#house buckwell
chic-beyond-the-wall · 9 months
Rings from the Crownlands
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xrealmofmanymusesx · 4 months
Hades (GOT/ HOTD verse)
Hades is the only child of Lord Orion Buckwell, a smaller house of the Crownlands. He is a proven warrior and quite the politian. The thing is that he has visions, that have saved him more times that he would like.
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cocoalover1956 · 2 years
I made a list of 200 potential Valyrian steel weapon names for various houses, listed by region. * indicates a canon name. Brackets indicate previous owners according to my headcanons.
Crownlands (32)
Targaryen: Blackfyre (bastard sword)*, Dark Sister (longsword)*, Ash Heart (longsword), Nightingale (dagger)
Bar Emmon: Judgement (longsword)
Blount: Safeguard (sword)
Brune: Misfortune (sword)
Buckwell: Able Might (sword)
Bywater: Bereaver (sword)
Cargyll: Satisfaction (sword)
Celtigar: Scarlet Hold (battle axe)
Chelsted: Glory (mace), Honor (dagger)
Farring: Nemesis (longsword)
Follard: Bright Sage (sword)
Harte: Fortitude (sword)
Hogg: Battle Hunger (sword)
Landward: Despair (sword)
Mallery: Due Trust (sword)
Manning: Pride's Protector (sword)
Massey: Diligence (longsword)
Rambtom: Dominion (sword)
Rollingford: Red Spring (sword)
Rosby: Stranger's Touch (sword)
Ryyker: Grievance (sword) [House Darklyn]
Staunton: Soaring Virtue (sword)
Stokeworth: Good Faith (broadsword)
Sunglass: Starlight (greatsword)
Thorne: Torment (sword)
Wendwater: Resilience (sword)
Velaryon: Maelstrom (longsword), Riptide (longsword)
Dorne: (19)
Martell: Heaven's Eye (spear),
Allyrion: Omen (sword)
Blackmont: Vengeance (sword)
Dalt: Sour Edge (sword)
Dayne: Dawn (great sword)*, Dusk (longsword)
Fowler: Ascension (sword)
Gargalen: Mother's Tears (sword)
Jordayne: Fate (sword)
Ladybright: Brilliance (sword)
Manwoody: Eternity (sword)
Qorgyle: Venom (sword)
Santagar: Constancy (battle axe)
Toland: Spiritcaller (sword)
Uller: Hellfire (longsword)
Vaith: Desolation (sword)
Yronwood: Black Guardian (sword)
Wells: Paradise (sword)
Wyl: Bonecutter (sword)
Iron Islands (18)
Greyjoy: Sea Devil (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Blacktyde: Challenger (sword) [House Charlton, Riverlands]
Botley: Anguish (sword) [House Payne, Westerlands]
Codd: Infamy (sword) [House Deddings, Riverlands]
Drumm: Red Rain (bastard sword)* [House Reyne, Westerlands]
Farwynd: Wayfarer (sword) [House Vance, Riverlands]
Goodbrother: Screamer (sword) [Essosi sailor]
Harlaw: Nightfall (longsword)* [Dalton Greyjoy <- Essosi sailor]
Ironmaker: Bloodsurge (sword) [House Osgrey, Reach]
Kenning: Nagga's Daughter (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Merlyn: Torrent (sword) [House Waterman, North]
Myre: Battlelover (arakh) [Essosi sailor <- Dothraki khal]
Orkwood: Fishfeeder (battle axe) [House Shawney, Riverlands]
Saltcliffe: Upsurge (sword) [House Goodbrook, Riverlands]
Sunderly: Seawhisper (cutlass) [Essosi sailor]
Tawney: Blight (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Volmark: Valor (sword) [House Oakheart, Reach]
Wynch: Moonshard (sword) [Essosi sailor]
North (20)
Stark: Ice (great sword)*, Thought (dagger), Memory (dagger)
Ashwood: Glad of War (sword)
Bolton: Honesty (flaying knife)
Cassel: Perseverance (sword)
Cerwyn: Fine Point (sword)
Condon: Resistance (sword)
Dustin: Barrowkeeper (sword)
Glover: Fidelity (sword)
Hornwood: Frostbite (sword)
Ironsmith: Deathforger (sword)
Karstark: Cold Glory (claymore)
Lightfoot: Steady Foe (sword)
Locke: Hoarguard (sword)
Manderly: Merling's Wrath (trident)
Mormont: Longclaw (bastard sword)*
Ryswell: Nightmare (sword)
Tallhart: Evergreen (sword)
Umber: Giant's Tooth (great sword)
Reach (40):
Tyrell: Rose Thorn (longsword) [House Gardener]
Ambrose: Endurance (sword)
Ashford: Clarity (sword)
Beesbury: Stinger (sword)
Bridges: Unity (sword)
Bulwer: Red Kiss (sword)
Caswell: Father's Justice (bastard Sword)
Chester: Malice (sword)
Cockshow: Remembrance (sword)
Cordwayner: Principle (sword)
Costayne: Last Love (sword)
Crane: Sentry (sword)
Cuy: Joy (sword)
Dunn: Sacrifice (sword)
Florent: Cunning (sword)
Footly: Solitude (sword)
Fossoway: Pleasure (sword)
Graceford: Piety (sword)
Grimm: Misery (sword)
Hewett: Melancholy (sword)
Hightower: Vigilance (longsword)*
Hunt: Mastery (sword)
Hutcheson: Splendor (sword)
Kidwell: Eternal Bond (sword)
Leygood: Intuition (sword)
Lowther: Legacy (sword)
Meadows: Poppy Blossom (sword)
Merryweather: Plenitude (sword)
Mullendore: Revival (sword)
Pommingham: Perdition (sword)
Redding: Fortune (sword)
Redwyne: Bloodthirst (sword)
Rhysling: Warden (sword)
Rowan: Passion (bastard sword)
Roxton: Orphan Maker (longsword)*
Serry: Massacre (sword)
Shermer: Proven Will (longsword)
Tarly: Heartsbane (great sword)*
Webber: Spiderbite (sword)
Wythers: Vitality (sword)
Riverlands (18):
Tully: Devotion (longsword)
Lord of Harrenhal: Lifedrinker (scimitar) [House Hoare <- Essosi sailor]
Blackwood: Peacekeeper (sabre)
Blanetree: Amber Charm (longsword)
Bracken: Willbreaker (sabre)
Butterwell: Rumination (sword)
Cox: Riverguard (sword)
Darry: Mourning (bastard sword)
Frey: Toll Taker (sword)
Mallister: Mercy (broadsword)
Mooton: Champion (broadsword)
Paege: Bloodbond (sword)
Piper: Maiden's Kiss (sword)
Roote: Liberty (sword)
Ryger: Remorse (sword)
Smallwood: Harmony (sword)
Terrick: Steel Screech (sword)
Vypren: Prudence (sword)
Stormlands (24):
Baratheon: Fury (great sword) [House Durrandon]
Bolling: Defiance (bastard sword)
Buckler: Security (sword)
Cafferen: Bloom (sword)
Caron: Silencer (sword)
Connington: Griffin's Bite (sword)
Dondarrion: Sure Strike (bastard sword)
Estermont: Wisdom (sword)
Kellington: Influence (sword)
Fell: Moonshadow (sword)
Grandison: Long Sleep (sword)
Gower: Undoing (sword)
Horpe: Blessed Memory (longsword)
Lonmouth: Wraith Lover (longsword)
Mertyns: Seer (sword)
Morrigen: Phantom Queen (bastard sword)
Penrose: Achievement (bastard Sword)
Rogers: Mystery (sword)
Selmy: Warrior's Triumph (longsword)
Staedmon: Heavy Heart (dagger)
Swann: Swansong (great sword)
Tarth: Twilight (bastard sword)
Trant: Hatred (sword) [House Toyne]
Wylde: Raindancer (sword)
Vale (22):
Arryn: Talon (broadsword)
Belmore: Deathtoll (sword)
Coldwater: Vigor (sword)
Corbray: Lady Forlorn (longsword)*
Donniger: First Blush (sword)
Egen: Expanse (sword)
Grafton: Crone's Light (sword)
Hersy: Overflow (sword)
Hunter: Decimation (sword)
Lipps: Praise (sword)
Lynderly: Snakebite (sword)
Melcolm: Balance (sword)
Moore: Humility (spear)
Pryor: Eclipse (sword)
Redfort: Ruby Rage (bastard sword)
Royce: Lamentation (longsword)*
Ruthermont: Shadowsteel (sword)
Sunderland: Fang (sword)
Templeton: Reverence (sword)
Upcliff: Sorcery (bastard sword)
Waxley: Beacon (sword)
Waynwood: Threadcutter (bastard sword)
Westerlands (20):
Lannister: Brightroar (great sword)*
Algood: Justifier (sword)
Banefort: Corpsemaker (sword)
Brax: Silver Promise (longsword)
Broom: Loyalty (sword)
Crakehall: Tusk (broadsword)
Estren: True Majesty (sword)
Farman: Sunset's Call (sword)
Hawthorne: Ruination (sword)
Lefford: Golden Grace (sword)
Lydden: Deepgrave (sword)
Marbrand: Cinder (bastard sword)
Plumm: Gilded Trust (sword)
Prester: Willpower (bastard sword)
Serrett: Smith's Pride (sword)
Turnberry: Sweet Victory (sword)
Vikary: Crimson Courage (sword)
Westerling: Purity (sword)
Yarwyck: Reckoning (bastard sword)
Yew: Conviction (longsword)
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regismortemhq · 2 months
would holliday grainger work as the last velaryon daughter? with ressources from the borgias?
our rule for age bending is typically -7/+7 to the fc's current age, so holliday would not work unfortunately.
our suggestions for the princess are elle fanning (her and daella could be identical), phia saban, ellie bamber, kaitlyn dever, kathryn newton, kristine froseth, thea sofie loch naess, sophie thatcher or milly alcock
if you still wanted to use holliday she would however work for : ~~~ LANNISTER NÉE GREYJOY, 30, QUEEN CONSORT OF THE WESTERLANDS PRINCESS OF PYKE, any of the brax ladies or ~~~ DARKLYN, 30, RULING LADY OF DUSKENDALE.
unlisted houses : brune, buckwell, florent, beesbury, baelish, mallister, harlaw or mormont, or if you messaged us off anon we could discuss a few other options.
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starlightspoken · 1 year
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FULL NAME:  Lady Elspeth of House Buckwell
NICKNAMES/ALIASES:  El, Elsie, Elsling
AGE:  15 as of 300 A.C
BIRTHDATE: November 10, 285 A.C.
EYES:  Brown
HAIR:  Black
HEIGHT:  5’1"
FACECLAIM: Mariya Andreeva
PARENTS:  Lord Byran Buckwell and Lady Marya Lychester  
SIBLINGS:  Elaena, younger (twin) sister  
SPOUSE:  Rolan Staunton ( default verse, open to ships )
CHILDREN:  Marya, Jarron, Catrin ( default verse )
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game-of-style · 5 years
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Gown for a Lady of House Buckwell of the Antlers, sworn to the Iron Throne - Steven Khalil Haute Couture Fall 2019
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Me: cuts a whole OC House
Also me: adopts another neglected canon House GRRM added for flavor
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velkrystala-archive · 5 years
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PRIDE & PURPOSE  :  Lyla of House Buckwell edits  ( 16 /  ? )
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swordswunghq · 5 years
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high greetings indeed, amaryllis manderly and alys storm. we hope your journey to king’s landing was smooth and your stay with us comfortable. your rooms should be prepared in the next twelve hours – don’t forget to claim them, as we don’t want you to miss the princesses’ nameday celebration. beren saat and danielle rose russell are now taken !
( danielle rose russell, she/her ) — bearing the stain of the name storm, alys, the bastard of house dondarrion, is nineteen years old and known to be compassionate, though also quite reticent. interesting how someone like them came to be known as the quiet thunder of blackhaven. ( holding the storm within for fear of reprisal as your status as a bastard, long flowing chocolate locks pulled back in a tight braid, the wind of an arrow leaving the string of your bow, and the quiet desire for something more. ) [ michele, 25, est, she/her. ]
( beren saat, she/her ) — high greetings to lady amaryllis of house manderly nee buckwell, the sea doe. the twenty seven year old is known for being headstrong but has the tendency to be stubborn too. ( a beautiful doe in the frigid cold of the north, the taste of sweet wine on your lips to abate the cold, fur lining the edges of your fine crownlands dresses, and the strength to be the ruling lady of seaport city. ) [ michele, 25, est, she/her. ]
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drakhus · 6 years
Sneak Peak from Targaryen from the North.
for @minmeemaw, translation and Map after the french version
House Targaryen of the North: 
Maison Targaryen du Nord.
                Seigneur Jon Targaryen né Snow, Seigneur du Don, Gouverneur (Warden) du Don. Epée et Bouclier du Grand Nord.
               Son épouse : Dame Daenerys Targaryen, ancienne princesse du Trone de Fer. Dame du Don.
               Sans enfants actuellement.
               Leurs Maisonnée :
Benjen Stark : Châtelain du Croc.
Mestre Lukas : jeune mestre envoyé par la Citadelle.
Maitre d’Arme : Advar
Maitre des chuchoteurs :?
Conseiller financier : Uthero Antaryon, à obtenue le poste grâce à Ferrego Antaryon, son oncle, l’actuel Seigneur des Mer de Bravos, ainsi que le conseiller de la banque de fer qui à investit dans le Don.
Wylla Manderly : Dame de parage de Dany depuis son arrivée à Blancport
Aella Velaryon dame de parage de Dany, niece d’Aurane. Lord Monfort espère garder l’excellente relation entre les Velaryon et les Targaryen et cela malgré leur chute.
Alliser Thorne, chevalier juré de Daenerys. A l’origine destiné au Mur, Jon Arryn lui offrit de servir de bouclier juré à Dany.
Ser Lyle Vikair (Vikary en Anglais), chevalier des terre de l’Ouest, sous les ordres de la couronne il est chargé de surveillé et de faire des rapports régulier à la couronne et à Tywin Lannister. Dany le déteste.
Hella : une sauvageonne féroce qui combat avec une hachette et une dague. A la demande de nombreux pratiquant des Anciens Dieux elle a été envoyée à Dany en 292. Elle est la première sauvageonne à quitter le Nord depuis plusieurs siècles. Lyle Vikair à particulièrement peur d’elle.
Citoyen important de la ville :
Septon Medgar, un septon envoyé de Vieilleville après avoir été surpris dans un bordel. Il officie dans le Septuaire des Glaces, construit dans les flancs du Pic-aux-Dragons. Il est apprécier pour sa grande tolérance l’égard de tous et ses conseils avisé, même parmis les sauvageons qui l’on surnommé le Papy de la Montagne. (Papy est un terme familier pour dire grand-père).
Septa Alla, chargé de surveillé les mœurs de Medgar, elle n’aime pas du tout Jon. C’est une fanatique des Sept, malheureusement elle est l’une des filles d’un banneret de Renly Baratheon.
Belladonna Otherys, seconde fille de la Perle-Noire de Braavos, elle dirige la maison des plaisirs de la ville. En hommage aux titres de ses ancêtre maternel elle l’a nommé la Perle des Glaces, l’établissement est situer sur la Grande Place. En secret elle cherche à établir un réseau de contre-bande dans la jeune et florissante ville.
Artos de Blancport, porte-parole des marchands du Don, à l’ambition de formé une nouvelle Guilde des Marchands dans le Don. Ses ambitions rencontrent une forte résistance de la Guilde des Marchands de Tertrebourg.
Lady Elyana Buckwell, noble originaire des Terres de la Couronnes, dont le fief a été confisqué par la couronne. Sa présence est un mystère et elle est très discrète, les gens suppose qu’elle est là comme espionne pour Varys. En réalité elle fuit un re-mariage avec un noble des Terres de l’Orage depuis que son frère, Jarman Buckwell, a été envoyé au Mur. Elle est l’amante de Benjen Stark. Elle est très bien informé.
Lord Robert Mazin, fils d’un Chevalier des Tertres qui a été anoblit par les Stark après la guerre des rois à neuf sous. Leurs terres se trouvent aux Sud-ouest de Dragonpike, il accueille avec grande joie la venue de Jon et Dany comme ses seigneur suzerain.  
Il a deux fils, l’ainé Harald est un chevalier des Tertres, il fait partit des Dragons de fer. Son plus jeune fils Ethan est l’écuyer de Waymar Manderly. Sa fille, Anya, est fiancée au fils héritier de Lord Morrigan, Aedan. Malgrès qu’ils possedent un manoir plus au sud ils préfèrent le confort que leurs offres la ville.
Ario Narratys, un armateur de Pentos, il possède une flotte de cinq navires qui commerce avec Braavos. C’est un agent d’Illyrio Mopatis. Sous les ordres de Mopatis il cherche à rentrer dans les bonnes grâces de Dany.
Mère Croc, une adepte des anciens dieux d’origine sauvageonne. Elle voit en Dany et Jon des élus des Anciens Dieux. Elles pratiquent la vieille magie. Elle a une fille, Hella.
Rolfe Lenclume, ancien forgeron de Port-Real à du quitté la ville après avoir refusé de fabriquer une arme a des chevaliers Lannister. Sa femme a été violée par des Lannister lors du sac, alors qu’il était torturé. Dragonpyke est pour lui promesse d’un nouveau départ et d’une guérison pour sa femme bien-aimée. Il a trois fils et deux filles. A port-real il était l’un des meilleurs forgerons, surpassés uniquement par Tobho Mott. Il dirige la Grande-Forge pour Jon.
La Garde :
Commandant Karlon de l’ïle au Ours, vétéran de la Compagnie de la Rose. Il à été engagé sous les recommandations de Ferrego Antarys qui à très souvent fait usage de la Compagnie de la Rose.
Capitaine Durak, c’est un ancien manteau d’or originaire de Culpucier. Il a été renvoyé de la garde de la ville pour ses méthodes jugées trop brutale. En réalité, il à utiliser son poste pour traqué et tué des manteaux-rouge Lannister après qu’il ait mis le feu à la maison de ses parents.
Capitaine Mira, second capitaine de la Garde, c’est une sauvageonne lorsqu’elle était enfant elle à été capturé par des cannibale de la Laiteuse. Les choses qu’elle à vue durant ses trois mois aurait laissé plus d’un homme brisé. Mais Mira s’en ai servi pour devenir plus forte. Sauvageons, Nordiens, Essossi ou homme du sud, tant qu’elle sera là personne ne souffrira des mains d’esclavagiste.
Les principaux Vassaux :
Les Clans des Montagnes :
Talbart Flint, Le Flint des monts du nord. Il représente les clans qui acceptent la suzeraineté de Jon et Dany. Il cherche avant tout à améliorer la vie des hommes et des femmes sous son commandement. Ils n’aiment pas beaucoup le fait que Jon est permit le passage de 8000 sauvageons.
Rakk Wull, il est le chef du petit nombre d’homme des clans qui refusent totalement d’avoir Jon et Dany comme suzerain, habitué à vivre sans chef depuis presque deux siècle, il entend bien faire en sorte que cela continue.
Les Exilés loyaliste Targaryen :
Lord Morrigan, Protecteur des Montagnes. Excellent tacticien, avant de perdre ses terres il était juré au Velaryon avec qui il a gardé d’excellent contact. Il est le createur des Dragons de fer, un armée de sodats discipliné et lourdement armée. L’homme à vue la quasi-totalité de sa famille mourir à la fin de la rebellion. Il hait totalement les Lannister et leurs bannerets, surtout les Crakehall qui on tuer son fils ainé et son neveu lors du sac de Port-Real. Il à deux fils et une fille. Son héritier, Aedan est fiancé à la fille de Lord Mazin. Son second fils Marius est une des épées jurées de Jon. Sa fille Marya est actuellement sans engagement, Lord Morrigan n’est pas vraiment pressé de lui trouver un prétendant (papa-poule !).
Aurane Waters, demi-frère de Montfort Velaryon, c’est l’ancien écuyer de Lord Morrigan. Après avoir été fait chevalier il utilise ses talents familiaux de marin et deviens le commandant de la garde maritime du Don. Il entretient une relation avec Marya Morrigan avec l’espoir de l’épousé.  
 Les Nordiens :
Waymar Manderly : neveu de Wyman Manderly, il à été envoyé avec un 800 hommes de Blancport pour aidé à établir la ville. Très respecté pour son honneur c’est un bon combattant. Il fait partit des chefs des Dragon de fer, en particulier les 500 cavaliers qui patrouille les routes du Don. Sous les conseils de Benjen et de mestre Aemon il est fait Protecteur des Routes par Jon. Celui-ci lui confie les terres qui bordent le Croissement. Il courtise Jonnella Omble l’une des filles de Lard’Jon Omble. Il a pour écuyer Ethan Mazin, et pour page Torvar, un sauvageon dont le père lui a sauvé la vie.
Robert Mazin : voir plus haut
North Targaryen House.
Lord Jon Targaryen born Snow, Lord of the Gift, Governor (Warden) of the Gift. Sword and Shield of the Great North. His wife: Lady Daenerys Targaryen, former princess of the Iron Throne. Lady of the Gift. Without children currently. Their household: Benjen Stark: Chatelain of the Croc. Mestre Lukas: young mestre sent by the Citadel. Weapon Master: Advar Master of the whisperers:? Financial Advisor: Uthero Antaryon, obtained the position thanks to Ferrego Antaryon, his uncle, the current Lord of the Sea of ​​Bravos, as well as the adviser of the iron bank who invests in the Don. Wylla Manderly: Lady of Dany since her arrival in Blancport Aella Velaryon lady of Dany, niece of Aurane. Lord Monfort hopes to keep the excellent relationship between the Velaryon and Targaryen despite their fall. Alliser Thorne, sworn knight of Daenerys. Originally destined for the Wall, Jon Arryn offered to serve as a sworn shield to Dany. Ser Lyle Vikair (Vikary in English), knight of the West, under the orders of the crown he is in charge of supervising and making regular reports to the crown and to Tywin Lannister. Dany hates him. Hella: a fierce savage who fights with a hatchet and a dagger. At the request of many practitioners of the Old Gods she was sent to Dany in 292. She is the first savage to leave the North for several centuries. Lyle Vikair particularly afraid of her.
Important citizen of the city:
Septon Medgar, a septon sent from Vieilleville after being caught in a brothel. He officiates in the Ice District, built in the flanks of Pic-aux-Dragons. He is appreciated for his great tolerance with respect to all and his wise advice, even among the savages who nicknamed him the Grandpa of the Mountain. (Grandpa is a familiar term for grandfather).
Septa Alla, who is in charge of watching over Medgar's morals, does not like Jon at all. She is a fanatic of the Seven, unfortunately she is one of the girls of a Banner and Renly Baratheon.
Belladonna Otherys, second daughter of the Black Pearl of Braavos, she runs the House of Pleasures of the city. In homage to the titles of her maternal ancestor she named the Pearl of Ice, the establishment is located on the Grand Place. In secret she seeks to establish a network of contraband in the young and flourishing city.
Artos de Blancport, spokesman of the Don merchants, has the ambition to form a new Guild of Merchants in the Gift. His ambitions meet strong resistance from the Merchant Guild of Tertrebourg.
Lady Elyana Buckwell, a noble from the Crown Lands, whose fief was confiscated by the crown. Her presence is a mystery and she is very discreet, people assume she is there as a spy for Varys. In reality she flees a re-marriage with a Noble Thing nobleman since her brother, Jarman Buckwell, was sent to the Wall. She is the lover of Benjen Stark. She is very knowledgeable. Lord Robert Mazin, son of a Knight of the Terres who was ennobled by the Stark after the war of the kings to nine sous. Their lands are located southwest of Dragonpike, he welcomes with great joy the arrival of Jon and Dany as his lord overlord. He has two sons, the elder Harald is a knight of the Tertres, he is part of the Iron Dragons. His youngest son Ethan is Waymar Manderly's squire. His daughter, Anya, is engaged to Lord Morrigan's son-in-law, Aedan. Despite having a mansion further south they prefer the comfort that their city offers. Ario Narratys, a shipowner of Pentos, he owns a fleet of five ships trading with Braavos. He is an agent of Illyrio Mopatis. Under the orders of Mopatis he seeks to return to the good graces of Dany.
Mother Croc, a follower of the ancient gods of wild origin. She sees in Dany and Jon elected officials of the Old Gods. They practice old magic. She has a daughter, Hella.
Rolfe Lenclume, former blacksmith of Port-Real left the city after refusing to make a weapon to Lannister knights. His wife was raped by Lannisters in the bag while he was being tortured. Dragonpyke is for him a promise of a new beginning and a cure for his beloved wife. He has three sons and two daughters. In port-real he was one of the best blacksmiths, surpassed only by Tobho Mott. He runs the Great Forge for Jon.
The guard :
Commander Karlon of Bear Island, veteran of the Compagnie de la Rose. He was hired under the recommendations of Ferrego Antarys who very often made use of the Compagnie de la Rose.
Captain Durak, this is an old gold coat from Culpucier. He was fired from the city guard for his methods deemed too brutal. In reality, he used his post to hounded down and killed Lannister's red coats after he set fire to his parents' house.
capitain Mira, second captain of the Guard, is a savage when she was a child she was captured by cannibal Milky. The things she saw during her three months would have left more than one man broken. But Mira used it to become stronger. Savageons, Nordiens, Essossi or man from the south, as long as she is there no one will suffer the hands of a slave. 
The main Vassals:
 The Clans of Mountains: Talbart Flint, The Flint of the North Mountains. He represents the clans that accept the suzerainty of Jon and Dany. He seeks above all to improve the lives of the men and women under his command. They do not like the fact that Jon is allowed the passage of 8000 savages.
 Rakk Wull, he is the leader of the small number of man clans who totally refuse to have Jon and Dany suzerain, accustomed to live without a leader for almost two centuries, he intends to ensure that it continues. 
The Targaryen Loyalist Exiles:
 Lord Morrigan, Protector of the Mountains. Excellent tactician, before losing his lands he was sworn at Velaryon with whom he kept excellent contact. He is the creator of the Iron Dragons, a disciplined and heavily armed army of sodats. The man at sight almost all of his family die at the end of the rebellion. He totally hates the Lannisters and their bannerets, especially the Crakehalls who kill his eldest son and his nephew during the Port-Real bag. He has two sons and a daughter. Her heir, Aedan is betrothed to Lord Mazin's daughter. His second son Marius is one of Jon's sword sworn. His daughter Marya is currently without commitment, Lord Morrigan is not really in a hurry to find him a suitor (daddy!). 
Aurane Waters, half-brother of Montfort Velaryon, is the former squire of Lord Morrigan. After having been knighted, he uses his family skills as a sailor and becomes the commander of the Don's Marine Guard. He has a relationship with Marya Morrigan with the hope of marrying her. 
 Waymar Manderly: Wyman Manderly's nephew, he was sent with an 800 men from Blancport to help establish the city. Highly respected for his honor he is a good fighter. He is one of the leaders of the Iron Dragon, especially the 500 riders who patrol the roads of the Don. Under the guidance of Benjen and Mestre Aemon he is made Protector of Roads by Jon. This one entrusts to him the lands bordering the Croissance. He woo Jonnella Omble, one of Lard'Jon Omble's daughters. He has for squire Ethan Mazin, and for page Torvar, a savage whose father has saved his life.
 Robert Mazin: see above
Bonus the map of the gift:
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xrealmofmanymusesx · 2 years
Alessia (Hotd verse)
Alessia is one of the children of the lord of the House Buckwell from the Antlers, from the Crownlands, with the words ' Pride and Purpose'.
She has three older brothers but she only likes one. She is quite good with and bow and arrow and daggers.
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starlightspoken · 1 year
House Buckwell fought for House Targaryen during the Rebellion, and as punishment, Lord Byran Buckwell was ordered to send his heir to court when the child turned ten, as a “ward” of the king. As Byran and his wife, Marya, had only a pair of twin girls, Elspeth, older than her sister Elaena by fifteen minutes, is his heiress and thus the child he was made to send to court, a hostage to his good behavior. As the daughter of a minor noble, she was nominally a companion for the girls of higher rank at court, and she took a liking to Sansa, a girl in a similar situation.
After Joffrey's death, Elspeth is married off, to the second son of another minor house  ( Because Elspeth is the heir to House Buckwell, it is determined that their children will bear her surname rather than her husband’s ).  
After the wedding, Elspeth is instructed to go back to the Antlers with her new husband, and not to return to the capital unless summoned ( Due to her known fondness of Sansa and the suspicion that she might have known something about Sansa and Tyrion's alleged plot ). Though she missed her family and loves them, they don’t truly understand what Elspeth has seen and lived through at court. And her new husband, Rolan Staunton, is a stranger to her, and she is rather frightened of the idea that she is meant to spend her life with him.
Elspeth has three children:  Marya (born 302 AC), Jarron (born 304 AC), and Catrin (born 306 AC).
Timeline: Elspeth was sent to court in 295 AC, at 10 years old. Elspeth, at 13, was part of the royal court's journey to Winterfell in 298 AC. In 300 AC (the year Joffrey dies/AFFC & ADWD takes place), Elspeth is 15.
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warsofasoiaf · 7 years
What do you think the Wendwaters, Pyles, Cresseys, Chelsteds, Buckwells, Stauntons, and other Crownlands Houses are doing while the Wo5K is going on? Seems like with the exception of the Rosbys and Stokeworths, none of the mainland Crownlanders are doing much.
Probably were called to arms by Tywin to replace the Lannister losses following the Battle of the Camps.
Thanks for the question, Cubismo.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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I've only had House Buckwell for a day & a half, but I'd already die for them
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velkrystala-archive · 5 years
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PRIDE & PURPOSE  :  Lyla of House Buckwell edits  ( 15 /  ? )
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swordswunghq · 5 years
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she could be the lady of house buckwell, brune, blacktyde, reed, or volmark !  i could also see her in house dondarrion, as the youngest bastard.
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