housethemd · 3 months
Do you ever think about House’s apartment?
Specifically his decor choices.
House’s apartment is filled with old books and comfortable furniture and knickknacks. There is even the island in his kitchen which is clearly something he’s chosen for that space, not something the place came with.
From the art on the walls to the funky lamps to the furniture - they are all things House picked. He’s lived in that apartment for over 15 years and Stacy moved in with HIM. He is particular about his space and his belongings.
Every crevice of his home is filled with his personality. Unlike Wilson, who struggles to furnish a home as a reflection of himself, House has made his place scream that it’s his. He didn’t go to Ikea and buy mass-market furniture. Most of his belongings appear to be antiques or at least unique things that he would have found at maybe pawn shops (where we know he frequents) or perhaps thrift or antique stores. Not to mention all his musical instruments like his piano and guitars.
The same actually goes for his office at PPTH. He has his comfortable chair and his desk knickknacks (which if you look closely are animal skulls) and his old TV.
It’s interesting to me that as much as House struggles to open up about himself to others verbally, any space he occupies regularly becomes filled with evidence of who he is.
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oddlittlestories · 7 months
Your wip Three scenarios has me intrigued!! Care to share some about it? 😀
- housethemd
Ooh yes absolutely thank you for asking!
So this is a Wilson POV fic that parallels 1x21 Three Stories.
We don’t see Wilson in the flashbacks to House’s infarction, and I have decided it’s because he wasn’t there which begs the question Why.
In three planned chapters, which I have outlined, I explore three scenarios of why Wilson wasn’t there, and the impact on his perspective on each situation.
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
A while ago, I made a post about what I think the PPTH gang would order at Starbucks. This post by @housethemd had me thinking Coffee Thoughts again about House & co., so here are some thoughts about what I think it would be like to have them as customers in my cafe.
At work, there's regulars (people that come in often enough that I recognize their face), and there's THE regulars (customers that come in so regularly that I know their name, order, a couple details about their life/them as a person, and usually have a pleasant conversation with while they're ordering). For this, I'm operating under the assumption that all of the House characters would fall into the latter group (because they're all doctors at a busy hospital. Any hospital job usually goes for so. much. caffeine).
Cameron probably comes in the most frequently out of anyone, but the baristas would all know her solely as Allie. She'd be one of the regulars that makes having the early-morning opening shift worth it, because she's genuinely always happy to talk with you (and almost always carries cash so she can give you a tip directly). She'd ask how you're doing and remember little details from your conversations (like music you said you liked, or your major/degree if you ever mentioned college). She has a favorite drink for every season (Pumpkin Spice Lattes for fall, Peppermint Mochas for winter, etc.) and is so consistent with her orders that at every open, whoever's working marks a cup for her drink and sets it aside for when she comes in. At least once during "buy one get one half off" sales, she'd buy two of whatever's on sale just to give the second one (or both) to whoever's working at the time.
Chase would probably come in at least a couple of times per week. For some reason, he'd make his appointed Starbucks/café name "Bob" instead of Robert/Rob/Robbie, and every single barista he's met would agree that "there's no way his name is actually Bob. He's way too attractive for that." My coworkers (somewhat surprisingly, not a group of college-aged girls. We are a group of incredibly gay and/or trans 20-somethings LMAO) would absolutely talk about how hot he is when he's not around and swoon over the accent (if there's a list of Hottest Regulars, he's absolutely #1). He'd mention having a girlfriend and order coffee for her occasionally, but everyone would refuse to believe she existed until they saw her for themselves. One day he'd come in with Cameron, and it would make the barista group text explode. (Bob and Allie know each other? And not only that, but Bob and Allie are actually... Bob-And-Allie?! Allie is the mysterious girlfriend?!) There would be full on MOURNING. At least one person would joke about calling in sick from the grief of Aussie Golden Retriever Boyfriend's girlfriend being real. Inexplicably, he'd enjoy Taylor Swift's music and the baristas would love him even more for that.
More characters to come in another post :) I'm thinking probably House, Wilson, and Cuddy next? (Also: thank you to @samathekittycat for your tags on the reblog of the House frappuccino post; it was a small thing but the eyes emoji gave me the motivation to get a bunch of stuff done so I could come back and write this, lol)
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suhossineun · 9 months
32 + 35 for House and 48 + 49 for Wilson!!
- Housethemd
32: something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
I mean there is one easy answer- james evan wilson. it doesn't matter what they're talking about, wilson always makes him smile the most genuine, carefree smile. and monster trucks, I'd imagine. I mean this is a really boring answer but it's true!
35: their idea of a perfect day
ideally- a day without pain. house is willing to go to extreme lengths to avoid pain, and he's a different person when he's pain free. anything else on top of that is a nice bonus; monster truck rally, getting a $12,000 guitar, getting high on something new and exciting, converting a priest to atheism.
48 scariest moment of their life
this is a tough one! wilson is always worried for house and house certainly gets up to a lot of stupid shit, but I don't know if wilson is ever scared for him. maybe the days they spent trying to save amber- he was scared then, of making the wrong decisions, of her dying, and it's that fear that clouded his judgment in an awful, awful way.
49 favorite toy as a child
I feel like wilson would have really enjoyed legos, like the really tiny ones that you can build like the death star with. I mean, canonically he might be too old to have had that stuff, I'm not sure when lego started doing collabs with star wars and stuff, but let's just pretend. house makes a comment about wilson having been a nerdy child who spent most of his time watching obscure tv shows, so I feel like this would tie in well.
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bluemoonperegrine · 11 months
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Hat tip to @housethemd for the "if I got possessed" text post
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I bring you holiday cheer in fic form!
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lovelenivy · 10 months
Hey! I’m @housethemd (this is my main blog) and I just wanted to tell you that I only just realized that you are PewDiePie on AO3.
I have read your fics for Haikyuu, Sherlock, and House MD!! You are one of my favourite multifandom writers!! Once I realized that I just had to to tell you!
OH WAIT FR ?? that's so cool omg ???? thank you so much !!! (': <3
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housethemd · 4 months
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housethemd · 11 months
Finally customized my blog so it looks like it’s actually run by a human being 😂
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housethemd · 7 months
So in the episode where House is on methadone
Everyone is trying to figure out what’s going on with House, why he’s being nice, etc etc and eventually Wilson is just like “he’s on heroin.”
The surety with which Wilson says this really struck me. Like Wilson doesn’t just suggest House must on drugs that aren’t Vicodin, doesn’t even merely suggest House could be on heroin. No he says with absolute certainty that House is on heroin.
The only way Wilson could be so sure, would be if he’s seen House on heroin before.
Now while I’m quite convinced that House was an occasional recreational drug user prior to the infarction, heroin usually isn’t a drug you might take just for fun at a party every now and again. This leads me to believe that sometime in the early days post infarction is the most likely time House used heroin.
I’m imagining Wilson showing up after work to check on House. Stacy left weeks ago and House is still dealing with that on top of healing and being newly disabled so he’s been in a pretty god awful mood that only Wilson seems to be able to tolerate.
But when Wilson gets there House is in a better mood. Not just a better mood, he’s happy. Wilson knows immediately something is going on.
“What did you do? What did you take?” He’d ask. He knows people’s moods don’t change overnight like that, so either House took something or he’s planning to kill himself. Both are equally possible given his recent trauma and mental state, and Wilson needs to figure out which.
“What? Nothing. Well Vicodin but you know I’ve got a prescription for that.” House would reply, waggling his finger in Wilson’s direction like this is all some kind of joke.
Wilson frantically searches through everything within arms reach of House. Thankfully even with his better mood House can’t move very quickly, and Wilson manages to unearth a bag, and dashes out of House’s reach to open it. It’s filled with powder and syringes and Wilson has done enough ER shifts to know what it is.
“No, House. No. How did you even get this?” He’d ask, shocked.
“It’s easy when you know the right places to go.” House would say, not looking at Wilson anymore.
“The right places to… House you can barely get from the couch to the bathroom how the hell did you get this?”
“I guess I was sufficiently motivated.”
And Wilson’s heart breaks. He doesn’t have it in him to be mad at his friend. His life is upside down and House has never been good with change. Wilson does throw away the needles and flush the drugs and it pisses House off (“Do you know how much I paid for that?”) but once House calms down he makes House swear never again, that he won’t go down that road. Wilson says he’ll do anything, even write him more Vicodin prescriptions if he just promises not to use heroin again.
And House promises.
So when House is suddenly in an unexplainably good mood years later, Wilson thinks he knows exactly what’s going on. He’s angry, House promised. Wilson held up his end of the deal for the most part, so he comes up with a plan to catch House and make him admit to it.
But we all know how that plays out.
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housethemd · 10 months
Do You Ever Think About Life at PPTH After House and Wilson Ride Off into the Sunset?
Foreman continues on as Dean of Medicine, makes Chase the Head of Diagnostics. The hospital gets a new Head of Oncology.
Chase gets fellows of his own, who ask him what it was like working for Dr. Greg House. He argues with Foreman over medical treatments and diagnoses. Every time the need an oncology consult things just don’t feel right.
Sometimes Chase goes into Foreman’s office when cases are particularly hard and says he doesn’t think he can solve it without House. He almost always does.
Time goes by. Ten years, twenty. There are few left at PPTH who remember House and Wilson. The fellows no longer ask what working for House was like because few have heard of him. “Everybody lies” becomes known as Dr. Chase’s catchphrase. He and Foreman don’t correct people anymore.
But a couple times a year, late at night, Chase and Foreman will sit on the balcony that connects Chase’s office to the Head of Oncology’s office. They drink scotch and smoke cigars and reminisce about “the good old days.” They can’t believe they call them that.
Foreman has long believed House faked his death, he had to have left that ID card for him for a reason, right? Chase was never sure what he believed, but even if it was true it was two decades ago. Wilson only had five months, and House wouldn’t have lasted long without him. They are both long gone now.
But after a few drinks, both Chase and Foreman find that if they sit quietly on that balcony and close their eyes, they can almost hear House and Wilson in their respective offices. For a brief moment it’s almost thirty years earlier, and House and Wilson will soon emerge from and discuss dinner or patients or whatever else those two best friends spoke about.
Like ghosts, a part of House and Wilson will never leave PPTH.
At least for as long as Eric Foreman and Robert Chase remain.
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housethemd · 9 months
So I have a headcanon that House has some issues with food.
Mainly he is very particular about what he eats, and stress/pain exasperate this. It’s why when he’s home alone he mostly eats peanut butter sandwiches and canned soup. It’s predictable, safe, and easy because it doesn’t take him long to make so he doesn’t have to stand for very long.
Now imagine he and and Wilson get together and Wilson moves in. Of course Wilson would immediately take over cooking duties.
He makes meals for them taking into account the foods he knows House likes, the way he likes them cooked, and makes healthy meals based on those as foundations.
He also realizes House responds better to food when presented with small portion sizes. He realizes it’s why House steals food off his plate at work instead of buying his own portion - it’s too much, too overwhelming.
So he starts serving House’s meals on smaller plates. There is an immediate difference in the amount House eats. As opposed to picking at his plate and eating very little like usual, he finishes all his food and even sometimes asks if there is any more. Wilson gladly brings him seconds of whatever foods he requests.
He will also sometimes make new things or cook foods he knows House has had issues with just in a different way, but always as a side. He’ll explain to House what the food is, how it was cooked, what seasonings he used if any, the texture of it, and what foods it’s similar to. Instead of putting it on House’s plate for him to try, he serves himself a generous portion and tells House he can try it off his plate if he likes. Sometimes House says no, and Wilson never pushes House to try it. After a while House starts to stick his fork in the new foods. Wilson even encourages him to touch the food if he wants a better idea of it’s texture. With a safe, pressure free environment to try new foods House discovers a few new things he likes.
On nights when House has had a really stressful day, or a bad pain day, and he says he doesn’t want to eat Wilson will make one of House’s safe meals and serve himself a big plate of it and just sit next to House on the couch, knowing House is likely to steal bits of it off his plate. House doesn’t eat a lot of it, but it’s better than him going to bed with no supper.
Basically just Wilson taking very good care of his “picky eater” boyfriend, because he understands his needs and strives to help him be healthy without pushing his boundaries!!
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housethemd · 10 months
Over the course of the show we see House take baths on several occasions (and of course I have a headcanon about it)
I think that as of canon era, House likes to take baths. But I don’t think this was always true.
We must remember that House was forced into ice baths as a child by John House as a punishment. I feel like this would have given him a lot of trauma around baths, so even when they were warm and even if he ran them he could never relax.
But then the infarction happened, and standing to take a shower became a struggle. He hated having a shower chair so the obvious solution became baths. So he would grit his teeth and get in the tub because he could only go so long without a proper washing up. After a few times, he starts to notice that soaking in the hot water lessens his pain and slowly he is able to reframe baths in his mind. No longer a punishment but a means of pain relief. Eventually he starts to enjoy them, and starts taking them just because.
So yeah, headcanon that House had to work to reframe baths in his head.
Also now I’m imagining an infarction-era fic where Wilson is trying to get House to take a bath (“you stink, House.”) and while Wilson doesn’t know why the idea of a bath stresses House out so much, he still does everything he can to make it a good experience for him (“look I put some bubbles in it.”) and when he finally gets House into the tub and goes to leave to give House some privacy, House grabs him by the wrist (“please don’t leave.”)
So Wilson stays. He sits on the lid of the toilet and they talk while House gets cleaned up. That’s how House takes his first few baths since he was a child, with Wilson right there, helping him remember that things are safe and the tub isn’t a punishment (even if Wilson doesn’t know that’s what he’s doing.)
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housethemd · 9 months
Thinking about what would have happened after the crane collapse if it was Wilson who went after House and confessed his feelings instead of Cuddy.
What if the rest of the general storyline stayed the same? And Wilson had a health scare (could be the same as Cuddy’s, or maybe in a happier world they discover his thymoma earlier so it’s easily treatable) which causes House to use Vicodin to be there to support Wilson.
Because Wilson would have done so much better by House in that situation. Instead of breaking up with him over it Wilson would have done his best to get House the support he needed to stop his slip from becoming a full relapse.
He would have said that a slip after two years sober isn’t the end of the world, that recovery isn’t linear and that with the right treatments and supports and work he can go back to being sober.
He would not think House’s slip was a reflection of how much he did or did not care about him or their relationship.
He would have made peace with the fact that slips or even full relapses could happen, and gone into the relationship knowing that might be something he’d need to support House through.
He also would have recognized that his health scare was the first majorly upsetting event House was going through since getting sober. Would he wish House used his support system instead of slipping? Yes. But he wouldn’t be angry House slipped.
Because Wilson would have been honest with himself about what he was getting into, dating an addict.
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housethemd · 9 months
AU Where House is openly Bi and Wilson is openly Gay but the two of them still can’t pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize they are in love.
Is this anything? Or is this boring?
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housethemd · 9 months
Someone explain to me why House and Wilson look so fuckable in scrubs
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I work in healthcare (lab tech) and nobody, I mean NOBODY looks this good in scrubs. Like what the hell. Like House, in the scrub hat and everything looking that fine? Unfair.
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