jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Summary: With the strange ability to see the red strings of fate, Tim had always known many secrets - some of which he wished he had never learnt. 
For @go-n-ef as part of the @jaytimsecretsanta exchange.
I would also like to give my thanks to both @sweeetsummerchiild and @asteriaism for thier help and support in writing this. Love you guys!
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Fluff, Comic Book Science, Comedy, Humor, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe Summary:
Tim has a good idea what his epic birthday surprise might be, and he’s hardly ever wrong when it comes to guessing about his surprises.
“This is going to be so great!” Tim exclaims, bursting through their living room in his handcrafted, blue-velvet wizard robe—his faction lovely embroidered into his chest by his own two calloused hands. “I heard we’re all starting a new campaign and I brought my starter set! I hope you all got your characters sheets with you!”
Waving a book manically at the room, it takes a second before Tim realises, sadly, that he’s alone.
Well, Tim thinks, flopping onto the nearest sofa and sighing. There’s a first time for everything, and apparently, his super epic birthday isn’t Jason joining his D&D group like he thought it would be.
The surprise could only go downhill from here, if Tim were honest. _____ To @utazawa for @jaytimsecretsanta
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
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This is my entry for Jaytim Secret Santa Exchange 2018, for @bloodthirstymerc
Reverse Robins AU meets undercover shenanigans/identity porn meets Talon AU.
Jason Todd, the fourth Robin, is on an undercover mission to root out the source of a dangerous new party drug. Unfortunately for him, some of Ra’s ninja were in town on their own business and target him. He gets a tranq dart to the shoulder while trying to call for backup, but just when all hope seems lost…
A mysterious figure in an owl mask drops into the alleyway and murders all four of his assailants almost faster than the teen can blink. His savior doesn’t speak to him, merely giving him a long searching look before vanishing the moment that a cloud covers the moon and leaves the alley too dark to properly see. Jason’s left confused and numb until Batman arrives, heart pounding in his chest.
(Tim is starting to shake his conditioning. No more dead Robins, not if he has a say.)
This version is a bit on the raw side due to having to scrap and redo multiple times (cat using first as a scratch pad, sis spilling water, big ink streak through one side, etc), and unfortunately late because tumblr kept deleting it every time I tried to post it. I originally had a comic that lead up to this final scene, it got wrecked by the cat too. Hopefully you still like it, dude.
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
finally got my jaytim SS gift up! sorry it took so long, this got so much longer than my normal oneshots, and Life happened. i hope you enjoy!!
title: two worlds 
wordcount: 5856
rating: E
recipient: @the-sky-is-a-lie
summary: Tim Drake is a nephilim, a child of an angel and a human.
Jason Todd is something Tim can’t figure out.
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Inmei JayTim Christmas Exchange
This is My present to @Inmei for the @jaytimsecretsanta
Today was the day Jason and Tim got there Christmas shopping done. It was only December 15 so they still have 10 days til Christmas, but the earlier they were done the less stressed. They were heading into the Mall now wearing matching Sweater and Jason had a Christmas hat on.
“Babe, can we stop and get Coffee firsts?” Tim said as he was looking down at his phone.
“Course we can Baby,” said Jason as he turned down the street with Dunkin Donuts on it cause come on even if they’re rich it doesn’t mean they want StarBucks.
As they pulled into the Dunkin Donuts Drive threw the person said: “Hello, Welcome to Dunkin Donuts How may I help you today?”
“ah Hi yes, can I get a Black Coffee and then an Iced Coffee please?” Jason said.
“That will be $7.56 at the first window please.” said the Drive Threw person.
Jason and Tim pulled up and paid and grabbed their coffees. Then they pulled out of the Dunkin Donuts parking lot and drove to the mall. When they got to the mall the parking lot was packed so it took them 5 minutes to find a parking spot. Before they got out of the parking lot Jason asked “Baby do you have the list?” and he said this with a soft loving smile. Which is something only Tim and there future Kids or Grandchildren will ever get.
As Tim laughed lightly and smiled up at Jason while say, “Yes Babe, you’ve asked several times. It’s right here. And I have one on my phone” With the list in hand. They stepped out of the car and started walking to the mall doors all the while holding hands.
While they walked in the mall Jason had a soft smile on his face. He had to pick something up before they left but it was a surprise only a couple people knew what Jason was picking up.
They were pacing the little art shop in the mall when Tim stopped and said: “Should we get Damian stuff while we’re here?” They were getting Damian his favorite Water Colors and then a Sketch Book with Watercolor Paper inside.
“Sure Baby, once we do this we could head over to American Eagle to buy Cass a Leather Jacket and some Jeans,” Jason said as they started walking to the entrance to the little shop.
They bought Damians things and then went over to grab a bite to eat, once they sat down with there food Jason and Tim just chatted about Christmas plans.
When they were done eating they split up to finish the rest of there stuff. They meet up before they were leaving. It was already 5 O'clock so they were gonna go out to eat and maybe have some fun. (If you know what I mean ;) 😆)  
“Wait, Baby I have to go grab something from another store before we go. But you can head on to the car.” Jason said, as he gave Tim a Kiss.  
He watched Tim walk out of the Mall and get halfway to the car before he turned around and ran. He ran and he didn’t stop until he was in front of the right store. There he was in front of Key Jewelers.
“Yes, this is the shop” Jason thought.
He had a knowing Smirk on his face, this was gonna be the year.
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Hello my lovelies! After a very hectic past few days I’ve finally gotten the chance to sit down with my computer and go through all of the postings. I’m currently checking in with anyone who hasn’t posted yet to get an idea of where the unaccounted gifts currently are. If you haven’t received a gift yet, or haven’t been notified of your gift being posted, and would like an update, you’re more than welcome to send me a message or ask and I can let you know the status of your gift!
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Christmas Traditions
For JayTIm Secret Santa 2018  Title: Christmas Traditions Author: @write-my-dreams Giftee: @cadkitten Pairing(s): JayTim, mentions of DickKori Genre: Fluff, domestic Warning: None Chapter(s): 1/1 Rating: G Summary: Both Tim and Jason have been excluded from Christmas traditions at the manor for years. This Christmas, Tim wants things to be different. He makes secret plans with the rest of the family (plus Steph) and surprises Jason with hero sweaters and decorating. 
Read on Ao3
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
JayTim Secret Santa Exchange!
Hihi, I really hope you like this~ I had a lot of fun writing it!
Title: Like Pandora’s Box
Summary: Tim didn’t expect to find hope again, but he did find Jason. 
Tags: fluff, a handful of mystery, bad flirting (Jason plz), unnecessary monologuing
Warnings: concussions, a short scene with choking/asphyxiation (no one dies tho, just passes out)
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
JayTim | Complicated Relationship | Angst | Betrayal | UST | One-Sided Attraction | 5.4K (below read more link) | Read on Ao3
AN: This fic is a gift to @chibinightowl for the 2018 JayTim Secret Santa Exchange. It represents a small portion of a much larger AU developed for the prompt “Pirate Captain Jason and Privateer Captain Tim chasing each other around ocean and ending up marooned together"… maybe someday chibi_nightowl and I will share the rest with everyone else ;)
A stiff wind beats against their ship, sending chilly spray up over the bow and into the faces of his haggard crew. Captain Timothy Drake bears the sharp gust and biting spray with grim equanimity.
"Captain, please! This is our thirtieth watch since we began this hellish grind and if we stay on this heading, we’ll run right into those storms brewing right o'er the horizon. Let us break off and seek calmer seas.”
Stephanie’s - his navigator - words roar around him like the sea, but he doesn’t yield anymore to her than he does to the roughening surf. He knows a storm is brewing - he can smell it, feel it even - but he doesn’t care. His eyes are fixed on a hazy smudge on the horizon, his target of nearly eight days now, and he’ll be damned if he lets it go. Not now. Not after so long…
“Cassie, please, you know I speak sense! Help, me convince him!”
Tim feels a light touch on his arm and turns to his first mate, the fierce Cassandra Sandsmark, who is peering into his face with equal parts concern and steely resolve.
“Tim, I agree with Stephanie on this. Our crew is lagging, the winds are rising, and if we don’t turn back soon we’ll likely be caught out in this storm. We weren’t equipped for a jaunt much longer than a few days and we aren’t rigged for open water. We’ve given those pirates a good run of it, but time and fortune are against us now. We need to turn back.”
He frowns. “Re-rig the ship and begin tying down loose articles, but we won’t turn back until they do. We’ll smash these bastards between our hull and the storm if we have to. Those are your orders,” he reiterates firmly, eyeing both of them sternly. Cassie tsks in exasperation and Steph scrubs her hands through her hair with a sound of frustration. Conner Kent and Bartholomew Allen, two more of his trusted lieutenants look up from across the ship in concern and curiosity.
“Captain, really, the crew is-
"These seas will tear us to flots-
"Enough!” Tim cuts across them, tearing his eyes away from his target to stare them down. “I hear your concerns and, as always, I appreciate your candor, but my decision stands. Maintain visual contact and move to intercept at best possible speed.”
Cassie and Steph share a look, but in the end, they are still his best and truest. They salute him crisply for the whole crew to see. “Aye, Captain!” Cassie immediately turns to the crew and begins issuing orders to adjust the rigging, but Steph hangs back.
“If I may speak freely-” Steph begins in a low voice.
“I doubt you’d hold back even if I asked,” Tim replies drily.
“-and as your friend,” she continues, her acknowledging grin still tinged with worry, “the crew would feel a whole lot better about this rough haul if we knew what was so important about this one measly ship.” She sighs and tilts her head back, rolling one shoulder. “Every person on this ship trusts you with their life and would follow you into hell itself, but it’s not often you to lead us on in the dark. The crew is antsy, tired, confused, unmotivated…”
Tim opens his mouth but Steph presses on, turning to fix him with the full force of her icy blue stare. “They see a fire in your eyes and wait for you to light it in their hearts, but instead you keep your reasons to yourself and lead us on this wild goose chase, into a storm, in open water, and all for what?”
“Hell, even I’m feeling a touch flighty, not knowing if you’ll sacrifice us to Davy Jones just to catch a single ship and ne'er e’en tell us what’s worth more'n our lives to-”
“Steph!” Tim finally bellows, shaking his head and turning her away from the crew. She colors but holds his gaze. He sighs and leans in.
“The man on that boat wearing the captain’s tricorner, he’s the reason I came to Bristol,” Tim tells her quietly. Steph’s eyes widen.
“Wait. He’s the one that…”
“Aye, the very one.”
Steph covers her mouth with one hand and stares over Tim’s shoulder toward the ship in the distance. “No… are you sure?”
“Completely. And even if I wasn’t, that ship flies known pirate colors; as privateers in service of the crown, we’d chase them down for entering crown territory in any case. But…” he trails off and his eyes harden. “I’m sure, Steph.”
Steph’s gaze hardens as well and a spark of something fierce and wild - the very spark that caught his eye back when he first put together his privateer crew back in Bristol - lights up her eyes. “In that case we’ll have to prepare a proper ‘thank you’ for him, eh?” Steph cracks her knuckles and grins savagely. Tim shakes his head fondly. “May I share this news with the crew?” she asks him beseechingly. “They’ll be wanting to share their 'thanks’ with this bastard as well, I’d imagine.”
Tim hesitates, but nods stiffly. “Aye, but keep it brief. They don’t need my whole bloody life story, Stephanie.”
“Aye, Captain,” she replies with a jaunty salute that barely disguises the rage behind her eyes as she turns to the crew and begins to walk the length of the ship, calling out in a loud voice, “Okay, listen up you sorry lot, we’ve got a grand personage on that boat up ahead-”
Heads come up and eyes turn toward her while Tim does his best to tune out her voice. He turns his gaze back to the ship in the distance.
“-that very cur that once tried his damnedest to betray and murder our esteemed captain-”
A distant part of him can feel his crew’s eyes on him, but his mind is elsewhere, imagining a face, imagining the look on it when they overtake that ship, board it, then sink it to the depths.
“-one Jason bloody Todd, scourge of the Caribbean, and foulest among pirates! I expect you all to give him your 'warmest regards’-”
Murmurs rise among the crew, heads nodding. Cassie looks surprised and furious, but she turns her fury toward the horizon. In the background, Conner’s face takes on a dark cast and Bart cracks his knuckles with a wicked grin.
“-so what say you, crew of the Red Robin? You ready to catch this sonofabitch and send his sorry excuse of a ship down to the murky deep?”
Tim smiles grimly into the biting wind and imagines the face of one Jason Peter Todd in the moment he gets his long-overdue comeuppance.
“All hands on deck for best available speed and make preparations to board!”
He smiles and looks in grim satisfaction to the storm ahead.
Keep reading
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Summary:
A kingdoms AU for JayTim secret santa for redkrowe on tumblr. 
@jaytimsecretsanta @redkrowe
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
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@haljords @jaytimsecretsanta
(Gouache and ink on hardboard)
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Always get the Details
For the @jaytimsecretsanta exchange 2018. De-aged was the prompt I decided to go with and the recipient is @mymaingoal. @chibinightowl was kind enough to do a last minute beta read of this for me.
What I’ve learned from this experience: Always save your stories on more than one device.
Jason works on picking several locks to a tightly sealed room while Tim keeps a look out for anyone coming.
“I don’t like that we don’t have comms in,” Tim gripes.
“Suck it up. If we want to catch both the buyers and the sellers, you know we have to be undercover, that includes no above average tech.”
“What if something goes wrong? You were rather vague on the details when you dragged me out for ‘date night’.”
“We sent photos of the buyers, sellers and ‘merchandise’ to Arsenal already. If we don’t check in, he’s supposed to anonymously pass the information off to the Commissioner.”
“That’s great, but you still haven’t explained why we haven’t let all these easy to free people go.” Tim hisses as he gestures through the heavily paned window on the metal door next to him that reveals a room full of drugged men and women. “Why are you so determined to get into this particular room?”
Jason stops to look at his obviously pissed off and concerned boyfriend. “Sorry, babe. I know I sprung this on you last minute, but I promise I’ll explain soon.” He returns to the last lock on the heavy door.
“Last minute!? Jason, I thought we were actually going on a date until you brought me here, told me to put on a wig and contacts so I wouldn’t be recognized, and to just play along.”
When Tim slips up and uses his name in the field, Jason realizes he needs to explain now or suffer the consequences, ones that will make his life miserable for however long it takes Tim to forgive him. “Red called me with intel on my way to your place. He’s working overseas on this international human trafficking ring and just found out that an auction was going down in Gotham tonight and that they have a special item up for bid.” He takes a breath and concentrates on the lock for a moment. It’s trickier than the ones more commonly found on doors like this. “The special item is a meta-human. We can’t sneak that many people out on our own undetected and they’re in no state to get out by themselves. If anyone finds us, it won’t be good. Besides, you know what the government is like when it comes to meta-humans. We need to get them out of here, then we can call this in and save the rest of those people.”
“If you had said that in the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so pissed.”
“Yeah, yeah, it couldn’t be…I’m in!” Jason opens the door, steps into the room and promptly comes back out. “This is a two-person job. I need your help.”
Upon entering the room, Tim spots the reason why. There’s a young girl strapped down to a stretcher with an inhibitor collar on. She’s staring up at them with a terrified look in her eyes.
“I’ll get her loose from the table, you work on the collar,” Jason says quietly.
Approaching the child, Tim speaks softly to her. “Don’t worry, we’re going to get you out of here.”
She still looks terrified. They’re not even sure if she speaks English, so he tries giving her a reassuring smile as he slowly reaches for the collar and gets to work on releasing it. This particular model is one he’s gotten his hands on before, so it doesn’t take long to override the release mechanism.
Jason manages to release her from the gurney fairly quickly. He hears the locking mechanism click and Tim slowly removes the collar from her neck. The girl bolts out of the bed and scurries across the room.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he says soothingly. “We’re only trying to help.”
They make the rookie mistake of approaching her at the same time.  The little girl raises her hand defensively and releases a blast of energy that sends Tim and Jason to the floor, darkness overtaking them both.
Jason slowly wakes up, head pounding and feeling completely disoriented. Wherever he is, it smells weird. He reaches up to touch his aching head and realizes two things. One, everything hurts; two, his clothes feel weird. Opening his eyes, he realizes he’s in a strange basement, or what looks and smells like a basement anyway. He looks down at his clothes and feels even more confused because he’s wearing some rich old man’s hoity toity monkey suit. What the hell is going on?
A groan comes from behind him and he slowly turns around. There’s a kid, maybe 7 years old, also drowning in a too big suit. Crap, this isn’t good. He doesn’t know what kind freak grabbed them, but he’s clearly got a fetish. They have to leave right now.
The kid groans louder and opens his eyes when Jason shakes his shoulder. “Come on, we have to get outta here.”
“Where are we? What’s going on?”
The boy’s accent throws Jason. He’s not from the streets, not sounding like that. “I dunno. Just woke up here and I’m not plannin’ to stick around to find out.”
Standing up, Jason almost loses his pants. The belt is way too big and doesn’t have enough holes. There’s nothing here to make a new one, so he grips the waist band and looks around, spotting the straps on the bed. He pulls them off, shying away from thinking about why they’re even there. One gets tied around his waist and he tosses the other to the young boy.
“Tie that around your waist,” he says as he rolls up his pants so he doesn’t trip.
“Why are you helping me?”
“Do you want me to leave you here?”
“Then don’t ask stupid questions.” Jason starts rolling up one pant leg while the boy works on the other. The boy’s legs are skinny but not in a way that looks like he’s not getting enough to eat. He’s just tiny. “I’m Jason,” he says, not liking the quiet. “What’s your name, kid?”
Tiny Tim. He wants to snicker at it, but in reality, he’s freaking out because they’ve been here too long. Losing it won’t do any good. He’s gotta stay calm. Grabbing Tim’s hand, Jason pulls him up.
“Sorry, but we have to go, now. I don’t wanna be here when whoever took us comes back.”
How did that happen anyway? He can’t remember. The whole night feels like a blur.
Tim is showing obvious signs of panic – shaking, rapid breathing rate – but he’s silent as he follows Jason carefully through the halls. One floor up, they find a small window with a few crates conveniently placed beneath it. Jason turns to give Tim a boost and gives him a funny look when he sees that he has his shoes tied together and slung over his shoulders.  
The boy shrugs. “They’re too big, but I might need them.”
That’s not an entirely bad idea. Jason helps him onto a crate. “Can you get it open?”
Tim nods determinedly, but he struggles with the window for what feels like too long before it opens with a loud scraping noise.
Jason winces and checks for signs of anyone coming while Tim makes his way through the window. Not hearing anything, he pulls himself up onto the crates and barely squeezes through the tiny window.
It’s a straight drop to the ground, but it’s not too far, at least for him. Tim probably had some trouble though, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Jason really has to look around to spot him hidden in the shadows against the opposite wall.
“You okay?” he asks.
Tim looks up from rubbing his knees and nods. Silently, they start trying to find their way out of the area, avoiding the one spot that is very active with people coming and going.
After half an hour of ducking behind objects and staying out of sight, they decide they’re probably far enough away to walk in the relative open.
Tim pulls on Jason’s sleeve to get his attention. “We should contact Batman and Robin.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Why wouldn’t we? They help people and besides, whoever took us might take more kids!”
Jason scoffs and looks away. “Batman don’t care about us Crime Alley kids.”
“Of course, he does!”
Tim is obviously upset by the accusation. Jason eyes him carefully, putting together the pieces of the little puzzle he’s been trying to solve since they woke up together in that room. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He indicates the dirty streets and alleys around him with a sweep of his arm.
“’Round here, you wanna stay under Batman’s radar. You don’t want him decidin’ to ‘help’ you and sending you to Child Services. That’s worse than the streets.”
Tim opens and closes his mouth a few times, but eventually just shuts it. He’s obviously not sure how to respond to the new information.
Jason kicks a stone on the ground and watches as it disappears into the darkness. He just wants to get out of here and go back to his current squat, but he has to make sure the kid gets home alright. At this time of night, there’s no telling what else is lurking in the shadows. “Look, I’ll walk you home and you can do whatever you want after I’m gone. Where do you live?”
There’s slight hesitation before Tim responds, “Gotham Towers.”
Jason is surprised the streets aren’t crawling with cops if this kid is from a neighbourhood like that. He really wasn’t kidding about not being from around here. It makes him wonder how Tim is so good at moving around undetected.
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
They’re about half way through New Town when Jason gets the feeling that something’s wrong. Really wrong. He tries looking around to see if anyone is following them and doesn’t, not that it means anything when alleys are nothing but black holes waiting for their next prey, but he does notice Tim looking around with a confused expression. He pays attention to what Tim’s staring at and quickly realizes a few of the buildings and businesses seem wrong. Wasn’t that bookstore a pawn shop the last time he was through here? It wasn’t that long ago, was it? Maybe a week? He also could have sworn that building across the street was an empty lot.
“Yo, Tim. Do you know how long they had us? I thought it was only a few hours, but things don’t look quite.” He stares in amazement and horror when they turn onto the next block. “Holy shit!”
“What happened?” Tim breathes, eyes wide and just as surprised as him. He turns to Jason for an explanation, like he would know why this whole block of the city has drastically changed.
“How the hell would I know?”
Tim flinches back at Jason’s harsh exclamation.
“I’m not mad at ya and I’m not gonna hit ya, so just stop it.” Jason sighs, feeling like an asshole. “Sorry, I’m kinda freakin’ out a little. Not your fault.”
Tim seems to relax a little, but he’s obviously still concerned about the changes as well. “Are you sure we shouldn’t contact Batman?”
“What the hell is Batman gonna do about this?”
“Well, umm…” Tim drops his gaze to the ground. “I don’t know.”
“Exactly. Let’s just keep goin’. Your folks must be worried.”
They keep walking, taking note of just how drastically some areas have changed.
“Jason?” Tim asks, speaking up after they pass through another block where nothing is familiar to either of them. “Do you think we should see a doctor? It doesn’t feel like I’ve been gone long enough for the city to change this much. Maybe whoever took us gave us something and it’s messing with our heads?”
Jason is surprised by the kid. He hadn’t thought of that possibility and it’s a really damned good point.
“You’re right.” He grabs Tim’s hand and changes course, heading back toward Crime Alley. “Let’s go see Doc Thompkins. She runs the Free Clinic and doesn’t ask too many questions.”
Tim seems like he recognizes the name as he perks up and follows after him, keeping his hand firmly wrapped in Jason’s.
They’re a few blocks away from the clinic when Tim suddenly pulls Jason into an alley and presses them against the wall.
“What the hell are…”
“Shhhh.” Tim puts a finger up to his lips and looks up.
Jason has no idea what he’s on about, but he stays silent, eyes on the sky when he spots a Robin shaped shadow flying briefly overhead. Okay, now he’s confused. Didn’t Tim say they should try and find Batman and his boy toy wonder? So why is he hiding from them now?
After a couple of minutes where Tim insisted they be silent, Jason’s had enough.
“That was Robin, wasn’t it? Why the hell are we hiding? I thought you wanted to find Batman.”
“That wasn’t Robin.”
“Wasn’t Robin? He was wearing a cape, in Gotham, and it sure as hell wasn’t Batman.”
“He was dressed like Robin, but that wasn’t him. I’d know.” For the first time tonight, Tim sounds entirely sure of himself.
“What does that mean?”
“Doesn’t matter. The point is, we can’t trust whoever that was.”
Jason looks at Tim in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. “Whatever, let’s just get to Doc Thompkins.”
They hurry to the clinic. Once they arrive and tell the check-in nurse what they think happened to them, they’re quickly ushered into a room and provided with a suitable change of clothing.
Doc Thompkins comes in and asks them a few questions, leaving after taking some blood samples, and promises to return shortly.
At this time of night, the clinic is very quiet, and the walls are thin. Too thin, really and they hear her say their names from out in the hall.
Tim gives him a surprised look, one that Jason knows he’s mirroring.
He doesn’t remember introducing themselves, although he supposes it’s possible the doc recognizes him. Jason jumps down off the exam table and darts over to the closed door, opening it ever so slightly to hear what’s being said.
“…get Tim and Jason, now.” There’s a pause as the other person presumably responds. Doc Thompkins doesn’t sound happy. “Then send Robin. Those boys need help beyond what I can give them. I’ve got blood samples I can send you. Your testing equipment is much better than mine.”
Jason really wants to know what she means by that and how she’s got a direct line to what sounds like the freaking Batman. So much for this place being safe. He spares a thought to leaving without Tim, but the boy’s recent change of heart about Batman won’t let him.
“We have to go.” He pulls Tim up out of his seat by his arm. “We shouldn’t have come here. The doc called Batman or someone to come get us. I think they plan to send Robin.”
In the light of the exam room, Tim’s light blue eyes stand out as they widen in fear. He willingly follows after Jason. They wait for the hall to empty and sneak out of the clinic, eventually hiding under a dark set of stairs a few blocks away.
“I can’t go home tonight.” Tim’s statement is so definite and out of the blue it startles Jason.
“Why the hell not?”
The boy fidgets. “If Dr. Thompkins’ knew our names without us telling her, then she might know our full names. If Batman gets that information, he could easily find me. Now that they’re not the same people, or at least Robin isn’t, I don’t want to go with them. Mrs. Mac will be worried that I’m not home, but my parents are away, so they won’t know, unless it really has been a long time and they’re back from their trip. They’re almost always gone.”
Tim looks a little upset by the end of his statement, so Jason slings an arm over his skinny shoulders and pulls him into an awkward hug. “Okay, we won’t take you home, but it’s late. I don’t have a home to go back to, so let’s find somewhere to crash and we’ll try to figure this shit out in the morning.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Jason scratches the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed by how grateful Tim sounds. “Don’t mention it.”
They find a decrepit apartment building and after some searching, discover a room that’s easy for two boys to sneak into via the fire escape. It must be lived in, because the door is locked, but there’s no sign that anyone has been there recently. Jason is beyond exhausted at this point, so he decides to take the chance. They curl up together on the clean, sheetless bed and fall right to sleep.
Loud, barking laughter startles them awake.
“This is priceless! Where’s a camera when you need one?”
Jason opens his eyes and glares at Roy, still dressed in his Arsenal get-up, holding himself up against the wall and crying from laughter. In his arms, Tim stiffens.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” Jason gives him an unimpressed look for the rude awakening.
Roy’s laughter increases in volume. “Don’t gimme that look, Jaybird. You’re not very threatening, looking like that!”
Jason attempts to get up to knock some sense into Roy when he hears a rip and realizes just how restricting his clothes are. He looks down in horror. No wonder Tim is frozen in place. His pants are ripped down the ass, and his thighs have busted through the seams. His shirt feels like a skin-tight crop top.
But he’s lucked out compared to Tim. Tim’s clothes are ripped everywhere, held on by mere threads.
Last night starts to come back to him and as he looks around, he realizes they’re in what’s actually an older safehouse of his. Thank God for small favors, even if he does need to revamp the security.
Jason glares from over the top of Tim’s head. “Harper, what the fuck did you do?!”
“How is this my fault?”
“You sent us after that meta. What did she do to us?”
“Well…”Roy hedges, clearly enjoying this too much.
“Roy!” Tim adds in, exasperated. “Explanation, now!”
The archer rushes to start speaking, apparently not trusting Jason’s modesty to keep him grounded for long. “Turns out she’s a magician. Found out too late she was being sold as a meta because they bring a better price so I called Zatanna after you missed your check-in, and she tracked her down using some magic crap I don’t understand. The kiddo feels bad about what she did to you, by the way, and says she’s sorry.”
Jason growls in frustration. “I don’t give a damn how she feels right now. I’m losing blood flow in some rather important places, so go get us some clothes!”
Roy laughs loudly again as he makes his escape.
Now that they have some privacy, Jason envelops Tim in his arms and breathes in the scent of his hair. It always calms him, and this time isn’t any different. “I wasn’t kidding about the lack of blood flow. Let’s get these rags off and really give Roy a reason to regret laughing at us.” He kisses the back of Tim’s neck, but Tim jerks away.
“I’m not jeopardizing my chance to get clothing just because you’re horny. This is your safehouse, so go find a blanket. I’m cold.”
“Bossy. I think I like you better as a kid. Tiny Tim.”
Jason grunts hard at the bony elbow to his gut. Okay, perhaps this Tim is just fine after all.
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, fun in the snow, random puppy appearance, Angst, Rated E for later chapters, JayTim Secret Santa Summary:
When Jason and Tim are summoned to Switzerland to act as a fake couple in order to take down a weapons supplier, some hilarity ensues but so does a whole bunch of angst. Follow the boys as they discover what it takes to survive the snow, fights, and close quarters.
@jaytimsecretsanta fic for @flashthroughlight 
This will be updated once a week until it’s finished! (sorry for the delay my wifi was down yesterday!)
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Ra’s al Ghul, Roy Harper Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Established Relationship, Temporary Amnesia Summary:
Tim has been reset, but Jason will stop at nothing to get his lover’s memories back.
A gift for @themandylion as part of the @jaytimsecretsanta
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Hello everyone! I know there are some gifts that haven’t been posted yet. All of today and most of tomorrow I’m away from my computer because of holiday vacation but as soon as I can get back to WiFi and get on tumblr I’ll be checking in on anything that hasn’t been posted it. Thanks for your patience!
0 notes
jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Jason/Tim, 3352 words, explicit. Tim decides to finally act on his crush, but neither he nor Jason are very good at getting the hint. Steph tries to help. It goes adequately. 
Involves some New Jersey antics.
For @write-my-dreams for @jaytimsecretsanta.
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jaytimsecretsanta · 6 years
Despit all the years Tim had spent building up his empire of information trading, there was still one thing he just couldn’t seem to figure out - something he was willing to give chase for. Curiosity and cats, and all that. 
For @glaciya as part of the @jaytimsecretsanta
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