#how do I therapeutic scrapbook lol
justtogetthrough · 5 months
I need a craft or a hobby. I need to do something with my hands. My hands are unfortunately very painful and I have poor dexterity and grip. I can’t hold things for very long.
I’m once again googling crafts and idk none of it seems doable. Scrapbooking might work, but because of my pain n stuff I don’t actually have experiences or events to memorialize. I wonder if making a scrapbook about my traumas would be helpful or just retraumatizing lol I literally have nothing else to think about
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honey-crypt · 3 months
can you do some headcanon drabbles thingies with a farmer that has BPD? Bachelors please
a/n: yippee i get to write about bpd!!! fun fact but i was diagnosed with it for about two years (it ended up being a misdiagnosis) and i did a ted talk (like a legit one lol) about it and the criminalization/demonization of personality and other "undesirable" disorders :3 thx for this request and enjoy!
warning: discussion of bpd splitting, mental health crisis, and self-harm
★ sdv bachelors with bpd!farmer ★
★ seeing you split for the first time is the catalyst for him to address his own issues, such as dealing with his father's abuse; to an extent, he can see himself in you, longing for approval and love from others, only to fall apart when others don't provide that
★ a very good listener, he opens his ears and mind to you to talk about what's on your mind and you do the same for him; it's very helpful and therapeutic for the both of you
★ does his best to keep you away from george, he worries that his grandfather's behavior would trigger an episode in you but he couldn't keep you away from him forever; it does cause an episode but with evelyn's help, alex manages to get george on his best behavior around you
★ often writes you letters of reassurance and love for you to read whenever you're having an episode, it's his way of supporting you through your hard times
★ he attends workshops to learn methods to assist you with bpd episodes and symptoms after harvey recommended it to him when he confided in him about his concern for your wellbeing
★ adds a small piece of candy, such as a starburst or skittle, in your pill box so you have a little reward/pick-me-up when you take your medication
★ out of all the bachelors, he's the best equipped to support you during your episodes (he did a psych rotation during his residency) but he tries his best not to go doctor mode on you
★ covers your farmhouse with sticky notes that feature medication reminders, words of affirmation, and so on; you save each and every one of them in a little scrapbook that you look back on for reassurance
★ harvey makes you feel safe, you're truly able to trust him and confide in him; you both make it work and even though others are critical of your relationship, either of you really give a damn because you love one another
★ he's familiar with mental health conditions because of his father's ptsd and in the beginning of your romantic relationship, he kinda isolates himself from you when you're splitting because he genuinely doesn't know how to help
★ but thankfully, he learns how to support you with harvey's education on bpd, such as grounding you with music or encouraging you to socialize with others
★ he enjoys writing and playing you songs as a means of grounding, you're his inspiration and he wants to brighten your world with the power of music
★ he goes into research mode after you inform him that you have bpd, he knows that personality disorders are heavily stigmatized and he doesn't want you to feel like he thinks you're a bad person for having bpd
★ does dbt (dialectical behavioral therapy) homework with you when you come home from group (group therapy); it helps him just as much as it helps you, he learns a lot of coping techniques that he utilizes when he has to deal with hardships or shitty people like demetrius
★ gets you an enamel pin for every month you remain clear from self-harm, you have an ita bag that you secure every pin on and it's one of your most treasured possessions
★ a match made in hell... JK JK you two have the potential to bring out the best or worst in one another, depending on your relationship and whether or not you both are in therapy
★ if you're friends, you're able to support one another through bpd or depressive episodes, you both are different sides of a very similar coin and your empathy for one another transcends the boundaries of your typical friendship
★ but if you're dating or married?? i'm sorry but it's not gonna work out well unless both of you are consistent with your meds and therapy; you often get paranoid about your relationship with shane and it only intensifies during his 14 heart event where you and marnie think he relapsed with his drinking, causing you to split... luckily, it works out in the end but you still struggle with coping and trusting shane
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xleeleeboox · 2 years
Being friends with Johnathan and Argyle include:
Mentions other characters, upside down, smoking a loooot, stealing, emotional convos but it’s all v fluffy no spoilers everything is platonic
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* You’d met them while going to argyles pizza shop like super late at night with some of your friends after a party
* everyone was either drunk or high and you could not keep it together because Argyle was obviously out of his mind at the moment
* and you decided to invite Argyle to the next party he asked if he could invite Jonathan and you went ahead and said OK
* so when you meet Jonathan you’re at a party but it’s like one of those parties were you just chill and shit
* you took a break from being inside and he went outside to sit around the fire pit with Argyle in Jonathan and just brought out a joint and lit it and started passing it around
* After a while you all start sharing about how you’re just done with school and you wish you could get out you wish you could get away from these people in this drama that never seems to end
* but Jesus Christ don’t you know the half of it on Jonathan‘s side but he saves that for another time
* Sharing about your younger siblings with Johnathan
* Argyle goes inside for god knows what
* That how you and Johnathan start bonding more
* I feel like Johnathan might want to talk about his photography with you and see if you have any suggestions for subjects for the photos
* He explains the process of developing the photos but he does t want you in there with him
* “Don’t worry he doesn’t let me in there either man” argyle says
* One day you were in art and stole a chunk of clay to try and make a bowl to smoke from
* It didn’t work Johnathan said it would crack and he was right
* Argyle kept cheering you on though
* Every once in a while you are invited over to argyles pizza place you get high and make your own pizzas, you take it to school the next day too
* At this point you’ve ditched your friends because their drama is too much
* And you’re hanging out with Johnathan so much that you’ve even bonded with Will and El
* You thought about introducing them to your younger siblings, but they didn’t want that lol
* You closed your eyes and were like “I get it” with a smile on your face lmao
* You and Johnathan often go somewhere random and just chill together
* Doesn’t matter where or when or what you are doing
* It’s always therapeutic too in a way because a lot of the time you end up staying out late, laying on the ground talking to each other about your deep thoughts
* One night Johnathan let’s it slip about the upside down and shit while you’re both high and in your feels
* You laugh and go “that’s crazy man I can’t… does argyle know? I feel like he does… maybe he doesn’t but he should”
* After that you don’t see him differently but you understand him better
* You become even closer now
* Really all you do is chill and listen to music or do a craft or something like paint idk
* Taking Polaroids of them
* And of will and el
* Of your siblings
* You give them some of the Polaroids but keep your favorites and make a scrapbook with them and give it to Johnathan for like Christmas or his birthday
* He ends up keeping it forever where he can’t lose it
* Tries not to let his mom look through it because there are some memories where you’re smoking with Argyle and Johnathan and are fucking around
* Some other questionable weird things you guys are doing (but nothing bad it’s just… odd things)
* You hang it up in your room on your door in the inside so you can see it when it’s closed
* When Johnathan comes over and sits on your bed he looks at the drawing and smiles
* Also if you ask Johnathan to take pictures of you he probably will and they will look so good he’ll give you a photo he developed of you him and argyle
* You also hung it up on your door and Johnathan feels very cared for and loved when he sees it
* Gets another picture for you and you put it in a frame somewhere around your house not just your room and he hugs you
* Not a super touchy man but you lay each other‘s heads on the others shoulder or on their lap or just lean against them
* But like all three of you argyle too ya know
* You make El a bracelet and she wears it every once in a while
* She says you need to make matching ones
* You made some for you Johnathan and Argyle
* You made one for Joyce because she’s so nice to you
* You took Johnathan’s lighter by accident and slipped it into Argyles possession so you didn’t get a scolded lmao
* I’m getting carried away I’ll stop if you have anymore Johnathan and Argyle headcannons please hmu
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After a week with two high profile suicides, the concept of Scrapbooking and Planning as therapy has been heavy on my mind. I know for me, both definitely help me to relax. Planning especially helps me take a moment to review my previous week or month or quarter, understand that everything can't be done all in one sitting and that I'm not a failure, allows me to see exactly where I spent my time, and allows me to then look ahead at the coming week, month, or quarter, and decide where to focus my energy, so that even if I never get to do most of what's on my list (which is probably 70% of the time), at least I had a plan and I'm not running around all frantic. That's the magic of planning. And during the Pandemic lock down, even with not alot to do, planners and planning became my refuge. Before the Pandemic, I had steered away from paper planners, using maybe one monthly planner but mostly a digital on the go calendar mostly because of work. But then the lock down came, I was downsized, (a definite blessing in disguise) and no need for an Outlook calendar nor the craziness of life activities. As an outcome, I became interested in paper planners again, sort of to obsession (a whole other topic lol). Also, the older I get, the more I definitely know that I need to write things down to remember. So why not do it in a million pretty planners. The same goes for scrapbooking and memory keeping. I did scrapbooking years ago and stopped for a long time. But then, after my mom passed in August 2020, I discovered @happyplanner and how to use the BIG planner for #memorykeeping, Game Changer! This process was so therapeutic for me. Not to mention that scrapbooking, like planning, helps me to review, reflect, and remember those moments, in photos, some of which I had forgotten about. Another thing the Pandemic did was to help me start Journaling, something that, ironically as a writer and a poet, I had never really done before (although my poetry is somewhat Journaling). Scrapbooking and planning are excellent for my mental health and I hope for the rest of you too. And my PSA is, if you are struggling with something, despite your efforts to focus, please ask for help. 1-800-662-HELP
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boycott-love · 5 years
I don’t use tumblr for literally anything other than my own little reference scrapbook of images memes poems etc I like and I don’t really expect anyone but me to see my shit and that’s quite alright.
But I do remember a few years ago when this actually used to be my safe space and where I’d connect with others that genuinely made me feel so supported and encouraged. When I was in a particularly bad space, it was also my (close to only) therapeutic outlet, and very profound in the healing it fostered. Young me owes a lot to what this site was for me and my development. I think social media has drastically changed, going from being sort of “tight knit” communities to being something much more impersonal but maybe I’ve also just grown up and changed, and I don’t need the same outlets anymore because I have others. Also I’m just so busy idk how I have energy for anything anymore lol.
if you’ve ever passed on some love and see this thank you!!!! I hope I did the same for you. And also, this has been such an massive reminder how important it is to support and encourage complete strangers because wow that shit goes such a long way!!!! A lesson is to take that culture and attitude of kindness and extend it to others ❤️
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ohtheplacesblog · 3 years
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After a week with two high profile suicides, the concept of Scrapbooking and Planning as therapy has been heavy on my mind. I know for me, both definitely help me to relax. Planning especially helps me take a moment to review my previous week or month or quarter, understand that everything can't be done all in one sitting and that I'm not a failure, allows me to see exactly where I spent my time, and allows me to then look ahead at the coming week, month, or quarter, and decide where to focus my energy, so that even if I never get to do most of what's on my list (which is probably 70% of the time), at least I had a plan and I'm not running around all frantic. That's the magic of planning. And during the Pandemic lock down, even with not alot to do, planners and planning became my refuge. Before the Pandemic, I had steered away from paper planners, using maybe one monthly planner but mostly a digital on the go calendar mostly because of work. But then the lock down came, I was downsized, (a definite blessing in disguise) and no need for an Outlook calendar nor the craziness of life activities. As an outcome, I became interested in paper planners again, sort of to obsession (a whole other topic lol). Also, the older I get, the more I definitely know that I need to write things down to remember. So why not do it in a million pretty planners. The same goes for scrapbooking and memory keeping. I did scrapbooking years ago and stopped for a long time. But then, after my mom passed in August 2020, I discovered @happyplanner and how to use the BIG planner for #memorykeeping, Game Changer! This process was so therapeutic for me. Not to mention that scrapbooking, like planning, helps me to review, reflect, and remember those moments, in photos, some of which I had forgotten about. Another thing the Pandemic did was to help me start Journaling, something that, ironically as a writer and a poet, I had never really done before (although my poetry is somewhat Journaling). Scrapbooking and planning are excellent for my mental health and I hope for the rest of you too. And my PSA is, if you are struggling with something, despite your efforts to focus, please ask for help. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZx-7dOKCp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unimaginablenotions · 3 years
September 28, 2021
Ive been hiatus for three months LMAO I am not so consistent in every thing I like doing lol
Anyways, here's some life updaates future self
You're boyfriend loved your gift on his 21st birthday although its so random and you weren't able to make the cake that you wanted to because you're broke HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Either way you made another appa bucket hat but so that its a couple hat, something like that. After that lockdown has been strict again because of the delta variant and you finally got vaccinated last August. Yay! Milestone to not die, just kidding. And then your august was very fast just like how Taylor Swift described it in her song. You celebrated Chynna's birthday and it was fun and happy with your siblings. You put some makeup and glitters together with your mom. <3
Later after that you met with your boyfriend again because why not, you went swimming in their house and made out lol and ate samgyup and washed the dishes and did some skin care and fell asleep together and you guys woke up late therefore, you also went home late HAHAHAHAHH and i got scolded of course but that was fine because sleeping with someone you love is the most wholesome thing you've experienced in your life and waking up with them makes you want to look forward to each day. You never thought washing the dishes could be fun and relaxing until he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheeks and help you afterwards, you guys are a team and its so cute and i want to go back to that moment every now and then. ;(
After that school started and you're now officially a 4th year Architecture student and you think you're still dumb but you know you have changed a lot and made some progress here and there, not just academically but also internally!! (I'm so proud of you btw)
And then after some time you got in the dean's lister and so is your boyfriend! And it feels nice to achieve and be recognized for once in a while. And then you're mom finally got a printer with a scanner or xerox hence life got easier. And then your birthday came!! You're now 21 and you didn't have any existential crisis so you just enjoyed your biirthday and dressed up as a princess and you look gorgeous, love<3
After the following day you met with your boyfriend again because why not you know and you're so in love with him, a day wouldn't be enough. You guys went on a date and his gifts are the best, it was very personal and those are scrapbook with polaroid pictures of you two and some aot shirt (wc you will barely wear bc its special). And up to this day, you're so falling in love and getting crazy. Just kidding. That is all future self. That is the summary of your 3 months because you're so lazy all you ever did was watched netflix. and ate. LOL
Anyways, off to continue my design project wc is a therapeutic facility and its driving me nuts!
P.S You also got addicted to Shopee and online shopping and made it as a theraphy but you've overcome them now. Love you <3 Things does get better
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