time he would just speed up just a little to taunt you.
Approaching a red traffic light, Eddie slowed his vehicle, smoothly stopping as he supported both of you with one foot on the ground. As always, he turned his head slightly, resting his hands on your thighs, rubbing your knees with his gloved fingers.
You're thinking he didn't even bother to not wear the glove he used to fuck you, and you didn't know if you were actually more turned on or just feeling really repulsiveness. Either way, his endearment towards you always caught you off guard, he's too used to resting his hands on you at every fucking red light.
You smiled in return and just enjoyed his warm and steady touch, while you leaned your head against his back. As the light became green, he left his grip to hold the handlebars, speeding up the engine.
Eddie pulled up at Steve's house, the loud music was banging from a boombox inside his backyard. Before you both got inside, you reached for his wrist, gently squeezing his arm. He stopped by your side, brows furrowed.
"I'm not kidding about the glove, you better keep it clean", you pecked his lips quickly, before ringing the bell. You didn't expect him to be so close to you before responding.
"This time I'll use a special guest". You turned your head slightly, only to watch him licking his lips, teasing you. Eddie as a biker had you at his mercy, on your knees. 
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localemofreak · 6 months
Chocolate Chip Pancakes.
(Rockstar!Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!Fem!Reader)
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(A/n: there's no song connected to this one, I just got bored and came up with a cute little story because two things have been in my mind 24/7- Rockstar Eddie and Dad Eddie. So I mixed them, please enjoy idk what I'm really doing here-)
‼️Warnings: LOTS of fluff, kissing, little kiddos, teasing of smut but doesn't happen bc of kiddos 😔, but that's really it ig- tell me if I forgot something.‼️
The Saturday, LA sun shined through the curtains right onto your face, slowly waking you up to the feeling of warmth on your face.
A small sigh fell from your nose as your eyes fluttered openly slowly, turning your head slightly to see your husband already awake.
Eddie was laying on his side, his brown curls wild from sleep and his brown doe eyes soft with a tired tint in them- his head rested in his hand as he looked down at you with a little tired grin, slightly making it obvious he had been staring at you when you were sleeping.
"How long have you've been watching me-" you mumbled tiredly while slowly closing your eyes again, causing Eddie to let out a small chuckle as he picked his head up from his hand.
"Long enough my sweetheart~" he hummed, moving his lips right next to your ear which caused a small shudder to run down your spine.
Eddie seemed to take notice, letting out another low chuckle as he pressed a small kiss on the back of your ear, slowly moving his small trail of kisses down your neck as you tried to wake yourself up.
"Ed- baby... it's too early for this-" you whined quietly, lazily pushing him away as you opened your eyes slightly, your actions doing nothing to the metalhead as he just smirked against your skin, continuing to kiss at your exposed neck.
As Eddie moved his lips more downwards in the crook of your neck, your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you let out a small hum, obviously enjoying it in some way as you slowly tilted your head to the side, giving him more access to your neck.
Eddie just let out a small chuckle against your skin, lightly sucking and nibbling at your skin as shaky breaths fell from your lips.
As Eddie started to slowly make his way to hover over you, you hear the sound of your guys bedroom door slamming as the door swings open- causing your eyes to shoot open and Eddie to quickly pull away.
You sat up slowly as your ears filled with the sound of tiny excited shrieks from your two young daughters, causing you to wince slightly since it was still pretty early.
"Girls-! Girls-! Come on ladies, tone it down please." Eddie called out, raising his voice slightly as the shrieking seemed to hurt his ears as well.
The young girls just quickly climbed onto the bed, trading their playful shrieks to giggles as they quickly got on all fours, crawling their way up to the top of the bed to cuddle with you and Eddie.
"Mommy! Daddy-! We're hungryyyyyy" your 6 year old daughter, Sabrina whined- her little arms wrapping around her dad's tattooed bicep as he sat up in the bed.
"Yeah-! I'm hungwyyy!!" Your 4 year old, Willow whined as well, her little lisp showing through her words.
They both were just clinging onto Eddie, causing you to chuckle as you watched him lift them both up, standing up from the bed with both of them in his arms.
"Alright, alright-! Why don't we head downstairs my little babes- get everything set up for mom, how does pancakes sound??" Eddie said, causing the girl's faces to light up as he quickly placed them down.
"Pancakesss!!!" They both squealed before quickly sprinting out of the room, causing you and Eddie to look at each other and chuckle.
As Eddie followed them out of the room, you slowly got up, rubbing your face and yawning as you slowly shuffled behind.
The girls were already in the kitchen, eager to start making pancakes as Eddie went to go grab the supplies to make pancakes.
Both girls were chasing after each other, squealing and giggling happily as they ran around the big kitchen of your nice Los Angeles home.
With the success of Corroded Coffin, it also came with a shit ton of money for Eddie- too much almost, he always thought it was stupid with the amount of money he owned now.
So he decided to try and use it for some good use, spoiling his two little girls and the love of his life-obviously wanting to make sure you all had the best life possible..
As Eddie started making pancakes, you watched the girls as they ran around happily, which you couldn't help but smile at.
You had the perfect life- two beautiful kids, a handsome and caring husband, an amazing home.
It was perfect..
You decided after a little bit of just standing there to walk up behind eddie, slowly wrapping your arms around his bare torso while laying your head down on his back.
"Hey baby." he muttered softly, turning his head to look back at you with a soft smile.
You just looked back up at him with the same smile, admiring him while placing a small kiss on his back.
"I love you so much Munson." you said, slowly moving one of yours hands to rest on his back as you continued to lean against him.
"You're the love of my life sweetheart." He said, slowly turning his body to face you as he wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you in a hug.
You stood there with Eddie for a while, just enjoying the moment and the warmth of his chest as he held you..
After a little bit, you decided to let Eddie finish cooking as you set the table up, also telling the girls to sit down at the table.
You all just sat down at the table together as Eddie placed the pancakes on everybody's plates, all talking and laughing and just enjoying time as a family together.
You couldn't have asked for anything else in life.
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romantique-dreams · 2 years
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summary: your parents just happened to not be home, and hawkins' infamous sex-god needed an outlet for his anger, but pink rooms and relationships were not his thing.
wc: 3.8k
it's gonna kill me vol. 2 (here)
warnings: 18+ minors dni! spit kink, swearing, unprotected sex, p in v, choking, fwb (kinda), fuckboy/mean!eddie, making out, dom(ish)!eddie, creampie, masturbation (m&f), nipple play, petnames. that's all i can think of, but please let me know if you find more!
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You could sense the way every time you would give Eddie a kiss, his body would go rigid. It wasn’t hard to ignore—he didn’t like physical touch when it came to purposeful intimacy. It was a routine for the both of you though; you’d meet wherever he saw fit, went inside, laid on the picnic table, leaned against the stall door, or sprawled out on the floor of his van. You would fuck like rabid animals, swap each others stash, and go your different ways. You were almost positive his heart was ripped from his chest. It was possible his core could have been filled with cement, with each ventricle plugged, or nerve endings severed to prevent the dreadful emotions from slipping in or out. 
“Where are we meeting tonight, hot stuff?” You sniggered over the other end of the phone.
“God dammit, how about you not call me that, yeah? And, well, my uncle is home.”
 Eddie hated pet names outside of making you feel good during sex. 
Your eyebrows pulled together while thinking of something. He was going to hate this. “You’ve never been to my house, what about here?”
“No can do,” his vowels were drawled out, “Pink, girly rooms, not my thing. Major turn off. Besides, your family is way too into each other, ‘makes me sick.” 
“Dude, get over yourself. Do you want to get your rocks off, or what? My parents aren’t home, I’m alone, no one will even see you pull into my driveway. I’m plenty far enough away from the main road.”
Eddie’s entire being shuddered thinking of being caught with you, and having to go through the ‘is this your boyfriend?’ conversation.
The line was silent until Eddie muttered under his breath.
“Alright, fine. I’ll just come there.” He hung up. 
“Love you too, sweetcheeks,” you sneered and slammed the phone down onto the receiver. 
Eddie went as far as shaving. He had a sex-god reputation among the girls in Hawkins, and there was no way he was going to lose that title due to being unshaven on one of the worst weeks of his life. He splashed some aftershave along his jawline, and rubbed some on the freshly shaven skin below his belt, a hiss escaping between his teeth. He dressed himself in a black and white flannel, the top two buttons undone, his mane framing his face and cascading down his back, with his infamous bulge-hugging black jeans. Regardless of anyone wanting to admit it at Hawkins, he was some goddamn eye candy. The metalhead placed himself in the driver seat of his van, he ruffled his flannel, and smoothed down the collar. He started his van, and drove off.
You had dressed yourself into a tight tank top that accentuated the apex of your breasts just right, and pulled your hair to the crown of your head in a ponytail held up by a tattered scrunchie that was tradition to use while sucking him off. It was in no time that he was pulling up to your driveway, hearing him stroll down the winding trail that led to a hidden house away in the woods. 
You closed your eyes and inhaled through your nose. You could feel it again. Why were you nervous? It wasn’t as if this was going to be different than any other time, it was merely a routine—each position and touch just another item checked off on the list. You and Eddie were each other's relief. While others meditated, you guys fucked. 
You gathered yourself, picking up all the sentiment that had seeped out onto the floor beneath. “”Sup, bitch?”
“Just here to fuck your brains out, I guess.” Eddie shoved his hands in his front pockets. 
“You should try taking a girl on a date first, sheesh.” You stepped out of the way and bent down, signifying royalty entering your humble abode. 
“Um, how about try shutting the fuck up?” He snipped back towards you while kicking his shoes off. “You know I don’t do that, I like getting to the point. Less hassle, less attachment, freedom.” 
“How do you even keep a girl around? Going on a date and actually having fun isn’t that barbaric to you, is it?”
He turned to you, eyes narrowing. “Let’s just say my skills make up for lack thereof in the dating department, ‘kay? And are you trying to go on a date, or are you trying to come? Because right now it seems like you want me to take you out and spend my hard earned money selling to minors on you. You gettin’ all mushy on me? Do I need to end this?” 
You shrugged with a sly smirk. “Believe whatcha’ want to believe, honey. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Eddie was taken aback. Was he really making that up because he wanted to, or did it just seem like you wanted to?
 He took a slight step towards you with his mouth pressed into a firm line, his jaw clenching tightly as the muscles moved under his pale skin. “Can you stop with the pet names, for the love of god?”
“Mmm—, I’ll think about it.” You shot him a finger towards him and then scratched your chin with a half-assed pondering look on your face. 
“You piss me off, you know that?”
“It’s what I do best, right?”
You were putting up a facade that didn’t feel like you, clearly. You enjoyed the banter between the both of you, but sometimes you wanted it to be laced with something for one another. You just wanted him to have some sort of care in the world, the smallest hope wanting it to be for you. 
“You’re insufferable.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You tell me all of the time, can’t forget.”
“So, are you going to show me to your bedroom, or are we just going to sit here holding our dicks in our hands?” He peered at you, sticking his head out with an annoyed look.
“Well, considering you’re the guest and all, and I’m a nice host,” you jabbed his chest with your finger that was still hanging in the air. “I was going to ask if you wanted water or anything, but you can’t wait to get into my pants, so I’m assuming you aren’t thirsty.” 
Eddie’s wall faltered, a brick crumbling and dropping to the ground. He stepped back from you while he fiddled with the metal around his fingers. You were just trying to be nice, that’s all, but all he could do was take his anger out onto you at the end of a long week. Wayne was on his ass, business at school was slow, and the shop had a month's wait that was filled with cars needing to be fixed. 
“I mean I could use some water, sure.” He was quick with his words and rounded the couch next to the entryway of your house. 
“Alright, I’ll be right back, ‘kay? Don’t get too impatient.”
His wall was reconstructed and his posture firmed. The couch was too hard, it was too sterile in here, it looked like no one even lived in here. His hands rubbed up and down his upper thighs, too uncomfortable to lean back. He was out of his element. These events never happened anywhere but his house. He didn’t have the comfort of his home to be able to keep up the crassness of his persona.  
You scurried yourself off to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, hair trailing behind you as you turned the corner. You began to realize the neverending roller coaster of emotions you had purchased a ticket to when you first endeavored in this risque escapade with Eddie. He gave you whiplash with his constant demeanor changes and his vulgar words. 
You were quick to return to the living room with the glass of water in hand. You stopped in the doorway noticing his unyielding silhouette, he was sticking out like a sore thumb in your living room that was littered with family memorabilia. Eddie had told you once a small snippet of past life; the desolation of it all as his mom worked countless nights at the hospital, while his dad was out doing ‘business deals’, or so he told him. You could do nothing but hurt for him as he opened up to you. Although you were both stoned out of your minds, you appreciated the small intimate moment you’d cherish between the two of you. It had been the only occurrence, yet all you tried to do was get to know him from then on, and he never budged.
“Alright, order up!” You slid him the glass of water across the coffee table. 
“Yeah, thank—,” He began monotonously.
“You’re welcome my kind sir.” You bent before him and curtsied.
Eddie was quick to gulp down some of his water as you sat down next to him, setting the cup down after with a content exhale. He was still sitting upright, his back never touching the sofa behind him. This was not him, nor will it ever be. He didn’t do the cordial conversations in the living room, or the witty flirtatious remarks, or the talking stage in the first place. He was there to liberate all of his pent up emotions into you and get out. You were his release, merely but a short hour of his day. 
 You were quick to place yourself next to him with a raised brow. “Why do you look like you have an actual stick up your ass right now?”
Eddie turned to you and glared as he gestured between the two of you. “Because this shit is stupid, that’s why. I don’t want to be here longer than it takes to fuck you. Get in, get out. That’s all I’m here for, so can we get this show on the road?”
Your heart twinged within your chest. Was it really that bad to actually spend some time together without fucking your brains out? Was it oh so terrible to not be around you without your tits out? Those were questions that were meant to be left unanswered, unaccounted for; because in all honesty you couldn’t stomach the actual truth.
You clicked your tongue against your teeth and motioned towards the stairs. “Yeah, you’re right. C’mon, my room is upstairs.”
You briskly walked away, leaving a scrambling Eddie behind you as he followed to your bedroom. Without hesitation you slammed the door behind you, immediately removing your clothes from your body. Your blood was boiling, pumping hot beneath your skin and fuelling the fire that was burning. You grabbed Eddie by his broad shoulders while your fingernails dug into the fabric hanging off of them and stood him in front of you, following by undoing each button on his flannel. Your jaw was tightened and your eyebrows were low, pupils growing in size from the anger that resonated within you. 
Eddie looked down at you quizzically, both hands beside him in the air to surrender. He didn’t mind the idea, but your abruptness startled him. You never took initiative when it came to starting these moments, but he wasn’t complaining. 
You continued on with your mission; unbuttoning his pants next and removing them, completely taking his flannel off of his slender body. You were already shirtless and pantless by now, only remaining in your bra and underwear. You placed both of your hands onto his bare chest and shoved him down onto the bed, straddling him instantaneously. Your bra was gone within seconds as you ground your hips down onto his confined length, slotting your mouth above his. Hot, sweet breath was fanning against his cheeks as you stared at him with intensity. Eddie was the first to connect your lips together, with each eager kiss ending in you both gasping for air. 
“Goddamn, baby, what’s got you all riled up?”
First he’s mean, now pet names?
“You, asshole,” you spat at him as you slid your hand into his boxers, only after you spit into your hand. Your anger was evident in every movement you made. 
A sharp inhale was heard from Eddie as your velvety hand that was slick with spit connected with his now swollen cock, precum beading at the tip. You gave him quick pumps to his mid-shaft as you could feel it twitch beneath while your hand grazed the under ridge of his head. His head was thrown back, his hair cascading down to either side of his while his Adam's apple bobbed with each gulp he took. A carnal instinct was building within Eddie’s aura, he attached his lips to yours once more, savoring the sweet flavor of your saliva against his taste buds. 
Eddie wasn’t about to be the one taken control of. You made him come to your house, you made him come into your room, you were the one making him only think about you. He flipped the both of you in one fluid motion, a guttural groan escaping his lips as he pinned both wrists down against your duvet cover. 
“I’m going to set the record straight for ‘ya—,” He paused as his hair tumbled down to cast a shadow over your features, “I’m in charge, not you. It’s bad enough we’re at your house, in your room, got it?”
You were quick to submit, curtly nodding up at him, lips forming into a pout.
“Good, wasn’t taking no for an answer anyways.” He shrugged, pulling your bottom half to the edge of the bed. 
Eddie was quick to have his hands on you, making sure to let his hot touch linger on your skin. He danced his fingers down your side, harsh squeezes being made to each malleable part you held, sure to leave imprints in your delicate skin. Your lip was pulled between your teeth and you exhaled short breaths through your nose. He continued his expedition down to your puffy core with one slender digit trailing up between your folds and collecting your arousal. He replaced his now slick finger with two others rubbing abrupt circles into your clit, his other finger slipping between his lips and releasing with a pop. 
“Y’taste so fucking sweet, ‘ya know that, baby?” He cooed, a harsh contrast to his actions.
Your legs squirmed beneath him and your eyes shut tightly as crinkle lines formed by your lash line. Your body was jerking with each of Eddie’s swipes over your bud, electricity shooting to the end of each neuron in your brain. There was one thing about Eddie you couldn’t deny, when he said his skills in bed made up for where he was lacking, he wasn’t wrong. He was so good at making someone feel good. He knew just what made you give yourself up to him, and what left you wanting more. He could read you like a book, and had memorized each word with sticky notes next to each quirk that made you come in an instant. 
While his left hand was working his other had traveled to your throat, fingers wrapping around to the nape of your neck. The veins in your neck were bulging and you could feel the air becoming harder and harder to breathe, your air supply was being cut off now. Eddie could feel your rapid pulse that was bounding beneath his calloused hand, a smirk of satisfaction resonating on his lips. Your climax was building, but interrupted by his fingers sliding into you with an embarrassingly wet squelch.
The metalhead's fingers slammed into you with force, the edges of his fingertips were curled to graze the spongy spot with each entrance and exit. Your eyes were now rolled to the back of your head and your jaw went slack, mouth dropping down to touch your chest as you propped yourself up on your elbows. Gasps and chokes for air, slapping skin, and your arousal being spread beneath you were the only sounds heard in the room.
Positions were eventually switched and Eddie was soon enough plunging his aching cock inside of you. You swallowed him whole, each thrust inwards being met with a clench of your slicked walls. 
“God, you’re so fucking warm, fuck—,” Eddie cooed, pussy drunk already.
This was one thing you had over him. Your whole being when you were intimate had him intoxicated, so inebriated to the point you could get him to do anything for you. You wanted him to eat you out? Done. You want him to finger you a certain way? Done. Whatever it was, he was at your beck and call. You knew you were special compared to the other girls, the way he paid extra attention to all your curves and delicacies, but also sold to you for free on the side. You were higher on the totem pole compared to the groupies who hung around The Hideout.  
Eddie’s thrusts picked up in pace and depth, giving your cervix slight kisses with each dive into you. Your lips attacked the soft alabaster skin of his neck while your nails did a number on his back—scraping harshly, leaving puffy trails of red behind. Little did anyone know it, but you owned him. You always made sure to leave marks, whether that be just for you to see, or others. 
“Shit, baby. Y’gonna leave me lookin’ like a leper when I show up to school tomorrow,” he grumbled against your neck, syllables emphasized by his plunges. 
“That’s okay, god damn—, that’s fine. Gotta let them know I’m your favorite,” you hissed through your teeth, whimpers trailing behind. 
Eddie’s smirk glistened in the dim light of your room and he nipped at your neck. “You caught me there, you feel so fucking good compared to anyone else, mhm.”
Your orgasm was rising in your lower stomach, only noticeable from the immense heat flowing throughout your body, while pleasure kissed each overstimulated neuron. Your muscles were tensing; all the way from your calves to your jaw, the skin above going rigid. As Eddie continued his relentless pace your hands were entangled in the mess he called his hair, harsh tugs ensuing after. 
Eddie had come to the decision to really set you ablaze beneath him. His ring clad hand found its way around your neck once again, only applying pressure to the sides, making sure to be careful of not cutting off your airflow too much. How considerate. His mouth attached to your pebbled nipples, and gently rolled them between his two front teeth, while contrasting with brutal bites to the supple surrounding skin. He finished with his free hand moving to your clit, the sad, pitiful bundle of nerves that ached for him.
It wasn’t long before you were overstimulated.  “Eddie, ‘s a lot, c’mon,” you choked out. 
“Ah-ah, what did I say? I make the rules tonight sweetheart, fuck‒,” he grunted with a particularly gruff thrust into you. “I came here, this is my night. Do you understand?”
His words were succeeded with a splat of saliva from Eddie that landed on your tongue. You were quick enough to savor his taste sucking on the remnants dancing on your tastebuds. Something about him tonight seemed so primal, so salacious. You couldn’t help but succumb to him and nod your head. 
“Thatta girl.” His pace accelerated significantly to the point you were sure he was tearing you in half.
He raised an eyebrow towards you and released his hand from your throat to snatch your chin between his pointer finger and his thumb. “You’re gonna let go for me in just a second when I tell you to, okay? I want you to come so hard on my fucking cock while I come inside of you. I’m gonna let you have all of my sweet stuff, and make you all sticky and shit. Y’gonna feel so fucking dirty, ‘mkay?”
All you could do was nod, you were desperate. You were already robbed of your first orgasm, and each thrust of his was bringing you closer to the brink of your release. It was becoming painful, tears brimming at the bottom of your eyes. You had known from experience what it was like to come when Eddie had told you not to.
Eddie replaced your newfound necklace, his hand, and smirked. He had already angled your hips slightly upwards so your bottom was off of the bed, and your spongy spot was being hit with a relentless amount of force. Lewd sounds were filling the room—nothing but slicked symphonies and desperate whines were to be heard, and Eddie was the director of it all. Surely it was the most sinful orchestra you had listened to. 
With each dive into you, your breasts recoiled and your eyes screwed shut. A layer of sweat was visible now as small droplets formed at your temples and above your lip. You could feel it. Your orgasm was approaching and you were hoping to god his was too, practically praying on your hands and knees to have some sort of relief. It was as though angels were singing to you when you finally heard him speak.
“Go ahead, baby, come for me,” he gasped out as his own release came.
Your body jerked as the wave of consolation consumed you. With toes curling, hands ripping at the sheets beneath you, walls convulsing, and your back arching you were letting out the unholiest of sounds. Wetness pooled beneath you while Eddie’s potent seed covered your gummy walls. 
Eddie’s hips slammed into you a few more times until he was hopelessly rocking into your sticky hole, the both of you riding out your orgasms. He fell completely forward while small wisps of his mane tickled your neck. He let out a shudder and slowly pulled himself from inside of you. 
“Good, huh?” He chuckled and laid himself down next to you, a content sigh coming after.
“It was mediocre.”
This wasn’t a common occurrence for Eddie after your visits. He never laid down next to you, instead he was lighting up and ushering you out the front door as soon as you were dressed. 
He looked over at you, bewilderment covering his soft features while he slid closer. “You’re bullshitting me.”
“Great catch, smart one,” you quipped as you rolled your eyes. “I wouldn’t have came if it wasn’t mind blowing, ‘ya know? I have high standards after all.”
“As if you’ve ever been with anyone besides me,” he grinned. “Your standards are literally me, idiot.”
Eddie stood himself up from the bed, legs a bit wobbly as he carried himself over to your vanity. He bent down to inspect the damage done to his neck and back, gently tracing his fingers over the love bites that were beginning to form. 
“Looks like I’ll only be exclusively seeing you for the next week, my dear. Can’t have my other babes knowing I let you give me these, no one gets to mark me up.” 
Did he just say that? 
There was a strange feeling residing in Eddie, he wasn’t sure what it was. Did you just break through to him?  There was no way you had steam rolled the wall he built for himself when he was around you. It was secure, strong, fortified with every emotion blocker known to himself. Was it really all that bad? 
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb as he let out a shaky exhale.
There was no way Eddie could possibly indulge himself in this mess, he couldn’t. Relationships weren’t his thing, or were they?
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a/n: this was a whole process of writing, i apologize if it isn't my best! i have been very busy and mentally ill LMFAO. i hope everyone enjoys it tho! i'm very insecure about this one hahahads. i went through and proofread it myself, so i'm hoping there are no mess ups, but if there are please feel free to let me know! likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Wake Up Call
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Summary: Mornings were absolutely divine, especially in the company of one sweetheart of a metalhead— Eddie Munson. Even if he wasnt much of a morning person. You show him just how good a morning can be when you're together.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), fluff, blowjobs, oral sex (m receiving), morning sex, reader loves giving Eddie head, Eddie being a screamer, Eddie's morning voice, established relationship, face fucking, deep throating, crying during sex (not the reader), Eddie being a sweetheart, and a partidge in a pear tree.
Word count: I have no clue, babes, I wrote this on my phone 🥰
A/N: Holy shit. I am so self-conscious about this fic, you guys! I haven't posted a full length one-shot in so unbelievably long. I feel rusty. But! I'm posting it anyways! I still feel really good about this one. Anyway. Let me know what you think! Reblog, comment, send an ask, a carrier pigeon, a fax, a telegram, a kindly worded email— I would really love the feedback 🥰 it's nice to be back to writing, and I hope you love it as much as I do. Ok, I'll let you go now. I love you 💖
Kisses 💋
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The morning was still, a simple, peaceful hush hanging over the town of Hawkins, Indiana. Birds whistled their songs in a gentle voice, the trees barely rustling in the breeze as the world dreamt a little while longer. With the sun peeking over the horizon and Wayne already en route to work, the little trailer was serenity embodied.
You'd been up for a while doing nothing in particular as you waited for dawn to break. You loved watching the sun rise from Eddie's bed, the sunlight always seemed to pure shining through his curtains. With the new light slowly filling the room, you were finally able to properly see your boyfriend. Eddie lies beside you on his back, hands tossed across his chest haphazardly, his hair tossled carelessly around his face in a halo of chocolate curls and locks. The blanket that covers you both hung low on his hips, showing off the tattoos scattered across his alabaster skin, he ran a little hot at night and the summer heat was enough for him to toss the blankets aside. Your eyes trace the lovebites you left all along his exposed throat and the scratches along his meaty shoulder, a pleasant result of last night's vigorous activities.
The familiar surge of desire floods your body at the memory of last night, it sends a shiver up your bare spine. You bring one hand to his warm chest, drawing lazy lines as you scoot closer and closer to him. A smile tugs at your lips when Eddie twitches slightly, goosebumps pricking his skin like yours. Your hand glides lower and lower, you weren't in a hurry, no. There was more than enough time in the world for you two, right now.
As your fingers brush along the light dusting of hair on his tummy, Eddie can't help but shiver. Even in his sleep, Eddie was always so responsive; aching for your touch, your kisses, your love. He rolled his head to the side, breathing peacefully as he sleeps still. You watch his face for any signs of consciousness, when you find none, you chuckle softly. Your hand teases the edge of the blanket the covers his lower half. A prominent tent rests between his legs, the sight of it has you moaning softly. Your mouth watered with a hunger you knew well, you needed to taste him.
"G'morning, Princess," a raspy voice slurs. You heard the smile in his words well before you saw it. His face was soft from his slumber, eyes puffy but warm with love, his annoyingly charming smile lazily strung across his pink lips.
"Good morning," you whisper, bringing your hand back up to cup his cheek, leaning in so your lips brush against his ever so slightly. Eddie wastes no time closing the distance between you two. Eddie hums happily into the kiss when he feels your body melting into his, your legs tangling with his, his nornally bright voice was always unbearably deep and husky in the morning. The movement of his lips on yours distracts you enough from his arms slowly capturing your waist, holding you to him. He needed his morning kiss to function.
Finally, when breathing became a priority, Eddie relaxed his head back down on the pillow with a satisfied grin. Two rough hands slid across the bareness of your back soothingly as he looked up at you, he noticed the gleam in your eyes, even in the low light of early morning. The realization of your desire made his grin grow twice as big, his cock twitching excitedly with his heart.
"Whatcha lookin' at me like that for, pretty girl?" He teases, he knows exactly what you want. He just loves hearing you say it. You bite your plump lip to suppress a smirk, your hand leaving his cheek to float down his throat and chest.
"I wanna taste you, Eddie," you purr to him, not missing the way his pupils dilate at your confession, a shiver racking his body as your fingers tease the skin at the edge of the blanket once more. Your lips descend to his collarbones, sucking at the pale skin in the way you know drives him wild. "Please?"
"F-Fuck, yes. You can taste me, Princess," he whispers as if the air was knocked from his lungs. The devious pleased giggle you make against the curve of his neck is absolutely sinful, but Eddie can't help but grin wickedly with you. He feels your kisses deepen as you dip lower and lower, your hand finally cupping his morning wood gently— you always were a little tease.
The deep groan that rumbles in Eddie's chest when your warm fist surrounds his base echoes in the brightening room. Streaks of sunshine finally cutting through the blinds to illuminate your actions perfectly. Eddie lifts his head to watch your hand stroke him beneath the blanket, the duvet shrouding your movements, making it that much more erotic.
"Oh fucking hell, that's good," he groans, his hips pushing into your hand eagerly.
"Yeah?" You taunt softly, speeding your hand up ever so slightly. A surprised yelp breaks his deep moans when your teeth nip at the black widow spider inked into his chest, you give the demon head just below it a tender kiss with a pleased giggle before dropping lower and lower. The wet kisses you leave along his body has Eddie fisting the pillow beneath his head.
He fucking loved when you sucked him off, especially since you fucking loved doing it. The way you'd drop to your knees and take him into your mouth so happily, so eagerly— Eddie was wrapped around your little finger from now until the end of time.
"Jesus Christ," he sighs when you toss the blanket down and settle between his legs. You drag your free hand down his side, still steadily jerking him off with the other. You hum at the sight of his hard, throbbing dick, your hand slowing down to appreciate the way his shaft pulses. Your mouth waters to taste the beads of salty precum that ooze from him, but instead you latch on to his twitching thigh, biting the flesh there as you continue to teasingly stroke him.
"Mmmm," you moan, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you taste his skin, the heady scent of his manhood filling your senses. The strong yet lean muscle of Eddie's thigh tenses as you inch higher and higher. As much as he wants to believe you'll finally take him into your mouth, he knows better. His guess is proved right when you switched to his neglected thigh, opting to decorate it with hickeys and bites as you did the first one.
"Fuck— Princess, please, have mercy," he groans with a smile, his hands gripping the pillow a little harder. You chuckle and answer him with a kiss to the most recent hickey you were working on. Eddie watches as you finally bring your tongue to his head, he watches the pink muscles greedily clear away the drops of precum.
"O-Oh, fuck, yes," he moans as your lips encase his tip, his eyes fluttering. Yours stay on his face, enjoying the way his eyebrows furrow and crease with pleasure. With a slack jaw, Eddie lets out the pretties sounds you've ever heard; deep, throaty moans that bubbled from the pit of his chest and echoed throughout the unclean bedroom. His words slur together as you take more of his length into you, finding a slow and steady pace to bob your head.
This happened every single time, he couldn't believe how fucking good your mouth felt. How hot, how soft, how fucking wet you were. You moan as he fills your mouth, your hand not holding his base strokes his hip and inner thigh, knowing how sensitive he was there. The shivers you get in return tell you that he loves it. The vibrations of your moan has Eddie's hips twitching, stuffing more of himself into your throat.
"F-Fuck! Fucking hell!" He curses through his teeth, his eyes shut tight as he tries to calm down.
"Mmmmm," you moan again, watching as his face contorts once more.
"Jesus!" He shouts a little louder than intended, his eyes opening only to roll as you speed up ever so slightly. The sloppy sounds of his cock slowly fucking your mouth was going to drive him crazy. "Baby, ple— a-ah!— faster! Faster, God, please, faster!"
The rawness of his voice and his begging was more than enough to convince you. With a deep breath through your nose, you speed up. Your tongue flat against the underside of his shaft to guard him from your bottom teeth, and your hand moving from his base to cup his balls. The moment your soft hand comes into contact with his aching balls, Eddie does all he can do to keep from screaming; his balled up fist shoved into his mouth.
"Ohhhhmygod!" He cries from behind his hand as you play with his balls, his body writhes uncontrollably at the onslaught of indescribable pleasure. One, two, three more bobs of your head and you've swallowed him completely, your nose brushing against the patch of dark curls at his groin and his tip nestled deep in the heat of your throat. Unable to fight it anymore, Eddie's hand leaves the pillow to grip the back on your head fiercely, an unintelligible scream pitifully muffled by his fist.
The sounds erupting from your lover above you has arousal practically spilling from your untouched cunt. Your thighs rub together with need as Eddie's thighs tremble and spread for you. The grip he has on your head limits your movements, unable to pull off more than an inch or two, at best. In quick, jerking motions, he fucks your face eagerly as he listens to you gag around him. Your eyes, clouded with tears, flutter shut, allowing yourself to lose yourself in his pleasure.
Soon, you both find a rhythm. It's fast and dirty, primal, frenzied, lustful. Perfect. Eddie's deep moans raise in pitch, now sounding like a pitiful whimpering mess. Your own moans grow in frequency, knowing he's close to blowing his load down your throat, just like you want. The twitching of his cock signals his impending high.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck—!" Water gathers at his lower lashes. He couldn't help himself.
Eddie's head slowly begins to lift off the bed, his abs contracting as the pleasure mounts higher and higher, his voice suddenly gone. His hand leaves his mouth to join the other on your head, his fingers going rigid, his eyes stare up at the ceiling in an unfocused gaze, chin tilted towards the heavens as his pretty brown orbs roll and flutter uncontrollably. The smart mouth that is quick with a joke or a witty comment is left hung open in a silent scream, he holds his breath, his entire body drawing painfully taught when the pleasure is suddenly too much for him to take.
The first rope of his hot seed shoots into your throat as Eddie goes still, tears spilling over. He swears on everything holy that he's ascended to heaven, his vision is white and blinded with bursts of light as you milk him dry. You pet his hip as he cums, swallowing his seed with eager gulps, his lungs burning with the lack of oxygen. Each time your throat contracts around his length, his muscles pull tighter.
Finally, the last bit of his cum is cast out from his body. The strength quickly drains from Eddie, his grip loosens from your hair as he falls back on to the mattress, his eyes drooping shut on their own accord. You release him with a pop, gasping to catch your own breath. Through the water in your eyes, you see Eddie's relaxed face, his body limp above you.
"Eddie?" You call softly, your voice gravelly from your throat being wrecked. When you get no response, you crawl up his body, taking note of his breathing and erratic heartbeat. He's out cold.
You can't help but laugh a little before gently petting his sweaty head, brushing his bangs off his sticky forehead. Eddie comes back to you softly tapping his cheek, his ears ring like a bitch but he can hear your melodious voice over the din.
"Eddie, baby, wake up, come on, open your eyes for me, honey," you sound far away, but your words get clearer and clearer. The first thing he sees is your relieved smile, and he just can't help but tiredly smile back. "Hi, there, handsome. You ok?"
"Huh-huh," he grumbles from deep in his chest, speaking was far too complicated for him right now. You had well and truly sucked him stupid. Sleepily, he nuzzles into your hand that now cradles his cheek.
"Ready for a nap, big boy?" You coo and pull the blanket over you both. He hums an affirmative and weakly slings an arm around your waist, holding you close to him. On instinct, you bury your face into his neck as you settle in beside him.
A nap couldn't hurt.
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Dividers by the amazing @firefly-graphics
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cherrychilli · 7 months
Steddie x AFAB reader, exhibitionism, wet-t shirt contest(kinda), allusions to group sex(mmf), mentions of alcohol and weed but it's all consensual baby
a/n: what is this you may ask? good question. So there I was, three beers in, thinking about Steve's tits and well, I ended up typing this out real quick. Enjoy.
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"Steve, it really wouldn't be much of a contest", you tell him for the second time, rolling your eyes like it might help you get your point across better. It doesn't.
"I'm telling you I could beat you", he persists because Steve Harrington was never one to roll over so easily.
"And I'm telling you there's no way in hell"
"You're pretty sure of yourself, huh?"
"Yup. And I'll give you two good reasons why", you stick out your chest like it wasn't already obvious.
Steve scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you, showing no sign of backing down even when his knee bumps the side of the coffee table, nearly tipping what's left of both your beers over.
That's what had started this whole thing. A few too many drinks and a drunken crack about who had the most distracting tits out of the two of you. Who would have known it would have escalated into this.
"You guys know there's only one way to settle this right?", a third voice intervenes, at the end of which hangs a joint pinched between plush pink lips.
You both turn to Eddie then, noticing the way he's sprawled out on the couch, hands behind his head, looking all kinds of amused by the two of you bickering.
"He's right", Steve says, turning back to you, determination burning bright in his eyes. You challenge him with a fiery stare of your own, hands on your hips. "Outside. Now.", you grit out.
You both begin marching outside but not before you yell out to Eddie. "Eddie! get the hose!"
"Okay, so it's agreed. I'm the impartial judge and whoever wins uh...wins. We didn't really come up with a prize did we?", Eddie scratches at the day old stubble peppering his chin as he ponders.
"Just spray us man", Steve deadpans, pulling the other boy out of whatever fleeting thought he'd been occupied with.
Eddie does as he's told and he smirks while doing it, spraying the two of you down in Steve's back yard, your white t-shirt's turning translucent in seconds. You make a show of it as the water hits you, running your fingers through your dripping wet hair, your movements thick with allure, letting your tits jiggle and bounce in your skin tight t-shirt. You know how much both Eddie and Steve liked it when you made them bounce, their eyes always fixed on your chest even when you did something as ordinary as coming down the stairs or heading out for a jog.
This should be an easy win. Right?
You realize quickly though that perhaps you'd been a bit too cocky. You'd thought the win would be guaranteed yours until you got an eyeful of Steve, his glistening tanned skin and toned muscle showing through his wet t-shirt in that Grecian god kind of way. Typical.
The contours of his defined pecs and his ample chest hair showing through have you second guessing yourself, his nipples hard like yours and hair still stylish even when wet. Suddenly you weren't so sure you could clinch the win now and for a second, just a second, you didn't care. He was definitely a sight and you could tell that Eddie thought so too, his eyes darting between the two of you, managing to look both ecstatic and unsure.
"Well? who's it gonna be Munson?", Steve places a hand on his hips and you can't help but notice how his ass looks even better in wet jeans, the same way they think yours does in your wet shorts.
It's going to be a close call.
Two sets of eyes look expectantly at the dry metalhead for his verdict, a shiver running through you as the breeze starts to pick up.
"Gotta call a tie on this one", he answers in a way he hoped would be decisive, unable to pick between the two of you when truly you both looked as good as the other.
"What? no way!", you protest, folding your arms under your breasts, drawing the attention of both boys as they eye your chest.
"Yeah, you gotta pick one", Steve agrees, reluctantly tearing his gaze away and back to Eddie, clearly unsatisfied with the result.
Eddie looks thoughtful for a while, his eyes lighting up in a lightbulb moment. "If you're so hungry for a win how about you two wrestle in the mud for it?", he does a poor job of masking his obvious leering and you know too well that the suggestion has little to do with settling the score and everything to do with making one of his wet dreams come true.
Steve and you share a look then, equal parts knowing and mischievous. "You thinking what I'm thinking?", he asks you, prompting Eddie to quirk up an eyebrow as he watches your exchange curiously.
"Oh, definitely", you tell him, the both of you springing into action.
In a matter of seconds, Steve gets a hold of Eddie with ease, drawing his arms behind his back and holding them in place, the weed making the darker haired boy too slow to anticipate or counter Steve's movements.
"Hey what the hell-", Eddie's cut off when he gets a face full of water once you've grabbed a hold of the hose, mercilessly spraying him down until his black t-shirt and grey sweats turn drenched.
Surprised shouts turn to peals of belly aching laughter as each of you try to snatch the hose out of the other's grasp, chasing the remaining two down to spray them even more.
Sometime later the hose is abandoned altogether and wet clothes are discarded haphazardly throughout the yard and though there's no wrestling in the mud today, the three of you take your time engaging in a different kind of group activity on Steve's back patio -- one in which you all end up winners.
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word-wytch · 2 years
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Don't Stand So Close To Me
Eddie x Teacher!Reader
Chapter 1/? 3.5k Series Masterlist
✏︎ Summary: Forced to move back home to Hawkins after your fiancé cheats on you, you begin to fall in love again with an audacious 20 year old metalhead, only there’s one problem — he’s still in high school and you’re his English teacher.
While you struggle starting over in a place you never thought you would return, Eddie struggles feeling stuck in a place he can’t manage to leave — until you offer to help him.
Of all the lessons learned, the most important are the ones you teach each other.
✏︎ Series CW: forbidden romance, slow burn, perv!eddie, smut (18+ mdni), true love, internal conflict, student-teacher relationship, 10 year age gap, mutual pining, sexual tension, emotions, drama, angst, character development, happy ending :)
A/N: I've poured my heart and soul into this one.
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Fourth period English was the only class that Eddie Munson could seem to pay attention in, though not exactly to the lessons. 
He propped his cheek against his knuckles as he watched you from the back of the classroom.
“See, everything is filtered through Holden’s limited first person narration, so we get really pure insight into how he sees the world, but we also have to take it with a grain of salt,” you said, delicate heels clicking against the tile floor as you paced back and forth. “We see what he pays attention to, and therefore what we ought to pay attention to as readers.”
Eddie’s eyes traced the curve of your waist, over the back of your tweed pencil skirt as you turned to place the chalk back on the ledge at the bottom of the board. It was hugging you in all the right places, as it did every time you wore it. His favorite.
“Alright let’s break out the quotes and notes assignment from chapter ten. Who would like to share their thoughts on a quote with the class?” 
Your eyes scanned the room. Students shifted in their chairs in an awkward silence before a hand shot up in the front row. 
“Nancy,” you smiled and gestured to her, “Take the floor.” 
“Ok so one of the quotes I picked out was where he says ‘I damn near gave my kid sister Phoebe a buzz, though. I certainly felt like talking to her on the phone. Someone with sense and all.’ I think it’s really interesting that he says that she has sense,” said Nancy.
Eddie barely registered a word of what Nancy said. He was too transfixed on your shirt, the way the fabric parted at the buttons when you leaned in just the right way. Sometimes if he was lucky he could catch a flash of skin, a glimpse of delicate lace from your bra. It almost made him wish he would have picked a seat closer to the front of the class. 
Nancy continued. “Right now he’s surrounded by very mature things at the hotel that he’s trying to make sense of and has really negative opinions about. He keeps thinking of his little sister though, and that’s always positive, so that’s in contrast to the rest of what’s going on.”
“Thank you, Nancy, that’s exactly right. A juxtaposition, very perceptive of you.”
Eddie shifted in his seat, feeling his pants start to tighten. 
“Does anyone else have a quote they’d like to share their thoughts on with the class?”
Chairs creaked, a few legs scooted loudly against the floor in the restless silence. A sniffle.
“Come on, Nancy can’t carry this entire class.” You tapped your fingers on the desk behind you. “Well, I know she could but I’m not going to let her,” you said, giving her a little wink.
Still silence. 
“Alright, fine.” You glanced around at the rows of averted eyes until yours settled on the young man in the leather jacket seated at the very back far right corner of the classroom. “Eddie,” you said with a gentle smile. 
His dark eyes shot up, face flushing. 
“Do you have any thoughts on what you read in chapter ten last night?”
Eddie licked his lips, casting his eyes downward in thought. “I uh,” his mouth was like cotton, “No I don’t really think I… understood the chapter,” he said, giving a sheepish grin. The soft pout of disappointment on your pretty lips made his stomach drop.
“I don’t think he can even read the chapter,” muttered the blonde athlete in the seat next to him.  
“Jason,” you began, but Eddie didn’t miss a beat.
“I don’t think you can even read your girlfriend,” he said, to which the class awakened audibly.
Jason shot daggers at Eddie. “Why don’t you quit talking to her and find a girlfriend closer to your  age, huh? There’s plenty at the senior home across the street.”
The class erupted in laughter.
“Stop it, both of you!” you shouted over the din. “The next person to make another sound has detention,” you said sternly. The class grew quiet again, allowing space for your voice to soften. “Eddie, please see me after class.”
“Oooh,” mocked Jason as he sat back and laughed.
“Jason, detention.”
“What? No!”
“I told you, the next person to speak has detention. I don’t make idle threats.”
Eddie’s lips curled into a satisfied grin as he watched you command the room.
“Please,” Jason begged,  “It’s the last practice before the game tomorrow.”
“No. You can use your time in detention to work on practicing some self control.”
Jason huffed and shot Eddie another glare but Eddie’s eyes were fixed on his desk, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as his face contorted. It took all of his strength to bite back a laugh.
You sighed and leaned back on your desk at the front of the classroom. “Now then,” you started, composing yourself, “I’ll be very curious to read all of your assigned journal entries from this chapter, since clearly so many of you have something to say.”
Chairs shifted. A cough.
“Alright, pass them forward,” you said, gesturing to the class. 
The room was filled with the sound of sheets being torn from notebooks, binders opening, paper shuffling. The students passed the pages forward up the four rows and you walked by to collect them.
“Why don’t we spend the last fifteen minutes of class silently reading the book, hm? Then maybe tomorrow we might have something to talk about.”
You returned to sit at your desk with the papers as the students opened up their books. 
Eddie dug his beat up copy of The Catcher in the Rye out of the mess of his backpack. The red, soft cover spine was beginning to peel away from abuse.
He opened it up to a random page and began to gloss over the words but none of them registered. His mind was too full of other images — the arch of your back, the way you toyed at your lips with your finger in thought, of what you would look like bent over that desk of yours with him on top of you.
Fifteen minutes passed like this. The bell rang. 
Eddie waited in his seat as the other students filed out of the classroom, turning to bury the book in his backpack in an effort to avoid Jason, but it didn’t matter.
“Watch it, freak. I mean it, I’ve got my eyes on you,” said Jason, to which Eddie simply raised his eyebrows in mock fear.
After the last student left, Eddie slowly approached you, dragging his feet a little as he walked. 
You swiped the last of the chalk from the board with the eraser, leaving a small cloud of dust as you turned to face him. 
“Sorry for the outburst today.” The chain on his wrist rattled as he brought a hand to his chest, “I meant no disrespect,” he said earnestly. “Well, I did to Jason, but never to you.”
You returned a soft smile, “Thanks, I appreciate the apology even though I can see that you weren’t exactly the instigator.” 
“Yeah, well, Jason, like any basic primate, seems to think that any male who comes within three feet of his mate is a threat.”
A snort escaped you. Basic primate.  
Eddie’s eyes crinkled, his smile contagious. “Besides, Chrissy’s the one who came over to talk to me anyway.”  
You sighed and shook your head, not really knowing what to say.
“Sorry, I know, I’ll stop.”
You gave him a gracious look and took a deep breath to compose yourself, “Eddie,” you started.
His mouth curved ever so slightly as he relished in the way his name rolled off your tongue.
“We’ve been in class for about a month now,” you began, “You haven’t turned in an assignment in the last two weeks.”
Eddie scratched the back of his head, “Yeah, uh, sorry about that.”
“Now I might be new to teaching here, but I know this isn’t your first time in this class, nor your second. Clearly there must be some part of you that wants to graduate, or else you would have just dropped out two years ago, right?” you asked, searching his eyes. “You don’t strike me as the sort of person who does anything they don’t want to do.”
Eddie smirked, “It’s only been a month and you already know me so well, miss.”
There was something about the way that he said it that brought a heat to your cheeks. You tucked your hair behind your ear in an attempt to hide it. “Well, what do you think we can do about this little conundrum then? I don’t want to see you fail.” 
“I dunno, maybe I just… need a little help?” he said sheepishly.  
You hummed, bringing a curved finger to your lips in thought. “I want to help you, but you have to be willing to put in some effort.”
“I know, I’ve been totally slacking. That’s on me. I can change that,” he said assuredly, “I promise.”
You smiled softly at his earnestness. “If you’re willing to put in the effort, I would be open to tutoring you. I have some time after school today if you want to stop by my classroom, we can come up with a game plan then.”
Eddie’s dark eyes widened at the suggestion, “I’d appreciate that very much, miss.”
You gave a nod, “Sure thing. I’ll see you after school then. I’ll be here.”
 “See ya later,” he said, grabbing his well worn backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. “Oh, and,” he turned back toward you, closing the distance between you even further. His eyes lingered over your lips for a moment before meeting your gaze again, “Thank you.”
“Of course,” you half whispered.
You turned toward your desk to gather the papers in as neat a pile as you could manage with the frayed edges left by spiral notebooks and placed them in your fourth period grading folder. The bell rang out again through the halls signaling lunch period. You grabbed your purse from under your desk and closed the classroom door behind you. 
Walking through the halls of Hawkins High was like a strange recurring dream. Same drop ceiling, same tile floor. Same weird smell when you walked past the science room. The same cliques too — the jocks, the burnouts, the party animals. This time with less bell bottoms and fringe, more leg warmers and hairspray. Surprisingly little had changed. 
You opened the door to the teacher’s lounge adjacent to the cafeteria. The wood paneled walls and old carpet were much less familiar to you than the hallways and classrooms you had spent countless hours in. It was strange to be on this side of things now.
“How’s your day going so far, sweetie?” chimed Ms. Click, putting the glass coffee pot back on the warmer. 
“Oh, you know, just another day of pulling teeth from my class. I swear Nancy Wheeler was the only one who read the chapter last night.”
A swoon swept across the room. “Oh Nancy, she really is such a bright star isn’t she?” Ms. Click remarked, her voice sweet like table sugar.  “You know she kind of reminds me of you when you were her age, doesn’t she, Doris?” 
Doris O’Donnell hummed and pursed her lips with a little nod.
“Well, smarts-wise anyway. Boy I try not to pick favorites but you certainly were a pleasure to have in class. If I’m remembering right you were valedictorian, weren’t you?” 
You offered a weak smile, “Yep, class of ’74.”
“’74? Goodness it hasn’t been that long has it? Gosh we sure are getting old aren’t we?” she called over to Ms. O’Donnell, the beads on her glasses chain rattling as she laughed, “Oh goodness I don’t mean you sweetie,” she said, putting her hand on yours reassuringly, “Heck if I didn’t know you I would have mistaken you for a student!”
“Thank you Ms. — I mean Peggy.” You grabbed a mug from the stack and turned it over in your hands. #1 Teacher. The matte apple and text printed on the front of it was fading with age. You filled it with coffee and and grabbed a small open milk carton sitting nearby, watching the cream swirl in the mug before taking a seat at one of the three round tables with plastic veneer to look like wood. 
“Gosh, you know I don’t mean to pry, but with such a pretty face to match the good head on your shoulders I would have thought you’d have a different last name by now.”
You stared into your coffee, feeling the ghost of the ring on your finger. “Ah, yeah. Almost, but… it didn’t work out.” 
“Oh — I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t realize.”
“It’s um — it’s fine.”
“You know there’s plenty of lovely young bachelors at St. Michael’s, we’re having a potluck tonight if you want to come.” 
It took all of your strength to hide a visible grimace. Sounds delightful. “No thanks, I can’t. I’ve offered to tutor a student after school today.”
“Who might that be?” asked Ms. Click.
“Eddie Munson.” 
The whole room groaned. 
Ms. O’Donnell cackled from her corner, her toad-like face contorting. “Good luck. I’ve been stuck with him for the last three years. Honestly I don’t know why he’s still in school. He’s too old to be here anymore if you ask me.”
Your eyes shot up from your coffee. “Well, he must have some desire to be here or otherwise he wouldn’t be. Isn’t it our duty as teachers to help students achieve milestones?” 
Ms. O’Donnell huffed, “Oh yeah, he needs help alright. None that I can give him though.” 
“I can imagine that help would be a difficult thing to offer while putting him down.”
She snorted, “Sure sweetie. Say some magic words of encouragement, that’ll do the trick. Hey, pick me up a little fairy dust too while you’re at it.” 
Laughter rang out across the teachers lounge.
Your lips formed a hard line as you popped open the tupperware container which held your salad.  
“Keep us posted, will you? We’re all dying to know how it goes.”
You could hear the lockers slamming shut as the din in the hallway began to die down, students filtering out with the last bell of the day. You flipped through the pile of notebook papers on your desk, making small notes on each one with a green pen before setting them onto the neat pile in front of you. You never liked to use red, too harsh. 
There was a strange feeling in your stomach that you couldn’t seem to shake. You wondered if perhaps the chicken on your salad had sat in the fridge for a few days too many. 
Your eyes shot up from your papers as you heard footsteps at the door. “Hey, Eddie.”
Eddie flashed you a smile and a little wave as he dragged a chair from the far corner of the room to the empty spot across from you and plunked himself down in it.
“How are you?” you asked.
“Oh, you know, just another day in suburban paradise.”
You chuckled dryly, “Yeah, you could say that again.”
Eddie fiddled with his rings, twisting them as he looked at you with those big dark eyes.
“So first off, let’s talk about the book we’re reading in class. Have you read any of it?”
“I did read the first few chapters, kind of lost interest though, sorry,” he admitted.
You nodded curtly. “The Catcher in the Rye seems to be a fairly polarizing book from my experience. Some students love it, others hate it. I myself am in the former camp, of course. I tend to find that most of the people who don’t like it just don’t quite understand it.”
Eddie gave a short puff of air through his nose. “I could say the same thing about most of the shit I’m interested in.”  
You smiled sympathetically. “Is reading not really your thing?”
“Actually, contrary to the opinion of a certain primate, I do like to read.”
You raised your eyebrows, “Really? Like what?”
“Fantasy mostly, The Lord of the Rings, really anything Tolkien writes. I’ve read those books a few times through actually,” he said, “Probably kind of stupid to read the same thing over and over when you could be reading other things, but — ”
“No, that’s not stupid at all! I’ve read them more than once too, actually.” Your eyes were sparkling. “They’re some of my favorites.”
Eddie sat back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips. “You? A geek? Never would have guessed.”
You smirked at him. You couldn’t quite tell if he was being sarcastic or serious. “Actually incorporating world building with storytelling the way that Tolkien does is something I’ve always tried to emulate in my own writing.”
“Your own writing?” Eddie shifted in his chair, leaning in.
“Oh, yeah,” you said, glancing downward, wishing you could suck the words back into your mouth.  
“You write books?”
“I… don’t know if you could quite call them books if they aren’t published, or totally finished but — I do like to write stories.”
Eddie’s eyes were enormous. “Can I read them? Oh please let me read them.”
The heat was back in your cheeks again. “Oh jeez, I don’t know, it’s been ages since I’ve even looked at them myself.”
Eddie leaned in even more, his elbows on the desk. “Come on,” his smile was so disarming, “What,  you think I’m gonna like, judge you or something?”
You looked down at the papers you were grading and clicked the pen in your hand. “I don’t know, writing is such an oddly… personal thing.” 
“Please? You know I’m like the last person to be passing judgement on something like that, right?”
You sighed. His eyes were big, and wet, and pleading and you cursed yourself for being stirred by them. “Ok, how about this, if you can get your grades up, get at least a B in one of your classes, I’ll let you read one of my stories.”
Eddie sat back in his chair, grinning from ear to ear. “Challenge accepted.”
You tucked your hair behind your ear as you met his smile, “Whatever motivates you,” you said trying not to think too hard about the implications of the deal you just made. “You know, what I really want to talk about is the creative writing assignment you turned in the first week of class.”
He raised his eyebrows. “That bad, huh?”  
“No! Actually not bad at all. Actually quite good. You’re very creative, Eddie.”
“Oh is that what they’re calling it these days?” he deflected.
“No, I’m serious. You’ve written stories before, haven’t you?”
“Well, I am the dungeon master for my DnD club.”
You squinted your eyes curiously at him.
“Oh! So basically, I come up with the plot of the story that they players are going to play. I create the world essentially, lead them through the story. Well, to some extent. The monsters are all from a guidebook but the plot is all me.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Creativity and leadership.”
Eddie chuckled and scratched the back of his head to distract from the heat creeping across his cheeks. “Yeah, well, doesn’t change the fact that I’m 20 years old and still in high school.”
“About that,” you started, “Why do you want to graduate? Maybe if you can identify the reason for reaching your goal, then you can find the motivation to work toward it. Besides wanting to read my stories anyway, like a personal reason.”
Eddie sat back in his chair for a moment, biting his lip in thought. “Uhh, maybe to prove all the assholes in this god forsaken purgatory wrong?”
You laughed, probably a bit too hard. “I think that’s an excellent reason.”
Eddie beamed. “See, I knew I liked you.”
You coyly returned his smile and fidgeted with the pen in your hand again. “Let’s figure out a day or two when we can meet weekly. Got any after school conflicts?”
“My band plays at the Hideout Tuesday nights, Fridays I’ve got Hellfire Club.”
“How about Mondays and Wednesdays then? Does that work for you?”
“Sure does.”
“Great, and I can help you with other classes too, to the best of my ability anyway. Show you how best to study, how to approach papers and essays — that sort of stuff.”
“Looking forward to it,” he said softly.
 The feeling in your stomach was back again. “Me too.”
Thank you so much for reading, tons more to come! Comments and reblogs keep me going! 🙏
Tag list: @ooo-protean-ooo @toxicjayhoo @mermaidsandcats29 @jadequeen88 @msgexymunson @wroteclassicaly @inknopewetrust @storiesbyrhi @kissmyacdc @cherry-vamps @willgrahamspsycheval
There are some of you are on this list who I talked to about this months ago! Sorry it took me a while to get this up but I’ve spent the last month outlining this monstrosity. That’s mostly out of the way now so updates should be pretty regular, like once a week. 💕
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
Eddie Munson- Keys
just fluffy eddie vibes. eddie munson x f!reader.
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“Got the keys, sweetheart?”
And you do, perched in your fingers. You jingled them for emphasis, tossing them over to your boyfriend, holding aloft his lighter as he propped a cigarette between his lips.
The graduation gowns you both wore swished about your thighs, the remaining bandages covering the worst of Eddie’s scars shifting as his jaw moved, as his throat bobbed.
You’d done it; both of you had done it, and Eddie had done so against all odds.
You were proud. So damn proud your cheeks were practically splitting from it, body curling against his as he tossed his cigarette onto the gravel below and pulled you close, nose pressing into your cheek before he kissed you soundly. A hum spilled from you, body nearly melting into his as your friends hooted and hollered in the distance, whoops and whistles joining them from the kids.
“Assholes,” Eddie snorted, plucking his graduation cap from off the top of his head and holding it to block out the sides of both your faces, forehead pressing against yours. “Couldnt give me one minute with my girl.”
“Hmm.” You grinned, bouncing on the heels of your feet. “You’re about to have a whole five days with me, Munson.”
“And even that isn’t long enough, sweetheart.”
“Where to first then?” you asked, ignoring Dustin’s shout of Eddie’s name. Ignored him calling “shotgun” when you knew Eddie’s front passenger seat belonged to you these days. “The world is our oyster, or so they say.”
“Promised the kids we’d go to the diner,” he grumbled, curling you nearer to his chest as the kids in question piled up around the both of you, followed closely by Steve and Robin.
“I said I called shotgun!” Dustin argued.
“You got last time!” Mike grumbled, arms crossed over his chest.
Your palm splayed over Eddie’s abdomen where his graduation gown had parted enough to show the tattered Dio shirt beneath. “Sorry, you dorks get back seat.”
“Say who?” Dustin argued.
“Says me.” Eddie’s voice made the kids grow still, eyes locked on his expressive face. “Girlfriend gets front seat. Sheepies get back seat. Capeesh?”
At that, the group clambered in the van one by one. Heads tipped down, murmuring annoyed comments to themselves about the unfairness of girlfriend privileges. Once they’d all disappeared in the back seat, Steve and Robin approached, letting you both know they’d be taking Steve’s car and following the two of you along the way.
It afforded you a moment alone. Albeit brief, where you turned back to the curly headed metalhead before you and leaned up to kiss him once more, beaming brightly. “As I was saying, the world is our oyster. Where to first?”
“Well first, I think there’s a little hotel down the road…”
“Uh huh…”
“And suddenly, it seems I have come into some money.”
The hush hush money from the government, how could you forget?
It was what afforded you both the little five day road trip, and the apartment you’d both planned on leasing at the end of the summer on the outskirts of town.
“And we haven’t exactly had a lot of alone time between my extended stay in that prison—”
“Eddie, it was a hospital.”
“Same difference.” He kissed your cheek. “Plus all the studying. Can’t forget the studying.”
“Mhmm,” you mused, nosing along his jaw, grinning as you moved across the slope of his neck and nuzzled the uninjured side of his throat. “So much studying.”
“So really, I think we’ve earned ourselves a little time in the pool. Maybe one of those drinks with the umbrellas.”
“Ooh, fancy.” You stepped closer, hips bumping into his.
“A comfortable bed,” he sighed, and you faked a shudder, earning a laugh from the man. “And some of those super fluffy robes.”
“Oh yeah?” You practically purred the words, fingers running along the sides of his waist. “And then what?”
“And then…” He leaned down and brushed his lips over your temple. The hollow of your ear. Grinned against your skin as you actually shuddered. “…I think we take the best nap of our lives.”
“A nap?”
He cackled gleefully, earning a middle finger from one of the kids out the window for making them wait any longer than they already had been for lunch.
“What did you think I meant?” he teased. At your glare, he laughed again, a bright bursting sound that made your heart grow warm. “Sweetheart, what kind of man do you take me for? Did you think I intended to take you to a hotel and have you every way under the sun I’ve been thinking long and hard about if I’d only had a single moment of privacy in these last few months?”
Your cheeks burned, and a gasp slipped free from your parted lips. He swooped down and kissed you, before bounding over to the passenger side door of the car and opened it for you. Bowed at the waist and helped you up into the vehicle, closing it shut behind you.
“Love you, sweetheart,” he said, just as he appeared once more and dropped down into the seat beside you. Curled his fingers in your own and squeezed. “Congratulations to us.”
“Congrats, Ed,” you whispered back, tears clouding your vision, thinking back to everything you’d all had to overcome to get to this moment. “Love you, too.”
He leaned over and brushed a stray tear with his thumb. “Ready to go?”
You nodded and the car roared to life.
Summer had finally started.
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Whatever it Takes
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Eddie x fem!reader
summary: you and Gareth form an arrangement to make Eddie jealous only for Eddie to play right into your hand
based on this request
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex (please don't do this) fingering, oral (f receiving) use of handcuffs, hurt/comfort, brief mention of alcohol
You knew what you were doing was wrong, but you couldn’t help it. It wasn’t your fault that Eddie wasn’t getting the very obvious hints you were offering him on a silver platter. You'd twirl one of his curls around your finger or whisper flirty things to him during campaigns, but he still wasn't getting it.
So maybe flirting with Gareth to get Eddie's attention wasn't right, but you thought it was worth it if it got the man to see that you were interested. And you would explain to Gareth later, hoping that he wouldn't have been too mad at you for what you had done.
Eddie had been crushing on you since you joined hellfire the year prior and had wanted to ask you out, but it seemed like Gareth had scooped you up before he had gotten the chance. He thought that Gareth deserved someone as amazing as you were, but that didn't mean that he wasn't jealous as hell.
He watched you walk into the party with Gareth and felt like a kind of anger that he couldn’t explain. He couldn’t blame the guy since he had no idea that Eddie was harboring an enormous crush on you, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t piss him off.
He watched the two of you giggling in the kitchen while you got your drinks and couldn’t believe that he was beginning to hate his own best friend. Before he could stop what he was doing, he downed his beer and entered the kitchen.
You were standing there, looking so hot in your low cut and tight fitting dress that Eddie was damn near close to creaming his pants. You watched him grab a bottle of whiskey from the fridge and pulled Gareth to you, laughing even louder than you normally would have just to get Eddie's attention, but the metalhead didn't seem to give a single fuck.
He grabbed the whiskey and headed back into the living with the intention of getting absolutely trashed, your laughter being mixed with Gareth's seeming to sound much louder in his ears, the giggles echoing even after he had left the kitchen. It was his own personal version of hell. Oh, he was so getting wasted.
You pulled yourself away from Gareth and made a beeline for the living room, planting yourself on the couch right next to Eddie. Your scent was more intoxicating than the alcohol. He found himself wanting to bury his face into your neck and stay there all night, occasionally pressing kisses to the skin, telling you just how much he enjoyed your company. God, he was getting pathetic.
“You gonna hog that all night, Munson? Or are you going to share?” You asked and without a second thought, Eddie passed over the bottle, your fingers brushing as he did so. Yours were warm and soft and he immediately wanted to have them intertwined with his.
Eddie watched your lips wrap around the bottle and felt his cheeks warm as he thought about what they would look like around his cock as you licked and sucked, pulling the most delicious moans from his mouth. His dick was getting hard at the thought and he was trying to figure out a way to hide it before there was a tent in his pants.
You handed the bottle back to Eddie as the whiskey went down your throat, burning all the way down to your stomach. Before he could reply, Gareth joined the two of you on the sofa, his arm snaking around your waist. Just Eddie’s fucking luck.
You snuggled into Gareth’s side and he began pressing kisses to your neck. You closed your eyes, pretending to be into it, because you just weren’t. You were just trying to play up your reaction to get Eddie to finally say something.
“Oh,” you moaned, a little too loudly and cringed at how fake it sounded.
“Yeah?” Gareth asked against your skin. “You like that?”
“So good,” you replied, opening your eyes only to find that Eddie was no longer next to you. Goddammit.
Maybe you had taken it too far. You definitely had and now you’d blown any chance you had with Eddie because you hadn’t just come out and told him how you felt. You resorted to using his best friend to get his attention and it had completely and totally backfired.
Now you supposed you deserved to have ended up alone for what you had done. You had lost the man you really liked and now you felt guilty for dragging his best friend into the mix. It was honestly just karma at that point.
You turned to Gareth with every intention of coming clean. He at the very least deserved to know the truth and a big fat apology should have gone with it. And that was just the bare minimum.
Once Gareth realized you weren’t reacting to him anymore, he pulled away, his face searching yours.
“Why aren’t you going after him?” He asked.
“What?” You asked, clearly very confused.
“Get up and go after him before it’s too late.”
“You know?”
“Of course I know. It’s kinda hard not to when you only seem to be into me when he’s around.”
“Gareth, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he waved it off. “I was kind of using you too,” he winked at someone over your shoulder and you turned around to see a brunette woman waving at him flirtatiously. “Now go after Eddie before you lose him for good.”
With that, you hopped off the couch and rushed to the door, all of the dancing and drunk bodies delaying your trip more than you cared for. You hurried out onto the porch only for Eddie’s van to have disappeared.
You rushed to your car and sped off to his trailer, hoping that he would want to speak to you. You could just imagine him pulling you into his arms and pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, telling you that he wasn’t actually upset with you and everything would be perfect.
You pulled up to the trailer just in time to see Eddie getting out of his van. He looked absolutely pissed and now you were panicking that he wasn’t going to talk to you. Maybe you’d have to amp up for you flirting just to get his attention.
He got up the front steps of his trailer and waited for you to come forward, his curiosity getting the best of him. He wanted to know why you were there at his trailer instead of the party. Maybe he had just forgotten something and you were giving it back. It had happened many times before so he wasn’t going to completely rule it out.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Let’s do it inside. It’s too hot out here.” He opened the door for you and you entered it while Eddie let it slam closed behind him. The place was in its usual disarray, but you thought that was part of its charm. You liked that it looked lived it and in fact, the mess made it feel even more cozy.
“So what do you need to say? And make it quick because I’m not in the best mood tonight.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You can tell me if you want to.”
“I said it’s nothing.” His tone was louder, more harsh and you could see that he immediately regretted speaking to you like that. “Shit, I’m sorry, y/n.”
He turned to face the wall, rubbing his hands over his face. The whole thing was driving him crazy and now he was taking it out on you.
“Eddie, what’s going on with you? What’s wrong?”
“You!” He replied, whipping around to face you. Your eyes widened. Maybe your karma was finally catching up to you.
“Yes, you!” He stepped closer and you could see him balling his fists in anger. Something had really set him off.
“What the hell did I do?”
“I don’t know, do you want a fucking list?”
“Well, for starters, you can’t be wearing stuff like that?” He referred to your outfit.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember asking for your opinion.” You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him.
“It’s distracting. I can’t focus on anything else when you look so fucking hot.” That was not at all what you were expecting him to say.
“I’m not finished,” he cut you off, holding his hand up to tell you to stop speaking. “I-I thought you liked me and then you ended up with Gareth out of nowhere.” It seemed out of nowhere to Eddie and you supposed that it was considering that you came up with the idea suddenly after one of the hellfire meetings
“I’m not with Gareth.” That was news to Eddie and he almost didn't believe you, but the look on your face signified that you were telling the truth.
“We were using each other.” Eddie stared at you, still not quite understanding what was going on.
“I’m confused. Why did you do all that just to make me jealous? Why didn’t you ask me out?”
“I did ask you out, Eddie,” you laughed. “Three times.”
"No you didn't," he shook his head as he felt anger rising again. Sure, he wasn't the greatest as seeing the signs when someone liked him, but he was hoping that he was able to tell when someone was asking him out. But clearly he wasn't
"Yes I did." When? He wanted exact moments.
"Months ago. I asked you to get coffee after Hellfire and you said that caffeine kept you up so I took that as rejection. But then you flirted with me at the next meeting so I asked if you wanted to see a movie and you flat out said no. The third time, I literally invited you to come with me to Enzo's just so there wouldn't be any confusion about my feeling for you and you still said no."
"I-you were asking me out all of those times? God, I had no idea. And the only reason why I said no was because you make me nervous. You're beautiful and smart and-"
"Will you please shut the fuck up?" You cradled his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his in a messy, rushed kiss. He quickly responded and moved his lips with yours, his hands moving to your waist.
You swiped your tongue along his bottom lip as you backed him towards his room. The door opened and it slammed against the wall as the two of went inside, your lips still on Eddie's. He was hungry for more, ready to absolutely devour you if you'd let him.
You both took off your shoes and Eddie pushed you against the wall, his hand sliding up your thigh as your tongues swirled around each other. His moved up your dress, slowly making its way to your cunt. Your thong was soaking wet with your slick and he cupped your cunt, his fingers lightly grazing over it. You gasped as the feeling and he broke away from you, smiling down at you devilishly.
"Yeah?" He asked. "You like that?" His hand slipped down into your thong and he shoved his fingers up your cunt, causing you to let out a loud moan. He pumped his fingers in and out quickly, your slick covering his fingers and he was looking forward to licking them clean, just knowing that you tasted heavenly.
You leaned your head back as you let out another moan and Eddie grabbed hold of your face, forcing you to look him in the eye. He wanted to see your whole face as he watched you come undone. If you looked like that and were making those noises just from his fingers, he wondered what it would be like when he fucked you until you screamed his name until your throat was raw.
"Eyes on me, okay?" He asked. "God, you look so hot. Bet you look even hotter on my cock."
"Wanna find out?" You asked in between breaths and Eddie was quick to remove his fingers. You watched him slowly lift his fingers to his mouth and he gave them a loud, slow suck. His eyes never left yours as he licked them clean, moaning dramatically as he did so.
"Taste so good. Fuck," he whined as he finished up. He pressed a kiss to your lips and his hands moved to your back, his fingers fiddling with your zipper before he slowly slid it down your back as he lips moved down to your neck. "You have no idea how long I've been dreaming about this," he mumbled against your skin. "Like literally dreaming."
"Were they wet?" You asked as Eddie stepped away so your dress could fall to the floor.
"Of course they were," he said as he felt drool pooling in his mouth as he looked down at your very see through bra. "Fuck," he groaned. "Think I'm gonna cream my pants."
"Yeah?" You asked, grabbing hold of his hands and bringing them up to your chest. "Feel them." He put a hand over each tit and gave them a squeeze before pressing his lips to yours again.
You pulled him over to the bed and pulled off his shirt before pushing him down onto the mattress. Your eyes looked over all of his tattoos and you admired them, wanting him to tell you what they all meant.
Eddie pulled you down with him and you collapsed on top of him, your lips connecting to his once again. Your tongue took no time to slide into his mouth and let out a moan as they swirled together, scraping against each other.
"God, sweetheart, really want me to cum in my pants, huh?" He asked against your lips and you just smiled.
"How'd you know?" You asked. "Wanna ride you so bad."
"Do it. Need to get inside you." You slid off of him and un buckled his pants before unbuttoning them, sliding his boxers down to his ankles as his dick sprung free. It was one of the largest you had ever seen and it was so so hard. Precum was dripping from it and now you were wondering if you could take it. You were more than willing to take the chance.
“I-don’t have any more condoms.”
“I’m on birth control, it’s fine.”
“As long as you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.”
You slid off your thong and left it on top of Eddie's jeans before climbing on top of him, settling yourself on top of his cock. You both moaned as he entered you and even though you had fucked multiple guys, you could already tell that Eddie would be your best.
You bucked your hips towards his, watching his every move as his moved to your tits, watching them bounce as you rode him, your bra not doing much to keep them from moving. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you moved, trying to figure out what he liked and what he didn't. You wanted him to feel good.
You continued to ride him a little faster and you watched him come undone beneath you, his big brown eyes shining bright, glazed over in absolute lust he stared up at you, watching your every move.
“So fucking good,” he moaned. “You really know what you’re doing, don’t you sweetheart?”
“I know a thing or two,” you replied. “And you’re eating it up, aren’t you?”
“I am. Could do this all night, I swear. You look so fucking hot on top of me.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Munson.”
He was saying all the right things, almost as if he knew exactly what you wanted to hear. And he probably did. He was really good at that sort of thing. He just wanted you to know exactly what he was thinking since he wasn’t very good at keeping his thoughts to himself.
You hadn’t been going for very long, but Eddie was sure that he was close. He could feel his vision clouding over and that was always an indicator. Hopefully you wouldn’t mind that he was going to finish so fast.
He let out his loudest moan and you smiled down at him, knowing that the way he looked when he came would be burned into your brain forever. And you didn’t mind a single bit. The faces that he was pulling were so fucking hot and the way the sweat ran down his forehead was enough to make you cum yourself.
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips then pulled away before he was ready, moving his sweaty bangs away from his forehead. You then climbed off of him, spotting the pair of fuzzy handcuffs that were hanging on his wall and suddenly got an idea.
You made your way over the them and grabbed hold of them, holding them out to Eddie. He sat up, looking at with a curious look.
“Hand cuff me,” you told him, putting the cuffs in his hands. Eddie had used them multiple times, but never in a million years did he think he would use them on you. “Put these on me and eat me out. Want your mouth on my cunt so fucking bad.”
“You really are saying all the right things, huh?”
You sat in his desk chair and spread your legs wide to show him just how wet you were and he stood up, kneeling in front of you so he could get a good look. He brought his hands up to rest on your knees and looked down at your sopping wet cunt, letting out a loud, dramatic whistle.
“Damn, sugar,” he whistled, seeing just how much of your slick and his own cum was leaking out of you. “Bet you taste so good.” He stood up and turned the chair around, bringing your arms to the back of the chair and he put them on you, clicking them into place before turning you back around to face him.
“God, this is everything I’ve dreamed of, swear to god.” He took your legs and draped them over his shoulder before diving in, causing you to let out a gasp as his nose brushed your cunt. He took no time to lick and suck, causing you to mewl, and Eddie pulled you down lower to have more access as he grazed the sensitive spot with his teeth.
“Oh my god, Eddie, so fucking good,” you whined. “Shit.”
You could already feel yourself blacking out, but you weren’t going to give up just yet. Not when the main event was yet to come. Just when your vision was going hazy, Eddie shoved his tongue inside of you, causing you to moan even louder and you felt yourself reach your orgasm as you screamed his name, but Eddie wasn’t done just yet.
He swirled his tongue around and around and tried to lick up every last bit of your sick, not being about to get enough of the way you tasted. And the way he was able to make you cum so easily made him feel so hard. He could have eaten you out for hours and never get tired of it.
He removed his face from you and grabbed you by your face roughly, pressing his lips to yours briefly before pulling away, a devilish smirk on his face.
“Such a good little slut, aren’t you?” He asked and you nodded, unsure of why you were so turned on by him calling you that.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “But I’m your slut, right?”
“Right, sweetheart,” he replied, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Mine.” And you supposed that being Eddie’s was probably the only thing you ever wanted to be in your life and that was perfectly fine with you.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
A little Eddie x bookworm!Reader fluff for my beloved @corroded-hellfire 💚 thank you for being my soulmate. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.
The school library is your favorite place to be. Surrounded by stillness and books, rows and rows of novels that allow you to escape into your own fantasy world. You love it so much that you’ve started volunteering there after school just to embrace its feeling.
“What’re you in for?”
The voice startles you, breaking your focus of reshelving mysteries. You turn around to see Eddie Munson standing beside you, pushing a cart of paperbacks. “Wh-What?”
“The manual labor,” he clarifies, gesturing to your book stack. “I accidentally told O’Donnell to kiss my ass, so Higgins stuck me here. Guess he finally realized that detention wasn’t helping me ‘learn my lesson.’”
You’re not quite sure how someone can accidentally tell a teacher to kiss their ass, but you move on. “Oh, um, nothing. I mean, I just help out here. For fun.” You cringe at the phrasing. Yes, while most people are out partying, I hang out in the library. Try not to be jealous of how cool I am.
Eddie just nods. “Fellow bookworm, huh? Nice.” He glances around the library. “You’re really smart, right? Probably read everything in this place.”
“Pretty much,” you agree, even though it’s far from the truth. Your crush on Eddie Munson is beyond cliché: shy honors student falling for the metalhead bad boy. He leaves you both tongue-tied and rambling. “I didn’t know you liked to read, too. What’s your favorite book?”
He brings his hand to his heart as though he’s just been stabbed, stumbling back dramatically until he bumps into a bookshelf. “That’s like asking a mother to pick her favorite child,” Eddie laments, rubbing the back of his head where it collided with the shelf. When he does, his Hellfire shirt rides up slightly, exposing a pale sliver of stomach. “I love anything Tolkien writes, but pretty much anything fantasy is fair game.” He hands you a book to shelve as he asks, “What about you?”
“Fantasy’s…fantasy’s good,” you manage, embarrassed at how flustered you got by just seeing a bit of his skin. You grab another book off of his cart. “But I’m especially partial to the classics. Like Little Women.”
You expect him to scoff at that, but he just plucks a pen from his back pocket and clicks it open, scrawling the title on his calloused palm. “Little…Women.” His tongue pokes out from between his lips as he concentrates, skin not the best medium for writing. “Okay, now I’ll remember to read it.”
You spend the next hour shelving books with him and swapping stories. Eddie tells you about his band and his D&D Club, and you confide in him that you’re working on writing your own novel. His eyes widen at the information. “No shit!” he exclaims, seemingly unaware of his otherwise quiet surroundings. “How much have you written?”
“Just an outline so far,” you admit, but he’s already excited.
“Bring it with you tomorrow,” he instructs, “and I’ll read it after we’re done.”
You cock your eyebrow at this. “How many days of manual labor did Higgins give you?”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to be bashful. “Just, uh, just the one.” His cheeks tinge pink. “But I’d like to keep talking with you.” He lets his fingers brush against yours for just a moment, but it’s enough to tell you that there’s hope for something beyond friendship here.
“Yeah, okay,” you smile, returning the empty cart to the circulation desk and shutting the lights. “Walk me to the bus stop?”
“I’ll do you one better,” he offers with a grin. “Let me give you a lift home?”
And who are you to deny this cute, metalhead, bookworm bad boy?
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gigi-loveless · 9 months
18+ under the cut!
note - reblogs and comments keep this account going! if you like what you read, please don’t hesitate to share ♡
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okay okay so you and secret boyfriend!eddie attending a party, and you can tell in his aching glances just how badly he wants to be close to you. he’s hitting a joint in a circle of other metalheads, while your little black dress flows to the beat of the music, cocktail in hand. you double take to make sure eddie is watching, wink, then spin around so your ass peeks out from the fabric just enough to give him a show. i mean, you already had a couple drinks in you, what did you have to lose? you continue dancing with your friends and suddenly a large familiar hand grabs your wrist and is hauling you off to the car. the ride home is deathly silent, the tension rising with every mile the truck races. you follow him into the trailer, and you’re expecting his absolute worst.
he takes you off guard with sickly sweet, reefer heavy kisses down your neck, his fingers memorizing every detail of your dress. the texture, the fit, everything.
“trust me?”
you nod enthusiastically, and his hands unbuckle his belt, and it thwips out with a loud crack. suddenly you’re being pushed onto the bed, and his belt is being locked tightly around your wrists.
“didn’t think you’d get in trouble huh? i saw that little show you were putting on, with that tight ass dress.”
you mewl for him, as the temperature rises in the room. his calloused hands tug at the dress, the sound of seams ripping dance through the thick air.
“who do you belong to?” he questions as with one last tug, your tits are free from the silky black fabric, and his hands are already roaming, pinching your nipples lightly.
“youyouyouyou” you yelp like a broken record. one of the best things about secretly dating eddie is how much alone time you get together. he’s absolutely broken you and knows all your weaknesses.
“that’s a good girl…” his rings are cold against your bare skin, making you convulse involuntarily. he chuckles darkly, and pushes your skirt up, so now the dress is just covering your waist, and even then, barely. he finally pulls his raging cock out of his pants, and you hold back the urge to whine for him. his cock twitches against your wetness as they finally make contact, and he wastes no time thrusting into you. with one hand on your hip and the other gripping the bed frame, his hips roll into yours at an animalistic pace. his knuckles go white as every thrust gets hard and harder, as he laughs at your fucked out face. “that’s my goddamn slut. i’m the only one who can make you feel this way, huh?”
you can’t even respond, your mind is completely blank, the only feeling you have in your body is eddie inside you. soon his pace slows, and his cock quivers inside you. you feel his hot, sticky cum crash into your walls as he roars your name.
“so eds….i think you owe me a new dress.”
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Prompt: “I didn’t think you would.”
A/N: Here, have a little friends to lovers in this trying time. Hope y’all like this little cute thing I wrote!
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“Kiss?” Eddie asked, his plush lips in a full pout as he turned his begging eyes on to you.
You were making dinner for the two of you in the Munson trailer, just a simple box of Kraft Mac and Cheese but Eddie had been making it difficult. Not that you minded too much. He seemed to be starved for attention in some way and you were happy to give that to him.
You laughed lightly as you paused what you were doing to capture his lips in a sweet, chaste, kiss before pulling back and giggling at the dazed look on his face. “What? Didn’t think I’d do it?” You teased as you went back to tending to the noodles.
“I-um- no. I didn’t think you would.” He said, surprised.
You had been Eddie’s best friend since you practically were born, your dads had been friends before they both passed away so you two grew up together. You had been Eddie’s first crush, and little did he know that he had been your first too. But you both had been too scared to do anything about it.
Eddie flirted, you weren’t sure it was even intentional most of the time, but you knew that’s just how he was, how he’d always been with you. You never thought more about it. He was affectionate, to the point that your friends made comments about it. He would hold your hand, hold you tight when you would hug, even kiss you on the cheek if you’d let him. That’s actually what he expected you to do now when he asked for one.
“Well,” you paused, taking an encouraging breath as you looked into those big brown eyes you adored, “I’ve always wanted to, so I took my shot.” You flushed.
Eddie felt his eyebrows raise in surprise as he took in the shy smile that graced your features. He felt his heart speed up and his palms get sweaty. Was this actually happening? He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he was actually awake and this wasn’t another one of his dreams.
The metalhead reached out tentatively, his hands practically shaking as he placed them experimentally on your waist. You watched the anxiety written on his face as he looked at the new contact. You gently pushed his hair out of his face before cupping his cheeks in your hands.
“Do you want to kiss me Eddie?” You whispered, searching those orbs again as they shot up to lock with yours “‘Cause I want to kiss you again.”
You were sure you heard him gulp before nodding his head quickly. You barely had time to comprehend his agreement before his lips were on yours.
Hungry. Excited. Almost desperate. Those were the words you would use to describe the way he kissed you. It was like he had been waiting for this his whole life and he wasn’t going to let the moment pass without kissing you silly.
You pulled away to catch your breath with Eddie’s lips chasing yours. You giggled breathlessly as he kissed whatever part of you he could; your cheek, your jaw, your neck. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 12. It’s always been you.” He said into your skin.
You felt your heart speed up even quicker as you took in his words. “Me too, Eds. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
You heard Eddie groan into your neck as his arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him. “We’ve wasted so much time!” He practically laughed.
“Well, let’s not waste anymore huh?” You suggested. Eddie perked his head up and rested his forehead against yours.
“Be mine sweetheart? Please?” He asked softly, almost afraid you’d say no.
“Always have been.” You beamed, pulling him into smiley kiss, both of you content to ignore the noodles cooking on the stove as you lost yourselves in each other.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mayahawkewife @harrys-tittie
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